
mwhudsonbzr tags -d $remote -> 16 vfs calls00:20
mwhudsonthat seems like a lot00:20
mwhudsoni guess it's hardly been an optimizing target :)00:21
jelmermwhudson: patches welcome? :-P00:21
lifelesssurprisingly many00:21
mwhudsoni guess _ensure_real implies a bunch of vfs calls?00:22
jelmerI guess we don't have a HPSS call for retrieving tags yet00:22
lifelesswe do00:22
lifelessit returns the tags dict bytes00:22
mwhudsonyeah, i mean, pull does the moral equivalent of 'bzr tags' i guess00:22
jelmerthe /moral/ equivalent?00:23
mwhudsonin other news, if some magic could happen where bzr tag --delete $tag; bzr push --overwrite removed $tag from the remote branch, that would be nice too :)00:23
mwhudsonthat's obviously a more subtle problem though00:23
george_eQuick question... I'm trying to store a password in ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf that has a '#' in it.00:26
george_eHow can I do that?00:26
mwhudsonhuh, i think the vfs calls result from translating the revid into a revno00:27
mwhudsonyeah, --show-ids -> 0 vfs00:27
bob2http auth?00:50
mwhudsongeorge_e: well, i think it's parsed with configobj so i think your question is equivalent to "how do i put a value containing # in an .ini style file"00:51
george_emwhudson: I got it.00:51
george_eI needed to quote it.00:52
mwhudsonah ok, cool00:52
pooliehi spiv?04:25
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george_eI'm a little confused when it comes to working trees... I have a branch on a Windows server...06:42
george_e...and on my own local machine, I ran 'bzr pull ftp://...' to checkout the code.06:43
george_e...then I made some modifications to the code and did 'bzr push ...'06:43
george_e...but the code on the server was not updated until I logged in to the server and ran 'bzr update'.06:43
george_eIs there some way I can have the code on the server automatically get updated?06:43
sbarcteamhi guys.08:16
jammorning all08:17
sbarcteamwith svn one can checkout any subtree of a readable repository. this is convenient for various reasons. What is the way of doing this with bzr ? (don't think I'm starting some kind of flamewar)08:17
pooliehi jelmer, riddell08:18
poolieoops, jam08:18
pooliesbarcteam: check out the whole thing then use views to narrow it down08:18
sbarcteampoolie, it is nice when you have a small "whole thing".08:20
sbarcteambasically, we have some graphics, and other "content" related materials inside the version control.08:21
pooliei agree it would be useful08:21
sbarcteamI can see there's a design doc called "NestedTrees".08:22
sbarcteam(in launchpad)08:22
sbarcteamI wonder where does this thing is standing as of now ?08:22
sbarcteam(sorry for english grammar)08:22
sbarcteamI wonder where is this thing standing as of now ?08:23
maxbIt's considered unfinished08:24
maxbuhoh, what? Is someone on the case with all those UDD failures?08:25
maxbPlease tell me people haven't been removing ~ubuntu-branches without replacing the importer's needs08:25
lifelessthe importers needs were discussed with james_w, poole and the techboard08:26
lifelessit should be allowing any uploader to push to any official branch08:26
maxbit's the set_official API call that is getting a 401 unauthorized08:26
lifelessthat's also gated on uploader I think, though perhaps that patch hasn't landed yet08:27
maxb(<SourcePackage <Distribution 'Ubuntu' (ubuntu)> <DistroSeries u'lucid'> <SourcePackageName 'linux-meta-mvl-dove'>>, 'setBranch', 'launchpad.Edit')08:27
lifelessbut if the patch hasn't landed the old rules should be applying08:27
lifelessah, perhaps frozen series are going to be a head-desk moment.08:28
lifelesswgrant: ^ thoughts?08:28
maxb(<SourcePackage <Distribution 'Debian' (debian)> <DistroSeries u'experimental'> <SourcePackageName 'darcs-monitor'>>, 'setBranch', 'launchpad.Edit')08:29
maxbThe importer also needs to be able to set official branches for Debian08:30
makinenis it possible to push one file?08:36
makinenI've made a bunch local commits but I'd like to get only one file pushed to the main branch08:37
bob2not really08:38
bob2commits are the thing you push08:38
bob2you could rewrite I giess08:38
makinenok, is it then possible to commit the merged changes only?08:39
makinenI could use --no-strict option with push to omit the uncommitted local files but before pushing I have merge the changes from the main branch08:41
vilamakinen: commit whatever you want to push is, I think, what bob2 said08:48
bob2bound branches lead to confusion :/08:48
wgrantlifeless: By frozen you mean released?08:49
lifelessthingy :P08:52
makinenbzr: ERROR: Selected-file commit of merges is not supported yet08:52
bob2don't try to break up merges08:53
bob2if you insist, bzr revert --forget-merges08:53
wgrantlifeless: FROZEN should be OK. CURRENT/SUPPORTED/OBSOLETE won't be.08:53
lifelesswgrant: why won't they be?08:54
wgrantlifeless: Because uploads to the release pocket of them are rejected.08:55
wgrantlifeless: So you can't set the branch for the release pocket.08:55
lifelessdoes soyuz have a test that will francis should use?08:56
wgrantNot sure.08:56
wgrantI need to go now, sorry.08:56
gourjelmer: my hg import failed again - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/73472512/gour-myclientbase-trunk.log09:01
Riddellbuenos dias09:06
Riddelljam: what's the status of your verify signatures plugin?10:03
jamRiddell: really-really-old. Like written for bzr-0.xx10:03
Riddelljam: is there a reason nobody has implemented signature verification with pgpme?10:04
jamRiddell: at one point we looked at the gpg python stuff, but at that time, they were all pretty bad10:04
jamI'm hoping things have gotten better10:05
jam(like segfaulting, etc)10:05
Riddelljamesh: have they? :)10:10
jamvila: looking here: http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/job/selftest-windows/444/10:15
jamit says "3 failures" but only shows 1 failure???10:15
jameshRiddell: I half ported jam's signing plugin to my pygpgme binding.10:16
jameshthe interesting thing would have been to add things like a commit hook to prevent merging an unsigned revision, or to only allow merges signed with known keys, etc.10:17
vilajam: click the 'Show all failed tests >>>'10:17
jamvila: so the hidden ones are ones which have been failing for a while?10:17
vilajam: no idea10:17
jameshjust not sure where I put the branch.10:19
jelmergour: Sorry, missed that earlier. That's a known issue for which a fix is about to land.12:37
CaMason_Afternoon all. Is there a plugin or something that I can use to 'label' remote branches to make them easier to merge?12:53
CaMason_atm I have to keep asking my devs for the full path to their repo on the server - it would be good to just 'bzr merge nigel-feature-1'12:54
spivCaMason_: there's the 'bzr bookmarks' plugin.12:57
CaMason_that sounds promising :D12:57
CaMason_thanks, looks good to me12:57
CaMason_works great, thanks13:03
gourjelmer: any eta? it's not a rush, just curious what to expect13:38
jelmergour, it's already landed in launchpad's development branch, just needs to be deployed.. should be about a week13:39
gourjelmer: thank you13:51
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smoserhi, can i ask for lp:ubuntu/euca2ools to be kicked ?15:39
Riddellsmoser: kicked in which way?16:16
smosersent mail to ubuntu-distributed-devel16:17
maxbIn the requeue_package.py --full sense16:18
maxbbut that's all a moot point bug 797088 is fixed16:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 797088 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Launchpad has removed privileges that UDD importer requires to function" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79708816:19
jelmerurgh :-(16:19
pooliehi all17:01
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maxbSo about this ouch... is anyone addressing it?17:27
maxbspiv: are you actively PPing right now, perchance?17:53
pooliespiv was on holiday monday/tuesday18:02
poolieand out of town18:02
poolieat the moment it's 3am in australia but i think he will be piloting later18:02
pooliesuggest you mail him18:02
poolieor i could18:02
pooliereview this18:03
pooliemaxb: can you land it or do i need to?18:05
maxbI can land - can you deploy? :-)18:06
poolieyes, tell me when18:06
maxbAnd thanks :-)18:07
maxband ./requeue_package --all-of-type cups will flush the backlog18:07
maxbWhich should go pretty quickly since the imported branches are sitting on jubany's disk just waiting to be pushed18:08
sinzuijelmer: ping18:08
maxbwe have a pending request for "./requeue_package.py --full euca2ools" as well, if you wouldn't mind whilst you're there18:08
james_wmaxb, thanks for the workaround18:10
jelmersinzui, hi18:10
sinzuijelmer: I want to fix bug 796856 . I have been fixing gtk3 bugs in my own tools and I think I understand all the issues. I do not know if we want a new series for gtk3, or if you want a branch that can be merged into trunk18:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 796856 in Bazaar GTK+ Frontends "commands are incompatible with gtk3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79685618:10
jelmersinzui: I think a separate series is probably a good idea, at least while we're still working on gtk3 support18:12
jelmerI tried to do a combi gtk2/gtk3 branch a while back and it got too messy18:12
sinzuijelmer: I can fork trunk tonight and start working on it.18:13
jelmersinzui, cool :)18:14
jelmersinzui: you're welcome to join ~bzr-gtk if that helps in setting this up18:14
sinzuifab. I will apply18:14
pooliehi sinzui, jelmer18:17
pooliejames_w, so are you doing that for maxb or should i?18:18
james_wpoolie, I'm in a meeting, so if you are free could you do it?18:18
jelmerhi poolie18:18
jelmersinzui: welcome :)18:18
mgzjelmer, can you use your newly found magic powers on bug 79026818:39
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 790268 could not be found18:39
jelmermgz: Magic fairy dust has been applied to bug 79026818:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 790268 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in smart_add(): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 34: ordinal not in range(128)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79026818:45
vilajelmer: (-:18:46
mgzokay, that's another misconfigured locale one, the bug that was duped against it was etckeeper18:46
mgzI'll move the one from before to the etckeeper package, and dupe against that instead18:47
jelmerwe really need a consistent way to deal with these unicode -> fs encoding bugs18:47
mgzpoolie put up some sensible suggestions on the list18:48
cordeiroHey, I have a (probably silly) question. :) I've separated repositories that I would like to combine in one without loosing the history of the files. Each rep. have the history of a research paper and now I want to combine them into one that will (finally :)) hold my thesis. What is the best approach to create this new rep?18:56
jelmercordeiro, you can merge them into a single repository using "bzr merge" or "bzr join"18:59
cordeiroI can do that even if they don't have a single base revision?18:59
cordeiro(each one was created independently)18:59
jelmercordeiro, yes, though you'll have to force the merge ("-r0..-1")18:59
cordeiroAhh... this is the astuteness that I was missing. :)19:00
cordeiroThanks, jelmer!19:01
maxbpoolie: Hi, can you let me know which bits of jubany-wrangling you did, so I know what I still need to ask for?19:02
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pooliehi maxb, have not done any yet19:21
pooliewill do them now19:22
maxbmany thanks. to recap, and ensure we're both on the same page:19:22
maxb* update deployment of lp:udd19:22
maxb* ./requeue_package --all-of-type cups19:23
maxb* ./requeue_package.py --full euca2ools19:23
maxbuh, missing .py, but you know what I mean19:23
pooliethanks for that19:23
poolieudd updated19:24
poolieall done19:27
maxbExcellent, I shall check status page when the cronjob has fired19:28
maxbpoolie: Oops! I broke it :-/   Apparently I planned out my change, but then didn't commit it all. I've reopened https://code.launchpad.net/~maxb/udd/797088-workaround/+merge/64576 with another revision.19:34
maxbI feel silly. I spent so long checking all call-sites and adding a docstring, that I didn't actually make the core of the change.19:37
poolieoh well, that doesn't reflect well on my code review either19:37
poolieok, please merge that19:40
poolierequeue them again?19:43
maxb./requeue_package --all-of-type cups19:43
maxbuh, .py19:43
maxbAnd as for euca2ools, ideally kill its import_package.py process and ./requeue_package.py euca2ools19:44
Uber_Geekhello,  I was wonder if there was a guide for SVN users to migrate to BZR19:45
maxbThanks poolie  - I'm just staring at the failures page and am wondering if somehow some of these are ending up under a different traceback.19:47
jelmerUber_Geek, see http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/migration/en/survival/bzr-for-svn-users.html19:47
Uber_Geeksweet, thanks19:47
maxbSomething very very wacky has happened, we've got 700 new failures, but I can't see any obvious reason why they would be related to current goings on19:57
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gourany idea what might be cause of "bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for https://github.com/chillu/silverstripe-book.git/info/refs: Unable to handle http code 405: Method Not Allowed" ?20:03
maxbI think github only supports certain kinds of http access to repositories, which does not include the kind bzr-git wants to use20:05
maxbYou should be able to use git:// instead20:05
jelmeryeah, you need git://20:06
jelmerthe github http server only supports the smart server http protocol, which dulwich/bzr-git don't support yet20:06
gourwith that i get: bzr: ERROR: The remote server unexpectedly closed the connection.20:06
gour(bzr branch -v git://github.com/chillu/silverstripe-book.git)20:07
jelmergour, that command seems to work for me20:07
gourjelmer: shall i try with trunk?20:08
jelmergour, worth a shot; what version are you running?20:08
gourjelmer: 0.6.020:09
gourlet me try with trunk20:10
jelmerpoolie: what was the magic incantation you did last time to get the SRU moving after it was uploaded to -proposed?20:11
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gourjelmer: same problem with the trunk20:12
jelmergour, newer dulwich perhaps?20:12
jelmergwenhwyvar:/tmp% bzr branch -v git://github.com/chillu/silverstripe-book.git20:13
jelmerBranched 114 revision(s).20:13
gourjelmer: i've dulwich-0.7.120:13
gourthat's the latest in ports20:14
jelmergour, server side glitch perhaps? Have you tried again?20:15
pooliejelmer: (let's describe this on the sru wiki page)20:15
pooliebasically it was, download it and test it20:15
poolieperhaps then add a comment on the bu saying it's all ok20:16
poolieperhaps checking that someone else useed it is goods20:17
gourjelmer: "Branched 114 revision(s)." - on the 5th attempt after 4 failures...so much about github glory :-)20:17
pooliethen i think you need to ask a sru-team member on irc to progress it20:17
pooliei haven't worked out any non-interactive way to make it happen20:17
gourjelmer: btw, how is it that you host dulwich at samba.org? is samba project satisfied with waf build tool?20:18
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jelmerpoolie: ah, thanks. I'll ask20:37
jelmergour, most of the projects I started in my personal time are hosted on samba.org20:38
jelmergour, we're fairly happy with waf..20:38
gournice to hear...i hope that maybe bento will be enough for my purposes...otherwise there is waf back-end support20:39
jelmergour, not all aspects of it, but we're happy with the choice we made (there don't appear to be any good alternatives)20:39
jelmergour: never heard of fbuild, do you have a link?20:41
gourjelmer: https://github.com/felix-lang/fbuild20:42
gourdownside is that it's python-3 only, although not problem for me20:43
jelmergour, it looks interesting20:43
jelmergour, yeah, python 3 is a no go for us for at least the next year or so (probably more)20:44
* gour hopes bento will emerge into nice (python) packaging tool20:47
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maxbI'm rather perplexed how we ended up with "727 packages failed with key AssertionError:<module>:main:find_unimported_versions" all of a sudden22:35
maxbCould I have a ./requeue_package.py libclass-throwable-perl, to check whether it's a persistent problem?22:36
KombuchaKipDoes the nautilus-bzr plugin hook Nautilus file renaming to bzr rename?22:57
poolienot sure22:57
poolieit seems like it should22:57
KombuchaKippoolie: Let's fine out. One sec...22:58
KombuchaKippoolie: Just tested and no it doesn't appear to. I'll add a ticket on Launchpad.23:02
visik7how is handled the file:// protocol ?23:06
visik7can I put relative paths ?23:06
visik7like bzr brach file://../ ?23:06
poolieno, they're always absolute23:06
pooliejust use the path23:06
pooliebzr branch ../../blah23:06
visik7I cannot23:06
visik7bzr is called from inside maven release plugin23:07
visik7and I cannot commit the absolute path in the parent pom23:07
KombuchaKippoolie: Done: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/79743823:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 797438 in Bazaar GTK+ Frontends "nautilus-bzr plugin does not hook rename" [Undecided,New]23:10
amanicajelmer Hi, if you have a moment can you quickly look at the question I just posted: https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr-git/+question/161452  (How do I push multiple branches into one repo on github?)23:21
amanicawhoops, thought he was here now. nevermind.23:22
maxbWell, grr. We do have a new persistent problem, and I don't know why23:55

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