
charlie-tcaknome, pleia2 : applies to the website - http://nigelb.me/ubuntu/2011/06/10/cleaning-up-the-planet.html?00:14
pleia2ah, who wants to be responsible for it?00:15
pleia2(who has the feedburner login?)00:15
charlie-tcaI don't have a planet blog 00:15
charlie-tcaknome, I think, has the login. but I could be wrong again.00:15
pleia2you can have a planet blog and sponsor a team feed00:16
charlie-tcaYes, but I have no planet blog. Can I still sponsor a team feed?00:16
charlie-tcaYou can my nick on it, if you want00:16
pleia2yep, any ubuntu member can00:16
charlie-tcanick here = launchpad00:17
pleia2k, I'll update it00:18
pleia2we should figure out who has the feedburner login though :)00:18
charlie-tcashould be either knome or cody-somerville, I guess00:19
pleia2done :)00:19
charlie-tcaI'm sure someone will tell me if it is me that has the login. I just don't remember getting it00:22
knomepleia2, it's not me with the feedburner login. anyway, i suppose we'll start using the wp feed, once we start using wp, right?08:40
charlie-tcaGood morning15:14
charlie-tcano new images today for anyone15:16
astraljavacharlie-tca: Right, any idea whether there'll be tomorrow?16:02
charlie-tcanone at this time, but normally, none saturday means wait until Monday16:19
astraljavacharlie-tca: Okay then. I'll focus of US tomorrow, then. If you're around, though, we can maybe have a chat on what I could be of assistance when regarding Xubuntu. I vaguely recall I promised to do something, but I have to browse the logs to remind me. :)16:34
astraljavaBut now, I'm off to shoot some pool. :) See ya later.16:34

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