
NRWlionhey there16:01
pleia2I have a dentist appointment in a bit and a few other things I want to get done this morning, but I'll go through planet for the past week and a couple key mailing lists for loco news18:49
pleia2not sure where we should look for the more generic non-member news though18:49
pleia2as far as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue220 goes, I'd say we can keep the current LoCo news (it's not *that* out-dated), maybe refresh the launchpad news with what is on their blog now18:51
pleia2probably drop most stuff from The Planet section to refresh it18:51
pleia2the upcoming meeting stuff is really tedious, I think we should move forward with the plan of just linking to the fridge calendar18:52
nhandlerpleia2: No objections from me for any of that stuff.18:55
* pleia2 is on call and actually has had to do work today, no fun at all :)19:00
pleia2(also, I hate Exchange a lot)19:00
nhandlerpleia2: Want me to pull links then?19:00
pleia2nhandler: I probably won't get to it until later this afternoon california time (it's 11AM now)19:01
nhandlerpleia2: Alright. I'll start going through the planet then.19:01
pleia2do we have any one in channel who is available for summary writing later today?19:02
* pleia2 nudges a few people19:04
pleia2yay Cheri703 :)19:05
pleia2nhandler: adding planet links to http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN-Ideas or..?19:07
nhandlerpleia2: That pad has been acting up for me lately. Any objections to using the google doc?19:08
pleia2this one? https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en19:08
nhandlerpleia2: Yep19:08
pleia2that's fine19:08
pleia2for anyone who wishes to help with summaries but hasn't yet, you can look at old UWN issues for examples of how it's done, pretty much one or two sentences about the article ie:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue21919:10
pleia2browse through "The Planet" section for examples19:10
pleia2not sure where Randall's call for Ubuntu Community Week presenters should go, I guess it's loco?19:48
pleia2and there is his blog and the ML post19:49
* pleia2 adds to google docs, we can sort later19:49
* pleia2 found some time to toss some links on https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en19:56
pleia2now off to the dentist!19:56
NRWlionhi there21:16
NRWlionoh somebody there ^^ didnt expect to see some1 here ;)21:22
pleia2nhandler: I think we want to include the karmic and dapper EOLs and the alpha1 release23:55
pleia2it's slightly stale, but important stuff23:55

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