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hggdhmorning folks, nm-applet seems to die when connecting to new wireless APs -- bug 79628609:24
rodrigo_hey hggdh09:26
hggdhmorning rodrigo_09:26
rodrigo_hggdh, that bug doesn't exist in LP09:31
hggdhrodrigo_: it does, it is just private09:34
hggdhI subscribed you to it09:34
hggdhyou can unsub if you are not interested, but do not make it public, there is a coredump in09:34
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hggdhrodrigo_: if you are still interested, I just posted a stacktrace on the bug09:49
rodrigo_hggdh, yes, was looking at the code, but I'm afraid I don't know much about NM to fix it right now10:02
rodrigo_it is clearly crashing because of a NULL hash table10:02
hggdhrodrigo_: heh. Yeah, I was able to get that far also, but I do not know glib to keep on :-)10:03
hggdhrodrigo_: OTOH, there are two new LightDM crashes :-)10:03
rodrigo_well, glib part is clear, NM is calling g_hash_table_foreach with a NULL hash table10:03
rodrigo_the problem is where that NULL hash table comes from10:03
hggdhman, if you do not know, *I* have no hope...10:04
rodrigo_cyphermox should know, so ping me later, when he wakes up10:04
hggdhrodrigo_: roj, thanks10:05
chrisccoulsonurgh, since when did system sounds get enabled by default?10:09
chrisccoulsoni get really really irritating sounds every time i click on something now10:09
chrisccoulsongaaaaargh, this is going to cause me to dive out of the window10:11
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, should I have at-spi2-core installed by default?10:35
chrisccoulsoni just tried to turn on the screen reader in oneiric, and it failed miserably10:35
chrisccoulsonand at-spi2-core isn't installed10:35
chrisccoulsoni get this from orca without it:10:35
chrisccoulson** ERROR **: AT-SPI: COuldn't connect to accessibility bus. Is at-spi-bus-launcher running?10:35
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Kaleopitti: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/791127 still an issue for you after the updates to Qt?12:41
ubot2Ubuntu bug 791127 in unity-2d "unity-2d-places crashed with SIGSEGV in QTJSC::Structure::materializePropertyMap()" [Critical,Confirmed]12:41
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cjwatsondoes anyone know why xvfb-run might be failing in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/2.7.6 (all architectures)?13:27
cjwatsonxvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start13:27
chrisccoulsoncjwatson, when did that start?13:35
chrisccoulsoni use xvfb-run in firefox, and i haven't noticed an issue yet13:36
ftacjwatson, pass -e $LOGDIR/xvfb.log to it and cat that when it fails, so you can figure out why13:52
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: sometime between 8 June and 12 June13:56
cjwatsonfta: thanks, will try that.  I'll also try just kicking a retry ...13:56
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cyphermoxrodrigo_: looking now at the NM crashes14:19
cjwatsonstill fails after a retry.  trying fta's suggestion ...14:24
ftawhy is unity so slow in oneiric? when i move a window, it flickers a lot, and i can literally see the vertical refreshes14:25
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ftaiirc, it was faster in natty. and mutter/gnome3 is not impacted in oneiric. it's as fast as expected14:26
ftacjwatson, you may want to cat the log file unconditionally. i found the xvfb return code unreliable when i was using that for chromium14:27
cjwatsonfta: heh, if it returns non-zero it will build and I only somewhat care ;-)14:32
cjwatson(but OK)14:32
ftaiirc, it's only 1 or 2 lines of logs14:33
cjwatsoner, I mean if it returns zero, obviously14:34
ftai used to have to add build deps from time to time to please it, like libgl1-mesa-dri14:35
ftaalso, i used to run it with -a14:35
cjwatsonlet's see what 2.7.7 says14:35
rodrigo_cyphermox, cool, hggdh is the one getting the crash, if you want more info14:40
hggdhrodrigo_, cyphermox: and jibel, he just had it14:50
cyphermoxhggdh: rodrigo_: I think I just got the fix15:14
hggdhcyphermox: I love you!15:14
cyphermoxannoying, because this is temporary until I'm finished with teh signals stuff in libappindicator, then this is useless code that will get removed and simplified15:15
ftacjwatson, you have your answer now ;)15:23
cjwatsonheh, and I screwed up error handling15:24
cjwatsonwhat's that, missing build-dep on libgl1-mesa-dri?15:24
pittiKaleo: I'll check bug 791127 on tomorrow's daily15:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 791127 in unity-2d "unity-2d-places crashed with SIGSEGV in QTJSC::Structure::materializePropertyMap()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79112715:29
Kaleopitti: thanks15:31
achiangchrisccoulson: ping, did you build firefox5 b5 for armel somewhere? istr you were complaining about how long it took to build15:33
chrisccoulsonachiang, it's in oneiric15:33
chrisccoulsonand yeah, it takes about 18 hours to build ;)15:33
achiangchrisccoulson: i don't see it in the firefox-next ppa?15:34
chrisccoulsonachiang, it's in oneiric proper. it won't be in the firefox-next PPA, as that doesn't build for armel15:34
achiangchrisccoulson: ah, i see15:35
achiangchrisccoulson: ok, thanks15:35
ftachrisccoulson, only 18h? you're lucky ;)15:39
chrisccoulsonheh :)15:40
ftacjwatson, most likely yes, but there's also your keymap errors15:41
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GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin, I built gdm 3 locally as you suggested, but when doing so the patches didn't seem to apply - at least not 36_language_environment_settings.patch. The patch code seems to be right, though, because it applies if I use cdbs-edit-patch to edit it.16:19
GunnarHjpitti: Any idea on what might cause this?16:19
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cyphermoxhggdh: really did find the source of the issue now, but it's not easy to figure out exactly what, working on it now17:00
cyphermoxproblem is with glib somewhere, I'm doing the same as friday, loading up from a git snapshot of glib to see if it's really all fixed there (again), and then I'll track it down to a commit17:02
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hggdhcyphermox: no prob17:12
cyphermoxhggdh: in the meantime it appears that reverting to libglib 2.29.4 works properly17:13
hggdhjibel: ^17:14
cyphermoxheh, nevermind that, it's not working anymore17:21
cyphermoxunless it's because I messed around so much with my system that it's not in the state I expect it17:21
rodrigo_ok, out for a bit, later all17:44
cyphermoxmterry: ping?18:40
mterrycyphermox, yo18:40
cyphermoxyou getting crashes if you try to activate a wifi connection in nm-applet right now? (if you're on oneiric)18:41
mterrycyphermox, no18:49
mterrycyphermox, yes18:49
* mterry learns not to answer before testing18:49
mterrysorry for slow response18:50
cyphermoxI'm testing a fix now, I'll probably need sponsoring :)18:50
mterrycyphermox, k18:50
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cndHi, I need some help determining the correct upstream and package versions for a new version of the libgrip library22:06
cndthere's an abi change in libgrip as well as the larger abi change from gtk2 to gtk322:06
cndthe expert who started the library has left the project :)22:07
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TheMusochrisccoulson: Yes you should, at least in oneiric.23:13
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, i ended up having a few packages missing which i had to manually install to get orca working (at-spi2-core, libgail-3-common and libatk-adaptor)23:14
TheMusochrisccoulson: Yes, I need to add them to the seeds, on my agenda for this morning.23:15
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, ah, ok. thanks23:15

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