
=== Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq
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=== Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq
=== Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
=== Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq
=== Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
didrocksgood morning06:58
MacSlowhi there everyone07:43
oSoMoNgood morning08:03
didrocksKaleo: hey! how are you?09:32
Kaleodidrocks: heya, good, and you?10:01
didrocksKaleo: I'm fine, thanks :)10:02
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didrocksKaleo: so, I have some time today to look at a11y patch for Qt, just waiting to sync to not duplicate the work :)10:02
didrocksdid you start anything?10:02
Kaleodidrocks: yeah, let's talk!10:06
andyrockgood morning10:41
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=== Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
didrocksKaleo: so, the new at-spi-qt, indeed, quite crashy still (without the needed Qt patch I guess). I'm a member now to push to the Qt experimental ppa, doing so12:24
Kaleodidrocks: oki doki12:53
=== Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq
Kaleodidrocks: shall we release Unity 2D in Oneiric today?13:22
didrocksKaleo: sure, the sooner the better as I won't be there for monitoring important issues, do you have an ETA if you have branches you particularly want to include?13:22
Kaleodidrocks: just trunk as it is today is fine13:23
didrocksKaleo: ok, so merging it in the oneiric branch? you take care of that?13:24
Kaleodidrocks: can do!13:24
didrocksgreat, just ping me back :)13:24
Kaleodidrocks: ok13:24
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Kaleodidrocks: hey, bzr merge lp:unity-2d into the oneiric branch worked without conflict13:38
Kaleodidrocks: the oneiric branch is now up to date: lp:unity-2d/4.013:39
didrocksKaleo: excellent, nice! I will write a script shortly to get the changelog and then, ready to go! :)13:39
didrocksjust taking a short break first :)13:39
Kaleodidrocks: the milestone is 3.8.813:40
Kaleodidrocks: let me fix the changelog to reflect that13:40
didrocksok :)13:40
Kaleodidrocks: done13:42
didrocksKaleo: ok, will ping you back once tested and uploaded13:42
coz_good day13:46
Kaleodidrocks: thanks13:56
Kaleodidrocks: I am setting up a daily build for Oneiric in the PPA now13:56
didrocksKaleo: does https://launchpad.net/unity-2d/+milestone/3.8.8 have all bugs from this release?13:58
didrocksif so, I can just reuse my script for unity to close your bugs and generate the changelog :)13:58
Kaleodidrocks: yes it does13:59
Kaleodidrocks: does it mark the bugs as fix released?13:59
Kaleodidrocks: (I have a script for that)13:59
didrocksKaleo: yeah, and it closes the milestone13:59
Kaleodidrocks: awesome13:59
Kaleodidrocks: one less script to run for me :)13:59
didrocksalso, if you have bugs not "fix committed" there, it can report it to the next milestone13:59
Kaleodidrocks: that is fantastic14:00
didrocksKaleo: heh, less code, better life :)14:00
Kaleodidrocks: I take note so that next time I don't move bugs manually14:00
didrocksKaleo: yeah, let the script do the work :)14:00
didrocksKaleo: I have explained that in the "release mode" of the unify bug mail I sent to you if you are interested into the details14:00
didrocksalso, it set the right package for each fixes (but you mainly have one only anyway)14:01
Kaleodidrocks: I read it but my brain cannot hold all the information of such a long mail :)14:02
didrocksheh, indeed ;)14:03
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hichamhi didrocks14:24
Kaleodidrocks: email to fregl (and you) sent14:28
didrockshey hicham14:28
didrocksKaleo: excellent, thanks :)14:28
hichamdidrocks: no luck with gconf profile issue, and smspilla1 seems to be busy14:29
didrocksI don't exactly remembering the issue you had and we don't have in ubuntu, but I think you will need compiz-dev expertise there.14:30
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hichamdidrocks: I install a gconf schemas containing the default unity profile, and it still fails14:31
hichamdidrocks: when compiz starts, it states that the profile is unity, and that the backend is gconf14:31
hichamdidrocks: but it still loads the defaults14:31
hichamdidrocks: could it be that the plugins that I put in unity profile do have some conflicting keybindings ?14:31
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didrockshicham: no, it doesn't do any check there14:32
didrockshicham: I fixed a bunch of things for profile loading when working on it several month ago, but all is upstream14:32
didrocksif you still have issues I think you'll have to dig into the code14:32
hichamdidrocks: were these all in compizconfig-backend-gconf ?14:33
didrockshicham: I would say in libcompizconfig and the gconf backend14:34
didrocksKaleo: pushing unity-2d, works well! (even if you can't spell my name in an email :p)15:15
Kaleodidrocks: darn, what was i thinking!15:16
Kaleodidrocks: thanks for unity 2D15:16
didrocksKaleo: yw ;)15:16
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savidHi, I'm curious if anyone's brought this up yet.  I think it's odd that when I have a nautilus window open,  the unity launcher shows it as an instance of "Home Folder".   This seems a bit unintuitive to me.16:49
savidThat is, if I'm a novice user, and I want to switch back to a folder I had opened,  my first instinct is not to click on "Home Folder".16:50
tedgachiang, It just doesn't show the calendar?16:54
achiangtedg: correct16:54
achiangtedg: i don't have any evo stuff installed, and i do not get the calendar, even after applying the patch in the bug16:54
tedgachiang, Install some evo stuff, it's good for you ;-)16:56
tedgachiang, Let me look real quick.16:56
tedgachiang, Do you have the show_calendar setting set to true?16:59
* achiang checks gconf16:59
tedgachiang, Check dconf or go to Time & Date Settings on the menu.17:00
achiangtedg: i should probably tell you, i just cherry-picked the patch for lucid17:00
tedgachiang, Oh, I don't know that'll work... datetime changed a lot for Natty.17:02
achiangtedg: i actually don't see a gconf key for indicator-datetime17:02
tedgachiang, You'll need to look in dconf-editor17:02
tedgI'm not sure if that key existed in Lucid though.17:03
tedgThat was like, forever ago :-)17:03
achiangtedg: fair enough17:03
Kaleodidrocks: the daily build is now in place and working17:55
didrocksKaleo: excellent news! thanks17:55
hichamdid you remove gnome-panel from the default image ?18:03
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czajkowskiAloha, does anyone know if there is a wordpress Ubuntu theme ?18:23
lamalexHarryHaaren, hey18:38
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m4n1shcan anyone tell if this bug is related to compiz, unity or theme? http://i.imgur.com/yRZDg.png19:57
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m4n1shI took the screenshot by using gnome-screenshot19:58
m4n1shby 5 sec delay19:58
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=== Saviq is now known as Saviq_afk
=== Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq

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