
BugeyeD_marx_: just checked in myself. you headed down this year?00:32
BugeyeDi'll definitely be picking up a mug :)00:32
holsteinBugeyeD: i can sneak in right?00:32
BugeyeDyep, no cost to attend - though you should still register.00:32
holsteinyeah, i dont see where to register00:33
holsteinBugeyeD: i just register when i get there?00:33
BugeyeDlook at the page - top right link in the header00:34
* holstein looking at http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/registration00:34
holsteinOH , i see it ;)00:35
BugeyeDholstein: you nearby?00:35
holsteinand some things cancelled tomorrow00:36
holsteinlooks like i actually might be able to make it :)00:36
BugeyeDsweet. you should be able to pick me out of the crowd easily - i'll be the geeky guy walking around.00:38
BugeyeDoh, wait ...00:38
BugeyeDi'll most likely be wearing an openbsd shirt. :)00:39
BugeyeDeither that or a vintage vw bus shirt.00:39
BugeyeDi know i packed both of those, don't remember what else ...00:39
BugeyeDhotel gives me 9370Kbps down and 8503 up.00:41
BugeyeDbet that'll taper off once the other geeks start showing up00:42
BugeyeDargh! puppetlabs training was switched from friday to sunday. completely screws me up.01:35

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