
ubot4GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:00
valorievery useful bot00:00
Tubu: o)00:00
TubuI like bots, in fact... they don't harass on gender at least...00:00
valoriedoesn't always know what you want, but it is teachable00:00
ubot4In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:01
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:02
IdleOneapologies for speaking in French :/00:02
Tubusorry for beeing the temptation, then...  : o\00:03
ubot4Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:04
valoriesomeone could write up a short explanation for blueprints - might be useful00:04
valoriealso, you can query the bot privately00:04
IdleOnevalorie: suggestion for the factoid?00:04
valorielike /msg ubot4 !question I think00:04
Tubuow... ye of course... thanks00:05
valorieI would have to think about that one00:05
Tubuand who feed the bot with the definition?00:06
valoriehttps://help.launchpad.net/Blueprint might help00:06
valorieand a link to that page00:06
valoriethe ops do, I think00:06
Tubuor how could we propose him suggestion of definition?00:06
valorieor the IRC Council?00:06
IdleOneTubu: to submit a suggestion to the bot, in message type !blueprint is <repply> this is a new factoid suggestion for blueprints00:08
IdleOneerr <reply>00:08
valorie!blueprint is https://help.launchpad.net/Blueprint00:11
IdleOne!blueprint is Information about Blueprints in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.launchpad.net/Blueprint00:12
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:14
IdleOnebot does not like me00:14
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:15
IdleOneit hasn't been added yet00:15
Tubumaybe it has a little lag...00:18
Tubu!blueprint is <reply> Information about Blueprints in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.launchpad.net/Blueprint00:19
IdleOnethe factoid has to be approved by a admin00:20
Tubuyes indeed... it's on his way... I have forwarding feedback from ubot4...00:20
TubuI like that... I like Ubuntu!!00:21
valoriewe do too00:26
valorieit really is a group effort00:27
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:27
pleia2interesting that it works in pm00:27
Tubuow... in pm with ubot4?00:27
Tubuor any pm?00:28
pleia2with ubot400:28
IdleOneinteresting indeed00:28
Tubuit need attention, maybe... :)00:29
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:31
pleia2no cookies, ubot400:31
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:33
* IdleOne gives ubot4 a cookie00:36
IdleOnePlease, please be nice and work00:36
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:38
pleia2well, you broke it00:39
Tubuye you all kids broke the bot!!00:39
IdleOneI blame valorie00:39
IdleOne!blueprint | pleia200:40
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:40
IdleOne!blueprint > pleia200:40
IdleOnedid it work?00:40
IdleOnevery strange00:41
valoriedang it00:42
Tububut ye it works well in pm...00:42
IdleOnehello tsimpson valorie broke ubot400:42
Tubutsss sneak you are IdleOne00:43
valoriemaybe tsimpson can fix it00:43
IdleOneI believe that is why he is here00:44
valoriegosh, all I did was suggest a new factoid00:44
ubot4Factoid 'blueprint' not found00:44
tsimpsonbots that tell lies, the world is about to end00:45
ubot4Want to suggest or discuss ideas of a future project/feature?  With Launchpad you can track blueprints (feature specification summaries) from discussion through review, approval, and implementation.  See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/00:45
IdleOnethat one is even better00:45
tsimpsonusing !search :)00:46
tsimpsonerm, I can't see any reason why the bot can't find !blueprint in here, but can in /msg00:46
IdleOneyou want to forget the other in ubottu and alias it to !blueprints?00:47
tsimpsonI'll alias it, but can't "forget" it, or the bot will complain00:47
IdleOnethanks tsimpson00:48
Tubuthanks tsimpson00:48
Tubuthanks you all, in fact... :)00:49
Tubuall that for me...00:49
tsimpsonI guess you'll just have to get jpds to look at ubot4, he's the one who has (shell) access to that bot00:49
ubot4Factoid 'jpds' not found00:50
Tubuis it a person "jpds"?00:51
Tubuow ok00:51
tsimpsonubot4!~ubot4@unaffiliated/jpds/bot/ubot4 <- tells you jpds "owns" it00:52
ubot4tsimpson: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:52
IdleOnewe don't00:52
tsimpsonotherwise, it's me00:52
Tubucool I understand that... thanks for info00:54
Tubuso there are 2 bots with us: the logger and the encyclopedia... a barbot would be great also, no?00:57
tsimpsonwell the log bot just logs, ubot4 can do all sorts of things as long as someone writes a plugin to do it00:58
IdleOnea barbot would not be useful or needed in this channel00:59
IdleOneany ubuntu channel I would imagine00:59
valoriewhat's a barbot?01:01
TubuI know... a real bar would be better... : o) ... heu... is this kind of post I do is considered as "spam"?...01:01
Tubua barbot is a bot that propose you a menu to drink or snacks when typing !bar or !thursty or !à-boire... : o)01:02
valorieno, not appropriate01:03
valorieplay chans are one thing01:03
valorieubuntu namespaces aren't playgrounds01:03
tsimpsonit's mostly up to the channel, but we like things to be, you know, useful :)01:04
Tubuso, if I ask a more "conceptual" question about the "blueprint" like... "why is the word "blueprint" used?... because in the definition of the word itself it seems to be more a "spatial" representation than a "timed" one..." is it still unappropriated?01:06
valoriewell, mostly it's used for software01:07
valorieso the groups just use the same piece of kit01:07
Tububecause "architecture" is used in concept of software, thus01:07
valoriesince it works, I think we're OK with it01:07
valorieLaunchpad is ...... launchpad01:08
Tubuye... I understand...01:08
TubuSo, time for me to leave now...01:13
Tubuthanks for the help and talk...01:13
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=== valorie_ is now known as valorie
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== hypatia_ is now known as hypatia
=== Guest4037 is now known as JanC

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