
ShawnRok, i took my fstab entry i had on my old ubuntu (10.10) which i upgraded to 11.04 (and it still worked).  I copied that over to a fresh install of 11.04 and now i get a "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock" error01:56
ShawnRa sample of my entries (I mount 6 nfs shares all the same way) is:01:57
ShawnR192.168.1.161:/dataz/mp3 /home/ShawnR/Music/WOPR-mp3s nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr01:57
ShawnRgah, nvm, 11.04 doesn't come with nfs-common (just was there from my previous upgrade install vs my now clean install)03:49
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
munzwell, guess 2day is my SHTF day. exchange server = please insert system disk and press any key to continue15:35
munzi have been looking all morning and cant find the 'any' key!15:35
raubvogelmunz, you can buy a "any" key online.15:36
raubvogelAnd in some keyboards, you can replace one of the keys with it15:36
raubvogelAnything beyond that requires me to take the 5th ;)15:37
munzthanx raubvogel i'll check ebay16:00
munzthink i found the problem tho...16:00
munzexchange ran out of epaper and busted a router spring16:00
pak33mhey there's that jimmah guy16:59
pak33mand there he goes17:00

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