
=== gary_ is now known as Guest98656
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kaushalI do diff orgfile newfile How do i apply entries in orgfile to newfile ?06:23
AlanBellif people want to pile on to wiki-test.ubuntu.com and try and break it that would be great08:27
DJonesAlanBell: I'm getting cannot find www.wiki-test.ubuntu.com, but worked in a fashion using http:// which asked me if I wanted to use http://wiki-test.ubuntu.com/?08:30
popeyDJones: why put www in front of it?08:30
popeyTip: Don't.08:31
DJonesHeh, true08:31
diplomorning all08:34
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dogmatic69could anyone point me to some tutorials on writing decent bash stuff?08:38
dogmatic69like making it show up in man etc08:38
BigRedS_tldp.org ?08:40
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BigRedSTo make it show up in man you need to write a man page and install it08:40
BigRedSwhich is a distinct kettle of fish08:40
dogmatic69is that going overboard?08:40
BigRedSIt depends08:41
BigRedSI've not written anything in bash that I could justify more than a --help for08:41
dogmatic69i am busy building a bunch of libs to make life easy08:41
BigRedSbut more documentation is normally useful, as long as you manage to keep it good08:41
dogmatic69ye, maybe --help is all that is needed08:41
ali1234AlanBell: i tried to log in with launchpad openid and it just times out08:47
MooDoohello all08:49
DJonesali1234: AlanBell Firt part of sign in works, but then has stopped after asking "Sign in to Ubuntu Wiki (Test)" with a waiting message, then also timed out08:49
ali1234yeah same here08:49
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MooDooquiet in here09:47
MooDoojerome: huh?09:59
jeromeMoodoo: Wron channel :)10:01
MooDoojerome: ah :)10:01
* jerome should leave monday morning mode soon10:02
MooDoojerome: i'll do that about 3pm this afternoon ;)10:02
jeromeYeah, at this time it'll be post lunch mode10:03
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brobostigongood morning everyone,10:32
diplomorning brobostigon10:32
selinuxiumHi all   o/10:33
brobostigonmorning popey diplo and selinuxium10:34
diplopopey, did you ever do a blog post on your Elec cost etc set up ?10:35
diploAlso, do you have any idea how much it costs a day/month or wat ever to run your HP mini server box ?10:35
popeyi dont know the power of the hp box10:35
popeyif you'd asked me friday I would have plugged it into the power meter10:36
diplokk, will see if i can work it out some how10:36
popeybut I'm not going to switch it off now ☺10:36
diploNo worries, no rush.. if you ever do remember I'd appreciate it.10:36
diploBeing single now i really am watching pennies, but would love to have a server on 24/7 at home10:36
diploBut only got old towers atm10:36
diploSo want to have some idea on how much elec it will cost me10:37
AlanBellsomething like £1/year/watt I believe10:48
AlanBellso if the box draws 30W then £30/year10:48
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diploThanks AlanBell I had heard that10:51
diploBut I know my Dell TS105 pulls a hell of a lot more than that10:51
diploI suppose i could look on HP's site and see if it offers any info10:51
popeydiplo: also, mine is not a standard one11:03
popeydiplo: mine has 5 disks in it11:03
diploheh yeah I had read that11:03
diploI want that many in mine eventually once I have some spare cash11:03
davmor2morning all11:03
davmor2popey: did you deal with your pci express card in the end?11:06
popeyyes, it came with a smaller bracket11:06
popeyinstalled fine11:06
popey00:11.0 SATA controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 40)11:07
popey02:00.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3132 Serial ATA Raid II Controller (rev 01)11:07
diploOh you have added another card to allow more drives11:11
DJones Does anybody know of a way of converting "20110613" to a normal date format in Excel11:12
diplo=DATEVALUE seems to spring to mind11:12
diplojust having a google now11:13
DJonesdatevalue seems to go the other way11:14
diployeah I was wrong :)11:15
diploBeen a while since I've used excel11:15
DJonesseems a good place to start though, might give me a link to the right command though11:15
diploSeems to have a good explanation11:16
DJonesThanks, I'll have a look11:17
popeydiplo: yes11:18
popeydiplo: I have an external EDGE10 box with 4 bays11:18
popeyand the cheapo onboard SATA interface wont show multiple drives in one enclosure11:19
* czajkowski bangs her head against a wall dealing with companies/recruiters who dont mail back 11:19
popeyso i added the pcie card to enable that11:19
diplonice, really need to find myself some spare cash11:20
* davmor2 prods czajkowski hello11:23
* MooDoo says alright to davmor2 and prods czajkowski as well11:26
popeyI should probably do something with the other 3 hp microservers11:27
davmor2MooDoo: Watcha Mucka11:28
diploSell them off uber cheap to me11:28
MooDoodavmor2: how you doing this fine day?11:29
davmor2popey: bitmining or better usage would be a cluster for mine craft you know it makes sense11:29
popeynot sure the cpu has enough grunt for minecraft11:30
davmor2MooDoo: you confusing fine with miserable, frey and cold again?11:30
MooDoodavmor2: i've got man flu, it's a curse11:31
davmor2MooDoo: there, there, not down to too much alcohol at all then :)11:34
MooDoodavmor2: no not this time11:35
davmor2MooDoo: bummer dude hope you get well soon11:36
MooDoodavmor2: hopefully it's a 24 hour thing11:38
MooDoomorning daubers11:52
MooDoooimon: yeah saw them on pleias post12:19
oimonthere's some great stuff on that site12:20
BigRedSI've an apache2 revers proxy which is returning an HTTP500 apparently without writing anything to the logs. Is this indicative of the proxied-to host returning an error? I'd expect that to be logged, too12:57
davmor2Morning daubers is this from your windows box?12:58
BigRedShah. no it's indicative of my having not loaded mod_proxy_http13:00
diploAnyone recognise this name Bruno Girin ?14:09
diploI recognise it from some where Ubuntu related14:09
diploJust wanted to get in contact with him ref something he is writing for Shotwell :)14:10
popeyhe works / worked on shotwell14:10
diploWant to test if he needs a tested14:10
DJonesdiplo: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/brunogirin14:10
* diplo follows and looks14:10
ali1234speaking of shotwell14:10
popeyhis gmail account is there14:10
ali1234so my monitor has a card reader in it14:11
diplolol, I really don't know why i didn't check any of those ( maybe not linked in ) but i normally do .14:11
diploCheeers guys14:11
ali1234every time i turn it off then on again (every day) it reenumerates the card reader and then shotwell loads, because the card has photos on it14:11
ali1234it's really annoying14:11
ali1234i never said to automatically open stuff14:11
popeypull the card out?14:11
MartijnVdSali1234: don't turn it off manually, use the automatic standby :)14:11
ali1234fix ubuntu14:11
ali1234i wish there was a way to turn off the monitor from software without having to wait for the timeout14:13
hamitronisn't there a lock screen button?14:13
ali1234yes, it just locks the screen, it does not turn off the monitor14:14
hamitronah :)14:14
hamitronnever played with such things much14:14
ali1234besides i don't use screenload or screensaver14:14
ali1234i just turn off the monitor14:14
ali1234it's much easier and it never happens accidentally while i am doing something14:15
hamitronyeh, same14:15
wintellectHow do I query which pkg contains an installed app?14:18
popeydpkg -S `which <program>`14:20
oimonwintellect: apt-file search will search across all packages14:20
wintellectpopey: oimon - thanks14:21
MooDooczajkowski: wassup?14:22
czajkowskistupid keyboard14:22
MooDooczajkowski: not using dvorak or something silly are you? ;)14:22
czajkowskimini 914:22
MooDooah little keyboard then14:23
* BigRedS is incompatible with netbook keyboards14:23
* hamitron upgrades BigRedS to something better14:24
BigRedSNah, it's the netbook that needs upgrading!14:24
daubersdavmor2: Yes14:26
gordmini 9's :(14:30
gordhard enough to type on a 1014:30
oimonhas anyone ever seen a zune IRL?14:32
davmor2daubers: wow I knew windows was slow I had no idea the lag would be that bad, /me waits another 4 hours for a reply14:35
daubersdavmor2: :p I blame this "work" concept. Get's in the way of _everything_14:36
davmor2daubers: haha14:36
gordsometimes i swear, work gets in the way of work even14:37
daubersgord: Yes! I spent 3 days yesterday doing project management stuffabout project management :(14:37
daubers3 days last week even14:38
* daubers needs moar coffee14:38
gordwas gonna say ;)14:38
davmor2gord: only when trying to work on things not directly related to work but are rewarded by work for working so hard on it, right?14:38
daubersdoesn't help that it's just warm and muggy enough to make you sleepy today14:38
gorddavmor2, its monday, i stopped reading what you said after the second work14:39
davmor2gord: haha14:39
davmor2work getting in the way again :D14:39
davmor2gord: I got a second hand copy of dragon age 2 who ever said it was smaller lied :)  the map is but there are more quests and sub quests that the first with more downloadable ones if you get bored with the original game14:41
gorddavmor2, i said its smaller, because it is :P14:41
davmor2gord: but the games bigger there are more places they just happen to be in one city rather than an entire continent14:42
gorddavmor2, its way smaller, the main city is bigger than the other cities in da1, but that doesn't mean the game is bigger14:43
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davmor2gord: I'm 50% of the way through it (ie quest 1 is complete) and I've only completed 18% of the game.  I think the issue is if you don't look for the extra elements you don't complete them14:48
gorddavmor2, i did pretty much everything the game had to offer, still beat it in a week, made sure to do all the quests i could find14:48
bigcalmEllo peeps14:49
davmor2gord: did that include all the mail you get at your home?14:49
gordi mean, i had fun whilst i was doing all that. i would of stopped if i wasn't. but its not as big a game as da1. which makes sense, they made the entire thing in like a year14:50
MartijnVdSTame(ish) birds++ http://www.flickr.com/photos/treenaks/5828812586/in/photostream14:52
MooDooMartijnVdS: like it :)14:53
daubersMartijnVdS: My brother keeps telling me they're almost as dumb as owls14:54
daubersBut then he would :)14:54
MartijnVdSdaubers: This bird's trainer is trying to get a proper crow, they're supposed to be a bit smarter14:54
davmor2gord: I noticed all the duplication of areas which didn't seem so apparent in DA1 and I hate the fact that you can't get to some areas at all14:56
MooDooMartijnVdS: http://www.flickr.com/photos/prjmellors/5828829596/14:56
gorddavmor2, which area's can't you get to?14:56
MartijnVdSMooDoo: cool]14:56
MooDooMartijnVdS: not the original, it's a scanned version of the one i did14:57
MartijnVdSMooDoo: Still a cool pic :)14:57
daubersMartijnVdS: Apparently. He deals with birds of pray more often than not14:57
davmor2gord: on the summit there is a cavern with a door the one end and a magic shield the other nothing opens either door,  there were a lot of places where you went in but there were no way to get through to places on the map14:58
gorddavmor2, right, those places are because of duplicating the area's. each time you go into a cave or whatever, it'll just use the same map but open different areas14:59
davmor2gord: yes which is a bit crap15:02
MattJOoouch :(15:24
MattJI just discovered I've been hit by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam/+bug/79053815:24
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 790538 in pam (Ubuntu Hardy) "pam update causes cron to stop working with "Module is unknown" error" [Critical,Fix released]15:24
MattJand that I have no backups for the past 2 weeks15:24
MooDooMattJ: ouch....15:25
popeyI had the same15:26
popeybut spotted it sooner15:26
selinuxiumerm... am I missing something... How do I map a windows drive in Unity?15:26
MooDooselinuxium: use the command line ;)15:26
daubersselinuxium: Go into nautilus, hit ctrl+l then enter smb://blah blah blah :)15:27
MattJpopey: I'm accustomed to the cron emails being in my inbox every morning, I guess I've been thinking about too much other stuff the past couple of weeks to notice their absence until today15:27
selinuxiumMooDoo, daubers So what happened to the GUI?15:28
MattJand I won't complain too loudly, having messed up a security release of my own around the same time15:28
daubersselinuxium: The "Connect to Server" one?15:29
selinuxiumdaubers, yup15:29
daubersselinuxium: Go into nautilus, then it's in the file menu15:30
daubersselinuxium: I tend to use the ctrl+L method as it's quicker, and I do that about 10 times a day15:30
MooDoopopey: your tumbleweed page has caused great amusement in our office today :D16:03
davmor2MooDoo: it would still be better animated16:07
MooDoodavmor2: it is16:07
gordnote to self rm -r *nux* may also delete lots of files with the word "linux" in them...16:07
MooDoodavmor2: tumbleweed goes accross the screen16:07
davmor2woo hoo popey when did that happen16:08
davmor2haha nice16:08
popeyabout a month ago16:09
davmor2popey: Yeah I think I looked at it but had forgotten as it hadn't appeared on here that much :)16:11
MooDooandylock1an: tumbleweed.popey.com16:25
andylock1annice background16:26
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JGJonesThis keep going on and on and on in my head: oh moshi, you're so fine! you're so fine you blow my mind, HEY MOSHI! HEY MOSHI!16:31
JGJonesYes, my daughter have discovered the Moshi Monster music video on YouTube and is playing it. Over and over. I'm starting to wonder if I have a baseball bat somewhere for "essential repairs" to the speakers?16:32
MartijnVdSJGJones: Time for some iptabling on the router ;)16:36
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MartijnVdSls: Command not found16:37
popeyhowdy howdy howdy16:41
MartijnVdS\o popey16:41
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andylockranoh.. dear16:41
oimonhttps://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_hardware_comparison something's wrong here16:41
oimonwhy is nvidia so poor compared to amd here?16:42
dogmatic69oimon: you making bitcoins?16:42
hamitronamd tend to have more processing cores16:42
JGJonesMartijnVdS, she'll just find another source. She always seem to manage it - a geek in the making :-)16:43
Azelphuroimon: it's an arch issue, nvidia is faster at floating point math, amd is faster at integer math16:43
Azelphuryou can guess which is more useful for bitcoin16:43
hamitronnvidia is better for gaming though16:43
oimondogmatic69: there shouldn't be that big a difference though16:43
oimonAzelphur: ^16:43
Azelphuroimon: sure there is16:43
andylockranhow long does it take to generate 0.01 coins?16:45
andylockranI've installed it on OSX and my balance is 0.0016:45
MartijnVdSandylockran: it takes forever (for all intents and purposes) unless you join a mining group16:45
oimonwhy are so many people doing BC?16:45
Azelphurbecause it's profitable if you do it right16:45
gordthats not the reason ;)16:46
Azelphurit's my reason :D16:46
Azelphurthat and of course, it's damned fun16:46
gordi think most people are doing it because its fun to set up, its an interesting technical challenge in both the hardware and software realm16:46
AzelphurI went in with the intention of making money + it's fun16:46
* MartijnVdS might be strange, but I don't see the fun in it :)16:46
AzelphurI'm doing both :)16:46
gordif your doing it to make money, there are easier ways16:46
oimonyeah, like begging16:46
Azelphurindeed, bitcoin mining isn't for the faint of heart16:46
Azelphurif you don't like building and tweaking, don't bother16:47
oimonit's a nonsense though really16:47
oimonhow can cpu cycles wasted on generating numbers have value?16:47
MartijnVdSSHA-something might be safe now, but what if it's cracked (like MD5 and SHA1 before it)16:48
dogmatic69Azelphur: lol16:48
gordoimon, because its a limited resource16:48
MartijnVdSsame with ECC16:48
Azelphuroimon: supply and demand16:48
oimonbut it's not real16:48
oimonwhy would anyone want it?16:48
MartijnVdSoimon: neither is normal money16:48
Azelphuroimon: it's as real as any other currency is16:49
gordoimon, coins are just metal, notes are just paper16:49
oimonyes, money is real16:49
Azelphuroimon: so if I print a qrcode to a bitcoin on a piece of paper is the bitcoin real?16:49
oimonnotes are a promise16:49
MartijnVdSoimon: not anymore16:49
Azelphuroimon: bitcoin are very lucrative for buyers, lots of people are buying them as investment, also as a safe place to store money without worry about it being frozen or stolen by authorities16:50
Azelphurthe pirate party for example have all their funds in bitcoin now16:50
oimonon your 1st point...as an investment ..16:50
MartijnVdSBut can I buy bread for bitcoins?16:51
AzelphurMartijnVdS: yes16:51
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Not at my local baker's16:51
oimonit's not legal tender, no16:51
MartijnVdSAzelphur: My supermarket doesn't want bitcoins16:51
AzelphurMartijnVdS: that's like saying you can't buy bread at your local bakers with US dollars16:51
oimonit's an internet bubble16:51
gordoimon, put simply, bitcoins have a value because people are willing to buy them, to exchange local currency in some form, or trade something, for them. which is no different from any other currency16:51
AzelphurMartijnVdS: bitcoin is an internet currency, you buy shit off the internet with it.16:51
oimonAzelphur: only among people willing to accept the imaginary currency16:52
gordoimon, it may well be :) it may well fall apart tomorrow, but so might our own currency16:52
MartijnVdSAzelphur: except nobody accepts it, except private torrent sites (piracy anyone), pirate parties, child porn rings, etc.16:52
AzelphurMartijnVdS: wrong, huge amounts of companies accept it now.16:52
AzelphurMartijnVdS: you can get your bread from the consumables section, I'd guess :)16:53
diploThey reckon that the porn industry is going to pick up on bitcoin soon don't they16:54
diploAs it's a anonymous payment as such16:54
Azelphurindeed, it's lucrative to a lot of people for a lot of reasons16:54
* MooDoo goes to the net to see what bitcoin is16:54
MartijnVdSI think it's going to be as niche as PGP/GPG16:54
MartijnVdSOnly geeks use it16:54
AzelphurMartijnVdS: *Shrug* maybe16:54
MartijnVdS(and people with "special interest")16:54
Azelphurat the end of the day I don't care I got a free supercomputer.16:54
Azelphuror nearly free, anyway.16:55
MartijnVdSAzelphur: why not use it to do protein folding then? :)16:55
Azelphurbecause protein folding won't pay the power bill16:55
oimonBTC is as much a currency as trading pokemon cards16:55
Azelphuroimon: pokemon cards have (had) value16:55
oimonhow much £ in power does it take to mine £ in BTC16:55
AzelphurI sold a bunch of them back when I was a kid :p16:55
Azelphuroimon: look on the mining hardware page, it shows mhash/j figures, you can calculate it from that16:56
oimonAzelphur: it was a perceived value created by temporary demand16:56
Azelphurif it is I don't mind, I already made my money :D16:56
oimonwe'll laugh about it in 2 yrs16:56
AzelphurI won't, I'll be like "bitcoin was awesome"16:56
Azelphur"I got a free supercomputer"16:57
gordwe may do oimon, or we may all look like morons for not getting in on that16:57
oimoni'm happy to be the moron16:57
gordthats fine16:57
oimonespecially with 150-node HPC clusters at my disposal16:57
popeygood luck mining on those16:57
oimonthey have GPU processing units too16:58
AzelphurI bet they are nvidia16:58
oimonis mining windows only then?16:58
Azelphuroimon: hell no16:58
Azelphuroimon: my mining cluster is ubuntu server netbooted16:58
gordi wonder if it would make more sense to mine on ps3's. those cell chips are really quite quick16:59
MartijnVdSAzelphur: did you get it to work then? :)16:59
MartijnVdSAzelphur: as in, properly16:59
gordand ps3's are about as expensive as a gpu16:59
AzelphurMartijnVdS: yep17:00
Azelphurgord: it doesn't17:00
andylockranCost of machines + electricity > generated bitcoin value ?17:01
Azelphurandylockran: by far17:01
AzelphurI mean, by far on the profit side :p17:02
AzelphurI havn't had my rig for a month and it's nearly paid for itself17:02
andylockranAzelphur: how many bitcoins do you have?17:03
oimonAzelphur: how much £ have you converted then?17:03
Azelphuroimon: £140017:03
Azelphurandylockran: 18.88 + 100 NC17:03
popeyAzelphur: do you do pooled mining?17:03
AzelphurI had a few days of downtime :(17:04
Azelphurpopey: I did, I've decided to stop pool mining now though17:04
popeyhave you actually found any without pooling?17:04
Azelphurpopey: BTCmine was nice, then they enforced a 2% fee, so then I switched to btcguild which had lots of rejected shares, so switched to eligius which wasn't bad but also charges a fee and takes tx fees17:04
AzelphurI've found blocks while in a pool17:05
Azelphurbut I havn't solo mined bitcoin yet17:05
AzelphurI'm mining namecoin atm17:05
AzelphurI mined like £30 worth of namecoin last night, but I was extremely unlucky on the solo :(17:06
AzelphurI only got 100, if averages had held true I should have had something like 100017:07
Azelphurstill hoping that I get lucky a couple times before difficulty hikes :p17:07
MartijnVdSAzelphur: isn't it hiking already?17:08
popeyit hikes periodically17:08
MartijnVdSpopey: well, yes, but faster and faster17:08
AzelphurMartijnVdS: it hikes in a matter of hours17:09
Azelphurand yay, just found another block ^_^17:09
popeywhich card was it again?17:09
Azelphur8x5870 for me17:09
popeyATI sommat17:09
davmor2popey: the one on the left17:09
Azelphurmy next rigs might be 5970's though if I can get a decent price17:09
MartijnVdSWhat's the current block count?17:10
Azelphuron namecoin? 1206317:10
MartijnVdSNo normal bc17:11
MartijnVdSah, I'm a few behind then17:11
popeydoes it matter how much RAM the card has?17:11
popeyI guess not17:11
Azelphurpopey: not at all17:12
Azelphurpopey: and you can underclock the memory for lower power / heat :p17:12
MartijnVdSI have >2k confirmations for my single transaction now17:14
andylockranhow do you get teh rcpusername/password?17:17
Azelphurandylockran: are you aiming at pool or solo17:22
andylockranAzelphur: I'll ride solo I think :)17:22
Azelphurandylockran: what gpu?17:23
andylockranAzelphur: nvidia 790017:23
andylockrannot a new one :s17:23
andylockranor a recent one17:23
andylockranis that a bad idea?17:23
Azelphurvery bad idea17:23
andylockranSo find a pool?17:23
Azelphuryou can't even mine on a 790017:23
Azelphurit doesn't support OpenCL17:23
andylockranah, ok17:23
Azelphur8 series+ only17:23
Azelphurand using anything that low will net you a higher power bill than profit17:24
andylockranwhat about an ion :p17:24
Azelphurnvidia is very difficult to make a profit off17:24
andylockranAzelphur: other machine is a MacBookPRo17:24
Azelphuronly the really high end nvidias actually have a semi-decent hash rate17:25
Azelphurbut even the high end ones like the GTX590 pale in comparison to a budget ATI card eg the 587017:25
Azelphurcheck out https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_hardware_comparison17:25
andylockran6490M on tha tpage17:26
MartijnVdSthe 6990x3 is OMG17:26
AzelphurMartijnVdS: a little over half what my setup does :)17:26
Azelphuronly, the initial cost is probably the same as me :p17:27
andylockranAzelphur: how much did you invest?17:27
* MartijnVdS has a ... looking up..17:27
andylockranAzelphur: and you've already made your money back?17:27
Azelphurandylockran: nearly17:28
andylockranI'm interested - I know some retailers got done in the early 90s for creating a virtual currency.. I know very little about it though.17:28
Azelphur*shrug* if it goes pop I've already won as I say17:28
Azelphurthe risk is pretty much over for me now17:28
MartijnVdSI have a single ATI 557017:29
MartijnVdS102 Mhash/s / 1.46 Mhash/J17:29
MartijnVdSah only half.. the 102 one is overclocked17:30
Azelphuruse http://bitcoinx.com/profit/index.php for your calculations, make sure your not making a loss with your power requirements17:31
Azelphurand if your average generation time is more than 10 days it's probably time to pool mine (I'd recommend eligius)17:31
Azelphurtime for me to go cook for the family, /wave17:32
Core_UKWere does VirtualBox keep its VHDs?17:47
popeyCore_UK: where you put them ☺17:52
Core_UKthey were hidden popey17:52
popeysometimes ~/.VirtualBox ?17:52
Core_UKyeah :)17:52
Core_UKsilly me17:52
Core_UKwhat do you reckon is the MINIMUM ram I can use on a wikimedia LAMP server intended for a <5 users?17:53
Core_UK64mb pushing it too far?17:53
* popey shrugs17:53
Core_UKok :)17:53
MartijnVdSThat sounds a lot like "what happened when you tried" ;)17:59
Core_UKMartijnVdS: i am trying 64mg18:03
hamitronMartijnVdS: I got 70 MH/s on a standard clocked 557018:06
hamitronCore_UK: I reckon it can be done18:07
Core_UKhamitron: it works fine so far18:08
Core_UKgonna try adding some content and see what happens18:08
hamitronLAMP works fine on 32Mb memory18:08
Core_UKdamn if you would have told me that :P18:09
hamitronI have it running on 16Mb with the 2.4 kernel18:09
Core_UKmy very first PC was 16 mgs18:09
Core_UKhappy days18:09
hamitronit just so happens, it is my first PC too :)18:10
hamitronI reckon I've had my moneys worth out of it18:10
Core_UKyou mean18:10
Core_UKyou STILL have it18:10
Core_UKthat is epic18:10
hamitronyeh, p120 cpu18:11
Core_UKi think mine was a p120 or something, overdrive or whatever they called it18:11
hamitronif I code something and it works well on it, I know it doesn't take too many resources18:11
popeymy first pc was an 8MHz 8088 PC.18:12
hamitronI really want something that old :/18:12
Core_UKthat was WELL before my time lol18:12
popeyIt had a MDA video card18:13
popey_no_ graphics18:13
popeyI want a VT10118:13
hamitronI've sold all the 486 I had, but now regreting it18:13
popeyI still have one 36818:13
popeyactually, no, 28618:13
hamitronwanna sell me it?18:13
Core_UKI am trying with 8MB RAM18:14
Core_UKawww "error: the initrd is too big."18:14
popeyToshiba 1910CS laptop18:14
popeyquality website18:15
popeyoh, 48618:15
MartijnVdS> he new Microsoft BallPoint® V 2.0 with QuickPort™ is the ideal mouse when you're on the move18:15
popey"graphics accelerator"18:15
MartijnVdSpopey: back when that meant 2d acceleration :)18:16
hamitron486 is too powerful for what I want :/18:16
MartijnVdShamitron: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_8008 ?18:16
hamitronanyways, food is ready, so bbl o/18:16
popeyI loved my IBM Model 50Z18:16
popeyused to play Links Golf on that18:16
hamitronI want a 286 ideally18:16
MartijnVdShamitron: for what? :)18:16
popeyhappy days18:17
popeythat is a 28618:17
hamitronthe minimum to run minix 2.018:17
hamitronttyl o/18:17
MartijnVdSpopey: with a 486 upgrade? nice :)18:17
MartijnVdSI sort of skipped the 286/386 era.. went straight from 8088 to 486DX3318:18
MartijnVdSmy dad then gave me a 386DX4018:18
Core_UKthe place where windows go when minimised18:25
Core_UKwhat is that called?18:25
MartijnVdS"the bar on the left"18:25
Core_UKmy is on the bottom :P18:25
MartijnVdSCore_UK: ah, old Ubuntu?18:25
Core_UK11.04 classic18:25
MartijnVdSyes, old ubuntu -- "classic" :)18:25
Core_UKI want to google something18:25
Core_UKbut do not know how to phrase it18:25
Core_UKi want to move the vbox icon from my 'windowbar?' into the notification area18:26
MartijnVdSCore_UK: That's not possible unless the app has a feature for it18:27
Core_UKdo you know the name of what I am refering to though?18:27
MartijnVdStask bar and notification area18:27
Core_UKi was right :D18:28
Core_UKthank you18:28
MartijnVdSwell it's the task list applet really18:28
MartijnVdSon the bottom panel :)18:28
MartijnVdSbut people call it the taskbar anyway18:28
Core_UKthere is an alltray in the repo18:31
Core_UKseems to have bad reviews though18:31
JGJonesHmm hamitron if you're after OLD computers...I have a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 4 to sell....18:33
MartijnVdSJGJones: don't tell HazRPG :)18:39
=== kellyh_ is now known as kellyh
JGJonesMartijnVdS, I'm selling it so of course I'm telling! :D18:43
JGJonesNo idea if it works come to think of it...I've not gotten around to plugging it in so I should do that.18:43
hamitronJGJones: afraid I have no use for a Z80 cpu18:56
HazRPGMartijnVdS: ^_^18:56
diplo-evening all19:13
HazRPGdownload fest was awesome ;D19:19
ubuntuuk-planet[Andrew] Papyrus Feed Reader Mockup - http://whyareyoureadingthisurl.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/papyrus-feed-reader-mockup/19:31
Core_UKany linux gaming fans in today? :)19:49
* hamitron is a gaming fan, but Azelphur is more a linux gamers19:50
hamitronand he lives \o/19:50
Core_UKmeeting tomorrow19:51
Core_UKthey trying to start up the group again19:51
Core_UKubuntu gaming19:51
hamitronwhat does that entail?19:52
* BigRedS can think of a way of finding out19:53
Core_UKI think a website would be cool19:53
Core_UKxbox live for ubuntu19:53
Core_UKplay each other at games, post your scores with other gamers etc19:54
Core_UKno? okay...19:54
hamitrona common place to talk about what works is good for me19:55
Core_UKyou mean as in wine?19:56
Core_UKwine is for freedom haterzzz!19:56
hamitronjust games19:56
Core_UKyeah defo19:56
hamitronI have nothing against closed source though19:56
Core_UKthats cos your a freedom haterz y019:57
hamitronjust want those offering it, to offer it in a format I can use19:57
Core_UKyeah defo19:57
hamitronhate is a strong word :/19:57
Core_UKnah its not ask richard :)19:57
Core_UKmr stallman19:57
Core_UKi was just jesting though :D19:57
JGJonesbah Opera might be closed source but it's still goddamn awesome - they follow web standards after all.19:58
Core_UKI think closed source is okay while it is small19:58
hamitronI guess there are different ways to look at it19:59
Core_UKaka not microsoft google etc :)19:59
hamitronas a user I like open source19:59
hamitronbut if I develop something, I may not want to give my work away19:59
hamitronso can see it from both sides20:00
JGJonesI always find it daft that some people think that because I use open source I won't pay for software. Pure garbage.20:00
Core_UKfree = libre20:00
hamitronJGJones: yeh20:00
Core_UKpeople confuse free as in freedom20:00
Core_UKas there is no word for free in the sense of freedom in english ><20:01
hamitronI see anything where I don't have to pay, as free ;)20:01
Core_UKand the confusion begins20:01
Core_UKits libre software not free software20:01
Core_UKwe should ask oxford to introduce libre into the english language :P20:02
Core_UKeening daubers20:02
hamitroni confess, I choose good software over libre :/20:02
hamitronbut that is why I like linux, it is good20:02
daubersI tend to use whatever works best most of the time20:02
Core_UKme too20:03
Core_UKwith a baise towards libre20:03
* AlanBell tends to talk about software freedom20:03
Azelphur(19:27:39) hamitron: I'm starting to hate linux20:04
* Azelphur run20:04
Core_UKlibre i think is most important with tools (software as a tool) and less important in other area's, such as gaming,20:04
hamitronI hate everything20:04
hamitronlinux is just the most good atm20:04
Core_UKhamitron: you need ethics training freedom hater20:05
daubersCore_UK: Ah, the irony in hypocrasy20:05
Core_UKha ha20:05
hamitronif I ever invent something that will make me millions, I would take the millions :/20:06
daubershamitron: I would as long as it didn't endanger peoples lives20:06
hamitronplease forgive me ;)20:06
hamitrondaubers: there are a few things that would make me think it through ofc20:06
Core_UKare we alive without freedom?20:07
Core_UKi am only jesting by the way I am not a free software zealot don't worry :)20:07
* hamitron checks his pulse20:08
hamitronyes :D20:08
* AlanBell is working on a presentation that includes the 4 freedoms20:08
Core_UKfor what purpose AlanBell ?20:08
DavieyAlanBell: oh no.20:08
Core_UKRichard Stallman will love you in heaven :)20:09
hamitronpoor AlanBell20:09
jacobwsomeone did a presentation about the reform of copyright laws in the UK and how it would affect free software at the LUG i attend last time i was there20:15
AlanBellpresentation is for this tomorrow http://www.smartgovlive.com/20:15
jacobwit seems that policy makers still don't understand the information age20:16
AlanBellnot entirely true :020:16
jacobwhow so? i suppose i shouldn't generalise20:17
AlanBellit is a more complicated picture than that20:18
TheOpenSourcererjacobw: There is another presentation on copyright and FOSS on Wednesday evening in London: http://www.theiet.org/local/uk/london/central-Open-source-software.cfm20:18
jacobwthere must :)20:19
* hamitron doesn't worry about the law part of stuff20:21
hamitronCore_UK: I'm big on using something as it was intended to be used as, not worrying about the fine print of the law20:30
Core_UKI'm big on using stuff as I feel it was intended :P20:31
hamitronnot just ignoring all terms the software is released under20:31
Core_UKand ignoring the law20:31
Core_UKi mean20:31
Core_UKnot really, of course20:31
hamitronwell, I dont like breaking copyright20:32
hamitronbut I wouldn't use a loophole in some license, to use it in a way the author didn't want20:32
Core_UKdepends if it is the author i am dealing with, or a massive multinational that misuses the author...20:33
Core_UKlot to consider20:33
hamitronfor example, I wouldn't pirate MS Windows20:33
Core_UKi dont pirate but i have no objections to it in some scenarios20:33
hamitronas much as I hate some of the things MS have gone about things in the past, I wouldn't pirate it, I'd choose to not use it if I felt strongly enough20:33
hamitronno software is important enough for me to do without20:34
jacobwstick to debian/ubuntu, the people who make policy have thought about these things so you don't have to :)20:35
Core_UKwell now no20:35
BigRedSthere's a bit of a difference between Debian's and Ubuntu's, er, policy there20:35
Core_UKKFC or McDonolds?20:35
Core_UKok wrong chat sorry :P20:35
BigRedSI was trying to make that analogy fit :)20:36
jacobwthat's true, i was more thinking of debian when i said that.20:36
Core_UKdebian are so cool20:36
hamitrondebiaan = freedom, ubuntu = profit?20:36
Core_UKfor geeks20:36
Core_UKdebian = bling20:36
BigRedSjacobw: yeah, debian doesn't do the "your system's too free, have an NVidia driver" thing :)20:36
BigRedSnah. Debian's stuck to the ideal of making the best OS they can according to Debian's definition of 'best'. Ubuntu's aiming for popular.20:37
jacobwi don't think ubuntu are doing anything wrong, its just a different approach to computing.20:37
jacobwpeople don't like change :| whether its unity or sudo or whatever.20:38
hamitronI'm against boycotting the nvidia drivers..... I paid for a card and expect them to provide me a driver for the money ;)20:38
BigRedSwow. the stories are true. rpm is _really_ slow20:39
hamitronsudo = 5 extra chars to type20:39
BigRedSfor each command20:39
hamitronI don't like to sound lazy20:39
hamitronbut it makes a difference20:39
BigRedSwhy not? Laziness is a virtue20:40
* hamitron has mastered it20:40
hamitronI never saw what was wrong with su -c20:41
jacobwits true, rpm sucks.20:41
hamitronI found fedora rather fresh last time I tried it20:41
jacobwwell, apart from having to enter you password for each command..20:41
BigRedSyeah, I'd head the stories but I've been pretty good at avoiding it for a while20:41
Core_UKhave not used rpm since mandrake20:41
hamitronjacobw: then I use on -c20:41
hamitronlast time I used rpm on commandline was in slackware20:42
hamitronwith the old nvidia driver20:42
hamitrondoes suse still use rpm?20:43
jacobwthey have 'zypper' now though20:44
jacobwwhich is like yum but good20:44
hamitronyum is easier to spell20:44
czajkowskiAlanBell: ping20:44
hamitronreminds me20:44
hamitronneed coffee and cake20:44
jacobwhmm, cake.20:46
hamitronI have to wait20:47
hamitroncooker isn't free20:47
* hamitron sighs20:48
TheOpenSourcererIf you've been following the Mark Taylor/Computercentre story here's a nice take: http://www.itworld.com/it-managementstrategy/173673/two-faces-uk-open-source20:51
jacobwi can't stop thinking about cake now :(20:53
hamitronme neither20:55
hamitrontime for some DIRT 3 I think20:55
hamitronbbl o/20:55
AlanBello/ czajkowski21:00
czajkowskiAlanBell: ca you pop into -ie21:02
jacobw:o rally games are great21:03
* jacobw was a big fan of vrally back in the day21:03
JGJoneshamitron, I don't like yum.21:05
JGJoneshamitron, it make me hungry.21:05
JGJonesbtw if you're doing a lot of sudo stuff - I tend to use sudo -s21:06
JGJonesthat's to hamitron btw.21:06
=== OmNomDeBonBon is now known as GentileBen
hamitronJGJones: you have just won me over to sudo, ty21:36
hamitronjacobw: any racing game :D21:37
hamitronI do prefer wheel to wheel racing21:37
Pendulumhamitron: what about wheelchair racing? ;-)21:38
Pendulumthat's someone that should be done with the Wii or Kinect21:39
Penduluma wheelchair racing simulator game!21:39
hamitronthat could be kind of cool21:39
hamitronI remember racing wheel chairs at school21:40
Pendulumone of my mates and I once got yelled at in an IKEA for racing our wheelchairs21:40
Pendulumshe was beating me in a crappy store wheelchair too :(21:40
hamitronwell, there is a time and place!21:41
Pendulum(compared to my superlight-weight made for me in my chair)21:41
hamitronlike the car park? ;)21:41
hamitronyou could have fatigue and stuff21:41
Pendulumyeah, but it was a 'Midnight Madness' event all for uni students. And there was no one in front of us and we're both good enough with our chairs we wouldn't have hit anyone!21:41
Pendulumhamitron: I do. just it was a first sign at one point that things had progressed for me because I should have been much faster21:42
hamitronsorry, I was thinking about a game21:42
Pendulum(this was almost 4 years ago. these days I wouldn't even try to beat her)21:42
=== dominic_ is now known as domjohnson
Pendulumactually, that would be cool21:42
PendulumI wonder if it'd be a way to get new wheelchair users more used to the motion...21:43
hamitrontwin accelerator21:43
hamitronand twin brake21:43
hamitronand "rush mode"21:43
Pendulumnot to mention get all of you unlucky enough not to need wheelchairs an example of what it's like ;-)21:43
Pendulumbut without all the crappy bits21:44
hamitronnot gonna be realistic though21:44
jacobwhamitron: :D i love racing games too.21:44
hamitronbut it could be fun21:44
Pendulumcrappy bits = social barriers like people not bothering with installing ramps21:44
hamitronPendulum: you don't think some people may get upset with such a game?21:45
Pendulumhamitron: some people might, but I suspect they'd be in the minority21:45
* Pendulum asks twitter what they think21:46
diplo-Any of you guys use S3 for storage/backup ?21:46
Pendulumit could be an idea that only sounds good to me because I have a fever :P21:46
hamitronI'm sure such a game could be fun to play21:47
hamitrondiplo: out of my budget :)21:48
diplo-Well I just looked, doesn't seem that expensive or I am reading it wrong21:49
hamitronI don't think it is, I'm just too cheap21:49
diplo-Why I was asking to see if others used it21:50
jacobwStreak Hoverboard Racing was a great game :)21:50
hamitronjacobw: I never played it21:51
hamitrononce upon a time I wanted to buy every racing game I could find21:51
hamitronbut all this DRM on new games has put me off21:51
hamitronI used to buy everything I could, then copy to cdr for my cd wallet21:52
hamitronso originals are kept nice21:52
hamitronnow I begrudge paying for software, because you can be sure the activation servers won't be there for ever, and I will want them to always work21:53
gordyup, just typed amazon.co.uk in to amazon.co.uk. i'm a moron21:57
jacobwyeah, this is why i don't play games any more21:57
jacobwphilosphical objections :(21:58
jacobwyo gord, i heard you like amazon.co.uk so i put some amazon.co.uk in amazon.co.uk :P21:58
hamitronhow mcuh do they have it for?22:00
hamitronand does it qualify for super saver delivery? ;/22:00
hamitronI hate paying delivery charges22:00
jacobwperhaps people have been overcomplicating how to value amazon..22:00
gordi have amazon prime :) works out well if you buy lots of useless stuff like me22:01
jacobwi used to have that, but the trial ran out :(22:02
dutchiei had the trial22:03
dutchieamazon don't seem to have noticed that it ought to have run ou t22:03
dutchieso :)22:03
hamitronis that the 1 click thing?22:04
jacobwfree one day delivery22:05
hamitronah, nice22:05
jacobwsort of.. they charge you just before you remember to cancel the tra22:05
hamitroni not used amazon since I pre-ordererd F1 2010 and they ripped me off22:05
dutchiehmm, they may have charged me then22:05
dutchieoh well22:06
jacobwits not cheap, its about £4022:06
hamitronfor how long? :|22:06
jacobwi think itd supposed to be £40/year22:08
gordamazon prime is cheep if you buy lots of stuff22:14
gordthe way i figured out was i added up all the regular delivery fee's i was paying, turned out it was more than amazon prime is monthly, so now i'm paying less money and get one day delivery thrown in for free22:15
hamitronsuper saver!22:19
hamitronan excuse to make me wait, to encourage me to pay them more :/22:20
michelle_I've got some good bargains pre-ordering books. For most other things, though, it ends up more expensive. I just tick "free delivery" and am happy to wait the extra few days.22:24
michelle_I don't buy games any more because they don't install easily on Linux. I do still play Unreal Tournament 2004, because it came with a Linux installer on the original DVD. I'm getting my money out of that game.22:26
BigRedSI did that for a while22:28
BigRedSthen valve made portal22:28
BigRedSand I caved in22:28
michelle_I am considering Portal 2 ... and also Duke Nukem. Have so far resisted.22:28
BigRedSI even found myself a 'wintendo' desktop background22:29
michelle_... mostly because I remember how much of a pain it is to install and maintain Windows.22:29
gordduke nukem is getting very bad reviews22:29
gord3/10 and such22:29
BigRedSoh yeah, I got someone else to configure Windows for me22:30
michelle_... and I count maybe two or three years before it won't play on the future Windows releases.22:30
michelle_That sucks for investment in a game.22:30
BigRedSgord: yeah, I'm hearing that the major (only?) good thing about it is that it's duke nukem forever22:30
gordBigRedS, there really isn't any quality of it you could deem good22:31
michelle_Well .. we've waited ... "forever"... to get it!!!22:31
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Community Leadership Summit 2011 - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/06/13/community-leadership-summit-2011-2/22:31
gordha, rebecca black's seminal "friday" video on youtube now costs $2.99 to view it, you get 72 hours of rental for that price22:32
popeybit late for that bandwagon22:33
BigRedSbah. my run of conceiving of things, writing the code, and it Just Working has come to an abrupt end :(22:34
gordyou would of thought they would of just thrown mandatory adverts on it like other annoying youtube videos22:34
AlanBellanyone want to point out spelling errors and such on http://libertus.co.uk/23:06
dutchieAlanBell: some of the paras on the "Services" page should have full stops/semicolons instead of commas23:21
dutchieAlanBell: specifically "integration and customisation" and "hosting"23:22
AlanBellsemis it is then23:23
hamitronI missed that23:24

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