
* TheMuso fixes studio installability issue.00:28
ScottLwhich issues are those TheMuso ?00:31
TheMusoThe issue that gets emailed to the dev list daily, where ubuntustudio-generation is not installable.00:31
* TheMuso is about to send a message about that to the dev list.00:32
* holstein thanks TheMuso :)00:32
TheMusoDownside is that you lose gcdmaster.00:32
ScottLTheMuso, persia thought it might held up in a queue somehow00:32
holsteinhow far gone?00:33
ScottLTheMuso, can you explain why it wasn't working correctly?00:33
holsteinwell, its been broken for a while, but we need something like that00:33
ScottLgcdmaster and cdrdao are both built from the same source00:33
holsteina cd architect type thing00:33
persiaHrm?  I said there were lots of reasons and someone should investigate, rather than just waiting.00:33
ScottLoh, i misunderstood then, my apologies00:33
persiaOr I was unclear.  Sorry.00:34
ScottLi'm still confused why gcdmaster wouldn't be installable however and would be curious to learn how it wasn't working00:34
persiaPresumably it's still not working, so you could test in an oneiric chroot/vm.00:35
persia`aptitude why-not ${PACKAGE}` sometimes explains.00:35
TheMusogcdmaster is not installable because gcdmaster is built from cdrdao source, and the latest cdrdao upload gets rid of the gcdmaster package, and the gcdmaster package has a hard build dependency on cdrdao.00:35
TheMusoHard runtime dependency even, requiring exact versioning.00:36
TheMusoI explained in more detail in an email to the dev list.00:36
holsteini would love to be able to step up and maintain it00:39
holsteini bet i could talk falk into maintaining it00:39
TheMusoIts written in C++.00:40
holsteinis that good?00:41
ScottLTheMuso, i would presume that the fix is to patch the control file to remove the versioned dependency?00:41
TheMusoScottL: No, thats not correct.00:41
TheMusoThe fix is to fix gcdmaster to not depend on the legacy libraries.00:42
TheMusoAs I said in the mail.00:42
holsteinyeah, gnome2 is going away00:42
ScottLright, i should read the email...soryy :)00:42
ScottLoh, i didn't realize it was a gnome2 dependency00:42
ScottLread the email now00:44
ScottLfalktx, say something00:51
falktxhey what?00:53
ScottLoh darn, this was the wrong channel, i was trying to get you to trigger thelonious in #opensourcemusicians :P00:54
falktxScottL: I replaced applications.menu with only the <remove> stuff02:42
falktxScottL: then I added a new file, ubuntustudio-multimedia.menu, which has also the <remove> stuff with <insert> apps too02:42
ScottLwhy do we need the <remove> stuff in both .menu files?02:43
ScottLand can you explain why this is better than what we have?02:43
ScottLsorry, i admit that i'm actually ignorant about a lot of the menu02:44
ScottLfalktx, ^^^02:44
falktxScottL: we need this way in order to support all DEs02:44
falktxScottL: the current US way is wrong and was only working on Gnome02:45
ScottLfalktx, okay, _that_ i can wrap my head around02:45
ScottLlol "we're doing it wrong" ;)02:45
falktxScottL: well, the current implementation copies gnome's application.menu file and hacks it02:46
falktxthe proper way is to have a file in /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/02:46
falktxthat's how wine does and does it well02:47
ScottLfalktx, is there a place in the freedesktop.org website that you learned this from?  i wish to learn more about menus02:47
falktxScottL: I basically learned from a lot of testing, the freedesktop.org website is a mess... :(02:48
ScottLwell that's kinda sad considering they are suppossed to define the convention or standard02:49
ScottLfalktx, did you remove the extra applicaitons?02:49
falktxanyway, my little patch creates a specific US file in /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/ (which should be enough), then add some additional <removes> in other places to handle gnome and xfce02:49
ScottLsorry, cooking late dinner for me and kids02:52
falktxScottL: i hope this is clear enough02:55
ScottLfalktx, i'll look at it and ask more questions if necessary03:00
ScottLfalktx,  but i really will try to look at it tonight03:00
ScottLfalktx, that patch you linked on sunday, is that against the current u/s-menu?  version 0.32 or whatever?03:24
falktxScottL: yes03:25
falktxI mean, latest code03:25
ScottLright, okay03:25
scott-upstairsfalktx, how can i tell if this menu is really installed when i still have ubuntustudi-menu still installed?04:14
scott-upstairsi'm surprised you are still up, aren't you like +6 hours from me?04:15
scott-upstairsyou may not be anymore04:15
falktx4h15 am here04:15
falktxscott-upstairs: the menu structure is not changed, so you won't notice unless you use xfce04:15
scott-upstairsso if i was on xfce and installed ubuntustudio-menu it would be borked?04:16
scott-upstairsbut your menu would work good?04:16
* scott-upstairs can see that your files installed so i know it _is_ installed04:17
scott-upstairsbut i'm on default ubuntustudio natty at the moments as well04:17
scott-upstairssorry, that was two thoughts across for lines of text04:19
scott-upstairsi know that your menu installed because i can see the files under /usr/share/desktop-directories04:19
scott-upstairs"you won't notice unless you use xfce" you said04:20
scott-upstairsso, if i was running an xfce install (which i have but not on right now) and install ubuntustudio-menu it would look bad or be wrong somehow?04:20
scott-upstairsbut if on xfce i installed your menu then it would look or perform correctly?04:20
* falktx assumes "my menu" means US menu + patch04:21
falktxscott-upstairs: xfce multimedia stuff goes into the audio/video menu, but are not removed from the main multimedia menu04:22
scott-upstairsyes, that is what i meant, but really i just installed using your .deb file you linked04:22
falktxfor example, ardour is shown in multimedia and multimedia/audio04:22
falktxscott-upstairs: oh, that old deb file?04:22
falktxscott-upstairs: that deb will "replace" the US-menu04:23
scott-upstairsuhhh, yeah.  should i not have used it?04:23
scott-upstairsoh, that's all i could find from the meeting :/04:23
falktxscott-upstairs: that old deb is not working currently04:23
falktxI updated my kx menu shortly to fix the xfce menu04:23
scott-upstairsit looked like it did but i don't have a multimedia menu04:23
falktxyou should remove it...04:24
scott-upstairsafter installing that deb the menu looked the same but i could find installed files04:24
scott-upstairsright, will do that now04:24
scott-upstairsdo you have a patch handy then?04:24
scott-upstairsto upgrade the ubuntustudio-menu that is04:24
falktxit's still the same file04:24
falktxscott-upstairs: you should get the latest us-menu code, patch it and rebuild the deb04:25
scott-upstairshow do i patch the us-menu source from your .deb then?04:25
falktxscott-upstairs: err, forget the deb04:26
falktxscott-upstairs: do you still have the link to the patch I sent you?04:26
scott-upstairssorry, i'm tired, so a little slow perhaps...when did you send me the link?  was it in email?04:27
falktxno, here IRC04:27
falktxlet me get it again04:27
scott-upstairsdid you post in the #ubuntustudio-devel channel because i looked twice and did not see it #ubuntu-meeting :/04:28
falktxscott-upstairs: that patch was not made in the meeting but after04:30
falktxI did not had the code at that time, I only worked on time the next day04:30
falktxscott-upstairs: I sent that link to you some days ago, I guess you forgot...04:31
falktxbut it's ok04:31
scott-upstairsi remembered there was a link, i just thought it was the one from the meeting though04:31
scott-upstairsmaybe it was in -devel in the next day or whenever04:32
scott-upstairseither way, i saved it and sent the link to myself in gmail04:32
scott-upstairsnow i defintely have it04:32
scott-upstairslater (not tonight) i'll boot into xfce and build the menu with the patch and test it out04:33
scott-upstairshow borked is the u/s-menu without the patch?04:33
scott-upstairsis that what you meant the ardour is in two places, i.e. audio/vidoe menu and multimedia menu?04:33
falktxscott-upstairs: just as I described, ^ yes04:34
scott-upstairsokay, got it04:34
scott-upstairsi'll test is tomorrow night and hopefully push it this weekend then04:34
scott-upstairswife's home now, gotta go04:36
scott-upstairsthanks falkx04:36
* ckontros waves.12:39
* ckontros "Pushed up to revision 78." for ubuntustudio-default-settings. Gonna try to get one of the Xubuntu guys to review this.13:53
ckontrosScotLt: 'round?14:02
ckontrosIzo: Hopefully a little real-time might help focus things a little. ;)14:02
ckontrosGrr... *ScottL ^^^ (i cant type)14:03
IzoIndeed! Such as, what does "wallpaper feels rigid in its etched part" mean? =D14:03
ckontrosIzo, Well the HP walls feel like its color flowing in the wind. Over the bg.14:04
scott-workhi ckontros Izo 14:04
* scott-work is checking irc logs see what he missed14:04
ckontrosNothing really.14:04
IzoHi scott-wor =]14:05
scott-workare we talking about wallpaper?14:05
IzoThe problem of definition here, I feel, is that you desire something airey and light, and ALSO something etched.14:05
IzoThis is tricky. 14:05
scott-workusing obscure words here, but can the etching be sublte?14:06
ckontrosIzo: Yes, and yes. Art totally sucks. :P14:06
scott-workrather than a "deep" etching with lots of shadow to denote depth, can it be "shallower"14:06
IzoAaahhhh, now I'm beginning to understand. 14:07
scott-workagain, vague, unspecific words do denote a concept14:07
scott-workckontros: if this isn't what you envisioned please tell me to shut up ;)14:07
ckontrosscott-work & Izo: Or, have that fine etched patter as a bg and some kinda color flowing over top?14:07
ckontrosI mean, I don't wanna directly copy it, but have a similar feel.14:08
scott-worki had a thought....14:08
IzoOK, so perhaps...14:08
IzoA textured background, with freeflowing swirls.14:08
IzoPerhaps. 14:09
scott-workcan we keep the river bit through the middle, but in the lower right corner make the ubuntu studio CoF slightly etched14:09
Izoscott-work: Could do that. 14:09
ckontrosIzo: And really, if you wanna say: "Here, use this for a bit and I'll keep tinkering and make some killer shit later." I'm cool with that.14:09
scott-workand the CoF would perhaps either be a darker or lighter color than the background14:09
scott-worki wouldn't want the CoF to be obstrusive, just there if you look at it14:09
ckontrosScott-work: If we use a COF it will only be in LightDM, then dissappear once the wallpaper is loaded.14:10
scott-workwe have had backgrounds before that were so busy that i couldn't see my icons on them and the first thing i did was change it to a dark, solid colour14:10
scott-workckontros: oh, you don't want the CoF or perhaps the works "Ubuntu Studio" somewhere on the desktop, even unobstrusively?14:11
scott-workOr the letters "U" and "S" intertwined somewhow14:11
scott-work_some_ branding on the wallpaper?14:11
IzoI was given to understand that an US branding on the wallpaper was a no-no. 14:11
ckontrosI generally steer clear from it if I can. Dont wanna be "brand-heavy".14:11
scott-workit's cory's call, he's art director ;)14:11
ckontrosBut, I'm flexiable for the right look. It would have to be tasteful and fix some technical perimeters.14:12
scott-workckontros: that's why i was suggesting the lightly etched or perhaps faded is a better word...something that doesn't demand attention but you kinda "see" it14:12
IzoSure thing. 14:12
scott-workand also positioned away from center focus14:13
scott-workbut i'm good without it all too, that was just something i envisioned14:13
ckontros"technical perimeters" being: A 2560x1600 wall is 16:10. So when the wall is cropped to say 4:3 you can chop off the logo.14:13
IzoI note that a lot of those HP wallpapers ckontros linked me to featured the HP logo, but largely off to the right-hand side. 14:14
IzoAs an example. 14:14
ckontrosAnd the composition would still have to feel natural. TV shows do this.14:14
ckontrosIzo: Yes.14:14
scott-workckontros: i would like to suggest that we might ship other wallpapers that Izo has done as well14:16
ckontrosNote that my branding use personally is contradictory though. For the distro it should be subtle. I made this for my personal use: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/UserContributed?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntustudio_carbon.png14:16
IzoYeah I agree that the distro default should be subtle, classy and refined, rather than "OMG YOU'RE USING UBUNTU STUDIO CHECK IT OUT DAWG!"14:17
ckontrosI just used the carbon fiber texture for GDM and the logo came in on desktop load.14:18
ckontrosIf wanted for any references: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork14:19
IzoRighto, I have a better idea of what to go for now. I have a couple of spare hours free this arvo, in between all the OTHER work I'm also doing, so should be able to knock a better proof of concept. =]14:20
ckontrosIzo: And we greatly appreciate it. Now we need to find someone to take over the website development. As our guy is moving to Japan and will have no time. :(14:21
IzoEeesh, major bummer. 14:21
scott-worklol Izo "OMG..."14:22
ckontrosIzo: Music-wise, this is me: http://www.last.fm/user/_MMA_ :)14:22
ckontrosscott-work: When does charlie usually pop in?14:23
Izockontros: Ah-haaa, most excellent. =] This is the band I'm in -> http://stitchthread.bandcamp.com/14:23
scott-workckontros: i did an interview on Linux Outlaws and i'm getting emails about helping include at least one for website, i've already responded saying that we would like help two days ago, but no answer yet14:23
scott-workckontros: he usually gets in around nine-ish almost everyday14:23
ckontrosBandcamp. Nice. I spent 8 hours on there last weekend. It was sick. So much downloading. :P Gotta love FLAC. \m/14:24
IzoPretty much all of our stuff is free to download. =]14:24
scott-workIzo: i'll check that out, it is metal? or hardcore?14:24
ckontrosscott-work: Oh hell. I didnt see him pop in. :)14:24
* ckontros clicks Izo's link.14:25
Izoscott-work: Kinda doomy, ambient post-metal with proggy twinges here and there. =]14:25
ckontroscharlie-tca: Is mr-pouit in xubuntu-devel atm? Or, should I just email him?14:25
charlie-tcaemail him14:26
* scott-work spent yesterday listening to depeche mode on youtube14:26
charlie-tcaHe has a really bad irc connection these days, up to 5 minutes lag time14:26
* scott-work will probably spend today with slipknot though14:26
ckontroscharlie-tca: Can you give me a preferred email addy?14:26
charlie-tcalet me find it14:27
ckontrosIzo: What do you play?14:27
Izockontros: Drums all the way. 14:27
ckontrosNice. I plan on buying my son a set this year. :)14:27
ckontrosscott-work & Izo:Check out these guys: http://cloudkicker.bandcamp.com and http://reno.bandcamp.com14:28
IzoCloudkicker is awesome, will have to check out Reno. 14:29
ckontrosYeah. "Beacons" grabbed me right away.14:29
ckontrosGotta buy the CDs.14:29
charlie-tcackontros: the one he gives us is mrpouit AT ubuntu.com14:30
ckontrosscott-work: Remember me talking about that donation to help the AWN guys get some work done?14:30
ckontroscharlie-tca: Thanx14:30
charlie-tcano problem14:31
scott-workckontros: sort of14:31
scott-workIzo: do you do any recording?  i _always_ need drums ;)14:31
scott-workckontros: i just sketched something i want to send to you...it's a branding thingie14:31
Izoscott-work: Don't have any recording equipment of my own, unfortunately. 14:32
ckontrosscott-work: Well, we need them to sort some depends work (thought we might be able to block things with a blacklist. hows that coming?) and add support for the XFCE menu in their menu plugin. So I asked if a donation would help. Always thats a yes. The guy I talked to said things would get done this cycle anyway as things I mentioned were already in the works. But Id like it done sooner than later.14:33
ckontrosscott-work: Send it when you can.14:34
ckontrosscott-work: And if you need a drummer, I got one if you can pay for it. ;) I know a guy that was in Dying Fetus, Chimaira, Daath, Six Feet Under. He's a hired gun basically.14:35
scott-workckontros: email sent and this is me:  http://www.cirruscomms.com.au/~stuzz78/oggs/scottl-shit_for_brains.ogg14:36
scott-worknot me on drums, but on everything else14:36
ckontrosscott-work: Post the image to imageshack or something so Izo can see this here.14:36
ckontrosscott-work: Vocals are too hot.14:37
scott-workckontros:  two things; i've not figured out how to do my vocals yet, i'm still learning the engineering and my voice14:37
ckontrosI like the guitar tone.14:38
IzoPretty rocking riff. 14:38
scott-worksecond, i'm redoing all my parts since i got decent drums done14:38
scott-workckontros:  the vocals are part of why i want mudita24 in the repos14:38
scott-worki realized that i had the input quite hot in envy24control because they don't have an gradation on the meter14:38
ckontrosGotcha. :)14:38
ckontrosscott-work: re: logo. I'd loop the last "U" through the "O".14:39
ckontrosAnd things like this I'd totally add to our wallpaper pack but not for default.14:40
* scott-work is still working on getting image into imagebin14:40
scott-worksorry, had to convert pdf to png with inkscape14:41
scott-workand i don't have all my usual tools on my work computer14:41
scott-workwhich is windows....ewwww14:41
scott-workanyway, if this becomes some sort of alternate branding then we could even just us the "U" and "S" intertwined in some places as well14:42
scott-workjust a thought14:42
ckontros"Officially" we should stick with the 2 already uploaded to the wiki.14:43
scott-workthat's cool, either way, as i come up with ideas i'll keep shooting them out14:44
scott-workbut it might inspire someone else with actual talent like Izo 14:44
scott-workbut if things lined up well between now and the end of the cycle we could even try reinventing the branding since we are basically reinventing the UI and desktop14:45
IzoHmmm... I understand the idea behind that logo, but in actuality I don't think it would work. For a start, when you overlap letters and words, scalability becomes a problem. 14:46
scott-workif not, that's cool too14:46
scott-workIzo: okay14:46
IzoYou then have to consider how it would work in monochrome. 14:46
IzoYou can duplicate this overlapping effect in colours absolutely fine, though it would suffer at smaller sizes. 14:47
scott-workIzo: what about if it were "etched" with one of the words a "deeper" etch?14:47
ckontros*New examples uploaded: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialOneiric (not that it matters. nobody looks at all the info i generate anyway) :P14:47
IzoBut in monochrome, unless you introduce clever spacing between the overlapped characters, you obfuscate the legibility of the logo. 14:47
scott-workckontros: i started looking at falktx's patch for the menu, he explained that our menu hack currently doesn't work properly on xfce but the patch fixes this14:48
Izoscott-work: Again, I see what you mean, but a logo has to, right from the start, work in pure black and white. If it doesn't, know amount of colour or texture will save it. =]14:48
scott-worki should test it over the weekend in an xfce instal14:48
ckontrosscott-work: Ill start a VM.14:49
scott-workIzo: lol, okay...i didn't really know about that but it's good to know14:49
scott-workIzo: i'm really not a graphic design guy and pretty ignorant about such things14:49
scott-workbut any rule of thumb that helps is welcome :)14:50
IzoNo worries. =] Please don't take my words as any kind of personal attack, btw. 14:50
scott-workoh, no...i'm good14:50
ckontrosYa gotta keep in mind stuff like this: http://logo-contest.freebsd.org/result/640-1.png14:50
scott-workcory's told me my work has sucked before and i still like him ;)14:50
ckontrosOld example but one that sticks with me: http://logo-contest.freebsd.org/result14:50
scott-workand to be honest, some of it has :P  (i remember my first interation fo the website mockup)14:51
Izockontros is on the money, the full FreeBSD logo may have glosses and shizzle all over it, but it was built originally in black and white and still works. 14:51
scott-workthat first bds link looks shit hot14:51
scott-worki really like the one that is all black14:51
scott-workvery bottom, second column from the right14:52
ckontrosYeah. Is how more of the free software world should work.14:52
IzoThe FOSS world definitely needs a better sense of design. 14:52
ckontrosscott-work: Izo and Troy would get along. :P14:53
scott-worki think so!14:53
scott-workckontros: do you have a link to falktx's xfce menu patch?14:54
ckontros1 sec14:54
ckontroshttp://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/tmp/us.tar.gz But he made a change.14:55
ckontrosIt needs a simlink.14:56
ckontros"falktx: applications.menu (which goes to /usr/share/ubuntustudio-menu/menus/), needs a symlink to xfce-applications.menu"14:56
IzoRight then, I'd be get some work done. 14:56
ckontrosIzo: Thanx man.14:56
Izo'salright. =]14:56
scott-worki guess we're done :P14:57
ckontrosThat wasn't the minimize button. :P14:58
ckontrosOk. I gotta run out for a few. BBS.15:05
scott-workckontros:  to be forthcoming, i forgot about the blacklisting in the seeds15:27
scott-workdo we think we are going to get help from the AWN developers for the dependencies or should i go ahead and start pursuing this?15:27
aboganipaultag: ping15:37
ckontrosscott-work: We'll wait. 1) we'll get the switch to XFCE done. 2) Set up 1-panel UI. 3) Switch to AWN UI and add AWN to seeds.15:38
scott-workckontros:  i think practically everything needs to wait until we switch to xfce15:38
paultagabogani: pong15:38
paultagabogani: what can I do for you?15:38
scott-workhi paultag 15:38
paultagheyya scott-work 15:39
scott-workabogani: i should be testing your kernel this weekend (really!  i promise!)15:39
aboganipaultag: Where could I find ready to use packages for Flux?15:39
aboganiscott-work: No problem :-)15:39
paultagabogani: woohoo, for what platform? What sort of goodies?15:39
paultagabogani: the one in oniric should be in sync, 1.3.1~dfsg1-2 ish15:40
paultag(ubuntu and debian are almost identical, save a build-time change of the default theme)15:40
aboganipaultag: Ok, good. Do you know something about Fluxbuntu?15:40
paultagabogani: yeah, I do, what's up?15:41
ckontrosWow. Im shocked its still active.15:41
paultagckontros: it's sorta kinda not15:41
paultagckontros: they're working on it, but I think it's stalled15:41
holsteinckontros: i was wondering if a differnt front-end could be added to K3B?15:42
holsteinthat answer is no?15:42
ckontrosIs Joe still involved/hanging around?15:42
paultagckontros: yeah15:42
paultagckontros: but he was hella idle the last few years15:42
ckontrosholstein: I dont think its the best idea.15:42
aboganipaultag: How can I install it? Website seems terribly oold...15:42
paultagabogani: fluxbox?15:43
holsteini was thinking of it in a duplication of efforts sense15:43
ckontrosabogani: I think you'd be better off just installing Fluxbox.15:43
aboganipaultag: Fluxbuntu15:43
paultagabogani: yeah don't install that15:43
holsteinif we have something that pulls in KDE for the UI only15:43
paultagabogani: it's way old and out of date, just install fluxbox15:43
paultagabogani: combine that with fbautostart and some gnome tools, and you'll be fine15:43
aboganiIt seems not enough for me...15:44
paultagabogani: what's wrong with that?15:44
aboganireplace wm only don't resolve all my issues.15:45
paultagabogani: then what makes you think fluxbuntu is better?15:45
paultagit's just an ubuntu fork with fluxbox defaults and some deps dropped15:45
paultagabogani: if you're that scrunched for cycles, install debian and work it up :)15:46
aboganiExactly what I want: "ust an ubuntu fork with fluxbox defaults and some deps dropped"15:46
* ckontros does Ubuntu CLI installs and works up. :P15:46
* abogani is too lazy for do that15:47
paultagabogani: are you that squashed for hard drive space?15:47
paultagabogani: you know it won't change RAM or CPU usage15:47
ckontrosholstein: But really, I have to watch it because this should be Scotts call. I gotta just sop chiming in.15:48
holsteinckontros: ?15:49
holsteinyou mean K3B?15:49
ckontrosgah. I cant type15:50
ckontrosholstein: Correct15:50
holsteinwell, it was hypothetical15:50
scott-workckontros: holstein: are you talking about the gcdmaster business?   can we get falktx on it, he's a -dev now ;)15:50
holsteinim sure its got those KDE depends for more than the UI now that i think about it15:50
holsteinscott-work: i asked falk, and he told me K3B was the tool for the job :/15:51
ckontrosscott-work: You know you cant count on that. :) Getting him to do little thinngs like the menu is the best way we can use him.15:51
holsteinhe didnt say 'i dont want to fix that', he just said 'K3b does that'15:52
ckontrosholstein: Think of his POV though. He does a distro that use it. I would worry about depends and the fact that it duplicates a large part of current functionality just to get 1 feature.15:52
holsteinckontros: i like the idea of a new app15:52
* abogani 'll try L/Xubuntu ...15:53
ckontrosholstein: It will need a project lead. I can help you with that. :) (but I cant be that guy)15:53
aboganipaultag: Thanks anyway15:53
holsteinckontros: i can give it a go, but someone on the list seemed to want to take the lead right?15:54
* holstein looking at the thread15:54
holsteini got a little distracted by Ralph again....15:54
holsteinyeah, Janne Jokitalo15:56
ckontrosYeah. "astraljava"15:56
scott-worki agree that k3b probably shouldn't be pursued unless other alternatives are non-viable15:57
holsteinastraljava: COOL15:57
scott-workbut let astraljava work on mudita24 first ;)   (if he is going to do it)15:57
ckontrosIts a shame because its a nice app.15:57
holsteinwell, this is not a deal breaker15:57
holsteinwe need to get it fixed or replaced in the long term though15:58
ckontrosWe'll need to have someone grab the code to see what language it is. If its C, Luis is the only C coder I know.15:59
scott-workbut i don't think k3b is a 1:1 replacement for gcdmaster, didn't gcdmaster do red book masters?15:59
holsteinscott-work: thats what i want to know15:59
holsteini dont remember k3b having that functionality16:00
scott-workand has anyone tried contacting the upstream uather16:00
ckontrosscott-work: Yeah. CD-TEXT and all that.16:00
holsteini didnt have time to get into it with falk when i was asking him16:00
ckontrosscott-work: We should start there. Last release was '06. :(16:00
scott-workyeah, gcdmaster does red book, i found the 64studio page i was looking for:  http://www.64studio.com/manual/audio/ardour/cdmarkers16:01
holsteinyeah, i used it in 64studio16:01
scott-workgood page by the way...we should totatlly steal it16:01
holsteinworked great... its been broken though AFAIK16:02
* ckontros looks the other way...16:02
scott-workjust like i mentioned to falktx about paying a bounty for getting us the live image building script, i think i might be able to afford a bounty for fixing gcdmaster possibly16:07
holsteini'll through falk some cash16:10
holsteinscott-work: when you get a minute, i think i have all the pages made (team reports)16:10
holsteinlet me link what i have in the works, and tell me if im on the right track16:11
scott-workckontros: while you were gone i mentioned that i had already told falk that i would pay a bounty if we would work up a script for us to make a live image of a ubuntu studio install16:11
holsteinthen, i'll dial in the actual info....16:11
scott-workckontros: and i mentioned that i could possibly afford another bounty if he fixes gcdmaster16:11
holsteinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/Current of course16:11
scott-workholstein: i can look at it this afternoon :)16:11
holsteinyeah, whenever... no hurry16:11
scott-workand i'll add anything else that i can think of as well16:11
scott-worki'm really interested in the script for building live images from installs16:12
ckontrosscott-work: Ok. You're the boss.16:12
scott-worknot only could this give us an "unofficial" live image for our default installation but it furthers a project that i want to follow16:12
holsteinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/11/March is where we were16:12
holsteintheres https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/11/April now16:13
holsteinand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/11/May16:13
scott-workwhich is to make a cd size, jack based, no pulse audio, audio focused distro16:13
scott-workcool, thanks holstein  :)   that's a huge help16:13
holsteinand i made https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/11/June to point Current at16:13
holsteinscott-work: thats the way it works right? or should current be point at May?16:13
ckontrosscott-work: Ok... But really, it should *only* be for testing. Official images should come through the normal build system.16:14
holsteinwhen 'release development' is referenced, im point at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ReleasePlanning#Oneiric Ocelot (11.10) now16:14
scott-workckontros: right, strictly unofficial!  "community supported" as it were16:14
scott-worki'm not sure, but here is my reasoning:  they ask for them by the 10th or 15th of the next month, so....16:15
scott-worki view the current as the month we just completed16:15
holsteinim going to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports as well16:15
scott-workand also because there's probably not much to show for the current16:15
scott-workholstein: absolutely16:15
holsteinseems like <<FullSearchCached(title:UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/11)>> is not picking up the ones i just made16:16
holstein11/April /May and /June :/16:16
scott-workholstein: you might look at what others are doing as well to see what is "current" :  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports16:17
scott-workholstein: also feel free to add your name or replace my name here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams16:17
ckontros*Totally* OT: New South Park is awesome. :P16:17
holsteinckontros: hehe, i like that one with the giant router that gets reset16:19
scott-worki think that a cd sized, jack based, no pulse audio, audio focused distro based on ubuntu studio using xfce with the new UI would be an aweseome calling card to new users!16:19
scott-workhell, i might even set up a booth in front of the local hastings or book store and showcase ti16:19
holsteinyeah, i'll add my name, so folks know who to blame ;)16:20
scott-workoff topic: but, spain arrested some anonymous members over sony attack: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/10/spain-anonymous-idUSLDE7591P42011061016:58
scott-workholstein: Mike says, "AWESOME!"    i say, "LOL"17:11
=== falktx is now known as falktx_busy
=== falktx_busy is now known as falktx
scott-workhi falktx  l0n3w0lf and dtchen  :)19:18
falktxhey scott-work19:19
l0n3w0lfscott-work: hey, how's it goin?19:19
scott-workfalktx: just to point out, gcdmaster is good for making red book masters and i don't think k3b or others can do that19:19
falktxred book ?19:19
scott-workit's a format with table of contents and such, even cd-text i believe19:20
dtchen'lo (all)19:20
scott-workit is the format the cd's are published in from manufacturers19:20
holsteinorangebook right?19:20
falktxscott-work: which extension ?19:20
holsteinsome color19:20
scott-worki'm doing good l0n3w0lf , how are you?19:20
holsteinanyways, its the tool that gets us what we want19:20
scott-workfalktx: extension?19:20
scott-workckontros: hi19:21
scott-workfalktx: would you be interested in porting it to gtk3 or qt or whatever?19:21
l0n3w0lfscott-work: doing well...  just installing Xubuntu 11.04 for testing on a desktop machine... then going to add studio apps...19:21
ckontrosfalktx: gcdmaster is a CD authoring tool that gives options that other mastering apps dont offer.19:21
falktxscott-work: i use k3b, and has got everything I need19:22
holsteinfalktx: it might be something you would be interested in having in KXstudio, since im unsure if k3b actually has that capability19:22
ckontrosYou can basically create a redbook standard CD with CD-TEXT as well as other options.19:22
falktxholstein: scott-work: I still don't get what a red book image is...19:22
falktxis it TOC? ISO? NRG? what?19:22
holsteinfalktx: if you send a CD do manufacturing, you will19:22
falktxlet me try to get some info about this19:23
holsteinfalktx: let me know if i can dig something up19:23
holsteinhttp://www.64studio.com/howto-mastering is where i first read about it19:23
holsteinand 64studio is where i last used it successfully19:24
falktxholstein: scott-work: ckontros: please note that *all* of the cd/dvd apps I've seen for linux use cmd-line apps (wodim, cdrdao, etc), so they basically all have the same funtionality19:24
holsteinfalktx: you would think19:24
ckontrosfalktx: And this is not a basic tool.19:24
ckontrosIts very specific.19:24
falktxI'm sure gcdmaster uses come cmd-line app like wodim to record these19:24
ckontrosYou would have to use it, or have the need for it to understand.19:25
holsteinfalktx: if k3b does it all, then, thats the solution for you19:25
holsteinif not, we might be able to mutually benifit from you being potentially talked into maintaining it :)19:25
ckontrosAs I said on the ML... Swords and all...19:26
holsteinckontros: well, not that we are taking on k3b19:26
holsteinjust that falk might not need an alternitive19:26
falktxeveryone please read this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Book_%28audio_CD_standard%2919:26
* ckontros doesnt need to.19:26
* ckontros has it bookmarked. ;)19:27
* l0n3w0lf has it bookmarked as well...19:27
l0n3w0lfWOW, the difference between Unity and XCFE on ubuntu 11.04 is night and day speed-wise19:28
falktxfrom what I read -> red book = audio cd19:28
holsteinfalktx: sure, but its a certain level of CD19:28
holsteinwith text and track into19:28
holsteinstuff that a manufaturer would want19:29
falktxlol, i don't think so19:29
ckontrosNote that this isnt a tool most people would think about. I was a audio engineer. The options in gcdmaster I have not seen in other apps.19:29
falktxred book is a standard, like LV2 is a standard19:29
holsteinthings, that if you want to be a mastering engineer, you would need to add to the project19:29
ckontrosIn free software anyway.19:29
falktxany app that supports cd-text will in turn support red book too19:29
ckontrosThat is the reason Ubuntu Studio added it.19:29
* falktx tries gcdmaster19:29
holsteinfalktx: when i wanted to have a track end, and overlap with the beginning of the next track19:30
ckontrosIm not gonna keep going on about it. You gotta try it. :)19:30
holsteini did that in ardour19:30
holsteinbut, GCDmaster is the tool that would read that infomation properly19:30
falktxholstein: k3b does that!19:31
holsteinfalktx: if you say k3b does that, then i need to check on it19:31
holsteinbut, i vaugely remember trying it about 10.04, since GCD wasnt working19:31
holsteinand i booted back into 64studio and did the job19:31
holsteinBUT, thats been a while19:31
holsteinmight have been 9.04 actually19:32
holsteinfalktx: if k3b does it, then you are covered for KXstudio, but we'll need another option19:32
holsteinfalktx: im just getting to that email19:34
holsteini think we are talking about different things19:34
falktxholstein: I still just don't get what format red book stuff is save into19:34
holsteinbrasero did not do the trick for me at all19:34
falktxI'll try ardour19:34
holsteinfalktx: yeah, i'll have time later too19:34
holsteini'll get the project i have with TOC's and all19:35
holsteinand try k3b19:35
holsteincan brasero make a disc without pauses?19:36
ckontrosThere's also the ability to add Catalog/UPC/EAM #'s. (info that CD databases check to pull metadata.19:38
holsteinmaybe there are plugins for brasero im unaware of19:38
ckontrosIts small, specific and has little depends. (though they are going away as of lately)19:39
falktxwtf, TOC is just a common standard to disk burning19:39
falktxI've been using that myself for years19:39
falktxI opened gcdmaster and I don't see any special feature19:40
holsteinfalktx: i'll do more testing, but brasero did *not* work for me19:41
falktxlol, it even crashes a lot19:41
holsteinAFAIK, i cant make a CD without 2 seconds in between tracks19:42
falktxlet me try k3b19:42
holsteinfalktx: its like the difference between nero and CD architect on windows19:43
holsteinalthough nero has added a lot of functionality AFAIK19:43
holsteini havent seen it since v619:43
falktxk3b says this TOC file is invalid...19:43
dtchenhas anyone pinged seb about that gcdmaster change?19:51
dtchenit seems kinda daft in retrospect, but the rationale in the changelog has good intent19:51
falktxanyway, I'll be able to put gcdmaster into the PPA if someone needs it for later19:52
ckontrosdtchen: So its not concrete?I really dont know why the changed happened or the plan.19:53
falktxbut all my TOC files I generated with k3b are unreadable (binary), and ardour generates readable ones, which makes me think someone is doing something wrong19:53
dtchenckontros: I don't know; I've just read the bug history19:53
falktxk3b uses wodim and the generated TOCs are unreadable, binaries19:53
falktxardour generates readable, text file, TOCs19:53
falktxwhich one is right?19:54
dtchenfalktx: well, that's at least one bug; k3b should be fixed19:54
falktxdtchen: not k3b, wodim. k3b is just a frontend19:55
falktxand I'm not sure why an app like wodim would do things wrong19:55
falktxyou may not like this, but I think ardour is generating non-standard TOC files19:56
ckontros"depends on deprecated gnome libraries" Will they be gone from main? Shit. I dont care about unmaintained as long as it still works. Hell, I still use grip. It was dropped so I build it myself. Works fine.19:56
scott-workdtchen: i can email seb if you think it will help, but will this get around the gtk libraries that are being removed (suppossedly)?19:58
ckontrosfalktx: With all this round and round I get that you continue to miss what this app does. It works for creating professional grade, fully compliant, RedBook standard CDs. No other app Ive tried on linux  ever created a proper CD with full working CD-TEXT and info used by the industry for cataloging.20:00
dtchenckontros: it looks like the two build-deps were already demoted to universe20:03
dtchenckontros: sorry, just one of the two, libgnomeuimm-2.6-dev20:04
ckontrosdtchen: Can gcdmaster be moved there?20:04
dtchenckontros: unfortunately all the build-deps must be satisfiable at build time, and cdrdao is a main source package20:04
dtchenI wonder how difficult it would be to port to gtk320:05
ckontrosIm guessing something important in main wants cdrdao?20:05
* ckontros is looking for an interim solution.20:05
dtchenckontros: yeah, k3b (and thus kubuntu-desktop)20:06
scott-worki guess i should NOT email seb at this point20:07
ckontrosdtchen: Create a new source pkg?20:07
dtchenscott-work: right, sorry, didn't mean to ignore that question20:07
scott-workno, no, its okay :)20:08
scott-worki'm sure everyone is looking at source or dependencies20:08
* scott-work can't do all that on his windows machine :(20:08
scott-workwell, not with the CLI tools that i'm used to using20:08
dtchenckontros: I'm pretty sure duping the source package would be a no-go20:09
ckontrosscott-work: SSH to a home box. :P20:09
ckontrosdtchen: I'm saying split them into 2 source pkgs.20:09
scott-workckontros: i have seriously considered that, but just IRC alone pulls me away from actually work at work more than i should, with an ssh available i would probably get fired ;)20:10
dtchenckontros: I'm going to investigate if we can adjust seeds (because I haven't looked in a while); it might be that we can temporarily live without gcdmaster just to keep US installable, and have people pull from a ppa during the dev cycle20:10
ckontrosscott-work: I totally understand.20:10
scott-worki'm going email seb and ask him for options or suggestions then20:10
ckontrosdtchen: I believe Luke already adjusted them.20:11
dtchenckontros: ok20:11
dtchenscott-work: please also Cc me on that; I'm happy to look into porting it to gtk320:11
scott-workdtchen: absolutely20:11
dtchenI don't have serious audio obligations now, so I have a bit of time for actual dev work20:11
ckontrosdtchen: I'd like to help on that where I can. Looks like it uses some non-standard icons as well. Or, deprecated ones.20:12
dtchenckontros: absolutely, cool20:13
dtchen(my frankensystem is running kubuntu atm)20:13
ckontrosdtchen: Thats the one thing I hate about development. My main desktop always becomes a frankenbox.20:14
scott-workdtchen: shall i use one of your ubuntu addresses?20:15
dtchenyeah, time to fire up a vm and install 11.10 so my current 11.10 frankeninstall doesn't pollute it20:15
scott-workor THE ubuntu address?20:15
dtchenscott-work: the ubuntu one is fine20:15
ckontrosscott-work: Try to contact the upstream author as well.20:18
ckontrosscott-work: See what his intentions are. If he's done with it, we can pull it to LP and get some folks tinkering.20:19
scott-workckontros: good point, i'll send one shortly20:21
ckontrosSure. No hurry. Dont get fired. :P20:21
scott-workone thing gcdmaster can do that others may not being to do is create a "hidden track" like we see on CD's these days20:21
scott-workckontros: lol20:22
ckontrosscott-work: Actually, I'll do it. dtchen you want me to CC you on that?20:23
scott-workckontros: sure20:23
dtchenckontros: yes, please20:23
ckontrosAlso. Guys: Isnt Xubuntu staying with GTK2 or something? charlie-tca: Can you let us in on whats happening here? (i might be mistaken)20:24
charlie-tcaXfce will stay at GTK2 at least until 4.10, and proabaly beyond. Since Oneiric has Xfce 4.8, we have to keep gtk2.20:26
charlie-tcaWe will need gtk3 for the stuff Ubuntu upgrades to it, like software center20:27
charlie-tcayes, gonna be a mes20:27
ckontrosdtchen: How is that gonna work? ^^^ (i realize that a broad question)20:28
dtchenckontros: well, if our focus is to keep gcdmaster, the Xfce bit is irrelevant - unless Xfce is also using gcdmaster.20:29
dtchenerr, the second Xfce should be Xubuntu20:29
dtchen(AFAIK Xubuntu isn't)20:29
scott-workthey use xburn20:30
scott-worki believe20:30
ckontrosdtchen: I meant the GTK thing.20:30
ckontrosWell, I guess its like the GTK1->2 move.20:30
charlie-tcaWe haven't got the xubuntu session working quite right in oneiric. We made some changes to force gdm to work, and have to reverse them for lightdm20:32
ckontrosscott-work: ^^^20:32
charlie-tcabug 79557520:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795575 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "xubuntu-session unavailable for Oneiric" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79557520:33
charlie-tcathe workaround is not working for me20:33
charlie-tcaanything else I forgot to tell you ?20:34
scott-workckontros: yeah, i saw some traffic on the xubuntu-devel ML about this20:34
ckontrosNo. Just means we might wait till LightDm hits and you guys are working before we make the change.20:35
scott-workcharlie-tca: want to give you a big thank you for your help and work20:35
charlie-tcaYou are welcome20:35
charlie-tcawish we had more answers sometimes, though20:35
charlie-tcahit already. We shoved lightdm into the seeds this week, that's how we found the gdm workaround was still there.20:36
charlie-tcaOn an upgrade from 11.04, I think gdm will still be there, and you can install lightdm. It then works20:36
ckontrosGotcha. Last I tinkered, LightDM was a PITA. :(20:36
charlie-tcaI installed oneiric on this from alpha1 images, and added lightdm. It works, but it does crash every login20:37
* ckontros wonders what defines "unmaintained"? Last gcdmaster was '09. Not too bad.20:38
ckontrosdtchen: Your IRC nic AT ubuntu.com correct?20:42
dtchenckontros: crimsun at20:45
dtchenbye, folks. Back later.20:55
ckontrosDamn. I already sent it. Ill fix it later.21:04
ckontrosPM if needed.21:05

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