
duanedesignir to do bot aht the g=cahbges stced 6k04:25
duanedesignyiu cab run the u1sdtuuk -lis fildrs commnsd04:29
ajmitchduanedesign: irc from a phone? :)04:29
duanedesignthen run u1sdtool --listfoldrs04:31
duanedesignyou eill get something likr   id=7f8491ab-f431-4c8a-91a7-f561faa05fca subscribed=True path=/home/duanedesign/Pictures04:34
duanedesignajmitch: sorry jut re read t~yiu isser04:39
jmlI am an Ubuntu One user and I have a friend who is an Ubuntu One user, how do I find their public files?09:23
jmlWe're just trying to share files.09:26
jmlHe's trying to share them, and it says "Please wait"09:26
jmland we're waiting and nothing is happening.09:26
jml... and here he is now09:27
jmlSo for those reviewing the logs, Huw had to guess the magic email address09:32
jmlone of the three that I have linked to my Ubuntu One account09:32
faganI wonder if the AR people are going to be around today10:23
Chipacafagan: nope10:31
faganChipaca: figures since the ash10:32
Chipacafagan: right, i don't know if they're even home yet10:32
faganChipaca: so they are going right back home rather than waiting it out10:32
faganthey were saying they could get a bus from a different country or something from what I remember10:33
Chipacafagan: right. flights reopened over the weekend, but closed down again yesterday evening.10:38
faganah so its 50:50 if they got back or not10:38
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rotten777duanedesign: I just did a symlink to patch the problem so it's "working"13:11
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* fagan break13:42
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karniU1 is slow or is it just me? I'm trying to create 3 small UDFs, since few minutes :<15:45
fagankarni: dont know havent tried it today15:47
duanedesignkarni: that would be consistent with what user(s) have been saying this weekend15:53
karniduanedesign: interesting. I did create one UDF this morning. but most recent 3 UDFs are still in my --waiting15:53
duanedesigni said users, i meant user15:55
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duanedesignmy Natty install has been stuck at 1563 files in --waiting for over a week15:57
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* fagan EOD17:13
* duanedesign womders if rye is around?17:14
faganduanedesign: should be17:15
faganthe people from AR arent aroun though17:16
faganand everyone else might have been a little tired or what ever17:16
faganso thats why it was so quiet today17:16
dobeysome AR people are around17:18
faganfacundobati_sta I saw joined17:18
dobeybut several of us are also off today/tomorrow17:19
dobeyanyway, i am off, so later :)17:19
fagandidnt know thatz17:19
fagandobey: laters17:19
duanedesignthanks mr fagan17:20
faganduanedesign: np :)17:20
* fagan always thinks mr makes someone seem older than they are 17:21
karniduanedesign: fagan: he's on holiday today.17:21
faganah that explains it17:22
karninational holiday of some sort (trinity)17:22
karnifagan: The "aren't you staying one day longer, sir?" in London was actually prolonged stay of alecu, with whom they swapped me just before the sprint17:25
achmyrwho can help me with Android Client project setup?17:34
karniachmyr: hi there friend!17:36
karniachmyr: what would you like me to help you with?17:36
achmyri've checked sources and tried to create Eclipse project, but that project has dependency on "rest-api" project17:37
achmyrwhere can I found it?17:37
karnione sec17:38
faganim pretty sure17:41
faganlol sorry didnt read that properly :/17:42
karniachmyr: I'm the best person to help you with that. I can't answer your question at that very moment though.17:44
achmyrno rush =)17:45
achmyrI just want to take a look what've been done so far17:47
achmyrand maybe contribute a bit17:47
karniachmyr: Due to some circumstances I'm not able to help you out just now. Don't take that personally - I'll happily help you with the setup soon. If you'll leave me your e-mail on priv, I'll should get back to you in the following days.17:51
ralsinaHello ubuntuone!19:04
ralsinaI am currently in freaking Brazil19:04
duanedesignhello ralsina19:06
ralsinahi duanedesign19:06
Uber_GeekGot a question:  after reading the FAQ's I see the conflict files are ignored by UO, but why then do they show in my web version of my files?  and also the .{guid} files19:07
duanedesignhello Uber_Geek19:10
Uber_GeekHi DuaneDesign19:10
duanedesignevryone is making their way back from a sprint, So it is a little dlow19:11
Uber_GeekNetwork split?19:12
duanedesignIf you can idele for a few minutes we migh be avke to gry you an answer19:12
Uber_Geeksorry miss read, from a sprint?19:13
ralsinaUber_Geek: yes, we had the full team sprint in London last week19:18
ralsinaUber_Geek: so most people is taking today off to recover from the trip.19:18
ralsinaOTOH, I am *still* traveling19:18
Uber_Geekah ha19:19
duanedesignralsina: did you seee Uber_Geeks question/>19:20
ralsinaduanedesign: saw it, no idea about it19:20
duanedesignUber_Geek: if  you would like to come back this time tommorow I am sure tiy questuin can get answered then19:23
duanedesignUber_Geek: or PM mr your email i will let you know the second I find ouf.19:24
Uber_GeekI will be happy to come back tomorrow, and will pry stay on all day (during work PST) and willing to help if I can.19:25
duanedesigni am sure we will het you sorted19:27
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dobeyUber_Geek: conflict files created by things other than ubuntuone aren't ignored, and for ".{guid}" i am not sure what you mean19:48
Uber_Geekto my knowlesge I don't have anything other than UbuntuOne checking those folders.19:49
Uber_Geekare the conflict files created by the windows client different than the native linux client?19:50
dobeyhow are the files named that you are asking about? foo.u1conflict?19:52
dobeythat doesn't sound like it came from ubuntuone19:55
Uber_Geeksorry the .xml was part of a file name19:55
Uber_Geekso just conflict-{guid}-{filename}19:56
Uber_Geekthere are also alot of .{guid} files19:58
dobeyi have no idea what those would be20:03
Uber_GeekI think it has to do with the windows cleint.20:03
karniduanedesign: interestingly, u1sdtool -d and u1sdtool -c kicks the SD well and things start to work. I did that twice today, already.20:08
Uber_Geekis there a SVN repository for the source for the windows client?20:08
karniduanedesign: you need to get that keyboard fixed ;)20:09
Uber_Geeknevermind found it.20:13
duanedesignkarni: yes I am going first thing monday20:50
duanedesigndobey: when you mean conflict files not creayed by U1 are not ignored i.e if someon named a file foo.u1conflict?20:52
dobeyduanedesign: i mean if you have a bzr checkout in u1 and you merge a branch with conflicts and it creates the foo.CONFLICT foo.THIS foo.OTHER files, we don't ignore those, for example20:59
dobeyat least, afaik we don't; and if something else creates conflict-something-something, we don't ignore it20:59
czajkowskianyone alive ?21:38
czajkowskidobey: heh evening21:39
czajkowskidobey: just trying to pair this machine up with U121:39
czajkowskiso the pop up appears, and I click on I have an account already21:39
dobeyare you on 11.10?21:39
czajkowskibut it does diddly squat21:39
dobeynothing in the logs21:40
czajkowskiI click on the already have an account, it goes grey for a moment then nothing21:40
dobeyare you using GNOME3 PPA?21:42
czajkowskidont think so21:42
dobeyok, check the logs under ~/.cache/21:44
dobeyprobably ubuntu-sso or ubuntuone-control-panel will hopefully have some appropriate info21:45
czajkowskidobey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626132/21:49
czajkowskinot sure I did that right21:49
duanedesignthanks dobey21:50
dobeyczajkowski: open seahorse and see if ther eis an Ubuntu One token in your keyring already21:51
thisfredcould use a trivial review or two on https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/release-0.3.0/+merge/6446121:54
czajkowskiahh yes there is21:55
czajkowskidobey: it's an old one though21:55
czajkowskiand no idea of the phrase21:55
dobeyczajkowski: delete that entry then, and it should work to make a new one21:56
czajkowskinope still the pop out box launches but nothing happens21:59
czajkowskidobey: thanks for your help though21:59
dobeyhrmm :-/22:00
czajkowskidobey: even more annoying if I launch it from the unity panel22:00
czajkowskiit loads for a second so I can see there is some error22:00
czajkowskithen goes to the usual pop out22:00
czajkowskiwhere I click I have an account22:01
dobeynot sure i understand that exactly; cp does take a second to start though, because it pokes at the keyring and stuff on start22:02
czajkowskinwell when I load it from the launcher, it appears but it says information but dispapers before I can properly  read it, then the "normal" pop out appears22:03
czajkowskiI know22:06
czajkowskigonna restart machine and see if that helps22:06
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czajkowskidobey: making progress http://twitpic.com/5b6c4q/full22:13
dobeyok, so you got a token then22:15
dobeybut seems like maybe ubuntuone doesn't know about it, like there was a comms issue between sso, one.ubuntu.com, and the client perhaps22:16
czajkowskiaye but no idea now how to fix it22:17
czajkowskiclicking on cloud folders it can see them22:17
czajkowskikeeps disconnecting me and my connection is fine22:18
dobeywell your token is not valid, so sure it would fail to connect every time it tried22:18
czajkowskiwhooo tis working22:18
czajkowskiin progress22:19
dobeyand if it's a server comms issue, there is probably nothing you can do22:19
czajkowskidobey: thanks for your help22:19
czajkowskifinally let me sign in22:19
czajkowskiwhich was the main issue22:19
Uber_Geekany of you on the windows beta project?22:19
czajkowskibut would have been nice to get an nicer error message earlier on saying somethings up22:19
czajkowskithat's my only issue wiht U1 when something goes wrong I've no idea what unless I come for help in here22:20
dobeysomeone made nautilus render the background in 11.10 :(22:25
czajkowskidobey: http://twitpic.com/5b6gj8/full22:26
czajkowski thank you22:27
dobeynow to figure out my own problems :)22:28
CardinalFangOh oh Oneric, please don't break for me when I upgrade you.23:00
faganCardinalFang: well dont restart23:04
faganthat always works23:05
* fagan is quite happy at the moment without updating 23:05
faganor restarting I mean23:05

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