
ohsixdown the broken extension rabbithole again; i hope they eventually sort that stuff out :[00:09
micahgohsix: any non-binary extensions should be updating from addons.mozilla.org (not all extensions in the archive have been updated yet, that will be staged next week in -proposed), but there shouldn't be many at all left in the archive00:13
ohsixyar i meant a.m.o; extension authors haven't really even caught up with 4 yet; and if they have they didn't also add 5 like they were supposed to at the time, so there will be more adjustment00:14
ohsixi just hope eventually it all catches up; not having tabkit and bartab is giving me fits00:14
micahgohsix: the compatibility rate is ~76% ATM00:15
ohsixya i read it's pretty good00:15
ohsixbut it's a big bummer when it's not the ones you use :D00:15
micahgextension authors will probably move to the technologies which are less likely to break over time00:15
ohsixi've read about all the developer changes since 3.5 and why they were made and whatnot00:16
ohsixwouldn't need tabkit if there was ui for the new delayed browser tab loading :]00:16
ohsixyou can pretty much see the situation in the last update dates https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/tab-kit/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bartab/00:17
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[lan3y]Hi i have a question about a feature on the brainstorm do i ask here?00:41
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bdrung_mdeslaur: should i take a look at the vlc security fix later this day or are someone else working on it?10:16
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cjwatsondirecthex: mono 2.10.1-4 binaries accepted through NEW; I punted all the new binaries into main for now, but expect to drop some of them back out to universe depending on what component-mismatches tells me11:54
cjwatsondoko__: libffi6-udeb accepted now, thanks11:56
mdeslaurbdrung_: I haven't had time to look at it yet, sorry. I think this is the fix: http://repo.or.cz/w/vlc.git/commitdiff/cd929923ff49175a501bb3e9553a683bc42ff61c12:11
asacanyone else has problems with ubuntu SSO? seems it doesnt like my pass anymore :/12:41
doko__slangasek: the debian cmake sync did break the build on armel13:35
directhexcjwatson: thanks. i'm still chasing the armel build failure, personally. i'll alert people to start transition management13:58
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ImDexterit seems there is not any option to allow users to estabkish as a default the opening of plugged in external HD in a new tab, instead of a new window, as is the current action permorfed. are you developing a tool or option that would enable users to, everytim an user opens his home folder to see several predetermined tabs?16:47
ImDexterand, of course, to choose to open ny plugged in external HD in a new tab, instead of window16:48
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bdrung_mdeslaur: bug #79541020:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795410 in vlc (Ubuntu Natty) "VLC XSPF integer overflow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79541020:38
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broderi'm trying to get the most recent version of a package in a given suite of the debian archive. is rmadison the best tool i get?21:44
cjwatsonthat or the source package publishing history tables in LP21:45
cjwatsonoh, you said Debian21:45
cjwatsonwell, you could still use the LP import I suppose :-)  I can't remember if the dak db is exported to non-DDs21:45
broderit's seemed in the past that the LP's import of history tends to have gaps21:46
broderalthough maybe information about tip is consistently current?21:46
cjwatsonit's usually not too far off21:47
cjwatsonyou could also just grab and parse Packages/Sources files21:48
cjwatsonthat's essentially what rmadison is doing, remotely21:48
broderactually, i guess i could just use rmadison for everything21:48
cjwatsonbroder: it's not ideal for machine-parsing, but not dreadful21:52
brodercjwatson: i just realized that u-d-t actually has a helper function that does the parsing for me :)21:53
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broderbdrung: ping? right now backportpackage lets you specify --version without --source, in which case it searches the entire publishing history for all releases to find a given version of the package22:36
broderthis is annoying to implement consistently with the debian support, and i think it's something of a mis-feature to grab a non-current version anyway22:37
broderare you strongly opposed to punting that, and making --version purely for verifying that the package you get is a specific version?22:37
bdrung_broder: no, because if you upload a new version you can backport it with specifying the version, but not specifying the version would backport the previous one22:40
bdrung_if you fix this lag, you can make the change :)22:40
broderi don't understand...22:41
bdrung_broder: there is a delay between the upload and the recognition of pull-lp-source22:42
bdrung_s/upload/an upload to the main archive/22:43
broderwhat about between the upload and rmadison? i'm using rmadison for looking up all version numbers now22:43
broder(i don't know what sorts of delays it exhibits)22:43
bdrung_broder: it takes some time for the information to hit rmadison22:43
bdrung_it takes minutes or hours22:44
* broder sighs22:44
bdrung_it takes too much time if you want to do a backport directly atfer an upload22:44
broderok, i'll go work something out22:44
bdrung_that's when i need to specify the version22:45
broderwhy not just backport from the dsc file you have locally in that case?22:45
bdrung_would be possible in most cases. sometimes someone else is doing a team upload.22:45
broderand if you specified the version, you'd be able to pull it out of the lp publishing history?22:46
bdrung_specifying the version works, but i don't know if the lp publishing history is used for it.22:47
* broder goes to see which particular rabbit hole in the current code you go down when you specify a version22:47
bdrung_broder: in doubt ask tumbleweed22:48
broderah, i see. it doesn't hit the lp publishing history at all in that case, and just assumes that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/package_version.dsc exists22:49
broderi can make that work22:49
broderyeah, got it...i think. merge proposal will be inbound as soon as i update the manpage22:55
bdrung_broder: i plan to split distro_info into a separate library23:09
bdrung_broder: your merge proposal makes that harder23:09
broderthe stuff i added could conceivably live in ubuntutools.misc instead23:10
broderlet me push an update with it moved there23:13
bdrung_broder: you may want to add a "exists" method to the distro_info class23:14
broderinstead of doing "in .all"?23:15
bdrung_the question is what to do with "unstable"?23:16
broderhmm...do we not handle that correctly?23:16
bdrung_.all will give you only the codename23:16
broderbut distro_info knows about unstable?23:17
bdrung_it maps unstable to sid23:18
broderhmm...it looks like i might need to check both .all and .codename()23:23
bdrung_i think a valid(codename) check would be the solution.23:27
broderok, that seems reasonable23:28
broderwould you be willing to make that change, though? i've got some other backlogged stuff i want to get to23:29
bdrung_yes, i can do that23:29
bdrung_but first i go to bed :)23:29
slangasekdoko: hmm.  I don't know why (cmake on armel); the same thing succeeded in Debian23:55

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