
airurandonight night #ubuntu-ie00:44
=== VampiricPada is now known as VampiricPadraig
steampunkeyhi there20:47
steampunkeynot here to talk about GNU/Linux20:47
steampunkeyhope you won't mind going OT with me20:47
steampunkeyi'm interested in the meaning of these lyrics: http://www.kinglaoghaire.com/site/lyrics/song_364.html20:47
steampunkeyis it ironic?20:47
steampunkeywhat happened at "Erin's border"?20:49
moylanwell ireland is an island and the only border of any significance is the one between north and south.  a lot has happened at that border.20:51
steampunkeyi hoped for some insight rather than deduction, no offense ;-P20:52
moylanwell it's a song so it's stuffed with methaphors that are a little vague.  sorry.20:53
steampunkeyPerhaps I should mention that Wolfe Tones have preformed it for "50 Great Rebel Songs and Ballads"20:54
steampunkeymaybe the Irish from the north would know, but #northernireland is invite only :-(20:54
steampunkey(make that two hashes: ##northernireland)20:55
=== airurando changed the topic of #ubuntu-ie to: Welcome to Ubuntu Ireland! || http://www.ubuntu-ie.org/ || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam || This channel is logged - logs at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ || Next IRC Meeting: 15th Jun 2011 @ 8pm || Next Ubuntu Hour Limerick to be determined, Absolute Hotel || Location and time of the next UH Dublin is a surprise!!
steampunkeyehm what21:14
airurandowhat's confusing steampunkey?21:18
steampunkeythe song. ;-)21:44
steampunkeyi thought i reconnected, but it was just a topic switch21:45
airurandohi czajkowski21:47
airurandosteampunkey I find that song confusing to.21:48
airurandosteampunkey where are you based?21:48
steampunkeyA Catholic European country21:48
steampunkeyActually, you can see my IP. I'm from Croatia21:49
moylansooooo not ireland :-D21:49
steampunkeyanonymity fail21:49
steampunkeymoylan: that'd be correct. I'm not an Ubuntu user either. Debian here.21:49
airurandosteampunkey not sure what the best IRC channel would be to get a definitive answer to you Question.21:51
czajkowskisteampunkey: try debian on oftc21:51
steampunkeyczajkowski: O.O21:52
airurandosteampunkey: moylan probably gave the best response possible from this channel.21:52
moylanthe question was about irish song lyrics.  i'm a history buff and know my was around both the wolftones and irish history and it's ringing no specific bells.  give me 5 minutes and i'll google the bugger.21:53
steampunkeymoylan: it's hard to even find the lyrics, let alone their meanings21:53
steampunkey[20:53] <steampunkey> moylan: it's hard to even find the lyrics, let alone their meanings21:54
czajkowskithought it was a tech question hence my comment re debian21:55
=== steampunkey is now known as paxcoder
moylanwell i could find history for some of the wolf tones songs but not 'the rights of man' https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Wolfe_Tones_discography22:06
moylanconsidering that the border is only 90 years old it is odd that there is no specific history in relation to such a new song.22:06
paxcodermoylan: your last sentence doesn't sound right22:22
moylanmight be getting somewhere.  http://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=5530#47163122:23
airurandomust dash... night night all.22:29
moylani can only think that many irish trad songs end up changing over time.  in 1798 there was no border so a reference in a song would make no sense while in 1968 when the wolf tones recorded their version it would.22:39
paxcoderthanks for trying22:41
moylanstill thinking on it.  the only division of note that caused strife in 1798 was that between protestant and catholic.  ironically most people forget that wolf tone was a protestant.22:47
moylanespecially with the line 'with each communion'22:58
paxcodermoylan: i don't get the queen in it23:04
paxcodermakes it sounds like a loyalist song o.O23:05
moylanwell the uk has only had 2 queens when it comes to ireland queen elizabeth i and queen elizabeth ii.  i think in this case the queen represents ireland.  especially with the reference to grainne23:09

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