
pfifolekefly_, no thats not right00:00
pc500Is there a way to do a select all -> copy to a termianl scrollback?00:00
pc500in the default termianl app in X in the latest ubuntu?00:01
pfifolekefly_, which iso did you download?00:01
pc500I know you can highlight and copy, but it's like 5,000 pages deep.00:01
trismsulucohmun: just download the patch file and in the source directory run: patch -p1 < /path/to/patchfile00:01
sulucohmunin a git-patch, when you see a plus + and minus - symbols next to the lines, does - mean remove the line, + mean add line?00:01
sulucohmun@trism: how would I download this patch? if i use "git clone https://github.com/Caccc/Gnome-shell-extension-Mediasplayers.git" it downloads the unpatched sounrce? how do i specify with git to download it "patched"?00:02
feydis there a way to delete files that arent on OS drives to the trash?00:02
Coreyfeyd: Yes.00:02
avance0242Hey I have a question? I want to know if any of you guys know about any good Wi Fi Login Software, this is for a school network that runs ubuntu 9.0400:03
lekefly_pfifo: this one http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/ubuntu-releases//11.04/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso00:03
sulucohmun@trism: ill do it that way, I was just wondering if you could download it from GIT already patched by specifying with git clone/pull/feth w.e00:03
feydCorey: I should tel you im in XFCE00:03
Coreyfeyd: ...although I can't dig out right now where it lives. :-/00:03
julieavance0242, a good solution for this is to use a proxy server00:03
feydCorey: but you can confirm that it can be done in XFCE?00:04
Coreyavance0242: Fairly complex stuff; Bradford Networks markets a solution to the educational market.00:04
Coreyfeyd: I don't do it with window managers. :-)00:04
feydCorey: I feel like I had it working before and did something and it doesnt work anymore, I wanted to make sure i wanst crazy mostly00:04
avance0242julie Thanks. I'll take that to consideration.00:04
Coreyfeyd: http://www.nightproductions.net/cli.htm <-- rmtrash is what I use on my Macbook, I think it'd be easy to port to Linux.00:05
avance0242Corey Thanks too for the name.. It'll be extremely useful. Thanks..00:05
Jeff__ERROR HELP!!!!!!              'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'00:05
lekefly_pfifo: correct right?00:05
CoreyJeff__: Fire up a terminal, sudo apt-get update00:05
B105I am suffering from Jeff__'s plight as well.00:05
trismsulucohmun: if the patch has been merged you could pull it in, otherwise you need to download it and apply it somehow (I don't see a link to download it so it looks like you need to copy/paste to a file)00:06
pfifolekefly_, have you ever gotten a linux kernel to boot on this machine?00:06
lekefly_pfifo: nope :S00:06
B105Corey I've done that but it spits out W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com natty InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 200:06
sulucohmun@trism: i could do it by hand, im having trouble otherwise, I just need to know, does + mean add line, - mean remove line? or does - mean leave line alone?00:06
lekefly_pfifo: its brand new..00:06
Corey!pm | Jeff__00:07
ubottuJeff__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:07
pfifolekefly what kind of processor does it have?00:07
cmarinorbuenas noches00:07
sulucohmun@trism: also the patch's first line is this: diff --git a/mediasplayers@ycdref/extension.js b/mediasplayers@ycdref/extension.js  wtf is that supposed ti mean ? lol00:07
trismsulucohmun: + are lines added, - are lines removed, but just copy/paste the file to a text file, cd into the directory where you cloned the git repo, and run: patch -p1 < /path/to/patchfile.txt; and it should work00:08
ProfeMGLHello i'm a nwe user of ubutu10.04 lucid lynx and inadvertently  i'he disconnected inalambric net Can anyone help me about it. Thanks in advance00:08
sulucohmundo i need to create directories ~a ~b and be in ~ to run the patch command? @trism: i tried that and it failed with "invalid hunk" or something00:08
Jeff__I get this error when trying to update!       Reading package lists... Error!00:08
Jeff__E: Encountered a section with no Package: header00:08
Jeff__E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n_Translation-en00:08
Jeff__E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.00:08
N0vacan anyone help me00:09
lekefly_pfifo: AMD Athlon II X2 25000:09
trismsulucohmun: that means the change is in mediasplayers@ycdref/extension.js (the a/ is just an arbitrary name, it is stripped off by the -p1 arg to patch)00:09
pfifolekefly_, do you know what motherboard it has?00:10
szalJeff__: open terminal -> sudo rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/* -> sudo apt-get update -> that should fix it00:10
sulucohmun@trism ahh okay ill try again, i think i see what i did wrong.00:10
lekefly_pfifo: MSI 890FXA-GD65, Socket-AM300:10
szalN0va: not unless we know the problem00:10
=== D34X is now known as dOMMER
=== dOMMER is now known as Dommer
N0vai want to access the irc at http://evilzone.org:9090/?channels=Evilzone00:11
N0vathrough xchat but everytime i try it says i might have spelled something wrong00:11
CoreyJeff__: Once again, please stay out of my PM window.00:11
CoreyJeff__: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf; sudo apt-get update00:11
N0vathat is the the problem szal00:11
N0vaszal: i dont know much about irc00:12
szalN0va: that looks like a webchat address; you can't put that verbatim into an IRC client00:12
N0vai know but the specifics00:12
Jeff__COREY>>>   US SAID PM  SO I PMed U00:12
N0vai put them in right00:12
N0vai just gave you the link because that is the channel and server00:13
szalN0va: how about you put that in your browser & ask them for the data to put in X-Chat..00:13
CoreyJeff__: I fired the PM factoid at you, which explicitly says not to do such things.  My apologies if that was unclear. :-)00:13
szalJeff__: he who can read has the clear advantage00:13
lekefly_pfifo: tryed a disk with ubuntu installed on.. and tryed to enter recovery mode.. and got the same error that was on that image i sendt to you00:13
N0vai did00:13
sulucohmun@trism: i did EXACTLY what you said and it errors with: Hunk #1 FAILED at 173.00:14
N0vafine then asshole thx for helping...00:14
szal!language | N0va00:14
ubottuN0va: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:14
pfifolekefly_, im dl the alternate iso your using just a sec00:14
szalN0va: this channel is not about learning how to use IRC; there's tons of resources on the web for that00:15
trismsulucohmun: I'll take a look, one second00:15
sulucohmun@trism: i think maybe the patch is being told to start patching on the wrong line. I think it should start on line 172 maybe. lol00:15
nincompooopanyone know where to find the linux games channel?00:15
Jeff__thanks for your help Corey!   What did that command do anyway?00:15
sulucohmun@trism: I tried applying the patch by hand, removing all the -, adding all the +, and it broke the extension. ;oX00:16
p_resi aksed this before, but i had to go somewhere so i'll repeat, anyone here running fedora 15 as guest in virtualbox?00:16
CoreyJeff__: Removed your corrupted local copy of the package database, then rebuilt it.00:16
Jeff__sweet tits!!!!00:17
szalp_res: this is not #fedora ;)00:17
N0vaszal ur a douche00:17
N0vahows that?00:17
pfifolekefly_, do you have a spare USB drive around?00:17
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!00:17
lekefly_pfifo: yeah00:17
N0va!google douche00:17
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/00:17
IdleOne!guidelines | N0va00:17
ubottuN0va: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:17
N0va!ur mom idleone00:17
ubottuN0va: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:17
IdleOneN0va: try /server irc.evilzone.org00:17
pfifolekefly_, and a working ubuntu system I take it00:17
lekefly_pfifo: hehe yeah00:17
rinkukokiriwoah, you don't wanna tell an op "ur mom"00:18
p_resszal: yeah I know. but anyone running on a ubuntu host?00:18
CoreyLet us be civil, please.00:18
elkyrinkukokiri, he did more than that.00:18
nincompooopby the way, anyone know where to find the virtualbox channel?00:18
szalp_res: don't play guessing games, state your problem, you'll get much further by that00:18
rinkukokiriI saw that and reference to female cleansing device00:18
StultissimusHello! I accidentally overwrote my Windows C drive with ext2. PhotoRec can still find all of my data, meaning it is recoverable. Does anyone know how to safely format it back to NTFS without doing further damage?00:18
pfifolekefly_, what kind of graphic card do you have?00:18
nincompooopI need to find a way to mount a .vdi image.00:18
lekefly_pfifo: Just 5850s00:18
p_resszal: no problem here.00:18
jorenHey, so I recently did an ubuntu server install which kept failing on "installing software"  I have a bootable system with apt and everything, but does anyone know if there's a package or virtual package that installes all the extra ubuntu goodies?00:18
nincompooopStultissimus: I'm afraid that's very hard to do...00:19
jorenI think my CD was busted, should probably just re-install, but it might be a bit too late for that at this point00:19
nincompooopStultissimus: that's pretty much why data recovery centers exist, IMHO (that and HDD failures)00:19
szalStultissimus: back up the data if they can be recovered, reinstall & put the data back00:19
Stultissimusnincompooop: Hm... do you at least know a way to recover the data in its original structure?00:20
Stultissimusszal: I could do that as a last resort, but I am worried that could take days to sort through all of my files, which show up with no organization.00:20
nincompooopStultissimus: dunno man, I was never epicly good with data recovery... as far as my knowledge is concerned, unless you have stuff that's backed up, it's toast.00:21
CoreyStultissimus: The better option is to recover from backup.00:21
rinkukokirisee, I was looking into a simple 'undelete' solution for linux as well... something that was as simple as piriform's 'undelete' or the blessed 'R-Studio' however, I was unable to find anything but dd00:21
szalStultissimus: life lesson hopefully learned. ;)00:21
Coreyrinkukokiri: testdisk00:21
StultissimusCorey: I was stupid and haven't backed up in months... however, that could be useful.00:21
nincompoooprinkukokiri: haha, dd... classic.00:22
CoreyStultissimus: Then you've learned a valuable lesson at probably too high of a cost.00:22
* nincompooop should really consider backing things up more often...00:22
StultissimusSzal: Nah, I love getting myself in trouble. The adrenaline pulsing through my veins as I bang my head against the desk can't be beat.00:22
Ander_I have a stupid newbie question00:22
pfifolekefly_, put your spare usb drive in and unmount anything that gets automounted00:22
nincompooopgo ahead Ander_00:22
StultissimusCorey: Like I said, the data is there. I might just have to write it all to an external hard drive and drag it back manually after restoring.00:23
spinxdanyone know why doing a whois on a Canadian IP doesnt work?00:23
Ander_I'm trying to create a panel shortcut for Minecraft. java -jar ~/Minecraft/minecraft.jar works just fine in the console but not in a launcher00:23
nincompooopStultissimus: sounds like a plan.00:23
IdleOnen0va:  did /server irc.evilzone.org work?00:24
rinkukokiriAnder_, you may have to specify the path of java??  in term try   which java00:24
lekefly_pfifo: alright done00:24
AginorAnder_: wrap the command in a shell script00:24
pfifolekefly_, now sudo -s, and run this command replacing X with the letter of you usb drive (this will erase all data on your disk `wget -O /dev/sdX "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso"`00:25
Ander_I will try the shell script idea... Only have one path to Java00:25
juliespinxd, what is the IP so I can give it a try to see?00:25
nincompooopit's a DNS server.00:26
StultissimusCorey, Szal, Nincompooop: Thanks for your comments. I suppose that it's time for me to start burning to a hard drive, and do a system restore... unless I stumble upon something revolutionary, like a drunken monkey with a knack for electronics. I have one last lead to follow before this, though. I'll talk to you later, after I overwrite my savings account with Ubuntu :>00:27
juliespinxd, it is a Videotron IP... works for me00:27
pfifolekefly_, in the mean time, on the boot options of the alternate install press fc and choose noacpi andacpi=off then boot with the install ubuntu command00:27
nincompooopStultissimus: no prob. :)00:27
spinxdjulie can you msg me what it gives you?00:27
pfifolekefly_, "f6" typo00:27
lekefly_pfifo: how do you list drives again? :p00:28
szalpfifo: how can you confuse 'c' with '6'? :o00:28
pfifolekefly_, sudo blkid or sudo fdisk -l00:29
pfifoszal, iono?00:29
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10.   The bookmarks within Nautilus, are they stored in the .nautilus folder?00:29
new2b2Hi I have a question about subversion, i try to connect svn list svn+ssh://address.to.the.site/var/svn/folder --username name , it asks me for my password (3 times) and then tells me network connection closed unexpectedly can anyone help me with that?00:29
szalpfifo: what's that?00:30
pfifoszal, iono what iono means00:30
pfifonew2b2, wrong password00:31
BioS-615Guys I'm STILL getting a E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_multiverse_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS error when sudo apt-get update, can someone help?00:32
new2b2I use same password for turtoiseSVN from windows and it works00:32
lekefly_pfifo: done downloading00:32
CoreyBioS-615: Follow the advice I gave Jeff__.00:33
pfifolekefly_, put that to the side for a minute and try booting the alternate iso with noacpi and acpi=off00:33
CoreyBioS-615: It worked for him.00:33
BioS-615Corey: I did and I still get the error ._.;00:33
lekefly_pfifo: Just black screen still just did it tho00:33
pfifolekefly_, try boting from that USB stick instead00:33
=== chickadee is now known as chickadee-afk
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10.   The bookmarks within Nautilus, are they stored in the .nautilus folder?00:34
rinkukokiriAnder_, I just did the script method, when you call it from a launcher I had to use sh /path/to/script.sh00:34
CoreyBioS-615: Pastebin the entire output of sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf; sudo apt-get update please.00:34
szalBioS-615: including the cmd you entered please00:35
BioS-615Got it00:35
pfifolekefly_, makesure theres no CDs in the drive when you do00:35
q__hey adanOS00:36
BioS-615Corey: szal: http://pastebin.com/D7LBSkqz00:36
q__whats up00:36
lekefly_pfifo: It just booted to the hd after selecting usb..00:37
lekefly_Maybe i should try another usb stick :p00:37
pfifolekefly_, make sure your using a usb 2.0 port00:38
CoreyBioS-615: That's a problem with connectivity; are you using a proxy?00:38
lekefly_pfifo: the 3.0 are blue right?00:38
BioS-615Corey: No, I'm running 11.04 in a virtualbox and can access the web from it as far as I'm aware.00:38
pfifolekefly_, couldnt say, you can paint anything any color00:38
pfifolekefly_, try a few different ports00:39
lekefly_pfifo: But on this drive i have ubuntu and i booted into grub now and can edit the recovery .. should i give it a try?00:39
pfifolekefly_, you mean ubuntu is already installed on it?00:39
q__hey pfifo can i ask you somthing00:40
lekefly_pfifo: Yeah.. but it might be corrupt.. it wont boot aswell :p00:40
CoreyBioS-615: Use software sources to stop using regional servers; try the original ones and see if your problem goes away.00:40
trismsulucohmun: it looks like the spacing in the patch got mangled somehow, http://pastebin.com/i7Cu2FgJ should work although will complain about a missing newline at the end (I have no idea if the patched version works though, I don't have banshee installed)00:40
pfifoq__, yes00:40
q__what version of linux are you using00:40
pfifolekefly_, it wont boot? does it give that same error?00:40
engammalskoPlease help with mounting!00:40
pfifoq__, all of them00:40
lekefly_pfifo: yeah00:40
q__whats your errer00:40
sulucohmun@trism: I thought it was spacing, I tried adding 3 spaces to the original file before patching but failed still, thanks ill try it :)00:40
engammalskoline 16,17, 28 and 2900:41
BioS-615Corey: It didn't, still same errors, they're failing to download from anywhere.00:41
engammalskoWhat have I done wrong? I really need this partitions to work.00:41
lekefly_pfifo: should i try another graphic card?00:41
q__hey pfifo00:41
Frettadoes apt-get install dependecies default00:42
szalFretta: please rephrase00:42
CoreyBioS-615: There's something odd with your setup then.00:42
pfifolekefly_, ok pop that usb drive back in the working ubuntu, unmount and try this `wget -O /dev/sdX "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso"` then boot from that, you are definatly having a hardware issue here maybe 64 bit will work better00:43
BioS-615Corey:  I've reinstalled, downloaded the alternate version and reinstalled, still nothing.00:43
Frettawhen using apt-get install, does this install the dependencies for a particular package, default... or do i need to specify with an option flag?00:43
CoreyBioS-615: And you're sure you have connectivity from this box?00:44
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10.   The bookmarks within Nautilus, are they stored in the .nautilus folder?00:44
sulucohmun@trism: thank you so much. :) you went above and beyond to figure that out.00:44
engammalskoCould someone help me with fstab?00:44
trismsulucohmun: you're welcome, hope it works00:44
sulucohmun@trism: works like a charm!00:44
pfifo!ask | engammalsko00:44
ubottuengammalsko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:44
Frettaszal ^ any idea?00:44
sulucohmunthanks again, I'm always around, i owe ya one.00:44
BioS-615Corey: Yes. I can connect to the internet through browsers and the like.00:44
gohdanis there a console based tool that will draw a graph for cpu usage the way gnome-system-monitor does? im looking for something that behaves like 'bmon' but for the cpu instead of a nic00:45
engammalskoCan someone help me to mount my drives? I try to do this http://pastie.org/2045257 look at line 16-17 and 28-29. I can't get those 2 partitions to work.00:45
edbianengammalsko: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt     what happens?00:47
pfifoengammalsko, remove that "Partition" part from those lines, thats not supposed top be there00:47
lekefly_pfifo: does it really use 6 secs to download and make the usb bootable?00:47
pfifolekefly_, yes, 19MB00:47
engammalskopfifo: It's the name of the drives.00:47
engammalskoThe names are "Windows Partition" and "Linux Partition" sorry for confusing.00:48
kdogengammalsko: easiest thing to do is remove the space from the mount direcotry00:48
pfifoengammalsko, then you nee to say it like this "/dev/sdb1  /media/Windows\ Partition  ntfs  defaults          0       0"00:48
szalFretta: you're either pretty new or pretty blind if you haven't seen that yet :P ..  test case -> 'sudo apt-get -d install emacs' <- that would only download the pkgs, but it'll most likely ask for confirmation anyway00:49
lekefly_pfifo: Alright.. so just run from disk or what?00:49
lekefly_pfifo: oh.. it auto booted.. same error :P00:50
Frettaszal thnx for the nice comments, but also thax for the -d flag00:50
gohdanengammalsko: for future reference, *nix handles spaces as "foo\ bar"00:50
szalFretta: no offence meant00:51
lekefly_pfifo: in it now again.. just shot if you have ideas what i can try00:51
Frettaszal :)00:51
engammalskogohdan: *nix ?00:51
pfifolekefly_, try pressing pause during boot and see if you can get the first error message on the screen00:52
lekefly_pfifo: how?00:52
engammalskoThanks for the answers anyway :)00:52
pfifolekefly_, by pressing pause during boot00:52
gohdanengammalsko: its a a commonly used abbreviation for UNIX-like systems.00:52
lekefly_pfifo: as in the pause button on the keyboard? :P ill try00:53
gohdans/but with less a's  :P00:53
pfifolekefly_, yeah it does actually do something :)00:53
lekefly_pfifo: install or run from usb?00:53
pfifolekefly_, anywhere it creates that message00:54
q__hey yall00:54
pfifolekefly_, can you run any OS on this machine?00:54
edbianq__: hello!00:55
q__hey pfifo00:55
pfifoq__, what?00:55
q__you watch anime00:55
lekefly_pfifo: Have not tryed windows.. just ubuntu and CentOS00:55
bazhang!ot | q__00:55
ubottuq__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:55
pfifolekefly_, centOS give that same error?00:55
lekefly_pfifo: Something els about kernel panic00:56
pfifolekefly_, can you successfully run 'memcheck86"00:56
TheLifelessOneHi, when I run "00:57
pfifono problem i run " all the time too00:57
* gohdan >00:57
edbian" is not a valid command00:57
TheLifelessOneWhen I run "glxinfo | grep direct", it reports that direct rendering is "yes", but it also reports "BadDrawable". What does this mean, and how can I fix it?00:58
lekefly_pfifo: Yeah00:58
pfifoedbian, sudo apt-get install "00:58
PlaguesOfDicks[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   PlaguesOfDicks BcMartMena Shoruken brianmwaters TheLifelessOne cypha`` Prothon jackster avalon__ Karmin TheRAt chalcedony sheenams Apple_Cat lollo64it Duka00:58
PlaguesOfDicks[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   P4R4N01D zenguy_vm Slix` blitz` wonderworld l4ng1t The_Pugilist german__ john1400 cfchris6_ XshoppyX Ander_ BioS-615 FalsAlarm jofo Mikelevel nincompooop a00:58
PlaguesOfDicks[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   SikEnCide gaveen Wally maco ZeZu GoNatty dcat sa`tan n2diy jaskij PurpleSmoke dtcummin Flummoxed sandyd ry kavurt nanuk lekefly_ jahil2 hasenj NvrBst metat00:58
edbianpfifo: sudo apt-get install lib64-"-1.000:58
pfifolekefly_, how did you install ubuntu on it to begin with?00:58
edbianpfifo: sudo apt-get install lib64-"-1.000:59
lekefly_pfifo: another machine :P00:59
jacksterseriously, why do people do that00:59
JymmmIs anyone running an XP virtual machine on an Atom box?00:59
jacksterit's not like they're gaining anything00:59
jacksterexcept a rep for being an asshole00:59
edbianJymmm: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?00:59
brianmwaterswtf was that sasl thing? is that real?00:59
Jymmmedbian: performance00:59
WallyROFL.. bot00:59
bazhangbrianmwaters, no just ignore00:59
edbianJymmm: Mmm,  I'm not running that :(   Sorry! :P01:00
edbianROFL... Copter01:00
pfifolekefly_, try booting windows, if that doesnt work then id have to say your hardware is broken01:00
gohdanbrianmwaters: these are not the droids you are looking for01:00
lekefly_pfifo: bah.. hehe01:00
lekefly_pfifo: got a video of the boot now.. sec01:00
JymmmI just want to know if it's even possible on an atom board01:00
edbianlekefly_: ooooh, a video? :D01:00
bazhangJymmm, ask in ##windows or ##hardware01:01
gohdanJymmm: depends if the vm youre running has arm support01:01
edbianJymmm: Virtualization can be done entirely in software.  I think it could be done on ANY board.  It's just slower without hardware support01:01
pfifowindows suppots more than one architecture now?01:02
JymmmNo not technically, just reasonably quick01:02
lekefly_pfifo: http://www.cl.ly/3J2Q32043e16360T1t1901:03
gohdanpfifo: win CE runs on MIPS01:03
JymmmI just want to know if a atom box with 8gb has enough balls to do it01:03
feydcan I uinstall a list of packages all at once? I have a txt file with a list of packages, 1 per line01:04
bazhangJymmm, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support. please take it to the appropriate channel01:04
bazhangfeyd, sure01:04
Jymmmbazhang: so which ubuntu channel would that be?01:04
bazhangJymmm, none. ##hardware01:04
feydbazhang: any suggestions as to how?01:04
lekefly_pfifo: Can i just get a hold of a windows iso and use the command you gave me to make it bootable on usb? :P01:04
bazhangfeyd, you want a purekde or the like?01:05
pfifolekefly_, thats definatly a hardware issue, the kernel crashes right away01:05
pfifolekefly_, no that little trick with wget doesnt even work with most linux isos01:05
feydbazhang: wha? I installed AWN in XFCE, it installed a shitton of Gnome shit that I don't want, so I want to purge the crap that came with it01:05
bazhangfeyd, no need for the cursing01:05
feydbazhang: apologies, not directed at anyone01:06
bazhangfeyd, are you removing awn as well? it may need those gnome libs01:06
feydbazhang: yep, it's all going01:06
pfifofeyd, xfce in ubuntu is just a mini gnome01:06
lekefly_pfifo: What hardware do you think is wrong? :p01:06
bazhangfeyd, then copy and paste into the terminal01:07
pfifolekefly_, your CPU or FSB01:07
gohdanfeyd: sudo aptitude purge foo bar pkg1 pkg2 etc1 etc201:07
feydgohdan: ah that works, thanks01:07
Frettasudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev --> Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/krb5/libgssrpc4_1.8.1+dfsg-2ubuntu0.4_amd64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]01:07
lekefly_FBS is on the mb right? :p01:07
pfifolekefly_, yeah01:07
Frettawhats FBS?01:08
bazhangFretta, try switching mirrors via synaptic package manager01:08
lekefly_pfifo: alright.. ill try to swap mb.. but i just got 2 of the same tho..01:08
bonhofferwhat is /dev/null?01:08
pfifoFretta, front side bus (FSB)01:08
Frettaah ok thanks01:08
brianmwaters/dev/null is a bottomless pit01:08
pfifobonhoffer, nothing01:08
Frettawhere do I edit synaptic package manager?01:08
bonhofferbrianmwaters: got that, so is it an empty file?01:09
brianmwatersbonhoffer: do you know what a device special file is?01:09
szalFretta: if you want to edit something, edit /etc/apt/sources.list01:09
bonhofferbrianmwaters: nope01:09
Frettaszal this is the list of where to download packages from?01:09
brianmwatersin unix, almost everything is represented as files......01:09
bonhofferi'm the question asker dude . . . your the expert!01:09
szalFretta: indeed01:09
brianmwatersincluding devices01:09
lekefly_pfifo: What are the odds that its the CPU rather than MB? both are brand new like 5 days old01:10
Frettaszal nice, :) thanks again01:10
bonhofferbrianmwaters: like /dev/hda01:10
brianmwatersfor example, /dev/sda is usually your hard disk.01:10
brianmwatersif you wrote to that you'd fry your os!01:10
bonhoffergot it, so what really is that? -- a device special file?01:10
szalFretta: note the 2 letters behind the 'http://', that's a top-level domain indicating the country; you could put whatever you like there, I guess, as long as the TLD exists01:10
bonhoffercan you do file operations on those?01:10
brianmwatersyes, /dev/sda is a device file.01:11
Frettaszal thanks for the tip01:11
brianmwatersbut there's also a bunch of device files in there that don't correspond to real devices01:11
pfifolekefly_, pretty good, CPUs are so sensitive to everything01:11
szalother than that, there might be a mirror list to be found somewhere01:11
brianmwaterslike /dev/tty001:11
brianmwatersand also /dev/null01:11
brianmwaterswhen you write to /dev/null, nothing happens01:11
bonhofferbrianmwaters: got it01:12
bonhofferso what is tty?01:12
bonhofferi see that all over the place?01:12
lekefly_pfifo: bah :p01:12
TheLifelessOneWhere is xorg.conf saved at?01:13
bazhangbonhoffer, most of this is easily searchable on the internet and is not ubuntu specific01:13
bonhofferbazhang: cool, i'm ok with you not participating01:13
aeon-ltdTheLifelessOne: by default there isn't one01:13
bazhangbonhoffer, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic , in other words01:13
lekefly_pfifo: How can i have 2 CPUs that are not working.. *facepalm*01:13
lekefly_TheLifelessOne: /etc/X11/01:13
bonhofferfair enough01:13
TheLifelessOneaeon-ltd: How do I get one?01:13
richwhen did ubuntu stop having seperate desktop and server distros?01:14
bazhangrich, they did not01:14
pfifolekefly_, you have 2 cpus in the machine? you could try testing them seperately01:14
bonhofferbrianmwaters: appreciate the insight01:14
TheLifelessOnelekefly_: There's no xorg.conf in that directory.01:14
richbazhang, ah, the website just changed a bit.01:15
szalnice, default audio volume in *buntu is louder than in SUSE, and it distorts less :)01:15
lekefly_pfifo: no in another machine:p01:16
TheLifelessOneAnyone? I kinda need to have the file for my drivers to work properly.01:16
bazhangTheLifelessOne, you need to create one01:17
TheLifelessOnebazhang: How can I do that?01:17
bazhangTheLifelessOne, nvidia card?01:17
genetixTheLifelessOne, did you install a vidcard driver ? I know the nvidia driver creates a xorg.conf01:17
TheLifelessOnebazhang: VIA.01:17
TheLifelessOneopenChrome drivers.01:17
BigMac1does ubuntu 11.04 use gtk 2.xx or gtk 3.xx?01:18
pfifo!info gtk01:19
ubottuPackage gtk does not exist in natty01:19
pfifo!info gtk201:19
ubottuPackage gtk2 does not exist in natty01:19
bazhangBigMac1, whats the real issue01:19
BigMac1bazhang, i want to download themes, and i'm unsure wether to choose gtk 2 or 301:20
rwwBigMac1: gtk201:21
bazhangBigMac1, seems like gtk2 from the gtk2-engines01:21
BigMac1rww: ok, thanks01:21
gohdananyone know how often canonical updates the screenshots.debian.net mirror it uses for the software center?01:22
szalhmmm..  just tried to log into a remote server like I usually do, but got the message "Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)." -- how do I change that?01:22
rwwgohdan: as the URL implies, that server isn't maintained by Canonical.01:23
gohdanor a better question would be: why do so many of them on the site have screenshots but the software center mirror doesnt?01:23
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
gohdanrww: the site isnt. but canonical maintains a mirror that it uses to display them in the software center01:24
pfifoszal, use the right password?01:24
szalpfifo: I copied ~/.ssh/ from my other home01:25
szalit should ask me for passphrase01:25
pfifoszal, you need your gpg keys then01:25
vanjafxIs there any way to recreate Desktop, Video, Pictures, etc. folders in /home/<user>? I have /home on separate partition, which I had to reformat and now the above mentioned folders act as normal and not 'special' folders.01:25
pfifoszal, .pki01:26
szalpfifo: ?01:26
pfifoszal, ~/.pki/01:26
szalpfifo: doesn't exist here01:26
pfifoszal, key based ssh is out of my area of expertise01:27
brianmwatersvanjafx: i don't know how those special folders are supposed to work, because i get rid of them. they are associated w/ a certain package. maybe you could reinstall it.01:27
brianmwatersdon't remember what it's called sorry01:28
szalpfifo: ah, slight diversion in syntax01:28
vanjafxbrianmwaters, another 'anomaly' is that my actual desktop references to ~01:28
brianmwatersvanjafx: mine does too! i did it on purpose01:29
brianmwatersit's a symlink on my machine01:29
szalpfifo: on *buntu I need to explicitly state the username as which to log in (on SUSE I don't)01:29
vanjafxbrianmwaters, I don't even know what to google for in this case...01:30
pfifoszal, no you dont, if you username on both servers is the same01:30
szalpfifo: ah, then that's the problem, I changed my local username for *buntu01:30
brianmwatersvanjafx: what's so special about those "special" files01:30
pfifoszal, its good habit to just always use a username anyway01:31
vanjafxbrianmwaters, Dunno... they have nice icons and show up in the nautilus sidebar, and various apps point to them (think word processor points to Documents, video editor to Videos etc.).01:32
vanjafxwhen you want to open/save files, that is01:33
brianmwatersvanjafx: just drag them to the nautilus sidebar01:33
robin0800vanjafx, I would think they are nautilus so sudo aptitude reinstall nautilus01:33
brianmwatersthey are not part of nautilus.01:33
robin0800try ubuntu-desktop then01:34
brianmwatersit definitely depends on ubuntu-desktop.01:34
brianmwatersperhaps indirectly01:35
vanjafxrobin0800, will try now01:35
vanjafxnothing changed01:37
trismvanjafx: those directories are controlled by ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs and running xdg-user-dirs-update01:37
brianmwatersthar ye go01:37
DismountHey guys, I'm running liveCD trying to format and delete /dev/sda5, but it's saying it's mounted. `mount` doesn't seem to say so, though: http://pastebin.com/5iYtUTzy01:37
flaikshey, wondering if there's any way to hide the unity dock  in 11.0401:38
DismountMy exact error is: http://pastebin.com/pRMjAZ0501:38
flaiksi wanna use docky instead01:38
Dismounter, trying to format/delete via gparted01:38
Dismountlet's try this again01:38
flaiksso, i like the menu system of 11.04, how the application menus are at the top, however, the left dock is kinda annoying, wondering if I can just get rid of that dock and use docky instead ?01:40
lekefly_How do i fix the "Checking batteri .. ok" message i get on a ubuntu desktop pc?01:40
Dismountflaiks: afaik, the menus at the top are all part of unity's dock. I'd assume you'd simply uninstall unity's dock (or unity) and install docky in its place01:42
flaiksdoes docky allow the menus at the top ?01:42
hankHey all, I just installed 11.04 on My macbook pro ( ver 4.1) and for some reason I can not get my sound working. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything. Any ideas?01:43
vanjafxtrism: that did the trick! thanks! now i need to figure out how to point desktop to ~/Desktop.01:43
brianmwatersi don't understand vanjafx01:43
=== mike is now known as Guest95603
brianmwaterscan't you just make a folder called Desktop?01:44
vanjafxi just did, but it doesn't link to the desktop per se01:44
brianmwaterswhat do you mean it doesnt link to the desktop01:44
DismountHey guys, it seems like the LiveCD is using my hard drive's /dev/sda5 as swap space. Can anyone tell me more about this?01:45
trismvanjafx: that is one of the options in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs, XDG_DESKTOP_DIR01:45
trismvanjafx: you will need to restart nautilus before it takes effect: nautilus -q01:45
vanjafxtrism: well i'll be damned. worked01:46
vanjafxlove you! :)01:46
LekeFlyHow do i fix the "Checking batteri .. ok" message i get on a ubuntu desktop pc?01:46
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.01:47
kennettI'm looking for a program that can resize photos.01:47
nincompooopLMFAO, I love that book.01:48
nit-witkennett, gimp might be your choice.01:48
Vampire0Hi, anyone around?01:48
Vampire0I'm having a problem. I distribute an application. Actually a Java application. The application also provides a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/. Directly after installing the .deb package, the Dash can find the application, but if I start it, only a gray box with question mark and title "win0" appears in the launcher. Pinning that is not possible and also vanishes if you restart unity. This be01:48
Vampire0haviour exists until Unity is restarted. From then on all behaves well. Is there any trigger call I have to make in my postinst script to make this work properly immediately after installation?01:48
FloodBot1Vampire0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
=== LasTwo is now known as Lasivian
kennettI use picasa but for some reason it's not working. Can gimp resize a batch of photos?01:51
DismountVampire0: I've had fun with java and unity. Good luck.01:52
Vampire0Dismount, I don't think that Java is the problem here01:53
Vampire0If you refer to double icons for running vs. pinned, that is not a problem at all01:53
Vampire0oh darn, this was a fresh install in a VM so I forgot to kick out the crappy OpenJDK01:56
Vampire0After installing the Sun JDK it works like a charm right from the start01:56
LekeFlyHow do i fix the "Checking batteri state.. ok" message i get on a ubuntu desktop pc? cant seem to remove it01:58
kennettnit-wit - gimp only lets you do one photo at a time.01:58
kennettI need to do a batch of over 400.01:58
bazhangkennett, what about imagemagick02:00
kennettbazhang: I'll try it and see.02:00
royale1223how do i disable network manager?02:00
bazhangroyale1223, you wish to use the command line instead?02:02
escottroyale1223, i think having an entry in /etc/network/interfaces should disable nm for that device. there is also an nm command line client02:02
tilleyrwI can't post questions to the newgroup for ubuntu.  ???  Thunderbird says it is sending but I never see the article.02:02
TheLifelessOneHow can I restart X without rebooting?02:02
royale1223bazhang: yes02:02
rypervencheTheLifelessOne: Logout.02:03
royale1223nm resets interfaces file on each reboot02:03
TheLifelessOnerypervenche: No alternatives?02:03
rypervencheTheLifelessOne: Why would you need one?02:03
TheLifelessOneDon't want to log out, really.02:03
Vampire0TheLifelessOne, "sudo restart gdm"02:03
bazhangroyale1223, no need to remove/disable it; unless you want to install an alternative like wicd which default removes it02:04
pyrofalloutI am having trouble locating the following perl lib in the ubuntu default repos: XML::RSS::Parser Any ideas?02:04
royale1223bazhang: then?02:04
mrdebdo you recommend installing gnome 302:04
DismountCan anyone help me through this error I get when I try to delete a partition? http://pastebin.com/je0RyaLS02:04
royale1223bazhang: how can i prevent it from autostarting?02:04
bazhangmrdeb, no, as its not supported, its a PPA and is unstable likely requiring a reinstall02:05
mrdebit is in stable according to the website02:05
rodolfohi could someone help me? i installed xubuntu and i have some lag while dragging the windows02:05
royale1223Dismount: pastebin output of "sudo fdisk -l"02:06
bazhangmrdeb, then you are not aware of the situation in ubuntu.02:06
mrdebis it goo dthough02:06
bazhangmrdeb, thats an opinion. try #ubuntu-offtopic02:06
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th0rrodolfo: in the settings manager-window manager-advanced tab turn on 'hide content of windows when,,,,'02:06
tilleyrwWhere can I improve the sharpness of my UI?  All graphic boundaries are "fuzzy" and indistinct as though anti-aliased.02:07
aGrizzlyIf anyone can help with a sound issue - Couldn't find a current answer -  Installed Ubuntu for my first time, using a 5.1 system and Creative X-Fi sound card - Center speaker won't work. Did sudo alsamixer and it's not muted. Tried a few curses I found on google and no luck. When I run a test, all other speakers work except for the center.02:08
aGrizzlyInternal info - http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=0e607df562a9ab60cf0fdb8e485699c3268ed28802:08
Dismountroyale1223: http://pastebin.com/MYznJmHt02:08
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
Ziauddinwhat do you think of my art?02:09
Aginor!spam > Ziauddin02:09
bazhangZiauddin, please dont paste that here. #ubuntu-offtopic02:09
Ziauddin!spam > Aginor02:10
Ziauddinbazhang: thanks, ok02:10
ZiauddinAginor: I think you are jealous.02:11
royale1223Dismount: can you apste it in ubuntu pastebin?02:12
fallenangeli cant seem to get my software-center to load02:12
fallenangelanyone know what could be wrong ?02:12
royale1223sorry paste02:12
AginorZiauddin: I haven't looked, nor do I care that much02:13
fallenangelit loads up. i see the "starting ubuntu soft..." window but it goes after a while and the center never opens02:13
brown_fernDismount: I don't know which live disk you're using, I always use Knoppix with the "forensics" option for the purpose of keeping the distribution from auto-mounting partitions and using swap. Altogether one would enter "knoppix forensics" at the boot prompt.02:13
sivelhey guys, anyone know what powers pastebin.ubuntu.com ?02:13
Vampire0btw. royale1223, just open the Startprograms or how it is called in english and uncheck the network manager02:13
Dismountroyale1223: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623008/02:15
coz_sivel,   I do not  sorry02:15
sivelcoz_: no prob :) thanks for responding though02:16
Vampire0sivel, an Apache server *g*02:16
coz_sivel,  trying to think of a good ubuntu channle that might be able to answer that,,,02:16
sivelVampire0: thanks, that helps ;)  Now to determine which pastebin software it is...02:17
Dismountbrown_fern: and I've already done swapoff /dev/sda602:17
Vampire0maybe none, not much fancy stuff there, no answers, no corrections, just pasting and downloading as text02:17
royale1223Dismount: what was the error? paste it to ubuntu too.02:18
fallenangelI just installed 10.10 and now my software center will not load. anyone know how i can fix it ?02:18
Dismountbrown_fern: I'm using 11.04  32-bit liveCd02:18
Dismountroyale1223: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623011/02:19
royale1223Dismount: use testdisk to delete.02:20
_Lucifermy xsession errors file was >2gb, and when I looked through it, the same error about pidgin not being able to make a sound (paraphrasing, I deleted it) was repeated over and over. that isn't normal right?02:21
fallenangelcan anyone help me get my software center working again02:25
`AllegroBRB reboot.02:25
movvaHow do I install gnome 3 on ubuntu 11.04?02:26
metbsdhow do i list all deb i have installed/on system02:26
IdleOne!clone | metbsd02:28
ubottumetbsd: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate02:28
IdleOne!gnome3 | movva02:28
ubottumovva: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.02:28
coz_would someone test this,, gnome classic 11.04,, firefox 4,, bookmarks,, not using compiz ,, bookmark this page,, is there a large shadow obsureing the add book marks dialog?02:28
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movvaIdleOne, I realized as much.. however I can only get gnome-shell from ppa.. I'd like to do a full install of gnome 3 incl the default themes and what not02:29
metbsdi just want to see all packages i have installed, by yum or by dpkg02:29
IdleOnemovva: in that case you need to use a distro that offers it. http://gnome3.org/02:30
movvaso ubuntu is one of the last distros to offer it? interesting02:31
IdleOnemetbsd: aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic'02:31
IdleOnemovva: Ubuntu has Unity02:31
movvaIdleOne, yes.. but not gnome 302:31
IdleOnemovva: it will be available in 11.10 (november)02:31
coz_movva,  open synaptic package manager,, click "installed"  in the left column02:31
movvaYea.. better late than never02:32
brcaspermovva, you can install the themes separately, for02:32
coz_movva,  sorry wrong nick02:32
brcaspermovva, for now*02:32
one_ttlrecently did a clean install of ubuntu 10.2.  Having an issue using port fowrading this new host via ssh.  I can ssh to the host internally, and another ssh hosts works when the router is configured to forward to it.02:32
coz_metbsd,   open synaptic package manager,, click "installed"  in the left column02:32
royale1223how come evolution dont work with disabled nm?02:32
movvabrcasper, yeah.. I am looking at the packages the ppa offers and manually installing them atm02:32
one_ttlany ideas what may be causing it to not respond? I see syn's comin in  from the outside on the new machien but no ack02:33
white-horseemergency help needed to mount an external usb 3.0 hfs+  1 TB HDD I really need to save my files before I format the drive02:33
coz_white-horse,  usb3?  I am not sure ubuntu supports that yet02:34
white-horsewell i can use usb 2.0 as well02:34
coz_white-horse,  rather I am not sure the kernel supports that yet ,, I could be wrong02:34
fallenangeli cant seem to get software center to load. http://paste.ubuntu.com/623018/ thats what i get when i try via terminal02:34
white-horsei did lsusb and did not see the drive listed02:34
royale1223white-horse: check the cable02:35
royale1223white-horse: also check syslog02:35
white-horseits all good02:35
phoenixkci've been having a hell of a time trying to install a broadcom based wifi card in natty. anyone here think they can help?02:35
white-horsei can the drive with disk utility02:35
white-horseit says unformatted02:36
white-horseits under /dev/dm-002:36
brcaspermovva, also play around with the fonts, cursors and other stuff from gnome-tweak-tool02:36
royale1223white-horse: mount it from disk utility then02:36
white-horsehow >02:36
movvabrcasper, it would still be better if the ppa offered a gnome 3 meta package02:37
brown_fernI thought Linux was the first of all OSes to support USB 3.0, perhaps I'm wrong. In any event it is backwards compatible with USB 2.0.02:37
lamseron1_Yo so Im trying to pxeboot ubuntu11 desktop cd. Ive copied the vmlinux and the initrd file that was lzma compressed and decompressed it. Ive got the host pulling down both files correctly however it says "No init found. Try passing init=" bootarg02:37
movvaatm I've to remove all of unity + gnome.. then install ppa then install gnome 3 by hand02:37
royale1223white-horse: there is a button just below the hdd partiton pic.02:38
PalinBachman2012The icon for bluetooth isnt showing up in the indicator area all of a sudden02:38
lamseron1_I think its my pxelinux.cfg/default file02:38
fallenangeli cant seem to get software center to load. http://paste.ubuntu.com/623018/ thats what i get when i try via terminal02:38
PalinBachman2012is there some limitto the number of indicators02:38
white-horsei think usb 3.0 is supported with 11.04 cause i see this:02:39
white-horseenvy17@100MBit:~$ lsusb Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub02:39
olskolircsay my name02:39
PalinBachman2012ok, i did02:39
fallenangelolskolirc ??02:39
royale1223white-horse: did you mount?02:39
olskolircyuk red02:40
brown_fernUSB 3.0 supported as noted here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usb_3.0#On_new_equipment02:40
phoenixkcwanna help me?02:40
white-horseit won't mount cause its a mac os x hfs+ j HDD02:40
metbsdhey i want to install hot-babe02:41
Ander_Thanks for the help with the shell script Aginor and rinkukokiri. Got it working :)02:41
fallenangelbrown_fern: i cant seem to get software center to load. http://paste.ubuntu.com/623018/ thats what i get when i try via terminal. any idea what to do. i remember you helping me before!!!! you have a nice easy name to remember02:41
royale1223white-horse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102881402:41
white-horseok now disk utility sees the drive02:41
white-horsei had to plug it in a usb 2.o port02:42
abbronzatohello, i'm using usually another distro (fed... and i'm using grub"1" for boot the pc) , can i nstall for a test the lts ubuntu version in only one partition the boot it with thw already oresent grub?   thx to all02:42
coz_abbronzato,  you might want to go to the #grub channel and ask there02:43
coz_abbronzato,  or the fedora channel02:43
PalinBachman2012oh, i had Bleutooth applet unchecked in startups02:44
fallenangeli cant seem to get software center to load. http://paste.ubuntu.com/623018/ thats what i get when i try via terminal02:44
abbronzatothx is for have as well the ubuntu lts on this pc, i'll try the grub way02:44
phoenixkci've been having a hell of a time trying to install a broadcom based wifi card in natty. anyone here think they can help?02:45
brown_fernfallenangel: I wish that I could help you again but I'm not proficient enough with Linux in order to know how to trouble-shoot your problem.02:45
fallenangelbrown_fern: thats ok. thanks anyway!02:45
white-horsehow do i make a mount point ?02:46
quickslvrHi, has anyone tried using CrossOver Pro and install Windows VMWare vSphere client application?02:46
white-horsemount: mount point /mac does not exist02:46
wootermake the directory white-horse02:47
brcaspermovva, hows your progress02:47
billy_hi ive just installed the new release of ubuntu onto my acer 1640z but the screen keeps on going like static and i have to restart any ideas anyone??02:52
lapagahow come when I close programs (for instance xchat and chromium) it does not release the ram and if I open them back up it starts where I left off?02:52
brown_fernAnder_: You likely already know about it if your shell choice is BASH, and I don't know that it is, but here is a good manual for BASH. http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/      also, there is the #bash channel. I myself am just learning.02:53
eiriksvinsorry, it keeps quiting on me... got it fixed now :P'02:53
fallenangeli cant seem to get software center to load. http://paste.ubuntu.com/623018/ thats what i get when i try via terminal02:53
lekefly_AMD Athlon II X2 250 is this cpu 64bit? how do i see if a cpu is 64bit? :p02:54
billy_hi ive just installed the new release of ubuntu onto my acer 1640z but the screen keeps on going like static and i have to restart any ideas anyone??02:55
wooterlekefly_, try the ubuntu 64bit live cd02:55
adrian_2002cahi guys I have an ATI card but when I activate the driver, there is an inch on the sides and 1/2 inch on top and bottom of black space. any help?02:55
aGrizzlyCan't watch Netflix with Ubuntu, any suggestions for where I can watch Dr. Who?02:55
billy_hi ive just installed the new release of ubuntu onto my acer 1640z but the screen keeps on going like static and i have to restart any ideas anyone?? im also running off a moniter because my lcd inverters broken could this be my problem though it didnt happen on windows02:56
phoenixkcaGrizzly: http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/doctor_who_(2005)/02:57
billy_aGrizzly, have you tried getting the restricted drivers [package02:57
TreaverI need help02:57
corrytonappleHow do I get all of this ingoing and outgoing joining channels stuff so I don't see it in XChat?02:57
phoenixkcthere are lots of ads but at least they apologize for them.02:57
billy_Treaver, !help02:57
aGrizzlyphoenixkc: Thank you.02:57
aGrizzlybilly_: No, I'll look into that.02:57
billy_!help Treaver02:57
corrytonapple!help | Treaver02:58
ubottuTreaver: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:58
billy_thats the one02:58
corrytonappleYeah, I was doing it from my memory too02:58
phoenixkcrestricted drivers won't work. trust me, i've spent way too much time trying to get netflix on linux.02:58
TreaverAlright haha02:58
TreaverOk when I installed Ubuntu 11.04 for the first time, It restarted and it said something about monitor needs to change02:59
TreaverNow 10 seconds later ubuntu started02:59
aGrizzlyphoenixkc: Understood. Thank you for the advice. =3 The site you linked looks good.02:59
corrytonappleTreaver:  Did it say anything about Unity?02:59
phoenixkcaGrizzly: welcome!02:59
TreaverYes after ubuntu started but it never gave me a choice to select operating system02:59
corrytonappleDo you have Windows installed?02:59
billy_Treaver, right on your log in screen you'll have a desktop selection screen select ubuntu classic by the sounds of it you cant run a unity desktop03:00
TreaverI want to run Windows 7, it did say I couldn't run unity03:00
TreaverBut I just want to get back to my windows 7 please!03:00
corrytonappleWe will worry about the boot selector later.  For now, you are logged in to your Ubuntu account, correct?03:00
corrytonappleWindows 7 is still there, no worries03:01
Treaveryes, but no internet connection03:01
TreaverI tried to bridge from my laptop but couldnt03:01
TreaverAnd it wont let me install my wpn111 from disk03:01
corrytonappleHow are you on IRC then?03:01
TreaverSo right now I think I'm fucked..03:01
TreaverI'm on my laptop...03:01
billy_hi ive just installed the new release of ubuntu onto my acer 1640z but the screen keeps on going like static and i have to restart any ideas anyone?? im also running off a moniter because my lcd inverters broken could this be my problem though it didnt happen on windows03:02
corrytonappleCan you see your network in the network manager?  It is in the system tray up top03:02
Treaverit says I'm connected to ethernet, but I can't get on browser on Ubuntu03:02
TreaverIf you could call me and talk to me 8179397427, I would like your help it might be faster03:03
adrian_2002caI have a black box around my screen after I activated fglrx. any help?03:03
corrytonappleCalling will not work for me.  We could try TeamViewer, but you would need working internet03:03
TreaverHow about calling me via my google account?03:04
TreaverThen I couldn't get your number or any information03:04
corrytonappleI am not worried about that. : )  It is just this computer has no mic, and calling or voice won't work, as I will wake up others in the house.03:04
TreaverCould you skype?03:04
ejvTreaver: you shouldn't give your personal information out, so freely, to strangers, especially in a large public channel.03:04
TreaverOk add me on skype treaverhoerig03:04
Frettalooks like deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid main restricted universe <-- is still down getting 40403:05
corrytonappleOk, hold on a second03:05
Treaverejv, I really don't care atm I just want my Windows :(03:05
Frettawhat should I change the miror too?03:05
billy_hi ive just installed the new release of ubuntu onto my acer 1640z but the screen keeps on going like static and i have to restart any ideas anyone?? im also running off a moniter because my lcd inverters broken could this be my problem though it didnt happen on windows03:05
corrytonappleTreaver:  I will try my best to help you.  I think I can.03:05
TreaverAlright corry, just add me on skype and ill show you everything :/03:05
Frettawindows *cough* *cough* linux sh_ts on windows03:05
nit-witFretta, change your server works for me no 404.03:06
TreaverFretta I wanted to use both ubuntu and windows03:06
TreaverBut I can't get on windows, and I can't get on internet on ubuntu03:06
FrettaTreaver I use windows for one thing these days and thats for testing other than that, windows in my opinion is a horrible OS and not secure for the non knowledgable user03:07
darnellCan anybody help me out with pxelinux?03:07
ejvi like xp, why you guys hating03:07
billy_Fretta,  Amen03:08
ejvdarnell: this is ubuntu, try #pxelinux03:08
ejvhmm nvm, they don't have a precense on this network apparently, google it :)03:09
darnellnon existant, pxelinux is included with ubuntu netboot03:09
SnakkahHow do I set grub to boot a specified kernel (an older one) instead of the one it chooses by default (the newest one)?03:10
ejvah ask away then ;)03:10
billy_darnell, just ask your question someone might be able to help03:10
nit-witdarnell, whats the problem and whats your goals here?03:10
brown_fern lekefly_: Consider reading the following, though they do not mention the particular value to look for and I can't remember what it is: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174897503:10
billy_Snakkah, just select classic ubuntu from the log in screen bottom right corner pretty much03:11
darnellOk, I would love to add an entry to boot LTSP on my ubuntu pxe install server. the LTSP is on another server03:11
Snakkahbilly_, that's not what I'm asking. I'm running Lucid lol. What I'm asking is how to make GRUB (the boot loader) load a different kernel than the one it selects by default?03:12
billy_Snakkah, so you have them installed and just want to switch03:15
nit-witSnakkah, install startup manager you can change the default,time out, resolution.03:15
kennettAny1 in here use Picasa?03:16
kennettI need help changing the date and time on a photo in picasa.03:16
billy_snakkah just run sudo apt-get install grub-pc in shell then it will run you through a setup where you can select your boot loader03:17
XenlandHow does one install ubuntu on another drive inside of ubuntu03:17
nit-witkennett, yo9u are asking us to help you lie?03:17
Xenlandim boot inside of ubuntu, and i have a blank harddrive i'd like to install linux on with otu a cd or usb stick03:17
kennettnit-wit: What do you mean help me lie?03:17
billy_Xenland, so why not just switch harddrives and run the install03:18
nit-witkennett, "I need help changing the date and time on a photo" speaks for itself.03:19
XenlandI don't have a usb stick or a blank cd03:19
brown_fernlekefly_: I have another one for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1692249      This thread notes a value but it is different than the one I don't remember. :-/ :-D03:19
XenlandI already had linux installed03:19
billy_then you cant do it it needs to be burned as an iso file03:19
Xenlandis there a way to burn it on a parition, then  boot inside of the partition?03:19
billy_Xenland, nope you need to do it as an iso because at the moment you only have one file once burned you'll have a complete install03:20
kennettnit-wit: Do you know how to weather that's why or not?03:21
billy_Xenland, why not just buy some blank disks there cheaper than toilet roll nowadays03:21
Apple_Catkennett: Give gimp a go, I think it can edit metadata in a photo03:22
XenlandI live on the outskirts of town about 30minutes away(driving) its going to be about a week till i get my registration back on my truck03:22
Xenlandthanks for your help tho billy_03:22
Apple_Cat!gimp | kennett03:22
ubottukennett: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.03:22
billy_Xenland, no worries03:22
kennettgimp can't do a batch of photos can it?03:23
Apple_Catkennett: Yes I think it can03:23
billy_hi ive just installed the new release of ubuntu onto my acer 1640z but the screen keeps on going like static and i have to restart any ideas anyone?? im also running off a moniter because my lcd inverters broken could this be my problem though it didnt happen on windows03:24
kennettApple_Cat: Do you know how because I've tried.03:24
=== david is now known as Guest29013
Apple_Catkennett: If you're having problems with it there is another program that is made for batch processing (well sort of anyway). It's called ImageMagick03:25
kennettApple_Cat: It's installed on my system but can't get it to work either. :(03:26
Apple_Catkennett: Just google imagemagick metadata and you'll find a bunch of stuff, read the man page for imagemagick too03:26
Monotokohi guys, I have a ubuntu server with native IPv6 capibility, I would like to route my home connection through it, this consists of both Windows and Linux computers, how can I go about getting it work, and most importantly, cross-platform?03:27
Apple_Catkennett: And if that still doesn't work, I'd just stick to manually editing the metadata on a photo program, this I know gimp does but you might even have luck with regular photo viewing programs03:28
billy_hi ive just installed the new release of ubuntu onto my acer 1640z but the screen keeps on going like static and i have to restart any ideas anyone?? im also running off a moniter because my lcd inverters broken could this be my problem though it didnt happen on windows03:29
billy_someone please hekp03:29
brown_fernbilly_: You said that it worked under Microsoft Windows so I'm probably wrong about this, but did you think to switch display modes as part of your function keys would provide for?03:29
billy_brown_fern, yes displays switched to both moniters its only the backlight on the laptop that dosnt work03:30
Frettanit-wit change server to wut regarding the 404 errors when using the default apt-get install...03:32
prezidenthello people can anybody tell me how to open applications on different desktops ?03:32
Xenlandhey chat, how do i update my ubuntu 9.4 sources so i can install gparted all my sources time out 40403:33
Xenlandthis distro im on hasent been updated scince 9.4 came out03:33
FrettaXenland same issue03:33
Frettagetting 404 errors whenever I use apt-get03:34
XenlandFretta +103:34
Frettathink we need to change the sources of the mirors03:34
PlughI just updated to Ubuntu 10.10 and mythtv still seems to work but mythbackend is segfaulting during system boot and I have to start it manually. Any idea why it would segfault? The log file reports error 6 or error 7 in libGL.03:34
hiexpoprezident, just got to thatdesktop or open it the one you are in and move it there03:34
XenlandFretta: i can't find any sources list tho can you?03:34
prezidenti know that hiepo im talking about having it start only in that desktop03:34
FrettaXenland no. trying to google now...03:34
FrettaXenland let me no if you find anything and vice versa03:35
Xenlandfretta: ill keep you posted :)03:35
adrian_2002caafter activating fglrx I get a black box around my screen halp?03:35
FrettaXenland thanks03:35
WarOpDoes Ubuntu 10.10 Save all packages by Default on the system03:36
rewtMonotoko, it would depend on how your subnet is routed to you; you may be able to do simple forwarding, or you may have to ndp proxy; maybe try in #ipv603:36
WarOpOr Does it Erase them03:36
billy_jose | !help03:38
brown_fernbilly_: It seems other people are experiencing the same problem across multiple Linux distributions. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=171448403:38
joseim newbie03:39
joseusing this platform03:39
prezidentdoes anybody know how to make an application only open up on a certain desktop ?03:39
billy_brown_fern, i usually wait for the next release to come out before upgrading i dont know why i didnt wait03:40
FrettaXenland try upating your source list: sudo aptitude update03:41
brown_fernjose: Hello, if you'd just like to chat with folk try #ubuntu-offtopic    by contrast #ubuntu is for problem solving.03:41
Frettaand then re-run your command you were originally trying03:41
Xenlandnotta, still 404 upon asking if i would like to continue03:43
WarOpDoes ubuntu 10.10 save the packages by default when you download and install packages or do you need to specify to save them03:44
hypodermiaokay guys. i feel like i'm taking crazy pills. can anybody tell me if it's possible to tell ubuntu to open steam URLs using steam?03:44
Xenlandfretta: i followed the sources links in my /etc/apt/source.list and it looks like jaunty dosent exist in the dist folder, that could be a reason why03:45
FrettaXenland and you tried updating?03:45
Xenlandhypodermia: is steam comptible with linux?03:45
Xenlandfretta: yeah i tried that, i get 404 errors when running that aswell03:46
FrettaXenland hmm I wonder if Jaunty is still supported03:46
hypodermiaXenland: runs in wine fine. tbqh i want the URIs handled with this command: wine c:\\program\ files\\steam\\steam.exe03:46
Frettaif not you can work off of old archives03:46
Frettanot sure how, but i know thats an option...03:46
Xenlandhypodermia: Do you mean you can't access the store and game trailers and what not?03:47
Xenlandhypodermia: or you can't get firefox to link it to externally when clicking on a link?03:47
mr_runeis there a way to extract some files from iphone on a virtual machine?03:47
hypodermiaXenland: steam works perfectly. that latter (chrome, xdg-open, whathaveyou)03:47
Xenlandhypodermia: nvm i probubly just didn't understand your question03:48
hypodermiaXenland: it'd be super sweet if i could set a URI handler for steam:// URI scheme that opened it with "wine c:\\program\ files\\steam\\steam.exe"03:48
Xenlandhypodermia: AHH i wonder the same thing03:48
Xenlandhypodermia: what kind of game do you get running with Wine nowa days? i play left 4 dead, tf2 and portal03:49
hypodermiayeah. like. supposedly it SHOULD work if i do this gconf thing, but.03:49
hypodermiaXenland: i don't own l4d, but tf2 and portal work flawlessly03:49
hypodermiaXenland: tbqh my experience was no different than windows. double-click steam installer, then use like normal.03:49
Xenlandhypodermia: no kidding!? I remember why half-life2 would barley be compatible... with wine03:50
Xenlandbut that was a long time ago03:50
hypodermiaXenland: that works perfectly as well. i could dig up a screenshot or two...03:50
Xenlandhypodermia: whats the frame rate difference from windows then ubuntu03:50
Xenlandi know that was always a prob with wine03:50
iLLf8dhey all is there a hotkey to open the workspace switcher? I dont see one in the hotkeys list03:51
hypodermiaXenland: bear in mind i have no video card, just integrated intel graphics, but my experience is almost identical. maybe a tiny bit better performance with wine.03:51
Xenlandhypdermia: ahh cool so it Must be playable with a low end graphics card cool. imma try it out now03:51
hypodermiaXenland: http://s.zubon.org/20110606-08-Workspace1.png i was playing yesterday03:51
hypodermiai prefer playing in a window03:52
=== ujjain is now known as ujjain|afk
xMopxHey guys, currently trying to install 11.04... I have Windows via software  raid installed, is there any way i can dual boot the two?03:52
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iLLf8dsuper s nm03:53
brown_ferniLLf8d: I need to know that too, I love "alt + tab" for switching applications within a workspace but it doesn't help without knowing what we are both looking for.03:54
Xenlandhypodermia: sick that looks like the same graphics quailty too!. UPDATE: i edited my /etc/apt/source.list to all say natty instead of my jaunty distro and im not getting any 404's yet, hopefully it will install tho03:54
hypodermiaXenland: it was really a pleasant experience tbqh. wine got their act together.03:54
Xenlandhypdoermia: what does tbqh mean?03:55
Kalvindoes anybody know what "Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary." is?03:55
hypodermiato be quite honest03:55
Xenlandhypodermia: looks like it's installing with a BUNCH of updates (obviously becuase 2 major version realeases LOL)03:55
hypodermiaKalvin: deep magic. gparted tell you that?03:55
Kalvinhypodermia: nop... fdisk03:55
hat0hi all.  i'm trying to set an openpgp key for my launchpad account.  i've created a key in the prefs tool and have the fingerprint.  launchpad, however, doesn't seem to want to take it.  says "There's a problem importing your openpgp key" or something.03:56
Xenlandhypodermia: looks like i'll be upgrading to natty soon :P03:56
hypodermiaXenland: good times :)03:56
Xenlandlol 44minutes03:56
Xenlandjust to install gparted03:56
Kalvinhypodermia: do you know what  cylinder boundary is?03:56
=== idleone is now known as IdleOne
mr_runehow can i retrieve photos from my iphone to a virtual machine?03:57
hypodermiaKalvin: yeah. hard disks are split into cylinders, heads, and sectors03:57
hypodermiaa cylinder is a part of a hard drive in a physical sense. some BIOSs (iirc) have trouble with partitions that don't start and stop on cylinder boundaries03:57
brown_ferniLLf8d: "ctrl + alt + (arrow keys)"      Is this what you needed?03:57
hypodermiaKalvin: it is something i know with my computer i can actually ignore03:58
escottKalvin, bigger concern is to make sure your partitions are aligned with the hard drives block size03:59
Kalvinescott: and how can I know that?04:01
xMopxCan I dual boot Windows on a Bios Raid setup and Ubuntu on a separate hard disk?04:01
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
nexacewhat file in /var/log will show incoming tcp connections, like web connections on port 80 and from what IP addresses?04:03
LoafxMopx of course, but you have to switch between them using the bios boot menu04:03
escottKalvin, the safest thing is to assume 4k block size and make sure that all partitions begin and end at multiples of 4096 bytes04:03
TemplarJRC@search secret04:04
almoxarifenexace: ufw.log can04:05
julienexace, /var/log/apache2/access_log on my system04:06
nexacealmoxarife: what if that does not exist?04:06
Dr_Zaxxondoes anybody use mrtg here?04:06
almoxarifenexace: I assume that is because ufw the pckg is not installed04:07
nexacejulie: thank you04:07
juliedon't know what mrtg is Dr_Zaxxon04:08
Dr_Zaxxonmulti router graph tool04:09
Kalvinescott: so... do I have problem with the partition sda3? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/623064/04:09
=== shinnok is now known as Guest23095
WarOpDoes ubuntu 10.10 save its packages by default04:10
WarOpwhen you download them04:10
Kalvinescott:  23,841.7504:11
almoxarifewireshark kicks the llamas rear04:11
julieKalvin, how could someone tell if you have a problem with a partition from looking at your partition table?04:11
escottKalvin, looks fine. thats a 500gb drive so it is probably 512byte blocks. i wouldn't worry04:11
Kalvinescott: thanks!04:12
escottKalvin, parted and gparted are a bit smarter about warning about potential problems with newer disks04:12
pcbobfi just installed 11.04 and my favorite game no longer works *runes of magic* .... it kind of works until the side bar opens then it craws and the graphics turn color.   sup? confused.04:13
justinjkHi all04:13
z0mmeranybody here please explane me step-by-step how to patch file04:14
justinjkQuick question- after using default settings when installing ubuntu will I be able to connect my hard disk to a windows machine and drop files on the ubuntu hard drive or will they be incompatible with the filesystem?04:14
juliez0mmer, you will need to give more details on what you're trying to patch or achieve04:15
almoxarifejustinjk: yes04:15
justinjkalmoxarife thank you04:15
almoxarifejustinjk: yes you can04:15
justinjkI appreciate it04:16
juliejustinjk, almoxarife: windows does not by default support ext2fs04:16
Kalvinescott: does parted and gparted have a disk checker? I though that they only resize disks04:16
justinjkI suppose I may have to reformat to NTFS then. No big deal.04:17
almoxarifejulie: samba connects ubuntu to win04:17
pcbobfgoing to gentoo04:17
juliealmoxarife, he was not talking of connecting computers together but installing the drive on the windows machine04:17
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juliejustinjk, there are ext2fs drivers for windows though04:18
justinjkThanks julie I may do that.04:18
TrDtry this julie04:18
Snake__Hi Julie04:18
FloodBot1TrD: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:18
juliehi Snake__04:19
=== Prodego is now known as administrivia
escottKalvin, parted does everything fdisk does. people just use fdisk because they are more familiar with it because it is older, but that older heritage means it gives CHS warnings on LBA disks04:19
juliejustinjk, TrD just gave a good link for the driver04:20
justinjksweet ;)04:20
Snake__How are you Julie04:20
justinjkJust saved me some googling TrD04:20
julieSnake__, fine thanks04:20
Snake__I can t believe a girl is into Linux so much no offense04:20
Kalvinescott: I didn't know that ;) I'll read more about parted04:21
justinjkTrD unfortunately I'm using Windows 7 which isn't supported... I think I'm going to try this instead ---> http://www.ext2fsd.com/04:21
Blue1Snake__: you should meet loni04:22
Snake__LOL I like Linux :)04:23
Snake__Where are you guys from04:23
TrDok justinjk good luck :)04:23
justinjkThanks TrD04:23
Blue1Snake__: off topic but I in southern az04:23
z0mmerfrom all over the world04:23
* Blue1 waits for the offtopic nazi04:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:24
almoxarifeI have an interesting issue, miro knows when a vid file as been 'watched' , ps3server allows me to watch the miro dowloaded vids on the big screen via ps3, how do I fake miro into thinking I have watched it on miro?04:24
Blue1thanks now I feel at home04:24
Blue1i have never heard of miro sorry04:25
Blue1almoxarife: is that a media player of some sort?04:25
almoxarifeBlue1: it allows one to d/l media and view it04:26
qinalmoxarife: Need to know where miro keeps its temp, if possible just edit it.04:26
Blue1almoxarife: i d/l it then use vlc04:26
justinjkI'll see you all on the flip side... and by that I mean on the Ubuntu machine.04:27
Blue1okay another off topic thing - anyone here good with setting up gnucash?04:27
escottBlue1, setting it up for what04:27
Blue1escott: checking account....04:27
celthunderBlue1:  ioni is fun to talk to most days04:27
Kalvinescott: can I ask you the last question?04:27
Blue1escott: private message ok?04:28
escottBlue1, ok04:28
echeeseI'm about to install ubuntu i think, but there's 2 issues. 1: I already have Windows and I don't have room for a new partition and 2: Not sure if I should choose 32 or 64 bit04:28
escottKalvin, go ahead04:28
julieecheese, do you have spare space on your Windows partition?04:28
echeesejulie, i'd prefer to not use NTFS04:28
Kalvinescott: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/623073/04:29
escottecheese, gparted can usually resize NTFS, but be sure to take a backup in case you need to restore04:29
Kalvinescott: is it normal that partition 4 is not aligned?04:29
echeeseescott, alright, thanks04:29
Kalvinescott: it's an extended04:29
julieecheese, you can either resize your NTFS partition or install ubuntu on a loop device (filesystem over another filesystem)04:29
echeeseI have 4 GB, and an i5, should I use 64 bit?04:30
Kalvinescott: in a optimal check... but in a minimal it say aligned04:30
julieecheese, no need to unless you plan to upgrade the RAM04:30
ZeDingoi'm trying to find where to change grub's menu04:30
ZeDingocan't find a /boot/grub/menu.lst04:30
escottKalvin, partition 4 is extended so there is no data in it. as long as the partitions inside it are aligned you should be fine, but since you have 500GB drive chances are that it is 512byte blocks and alignment doesn't matter04:30
Snake__Dang Julie you sound  smart04:30
julieZeDingo, are you sure your boot partition is mounted?04:31
qin!grub2 | ZeDingo04:31
ubottuZeDingo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:31
ZeDingoas far as i know04:31
qinZeDingo: What version you using?04:31
Kalvinescott: :) okey... thanks escott for your help04:32
Blue1ZeDingo: this might help:  http://pkill-9.com/recovering-ubuntudebian-linux-after-a-windows-installhiccup/04:32
ZeDingoi have grub installed, i'm trying to change the menu to make windows the default04:32
mr_runehow can I transfer files from an iphone to a virtual machine (ubuntu host) ?04:33
qinZeDingo: This file to make changes /etc/default/grub and update grub afterwards04:33
ZeDingoah, ok04:34
Snake__Guys I m new to with empathy04:34
Snake__I just use it to go on FB04:34
Snake__What else can be done with it04:34
brown_fernecheese: Ubuntu can be put on USB stick and booted from there until you acquire a hard disk drive that will otherwise be of use. Do you know if your machine is 64-bit? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1692249     If you are going to resize Windows I would do it with a Windows-based application/tool.04:35
ZeDingoyeah the page you sent me was still the opposite of helpful since /boot/grub/grub.cfg says DON'T EDIT ME NOOOOOO04:35
qinZeDingo: /etc/default/grub04:35
ZeDingoyeah that's where i'm goin04:35
prototypehey guys.  I have access to a very powerful ubuntu machine, and I am looking into contributing some computational power.  So far, I have folding@home.  What else is there?04:35
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
echeesebrown_fern, I have half a terrabyte of hard drive, I have plenty of space, it's just that I want a more permanent home for my ubuntu install04:36
plustaxim having an issue. running ubuntu 11 and the tops of my windows arent there.04:36
plustaxthe taskbar tops with the x and minimize etc etc04:36
plustaxany ideas?04:36
jack_^^plustax: windows decoration.04:36
plustaxin compiz?04:37
celthunderprototype, you can donate some computing power to me04:37
plustaxokay I got them back04:38
plustaxlol now I cant move them around at all jack_^^04:38
Sonjadid i install Java incorrectly on natty 64bit? http://pastie.org/204597604:38
julieprototype, nothing stops you from filling the machine with folding@home04:38
ZeDingoaaand now i forget which position windows 7 is at on the list04:38
ZeDingothere's 2 for kubuntu, 2 for memtest right?04:38
prototypecelthunder: well, how would I do that without giving you network access to my machine?  Anything short of you ssh'ing into my machine, or giving me a trojan is okay :)04:38
plustaxjack_^^, you there?04:38
plustaxI cant move the windows around now.I got the decorations back. but they seem frozen where they are. cant move em04:39
mr_runeis there a way to get some files from an iphone to a windows virtual machine (ubuntu host) via winscp ???04:39
qinprototype: ssh is ok04:39
celthunderprototype, ssh and root sound good to me :) and i was kidding ...mostly04:39
Dantoniccelthunder are you here?04:39
celthunderDantonic, just got home yes i am04:39
=== nickmoeck_ is now known as nickmoeck
celthunderhow's the rest of your install go04:40
Snake__What else can I fo04:40
celthunderbadly judging by you're looking for my blood04:40
Snake__What else can I do04:40
prototypewell, actually, I have access to 2 powerful xeons, and about 20 normal ubuntu machines.  I don't know what to do with it!04:40
Dantoniccelthunder hey! I wanted to thank you for your help the other night... well unfortunately it did not work...04:40
echeesewhat can I use to resize NTFS from windows?04:40
celthunderprototype, if they're really powerful on a decent network sell vps's off them...that's what i do on my power server04:40
brown_fernecheese: I just shrunk a Windows XP partition, that was taking up the whole hard drive of a computer, in order to make room for Ubuntu. I did it with a native Windows software tool, I'd recommend it but I can't remember its name at the moment, are you going to be here for a few minutes, I could find it?04:40
celthunderDantonic, lol ok what's the issue04:41
Dantoniccelthunder it is still failing due to the previous install I think... it crashes at bootup like the old isntall used to...04:41
echeesebrown_fern, haha yeah, once I join a channel I never leave.04:41
Dantonicthe old 10.04 install04:41
celthunderDantonic, ok what's the error it crashes with?04:41
julieprototype, if you don't need them you could sell or, lend or donate them04:41
mr_runeecheese: gparted, from livecd04:41
celthunderDantonic, ok well lets fix it then :)04:41
celthunderecheese, partitionmagic04:41
plustaxcan anyone help me real quick?04:42
plustaxI cant move around my windows running 1104:42
echeesecelthunder, i don't think they make that anymore04:42
cyphahow can I search google from the command line? (and have results returned to the command line as well)? Maybe something like this: http://www.goosh.org/04:42
celthunderecheese, doesn't mean it doesn't work04:42
Dantoniccelthunder but hang on... I want to bring up another issue... I've realized when this problem with the partitions not being recognized was caused...04:42
celthundercypha, telnet04:42
cyphawithout entering elinks, or whatever04:42
prototypehow do I put this... I have access access to them, but I do not own them :)  So selling them is out of the question.  I do have discrete access to them, so I was wondering what I can do to put them to use.  They are on a very powerful fiber net04:42
celthundercypha, telnet?04:42
cyphacelthunder, telnet to what? and why isn't using telnet slower?04:43
celthundercypha, to google.com port 8004:43
mr_runeplease no one use iphone here ?04:43
Dantoniccelthunder I was having a grub issue at some point in the past and couldn't get back into my windows partition.  someone in the #windows channel suggested I use eASEUS Partition Master... and I did. that helped me fix the problem, but I believe it also caused this issue...04:43
eman99hello. I cannot get serve side includes to work on apache on ubuntu. anyone want help me?04:43
celthundercypha, or wget your google search results04:43
ActionParsnipmr_rune: not even if you paid me04:43
^c|0ud^Can someone help me I am trying to compile xbmc in ubuntu but it stops at checking for main in -lGL .. can anyone help with that?04:43
escottecheese, use gparted in the livecd. you cant resize while running windows anyways04:43
cyphacelthunder, how do I wget it?04:43
cyphacelthunder, and isn't having to create a telnet connection slower?04:43
mr_runeActionParsnip: actually, I got paid to use it lol04:44
ActionParsnip^c|0ud^: why not just use the ppa?04:44
ActionParsnipmr_rune: nice, but unlucky04:44
celthundercypha, wget http://www.google.com/search?q=test or something like that04:44
mr_runebut now I'm stuck with a bunch of photos that i can't unload04:44
celthundercypha, and no? just requires more work04:44
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ActionParsnipmr_rune: could upload to dropbox etc, then download from there04:44
celthunderDantonic, ok...idk what eASEUS Partition Master does ...but what's the error when you boot04:45
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^c|0ud^it's an amd apu motherboard stable builds dont work with it04:45
ActionParsnipmr_rune: or use bluetooth to data send04:45
ActionParsnip^c|0ud^: i see04:45
^c|0ud^need to compile it with vaapi04:45
mr_runeActionParsnip: that's a good idea, but I don't know how to upload from that photo album (not the camera roll one)04:45
ActionParsnip^c|0ud^: so its a tablet pc04:45
celthunderDantonic, ?04:46
^c|0ud^no kind of like an atom pc04:46
mr_runethey are on that folder that sync with Images folder04:46
=== nexusvoid is now known as _pr0t0type_
Dantoniccelthunder look at what that program shows, can you infer anything from my partition setup for why the partitions would not be recognized by gparted? http://tinypic.com/r/2k1yki/704:47
Dantoniccelthunder I'll have to reboot to see that error again I can't remember04:47
mr_runeI'm having problems with winscp connection to iphone (ubuntu host) can anyone help ?04:47
Sonjais there a wizard for xorg.conf?04:47
celthunderDantonic, ok reboot and write it down please..or if yo uhave another computer handy to connect to irc from?04:48
ActionParsnip^c|0ud^: yeah just looking now, looks like good stuff04:48
ActionParsnipSonja: sure, drop to root recovery mode and run:  Xorg -configure04:49
ActionParsnipSonja: there used to be a handy one back in Gutsy, but it is no more :(04:49
celthunderSonja, not really...but what ActionParsnip just said will make a good starting point04:49
^c|0ud^what does -lGL stand for when compiling04:49
celthunder^c|0ud^, what compiler?04:50
^c|0ud^I am not sure lol.. I am just doing a ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/xbmc --enable-vaapi04:50
ActionParsnip^c|0ud^: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/ubuntu-cant-build-i-get-cannot-find-lgl-error-627341/04:50
SonjaActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/204602004:51
ActionParsnipSonja: did you run it in a root recovery console?04:51
Snake__I want to talk to a sexy smart girl04:51
ActionParsnipSonja: it would have required a reboot04:51
ActionParsnipSnake__: that is offtopic here04:51
Sonjawhat's a root recovery console?04:51
ActionParsnipSonja: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root04:52
brown_fernecheese: I regret that I have returned without the name of that resizing program, however, I did see that Maximum PC, the same place I found the other one, had good things to say about this tool. http://www.partitionwizard.com/04:52
echeesethanks, brown_fern04:52
ActionParsnipSonja: thats WHY I said to use a recovery root console, yet you just wet ahead and ran the command anyway, you wonder why it dodnt work huh......04:52
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ActionParsnip!away > Xerrao[Detached]04:53
ubottuXerrao[Detached], please see my private message04:53
celthunderDantonic, any luck with gettign the error04:53
julieActionParsnip, Xorg -configure does not need to be run in recovery console04:53
Dantoniccelthunder sorry just a minute rebooting now04:54
celthunderDantonic, ok np04:54
Dantoniccelthunder I'll logon from my phone04:54
brown_fernecheese: I personally feel that a Windows tool can handle NTFS a little better than a Linux tool, but gparted just keeps getting better and better. that Maximum PC article is this one, by-the-way. http://www.maximumpc.com/article/ask_doctor/shrinking_partitions_raid04:54
ActionParsnipjulie: it needs the X server to not be running, its one of the easiest ways a user can get to that state04:55
julieActionParsnip, I suppose you may be right but I hate rebooting when it's not needed04:55
z00mmerquestion, when i tryed to patch my file it gives me Hunk #1 failed at 205 Hunk #2 failed and so on. How can i fixed it to make a normal patch04:56
^c|0ud^hmm can't seem to find Unable to locate package nvidia-glx-new04:56
ActionParsnipjulie: oh truly :) but if it makes life easier for new users then I'm all for it04:56
ActionParsnip^c|0ud^: what nvidia chip do you use?04:56
celthunderActionParsnip, you can tell it to use a different display than :0 when doign X -configure usually works around having X running04:57
juliez00mmer, this means the patch was not applied to the correct code (probably wrong version or wrong patch)04:57
Dantoniccelthunder the error appears as a box in the top right corner and says: install problem! The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly.  Please contact your computer administrator.04:57
ActionParsnip^c|0ud^: lspci | grep --i vga     will tell you04:57
anandafter update i am aunable to boot ubuntu new kernel but i can boot in older one is there any way i can remove the new kernel from system and grub menu04:57
^c|0ud^I dont have an nvidia chipset lol..04:57
^c|0ud^its AMD.04:57
celthunderDantonic, ok one moment while i try to figure that one out04:57
ActionParsnip^c|0ud^: so why do you need nvidia anything?04:57
ActionParsnipcelthunder: true04:58
^c|0ud^-lGL is from nvidia driver I guess04:58
Dantoniccelthunder ok... I'm contemplating repartitioning the whole drive more and more... even if we get this working I still have some kind of error in the partition table that I cannot fix04:58
anandafter update i am aunable to boot ubuntu new kernel but i can boot in older one is there any way i can remove the new kernel from system and grub menu04:58
JoeR1I need a list the PCI devices in my computer04:59
celthunderDantonic, one minute ...i see a few results for that error and ? wht's the error04:59
IdleOneJoeR1: lspci04:59
anandafter update i am aunable to boot ubuntu new kernel but i can boot in older one is there any way i can remove the new kernel from system and grub menu04:59
JoeR1I need a command to list PCI devices I mean04:59
ActionParsnipJoeR1: yes,   lspci05:00
Dantoniccelthunder what error?05:00
Dantoniccelthunder partition magic tells me I have a bad partition table05:00
celthunderDantonic, nvm ok can you please push ctrl alt f1 and login05:00
ActionParsnipanand: can you give the output of:    dpkg -l | grep linux-image; uname -a; echo; lsb_release -a       use http://pastie.org   to hold the text05:00
ActionParsnipoh well05:01
ActionParsnipanand: can you give the output of:    dpkg -l | grep linux-image; uname -a; echo; lsb_release -a       use http://pastie.org   to hold the text05:01
celthunderDantonic, you logged in ?05:01
Dantoniccelthunder the screen is actually all messed up... maybe something wrong with the video... can't make anything out05:02
anandyes for sure here   dpkg -l | grep linux-image; uname -a; echo; lsb_release -a05:02
anandii  linux-image-2.6.39-0-generic          2.6.39-0.5~20110427                        Linux kernel image for version 2.6.39 on x86/x86_6405:02
anandii  linux-image-generic                                 Generic Linux kernel image05:02
anandLinux anand-Aspire-5738 2.6.39-0-generic #5~20110427-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 27 17:41:08 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux05:02
anandLSB Version:core-2.0-ia32:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-ia32:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-ia32:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-ia32:core-4.0-noarch05:02
FloodBot1anand: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
Dantoniccelthunder nm05:02
Dantoniccelthunder it worked05:02
ActionParsnipanand: I TOLD YOU to use http://pastie.org to host the text.....05:03
celthunderDantonic, ok now sudo dpkg --configure -a05:03
Dantoniccelthunder I'm logged in05:03
ActionParsnipanand: it's there clear as day05:03
ActionParsnipanand: can you kindly do as i requested and make a pastebin05:03
celthunderDantonic, now wait for it to complete may take a little bit and then sudo shutdown -r now (that'll reboot the computer)05:03
Dantoniccelthunder ok be back in a bit05:04
* ActionParsnip has a sneaky suspicion05:04
celthunderfreezway, hey05:07
freezway hey anyone here use kdenlive and get weird choppy gargly sound at the start of clips? even when rendered?05:08
brown_fernanand: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#/etc/default/grub%20%28file%2905:10
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
ShikhinSome body help! I installed Ubuntu 11.04 using Wubi, and everything was working fine. Till now, that is. Recently, I have started getting the errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623090/ I tried chkdsk /r but it didn't help. Ubuntu is installed in G: drive by the way.05:11
ShikhinI am badly in need of help.05:11
ShikhinI have large amounts of data in my Windows installation.05:11
ShikhinAnd uh, I can't find the files in G:\ drive also!05:12
Dantoniccelthunder so actually it gave some errors "dependency problems prevent configuration of grub-pc05:12
anandk thanks05:12
Dantoniccelthunder package grub-common is not installed05:12
ShikhinMoreover, I cannot find any "found.000" folder.05:12
Dantoniccelthunder grub-pc depends on grub-common05:13
celthunderDantonic, so install grub-pc and grub-common?05:13
celthunderDantonic, sudo apt-get install grub-pc grub-common05:13
shockingbehavurwhat is wammu like...when it works with hsdpa modems05:14
brown_fernanand: That page should indicate the values you'd have to manually configure in order to have Grub2 auto-select a kernel at boot. that will not, however, remove the undesired kernel from your computer.05:14
ShikhinAnyone? I am frustrated!05:14
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:15
pdtpatrickQuestion: when u do cat <something> | pastebinit .. is that pastebin private and has expiration ?05:15
celthunderShikhin, lol05:16
katsrcdoes anyone have links or youtube video on installing Ubuntu05:16
katsrcfor someone very new05:16
celthunderpdtpatrick, it's public05:16
Shikhincelthunder: Ah come on. :-)05:16
ActionParsnipShikhin: ask in ##windows for windows help05:16
Snake__you can install ubuntu05:16
Snake__many ways05:16
katsrcsimple way05:17
celthunderkatsrc, how you going to install it...05:17
Snake__I know how to install it05:17
brown_fernpdtpatrick: Yet another place to ask would be #bash.05:17
katsrcthe simplest05:17
katsrcnot me for someone else05:17
Snake__with Vmaware fusion 305:17
Snake__if you have a mac05:17
Snake__it s easy05:17
ShikhinActionParsnip: This isn't Windows help. I installed Ubuntu through Wubi. Now I don't think Windows are going to help me. Some one of you are.05:17
mr_runekatsrc:  believe me, it's veeery easy05:17
katsrcfor someone from the Windows world05:17
katsrci know05:17
celthunderkatsrc, put in usbstick with ubuntu on it and follow menu reboot when done. installed05:17
ActionParsnipShikhin: those are windows files on a windows partition05:17
katsrcbut do you recommend a video or step by step guide?05:17
ActionParsnipkatsrc: do you want a true install or do you want a virtual system?05:17
ShikhinActionParsnip: But are for Ubuntu.05:18
katsrcnothing like wubi05:18
ActionParsnipShikhin: no, they are made by windows05:18
ShikhinActionParsnip: You know what Wubi is?05:18
ActionParsnipShikhin: yes, but i don't like it05:18
mr_runekatsrc:  do you want to install via cd or usb stick?05:18
ActionParsnipShikhin: those files are nothing to do with wubi05:18
Shdwdrgndoes anyone know how to get setterm to actually turn off the monitor?  The -powersave and -powerdown options do not seem to have any affect, and I'm wondering if maybe there's a missing kernel option, or something else?05:18
ShikhinActionParsnip: Huh?05:19
katsrcinstall it from CD05:19
ShikhinActionParsnip: "/ubuntu/disk/root.disk" has nothing to do with Ubuntu?05:19
mr_runekatsrc:  ok, did you already burn the image ?05:19
ActionParsnipShikhin: you are clearly an idiot so I'll give you a link: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/safe-delete-found-000-found-001-found-002-newbie-t1503051.html   IT IS A WINDOWS ISSUE05:19
katsrci don't need it05:19
katsrcit's for someone else05:19
Juv1228anyone know if mprime is in any ubuntu repos?05:20
shockingbehavurwho's familiar with wammu05:20
celthunderActionParsnip, awe i was having fun loling at him05:20
katsrcheck, i would just tell them to come on IRC but i think they never used IRC before05:20
ActionParsnipcelthunder: just tired of people saying stuff is something when it's clearly not05:20
celthunderkatsrc, burn the iso image on the cd insert follow menu's accordingly reboot05:20
ActionParsnipkatsrc: what OS is currently installed and do they want to keep it?05:21
ActionParsnipShikhin: does that post mention in any way wubi?05:21
ActionParsnipkatsrc: what OS is it?05:21
mr_runekatsrc:  sure, then tell he/she need to download the ISO image from the ubuntu site, burn it and follow the steps from there....very easy05:21
Dantoniccelthunder ok after installing a bunch of dependencies, I ran the command again, and it quickly returned a prompt05:22
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ActionParsnipkatsrc: Windows Vista? Windows 7/ Windows XP? Mac OS?05:23
celthunderDantonic, ok now sudo shutdown -r now05:23
andrew_ hey anyone here use kdenlive and get weird choppy gargly sound at the start of clips? even when rendered?05:23
celthunderandrew_, does anything else return choppy sound?05:23
katsrcWindows 705:23
Dantoniccelthunder ok05:23
Dantonicit rebooted....05:23
celthunderDantonic, :) that was the goal...see if gdm lets you login now05:24
katsrcthanks a lot, i'll just give him this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall05:24
Dantoniccelthunder :(:(  grub rescue>05:24
celthunderDantonic, that makes sense since you just installed grub...05:25
Donnie_Darko21anyone know about reainstalling dualboot os tell me about metods and problems05:25
Dantoniccelthunder now what?05:26
andrew_celthunder, like?05:26
andrew_system audio no.05:26
andrew_just kdenlive and its files05:26
celthunderDantonic, you're in grub rescue atm...lets get you booted first :)05:26
Donnie_Darko21i think i will broke the grub if i reinstall some of os that i have :(05:27
Dantoniccelthunder so how do I boot?05:28
celthunderDantonic, ok did you get amenu from grub at least earlier?05:28
celthunderDantonic, (like before it dropped you into recovery?)05:29
celthunderDantonic, ok whats the exact prompt atm?05:29
Dantoniccelthunder error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not found.05:30
Dantonicgrub rescue05:30
panfistdoes anyone know of a good app to track task progress?05:30
panfisti am working hourly and i want to document what i do as i go05:31
ActionParsnippanfist: like a gantt chart?05:31
celthunderDantonic, You were using sda5 as / which had your /boot right?05:31
panfisti'm looking for something that i can write in an agenda on an hour or 15min basis, about a day in advance and then maybe modify a little to reflect how much time i actually spend on each task05:31
ActionParsnippanfist: gedit05:32
justinjkhow is it possible that my password was already changed on ubuntu when I've only installed a couple packages?05:32
panfisti think a gantt chart might be too complicated for me, but maybe gedit is too simple?05:32
panfistis there anything in between05:32
Dantoniccelthunder uhm... not sure05:32
justinjkMaybe I'm missing something I feel pretty stupid either way.05:32
celthunderDantonic, ls (hd0,5)/boot any output05:32
juliejustinjk, what password was changed^05:33
ActionParsnippanfist: if its in a text based agenda, i'd shoot for gedit. What sort of thing did you have in mind05:33
celthunderDantonic, or ls (hd0,5)/boot/grub05:33
Dantoniccelthunder yes it shows a bunch of menu entries looks like05:33
justinjkI was installing packages and obviously it was asking for my pass so I put my set ubuntu password in and everything was working fine (using both package manager and terminal) now neither package manager or terminal are recognizing my password.05:33
celthunderDantonic, ok that's good now do set root=(hd0,5)05:34
ActionParsnipjustinjk: is caps lock on?05:34
Dantoniccelthunder ok done05:34
celthunderDantonic, then do linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda5 ro05:34
justinjkActionParsnip nah I double checked that and I tried with numlock on and off... No luck.05:34
celthunderDantonic, then initrd /initrd.img05:35
ActionParsnipjustinjk: tried just typing itin terminal, to see if it displays right05:35
panfistActionParsnip: i guess i'm not quite sure. now i think maybe i should just start with a gantt chart05:35
celthunderDantonic, then type boot05:35
Dantoniccelthunder unknown command 'linux'05:35
ActionParsnippanfist: worth a shot05:35
panfistActionParsnip: i would like to be able to audit a project, but i'm the only developer on it05:35
ActionParsnippanfist: then you have no communication, so you can do as you pleasae :)05:35
justinjk`No command 'itin' found, did you mean:05:36
panfistActionParsnip: true but in order to be objective about my work i have to be able to analyze it more than just how i think things are going, and to be accountable to my boss05:36
panfisti don't know about you but there is too much crap going through my head on a daily basis to be able to recall in detail exactly what i was doing two weeks ago05:37
panfistmaybe it's because im the only developer, but everything is starting to blur together05:37
juliejustinjk, ActionParsnip was telling you to type the password in a separate window so you could see what you're typing and then copy and paste it05:37
ejvwhat are you developing panfist05:37
ActionParsnippanfist: gantt charts sound great, you could use gedit initially so you don't waste time, then draw up a pretty chart late using a tool or gnucalc / libreoffice calc05:38
celthunderDantonic, ok05:38
ActionParsnipjustinjk: it was just to test the right keys were creating the right characters, its not a command05:38
panfistit's an internal app for a small business, half porting an old ms access application, half extending it with new features. the porting is about half done05:38
ActionParsnipjustinjk: have you tried using gksudo instead of sudo?05:38
celthunderDantonic, you got a livecd you can boot from?05:38
ActionParsnippanfist: sounds cool :)05:38
celthunderDantonic, we can fix it from here but it'd be a lot easier for me if you had one to boot from05:39
ejvvery vague but cool :P05:39
* ActionParsnip loves speeddial2 05:39
celthunderDantonic, ok cool boot to the livecd thanks05:39
ActionParsnipjustinjk: if it doesn't work in gksudo then i'd drop to root recovery mode (or log on as another user in the admin group) and set your password there05:40
panfistejv it's a small manufacturing company and it's just a boring app to track production, customer service, whatever else05:40
justinjkActionParsnip, nah but it's pretty random how I was using my password fine then out of nowhere it's giving me wrong password. ANYTHING is possible because I once set an incorrect password and confirmed it... This just seems out of the ordinary because I entered the password multiple times without a problem and now it's not wokring.05:40
mega3anything else?05:41
justinjkI did in fact put a wrong password. Talk about a fail. Thanks for the help.05:41
Dantoniccelthunder booting05:42
justinjkLiterally installed 3-4 packages while typing the incorrect password that I set incorrectly.05:42
celthunderDantonic, sorry shoulda realized before ...05:42
Dantoniccelthunder it's ok... I'm in05:43
juliejustinjk, please stop or I won't be able to resists laughing :)05:43
celthunderDantonic, ok open a terminal05:43
celthunderDantonic, remember the first few commands i made you run last night for the chroot (if not that's fine i can regive them to you)05:44
Dantoniccelthunder I don't05:45
celthunderDantonic, ok mkdir /tmp/a05:45
santhoshguys im trying to add a service to the boot by update-rc.d but i am getting update-rc.d command not found05:46
Dantoniccelthunder ok05:46
MrPPSsanthosh: which version of *buntu?05:47
ParsleyWhat's a good tablet PC to buy? I'm looking to purchase a new one.05:47
celthunderDantonic, cd /tmp/a;mount -t proc proc proc/;mount -t sysfs sys sys/;mount -o bind /dev dev/05:47
julie!ot |parsley05:48
ubottuparsley: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:48
santhoshMrPPS: 10.04 server05:48
santhoshi did this about 3 months back and it worked but now i dont know why it shows update-rc.d command not found05:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:49
celthundersanthosh, is it in your $PATH05:49
santhoshit should be by default right05:49
MrPPSsanthosh: mine isn't05:50
MrPPSnot on 10.0405:50
MrPPS11.04 it is05:50
mr_runehow can i transfer photos from iphone (that are NOT in the camera roll) to ubuntu?05:50
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celthundermr_rune, mount it through fuse?05:50
qinsanthosh: locate ?05:50
celthundermr_rune, install an ftp/ssh server on your iphone?05:50
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110405:50
ActionParsnipmr_rune: dies shotwell not pick it up?05:50
juchipilohello,  how can i find out what is the mount point of my cdrom?    i have a cd in the tray, i can read the contents fine.   but   sudo fdisk -l  does not show it to me, nor does  cat /etc/mtab05:50
Parsleyis beryl related with ubuntu?05:51
mr_runeActionParsnip: openSSH is installed05:51
celthunderjuchipilo, /dev/sr0 likely udisks would tell you where it mounted it05:51
mr_runeand from there?05:51
ActionParsnipParsley: its included in compiz-fusion05:51
justinjkjulie, these things happen when computing in the dark :\ On a side note I'm <3ing ubuntu.05:51
Dantoniccelthunder mount point proc/ does not exist05:51
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100405:51
=== rich__ is now known as rich
juchipilothanks celthunder  let me see that05:51
santhoshcelthunder: MrPPS : so i should add it to $path adn it works05:51
ActionParsnipmr_rune: does it not detect the device?05:51
ParsleyActionParsnip: how do i set it up and stuff? Which version is like windows 7?05:51
santhoshqin: cant get u?05:52
juliejuchipilo, you can also use "mount" to check where things are currently mounted05:52
celthunderDantonic, seperate the commands with newlines then instead of ;05:52
TubbyNinjaHas anyone gotten netflix to work with Ubuntu?05:52
MrPPSsanthosh: try it just passing the full path first05:52
mr_runeActionParsnip:  yes it detects, but it only show the photos that are in the camera roll05:52
roadfishnice priority isn't working. One process is 19 nice and the other is -15 nice ... but both are using around 42% of CPU. What is going on here? IIRC renice worked properly in Hardy but not in Natty (which I upgraded to a few weeks ago).05:52
celthunderDantonic, seperate the commands with newlines then instead of ; sorry05:52
qinsanthosh: locate binary, cd and run via ./05:52
ActionParsnipmr_rune: i see, could copy the photos to the roll05:52
juchipilojulie.. no that is my problem..  mount does not show where it's mounted05:52
qinsanthosh: ./binary*05:52
julieroadfish, priority control is much more complicated than that05:53
julieroadfish, rest assured that your nice is accounted for05:53
Dantonicantonic, cd /tmp/a;mount -t proc proc proc/;mount -t sysfs sys sys/;mount -o bind /dev dev/05:53
mr_runeActionParsnip:  thats a nice idea, how i do that?05:53
santhoshMrPPS: what is the full path of update-rc.d05:54
juliejuchipilo, ahhh that's good to know05:54
ActionParsnipmr_rune: i don't know. I don't buy Apple's garbage as my sense outweighs my cash05:54
MrPPSsanthosh: probably /usr/bin or /usr/sbin, but i dont have a 10.04 box in front of me right now05:54
MrPPStry with locate or find05:54
dantonic2celthunder,  same issue05:55
white-horsehi guys still having trouble to mount the max os x hdd i really need to save my files heres the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/623112/05:55
ActionParsnipParsley: there are script to make itlook like Win7 if thatfloats your boat05:55
celthunderdantonic2, uhm ok well mount /dev/sda5 /tmp/a05:55
santhoshMrPPS:   i just get no file found05:55
qinsanthosh: /usr/sbin (10.04 desktop)05:55
celthunderdantonic2, do that first then try05:55
juliesantos, MrPPS: to find where an executable is located use "type command"05:55
celthunderdantonic2, sorry missed that05:55
roadfishjulie: when I kill the nice 19 process, then the nice -15 process jumps to over 90% CPU. Then, when I restart the nice -15 process, they split CPU once again.05:56
=== JoFo__ is now known as JoFo
qinjulie: "which bar" sounds better05:56
dantonic2celthunder, ubuntu@ubuntu:/tmp/a$ sudo mount -t proc proc proc/05:56
dantonic2mount: mount point proc/ does not exist05:56
julieqin: type which file05:56
dantonic2celthunder,  after I mounted /dev/sda505:57
santhoshMrPPS: qin : celthunder : i am not able to find update-rc.d by any means , could it be missed05:57
celthundersanthosh, is it installed05:57
dantonic2this worked last night didn't it?05:57
celthunderdantonic2, ok mount the rest then please05:57
celthunderdantonic2, sudo su -05:57
MrPPSsanthosh: try:05:57
Shdwdrgndoes anyone know how to get setterm to put an LCD monitor into powersave mode?  The -powersave and -powerdown options don't seem to work under ubuntu.05:58
julieroadfish, could you be running out of RAM by any chance?05:58
MrPPSfind -name / *update-rc.d*05:58
celthunderdantonic2, sudo su -05:58
qinMrPPS: LOL05:58
ActionParsnipParsley: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=11326405:58
celthunderdantonic2, then cd /tmp/a05:58
white-horseHi ActionParsnip :)05:58
ActionParsniphi white-horse05:58
white-horsealways nice to see you here :)05:59
juliesanthosh, MrPPS: "type update-rc.d" tells you "update-rc.d is /usr/sbin/update-rc.d"05:59
celthunderdantonic2, working now?05:59
MrPPSjulie: i did mention that as being the likely location before :P05:59
dantonic2celthunder,  it's not working :(05:59
dantonic2I did sudo su -05:59
dantonic2cd to /tmp/a05:59
dantonic2still says same thing05:59
dantonic2proc/ does not exist05:59
roadfishjulie: my system monitor says 846M of memory is free05:59
white-horseActionParsnip if you have a few mins. i need emergency help to save my files from a mac os x hdd06:00
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: ask the channel06:00
celthunderdantonic2, ok well cd /tmp/a/boot06:00
julieroadfish, would you mind showing me your top?06:00
celthunderdantonic2, and fix your grub then without the rest mounted06:00
celthunderdantonic2, ? cd /tmp/a/boot06:00
ActionParsnipwhite-horse:your backups will give the easiest course of restore, and most guarunteed.06:01
white-horsei have no back ups06:01
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: why not?06:01
dantonic2celthunder, no such file or directory06:01
dantonic2celthunder,  boot is not there?06:01
white-horsei pulled the drive from a mac and put it in a external hdd case06:01
roadfishjulie: I took a copy of top a few times. Here is one instance:06:02
roadfish    3373 joe       39  19  9592 3796 2036 R 43.3  0.3   0:13.32 waitchew06:02
roadfish    3015 joe        5 -15 18700  15m  788 R 41.5  1.0   2:07.69 makeinfo06:02
celthunderdantonic2, uhm did you mount /dev/sda5 /tmp/a06:02
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: why is there no data backup of the files/06:02
white-horsei just install ubuntu 11.04 today06:02
dantonic2celthunder, SNAP it mounted the wrong partition?.... it mounted my storage drive06:02
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: doesn't answer the question06:02
celthunderdantonic2, lol there we go half the problem lol can you find the right one06:02
dantonic2celthunder,  I just did an ls and it's not the linux partition06:02
julieroadfish, I would have preferred to see the whole screen, using pastebin of course06:02
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dantonic2celthunder, sorry how do I find it again?06:02
antanashello guys! i have a problem with 11.04. I'm not sure if its alsa or pulse bug or what but i hear noise only from the left speaker when listening to music. I checked my cables and tried different speakers but problem is still there. I thought maybe i messed up something and didnt remember if it was working at the first time so i loaded ubuntu from live cd and damn noise is there too.  card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC880 Analog 06:02
dantonic2just fdisk -l?06:02
white-horsethe mac the hdd came from is an old mac from 2003 it was a G506:03
celthunderdantonic2, umount /tmp/a;06:03
* ActionParsnip shrugs06:03
=== justin__ is now known as justinjk_
white-horseand it was not my mac in the first place06:03
white-horsei was asked to save the files on it06:03
dantonic2celthunder, it was sdb506:03
celthunderdantonic2, ok there we go06:04
celthunderdantonic2, ok chroot /tmp/a06:04
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: try foremost, tell whomever the drive owner is to get a backup, then explain why it is a good idea. They are a mac user so use words with one sylable if possible so as not to scare  them06:04
celthunderdantonic2, or chroot /tmp/a /bin/bash06:04
dantonic2mount the right one first right?06:04
blob4000i'm enjoying ubuntu very much, on my acer aspire one netbook- but i have a question about creating a windows partition06:04
white-horsethe mac is gone to the trash06:05
white-horseit died06:05
white-horsei only have the hdd06:05
celthunderdantonic2, yeah06:05
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: as I said, try foremost06:05
celthunderdantonic2, umount /dev/sda5;mount /dev/sdb5 /tmp/a06:05
white-horseso making back ups is not an option atm06:05
dantonic2ok done celthunder06:06
dantonic2chroot and all06:06
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: if a backup regime was in place it wouldn't be an issue06:06
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: the backup is used in situations like this06:06
brown_fernblob4000: Consider asking windows questions in ##windows .06:06
white-horsei know that but the owner never made any back ups06:06
white-horseeverything is on this hdd06:06
blob4000brown, my question is: can i resize my primary partition that ubuntu is installed on, safely?06:06
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: i suggest you educate them06:06
celthunderdantonic2, ok cd /boot06:06
white-horsei will :)06:06
dantonic2celthunder,  ok06:07
white-horsebut i need to fix this atm06:07
julieblob4000, you can use "parted" or "gparted" to resize the partition06:07
white-horsethere must be a way to mount a hfs+ hdd with ubuntu ?06:07
blob4000julie, is that risky?06:07
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: I gave a fix06:07
blob4000thanks in advance06:08
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE06:08
Guest15036if anyone here is fluent  with and understands TOR ,  the internet web proxy utility please PM me, I have a very simple question,  the TOR channel is pretty dead06:08
julieblob4000, as long as your computer remains powered on there's very minimal risks but backing up your important stuff is a good precaution to take06:08
blob4000i'll look into it06:09
celthunderdantonic2, do you know how to fix your grub (you said you did last night...i can help if needed though)06:10
dantonic2well.. I did months ago... I'd have to search for the solution again...06:11
dantonic2celthunder,  I mean I made it through following some directions on some link after hours of trial and error06:11
dantonic2celthunder,  ifyou know how to do it that would really help06:12
brown_fernblob4000: I suggest trying to find a guide for dual-booting that could walk you through the process if this is your first time doing so, I install Windows first and then Linux so that I can have access to the Linux boot loader, called Grub, but then you may know all this.06:12
celthunderdantonic2, ok lets do a starting point of dpkg --reconfigure grub-pc06:12
white-horseActionParsnip this is what i got from what you said to do: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/623121/06:12
dantonic2celthunder,  do that from /boot?06:13
roadfishjulie: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/623122/06:13
celthunderdantonic2, yeah06:13
portege1hi, i'm still searching for a solution to rotate my display, yesterday someone told me that would be possible with the nvidea x server settings, but what do i have to set up exactly where?06:13
ActionParsnipwhite-horse: i never asked for that text...06:13
roadfishjulie: you can just scroll down to look at the different readings with top.06:13
dantonic2unknown option --reconfigure06:13
white-horsewell as you can see it says its unknown06:14
celthunderdantonic2, ok06:14
OldFarterWhats up with 11.406:14
OldFarteri've been having multiple daily kernel dumps on my screen ever since i upgraded06:15
celthunderdantonic2, does upgrade-from-grub-legacy work06:15
julieroadfish, you seem to have done the opposite of what you want06:15
dantonic2celthunder,  yes06:15
julieroadfish, waitchew is the one that's niced06:15
dantonic2celthunder,  │ Continue without installing GRUB?06:16
roadfishjulie: isn't nice 19 the lowest priority. I want makeinfo to have the higher priority which, if I understand nice correctly, would be the -15.06:17
celthunderdantonic2, install it06:17
julieroadfish, then your example is not good06:17
julieroadfish, hold on06:17
roadfishjulie: in any case, notice that makeinfo and waitchew are running even at around 40% CPU ... regardless of nice level.06:17
white-horsedoes anyone here know how i can mount this: Apple_HFS   Apple HFS   hfsplus ?06:18
plustaxim having an issue. im running ubuntu 11 classic and for some reason I cant drag my windows around. They are stuck in place. Anyone know of a solution?06:18
julieroadfish, you showed me waitchew alone and with makeinfo, but you should pause waitchew and get makeinfo alone to properly compare06:18
roadfishjulie: so even if I am confused about nice levels, why the heck isn't there a redistribution after the renice? instead, the %CPU stays effectively even.06:18
julieroadfish, the cpu scheduler (what deals with process management and priorities) is the most complex part of the kernel06:19
roadfishjulie: the pastebin has 5 readings with top. In the fourth reading with top, I have killed waitchew ... and makeinfo is running by itself.06:20
d_atharvaHi...is there any speech recognition software (Like in mac and windows ) for ubuntu ?06:20
julieroadfish, let me see that06:21
celthunderdantonic2, got it installed? then do update-grub06:21
dantonic2celthunder, I first clicked no and it brought me back to the same prompt... I then clicked yes and it closed the installation06:21
dantonic2so I tried again to start it but now it gives error says device is no longer mounted06:21
dantonic2celthunder,  I guess I'll try re-mounting?06:21
roadfishjulie: all the top readings are in the pastebin URL that I sent you. It has 924 lines.06:22
eboyjrHi, trying to download Ubuntu 11.04 to my flash drive, but usb-creator-gtk tells me: "Installation failed", and doesn't print anything to the terminal... Why isn't it working?06:22
dantonic2celthunder, "cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)"06:22
celthunderdantonic2, exit the chroot (type exit) and do the mount commands i gave you earlier  (proc/sysfs/dev mounts)06:23
Apple_Catd_atharva: Have you checked whether any of the windows programs will run under wine?06:23
julieroadfish, yeah and that's why I didn't read the whole page the first time :P06:23
celthunderdantonic2, then reenter the chroot and try06:23
roadfishjulie: I separate the top reading by three newlines ... so you can just skip to the reading that is relevant.06:24
ShikhinAnyone help me, please?06:24
d_atharvaApple_Cat :no,But I dont want to run the software in wine..Is there any for Ubuntu ?06:24
roadfishjulie: someone on #linux gave me this URL https://lwn.net/Articles/418884/ ... which confirms your comment on scheduling being complex.06:24
sleepste1anyone know how updated the open-vm-tools package is for natty? I looked at open-vm-tools.sourceforge.net and it looks like it hasn't been updated for a year06:25
dantonic2celthunder, it's not working same problem as before06:25
dantonic2"mount point proc/ does not exist06:25
julieroadfish, so far I don't have any hypothesis...  are the two processes touching at the same files by any chance?06:25
celthunderdantonic2, uhm mount -t proc proc proc/ right?06:26
a931bwHello everybody, i have an ntfs partition with windows, and a separate partition for linux. I wonder is it possible to use something like VirutalBox to launch windows from partition?06:26
celthunderdantonic2, from /tmp/a06:26
Apple_Catd_atharva: No I don't know of any speech recognition software for ubuntu, but that's not to say there aren't any. Apart from being closed source, is there any other reason you don't want to use wine and a windows program?06:26
roadfishjulie: no the processes are quite distinct. The waitchew is just a busy poll in Python and the makeinfo is processing a file (from texi to info formats).06:26
spassa931bw: no06:26
dantonic2celthunder,  ok hang on06:27
Apple_Catd_atharva: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speech_recognition_in_Linux06:27
d_atharvaApple_Cat : No..06:27
roadfishjulie: I don't really understand the discussion on that webpage I mentioned (about "Group scheduling and alternatives"). Maybe I need to learn more about scheduling. I just naively thought that "renice" would redistribute. IIRC it did this back on Hardy but now isn't working after my Natty upgrade.06:27
dantonic2celthunder,  ok done06:27
celthunderdantonic2, ok got proc dev and sys mounted06:28
dantonic2celthunder,  yes06:28
celthunderdantonic2, then reenter the chroot and try again with the grub commands06:28
julieroadfish, renice is fine but you have another bottleneck (not the CPU) that's causing this to appear so strange06:29
plustaxalright I got my window problem fixed. Im having an issue installing simple compiz settings. Says that some packages have unmet dependencies. Anyone help me out?06:29
julieroadfish, you could try dstat to see if your waitchew generates a lot of disk activity that would cause this imbalance06:30
julieroadfish, I was initially expecting to see some wait on your top though06:31
dantonic2celthunder, ok I"m stuck at the "configuring grub-pc" page but I can't go forward how do I select the <ok>06:31
MrPPSplustax: what unment dependancies?06:31
celthunderDantonic, tab06:31
dantonic2celthunder,  ok tab :P06:31
dantonic2haha yeah06:31
eboyjrHas anyone had any problems with usb-creator-gtk? Installing to my flash drive isn't working. ("Installation failed") It doesn't give a reason why... (Ubuntu 11.04)06:31
celthunderdantonic2, lol :)06:32
plustaxim not sure mrpps06:32
plustaxshould I take a screenshot of the error for you?06:32
roadfishjulie: what do you mean by "see some wait"?06:32
MrPPSplustax: you can just pastebin it for me :)06:32
MrPPSplustax: and the command you ran to get the error06:32
ActionParsnipeboyjr: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?06:32
eboyjrActionParsnip, No, I'll try now, where can I get the md5s?06:33
julieroadfish, when the disk is too busy then the system generates CPU wait cycles06:33
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.06:33
eboyjrActionParsnip, THanks06:33
dantonic2celthunder, so which would I select? the sdb5?06:33
ActionParsnipeboyjr: please MD% FIRST in future06:33
plustaxmrpps I just tried to install simple compiz settings from ubuntu software center06:33
julieroadfish, that isn't your case but I'm suspecting it might be near which would explain why it balances the load this way06:33
plustaxMrPPS, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2066611/screenshot1.png06:34
MrPPSplustax: do an:06:34
MrPPSsudo apt-get install simple-ccsm06:34
MrPPSin the console06:34
ksinkari had made some users on my system yesterday06:34
roadfishjulie: ok, thanks for taking a look. Basically, you're saying that I'm using renice properly. But some other factor is messing up the CPU allocation. I guess I'll let my subconscious work on it for a while.06:34
MrPPSand tell me what it's missing in the output06:34
MrPPSi have a feeling you just can't see it due to text colours06:34
eboyjrActionParsnip, The hashes do* match06:35
dantonic2celthunder, ok I installed it to the main sdb partition06:35
plustaxMrPPS, The following packages have unmet dependencies:06:35
plustax simple-ccsm : Depends: python-compizconfig (>= 0.8.2) but it is not going to be installed06:35
plustax               Depends: compizconfig-settings-manager (>= 0.8.2) but it is not going to be installed06:35
plustaxE: Broken packages06:35
eboyjrActionParsnip, Should I try unetbootin?06:35
julieroadfish, you don't need to understand it more than that, but you could learn how to pause a process instead of just killin git06:35
dantonic2celthunder,  I think that's where it was before06:35
dantonic2am I done?06:35
MrPPSplustax: have you enabled the multiverse and universe repositories?06:35
celthunderdantonic2, yo uinstall it to /dev/sdb06:35
plustaxMrPPS, not that I know of. I'm a bit of a linux noob, to be honest.06:35
celthunderdantonic2, and then do update-grub06:36
magn3tsHm, Maybe I should rethink my thoughts about GNOME. With GNOME3, their approach to css, etc, their broadway html5 backend.... pulseaudio... they could really display a remote application in your browser with audio ability easily.06:36
magn3tsThey're enabling applications to target the web, trivially.06:36
ActionParsnipeboyjr: if the ISO is good then yes06:36
dantonic2celthunder,  ok done06:36
Ivan_The_TerriblHi all. Where do I specify the default browser?06:36
MrPPSplustax: alright, in that case, easiest way is to go into your synaptic package manager, and tick the boxes to enable them06:36
MrPPSplustax: let me know once that's done06:36
celthunderdantonic2, ok see pm06:36
plustaxMrPPS, where is synaptic package manager?06:37
html_inprogresshow do i know my ubuntu ip ?06:37
magn3tshtml_inprogress, that's a loaded question06:37
MrPPSplustax: depends one your version of *buntu, but generally under system administration ;)06:37
magn3tshtml_inprogress, do you mean your internal or external ip address?06:37
MrPPShtml_inprogress: Go to terminal > type: ifconfig06:37
eboyjrhtml_inprogress, local ip, internal ip, or external?06:37
plustaxMrPPS, there seems to be thousands of things with the universe and multiverse ()06:38
MrPPSplustax: go to Settings > Repositories06:38
MrPPSplustax: in that first window, tell me if they have ticks next to them06:39
eboyjrActionParsnip, unetbootin doesn't support 11.04, so I'm not sure if it will work06:39
plustaxThey do indeed MrPPS06:39
html_inprogressi want my ip, so i can stream vlc player, a dvd,to play next door to my gf house, which she dont have a dvd player on her pc(netbook)06:39
MrPPSplustax: then I would go to a terminal and type this:06:39
celthunderhtml_inprogress, whatismyip.com06:39
cablopi was using chatzilla a lot in the past, but i'm realizing after long time of having it open it is starting to eat tons of resources06:39
MrPPSsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install python-compizconfig compizconfig-settings-manager06:40
MrPPSplustax: and tell me what it says after that06:40
Dantoniccelthunder still grub rescue... hey I have to get to bed... waking up in 5 hours maybe I'll give it a shot on monday... I'm going on a cruise this weekend :)06:40
cablopis there any good irc client recommended for ubuntu? if it works also in windows it is a plus06:40
MrPPScablop: Quassel06:40
html_inprogresscelthunder, internal ip off my router06:40
MrPPScablop: works in windows, linux, and mac06:40
celthunderhtml_inprogress, ifconfig06:40
MrPPSand can have decentralised core and client06:40
MrPPSor combined :)06:40
juliehtml_inprogress, do you know how to map your router's ports?06:40
html_inprogressok thanks!:)06:40
celthunderDantonic, ok gl sorry i wasn't able to help you with the grub issue i'll do some research and shit for ya06:40
cablopmrpps is it java or something like that?06:41
html_inprogressjulie, no , whats that ?06:41
Dantonicok np thanks anyway u don't have to do that06:41
MrPPScablop: qt406:41
MrPPScablop: static binaries have it inbuilt, i believe06:41
Dantonicok good night06:41
plustaxMrPPS, it installed a bunch of stuff. I tried installing the simple compiz manager again and no dice. Same error.06:41
MrPPSplustax: hmm, I'd probably suggest just going with the plain compizconfig-settings-manager06:42
MrPPSrather than the "simple" one06:42
plustaxMrPPS, Unless you can tell me of a way to enable desktop cube without it? I cant find a way to add more homescreens. I just have two right now and I can flip them like the cube06:42
juliehtml_inprogress, to get an external connection to reach your machine, you access the external IP from your gf's computer and it gets into your router which then either block it or send it to the local machine that's configured for that port06:42
cablopok, taking note, quassel... any other alternative?06:42
MrPPSplustax: more home screens? like more desktop spaces?06:42
plustaxyeah MrPPS I have the regular one. But I cant figure out how to create the cube. I just have 2 desktop spaces06:42
juliehtml_inprogress, and if that wasn't enough, you may have a firewall to adjust on your ubuntu installation as well06:43
frankS2Hi, Im installing nagios-nrpe-server, and by some reason this wants to install samba? Is there any sane explanation to this?06:43
cablopplustax, what is your issue?06:43
MrPPSplustax: which version of ubuntu?>06:43
plustaxlol yeah im an android user06:43
plustaxMrPPS, 11 classic. Unity was too buggy06:43
html_inprogresshow do i fix the firewall ?06:43
html_inprogressjulie, how do i fix the firewall?06:43
MrPPSplustax: in the bottom right, do you have the desktop switch applet?06:43
cablopplustax sadly 11.04 is too buggy too and many compiz, gtk gnome issues around06:44
MrPPSplustax: right click that > properties06:44
MrPPSplustax: then change number of desktops :)06:44
cablopplustax just don\ t press alt+spacebar06:44
plustaxohh okay06:44
plustaxnice that worked!06:45
cablopplustax: don't use simple compiz manager and don't use compiz fusion icon, 11.04 comes with a newer compiz and those items weren't ported to that version06:45
plustaxThank you!06:45
MrPPSplustax: sweet :) brb06:45
plustaxcablop, thank you I wont!06:45
plustaxMrPPS, you're the man thanks a bunch06:45
cablopand i also suggest you to use the compiz setting manager and tweak each component to make it work, if you enabled the cube, i dunno why, many many things got disabled by default in compiz, even the opengl stuff,06:46
cablopso you need to enable them by hand, things like move window, resize window and so on06:46
MrPPSplustax: not a problem :)06:47
cablopand plustax take care gtk-window-manager is buggy with compiz in natty, a lot, i think because they hardwired the gtk to that unity thing06:47
juliehtml_inprogress, I don't know which firewall you would have if you do have one but you could check "iptables -L" and "ufw status" to see if they have any rules06:47
plustaxah okay06:47
plustaxI wish I could use the unity bar at the same time as the classic setup06:47
plustaxIt is COOL looking06:47
brown_ferncablop: Try Pidgin: http://pidgin.im/    It runs on multiple OSes and features an IRC client among many other things.06:47
MrPPSplustax: you can sorta emulate it with awn06:47
plustaxMrPPS, right, yeah06:48
cablopi think ubuntu must fix natty cds and repos with a big advice that says DO NOT UPGRADE TO NATTY06:48
juliehtml_inprogress, to configure your router properly, you will need to know which port is used by your VLC player and ubuntu's local ip (obtainable with ifconfig)06:48
MrPPScablop / brown_fern: i used pidgin, but quassel is much better in the end :P06:48
cablopbrown_fern: mmm, nice, second alternative06:48
plustaxlinux is hard, man. I wish they had an android OS out for laptops :<06:48
ActionParsnipplustax: they do06:48
MrPPSplustax: they do06:48
MrPPSplustax: they've also got "MeeGo" - relatively simple Linux based OS06:49
ActionParsnipplustax: linux isn't hard, its just that you havent usd it as along as other OSes06:49
plustaxwait wait wait06:49
MrPPSplustax: I've got a disabled copy of android on my netbook06:49
plustaxThere is a laptop android os?06:49
cablopMrPPS, brown_fern i use pidgin as workarround, so i think i'm not going to use it to hardwire it to irc06:49
brown_fernMrPPS: My experience is limited here, I'll have to try quassel at some point in time.06:49
plustaxIs it functional and useful?06:49
cablopplustax... don't go for an android on a laptop06:49
MrPPScablop: main problem with pidgin is it doesn't recognise a lot of commands directly, so you have to /quote them06:49
ActionParsnipplustax: go research dude, you'll find it06:49
plustaxcablop, no?06:49
MrPPSplustax: i didn't much like it06:49
plustaxwell I imagine it can limit the power of the laptop06:50
MrPPSplustax: but i can't compare it to the phone one, as I use maemo for my phone06:50
cablopandroid is an OS for mobile devices, a laptop is a full computer, you are going to miss to use the full power of your laptop06:50
MrPPSso it could just be as functional, or less06:50
ActionParsnipplustax: how do you mean "power"06:50
plustaxMrPPS, what phone do you have?06:50
MrPPSActionParsnip: i presume capabilities06:50
MrPPSplustax: Nokia n90006:50
tripelbI click allow on this adobe flash camera thing from a website and nothing happens06:50
ActionParsnipMrPPS: depends on use06:50
MrPPSActionParsnip: I agree, just putting in my interpretation ;)06:50
cablopin the other hand... you can get that android for x86 processors and run it on a virtual machine inside your laptop, this would be to have the best of both world in one machine06:50
plustaxActionParsnip, I want android look and feel, but with the capability of ubuntu. webcam stuff, etc etc. Without having to get apps for EVERYTHING06:50
ActionParsnipcablop: depends on needs and use, android may fit the requirements perfectly06:50
plustaxcablop, ah okay.06:51
ActionParsnipplustax: have a play is all I can recommend, you'll break yourOS a lot but you'll learn a lot06:51
plustaxActionParsnip, yeah I think I might. I have everything backed up so its no big deal.06:51
tripelbcolonsodigitalcachefly.net wants access to my camera and I cant give it a yes.06:51
plustaxWhen does chromium OS come out? I've been dying to try that.06:51
cablopplustax in few words and a real case, i ditched windows xp on my netbok and installed ubuntu on it, i use full gnome interface and compiz with the cube effect on it, it is running06:52
cablopmuch much better with it06:52
plustaxtripleb go to google type in flash settings manager. second to last tab. allow the site.06:52
cablopah, i foorgto to say i use full disk encryption and i barely notice it on the netbook06:52
tripelbplustax maybe I can help you with linux. Have you used mac or windows as well as android?06:52
MrPPScablop: what algorithm?06:53
cablopthe default one, except i changed the size from 256 to 12806:53
plustaxI have a windows 7 pc, an ubuntu 11 laptop which im on now, another macbook air, an original droid1, and a nook color running android 3.0 honeycomb06:53
plustaxI root android devices for a living, actually.06:54
MrPPScablop: fair enough06:54
RevSpecies116adb oem unlock ;)06:54
spassnoone has spectrum or amiga anymore...06:54
plustaxcablop, ^^06:54
cablopplustax i recommend you only one of two distros, Lucid aka 10.04 or Maverick aka 10.10, they're pretty stable and still supported, 10.04 is the more stable of them and you won't suffer a lot06:54
plustaxdistros of linux?06:55
cablopthey come with gnome classic and many many people know how to fix things on those versions06:55
cablopsorry i wanted to say versions of ubuntu06:55
RevSpecies116plustax: 10.04LTS is very stable06:55
plustaxcablop, I feel you. I'm not entirely hopeless. I am a linux noob but I know enough about android to move about pretty easily. Im more used to ubuntu at this point.06:55
cablop11.04 came with unity by default, a new compiz and many other new things a few people know about and when a bug raises you have to be very patience06:55
RevSpecies116but 12.04LTS is going to be even better when it is released06:56
plustaxyeah I was running lucid lynx which I liked06:56
plustaxnever should have upgraded06:56
spassoh new version means always a new bugs. that's normal.06:56
plustaxNot a big deal. I'm understanding of it. I always have this channel when I need help. Everyone in here is usually pretty awesome.06:57
cablopyes, the recommendation in many forums and other channels is stick to the LTS until the next, you can get many PPAs (something like extra repositories) to add new stuff like firefox4, google chrome, opera askype virtualbox...06:57
plustaxbrb cigarette06:58
cablopbut, from my point of view, when they invented the LTS concept, the LTS was a nice thing, stable and solid, the next release was a real improvement of it, nice, and polished, with a few unstable things... the next two releases are like unstable experiments on what would or could be the next LTS and must be avoided06:58
cablopexcept if you are testing and conributing to the community06:59
plustaxanyone know if chromium os is out yet for beta testing?07:04
plustaxim really interested in that07:04
Flannelplustax: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here, thanks.07:04
celthunderplustax, chromiumos is released on a few devices...sort of a failos though07:05
RevSpecies116You are welcome, Flannel07:05
plustaxah, :/07:05
cablopplustax hehe, dunno why they do that too often, and it does feel really aggresive07:08
plustaxyeah that was mean :<07:08
cablopplustax: anyway, it is indeed offtopic,07:08
RevSpecies116Far far too agressive - if you are talking about Flannel07:08
plustaxFlannel, respectfully I ask you to take your negativity to #blog07:09
plustaxI will provide to you further support from there.07:09
ozzloyi'm testing out a screen+irssi+local notification thing, someone say ozzloy please07:09
plustaxFlannel, jk ilu07:09
dex7772Hello to everybody. Sorry for my question, but i cant find helpful manual about samba4. I install package, and in setting up i had error message 'unknown parameter encountered' and many parameters 'max log size, syslog, unix password sync, and other' How can i solve this?07:10
cablopplustax, but in few words, afaik, people have many many concerns about that os, one, it is not really that open source, two, it is going to be released much more like android, you can get a custom version for your device, but barely s sth you can download and install on your PC, and three, your date lves in the cloud, on google servers... not on your pc... so, in just one word FAIL07:10
plustaxyeah that sounds fail tbh07:10
Flannelcablop: Please, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for support for Ubuntu, not general questions.07:10
RevSpecies116Atually, Flannel , I have a support question for you. I have a whole bunch of mp3's and ogg's and I would like to embed the album art within each file. How do I go about doing that - I'm on Ubuntu 10.04LTS07:11
plustaxlolol I could word it like this. Im on Ubuntu 11 and I have some questions about if it would be a good idea to switch to chromium os and what the benefits would be of switching or not. Or even if the OS is available.07:12
celthundercablop, lol yep07:12
RevSpecies116ChromiumOS has its roots in Ubuntu, actually :)07:13
plustaxtell me more about that07:13
plustaxhow ubuntu is completely connected to it07:13
Flanneldex7772: If you don't get any responses here (since we seem to be in a lull right now) you can try #samba as well.  But you'll need to register to speak there (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration )07:13
cablopflannel, if you were payng attention to plustax concerns you knew he was trying to determine how good will be to use ubuntu instead any other alternative07:13
RevSpecies116Flannel, I would like some help embedding album art into mp3 and ogg files on 10.04LTS. How do I go about doing that?07:14
cablopalso, my policy is, if to give a short answer to somebody here or any other channel is lower and more gentle than throwing him to another channel, then i answer, if the effort is too big i politely tell him where to go for further and more complete help07:14
plustaxRevSpecies116, doesnt banshee do that with art just dropped in the folder?07:14
nonamerRevSpecies116: chromium os is based on gentoo.. not on ubuntu..07:15
plustaxcablop, for OP tbh07:15
RevSpecies116http://blogs.computerworld.com/15127/ubuntus_canonical_and_google_partner_to_create_chrome  nonamer07:16
cablopand dex7772 i think you could get more help about your samba4 isues in samba or ##linux channels, but give me a sec07:17
nonameryes, i also thought like that but it uses gentoos package manager and it is based on gentoo..07:17
RevSpecies116plustax: I try and avoid programmes that use MONO07:17
nonameri'll check for the link where i found this.07:17
cablop+1 about the mono thing07:18
RevSpecies116Flannel, I would like some help embedding album art into mp3 and ogg files on 10.04LTS. How do I go about doing that?07:18
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morpheus_any indian arround here07:18
cablopRevSpecies116: dunno if that ubuntu media distro is still out there, maybe some software there could help07:19
nonamerRevSpecies116: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-814932.html07:19
RevSpecies116I really wish Flannel would help though, considering it wants to keep things on a support level basis07:19
cabloprevspecies, maybe easytag could do that for you...07:19
FlannelRevSpecies116: Apparently you can do it in Rhythmbox.07:20
cablopmy bad, this stuid ubuntu is ignoring mymouse now07:20
nonameralso the wikipedia tells the same thing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome_OS07:20
nonamersorry for offtopic...07:20
morpheus_can any body here help me installing connon LBP2900 in ubuntu11.0407:20
plustaxRevSpecies116, yeah rhythmbox and banshee can do this07:21
joseph__Hey all, I've been on 11.04 since release and I'm getting constant reproducible crashes of X when I switch from a secondary user account to the primary. I'm running an nvidia geforce 9500GT with driver 173.14.30.   Can anyone help?07:21
RevSpecies116I have Rhythmbox, Flannel - I'll give that a try. And cablop I will look for EasyTAG - I know embedding the artwork is something to do with the metatags07:22
cablopnow i have a real support question...my recentl;y installed 10.04 is not recognizing my mouse07:22
noisewaterphdjoseph__: you mean you log out of one account and then into another and X crashes?07:22
Flannelcablop: PS2 or USB?07:22
joseph__yes, or try to do a fast switch07:22
RevSpecies116nonamer: Looks like Google is picking from the best Linux has to offer - Ubuntu, Gentoo, and others :)07:22
noisewaterphdcablop: wireless or wired07:23
xenlandWhats up chat07:23
cabloptwo different wired mouses to tell the truth07:23
noisewaterphdcablop: try another usb device on same port07:23
joseph__noisewaterphd, it only happens if I try to fast switch from the secondary to the primary, or if I log our of the secondary. I get a scrambled screen that looks like chopped up pieces of a screen grab of the secondary account.07:23
Flannelcablop: do you see anything in lsusb? how about tty1 when you unplug/plug it in?07:23
cablopalready did07:23
noisewaterphdcablop: just to see if you need mobo drivers or if it's the mouse07:23
cablopi switched the muse of the desktop with the one on the netbook07:24
cablopon the netbook it is working with no issues, on the desktop is failing07:24
cablopi mean both mouses work with no issues in the netnbook and both fail on the desktop07:24
cablopadditionaly they were working three hours ago whtn the desktop still had natty07:25
noisewaterphdjoseph__: sorry, I can't really help, I was just asking because I had a lot of problems with X on 11.04 when I tested it out on my desktop with ATI. Very similar stuff to what you have going on. I didn't even bother to troubleshoot though, went back to 10.1007:25
cablopi thin  the isue is another07:25
cablopthe system is frozen07:25
cablopso forgot it... restarting the hard way07:25
xenlandHas anyone experienced upgrading ubuntu and then the keyboard dosent work upon boot? I might note that the keyboard does work in recovery mode right away07:26
MrPPSxenland: my upgrade worked smoothly, sorry07:26
MrPPSand that would be the first time i've apologised for a smooth upgrade :P07:27
morpheus_no upgrade was fine07:27
morpheus_though i have faced issues with compiz07:27
cablopdoes that quassel client for irc has bugs, any bugs? or is failry stable enough?07:27
MrPPScablop: only bug I've seen, is in Macs, when you hit "tab" to complete a name, it deselects the typing field, and you have to hit tab a second time to reselect07:28
MrPPScablop: other than that, it's been bug-free for me07:28
MrPPSand surprisingly useful, and "beautiful"07:28
morpheus_@ MrPPS07:28
morpheus_can u help me with compiz07:29
MrPPSmorpheus_: depends what the issue is :P07:29
morpheus_how do i get it to work with unity07:29
cablopand about performance... is it a resource hog like chatzilla?07:29
morpheus_in ubuntu07:29
morpheus_well i am using07:29
MrPPSmorpheus_: have you installed the compizconfig-settings-manager?07:29
morpheus_yes i did07:29
morpheus_and made some changes07:29
morpheus_after that07:29
FloodBot1morpheus_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:29
morpheus_the window borders07:29
cablopmorpheus disable compiz fusion icon if you use it before07:30
cablopdidyou pressed alt+spacebar?07:30
MrPPSmorpheus_: also, try restarting unity07:30
MrPPSAlt + F2, then type: unity &07:30
cablopwait Mrpps07:30
morpheus_well thats what i did finally i  uninstalled unity compiz and finally07:30
cablopare you using unity or ubuntu classic?07:30
MrPPScablop: unity07:31
RevSpecies116Flannel: Rhythmbox is not doing as you've suggested it can07:31
morpheus_reinstalled every thing? my q is can i use the effects like i used to do i n previous versions07:31
cablopok try what morpheus_ said, if not, then try relacing the window manager07:31
cablopthe decorator... mmm07:31
morpheus_i think there is some prob with the compatibility of these two things07:32
morpheus_i am scared to use some of the effects now07:32
MrPPSmorpheus_: I think compiz is fairly buggy in unity, from what i've heard07:33
cablopthe problem from my point of view is cause by two things, one compiz is a new version, they are moving towards compiz+ or sth like that and two, ubuntu 11.04 gtk code is extremely (and harmfuly) oriented to unity07:34
acidflash<acidflash> hi all07:35
acidflash[09:34] <acidflash> i am attempting to mv a folder to another location but its not working07:35
acidflash[09:34] <acidflash> there is no -r switch now07:35
acidflash[09:34] <acidflash> how does one go about doing it in 11.04 ubuntu server?07:35
FloodBot1acidflash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
cablopso when you need something that worked fine in gtk-window-decorator it will fail, because it tryis to work for unity instead compiz or classic gnome07:35
morpheus_so basically i should not mess arround with compiz07:35
cablopacidflash afaik you don't need the -r switch07:36
MrPPSacidflash: works fine for me, like this:07:36
cablopmorpheus_: or start with ubuntu classic and tweak compiz a little07:36
MrPPSacidflash: mv dir1 dir2/07:36
ActionParsnipcablop: gtk is gtk, unity is just a shell, other distros use gtk without unity and it is the same gtk as the one in ubuntu07:37
morpheus_may be, i actually didnt find unity to be that useful07:37
morpheus_just window management is better07:37
cablopMrPPS if moving to another partition you should check for the flags to keep permissions anyway07:37
MrPPScablop: true enough ;)07:38
cablopActionParsnip: do this test, go to ubuntu classic session, then press alt+spacebar in order to raise the window menu, and see how the window decoration dissapears07:38
cablopand no menu raised... maybe because unity is not using the window title part of the window decoration, huh?07:38
ActionParsnipcablop: i dont have ubuntu classic as an option07:38
ActionParsnipcablop: i also don't use compiz07:38
cablopnatty comes with it by default07:39
IledenHelp! My move operation, done using Nautilus, of over 80GB data from one computer to another (via network) seems to have gotten stuck. Any idea how to troubleshoot?07:39
morpheus_thanks to both u guys, i needed second opinion on that one. thanks.07:39
ActionParsnipcablop: try using minimal, install lxde, lxdm and unity 2D. I'm using Natty07:39
ActionParsnipcablop: you assume too much07:39
cablopActionParsnip: if you use unity then you have some compiz accel, anyway07:39
ActionParsnipcablop: unity 2D doesn't need compiz07:40
cablopActionParsnip: i did the test and i know the fix for ubuntu classic07:40
MrPPSIleden: network connectivity (i.e., ping) still work?07:40
cablopif your windows border dissapear then you need to change the window decorator from gtk-window-decorator to compiz-decorator...07:40
rageIs there a flag for cp or an equivilant of cp that will give me a little report when its complete e.g. Copied 22GB, 35 files?07:41
ActionParsnipcablop: I do have accelleraion, I just choose to se it only when I'm gaming, otherwise unity 2d works just as well and at a fraction of the power07:41
cablopalso go to classic and in a command line write07:41
IledenMrPPS: yes07:41
cablopcompiz --replace & and see how it calls something names unity decorator07:41
MrPPSIleden: i always find it safer to use rsync to transfer files over the network07:41
MrPPSI'd probably suggest doing that, as Nautilus can be a bit buggy07:41
ActionParsniprage: http://chris-lamb.co.uk/2008/01/24/can-you-get-cp-to-give-a-progress-bar-like-wget/07:42
cablopActionParsnip: yep, as i told the problem is when you combine the new compiz and gtk in ubuntu07:42
IledenMrPPS: yea, should've used that, retrospectively thinking. just aren't familiar with it.07:42
cablopi mean in natty07:42
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ActionParsnipcablop: i ditched compiz a year or so back, to many breaks for so little gain07:42
MrPPSIleden: it's fairly easy once you get your head around it :)07:42
IledenMrPPS: Can rsync be used to move also, not just copy?07:42
rageActionParsnip: Not after a progress bar, but I'll take a look, might be adaptable07:42
MrPPSIleden: yes, i believe so07:42
ouyeshi all, I get an OCZ ssd, and I read the production , the ssd has a sata II interface and the read speed should be 200MB/s,  but when I did a test using haparm -tT /dev/sda and I got this Timing buffered disk reads:  316 MB in  3.01 seconds = 104.82 MB/sec, it is slow, do I need a better driver for the ssd?07:43
IledenMrPPS: also, it is simple enough to resume the broken transfer with rsync? In that case I could just cancel the current, stuck, one and pick it up with rsync07:43
MrPPSIleden: i think the --remove-source-files will do it07:43
MrPPSIleden: rsync can pick up broken rsync transfers easily07:43
cablopActionParsnip: i'll just keep it on my desktop and netbook, ditching it on the server... dunno why default ubuntu interface comes now with effects by default07:43
MrPPSbut ones that have been started with nautilus i'm not so sure07:43
MrPPSbecause I don't know if rsync has it's own progress file07:44
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ActionParsniprage: you could use:  copycommand; notify-send "copy done"07:44
MrPPSIleden: worse comes to worse, if it can't move it, you can always sync it, then rm -rf the source :P07:44
IledenMrPPS: yes. Well, let's see i guess.07:44
IledenMrPPS: true07:44
rageActionParsnip: After a simple listing of how much was copied in particular07:44
cablopActionParsnip: a few things are very helpful if you tweak compiz to help you avoid  injres for using too much the mouse andkeyboard, for me this is enough gain07:44
IledenIt would be interesting to know what on earth made it get stuck, though.07:45
ActionParsniprage: that i'm not sure of but you can use notify-send to use the notifier like other apps do07:45
rageActionParsnip: Yeah thats fine, its easy to know when the copy is done :-)07:45
iLLf8dgreetings all can anyone tell me the name of the 8.04 ubuntu wallpaper that was a wooden wall with a turquoise blue metal plate on it?07:45
Blue1iLLf8d: umm 8.04 is way no longer supported07:46
theadminBlue1: Yeah, but the wallpaper... No big deal07:46
ActionParsnipiLLf8d: there is an archive on omgubuntu with all the past wallpapers in, may have it there07:46
iLLf8dyeah I assume someone is still running it =P07:46
ActionParsnipBlue1: it is on the server07:47
iLLf8dlookin for that one wallpaper I liked it07:47
cablopiLLf8d: i suggest you to manually download the wallpapers package from ubuntu and open it with an archive manager and get the wallpaper from there07:47
owen1hi yuka07:47
cablopit would still be on the repos, if not, you can grab a disk and find it on the deb packages iLLf8d07:47
iLLf8doh ty07:48
ActionParsnipBlue1: its supported on the server until April 2013 which is waay past when support for Natty dies off07:48
cablopit would have wallpapers on the name07:48
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tioxQuick term question: I am theming my system and I want root to have transparency. Is there any way I can do this short of sudo passwd and enabling root for GUI menus?07:48
Blue1ActionParsnip: didn't know when is the next lts release of ubuntu?07:48
tioxYes, this is an RGBA question.07:49
ActionParsnipBlue1: 8.04 was LTS, 10.04 was LTS.  Have a guess ;)07:49
Blue1so every 2 years?07:49
ActionParsnipBlue1: yes :D07:49
Blue1ActionParsnip: i am on 10.10 atm, i might switch when that comes out.07:49
cabloptiox rgba is on a ppa, but, sadly it is going to break some programs, like gajim, or custom gtk ones07:50
RevSpecies116Blue1: 12.04LTS is going to be great :)07:51
tioxcablop: Not to worry. If RGBA breaks something, I can investigate the process name and add it into the list of exceptions.07:51
tioxBut, I want to enable transparency for Synaptic. WOuld RGBA break it?07:51
cablopRevSpecies116: why great?07:51
Blue1RevSpecies116: well I reserve judgement on 11.04 - it seems to have broken a lot of systems.  and I am not sold on unity or gnome 307:51
linageeis there a way to make it so when I move a dist to a different computer it doesn't rename eth0 to eth1? (I'd like to keep it eth0)07:52
IledenMrPPS: So what would be the command to try and resume a transfer? Does this seem ok: rsync -rvh --remove-source-files me@host:sourcepath destinationpath07:52
IledenMrPPS: Hm, I mean: rsync -arvh --remove-source-files me@host:sourcepath destinationpath07:52
RevSpecies116cablop: A bug-free Unity implementation, Thunderbird, etc etc07:52
cablopRevSpecies116: if you think unity or gnome 3 are things that would make ubuntu 12.04 rock... many many many places on internet are saying that nity is the thing making them starting to think on a different distro07:53
tioxAlso, I had an idea. Canonical should have, in the future, something called a "Stable Long Term Support", or SLTS release that's updated only once every four years.07:53
yuka_owen1: test07:53
RevSpecies116cablop: That is a vocal minority07:53
owen1yuka_: hi07:53
cablop4 yeas is a very long period07:53
tioxI just feel for some reason two years is still top short when Ubuntu Server gets five years.07:53
cablop2 years is fair enough07:53
MrPPSIleden: i'd put a -P in there as well07:53
MrPPSIleden: puts partially transferred files - better for resuming later07:54
cablopRevSpecies116: not a minority, the main concern is unity and gnome3 has very few options for the user... and sadly people like options07:54
pinoyoragonit seems the swap in my new box (10.10) is not active... how would i enable it? It always shows "read swap header failed: Invalid argument" when i try swapon07:54
MrPPSIleden: and a -v07:54
MrPPSjust so you know what's going on ;)07:54
andrew_hey anyone here use kdenlive?07:54
IledenMrPPS: is there an option for removing source directories as well? I couldn't find.07:54
tioxBack to my question, short of enabling root and going into GNOME color chooser from there, is there a term method for turning RGBA on or off for root?07:54
MrPPSIleden: directories wise, i couldn't see it either :(07:54
MrPPSbut hey, rm -rf07:54
tioxMrPPS: Never suggest that.07:55
ActionParsniptiox: I wouldn't cripple your security for the sake of some transparencies. Think about it07:55
cabloppinoyoragon: first test your partition is right, then test if your fstab is pointing to it correctly, then do adjustments as needed07:55
MrPPStiox: after a sync is done and confirmed?07:55
* tiox shrugs07:55
MrPPSi dont really see a problem with it...07:55
theadmintiox: rm -rf does not equal that scary command, it can be just "rm -rf /opt/openoffice" for instance ;)07:55
tioxOh ActionParsnip, if there's a way to do it, there's a way to undo it.07:55
ActionParsnipif I chop off both my legs I get a free hat. WOO07:55
MrPPStheadmin: exactly :)07:55
IledenMrPPS: yup, not a problem.07:56
MrPPSgroovy :)07:56
Flanneltheadmin: really, theres no reason for the -f though.07:56
tioxActionParsnip: -_-07:56
theadminFlannel: True enough07:56
MrPPSFlannel: yes, but that's not a reason to not suggest that command :P07:56
VilinyIm downloading a list of files with wget from a ftp server at the moment. As default it saves the files to the folder im currently in. How can i specify a certain folder to download to if i set it up as a cron job?07:56
MrPPS*old habits die hard*07:56
jasongriffeehow to turn off executable file protection?07:57
cablopthat command is so scary, everytime i see it something chills in my spine07:57
MrPPScablop: haha, really? i use it every day :P07:57
theadminViliny: wget -O folderpath blahblah07:57
* cablop felt that chill again07:57
pinoyoragoncablop: fstab points to two swaps /dev/mapper/a-swap_1 and /dev/mapper/cryptswap107:57
tioxjasongriffee: Meaning? You want to turn on file as executable?07:57
Guest19472is there any chance of firefox being updated to firefox 4 in ubuntu 10.04 LTS?07:57
MrPPSGuest19472: you can download it from firefox.com07:58
tioxGuest19472: Use the Mozilla PPA.07:58
theadminGuest19472: Doubtable, get the firefox-stable ppa07:58
cabloppinoy then you need to check your /etc/crypttab tobe sure you are mounting the right partition to hold the right swap07:58
pinoyoragoncablop: then when i look at my /etc/crypttab this appears "cryptswap1 /dev/dm-1 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256"07:58
cabloppinoyoragon: read my previos line07:58
jasongriffeei have a .exe setup file, has to be from disc, disc is cd so unwritable07:58
tioxYeah, Guest19472, follow theadmin's advice.07:58
jasongriffeegetting permission error07:59
tioxEasy as pie to do in Synaptic's GUI07:59
cabloppinoyoragon: /dev/urandom?07:59
tioxjasongriffee: Wine?07:59
pinoyoragoncablop: so is my crypttab pointing to the right swap?07:59
pinoyoragoncablop: i think i used lvm during installation, everything was automated (10.10)07:59
Vilinytheadmin: -O is for writing documents to a file - i get an error saying mines a directory. Is there another command for directiories im not seeing here?07:59
tioxHmmm... are you doing this as root or with sudo?08:00
theadminViliny: Oh... What's the really big deal with getting your cron job to cd to the directory first?08:00
jasongriffeetiox, im assumeing this is a term job?08:00
theadminViliny: Or just write a script and run it in the cron job08:00
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Vilinyso wget can't save to a target folder?08:01
tioxNot entirely. Try installing nautilus-gksu and using the right click menu to open where you want tor go with sudo rights.08:01
theadminViliny: I might not know how to... Probably there is a way, but I don't have access to a Linux box right now08:01
cabloppinoyoragon: did you edited the LVM or partitions or anything after install? also, why do you have two swaps on fstab, if both are on crypted partitions, then comment the line with the swap not being reffered in the crypttab08:01
tioxShort of that, in terminal type in sudo passwd and assign root with a password. Be sure to disable it (guides on how in the community docs) afterward.08:01
RevSpecies116cablop: Ubuntu is going from strength to strength - Unity will not be the death of Ubuntu, it will be the food we all eat up :)08:02
theadmintiox: Do not suggest or explain how to set the root password in the channel, ops will scream at ya08:02
tioxAnd of course, log in as root. Just remember, it's a security hole you're opening up for the operation.08:02
tioxIf it can be enabled, it can be disabled.08:02
pinoyoragoncablop: i didn't edit anything... i was just asked of a passphrase... which i forget already....08:02
IledenMrPPS: Is there a way to get rsync to first go through all the files, and then give me an estimate of transfer time?08:02
FlannelViliny, theadmin: use -P not -O (-P sets a directory for files to go to, not an output file for everything to be concatenated to)08:02
tioxJust to pacify them I'll find the command to randomize the root pass.08:02
theadminFlannel: Oh, cool, thanks08:03
VilinyThank you Flannel08:03
tioxThere, "passwd -l root" turns off root.08:03
theadmintiox: Nope, not the way you do it08:03
tioxI knew there was another way, I couldn;t find it in short order.08:04
VilinyFlannel: that worked, the description in the syntax list was a little confusing for me but seems it worked flawlessly. Thank you!08:04
Flanneltheadmin: `passwd -l root` is the way to lock the root account.08:04
cablopah, then if you skipped the unlock of the crypted partition you need to find a way to unlock it, if it is  a swap you can just recreate it, look for LUKS on google about how to manually encrypt partitions08:04
theadminFlannel: The docs say, sudo passwd -dl root08:04
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MrPPSIleden: none that I know of, no08:04
tioxHere. sudo passwd -dl root08:04
Flanneltheadmin: That just deletes the password as well as locks the account, they both lock the account.08:05
pinoyoragoncablop: i commented the other swap then entered this command: swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap1. No errors but i can't see any activity using system monitor08:05
tioxRight, that's the objective.08:05
tioxBut what does d do?08:05
freezwayok, so does anyone here have AV sync issues with kdenlive08:05
theadmintiox: See what Flannel said08:05
Flanneltiox: deletes the password08:05
cablopprety normal, you need to really demand memory to start using a crypted swap08:05
jasongriffeetiox, so, log-in as root?08:05
Flanneltiox: -l locks the account, -dl deletes and locks.08:05
tioxjasongriffee: If you think that will do it. Otherwise see what nautilus-gksu does for you.08:06
cabloppinoyoragon: but if you forgot the pwd of the other partition, then i srongly suggest you to recreate the partition, not a big deal, cause it is kjust a swap08:06
tiox!info nautilus-gksu | jasongriffee08:06
ubottujasongriffee: nautilus-gksu (source: gksu): privilege granting extension for nautilus using gksu. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.2-5ubuntu2 (natty), package size 5 kB, installed size 80 kB08:06
Flannelbut, why are we enabling root anyway? what's wrong with sudo?08:06
jasongriffeenautilus-gksu does not work, is there a extra step?08:06
tioxFlannel: It's an end-all solution.08:06
pinoyoragoncablop: can u guide me on how to recreate it? i can't see it in fdisk -l08:07
tioxBut, used sparingly, of course.08:07
Flannel(I've been perusing backscroll, I can't find the original question)08:07
cablopflannel, some people came from other linux distros, not only from windows, they need to do things the way they're used to08:07
theadminFlannel: Everybody hates sudo for no reason tbh08:07
theadminFlannel: In Gentoo it's even discouraged *shrug*08:07
cablopi hate sudo, because it makes me feel like using windows vista08:07
tioxtheadmin: Because n00bs think admin rights should be sprinkled like fairy dust.08:08
Flanneltheadmin: That's because it doesn't make flames shoot out of your computer's fans, but we're looking to support people, even if that means explaining that their habits aren't the best way :)08:08
MrPPSim heading off for a bit, adios08:08
tioxOkay, BRB, gonna wreck my system.08:08
Flanneljasongriffee: What permission error are you getting?08:09
Flanneljasongriffee: You can't read the CD? or what?08:09
VilinyFlannel: are you familiar with wput? im trying to upload a file from a certain directory in my home folder but the output on the server saves the directory structure starting from the root so im seeing a home folder user folder and so on in the target location08:09
theadminFlannel: Well as for me I always configure sudo the ubuntu way, that is with some admin group08:09
cablopFlannel: sadly this is open source world, at some points there's no better way08:09
Flannelcablop: There's no reason to use root, has not been since 5.10 or so.08:10
cablopflannel i do for maintenance when i need fast scripts to solve issues and not willing to deal with pwd management08:10
Flannelcablop: You don't need to use root for that, you can use sudo -i.08:11
cablopi learned linux the red hat way... so i got used to use root directly08:11
cablopthen sudo -i drops me in a root console, making me root... same thing08:11
Flannelcablop: No, it's very different.08:11
theadmincablop: Different, you don't give out root password to people08:11
cablopbut flannel, i know a real case when you need to go directly into root08:11
cablopwhen you have to move home to a different partition preserving permissions08:12
woomlaI've mounted a windows share on server 10.04 and can read but cannot write, what can I do to enable write access?08:12
cablopyou cannot have any user using /home at that moment08:12
Flannelcablop: You should be doing that from single user mode/recovery console anyway.08:12
cablopand theadmin if you lose your password it is the same deal if they have root pwd or not08:12
theadminFlannel: Which is a root account anyway ;)08:13
cablopflannel, nope if you cannot interrupt the activity of a server08:13
Flanneltheadmin: But you aren't /enabling/ root.08:13
theadminFlannel: true...08:13
theadmincablop: ubuntu on a server? wut?08:13
cablophome server08:14
Flannelwoomla: Using Samba? or NFS?08:14
cablopdevelopment server on an ntranet08:14
woomlaFlannel: I think samba08:14
Flannelcablop: regardless, there's no reason to ever recommend anyone enable the root account in this channel.08:14
cablopi saw people installing ubuntu as server to enable just mysql and pache to test what they're evelopng... ah, and the subversion server08:14
Flannelwoomla: And you're on Ubuntu trying to write to Windows? or on Windows trying to write to Ubuntu?08:15
cablopflannel... but... i never understood why is that big fear of using a root account08:15
ActionParsnipcablop: its not fear, its smart08:16
woomlaFlannel: I'm on ubuntu server trying to write to windows. I have an entry in fsab //server/share /mnt/share cifs exec,credentials=/etc/cifspw 0 008:16
theadmincablop: Cause Ubuntu is for hamsters which tend to do weird things with the root account08:16
Flannelcablop: No fear, but it provides zero/little benefit and has some drawbacks.  Also, this channel assumes you have the root account locked, and it cuts down on diagnosis time if we don't have to continue to ask people.08:16
wildgoosetheadmin, lmao I see what you did there08:16
jasongriffeehow to mount folder as D: drive08:17
ActionParsnipjasongriffee: linux doesn't have "D drive"08:17
netspyjasongriffee not heard of D drive in nix08:17
MonkeyDustjasongriffee: in linux, a harddisk is devided in partitions08:18
ActionParsnipjasongriffee: you can mount a samba share  to a folder and access it that way08:18
theadminjasongriffee: "mount /dev/sdz12 /media/D\:\ Drive"? lol08:18
ActionParsnipjasongriffee: what do you actually want to achieve?08:18
netspymounting a folder on his D drive....08:19
Flannelwoomla: I believe you need to mount it with "uid=whatever-your-user-is", that makes you the owner, and able to modify08:19
ActionParsnipnetspy: makes no sense here, I want him/her to use rgular language, not this "D drive" nonsense which Microsoft makes them use08:20
FlannelActionParsnip: I believe he's using Wine, and wants to mount it to D: in Wine08:20
ActionParsnipFlannel: until we get context, we'll never know :)08:20
woomlaFlannel: In cifspw I have username=<myname> password=<my password>. And I'm able to read the contents and copy etc.08:21
netspynother possibility Flannel!08:21
FlannelActionParsnip: If you lastlog him, you'll see he's using Wine to install something from a CD.08:21
ActionParsnipFlannel: not sure pidgin has thatbut I get your point08:21
freezwayanyone here use kdenlive?08:21
Flannelwoomla: That's the password for Windows, the uid=* is the UID for Linux08:21
Flannelwoomla: (one tells you what to tell Windows who you are, the latter tells linux who to mount it as)08:22
ActionParsnipjasongriffee: is "D drive" the CD drive of the system per chance?08:22
woomlaFlannel: So I put uid=root at the line in fstab?08:22
Flannelwoomla: Probably uid=1000 (assuming you're the first user on the system)08:23
ActionParsnipFlannel: i guess we'll never know08:23
iLLf8danyone here running 8.04 ubuntu?08:24
woomlaFlannel: It's actually the second user. How again do I get this uid? (i'm rather new to linux)08:24
ActionParsnipiLLf8d: if they areit will be on server only (most likely)08:24
con-man!botabuse | ubottu08:24
ubottucon-man: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".08:24
freezwayplease someone dear god help me08:25
theadminwoomla: Run "id" in the terminal08:25
Flannelcon-man: Please stop that.08:25
freezwayi need help with kdenlive08:25
con-manI did it one time?08:25
theadmincon-man: More than enough :D08:25
rageHurry up mkfs.ext4! :-( 3TB is taking 20 minutes08:25
Flannelwoomla: 'id' will spit out a bunch of stuff, you're looking for the first bit "uid=1001(woomla)" or something similar, that number is your uid08:25
woomlaFlannel: got it08:26
ActionParsnipfreezway: I'm sure a good many users use it. Does that answer your question enough. Look on the notice boards for the app, lots of users discussing it. There are  kdenlive users. They do exist08:26
con-manyou know I implemented an IRC server out of our local datacentre at work which is now used by 200+ employees and all I got for my company changing project was a $50 spotlight award08:27
Loshkirage: 3TB is quite big. Are the disks still being accessed?08:27
jasongriffeei want to run nfshs on wine, that's it08:27
rageLoshki: Yeah, I'm just been impatient I think :-)08:27
freezwayActionParsnip, yeah, i cant find a soln to my problem. Its 1:22AM here and i got 4 hours sleep last night and i have a massive video project due tomorrow.08:27
woomlaFlannel: Works! I put uid=1002 in fstab, mount -a and now I can write to the share for this user.08:28
ActionParsnipfreezway: youo may get more replies if you ask you actual question08:28
Flannelwoomla: Glad to hear it08:28
ActionParsniprage: slow drives huh08:28
woomlaFlannel: Can i put more uid in fstab? I want other users to have access to.08:29
Flannelwoomla: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html might help if you're looking for more information, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently (the latter breaks down each piece and explains it in the fstab options)08:29
rageActionParsnip: Yeah, its USB2.0.08:29
woomlaFlannel: thanx08:29
ActionParsniprage: then definately slow08:29
Vilinyhow can i make "mv" create a target directory if it doesn't exist?08:29
ActionParsnipViliny: just looked in: man mv    doesn't look like it's an option08:30
VilinyActionParsnip: oh bummer08:31
theadminViliny: You can't, but you can "mkdir -p TARGETDIR" first.08:31
Flannelwoomla: You can only specify one uid (because that becoems the "owner" of the files, but you *can* specify a gid (group ID), and then let that group have access.  But I imagine this problem is more common than just you, so someone may have a more elegant solution08:31
freezwayActionParsnip, yeah, i did. i stated that i cant get AV to sync and i get weird artifacts08:31
Vilinyand if it's a bash script that does this several times a day? how does mkdir like existing directories?08:31
MonkeyDustViliny: by using a script, like "if [directory not exist] then [create directory]08:32
theadminViliny: It doesn't. How about combining that with an "if [ ! -d directory ]"?08:32
cablopnow i'm rying to figure how to connect  to freenode from quassel... quassel seems like a pidgin... to simple to setup so i don't know what to do xD08:32
woomlaTx Flannel, I hope someone read that and can give me some links to how to enable groups rights on windows shares.08:32
Vilinytheadmin: im not sure if i know the bash syntax for if clauses though08:32
bazhangcablop, help in #quassel as well08:32
theadminViliny: help if08:33
cablopthjanks bazhang08:33
MonkeyDustViliny: this is the time to learn it, what you want is not too complicated08:33
theadminViliny: Simpliest way for you: [ ! -d targetdir ] && mkdir -p targetdir08:34
Viliny-d means directory?08:34
Vilinydoes that line work in a way that if the first command fails the sceonds doesn't get executed by default?08:35
Flannelwoomla: Seems the group thing is what this recommends: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently#Multiple%20Users  However, you might also try adding "noperm" instead of uid=*, see if that works.08:35
theadminViliny: Yeah, && executes the second operand if the first operand succeeds08:35
jjpViliny: you can also use 'test' command (test -d)08:35
theadminViliny: And yeah, -d means "file exists and is a directory"08:36
Vilinyokay, thanks a lot theadmin, you've been of great help08:36
theadminViliny: Therefore, "!-d" means "file doesn't exist or isn't a directory" :D08:36
Flannelwoomla: The latter suggestion comes from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283131 (search for samba), it is old though (2006), so that's why I'm not sure if it will work.  But we can try it!08:36
Vilinyokay :)08:36
woomlaFlannel: I'll give it a try08:37
Viliny[ ! -d /home/viliny/reknro/$(date +"%m-%d-%y") ] && mkdir -p /home/viliny/reknro/$(date +"%m-%d-%y")08:37
Vilinysooo that should then work08:37
theadminViliny: Probably will08:37
Vilinyhow do the [ brackets work in this case?08:38
Vilinyi mean, the first part is isolated but the second part isn't08:38
theadminViliny: [ ] is just a shortcut to the "test" command08:38
tioxSweetnas. I have Emerald working from a PPA, Darkness theme installed, recompiled Murrine and easily created a custom set of colors for it. :P08:38
freezwayok now my project in kdenlive wont even open08:38
Vilinytheadmin: oh i see08:39
lesshastedpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size;10}\t${Package}\n' | sort -k1,1n08:40
lesshasteshows texlive-latex-extra-doc08:40
lesshastebut sudo apt-get remove texlive-latex-extra-doc08:41
lesshasteackage texlive-latex-base-doc is not installed, so not removed08:41
BuenGeniois there a CLI tool to configure network interfaces ?08:41
Loshkifreezway: sounds like you need expert help. Tried #kdenlive ?08:41
freezwaylisten. my chem grade and 2 of my friends chem grades rely on me getting this kdenlive file to open. can ANYONE help"?08:41
theadminBuenGenio: ifconfig, lol08:41
freezwayLoshki, its a shitpit of sfks08:41
BuenGeniotheadmin, yah thanks :) something that will be persistent across reboots08:41
theadminBuenGenio: Hm, files under /etc08:42
BuenGeniook, another excuse to use vi then! ;)08:42
theadminBuenGenio: With Arch it'd be the INTERFACES= section of rc.conf, but not sure on Ubuntu. ALso don't use vi, use vim08:42
MonkeyDustBuenGenio: nano is easier to use08:42
lesshastehow do I handle this "ghost" package?08:42
BuenGeniotheadmin, vi aliases to vim08:42
napnap /join #php08:42
theadminlesshaste: Maybe just "dpkg -r" it?08:43
BuenGenionano is for malnourished admins08:43
napnaphuhu :)08:43
MonkeyDust"malnourished admins" :)08:43
abhinav_singhunzip abc.zip wil create make one file abc apart form abc.php..is it possible to delete the abc.zip when it is unzipping so that i should only have abc instead of both abc.zip and abc08:44
lesshastetheadmin: dpkg --purge fixed it. thanks08:44
Flannelabhinav_singh: unzip abc.zip && rm abc.zip08:45
theadminlesshaste: GLaD I was of help.08:45
BuenGenioalso, is there a way to bring up a Wireless interface at boot?08:45
kratoskis it possible to use wget on a link that redirects you to the file you want?08:49
theadminkratosk: Yes08:49
xiaoyHow come screem editor is not in Ubuntu 10.04 repos?08:49
kratosktheadmin: how?08:49
Juv1228what is the absolute minimum to get fluxbox to start on term login?08:49
theadminkratosk: As long as it is just an HTTP Moved Permanently or Found, it should be automatic08:49
Juv1228should just be xorg and fluxbox right?08:50
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theadminJuv1228: Yeah08:50
theadminJuv1228: Well and some sort of video drivers08:50
Juv1228well, ya. as of now im testing in kvm08:50
Juv1228trying to press some custom livecd's08:50
kratosktheadmin: its not working that way...08:51
Juv1228cant figure this out. lxe works fine, but if i try and manually specify xorg and fluxbox instead of gdm or something during the livecd build it doesnt boot correctly08:51
Vilinytheadmin: i got an error running my script, where should i look for the fault if i get this: -bash: ./rek: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory08:52
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Juv1228"startpar: service(s) returned failure: live-config ... failed!08:53
theadminViliny: Sounds like your script is not proper Unicode or you have some weird ^M at the end of the interpreter line08:53
Juv1228then it drops to login prompt instead of auto setting up the environment08:53
Juv1228user/live credentials work, yet fluxbox still doesnt start up. 'startfluxbox' fails with not being able to contact the xorg server08:54
Juv1228if i 'xinit' it all works beautifully08:54
Juv1228what am i missing thats preventing xorg from starting at boot to begin with?08:54
theadminJuv1228: Suggestion is to add "startfluxbox" to your ~/.xinitrc and start xinit at boot xD08:54
Vilinytheadmin: http://pastebin.com/yKSgDP9y08:55
Juv1228ya, exec startfluxbox is in .xinitrc08:55
Juv1228where would i put xinit to start at boot before login prompts?08:55
Shogoothi people, can i get one of you to help me troubleshoot my old old scanner? it was working under ubuntu 10.04, but its not under 11.04. The scanner is a Canon - Cannoscan LIDE 2.0. n08:56
woomlaBack to square one. I have a windows share. Only the su can write to it, no one else. not even with sudo echo x > x.txt. I have to do sudo su first. How can I make this share writable for everyone?08:56
Shogoothi people, can i get one of you to help me troubleshoot my old old scanner? it was working under ubuntu 10.04, but its not under 11.04. The scanner is a Canon - Cannoscan LIDE 2.0.08:57
theadminwoomla: sudo echo never works08:57
woomlatheadmin: I thought so08:57
theadminViliny: Looks fine, but there should be no space after #!08:57
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theadminwoomla: Use this: echo blah|sudo tee file08:57
Vilinytheadmin: so it should read like this: #!/bin/bash ?08:57
theadminViliny: Yeah08:58
Vilinythank you sir08:58
woomlatheadmin: ok, but my question is how to make the share writeable for everyone.08:58
theadminwoomla: Okay, I'm of no help there08:58
Vilinywoomla: are you 100% on that the windows machine allows writing to that shared folder?09:00
woomlaViliny: yes, su can write to it09:01
spasswoomla: what user are you connecting to this share with ?09:01
Shogoothi people, can i get one of you to help me troubleshoot my old old scanner? it was working under ubuntu 10.04, but its not under 11.04. The scanner is a Canon - Cannoscan LIDE 2.0.09:02
spasswoomla: and does this user has writting permissions there?09:02
woomlaspass: I've an entry in fstab, how can I tell which users connects?09:02
spasswoomla: smbfs ?09:02
woomlaspass: I believe that's my problem. I want group write to it09:02
woomlaspass: yes samba09:03
spassyou can connect a share with a user password09:03
spassif that user has perms there, he will be able to connect there09:03
spassdunno about group, you would have to see manual09:03
woomlaspass: I have //server/share /mnt/share cifs exec,credentials=file 0 009:04
woomlain file are username=<username> password=<password> these are the windows usr/pwd09:04
spassif that windows user has perms there, then seems you have to permit other users then root to use this mount09:05
spasscheck perms for /mnt/share, and check smbfs docs for allowing other users using this mount09:06
woomlaspass: yes, I think it comes down to that. root can write, now I want to have a group write access09:06
woomlamaybe it is only a linux rights thing? I have to allow linux users to write to that directory09:08
lesshastewhere are MANPATH and INFOPATH set in ubuntu?09:08
danslolesshaste: assuming /etc/manpath.config09:09
spasswoomla: maybie try adding gid or uid flag to a fstab mount line.09:09
lesshastedanslo: assuming?09:09
earthmeLonIs it possible to have an alias point to a domain name instead of an ip using /etc/hosts ?09:10
Shogoothi people, can i get one of you to help me troubleshoot my old old scanner? it was working under ubuntu 10.04, but its not under 11.04. The scanner is a Canon - Cannoscan LIDE 2.0.09:10
woomlaspass: I've tried several things, none work. i.e.: file_mode=0777,dirmode-0777 or dmask=777,fmask=777 or uid=1000,gid=100009:11
danslolesshaste: yeah... you could try grep 'MANPATH' -Rs / ;)09:11
spasswoomla: there is nothing like file_mode or dmask in mount.smbfs09:14
spasswoomla: stick to `man mount.smbfs` list of flags09:14
deploymentactionparsnip: Am i Happy to see you..  you any good with postfix?09:14
ActionParsnipdeployment: not at all, never used it09:14
Shogoothi people, can i get one of you to help me troubleshoot my old old scanner? it was working under ubuntu 10.04, but its not under 11.04. The scanner is a Canon - Cannoscan LIDE 2.0.09:15
FireUserhi ! is it possible to disable the protocol "file://" in Firefox in order to avoid the browse of the filesystem?09:15
ActionParsnipShogoot: can you give the 8 character hex ID it gives in: lsusb09:15
deploymentactionparsnip: The day has come, when you didn't know something. i am suppised :)09:15
woomlaspass: that's good advice. my man page says about file_mode.09:16
ShogootActionParsnip, to the rescue again :)   lsubs comman in terminal gives me nothing.... No command 'lsubs' found, did you mean:09:16
ActionParsnipdeployment: hehe I guess, nobody knows everything. Anthing SQL or apache or mail server related and I know zero09:16
ActionParsnipShogoot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScannersCanon09:16
ActionParsnipShogoot: lsusb09:16
ActionParsnipShogoot: youaren't running the command I gave, that can be dangerous09:17
Shogootlol... pastebin comming up asap09:17
ActionParsnipShogoot: i only need the one ID09:17
ShogootBus 003 Device 004: ID 04a9:220d Canon, Inc. CanoScan N670U/N676U/LiDE 2009:18
ActionParsnipShogoot: you can make the pastebin faster with:  lsusb | pastebinit            (assuming pastebinit is installed)09:18
ActionParsnipShogoot: ok and the output of: lsb_release -d09:18
floodplainhow do i find out what user my apache2 http server is and and group it belongs to?09:19
Shogootlsb_release -d09:19
ShogootDescription:Ubuntu 11.0409:19
ActionParsnipShogoot: cool09:19
ActionParsnipShogoot: if you plug it in after you log in, is it ok?09:20
theadminfloodplain: Check your httpd.conf09:20
floodplaintheadmin ty09:20
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ShogootActionParsnip, i havent tried, going to unplugg it not, relog and plugg it in again09:21
Shogootback in a min09:21
KNUBBIGgood morning/whatever :)09:22
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:22
FireUserhi ! is it possible to disable the protocol "file://" in Firefox in order to avoid the browse of the filesystem?09:22
shogootActionParsnip, the scanner is not working.09:23
ActionParsnipshogoot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21101809:24
ActionParsnipFireUser: http://superuser.com/questions/30402/how-can-i-disable-the-file-protocol-in-firefox09:24
ActionParsnipFireUser: looks pretty good, all I did was websearch.09:24
FirefisheI've recently downloaded the 64bit ubuntu 11.04 cd, but it doesn't want to boot.  I've tried compatibility mode in my bios, and that doesn't work.  The cd starts to boot, but it's always left hanging at the boot screen, with the ubuntu logo and the little dots blinking.  Nothing else happens09:26
MonkeyDustFirefishe: did you actually install it?09:27
FirefisheMonkeyDust: No..I just  wanted to use the live cd09:27
KNUBBIGFirefishe: try the alternate install cd as well, maybe. worked for me09:27
MonkeyDustnatty 64 bit works for me09:27
FirefisheMonkeyDust: Is there a way to use virtualbox to use the .iso image I used to burn the disc>?09:27
FireUserActionParsnip: I don't care of your comments, just give the answer plz, thanks.09:27
KNUBBIGFirefishe: yes09:27
ActionParsnipFireUser: the link is the answer09:27
MonkeyDustFirefishe: vbox does not load 64 bit09:27
kratoskis it possible to use wget on a link that redirects you to the file you want?09:27
FireUserIt's not for Firefox 4 ActionParsnip09:28
sxp_hey guys.  I am trying to install a package from the maverick backports repo.  I've added a suitable line to my sources.list, ran an apt-get update, but apt-cache does not show the backports version of the package I'm interested in (puppet) as being available.  have I missed something obvious?09:28
FireUserIf you would have read you would have seen that Kiosk does not work with Firefox 4.09:28
ActionParsnipFireUser: have you tried it anyway? You canbackup any files you manipulate before changing them so its easy to roll back09:28
sxp_also alcd appears to be some kind of on-join spammer.09:28
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: virtualbox can run 64bit guests if the CPU supports it09:29
KNUBBIGFireUser: You might consider you didn't say anything about the ff version you're using09:29
FireUserIndeed you're right.09:29
FirefisheKNUBBIG: How do I set up vbox to use the .iso image (32bit I'll probably have to d/l).09:29
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FirefisheAlso:  Is there a vm that *will* load 64bit?  Open source/free preferred.09:30
ActionParsnipFirefishe: in the storage options, setone of the devices to use the ISO09:30
ActionParsnipFirefishe: vbox will allow 64bit guests if your CPU supports it.09:30
ActionParsnipFirefishe: not all 64bit CPUs support 64bit guest OSes09:31
FireUserKNUBBIG_, ActionParsnip : http://www.engineering.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Linux/FirefoxLockdown <= I don't know what it's talking about when it says "browser.jar"09:32
kratoskis it possible to use wget on a link that redirects you to the file you want? I tend to just get a nonsense garbage file09:33
ActionParsnipFirefishe: it'll be a file in your OS someplace, relating to firefox09:33
FirefisheActionParsnip: lshw yields this information on my cpu:  Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz09:34
FirefisheActionParsnip: Was that meant for FireUser?09:34
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exiffcan i just make an iso of a dvd and then mount it later and play it normally?09:36
benonsoftwareIs any one here on the Asia Oceania board?09:37
theadminexiff: Sure09:38
MonkeyDustusing dd?09:38
theadminexiff: To make the ISO, use dd if=/dev/sr0 of=file.iso, to mount it, use "mount -o loop file.iso /somewhere"09:38
MonkeyDustexiff: if means input file, of means output file09:39
FirefisheActionParsnip: I just created a new virtual hard disk.  I'm the storage section, but all I can do is seemingly add controllers.09:39
exiffcan i use brasero to make the image? and mount it with archive mounter?09:39
AdvoWorkim doing: du -csh / --max-depth=1  but getting: du: warning: summarizing conflicts with --max-depth=1  but the man page shows that option, any ideas please?09:40
ActionParsnipFirefishe: it as vt-x, is it enabled in BIOS?09:40
IledenAny ideas why I cannot create a keyboard shortcut for WIN(MOD4)-W ? All other shortcuts with MOD4 work, and I remapped the conflicting "launch help browser" away. What's could be special about MOD4-W? How do I troubleshoot?09:40
lotuspsychjeanyone knows why nntpgrab denies access to /media/sd1 downloading newsgroups?09:40
FirefisheActionParsnip: Ahhh, that I'll have to see.  Be right back, have to reboot in order, of course, to see that.  Thanks for the heads up. :)  brb09:41
ActionParsnipFirefishe: http://geekyprojects.com/wp-admin/images/03-05-11-run-iso-virtualbox/run-iso-virtualbox-2.gif09:41
lesshastehow can I install a package without its dependencies?09:41
ikonialesshaste: you don't want to do that09:41
theadminlesshaste: It's dpkg. You can not.09:41
theadminlesshaste: I know a way though, but it's freaky09:41
lesshasteikonia: the problem is I do. I install texlive separately and kile wnats to install another version09:42
ikonialesshaste: yes, so you NEED that version,09:42
theadminlesshaste: mkdir /tmp/debfile ; mv file.deb /tmp ; ar x file.deb data.tar.gz ; sudo tar xf data.tar.gz -C / ; cd ; rm -f /tmp/debfile09:42
lesshasteikonia: I had to install tex separately as the version with ubuntu is too old09:42
theadminlesshaste: err, in the second command change /tmp to /tmp/debfile09:42
theadminlesshaste: ...errr...09:43
ikonialesshaste: just use the --nodeps options then09:43
theadminlesshaste: Well the command is all wrong but I think you get it :D09:43
ikonialesshaste: but again, I advise you very strongly not to do this09:43
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lesshasteikonia: what do you advise? Compile kile from source?09:43
theadminikonia: Wait, it's that simple? Just some flag? lol I'm an idiot09:44
FirefisheActionParsnip: LIB, it woiks!  Sound too :)09:44
ikonialesshaste: I advise you to use the packaged versions from ubuntu.09:44
ikoniatheadmin: sometimes the obvious stuff is hidden09:44
ActionParsnipFirefishe: simple life in Linux dude09:44
maalacneed help on the kernel problem in ubuntu09:45
ikoniamaalac: just ask the question09:45
lesshasteikonia: it's too old so things don't work sadly09:45
lesshasteikonia: so I can't do that09:45
exiffOooh ! Works beautifully... thanks.09:45
durrehi! I know I will be considered heretic now but, is there a good program for ubuntu that works with a microsoft exchange server. like outlook with email, calendars, maybe even lync?09:46
ikonialesshaste: what version of ubuntu are you using09:46
ikoniadurre: evolution has exchange support, but it's not amazing09:46
lesshasteikonia: lucid but that's doesn't really matter as there is no texlive 2010 in any stable distro of ubuntu09:46
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durreikonia: I tried ikonia but couldnt get it working with our version of exchange09:46
lesshasteikonia: the problem is the package management system which doesn't track the latest versions of texlive09:46
ActionParsniplesshaste: you may find a PPA with a later versions09:47
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.09:47
ikonialesshaste: it does track it - there is just no package09:47
ikonialesshaste: what software do you need and what version of texlive do you need09:47
maalachow can i re-install the kernel ?09:47
ikoniamaalac: why do you need to09:47
kratoskis it possible to use wget on a link that redirects you to the file you want? I tend to just get a nonsense garbage file09:47
maalaccoz i just recently upgraded my laptop from 10.10 to 11.04 and its freezing up on bootup09:47
exiffdoes ffmpeg have a ppa?09:47
ikoniamaalac: ok - so reinstalling the kernel won't fix that09:47
FirefisheActionParsnip: Well, it certainly used the 64bit .iso of natty.  Thing is, I thought Unity was the default interface in natty?  Seems like old gnome/metacity to me.09:47
maalaci've read some forums and its says due to the bug of the kernel and suggested fix was to re-install its kernel..i'm not sure..09:48
maalacany ideas ..09:48
lesshasteikonia: biber 0.9 and biblatex 1.409:48
FirefisheActionParsnip: What's strange, though, is why my cd (cd-rw) doesn't boot correctly.09:48
ikoniamaalac: if it's a bug in the kernel - re-installing it won't fix the bug09:48
maalacgood point ..09:49
maalachow can i fix it then ..my goal really now is to install the ubuntu4hp ..09:49
maalacand i couldn't get that work also ..09:49
ikoniamaalac: ubuntu4hp ?09:50
maalacyes please ..09:51
ikoniamaalac: I don't even know what that is09:51
maalacok ..help me out then on getting my repos to work ..09:51
maalacinside hp network ..09:51
ikonia!pm > maalac09:51
ubottumaalac, please see my private message09:51
ikoniamaalac: inside hp network ? what do you mean09:52
Kenty22Hi! Still having the same problem, When I login, the screen blinks black, and drops me back to login. I have tried Xorg fixes, which didnt help. I removed nvidia proprietary driver, and reverted back to nouveau driver, which still didnt help. Xorg.0.log has no errors. Ubuntu 10.0409:52
ikoniaKenty22: check your home directoryis not full and has write permissions for the user you are logging in as09:53
Kenty22ikonia:  checked and they are all fine, made a new user, and still the same problem09:53
FirefisheHow do I get my vbox/natty session to utilize the same connection (mobile broadband/cell) I'm using for the host machine?09:53
ikoniaFirefishe: you need to setup network forwarding09:54
Firefisheikonia:  how do I do that?09:54
ikoniaFirefishe: there are documents on the vbox site that explain network forwarding for guests09:54
Firefisheikonia:  thank you..I'll look that up. :)09:54
DeWei am having trouble with package manager when installing/uninstalling softwares. here is the error: http://min.us/mvb1KwI09:55
ikoniaDeWe: that image is too small to read09:55
Kenty22ikonia:  how can I start ubuntu in low graphics mode? maybe that will help09:55
ikoniaDeWe: ah, never mind, I can read it09:55
DeWeit should be pretty readable :)09:56
ikoniaKenty22: it' an option in the boot menu09:56
ikoniaDeWe: what user are you doing this as ?09:56
maalaci'm connected to the hp network and i'm getting fetch failed09:56
BlipInTheDataKenty22, when you log off, you can select it in login menu09:56
ikoniaDeWe: you should not be able to use root in ubuntu, it's a locked account09:56
BlipInTheDatain the bottom right corner.09:56
ikoniamaalac: what hp network ?09:56
ikoniamaalac: as in HP office lan ?09:57
DeWeit belongs to my vps, i have installed many apps via terminal before09:57
ikoniamaalac: ok - so I am also on a HP lan, and you need to use the proxy server as direct connections are firewalled off09:57
DeWehow come i shouldn't have root access?09:57
ikonia!root | DeWe09:57
ubottuDeWe: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:57
BlipInTheDataDeWe, you can set the root password.09:58
DeWei have a root password already ?09:58
ikoniaBlipInTheData: but you should not, as it creates errors like the one he is seeing09:58
ikoniaDeWe: use a normal user as you are supposed to, if you are using root you should know how to set it up and the differences it will create in the enviornment09:58
DeWeubottu, i have another user which is not sudoer.09:58
ubottuDeWe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:58
ikoniaDeWe: then make the user a sudoer09:59
DeWeahah :)09:59
DeWehow can i do that?09:59
ikoniaDeWe: add the user to the admin group09:59
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DeWemy non-sudoer usernaeme is "slaver"09:59
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ikoniaDeWe: add the user to the admin group09:59
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DeWecan i do that via terminal ?09:59
theadminDeWe: Yes10:00
DeWeactually, how can i - ikonia10:00
spassDeWe: google it ?10:00
ikoniaspass: uncalled for10:00
theadminDeWe: sudo usermod -aG admin slaver10:00
llutzDeWe: "sudo adduser slaver admin"10:00
ikoniahttps://help.ubuntu.com DeWe that has info on how to manage your system10:00
theadminOr what llutz said10:00
DeWethanks, llutz and ikonia.10:00
DeWespass, get a life.10:01
ikoniaDeWe: uncalled for too10:01
deploymentanyone know how to use local_recipient_maps in postfix10:02
DeWesorry, ikonia. reboot required ?10:02
ikoniaDeWe: no10:02
Firefisheokay, changing vbox to NAT mode solved the problem10:02
llutzdeployment: http://www.postfix.org/LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README.html   and #postfix   should help10:07
siktionhi. network problem. my machines are pinging each other, but there is no internet on ubuntu. >>> modem (router) <= wifi => windows xp <= LAN => ubuntu 11.04 <<< can you help me, plz?10:10
ikoniasiktion: did this not get resolved last night10:10
IledenAny ideas why I cannot create a keyboard shortcut for WIN+W (MOD4+W)? All other shortcuts with MOD4 work, and I remapped the conflicting "launch help browser" away. What's could be special about MOD4+W? How do I troubleshoot?10:10
siktionikonia: no10:10
ikoniasiktion: is the ubuntu machine plugged into the router ?10:10
siktionikonia: solution was worse10:10
ikoniasiktion: is the ubuntu machine plugged into the router ?10:11
theadminIleden: If you have Compiz running, turn that off. It uses the Super key for it's shortcuts10:11
mmansiktion, so your ubuntu is connected via LAN to your winxp and your winxp is connected wifi to the modem?10:11
tdnIs there an easy way of deleting all jpeg files in a folder with resolution less than, say, 256xp? (ie. in which both dimensions are less than 256 pixels?) Maybe by using imagemagick or something like that? Or just a program that can sort files by resolution. So I can delete them manually. I tried Gwenview, but it can't. Also gqview cant.10:11
llutzsiktion: you need to configure internet-connection-sharing in XP and let ubuntu use your xp-machine as default-gateway. set ips/dns suitable for your lan10:12
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siktionikonia. mman: prv msg10:12
llutzsiktion: your ubuntu-XP connection needs crossover-cable10:12
ikoniasiktion: I don't want a private message, could you please answer in the channel so we can all see10:13
ikoniasiktion: is your ubuntu machine plugged into the router ?10:13
DeWellutz, i made my account "slaver" admin but now when i open package manager with it it requires passwordd, and not root's neither slaver's password working with it, what should i do ?10:13
siktionikonia: network http://paste.pocoo.org/show/403717/10:13
llutzDeWe: slaver has to relogin10:13
spasstdn: you would have to make a script that checks image with imagemagic and list it to afile if resolution is lower then desired.... then run rm command against that list10:13
DeWei did10:13
ikoniasiktion: I'll ask you one more time, is the ubuntu machine plugged into the router10:13
maalachi again ..10:14
mmansiktion, change the mask!!!10:14
maalachow do i fix this repo problem10:14
maalacW: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-mirror.fc.hp.com/LinuxCOE/Ubuntu4HP/dists/ubuntu4hp/Release.gpg  Unable to connect to localhost:8816: [IP: 8816]?10:14
mmansiktion, change it to
deploymentllutz: I have been reading the link but i still don't understand.10:14
siktionikonia: ubuntu machine is pluged into windows machine via LAN cable10:14
ikoniasiktion: right, so the issue is your windows machine is not sharing it's internet connection10:14
DeWellutz, rebooting now. will let u know.10:14
spasssiktion: does the machines ping each other ?10:14
ikoniasiktion: the guys in ##windows can help you setup internet connection sharing/routing on your windows machine10:15
freebsd_fanlibreoffice and ubuntu crashes on ubuntu one compiz....10:15
freebsd_fanany tips?10:15
mmansiktion, i also think that what ikonia says might be true. Check if the bridge in winxp is well config10:15
siktionspass: yes, pinging each other10:15
spasssiktion: nvm... read your first msg10:15
llutzdeployment: what  part you don't understand?10:16
ActionParsnipfreebsd_fan: does it crash as other users?10:17
ActionParsnipmaalac: do you use a proxy?10:18
mmansiktion, does your wndows xp have internet?10:18
ikoniasiktion: I suggest you take this to ##windows channel and explain the problem10:18
DeWellutz, rebooted still same. slaver account cant run package manager, says" failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root"10:18
spassDeWe: how dou you run it ?10:19
siktionmman: windows has internet10:19
llutzDeWe: "gksu synaptic"10:19
ikoniaDeWe: how are you launching it10:19
DeWexrdp from windows, logined as slaver, from admin menu10:19
Iledentheadmin: turning compiz off seems like killing a mosquito with a nuke... but thanks for the tip, i'll see if there's some conflict.10:20
ikoniaDeWe: as the new user do "sudo apt-get update" - what happens10:20
ActionParsnipDeWe: if you are just updating the OS, why not SSH in and use apt-get10:20
roarkehelp, when installed unity from synaptic,the unity dock wont hide and transparency ad shadows dont work.  anyone know what should i do?10:20
theadminIleden: Or install CCSM and disable the shortcut.10:21
DeWeikonia, llutz - says slaver is not sudoer10:21
ikoniaDeWe: there you go10:21
ActionParsniproarke: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-change-unity-sidebar-launcher-auto-hide-behaviour-in-ubuntu-11-0410:21
ikoniaDeWe: the user needs to be in the admin group10:21
llutzDeWe: "sudo adduser slaver admin"10:21
llutzDeWe: on that target machine10:21
ActionParsnipDeWe: or:  sudo usermod -a -G admin slaver10:22
Iledentheadmin: yea, ccsm already installed, and it reports the conflict is with "Initiate Window Picker For All Windows of the Scale plugin". thanks!10:22
deploymentanyone know how to use local_recipient_maps in postfix to stop anyone who's not a local user10:22
roarketried that it still doesnt work10:22
llutzdeployment: what  part you don't understand?10:22
DeWeresponse: the user slaver is already a member of admin group10:22
theadminIleden: GLaD I helped.10:23
tdnspass, I was hoping for an easier solution.10:23
freebsd_fanI didn't try other users10:23
theadminDeWe: Run "EDITOR=nano sudo visudo" and add the following line at the end of file: "slaver ALL=(ALL) ALL", after which hit Ctrl+O, Enter, Ctrl+X.10:23
freebsd_fanshould I?10:24
deploymentllutz: well i'm trying to make my smtp require a username and password to use it.10:24
llutzdeployment: that has nothing to do with local_recipient_maps, you want sasl-auth10:24
Iledentheadmin: weird. still didn't work. But doing it via compiz's "commands" plugin does work, so problem solved. Still bugs me a bit what causes it to fail :)10:24
roarke help, when installed unity from synaptic,the unity dock wont hide and transparency ad shadows dont work.  anyone know what should i do? i tried changing the auto hide settings and I also tried configuring it i compiz.10:24
DeWellutz, it says slaver is already in admin group.10:24
deploymentllutz: is this a postfix main.cf change10:25
ikoniaDeWe: please show me the output of "uname -a"10:25
llutzdeployment: yes http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html10:25
spasstdn: there is none i guess. There is no common command that i'm aware off that takes picture resolution as a filter.10:25
DeWeikonia, as root or as salver10:25
ikoniaDeWe: either10:25
llutzdeployment:  http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html10:25
DeWeikonia, Linux "censor" 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.028stab089.1 #1 SMP Thu Apr 14 14:06:01 MSD 2011 i686 GNU/Linux10:26
llutzdeployment: theres #postfix here on freenode, for further help10:26
voshsorry is this official ubuntu support?10:26
ikoniaDeWe: that is a custom version of ubuntu based on a redhat kernel10:26
DeWeikonia, i am on ubuntu 10 04 lucid10:26
BlouBlouvosh: this is the official IRC ubuntu support :)10:26
spasstdn: maybie some picture managers but in that case i can't help you.10:26
ikoniaDeWe: that means the standard ubuntu setup is not valid, I suggest you contact the people who support this platform for support10:26
ikoniaDeWe: it's not ubuntu - it's a custom version of ubuntu, the people who built/support this are the people who need to support you10:27
voshvery well thanks10:27
roarke help, when installed unity from synaptic,the unity dock wont hide and transparency ad shadows dont work.  anyone know what should i do? i tried changing the auto hide settings and I also tried configuring it i compiz.10:27
DeWeOk thanks10:27
unknown_001EMPATHY HELP: can anyone tell me if I have multiple yahoo messenger accounts running in Empathy how to switch between each to view  the contact list - many thanks10:27
Booyawats up people10:28
theadminunknown_001: Both accounts' contacts will be in the same list.10:28
Booyacan anyone recommend a good Twitter Client for 10.04?10:29
unknown_001theadmin: thanks, but is there no way to seperate them, lets say with two different tabs?10:29
ikoniaBooya: http://www.twitter.com10:29
theadminunknown_001: I don't think there is10:29
Booyaok I wasnt exactly looking for that ikonia10:30
unknown_001theadmin: shame, maybe thats an update they could work on ;-) but thank you for your help10:30
BooyaTwitter Client?10:30
Booyauh Gwibber kinda sux ..10:30
Booyawell let me put it this way..Any chat client which integrates twitter..10:31
deploymentllutz: on formatting the sasl_passwd file, how do i format it.10:32
maalaci'm currenlty boot up on the old kernel ..10:32
MonkeyDustBooya: there's also twitux, i havent used it, though10:32
maalachow do i change it to boot on the new kernel ?10:32
Booyathanks Monkeydust..Is this availble for 10.04?10:33
=== Pera is now known as Guest13101
ActionParsnipmaalac: hold shift at boot and you can choose it10:33
MonkeyDustBooya: you can check in synaptic10:33
maalacok thanks ..10:33
Booyacool mate10:34
Booyawill do10:34
ActionParsnipBooya: http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/05/03/twitter-clients-for-ubuntu-linux/10:34
ActionParsnipBooya: I use tweetdeck for chrome, it'sspiffy10:34
BooyaThanks Action10:35
BooyaWill check out these clients10:35
maalachi again10:36
BooyaU really cant add new sources on Gwibber10:36
maalacneed some help in fixing my repo on ubuntu10:36
maalaci'm unable to get updates or do apt-get install10:36
maalachere is the error10:36
maalacErr http://ubuntu-mirror.fc.hp.com ubuntu4hp Release.gpg10:36
maalac  Unable to connect to localhost:8816: [IP: 8816]10:36
ActionParsnipBooya: looks like this: http://images.suite101.com/2757651_com_60828481.png10:36
ActionParsnipmaalac: do you use a proxy?10:36
llutzdeployment: saslpasswd2 -c -f <yoursaslpasswdfile> username10:37
maalaci believe so ..i think i messed it up ..10:37
ActionParsnipmaalac: do you get access denied in the output?10:37
maalacno, i'm getting this error : Err http://ubuntu-mirror.fc.hp.com ubuntu4hp Release.gpg10:37
maalac  Unable to connect to localhost:8816: [IP: 8816]10:37
ActionParsnipmaalac: so nothing about access denied?10:38
maalacdon't know really ..how do i check that ?10:38
llutzdeployment: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix10:38
ActionParsnipmaalac: it will say it amongst the output you repeatedly pasted in here10:38
llutzdeployment: http://www.jimmy.co.at/weblog/?p=5210:39
maalacits not saying that ..the last part of the error is this one10:39
maalacW: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead10:39
ActionParsnipmaalac: usually thatstuff is from a bad username / password10:40
pcoderHi, I am having some trouble with my Ubuntu 10.10, which I installed on windows filesystem using wubi.exe. For sometime now, whenever I boot ubuntu, it boots up to busybox showing initramfs as shell. From initial solutions mentioned on the web I have cleaned my partition on Windows (using chkdsk), but the problem still persists. Any suggestions how I could fix my problem??10:40
ActionParsnipmaalac: add inn ~/.bashrc:10:40
maalacok ..hold on ..10:40
ActionParsnipmaalac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623250/10:41
ActionParsnipmaalac: ok scratch that10:41
maalacits working now ..but my main problem is that its not getting update from ubuntu4hp10:42
ActionParsnipmaalac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623253/10:42
maalacits saying broken packages10:42
ActionParsnipmaalac: ahh, if it's working then thats fin10:43
ActionParsnipno need to add my line10:43
=== denny- is now known as denny
ActionParsnipmaalac: can you pastebin the broken packages text please10:43
Sidewinder1pcoder, Using wubi can be problematic; it's primary reason for being is to try ubuntu; if you like it you really should install it, dual boot if necessary. As to your problem, about the only thing I can think of is to defrag.10:43
maalacubuntu4hp-base : Depends: audacious but it is not installable10:44
maalac                  Depends: avahi-discover but it is not installable10:44
maalac                  Depends: clamtk but it is not installable10:44
maalac                  Depends: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra but it is not installable10:44
maalac                  Depends: cups-pdf but it is not installable10:44
FloodBot1maalac: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
ActionParsnip(10:43:32) ActionParsnip: maalac: CAN YOU PASTEBIN the broken packages text please10:44
ActionParsnipoh well10:45
maalactehre is a lot10:45
ActionParsnipmaalac: why do you think I SAID to use a PASTEBIN10:45
ActionParsnipmaalac: yes, thats what pastebins are for10:45
theadminmaalac: Go to http://pzt.me and paste it all there, click "Submit" and give us the link.10:46
maalacok hold on ..10:46
* ActionParsnip sighs10:47
MoopzHey. Simple question I think but I have this program that I run through the terminal, but for some reason, if I do sudo / gksudo ./ it never prompts me for password, which means the program doesn't have sudo access.10:47
ActionParsnipMoopz: sudo and gksudo have grace periods where the password isnt required to be re-entered10:48
MoopzActionParsnip: but it doesn't prompt me after I restart either. I know the program doesn't have sudo access because it cannot operate properly without it.10:48
ActionParsnipMoopz: if the program is a gui app (like gedit) then be sure you always use gksudo10:49
=== jakemp is now known as jakemp|sleep
ActionParsnipMoopz: any program can be ran wit sudo etc10:49
ActionParsnip!away > jakemp|sleep10:49
ubottujakemp|sleep, please see my private message10:49
lumbertIssue booting back into windows after removing hard drive, I cannot boot to the windows recovery DVD, can't figure how to make Grub load me into windows.  Would love some help..10:49
Sidewinder1!pm | pcoder10:49
ubottupcoder: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:49
MoopzActionParsnip: but it doesn't prompt me when I launch that program.10:49
ActionParsnipMoopz: hmm, did you add it to the sudoers file to not need a password?10:50
pcoderI am so sorry!10:50
maalachere it iis10:50
MoopzActionParsnip: I wouldn't know how to do that.10:50
pcoderSidewinder1: Thanks for your reply, Can you elablorate a bit about defrag?10:50
ActionParsnipmaalac: see how you gave ALL that text and you didn't scroll the channel?10:50
ActionParsnipmaalac: that's why I told you to use a pastebin, but you ignored me, so the bot threw you out10:51
maalacsorie about that ..10:51
Sidewinder1pcoder, No problem. :-) Defrag is short for defragment; it's found in windows in, disk services, I think; it's been a while...10:51
ActionParsnipmaalac: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -d             it's one line so is cool to paste :)10:51
DilbertoI have been tasked with finding Black Ubuntu and other Linux developers for next year's Black History month.   Does anybody know of any prominant ones?10:51
maalacok hold on ..10:52
redGoatMoopz: Try "sudo -k" -- then try the App.10:52
ActionParsnipDilberto: this is support only, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic10:52
ActionParsnipmaalac: cool10:52
MoopzredGoat: Doesn't help. If I use gksudo it tries to start up the prompt for the password, but it just stops or crashes and returns.10:53
redGoatMoopz: I see.10:53
ActionParsnipmaalac: if you install the things that aren't going to be installed, individually. Do they install10:54
pcoderSidewinder1, I have started the defragmenter... Keeping my fingers crossed to seee my Ubuntu back :(, But is there some explanation regarding as to how and why busybox boots up?10:54
lumbertIs it possible to use the grub bootloader if only windows is present? i uninstalled ubuntu (hdd is going bad, rma'n) can't boot anymore10:54
Sidewinder1pcoder, Try this: In windows, shut down all running programs first10:54
Sidewinder1pcoder, Then defragment10:55
ActionParsnipllutz: can i PM please dude?10:55
sipiorMoopz: could you pastebin the result of "sudo -l", and "sudo -ll <whichever command you wanted to run>"?10:55
maalacits not working ..its just couldn't find that10:55
maalaclets say for example apt-get install audacious10:55
Moopzsipior: Sure, give me a minute.10:56
ActionParsnipmaalac: try installing audacious or clamtk10:56
maalacnot working ..10:56
sritoliahow to set path in linux.... i m using android and my adb has moved10:56
sritoliacan anyone help me10:56
maalaci guess i need another repo that works on the hp network ..10:56
ActionParsnipmaalac: "not working" helps nobody, most of all you. Can you please pastebin the resulting text of the install command10:57
ActionParsnipsritolia: do you mean the whole path, or just add an extra folder10:57
sritoliasritolia whole path  (message that is told Please also update your PATH environment variable to10:58
sritoliainclude the platform-tools/ directory, so you can10:58
sritoliaexecute adb from any location.)10:58
sritoliasritolia ActionParsnip10:58
ActionParsnipmaalac: ubuntu4hp is an unofficial package, where are you getting the package name from>?10:58
Moopzsipior: http://pastebin.com/taqik5aH - I cannot run sudo -ll app because it apparently cannot find it when I use sudo10:58
ActionParsnipsritolia: you can chroot10:58
sritoliaActionParsnip, how exactly10:59
ActionParsnip!chroot| sritolia:10:59
ubottusritolia:: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot10:59
sipiorMoopz: well, there's your problem. what sort of program is this? what's the output of the "file" command on the executable?11:00
ActionParsnipmaalac: can you run:  gedit /etc/apt/sources.list    and pastebin the file, thanks11:00
sritoliaActionParsnip, any other way11:00
maalacok hold on ..11:00
ActionParsnipsritolia: thats all I can personally suggest, maybe others can advise11:00
HAL9000_which file controls lcd brightness? http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/Power_Management#Adjust_LCD_brightness11:01
Moopzsipior: It's Xilinx - A program for FPGAs. the command i run is gksudo ise - Which I know is the right executable because I can launch it just fine without sudo but it doesn't function properly unless it has sudo.11:01
maalachere it is : https://pzt.me/9isj11:01
sipiorMoopz: and the file command?11:01
ActionParsnipMoopz: then you can use alacarte to edit the launcher so it is prefixed with gksudo :)11:01
Moopzsipior: There is no file command. It's GUI program.11:02
sipiorMoopz: "file ise"11:02
MoopzActionParsnip: That's what I do though.11:02
ActionParsnipmaalac: thats all commented out, the file is technically empty11:02
maalacwhich ones are the ones that will work on linux network ..11:03
Moopzise: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped11:03
Moopz@ sipior11:03
maalacsorie redundant ..11:03
ActionParsnipmaalac: if you run:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     you will get write access, then you can remove the # characters from the lines with repos on, save the new file,close gedit then run:  sudo apt-get update11:03
sipiorMoopz: and when you run it via sudo, it drops out without prompting for a password?11:03
ActionParsnipmaalac: any with single #s, delete the #, if the line has 2 #s, leave them11:04
Moopzsipior: it says it cannot find it when I use sudo: sudo: ise: command not found11:04
sipiorMoopz: what about "sudo ./ise"?11:04
ActionParsnipmaalac: leave the CDROM stuff commented out, you have the web to install stuff with11:04
maalacok. i'll try that ...11:04
lumbertHow do I copy files from my Downloads folder to my flash drive?11:05
komachi30554  rooms11:05
maalacby the way ..11:05
maalacwhat does it mean when it says restricted ?11:05
ActionParsnipmaalac: restricted == no open source11:05
sipiorMoopz: or simply provide the full path to the executable, if you prefer.11:05
ActionParsnipmaalac: you'll end up with this: https://pzt.me/4i3b11:06
Moopzsipior: Yeah I forgot that part. It launched but without prompting me for password. Can you force it to prompt the password?11:06
Sidewinder1lumbert, Why not just drag them and drop using Nautilus?11:06
ActionParsnipmaalac: you get the idea11:07
lumbertSidewinder1, when I tried it said I need permissions11:07
sipiorMoopz: you can try "sudo -K" to remove the timestamp, then try again.11:07
maalacyes i do ..11:07
Sidewinder1!ntsf | lumbert11:07
maalacthank again ..i'll try this and get update everything .11:08
Sidewinder1!ntfs | lumbert11:08
ubottulumbert: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE11:08
sipiorMoopz: another thing to try: get a root shell via "sudo -i", and then try running the executable directly.11:08
AlotesnivekDoes/has anyone else had this problem: You're on a site that uses flash and all of a sudden you can no longer click links. Or for example say you're on facebook and you type a message, then the send button stops working.  Let me know - I'm using Natty11:08
Sidewinder1!ntfs-3g | lumbert11:09
ubottulumbert: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:09
ActionParsnipAlotesnivek: can you give the output of;  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf11:09
lumbertthe partition is fat3211:09
AlotesnivekActionParsnip, No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 11.04 Release:11.04 Codename:natty Linux Alotesnivek 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux ii  flashplugin-installer                        Adobe Flash Player plugin installer11:10
Sidewinder1lumbert, Please see the last link that ubottu gave you.11:10
=== rich__ is now known as rich
ActionParsnipAlotesnivek: ok try:  sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get clean;sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin-nonfree       restart the browser to test, may help.11:10
ActionParsnipAlotesnivek: does it happen in all browsers?11:11
Moopzsipior: Well it seems to work alright with the sudo now, but it still cannot launch external applications. But I think I'll take a look at their website.11:11
AlotesnivekYes, all browsers so far.11:11
AlotesnivekI can install Epipany to test further for you if you like?11:12
Moopzsipior: So I thank you for your assistance.11:12
sipiorMoopz: no trouble, best of luck getting things working properly.11:12
AlotesnivekActionParsnip, one second ill rejoin, have to restart brower.11:13
lumbertSidewinder1, if i can view the contents of the partition, doesn't that mean its mounted already?11:13
engrxyzhi, for ubuntu 10.04.02 LTS, why is that i can't install python-application11:14
tomekhhi. i have just installed rxvt-unicode. i have problem with starting some applications in urxvt - i'm getting error like this: "Error opening terminal: rxvt-256color."11:14
lumbertSidewinder1, i was also able to make a folder with the mkrdir command, it worked fine11:14
engrxyzit says that  python-application: Depends: python (>= 2.6.6-7~) but 2.6.5-0ubuntu1 is to be installed11:14
Sidewinder1lumbert, Yes, but to write to ntfs/fat32 you need either fuse or ntfs-3g.11:15
AlotesnivekActionParsnip, Okay, well so far that seemed to have solved the problem.11:15
lumbertSidewinder1, doesn't the ability to make a folder mean I can write?11:15
morganmy windows are 'lagging' a bit when i move them around. any tips on that?11:16
Sidewinder1lumbert, If the flash drive is exclusively for ubuntu, you *may* be able to reformat it to ext3 or ext4 using Gparted, but CAUTION! if you do that ALL existing data on there will be lost.11:16
lumbertSidewinder1, it seems to me i can already write, i just need to go into a permissible state11:17
Sidewinder1lumbert, I believe that making a directory and writting files are different.11:17
Sidewinder1lumbert, It's been a while since I messed with windows partitions. :-)11:18
Sidewinder1lumbert, Do you get an error message when you drag/drop?11:19
lumbertyep, says i need permission11:19
MoopzWhat's the command to chown all subfolders of the folder you're chown-ing?11:20
Sidewinder1-R I think...11:20
lumbertmore specifically,  Error moving file Permission denied11:20
MoopzSidewinder1: Will try, thanks.11:20
onetwothreechown -R11:20
lumbertSidewinder1, my goal is to move supergrubdisk to my flash drive that currently boots ubuntu, ideally allowing me to boot to it, then that should let me repair my MBR so i can boot back into windows11:21
ActionParsnipsome people have alll the thanks huh :(11:21
lumbertto clarify my usb drive is fat32 and has the ubuntu 11.04 install iso11:22
Sidewinder1lumbert, That's a little (flash) beyond my abilities, sorry; check this out:11:23
Sidewinder1!usb | lumbert11:23
ubottulumbert: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:23
Oli``Anybody know *why* Firefox 5b5 has been pushed out via natty-proposed? Seems like odd behaviour to me.11:24
exiffthis (  ")~ http://paste.ubuntu.com/623272/  happens everytime. please help11:24
CoffeHi ppl, looking into ipv6, any recomendations for dhcpv6 server to use ?11:25
lumbertHow do I copy everything in the current directory I'm in to another directory?  sudo cp ___________  /boot        ( what goes in the underscore part)11:28
icerootlumbert: why copy something to /boot?11:29
icerootlumbert: and its "cp -r * /boot/"11:29
lumberti'm shooting in the dark, hoping this will let me boot to supergrubdisk11:29
lumbertthanks iceroot, here goes ;o11:31
goathirdgive it up for me.11:32
tomreynis it a known bug that I get no longer notified about available updates when i run unity?11:33
sproatyAnyone know of a good gmail checker for 11.04 under "classic" mode?11:34
sproatyI used to use CheckGMail but it's not integrating into the Indicator applet11:34
xendrassynaptic package manager reported error http://paste.kde.org/80383/11:36
nounityhas anyone been able to install ubuntu 11.04 without installing unity?11:37
* tomreyn found his answer https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/77938211:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 779382 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier not visible under unity" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:37
goopymonkeyCan you not just set the session to default gnome once you install?11:38
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nounityno, i do not want that. i just want to install ubuntu with the very stable and configurable gnome 2.32.111:40
goopymonkeyI'm not that good with this atm, but you could download the xubuntu install, install 2.32.1 gnome manually11:41
goopymonkeythen perhaps remove XFCE?11:41
Sidewinder1nounity, Then install 10.10 or 10.04; no unity.:-)11:42
goopymonkeyThat's a better option :)11:43
nounitySidewinder1: i want 11.04 so i probably will end up installing either xubuntu or kubuntu. i certainly do not want to be forced to install unity when installing ubuntu11:44
silv3r_m00nany fix to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/784590  ?11:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 784590 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "unable to connect to yahoo or facebook connection refused or unable to connect" [Undecided,New]11:45
Sidewinder1In the mean time, perhaps a fly-swatter? :-)11:47
goathirdwest wahel.11:49
goathirdyoke taste bad now.11:52
oCeangoathird: do you have an ubuntu support question?11:52
goathirdyes.  which way to root?11:52
oCean!details | goathird11:53
ubottugoathird: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:53
SoftarPaulHi there! Can anyone have a look at my error: http://pastebin.com/0gLmx1S611:55
VustomWhen I try and run PulseAudio in Ubuntu 10.04 I get this terminal error; http://paste.ubuntu.com/623295/11:55
SoftarPaulI get it when I try to install something from the software-central11:55
SoftarPaulWhat can I do?11:57
VustomWhen I try to run PulseAudio now I get the following error; http://paste.ubuntu.com/623297/, any ideas on how to fix this? Running Ubuntu 10.0411:57
Sidewinder1SoftarPaul, I believe Synaptic Package Manager has a "fix broken packages" function.11:59
jnlsnl_when i use cp -R to copy a directory the ownership and permissions are not identical, how can I make a copy which is ? :)12:01
SoftarPaulSidewinder1: So, how to find that function?12:01
oCeanjnlsnl_: I usualy use -a, that has several options, including -p (which is to preserve ownership, permissions)12:02
jnlsnl_oCean so like this: cp -r -a path/to/dir path/to/dir ?12:03
SoftarPaulI found it Sidewinder1! Thanks!12:03
oCeanjnlsnl_: -a is already recursive: cp -av should be sufficient (and nicely verbose)12:03
Sidewinder1SoftarPaul, System-->Administration--> Synaptic, it should then list all packages, including the broken ones. Then somewhere, within that program, is fox broken packages.12:03
jnlsnl_oCean ok ty!! :)12:04
oCeanjnlsnl_: welcome12:04
SoftarPaulI couldn't open it right now, is that because I'm updating some files?12:04
linuxздесь есть раша?12:04
Sidewinder1!gr linux12:05
oCean!ru | linux12:05
ubottulinux: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:05
linux Не получается войти #ubuntu-ru (Вы забанены).12:05
szallinux: we don't speak Russian, please speak English here12:06
linuxI do not like English12:06
* Sidewinder1 sighs12:07
XanoI want to control my Ubuntu box with a Logitech Harmony. I found that HP MCE receivers work pretty well with Ubuntu. Can't really find if they work out of the box or if I need to do a lot of manual LIRC configuration.12:08
jamescarrI accidentally rebooted while performing a package upgrade of a bunch of updates12:08
jamescarranyway to fix it?12:08
jamescarrdpkg --configure -a12:09
ricardo_someone could help me12:11
=== anuvrat_ is now known as anuvrat
Sidewinder1!ask | ricardo12:15
ubotturicardo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:15
HAL9000_i'm trying to get touchpad disable  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lorenzo-carbonell/atareao i get Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~lorenzo-carbonell/+archive/atareao how to fix this?12:18
okkaaungnaing_How can i access windows 7 files from ubuntu 11? the two os are on the same partition12:20
HAL9000_okkaaungnaing_, partition or hard drive?12:21
icerootokkaaungnaing_: they cant be on the same partition12:21
okkaaungnaing_same partition cause i used the windows installer12:21
icerootokkaaungnaing_: ah its wubi12:22
okkaaungnaing_guys can u help me12:25
Sidewinder1okkaaungnaing_, What do you mean by "access files"? What exactly are you trying to do.12:26
pfifoHAL9000_, it looks like the ppa moved, maybe here https://launchpad.net/~atareao/+archive/atareao12:27
okkaaungnaing_i'm trying to use and see the files like pictures videos that i stored with windows12:27
ray_hi all12:28
psycho_oreosokkaaungnaing_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20access%20the%20Windows%20drives?12:29
ray_is there a movie player that can manipulate the size of the video so there's no borders?12:29
loculinuxsdk dh12:29
loculinux i uf df12:29
loculinux jkl fv ur jhb  h kf flv s12:29
clakeshm, hideous locutions12:30
Sidewinder1okkaaungnaing_, I thought I might try, as no one else was answering, but I'm not sure. I've never used wubi. Sorry. :-(12:30
psycho_oreos!ubuntu| loculinux12:30
ubottuloculinux: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:30
icerootray_: vlc12:30
pfiforay_, mplayer can scale and crop12:30
icerootray_: there you can chance the aspect ratio12:30
psycho_oreos!offtopic| loculinux12:30
ubottuloculinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:30
clakesumplayer is also nice... not sure about the border thingie though12:30
okkaaungnaing_sidewinder1 ths12:31
okkaaungnaing_psycho i'll read it now12:31
ray_iceroot: vlc cant adjust the video!12:31
Renskihow do I use apt-get to only upgrade 1 package?12:32
icerootray_: as i said, it can change the aspect ratio12:32
icerootRenski: apt-get install package12:32
thegoodcushionWhat's the best channel to ask about using the command line?12:32
icerootRenski: 16:9, 4:3 and so on.12:32
icerootthegoodcushion: #bash12:33
Renskiiceroot: I think someone else was asking about ratios12:33
icerootRenski: correct12:33
icerootray_: 16:9, 4:3 and so on.12:33
okkaaungnaing_i've got it !!!! Thx everyone esp psycho12:34
KolakCCHi all, just installed ubuntu but GRUB is hanging on Try (sda0,5) EXT2: _12:36
KolakCCI selected the remove previous ubuntu and reinstall12:37
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KolakCCHow can I get past that?12:38
serfussince i have installed and started to use hebrew in my natty, spell checking in english is not working12:39
serfushow can i get it back?12:39
Sidewinder1KolakCC, I would boot to LiveCD, using Gparted reformat sda0,5 and any other linux partitions to ext4 or ext3 then reinstall ubuntu. CAUTION! ALL data will be lost on the partitions that you reformay.12:41
Sidewinder1Reformat, even.12:41
KolakCCWell, the thing is it's actually ext412:42
KolakCCI don't know why it says ext212:42
KolakCC13:36:26 [KolakCC] Hi all, just installed ubuntu but GRUB is hanging on Try (sda0,5) EXT2: _ <-- sda0,5 is actually ext412:43
KolakCCOr is that not the point? :]12:43
marseille#join #fedora12:44
tomreynno update-manager icon shows up in the unity dock for me even though upgrade-manager lists pending updates. what may be wrong and what can i do to find out more about this?12:44
Kenty22how do I run ubuntu in low graphics mode?12:45
ir4Kenty22: lower resolution?12:46
Kenty22ir4: nope, just the low graphics mode that X server uses when xorg is broken12:47
ir4you type startx ?12:48
ir4Kenty22:  ?12:48
Kenty22How do I run ubuntu in low graphics mode?12:49
szal!repeat | Kenty2212:49
ubottuKenty22: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:49
bazhangKenty22, hold shift at boot get into recovery mode12:50
s3r3n1t7!pm | MORENO_GUAPO12:50
ubottuMORENO_GUAPO: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:50
Kenty22szal: that was for ir4's question mark, I forgot to add his name in the strinrg12:50
Kenty22bazhang: I tried failsafe mode in recovery, and it is still not low gfx, or is there a special low graphics mode?12:51
s3r3n1t7KolakCC, a bit late but: From my understanding, ext is backwards compatible with the previous releases12:51
pfifoKenty22, blacklist your video driver12:51
bazhangKenty22, only if you dont have the appropriate drivers installed for the resolution you want12:52
bazhangKenty22, why would you want that?12:52
Kenty22bazhang: I keep getting dumped back to login screen, without being able to use the system. I tried all sort of Xorg fixes, installed different drivers, and played with xorg conf, up to the point of getting X11 folder from a working newly installed system, but it still wont let me into the system12:53
Kenty22bazhang: I thought it might let me in in low graphics mode12:53
bazhangKenty22, boot up with no x and check the error messages12:53
bazhang!nox | Kenty2212:54
ubottuKenty22: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode12:54
ir4Kenty22: try another linux distribution12:54
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=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
bazhangKNUBBIG_, /msg ubottu please12:55
Kenty22bazhang: it boots up to login screen, and I can get into tty2 and use console, thats not hte problem, I wanted low gfx GUI, i.e. still X server but witout the gfx12:55
RudyValencia-Is it possible to set my Ubuntu-based routing PC up to have UPnP port forwarding for supported applications?12:55
Kenty22bazhang: where and how can I look for login errors? because tty2 logs me in without an issue12:55
leptonix@find ghost wires12:55
bazhangleptonix, pardon?12:56
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KNUBBIGbazhang: yes, done, sorry12:56
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mads-I have just installed 11.04. How do I configure unity?12:57
Sidewinder1!nickspam > KNUBBIG_12:57
ubottuKNUBBIG_, please see my private message12:57
bazhangmads-, configure it to do what?12:58
sbukamads: Install the CCSM package from the Software Center, in there you'll find option for configuring Unity.12:58
clakesmads-: don't configure it... get rid of it  =D12:58
mads-bazhang, just anything. I can't find12:58
mads-I just want my sidebar to appear all the time - not hide itself12:58
mads-clakes, that's what I've heard about it. gonna give it a quick try though12:59
=== Brian is now known as Guest90419
clakesno, ok... seriously: compiz config manager12:59
Guest90419me gustaria hablar con alguien sobre ubuntu, necesito ayuda12:59
sbukaThe Unity config in Compiz (CCSM) will give you options for hiding the launcher12:59
bazhangmads-, not much that I know of, there's something called confity that can do that, but entirely at your own risk (ie PPA)12:59
mads-But isn't there like a unity menu where I can do stuff with it?12:59
clakesCCSM, just like sbuka said12:59
kodapawinXperts: 2313:00
clakeslol @ winXperts13:00
sbukamads: Not really, at least at the moment. The only options I know of are through CCSM, or Gunity/Confity, which must be installed through PPA13:00
pfifo!ccsm | this will do that mads-13:00
ubottuthis will do that mads-: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:00
mads-What the hell did they think when they switched to unity then?13:01
clakeshaha... c'mon... don't be... mads at them mads-  =D13:01
mads-hmmpff clakes13:02
clakesclassic session for the gnome2 die-hards is still there in the end13:02
sbukaI think Unity's still rough around the edges since it's the first release with it. I don't mind it, but a lot of people do. I think it'll get better over time, though.13:02
bazhangmads-, use classic if you dont like it13:02
mads-How would I go about doing that?13:02
pfifomads-, seriously ccsm is NOT ppa and will hid your programs bar, and about over 9000 other options, sudo apt-get install ccsm and configure away13:03
sbukaLog out, and choose Classic from the session menu in GDM login13:03
bazhangmads-, choose it from login window, once you've selected your user13:03
mads-I hope it will get better over time. It looks pretty and all, but it's like they have left out a bit13:03
madpermads-: log out and change your wm13:03
pcoderSidewinder1: I defragmented my disk and rebooted Ubuntu, but still Ubuntu 10.10 boots up as busybox. Its just too frustrating :(. Is there any other thing that I could do to have my data back, [I had installed ubuntu on Windows file system using wubi.exe]??13:03
mads-The following packages have unmet dependencies:13:04
mads- simple-ccsm : Depends: python-compizconfig (>= 0.8.2) but it is not going to be installed13:04
cjohnstonI have lost the ability on my laptop to connect to my wireless network. If I leftclick on the Network icon in the idicator area, I see Enable Networking, and it is checked, however Enable Wireless no longer exists. Wireless works when I boot into windows. I'm running Natty with unity.. Any ideas?13:04
bazhangcjohnston, do you have a wifi switch on the computer13:05
cjohnstonNo I don13:05
clakesmads-: just install ccsm from Ubuntu Software Manager13:05
Sidewinder1pcoder, Sorry, I know absolutely nothing about wubi. I've never used it as it can be problematic. :-(13:05
bazhangcjohnston, what does ifconfig show, just eth0 and lo?13:05
cjohnstondon't.. I don't change anything either when I reboot from Windows to Ubuntu bazhang13:05
clakesit'll install all dependencies along with it13:05
Sidewinder1!wubi | pcoder13:05
ubottupcoder: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe13:05
cjohnstonbazhang: yes13:05
andeeeuk_Hey everyone13:05
madperandeeeuk_: hi13:06
andeeeuk_i have been using umplayer but recently it keeps randomly crashing13:06
bazhangcjohnston, whats the chipset for the wifi   lspci in terminal to paste.ubuntu.com13:06
andeeeuk_any ideas?13:06
bazhangandeeeuk_, what about vlc13:06
clakesuh... umplayer is sweet andeeeuk_13:06
madperandeeeuk_: It always like that13:06
clakesnot crashing on me at all actually13:06
bazhangmadper, thats not so13:06
esiUhm hi, I'm having a problem: just recently, I added 2 GB of RAM, changed my PSU, added an NVidia GeForce 9500GT as well as a new dvd recorder from LG. In any case, my Ubuntu install broke after this, leaving my windows running with some faults regarding CD/DVD reading (I kind of hoped for this, since it is not unusual after doing big changes), thus I decided to reinstall everything. The thing is, whenever I try to boot from a Ubuntu 11.04 USB install, I ...13:06
esi... select the install option on the UNetBootin boot menu and I recieve the following error: "BUG: Bad page state in process kwormer/u:0 pfn: (... specifics ...)". I've already searched for similar errors and it doesn't seem like anyone's ever had the exact same problem. Any ideas?13:07
clakesbrb - Smoking pottery.13:07
andeeeuk_oh ok, so we cant fix it? vlc is god but since using umplayer i love it13:07
pfifoandeeeuk_, run it from the cli and pastebin any error messages13:07
pfifo!w4m > clakes13:07
ubottuclakes, please see my private message13:07
cjohnstonbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623350/13:07
andeeeuk_pfifo, onk i will need to reinstall again quick13:08
bazhangesi, reburn a new usb stick13:08
sbukaBack to work. Cheers everyone!13:08
esibazhang, ok, I'm into it, I'll report later13:08
bazhangBroadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)  cjohnston13:08
bazhang!broadcom | cjohnston please have a read13:09
ubottucjohnston please have a read: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:09
clakeswhat... was that for the brb thingie?!13:09
andeeeuk_vlc recently has been taking up allmy system resources and slowing everything down13:09
=== zfmgpu is now known as gabyx
pfifoclakes, no theres anotheone for that13:09
andeeeuk_never had that before13:09
Sidewinder1!md5 | esi13:09
ubottuesi: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:09
pfifo!away > clakes13:09
ubottuclakes, please see my private message13:09
madperHow could I play avi-file with my  graphics card? without complie VAAPI.13:10
madperBTW, It's intel hd13:10
madperBTW, it's intel hd 3000, with i5 snb13:11
cjohnstonbazhang: I have been having an issue with bcmwl-kernel-source13:11
bazhangcjohnston, what issue13:11
Sidewinder1!avi | madper13:11
ubottumadper: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:11
cjohnstonbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623352/13:11
cjohnstonIf I try using additional drivers, it says "SystemError: Binary package bcmwl-kernel-source has no trusted origin, rejecting" bazhang13:12
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esiubottu, the md5sum is fine, I checked it as soon as I downloaded the .iso13:14
madperSidewinder1: thx, but i want to play movie with my graphics card, just like VAAPI or VDPAU13:14
bazhangcjohnston, I have all intel wifi, no real clue about broadcom apart from what's in the factoid link; my apologies13:14
Sidewinder1madper, Sorry, never heard of VAAPI or VDPAU. :-(13:15
KolakCCHi all, I'm having trouble with installing ubuntu on my computer. It's hanging in GRUB, on Try (hd0,5): EXT2: [blink]13:16
pfifoesi, boot with nomodeset option13:17
pfifo!nomodeset | esi13:17
madperSidewinder1: if you use VAAPI or VDPAU, the GPU will help cpu to play movie. and only 3-10% cpu used when you play 1080p13:17
pfifomadper, VAAPI only works with HW accelrated video cards (that have working drives in linux)13:18
Renskianyone know when ubuntu will add nmap 5.5?13:18
Sidewinder1madper, I just use Totem; it plays avi just fine. And this 'puter is over 10 years old!13:18
Sidewinder1Well, maybe 8.13:19
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madperpfifo: but, vaapi is developed by intel, isn't it ?13:19
pfifomadper, i dont know13:19
Gonshello, can somebody help me with preg_match_all in php ?13:20
Sidewinder1madper, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAAPI13:20
pfifomadper, iirc intel hd video isnt working in linux, thats step #1 to getting anything hardware accelrated.13:20
madperSidewinder1: I think is more powerfull.  Thx again ~   :D13:20
pfifoGons, ##php13:20
Sidewinder1madper, Welks!13:20
esipfifo, ok, I'll try. Thank you13:21
=== madon_tp is now known as madon
pcoderSidewinder1: Is there a way that I could recover my Ubuntu files from root.disk and swap.disk files on the Windows file system??13:22
esipfifo, it does not exist... or so it says13:23
Sidewinder1pcoder, Prehaps by booting to LiveCD?13:23
madperpcoder: ext2read?13:23
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pcodermadper: ext2read- what's that??13:23
pcodera utility?13:23
madperpcoder: a software in ms windows13:23
madperpcoder: it can read file form ext2/3/4 in your windows13:24
pfifoesi, insert the liveusb and at the splash press f613:24
madperpcoder: just download it and try to copy linux's file in your windows13:24
alakeHey this is my first TIME in this CHANNEL/WORLD ... CHEERRSS for me13:25
mecoCould someone just check out http://pastebin.com/cwpGgxPm to see if there is anything there that suggests a problem that can be easily fixed?13:25
pfifo!yay | alake13:25
ubottualake: Glad you made it! :-)13:25
madperpcoder: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2read/13:25
esipfifo, oh, I got it... still, it gives the bad page error13:25
pfifoesi, run memtest8613:26
alakeYAYYAYAY ... I'm a newbie tho13:26
alakefrom Nigeria13:26
pfifoesi, (im thinking possibly bad memory chip)13:26
alakeI have problems with VLC13:26
esipfifo, kk, just let me test the new usb...13:26
alakewhenever I play movies13:27
esiare you sure, I mean, it runs fine on windows13:27
alakethe PC just Freezes13:27
alakeno I mean on Ubuntu13:27
pfifoesi, no im not sure, hence im only thinking possibly13:27
esioh, great... pfifo, the usb-creator usb won't work as well13:27
esisame error, same process13:27
imadperalake: why not just change a player? just like mplayer and so on~ :D13:28
pfifoesi, i have no experience with windows ubuntu tools13:28
esipfifo, I'm using ubuntu for netbooks for burning the usbs13:28
soreaualake: Could be a graphics driver problem. What video card is it?13:29
pfifoesi, i dont know about them either lol13:29
esipfifo, memtest86 says "Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image"13:29
mecoCould someone just check out the terminal output for firefox startup (http://pastebin.com/cwpGgxPm) to see if there is anything there that suggests a problem that can be easily fixed?13:29
pfifoesi, try putting your old memory in the machine, see if its that13:30
soreaumeco: What problem are you having?13:30
pcodermadper: WOW!13:30
mecosoreau: cpu and memory overload on a regular basis.13:30
esinever replaced it, its still plugged. I have 3GB: 1GB was the old one, I think its DDR, then 2G from the new one, which is DDR213:30
pcodermadper: I can access all my files, Thank you13:30
pfifoesi, wait, you have a bunch of mixed chips?13:31
Sidewinder1alake, I prefer Totem for movies.13:31
esirunning the "Help"runs into trouble as well, memory...13:31
soreaumeco: See if you can try a different version of firefox13:31
esipfifo, ehm, yeah13:31
pcodermadper: 1 more question: Can I mend my ubuntu boot file so that I can boot into Ubuntu rather than BusyBox??13:31
pfifoesi, you cant do that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual-channel_architecture13:31
mecosoreau: What do you mean by that? Are there custom versions of firefox?13:32
esioh great13:32
esikk, I'm unplugging the 1GB ddr one13:32
Sidewinder1pcoder, madper left.13:32
pfifoesi, windows probbally has a way to work around such a configuration13:33
soreaumeco: There are different versions. I believe there is a PPA13:33
pcoderSidewinder1: any suggestions regarding my question??13:33
s3r3n1t7esi, you can mix different chips, as long as you make sure they all run on the exact same setting, preferably with each pair of chips in the correct pair slots13:33
esiit evidently does13:33
esiI didn't make the setup myself, to be honest13:33
pfifoesi, the rule of thumb is to buy all your memory at once for your mobo and never worry about it again13:34
mecosoreau: Wow... I'll have to read up on that. Appreciate the answer!13:34
Sidewinder1pcoder, Sorry, I remember you asked that before but I don't have an answer, sorry. :-(13:34
=== rich__ is now known as rich
pcoderSidewinder1: Thank you so very much for all your help! You and others here have been awesome .. I will try to see what I could do next. At least you guys have helped me recover my files safely. "I am Happy"13:36
Sidewinder1pcoder, My previous advice still stands: if you like ubuntu, rather than using wubi, install as dual boot. This link while old is still good: Stand by for link...13:37
Sidewinder1pcoder, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/13:38
mads-Doesn't unity have a clock? :)13:38
ZahradaIt's designed - very much like Ikea - to make you lose all perspective of time..13:39
Sidewinder1Like 'Vegas13:39
esipfifo, actually, they're both DDR2 lol13:40
esistill, I'm removing the old one just for checks13:40
Triffid_Hunterhi all, just installed kubuntu 11.04, trying to find openssh-server.. apt-get says other packages refer to it but it's unavailable13:40
omid_ohow to install dev c++ on ubuntu?13:41
pfifoesi, if you have 2 different colored slots, put one in blue and one in black, that 'should' work but it depends on your mmu13:41
mads-omid_o, dduuudeee? :)13:41
Sidewinder1Triffid_Hunter, Wow, love your nick; that's an old, old movie. :-)13:41
pfifo!info openssh-server13:42
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 303 kB, installed size 820 kB13:42
ir4synaptic packages13:42
ir4omid_o:  synaptic packages13:42
omid_omads what's up? my friend wants to install dev C++ on ubuntu . i told her to migrate to linux and now she wants to practice C++ like she did on windows.13:42
pfifoomid_o, your friend is better off learning linux tools13:43
Securitymorning all13:43
omid_oshe is stupid13:43
omid_ook guys i'll be back13:44
pfifoomid_o, maybe wine will work13:44
mads-No offense, but dev c++ is donkey poo13:44
esiOH GREAT13:44
esipfifo, it seems that the 1GB memory was troubling the whole thing...13:44
Triffid_Hunterah, apparently have to update everything.. what's the current favourite cli package manager frontend called? last time I used apt, dselect was the go13:44
esiit is booting now13:44
pfifoesi, if you have 2 different colored slots, put one in blue and one in black, that 'should' work but it depends on your mmu13:44
jribTriffid_Hunter: apt-get13:45
Triffid_Hunterjrib: that's all well and good if I know what the packages are called, what's good for browsing?13:45
Sidewinder1Triffid_Hunter, I prefer Synaptic Pak. Mgr., but not sure it's available in kubuntu.13:45
KolakCCOkay all, I just installed synergy.. But WHERE is it? How do I start it!?13:45
Securityapt-get <beer>13:46
jrib!apt | Triffid_Hunter13:46
ubottuTriffid_Hunter: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)13:46
KolakCCThis usually happens to me whenever I install anything13:46
Sidewinder1jrib, He said front-end.13:46
jribapt-get is a front-end13:46
sipiorTriffid_Hunter: "aptitude search <foo>", or "apt-cache --search --names-only <foo>" are preferred.13:47
Sidewinder1jrib, Then Synaptic is backend?13:47
jribTriffid_Hunter: you can use apt-cache to search.  If you want some sort of curses interface, there's aptitude13:47
jribSidewinder1: synaptic is *another* front-end13:47
pfifosidewalk, dpkg is the backend13:47
jahidhi, i have install ubuntu 11.04. and lotz of things has changed. how can i get get the status bar that i used see at the bottom of the screen with all my programs running. that i could click to switch from one program to another?13:47
Triffid_Hunteraptitude eh, will try that, thanks13:47
pfifosidewalk, sorry, not for you13:47
Sidewinder1jrib, Guess I got my symantics mixed up, again, sorry.. :-)13:48
ScuniziOn Unity, when I try installing dconf to get the system tray back by the clock, apt wants to remove dconf-tools.  What am I going to loose by having that package uninstalled?13:48
pfifo!classic | jahid13:48
ubottujahid: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".13:48
jahidpfifo, thanks, i will try that now13:48
MaddethHey Ho13:50
tools_please vote for me... http://www.whwinningsmile.co.za/model/?model_id=458#gallery13:50
Maddethgot a question about logging an IRC channel13:50
Maddethif anyone acan help13:50
bazhangMaddeth, try #freenode13:51
pfifotools_ looks like my ex13:51
Maddeththanks bazhang13:51
thisismygameDoes anyone know how to make an ubuntu minimal install boot to something other than a blank black screen?13:55
pfifothisismygame, what kind of video card are you using?13:56
pfifothisismygame, wait, getting a head of myself, try pressing ctrl-alt-f2 to get to a terminal ;)13:57
szalthisismygame: and how do you connect the video card to the display?13:57
pfifoby default it goes to tty7 for a non-existant gdm to start up13:58
JoeyJoeJoHow can I get app shortcuts on the dock in Netbook Remix?13:58
durrehi! I logged in to my VPS (ubuntu) and saw the services wasnt running. I suspect the machine has been rebooted. can I see this in any of the logs?13:59
JoeyJoeJodurre: Run the command uptime13:59
pfifodurre, `uptime`13:59
durreJoeyJoeJo & pfifo: so if it says "up 9:50" its been up for aprox 10hours?14:01
JoeyJoeJodurre: it didn'y say anything about days? Mine says 142 days 17:5614:02
Bartzymounting a NFS share gave me this error: mount.nfs: Unknown error 4352  . Any idea ?14:02
durrethen my VPS provider has even more to answer for. they installed a 1 month old backup on my system a week ago and still havent been able to fix it14:02
pfifodurre, maybe that was the fix14:02
JoeyJoeJodurre: What provider do you use?14:02
pfifoBartzy, did it still mount?14:03
durrepfifo: to reboot? well, that didnt solve anything :)14:03
durreJoeyJoeJo: thats a secret so far... local swedish provider14:03
pradeepubuntu 10.10 crash, I boot live from pendrive but unmout drive? How to mount drive?14:04
pfifopradeep, you cant unmount the drive while running the live system from it14:05
SecurityAnyone know a good program that saves video from the web?14:05
pfifoSecurity, youtube?14:06
JoeyJoeJopradeep: mount -t auto /dev/sdx /mnt/ where sdx should be changed to the device you're trying to mount. You may also have to change auto to the specific file system on your device14:06
Securitypfifo takes video off the web and puts it in your hard drive14:06
bazhangSecurity, video download helper, firefox addon14:06
sabgentonhow do you get the Gigabyte size of a partion in fdisk14:07
sabgentonsudo  df -Th /dev/sda114:07
sabgentondoesn't work if the disk isn't mounted14:07
pfifoSecurity, `wget` is great for downloading, firefox and chrome have the 'save as' option too14:07
sabgentonwell gives wrong size14:07
pradeepJoeyJoejo, ok i am trying14:07
burrburranyone here using abiword for linux? what dictionary should I use? aspell?14:08
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Security10.05 did it right out of the gate,  u just had to look in the right folder to find it14:09
bazhangburrburr, thats fine14:09
bazhangSecurity, 10.04 did what14:09
pfifo!who | Security14:09
ubottuSecurity: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:09
burrburrbazhang: I need it for aspell-en and aspell-sv (swedish). however, it crashes when opening a document in swedish when having english as the default language with automatic spell checker enabled14:11
Securitylol .04   would save video into your temp folder as long as the video was still open...  then you could take the video and drang-drop into a more perm. folder14:11
burrburrbazhang: pretty much hangs x. need to open a tty using ctrl+alt+F2 and kill the pid14:11
patyx7Hi all, I was wondering, has anyone ever had the resolution problem with dual monitor setups on nv cards, I have one at res 1920 x 1080, and 1920 x 1200, and if I select these res, on one monitor is fine, but on the right most monitor, the screen still continues pass the edge?14:12
bazhangSecurity, you can still do that, but why bother with the handy firefox addon that can download *and* convert on the fly14:12
And_Ihas sb tried to install ubuntu on the vodafone845 ?14:12
bazhangpatyx7, using randr?14:12
patyx7I used nvidia-settings to configure14:12
patyx7so I think no?14:12
bazhangAnd_I, not possible from what I have seen on the forums, though you can sync with it fine14:12
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bazhangUsuario123456789, english here please14:13
patyx7Would using randr solve the problem bazhang ?14:13
bazhangpatyx7, not sure, just a suggestion14:13
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pradeephow to unmount disks14:15
bazhangpradeep, what are you trying to do14:15
esiumount <place> (ej: unmount /media/My_Drive14:15
enyawixthe system feels sluggish is  preempt missing from the kernel?14:16
esienyawix, uname -a (it should say SMP within the line)14:16
liuhello esi14:16
pradeepbazhang, which disk i want to mount that disk unmount so I again unmount other disks n again try to mount that disk14:16
KolakCCHow do I change what monitor ubuntu starts up on? It always boots on my turned off laptop screen14:16
ZiauddinMKwhat do you think of my work?14:16
esiliu, hello14:17
enyawixenyawix looking14:17
TianChangHello people, I am from Singapore. I just updated to Natty from Maverick. there are times when my chrome browser doesn't respond to my mouse clicks. i can see the name of the tabs change at the top, but the tab doesn't appear accordingly. it sometimes also occur to my compiz advanced settings window. =) can someone point in a direction so i cn proceed ?14:17
bazhangZiauddinMK, dont paste here14:17
ZiauddinMKbazhang: where to paste?14:17
ZiauddinMK#offtopic isn't working14:17
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic perhaps ZiauddinMK14:17
sabgentonparted /dev/sda print14:17
patyx7bazhang, I'm guessing you don't have any more suggestions :(?14:17
ZiauddinMKbazhang: worked14:18
enyawixesi SMP kernel but no preempt :(14:18
pfifoKolakCC, usually that has to be set in the bios and ubuntu will use your bios's default as its default14:18
bazhangpatyx7, xrandr does not do it? could be your card cannot handle such high res for both14:18
ScuniziIs gconf-editor still available?14:18
KolakCCpfifo: Darn.. And now ubuntu isn't even recognizing my monitor14:18
pfifoenyawix, theres like 50 kernels that ship with ubuntu, just pick the one you like14:18
jribScunizi: yes?14:18
jribScunizi: actually, I haven't checked in natty.  Nevermind14:19
patyx7I don't think it's that14:19
kratoskis it possible to use wget on a link that redirects you to the file you want? I tend to just get a nonsense garbage file14:19
patyx7It's more like14:19
enyawixpfifo i will look thanks14:19
van7huhello, is p7zip the software for 7zip under ubuntu?14:19
jribvan7hu: yes14:19
bazhangvan7hu, yes, or install unp14:19
bazhang!info unp14:19
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre5 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 120 kB14:19
pfifokratosk, wget honors a 203 by default14:19
BluesKajpfifo, interesting answer , and how is one supposeed determine which kernel one likes ?14:19
patyx7one screen is smaller than the other, and while using twinview, the smaller monitor has a blank/void space to make it into a rectangle ? bazhang (if that makes sense)14:20
pfifoBluesKaj, try them14:20
Scunizijrib: it's there.. just loaded it.. I was reading a how to on getting the application tray back in Unity.. and it mentions dconf-editor which appears to be an outside package.. ie not in the repo's14:20
OsmodivsHello. All of a sudden, I can't see what I am typing in Facebook. I think I typed some hotkey by acciedent that renders all letters in white, Is there a way toreverse this?14:20
van7hujrib, bazhang, thans14:20
van7hujrib, bazhang, thanks14:20
bazhangpatyx7, yes it does, what about using the monitor configure buttons on the side14:20
BluesKajpfifo, that's impractical , glib answers like that aren't needed14:20
pfifoBluesKaj, or read the config if your looking for something specific like pae smp or preempting14:21
jribScunizi: dconf-tools installed?14:21
pradeepStill unmount previous crash system from live boot ?14:21
patyx7monitor configure?14:21
zachlrHaving trouble with my touchpad.  Modprobe output: http://pastebin.com/FuzrFhF0  Do I need to load additional modules?  See this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1091812314:22
bazhangpradeep, did not understand what you are trying to do, please clarify14:22
Scunizijrib: yes.. but reading this link says to install dconf-editor and has a link with an auto install script which wants to uninstall dconf-tools.. I didn't run it for fear the removing dconf-tools might disable something else.. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-11-04-Unity-Tips-and-Tricks-204538.shtml14:22
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jribScunizi: don't know about it14:23
Scunizijrib: me either.. auto installs from a web page I tend to stay away from.14:23
pradeepbazhang, my server computer crash yesterday, but there have important data in phpmysql so I wann to recovery data by live boot but all other disks are easily mount but which disk have data that was not mounted so I want to mount to recovery data, If u have any idea give it was too much serious case?14:25
pradeepbazhang, change live data to live boot from pen drive14:26
thisismygamepfifo: intel onboard and a geforce fx5200 pci card. 3 monitors connected.14:26
thisismygameszal: vga cables14:26
pfifothisismygame, but di you try ctrl-alt-f214:26
MonkeyDustpradeep: you'll have to mount all the partitions to check which one has your data14:26
szalthisismygame: try digital (DVI, HDMI, or whatever you have at your disposal)14:26
thisismygamei get to grub, can choose what to boot14:26
thisismygamethen it goes black14:26
LekeFlyHello im running ubuntu 11.04 on a desktop pc but suddenly im getting this message "checking battery state" and i cant do anything..14:27
thisismygamepfifo: just tried14:27
thisismygamestill black14:27
pfifothisismygame, boot with nomodeset option enabled14:27
pradeepMonkeyDust, sda7 but that was unable mount, how to forecefully mount?14:27
MonkeyDustpradeep: did you mount it in the gui or from a terminal?14:28
pradeepMonkeyDust, no14:28
Mene-Mene_I'm in Ubuntu 11.04. I can connect to the internet, browse just fine, but sometimes when I ping my router, it'll just give me a flashing cursor. When that happens, my Windows VM can't connect to the internet.14:29
pradeepMonkeyDust, I trying to both medium14:29
MonkeyDustpradeep: which of the two, gui or command line?14:29
Mene-Mene_I've been able to stop that by reconnecting, but now that's failed on both the 5 ghz and 2.4 ghz freq.14:29
pradeepMonkeyDust, command line as well as gui14:30
pfifoMene-Mene_, this happens ONLY when you issue a ping?14:30
MonkeyDustpradeep: did you try to mount it as root? what's the error?14:30
pradeepMonkeyDust, how to log as root from live booting?14:31
Mene-Mene_pfifo: when I give a ping it gives me a flashing cursor. At the same time my Windows VM can't connect to the internet.14:31
pfifoMene-Mene_, it sounds like your triggering DDoS protection mechanisms in your router.14:31
ray_hi all14:31
MonkeyDustpradeep: in a terminal, type : sudo mount /dev/sda7/ /media14:31
ray_hi all14:32
van7hupradeep, no way14:32
Mene-Mene_Er... It can connect to the internet, but not across the router.14:32
van7hupradeep, just use sudo mount ...14:32
Mene-Mene_same flashing cursor in Windows.14:33
dr_willisflashing cursor where?14:33
pfifoMene-Mene_, Im not understanding14:33
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ray_is there any movie players out there that can adjust the video size so no borders is present?14:33
Mene-Mene_I can connect to the internet, but I can't ping my router or anyone else connected to my router.14:33
TetracommI installed Ubuntu using Wubi and it says that it  cannot send files to the trash so it deletes them permanently. I just lost a folder containing a lot of important files by accident and now I am going to have to try and find it back. How do I fix this? There is only 45 mb in the trash directory.14:33
dr_willisray_,  mplayer  has so many options it proberly can..  you may need to twiddle with it a bit.14:34
pfifoMene-Mene_, your router is set to drop icmp packets14:34
ray_dr_williis: I installed mplayer and it cant. Same as VLC!14:34
pradeepMonkeyDust, nothing response14:35
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Mene-Mene_This behaviour doesn't occur consistently. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Is that consistent with your hypothesis?14:35
pfifoMene-Mene_, 100% consistant14:35
ray_Im looking for a movie player similar to klite in options14:36
OsmodivsHello. All of a sudden, I can't see what I am typing in Facebook. I think I typed some hotkey by acciedent that renders all letters in white, Is there a way toreverse this?14:36
pfifoMene-Mene_, disable DDoS and enable ICMP in your routers configuration14:36
fellipehi friends. I am doing a shell script wich does a scp to copy a local file to remote server. I've generated authorized_keys to avoid authentication realm and freezing the script. so, how can I check if the destination folder exists before the scp?14:38
fellipesomething like if [ -d remote_folder ]; then ...14:38
Mene-Mene_Thanks, I sent an email to my network admin.14:39
pfifoHi dr_willis14:41
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TetracommI installed Ubuntu using Wubi and it says that it  cannot send files to the trash so it deletes them permanently. I just lost a folder containing a lot of important files by accident and now I am going to have to try and find it back. How do I fix this? There is only 45 mb in the trash directory. I just did a search in Nautilus and I found it. All this happened after I renamed the folder and then changed my mind back to the previous name, and14:43
Tetracommnow when I browse to the directory  it is under, I don't see it, but it is actually there. This has to be an Ubuntu bug and it is a major nuisance and potential serious problem.14:43
durreI have a new ubuntu 11.04 installation which randomly drops to "top bar" on all windows. where the close, expand, minimize buttons are. anybody know why?14:44
pfifoTetracomm, try running a filesystem check14:44
Tetracommpfifo: I just renamed the folder and changed it back again and now it is showing again.14:45
nerdy_kidTetracomm, sudo touch /forcefsck to force a filesystem check on reboot14:46
pfifoTetracomm, unusual problems with files can usually be corrected with a fs check, youll probbally want to check the windows partition first and then the linux partition14:46
bazhangpfifo, this is a wubi install14:47
pfifobazhang, hence i say check the ntfs first14:47
bazhangpfifo, there is not a linux partition14:47
pfifobazhang, is it more proper to tell a wubi user to check their loop device or something?14:48
bazhangI'd say check for backups14:49
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MALICEVSKIhi, anyone can help me how can i recover my photos from a damaged hard disc? txh in advance14:49
bazhangMALICEVSKI, testdisk/photorec14:49
RoastedI have two network cards in my PC. Is it easy to switch them from eth0 to eth1 and vice versa?14:49
RoastedI think my installer script is looking for eth0 but I want my gigabit nic for that, which is eth114:50
MALICEVSKIill try14:50
HowardJohnsonMALICEVSKI, You could try Hiren's boot disc, it has plenty of tools.14:50
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sipiorRoasted: have a look in /etc/udev/rules.d. i believe the relevant file will be "70-persistent-net.rules".14:51
fellipehi friends. I am doing a shell script wich does a scp to copy a local file to remote server. I've generated authorized_keys to avoid authentication realm and freezing the script. so, how can I check if the destination folder exists before the scp?14:51
fellipesomething like if [ -d remote_folder ]; then ...14:51
chrome_how do I patch the elf?14:52
DrkCodemananyone able to write a perl script that will export data from a excel spreadsheet?14:52
sipiorchrome_: leave the elves alone, man.14:52
Roastedsipior, that controls which nic is which eth* ID?14:52
van7huChrisGagnon, what do you mean?14:52
sipiorRoasted: you're looking to match the "ATTR{address}" and the "NAME" properties.14:53
SoobNauceI have an install disk for MSFURY3 (a game written for Windows 95).  It won't install under windows 7 because it's apparently 16-bit and my installation of win7 is 32-bit.  I'm trying to install it on ubuntu, using wine, but ubuntu refuses to run it, citing issues with the executable bit.  I can't change the executable bit because this is a CD.  Can I override ubuntu's aversion to running things without the executable bit, or will I need t14:53
SoobNauceo copy the CD, edit the iso to give setup.exe an executable bit, mount the iso with an iso mounting program, and run the setup that way?14:53
sipiorDrkCodeman: easiest is probably to export CSV from Excel, and then parse and process with Perl of whatever.14:53
najibhi, how can i generate random MAC address?14:54
pfifoSoobNauce, i think you can specify the umask mode when mounting an iso14:54
Guest11444so...has anyone figured out a way of fixing suspend/hibernate on dell laptops yet? I seem to be making zero progress on this.14:54
sipiornajib: to what end?14:55
Guest11444in 11.04, that is14:55
julieSoobNauce, I would think you have less than 2% chance of succeeding without a real emulator14:55
SoobNaucepfifo: I don't know how to mount an iso in ubuntu.  I'd rather run the CD without taking a detour to get around this "executable bit" issue14:55
ProNihilistwhen running dd through gzip to create a compressed image, is there a downside to setting the block size up to 16k? 32k?14:55
IbyssIs it by any chance possible to "skip a version" and go straight to the newest version of ubuntu?14:55
glohi there, even after trying all available hints from the forums, I can't get my plymouth splash to a decent resolution. It happened after activating the proprietary driver. anyone any idea?14:56
MonkeyDustSoobNauce: try #wine14:56
thisismygamepfifo: where should i put nomodeset? at the very end of the grub command?14:56
IbyssI'm on ubuntu server 10.04 and want to "jump" to ubuntu natty14:56
HowardJohnsonSoobNauce, sudo apt-get install gmountiso14:56
pradeepinitrfms error, how to make normal start ubuntu 10.1014:56
julieIbyss, if I'm not mistaken it does skip one but not more14:56
KolakCCHow can I remove unity without breaking ubuntu-desktop?14:57
thisismygameszal: vga cables are all I have. Weird request14:57
SoobNauceHowardJohnson: I should rephrase my question: "can I tell wine to ignore the executable bit?"14:57
sipiorIbyss: i'm afraid that's not an option. however, you could wait for the next LTS release (12.04, iirc), and jump straight to that.14:57
HowardJohnsonSoobNauce, I'm eating thus missed the first part of what you said...14:57
pfifothisismygame, yeah on the kernel line14:57
Guest11444KolakCC, you can choose classic mode at login?14:57
HowardJohnsonSoobNauce, But...14:57
HowardJohnsonSoobNauce, I still wouldn't know.14:57
julieSoobNauce, have you considered installing Win98 or Win95 in a VM?14:57
IbyssOkies sipior.14:57
Typhis there a way to use space as both a modifier key and a space key?14:57
pcoderpfifo, bazhang: Inline with Tetracom's problem, I have also been running into problem with wubi (file) installation of Ubuntu 10.10.  The Ubuntu boots up to BusyBox 1.15 and I can;t my original files. I have done all file system checks as you discussed earlier. Any solutions??14:57
Ibysstnx julie.14:57
HowardJohnsonSoobNauce, WHich program you are trying to install?\14:58
KolakCCGuest11444: I am, but never ever ever planning to use it, so why not remove it?14:58
dr_willisSoobNauce,  its not wine thats doing it.. its the wine-launcher front end.14:58
SoobNauceHowardJohnson: I'm trying to install Fury3.14:58
dr_willisSoobNauce,  do a 'wine /path/to/executabe.exe' and it wont care what the bit is14:58
sipiorTyph: how would the operating system know which you meant?14:58
Typhsipior: hitting space alone would be space.14:58
HowardJohnsonSoobNauce, Yeah I found your fist mesage...14:58
pfifoSoobNauce, its easy have a read http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?p=39548&sid=4213ece7bc628e22cd15577c39bc686814:58
HowardJohnsonSoobNauce, I would go with running Windows in a VM like whoever it was said.14:59
sipiorTyph: uh huh. think about that for a minute.14:59
SoobNauceoh hell.  dr_willis: my bad.  I typed "wine '/media/MSFURY3/setup.exe'" into a terminal, but instead of hitting enter in the terminal, I hit enter in nautilus where I had the CD thing open...  where it told me that the executable bit was not set14:59
HowardJohnsonIt will probably run far better than anything in Linux.14:59
thisismygamepfifo: so I have initrd /initrd.img-2.6.38-8-generic nomodeset14:59
darkfroghow do I install xmove on 11.04?14:59
Typhsipior: works fine with autohotkey on windows, but I can't find a good method on linux14:59
HowardJohnsonSoobNauce, Also Windows in a Linux Host VM is stupidly quick too.14:59
pfifothisismygame, nope, thats the initrd line, add it before the -- on the previous line14:59
thedeathsanyone happen to know how to get windows to copy paste files to samba (ubuntu os) at speeds above 1gbps (using lan teaming on windows)15:00
dr_willisSoobNauce,  its some weird security thing ubuntu does where a .exe has to be executable or else it wine wont try to run it.. makes it very annoying in many ways.15:00
Typhsipior: there's nothing to think about, as I've got it working as expected in another os15:00
thisismygamepfifo: pardon my nooblery15:00
pfifothisismygame, np15:00
dr_willisSoobNauce,  its not a wine limitaion its the wine front end that gnome uses that wants it.15:00
SoobNaucedr_willis: I see.  Thanks.15:00
MonkeyDustthedeaths: to begin, use rsync instead of cp15:00
thisismygamepfifo: bingo15:00
thedeathsnever heared of rsync :(15:00
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync15:01
najibhi, how can i generate random MAC address?15:01
sipiorTyph: it's just an awful idea.15:01
MonkeyDustthedeaths: http://rsync.samba.org/15:01
julienajib, as long as it's unique in your network15:01
Typhsipior: uhhh...15:01
thedeathsdoh, i dont really want to have shared folder systems15:02
pradeephow to normally start computer it gives error initrmfs.......15:02
sipiorTyph: teasing, friend. do what you like :-)15:02
thisismygamepfifo: thank you very much sir. so I'll just edit my grub line to have "nomodeset" on it15:02
Kenty22nerdy_kid: hey15:02
juliethedeaths, the fastest solution would be a FTP connection15:02
pfifothisismygame, dont forget that, youll need it al the time15:02
nerdy_kidKenty22, hi15:02
Typhsipior: I only have one hand, I'm trying to setup a mirror qwerty layout15:02
thedeathsheh mostly just wanted a way to be able to acces the nas at full 2gbps speed (like when copying a game from nas to pc)15:02
thisismygamepfifo: why is that? i dont have video drivers installed yet, i'm guessing.15:02
CoolCoderHow to reset keyboard. My external keyboard num lock keys are not working. I have changes the keybord preferences. I dont know how to revert to default settings. Any help?15:03
thedeathsso ye: why cant windows copy paste it that fast :p15:03
sipiorTyph: sticky keys aren't an option?15:03
thedeathsit can handle 95% average on 2 seperate pc's both 1gbps,but on teaming it fails :(15:03
pfifothisismygame, the kernel is now responsible for setting the video mode, however the older drivers still think its taken care of by X15:03
juliethedeaths, something's missing in your description as copy-paste is not a network protocol15:03
thedeathsheh well15:04
thedeathsno idea what network protocol windows would use if i go to \\ubuntu\storage15:04
kratoskis it possible to use wget on a link that redirects you to the file you want? I tend to just get a nonsense garbage file? Or " ERROR 403: Bad hash."15:04
sipiorTyph: you can have a look at xmodmap as well, which should allow you to set keys more or less as desired.15:04
thedeathsand copy paste a file there with explorer :p15:04
juliethedeaths, this means you already have a Samba share15:04
thedeathsye the share and what else works15:04
thedeathsit's just windows (i think)15:05
burrburrI find both using sources.list and PPA a bit confusing. what to prefer in ubuntu?15:05
thedeathsguessing windows isnt using the teamed interface15:05
najibjulie: i am looking if the is already any tool/script to generate MAC address15:05
juliethedeaths, I told you before:  FTP would be the fastest solution15:05
thedeathsbut rather only uses 1 port15:05
thedeathsbut ftp is the annoying solution :p15:05
julieoh well15:05
MALICEVSKIcan anyone guide me step by step  how can i recover my photos from a damaged hard disc15:06
julieMALICEVSKI, is it currently unmounted?15:06
dr_willis!info photorec15:06
ubottuPackage photorec does not exist in natty15:06
dr_willisHmm what is the name of that app.15:07
MALICEVSKIi cant get in it15:07
dr_willisMALICEVSKI,  you could try dd_rescue or ddrescue to clone/rescue it to an image file then mount the image file and try to access the photos15:07
julieMALICEVSKI, when dealing with damaged drives or lost data, always unmount the drive ASAP15:07
pentarexhey guys can someone tell me why this script is not working http://pastebin.com/mb8vvE9X, I'm starting it, but when I try to stop it it says no such ID15:07
MALICEVSKIhow to do that15:07
pradeepdoes mounting takes a long time.15:08
=== KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG
dr_willischeck the ddrescue homepage for its ussage. You will need a spare HD with free space the size of the one you want to recover..15:08
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
julieMALICEVSKI, you basically turn off the machine and restart it with a recovery disk15:08
edbianpradeep: mounting takes less than a second15:08
julieMALICEVSKI, ddrescue is a good option but is a bit complex to use...15:09
MALICEVSKIill give a try15:09
CoolCodercan anyone help to get back my default external keyboard settings? I have changed the keyboard preference. Now num keys are not working. There is no option to revert to default settings. Any help15:09
pradeepanother thing. i checked the partition with the gui mode, it says some bad sectors15:09
dr_willis     ddrescue -i0 -s50M /dev/hdc hdimage logfile15:09
oCeanTyph: using xmodmap you could modify keymapping15:09
julieMALICEVSKI, also keep in mind that anything you do on the disk, even with the rescue utility might damage it further, so if you have stuff worth real money, you should hire pros15:09
oCeanTyph: not sure what you mean by modifier key though15:10
MALICEVSKIi have all my pics there15:10
sipioroCean: "alt", "ctrl", "meta"...15:10
CoolCodercan anyone help to get back my default external keyboard settings? I have changed the keyboard preference. Now num keys are not working. There is no option to revert to default settings. Any help15:10
CoolCodercan anyone help to get back my default external keyboard settings? I have changed the keyboard preference. Now num keys are not working. There is no option to revert to default settings. Any help15:10
CoolCodercan anyone help to get back my default external keyboard settings? I have changed the keyboard preference. Now num keys are not working. There is no option to revert to default settings. Any help15:10
FloodBot1CoolCoder: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:10
TyphoCean: yeah, that15:11
dr_willisthis is when you learn to start keeping backups15:11
julieMALICEVSKI, then I can only wish you good luck15:11
CoolCoderno help for this group!!!!15:11
pfifopentarex, try echo -n, and ensure that the PID is acttually correct15:11
oCeansipior: Typh ok, I know how to change value's for a key, but not sure how to make it differ between 1 stroke and 'hold'15:11
oCeanor combination15:11
dr_willisCoolCoder,  flooding the question - tends to get you ignored.15:11
=== KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG
CoolCodersimple questions even no one can answer in this group. then why this people is here15:11
KNUBBIGSidewinder1: sorry for changing my nick but that was my auto away when my session crashed :)15:12
* pfifo knows the answer15:12
TyphoCean: yeah, same. I might have to just settle for seperate keys.15:12
pradeepnow ubuntu says unable to open /dev/sda stdin; error 0. and halts15:12
CoolCoderi am getting mad. i am on IRC for last 4 years and in Ubunto chat 5th time. No one even responded to my simple isssues.15:12
dr_willisCoolCoder,  you dident just hit the NUMlock did you?15:12
compdocCoolCoder, is it a laptop?15:12
oCeanCoolCoder: is that because you have not received reply in 5 minutes?15:12
CoolCoderand external keyboard15:12
edbianpradeep: You mount a partition (/dev/sda1) not a harddrive (/dev/sda)15:12
dr_willisI cant recall ever seeing differnt settings for the external/laptop keyboards..15:13
=== errorcode is now known as errorINcode
sipioroCean: Typh: you can use a "keysym" directive to map the desired meta key to whatever you like, but i don't honestly know how it will work when mapped to Space. I assume you have key repeating turned off, Typh?15:13
Guest11444Is there a specific chat for ubuntu issues on dell machines?15:13
wujie Linux Kernel V2.6.39.1.deb down : http://dl.dbank.com/c0uh2z9l6q15:14
CoolCoderoCean: i have waited for 2 hours. because somehow i need to get the issues fixed. not this keyboard. another issues. no one even responded. chat is moving so fast. but there is no one to deal with simple issues like this as i am a beginer in Ubuntu15:14
Sidewinder1KNUBBIG, No prob. :-)15:14
wujie Linux Kernel V2.6.39.1.deb down : http://dl.dbank.com/c0uh2z9l6q15:14
compdocCoolCoder, some laptops have blue function keys, and you can enable or disable the num keys with a function key15:14
wujie Linux Kernel V2.6.39.1.deb down : http://dl.dbank.com/c0uh2z9l6q15:14
oCeansipior: I use xmodmap to change keys, for example to change 'left' key to 'backspace'15:14
CoolCoderIt was working compdoc:15:14
sipioroCean: sure, this is just an extension of that.15:14
Defusalhi everyone15:14
CoolCodersince i have changed something on keyboard setting15:14
Typhsipior: yeah, I've mapped it to a normally unused modifier, but getting keyup to just output space seems impossible15:14
CoolCoderits like this compdoc:15:15
dr_willisCoolCoder,  does it work properly for a newly made user?  if so then its just some user config you you can proberly reset/file you can delete.  if it affects all users. then it would be a system wide setting15:15
Defusalcan anyone tell me what the simplest to install and configure sock 5 proxy server is?15:15
oCeanCoolCoder: don't forget it's all volunteers here, let your attitude reflect that15:15
KNUBBIGI'm not sure what wujie is suggesting there :x15:15
julieGuest11444, it wouldn't make sense to have a channel per computer make, just ask your question15:15
CoolCoderdr_willis: ok let me check that15:15
CoolCoderthen will comeback15:15
compdocCoolCoder, hold down the func key, and type the key that looks like the numpad (in blue) and try to enable it15:15
CoolCoderthanks everyone. This is my first response for you people. good luck.15:16
CoolCodercompdoc: ok15:16
* pfifo puts 5 bitcoins on CoolCoder having mouse keys enabled15:16
pradeepi can boot from windows but now ubuntu now. live boot also collapse15:16
sipiorTyph: typing it twice in a row doesn't output Space?15:16
Guest11444I can't get my machine to suspend or hibernate (fresh install of natty). I've been looking at launchpad bug-reports and the forums.15:16
Guest11444A lot of users are having the same issue, but no solutions yet15:16
Typhsipior: nope15:16
CoolCoder"pfifo puts 5 bitcoins on CoolCoder having mouse keys enabled" what is this?15:17
pfifoGuest11444, is your swap at least the size of your ram15:17
semi-flyis it possible to grab the alt. cd and install the base ubuntu system then install gnome3 + ubuntu software centre without it installing unity?15:17
pfifoCoolCoder, try pressing shift+numlock15:17
Guest11444yeah, it worked in maverick15:17
Guest11444and the partitions are the same size as before15:17
oCeansipior: Typh maybe something like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2581784&postcount=415:17
CoolCoderpfifo: not working15:17
CoolCoderok let me check for new user15:18
RenaKunisakihas anyone else been having their USB controllers crash on AMD64 Xubuntu 11.04?15:18
CoolCoderand will come back15:18
CoolCoderthanks all15:18
pfifoCoolCoder, better press it again cause that enabled it and that will make things even worse15:18
BluesKajdo you guys notice google-linux is no more ...I guess it's relavence was questioned once too often , because I noticed lately that a lot of searches were so.15:18
TyphoCean: that looks promising15:18
Guest11444pfifo, to be exact: my swap is 9gb and i have 4gb of ram15:18
RenaKunisakisudden spew of errors followed by messages that suggested several USB devices had just been connected (which really had been connected a long time ago), and now I/O errors from a USB disk15:18
oCeanTyph: I think so, I hope it's useful.. I have to run afk for a while.15:19
sipioroCean: Typh: might be a way to go, assuming it allows for conditional execution.15:19
quesoIf I add a ppa that has a package I need, but also includes packages that I don't need, and some of those packages that I don't need have the same name as an ubuntu-supported package that I need, how do I get the ubuntu-supported package?   aptitude keeps telling me that the package is from an untrusted source, so it's obviously defaulting to the ppa source.15:19
julieBluesKaj, why would anyone allow Google to spy on their Linux installation?  :P15:19
BluesKajjulie, ??15:20
oCeanBluesKaj: as you know, offtopic talk in #ubuntu-offtopic15:20
julieBluesKaj, you know how Google puts spyware on everything they do?15:20
thefisher86Hello everyone, long time Ubuntu user, first time caller...haha.  So I just installed Ubuntu 11 on my work computer and I'm about to start migrating everything from windows xp over to ubuntu... I've come across a couple problems so far but I figure they're easily fixable.  Firstly, at first boot-up Ubuntu didn't recognize my windows partition.  I tried to mount it via terminal and I got an error telling me it was already mounted,15:20
BluesKajoCean, google-linux is relavent15:20
oCeanBluesKaj: no it is not, this is for ubuntu support issues only, thanks15:21
julieBluesKaj, oCean is right15:21
TuxOtakuhey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a gateway netbook15:21
TuxOtakubut for some reason, it can't see the hard drive15:21
BluesKajoCean, well google-linux used to be part of the support searches15:21
sipioroCean: Typh: it's a tricky problem. i'd be interested in hearing how this works for you.15:21
TuxOtakugparted only shows the USB stick I put Ubuntu on15:21
julie!ot |blueskaj15:22
ubottublueskaj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:22
TuxOtakuthe HDD works, windows is running on it right now15:22
Typhsipior: I'll keep you updated15:22
pfifothefisher86, you should be able to find your windows partition in /media/<drive name>15:22
compdocTuxOtaku, in the bios, is there an option for sata or ahci emulation for the drives?15:22
TuxOtakuooooh! never thought of that15:22
TuxOtakulemme go check compdoc15:22
BluesKajjulie, oCean , I have one response ...bah humbug !15:22
thefisher86pfifo I looked there, there was nothing15:23
OerHeksjulie, pls get ontopic yourself, BluesKaj is helping out here as long as i know.15:23
compdocTuxOtaku, most linux distros support either ahci or native sata, so its a long shot15:23
TuxOtakucompdoc, it's set to IDE...should it be ahci?15:23
pfifothefisher86, is it listed in your bookmars as like 123GB partitoin or anything?15:23
compdocTuxOtaku, should work that way, but its worth a try. AHCI is better15:24
thefisher86pfifo no it's not... that's my problem15:24
RenaKunisaki[122397.871035] ehci_hcd 0000:00:10.4: fatal error15:24
RenaKunisaki[122397.872856] ehci_hcd 0000:00:10.4: force halt; handshake ffffc9000018e014 00004000 00004000 -> -11015:24
compdocIDE shoule work with anything15:24
RenaKunisakithat does look like some kind of software failure...15:24
pfifothefisher86, can you run these commands 'sudo fdisk -l` and `mount` and copy paste the results to this website http://fpaste.org15:24
thefisher86pfifo I can do that15:26
thefisher86pfifo I'm currently in windows, so let me restart15:26
TuxOtakucompdoc, that did it! thanks15:26
compdocTuxOtaku, cool15:26
KNUBBIGLoo, good morning/evening/whatever :)15:28
Guest11444so, any other ideas as to why suspend/hibernate is broken (i definitely have enough swap space)?15:29
Viliny_Guest11444 had that same problem for ages now15:30
compdocGuest11444, is the swapo used to hold the hibernate files? I never thought so15:30
pfifoGuest11444, Viliny if i had the hardware i could troubleshoot it, but I dont :(15:30
KNUBBIGcompdoc: think so, as for me, hibernate fails due to the small amount of swap I have15:31
Guest11444I dont have anything sensitive here, i could give you remote access :D15:31
pfifoGuest11444, yeah but Id loose it on suspend lol15:31
compdocit doesnt make sense the hibernate file would be placed in the swap area15:31
LooSorry but I'm French and I don't understand. Do you know a french canal?15:31
niko!fr | Loo15:31
ubottuLoo: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:31
Loook thanks15:32
kivodje peux traduire sinon :D15:32
Guest11444compdoc it makes sense to me: ram copied to swap, then swap copied to ram15:32
Guest11444but i have no clue15:32
thefisher86pfifo, what was that paste site again?15:32
pfifothefisher86, http://fpaste.org15:32
Guest11444well, what annoys me is that it was working fine in 10.10 then it's broken in 11.0415:33
Guest11444It was very, very useful.15:33
pfifoGuest11444, i would start be figuring out what has changed in the kernel15:33
thefisher86pfifo it's pasted15:34
pfifothefisher86, can you paste the resulting link here in the channel for us15:34
PlughWhen I boot Ubuntu 10.10 and log in I need to manually start pulseaudio to get sound. Any idea why it won't start automatically?15:34
thefisher86pfifo, so it mounted it as /host from the looks of things... that's weird15:35
pfifothefisher86, the URL of the paste, I need it15:35
Guest11444pfifo,  that's the thing. I can get suspend and hibernate functionality back by using a rather old kernel (2.6.35) but then the touchpad doesn't work the way it should15:35
juliethefisher86, if you did your installation on Windows, then it's normal that the Windows partition gets mounted in /host15:36
skyxhow to MySQL upgrade from 5.0.51a to 5.1 ubuntu 8.04 server edition ?15:36
Guest11444pfifo, how do i check the changes to the kernel though? and what can i do about it?15:36
MonkeyDustGuest11444: to make the touchpad work, you need to add something in the grub, moment, ill look it up15:36
Defusalcan anyone tell me what the simplest to install and configure sock 5 proxy server is?15:37
Guest11444MonkeyDust, in natty i get perfect two-finger scrolling vertically and horizontally. it's beautiful15:37
thefisher86pfifo don't worry about it just looking at the output of mount I was able to figure it out15:37
Defusalthere must be something that works out of the box with minimal config :(15:37
pfifoGuest11444, first check the version numbers, and read the change logs for anything acpi related, thencheck the new kernel to see what the configuration is like.15:37
pfifothefisher86, a wubi install I take it15:37
Guest11444pfifo,  but that's like...30 changelogs!15:38
pfifoGuest11444, debugging is not easy15:39
Guest11444pfifo, ;_;15:39
pfifoGuest11444, but just think of all the glory! youd be a launchpad hero15:39
MonkeyDustGuest11444: in /etc/default/grub find this line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and add atkbd.reset15:40
eiriksvinHello all, I have a question, my Ubuntu 11.04 is having issues at the splash screen... it shows the color of the background (in the splash screen) but don't show the Ubuntu and the loading dots. It started happening after I installed World of Warcraft, any ideas what to do?15:40
Guest11444MonkeyDust, to get the touchpad working properly under 2.6.35?15:41
MonkeyDustGuest11444: yes15:42
MonkeyDustGuest11444: atkbd means AT keyboard15:42
Guest11444MonkeyDust, well, the touchpad "works", it just fails with multi-touch issues15:42
MonkeyDustGuest11444: it worked for me15:43
ravnhi guys, I have a USB spectrometer that I would like to talk to, but I can't find any information about how the USB interface is working these days, only deprecated texts, anyone can point me to some relevant information about USB and how it works these days?15:43
pfifoGuest11444, maybe we will luck out and my mom's new laptop will suffer from that problem15:43
Guest11444pfifo,  get her a dell!15:43
Trond--are there gonna be ubuntu-classroom today?15:43
Guest11444pfifo,  I think your mom would love a dell studio 174715:44
* BluesKaj wonders where those OT cops disappeared to :)15:44
Guest11444pfifo,  that core i7 processor is just what she needs15:44
pfifoGuest11444, no this is a acer, older model on clearance15:44
eiriksvinravn: try seeing if its even being recognised by opening a terminal and typing lsusb15:45
netspyTrond--: maybe in the next room15:45
Guest11444hahaha nuts15:45
Trond--netspy, I am in the #ubuntu-classroom15:45
pfifoGuest11444, but your right my mom would love that dell lappy, so long as it has a numberpad15:45
eiriksvinravn: there may be a firware issue involved15:45
BluesKajravn, what kind of spectrometer ?15:45
eiriksvinoops firmware15:46
Guest11444pfifo, it does, and a 17 inch monitor15:46
ravn BluesKaj: Ocean Optics USB 200015:46
ravneiriksvin: there is one line listing it, but there is no name printed there...15:47
eiriksvinravn: then it is a driver or firmware related issue15:47
zlikeyouis there someone?15:47
eiriksvinravn: one moment, I'm searching for a driver fix15:48
julieHi zlikeyou, do you have a question?15:48
ravneiriksvin: ok, what does that mean? I though I could send and receive commands to any usb device no matter what?15:48
ravneiriksvin: ok, thanks.15:48
zlikeyouyes, I have a problem with GTK-Gnutella, it doesn't wanna load!!15:48
julieravn, you can communicate with it through USB, but that doesn't mean you'll know which commands to send and how to interpret the results15:49
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
white-horsehi guys does anyone here know how i can see my old mac os x drive on ubuntu 11.04 64 bit ?15:49
Saharfinally i find here15:49
eiriksvinravn: some USB devices need to be run using a specified driver or proprietary firmware, although sometimes you can run it native15:49
zlikeyouyes, I have a problem with GTK-Gnutella, it doesn't wanna load!!15:50
ravnjulie: yes, right, but I know the commands (I think :) from the Windows LabView VISA drivers that exists...15:50
Sahari wanna use a partition in my ubuntu that before was in 715:50
Saharhow can i do it15:50
Saharols help me15:50
Saharis there any here?15:51
Saharplss :(15:51
zlikeyouI wanna use my partition of ubuntu to install debian 6.0 and I wanna keep all my video and other things is it possible?15:51
BluesKajravn, what end use is the spectrometer, for measuring what ? This may be relavent . but I'm not certain.15:51
Guest11444MonkeyDust, so the line should be GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and add atkbd.reset15:52
Guest11444* mman (~mman@f053220095.adsl.alicedsl.de) has joined #ubuntu15:52
Guest11444<eiriksvin> Hello all, I have a question, my Ubuntu 11.04 is having issues at the splash screen... it shows the color of the background (in the splash screen) but don't show the Ubuntu and the loading dots. It started happening after I installed World of Warcraft, any ideas what to do?15:52
Guest11444* biella (~biella@cpe-74-73-158-8.nyc.res.rr.com) has joined #ubuntu15:52
Guest11444* k^^ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)15:52
FloodBot1Guest11444: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:52
vish!ask | Sahar15:52
ubottuSahar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:52
julieravn, it might be a bit outdated but you should look at guides like http://www.lrr.in.tum.de/Par/arch/usb/usbdoc/15:52
zlikeyouI wanna use my partition of ubuntu to install debian 6.0 and I wanna keep all my video and other things is it possible?15:52
ravnBluesKaj: well, not sure I understand what you wondering, but it is for 200-1100 nm light with SMA 905 connector...15:52
Sahari wrote my question15:52
Saharseverals line before15:53
al_rizkyuhuk uhukk15:53
eiriksvinGuest11444: thank you for reposting my questing while I am trying to help ravn :P'15:53
Guest11444it was an accident15:53
Sahari wanna use a partition in my ubuntu that before was in 715:54
julieSahar, is your new ubuntu install using the same partitions (or installed over) your 7 partition?15:54
Sahari mean os 715:54
MonkeyDust!details| Sahar15:54
ubottuSahar: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:54
Sahari ok15:54
Saharubuntu 10.1015:54
zlikeyouI wanna use my partition of ubuntu10.04  install debian 6.0 and I wanna keep all my video and other things is it possible?15:55
=== KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG
Guest11444eiriksvin, I hink the binary drivers usually mess up the splash screen...I read a work-around where you allowed the splash screen to load by waiting until all the drivers are loaded instead of going to the login15:55
Saharwhen i use df -h i can see an eztended in it15:55
Sahari wanna use it in ubuntu15:55
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
KNUBBIGHey, I got a problem with my plymouth: On shtudown, it displays correctly, but on startup, it displays nothing, just my GRUB2-Background image. Any ideas?15:56
Saharthere is no 7 os in my laptop15:56
MonkeyDustSahar: please ur question in one line, so we do not have to scroll up15:56
zlikeyouNot sure Sahar but maybe if you use Gparted??15:56
wvusoldieroh boy huge room15:56
zlikeyouyou said it15:56
RenaKunisakiso, I want to report a problem with ehci_hcd crashing; is there something I can do first to check if it's a hardware fault? I didn't have any issues with USB on a live CD, but it seems to be just an occasional random crash...15:56
julieSahar, giving us the output you get from mount and "fdisk -l" could help15:56
zlikeyouI wanna use my partition of ubuntu10.04  install debian 6.0 and I wanna keep all my video and other things is it possible?15:56
RenaKunisakiall my USB devices suddenly disconnect/freak out and reconnect as USB 1.115:56
wvusoldierI have an issue installing ubuntu 10.10...it's hanging on "Ready when you are"15:56
wvusoldiercould use a hand15:57
wvusoldierany takers15:57
FloodBot1wvusoldier: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
zlikeyouI wanna use my partition of ubuntu10.04  install debian 6.0 and I wanna keep all my video and other things is it possible?15:57
vishzlikeyou: need to ask that in debian channels..  ;) but mostly if you have separate partitions yea, you can overwrite and install debian and reuse videos15:57
zlikeyouthanks a lot vish15:57
Saharroot@galaxy:/home/star# fdisk -l15:57
SaharDisk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes15:57
Sahar255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders15:57
SaharUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes15:57
SaharSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes15:57
SaharI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes15:57
FloodBot1Sahar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
SaharDisk identifier: 0x000bbc4215:57
BluesKajravn, i used run Atomic Absorption spectrophotometers doing metals anaysis /lab work ...mainly just curious15:58
wvusoldieron install I'm getting hung up at ubuntu CRON[9433]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --reports /etc/cron.hourly)15:58
wvusoldierany idea whats going on?15:58
Saharroot@galaxy:/home/star# mount15:59
chompinghi guys, any of you have run raid-z in ubuntu?15:59
Saharproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)15:59
Saharnone on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)15:59
Saharfusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)15:59
Saharnone on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)15:59
Saharnone on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)15:59
FloodBot1Sahar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:59
julieSahar, use http://paste.ubuntu.com as mentionned by the bot15:59
eiriksvinravn: omg I can't find anything but the drivers for it, there is no ref to it in the forums, or even and relative posts... that must be a very obscure problem15:59
ravn BluesKaj: yeah, ok, Well, I'm working on nano-photonics looking at NEMS.15:59
KNUBBIGI got a problem with my plymouth: On shtudown, it displays correctly, but on startup, it displays nothing, just my GRUB2-Background image. Any ideas?15:59
julieSahar, unfortunately missed the main information so paste it on http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link16:00
chompingi'm trying to implement zfs using raid-z but I'm not sure if do I have to format my disk drives during installation as software raid, or its fine to do it after the whole system is installed?16:00
eiriksvin<Guest11444> Is there a way to load the splashscreen, then load the binary drivers?16:00
ravneiriksvin: well, yes, I don't think anyone has done it since it is a quite specific product, and there are working windows drivers...16:00
Sahari got it16:00
gercogHi everybody! My ubuntu no longer auto mount any usb-drive or cd-disk. Does anybody can help?16:01
eiriksvinravn: yeah I found the windows drivers, but looking into how to implement those windows drivers on Linux is the next part... not having much luck either16:01
BajKhow can I record my speaker output (+ microphone) with audacity or so?16:01
Saharand i hv fedoa to in my laptop16:02
BajKthere is no "Steereo Mix" output, I can only access the microphone and line in things16:02
And_Ii have a microsd in my vodafone845 that must be writeabel, how can i make the ext2/ext3-part of the  microsd-card save my files ?16:02
netspyits better to let some people know how to use http://paste.ubuntu.com16:02
sproatyis there a way to control which monitor OSD notifications are displayed on? I have two monitors and they always appear on the secondary one16:02
sproatyand I then miss the notification16:02
Sahari paste my information :http://paste.ubuntu.com/623481/16:03
basil_kurian_I have one problem related to cloudera(hadoop) in ubuntu. Can i ask it here ?16:03
bad_allocHello I'm running an old ubuntu 8.10 (compatability reasons) and i cannot connect to wireless networks. DHCPDISCOVER fails with any wifi-manager I've tried (network-manager, wifi-radar and rutilt) This is the output I get in terminal when running any of those wifi-programs: http://cxg.de/_df1114.htm  How do I fix this?16:03
bad_allocbasil_kurian_:never ask to ask16:03
pfifobad_alloc, can you paste bin 'iwconfig' and 'iwlist'16:04
Guest11444eiriksvin, I think there is a way of doing that, but i can't remember where I saw the instructions (this was for 10.10 btw)16:05
basil_kurian_I 'm getting this error on starting jobtracker service of cloudera  "Failed to operate on mapred.system.dir (hdfs://hadoop-namenode.shadow.local:9000/dfs/mapred) because of permissions. org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker: This directory should be owned by the user 'mapred'"16:05
codazodagedit will not die.  'sudo kill -9 6277' does not kill the process.  Thoughts?16:06
bad_allocpfifo: sorry no, the notebook is currently somewhere else. But I can tell you that It's the dell intel chipset on wlan0 and an ALFA awus036H I'm using. neither works.16:06
julieSahar, which partition were you planning to use?  I don't see any empty space there although some partitions are not mounted16:06
basil_kurian_however on ls -l , the pernission is   drwxrwxrwx 6 mapred hadoop 4096 2011-06-10 17:37 mapred16:06
bad_allocpfifo: not a hardware fault though, the parallel windows can use wifi16:06
Saharthere is extended partition there that i dont need it bcs i dont hv 7 os now16:07
sipiorcodazoda: probably a zombie. can you paste the relevant output line from ps?16:07
pfifobad_alloc, to fix the dhcpdiscover error... connect to a network with a dhcp server16:07
Saharand i hv fedora 216:07
BluesKajravn, I think most iirc most spectroscopy apps /software was MS based , but I've been retired for 12 yrs now , so things harware/software definitely does chang ve rthe ys16:07
Saharand i hv fedora also that i cant see it in my boot menu after install ubuntu16:08
BluesKajerr over the yrs16:08
bad_allocpfifo: the network definately has a dhcp server, as two other computers use that server. only this notebook fails at it.16:08
codazodagedit won't die.  kill -9 fails to work.  Output (http://pastebin.com/S7NMt8FG).16:08
julieSahar, you have to keep in mind that the extended partition is just a mapping partition and it is allocated in the partitions that follow it16:08
pfifobad_alloc, sounds like your unable to connect to that network16:08
Sahari dont need it . it wan in use of 716:09
Saharnow i want format it16:09
codazodaI believe this is causing "suspend" problems randomly.  Since the process refuses to die.  Reboot the only option?  Seems... wrong.16:09
julieSahar, partitions sda5-8 are mapped on the extended partition and are all of Linux types16:09
sipiorcodazoda: the process is waiting on i/o, and can't be interrupted in its current state.16:10
eiriksvinravn: I can't find anything worth saying16:10
th0rcodazoda: I assume you tried to kill it as joel first16:10
BluesKajcodazoda, open system onitor , find gedit and signal, terminate16:10
julieSahar, so there doesn't seem to be any remaining Windows partitions16:10
* BluesKaj checks KB batteries16:10
bad_allocpfifo: yes. but why? do I have to deal with it™ or could you give me some pointers to further resources?16:10
codazodasipior: The io will never occur then.  I want to force it to die anyway.  No way?16:11
codazodasipior: I suspect the io might be from a fuse mount, which has gone away.16:11
pfifobad_alloc, use iwconfig and iwscan to try and connect manually16:11
polmWhy would aptitude tell me that a package has unmet dependencies that will not be installed and not install it?16:11
polmSorry, apt-get16:11
pfifobad_alloc, see where it fails in that process16:11
KNUBBIGIs it safe for Unity to build gnome-shell from source?16:12
sipiorcodazoda: that sounds about right. you used -f to remove the volume?16:12
Saharok i think wrong thanks... but how can i see fedora in my boot menu again16:12
bad_allocpfifo: ok thanks for your time :)16:12
codazodasipior: No.  Fuse just has bugs.  I disconnected from the network, probably.16:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:12
codazodasipior: Without unmounting, I imagine.16:12
sipiorcodazoda: make sure the volume is really gone and unmounted.16:12
sipiorcodazoda: the process should then become unstuck.16:12
pfifobad_alloc, ive heard other praise wicd for is ability to connect to wireless when nm fails16:13
bad_allocpfifo: I've tried to install that once on that particular machine. as a result I lost most of my network config stuff.16:13
pfifobad_alloc, well yeah its an entirely seprate system from NM16:14
Sahar how can i see fedora in my boot menu again.. i loss it after install fedora16:14
FCdllFlash videos no longer saved in /tmp directory16:15
pfifoSahar, run `sudo update-grub`16:15
bad_allocpfifo: do you know if the nvidia GeForce 8400 G is supported in newer verseions of ubuntu (10.04+)16:15
juliepfifo, that won't work for Sahar's case16:15
bad_allocpfifo: I'm using 8.10 because of alledgedly unavalibale drivers for that graphics card. (i.e. without them the fan doesn't work and the card idles at 80°C)16:16
pfifobad_alloc, the nvidia site shows which cards are supported by the current blob, it should be16:16
BluesKajbad_alloc, . I run a 8400gs without any probs on 11.1016:16
codazodasipior: Found a fuse mount that says "resource busy" got to be it.  Trying to unmount anyway (since the network went away).16:16
julieSahar, I would suggest you boot in fedora from a restore / install disk and redo its boot configuration to be on the partition itself instead of the mbr, then restart in ubuntu and configure grub to just boot off that partition as a new menu entry...  there are other ways to do it but this is the simplest I can think of16:16
pfifojulie, why not os-prober finds my gentoo16:17
AdvoWorkhi there. im trying to get dual monitors working in ubuntu, when i goto screen resolution, its showing two monitors.. ive had to apply a setting change, log back in, out etc, ive rebooted, but i cant see anything on the 2nd screen, even if i mirror. any ideas please?16:17
Guest11444eiriksvin, http://askubuntu.com/questions/6033/enabling-nvidia-driver-messes-up-splash-screen I think the solution i used earlier was similar to this...read the comments below, especially the 3rd answer16:17
bad_allocok new disto it is, thanks #ubuntu16:17
sipiorcodazoda: right. try the "lazy unmount" option (-z) if you have problems removing the volume.16:17
siavoshkcAdvoWork: can we see the part of xorg.conf relating to monitors?16:18
juliepfifo, are you on a wubi install?16:18
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
codazodasipior: Err. Killed all my fuse mounts (one with -uz) and gedit still refuses to die.  Bugger.16:18
pfifojulie, no16:18
Guest11444eiriksvin, but it's for 10.10 so make backups if you're running another version16:18
sipiorcodazoda: hmm. you've verified they're no longer visible?16:19
sipiorcodazoda: might be stuck rebooting, i'm sorry to say.16:19
AdvoWorksiavoshkc, its: http://pastebin.com/dVFif05R16:19
pfifocodazoda, `sudo killall -9 gedit`16:19
codazodaYup.  There is one thing in there still.  fusectl on /sys/ffusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)16:19
Saharu mean i istall fedora again:?16:20
sipiorcodazoda: that always a last resort, of course, but if the i/o wait doesn't resolve itself...16:20
julieSahar, no you just boot it with the install / restore disk and redo the boot configuration16:20
Saharjulie pls say clear16:20
codazodasipior: Problem is that this happens all the time.  I'm tired of rebooting and need to "fix" the problem.16:20
siavoshkcSahar: are you from iran?16:21
codazodapfifo: killall does not work.  kill -9 does not work.  User, root, doesn't matter.16:21
julieSahar, unfortunately I don't know the exact steps to take in Fedora and this would be off-topic here16:21
pfifocodazoda, what error message does it give?16:21
Saharok tx bye the way16:21
codazodapfifo: None.  See the paste bin. http://pastebin.com/S7NMt8FG16:22
eiriksvin<Guest11444> thanks, I'm looking into it now16:22
sproatyoooh...interesting. If I add a new gnome panel to the top of the screen and move the "indicator applet" to it. notifications appear below it, on the correct monitor. With a single panel at the bottom of the screen, notifications get pushed to the top-right of my secondary monitor :-/16:22
sipiorcodazoda: problem with fuse, i'm afraid.16:22
AdvoWorksiavoshkc, also, if i move my mouse or a document out of this monitor, it appears to go somewhere(but you cant see it) Also, since doing that ive now got 4 blocks(desktop bits) bottom right, but only 2 have stuff in16:22
juliepfifo, sorry I don't see why os-loader wouldn't detect your Linux install and it is poorly documented16:22
szalthisismygame: what's weird about that?16:22
juliepfifo, sorry not os-loader, os-prober16:22
codazodasipior: No doubt.  There's probably a solution somewhere thought.  Like unmount all fuse mounts on suspend and/or power down.  Maybe that would fix it, at least in the future.16:23
codazodasipior: Thanks for the info.  Knowing to look for io is helpful for future troubleshooting.  I'll figure out how to unmount on suspend / shutdown.16:24
sipiorcodazoda: sure thing16:24
pfifocodazoda, its defunct http://kenno.wordpress.com/2007/04/04/how-to-kill-defunct-process/16:24
=== o0oScoRcHo0o is now known as o0oScoRcHo0o|afk
rpkHello, I'm running ubuntu 11.04 (classic), and with Remmina Remote Desktop Client, when running in fullscreen, the horizontal scroll bar on the bottom of the screen renders below the window, which is underneath the application bar that is displayed there.  How do I fix this?16:25
siavoshkcAdvoWork: did you edit this file?16:26
AdvoWorksiavoshkc, im not sure, not recently :s but may have in the past16:26
siavoshkcgoogle for xorg.conf <your ati name/model> dual moinitor/output16:27
AdvoWorkhow do i find out my ati name, without opening the case?16:29
edbianAdvoWork: sudo lspci -k16:29
edbianAdvoWork: (-k not really needed)16:29
edbianAdvoWork: perhaps sudo lspci | grep ati    would be helpful16:29
byomkeshbakshiHi, I am starting off with my first project on linux. It involves python, n other technology like php. Which book, or online resource will help me to understand linux , commands etc?16:29
BluesKajAdvoWork, sudo lshw -C vdeo16:30
siavoshkcbyomkeshbakshi: www.ldp.org16:30
BluesKajer video16:30
netspywant to try recovering my wep key without resetting the unit. using aircrack-ng but got this output16:31
pfifonetspy, no output?16:33
julienetspy, how can anyone here be sure you're not trying to hack your neighboor's connection?  helping you would be very risky16:33
galerienHi guys, is there anything I should know before installing gnome3 on my U11.04 ? (I've installed a lot of stuff already, is that going to be a problem?)16:34
balleyneI tried to switch from Desktop Wall to the desktop Cube in the CompizConfig Settings Manager in Ubuntu 11.04, with the Ubuntu Classic profile, and my compiz settings are borked -- no window borders, no alt-tab, no workspace switching... how can I restore the Ubuntu Classic defaults?16:34
RenaKunisakiwhat package should I tell apport-cli to report a USB/ehci_hcd problem?16:34
pfifojulie, the knowledge can be used either way, its on him if hes doing something illegal16:34
galeriennetspy, go to backtrack chan, and they will tell you "!neighbors" ^^16:34
juliepfifo, I disagree....  you can't go around giving tutorial on committing theft and releasing responsibility that it's up to them16:35
galerienpfifo, but it's on us if he hack someone, we've been providing the information16:35
netspyjulie: doing this for my own security not theft. /me responsible person16:36
balleynejulie: depends if the tutorial is on committing theft directly, or merely on something that *might* be misused to commit theft16:36
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to setup wicd at boot time?16:37
Guest11444the name "netspy" does sound suspicious...16:37
pfifonetspy, your not in monitor mode, you might need to patch your driver, or better yet if your not already on a distro with ppatched drivers get backtrack or the aircrack livecd16:37
perlsyntaxanyone use wicd before??16:37
eamonHello, I would like to communicate over SILC, for privacy reasons. Does #ubuntu have a SILC server?16:37
siavoshkcdont help if you dont want16:37
siavoshkcdont argue16:37
balleyneanyone know how to restore Ubuntu Classic compiz settings in 11.04?16:38
thisismygameszal: mostly that it was a strange suggestion, and that it was seemingly unrelated. the solution, as pfifo said, was to put "nomodeset" in the grub command16:38
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know the steps to setup wicd in ubuntu for wireless.16:38
netspythanks pfifo. i'ma check with backtrack16:38
mwurbyomkeshbakshi: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/16:39
Guest11444netspy, also, check if your wireless card is even on the supported list16:39
balleyneperlsyntax: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD ?16:39
coz_hey guys I have a question... I am trying to find what may be using a particular keybinding   aks  super+1 or 2 etc,, however,, nothing in  the keybindings dialog or in gconf  reveals what is using these combinations,,, any suggestions?16:40
rms_is_godIs it possible to remove the hovering scollbar and still use Unity? The usability of the scrollbar is dreadful...16:41
coz_rms_is_god,  mm I dont believe so,, although the overlay scrollbar works well here16:41
coz_rms_is_god,  let me check16:41
perlsyntaxyes i look at that link before.16:42
coz_rms_is_god,    http://ubuntu4beginners.blogspot.com/2011/04/disable-overlay-scrollbars-in-ubuntu.html   also try in google   ubuntu 11.04  disable overlay scrollbar for other posts16:42
rms_is_godcoz_: Works well? You have to hover carefully over the thin scollbar, and then move the mouse yet again to find the buttons. It takes much longer than before to scroll16:42
szalthisismygame: if that really was the solution then all is well :) ..  thing is that, in my experience, analog video card-monitor connections exhibit problems you don't have w/ digital connections16:42
rms_is_godcoz_: thanks16:42
bradlanddoes anyone know what file the "Login Screen Settings" keeps its settings in? specifically, my system is set auto-login and use "Ubuntu Classic" and now I'm unable to connect through VNC.16:42
galerienHi guys, is there anything I should know before installing gnome3 on my U11.04 ?16:43
Digital_ManStarting yesterday, Flash played 2 to 4 times as fast as it should and I'm not hearing any audio - even when trying to playback in Banshee.16:43
szalbleh..  who compiled lame for *buntu?16:43
bradlandi'm able to ssh in, however, so if i can identify the appropriate file, i should be able to change it back16:43
rms_is_godgalerien: That it'll take you twice as many clicks to do the same things16:43
pfifoszal, launchpad16:43
perlsyntaxballeyne,It not connect to my wireless router still.16:44
galerienrms_is_god, I can't stand this new "search" thing and the way to get into my apps, I need this alt + F1 button16:44
rms_is_godgalerien: tried Gnome Do?16:44
galerienrms_is_god, and I hardly use my mouse at all, synapse is my friend16:44
thisismygameszal: interesting. which?16:45
galerienrms_is_god, synapse, faster, and this new search thing is here and it's bugging me, even if I don't use it, it's here.....16:45
galerienrms_is_god, what I'd like to know is weather I'm going to have to update nvidia, x or anything else that is kind of dangerous....16:46
balleyneperlsyntax: wireless router, or your wireless card? (I've not really used wicd much mysql, but have played around with wireless)16:46
szalthisismygame: didn't find a pattern yet..  but w/ my 2nd machine, which I connected to my monitor via VGA, I've had 1280x1024 not showing, or tty not showing..  interestingly not w/ *buntu, w/ that (and Windblows) everything works, but w/ other distros I've had one or the other problem16:47
rms_is_godgalerien: I'm not sure, I tried GNOME 3 on Fedora and hated it16:47
eiriksvin_<Guest11444> i got my splash screen back, using vga=792 and giving it a framebuffer, but now I have to fix the resolution of my splash screen16:47
galerienrms_is_god, ok, and it's integrated in fedora, thanks anyway !16:47
eiriksvin_its an nVIDIA driver issue16:47
szalpfifo: reason for my asking: it seems that lame doesn't take FLAC as input format on *buntu16:48
eiriksvin_does anyone know how to change to resolution of your splash screen?16:48
eiriksvin_how do I make my spash screen show at 1280x1024 resolution?16:56
pfifoszal restricted formats16:56
ImDexteris there any open source pdf editor? I need to scan a book and upload it16:58
coz_ImDexter,  there are several    PDFedit comes to mind   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-pdf-editing-tools-for-ubuntu.html16:59
TetracommWhat does this mean?: nicholas@ubuntu:~$ fsck16:59
Tetracommfsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.216:59
Tetracomme2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)16:59
FloodBot1Tetracomm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
TetracommTruncating orphaned inode 1196777 (uid=1000, gid=1000, mode=0100644, size=0)16:59
ikoniaTetracomm: why are you running fsck ?16:59
=== eiriksvin_ is now known as eiriksvin
coz_ImDexter,  Inkscape also deals with pdf files and can edit them as well17:00
TetracommBecause of something weird that happened, but do you know what that means?17:00
l0n3w0lfImDexter: Open Office 3 has some functionality, otherwise check out flpsed and PDFEdit17:00
ikoniaTetracomm: ok - but why are you running it, what made you decide to run fsck17:01
ImDexteropen poffice is no longer in use in 11.0417:01
ImDextercoz, any recommendation?17:01
eiriksvinhow do I make my spash screen show at 1280x1024 resolution?17:01
l0n3w0lfImDexter: true, but you can still install it... you'll need the PDF extension... otherwise try out one of the other two?17:02
Tetracommikonia: A folder wouldn't show after I renamed it, and then I found it using file search, renamed it, and is showed again, then someone said to do a filesystem check. Is the message I sent you anything to worry about?17:02
ikoniaTetracomm: nothing to worry about at all, however an fsck shouldn't change the problem you've described17:02
galerienAnyone using ubuntu + gnome 3 ?17:02
ikoniagalerien: there is no official gnome3+ubuntu+gnome-shell setup17:03
mark__I was messing around with compiz and it freaked out and reset a lot of the windowing settings to bare (no titlebar etc) I just noticed that all of my windows are missing the "file edit etc" bar. how do i get that back17:03
galerienikonia, I know, that's why I'm carefully considering installing it17:03
julieTetracomm, please send us your output through http://paste.ubuntu.com as mentioned by the bot17:03
cordicepsUBUNTU!!11 y u not run in qemu??17:04
ikoniacordiceps: ?17:04
l0n3w0lfImDexter: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfedit/17:04
szalpfifo: --verbose please17:04
Tetracommjulie: That is all I got, and I only typed fsck.17:04
cordicepsikonia: latest ubuntu with ubiquity or gnome3 whatever does NOT run on qemu.17:05
MonkeyDustTetracomm: copy paste the error message here http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:05
julieTetracomm, we didn't see the whole output17:05
ikoniacordiceps: it does,17:05
cordicepsikonia: it do not17:06
ikoniacordiceps: I assure you it does, why don't you explain the problem you're having rather than posting random noise to the channel17:06
cordicepsI am talking about the latest version.17:06
ikoniacordiceps: so am I17:06
juliecordiceps, ikonia is right, please give us the error you're getting17:06
MonkeyDustcordiceps: maybe you need to add more parameters to the qemu command17:07
cordicepshhmph.. lemme find out. maybe I need -vga std17:07
Tetracommjulie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623534/17:08
ikoniaTetracomm: nothing to worry about17:08
pfifoszal, ubuntu cant ship with certan drivers because the not licensed with a free licenst, lame and flac are good examples17:08
szalpfifo: and?  what's the issue there if I already installed both?17:09
pfifoszal, s/drivers/codecs/17:09
pfifoszal, youll have to compile flac support into lame, ubuntu cant ship it like that17:10
Tetracommikonia: Ok. Does that mean that something was wrong before I ran fsck?17:10
ikoniaTetracomm: not really no,17:10
Tetracommikonia: Ok. What is an orphaned inode?17:10
julieTetracomm, the fixes made couldn't affect your directory listings but these errors are still a bit abnormal17:11
ikoniaTetracomm: think of it as a pointer to a file that the file no longer exists17:11
szalpfifo: sounds to me like a lame excuse (pun intended)..  if *buntu can ship both lame and flac separately, it can also ship transcoding capability between those two17:11
cordicepsikonia: ok, which options do you pass qemu? I don't wanna spend all day trialing and erroring.17:11
MonkeyDustcordiceps: so you want us to do the job for you, we all learned by trial and error, and by tutorials17:12
Tetracommjulie: Ok, It is a Wubi setup. I installed it through Windows 7.17:12
cordicepsMonkeyDust: exactly.17:12
szalTetracomm: s/through/in/17:12
=== D34X is now known as Dommer
ikoniacordiceps: I've not got an ubuntu machine to hand at this moment, apologies, but if you explain the error, I'm sure we can work it out17:13
Yami_Basa question how do i uninstall pulseaudio correctly and do i install alsamixer?17:13
cordicepsTetracomm: what's wrong with you? I know how to run a VM, the only problem was ubiquity/gnome3 NOT being able to show up.17:13
julieTetracomm, that doesn't really matter, but do you always shut it down properly or did it perhaps crash recently?17:13
Yami_Bassudo apt-get install alsamixer doesnt work :(17:13
HydroAssassinHello Everyone I recently updated pango from source and now my X fails to load due to a libpango1.0-cario error before it finally fully crashed X all my fonts were  [][][][]. Anyone have any idea? Tried a bunch of things ppl had put on ubuntu and backtracks forums to no sucess. http://www.pastebin.com/d0Jwpj0e#17:13
Tetracommjulie: There were a few power outages this week.17:14
brown_fernszal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats17:14
Yami_Bashello can anyone help me with pulseuadio and alsamixer?17:14
bassharmoHi! Anyone using VYM?17:15
julieTetracomm, that explains it...  I would recommend you do a full disk check with "e2fsck -f device" in recovery mode17:15
MonkeyDustYami_Bas: try sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio17:15
Yami_Basjust the normal command remove?17:15
Tetracommjulie: I wonder what device in this Wubi installation is. This is my first Wubi one.17:16
Yami_Basnvm that thanks ;)17:16
szalbrown_fern: that page doesn't explain why *buntu can ship lame but not compile FLAC support in17:16
drPoOHi, How do can I make a program run at boot but using the command line???17:16
Yami_Basalright :)17:17
Yami_Basanyone knows how to install alsamixer?17:17
julieTetracomm, your partition is in /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk17:17
MonkeyDustYami_Bas: just type alsamixer in a terminal17:17
Yami_Basi did17:17
Yami_Bascoulnt locate it17:17
klownsudo apt-get install alsamixergui17:18
Yami_Bassudo apt-get install alsamixer Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package alsamixer17:18
julieTetracomm, I'm not 100% sure what will get mounted in recovery mode.... you may need to mount your windows partition first17:18
HydroAssassinHello Everyone I recently updated pango from source and now my X fails to load due to a libpango1.0-cario error before it finally fully crashed X all my fonts were  [][][][]. Anyone have any idea? Tried a bunch of things ppl had put on ubuntu and backtracks forums to no sucess. http://www.pastebin.com/d0Jwpj0e#17:18
inckiei have a problem with the time on an ubuntu server, my problem is, that it's 1 hour to fast, even tho the correct timezone is configured17:18
klownYami_Bas, type in sudo apt-get install alsa, and press tab twice..it lists everything related to "alsa"17:19
Yami_Basalright thanks :)17:19
Thaliusinckie: have you set up a ntp service?17:19
inckieThalius: yeah, and tried to force update17:19
MonkeyDustYami_Bas: it probably is alsa-utils17:19
klownor alsa-base17:20
inckiesudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com17:20
inckieCurrent default time zone: 'Europe/Copenhagen'17:20
inckieLocal time is now:      Fri Jun 10 19:14:44 CEST 201117:20
Yami_Basill give the options in a pastebin17:20
Yami_Basjust a sec17:20
inckiebut thats incorrect, it's 18.1417:20
szalYami_Bas: the pkg is alsa-utils17:20
=== linsuxy is now known as mebsd
llutzinckie: "grep UTC /etc/default/rcS "17:21
Yami_Basi already have alsa-utils ;/17:21
Yami_Basdidnt know that lol17:21
Yami_Basis it standard in ubuntu?17:21
Thaliusinckie: it doesnt give a offset as a output when you try to sync?17:21
drPoOHi, How do can I make a program run at boot but using the command line???17:21
* Thalius needs to stop confusing his terminal with his xchat window17:21
klownYami_Bas, Alsa is normally installed.17:21
inckieThalius: no, but i think i have addressed the problem, the time on the hypervisor is wrong17:22
Yami_Baswell i pruged pulseaudio since it's not liking my soundcard...17:22
Yami_Basso installed alsamixergui17:22
Yami_Basand i should be good to go?17:22
Tetracommjulie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623543/17:23
r1chmhi everyone, does anyone know a (relatively simple) way to make HDMI audio output work with the Nvidia ION gfx?17:23
Thaliusaah, and you had the vm tools sync the time with the hypervisor. Had the same mistake once.17:23
klownPossibly..it depends on why your card didnt like pulse.17:23
Polahr1chm, audio output with graphics? That makes no sense.17:23
r1chmi tried a few suggestions from online but non seemed to work :(17:23
Yami_Basits creative17:23
Yami_Baspulse doesnt like creative cards XD17:23
Yami_Basso i've read17:23
inckieThalius: time is correct now hehe, yeah. i configured some NTP servers in esxi now, should'nt have that problem in the future, thx for your time.17:23
Yami_Basand it didnt support the spdif out on mine...17:23
Yami_Basso yeah...17:23
r1chmPolah,  its a HDMI output. HDMI carries both audio and video?17:23
Yami_Basi got digital stereo though but it choked on SPDIF17:24
Yami_Bashowever ALSA doesnt even detect my USB soundcard...17:24
jimmy51_i'm trying to net boot my livecd off of an NFS share but on boot i get a permission denied error when trying to mount the share.  what do i need to do?  i set up the share following this guide:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo17:24
Yami_Basmaybe a reboot is required?17:24
And_Icu all17:24
brown_fernszal: I just got in here and wasn't around for the entire conversation, but pointing out the general nature of Linux distributions not including built-in support for some key media types was the point of my posting that page.17:24
Polahr1chm: I wouldn't think a graphics output would be sending audio thought.17:24
klownAh, ok.  you can try installing it.  try sudo apt-get install alsa-base17:24
Sidewinder1HDMI connects digital audio/video sources17:25
Yami_Basklown: are you talking to me|?17:25
klownYami_Bas, yes, sorry, ment to highlight17:25
r1chmPolah, im not too sure, the HDMI out in my windows PC does sound & audio i jsut assumed the HDMI out on this ubuntu pc would also17:25
drPoOhow can I make a custom script execute with root privileges at boot time?"17:25
julieTetracomm, did you run that with root mounted?  and did you restart after?17:25
Yami_Basbecause i already did that :( doesn't work (and np ;))17:25
szalbrown_fern: the issue at hand is that I installed lame and flac from *buntu installation sources and was wondering why lame won't take FLAC as input format17:26
llutzdrPoO: add it to /etc/rc.local17:26
r1chmPolah,  i mean gfx and audio ;-)17:26
HydroAssassinHello Everyone I recently updated pango from source and now my X fails to load due to a libpango1.0-cario error before it finally fully crashed X all my fonts were  [][][][]. Anyone have any idea? Tried a bunch of things ppl had put on ubuntu and backtracks forums to no sucess. http://www.pastebin.com/d0Jwpj0e#17:26
MonkeyDustdrPoO: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Autostart_Programs17:26
einseenaihello, guys, how can i make my manual search engine default in chromium 12 in ubuntu 10.10?17:26
camaleonWho let the fogs out ?17:26
MonkeyDustdrPoO: nvm, that is for gentoo17:26
Polahr1chm: Well, if it's a motherboard onboard output it might do, but if it's an output from a GPU it shouldn't have audio. Unless the card is some sort of audio/visual processor since it's for compact laptops (right?)17:26
jevidlr1chm: Do you have a digital audio source hooked up to your video card? I ran into that problem on my machine, but I can't remember if audio pass through is working in linux. Also, another quirk on my system is that I need to change between the sound card output and the built in audio output if I want to send audio over HDMI. This is because of the way I have things hooked up.17:27
ikoniacamaleon: ?17:27
szalcamaleon: did your mom forget to close the window while cooking? ;)17:27
drPoOthnx llutz17:27
ikoniaszal: stop it - don't cause a problem17:27
jevidlr1chm: sorry, didn't realize this was a laptop. I'd hope that it's hookd up from the factory. Mine was a self build so I had to learn a little bit about it in the process.17:27
r1chmthe set up is a Shuttle XS35GT with the onboard Nvidia ION GFX, plugged into a HD monitor/TV with HDMI cable.17:28
r1chmnot quite a laptop :-)17:28
MonkeyDusteinseenai: click right on the address17:28
jevidlr1chm: ok. :) I'd check your manual and see if there's a jumper that needs to be set, or a wire hooked up. I know on my desktop I had to connect my SPDIF/OUT to the video card so that it had a signal to pass through in the first place. After that was done, I just have to be sure to select the output that is connected to the video card when i want to pass audio through.17:29
hittt_How can i run a script/program at startup as <user> ?17:29
einseenaiMonkeyDust, already did. i can make any engine default, but not my own.17:29
llutzhittt_: add it to your user crontab "@reboot ...."17:30
cordicepshey I want to use wget -c to re-download a stopped iso, firefox will download from scratch. Where are mirrors with full path?17:30
jevidlr1chm: make sense?17:30
ikonia!mirrors | cordiceps17:31
ubottucordiceps: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:31
hittt_hmm crontab17:31
Yami_Basim baffled tbh :(17:31
Yami_Basi really want SPDIF to work >.<17:31
hittt_ya that will probably work, never thought of it!17:31
Yami_Baselse i still have to use windows for media purpopes >.<17:31
hittt_is this the way myqsld starts as user 'mysql' at startup?17:31
r1chmjevidl, kind of, but i dont understand why the video would work and the audio not when its a HDMI cable carrying both signals... plus the Nvidia ION hdmi output is built in so there is nothing else to plug in.... the only other sound output is a 3.5mm jack plug for normal speakers17:32
=== ksullivan is now known as Aconek
Polahr1chm: Are you audio settings configured to use that device and output for output?17:33
jevidlr1chm: you might need to enable the correct audio output when you want to send it over HDMI vs. connected speakers17:33
r1chmoh yes i tried this before hang on let me check (this is the nth install) after switching versions of Ubuntu / FEdora to try and get it working ;-)17:34
klownYami_Bas, have you read over http://alsa.opensrc.org/DigitalOut  yet?17:34
camaleonmebsd , who let the dogs out ?17:34
rww!ot | GOP-USA_dotcom17:34
ubottuGOP-USA_dotcom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:34
Yami_Basno :(17:35
Yami_Basklown: will do just a sec :)17:35
r1chmpolah & jevidl -  this is interesting last time I had an option to select HDMI audio output (i did select it and it still didnt work) however this time it is not an option?17:35
Polahr1chm: What are you using to configure it?17:35
r1chmi right clicked on sound preferences Polah17:36
r1chmon the hardware tab and output tab17:36
Polahr1chm: The default pulse settings? Try installing pavucontrol, it might give you some better options. There's also an advanced ALSA configuration tool you could use instead but I can't recall the name.17:36
Yami_Basklown: one problem though17:37
Yami_Basalsa doesnt recognise my soundcard...17:37
Sidewinder1Agent008, And your support question is..?17:37
r1chmok ill get pavucontrol now and see what it does17:37
klownYami_Bas, Does ubuntu recognize it?17:37
Yami_Baspulseaudio did17:37
Yami_Basbut it didnt enable me to passthrough spdif17:38
Agent008I ganna take a shower... see you guys17:38
Yami_Basso i guess ubuntu does too...17:38
jevidlr1chm: If you don't have to configure it, another possibility is that the driver did not load correctly, or the correct driver didn't load. If the enhanced configuration tools don't work, you might want to make sure it's identified correctly and loading the correct modules.17:38
r1chmpolah, pavucontrol is pulseaudio volume control?17:39
jevidlr1chm: you do get normal audio from the 3.5mm speaker jack, correct?17:39
Polahr1chm: Yes.17:39
r1chmjevidl, unfortunatly i am completly new to ubuntu so i dont know how to do that? :-(17:39
r1chmjevidl, 3.5 jack was working last install - havent tried it this install....17:40
jevidlr1chm: the basic procedure is to identify what module your sound card uses, and then execute "lsmod | grep <module_name>" and see if it's loaded17:40
sunredskyAre there desktops that come preloaded with linux or do I have to get a Windows machine and do it manually?17:40
ManateeLazyCat我是 Linux Deepin 的开发者, 现在正在为 Linux Deepin 软件中心开发白名单, 但是需要对1960 个软件的介绍进行中文化, 现在已经完成了 267 个, 大家有没有兴趣帮助我们翻译这些介绍? 我开发了一个批量翻译的工具 (https://github.com/manateelazycat/deepin-translate-tools ), 翻译一个软件简介相当简单。17:40
jevidlr1chm: I would double check that. If it worked once, it should work but you never know :)17:40
ManateeLazyCatSorry for Chinese, i'm looking for Chinese people help me translation all linux software's summary to Chinese.17:41
rwwManateeLazyCat: Try #ubuntu-cn instead.17:41
llutz!cn | ManateeLazyCat17:41
ubottuManateeLazyCat: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。17:41
Yami_Basklown: brb gotta reboot17:41
camaleonrobche , who let the dogs out ?17:42
cordicepshey, I am sorry but I am NOT seeing the mirrors.17:42
ManateeLazyCatFor my software center (http://hi.baidu.com/feisit/blog/item/847750f4f3e0ee76ddc474de.html)17:42
ManateeLazyCatrww: Yes, i did, but nobody response.17:42
ManateeLazyCatrww: I will try #ubuntu-tw17:42
_alazarI've installed apt-build, which architecture should I chose for a Intel i5 2 core (4 virtual) first gen? http://pastebin.com/WHfFL2iA17:42
rwwcamaleon: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, not nonsense. Please adjust your output accordingly.17:42
ManateeLazyCatdeepin software center (http://hi.baidu.com/feisit/blog/item/847750f4f3e0ee76ddc474de.html) also can instead Ubuntu's software center.17:42
Polahsunredsky: I know there's a couple of laptop companies that do Linux distributions, I think Lenovo did. I recall seeing an option for some kind of Linux on iBuyPower perhaps.17:42
ManateeLazyCatrww: OK17:43
camaleonnonsense makes sences when nothing else matters17:43
cordicepsI need a mirror for usa, so I can continue my download. Ubuntu used to list mirrors.17:43
jpdscordiceps: mirror.anl.gov17:43
rwwcamaleon: Uh huh. Perhaps you should investigate #ubuntu-offtopic instead.17:43
hypatiacordiceps: software centre --> software sources17:44
hypatiacordiceps: there's a mirror list and a speed tester thingy in there17:44
cordicepshypatia: no, a mirror to dowload the install cd, not for packages.17:44
jpdscordiceps: mirror.anl.gov17:44
cordicepsjpds: yeah thanks17:45
TianChanghello people17:45
TianChangCould I ask some qs here?17:45
TianChangabout Natty, coz I just upgraded it17:45
jpdsTianChang: You just did, proceed.17:45
jevidlI am working on a project to setup centrally managed public SSH keys. I had hoped to declare multiple files in the AuthorizedKeysFile statement, but this does not appear possible on most linux implementations, and may only be available on OpenBSD. Does anyone know how to use multiple AuthorizedKeysFile's in Ubuntu?17:45
Yami_Basnow lets hope it works :D17:45
r1chmPolah, pulse audio isnt listing my HDMI output... which suggests the driver isnt installed?17:45
sunredskypolah: what do most of you guys do to get a machine on your desktop?  I have only bought Windows pcs up till now, but I want to try linux.  Should I get a used pc?  How much should I spend if i just want basic features (mostly command line for development stuff)?17:46
TianChangTHank you. I manged to figure out the main problems after upgrading to Natty. But sometimes, my browser or the compiz window just won't respond to my mouse clicks17:46
ikoniajevidl: just put multiple entries in the sshd_config17:46
jevidlr1chm: or that the correct driver does not offer SPDIF support :)17:46
Polahr1chm: It's not detecting the output certainly, if it exists. It could be a driver issue, yes.17:46
TianChangI can see the name of the tab or window changing, but it isn't reacting on my screen as it should be.17:46
jevidlikonia: I will try that again. I though I tried that, and it only checked the first entry in the config17:46
new2netWhats the difference between the desktop and server iso found here http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/     is it just a few less apt-get?17:46
hittt_hm, 2nd question, i have Gnome running as the desktop manager, but KDE as the login manager, how can i tell ubuntu to use gdm for the login manager aswell?17:46
jevidlikonia: give me a few, I'll check that route again17:46
r1chmPolah, i have found another driver in the "hardware drivers" dialog ill try that...17:46
Polahsunredsky: You can just download the iso and burn it to a disk or install it on a USB drive to try Linux. You can make a new partition on your hard drive and install, there's no need for a whole new system17:47
TianChangso yup. I don't even know what keyword to use for this problem...17:47
spartan07hey guys does 11.04 have the scheduler patch for the desktop boost enabled? I know it has the right kernal
r1chmPolah, ive lied. it says its already activated :-(17:47
jribnew2net: yes and server kernel instead of generic17:47
llutzhittt_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm17:47
hittt_gotta reboot17:48
Polahr1chm, I can't really help you with driver issues. Sorry.17:48
sunredskyPolah: ok thanks. I should use ubuntu for that?17:48
new2netjrib: I see. Any way to just switch my kernel or will that be messy?17:48
ramu492can anyonr say what is .config file?17:48
ramu492and where can is see it?17:48
ramu492can anyone say what is .config file?17:49
jribnew2net: just install linux-image-server (and you'll likely want to remove linux-image-generic)17:49
Polahsunredsky: You can try any Linux distribution you want. Ubuntu would be the easiest for you to use I imagine. You can get the .iso from the Ubuntu website.17:49
ramu492can anyone say what is .config file? where is it located??17:49
jribramu492: do you mean the ~/.config directory?17:49
sunredskyPolah:  Thanks a lot :)17:49
r1chmPolah, im going to get the latest driver from the Nvidia website... how do i tell whether i am using 32 bit or 64 bit linux i cant remember which i downloaded.....17:50
jribramu492: ~ means your HOME, usually /home/username17:50
ramu492i need to edit .config file?17:50
ramu492what does that mean?17:50
spartan07hey guys does 11.04 Natty have the scheduler patch for the desktop boost enabled?17:51
=== camaleon is now known as Meneau
Polahr1chm: uname -i, i386 = 32-bit, amd64 = 64-bit17:51
=== Meneau is now known as PotuLipo
ramu492i need to edit .config file?17:51
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=== Mersupi is now known as Telika
=== Telika is now known as Webio
gailI have Ubuntu 1104 natty. Kinda new to it, but I'm not doing bad. BUT, I can get my hp laserjet 1000 to work with it. help!17:51
Polahramu492, actually telling us what the config file is for would help. There's thousands of files that could be named as such on your system.17:52
klownramu492, you are going to have to be a little bit more specific.  Who/what is telling you to edit the .config file..why do you need to edit it..and lastly, .config file for what?17:52
ramu492i am doing dual boot17:52
robin0800r1chm, try alsamixer in a terminal17:52
r1chmpolah, is there another way? I typed that into command and it returned "unknown" uname on its own states "linux"17:52
Polahr1chm: Do uname -a then17:53
rwwr1chm: I think Polah meant uname -m for architecture17:53
ramu492free bsd17:53
rwwr1chm: also, it's i686 for 32-bit, and x86-64 for 64-bit17:53
=== Webio is now known as Nijger
ramu492so, there i got conflict for17:53
_alazarI've installed apt-build, which architecture should I chose for a Intel i5 2 core (4 virtual) first gen? http://pastebin.com/WHfFL2iA17:53
r1chmgreat thanks.... 64bit ;-)17:54
ramu492so, it was due to improper kernel compilations17:54
ramu492now, i need to edit17:54
ramu492.config file17:54
klown!enter | ramu49217:54
ubotturamu492: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:54
capletonHi everyone o/      I'm having some trouble with with an external hard drive.  (usb enclosure with an ide drive inside)  I was able to find the error in dmesg, but I have no idea how to fix.  Here's the error: http://yourpaste.net/8463/17:54
Polahrww: uname -a shows it as well17:55
rwwPolah: yes, but uname -i doesn't ;)17:55
ramu492i am doing dual boot of freebsd and Crux, after installing, i could load Operatingsystem. there is come conflict in kernel compilation, so i need to edit .config file ..17:55
Polahrww: uname -i is hardware platform, gives me i386 when I do it17:56
spartan07how do I see if the scheduler patch to give the desktop performance boost is enabled on 11.04?17:56
tilleyrwMy user interface on Xubuntu 1280x1024 is boring and tiring on the eyes.  The text is blurry and borders of all graphics are blurred as if anti-aliased.  Help me please.17:56
robin0800spartan07, it is17:56
juraji have freshly installed ubuntu 11 on my nbook. I can't get unity running, I think because of the graphic card. when i run unity_support_test in terminal i get # lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"."  my nbook is ASUS U30SD (RX001) with graphic card NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 520M with 1GB DDR3 VRAM . help me please :)17:56
ramu492i am doing dual boot of freebsd and Crux, after installing, i could load Operatingsystem. there is come conflict in kernel compilation, so i need to edit .config file ..where can i find .config file ??17:57
gailcan anyone help me install hp laserjet 1000 on natty??17:57
HydroAssassinHello again, in my X log it states "The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/<fontname>" does not exist." theres like 5 of them17:57
raevenAnybody out there have cpufrequtils working?17:57
spartan07robin0800: thank you17:57
ramu492i am doing dual boot of freebsd and Crux, after installing, i could load Operatingsystem. there is come conflict in kernel compilation, so i need to edit .config file ..where can i find .config file ??17:58
r1chmrobin0800,  i went into alsamixer and it was on "HDA Intel" which ive learned is the analog audio. i pressed F6 and switched to "Nvidia" which is the HDMI however when it changed it said there were no controls for it....17:58
PolahHydroAssassin: Check the folder names have the same capitalisation and any underscores/hyphens/whatever17:58
raevenAnybody out there have cpufrequtils working?17:58
Polahr1chm: Have you checked if there's an audio control panel that was installed alongside the drivers?17:59
Polah!repeat | raeven17:59
ubotturaeven: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:59
robin0800r1chm, think you might need a driver at least we now know why pulse audio had no controls18:00
raevenEh... the repeat was accidental - my cat decided to walk across my keyboard18:00
r1chmPolah, i cant see that one has been installed.18:00
r1chmrobin0800,  ive just downloaded a driver from Nvidia website ill try install that18:00
klownthe ol' cat on the keyboard excuse..one of my favs.18:00
Polahklown: Yes, and it just happened to press Ctrl+V and enter in that order, without pressing any other keys along the way18:01
raevenAre you kidding? This one usually sits in my lap watching my hands as I type and occasionally looks at the screen...18:01
klownPolah, or up arrow and enter :P18:01
Polahklown: Oh I guess that could work on IRC.18:02
r1chmi need to install this nvidia after closing down x server. I cant remember how to do it can someone enlighten me please?18:02
raevenActually, he hit up arrow, the right shift key (which is dirty and doesn't always work) and enter. And left a backslash in my type window.18:02
klownPolah, but as you stated, hit no other keys along the way..unless he/she has a premature 1 inch kitten..i dont see it.18:02
klown</offtopic>  sorry :)18:02
Compnhello, i installed ubuntu on a hd, then moved the hd to a usb enclosure. any ideas how to fix the booting of it over usb now ?18:03
robin0800r1chm, are you sure for sound ?18:03
jurajcan anyone help me to find a driver for a graphic card?18:03
ThaliusCompn, So you switched from a sata drive to a USB drive?18:04
CompnThalius : pata18:04
hiexpowhat graphic card18:04
hiexpo^ @ juraj18:04
CompnThalius : i got it booted into the livecd, now i'm just trying to find out what program i need. something like windows 'fixboot' or so...18:04
ThaliusCompn: then set your boot order to search for USB devices first in your bios settings.18:05
raeven...So, then, back to my original question...18:05
kotiquei'm looking for usb wifi adapter with hostap mode support18:05
raevenTried everything on the help forums, and I do mean EVERYTHING...18:05
CompnThalius : done, there isnt anything else to config? no hardcoded /dev/hda1 in the bootloader ?18:06
raeven...guess I'll just keep rummaging around in the config files...18:06
jurajhiexpo : i wrote it before a while, noone probably noticed so i'll just copypast the whole issue: i have freshly installed ubuntu 11 on my nbook. I can't get unity running, I think because of the graphic card. when i run unity_support_test in terminal i get # lines of "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"."  my nbook is ASUS U30SD (RX001) with graphic card NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 520M with 1GB DDR3 VRAM . help me please :)18:06
=== brechdurchfall is now known as brechdurchfall|a
ThaliusCompn: you might have to reconfigure grub18:07
CompnThalius : sure, hwat program do i use ?18:07
robin0800raeven, there are lots oh system indicators out there is that what your looking for ?18:07
ThaliusCompn: this should do the trick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:07
nothingspecialHow do I change my email address for launchpad/ubuntuone? I enter the conformation code and it says unrecognised.18:07
rwwnothingspecial: try #launchpad18:08
ThaliusCompn, make sure you pick the right device in /dev/18:08
nothingspecialrww: ok18:08
cablopi'm using quassel now, i like it, it sems lighter and simplier than chatzilla18:08
jurajhiexpo, can you help me?18:08
BluesKajr1chm, check this http://pastebin.com/SXrLpf6018:08
hiexpojuraj, not faniliar with unity but did you install propiotory drivers   ?18:09
robin0800juraj, change or install the correct graphic card driver18:09
jurajhiexpo, yes i did thx anyway18:09
jurajrobin0800, how? im kinda newbie18:10
r1chmwiill do BluesKaj18:10
hiexpojuraj, no problem18:10
robin0800juraj, first step try additional drivers from the menu18:11
BluesKajjuraj, in the panel ,system > admin > additional drivers , choose the recommended driver , activate ..it will install and then a few mins you will have to rebbot18:11
jurajrobin0800, BluesKaj, already did, didnt help :/18:12
BluesKajdid you reboot?18:12
HydroAssassinHello again, in my X log it states "The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/<fontname>" does not exist." theres like 5 of them18:13
jurajBluesKaj,  yes, i tried it before asking here18:13
Compnthanks Thalius , thats what i was looking for :)18:13
ThaliusCompn, youre welcome ;)18:13
spillanyone have any experience making ubuntu 10.10 an internet gateway for a home network?18:13
joehpi have a hp pavilion dv2000 with a intel 3945abg wireless card, but my wireless is not working, can somebody please help me to get it working18:14
robin0800juraj, you might need a newer nvidia driver from nvidia's site18:14
jevidlikonia: I setup two AuthorizedKeyFile statements in sshd_config on adjacent lines. OpenSSH processes the first one, then fails public key authentication and switches to password authentication. the second line is never processed, and no attempt is made to use the second file18:14
r1chmBluesKaj,  it didnt work :-(18:15
ubuntu__help my tre bredband usb stick wont work I am in sweden i had to connect via my phone18:16
ubuntu__help my tre bredband usb stick wont work I am in sweden i had to connect via my phone and use a live cd18:17
jurajrobin0800, thx ill give it a shot18:17
r1chmlooking on google, some people are saying i need to load linux-backports-modules-als-2.6.32-26-generic to get it working... what does that mean?18:18
BluesKajspill, you need 2 NICs , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:18
Yami_Bascan anyone help me with installing the creative driver for linux?18:18
BluesKajr1chm, which graphics card ?18:19
escottjevidl, is having two key files even supported18:19
r1chmits on board Nvidia ION BluesKaj18:19
sear|workI'm attempting to set up a Clonezilla SE + DRBL to clone a lab of computers.  I'm having an issue with conflicting DHCP servers.  I know that in DRBL, I can set an option to lease the same IP to a MAC address every time.  Is there a way I can choose which IPs get assigned to which MAC addresses?18:19
r1chmand they say load this one.... linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic18:19
robin0800r1chm, This is for sound?18:19
r1chmi dont know how to load it... ?18:20
r1chmrobin0800,  yes people reporting the same problem... video but no audio..18:20
escottr1chm, modprobe module_name18:20
gabrbeddDoes Unity (11.04) have a virtual keyboard?18:20
klownYami_Bas, no luck with alsa?18:21
r1chmsorry escott, i am not sure what you mean.. ?18:21
spillthanks a bunch BluesKaj18:21
gabrbeddSomething on-par with the one Windows or has?18:21
Yami_Basno :(18:21
robin0800r1chm, You don't need lucid because natty is newer18:21
Yami_Basdoesnt dectect my card...18:21
klownYami_Bas, which card?18:21
Yami_BasCreative X-Fi surround sound 5.1 USB18:21
escottr1chm, if you installed the backports deb, then find the module in /lib/modules and then modprobe it18:21
Thaliussear|work: you mean you want to have dhcpd doing that?18:22
BluesKajr1chm , sudo lshw -C vdeo , the card will listed beside product18:22
escottgabrbedd, there are a number check the software center18:22
r1chmrobin0800,  i am using 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx"18:22
gabrbeddescott: but nothing really... integrated?18:23
HydroAssassinHello again, in my X log it states "The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/<fontname>" does not exist." theres like 5 of them18:23
tilleyrwWho can help me with configing my UI?  My graphics are blurry while at the native resolution of my LCD, 1280x1024.18:23
robin0800r1chm, You might need it then18:23
Thaliussear|work, yes thats possible. Just edit the pool to give out a ip's to certain macs. I can copy paste the config to you if you want18:23
BluesKajYami_Bas, open a terminal , alsamixer -V all , then check your audio again18:23
sear|workI would like to have dhcpd match the address that the real dhcp server is handing out (it is doing the same thing, handing out an address based on MAC)18:23
sear|workThat would be awesome Thalius!18:23
r1chmrobin0800, i am not sure how to load it though... do you know how?18:23
Yami_BasBluesKaj: i restored pulseaudio again...18:23
Yami_Basdo i need to uninstall that one first?18:23
klownYami_Bas, have a glace at this, see if this will help..seems more directed to pulse http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95833018:23
Thaliussear|work, sec. ssh'ing to my ssh host. I will pm you as to not to clutter up the channel18:24
escottgabrbedd, not sure what you want to make it more integrated. dasher is (iirc) the one designed for use with gnome accessibility18:24
robin0800r1chm, Is it a deb?18:24
sear|workThalius: Thanks!18:24
jbwivguys, I'm trying to reinstall mysql on a box after running apt-get purge, and I get " kernel: [182147.612379] type=1400 audit(1307726538.039:60): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/sbin/mysqld" pid=1345 comm="apparmor_parser"". Any ideas how to get around this?18:24
r1chmrobin0800,  whats a deb?18:24
gabrbeddescott: ok, I'll check that out.  Thanks!18:24
joehpi have a hp pavilion dv2000 with a intel 3945abg wireless card, but my wireless is not working, can somebody please help me to get it working with ubuntu 1118:24
Polahr1chn: .deb is the software package format for debian and ubuntu18:24
escotttilleyrw, graphics or just text18:24
robin0800r1chm, does the file end in .deb18:24
BluesKajYami_Bas, then install pavucontrol18:24
r1chmoh its not a file.... i am reading a forum...18:25
Yami_BasBluesKaj:  do i still need to do alsamixer -V all then?18:25
Yami_Basinstalled pavucontrol lets see18:25
BluesKajyes that helps turn everything up on the vol ctrls, Yami_Bas18:25
PolahYami_Bas: Might want to make sure your speakers/headset aren't on full before testing as well.18:26
BluesKajpavucontrol works for some but not all18:26
phox_Unity is bugging! If I move the mouse to the top left corner as usual, it comes forward for like a split second and then it disappears. It does this sometimes. How do I fix it?18:27
Yami_Baspolah i know but i wont blow them :P18:27
Yami_Basgot some sturdy stuff here :)18:27
phox_Or rather, it stays out when the pointer is in the top corner, then wen i move it unity disappears18:27
* ElCulebras is away: (Auto-Away after 20 mins) [BX-MsgLog On]18:28
klownI wish during my installs I had sound issues..I always get unlucky video/resolution issues.18:28
robin0800r1chm, sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-als-2.6.32-26-generic18:28
BluesKajr1chm, which player are you using for media btw ?18:28
phox_Another question: does anybody know a good stand-alone calender for Ubuntu which supports the gmail calender?18:29
Yami_Basim in pavu control18:30
klowngood question phox_ never thought of that, then I could sync my phone to my desktop.18:30
Yami_Basbut there is no option for digital 5.118:30
Yami_Basjust analog 5.118:30
r1chmBluesKaj,  i think its called Rythm Box18:30
Yami_Basor digital stereo18:30
domnukaluHi. I've installed ubuntu server 11.04 and webmin. I am trying to set up a web server. Question: do I need anything else for security of the server? Or default install is secure enough?18:30
r1chmrobin0800,  thanks ill try that now18:30
phox_klown: You can do it in mail programs like evolution, but I dont like evolution18:30
jrib!webmin | domnukalu18:30
ubottudomnukalu: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:30
Yami_Basi cant sent 5.1 digital over optical i know but how do i enable spdif?18:30
MadCarburetorDoes the latest version of Shotwell work in Ubuntu 10.0418:31
domnukalujrib: any alternatives?18:31
klownphox_, I dont use evo. either.  Just a gmail notify app.18:31
MirificusHello. Does anyone here know of a program like PhotoRec, but that retains (or restores, whichever word is more appropriate) filenames?18:31
Yami_Bascan anyone takes this over pm with me?18:31
Yami_Basbecause converations gets mingled up ;c18:31
theadminMirificus: For Linux, there is none18:31
BluesKajYami_Bas, setup your spfif output in alsamixer , and in my experience the best player for passing 5.1 DD and DTS is VLC , you need to set that upi vlc tools>audio18:32
jribdomnukalu: ubottu used to mention ebox, not sure why he no longer does18:32
theadminMirificus: Mainly because of Linux filesystems18:32
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).18:32
Yami_BasBluesKaj: i wanne use xbmc XD if possible18:32
MonkeyDustMirificus: try testdisk18:32
phox_klown: How does that work? Just opens the browser?18:32
Yami_Basbut if i cna get it working within vlc that would be a good start18:32
joehpi have a hp pavilion dv2000 with a intel 3945abg wireless card, but my wireless is not working, can somebody please help me to get it working with ubuntu 1118:32
MirificusTheadmin: Ah, oh well. Thank you.18:32
klownphox_, yep18:32
LekeFlyopenssh is setup and installed on 11.04 by default right?18:32
r1chmrobin0800,  that did alot of stuff on the console window...18:32
theadminMirificus: Sad, I know :(18:32
MirificusMonkeyDust: I have, it doesn't do quite what I need.18:32
Yami_BasBluesKaj: alsa mixer doesnt detect my usb soundcard...18:33
BluesKajYami_Bas, I tried xbmc ,,,too clunky , too much like wmp18:33
robin0800r1chm, did you put both of them in?18:33
tortibhello does 11.4 of Ubuntu support ATI 6xxxx cards with the fglrx module?18:33
MonkeyDustLekeFly: ssh client is installed, server not18:34
tommistortib, yeah, bretty much18:34
tortibam i able to use the main repo for Ubuntu to install the ATI drivers (system is installing as we speak just wanted to make sure)18:34
klownYami_Bas, if BluesKaj is suggesting that vlc normally has a better chance of working, you should try it, then troubleshoot your media player issues later, after you get sound working..imo of course.18:34
tommisyou can have some problems with 6990 though18:34
BluesKajYami_Bas,  sudo gstreamer-properties' (A GUI will open) (After configuring a reboot may be in order)18:34
tommisas it don't have linux support18:34
tortibtommis: well i just didn't know if i had to add another repo for the fglrx module18:34
tortibtommis: i have 3 6950s18:34
LekeFlyMonkeyDust: When im trying to do "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" i get "has no installation candidate"18:34
rwwLekeFly: Run sudo apt-get update first18:35
MonkeyDustLekeFly: what ubuntu version?18:35
mrh00danyone have bitcoin?18:35
joehpi have a hp pavilion dv2000 with a intel 3945abg wireless card, but my wireless is not working, can somebody please help me to get it working with ubuntu 1118:35
tortibmrh00d: i do18:35
drawmeatxubuntu question:  I just install xubuntu yesturday and it says i've already ran out of diskspace on my 30gb drive.  I scanned the drive with a disk usage analyzer and iit says that a path called var in my file system is using up 31gb.  WTF is this?  Can I fix it?18:35
phox_Unity is bugging! If I move the mouse to the top left corner as usual, but when i move the pointer straigh down it unity disappears. How do i fix this? Can i restart unity?18:36
Yami_Basalright i selected for audio: alsa and i select for device USB #118:36
LekeFlyrww: oh.. thanks.. MonkeyDust solved it hehe18:36
theadmindrawmeat: Hm, /var can have a lot of different stuff. Can you drill down and see what exactly is using it?18:36
Yami_Basalright :)18:37
Yami_BasBluesKaj: does it need to ask for a reboot or just reboot?18:37
drawmeattheadmin, it says that a subfolder called log is using 98% of my diskspace.  30.7gb.18:37
BluesKajYami_Bas, well if it doesn't work after the command , reboot18:37
theadmindrawmeat: Wow. You can safely delete /var/log, run this command: sudo rm -rf /var/log/*18:38
Yami_Basi was testeping the pipeline (idk why :S) and now the GUI jammed...18:38
theadmindrawmeat: Reboot after doing that18:38
cordicepswhat's the best to run Ubuntu in a VM? I mean which remote solution to use? I know XDMPC is disabled now :(18:38
drawmeattheadmin, any idea how this happened and how to keep it from happening in the future?18:38
r1chmrobin0800,  would i need to reboot for changes to take effect?18:38
cordicepsI want to see the full desktop, not just individual apps18:38
theadmindrawmeat: Well, this folder contains logs of things... I dunno, it does graw with time18:39
Yami_Basi was testeping the pipeline (idk why :S) and now the GUI jammed... BluesKaj18:39
theadmindrawmeat: If it happens fast again, come back and we'll drill down more18:39
escottdrawmeat, make sure you have logrotate installed18:39
tommistortib, i don't think crossfire is supported on linux18:39
drawmeattheadmin, i just installed this kernal yesturday.  am i gonna have to keep deleting that over and over every day?18:39
eiriksvinhow do I pack files into an iso so I can burn them to a disk?18:39
tommisor is it?18:39
theadmindrawmeat: As escott suggested, make sure you have logrotate18:39
drawmeattheadmin, okay, thanks for the help18:39
phox_Could somebody learn me how to install a program? I download "sunbird" from mozilla for linux 64 bits but I have no idea how to isntall it, i would like to know how i works =)18:40
theadmin!info logrotate | drawmeat18:40
robin0800r1chm, can't hurt18:40
ubottudrawmeat: logrotate (source: logrotate): Log rotation utility. In component main, is important. Version 3.7.8-6ubuntu3 (natty), package size 32 kB, installed size 180 kB18:40
drawmeattheadmin, total noob here, how do i do that18:40
theadmindrawmeat: sudo apt-get install logrotate18:40
drawmeattheadmin, thanx, ur the best18:40
escotteiriksvin, mkisofs18:40
kbrosnanphox_: for mozilla binaries you can just extract to the home folder and run sunbird18:40
theadminphox_: No need. Run this command in a terminal: sudo apt-get install sunbird18:40
escotteiriksvin, there are also gui tools if you want to use them18:40
r1chmok will try it18:41
eiriksvinyes, is it in the repos?18:41
theadmindrawmeat: No I'm not, I just don't mind helping, um, noobs :D Almost anyone would be able to help you here I beleive18:41
bigmahatmais there something like peerguardian for ubuntu?18:41
phox_kbrosnan: Ok, ill try that. Can you do that with any program you download?18:41
joehpi have a hp pavilion dv2000 with a intel 3945abg wireless card, but my wireless is not working, can somebody please help me to get it working with ubuntu 1118:41
kbrosnanphox_: depends on the program18:42
phox_theadmin: It wasnt supported anymore.18:42
phox_kbrosnan: what if it isnt?18:42
theadminphox_: Okay, I see18:42
kbrosnanphox_: what?18:42
theadminphox_: Most tarballs are source-code, so you have to compile them18:42
Yami_BasBluesKaj: i really gtg sorry ;c18:42
Yami_Basbut ill c where i can get from here18:43
Yami_Basatleast ive gotten a few steps further :)18:43
pythonirc1011I've two ubuntu machines between which I'm copying a file. I would like to pin down which side if the network is a bottleneck in the file transfer. How can I figure this out?18:43
joehpthere is nobody who can help with my wireless not working on a fresh installation of ubuntu ?18:43
BluesKajYami_Bas, well try vlc ..it's pretty but it works18:43
eiriksvinI'm testing X-CD-Roast now18:43
BluesKajnot pretty18:43
phox_kbrosnan: hehe sry. But that didnt work! Just wrtinting "sunbird" in terminal after extracting to my home folder18:43
Yami_BasBluesKaj: i have vlc installed already vlc didnt do the trick either ;c18:43
phox_theadmin: how would i go about doing that?18:43
Yami_Basyesterday though18:43
Yami_Bashavent tried it today18:43
cordicepslol, ubuntu not booting with qemu18:44
kbrosnanphox_: you need to cd to the sunbird folder and then ./sunbird18:44
phox_kbrosnan: oh, ok18:44
theadminphox_: There's a songbird folder there, right? Run ~/sunbird/sunbird18:44
BluesKajYami_Bas, it did for me maybe when you come back we can work on it18:44
Yami_Basalright :)18:44
juliepythonirc1011, network bottlenecks can only be evaluated while looking at a full connection, you can't really split it in two18:44
Yami_Baswhat timezone do you live? Like +1?18:44
phox_kbrosnan: thanx, that worked. Why is the ./ necesary?18:44
Yami_Basor more like +10 or -10 XD18:44
tortibtommis: i'm not using crossfire so that's okay...18:44
Yami_Bashmm alright18:45
Yami_Basguess ill c you around then :)18:45
phox_theadmin: i got it working by kbrosnans tip18:45
theadminphox_: ./ means "run from current folder"18:45
Jordan_Uphox_: From http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/sunbird/ "We recommend upgrading to Thunderbird 3 and Lightning 1.0 beta2"18:45
BluesKajYami_Bas, -5 sorry18:45
Yami_Basnot too conflicting timezonse and thanks for all your help :D appreciate it :D18:45
juliepythonirc1011, would you care to describe your network setup?18:45
pythonirc1011julie: I just got comcast...and am trying to figure out its speed. My office machine has at least 10Mbps download/upload.18:45
ubuntu__help my tre bredband usb stick wont work I am in sweden, and need to get my tre stick to work18:45
mellinIs it possible in the hosts file to specify a computer that is using dhcp and just use like 192.168.1.*    computerfoo? That way it isn't necessary to try and keep up with ip address changes18:45
phox_Jordan_U: I don't want the whole thunderbird thing.18:45
Yami_BasBluesKaj: still np:)18:45
ubuntu__IdleOne: hej18:45
pythonirc1011julie: for some reason speed.net and other reports seem to tell that the speeds are very high, but when i transfer a file, it seems it really crawls...18:45
theadminmellin: Sorry, no18:46
ubuntu__IdleOne: help my tre bredband usb stick wont work I am in sweden, and need to get my tre stick to work18:46
r1chmrobin0800, now i have installed those packages i can select the Nvidia HDMI audio from the menu and alsamixer no longer says there are no controls for it... but still no sound :S18:46
Thaliusmellin, Why not use DNS?18:46
juliepythonirc1011, how are you transferring those files from one machine to another?18:46
LekeFlyHow do i end the correct "job" in terminal? :p18:46
genii-aroundmellin: Alternately, why don't you set your router to always assign same IP to same MAC18:46
cordicepsdoes the liveCD run Ubiquity or gnome3 shell??18:46
cordicepsthe interface looks regular to me.18:46
IdleOneubuntu__: what makes you think I know the answer? Please ask the channel your question and be patient. :)18:46
theadmincordiceps: Unity18:46
mellinThalius: It is just a local home network.18:46
Jordan_Uphox_: Using a program that never appears to have had a stable release *and* has been abandoned is not a good solution.18:46
=== ariel_ is now known as Guest64397
mellingenii-around: That will work18:47
theadmincordiceps: Ubiquity is the installer lol18:47
cordicepsyeah that's what I meant Unity18:47
phox_Jordan_U: true dat. Ill try thunderbird.18:47
Thaliusmelling then use genii-around's solution.18:47
ubuntu__IdleOne: i have a pay as you go phone and no fixed connection available18:47
LjLcordiceps: it will run on Unity but fall back to classic GNOME if Unity won't work with the drivers used by the live CD18:47
Thaliusmellin, even.18:47
ubuntu__IdleOne: so its urgent that i get this fixed18:47
IdleOneubuntu__: I still don't know how to help you.18:47
mellinOK thanks...was wondering if it was possible thats all.18:48
IdleOneif I did I would of helped when you asked earlier in #ubuntu-beginners18:48
IdleOnewould have*18:48
Jordan_Uphox_: Evolution, which comes with Ubuntu by default, also has calendar features. And you can find many stand alone calendar programs by searching for "calendar" in Ubuntu Software Center.18:48
tortibi just installed fglrx ran aticonfig --initial -f --adapter=all and i got this error18:48
tortibFail to link to fglrx-libglx.so, please check whether driver is installed correctly18:48
tortibhow can i resolve this?18:49
tortibdo i need to reboot? the fglrx module is loaded18:49
phox_Jordan_: I don't like evolution. Plus i searched software center and didnt find any calender i liked18:49
r1chmI am wondering whether I somehow need to make my HDMI chip the "default"... does anyone know if this is possible?18:49
sleepsterhow come I cannot vmware tools to install on the latest ubuntu 11.04? I tried both desktop and server, and when trying to build all the modules (vmnet, vmhgfs, etc.) they all fail..18:49
phox_Jordan_U: I pretty much just want it to sync with my gmail calender18:49
LekeFlyHow do i end a "job" in terminal? i have a download via wget that has frozen18:49
tortiblahwran: CTRL+C18:50
tortibwill cancel it18:50
theadminLekeFly: If it's the current terminal, Ctrl-C18:50
juliepythonirc1011, still there?18:50
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
cordicepsLjL: so how to tell which UI is running then?18:50
lahwrantortib: hi18:50
theadminLekeFly: If it's some other terminal, "killall wget" will stop it18:50
tortiblahwran: lol sup :)18:50
LjLcordiceps: err, won't you notice if it's classic? :P18:50
tortiblahwran: you use ati with ubuntu don't you/18:50
cordicepsLjL: I don't use ubuntu.18:50
LjLcordiceps: but i guess "ps aux | grep unity" should show something running if it's Unity... not sure18:50
eiriksvinX-CD-Roast is a no go, getting k3b as "it just works" according to forums18:50
tortiblahwran: i just installed fglrx module and i'm getting this error:18:50
tortibFail to link to fglrx-libglx.so, please check whether driver is installed correctly18:50
tortiblahwran: any ideas?18:50
tortibmodule is loaded18:51
phox_Does anybody know if Ubuntu one works if I uninstall evolution? It didn't for me, but maybe i did something wrong.. :P18:51
lahwrantortib: I will be using ati18:51
lahwrantortib: I am not yet18:51
theadminphox_: It doesn't18:51
tortibwell does anyone have any insight as to why i'm getting that error?18:51
theadmintortib: Please, don't ask repeatedly, just wait till someone answers18:51
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
pythonirc1011julie: sorry, got a phone call18:52
phox_theadmin: Why not?!18:52
pythonirc1011julie: it seems comcast has figured out a way to beat speed.net or other dsl reports, but the actual speeds are hell lower than the advertised speed18:52
theadminphox_: It relies on something in evolution I suppose?18:53
Jordan_Uphox_: I think evolution supports gmail calendar sync but I've never tried it myself.18:53
juliepythonirc1011, you were talking of machine to machine transfers at first so I don't see how that would relate to your ISP18:53
LekeFlytheadmin: Thanks18:54
pythonirc1011julie: its Machine 1 -> Comcast -> Good connection (school) -> Machine 218:54
robin0800r1chm, you also need to set it up in pulse audio now18:54
theadminLekeFly: Heh no problem18:54
r1chmrobin0800, i opened the pulseaudio volume meter and the 2 speaker bars are moving (playing an mp3 in the back ground without sound.. ha) but no audio...? that gives the impression that the HDMI chip is dealing with the audio signal?18:55
juliepythonirc1011, what protocol do you use?18:55
Saharwhen i wanna install stellaruim from ubuntu software center i c this errod :::: An unhandlable error occured18:56
SaharThere seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.18:56
Sahar pls help18:56
FloodBot1Sahar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:56
robin0800r1chm, whats the output set to?18:57
brown_fern!se | ubuntu_:18:57
ubottuubuntu_:: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se18:57
r1chmrobin0800,  how do i check that?18:57
Saharwhen i wanna install stellaruim from ubuntu software center i c this errod :::: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623607/18:58
klownAnyone have any ideas how to get a Common access card reader working in 11.0418:58
AzizLightI have ubuntu server running in a virtualbox locally, when I try to ssh to it I get a connection refused error..anybody might know what the problem might be please?18:59
Neo_hi there.......just one simple question: do you know where emesene 2 saves the conversations?18:59
BluesKajr1chm, make sure alsmixer is set up to pass digital signals thru the spdif ctrl18:59
r1chmBluesKaj, i dont know how to do that....19:00
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
Saharwhen i wanna install stellaruim from ubuntu software center i c this errod :::: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623607/19:00
dubphilhello anyone facing an issue withe jme driver ? It totally freeze my ubuntu when it goes from suspend to resume19:00
BluesKajr1chm, type alsamixer in the trerminal , use the arrow keys to navigate and turn up the the volume , and the M key to unmute19:01
dubphilhow can I prevent the nic to suspend ?19:01
BluesKajany contols in alsamixer that have M in the box at the bottom are muted , r1chm19:02
Saharwhen i wanna install stellaruim from ubuntu software center i c this errod :::: http://paste.ubuntu.com/623607/19:02
theadminSahar: Try reporting the bug as they said and wait for them to fix it. More like hope for them to fix it actually19:02
phox_Why doesn't the command "find . -type d -name "Sample" -exec rm -f {} \;" delete the folder called "Sample" in the folder I'm in?19:03
r1chmBluesKaj, oh ive tried all that. i load alsa, press f6 to go to Nvidia (because it defaults to the HDA Intel analog audio) and there are 4 options. "S/PDIF, S/PDIF 1, S/PDIF 2, and S/PDIF 3). I unmuted them all but i cannot increase the volume. I press the up arrow but nothing happens. values are "00" for each19:03
dataphreakHey guys, I'm having a problem with Wicd. when I open the interface, it says "Unable to connect to wicd d-bus" and when I try to connect to a wifi network, it says "Bad Password".19:03
Neo_hi there.......just one simple question: do you know where emesene 2 saves the conversations?19:03
Saharreally i hv 2 do it?19:03
theadminphox_: Take the {} in quotes, like '{}';19:03
eamonHello, I would like to communicate over SILC, for privacy reasons. Does #ubuntu have a SILC server?19:03
brown_fernphox_: also consider asking in #bash (640 users)19:03
dataphreakI know the card works, it's an Atheros ar5b95, and aircrack-ng has full packet injection capabilites.19:04
ib-jafarcan I use GNOME3 on Ubuntu 11.04?19:04
BluesKajr1chm, still using pulseaudio ?19:04
genewitchib-jafar: it's only 2009, why would 11.04 be out yet19:04
julieeamon, just go in the ubuntu software center and type silc in the search box19:04
ZykoticK9eamon, you do realize that #ubuntu is a logged channel right?19:04
r1chmBluesKaj, i think so but the MP3 is playing in RhythmBox19:04
phox_theadmin: didnt do the trick19:05
dataphreakHey guys, I'm having a problem with Wicd. when I open the interface, it says "Unable to connect to wicd d-bus" and when I try to connect to a wifi network, it says "Bad Password".19:05
eamonDoes anyone know the ubuntu/Freenode SILC server address?19:05
theadminphox_: To delete folders you need to run rm with the -r flag19:05
xangua!gnome3 | ib-jafar19:05
ubottuib-jafar: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.19:05
ZykoticK9ib-jafar, if you want Gnome3 your best bet might be to use Fedora19:06
dataphreakGnome is working on Backtrack, which is based on ubuntu 10.0419:06
Thaliusor wait 4 months till 11.10 comes out.19:06
whoeveris there a repo for dr.java ? or know of any java ide's other than eclipse ?19:07
BluesKajr1chm, pulseaudio is a sound server, it's not a player ...if you have an onbboard soundcard then pulseaudio is a problem , it's meant for pci hiend audio cards in my experience . I would just remove it . it's redundant19:07
r1chmBluesKaj,  ok19:08
cancelerx_whoever: there are numerous ides for java.. netbeans.org is one19:08
dataphreakHey guys, I'm having a problem with Wicd. when I open the interface, it says "Unable to connect to wicd d-bus" and when I try to connect to a wifi network, it says "Bad Password".19:08
r1chmBluesKaj,  is there a quick way to remove it?19:08
ZykoticK9r1chm, FYI removing Pulse will break Gnome's default sound stuff, just saying.19:08
BluesKajin the terminal , sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio , r119:08
cancelerx_whoever: google around am sure u will find some mroe19:09
mr_bibbleBluesKaj: I think it is messing up skype for me19:09
dataphreakDoes nobody have any idea about my question at all?19:09
BluesKajI thought skype needed pulseaudio , mr_bibble19:10
r1chmi am confused ... should i remove pulseaudio or not if its going to mess up gnose defaults?19:10
juliepythonirc1011, let me know in pv once you're available19:10
whoevercancelerx_: thx19:10
BluesKajdataphreak, yeah that's known problem on some wifi cards , but I have no idea what the fix is.19:11
Jordan_Ur1chm: What problem are you having?19:11
dataphreakblueskaj: the card seems to work fine though. I can use aircrack-ng with full packet injection support.19:11
BluesKajr1chm, I always remove pulseaudiom, I have the same soundcard that you have :)19:12
dataphreakblueskaj: is there another program I can use besides wicd?19:12
jubobaI'm having trouble with mailx19:12
brown_fernwhoever: If your asking about integrated development environment (IDE) please see the following: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_integrated_development_environments#Java    NetBeans is well loved by many: http://netbeans.org/     I do not program much myself and not in Java at all.19:12
r1chmJordan_U, no HDMI audio using Nvidia ION19:12
juboba contains invalid character '\015'19:12
juboba"/home/juboba/dead.letter" 14/3819:12
juboba. . . message not sent.19:12
FloodBot1juboba: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:12
LekeFlyHow do i find out if im running 64bit ubuntu or 32bit?19:12
r1chmBluesKaj,  Nvidia ION?19:12
mr_bibbleBluesKaj: i dont know about that. Whenever i'm trying to make a call, i get 'remote sound problem'19:12
oCeanLekeFly: run  uname -m  in terminal19:12
ActionParsnipLekeFly: uname -m19:12
BluesKajdataphreak, dunno , what wifi module /19:12
escottLekeFly, check for lm in cat /proc/cpuinfo to see if you can support 64bit and uname -a to see what you are running19:12
staar2how should i load the conky on start ?19:13
escottstaar2, gnome-session-properties19:13
Jordan_Ur1chm: BluesKaj: That sounds like a general ALSA problem, I seriously doubt that removing pulseaudio will help anything and I personally consider it bad advace to remove pulseaudio in this case.19:13
dataphreakI'm not sure what you are asking, blueskaj, the card is an atheros ar5b95, and running ath9k drivers19:13
ActionParsnipLekeFly: i686 = 32bit   x86_64 = 64bit19:13
staar2escott, ok one way, any conf file where to add ?19:13
LekeFlyActionParsnip: Thanks19:13
ActionParsnipstaar2: add it in your startup items19:14
escottstaar2, gnome-session-properties is a gui19:14
lantjiehello everyone19:14
Corey!hi | lantjie19:14
ZykoticK9oCean, ActionParsnip does "dpkg --print-architecture" work on Ubuntu?  It works on Debian...19:14
BluesKajJordan_U, you may consider it bad advice but pulseaudio isn't helping ...I have the same soundcard and never use it, because it restricts my oytpu to analog19:15
oCeanZykoticK9: it does, for me it returns amd6419:15
ZykoticK9oCean, thanks19:15
lantjiei need to ask you all a question.19:15
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: not sure mate. I'm on my phone presently19:15
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, ;)19:15
phox_lantjie: no, it doesnt matter if it is bent.19:15
Jordan_UBluesKaj: You told him earlier that you didn't even think that audio from the graphics card was possible, yet now you are claiming that you are using the same hardware to output audio over hdmi?19:16
lantjiedo you guys know where i can find the book named: a beginner's guide to ethical hacking19:16
xangua!ot | lantjie19:16
ubottulantjie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:16
xanguatry google19:16
Jordan_Ur1chm: Try asking in #alsa.19:16
BluesKajok dataphreak , sudo modprobe ath919:16
Polahtheadmin, phox_: rmdir can also be used on empty directories.19:16
mr_bibbleSo yea, i'm having some problem getting skype to make calls on Ubuntu 11.04. My audio device is Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)19:16
r1chmJordan_U, will give it a try ta19:16
dataphreakJordan_U Hdmi supports vidio and audio.19:16
Jordan_Udataphreak: I know.19:16
ActionParsnipstaar2: if you use compiz you may want to delay conky running with a sleep command first19:16
mr_bibbleif  anyone can help i will be greatfull19:16
lantjieoke thanks guys19:16
lantjiei will come back19:17
dataphreakmodprobe ath9 returns FATAL: Module ath9 not found.19:17
BluesKajr1chm, ok nm , too m,any cooks anyway ...I thought we might solve the problem , but .....19:17
ActionParsnipmr_bibble: which part doesn't work?19:17
staar2oh well another question how to i remove completly compiz ?19:18
oCeandataphreak: module name is ath9k I think19:18
Jordan_UBluesKaj: Hmm, I may have misread the scrollback from you. Sorry if I did.19:18
jimmy51_i'm trying to net boot my livecd off of an NFS share but on boot i get a permission denied error when trying to mount the share. what do i need to do? i set up the share following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo19:18
BluesKajoCean, is correct , my mistake19:18
dataphreakocean, blueskaj: modprobe ath9k returns to prompt with no output.19:18
ActionParsnipstaar2: its like any other package19:19
BluesKajdataphreak, then it's installed19:19
staar2but the effects still appear19:19
ZykoticK9dataphreak, no output is "generally" a good sign in Unix/Linux terms19:19
ScuniziWhat do I look for to uninstall all language packs other than what I use (en)?  How do the package names look?19:19
staar2like the shadows19:19
mr_bibbleActionParsnip: Whenever i try to make a call i get 'remote sound problem' i have no idea what that means19:19
dataphreakblueskaj: testing wifi again.19:19
ActionParsnipstaar2: log off then log in again19:19
staar2i made also restart19:19
Jordan_UBluesKaj: Indeed, it was someone else who said hdmi couldn't do audio. Sorry again.19:19
staar2well i think these are the ubuntu's effects but on gui these are off19:20
ActionParsnipmr_bibble: why not find out then?19:20
meow27_hi guys. i have a question, im switching to gentoo, and im interested to know what program the icon applet network manager is... whats the name of the program?19:20
jubobaI'm having trouble with mailx19:20
Coreyjuboba: What sort of trouble?19:20
Jordan_Umeow27_: nm-applet19:20
dataphreakblueskaj: Same error, bad password.19:20
TFroganyone here having issues with DOSbox and full screen mode?19:20
ActionParsnipmeow27_: nm-applet19:20
meow27_jordan_U, ActionParsnip, ok thanks!19:21
mr_bibbleActionParsnip: I did some searching and found some work around but none worked for me19:21
ActionParsnipmeow27_: wicd is a great alternative19:21
JFranksWhat's a good util to try for file recovery from a bad drive? Disk utillity says "drive has a few bad sectors" and it's letting me mount one of the partitions, but the partition I want to see is "unavailable" .. :(  (The drive is NTFS from a Win2k8 server)19:21
Jordan_Umeow27_: You're welcome.19:21
BluesKajJordan_U, hdmi audio is a real problem on linux ..I have no experience with using  ,I use the digital out to my audio sytem's DAC , the graphics are DVI to HDMI , so no audio on it19:21
ActionParsnipJFranks: use your backups19:22
dataphreakCan I just replace wicd with a different network manager?19:22
meow27_ActionParsnip: I dont know how to get wicd to automatically connect to a network if i dont know its encryption method19:22
darkstar_spreekt er iemand nederlands?19:22
szal!nl | darkstar_19:22
Corey!nl | darkstar_19:22
ubottudarkstar_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl19:22
szal"en vers gezette koffie"..  lol ^^19:23
BluesKajdataphreak, afaik , network manager gnome should work with ath9k19:23
ActionParsnipmr_bibble: uninstall the app and rename ~/.skype  then reinstall the app from the skype site, may help19:23
dataphreakWhat's the command line to start it?19:23
JFranksActionParsnip: I used the backup drive to stop a bullet from hitting a pregnant lady during the raid, it saved her baby's life but all I have is the HDD now..19:23
dataphreakblueskaj: what's the command line to start it?19:24
ActionParsnipMeow: once you connect once you can tell wicd to auto connect..19:24
CoreyJFranks: ddrescue to a known good drive. This will take time.  Then run testdisk on that image.19:24
JFranksCorey: The unborn child thanks you. ;)19:25
ActionParsnipJFranks: try foremost19:25
mr_bibbleActionParsnip: uninstall skype? And rename ~/,skype to what? Could you be a little more clearer please19:25
darkstar_hallo iedereen kan er iemand mij helpen me utorrent te installeren op xubuntu19:25
Coreymr_bibble: He was quite clear. :-)19:25
KrupteinI found an awkward bug in one of my programs and I was able to reproduce it in a small example,  can someone running ubuntu natty (or someone else)  test whether they have the bug ? :s19:25
Krupteinhttp://dpaste.com/552818/      if you click on the close button on the tab,  it closes [OK]       if you first ran the menuitem ,  you can't click the close button anymore19:25
Coreymr_bibble: mv ~/.skype ~/skypebak19:25
BluesKajdataphreak, sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome , then remove wicd19:26
ActionParsnipmr_bibble: when someone says rename without saying to what, just give the folder a different name. Anything will do19:26
=== dvz-_ is now known as dvz
BluesKajdataphreak, of course the target pc has to have wired network connection19:27
ActionParsnipmr_bibble: and i am very sure you know how to uninstall programs19:28
dataphreakBlueskaj: doing. Just to verify the proper way to remove wicd is sudo apt-get remove --purge wicd, correct?19:28
BluesKajif wifi isn't working. dataphreak19:28
dataphreakblueskaj: yeah, wicd does ethernet just fine.19:28
ubuntu__khazrak: tala du svenska?19:28
mr_bibbleActionParsnip: Yes i do :)19:28
ActionParsnipWicd rocks!19:28
ubuntu__cypha``: hei19:29
axisysinstalling a package from newer release like aptitude -t oneiric install libpam-ldapd is more recommended over PPA to get the latest pkg ?19:29
BluesKajdataphreak, sudo apt-get purge works too19:29
brown_fern!se | ubuntu_19:29
ubottuubuntu_: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se19:29
ubuntu__khazrak: jag är inte glad, och min usb bredband broke19:30
dataphreakblueskaj: okay that's really fubar, wicd still works after purge19:30
BluesKajdataphreak, you may need to reboot19:31
khazrakhi, is it possible to develop for natty (pbuilder) if the host is using maverik?19:31
tilleyrwHelp my text color - all text on the top panel (Time, Date, etc.) is in white and invisible.  Where can I change the color?19:31
ridger1213hey... i was wondering.. in ubuntu cloud.. is there a similar experience as MicrosoftRemoteFX?19:32
dataphreakblueskaj: reboot, wicd still works.19:33
smokeytanHi does anyone know how to generate a CSR signing request via bash?19:34
BluesKajdataphreak, how did you install it ?19:34
dataphreakblueskaj preinstalled with the os.19:34
BluesKajwicd ? default ?19:34
dataphreakbeyond that, everything i've installed/uninstalled on this machine has been with apt-get19:34
dataphreakyes, blues.19:35
BluesKaj!info wicd19:35
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-6 (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB19:35
Coreysmokeytan: Sure.  openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout privateKey.key assuming you don't have a private key already.19:35
BluesKajdataphreak, open your package manager and purge it there19:36
dubphilhow can I prevent the jme driver to be loaded at boot ? I've put "blacklist jme" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacjklist.conf but it still be loaded at boot. any idea ?19:37
ridger1213hey guys.. is there any function in ubuntu cloud19:38
ridger1213like microsoft remotefx... basically good video quality and etc.. over cloud?19:38
dataphreakblueskaj: not sure i have one installed.19:38
=== root is now known as Guest931
dataphreakUsing BT519:39
BluesKajsoftware sources19:39
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition19:39
BluesKajnow he tells us ...thanks for wasting our time dataphreak19:40
mr_bibbleStill getting 'remote sound problem' error whenever i try to run skype *sigh*19:40
dataphreak=p It's still ubuntu 10.04, it's jsut the software is different.19:40
BluesKajmr_bibble, perhaps you might consider the static version ..it's on the skype site19:41
Lenin_CatWhy wont my computer let me kill a process19:41
MonkeyDust!details| Lenin_Cat19:41
ubottuLenin_Cat: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:42
Snicers-Work2When I create a directory as a user in ubuntu it does not inherit the permissions of the parent directory, how do I fix this?19:42
BluesKajdataphreak, go ask in backtrack. this ubuntu19:42
tensorpuddingLenin_Cat: how exactly are you trying19:42
dataphreakI already have. they couldn't figure it out either.19:42
mr_bibbleBluesKaj: I just installed it and i'm getting the same error. Would firewall rules have any effect on it?19:42
tensorpuddingLenin_Cat: i assume you own the process you're trying to kill19:42
smwSnicers-Work2, that can not be "fixed"19:42
ZykoticK9Snicers-Work2, that's working as designed19:42
Lenin_Cattensorpudding, Yes, I am doing the command "killall skype"19:42
BluesKajmr_bibble, are you using iptables rules or settings ?19:42
MonkeyDustLenin_Cat: try pkill skype19:43
Snicers-Work2How do I control what permissions it has?19:43
ZykoticK9Lenin_Cat, are you sure "skype" is the processes name?  "ps aux | grep skype" to confirm.19:43
tensorpuddingLenin_Cat: what error did you get19:43
Lenin_CatMonkeyDust, not working19:43
mr_bibbleBluesKaj: I use ufw to settup the firewall19:43
Lenin_Catzykes-, yes19:43
escottSnicers-Work2, setguid on the directory?19:43
drPoOhi, has anybody installed flash 10 on 11.04??19:43
Lenin_Cattensorpudding, it just runs and returns to a command prompt19:43
tensorpuddingLenin_Cat: but skype is still running?19:44
PMellohowdy !19:44
thedeathsbah: why are there no drivers for terratec h5 (usb tv tuner) :p19:44
thedeathsonly reason i even bothered to try linux is to get tvheadend to work :p19:44
tensorpuddingLenin_Cat: killall sends SIGTERM, which doesn't always mean that the process quits immediately19:44
PMelloanyone uses the SNX checkpoint vpn client ?19:44
Snicers-Work2setuid or setguid"?19:44
Lenin_Cattensorpudding, so it keeps running for over 5 min?19:44
tensorpuddingLenin_Cat: if skype were blocking on I/O or something it'd not quit19:44
Lenin_Cattensorpudding, how do I send SIGKILL?19:44
tensorpuddingLenin_Cat: what is the state of the running skype process?19:44
ZykoticK9Lenin_Cat, "killall -9 skype"19:45
ridger1213on ubuntu cloud can videos be watched in a legitimate realtime?19:45
jbwivguys, I'm trying to reinstall mysql on a box after running apt-get purge, and I get " kernel: [182147.612379] type=1400 audit(1307726538.039:60): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/sbin/mysqld" pid=1345 comm="apparmor_parser"". Any ideas how to get around this?19:45
ridger1213like remotefx... is it usable?19:45
Lenin_CatZykoticK9, it worked19:45
Lenin_Cattensorpudding, thanks for the help anyway.19:46
AndiHello, i have a problem with Skype and i hope someone can help me out please. When i open Skype it logs in but right after the Programm closes again.19:46
escottjbwiv, you could disable apparmor service temporarily19:46
BluesKajmr_bibble, I doubt ufw would affect your internal sound on skype , but I'm no skype freak so I can't be sure19:46
jbwivescott, ok, I'll try that. thanks. i'm really curious what's causing it tho19:46
escottjbwiv, apparmor is a security system like selinux, evidently there are some rules that haven't been tested with a reinstall like this19:47
darksiferhi everyone. i run 'sudo fsck -y /dev/sdb1' on a hard disk partition. now the disk properties shows that 900.5GB used and 16.5GB free. but i cant find my folders. is there any way i can recover the files. thank you19:47
escottdarksifer, check lost+found19:47
Andihas anybody heard of this problem before?19:47
=== o0oScoRcHo0o|afk is now known as o0oScoRcHo0o
Sidewinder1Didn't Microsoft recently pruchase Skype?19:48
thedeathssidewinder: yes they did19:49
Sidewinder1purchase, even.19:49
Andiso that means it doesn't work on linux anymore?19:49
thedeathsit should19:49
Sidewinder1thought so; I'll save my negative comments...:-)19:49
mr_bibbleBluesKaj: oh, thanks for the help thought19:49
thedeathsalthough probably not going to be supported for much longer :p19:50
Andidoes it work for you guys?19:50
darksifer@escott. ya i did find them but they are messed up. how can i return them in previous name and order? thank you19:50
Andii reinstalled and it didn't help either19:51
BluesKajmr_bibble, have you setup alsamixer yet ?19:51
thedeathsstupid new nas freezes when a graphic program runs (like xbmc's simple home gui)19:51
mr_bibbleBluesKaj: no i havent19:51
brown_fernmr_bibble: I'm not sure that this helps at all but here's the Skype and Firewalls page: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/support/user-guides/firewalls/technical/19:51
BluesKajmr_bibble, well, check out brown_fern 's post then we can look at alsamixer19:52
Ubuntunzif anyone needs a copy of ubuntu PM me19:52
darksiferthnak you19:53
BluesKajbrown_fern, that site is for windows skype ...didn't see anything about linux there19:55
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danopianew background for now :P19:55
rcmaehlDo I need: iptables-persistant, nfs-kernel-server, kerneloops, pppd-dns, dns-clean, or acpi-support in my boot?19:56
Yami_Basi dont know the exact name of the guy who helped me but i got it working!@@ in xbmc19:57
Yami_Basi love you ;c19:57
Yami_Bassomething with mike though XD19:57
Yami_Basthank you dude :) i gtg again but thanks for all your help :D19:57
BluesKajYami_Bas, did you enable the spdif and turn it up ? :)19:58
brown_fernBuekaj: Sorry, I didn't think to take that into account, but the ports that need to be open are the reasons why I listed that page. I have not been following the entire conversation, I hope I wasn't too misleading.19:58
Yami_Baswtf why did i say mike it was you ;c19:58
Yami_Basstupid memory19:58
Yami_Basyes man19:58
Yami_Basthanks a lot <319:58
mr_bibblebrown_fern: thanks for the link. I checked it out and I think I should be fine since outgoing connections are allowed. Only incoming connections are denied19:58
FloodBot1Yami_Bas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
Yami_Baswhat command did you give me?19:58
Yami_BasI had to open an interfac19:58
Yami_Bascause i didnt save it and id like to incase i need it again ;c19:59
wildc4rdevenin all19:59
brown_fernmr_bibble: Well, at least we can rule that out.19:59
mr_bibblebrown_fern: yea BluesKaj I'm ready to try alsamixer20:00
KarkoHi everybody20:00
Yami_Basi cant enter the sound interface right now though...20:01
KarkoI have small problem with my ubuntu 10.1020:01
Yami_Basor wait nvm im using alsa...20:01
Yami_Baswas trying to enter pulse...20:01
Yami_BasBluesKaj: do you recall the command where i need to select a mixer and im able to select the audio output device and test the pipeline?20:02
Karkocooling fan from my notebook (Toshiba L300) after several minutes goes on higher level of speed without purpose20:02
Karkocan somebody help me with that problem?20:02
rcmaehlDo I need: iptables-persistant, nfs-kernel-server, kerneloops, pppd-dns, dns-clean, or acpi-support in my boot?20:03
BluesKajin the terminal alsamixer . Yami_Bas , then make sure your spdif ctrl is turned up , if you have any prefernces in xbmc then you might need to check the digital settings there too20:04
mr_bibblebrown_fern: I would also like to note that I cant even change the sound devices in skype. Only pulseaudio server is available20:05
Yami_BasBluesKaj: i know but that is not the command that helped me20:06
Yami_Basthe command you gave me was also pretty short but made me choose between ALSA PULSE CCS(or something like that), made me choose between the output device20:07
Yami_Basand made it possible to test he pipelin20:07
brown_fernmr_bibble: I wish that I could help but I don't use skype often enough to work with you on your problem.20:07
Yami_Basi select ALSA and USB #1 there20:07
Yami_Basand that made it work20:07
BluesKaj /me grumbls about skype and pulseaudio ... I don't use pulseaudio with the static version, and the audio works fine20:08
mr_bibblebrown_fern: thats ok20:08
Yami_BasBluesKaj: can i talk to you over pm for 1 minute?20:09
rawfodogIm in ubuntu 11. I have ubuntu server in a virtual machine. I was wondering how I can set a folder to share via bash/cmd line ?20:09
BluesKajok Yami_Bas20:09
rawfodog(so it shows up in my ubuntu host)20:09
escottrawfodog, the guest-addition sharing goes the other direction from host to guest. you would have to use something like ftp to share a folder from guest to host20:11
szalrawfodog: depends on what you use for virtualizing20:12
rawfodogvbox. Thing is, my wifi wont pass thru to the guest. I think it's because I made the IP static and changed some stuff in network/interfaces20:12
rawfodogSo with no internet on my guest I cant apt-get an ftp program20:13
oCeanrawfodog: use bridging20:14
rawfodogwont that knock my host off the network ?20:14
oCeanknock off?20:14
rawfodogone sec20:14
rlyIs there some kind of CPU applet for Unity?20:14
oCeanrawfodog: in network settings for that vm, choose 'attached to' bridged adapter (wlan0 for example)20:15
ZykoticK9rawfodog, oCean you might need to verify that your /etc/resolv.conf has appropriate information as well, if you are using static IP.20:16
rawfodogyeah it wont go.  The only hope I have is to mount the install ISO and figure out how to apt-get from that source20:21
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jimcooncatrawfodog: you could copy the .deb package over then install with dpkg -i20:27
jimcooncatrawfodog: but you may be chasing dependencies20:27
rawfodogman ...20:28
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phoenixkci've been having a real hard time getting my broadcom based wifi card to see my network. anyone here think they can help?20:33
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nimbioticsThere is this package (eduke32) I want to install to a pc NOT connected to the internet. I've got the repositories, my question is How do I just download the files so I can later copy them to the target PC and install? TIA!20:34
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SaraNovaHi, I'm having trouble booting Ubuntu after install... I have two disk in Raid 0 using a Intel Raid Controller. The installation is fine but when i boot Grub can not find the device by uuid (it seems the block devices are not created). Is there a step I missed when I installed it?20:35
edbianliminal: hi, issue?20:36
liminalCan anyone help me setup dual monitors in unity20:36
edbianliminal: ahh, sorry :(20:36
liminalive done it in 10.10 before without issue, but i have no clue in unity20:36
eiriksvinis there a way for us that use classic to have our Workspaces get auto-labeled by the programs that are maximized in that workspace?20:37
queenighteyesthis is exciting20:37
eiriksvinSo, i don't see Workspace 1 Workspace 2 etc, but I see Mozilla Firefox Blender 3D etc20:38
queenighteyesim lost can someone  point me to the batheroom20:39
eiriksvinqueennighteyes:u got a turtle-head poking20:39
SaraNovaYou can help me on my issue, it's kind of exciting :D20:39
ikoniaeiriksvin: that's uncalled for20:39
edbianeiriksvin: That is a clever idea.  There is no way (that I know of) right now.  But I think it would be pretty easy to write a compiz plugin that does it.20:39
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queenighteyesnah just here  for shots n giggles20:39
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eiriksvinikonia: lay off, just makin a funny20:40
ikoniaeiriksvin: no, it's uncalled for and not appropriate for this channel, please, leave it out20:40
SaraNovanobody interested?20:41
eiriksvinqueennighteyes: sorry if i offended20:41
queenighteyesno offended20:41
queenighteyesim learning20:41
edbianSaraNova: What's your issue20:41
eiriksvinedbian: yeah, i mean, why not, it would be cool to see20:41
ikoniaSaraNova: 1.) raid 0 is a bad idea for a root file system 2.) fake raid is a worse idea as it has terrible linux support (why grub can't see it) c.) the mix of the two is very bad20:41
SaraNovaikonia: that's comforting, thanks :) Are you saying I should just give up?20:43
eiriksvinwow, buzzkilled at the first levity20:43
julieSaraNova, I am tempted to disagree with ikonia as I've used software-based raid for years on different systems and got really good and reliable results20:43
ikoniaSaraNova: I'm saying it's worth considering more supported options and more usable technologies20:43
SaraNovai mean when I boot on the livecd, I see all the links (block devices)... not sure when I boot after the install nothing is there anymore (talking about by-uuid directory)20:44
ikoniaSaraNova: grub has no kernel to boot, so is not aware of the raid 0 file system20:44
ikoniaSaraNova: you need to have /boot on a seperate non-raid 0 partition for example for grub to be able to see it20:45
SaraNovathat's a pretty bad news20:45
ikoniaSaraNova: however I strongly advise you to look at a.) stable technologies b.) supported technologies20:45
julieLinux software raid is actually very stable and well documented but it is indeed unsupported by the ubuntu people20:46
ikoniajulie: linux software raid is fully supported by the ubuntu community20:46
morecheesewhen adding the current user to another group while in a screen session, is it necessary to restart the screen session? any shells created while in screen session the user isn't part of the new group, but ssh sessions (not attached to screen session) do show as in the new group.20:46
SaraNovasorry, I said Raid 0... I'm using Raid 1 my apologies20:46
ikoniaand is exceptionally stable and not a problem to use20:46
julieguess I misunderstood your warning then20:46
ikoniajulie: fake raid is not supported and unstable, linux software raid is supported20:47
ikoniaSaraNova: ok, so you've removed half the problem then, no /boot is needed, however fakeraid is your problem20:47
edbianmorecheese: you have to restart the X session so I expect screen is the same way20:47
julieikonia, what is fake raid if it<s not software raid?20:47
ikoniajulie: it's the motherboard on raid devices that require a software layer20:47
morecheeseedbian: figured the same, thx20:47
ikoniajulie: as opposed to software raid that is part of the linux kernel20:48
julieoh I see20:48
fwaokdaI'm trying to use ubuntu 11.04 on my virtualbox (windows 7 host) and it keeps defaulting the theme to a basic/ugly theme. I've enabled 3d acceleration what else do i have to do?20:48
tasehow do I print an environement variable set with "export"20:48
kitchetase: echo20:49
SaraNovaikonia: would you know any links / docs that I could refer to? I googled a lot but could not find anything helpful20:49
ikoniatase: echo $varible or "env"20:49
ikoniaSaraNova: in what respect documents, that tell you what ?20:49
taseno in a script, in console20:49
ikoniatase: no-one gave you any information for a script20:50
edbiantase: echo $variable works in a bash script20:50
SaraNovaikonia: explain how to dig a little more in the fakeraid issue (basically what i'm facing)20:50
SaraNovai just dont know what to do right now :)20:50
ikoniaSaraNova: it's an unsupported technology that has poor results in linux - what do you want to research20:50
edbiantase: sorry,  echo $variable works in the console20:50
ikoniaSaraNova: have you considering software raid ?20:50
taseoic ty20:50
edbiantase: It works in both20:50
SaraNovaikonia: i guess i could indeed20:51
tasewhen you said $variable I though you meant in a script20:51
tasesoftware raid is fail20:51
eiriksvinto bad this won't work rm ~/irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu/unnecessarily_police_like_people <-and thats my last funny of the day20:51
gribouilleis kde 4.6.3 available for maverick ?20:51
ikoniaSaraNova: ignore tase, he's talking nonsense, software raid is excellent in linux20:51
julieit is20:52
SaraNovaok... i'20:53
SaraNovai ll give it a shot20:53
julieBTW, you might as well use RAID 0+120:53
osseHere's a challenge. Via Keyboard -> Layout -> Options I've made CapsLock and additional Ctrl. Using CapsLock instead of Ctrl works for Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right/Down, but _not_ Up arrow. Does anyone have any ideas?20:54
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ActionParsnipgribouille: possibly in a ppa20:55
julieosse, this could be a keyboard limitation20:55
SaraNovaall right thank you guys20:55
blackoutfhdoes someone know a logfile where the shutdown process is logged, because my gf's laptop idles at shutdown a few secons20:55
ActionParsniptasse: totally20:55
Cube``hey guys, i accidentally removed everything with SAMBA from my system, now gigolo wont find any smb shares. what should i install?20:56
Cube``hey guys, i accidentally removed everything with SAMBA from my system, now gigolo wont find any smb shares. what should i install?20:56
julieosse, as you may know, arrow keys and other special keys are not sending a single keycode as regular keys do20:56
FloodBot1Cube``: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
ActionParsnipCube``: so is samba running, or installed?20:56
modd_hoboHi, is there any difference between python 2.7.1 and 2.7.1+ ? ( when i run python -V  in ubuntu 11.04 i get version 2.7.1+ )20:57
mbeierlwhy does tab-to-complete not work with sudo in Natty anymore?20:57
Cube``ActionParsnip: not sure, how can i tell?20:58
Cube``ActionParsnip: i just want to use the client tho, not run a server on my linux box20:58
VCooliombeierl: doesn't that need this line in ~/.bashrc which maybe was removed or that you forgot you added?: complete -cf sudo20:58
phoenixkci've been having a real hard time getting my broadcom based wifi card to see my network. anyone here think they can help?20:59
ossejulie, yes I am aware. It just seems like very strange limitation of the keyboard :)20:59
edbian_phoenixkc: Yes.  What card do you have?  BCM43xx  ?20:59
Cube``ActionParsnip: ?21:00
julieosse, well I don't know the details on your setup, but have you ever tried to use arrows with CTRL pressed?21:00
phoenixkcedbian_: BCM432121:00
edbian_phoenixkc: are you online otherwise?21:00
phoenixkcstrung a CAT5 out my window to reach my router21:00
mbeierlVCoolio: I don't remember needing that before, but thanks, I'll give that a try21:01
ActionParsnipCube``: then install smbclient21:01
edbian_phoenixkc: What kernel are you on?  http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43?highlight=%28bcm4321%2921:01
phoenixkcedbian_: i feel as though i've tried everything so lets take it from the top21:01
ActionParsnipCube``: if you don't want the server than thats all you need21:02
Cube``ActionParsnip: ah perfect thanks a mil!21:02
phoenixkcedbian_: fresh natty install upgraded to the 2.6.39-0 kernel21:02
edbian_phoenixkc: Sure.  First thing I do is look up that card on linux wireless . com   It says (that link) you need 2.6.3921:02
ossejulie, Ctrl+Arrows work in all four directions, so does Ctrl+Alt+Arrows but Caps+Alt+Arrows work only in three of them when Caps is an additional Ctrl. Strange!21:02
edbian_phoenixkc: ok great.  kernel is good enough :)21:02
folkeHow can I change my wifi that is deafult internet connection to my 3G GSM Modem?21:02
ActionParsnipfolke: disable wireless21:02
fwaokdaanyone using unity in virtualbox??? My theme keeps downgrading whenever i go from fullscreen to window need help fixing it21:02
julieosse, it is kind of strange though21:03
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer   (see if that installs, if it does, we need that firmware)21:03
ActionParsnipfwaokda: ask in #vbox too21:03
mbeierlurg.  also aptitude install tab-to-complete doesn't work - it used to.  Why did all that ttc stuff get turned off and how do I turn it all back on?21:03
fwaokdaActionParsnip, tried that no one so far knows21:03
phoenixkcedbian_: done21:04
nimbioticsThere is this package (eduke32) I want to install to a pc NOT connected to the internet. I've got the repositories, my question is How do I just download the files so I can later copy them to the target PC and install? TIA!21:05
juliembeierl, although it is not recommended by the "community", try "sudo su -"21:05
Sidewinder1Is there a good speech (through mic) to text application for ubuntu? I'm currently using 10.04.21:05
ossejulie, hehe, if I just press all three keys at once it works! :D But if I keep Caps and Alt pressed down it doesn't work.21:05
[an]droidmani have a question, whats the command to reset the ubuntu classic launcher? my top bar disappeared. i can access the terminal from unity though and unity works perfectly21:05
mbeierljulie: no, it's not su that I want, I'd like tab to complete for all the things that it used to work for turned back on21:06
folkeYes ofcourse but the problem is that I have a wireless printer connected to my router. If i disabel the wireless I will not be able to print anything from internet because I have to disabel the wireless to connect to the 3G GSM modem21:06
folkeMoment 2221:06
lolmatichi chumps21:06
lolmaticwhat up21:06
folkeMy comp prefers the wifi21:06
folkeas deafult21:06
juliembeierl, so you mean that in a terminal window, if you type fscTAB, it doesn't work?21:07
phoenixkcedbian_: done. next step?21:07
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo modprobe b43   (should turn the device on now that the firmware is there)21:07
folkeActionParsnip: Yes ofcourse but the problem is that I have a wireless printer connected to my router. If i disabel the wireless I will not be able to print anything from internet because I have to disabel the wireless to connect to the 3G GSM modem21:08
phoenixkcedbian_: the firmware is there and using 3 other modules. but no modules are using it.21:09
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo iwlist scan   shows networks?21:09
phoenixkcedbian_: no scan results21:10
edbian_phoenixkc: does ifconfig have a wlan0 listed>21:10
phoenixkcedbian_: yes21:10
nimbioticsThere is this package (eduke32) I want to install to a pc NOT connected to the internet. I've got the repositories, my question is How do I just download the files so I can later copy them to the target PC and install? TIA!21:10
ActionParsnipfolke: set the default gateway as via the 3G when you are out and about, or simply switch to the wireless when you are in your network21:11
edbian_phoenixkc: restart and if it isn't working give me a pastebin of dmesg ? :)  Have you ever done this before?21:11
phoenixkcyup. brb.21:11
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ChronicSyncopeis there some linux equivalent to peerblock/peerguardian21:13
reckio1I need a packet of ubuntu 9.04, where can I find it?21:13
aoximy friend isnt sure what she did but now when she goes to open a location from the places menu, it opens in her web browser. where would i go to change this behavior? i checked in preferred applications and file browser is still set to nautilus21:13
guntbert!offline | nimbiotics see if that helps ...21:13
ubottunimbiotics see if that helps ...: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD21:13
guntbertreckio1: 9.04 is !eol21:14
folkeActionParsnip: Mkay, however when I connect to the wifi firefox just want to cennect to the router. It doesent matter whatever www page i type in. Firefox always chose the ip of the router. When i disconnect the wifi I can use the 3G21:14
ActionParsnipaoxi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163196121:15
ActionParsnipreckio1: jaunty is dead and gone, there are no more official packages for it21:15
juliefolke, that sounds like a router setup issue21:15
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ActionParsnipfolke: can you ping
reckio1Is there a unofficial repo?21:17
nimbioticsubottu: THX!21:17
folkeIve done the router set-up, cannot find anything. I wants me to connect the "internet" to the router but I just want it to be internet free. I use the 3G modem for the internet21:17
guntbertreckio1: why don't you upgrade?21:17
nimbioticsguntbert, THX!21:17
guntbertnimbiotics: you're welcome :-)21:17
folkeActionParsnip: Yez, when Iḿ not connected to the wifi, just the 3G modem i can ping the
reckio1It is not my enviroment, I only need install a software and it has a dependency21:18
edbian_phoenixkc: You there?21:18
phoenixkcedbian_: yup yup. http://pastebin.com/y22Dd18e21:18
juliefolke, can a hardwired connection to the router access the Internet?21:19
edbian_phoenixkc: reading...21:19
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[an]droidmani have a question, whats the command to reset the ubuntu classic launcher? my top bar disappeared. i can access the terminal from unity though and unity works perfectly21:19
edbian_phoenixkc: It seems to be coming up great.  Is it working?21:20
nimbioticsguntbert, Can you please send that command to ubotu aganin? I closed chatzilla by mistake and lost it. TIA!21:20
hdon-hi guys. since a recent update (can't say how recent, don't play games much) i have noticed that while playing full screen game (SDL+OpenGL), it seems like screensaver is no longer suppressed. my workstation (at least X/VTs) hardlock and the DAC plays the same sound buffer in a constant loop21:20
folkejulie: No, the router is only for connecting the wireless printer to the computer. But the router wants me to connect a hardwire internet connection then connected to wifi.21:20
guntbert!offline > nimbiotics21:20
ubottunimbiotics, please see my private message21:20
edbian_phoenixkc: How are you testing?21:21
nimbioticsguntbert, THX again!21:21
hdon-the "screensaver" (if that's what's happening) even appears even though i am using my keyboard and mouse in the game. what gives? this is a *huge* regression21:21
folkejulie: No, the router is only for connecting the wireless printer to the computer. But the router wants me to connect a hardwire internet connection when connected to wifi.21:21
juliefolke, ok, how do you connect the 3G to the router?  is it plugged in a WAN port or a regular LAN port?21:21
folkejulie: The 3G is a USB 3G modem21:21
phoenixkcedbian_: i've tried looking for my network through network-manager and wicd and it just can't see it.21:22
juliefolke, then your problem is with the routing table21:22
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hdon-folke, your WAP won't come up unless you connect it to the Internet???21:22
juliefolke, you'll need to edit it manually21:22
hdon-folke, sounds like you bought a terrible WAP :(21:22
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo iwlist scan  again?21:22
folkeThats dlink21:22
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edbian_Question, is there a IRC channel for b43 like there is for radeon?21:23
phoenixkcedbian_: no scan results21:23
juliefolke, would you care to give us a print out of "route"?21:23
edbian_phoenixkc: Do you have wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces21:23
juliefolke, when wireless is connected21:23
phoenixkcedbian_: oh. never though of that21:23
domnukaluI feel blind. I'm trying to setup a web server. Basically, to host my own website. Walth of information can be a killer. I tried webmin, but heard it's dead for ubuntu. I tried zentyal, but he doesn't like my connection. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance!21:24
folkejulie: Yes np, how to?21:24
julieterminal and type "route" and place the output on pastebin.com then give us the link21:24
S[h]O[r]Tis there anyone who can fix the 404 on this URL? https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt. It is linked from https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/amd64/preseed-contents.html21:24
folkejulie: ive tried to do the set-up manually - however there are no way to "dissconnect" the internet sharing from the router manually, hmmm21:25
phoenixkcedbian_: crap. no there isn't and i've had to do this before for another machine. should have thought to check that.21:25
juliefolke, don't worry about that for now, just show me your "route" output with everything connected as you would like it21:25
phoenixkcedbian_: know off hand what's supposed to be in there? otherwise i'll go look it up.21:26
HAL9000_somebody knows anything about how to fix this shit error "config.status: error: cannot find input file: `Makefile.in'" in anjuta known from year 2004 on google21:26
ActionParsnipdomnukalu: just use ssh to admin it21:26
edbian_i'm here21:26
edbian_phoenixkc: It should work without it there21:26
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo ifup wlan0  ?21:26
phoenixkcreally? i had similar trouble with a ralink chip and i had to have something in there.21:27
edbian_phoenixkc: you could but auto wlan0   but you do NOT need anything in there.21:27
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edbian_you could put*21:27
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo ifup wlan021:27
phoenixkcedbian_: Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.21:28
edbian_phoenixkc: mmmm  that's cause it isn't in there.  What exact wording do you get from sudo iwlist scan ?21:28
ActionParsnipHAL9000_: anjuta 2.32 is in the official repos? is this not what you need?21:28
domnukaluActionParsnip: I'm a newbie, that's why I was searching for a more "english" aproach.21:29
phoenixkcsudo iwlist scan21:29
phoenixkclo        Interface doesn't support scanning.21:29
edbian_phoenixkc: don't do that!21:29
phoenixkceth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.21:29
FloodBot1phoenixkc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:29
edbian_phoenixkc: oh god21:29
phoenixkceth1      Interface doesn't support scanning.21:29
folkejulie: http://pastebin.com/tB0MQZSx21:29
phoenixkcwlan0     No scan results21:29
ActionParsnipdomnukalu: well what do you want to admin a website to achieve, all you can really do is staop and start the service, which you can do in SSH, you can upload new content using SCP via SSH21:29
phoenixkcwhoa. sorry. didn't ever do that before.21:30
edbian_phoenixkc: that's ok.  use this: paste.ubuntu.com21:30
edbian_phoenixkc: It says 'no scan results'  ?21:30
juliefolke, exactly what I thought, the default route is on the wlan21:30
HAL9000_ActionParsnip, i have current version21:31
hdon-guys wtf i just updated 2.6.32-32 from ubuntu and now emulate-middle-click is enabled WTF21:31
ActionParsnipHAL9000_: i see21:31
juliefolke, to simplify the next step, could I see your route output when wlan is disconnected?21:31
phoenixkcedbian_: yes21:31
edbian_phoenixkc: That means it scanned and didn't find any networks.  You're sure that your router broadcasts the essid and you're within range?21:31
JetForce#backtrack-linux at irc.freenode.org21:32
hdon-how do i disable emulate middle click?21:32
phoenixkcedbian_: phone is sitting right next to it and had full signal. worked fine in lucid.21:32
folkejulie: http://pastebin.com/iQ3d96ZU21:33
hdon-looks like /etc/hal/fdi/policy might help21:33
EmanonHey all, I'm looking for that app to make thunderbird show up in the messaging menu.21:33
edbian_phoenixkc: mmm, we'll try fudging around with some cli commands.  Then I think we should try a different driver.  (we're testing bcm43xx or b43 driver right now)21:33
edbian_phoenixkc: It's possible the driver is controlling the device but that the driver is incomplete21:34
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edbian_phoenixkc: sounds good?21:34
ActionParsnipEmanon: like this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/442/is-there-a-way-to-add-mozilla-thunderbird-to-the-messaging-menu21:34
phoenixkcedbian_: yup. i've tried using a couple versions of the STA but let's walk though it again. maybe i missed something.21:34
Emanonahh thanks ActionParsnip21:34
phoenixkcedbian_: where to next?21:34
edbian_phoenixkc: fudging around with CLI stuff to try to get b43 working.21:35
ActionParsnipEmanon: all I did was websearch....21:35
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo ifconfig wlan0 down21:35
EmanonI couldn't find the right one.21:35
EmanonKept finding ones that talked about it without providing a source.21:35
EmanonDidn't know it was an xpi thought it was a deb too.21:35
phoenixkcedbian_: done21:36
ActionParsnipEmanon: there is no 'right one', there are just options21:36
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo iwlist scan   (just give me a summary of what it says, don't copy / paste!)21:36
juliefolke, reconnect the wlan, and try the following command: "route del default; route add default gw"21:36
juliefolke, then try pinging
phoenixkcedbian_: wlan0 interface doesn't support scanning : network is down21:37
edbian_phoenixkc: Which is different than the last time.  Last time it said 'no results'  correct?21:37
phoenixkcwhew! avoided the wrath of the floodbot21:37
phoenixkcedbian_: correct21:37
edbian_phoenixkc: ha, :)   This means that the card is not turned on (in software)21:37
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up     (this turns it back on)21:37
folkejulie: oki! Just one question-21:37
juliefolke, yes?21:38
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phoenixkcedbian_: no scan results21:38
folkejulie: The ip of the 3G is different everytime I make a new connection21:38
folkejulie: How will this affect the routing?21:38
edbian_phoenixkc: ok.  So it's clear that the card is 'on' but it doesn't see wifi networks.  I found a very promising how to:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA%20-%20Internet%20access21:38
edbian_phoenixkc: it suggests we need the STA driver for you card (bcm4321)21:38
juliefolke, we'll try to address that once we get you up21:38
edbian_phoenixkc: You can follow along but I'm just going to give you the bare-bones commands you need to run.  Sounds good?  (we're now going to try to use the sta driver instead of the b43 driver)21:39
* tmg just back from void21:39
thedeathsso: anyone know any way to get a 'terratec h5' usb tv tuner working in linux? :p21:39
folkeaha nice! I will try this....see you in 5 :-)21:39
phoenixkcedbian_: agreed. read it before and tried what it says. but like i said, lets take it from the top and try it again. maybe i missed something.21:39
edbian_phoenixkc: excellent.21:40
phoenixkcedbian_: you got it. ready for commands.21:40
tmgthedeaths: sure, use google and follow21:40
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source21:40
thedeathstmg: have you even tried? :p21:40
thedeaths99% of the links are topics saying there's no driver21:40
thedeathsand the other 1% are fake results21:40
tmgthedeaths: well if i had such hardware i would ;]21:40
davidhel1234567Hi, my wireless isn't working i can get on to the Internet using ethernet. Its a Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) i got this from lspci command in terminal.21:41
b0otHas anyone ever tried to record data from something like netcat or socat and then "play it back" later21:41
phoenixkcedbian_: already at the newest version. should be 5.100.something21:41
edbian_phoenixkc: ok great.  sudo modprobe -r b43    (this removes the b43 driver from the kernel.  It's like uninstalling a driver in windows)21:41
pokoko222someone know how to start phpmyadmin ?21:42
ActionParsnipdavidhel1234567: can you give a pastebin of:  sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; rfkill list     thanks21:42
folkejulie: The routing is done21:42
phoenixkcedbian_: done21:42
juliefolke, can you now ping
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: I have the same adapter. Mine works just fine. Can you connect to the local network using wifi and ping other computers on the local network?21:42
edbian_phoenixkc: and finally sudo modprobe sta  (I'm guessing the name there).  This is like installing the driver.  It is akin to the System -> admin -> hardware / additional drivers gui nonsense21:42
ActionParsnippokoko222: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin21:42
folkeJulie: No21:42
juliefolke, route output please?21:43
phoenixkcedbian_: i think the name should be wl21:43
tmgthedeaths: so maybe you have to try some old version drivers, i mean test them on old kernel which support them and then go back to current one and port old ones - if these works of course.. - anyway it is advice for someone who knows what is C and kernel ;]21:43
edbian_phoenixkc: now we can confirm which driver is being used by looking at the output of sudo lspci -k   (we should see STA is in use and not b43)21:43
folkejulie: sorry!21:43
edbian_phoenixkc: That's possible.  Did sta error out or... ?21:43
folkejulie: yes!!21:43
juliefolke, try to ping google.com then21:43
edbian_phoenixkc: The tutorial says wl!!!  :P21:43
edbian_I'm a dork21:43
edbian_phoenixkc: I guessed at the name.21:43
mongyActionParsnip, any experience with SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) and "unclaimed"  after an upgrade to natty21:43
folkejulie: np21:44
phoenixkcedbian_: i've been at this for a few days. so don't feel bad.21:44
edbian_phoenixkc: you should run there command in step 3 there.  sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl21:44
folkeJulie: It works21:44
edbian_phoenixkc: :)21:44
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo modprobe wl21:44
utusanphoenixkc, you can use lsmod to see which driver is loaded21:44
silveringhi guys, im trying to install vumeter for xmms, but after ./configure it says GTK+ >= 1.2.10 not installed21:44
edbian_their* command21:44
kelvinellahi viewing flash in ff had occasionally crash ubuntu10.04 how to fix?21:44
edbian_phoenixkc: what questions do you have?21:44
juliefolke, so your PPP IP changes each time you reconnect?21:44
davidhel1234567i cannot access anything on wireless. it dosen't show my networks either21:44
xensomeone please tell me - how to retrieve wifi signal using command prompt in ternminal21:44
edbian_xen: sudo iwlist scan21:45
folkejulie: yes21:45
kelvinellait crashes ubuntu10.04 that mouse and keyboard doesnt work just like how it is freezing in windows9521:45
edbian_davidhel1234567: what card do you have?21:45
ActionParsnipmongy: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh21:45
xeni always get this error - "/home/xen/trunk/cosmos/examples/helloworld-juliac/src/main/java"21:45
edbian_xen: What does this have to do with wireless?21:46
xeni always get this error - boxnet0  Interface doesn't support scanning.21:46
phoenixkcedbian_: similar to what i had before with b43. wl is using 1 module but nothing is using it.21:46
juliefolke, I'm trying to come up with the simplest solution for you....  you could probably do a small shell script that extracts the IP address and calls the same commands I gave you with the new IP21:46
edbian_phoenixkc: How do you know that?21:46
ActionParsnipkelvinella: can you give a pastebin of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf21:46
xenthat was me copying and pasting the wrong stuff21:46
edbian_xen: ha, ok21:46
kelvinellaActionParsnip, wait21:46
davidhel1234567Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)21:46
xenvboxnet0  Interface doesn't support scanning.21:46
xenthis is the error i got21:47
edbian_xen: If you have a virtual machine.  The VM does not have a wifi card.21:47
phoenixkcedbian_: piped the output of lsmod to grep searching for b43|wl|ssb21:47
edbian_phoenixkc: ok good.21:47
edbian_phoenixkc: that's even better than lspci -k  :)21:47
kelvinellaActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/JiakXrM021:47
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo iwlist scan   ?21:47
edbian_(my favorite command)21:47
edbian_xen: yep21:47
xenm not using a virtual maching21:47
xenok fine21:48
phoenixkcedbian_: no scan results21:48
xentell me one more thing21:48
ActionParsnipkelvinella: that's a real mess.21:48
mongyActionParsnip, yeah hang, its a friends21:48
kelvinellaActionParsnip, it has been crashed 3 times now21:48
silveringhi guys, im trying to install vumeter for xmms, but after ./configure it says GTK+ >= 1.2.10 not installed21:48
xenprovided a given SSID - hw do i connect to it from commandline?21:48
silveringbut i have it installed!21:48
edbian_phoenixkc: So that's 2 drivers now that are 'working' but cannot find any wireless networks.  I'm not sure what to do at this point.21:48
kelvinellai have about 20 tabs open in ff, and i have computer and ff on for like 2 weeks, is it the cause?21:48
ActionParsnipkelvinella: run:  sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get --purge remove adobe-flash-properties-gtk adobe-flashplugin; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin-nonfree21:48
phoenixkcedbian_: okay. at least i'm not crazy21:49
edbian_phoenixkc: You're not crazy.  Try restarting the machine.  Sometimes that does magical things.21:49
kelvinellawhy real mess?21:49
kelvinellaActionParsnip, why real mess?21:49
ActionParsnipkelvinella: you have adobe-flashplugin installed which may cause issue as well as residual config from flashplugin-nonfree which will only complicate stuff21:49
folkejulie: Okay sound like an good idee21:49
edbian_phoenixkc: I think something is up that your wifi network is not visible.21:49
ActionParsnipkelvinella: the comamand I gave will strip it all out, then install the one plugin you need21:50
phoenixkcedbian_: when i restart the machine, with any of the drivers installed, i have to modprobe when i get back because it won't load on it's own. is that correct behavior?21:50
kelvinellaadobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-nonfree?21:50
edbian_phoenixkc: No absolutely not.21:50
pokoko222how to start mysql?21:50
edbian_phoenixkc: I'm guessing that means the system didn't identify any hardware that uses those modules21:50
bayerhi there, for some reason the flash player on my system is crashing _extremely_ often. is there something i can do about it?21:50
phoenixkcedbian_: okay. now we're getting somewhere21:51
edbian_phoenixkc: I suppose.  Hahaha, we're learning there aren't any drivers that work! :P21:51
phoenixkcedbian_: like i said, nothing is using the module so says lsmod21:51
kelvinellaActionParsnip, do i execute sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get --purge remove adobe-flash-properties-gtk adobe-flashplugin; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin-nonfree in one line?21:51
ActionParsnipkelvinella: I suggest (if it doesn't work), grab the tar.gz file and extract the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins   as you appear to only have 10.0.1 and you should be using 10.321:51
edbian_phoenixkc: which is bad.  You should get something like pcmcia_core is using b43 or is using wl21:51
kelvinellaActionParsnip, or should i do them seperately?21:51
ActionParsnipkelvinella: yes, it's all one line21:52
ActionParsnipkelvinella: no, tht's why I give them that way21:52
kelvinellashould i close ff when i am doing that ActionParsnip ?21:52
xanguaActionParsnip: what's  with adobe-flashplugin package¿21:52
klownanyone know how to completely remove the top, and bottom bar in 11.04 to replace with AWM?21:53
phoenixkcedbian_: i've been perusing this the past couple days. let me know if you see anything that could be of help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/73267721:53
ActionParsnipxangua: I beleive its the one which users love to download from the adobe website21:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 732677 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl not work on BCM4311" [High,Confirmed]21:53
edbian_phoenixkc: reading...21:53
Trfsrfrhey all, I just purchased a new video card and want to see if its on the accepted hardware list. Can someone tell me where to find that information?21:53
ActionParsnipklown: you can simply remove one of the panels in the right click menu21:53
klownActionParsnip, thanks, but I need to remove both21:53
xanguaActionParsnip: so it's besto to install flashplugin-nonfree instead of adobe-flashplugin package}21:54
klownActionParsnip, Correction, I'd *like* to remove both21:54
ActionParsnipklown: there is an option in gconf editor to make certain apps always run, the default is gnome-panel, change it to avant-window-navigator (or whatever the command is)21:54
guntbert!hcl | Trfsrfr21:54
ubottuTrfsrfr: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:54
ActionParsnipxangua: its been packaged and handled to work with Ubuntu, its advised to use it21:54
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i run the command u gave me, so every done now?21:54
davidhel1234567ActionParsnip: sorry took so long here is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/iAqGZdBu21:54
ActionParsnipkelvinella: yes, close ALL browsers, then when you rerun the plugin will be reloaded21:55
edbian_phoenixkc: These people are all trying to get the BCM4311 card to work.  You have a BCM4321 so it is totally different story.  Additionally, there is no bug with 4311.  I personally have it working on the past 3 ubuntu releases.  You install firmware-b43-install and b43-fwcutter and restart and it works.21:55
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juliefolke, have you ever done a shell script before?21:55
EvildaemonHow do I read things printed to stdout but have closed the terminal window?21:55
edbian_phoenixkc: One last guess.  Do you know the name of the wifi network?  Do you need a password?21:56
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: did you disable your wireless card in the bios?21:56
kelvinellaActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/EnvMTZr1 looks ok now?21:56
puneetcan anyone tell me what is apr-devel?21:56
phoenixkcedbian_: yes but they seem to be using the STA driver. so i've also tried rolling back to the 5.60 driver that was in lucid and maverick and it does not work either. just thought it might be a similar problem.21:57
phoenixkcedbian_: yes and no21:57
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: i didn't myself unless it changed when i installed ubuntu21:57
phoenixkcedbian_: tried finding hidden network in network-manager. no go.21:58
ActionParsnipkelvinella: looks a lot better21:58
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: Ok, well both the hw killswitch and the sofware killswitch appear to be active on your wifi.21:58
kelvinellaActionParsnip, thx21:58
edbian_phoenixkc: It might be related.  I suggest you make new bug post on launchpad.  The more thorough the better.  Be very clear that you are using bcm4321 and the output of commands like lsmod | grep b43/wl  and sudo iwlist scan21:58
ActionParsnipdavidhel1234567: there is a native driver for that chip, why use ndiswrapper?21:58
edbian_phoenixkc: you can connect to a wifi network if you run sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid [name] key [wifi key]21:58
kelvinellaActionParsnip, why do i have adobe-flash before?  i  didnt remembered installing that21:58
edbian_phoenixkc: oh, and dmesg   which reports all things came up fine for b4321:59
davidhel1234567ActionParsnip: I tried that after the wireless wasn't working the first time assuming it was the driver21:59
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: you're on a laptop, correct?21:59
phoenixkcedbian_: SET failed on device wlan0 ; no such device22:00
edbian_phoenixkc: sudo ifconfig -a     does it list wlan0  ?22:00
davidhel1234567rationalOgre: yes, i have a switch to turn it on but the light dosn't change when i push it22:00
EvildaemonTheres no law against hitting servers with SSH requests, as long as your not obviously trying to/don't crack the box, right?22:00
guntbertEvildaemon: you cannot, gone is gone22:00
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: flip the switch then run that last command ActionParsnip gave you.22:01
puneetCan anyone tell me please what is apr-devel?22:01
ActionParsnipdavidhel1234567: look online, there are tonnes of guides for it22:01
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: that should turn off the hardware killswitch.22:01
Evildaemonguntbert, what I thought22:01
ActionParsnipkelvinella: not sure, is it ok now?22:01
edbian_puneet: development done in april22:01
phoenixkcedbian_: hmmm...not anymore. i think the b43 driver called it that. STA calls it eth222:01
guntbertEvildaemon: your second quiestion has nothing to di with ubuntu support22:01
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: ok ill try that hang on22:01
edbian_phoenixkc: eth2 is WRONG.  I think the b43 driver is closer to working.  However I think both are broken.  Clearly STA is broken22:02
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: are you talking about a physical switch on the machine or a function key combo to shut off wifi?22:02
EvildaemonOkay. Just asking.22:02
phoenixkcedbian_: agreed22:02
puneetedbian_: do it has some special meaning?22:02
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i dont know, because my computer wont crash unless i have watched many flash video for a long time22:02
puneetedbian_:or some special purpose?22:03
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: i pressed it and the hard blocked said no now22:03
kelvinellaActionParsnip, now i am watch some youtube and justin.tv, it looks ok.  if there is any problem later on, i msg you22:03
xenhey someone please help me... i have the ESSID for a wifi and i wont connect to it using command line... someone please advice...22:03
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: its a physical switch22:03
xenhey someone please help me... i have the ESSID for a wifi and i want to connect to it using command line... someone please advice...22:03
ActionParsnipkelvinella: magic ;)22:03
guntbert!repeat | xen22:03
ubottuxen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:03
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: Ok, so now we need to find the software switch22:03
phoenixkcedbian_: thanks for all your help. i'll enter a launchpad bug. you've given me some really good commands to help with the debugging. thanks again!22:04
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: Should be a key combo somewhere on your keyboard to kill/enable wifi22:04
Poindexter_Is it better to uninstall Apache2 and install L22:05
dijonyummy123is there any decent video capture app for linux that just works. anyone have any success22:05
ActionParsnipPoindexter_: lamp will install apache, no point realy22:05
trakinasPoindexter_: no point.22:05
juliePoindexter_, Apache is part of LAMP, so I don't get where you're going22:05
rationalOgrePoindexter_: Unless you want php and mysql set up for you?22:06
trakinasPoindexter_: plus, you are already in lamp....22:06
trakinasLAMP = Linux, Apache, MySQL, Python/Perl/PHP22:06
Poindexter_I was reading about certain dependencies.22:06
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: im looking but i don't see the key for it anywhere22:06
trakinasnothing that APT can't bring you and in a better and more organized way.22:06
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: make/model of laptop?22:06
Poindexter_I suppose the only reason why would be starting afresh and removing the old configurations.j22:07
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: HP G60-458DX22:07
bazhangdijonyummy123, capture from what? vidcamera, desktop actions, or streaming video22:07
rationalOgrePoindexter_: Functionally, installing a preconfigured AMP stack is no different than installing and configuring Apache2, MySQL and PHP/Python/Perl yourself. It may be easier for some.22:08
bazhang!wifi | xen have a read22:08
ubottuxen have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:08
makishhaving trouble setting the brightness level to max on a hp 6735s...=( *ubuntu 11.0422:09
dijonyummy123bazhang, capture video from the screen, say a video playing in firefox22:09
bayerfor some reason the flash player on my system is crashing _extremely_ often. is there something i can do about it?22:09
bazhangdijonyummy123, so streaming from the web, use video download helper firefox addon, converts and download on the fly22:09
bazhangbayer, install flashblock22:10
MetaJakehi all. Might anyone recommend a method to determine if Ubuntu will read input from a game controller?22:10
xenhow do i connect to an open wifi network using commandline?22:10
bazhangxen, read the link I just gave you22:10
edbian_xen: sudo iwlist wlan0 essid [name]22:11
TrfsrfrWhere do I check to see if a particular video card is among the known and accepted models?22:11
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edbian_xen: sorry sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid [name]22:11
rww!hcl | Trfsrfr22:11
ubottuTrfsrfr: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:11
Poindexter_My other question has to do with Ruby Rails. Has anyone used it and perhaps a comment on it?22:12
xenedbian_ thnxx for the reply... ill give this a try22:12
bazhangPoindexter_, better to ask in a rails channel22:12
edbian_xen: sure22:12
folkejulie: I dont think the route22:12
bazhang!alis | Poindexter_22:12
ubottuPoindexter_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*22:12
juliefolke, what's happening?22:12
sysop-workhey how do I echo something to the current tty in linux?  I am used to doing it in bsd.  but when I try it in linux I get permission denied.22:13
edbian_sysop-work: echo $variable22:13
folkeJulie: I cannot connect to the internet even if I make the route command22:13
edbian_sysop-work: echo 'hello world'22:13
sysop-workyou know thats not what I need to do22:13
sysop-workhow about some help?22:13
juliefolke, I thought you had told me you were able to ping google?22:13
bazhangsysop-work, then say what you do need to do, we cannot read minds22:14
edbian_sysop-work: ?  That's how you echo something22:14
sysop-workok I need to have a script to write something to the current tty from a bash script. normally I would use the echo command to do that.22:14
folkejulie: Yes i was, but it doesent work anyway....ive tried with the new ip I got after connecting once agin to the 3G22:15
sysop-workI want to have a bash script that I send to the background and have it write to the current tty when a time limit is up.22:15
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: try this "sudo rfkill unblock 0"22:15
juliefolke, so if now your wireless is connected, try again to ping google.com and then tell me what happens when you try to access the Internet22:16
folkejulie: ok22:16
dijonyummy123video download helper doesn't seem to work for creativelive website, so thats why i want something that works that can capture from whatevers on the desktop22:16
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: it removed the blocks22:16
sysop-workI used to be able to do to echo "some text">/dev/freebsdtty1 (sorry cant ememeber the format)  and it would print to the current tty as long as I got the tty right22:16
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: Ok, so did you blacklist the normal driver for your wireless card?22:16
bazhangdijonyummy123, not one tool can do it all. that works for the majority of sites though22:16
ActionParsnipsysop-work: http://www.unix.com/unix-advanced-expert-users/76660-send-console-message-all-users-tty.html22:16
oCeansysop-work: normally a backgrounded script will send STDOUT to current tty, so any echo would do22:17
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: i orginally did but removed them now22:17
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: should be b4422:17
rationalOgreI think22:17
sysop-workocean that is helpfull, but I kinda wanted it to go to all users.22:17
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: so do a sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper22:17
rationalOgreand sudo modprobe b4422:17
juliesysop-work, that would work if it was your current tty, I just tested it here22:17
* Scunizi hates it when a .trash file is created on removable media.. 22:17
sysop-workActionParsnip, looking at your link thanks22:17
rationalOgreand try wireless22:18
xenedbian_, hey i executed the cmd u told me... it executed well... but wen i give the cmd dhclient wlan0.. it takes a lot of time to execute and then results into nothing... please helpp22:18
oCeansysop-work: all users are not on one single tty right?22:18
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: k i typed it but its taking a long time22:18
edbian_xen: the network shows up in sudo iwlist scan correct?22:18
oCeansysop-work: ok, i still don't understand the question22:19
sysop-workI can show you the code I used to use in bsd. but like I said I know I am tty5 and when I echo text>/dev/tty5 I get permission denied22:19
edbian_xen: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/22:19
folkejulie: Im back and now It works :)22:19
sysop-workso why cant I write directly to /dev/tty5 even as root?22:20
juliefolke, just apply the same steps each time22:20
xenedbian_, thnxx for the link buddy.. going through it now...22:20
folkejulie: okay, byt isent it possible to make it permanent och auto?22:20
sysop-workand ActionParsnip wall is not what I am looking for.22:20
elks294I have apache web server running on ubuntu can anyone tell me if this is secure22:20
juliesysop-work, that was a security issue I agree with22:20
elks294or send me a pm to explain somethings22:20
ImDexteri want to see, when I open my main folder, 7 tabs of predetermined, by me, directories, can that be done?22:21
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: It come up?22:21
edbian_xen: sure22:21
tuteHello, I was wondering, is getting Gnome 3 running on Ubuntu through the PPA repositories the best way, or is there a better way?22:21
sysop-workjulie, so linux prevents you from writing to a tty directly even as root?22:21
ImDextereverytime I plug in an external HD ubuntu opens a new window, I want it to open a new tab, can that be done?22:21
sysop-workjulie, I was afraid of that but couldnt find a straight answer anywhere22:21
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: it still working, and i still can't see my networks22:22
juliesysop-work, it's not a generalized limitation as I can on another installation22:22
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: You may need to reboot. Which command is it hanging on? modprobe -r ndiswrapper or modprobe b44?22:22
oCeansysop-work: there's also the 'write' command, but I think it requires username22:22
ActionParsnipsysop-work: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/233/write-a-message-to-login-users-through-terminal/22:23
juliefolke, if you disconnect both connections and connect wireless first, then ppp, does it work on its own?22:23
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: the modprobe -r ndiswrapper22:23
folkejulie: Ill check22:23
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DxteztTest please respond if you can read this22:25
Maylowany op to remove TeoAndTea[Com] for spam?22:25
MaylowDxtezt, I can read it22:25
ActionParsnip!test | Dxtezt22:25
ubottuDxtezt: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )22:25
rationalOgredavidhel1234567: well, blacklist ndiswrapper and then reboot22:25
davidhel1234567rationalOrge: ok22:26
Maylowubottu, dxtezt need some attention, um?22:26
ubottuMaylow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:26
DasEiMaylow: I'm having that to, IdleOne ?22:27
valeriahi, the speakers stopped to work suddenly in my eeepc1000he with ubuntu 11.04. from alsa mixer everything seems to be right. someone can help me?22:27
MaylowDasEi, what's that what you have?22:27
ActionParsnipvaleria: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*  then wait a few seconds then retry a sound app22:28
julievaleria, can you test earphones?22:28
valeriajulie, yes, i'm going to do it22:28
valeriajulie, anyway the speakers work on windows22:28
DasEiMaylow: that wierd spam-pm, is why I asked an o*p, if not busy22:28
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julievaleria, in this case you should try what ActionParsnip just said22:29
MaylowDasEi, yes, it's annoying22:29
Maylowand inappropreate22:29
Maylowfree walpapers...22:29
valeriajulie, ?22:29
julievaleria, 10 lines above22:29
valeriajulie, ok22:29
Maylowdid anyone use virtualbox with ubuntu host - ext4, win xp guest - ntfs and shared folders?22:31
MaylowI mean - flawlessly22:31
DasEiMaylow: yes22:31
bullgard4I bought a computer having 4 GB RAM. I would like to know how much hard disk space should I allocate to a swap partition? I intend to hibernate this laptop computer when need arises.22:32
MaylowDasEi, I have a weird problem - occasionally cannot overwrite files in shared folders22:32
valeriajulie, doesn't work22:32
DasEiMaylow: wrong channel here, but the FAQ on vb's homepage explain it very well, also there is #vbox22:32
valeriaActionParsnip, doesn't work22:32
folkejulie: It doesent work :( I have to use the sudo route add default gw command22:33
MaylowDasEi, #vbox sounds nice, I'll try it, 10x22:33
DasEibullgard4: 8 g should be fine22:33
bullgard4DasEi: Thank you.22:33
MaylowDasEi, but since only few people are taking here, if you have any experience with this issue, you may share22:33
juliefolke, that is a bit strange but as I mentioned earlier you could make a simple script for it22:33
tortibi added my user to /etc/sudoers with the NOPASSWD: ALL directive and it's still asking for my password one time when i type sudo, how can i have it not ask for a password at all?22:34
bazhangtortib, thats a very bad idea22:34
tortibi don't care if it's a "bad idea"22:34
tortibit works on every other distro except ubuntu22:34
juliefolke, are you familiar with shell scripts?22:34
bazhangtortib, and not supported, so please dont ask for help with it here22:34
DasEiMaylow: I had no problems with it, following the setting up from their FAQ's; apart from it I mostly use ssh (rsync,scp), more flexible than shares22:35
tortibnot SUPPORTED?22:35
bazhangtortib, correct22:35
tortibbazhang: someone should be able to let sudo do what THEY Please22:35
tortibnot let the distro decide22:35
ActionParsniptortib: they can but we won't help you achieve it in here22:35
* julie nods22:36
bazhangtortib, sure. but dont ask for help here22:36
MaylowDasEi, is it possible that way to mount an ubuntu folder as a windows drive transparently?22:36
tortibso i have to figure out what they did to cause this type of behavior to resolve it22:36
tortibor not use the distro22:36
doomroboI'm running an ssh server on natty and I cannot connect to my own computer within my own network22:36
tortibi know i'm not the only one that wants this22:36
julieas you wish tortib22:36
tortibi'm sure someone in here has set it up the way i'm talking about22:36
=== niko is now known as evilNiko
doomrobowhen I type: ssh username@
DasEiMaylow: y, I'll pm you22:36
doomroboit gives me no route to host22:36
bazhangtortib, if they have or not, its not supported. please stop asking22:36
ActionParsniptortib: sure but it significantly reduces system security22:36
julietortib, I even have a much simpler solution but unfortunately it's not supported here :P22:37
tortibanyone here setup sudo with the NOPASSWD: ALL directive and have it not ask for the password?22:37
juliekick him someone please22:37
bazhangtortib, please stop asking.22:37
tortibstop telling me what i can say and not say22:37
doomrobotortib Yes, why would you want that?22:37
tortibi'm not being insulting i want to get this done22:37
tortibdoomrobo: how did you do it?22:37
julieis there no op here?22:37
tortibi added my user to /etc/sudoers but it did nothing.22:38
tortibis there another config?22:38
doomrobothat's it22:38
doomrobobut you need the right syntax22:38
julie!ot tortib22:38
tortiboh i see I missed the :ALL22:38
doomroboNOPASSWD ALL:ALL22:38
ubottutortib: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:39
doomrobowith your username22:39
tortibthis is ubuntu related.22:39
null___11.04 is a joke22:39
bazhangtortib, please stop.22:39
tortibbazhang: get a life.22:39
bazhangnull___, then dont use it22:39
null___how does the ubuntu corporation have all that money and all these bugs?22:39
doomrobodoes anyone know if natty comes with a firewall of some sort?22:39
juliethis is the problem with a restricted channel and no op!!!22:39
doomrobobecause it's acting that way22:39
null___bazhang: i already installed it and spent days setting it up22:39
bazhangdoomrobo, iptables22:39
juliedoomrobo, nfw22:39
null___then decided to hook up my speakers and run into absurd audio bugs22:40
xanguanull___: there is no ubuntu corp and this is not #ubuntu the complain channel22:40
tumbes2000xangua - agree22:40
null___s/ubuntu corporation/canolical ltd22:40
doomrobojulie so what do you think is refusing my incoming ssh connections, iptables is allowing all traffic22:40
DasEidoomrobo: ufw, but can easily disable it22:40
=== danslo is now known as CrAsHOVerRide
juliedoomrobo, check "nfw status" to see if it's active22:40
bucherthapo haop22:41
usr13doomrobo: You can test:  ssh localhost22:41
doomrobojulie Inactive but I figured out the problem22:41
juliewhich is?22:41
doomroboI was forwarding to the wrong ip!22:41
doomrobothank you22:41
valeriahow can I reinstall audio drivers?22:42
folkejulie: Do you know any good place to find info howto make a script?22:42
usr13valeria: Why do you need to reinstall them?22:42
julieI can help folke22:42
folkeJulie: Thanks for all the help!!22:42
MonkeyDustofftopic: localhost is an anagram of holocaust22:43
valeriausr13, because my audio suddenly stopped work, the settings from alsamixer seem ok, and on windows the speakers work22:43
folkeJuli: it is very uppskattat22:43
=== CrAsHOVerRide is now known as danslo
doomroboMonkeyDust no u22:44
xenedbian_, hey, i followed everything as mentioned in the guide that u mentioned.... But it doesnt seem to be working for me... plzz check out this log... http://paste.ubuntu.com/623778/22:44
usr13valeria: Something must have happened to have made it stop working.  Does alsamixer show the various channel levels high enough to produce audiable sound?22:44
Metroshicahow to I untar to another directory than the tarball?22:44
alketHi, is there anyone experienced with Bluefish ?22:45
usr13valeria: You can test:  cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp  #Ctrl-c to stop.22:45
usr13valeria: See if you get error?  (Or sound).22:46
valeriausr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/623721/22:46
juliefolke, create a new file in your home folder with: -cut here- export gw=`route|grep "10\."|cut -f1 -d' '` -cut here- and then the commands I gave you earlier with $gw instead of the IP22:46
xensomeone please help me out... i need to connect to a wifi using command line... here's a complete detail abt wats happening around me...http://paste.ubuntu.com/623778/22:46
valeriausr13, dev/urandom?22:47
usr13valeria: lspci | pastebinit22:47
usr13valeria: yes, that is correct22:48
ActionParsnipxen: you can use wicd-curses as a nice curses GUI network manager22:48
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valeriausr13, but the command writes on /dev/dsp, why?22:49
usr13valeria: To create sound.22:49
soreauusr13: /dev/dsp might not be present on systems with pulseaudio installed..22:49
valeriausr13, uses pseudo casual input to generate audio output?22:49
folkejulie: Thanks! I will try this :-)22:50
usr13soreau: Well, yea, I suppose so.  That is unfortunate.  (I usually remove pulseaudio - and that may be the problem here as well.)22:50
valeriausr13, access denied22:50
julieyou must surely call that noise usr13, valeria22:50
valeriajulie, :D22:50
xenActionParsnip, thnxx for ur advice... but its like am working on a project and i desperately wont to connect to a wifi using the command line itself... my program is based on java which involves scanning all the wifi connections available around me and then try to establish a connection with the best available one... scanning for the best available wifi is done... but connecting with the one is something which i need help on..22:51
usr13valeria: I see... Well, check to see if your user name is in group audio in /etc/group22:51
usr13valeria: Is this the original user on your Ubuntu system?22:51
MetroshicaI'm trying to write a for loop that untars all tarballs in a directory in bash, anyone know bash enough to help?22:51
ActionParsnipxen: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/22:51
bazhangMetroshica, try #bash22:51
ActionParsnipxen: use sudo for all the steps given :)22:51
valeriausr13, I can't tell you this, but my username isn't in that group22:52
usr13valeria: That is your problem.22:52
julieMetroshica, "tar -xvf `ls *.tar`" should be close22:53
valeriausr13, ok, which is the command22:53
usr13valeria: What do you mean you can't tell me?  (You just did :)22:53
valeriausr13, to add me to that group22:53
xenActionParsnip, i followed everything as mentioned in the link... but it doesnt seem to work for me,,, here is the log details...http://paste.ubuntu.com/623778/22:53
valeriausr13, when22:53
elks294how can i install .run file22:53
usr13valeria: I usually just edit the file.  vim /etc/group22:53
Random832elks294: what file?22:53
DasEielks294: nvidia driver ?22:54
valeriausr13, ok, if that isa command that do this automatically I prefer to use it22:54
Random832(the answer is probably "run it". possibly as root... but there may well be a package you should be using instead)22:54
julieelks294, prefixing it by "bash" should do it but this is unsupported22:54
ActionParsnipxen: is there no security on the connection?22:54
usr13valeria: Just edit the file and put your name on that line.22:55
usr13sudo vim /etc/group22:55
valeriausr13, beside audio?22:55
xenActionParsnip, nope... i am actually using an open connection for testing purpose22:55
xenActionParsnip, it doesnt seem to work for that too22:56
valeriausr13, which separator have I to use, thereis already an entry22:56
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SkotosDeathi can't burn ubuntu's iso in a cd nor in a usb..I don't know why , but even if i write the ubuntu 11.04 iso with k3b even with brasero , the disc is empty.What can i do ?22:57
soreauSkotosDeath: Did you check the md5sum of the image you downloaded?22:57
PolahSkotosDeath, is it just the Ubuntu ISO? If so, you possibly have a corrupt copy of it. Check md5sum of it.22:58
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:58
SkotosDeathi downloaded the iso from ubuntu site22:58
ActionParsnipxen: http://www.wikihow.com/Set-up-a-Wireless-Network-in-Linux-Via-the-Command-Line    check step 2 commands22:58
soreauSkotosDeath: Did you check the md5sum though?22:58
soreauSkotosDeath: You should probably do that first22:59
PolahSkotosDeath, doesn't mean it's not corrupt. Download could have stopped at some point. Run md5sum on it and compare the value you get to the values here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes22:59
valeriausr13, done22:59
=== Prodego is now known as elapse
xen i need to establish a wifi connection using command line... someone please advice.. i have tried using the iwconfig commands... but it dhclient wlan0 doesnt return any ip address for me... here is the complete log...http://paste.ubuntu.com/623778/22:59
soreauxen: Did you stop networkmanager service first?23:00
DasEixen: I'm not too good at wireless, but you followed ubott'.. link already ?23:00
DasEiwireless > xen23:01
xenDasEi, yea23:01
xensoreau, how do i do tat?23:01
soreauxen: Can you pastebin the output of 'iwconfig'?23:01
xensoreau, sure23:01
SkotosDeaththe md5 is the same23:01
gizmobayHow can I remove the link between the localhost and the actual IP? When I ping the IP from the localhost, it shows the network as up when it really isn't.23:01
SkotosDeathi just checked that23:02
soreauSkotosDeath: Are you sure your burner works? Or how are you trying to 'burn' it to usb?23:02
xensoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/623786/23:02
xensoreau, here u go23:02
SkotosDeathwith brasero..Yes , i think it works. I burned some iso before 3 or 4 months..23:02
SkotosDeathbrasero and k3b23:02
soreauxen: Well dhclient should have given output to show success. Try sudo service NetworkManager stop23:03
usr13valberg: YOu will have to log out and back in again for change to take effect..23:04
soreauxen: It's actually network-manager23:04
sysop-workis this redhat? sudo /etc/init.d/networkmanager stop23:04
soreausysop-work: That is the old method23:05
saganbytemsg NickServ identify itsamg23:05
gizmobayHow can I unbind the physical network IP from the localhost loopback23:06
soreaugizmobay: I don't see why you'd want to do that23:06
valeriausr13, Have I to add my user to other groups? like pulse?23:06
Yami_Bashello :)23:06
Yami_BasBluesKaj: sorry to interrupt you again23:07
Yami_Basbut de DD and DTS works with SPDIF23:07
Yami_Bashowever normal analog and digital output are gone right now...23:07
gizmobaymy network goes down on one PC  so I wrote a script to check the IP with a ping23:07
soreaugizmobay: Why not have it ping google.com?23:08
gizmobaywell ping returns okay on the localhost but I can't ping from another machine23:08
xensoreau, i stopped the network-manager and then tried connecting to a wifi connection around me... dhclient still doesnt respond...23:08
soreauxen: That's strange..23:08
gizmobayah, good idea23:08
soreauxen: What wifi chip is it?23:08
ActionParsnipgizmobay: when it drops, run:  dmesg | tail   on the local system, the output may give clues23:08
gizmobayit just says ralink can't connect23:10
xensoreau, Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection23:10
ActionParsnipgizmobay: tried a different wireless channel?23:10
gizmobayin the dmesg23:10
usr13valeria: What is the original username on that machine?  (The one you creating during install.)23:10
DasEixen: sudo lshw -C network tells you23:10
soreauxen: Maybe some other process is interfering. Which version of ubuntu?23:10
valeriausr13, valeria23:10
usr13valeria: grep valeria /etc/group23:10
gizmobayevery week or two it drops23:10
usr13valeria: All those....23:11
xensoreau, 11.0423:11
soreauxen: 'ps ax|grep dhclient' show anything?23:11
shomonhi, I uninstalled flgrx, and now I can't get in. can I switch something in a configuration file somewhere to fix it?23:11
shomonflgrx wasn't working either23:12
soreaushomon: Make sure to remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf if it exists23:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:12
usr13valeria: i.e.  audio:x:17:valeria,NewUser23:12
shomonthanks soreau23:12
xensoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/623792/23:12
valeriausr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/623793/23:12
folkejulie: Ive made the script23:12
soreauxen: yea, kill all those processes first23:13
soreauxen: You can use something like 'sudo kill 3118 3921 PID3 PID4 PID5 ..'23:13
xensoreau, kk... but wat cmd shud i use?23:13
xensoreau, alright23:14
soreauxen: In the ps ax output, the PID's are shown on the left. The kill command kills processes by their PID23:14
lenovicewho know prorat ???23:14
soreauPID = process identifier23:14
Yami_Basor Partitial Integrator Differentiator ^^23:15
usr13valeria: Just add the new user to the groups that you think the new user needs to be on.  i.e. http://paste.ubuntu.com/623796/23:15
Yami_Bas(if i translated it correctly lol)23:15
usr13valeria: It just depends on what you think the new user should have access to.  (You are the sysadmin.)23:15
soreauxen: 'killall' kills processes by their name, so you'd want to run 'killall nm-applet' to kill nm-applet23:15
Yami_Basguys i have a question23:15
Yami_Bashow do i change the output source in alsa?23:15
Yami_Basits coming through my laptop speakers23:16
Yami_Basbut i want it through my externel sound set23:16
valeriausr13, i'm logged as sysadmin (valeria) and the sound doesn't work the same23:16
soreau! sound | Yami_Bas23:16
ubottuYami_Bas: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:16
DasEiYami_Bas: two diffrent soundcards or same chip ?23:16
xensoreau, thnx dude... me working on it...23:17
Yami_Bastwo different23:17
Yami_Bassoreau already did that but im not using pulse23:17
Yami_Basim using alsa23:17
DasEiYami_Bas: are you using unity ?23:17
Yami_Basno classic gnome23:17
Yami_Bascould switch to unity though if that makes it easier ^^23:17
=== braiam_ is now known as braiam
PinHi how do i move the sidebar in Ubuntu 1123:18
Yami_BasDasEi: i got SPDIF working on my soundcard23:18
DasEiYami_Bas: try under system>prefrences>sound hardware, there you can check which one is used23:18
Yami_Basthen it says23:18
Pinhow do I move or hide the ubuntu 11 sidebar?23:18
Yami_Baswaiiting for soundsystem to response....23:18
lenovicewho know prorat ??? it's a software. I'll want be to hacker ^^23:18
Yami_Basalready tried that23:18
DasEiYami_Bas: also an app like alsamixergui or pavucontrol might be of help23:18
ActionParsniplenovice: then research networks and how they work23:19
Pinor hide*23:19
Yami_Basi have alsamixergui23:20
Yami_Basand pavucontrol23:20
MaylowPin, when you log in, you can choose visual environment23:20
MaylowPin, it's set to Ubuntu by default23:20
MaylowPin, just try Ubuntu Classic23:20
Pinhow do i try ubuntu classic23:20
MaylowPin, you select your user on the login screen23:20
tensorpuddingPin: you can't move or remove it, you can set it to hide always, but it will still be available when you touch the left screen edge, or hover over the ubuntu button23:21
PinYES ! how do i set it to hide allways23:21
MaylowPin, and before you type your password, at the bottom misc options appear23:21
[deXter]Hi all, can someone recommend a backup app/script/technique to backup my / partition from within the OS23:21
tripelbCan I use EVINCE to type on top of a pdf file. I know I have done that. Did I use something else?    Thanks.23:21
Pintensorpudding how do i set it to hide allways23:21
tensorpuddingPin: install the Compiz Config Settings Manager, and follow http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity23:22
lenovice<ActionParsnip> I do not know how to return an undetectable software I do not find good software to spliiter23:22
DasEi[deXter]: unison or rsync -Pr manually23:22
DasEisudo rsync.. *23:22
Pinok thank you!23:22
tensorpuddingPin: select the Autohide option under Hide Launcher in the Behavior Tab23:23
[deXter]DasEi, Thanks, and would rsync work even if the file is in use?23:23
Yami_BasDasEi: i have pavucontrol and alsamixergui...23:23
tripelbcopies advice to [deXter]23:23
Yami_Bassudo gstreamer-properties then i did this in terminal and let linux use ALSA and my USB soundcard23:23
DasEi[deXter]: both ways are resumable, and that works, yes, also rsync has the -u  (only sync altered files) option23:23
DasEi!info rsync23:24
ubottursync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 3.0.7-2ubuntu3 (natty), package size 278 kB, installed size 676 kB23:24
DasEiand a better algo then cp, [deXter]23:24
[deXter]Neat, thanks DasEi23:24
DasEihave backup23:24
computerxHi, I restarted my wireless router, and my fileserver won't reconnect to it. ifup wlan0 says it's not configured. It does show in ip addr23:25
[deXter]DasEi, Could I rsync to a compressed file? like redirect the output to gzip or something23:25
tripelbIf I want to type on top of a pdf file (that looks like a form) so I dont have to print it out and rescan (I cant) - what do I use?  Thanks.23:25
DasEi[deXter]: you can directly tar it easier23:26
mongyis rcp different to rsync with ssh options?23:26
valerianooneelse can help me with my audio prob=23:26
PolahDasEi, [deXter], you could tar and gzip it. the -z flag with tar gzips the file23:26
computerx[deXter], you probably want to either use a combination of ssh, tar, cat and > or scp23:26
tripelbcomputerx you MUST do it like this (In case you have not) turn all off. trun on modem. wait. turn on router. wait. turn on computer. boot...   THEN does it work?23:26
computerxtripelb, I really don't want to restart it. The wired connection has 3 PCs with open files right now.23:27
[deXter]computerx, I forgot to mention that I'll be backing up locally mounted FS..23:27
tripelbwell then what can I tell you. This is how AFAIK it must go.23:27
tripelbwell then what can I tell you. This is how AFAIK it must go. computerx23:28
computerxtripelb, I know it works if I restart, I was hoping for a live restart of just the wireless network :(23:28
computerx[deXter], So you're basically copying from one folder to another?23:28
[deXter]computerx, Well basically I want to maintain a regular backup of my / partition23:29
ActionParsnipvaleria: what is the issue?23:29
[deXter]Like make a differential backup every week and keep copies upto 4 weeks23:29
tripelbAsk away. But in your question let this special circumstance be known or you'll get repetitions of what I told you. heh.23:29
tripelbcomputerx ^^^^23:29
DasEi[deXter]: Polah's hint is good, if there is enough space on the /~ HD, so tar-zip it and then rsync, though missing resume and update option then23:29
computerx[deXter], I do similar with: cp -ru --backup=numbered /home/computerx/workspace/* .23:30
valeriaActionParsnip, my audio stopped work, notwithstanding that speakers work on windows, alsa mixer is well setted and my username is in the right group (audio)23:30
computerxtripelb, Oh well, thanks. I'll restart it sometime over the next few days :)23:31
[deXter]DasEi, computerx Thanks, will explore these options further23:31
tripelbcomputerx do you know the answer to my question?  I want to fill in a form that came on pdf without printing it.23:31
ActionParsnipvaleria: did you try killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse23:31
ActionParsnipvaleria: sorry:   rm -r ~/.pulse*23:32
valeriaActionParsnip, yes, nothing go better23:32
computerxtripelb, I have limited experience of pdfs and acrobat. I would take a screenshot and use gimp to overlay the text. I don't know of a better way.23:32
nvrpunkhow do I install a mutter theme manually?23:32
ActionParsnipvaleria: ok what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh23:32
nvrpunki downloaded AdiaWhite from gnome-look.org23:32
Polahtripelb, computerx, have you tried pdfedit?23:32
computerxtripelb, If it's an actual proper PDF form, there's probably a better way.23:33
julietripelb, when you open it in a browser, can't you fill it?23:33
nvrpunkbut i have no clue how to install it in 11.04 :\23:33
ActionParsnipnvrpunk: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man1/mutter-theme-viewer.1.html  may help23:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:34
DasEitribelb: pdfedit23:34
valeriaActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/623812/23:34
nvrpunkActionParsnip: not installed23:35
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Guest47279hey, does anyone know how to disable nouveau?23:35
nvrpunkActionParsnip: whats the default with 11.04? just gnome-3?23:35
computerxtripelb, lol, I used ssh -X fileserver nm-connection-editor - editing the connection brought it back up...23:36
nvrpunkim looking to change the dock on the left etc23:36
Guest47279I tried to by editing some conf file and adding the line blacklist nouveau but that changes nothing23:36
ActionParsnipvaleria: add:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/623812/23:36
TreaverI'm on Fedora, can anyone help me with that?23:36
ActionParsnipvaleria: oops23:36
YankDownUnderI'm on drugs and no one helps ME with that... ;)23:36
ActionParsnipvaleria: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf   and add: options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-dig23:36
donniezazenIs it too risky to use xorg-edgers ppa for latest nvidia graphic drivers?23:36
sideonemy dealer does23:36
Guest47279I'm on mint- the version based on ubuntu and the driver manager for some reason no longer downloads legacy (96) nvidia drivers23:37
ActionParsnipnvrpunk: gnome3 is not in natty23:37
Guest47279donniezazen:broke my ubuntu setup23:37
Guest47279blacklisting nouveau? can anyone help?23:37
jiwej700 too ?23:37
jiwej.ssh on local machine should be 700, but what about .ssh on server23:37
flybackI guess since I put in a fully supported ati 3d card ubuntu livecd deaults to this different menu layout23:37
flybackhow the hell do I go back to the other one23:37
flybackI don't like this one with tabs on the side etc23:38
flybackIT'S *canucked*23:38
valeriaActionParsnip, all the string "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-dig"23:38
flybackIT'S *canucked*23:38
FloodBot1flyback: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:38
Guest47279ah forget it, I'll figure it out myself23:38
nvrpunkActionParsnip: what is default with 11.04?23:38
valeriaActionParsnip, at the bottom of the file=23:38
rwwTreaver: try #fedora :)23:38
Coreyflyback: Cool it a smidgen please. :-)23:38
flybackok :P23:39
valeriaActionParsnip, I've done23:39
ActionParsnipvaleria: yes add it to the botom23:39
ActionParsnipvaleria: ok, reboot to test23:39
donniezazenGuest47279 were you able to recover using ppa-purge23:39
[deXter]flyback, Hey whatcha doing in #ubuntu? :)23:39
valeriaActionParsnip, ok23:39
nvrpunkActionParsnip: how do i update the unity theme then?23:39
ActionParsnip!info gnome-session | nvrpunk23:40
ubottunvrpunk: gnome-session (source: gnome-session): The GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 2 session. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.1-0ubuntu20 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 216 kB23:40
ActionParsnipnvrpunk: 2.3223:40
obzenplease be friendly23:40
flyback[deXter]: I use it23:40
ActionParsnipobzen: its part of the channel policy, so its already happening23:40
DasEiobzen: hello, what's up ?23:40
nvrpunkActionParsnip: ok that tells me the version of gnome, how do I change the theme of the unity bar etc?23:41
tripelbI have a gedit file. I want to make it a pdf file. How do I do that?23:41
rwwtripelb: File -> Print, select "Print to File", select PDF23:41
tripelbIsnt there a way I can write on top of a pdf file? I'm sure I have done it before. Other than gimp.23:41
ActionParsnipnvrpunk: not sure there man, sorry23:41
nvrpunkActionParsnip: its a gnome-shell theme23:42
DasEitripelb: pdfedit23:42
ActionParsnipnvrpunk: http://techhamlet.com/2011/05/4-unity-themes-and-2-icon-packs-to-decorate-ubuntu-11-04/23:42
valeriaActionParsnip, nothing! :(23:43
DasEitripelb: or plugins for oo and some others, ubuntugeek has a whole page of such tools, but I just used pdfedit today23:43
ActionParsnipvaleria: look for other options like that, also make sure you don't have it muted in the software (check your keyboard for volume controls and such)23:43
tripelbrww DasEi  thanks - I gave up OO a while ago. abiwrite doesnt do pictures and libreoffice was a fail too. I am dissapoint.23:44
DasEiAgentGreen: was this a question ?? ubu-support here, yes23:44
lenovicewho are french here ?23:44
flybackhow do I disable this newer 3d ubuntu interface23:44
flybackand go back to the one with a top menu bar23:44
DasEi!fr | lenovice23:45
ubottulenovice: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:45
flybackI can't get into control panel or anything23:45
flybackit's worthless23:45
Maylowflyback, log out23:45
tripelbrww DasEi  thanks - (I love apt-get) it installs.23:45
Maylowflyback, then log in23:45
ActionParsnipflyback: log into gnome classic desktop23:45
rww!classic | flyback23:45
AgentGreentry compiz?23:45
donniezazenflyback logout and in gdm menu choose ubuntu classic23:45
ubottuflyback: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".23:45
tobych> i just deleted /etc/puppet and /var/lib/puppet on ubuntu and purged then removed puppet, but it's not recreated these. how can i make that happen?23:45
flybackthx guys23:45
Maylowflyback, but before typing your password23:45
Maylowflyback, yes, that is... :)23:45
tobychi mean on apt-get install puppet23:45
valeriaActionParsnip, ok :(23:48
valeriaActionParsnip, thank you23:48
flybackone problem23:48
flybackwhere is logout on this interface23:48
DasEiflyback: unity ? upper right corner23:49
flybackno there's no logiun23:49
flybackthere's reboot shutdown etc23:49
BajKto the git users: what's that "cherry picked" thing always I see in commits?23:49
flybackerr logout23:49
DasEiflyback: alt-crtl-F123:49
flybackno that takes you to a VC23:50
DasEiflyback: so can do it manually23:50
juliectrl-alt-f1 won't bring him back to the login screen23:50
flybackthis is worse than FISTa23:50
Maylowflyback,  alt-crtl-F1 ten sudo reboot23:50
Maylowflyback, should do the job23:50
flybackI don't want to reboot though23:50
flybackI just want to logout23:50
ActionParsnipvaleria: installing linux-backports-modules-net-natty-generic may help23:50
julieand he knows how to reboot23:50
julieflyback, you can kill X with ctrl-alt-backspace23:51
flybackyes I do23:51
Maylowflyback, can't remember... I gave up this ui pretty quickly ':)23:51
flybackI been in linux since the 90's23:51
flybackjulie doesn't work in ubuntu anymore23:51
flybacksince the last 2 I think23:51
ActionParsnipflyback: ease up on the enter key dude23:51
ActionParsnipflyback: you can log off using: gnome-session-save --logout23:52
Maylowjulie, it's disabled by default, you can enable ctrl-alt-bk though23:52
s0uphey would anybody happen to know if there is any known fix for window decorations in natty causing lag when moving windows?23:52
DasEiflyback: I don't use unity, but I'd try sudo service gdm stop, then start to get to the loginscreen, loader might be called different now23:52
flybackyeah I really hate this unity23:52
valeriaActionParsnip, thank you, but I've to discover why it stopped to work apparently with no reasons since this afternoon, nothing has changed in my system!23:52
s0upi don't have any lag whatsoever if I disable window decoration but then I have no window borders.. I can use metacity if needed but was hoping to get some compiz love23:52
mrdebunity is not bad23:53
ActionParsnipvaleria: makes sense strange indeed. Could read:   dmesg | less      to see what is going on23:53
DasEiflyback: so switch back to classic gnome and I can help more23:53
Maylowmrdeb, yes it is...23:53
ActionParsnipmrdeb: its an opinion so is never concrete ;)23:53
flybackI can't even find a vc to run that command from23:53
mrdebi also like gnome 323:53
flybackerr xterm23:53
julieflyback, then just go in a terminal and kill X23:53
mrdebgnome 3 is new and wonderful23:53
Maylowflyback, ctrl-alt-T ?23:54
ActionParsnipvaleria: do you dual boot?23:54
DasEimrdeb: still beta, but flawless on my vm, too23:54
valeriaActionParsnip, yes23:54
julieflyback, ctrl-alt-f3 doesn't give you a login prompt^23:54
flybackway to make this overly fucking complicated23:54
DasEiflyback: it's supereasy to switch to classic gnome23:54
ActionParsnipvaleria: boot to windows and use sound, then boot to Ubuntu23:54
adnapi have been having problems with my intel ultimate-n 5300 wifi card23:55
flybackbut can't run gnome-session-save from there23:55
valeriaActionParsnip, done, nothing changed23:55
valeriaActionParsnip, I'll try again23:55
Maylowflyback, move mouse to top-left corner of the screen and type sth - terminal for ex23:55
DasEi!classic | flyback23:55
ubottuflyback: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".23:55
julieI have a solution for you flyback23:55
Maylowflyback, try also Alt-F1, alt-F223:55
flybackubottu: eat to GENUIS, I CAN'T LOGOUT23:56
ubottuflyback: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:56
julieflyback, you can export your DISPLAY after logging in and then call it23:56
* flyback bites DasEi 23:56
flybackhell with it23:56
* flyback power cycles23:56
juliewhy don't you try?23:56
flybackI don't care it's a livecd23:56
flybackbecause I bust my ass all day in IT and my mind is slowly shutting down23:57
flybackI am not going to put up with shit like this23:57
juliethen why not kill X?23:57
mrdebflyback: what is wrong23:57
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
DasEiflyback: what happens if you press the upper right logout button ? there is no menu ?23:57
GanymedeHello, I have a package marked with "pc" in dpkg -l and I can't purge it. I tried sudo dpkg --purge kdm but it says "rm: cannot remove `/etc/init/kdm.conf': No such file or directory", post-removal script returned exit status 1, errors were encountered while processing, etc. and the entry stays in dpkg -l output. How do I force it away? And no, touching /etc/init/kdm.conf doesn't help.23:57
flybackbecause I am so burned out that I can't find the X process23:58
Coreyflyback: Naptime then.23:58
flybackdasei there's no logout option23:58
flybackCorey: it wouldn't help23:58
flybackdeath would help23:58
flybackthat's about it anymore23:58
ActionParsnipvaleria: apparently there are issues with windows dual boots and your model23:58
julieflyback, "ps -ef|grep X"23:58
flybackjulie: way ahead of you23:58
MonkeyDustdeath is only just the beginning23:58
julieflyback, sorry but obviously not23:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:59

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