
plantoschkaare there any plans to use systemd as default in ubuntu? or will canonical use their own upstart?10:48
micahgplantoschka: upstart will remain the default through 12.0410:49
plantoschkaok, thanks :)10:51
charlie-tcaGood morning / Good afternoon14:04
charlie-tcasound is back! 14:04
charlie-tcaTests to run today - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AucFSttyWCevdGZSenZqRS04eE9LYnBwSWtUM0NJRXc&hl=en_US&authkey=CP282scF#gid=014:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795575 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "xubuntu-session unavailable for Oneiric" [High,New]16:01
mr_pouitI replied16:16
charlie-tcaThanks. Any thing we can actually do?16:17
charlie-tcaIt was as much for tracking as anything else.16:17
mr_pouityup, filing a bug is always a good idea (and I had forgotten about the specific ubuntu-gdm feature we use)16:20
charlie-tcatrying, at least :-)16:20
mr_pouitI added a quick workaround, you might want to try it16:21
charlie-tcaI will do that. Thanks.16:21
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I have to try the workaround on hardware. It fails in VBox17:32
knomecharlie-tca, pleia2: http://blog.knome.fi/picslide-demo/17:41
pleia2knome: how many seconds is on that now?17:41
knomepleia2, 8,517:41
knomeyou can now add this as widget or shortcode17:42
knomeas you can see, if you scroll the page17:42
knomeit loads any attachment images for the page/article in the slideshow17:42
charlie-tcaWould it replace slideshow or is it for the website?17:43
knomethat's for the website17:43
charlie-tcaI like that idea! It seems like an attention getter :-)17:44
knomeyeah, and a good way to polish my js/jquery skills17:44
charlie-tcaWe need some flashy stuff17:44
knomehopefully not Flash(tm)y :)17:44
charlie-tcaright, you got it :-)17:52
knomeso pleia2... can we have some more upload rights on the server?17:54
pleia2knome: more?17:54
knomepleia2, i need wordpress to be able to upload images via the media buttons17:54
pleia2oh sure, just tell me what www-data needs to be able to write to17:55
knomelet me check17:55
pleia2I'll give it knome:www-data rw17:56
knomeUnable to create directory /srv/www/xubuntu.princessleia.com/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/2011/0617:56
knomei'll also make it possible to change the header logo via the admin17:56
charlie-tcaGridCube: any idea how to create a link on google docs spreadsheet?17:57
pleia2knome: try now?17:57
GridCubecharlie-tca, http://docs.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=4466018:00
charlie-tcathanks, too. I will try it18:03
charlie-tcahas to be all by itself to work18:06
pleia2charlie-tca: think you could take a look at this this week? https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website/+bug/78416518:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 784165 in Xubuntu Website "xubuntu.org/contribute/qa_bugs_testing outdated" [Undecided,New]18:08
pleia2I know qa is your thing :)18:08
pleia2and that page is /really bad/18:08
knomepleia2, http://xubuntu.princessleia.com/ <- that page is *really bad*18:13
pleia2knome: no, it's lovely! (and not finished yet)18:13
knomeprobably need to disable the effect if there is only one list element18:13
pleia2hehe, yeah18:13
knomepleia2, try to upload any image as attachment to the home page now18:13
knomeand set the title and optionally description for the image when uploaded18:14
pleia2knome: neat :D18:16
knomepleia2, isn't it!18:16
knomehacked that together yesterday+today18:16
charlie-tcamr_pouit: Xubuntu will now be formally part of the release team meetings. We will be on their agenda.18:16
charlie-tcaWe are mivin18:17
knomemivin? :)18:17
charlie-tcawe are moving up in the world18:17
charlie-tcanew words get invented as I go ;-)18:17
knomeokay, so if the page only has one image, the effect shouldn't appear18:24
knomewell, that's not completely true, since as you can have multiple sliders, it only looks if the first slider has one or more18:24
knomebut usually you only should have one slider, so no problem (even this multiple-thing is an "additional feature")18:25
knomepleia2, the main menu (in the header) is going to be a PITA, since i don't want to do the same hack to add the images with css to specific id elements18:27
knomepleia2, that means i have to extend the menu plugin to be able to insert an image (there are some plugins for that yeah, but i don't know if they are all image-replacement)18:27
knomeor, then we can just leave the images out18:28
pleia2maybe we just have a static menu?18:28
pleia2no I looooove the images18:28
knomei want to do it with the menu-feature18:28
knomeso updating is as easy as possible18:28
knomesince canonical doesn't want to allow us any access to the server anyways, except wordpress admin ;)18:29
pleia2yeah, but I think for that top menu static isn't too horrible, how often do we really want to change it? I'm hoping never :)18:29
knomeme neither, but then again, it's a good place to improve your skills18:29
knomeand *knowing* that it's static is not so good ;)18:30
pleia2fair enough18:30
knomemaybe we could work it out as a "sidebar"18:30
knomeadd one widget per menu item18:30
pleia2I'm just trying to keep in mind that the more customizations we have the longer it'll take for the theme to be reviewed and approved18:30
knomebear in mind that we do need to approve the plugin as well, if canonical is concerned ;)18:31
charlie-tcaSo, you want me to re-write the testing part of the website?18:32
* charlie-tca might be *that* slow today18:32
knomei think we need to rewrite most of the website anyway18:32
knomeanyway, bbl18:33
knomegoing to play some ps318:33
charlie-tcaHow much do you want? just a paragraph, or a whole bunch?18:33
charlie-tcaand, written in html, or plain text?18:33
pleia2charlie-tca: well, as far as I can tell almost everything on xubuntu.org/contribute/qa_bugs_testing is out of date, so we want to make it not out of date18:33
pleia2plain text is fine, I can htmlize it18:33
charlie-tcaOkay, I will do it this weekend18:34
pleia2thanks :)18:34
charlie-tcano problem18:34
charlie-tcaI have to write up a page for the release team meetings, too18:34
pleia2it's up to you whether you want it to be a long page again, or just link to qa tracker stuff and launchpad, etc18:34
pleia2just something so it's not mentioning malone and stuff that is wrong :)18:34
charlie-tcawe're getting some new stuff going, so I won't know until I actually write it what it will say18:35
pleia2yeah, I think for now we can probably just update to say "check out the qa tracker!" and then later update it more with the new processes18:35
charlie-tcaThat works for milestone testing18:36
pleia2it currently links to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing which is still accurate18:37
pleia2so we can keep that link too for non-milestone testing18:37
charlie-tcawell, mostly, anywayh18:37
charlie-tcaI probably need to write the changes to that, too, huh?18:40
pleia2it seems like our community is growing in this world of unity, so now is probably a good time to make sure our contributor docs are in order :)18:41
charlie-tcaYes, I will agree with that18:41
charlie-tcaWe seem to growing a bit at that18:41
charlie-tcawiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu is aimed at development and contributors, the website is aimed at users?18:42
GridCubeXD unity actually broke the ubuntu community, i dont really know if thats fun or sad18:42
charlie-tcaThey will be back. When people realize what a change Gnome3 is, they return to unity18:42
charlie-tcaAnyone testing the images today?18:44
charlie-tcaI threw in the OEM and FreeSoftware installs, so we get used to them. We don't test them for milestones, so we have to find out if they work on the daily testing18:45
charlie-tcaI think I will try google docs for the website update pages too, it seems like an easy way to share docs.18:47
pleia2charlie-tca: I'd say the website is mostly for users, but I think (people can disagree) keeping basic "get involved" stuff on the website is a good idea since users can always become contributors, and it helps people know that it's a community effort18:48
* pleia2 notices that even on the mailing lists people invoke canonical when they talk about things *headdesk*18:48
charlie-tcaI agree with that. Users become contributors by finding out they are allowed18:49
pleia2I think cody is the only one of us who works for canonical, and he's not a dev anymore18:49
pleia2for xubuntu18:49
charlie-tcaheh, you saw that too, huh. I'm still hoping it isn't go to be Canonical very often for us18:49
charlie-tcaWell, I am going shovel compost again. More fun18:51
pleia2have fun :)18:51
GridCubecharlie-tca, :) wan't me to test alternate 386?19:22
charlie-tcaseen the spreadsheet tracker ?19:47
micahgpleia2: I work for canonical now :)19:47
pleia2oh, cool :)19:48
charlie-tcaThat's right, and he is a Xubuntu dev19:48
micahgwell, not a xubuntu-dev yet, I'm a dev that does some things for Xubuntu in his free time :)19:49
pleia2so people can blame canonical for bugs!19:49
micahgnope, this is off the clock except for ISO testing I think :)19:50
charlie-tcaat the very least, blame micahg 19:50
* micahg goes back and hides19:50
* charlie-tca thinks every distro should have someone that readily gets the blame19:51
* micahg thought that's what the Project Lead was for :P19:51
* charlie-tca thought the Project Lead was supposed to find the person to blame19:51
micahgthat or the Release Manager19:51
micahgyou could blame the QA manager as well for not finding enough bugs :P19:52
charlie-tcaDoesn't PL appoint the people to do stuff? 19:52
charlie-tcaThat QA guy probably has a lot of excuses lined up, too ;-)19:52
micahgsure, but the buck usually stops with the PL on smaller projects19:53
charlie-tcawell, I'm speechless :-)19:53
* GridCube is testing oneiric-alternate-i386.iso19:55
micahgcharlie-tca: so, the banishment of gdm didn't free up as much space as I would've hoped21:04
charlie-tcaThat's because it still pulled nautilus somehow21:08
micahgk, well, I'll take a look next week21:08
charlie-tcaalso, we still have to work out the issue with the sessions, since we have workarounds to force gdm to work for us21:08
charlie-tcaNow we only get Xfce-sessions21:08
micahgoh, hmm, didn't realize those21:09
charlie-tcawe didn't either21:09
charlie-tcawe forgot about them21:09
micahgok, well, I have a short day, so let's discuss on Monday21:09
charlie-tcahave a good weekend21:09
micahgthanks, you too21:09
GridCubequestion, when installing the "free software only" you dont get a xubuntu desktop? just a xfce desktop?22:01
charlie-tcaum, yup22:01
charlie-tcaright now, you don't ever get the xubuntu session to start22:01
charlie-tcaIt is kind of weird22:01
charlie-tcabut it all works, anyway22:01
GridCuberebooted and panels are not there22:02
charlie-tcawell, that's bad too, then22:02
charlie-tcabug 79557522:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795575 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "xubuntu-session unavailable for Oneiric" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79557522:02
charlie-tcawe broke it going to lightdm by default22:02
charlie-tcaThe missing panels might be related to the missing session22:03
GridCubeit asked me to create the panels on the first boot22:04
GridCubebut in this second one they are missing22:04
charlie-tcayou have to click that button to create it again, don't you?22:06
charlie-tcaI can't really read what it says22:07
GridCubeit didn't appeaed the second time22:07
GridCubeoh you mean translating it... it says somethign like: Choose downhere what configuration do you want for the first run22:08
charlie-tcaoh, that is the first boot then22:08
charlie-tcayeah, it  should either give you panels or that same screen again on restarts22:08
GridCube[default configuration] [empty panels]22:09
charlie-tcaall these grid??? are you, right?22:11
GridCubeD: its not shuting down22:11
charlie-tcaoh, yeah. That is caused by lightdm crashing. a bug is filed for that too22:11
charlie-tcaswitch to a tty, using Ctrl+Alt+F222:11
GridCube:D alredy did that22:11
charlie-tcathen use      sudo shutdown -r now      to restart22:12
charlie-tcaor      sudo shutdown -P now     to shutdown completely22:12
GridCubesudo reboot doesnt do the same?22:12
charlie-tcaI don't know. I never remember it22:12
charlie-tcahm, dasher is broken too now22:13
GridCubeoh the session loging thing is dragable and sizable  (sp?) but there are not shutdown/restart options from there22:15
charlie-tcayeah, it is a work in progress.22:15
GridCubethis time panels did work22:15
charlie-tcaWe want as much testing as possible of the lightdm application.22:15
GridCubewhat kind of testing :)22:16
GridCubetell me and ill try22:16
charlie-tcathe same kind we are doing. Using it, loggin in, etc22:18
charlie-tcaeach test you do, you test lightdm22:18
charlie-tcaI seem to have been very successful breaking oneiric :-)22:19
GridCubeupdating isn't working?22:23
charlie-tcaupdate manager is broken22:23
GridCubeso tests are ended22:25
GridCubedo i file pass but whit some panel problems?22:25
charlie-tcayes, pass it22:26
charlie-tcapanel is not part of it22:26
GridCube:D do i paint it green?22:27
charlie-tcaheh, no22:28
charlie-tcajust been leaving them black text on white22:28
charlie-tcaunless you really want to. Then it is okay22:28
GridCubecopypasted the same that said on other test result because it was the same, including the bug report22:29
charlie-tcaThanks for doing that test22:30
GridCube:D not a problem22:30
GridCubeglad i could help22:30
charlie-tcaWe got to keep trying22:30
GridCubeanything to make xubuntu greater i could do :D 22:31
GridCubelol there are two thunars, one whit the nautilus logo and other whit the thunar logo22:36
charlie-tcaum, click help -> about22:37
charlie-tcaone should be nautilus, pulled in with updates again22:37
GridTestsomething i really, but really, dislike about firefox on ubuntu is that clicking on the address bar doesnt select the text, and that i have to about:config it22:43
charlie-tcaexpected errors for this time22:43
charlie-tcaeverything is up and down with the switch to 2d, gtk3, and python changes22:44
GridCubeoh but thats just something firefox allways do22:45
GridCubeok killing the vm :D22:45
GridCubeXD ok, shuting down failed again :D22:46
charlie-tcaIt should22:47
charlie-tcaAt least that is consistent22:47
GridCubeXD yes my exact though22:48
charlie-tcaIt's like my logging in. I crash lightdm every single time. It is very consistent, too.22:49
charlie-tcaokay, coffee break22:51
GridCubeD: i just >sudo shutdown now             and got this22:53
GridCubeoh sorry for not answering you charlie, yes all the grids where me, from inside the testing machine, because thats easier to share pastebins and imagebins22:55
charlie-tcaOkay, that latest image is recovery mode, got to by holding a key right after bios checks, then selecting recovery menu in grub23:35
charlie-tcaor sometimes it breaks and you get to go there anyway. You really can't usually get to a normal lightdm screen from there, unless you use "sudo lightdm" on the command line23:36
charlie-tcayou should use "sudo shutdown -P now" to shutdown. The -P is power off23:37
charlie-tcato restart, -r is reboot23:37
GridCubei did sudo shutdown -h now23:44
GridCubeafter that23:44
micahg-h is halt23:44
charlie-tcafor halt without power off?23:44
charlie-tcaor is that only on my ancient machines23:45
GridCubeits a virtual machine, and it worked23:45

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