
andarm16does anyone know if there is a setting that can be changed so that sound will keep playing even when you aren't in the same virtual console? IE: I have  amarok playing in XWindows in console 7, but I move to console 1, and the music pauses.00:39
lcbandarm16: i think that's not normal. for a workaround solution while nobody tells any other click on the 2nd top left tiny icon of amarok window to in order to activate it for all desktops.00:50
lcb*window in order to activate it for all desktops.00:51
andarm16lcb: I think that just handles KDE desktops.00:52
lcbandarm16: aren't you using kubuntu?00:52
lcbohh ok... *"playing in XWindows in console 7,"00:53
andarm16lcb yes, but i mean that when I hit alt f1 for instance the music stops00:53
lcbandarm16: CTRL+F1..00:53
andarm16lcb yes00:54
lcbanyway, i believe that's not a normal behavior00:54
andarm16lcb: yeah, it doesn't sound normal...00:54
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lcbor if it is.. shouldn't00:55
andarm16I've tried googling, but didn't find much.00:55
lcbandarm16: me too00:55
andarm16I am using WUBI, but I don't think that would make a difference00:56
lcb:/ don't know, buddy00:56
andarm16thanks anyway00:56
lcbandarm16: another workaround... run kubuntu and the win systems under virtualbox, for example :p00:57
andarm16lcb: way to slow, I have only got a single core machine...00:58
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envy|2hi all, having some trouble with a fresh 11.04 install, put in a data cd, did some stuff with it, ejected it, and now the machine won't recognise any new discs I put in05:22
envy|2sudo mount returns successfully but the disc doesn't get mounted05:23
envy|2device notifier says nothing is available05:23
envy|2I even tried putting the original disc back in to no avail05:23
envy|2how can I make my cd drive work again?05:24
envy|2accessing /dev/sr0 directly (file -Ls) shows the new disc's data05:25
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khemany ppa's for KDE 4.709:39
ct529hi everybody09:59
ct529does anyone remember wher eare the very last NVIDIA drivers on launchpad? I cannot find them09:59
prabumahaanuhai, I need to setting PATH how can i do that on kubuntu?10:18
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kevinBguys the Xserver provided with 11.04 is a total crapshoot12:06
kevinBany resource to build new X?12:07
* szal has no problems w/ the provided X server12:07
kevinByea sure12:09
susundbergLet me google that for you: http://www.x.org/wiki/CompileXserverManually12:09
kevinBThanks susundberg, my googling skill are kinba weak atm12:11
kevinBmy mouse will never apply the focus where I click12:11
kevinBkinda frustrating12:11
kevinBlet's build12:11
susundberggood luck12:12
susundberg(you will need it)12:12
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kevinBthat much :o god12:13
kevinBor could downgrade to a older xServer12:28
szalKMail CPU lockup also exists on *buntu12:42
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kevinBguys this X server bug make my Kubuntu unusable13:00
* szal wonders what the problem is13:02
OerHeksgive us some details, KevinB ?13:03
kevinBI'm affected by this bug 50549413:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505494 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Mouse events fail frequently and unpredictably, requiring kwin restart" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50549413:04
kevinBseems like a newer X Server will solve this13:04
kevinBhowever building new X, is difficult to do13:04
szalfrom the comments it looks a bit like having to do w/ specific mouse models13:07
szalif you happen to have another mouse, you could try if it goes away w/ it13:07
kevinBI dont think it is related to mouse13:08
OerHeksthis bug happened to me 2, with Unity an classic, the reason i switched to KDE wich is working fine.13:09
kevinBlol, I am on KDE13:09
kevinBso as there s a patch at the end of this bug13:14
kevinBShould it have been applied already?13:14
kevinBor is just pending?13:14
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iliashi all. is there any way to delete tool box icon from the corner of my desktop?13:42
BluesKajtoolbox? are you on gnome ?13:50
iliasalways kde13:51
BluesKajright click remove this icon13:52
iliasthere isnt option remove icen. there is only the option remove this desktop activity but if i ll do that i will loose my desktop13:53
BluesKajilias, got a scrnshot?13:56
iliasit is difficult to remove it, read this http://askubuntu.com/questions/24867/how-do-i-remove-the-kde-4-plasma-tool-box-cashew-icon-from-the-desktop and this http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/I+HATE+the+Cashew?content=9100913:58
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bretzelemmm, houston , we have a problem... system-settings useless on browsing/adding themes for  workspace -appearence, splash them, login screen, windows decorations - thus seems not possible to add themes through the GUI - seems to work well ( gui, selection., downloads - but nothing really added to the respective list. )14:18
bretzelI ahd to launch system-setting as root to be able to do have the login screen theme to be installed and selectable/usable - regarding login screen theme.14:19
bretzel*had* *had*14:19
bretzelso 'splash theme', window-deco, plasma-theme - useless14:20
BluesKajbretzel, some of those themes are on websites so they don't install , but some will give the option to and others don't , kind of hit and miss14:22
bretzelBluesKaj: I understand that i may think I don't know how to use system-settings/get new themes... but my prob is not there, it is the fact that installing themes which get the file from normal url which auto-install without going to external url, are actually NOT properly installed or setup.. mean, they are not available and not seen even after a systemsettings restart14:26
BluesKajyeah, that's why I called it hit or miss , there's no logic as to whether some themes/colours/ windows decor, will show up , even after what appears to b e a successful install14:27
bretzeland by the way, how comes I had to manualy create ibus/bus into ~/.config/ ??14:28
BluesKajbretzel, dunno that folder is empty in ~/ , here14:31
bretzelBluesKaj: okay, what I know is that it is used for (kde?) scripts ( python, jscript, perl ) but not %100 sure.14:31
ct529I have installed the latest NVIDIA driver through launchpad, is there anything I should keep in mind or install?14:36
ct529Installed through https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates14:37
bretzel...anyway ... on an otherhand, Kubuntu 11.04 (thanks to ubuntu base?) seems the best iteration ever of the Kubuntu work since I know it . I am really enjoying KDE4 (4.6.4)14:37
BluesKajbretzel, yeah, even 11.10 is quite stable in it's present state14:39
yofelct529: those packages are maintained by the x team and should usually work fine14:40
BluesKajct529, and why did you chose that nvidia driver ?14:40
introublefor 30 pcs and one file server. is it possible to give limited ammount of internet bandwidth to each pc or group of pcs , with the help of router or switch + filter keywords of websites? (i dont want to make a didicated server for that job) ?14:41
ct529yofel: thanks14:41
bretzelBluesKaj: oh! I only have one computer, thus cannot 'play' with it you are lucky.14:41
ct529BluesKaj: it is the only way to haev CUDA working14:41
yofelct529: the repos one should work fine too14:41
ct529yofel: WHICH ONES?14:41
ct529yofel: sorry14:41
yofelrepos has 270.41.0614:42
ct529yofel: I mean which ones work with CUDA in your opinion?14:42
ct529yofel: which repos? the ubuntu-x-swat or the official one14:42
yofelI personally don't use cuda, but nvidia-current from the official archive usually works fine from what I know14:43
yofelx-updates has just a slightly newer version14:43
yofel270.41.19 to be specific14:43
PiotrNhello, kdepim 4.6 are still not in backports ? or is it just my mirror ?14:44
yofelno, not out yet14:44
ct529yofel: yes, that is the one I have now14:44
BluesKajct529, don't think my 50buck 8400gs will run much better with CUDA even if it was compatible14:46
ct529BluesKaj: sorry?14:46
yofelerm... read up on what CUDA is...14:47
yofeldoesn't have anything to do with performance14:47
introublefor 30 pcs and one file server. is it possible to give limited ammount of internet bandwidth to each pc or group of pcs , with the help of router or switch  (i dont want to make a didicated server for that job) ?14:47
BluesKajuhmm, it seems to claim performance enhancements here http://developer.nvidia.com/category/zone/cuda-zone14:48
ct529BluesKaj: we do some CUDA programming14:49
ct529BluesKaj: that is the reson to need CUDA14:49
yofelwell, as long as something uses it sure, but you need to have the app written for it14:49
BluesKajct529, yeah ok , I thought it was some kind of performance enhancement , but now I see it's a driber for computayional graphic etc14:51
BluesKajdamn KB ..gonna throwit ou the windw one of these days14:52
introublefor 30 pcs and one file server. is it possible to give limited ammount of internet bandwidth to each pc or group of pcs , with the help of router or switch  (i dont want to make a didicated server for that job) ?15:00
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jacksonjeAre there any plans to release the new kdepim as an update?15:44
Keeaanuhow to set failsafe graphic mode as my default mode16:21
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kevinBkeeaanu : got some trouble with X ?16:37
Hazamonzohey folks. What the name of the widget for changing desktops? can't see it here16:39
montfrasHazamonzo: pager16:41
Hazamonzomontfras: Cheers mate16:42
montfrasyour welcome16:44
montfras*you are16:44
Hazamonzomontfras: One more question as its related. How about the setting to have a taskbar for each desktop? I remember its here somewhere16:44
HazamonzoAt the moment i can see apps / tasks from all desktops16:45
montfrasHazamonzo: right click taskbar -> settigns -> 'filters' on bottom of the screen16:47
montfrasI think that's what you're looking for16:47
Hazamonzomontfras: Legend :) Ta16:47
montfrasno problem :)16:48
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mfraz74What is the recommended anti virus package for 11.04 seeing as Klamav is no longer packaged?17:29
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tsimpsonmfraz74: there isn't really any recommended AV package, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus lists a few free (but proprietary) programs17:41
mfraz74tsimpson: I thought there was supposed to be an anti virus program written for KDE 417:42
tsimpsonI haven't heard of one, but then I haven't looked for any17:42
tsimpsonnot much point as I don't have any windows boxes around17:42
alivePerson1234_just doing sudo aptitude search klam should get u it17:43
mfraz74klamav isn't in the 11.04 repos17:43
alivePerson1234_:'( probably on kde-apps17:44
mfraz74depends upon kde 3.x17:44
tsimpsonthat'll be why it was dropped then17:45
mfraz74There's this https://launchpad.net/clamav-kde17:45
alivePerson1234_well u can still use clamav, just no gui17:45
tsimpsonor use the GTK UI17:46
mfraz74what is the GTK gui for clam?17:49
alivePerson1234_clamtk i think?17:50
alivePerson1234_i just did sudo aptitude search clam and read the descriptions on the right17:51
mfraz74alivePerson1234_: found it now was looking for clamav-gtk or something similar17:51
salvatoreCiao !list18:42
salvatoreciao !list18:46
OerHekswhat list do you want, salvatore ?18:48
OerHeksthis is not an filesharing channel18:48
jussi!it | salvatore18:48
ubottusalvatore: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:48
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ssbrIs grub supposed to come on the 10.10 livecd? My MBR is messed up after a hard reset during the update to 11.419:18
alivePerson1234_it should be there19:20
ssbrwhere exactly? nothing in /bin, /sbin, etc.19:20
ssbr(and it isn't anywhere on the path)19:21
alivePerson1234_it should be something like grub-install19:21
alivePerson1234_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Methods of Reinstalling19:22
alivePerson1234_it says use boot-repair19:22
ssbrand where is that?19:24
ssbrthey give instructions for finding it in gnome. There's no boot-repair executable on the path19:24
ssbrsearching "boot" in the splotlight-clone-thing gives nothing either19:24
alivePerson1234_just follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair and add the repositories and install them in the livecd environment19:25
ssbrso when I ran the add-apt-repository command I got gpg: keyserver timed out gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error19:29
ssbr(er, two separate lines)19:30
ssbrI don't suppose there's a way to get a non-encrypted copy of the repository?19:30
alivePerson1234_i dont think you need the gpg key19:30
yofelyou don't, you'll only get a warning about unverified packages, not fatal19:31
ssbrSo how do I disable the gpg step?19:31
alivePerson1234_theres no encryption, just ignore those errors19:31
yofelit should've added the repository anyway19:31
ssbrOh, alright19:31
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cato38i am currently using kubuntu 10.10, and blur especially, and all of the desktop effects work fine. i tried upgrading to 11.04 and the special effects (blur in particular) did not work right. Someone told me to wait until the major bugfixes came out, but he didnt say when. How do i find out when the bugfix for the blur problem has been released?20:18
Linkmastercato38: either keep trying, or don't use it. I could use blur happily with 10.10, but now that I'm using 11.04 it doesn't work. I think its because as the operating system gets newer, older models are falling out of the 'usability' window. The OS can still be used on older systems, just not with all the effects of the newer systems20:20
Tm_TLinkmaster: cato38: have you tried with KDE sc 4.6.4?20:22
LinkmasterTm_T: I'm currently using 4.6.4, though I haven't tried blur yet. Let me try it right now actually20:22
LinkmasterTm_T: just tried, it rendered my system inoperable for periods of time, similar to when I first upgraded20:25
Tm_Thmmm, interesting20:26
Tm_TI think blur is the only effect that doesn't work for me either20:26
Linkmasterthats what I though, since I could use blur with 10.10 and KDE4.6.220:26
cato38Tm_T: i did a fresh install of both 4.6 an 11.04. the blur problem seems to be an upstream issue with a command in a driver set, but i am not technical enough to understand the details, but it might be a kde specific problem.20:27
cato38unfortunately that is a selling point for me. my laptop is less than two years old, and my friends laptop (a similar model toshiba) is less than 6 months old. we both like kubuntu, and are holding off upgrading until the upstream chipset driver problem is fixed--if i am remembering correctly that that is what he said the issue was.20:28
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Tm_Tcato38: well, it's kwin specific problem in a sense that IIRC kwin uses some not widely used capabilities of opengl20:28
Tm_Tor more like, it's driver issue that arises with kwin20:29
cato38Linkmaster: we are holding on the 10.10 but really like some of the newer activity settings that 11.04 offers.20:29
Tm_Tcato38: this is entirely my opinion, but, holding upgrade back simply because of blur effect wouldn't be my choice20:30
Linkmastercato38: both are very good, though the activities are nice, though I don't really use them20:30
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cato38Tm_T: being able to hold the title bar to see what is open on the desktop is an great time saver for me.20:35
Tm_Tcato38: that doesn't work in 11.04?20:35
cato38Tm_T: most of the desktop effects. i had to turn blur off, but most of the others even thought they were ticked, did not activate. the windows moved clunkily when being dragged, a separate issue was that the find option couldnt find anything. i had to open kfinder from the command line.20:38
cato38Tm_T: but other than that, i liked 11.04 greatly.20:39
Tm_Tcato38: hmmh, shame that happens20:40
cato38Tm_T: i have gotten 5 of my friends using linux over the last 3 years. so far it has been far better with linux than the headaches we had with vista.20:44
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cato38thank you, Tm_T, Linkmaster, et al. i will relay the message to20:45
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gremsetHello, I am running kubuntu 11.04. Basically I switched from VGA cable to hdmi cable (Nvidia 9500 GT DVI to Samsung HDMI port). Now I see a few more resolutions to choose from in  NVidia X server Settings. My monitor-graphics card supports 1920 x 1080 (tested on windows 7). But when I choose that resolution in X server settings, the screen size shrinks vertically to about 1/3, with all windows garbled around in that space, and the mouse and keyboard21:23
gremsetbecomes unresponsive. Any idea how to proceedfurther to get this resolved?21:23
OerHeksgremset, open the monitor menu ( not on your pc but on your monitor itself) and try reset/set to default21:26
OerHeksit helped me sometime21:26
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gremsetOerHeks: Yes, I used to set/reset on the Monitor when working with lower resolutions, but at this resolution 1920 x 1080, the OS gets stuck, I am unable to mouse or keyboard inputs to switch to antoher tty.21:28
gremsetBut it works fine in windows21:29
gremsetThe only hardware change is switching from vga cable to hdmi cable (using dvi port on graphics card)./21:29
gremsetPerhaps I should upload a snap of it. I might go offline now as the pc halts one more time as I take the snap. Will b e back in a few mins.21:31
ssbrSo I'm trying to restart my computer by going to Leave-Restart, and nothing's happening.22:36
ssbrThe first time it did that it said it'd restart in 29 seconds, and I pressed "restart now". Subsequent attempts to restart did nothing. No programs are shutting down.22:36
ssbr__... so, restarts are taking a really long time to happen.22:41
lcbgoods, everyone22:42
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