
cjohnstonjames_w: bug #777171 when there was a '%' in I believe it was the spec url it broke tons o stuff02:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 777171 in summit "Percent signs in the wiki field break summit (affects: 2) (heat: 11)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77717102:26
cjohnstonThe URL was changed to make it work because it broke iirc a day or two befor02:27
cjohnstonee uds02:27
cjohnstonmhall119: I just got that NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'summit.schedule.decorators.inner' with arguments '('',)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.  that someone was showing the other day02:53
mhall119do you have a traceback?02:55
cjohnstonwait what02:56
mhall119for the NoReverseMatch02:56
cjohnstonDONE to INPROGRESS  == !FAIL02:56
mhall119something is calling reverse() on a view func, which is wrapped by that decorator02:56
mhall119cjohnston: it should be in progress, since I haven't gotten the new package built and deployed to cranberry02:56
mhall119cjohnston: see if you get it in 2.602:57
cjohnstonthats the merge02:57
mhall119that's the merge that causes the problem?02:57
cjohnstonI believe so02:57
mhall119cjohnston: what page did yu get that error on?03:04
cjohnstonboth admin and by date03:05
mhall119any admin page?03:07
cjohnstoni reverted it out, stopped having it, and now have merged it back in with no problems so far03:07
cjohnstonalthough refresh that merge and look at my comment03:08
mhall119cjohnston: I think we need to ask Daviey why they have this weird custom NameField anyway03:09
cjohnstonmhall119: whats the PPA with the django and south packages03:19
cjohnstonmhall119:  nigelb https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/topnav/+merge/6411003:49
nigelbI wake up to see bunch of code reviews05:47
nigelbBest day EVER.05:47
nigelbcjohnston: the ++ characters are URL safe.05:48
* nigelb hugs james_w05:49
dakercjohnston, yes that was me who reported that problem09:50
dakergood morning everyone09:51
Davieymhall119, uh?10:31
Davieymhall119, need more info :)10:32
nigelbDaviey: heh11:31
dakerany simple tuto on how to configure mod_wsgi (apache & django) ?12:03
cjohnstonnigelb: are you happy? work was finally done.. thanks to james_w12:12
nigelbcjohnston: Yup, thanks for landing those :)12:12
cjohnstonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/irc-channels/+merge/63281 I'd rather this be fixed more better instead of hacked on later12:13
cjohnstonNigel, try pulling up the All Sessions ical.. I got that reverse {} thing there again12:16
nigelbcjohnston: I marked it as needs review myself.  Will do work on it tonight.12:22
nigelbcjohnston: Do you have '.' in any of the session names in your db?12:22
nigelbcjohnston: that's how I got that the last time12:23
cjohnstonpossibly.. i imported from lp12:23
nigelbcjohnston: then you do.12:23
nigelbcjohnston: you need to install sqlite database browser and manually change them I guess12:23
nigelbIt took me 2 hours of debugging to figure out why that bit was failing :/12:23
cjohnstonnigelb: you good with https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/topnav12:24
nigelbcjohnston: Aha, I wanted to you about that. Point me to the place where it actually needs fixing so I can figure out if its good?12:25
cjohnstonI have issues where it doesnt always show up correctly for me.. and I had to use it in status to get it to work12:25
nigelbcjohnston: ok, which bit of status is fixed with this code then?12:26
nigelbThat way I can use firebug to remove that code and see it fail12:26
cjohnstonouch.. that needs help12:26
cjohnstonok.. maybe not12:26
cjohnstonit didnt load the css12:27
cjohnstonthats the mothership12:27
cjohnstonthe 20px part12:27
nigelbcjohnston: for summit, whether I add or remove the 20px, its not showing me any visible change.12:28
cjohnstonit shouldnt12:28
cjohnstonit *normally* works fine for me12:28
nigelbcjohnston: er, basically, I'm trying to know what problem you fixed.12:28
cjohnstonbut i get times where the header is misaligned12:29
nigelbbut that's probably because of something else right?12:29
nigelblike the CSS not loading?12:30
nigelbAlso, you used px, I'd rather we used em, since lot of that code seems to be in em.12:30
cjohnstonI dont think so, because other than the header being misaligned it was fine.. I asked mhall119 what he thought it was, and that was his answer.12:31
nigelbIn that case, I'd rather have mhall119 +1-ing that.12:32
nigelbI still don't know what you've fixed.12:32
cjohnstonok.. im trying to get it to reproduce12:32
cjohnstonjust defining the height of the white "mothership"12:32
nigelbbut the thing is, whether I put in or not, it works.12:33
nigelbcjohnston: did we decide to hide the etherpad if the user wasn't logged in?12:50
cjohnstonI think it was only display the non-editable one12:52
Pendulumwin 3113:01
Pendulumfail :(13:01
nigelbcjohnston: Where you around when mhall119 and I were discussing tarmac?13:16
cjohnstonim gonna say np13:17
nigelbcjohnston: Do you know what it does?13:22
nigelbcjohnston: Okay, so tarmac does code landing.  Once it has been approved (we can put workflows here - like two +1).  We can also get it to run tests before its run etc.  But essentially, this means once the code looks good, we can have tarmac land the changes13:23
cjohnstonsimilar to lp13:24
nigelb"Its like PQM but sucks less" - rockstar.13:24
nigelbmhall119 and I were toying with the idea of running it on one of our machines and run every 1 hour.13:24
cjohnstonI could do it on mine if needed.13:25
cjohnstonnigelb: you should fix my wireless stuff13:25
nigelbcjohnston: wireless and I have issues :_)13:25
cjohnstonme too as of a couple days ago13:26
nigelbcjohnston: Anyway, what are your thoughts on using tarmac?13:27
cjohnstonSounds good to me.. Atleast check it out and see how it works13:28
cjohnstonsee if we like it13:28
nigelbokay. I'll poke at this tonight13:28
nigelbthis would get our work out faster.13:28
nigelbvednis: Hi, I mailed you yesterday about help with getting a testing suite for summit.  Will you be having some free time to guide me on this?13:29
mhall119nigelb: we use px instead of em because the topnav height is px limited14:07
cjohnstonmornin mhall11914:09
cjohnstonmhall119: I tried doing loaddata and it wanted fixtures14:15
cjohnstonI'm not really sure what that meant14:15
mhall119rename the file to loco_directory.json14:21
nigelbmhall119: I was trying to figure out how that merge makes a difference.  I couldn't find any difference with it applied and without, that's why I was hesitant14:34
cjohnstonnigelb: Install instructions for loco-directory to install in a virtualenv is done correct?14:35
nigelbcjohnston: I haven't looked at it yet. mhall119 did it.14:35
mhall119cjohnston: I wouldn't call it done, no, but there's some quick setup steps in the wiki14:36
nigelbmhall119: could you link me to it?14:37
nigelbcjohnston: IMPROGRESS -> clearly you need a spelling lesson :P14:39
nigelbmhall119: thanks14:39
cjohnstonI Wanted to see if my app would email me14:39
mhall119nigelb: that means it's making improper progress14:40
nigelbmhall119: How does writing it as a file inside the code base sound?14:46
nigelbthat way, we can point to people, bzr branch, and following instructions in $foo file.14:46
* nigelb hugs james_w again.14:47
mhall119nigelb: I'd love to make it a bash script14:47
nigelbmhall119: hrm, there are projects that do that. I'll poke around that idea later today.14:48
nigelbmhall119: problem there is it might break workflow for those using virtualenvwrapper (like me)14:48
mhall119we use Fabric in ISD, but I don't think we need to make that a dependency for LTP or Summit14:48
nigelbneither do I.14:48
nigelbI've seen the ISD fabric scripts14:48
Davieymhall119: did you expand on what you wanted me for?14:54
mhall119Daviey: I just wanted to know what the reason for having a custom NameField type in Summit was14:58
Davieymhall119: where?14:59
Daviey(where in summit)14:59
mhall119summitmodel.py Summit.name15:02
mhall119meetingmodel.py Meeting.name15:02
mhall119roommodel.py Room.name15:02
Davieymhall119: i'll have to check it out.. was it something i introduced?15:03
mhall119I don't know, it's been there for a while, so might have been pre-you15:04
mhall119but I figured you've been hacking on it longer than the rest of us, so you might know15:04
Davieycurrently tied up.. will look through it iab15:04
mhall119ok, thanks15:04
mhall119Daviey: also, do you know any good resources for learning ensemble?15:04
Davieymhall119: currently no.. it's being documented at the moment.. but not quite devops friendly.15:05
Davieymhall119: have you read Clint's blog post?15:05
dakermhall119, any good/simple tuto on mod_wsgi and apache ?15:15
mhall119hmmm, not really tutorials, just config option descriptions15:19
mhall119I used those + existing configs as examples15:19
=== vednis is now known as mars
cjohnstonRonnie: ping15:20
Ronniecjohnston: pong15:20
cjohnstonWe need to update the tables to follow the guidelines15:20
Ronniearent these like the guidelines15:21
Ronniei made them with the guidelines next to it15:21
dakermhall119, any example of a working wsgi file and apache config ?15:22
cjohnstonThe table headers should be #aea79f, text in the header should be ffffff15:22
mhall119daker: I can get you one15:22
Ronniecjohnston: can you make a comment to it, ill look another time to it15:24
cjohnstonare there any diff viewers that are really easy to view side by side changes?15:42
cjohnstonbetween two different files, not two different revisions15:42
mhall119nigelb or cjohnston: do you think you guys can help walk me through setting up launchpad on an ec2 instance at some point?15:42
nigelbmhall119: any time.15:42
nigelbmhall119: Its one script.  just run it and you're good to go.15:42
cjohnstonI don't know that I know how15:43
mhall119cjohnston: I thought you set it up locally15:43
cjohnstonjust to work on it, not run it15:43
mhall119nigelb: you got one running in a VM didn't you?15:43
nigelbmhall119: I run it on my machine normally.15:43
mhall119good enough for me15:44
mhall119I'm planning on making an ensemble setup that's summit+launchpad and one that's LTP+launchpad15:44
mhall119running on ec215:44
mhall119I wonder if I should add etherpad to the summit ensemble15:45
mhall119nigelb: AlanBell: are there working etherpad packages now?15:46
cjohnstonnigelb: it sucks that 'pad' is so UDS.. would be nice if there were two i guess15:46
nigelbmhall119: yes15:46
mhall119in a ppa?15:46
nigelbmhall119: yes15:46
nigelbcjohnston: #blame AlanBell15:46
mhall119okay, I'll get that info from you when I'm ready for it15:47
Ronniecjohnston: you can use `meld` to view side by side changes in 2 or 3 files15:47
cjohnstonnigelb: if you create a team pad, it has an admin.. do you have to be part of the team to work on them15:47
cjohnstonty Ronnie15:47
nigelbcjohnston: depends on the permission per pad.15:48
nigelbcjohnston: By default I think its restricted only to team.  Can be changed per pad.15:48
nigelbI don't about global though15:48
cjohnstonRonnie: I have a bunch of the css already done that matches the guide from doing status.. I'm just moving that over for now.. since its already done.. plus i have a little insite to the new guidelines15:49
Ronnieoh, are there coming any new guidelines15:49
cjohnstonRonnie: thanks for meld.. very nice!15:50
Ronnieyes, meld is really good15:51
cjohnstonRonnie: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/tables15:53
mhall119daker: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/wsgi/15:55
dakerthanks ツ15:55
mhall119np, let me know if you have any questions15:55
Ronniecjohnston: how are links being displayed in the tables?15:56
cjohnstoni dont understand15:56
Ronnie<a href=""> what color do they have15:56
cjohnstonthat hasnt changed15:56
Ronniean i also think its better to use tabel.basic (or something). not all tables are used as actual tables15:57
Ronniesome are for layout, and does not need the lyout15:57
Ronniecjohnston: do you think you would be able to send a copy of the new (not released) guidelines?15:58
cjohnstonI don't have it16:00
cjohnstonAll I have is a conversation with yaili when I was working on status :-/16:01
cjohnstonAnd I did just confirm it with her again 15 minutes ago16:01
dakermhall119, WSGIProcessGroup apps.mhall119.com <= apps.mhall119.com is the domaine name ?16:02
mhall119it doesn't have to be, it's just a unique name for the process group16:04
mhall119the examples I saw used the site FQDN, to make sure you don't end up with conflicts if you run multiple vhosts16:05
dakerah ok16:11
dakermhall119, is mhall119.com hosted on amazon ?16:32
mhall119daker: yup16:43
dakeris it powerful ?16:45
mhall119not really16:45
mhall119but it'll run a few websites with low traffic just fine16:46
mhall119and it's free for a year16:46
mhall119can't beat that16:46
dakermhall119, is it safe to give them the CC ? since i don't trust anyone after sony has been hacked16:53
cjohnstondaker: its amazon.. id say so17:00
cjohnstonwell.. as safe as it can be17:00
mhall119oh, credit card17:06
mhall119nobody is perfectly safe, but you gotta trust someone or else not participate in online commerce17:07
mhall119mainly the problem is with the whole credit card model17:07
* mhall119 wants a PKI-enabled payment service17:08
dakeri think i'll run a website17:17
cjohnstonDo we want 'My Teams' to show in the top nav even when the user isnt logged in, and just redirect them to login first?17:27
=== daker is now known as daker_
cjohnstonwould someone mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-directory/vevent/+merge/61021 real quick please18:47
mhall119approved, I assume you tested it18:54
cjohnstonmhall119: Ronnie nigelb any idea why this is causing conflicting files? https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/ubuntu-community-webthemes/django-forms/+merge/5399819:18
cjohnstonConflict adding file media/images/error.png.  Moved existing file to media/images/error.png.moved.19:18
cjohnstonConflict adding file media/images/gradient.png.  Moved existing file to media/images/gradient.png.moved.19:18
cjohnstonConflict adding file media/images/help.png.  Moved existing file to media/images/help.png.moved.19:18
cjohnstonConflict adding file templates/form.html.  Moved existing file to templates/form.html.moved.19:18
cjohnstonso mhall119, I have to specify what revision of the theme I want to download?19:38
Ronniecjohnston: i think i did something wrong with one of my merges, but dont excactly know what19:39
cjohnstonwith that one Ronnie if I tried it in a clean branch it worked19:39
mhall119cjohnston: you don't need a specific rev number, no19:46
mhall119I think -1 will give you the latest19:47
cjohnstonit was set at 3219:47
cjohnstoni updated it         to 3519:47
mhall119right, it's probably a good idea to peg the theme at a specific rev, since we may do stuff for, say, summit that isn't ready to go into LTP19:47
cjohnstonhave i given out enough spam today?19:47
mhall119dunno, I don't see any of it19:48
cjohnstonmhall119: are we planning on upgrading summit to use bzr apps?19:48
cjohnstonmhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+activereviews look at what we are down to19:48
mhall119I would like to, yes19:48
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb thoughts... ? https://code.launchpad.net/~akshaytayal/loco-directory/fixes-616383/+merge/54246   looks like http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2494160/Selection_013.png19:56
cjohnstonI kinda like somethign like http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2494160/2011-06-10_14-55-14_739.jpg better19:57
nigelbcjohnston: you'er project manager, pick one ;)19:57
cjohnstonwhos project manager, what? https://launchpad.net/community-web-projects19:59
cjohnstonread the text19:59
cjohnstonnot the driver19:59
cjohnstondriver just means that nigelb forces me to do it all20:00
nigelbbasically we're unanimously forcing you to do all LD work :P20:00
nigelbcjohnston: when did you add that in?20:00
cjohnstonseriously tho, id like feedback20:01
nigelbcjohnston: what you like the one that looks like LP right?20:03
cjohnstonthe screenshot, imo contains text thats way too small, and there is no deliniation between the columns or anything20:04
nigelbI agree.20:05
nigelbIf we're going with the first one, at least there needs to be some sort of alternate background color or something20:05
cjohnstonthats not allowed for in the guidelines20:06
mhall119cjohnston: simple way to choose, which one has code?20:06
cjohnstontrue.. but this is just changing theming.. so not bad20:07
nigelbmhall119: I was getting there :)20:08
nigelbmhall119, cjohnston: I'm trying out tarmac with summit.  If something breaks, I'll back it out manually :-)20:36
nigelbSo far, its *totally* awesome.20:36
nigelbWe can be much much more productive with this.20:36
nigelbmhall119, cjohnston: w00t, this is awesome!!20:38
nigelbI think I need to tweak the commit format a bit but otherwise awesome.20:39
cjohnstoncan you setup the one instance to do LTP and summit20:40
cjohnstonand do you have the system, the connection, and the uptime to be the provider?20:40
nigelbcjohnston: I do.20:41
nigelbcjohnston: look at the last 2 changelog entries for summit.20:44
nigelbcjohnston: Better way to track who committed and who reviewed :-)20:44
cjohnstonand how does it test it20:46
nigelbcjohnston: we can add hooks for it to run tests if any.20:47
cjohnstonmhall119: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, "bzr_apps", ".bzr")): where is path defined?20:49
cjohnstoni found t20:50
mhall119nigelb: \o/21:00
nigelbmhall119: setting up a cron now21:03
nigelbI'll email the list about this soonish :)21:03
cjohnstonnigelb: does it only accept reviews from authorized reviewers?21:04
nigelbmhall119: ^^21:04
nigelbcjohnston: if it doesn't do it already, I can write the code to do it by Monday ;)21:16
nigelbcjohnston: Do you want me to disable it till that happens?21:17
cjohnstoni think so21:19
cjohnstonits easy enough to revert out21:19
cjohnstonbut we shouldnt just let anyone commit either21:20
nigelbcjohnston: I tend to agree.  I just checked out the plugin system.  I can hack on it tomorrow and get it reviewed by rockstar on Monday.21:25
nigelbcjohnston: anymore thoughts on https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/782062-fix-naming/+merge/6204421:26
nigelbcjohnston: only . causes breakage, + doesn't21:26
cjohnstonWhen i tried yesterday, iw as getting breakage yesterday21:27
nigelbcjohnston: yes,  because you hadn't fixed your already existing database entries21:28
S[h]O[r]Tcan someone fix the 404 on this URL? :) https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt. It is linked from https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/amd64/preseed-contents.html21:30
cjohnstonS[h]O[r]T: you will need to talk to the docs team #ubuntu-docs21:30
S[h]O[r]Till hop over there then, thanks21:30
nigelbmdke would be the person you might to ping about this.21:30
nigelbcjohnston: merging that branch will not fix your problems :)21:34
nigelbcjohnston: merging the branch, deleting the db, and getting data from LP again will though.21:34
cjohnstonumm.. soo it isnt going to fix anything thats already happened in summit21:36
nigelbIt will fix the future imports to be correct21:37
mhall119cjohnston: only people on the owning team can change it to approved21:38
cjohnstonthe merge?21:39
mhall119IIRC, tarmac only merged branched that have status==Approved21:39
mhall119and only people on the team can do that21:39
cjohnstonok.. so not just a review == approved21:39
cjohnstonthen +121:39
nigelbokay, all set21:39
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
cjohnstonhow can I make django create an account upon login if there isnt one22:57
cjohnstoncreate a user profile i guess22:57
Ronniecjohnston: there is an <<<<<< TREE in newstyle.css, i guess some wrong merge?23:54

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