
exarkunbzr commit --fixes lp:... is weird.  do people really use it?02:57
lifelessexarkun: yes, a lot03:05
lifelessexarkun: how is it weird?03:05
exarkunhaving the trunk branch linked to every closed ticket doesn't seem too useful.  maybe that's just because my project only has one active branch.03:09
exarkunbut the ticket doesn't get closed automatically either, not even set to "Fix Committed"03:10
lifelessso having trunk linked to every bug isn't that useful03:10
lifelesslp only links the *first* branch to have a given commit to the bugs that commit claims to fix03:10
exarkunso I should use --fixes sooner in the workflow03:11
exarkunon a branch commit03:11
lifelessthats the usual use of it, yes.03:12
exarkunthat will help a bit I guess.  how about getting "Fix Committed" set automatically?  am I missing something there?03:13
lifelessan automated toggle to fix committed when that branch is merged to a series branch is a request feature03:13
exarkunah, ok.03:13
lifelesswe haven't really decided if fix committed should mean 'fixed in *a* branch'03:14
lifelessor 'fixed in this series'03:14
lifelessthere is a proposal on the table to get rid of non-series bugs, which would make this definition easier to come to: if all bugs are for series then fix committed is more clearly useful as 'in the given series branch'03:15
exarkunI look forward to whatever the solution is :)03:16
micahglifeless: I seem to be hitting a timeout on editstatus on an Ubuntu chromium-browser bug08:13
micahgor benji, can you take a look for me08:14
* micahg wonders if this is fallout from last week still08:18
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lifelessmicahg: OOPS code or it didn't happen :P09:36
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apwis it known that it seems to be impossible to nominate more than one series at the same time without getting a timeout10:31
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* czajkowski hugs mrevell 13:55
mrevellah, thanks czajkowski13:56
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Ampelbeinhi, I got an oops when trying to change a bug report via email: OOPS-1990INBOUNDEMAILEMAIL116:17
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Ampelbeinok, I think I have a pattern for the oops when submitting per mail. I just got OOPS-1990INBOUNDEMAILEMAIL2. Apparently trying to change a private bug per mail will result in this oops.18:27
Ampelbein(the error mail isn't helpful btw).18:28
Ampelbeinok, more precisely, the command "private no" is the reason for the oops.18:33
AmpelbeinI filed bug 796733 about this18:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 796733 in Launchpad itself "OOPS when trying to change private status of bug report per mail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79673318:37
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Cube``hey guys18:45
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
micahgabentley: can you track down an OOPS for me?19:08
abentleymicahg: sure, what's the oops?19:09
micahgabentley: OOPS-1990DW3219:09
abentleymicahg: This is a timeout error while recalculating bug heat.19:10
micahgabentley: ah, is there a bug tracking it? is this fallout from the upgrade last week?19:11
abentleymicahg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/63892419:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 638924 in Launchpad itself "Milestone:+index timeouts with many bugs" [High,Fix released]19:11
micahgabentley: umm, that was fixed 4.5 months ago19:12
Cube``hey guys, when trying to do bzr pull i get this: Permission denied (publickey).19:12
Cube`` bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.19:12
abentleymicahg: That's what the oops tools associate with this oops.  There may be a different bug, but I have no easy way to find it.19:13
micahgabentley: see the last comment in that bug :)19:13
abentleymicahg: Yes, I did see that.  See my last statement :-)19:13
micahgabentley: k, I'll take a look then, thanks19:14
abentleyCube``: You need to upload your public SSH key to launchpad.  [That's what the (publickey) means]19:14
Cube``got it19:14
Cube``ssh-add was it19:14
abentleyCube``: Ah, good.19:15
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micahgabentley: I noticed recently I can't set upstream links in Ubuntu anymore, I guess I haven't tried for a while, but what level privilege is required?20:05
abentleymicahg: There are no restrictions.  Any logged-in user can create these links.  It's possible that the UI has changed, and link isn't where you're expecting, though.20:07
micahgabentley: what about modifying20:10
abentleymicahg: there are restrictions on modifying.  Let me see...20:10
abentleymicahg: only the packager can change existing links.20:12
micahgabentley: please define packager?20:12
abentleymicahg: sorry, that's out of my depth.20:13
micahghmm, I can change for some, but not others, hmm, will dig a little20:13
micahgabentley: ah, it seems that the fix for the bug tasks to work for whoever could upload didn't get applied to this, I wonder if there's a bug tracking...20:14
micahgoh, wait, not true again...20:15
* micahg will wait for someone else, thanks abentley 20:15
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micahgabentley: can we get https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/160629 assigned to someone to fix or look into?22:41
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