
xrdodrxhey charlie-tca , in relation to that "bug" with the compose key, just in the future you don't even have to change that file by hand, you can just do sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration, which is really nice as it also lets you set Ctrl+Alt+Bksp as the shortcut to kill X and doesn't require a compose key to change the compose key to AltGr :)06:30
xrdodrxLionel Le Fogloc brought it up in  the bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/79574906:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 795749 in Ubuntu "cannot change compose key" [Undecided,Invalid]06:30
xrdodrxdoesn't require the X server to be restarted to change the compose key****06:31
micahgmr_pouit: we should consider switching file-roller with xarchiver since the former is pulling in nautilus now09:05
micahgunfortunately, squeeze is still using thunar-vfs09:05
micahgcharlie-tca: ^^09:15
mr_pouitsqueeze isn't really maintained upstream anyway at this time11:16
mr_pouitand xarchiver, ewwww11:16
mr_pouitbut we don't have much choice11:16
mr_pouitlet's do s/file-roller/xarchiver/ and s/mousepad/leafpad/11:17
ochosiyay for s/mousepad/leafpad11:19
charlie-tcawill that also drop squeeze?13:16
mr_pouitsqueeze isn't installed by default13:19
charlie-tcaokay. Thanks13:20
charlie-tcaA good review of Xfce, and a lot of mention for Xubuntu -13:50
mr_pouitApparently Ubuntu is "humanity towards others with perfect vision and sharp, high resolution computer monitors."14:31
mr_pouitbwahaha, awesome14:31
charlie-tcaI saw that too14:32
charlie-tcaSeems like I been saying that for a long time14:32
mr_pouitmmh, gnome-sudoku doesn't seem to exist anymore in oneiric, does someone know the new name for it? ;>15:32
xrdodrxmr_pouit, supposed to be gnome-sudoku according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/games/15:34
charlie-tcaI thought they pulled it because of issues with getting it work in oneiric15:34
mr_pouit- Keep separation of games in subpackages (gnome-sudoku disabled for now)15:34
charlie-tca!info gnome-sudoku15:34
ubottugnome-sudoku (source: gnome-games): Sudoku number puzzle. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu5 (natty), package size 292 kB, installed size 4356 kB15:34
mr_pouitit has been disabled for now15:35
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
charlie-tcaWbsite is down today 17:19
charlie-tcaWebsite is down today?17:21
pleia2what website?17:21
pleia2seems ok to me17:21
charlie-tcaI get an error17:21
pleia2clicked through a few pages, no errors here17:22
* holstein gives it a thumbs up :)17:22
charlie-tcaI don't understand. I can access anything but xubuntu.org17:23
charlie-tcaMust be qwest!17:24
charlie-tcaAccess control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.17:24
pleia2you're just trying to get out of working on the qa page17:25
charlie-tcaHeh, I wish17:25
charlie-tcaI just wanted to see what is there17:25
charlie-tcaThanks. I will have to call my isp tomorrow and get them to fix this17:26
pleia2ah, .com17:26
pleia2do .org17:26
pleia2.com is definitely broken!17:26
pleia2yeah, I get the same error17:27
pleia2that's no good17:27
* charlie-tca slaps head. Of course it is .org17:27
pleia2shall I submit an rt ticket?17:27
charlie-tcathat .org works, too17:27
charlie-tcaI don't know that we own .com. I think we only got .net and .org17:28
pleia2it's on a canonical server17:28
pleia2Generated Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:26:46 GMT by jujube.canonical.com (squid/2.7.STABLE7)17:28
charlie-tcayes, then. Maybe the redirect is wrong for it17:28
charlie-tcaor missing?17:29
pleia2.net is broken too17:29
charlie-tcaThen the redirects are messed up17:29
charlie-tcaI know .net worked, because we redirected about 2 years ago17:29
pleia2k, sent17:31
pleia2but they probably hate me, I've been piling on the tickets for problems with ubuntu-news.org too17:31
charlie-tcaI am sorry17:32
charlie-tcabut, the website team hates me, so it is probably okay17:33
Unit193I'm free to be hated :D17:34
pleia2hrm, no email reply with ticket number17:34
pleia2well, I'll follow up in a couple days17:35
charlie-tcaThanks for doing that17:35
micahgmr_pouit: do you need me to do anything?18:47
micahgmr_pouit: leafpad seems just as dead18:48
charlie-tcamicahg: it is quite as dead18:49
charlie-tcamicahg: it is *NOT* quite as dead18:50
micahgno new upstream since lucid seems dead18:50
charlie-tcaum, they just aren't quite as active18:50
charlie-tcaI think18:50
charlie-tcaleafpad updates are farther apart than mousepad updates were18:51
micahgah, there are 2 new upstreams not packaged18:53
charlie-tcamicahg: oh, yeah. Mouse pad is really slow to open and close now, leafpad is fast18:54
mr_pouitmicahg: at least it uses gtk+ printing18:56
mr_pouitbecause xfprint4 is pretty useless nowadays, but mousepad is the only one still relying on it18:56
micahgooh, cool, so another thing we can drop :)18:57
mr_pouitand a few months ago, when I made some patches for mousepad to fix some issues, I ported them for leafpad as well, and they were included upstream18:57
mr_pouitthat's why I think it is "alive"18:58
micahgwell, they had a release last december, I think that's alive enough18:58
charlie-tcamr_pouit: what will replace xfprint4 ?18:59
charlie-tcaor what has?18:59
charlie-tcaGreat! win/win18:59
mr_pouitgtk+ contains a printing api now18:59
mr_pouitsince gtk+ 2.10 afaik19:00
* micahg thought cairo was used for printing19:00
mr_pouitmicahg: it's probably what's used behind the api ;>19:01
mr_pouitmicahg: oh, and for your first question, you can take a merge on the wiki page, if you want :p19:02
micahgmr_pouit: k, will try to get to at least 1 today19:03
charlie-tcapleia2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JccH3vUCUz--1FofKmqEr3XODlJIsIYDlrUZyLiYWX4/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=COna2ucP19:24
charlie-tcawould you prefer plain text?19:24
pleia2charlie-tca: no that's great!19:25
pleia2I'll make it into html and post it this afternoon19:25
charlie-tcaOkay. Thanks19:25
charlie-tcaPage the release notes for Oneiric will be built from:19:35
pleia2oh yeah, we missed making an alpha1 post to the site, if we can get someone to write an alpha2 when that comes in a couple weeks I can make sure it gets posted19:36
charlie-tcaThat's right, we did19:36
charlie-tcawe need to get us a news writer, soon, huh?19:36
micahgcharlie-tca: might want to update your template: The main reason for this meeting is to discuss22:29
micahgprogress for Natty Narwhal.22:29
charlie-tcawhere? the meeting reminder?22:32
charlie-tcaYou read those?22:32
Unit193I don't think I can make it (I may be ablt to readup and catch the end)22:33
* micahg thought it was a good idea to read posts on xubuntu-devel22:33
charlie-tcaI am glad to know someone reads the posts on The ML22:34
charlie-tcaI seem to write a few, it is really good to know someone reads them22:34
pleia2meeting reminders are good good :)22:35
Unit193I read all the xubuntu-devel mails22:37
plantoschkais anyone from canonical working on xubuntu or only community?22:54
charlie-tcacommunity only22:54
micahgonly community (althought some Canonical employees do community work as well)22:55
charlie-tcaWe are all volunteers22:55
plantoschkayou're doing a great job :)22:55
charlie-tcaThank you22:55
plantoschkahow many people ~ are working on xubuntu?22:56
charlie-tcaabout 1922:56
charlie-tcalooks like22:57
charlie-tcaIt varies with the day. 22:57
charlie-tcaWe are all volunteers, so some people come help for a day or two and go away22:57
charlie-tcaI got 8 or 10 that been here for a long time22:58
plantoschkayou know how much people are helping for kubuntu, lubuntu? more, less?22:58
charlie-tcaand many in the community that do help with testing the development releases.22:58
charlie-tcaI have no idea on other distros22:58
charlie-tcaNever thought it mattered enough to even find out. 22:59
plantoschkai was just interested ;)22:59
charlie-tcaXubuntu will still only have so many, regardless of how many any other distro has.22:59
plantoschkai think xubuntu is great but a lot of people see it as a ubuntu version for low-end machines. i use it on my quad and love it :) i think xfce atm is more customizable than unity or gnome323:00
charlie-tcaWe would like to change that perception, but it is a long way up to convince them.23:01
plantoschkai think more people are starting to use xubuntu since 11.0423:02
* micahg thinks in time all the Ubuntu flavors will grow their user bases23:03
plantoschka200million users to go :-D23:04
micahgwell, 180 million to go ;)23:04
charlie-tcaLet's aim for the first couple hunderd-thousand for Xubuntu, first :-)23:05
plantoschkayou know how much people are using xubuntu ? or just how often they downloaded it?23:06
charlie-tcanope and nope23:06
charlie-tcaneither is actually counted/logged23:06
charlie-tcaWe know how many report through popcon23:07
plantoschkathink you forgot the 11.10 alpha 1 announcment on the xubuntu homepage23:10
charlie-tcaWe don t usually announce alpha1 there.23:11
micahgnot much difference in xubuntu in alpha1, just half the GNOME3 stack :-/23:12
* micahg will be interested to see the size of the live CD tomorrow23:12
pleia2charlie-tca: https://www-admin.xubuntu.org/contribute/qa_bugs_testing has now been updated :)23:13
charlie-tcaMe too23:13
micahgthe alternate CD might even be CD sized again23:13
pleia2for reference, I backed up the old text here for now: http://princessleia.com/temp/qa-old.html23:13
plantoschkawell there was an alpha1 annoncment for 10.10 and 11.0423:13
charlie-tcagot it up to date, even!23:13
charlie-tcaSo, in 6 years, we got two announcements for alpha1?23:13
pleia2oops, sorry for the admin url for that23:14
pleia2http://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa_bugs_testing :)23:14
charlie-tcano problem23:14
charlie-tcaplantoschka: would you like to help ?23:15
charlie-tcaWe really someone to do some publicity for Xubuntu23:15
charlie-tcawrite a blog, write news releases, check reviews others write and track them for us23:16
pleia2we're down to one xubuntu.org bug \o/ https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website23:16
plantoschkai wrote some blog posts about the new xubuntu release and how much i liked it (all in german) :-) even did an youtube video.23:16
charlie-tcaSo you have experience doing it?23:17
plantoschkanot much but a lil bit23:17
charlie-tcaGreat! alpha2 is July 7, and we need a news release ready on that day23:18
charlie-tcaCan I mark you down to have it for us?23:18
plantoschkai could try ;)23:20
plantoschkasounds not too hard ;)23:20
charlie-tcaGreat! Thanks for helping with Xubuntu. 23:22
charlie-tcapleia2: ^ ^ 23:22
charlie-tcaplantoschka: you can email that to me ...23:23
charlie-tcacharlie-tca AT ubuntu DOT com23:23
plantoschkaok will do that a couple days ahead23:24
charlie-tcaThanks. If you want, remind me and I will get the list of changes together for you.23:25
plantoschkaok that would be great. i wrote it in my calendar so i should not forget :-)23:26
plantoschkano problem i would love to give something back even if it's just a few words for an upcoming release ;)23:27
charlie-tcablogs and news releases are a big item, when you have no one doing them!23:28
charlie-tcaEvery item helps get word out.23:28
plantoschkatime for bed ;) 23:30
charlie-tcaGood night23:31
astraljavaSorry! Was too focused on packaging, I missed the meeting! :(23:57
charlie-tcaIt's tomorrow this week23:58
astraljavaOh, so it is.23:58
charlie-tca19:00 UTC Monday23:58
charlie-tcaI did that just to keep myself confused23:58
* charlie-tca thinks it is working too. He is really confused now.23:58
astraljavaLooked at the email, it said 13th of June, looked at the time/date in panel, it said the same.23:58
charlie-tcaOh, one of those time zones ;-)23:59
astraljavaYeah. :D23:59

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