
xavier_31Hello. First connexion on the IRC. Just a question about Oneiric (Kubuntu 11.10 alpha 1). Is there a medibuntu repository for Oneric soon or is there a change for medibuntu packages? Thanks for your answers. Xavier00:14
coz_xavier_31,  probably not unitl or close to release00:16
BluesKaj!info ffmpeg00:40
ubottuffmpeg (source: libav): Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.7~beta2-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 393 kB, installed size 1324 kB00:40
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trijntje_oneiricHi all, gconf-editor is very empty (after I've installed it). Has its functionality been moved somewhere else?08:57
bazhang!find gconf-editor09:20
ubottuFound: gconf-editor09:20
trijntje_oneiricI have to go now, maybe it will get some more options with updates09:22
IdleOneinteresting. I now have Unity launcher/top panel but I also have a bottom panel10:03
elrosis network-manager still having problems?13:36
Ian_Corneelros: yes16:45
wilfredorI am over Oneiric19:55
wilfredorand I have severals bugs19:55
wilfredorbasicly I cant to see the menu applitations19:55
wilfredorThe Ubuntu button in top left screen not work19:56
wilfredormy right mouse button not work19:56
wilfredorMy pc is a HP pavillion dv719:58
wilfredorthanks for nothing20:05
CarlFKsystem settings, user accounts, Automatic Login: yes20:31
CarlFKbut I didn't get logged in.20:31
zicadafile a bugreport20:32
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CarlFKzicada: k - any idea what package?20:33
yofelwhatever is the login manager right now, gdm or lightdm, not sure20:34
yofelor maybe the settings set it for gdm and lightdm ignores that20:34
CarlFKso ideally I want to set it via a script.  any idea where the gui stores it, and where the managers are looking?20:35
CarlFKthat would make the bug report way more clear too20:36
BUGabundohave you guys tried that?20:46
BUGabundoseems to lower my cpu fan20:46
BUGabundobut still very hot20:46
charlie-tcagdm uses /etc/gdm/custom.conf to store the settings, but lightdm seems to use /etc/lightdm.conf to set things.20:54
charlie-tcabut I am not sure if lightdm will use /etc/lightdm.conf as user settings only.20:56
CarlFKcharlie-tca: thanks, gives me something to dig into21:03
charlie-tcaCarlFK: if you decide to play with lightdm settings, make sure you can get to grub menu, sometimes you need to use recovery mode to get to root to change it back21:07
CarlFKswell :)21:07
CarlFK http://dpaste.de/r8G6/  /etc/lightdm.conf   default-user=juser; default-user-timeout=0;    still no auto-login21:25
CarlFK"good" [+0.00s] DEBUG: Loaded configuration from /etc/lightdm.conf21:27
CarlFK 21:27
charlie-tcaIt could be part of the app that is still being worked21:30
CarlFKservice lightdm restart - stopped it, then launched X, but all I have is the little x cursor.21:30
BUGabundoI had no X for 2 days21:30
BUGabundohow awesome is that?21:31
charlie-tcait is a very good alpha, isn't it. Got enough bugs already to make a good release when it happens.21:32
BUGabundoI must file the one with NM21:32
elrosjust enough bugs to keep you excited at every boot21:33
BUGabundobeen buglazt21:33
charlie-tcagonna be a really good time this cycle21:33
BUGabundoI feel like this http://acidcow.com/pics/20110526/acid_picdump_40.jpg21:33
BUGabundocharlie-tca: TOOO MUCH to finish21:33
BUGabundowe all know 04 was a intermediate step21:33
BUGabundoand .10 will only be at 85%, 90% at best21:34
charlie-tcayes, and now adding lightdm just made things jump a bit21:34
BUGabundoand then 12.x will restart all over21:34
yofeloh, linux-image-3.0.0-generic is up :)21:34
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: I agree21:34
yofeler, 3.0-021:34
BUGabundoyofel: you taunt us21:34
charlie-tcaI just got this working again. Now 3.0 comes along?21:35
trismCarlFK: service restart won't work for lightdm at the moment, that x session with the X cursor is from the previous session, a side-effect of fixing the crashing that started when glib was updated21:35
CarlFKtrism: k.  is reboot the sane way to get back to the login?21:35
trismCarlFK: if you kill that X session, you can start lightdm again (so no reboot needed)21:36
elrosI got really tired of the random bugs, losing sound was the last straw, now back with natty21:37
BUGabundosound is fine here21:37
elrosgj team for that release21:37
charlie-tcaI lost sound for a couple of days, but that came back21:37
elrosoh, damn21:37
charlie-tcanow to get the path working again21:37
elrosshould have waited out :/21:37
BUGabundoahh path is broken21:38
BUGabundothat one had me scratting my head21:38
charlie-tcayeah, only some apps will start now? It seems like I can start mine in terminal, though.21:38
BUGabundoI do need startup21:39
BUGabundowant to put guake in there21:39
BUGabundoand really really need my gnome bars to work again21:39
charlie-tcaat least, I can start some of them in terminal21:39
BUGabundocan't add or move applets21:39
BUGabundo"nautilus ." aint working21:39
BUGabundoanyone else having first typed key presses failing ?21:41
rwwSo why is it that I generally find Kubuntu alphas less buggy than Ubuntu alphas ;P?21:42
yofelrww: we didn't have time to break oneiric yet :P21:42
charlie-tcabut it is coming, right?21:42
yofelwell yeah, if we ever get 4.7 packaged...21:43
elrosyou can't make a release without breaking some packages21:47
Ian_Cornelol anuone saw that wilfredor guy? :p21:50
Ian_Corneyofel: where did you get it?21:54
Ian_CorneI didn't get it in my updates yet :(21:54
Ian_Corneunless you are running the proposed updates..21:54
yofel3.0? The meta packages aren't updated yet, but it's in the archive21:55
Ian_Corneah :)21:55
Ian_CorneI see21:55
BUGabundoFYI http://pedrocr.net/text/how-much-gnu-in-gnu-linux21:56
BUGabundoanyone tracking this? http://insight.pinkonbrown.org/syspeek-a-simple-indicator-monitor21:58
BUGabundobjsnider: new stable release of lessfs21:58
BUGabundotime to upgrade your ppa :)21:58
BUGabundoI have to throw it on a VM21:58
bjsnideryeah, that's going to happen21:59
BUGabundothen at least remove them21:59
BUGabundothey are indexed by google21:59
BUGabundolike 3rd link21:59
BUGabundoI just did a ctrl+shift+T on gedit :S22:03
Ian_Cornewhy would you not updat bjsnider ?22:11
bjsniderBUGabundo, is there a debian package yet or do i have to phony one up from nowhere?22:12
Ian_Cornephony? :D22:12
BUGabundosource all the way22:12
BUGabundolet me check22:12
BUGabundothey branched last week lessfs222:13
BUGabundojust gz in there22:13
bjsniderthere was a package in july so i can use that22:16
BUGabundoI can't believe fedore will default to BTRFS22:17
BUGabundothose guys are a tinny bit crazy22:17
BUGabundoI just got rid of it on my system :\22:18
bjsniderthey can't do that without a working btrfsck22:19
BUGabundooh but they will22:19
BUGabundoannounced yesterday22:19
bjsnideri asked in that channel this week and they said it wasn't close to being done22:19
BUGabundoTargeted release: Fedora 1622:20
elrosChoosing Gnome 3.0 was a bit of a gamble22:21
elrosmaybe they like being a little crazy, livin on the edge22:21
BUGabundoand me thinking we were the crazy ones22:22
elrosare there other released distros with gnome 3.0 as default?22:22
elrosF15 is the only one that comes to mind22:23
Ian_Corneis it in arch yet?22:23
Ian_CorneI suppose it should?22:23
elrosif you're committed to apt, you can install debian sid and stay near the edge constantly22:24
rwwyes, it's in Arch.22:34
elrosFedora has managed to bet well, Gnome 3.0 is decent22:38
elrosI still prefer older ui, but gnome 3 is workable22:40
CarlFKsound was working. i rebooted.  now I have no sound.23:19
CarlFKroot@kasp:~# /usr/bin/sox -n -d synth .1 sin 500;  ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'23:20
BUGabundowhat podcast player do you guys use?23:24
trismI use gpodder, although it only downloads them23:25
BUGabundoworks with me23:25
BUGabundoif it parses flash23:25
trismhave an example feed? I can test it23:26
trismI don't see a feed there, the videocast feeds in the podcast/downloads link at the top work though (sort of)23:41
trismthey download, but I can't play them with vlc from inside gpodder, I don't think it likes the path, they play from the command line though23:44
BUGabundooh cool23:46
trismoh, it works if you rename the feed, it must not have liked some characters in the url it used by default23:47
BUGabundotrism: trying it now23:52
BUGabundohttp://www.rtp.pt/multimediahtml/video/ultimo-a-sair/: unknown feed type :(23:52

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