
liveuserHas anyone looked at http:.//www.kubuntu.org recently?00:03
shadeslayerliveuser: whats the issue?00:07
yofelis it me or is that download button HUGE00:09
yofeland misaligned00:09
shadeslayerwell ... there's some weird issue with CSS00:10
shadeslayerand there's no way we can align it00:10
shadeslayeror, lemme ask someone who might know how to fix it00:10
yofelsure, I'm clueless how one edits that00:11
shadeslayeri've already talked to Riddell about this before00:11
shadeslayerwhen we had the 10.10 download banner00:11
shadeslayerit was misaligned then as well00:12
yofelwas the banner always that large? I rarely look at the front page00:13
shadeslayerthe banner itself is large this time00:14
yofelshadeslayer: why do I get the feeling this doesn't look good: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/drupal.png00:16
shadeslayeri have no idea what that means for us00:17
shadeslayer->drupal n00b00:17
yofelme neither00:18
yofelthat's why I don't want to do more than look at it...00:18
shadeslayerbtw, i think we should release this as a SRU : https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdelibs/repository/revisions/3bbd4496bc8a01e80df61763bfd0347e8ba7f09a/diff00:24
shadeslayerimo its a important security fix00:24
yofelack from me at least00:28
shadeslayerScottK: apachelogger https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdelibs/repository/revisions/3bbd4496bc8a01e80df61763bfd0347e8ba7f09a/diff << SRU'able ?00:33
ScottKshadeslayer: SRU or security update.  Not sure which.  I bet micahg has an opinion.00:40
shadeslayerheh, its a miracle this even came to my attention :P00:41
shadeslayerif its a security update, it'll be better to update packager as well00:42
liveusershadeslayer: fixed I guess. When I went there is just said OK00:51
shadeslayerliveuser: what was the issue anyways?00:51
liveusershadeslayer: There was no page. Just a plain file that said ok01:00
liveuserok guess that's cool now01:01
micahgScottK: shadeslayer: IMHO, that's a security enhancement, not a vulnerability, so it wouldn't qualify for -security, but you can ask mdeslaur in the morning to be sure01:11
shadeslayermicahg: where can we find him?01:12
shadeslayerubuntu-devel ?01:12
micahgshadeslayer: #ubuntu-hardened after 12:30 UTC01:12
* shadeslayer idles01:12
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shadeslayerapachelogger: ping ping ping05:27
shadeslayeryofel: poke05:51
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
seaLnehas anyone seen gimp seg faulting on kubuntu but not apparently on ubuntu?07:14
seaLnein natty07:14
ulyssesseaLne: change the GTK theme in the System Settings, not the oxygen-gtk07:16
shadeslayerseaLne: yes07:18
shadeslayerseaLne: apachelogger has the bug iirc07:18
shadeslayerbut me and yofel can't reproduce it for some reason07:18
seaLnegreat thanks07:20
bulldog98has someone tested the packages in kubuntu-ppa/staging? (oneiric)07:53
yofelshadeslayer: pong08:24
shadeslayeryofel: i haz CSS fixes for kubuntu.org08:24
shadeslayerany ideas how to apply?08:24
shadeslayeri kept searching for quite a bit, can't figure out where to applu08:25
shadeslayeroh and i'm sleep deprived so i'm a bit scared to meddle around on the website08:25
yofelnope, I'm clueless about how to edit the frontpage08:26
shadeslayerhere's the fixed HTML : http://paste.kde.org/81919/08:27
yofelshadeslayer: which parts did you edit?08:33
yofeloh, finally found the front page html08:34
shadeslayeryofel: just run a diff xD08:38
shadeslayerand it-s fixed up the CSS08:39
yofelok, let's see...08:44
shadeslayerbasically fix div id frontpage-promo, div class frontpage-text iirc08:47
yofelright, I had the get the full source though since drupal changes the formatting of the page source when showing it :/08:49
yofelso I had a huge diff at first08:50
yofelanyway, applied08:50
yofellooks better08:50
shadeslayerwhere did you fix it?08:50
shadeslayerlooks better indeed08:51
valoriethanks, you two08:53
shadeslayeryofel: dude, where did you commit it?08:53
shadeslayercould use with a bit of fixing tho08:53
yofelyou go to administer -> content management -> content, then somewhere in the list you'll find the Homepage and can edit it08:54
yofeldrupal is confusing...08:55
* bulldog98 just found an mistake in kdepim packaging (fixing that now)10:10
bulldog98I put a lib into to packages, which isn’t going to work10:12
jussiwhoops :D10:15
bulldog98jussi: jea and I found 3 others in that package, too good that the version number was 0ubuntu0~ppa510:16
* bulldog98 lets launchpad build a corrected version. Could someone please verify that it’s ok, since I need quite long to download the packages10:18
sheytanbulldog98 will you make a ppa with 4.6 pim for natty?:)10:23
bulldog98sheytan: runtime is already in staging10:25
bulldog98for natty10:25
bulldog98I need to verify, that kdepim’s ok to install, then I’ll bump the version number to 0ubuntu1~ppa1 and backport it to natty10:25
sheytanok, thanks :)10:26
bulldog98sheytan: If you could try to install kdepim in an oneiric pbuilder if you have sufficent internet connection speed I’d be glad, cause I have 56 kB/s10:27
bulldog98currently it’s still building10:27
sheytanbulldog98 Sorry, i'm at work on winshit10:29
bulldog98sheytan: ok no problem10:30
* bulldog98 ’ll push natty packages now, if they arenot installable I’ll update them later10:31
apacheloggerwhat what10:46
apacheloggerdo we have kdepim yet? ^^10:46
bulldog98apachelogger: we have it in staging, but we need to test that (install wise)10:47
apacheloggerbulldog98: kubuntu-ppa/staging?10:48
bulldog98apachelogger: yes10:48
=== xeros_ is now known as xeros
bulldog98runtime is ok, but I need to test the kdepim package, if there are override conflicts10:48
apacheloggerbulldog98: for natty?10:49
bulldog98apachelogger: oneiric and natty are building atm10:49
* apachelogger wants to test :P10:49
bulldog98apachelogger: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+build/256747210:50
apacheloggerthat is going to take forever10:51
bulldog98oneiric build at 86%10:52
bulldog98apachelogger: about 1h10:52
* apachelogger builds kdelibs on arm10:54
bulldog98apachelogger: natty needs longer, I have to fix a dependency10:54
bulldog98why isn’t kde-sc-dev-latest 4.6.3 avaidable for staging?10:55
apacheloggercause natty shipped with .210:55
bulldog98apachelogger: is updates enabled in backports (kubuntu-ppas)?10:56
* bulldog98 now has to upload a new backport10:59
wstephensonhi. what is the name of the xz package on kubuntu?11:00
bulldog98shadeslayer: btw why have you set kde-sc-dev-latest to 4.6.3 in kdepim?11:01
wstephensona user is getting "dpkg-deb (subprocess): unable to execute data (xz): No such file or directory" so i want to make sure that xz is present 11:01
bulldog98!search xz11:01
ubottuFound: 11:01
bulldog98!info xz11:01
ubottuPackage xz does not exist in natty11:01
wstephensondoes kubuntu have a command-not-found tool that knows which package it is in?11:02
Tm_Tye, should have11:02
bulldog98!info xz-utils11:02
ubottuxz-utils (source: xz-utils): XZ-format compression utilities. In component main, is required. Version 5.0.0-2 (natty), package size 87 kB, installed size 368 kB11:02
wstephensonbingo, thanks11:02
bulldog98wstephenson: apt-cache search helps :)11:03
Tm_Twajig search <311:03
wstephensonbulldog98: i don't have kubuntu booted atm, just replying to a mail.11:03
bulldog98wstephenson: ok that’s a point for you :)11:03
Tm_Twstephenson: and hi, long time no see11:04
bulldog98apachelogger: are you on natty?11:05
wstephensonhi Tm_T :)11:06
wstephensonbulldog98: the OBS builds packages for various kubuntu versions, but as the basic packages of a distribution evolve, we have to keep the OBS config up to date, by adding eg xz-utils to be able to install build requirements compressed using it.11:08
bulldog98wstephenson: ah ok that sounds good11:09
bulldog98apachelogger: why does dh_shlibdeps takes that long?11:09
wstephensonok, cheerio11:10
bulldog98apachelogger: should I copy the kdepim-runtime stuff over to backports now?11:21
apacheloggerbulldog98: experimental first11:39
apacheloggeralso needs more testing11:40
apacheloggermore more more more testing11:40
shadeslayerhey apachelogger11:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: have you heard of the HP Touchpad?11:41
shadeslayerfrom my preliminary inspection, it looks like a) webos has root access , b) we can dual boot OS's with webos11:42
shadeslayerhttp://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Main_Page << loads of info here11:42
shadeslayeri'm going to download the new SDK11:44
shadeslayeror the current SDK that is11:45
shadeslayerand poke around the emulator11:45
bulldog98apachelogger: runtime building in experimental11:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.precentral.net/webos-and-shr-dual-booted-pre11:45
bulldog98apachelogger: if a libary moved from one package to an other, do I have to set Replaces or Conflicts?11:47
debfxbulldog98: Replaces and Breaks11:49
bulldog98ok thanks11:49
bulldog98<= 4..5.96 or << 4.5.96 ?11:50
bulldog98if version 4.5.96-0ubuntu0~ppa1 breaks?11:53
bulldog98debfx, apachelogger: ?11:53
debfxbulldog98: << 4.5.9611:54
debfxthough if it has an epoch you need to include it11:54
bulldog98debfx: ok thanks11:54
bulldog98debfx: that’s clear11:54
didrockshey, can I got access to ~kubuntu-ppa ? I want to update qt-at-spi in the experimental ppa before pushing to oneiric.12:09
apacheloggeryou should become kubuntu-dev/member/ninja :P12:12
apacheloggeroh, nice, jr is only superlord of kubuntu-ppa12:13
apacheloggerdidrocks: you are now ninja, thus should have access to the ppa12:13
bulldog98!help ninjas12:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help ninjas12:15
didrocksapachelogger: \o/ excellent, thanks a lot :)12:18
shadeslayeryou probably need !ninjas or ~ninjas12:18
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel12:18
bulldog98ok that works12:18
shadeslayernow why do you need them ninjas?12:19
didrocksjust waiting for next refresh so that the bot can see me? :)12:19
bulldog98apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel: sorry guys was just a test12:19
bulldog98didrocks: I think that is handled manualy12:19
shadeslayerdidrocks: nah, its handled manually12:19
didrocksoh ok :)12:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: am i not a ninja anymore? :(12:19
debfxoh please someone exclude me from the spamming list12:20
shadeslayerdebfx: oh btw : https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdelibs/repository/revisions/3bbd4496bc8a01e80df61763bfd0347e8ba7f09a/diff : might be important12:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, dunno, how would I know?12:20
* shadeslayer is trying to figure out if that should go into security or updates12:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: ubottu doesn't think i'm a ninja12:21
bulldog98apachelogger: the builds for kdepim are ready (alrought it will complain of override)12:21
didrocksso, the new qt-at-spi is still quite crashy (seems to need to backport some qt patches from 4.8), but at least, the basics work :)12:21
shadeslayerbulldog98: iirc the bump for kde-sc-dev was probably in debian, but i don't really remember12:21
didrocksbut still better in an experimental ppa for now12:21
bulldog98shadeslayer: could be12:22
apacheloggericecream could do with some improvements12:22
apacheloggerWRT xcompiling12:22
apacheloggerthere is pita all around12:22
shadeslayermaybe i should sleep now12:22
shadeslayeri've been up for 52 hours12:23
bulldog98apachelogger: in fact I never got icecream running properly12:23
bulldog98shadeslayer: defently you need sleep12:23
shadeslayerbulldog98: the only problem being, i can't sleep12:23
shadeslayeri'm not sleepy12:23
bulldog98shadeslayer: I haven’t really sleeped yesterday (trough doing kdepim stuff) :)12:24
shadeslayerbulldog98: at times i also sleep for 18 hours at a stretch12:24
shadeslayeryeah KDE PIM is a pita12:24
bulldog98shadeslayer: it should be splitted up into smaller parts, so it’s easier to build12:24
shadeslayeryou mean like seprate tarball for kmail/etc etc12:25
bulldog98shadeslayer: yes12:25
didrocksshadeslayer: you are accumulating sleep need for more efficient and longer days? :-)12:25
bulldog98that would be awesome12:25
shadeslayerit's too big12:25
shadeslayerdidrocks: lol 12:25
apacheloggerbulldog98: did you backport akonadi for natty?12:25
apacheloggercause I really think you should12:25
bulldog98apachelogger: no haven’t done that12:26
bulldog98but I’m doing that atm12:27
bulldog98!info mysql-server-core-5.112:28
ubottumysql-server-core-5.1 (source: mysql-5.1): MySQL database server binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 (natty), package size 4518 kB, installed size 11668 kB12:28
bulldog98apachelogger: pushed that to staging12:29
* shadeslayer puts his SRU hat on12:37
shadeslayerdebfx: i'm going to SRU this for ubuntu : https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdelibs/repository/revisions/3bbd4496bc8a01e80df61763bfd0347e8ba7f09a/diff12:37
shadeslayermaybe debian would want it too12:37
bulldog98shadeslayer: oneiric, too?12:38
shadeslayernot needed12:38
shadeslayerbulldog98: its fixed in 4.712:38
shadeslayeroh wait12:38
shadeslayerit needs to be in oneiric first12:38
shadeslayeronly then can it go into natty12:39
shadeslayerwell ... 4.7 is going to take time12:39
debfxshadeslayer: why hasn't upstream backported it to 4.6?12:39
debfxhm the new string might be a problem12:40
bulldog98debfx: yes it’s gone be a problem, cause the is a langpack update going on12:41
shadeslayerdebfx: how do i handle this then?12:41
shadeslayerimo its a important security enhancement12:41
bulldog98shadeslayer: ask in kde-i18n-doc@kde.org for a string exeption an backport it to 4.612:42
debfxI'd get in contact with the committer, maybe he already has plans to backport it12:44
bulldog98oh right that’s the other thing I forgot to mention :)12:44
shadeslayeryeah i'm CC'ing him in the mail12:44
shadeslayeror should i just contact the committer first?12:45
bulldog98shadeslayer: maybe you should contact him first in private about that12:46
shadeslayer    CCMAIL: kde-i18n-doc@kde.org12:46
shadeslayerit's already been CC'd12:46
shadeslayerbut i guess thats for KDE 4.7 ?12:46
bulldog98shadeslayer: when was that commited?12:46
shadeslayer"Added by Dawit Alemayehu 19 days ago"12:47
shadeslayerhttps://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdelibs/repository/revisions/3bbd4496bc8a01e80df61763bfd0347e8ba7f09a/ << here you go12:47
bulldog98shadeslayer: there was no following up mails12:48
bulldog98but that was for 4.7 were only soft string freeze is in place12:49
bulldog98for 4.6 there is hard string freeze12:49
bulldog98only what is essential is being added (= nearly nothing will got added)12:50
bulldog98shadeslayer: but there can’t happen more than saing no to it12:52
bulldog98!info plasma-widget-networkmanagement12:52
ubottuplasma-widget-networkmanagement (source: plasma-widget-networkmanagement): Network Management widget for KDE4 Plasma. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9~svngit20110408-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 62 kB, installed size 296 kB12:52
shadeslayerbulldog98: sorry what?12:54
bulldog98shadeslayer: they can’t do more to you than saying no, you don’t get this permission12:54
shadeslayerbulldog98: right, so i'll send a mail to the l18n team asking for a exception12:56
shadeslayeror rather committer first12:56
bulldog98shadeslayer: first to the commiter to ask him what he thinks about that12:58
shadeslayerok i'm sleeping now13:01
* bulldog98_konver got an kernel error (nice null pointer)13:16
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
* Quintasan calls freescale13:17
* jussi crosses fingers for Quintasan13:19
* yofel will probably wait for pandaboards to become available again13:20
* jussi likes freescale13:20
* jussi wonders how long before some one messes up the pattern13:21
* yofel too ^^13:22
=== bulldog98_konver is now known as bulldog98
* yofel wonders in the meanwhile what he did wrong with smokegen. Builds fine with cmak&make, but is FTBFS with dpkg-buildpackage13:25
* jussi thinks yofel may be missing a dep in the control file perhaps? 13:26
* yofel doesn't think so, this is dpkg-buildpackage, not pbuilder13:27
* yofel builds without library-packages.mk13:28
* jussi says oh... 13:28
* jussi now has no idea13:28
* yofel found the culprit: debian-qt-kde.mk, is confused and out of battery. BBL13:41
* jussi hi 5's yofel13:42
bulldog98http://postimage.org/image/i5z7vbhg/de85831c/ kernel-error 13:44
=== bulldog98 is now known as bulldog98_konver
bulldog98_konvernice btrfs is broken in oneiric13:48
=== makl is now known as ximion
bulldog98_konvers/broken/my partions/13:50
kubotubulldog98_konver meant: "nice btrfs is my partions in oneiric"13:50
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
=== makl is now known as ximion
Quintasanjussi: lol, the lady assured me I will have response today14:24
* Quintasan waits14:24
* apachelogger missed out on a great /me run :(14:25
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QuintasanWe shall have Gluon in both in Debian and Ubuntu soon14:36
QuintasanThat means, some awesum games for KDE14:37
apacheloggerbulldog98_konver: kdepim looks fine except for the overwrite error14:40
yofelQuintasan: did someone write pong for it yet? :P14:45
Quintasanyofel: pong for what?14:46
yofelQuintasan: pong using gluon?14:47
Quintasanno idea14:48
* apachelogger notes that there is quite the lack of pong clones14:48
apacheloggerespecially ascii only14:48
Quintasanyofel: there is :D14:51
Tonio_hey there :)14:51
Tonio_agateau: you there ?14:52
yofelthen cool :)14:52
* yofel goes back fighting smoke14:52
agateauTonio_: yup, hi!14:52
* Quintasan hugs Tonio_14:52
yofelgreat, #kubuntu -> kdegraphics 4.6.4 ships okular 0.12.1 which should be 0.12.415:03
yofelwth is dirk doing...15:03
bulldog98_konverapachelogger: that should be fixed with ~ppa715:05
bulldog98_konveryofel: great have you wrote a mail to kde-packagers?15:12
yofelno, was about to do that in a few mins15:12
yofelthis git conversion is messing everything up...15:13
Tonio_hey agateau :)15:13
Tonio_I was wondering about the patches you wrote for kopete and konversation notification...15:13
Tonio_when I close kopete window, it stays open and I have to file/quit to quit15:13
Tonio_that seems normal15:14
Tonio_konversation doesn't work the same way... is that on purpose ?15:14
apacheloggeryofel: I actually blame dirk for not being on top of his game15:14
Tonio_I think konversation/any irc client, should stick in the same place, the same way an instant messaging does right ?15:14
agateauTonio_: mmm that's old... I don't remember15:14
Tonio_hey Quintasan :)15:14
Tonio_agateau: okay... I'll look at your patches then15:14
Quintasanapachelogger: We are officialy loved by Calligra15:15
Quintasanand you should get Pong in Gluon some time soon15:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: where is the love?15:15
apacheloggeralso do we have a snapshot build of calligra yet?15:15
Quintasancookies at Akademy15:15
* Quintasan looks at shadeslayer for snapshot15:15
agateauTonio_: I think what happened is that support for message menu in Konversation did not involve messing with quit-vs-close like in Kopete, so I didn't change the close behavior15:15
* agateau wonders if his sentence makes sense15:16
yofelapachelogger: _Groo_ was doing something for natty, ping him when you see him15:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: awaken my warrior, there is work to be done!15:16
yofellol, you just missed him ^^15:16
apacheloggeryofel: perhaps I should make him a true minion15:17
* apachelogger has too many mails15:17
Quintasanapachelogger: Do you know whether that magical patch that broke pressure support in Qt is there or not?15:17
apacheloggershould still be there15:17
apacheloggertargeted for alpha2 IIRC15:18
apacheloggerreminds me that I should patchy patchy in upstream KDE15:18
apacheloggercripple phonon in KDE a bit15:18
Quintasanso it is bokred right now?15:18
apacheloggerQuintasan: yes15:18
apacheloggery u ask?15:18
Quintasanapparently pressure support in Krita from Calligra doesn't work15:19
QuintasanWe are building against kde-qt15:19
QuintasanThat's the strangest thing15:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: in neonz?15:19
apacheloggerare you sure it loads the right Qt?15:20
QuintasanI asked for the mentioned user to join us in #project-neon and tell us how is he running it15:20
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
apacheloggeralso someone should try to get some wacom thingies sponsored we can QA that stuff actually15:20
QuintasanI have a Wacom tablet right here15:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: pmap `pidof krita` | grep Qt15:21
Quintasanyofel: got a pn install?15:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: you just made yourself official Qt wacom QA lead15:21
Quintasancan you try what apachelogger said?15:21
yofelhm, krita does stupid things when being run from my normal session, let me start a VM15:23
Quintasanyofel: using Virtual Box?15:24
apacheloggerexport KDEHOME=$HOME/.project-neon-kde/15:24
apacheloggerare you not patching kdelibs?15:24
Quintasanyofel: Did you get the guest-additions grp. driver to work?15:24
apacheloggeryes you are not or yes you are? ^^15:24
yofelapachelogger: we do build with -DKDE_DEFAULT_HOME=~/.project-neon-kde (or how that option was called)15:24
apacheloggerhm, that var seems overly useless then :P15:25
apacheloggerare you rpathing neon?15:25
yofellatter I don't think we do15:25
yofelmore like I don't know enough about rpath15:25
apacheloggerIMHO you should15:25
yofelneed to read cmake docs15:25
* yofel has the page open in a ffx tab actually15:26
yofeltoo much todo -.-15:26
apacheloggershould be one command with cmake15:26
apacheloggeractually IIRC cmake by default rpaths ^^15:26
Quintasanit does15:26
ScottKDo we have something like http://blog.gokmengoksel.com/2011/06/quickformat-–-an-exciting-removable-disk-formatter-for-pardus/ ?15:26
Quintasanand rpathing manually in CMake does some strange things if you don't know how to do it15:26
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
QuintasanScottK: I tried to package it, then I tried to install it manually15:27
Quintasanit didn't show up15:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: is it pyth0rn?15:27
apacheloggerScottK: no we do not15:27
Quintasanmost likely15:27
ScottKProbably since it's Pardus.15:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: plz check15:27
ScottKSomeone should go talk to the Pardus dudes and help them get this upstream.15:28
apacheloggerScottK: solution: create one upstream and bash pardus for not doing upstream work15:28
ScottKI'd rather convince them to push it upstream.15:28
ScottKPardus has done some interesting things and it'd be great to get them pushing stuff more upstream.15:28
* apachelogger can live without overly fat script language utils with a use/fatness ratio that makes you wonder "why"15:30
ScottKapachelogger: You wanted armel PPAs: getting there - http://dmtechtalk.wordpress.com/2011/06/14/135/15:40
bulldog98_konverwhy is the kubuntu.org/support/deutsch broken?15:55
=== charlie-tca is now known as charlie-tca1
afiestasScottK: I already talked with some people from there and since then I can say that they've improve the communication towards upstream16:02
afiestasI'm still not happy about it, but a step is a step :p16:03
Quintasanafiestas: Great. Now we get more awesome in KDE16:03
Quintasanafiestas: Would you help us getting plasma-contour in Neon at some point?16:03
afiestasI can help, yes, though right now I don't have it setup in my laptop16:07
afiestasto ahve contour in Neon you will have to invest time each week, since it changes each week16:07
Quintasanno hurry, I'm pretty busy right now16:08
* Quintasan disappears for and hour or two16:08
bulldog98_konveryeah btrfsck works16:09
yofeldoesn't fix anything though16:11
bulldog98_konveryofel: it did16:11
yofelthen whatever you had wasn't really an inconsisten FS16:12
yofelthe btrfsck in the archive changes nothing in the FS16:12
yofeland the one that does is still COMING SOON™16:12
bulldog98_konveryofel: it gave me a kernel null pointer, so I guess it was a corrupt16:13
yofelthe trace you showed? wasn't that from nouveau?16:13
bulldog98_konveryofel: after I restarted there was one by btrfs16:14
yofelalthough kernel null pointer would be a btrfs.ko but16:14
yofelhm, dunno, I do have an image of an oopsing btrfs lying around here, not fixable with current btrfsck16:14
bulldog98_konveryofel: maybe it has changed with linux 3.0-0 in archive?16:16
yofelhm, could try that right, I reported the oops during 2.6.3916:17
ScottKafiestas: Good to hear.16:18
yofelbulldog98_konver: why does kdepim-runtime-dbg Breaks/Replaces kdepim-dbg?16:26
bulldog98_konveryofel: what16:27
apacheloggeryofel: library move?16:27
yofelI'm talking about -dbg, and the problem is that it's unversioned16:27
yofel 39 Replaces: kdepim-dbg16:27
yofel 40 Breaks: kdepim-dbg16:27
yofelnow it wants to remove one when I try to upgrade to 4.6.016:28
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
bulldog98_konverhm haven’t noticed that16:29
* bulldog98_konver is going to fix that16:30
yofelshould be << 4.6~ or so16:31
bulldog98_konveryofel: I took 4:4.5.96, cause there we moved that stuff16:33
yofelah, that has 'Replaces: kdepim-dbg', still wrong, but harmless because it's missing the 'Breaks'16:34
yofelboth should be versioned16:35
bulldog98_konveryofel: I versioned both now16:36
yofelthen good :)16:36
bulldog98_konveryofel: had that even done before you sad me that :)16:36
bulldog98_konverIs the kdepim stuff ok?16:37
yofelhm, I aborted the upgrade just now due to the conflict, let me do it anyway16:38
bulldog98_konveryofel: wait ~10min an it’ll work16:39
yofeldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libkdepimdbusinterfaces4_4%3a4.6.0-0ubuntu0~ppa7_amd64.deb (--unpack):16:41
yofel trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libkdepimdbusinterfaces.so.4.6.0', which is also in package libkdepim4 4:4.5.96-0ubuntu0~ppa2~oneiric116:41
yofelthat was the mentioned overwrite?16:41
yofelotherwise fine16:42
bulldog98_konveryofel: no that wasn’t the override16:47
bulldog98_konveryofel: the one fixed was in ~ppa616:48
yofelah, well, here's the next one..16:48
bulldog98_konveryofel: hopefully the last one16:49
yofelonce updated packages are up I'll do another upgrade test16:50
yofelanyone knows what the hell is up with smokegen? http://paste.kde.org/82237/ Builds fine as soon as I replace the debian-qt-kde.mk include with '%: dh $@'16:55
ScottKyofel: Look at line 1060 in your paste.  Find the equivalent line from your build that works and see what's different.17:00
yofelgood point17:00
ScottKI believe that will be the source of your error.17:00
yofelthe whole linking junk is missing...17:06
yofel-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--no-undefined17:06
ScottKI'd ask MoDaX then.17:11
bulldog98_konversomehow my kded and plasma is always crashing on login17:14
_Groo_hi/2 all17:39
_Groo_could anyone copy the kdepim 4.6 to experimental pls17:40
_Groo_experimental only has lib kde pim so far17:40
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
yofel_Groo_: it's in staging, and we're still Q/A-ing17:44
yofel_Groo_: and ping apachelogger re calligra packages17:44
_Groo_hey yofel 17:45
_Groo_yeah, but experimental already has kdepim-runtime 4:4.6.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1 17:45
_Groo_someone mistakenly copied it to experimental?17:46
_Groo_or it passed the QA and went to experimental?17:46
yofelmore like a mistake I guess17:48
bulldog98_konver_Groo_: thought it would be ready17:58
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bambeeI sent my report to my mentor!!  report done!! :D18:36
bambeenow... I've to prepare a talk o_O18:37
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: what would be ready bulldog?18:52
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LaserJockapachelogger: do you have any wiki pages or anything on kubuntu-lowfat? ScottK told me you were interested in it19:36
bulldog98_konver_Groo_: kdepim-runtime19:41
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: it is ready :)19:43
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: what i asked was the rest of the chebang :D19:44
_Groo_just updated from stating, kinda works19:44
bulldog98_konveryofel: is it ready?19:44
bulldog98_konverwhat doesn’t work?19:44
_Groo_old kleopatra bitches about new kleopatra19:45
_Groo_when updating19:45
bulldog98_konverwhat exactly19:45
_Groo_actually new kleopatra bitches about old kdepim-doc19:46
_Groo_let me see what else19:46
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
ScottKkleopatra shouldn't ship that file.19:47
_Groo_this one i forced and it went without intervencion (aka apt-get -f)19:48
bulldog98_konverthe last one is fixed in a newer upload19:49
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: one strange thing19:51
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: if i install kdepim-dev , it installs libassuan-dev but removes the libassuan2-019:51
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: is that correct?19:51
bulldog98_konver_Groo_: is something depending on libassuan2-0?19:55
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: let me check19:55
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626767/19:56
Quintasanyofel, apachelogger: we are getting Gluon Pong today20:00
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=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
yofel_Groo_: yes, libassuan2-0 is supposed to be removed20:18
yofelat least in oneiric20:19
_Groo_yofel: ok then, if nothing else uses it20:19
_Groo_yofel: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/626767/20:19
yofelbulldog98_konver: I think you're building against wrong assuan in natty, needs to be libassuan2-dev20:20
yofeland libassuan-dev in oneiric20:20
bulldog98_konveryofel: ok I’ll fix that20:30
bulldog98_konvershadeslayer: your string seems to get a yes20:30
bulldog98_konveryofel: you’are right, I fixed that now20:32
yofel_k, upload a new build then, kdepim-runtime is fixed at least20:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bulldog98_konveryofel: that’s what I’m doing20:35
yofelbulldog98_konver: did you remove the doc file from kleopatra?20:35
* bulldog98_konver thinks the oneiric part is ok20:35
bulldog98_konveryofel: yes20:35
bulldog98_konvermaybe cause I’m on oneiric20:35
yofelnah, the oneiric build seems ok, just natty needs the different assuan package20:36
bulldog98_konveryofel: should I copy the oneiric part to experimental?20:38
yofelyou still need to upload a new build with the overwrite error fix, ppa7 is broken20:39
bulldog98_konverand you do a release note on kubuntu.org? :)20:39
yofelbulldog98_konver: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/pim46.png20:39
bulldog98_konveryofel: 8 and 9 and 9~natty2 is uploaded20:39
bulldog98_konveryofel: that’s wrong we support downgrading20:41
bulldog98_konveryou can ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental20:41
bulldog98_konverand the kmail stuff should work again20:41
yofelhm, yeah, there is ppa-purge20:42
yofelI guess if we keep it in exp.20:42
bulldog98_konveryofel: oneiric should go to archive, apachelogger?20:43
bulldog98_konveryofel: so I should propose a branch merge. Right?20:44
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: ill update when the packages are available , in theory there wont be any errors... well since i uodated i wont get any errors anyway20:45
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_Groo_yofel: im backporting calligra git from today20:46
_Groo_yofel: unfortunatelly beta1 as a lot of breakages... like plan who is a sore state20:46
_Groo_yofel: if git is more stable ill upload that to my ppa20:46
_Groo_yofel: but is a very cool release... im very happy kivio is back :D20:47
_Groo_yofel: we didnt had a first class proggie like that ina long time.. dia is just awful20:47
bulldog98_konver_Groo_: I find git quite stable20:47
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: good to know, ill check it a  few hours20:48
_Groo_btw who is Adrien Grellier?20:49
bulldog98_konver_Groo_: I even mangaged to do thing with Calligra, I couldn’t find/do with LibreOffice20:49
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: im a great koffice/calligra fan20:49
_Groo_bulldog98_konver: im thrilled they are pushing foward the envelope20:49
_Groo_i based my packages in is great work20:50
_Groo_btw guys, i did a little ugly hack cause im lazy20:50
_Groo_since calligra is still in flux, i created a calligra-others package where i dump the files that change so i dont have to keep changing all the .installs all the time20:50
bulldog98_konverI even haven’t LibreOffice installed. I only use Calligra git20:50
_Groo_when calligra goes gold, ill remove the -others and put the files in the proper places :D20:51
_Groo_laziness FTW!20:51
ScottKI'd suggest calligra-experimental.  We've used nomenclatures like that before.20:58
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bulldog98yofel: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kdepim-runtime/4.6.0/ is this ok21:06
bulldog98or should I compile that into one commit?21:06
yofelnah, the commit count doesn't matter, stil the same merge21:09
bulldog98_konveryofel: I’ll propose it then21:10
bulldog98_konveryofel: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kdepim-runtime/4.6.0/+merge/6430821:12
bulldog98_konveryofel: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kdepim/4.6.0/+merge/6460421:21
bulldog98_konveris having 2 udevd running normal?21:37
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ScottKI have three.  No idea what's expected.21:59
bulldog98_konverScottK: ok thought there would be zombie processes around22:06
ScottKMaybe, but if there are, you aren't alone.22:06
_Groo_guys where can i find gstreamer vdpau support?22:09
_Groo_is it part of the gstreamer project or an independent plugin?22:09
tazzhi maco22:25
apacheloggeryofel: what goes to archive?22:25
yofelkdepim 4.6 oneiric22:26
apacheloggeroh noes22:26
apacheloggernot before QA22:26
yofelwell, branch isn't merged yet either, too tired to do that today22:26
apacheloggerlast time we discussed it the consensus was: first test, if it works good enough -> upload to archive, if not -> ppa22:26
yofeland the packages in staging should mostly ~work22:26
yofelapachelogger: what's the difference if we'll have the same thing as 4.6.80 out in a bit?22:27
apacheloggeryofel: because we know 4.7 will have production quality due to 7 releases before that with constant improvement22:27
apacheloggerwhereas 4.6 is entirely new and has yet to proof it self in life production envrionments 22:27
yofeltrue, but whoever runs O should know that...22:28
apacheloggeryofel: yes, but if it turns out crap we can wrap our minds inside out to get it replaced with 4.4 again22:29
yofelanyway, let's look at it again tomorrow22:29
apacheloggerwhich btw then breaks every pim setup done in oneiric22:29
yofel4.4 shouldn't be compatilbe with 4.7 anyway22:29
yofel-> tomorrow22:29
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Quintasanapachelogger: ping23:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: pogo23:20
Quintasanapachelogger: can u do C stuff without asking over 9000 questions?23:20
Quintasanapachelogger: I'm scanning for a char with scanf("%c",&znak);23:22
Quintasanapachelogger: however the next this that is called is fgets and I get no chance to input anything23:22
* apachelogger points out that apachelogger is most of the time in verbose mode and thus it is iether 9000 questions or an explentation of why things are the way they are23:22
QuintasanHow do I stop scanf from passing an newline there?23:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: passing?23:23
Quintasanapachelogger: scanf("%c",&znak);23:23
* apachelogger points out that apachelogger always implemented getchar solutions ^^23:23
Quintasanthat goes to switch(znak)23:23
Quintasanand when I press 1 and then press enter23:24
Quintasanit calls a function which uses fgets23:24
Quintasanit uses it three times23:24
Quintasanthe first time I get no chance to input anything23:24
apacheloggerI will need more code than that23:25
QuintasanI did not write that23:25
apacheloggergenerally what you need to watch out for:23:25
Quintasanfragment of code23:26
apacheloggerscanf leaves the newline23:26
apacheloggerfgets will append newline and \o23:26
apachelogger\0 rather23:26
apacheloggerQuintasan: I like how one does not understand the variable names :D23:26
QuintasanYou shall not complain about that23:27
QuintasanI might get alcohol for fixing that23:27
QuintasanThat's why I somehow agreed to trying to fix that23:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: znak is filled with fgets?23:27
Quintasanznak is only used to ask user for the choice in the whole switch(znak) statement23:28
Quintasanand the code used to get znak value from user is obviously scanf("%c",&znak);23:28
apacheloggerQuintasan: so23:29
apacheloggerswitching over strings like that makes me wanna barf  :P23:30
apacheloggerQuintasan: so the problem is in the part of the code that I do not see (aka fgets?)23:31
Quintasanapachelogger: you want that function which uses fgets?23:31
apacheloggernot particularly23:31
apacheloggerI can say for sure that you have a \n in stdin left23:31
QuintasanI can conclude that as well23:32
QuintasanWhat I want to know, is how the hell do I get rid of it23:32
apacheloggerso what is the problem?23:32
apacheloggerQuintasan: getchar23:32
apacheloggersee second code snippet23:32
apacheloggeressentially you scanf and then do a getchar without assignment to a variable23:33
apacheloggerhence you get rid of the \n23:33
apacheloggerI suppose you could also flush stdin23:33
apacheloggerthough that is more expensive I believe23:33
apacheloggerQuintasan: do I also get alcohol now?23:35
apacheloggerQuintasan: is that cpp?23:35
Quintasanapachelogger: nope, it's fucking mixed code23:35
Quintasanit uses cpp and c at once23:36
apacheloggercpp is c with more cruft :P23:36
apacheloggerjust wondering why one would use c functions there instead of streams, but oh wellz23:36
apachelogger  fgets(this->imie, sizeof(this->imie), stdin);23:37
apacheloggeralso those this just make me cry23:37
* Quintasan is a newfag23:37
QuintasanI'm just happy most of that code works23:37
apacheloggerQuintasan: the this is useless unless you have a variable named imie at the scope of the code line23:38
apacheloggerwhich is not the case23:38
apacheloggerwell, not unless there is a global imie floating around somewhere which would theEvil(tm)23:38
QuintasanI'm just making that shit work23:38
apacheloggeras long as I get beer I am happy with all the code you throw at me :P23:39
apacheloggerfor sufficient amounts of beer you might even get me to fix up pyth0rn code23:39
apacheloggertoo bad sheytan is not around, he might like to know that23:39

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