
jimmie_Whats the best bittorrent client to use on ubuntu?03:07
holsteinjimmie_: transmission is the usual suspect, but 'best' is a matter of opinion03:09
holsteintry some out, they're free :)03:09
jimmie_I cant wait for the day I ask a question03:13
jimmie_And you don't answer it first.03:13
jimmie_Making me feel so small03:14
holsteinjimmie_: you shouldnt feel small :)03:15
holsteini like the web interface for transmission03:15
holsteini had a box set up to serve some iso's for kxstudio03:16
holsteini set up the seeds on my server, and used the web interface to check in on it from time to time03:16
jimmie_Again with the talking about stuff I dont comprehend03:18
jimmie_So very very small.03:18
jimmie_Where did I go03:18
=== jimmie_ is now known as Jimmie
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
bobobobbobobmorning all06:16
bobobobbobobI want to move my ubuntu install to another computer, is there a way to do this?06:17
bobobobbobobi was thinking like clonezilla, but the hardware is different on computers so I am not sure this will work06:18
juliebobobobbobob, one simple solution would be to put the drive in the computer you wish to copy from and use dd to copy the hard drive06:51
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kosaidpoguys how can i get gedit3 ??11:54
kosaidpoim on lubuntu11:55
* nlsthzn-work waves12:03
s-foxHello nlsthzn-work12:10
* nlsthzn-work continues to lurk12:11
kosaidpohow can i install only wordcompletion plugin in gedit i dont wanna install all the packages12:14
nlsthzn-workkosaidpo: Do you know what the package is called?12:18
kosaidponlsthzn-work: its ok i installed it thnaks12:18
nlsthzn-workkosaidpo: K, cool...12:19
kosaidpopeace out12:19
=== julie is now known as julie101010
bobobobbobobis there a way to copy an installation from one ubuntu box to another...different hardware though15:11
coalwaterbobobobbobob, i don't know, do u want to move programs or settings?15:12
oCeannot really a copy, but you can replicate your packageselections on another machine15:13
bobobobbobobcoalwater all of it15:13
bobobobbobobI thought about using clonezilla to do it, but the different hardware gave me pause15:14
ubot2To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:14
bobobobbobobplus I think the hdd guid will be wrong, correct?15:14
oCeanif you just would copy15:15
Edie_How can I make my wireless usb adaptor to work on Ubuntu 11.04 computer?16:08
holsteinEdie_: depends really16:08
Edie_I am using tplink 300 mbps wireless adaptor, and in an AMD system.16:09
holsteinusually, the easy way is to plug the machine up to wired internet, plug the device, and look for a popup about restricted drivers16:09
Edie_Thank you for your explanation. Also, another issue is that my screen resolution is very low (1024x1080) and it says cannot detect monitor16:10
Edie_so is it because my graphic card does not have a driver16:10
holsteinlooks like they have linux drivers ^16:10
holsteinEdie_: well, you are using *some* driver with the graphics card16:11
holsteinyou can always set a manual xorg.conf file in place16:11
Edie_I am using this one, no linux driver http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/downloadFiles.aspx?mid=01030301&version=v1&pmodel=TL-WN822N16:12
holsteincheck out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config16:12
Edie_I am not a programmer. How can I set x.config to support my graphic card?16:13
holsteinEdie_: ??16:13
holsteinim not either16:13
holsteinits just a text file16:13
holsteini would say, if you are new to linux/ubuntu16:13
holsteintake it slow16:13
holsteinwhat you are asking for is going to be challenging16:13
Edie_but if I use the driver finder will i able to make the resolution 1920.1080 work?16:14
holsteinyou need to let the product manufacturers know that you are having a hard time using the devices they have made with linux16:14
holsteinEdie_: driver finder?16:14
Edie_included in the os i think16:14
holsteini have no way of anwering that without having the hardware in front of me16:15
Edie_"additional drivers"16:15
holsteinwhat i usually do is try some live CD's16:15
holsteinEdie_: assuming theres a driver available, sure16:15
holsteini thought you had tried16:15
holsteinwhen you said 'theres no driver for my graphics card'16:15
holsteini thought it meant just that16:15
Edie_I cant even connect to the internet before16:15
holsteinEdie_: looks like that wifi device is going to be challenging16:16
holsteincan you plug in?16:16
Edie_thanks for your advice, I will try to plug into the ethernet later16:16
holsteinEdie_: also16:16
holsteinwhen you get plugged in, there software that allows you to try and use the windows drivers with linux16:17
holsteinget plugged in and come in here, and we'll get you sorted16:17
Edie_thank you very much, you have been a great help to me16:17
holsteingo ahead and grab http://www.tp-link.com/common/getresource/?type=Driver&resource=TL-WN821N_WN822N_100629.zip too16:17
holsteinand unzip it16:18
Edie_that one work for linux?16:18
holsteinwe'll try it16:18
Edie_i will come back later16:18
holsteinwe'll try the arusb_xp.inf in there16:18
julie101010what's the matter bobobobbobob?17:24
bobobobbobobI have a machine that is way too strong for what I am using it for.17:24
bobobobbobobI am using it for a LAMP at the moment17:24
julie101010too strong?17:25
bobobobbobobI am wondering if there is a way to save the install on it now to a VM and then change the system into a virtualization server17:25
bobobobbobob8GB / dual quad core17:25
bobobobbobob2 nics17:25
bobobobbobobLOL, too strong17:25
bobobobboboboriginally it was doing ffmpeg17:26
bobobobbobobjust right for that17:26
julie101010that'd be complicated but why not install vmware and install as many virtual systems as you like17:26
bobobobbobobI could do that, not sure how to convert the current webserver into a vm though.  :(  I hate to take the chance of screwing up wordpress and its db again17:27
bobobobboboboh, you mean install vmware on the current box and virtualize from there?17:28
bobobobbobobi could install ESXi, I suppose but then i still need to get this current ubuntu installation into a VM17:29
holsteinyou *should* be able to dd copy the install, and get away with it17:30
holsteinmight have to edit the UUID17:30
holsteinassuming the hardware is recognized , or vitrual hardware in this case17:30
bobobobbobobi know what you mean17:30
bobobobbobobthat is the gotcha, I am afraid17:31
bobobobbobobmaybe it would be easier to install ubuntu in the VM from scratch and just move data over, but then i would need to dump db and reconstitue, correct?17:32
holsteini would think so, but its arguably easier17:33
bobobobbobobi think you might be right, then i am only copying the website and the db over....sort of17:33
holstein*in theory sure17:34
julie101010bobobobbobob, you don't need to copy your current system in a virtual box17:34
holsteini mean, i would try that first... keep the source in place, and you can try the entire system if needed17:34
julie101010just install vmware player and create new virtual machines on your current setup17:34
bobobobbobobk thanks, i will see what damage i can cause  lol17:36
kristian-aalborghi ppl18:10
julie101010hi kristian-aalborg18:16
holsteinAdidas: if you get a minute, check out the /topic :)18:26
AdidasAhh got it18:27
AdidasI have an old Dell that I installed Ubuntu Server on and for some reason I can't get it to ping google.com18:28
AdidasWhat are the first steps to troubleshoot?18:28
AdidasI am remoting in via putty18:28
holsteinhmmm... so you are able to connect to it via SSH?18:29
holsteinthat confirms that the network hardware is working18:29
holsteini would say, if you have edit something to make it have a static IP, double check those settings18:29
Adidaswhenever I use apt-get it appears to download but then I get Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'18:29
holsteinright, i say you are not 'online' somehow18:30
holsteinyou are obviously on your local net though18:30
AdidasI set it so it was static...I think18:30
holsteinwell, figure out *if* you did, then look at *how*, and try disabling that temporarily18:31
holsteinreboot, and ping on a dynamic setup, then you know what the issue is18:31
Adidasok so I assume to do this I need to change ifconfig so it uses DHCP?18:32
holsteinAdidas: i would sort out what you did to make it static, and undo it that way18:33
holsteinmaybe look at your history18:33
AdidasYeah I think I am confusing myself. I was referring to /etc/network/interfaces, but I will check my command hist18:35
Adidasinterfaces is showing eth0 as dhcp18:36
Adidaslooks like I used this cmd18:37
Adidasifconfig eth0 netmask up18:37
Adidasso if I reboot will that discard that and return the server to using DHCP?18:38
Adidasalso if I sound like I am going about this the wrong way please let me know?18:39
AdidasThis is all new to me (including IRC), but I am really eager to wrap my head around this18:40
Adidasok so I am able to ping google18:44
AdidasWhat is the proper way to set up a static IP on this server?18:44
holsteinAdidas: just back that file up temporarily, and reboot as a test18:44
holsteinthen, you'll know if that file is the issue or not18:45
holsteinOH, actually im just catching up18:45
holsteinso, as dynamic IP, you are good right?18:45
AdidasI haven't tried apt-get yet18:45
holsteinthis looks like how i would do it18:46
Adidasawesome thanks. I will try it out.18:46
holsteinAdidas: yup, now you know what the deal is :)18:47
holsteinlet us know if you need more help with it18:47
Adidaslooks like I screwed the pooch19:00
AdidasI am going to have to hook up my monitor to the thing to get into it now19:00
Adidasbut I did get the following errors before I got to this point19:00
AdidasVirtual packages like 'dhcp-client' can't be removed19:01
Adidasand then when I tried to restart the network adapter with init.d/networking restart19:02
AdidasSIOCDELRT: No such process19:02
AdidasI will report more when I get the monitor hooked up after lunch19:03
holsteinAdidas: i think that package has been renamed19:04
holsteinsearch for what you have with dhcp in the name19:04
Adidasthanks man I will take a look in about an hour or two. I have a hungry wife looking for food.19:06
Adidashungry pregnant wife19:07
holsteinAdidas: cool, you'll get it, its not a big deal really, just a little fiddly at first19:07
IT-DuckCan anyone recommend partition sizes for a 160gb hard drive with Ubuntu (/home on a seperate partition)? I plan on running Ubuntu for every day use (plus web dev. and metasploit)20:12
IT-DuckHow much is needed for Ubuntu?20:13
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
holsteinIT-Duck: hey20:37
holsteinwhat else is going on the drive?20:37
holsteinif i had a dual boot with windows going on, i might do 60gb's for win20:38
holsteinand the rest for buntu20:38
holsteini think anything over 20 totally will be fine though20:38
holsteini would consider 6 or 8gb's minimum20:38
holsteinive had 4gb installs20:38
IT-DuckI plan on using it for everday use plus metasploit, gnome, fluxbox, and random apps (bluefish, conky, etc.)20:39
IT-Duckno winblows, just ubunut on a netbook20:40
IT-DuckI'm thinking 12gb for / and the rest on /home20:41
IT-Ducknot sure what size I'll make swap yet (1gb ram)20:41
IT-Duckany suggestions?20:41
holsteinthat should be fine20:43
* nlsthzn waves21:03
Adidasholstein: I am back. Apparently I put in the wrong IP...funny stuff. Anyway, it is working, but I have one question21:35
jimmieHe may be dead, or atleast AFK21:36
jimmieSo i'd just leave your question Adidas21:36
Adidasalright cool21:36
holsteinAdidas: i got a minute, then its lunchtime :)21:37
holsteinwhats up?21:37
Adidasanyway, I had an issue with my network config. When I restart my network I get "Failed to bring up eth0", but everything is working21:37
Adidasany clue? or should I just be happy everything is working?21:37
holsteinyeah, if it aint broke...21:38
Adidasyeah I thought so21:38
Adidasalright cool thanks again21:38

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