
sinzuiwgrant: mumble?00:03
jcsackettwallyworld: bug 70723400:10
_mup_Bug #707234: Ajax controls disabled on bugs with many tasks due to multiple redundant copies of person picker make_picker function in view-source:https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?advanced=1 <disclosure> <javascript> <person-picker> <regression> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by jcsackett> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/707234 >00:10
sinzuiwallyworld: jcsackett: StevenK: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/link-blueprint_web-version2.swf https://devpad.canonical.com/~beuno/ui_movies/Search%20Packages.1.swf    https://devpad.canonical.com/~beuno/ui_movies/Subscribe_create_team_3.swf00:17
sinzuiwgrant: ^00:39
* wallyworld off to bank to try and get working credit card00:40
wgrantpoolie: Hi.00:41
* StevenK attempts to work out when his SSL certificates expired.00:41
wgrantStevenK: Going back to Friday, was DSP the only extra perm required?00:42
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #215: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 13 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/215/00:43
StevenKwgrant: It seemed to be, yes.00:44
* wgrant qa-oks00:44
wgrantabentley: Hi.00:50
wgrantabentley: It the 500 on some error cases the only reason bug #776449 is qa-bad?00:51
_mup_Bug #776449: Set Ubuntu dependencies for PPA via API <api> <bad-commit-13157> <escalated> <not-pie-critical> <oem-services> <ppa> <qa-bad> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by abentley> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/776449 >00:51
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build #33: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 11 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/33/00:53
jtvMorning paduans01:18
wgrantMorning jtv.01:21
wgrantThe new picker has a bug.01:27
wgrantEveryone seems to have all IRC nicks.01:27
wgrantI guess the preloading is buggy.01:27
wgrant            nicks_by_person = dict((nick.personID, nicks)01:28
wgrant                for nick in nicks)01:28
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #387: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 18 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/387/02:02
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!02:04
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #632: FIXED in 5 hr 53 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/632/02:04
wallyworldwgrant: what's the problem with the nicks?02:06
wgrantwallyworld: The preloading preloads all of the found nicks into everyone that is found to have a nick.02:07
wgrantSo if the batch has two people with nicks, both of them will have all of the nicks.02:07
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #216: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/216/02:08
wgrantBug #79688902:08
_mup_Bug #796889: ValidPersonOrTeamVocabulary preloads all IRC nicks into everybody <disclosure> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/796889 >02:08
wallyworldi can't see how? the lines you refer to above set up a dict used by the lines that follow to preload the cache02:08
wgrantwallyworld: (nick.personID, nicks)02:08
wgrantwallyworld: It creates a dict mapping each nick's person to the whole set of nicks.02:09
wallyworldah. shit.02:09
wallyworldthat should be *nuck*02:09
wallyworldwithout the s02:09
wgrantThat won't quite work either.02:09
wgrantSince that will only allow one for each.02:09
wallyworldyep. can't argue there.02:10
wallyworldsomething was in the coolaid that day :-(02:10
LPCIBotProject devel build #801: FAILURE in 5 hr 24 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/801/03:04
abentleywgrant: yes.03:12
wgrantabentley: Great, thanks.03:13
pooliehi wgrant, all03:35
wgrantpoolie: Hi. Was going to check with you on QA for your librarian email fix, but I think I did it.03:35
poolieyou think you did the qa?03:47
poolie+filebug seems pretty screwed03:48
pooliecannot get throuh at all03:48
wgrantBugSummaryJournal contention.03:51
wgrantlifeless: Have you seen that before?03:51
wgrantA timeout on a BSJ INSERT during a BugTask INSERT.03:52
wgrant(but +filebug worked fine for me earlier)03:52
wgrantBut there's no UNIQUE :/03:53
wgrantMust be a table lock somewhere...03:53
pooliethat's like ~20 failures over 20 minutes03:54
poolieunless this is just me, i think it's whatevers-above-critical03:54
wgrantIt's not just you, and it's not just Ubuntu.03:57
wgrantlifeless: Do you know what was cowboyed?03:57
wgrantlifeless: BugSummaryJournal is somewhat stuck.03:58
lifelesswgrant: how do you mean?03:59
wgrantlifeless: We are seeing dozens of timeouts inserting into BugSummaryJournal.03:59
lifelesswgrant: all of bsj was cowbowed03:59
wgrantlifeless: All *what*?03:59
wgrantIs it exactly what was landed?03:59
lifelesswgrant: except the appserver code to query (read only, always) when doing tag portlets03:59
lifelessthe schema, triggers04:00
wgrant202 timeouts of this kind in the last two hours.04:00
wgrantThree hours.04:00
lifelessthats a problem04:01
lifelesswe've done the ndt now right ?04:01
wgrantIt doesn't seem to be done yet.04:01
lifelessdid this start before the ndt ?04:01
wgrantAh, the appservers have updated in the last 5 minutes.04:01
wgrantThey were not updated when the problem started.04:01
wgrantLet me find the first occurrence.04:01
wgrantThere were none yesterday, it seems.04:02
wgrantchaenomeles/2011-06-14/05755.AR6:Date: 2011-06-14T01:35:55.028700+00:0004:03
wgrantFirst occurrence.04:03
lifelessoops id ?04:03
wgrantIt's in the path04:04
wgrantTo OOPS-1991AR604:04
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build #34: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/34/05:05
wgrantDoes someone feel like reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-796889/+merge/64490?05:12
StevenKwgrant: Nice work, r=me05:14
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #388: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 5 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/388/05:34
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 204 - 0:[######=_]:256
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #217: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 8 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/217/06:13
wgrantLooks like codeimports have almost caught up.06:22
wgrantAnd the failure counts are still small.06:22
wgrantThis is nice.06:22
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #218: STILL FAILING in 44 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/218/06:58
wgrantWe need a faster test suite.07:08
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
lifelesswgrant: I'm amazed that that picker passed qa with those seqscans07:23
nigelbcan I run my own launchpad in ec2 and talk to it? Purely for testing applications that use launchpad data where I don't want to mess up real launchpad.07:24
StevenKnigelb: ec2 demo07:24
nigelbStevenK: there's a script?07:24
lifelessthat may be broken, but yeah thats the idea07:25
wgrantlifeless: I knew it was slow, but decided it might just be qas. And it was behind flags and didn't time out too much.07:25
lifelessor you can mess up qastaging as much as you like07:25
wgrantnigelb: You could also use a local instance, or staging or qastaging.07:25
StevenKnigelb: Sure, bin/ec2 demo from a local branch that is pushed07:25
lifelesswgrant: rule 34: its never just [qa]staging07:25
wgrantlifeless: Sure, but given it was behind flags I decided not to investigate.07:25
nigelbwgrant: I want to set it up so that developers working on the community projects can mess up with the same install.07:25
lifelessoh, I missed that. cool.07:25
lifelesswgrant: nice work teal07:25
StevenKnigelb: *Expensive*07:26
StevenKnigelb: Like, hellishy07:26
nigelbStevenK: Oh. :(07:26
nigelbStevenK: Lp takes a ton of ram?07:26
nigelbram/cpu cycles07:26
wgrantlifeless: ValidPersonOrTeamVocabulary has three variants now.07:26
StevenKnigelb: We run the LP test suite on c1.xlarge instances. $300+ a month07:27
nigelbOh :|07:28
StevenKnigelb: I'd point developers at qastaging, personally07:28
nigelbStevenK: I asked jml about that at UDS.07:28
nigelbStevenK: basically, we want to mess up with sprints, which we don't have permissions for.07:28
nigelbAnd since staging and qastaging data is cleared every few weeks, we'll need to keep asking for permissions in either of them07:29
StevenKstaging is every week07:29
StevenKqastaging is ... an interesting question07:30
nigelbI use my own launchpad. I was just wondering if I can run a common install. Apparently not :)07:31
nigelb*launchpad instance07:31
StevenKnigelb: You can, for a few hours07:31
StevenKAfter that, it gets expensive07:31
lifelesswgrant: 3?07:32
nigelbI guess its just easier to run your own launchpad instance.07:32
StevenKnigelb: That $300+ figure is running an instance in ec2 for the entire month07:32
lifelessnigelb: huh, sprints - create a custom project of your own07:32
lifelessnigelb: on qastaging07:32
lifelessnigelb: then you can fiddle with sprints for it to your hearts content07:32
wgrantlifeless: The affiliation rank stuff is under a second flag, in case we wanted to deploy the other improvements while tweaking this.07:32
wgrantlifeless: Of course the affiliation stuff is fine, it's the rest that's buggy :P07:33
nigelblifeless: thanks. doh. why didn't I think of this.07:35
lifelessnigelb: so you can run one on ec2 if you really want, though if its public acccess you'd need to rebrand it :( - but yeah, qastaging should meet your needs Just Fine07:36
nigelblifeless: Oh rebranding. I don't event want to go there, too painful :-)07:37
StevenKwgrant: Up for reviewing a short branch of mine?07:38
wgrantStevenK: Sure.07:38
wgrantAh, diff there already.07:39
StevenKSorry, was just linking a bug.07:39
wgrantStevenK: I'm not sure we really want to link to that page.07:40
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday ! | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 204 - 0:[######=_]:256
wgrantIt's pretty crap.07:40
wgrantParticularly for private PPAs, where the technical details section is a bunch of lies.07:40
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday ! | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 202 - 0:[######=_]:256
wgrantStevenK: We could possibly link to it from +archivesubcriptions.07:41
wgrantlifeless: Huh, where'd those two go?07:41
lifelesswgrant: http://webnumbr.com/launchpad-critical-bugs is what I'm tracking07:41
wgrantExcludes private ones.07:41
StevenKwgrant: It was the only good solution that occured, and it sucks.07:42
nigelbBah, no creampie I guess07:43
nigelbcream pie on the face.07:43
wgrantStevenK: I don't think it's beneficial.07:44
wgrantDo you?07:44
StevenKI don't think the e-mail is beneficial at all, but sladen obviously thinks it adds value.07:45
wgrantA lot of people think that a lot of things add value.07:45
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #219: STILL FAILING in 41 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/219/07:57
rvbawgrant: Hi William, I've got an MP that really could use your Soyuz expertise ... could you review it? (If you cannot do it I'll grab someone else ;))08:00
wgrantWow that is large.08:00
wgrantHmmm, so we now have 'sequence', 'ordering' and 'priority' as different names for the same concept :/08:01
StevenKrvba: But this MP still doesn't address the second use-case for IDS?08:01
rvbaStevenK: wgrant that's right, the second use case is in a second branch (almost ready)08:02
rvbaStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/launchpad/init-series-bug-789091-previous-series/+merge/6441408:02
StevenK"will be *derived* from the previous_series' parents."08:03
rvbaStevenK: and the UI fix for the second use case is in a third branch.08:03
StevenKThat makes me very nervous.08:03
StevenKIt *should* be derived from previous_series. Only.08:03
rvbaStevenK: you're right, it is only the doc that is wrong.08:04
rvbawgrant: I confess this branch has been a real work for me, so don't hesitate to recommend any fixing you'd like to see. It's a big branch so if you agree to review it, I'd be happy to follow your advices to fix it, even if they are plenty ;)08:08
wgrantrvba: I am reading it.08:09
rvbawgrant: thanks a lot.08:09
wgrantrvb: "In result, in case the same package exists in multiple parents, the package from the first parent with this package is the one that will end up in the derived series."08:09
wgrantrvba: That's different from the rest of the behaviour.08:10
wgrantWhere the highest version tends to win.08:10
wgrantAt least for overlays.08:10
wgrantI don't know how it behaves for non-overlays.08:10
rvbawgrant: right, Julian says it was good enough for now and we could fix this later if we need to .... but that's a good point ...08:11
rvbaI'm not sure we can come up with a solution to take the highest version with simple sql queries though ...08:11
wgrantThey'd get fairly nasty, yeah.08:12
rvbaAnd this initialisation thing already takes a rather long time to run sometimes.08:12
rvbaThe advantage of this is that it's pretty simple.08:13
rvbaStevenK: doc fixed. MP needs review ;).08:27
adeuringgood morning08:34
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #633: FAILURE in 6 hr 36 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/633/08:41
wgrantrvba: I've made a first attempt at it.08:48
rvbawgrant: thanks!08:49
allenapwgrant: Thanks for QAing my stuff over(my)night. And for all the other times you've done it :)08:52
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build #35: STILL FAILING in 39 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/35/08:55
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=benji][bug=746379] Update the "Latest message" column in08:55
LPCIBotDistroSeries:+localpackagediffs when a comment is added in the08:55
rvbawgrant: Yeah, thanks for that too ;)08:55
lifelessstub: hey, I saw some nice progress towards bugsummary-209:01
stubYer. Triggers and functions written. If they worked, that would be great :-)09:01
lifelessstub: I've proposed nuking readonly mode on the list09:02
stubupstream bug fixes are not sticking atm. need to look at it today.09:02
stublifeless: I'm just responding.09:02
lifelessstub: How would we fix having to restart appservers, and the time to rebuild the replica after schema change ?09:08
stubAppservers could automatically failover when the master db connection is unavailable, and automatically switch back when it is available.09:09
lifelessI think thats a different thing isn't it?09:09
stubAt the moment it is a manual switch.09:09
stubAt the moment we break out the replica from the cluster so we can upgrade the whole cluster. We could leave it in the cluster, but shut down its replication daemon.09:10
lifelessstub: I realised something the other day - the slave rebuild is contributing to our bloat09:11
stubIf we then had smarter scripts, instead of detecting 'the cluster is in sync' we would detect 'the nodes we care about for now are in sync', we could do the upgrade live. When done, we bring the dead daemon back and the readonly node should then get the updates applied.09:12
stublifeless: Yes, it does.09:12
lifelessstub: so, the core of the proposal I am making is 'lets focus on minimal actual downtime'; if we get buyin on doing that (and so far responses have been positive); and if we decide the best way to do that is to leave the readonly codepaths in the appservers - thats fine with me.09:13
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
stubRight. I'd rather not invest time in making RO mode better if we only care about it as a failover mode, because making the extra complexity reliable will be a lot of work and probably cause downtime as we learn.09:14
lifelessstub: I'd like to aim for 4-5 second downtime windows09:15
lifelessstub: if we reconfigure-db-connections; kill all current backends (except slony); apply patches; reconfigure-db-connections again09:16
lifelessstub: based on our previous discussions it seems to me we can get pretty darn close09:17
stubWe are not a credit card processing system losing thousands of dollars a minute of downtime, and doing real HA is expensive.09:19
stubRight. So better to just pause things in HAProxy.09:19
stubAnd deal with an exploded master with real downtime if the master explodes.09:19
stubYer. Appservers need to get more intelligent though and learn to switch themselves over live.09:19
lifelessstub: I wouldn't even pause in haproxy09:19
lifelessstub: its another moving part to change and deal with09:19
stubWe could possibly pause everything in pgbouncer09:19
lifelessthats something we can iterate towards or even do upfront09:20
lifelessI'm kindof of hopeful to be able to start doing this next week09:20
stubSounds excellent since I'm on holiday next week ;)09:20
lifelessok, week after :>09:21
lifelessI'd like you around for the first few times09:21
stubI hear there is a sprint on or something09:21
lifelesstill we get the quirks out09:21
nigelbMy inbox seems to thinki any mail from lifeless is Priority Inbox mail. Interesting.09:21
lifelessgood inbox09:22
stubAfter a while of trying to train it, I realized that there is no such thing as priority email ;)09:22
nigelbIt works okay for me so far. Mostly.09:22
* stub runs off to the ATM and to grab blinner09:25
bigjoolsI'm guessing he's *really* hungry09:27
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #389: STILL FAILING in 49 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/389/09:31
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!09:44
LPCIBotProject devel build #802: FIXED in 6 hr 40 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/802/09:44
* bigjools reads lifeless's wall of email09:54
lifelessone more coming up09:57
bigjoolslifeless: it might be helpful if you could format the emails into distinct sections, I usually end up re-reading your emails as it's hard to take 'em all in in one go09:58
lifelessbigjools: thats good to know - I do sometimes, but I kindof run into 'is this an email or a wiki page' feeling sometimes too09:58
bigjoolslifeless: they do read like a steam of consciousness :)09:59
lifelesswell, I do edit and shuffle and so on; trying to paint a narrative09:59
lifelessmy head is nowhere near as organised09:59
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
bigjoolslifeless: in any case, I've been wanting to sort out the schema change downtime story for a loooong time10:02
bigjoolsmost schema changes don't involve interdependent code10:02
jtvgmb: got time for a review?  I have two MPs ready including https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-791204/+merge/6439010:14
gmbjtv: I'm just working on one for danilos, but I'll take a look when I'm done with that.10:15
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday ! | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: gmb | Critical bugs: 202 - 0:[######=_]:256
stubA steaming pile of consciousness10:15
jtvgreat, thanks10:15
jtvA stream of <garble>ss10:16
jtv(Just for the sake of the play on words of course, not my actual opinion!)10:17
gmbdanilos: Accepting your "it is thoroughly tested" assertion, r=me.10:20
gmb(Although the evidence for that is pretty strong, I'll grant you)10:20
danilosgmb, heh, thanks :)10:20
danilosgmb, after you get relaxed a bit with the one from jtv (ha), you can pick the following one from me as well: https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-772754-other-subscribers-loading/+merge/64186 (that one is oversized a bit though, hope you don't mind)10:22
jtvdanilos: hey hey hey, I had _two_!10:22
gmbdanilos: jtv speaks the truth. But I'll try to come to yours early this afternoon.10:22
jtvThis could be a fun exercise in scheduling algorithms10:23
danilosjtv, hey, I had three but didn't want to take all the available "room" for others to get their code reviewed :)10:23
danilosjtv, unlike, ahem, some other people10:23
lifelessjtv: the docstrings for match_exact_string etc are misleadning10:23
lifelessjtv: the :return: is incorrect - it returns a storm expression whose result will be True if ...10:23
jtvdanilos: hey, if you leave room for other people, don't get all disappointed when other people use it!10:23
jtvthanks lifeless — I'll have a look right away.10:24
lifelessjtv: (AIU the code)10:24
gmbdanilos, jtv : http://oo00.eu/10:24
jtvlifeless: ISWM—you're right10:24
jtvdanilos: we've just heard the URL of the banshee.10:24
jtvGo on, ask for whom the bell tolls: it tolled for chromium!10:25
jtvIt died.10:25
danilosjtv, gmb: :)10:26
lifelessallenap: hi10:26
lifelessallenap: rabbit: do we reset SIGPIPE when spawning it ?10:26
bigjoolslifeless: he's out for a bit, will be back soon10:30
danilosjtv, I've been hitting a lot of webkit crashes with epiphany lately, but just on this computer (even though it's identical arch to my laptop and all the same versions are used)10:31
danilosjtv, so I just figured out it's probably your fault and learned to live with it (or maybe hardware, but it's so much nicer to blame you again)10:32
jtvdanilos: agreed, it makes perfect sense given that I see the same problem.10:33
jtvSee that everyone?  This is why I liked the transition to squads!  :-)10:33
danilosbasically the only reason, I am sure :)10:34
jtvoh yes10:34
allenaplifeless: I haven't done anything special with signals.10:38
bigjoolsdanilos: whatever the problem is, it's probably jtv's fault10:40
jtvAll of a sudden I'm not so sure about this squads thing any more.10:40
danilosbigjools, glad to hear that, that's how it used to work in the previous team structure as well!10:41
allenaplifeless: That's a great find. I'll try that simple change. (I'll do it in a separate branch from the subprocess changes I made.)10:50
gmbjtv: r=me on your first branch; your tests need some comments though.11:03
jtvgmb: thanks, will do.  I always try writing 'em clear enough that they don't need comments, but after that I don't mind adding them if they're still needed.  :)11:03
gmbjtv: Well, I'm lazy, so I tend to say they all need comments otherwise I need to think.11:04
jtvI try to encode the whole story in the function name.  :)11:04
gmbjtv: Oh, I know. And that often works. Sometimes though it requires context that I don't have to be able to understand the encoding.11:05
jtvRight — problem is it's very hard for the person who wrote a text to judge that, so that's where I rely heavily upon the reviewer.11:06
StevenKgmb: I have a short branch for you if you're free.11:14
gmbStevenK: Sadly, there's a queue at the moment. I may get to it later but I can't promise anything11:15
StevenKThat's okay. I will beg bigjools, since he whinged at me about the bug.11:15
StevenKbigjools: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/reject-changes-file-no-email/+merge/64523 please11:18
* gmb -> changing locations. BBIW.11:50
=== henninge_ is now known as heninge
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jmllifeless: ping12:16
jmllifeless: oh hi, was going to ask for a quick chat, but maybe we could do it tomorrow instead12:17
lifelessjml: tonight would be better; tomorrow night leads into thursday morning which is at an uncivilised time12:17
lifelessjml: I need to take recycling out and stuff like that, but in 15-20 I can chat with you12:17
jmllifeless: perfect. skype me when you're ready.12:18
=== heninge is now known as henninge
bachi bigjools13:05
bigjoolsbac: hey13:06
bacbigjools: could i have a mid-imp call with you re: bug 51985713:06
_mup_Bug #519857: Upload processor OOPSes with bad email addresses <lp-soyuz> <oops> <soyuz-upload> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/519857 >13:06
bigjoolsbac: stevenk already fixed it.13:06
bigjoolsah sorry13:07
bigjoolsno he didn't13:07
bigjoolsdifferent bug!13:07
bigjoolsbac: so13:07
bigjoolswhat needs to happen is that no oops gets thrown, and we send an email to whoever signed the changes file13:07
bigjoolsI just noticed you said mid-imp...13:08
lifelessbigjools: what did you mean by '13:08
lifeless21:02 < bigjools> lifeless: in any case, I've been wanting to sort out the schema change downtime story for a loooong time13:08
lifeless21:02 < bigjools> most schema changes don't involve interdependent code13:08
bacbigjools: yeah, i was planning to catch the ParseMaintError in process()13:08
bigjoolslifeless: we should be able to make schema changes on a live DB13:09
bigjoolsbac: in this case it's already sending a rejection for another reason13:10
bigjoolsbac: so we don't really need to do anything other than catch and ignore the error13:10
bacbigjools: what do you mean by "in this case"?13:10
bigjoolsbac: the traceback on the bug13:11
bigjoolsit's in the middle of processing a rejection13:11
bigjoolswhich I also suspect is because a previous bit of code already noticed the bogus email address13:11
bacbigjools: i intended the code change to look something like: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/626527/13:12
lifelessbigjools: do you mean that most schema changes don't alter the meaning of existing fields, nor require new fields to be populated by appservers (at least initially) ?13:12
lifelessbigjools: if thats what you mean, I agree :)13:12
bigjoolslifeless: yes!13:12
bigjoolslifeless: and we should structure all our patches to be like that as much as possible13:12
lifelessbigjools: so there are some slony limits that make applying while truely live impossible today, but we can come close.13:13
bigjoolsbac: I would not do that13:13
bacbigjools: i think the code parts are easy.  where i need some guidance is creating new package suite in lib/lp/archiveuploader/tests/data/suite13:13
lifelessbigjools: yes, if this proposal gets off the ground stub and I will start rejecting patches that are /not/ like that13:13
bacbigjools: ok13:13
bigjoolsbac: the code here has changed *significantly* since the bug was filed, because steve re-wrote the notification stuff13:15
bacbigjools: yes, that was obvious as nothing matched up13:15
bacbigjools: but the problem still exists13:15
bigjoolsbac: yes - what I would do is catch the error in lib/lp/soyuz/adapters/notification.py - get_recipients  ()13:16
bigjoolsand just not add any invalid emails to the recipient list13:16
lifelessbenji___: lp:~benji/launchpad/bug-697735 seems to be deleting some db patches. ..13:16
bigjoolsthe changesfile signer will always be valid if we get this far so that's the last-ditch option13:17
=== benji___ is now known as benji
bigjoolslifeless: excellent13:17
bigjoolsbac: "blamer" in that code is the signer13:17
benjilifeless: ooh, that doesn't sound right; thanks, I'll take a look13:17
lifelessbenji: === removed file 'database/schema/patch-2208-63-0.sql'13:17
bigjoolsbac: so we need a test.  For that we make a dodgy package and try to upload it.13:18
bacbigjools: yes, *that* is the part that i got hung up on yesterday13:18
bigjoolsbac: however thinking about it that's overkill for this case, so we could just do a unit test case for get_recipients13:18
bacbigjools: when i make a bad email address in the changes file i need to sign it13:19
bacbigjools: yes, that may be true now that i'll not be changing process()13:19
bigjoolsbac: right.  fix get_recipients + unit test = simples.13:20
bacbigjools: if i did need to create a new test/data/suite are there any instructions on how to create and sign one?13:20
bigjoolsthen we can QA it with an upload that has a dodgy maintainer13:20
bigjoolsbac: no :(  but it's not too hard.13:20
bacbigjools: i couldn't find any keys, etc13:20
bigjoolsthere's a private key in the tree13:20
bigjoolsyou need to add it to your local keyring13:20
baci found secring.gpg but it didn't have the right keys13:20
bacbigjools: ok, i'll go down that route and it should be much simpler13:21
bigjoolsbac: huh so it doesn't, that's odd.  I have the key in my keyring, I should add it to the tree then.13:22
bacbigjools: win13:22
bigjoolscan't remember wtf I got it from!13:22
bigjoolsprobably celso13:22
bigjoolsbac: ok cool, is that all you need?13:22
bacbigjools: part of soyuz's oral history13:22
bacbigjools: a-ok.  thanks for your time.13:22
bigjoolsnae prob13:23
lifelessnight all13:25
* bigjools -> lunch13:27
jtvgmb: got time for a really small one?  It might be fun.  https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-797151/+merge/6453713:36
jtv(It's lower priority than my other one though)13:37
gmbjtv: I'm still working through your other one - got distracted by vittles. I'll take a look after I've looked at Danilo's 900-liner, assuming I have time.13:38
jtvgmb: don't force yourself — the small one is really low-priority, but you might find it a nice "lite bite" after danilo's huge one13:39
gmbjtv: That's what I'm thinking :)13:39
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build #36: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 12 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/36/13:55
StevenKbac, bigjools: I've already fixed the bug?14:05
bigjoolsStevenK: different bug, ignore14:05
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!14:36
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #634: FIXED in 5 hr 52 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/634/14:36
jmlok. that was a confusing update.14:40
bigjoolsgmb: may I avail of your reviewership please: https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/launchpad/link-LCV-bug-783442/+merge/6455015:01
bigjoolsah cock seen some lint already15:01
gmbbigjools: I might be a while; working on a 900-liner from Danilo and then a smaller one from Jeroen, but I'll try to get to it before EoD.15:02
bigjoolsgmb: ok np15:02
* danilos is happy gmb is ignoring the fact that it's nine hundred sixty something, which is closer to 1k ,)15:03
bigjoolsmine's a small branch :)15:04
jmlmrevell: do you have any notes from any rounds of disclosure user testing?15:13
mrevelljml, Let me check what I have.15:18
gmbdanilos: Your not-quite-1ker is approved :)15:42
gmbNow then, something smaller...15:43
danilosgmb, cool (I read that first as "you are not quite approved" :))15:43
danilosgmb, thanks again, I ain't bothering you with any more reviews then :)15:44
gmbdanilos: Heh. I doubt I'll have the time or brain power for them anyway :).15:44
james_wflacoste, seen bug 797088?15:51
_mup_Bug #797088: Launchpad has removed privileges that UDD importer requires to function <Launchpad itself:New> <Ubuntu Distributed Development:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/797088 >15:51
flacostejames_w: now, i did15:51
flacostejames_w: we just need to give core-dev permission to upload to Debian15:52
flacosteor make them a maintainer15:52
flacostejames_w: it's a configuration problem iow15:52
james_wflacoste, he reports a problem with lucid too?15:53
flacostejames_w: that would be surprising15:53
james_wflacoste, http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/language-pack-nds.html#2011-06-14 14:45:28.88240615:54
flacostejames_w: that script is still run as you, right?15:55
flacosteit may be checkUpload permission that isn't getting this right15:55
flacosteactually, it might just be that15:56
flacostethe easiest thing would be to make you a maintainer of both Ubuntu and Debian temporarily15:58
gmbbigjools: r=me15:58
flacostethat would solve the permission problem immediately15:58
bigjoolsgmb: ta15:59
flacostebigjools: call time16:04
flacostebigjools: https://launchpad.net/baltix/+series16:20
flacostebigjools: you cut off16:25
flacostebigjools: call me back16:26
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #220: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/220/16:38
benjigmb: boo!  I have a review for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-697735-2/+merge/6456316:39
gmbbenji: Looking; waiting for the diff.16:40
benjigmb: cool16:40
rvbagmb: Thanks for the review!16:40
gmbrvba: np16:41
gmbbenji: I got fed up of waiting for the scanner and looked at the revisions in loggerhead. r=me. Nice work.16:55
benjigmb: cool, thanks for the review17:03
=== lionel__ is now known as lionel
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday ! | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 202 - 0:[######=_]:256
* gmb -> afk for a bit17:14
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #221: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/221/17:23
jmlI'm doing some LEP restructuring. Let me know if I'm getting in your way.17:50
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
james_wflacoste, maxb has a workaround that lessens the impact, but the importer will still be unable to deal with new packages, SRUs etc.18:10
flacostejames_w: i have a code solution18:26
james_wflacoste, cool18:26
flacostefor frozen series, we need to check the UPDATE pocket18:26
james_wflacoste, that will prevent setting official branches for obsolete series?18:27
flacostei don't know18:27
flacostei don't know the intimates of checkUpload18:27
flacostebut would that be a problem?18:27
james_wit sounds better than what we have, but I'm wondering if we actually want a different set of rules for this18:27
flacostewhy should we care about obsolete series18:27
james_wc.f. changing the packaging links18:28
james_wwell, the importer currently sets them up when it does the initial import of an old package18:28
flacosteit could simply not set them up18:28
james_wobviously most will be done already18:28
james_wit could18:28
flacosteobsolete is obsolete18:29
james_wdo you still propose setting me/pkg_import to be maintainer of Debian?18:29
flacostein a way18:29
flacosteeither that18:29
james_wyeah, but it's still useful to easily refer to it sometimes18:29
flacostebut i think we should simply mirror the upload privileges from Ubuntu18:29
james_wobviously less useful over time18:29
james_wthat sounds sensible18:29
flacostejml: wow, LEP cleanup spree! nice!18:34
flacostesinzui: call?18:35
sinzuistarting mumble18:35
* flacoste bets he's already in mumble18:35
flacosteand lost18:35
flacostesinzui: we are in mumble-not-working-first-time-land i think18:36
flacostei'm hearing you18:36
flacostebut you are obviously18:36
flacostei just did18:36
jmlflacoste: yeah. only a little bit more to go.18:39
jmlflacoste: you might want to look over https://dev.launchpad.net/Projects/DerivativeDistributions & add info19:02
jmlflacoste: please feel free to do things like add columns or change structure19:03
maxbflacoste: Even if a series is obsolete, there is still some value in constructing a bazaar branch for its history and registering it with launchpad. We also still have a large number of "broken" imports that are being worked through, so retroactively producing history isn't an especially abnormal case.19:04
jmlg'night all.19:17
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
timrcI'm having a head-scratching moment... I've modified lp/lib/soyuz/model/archive.py to turn "private" into a getter/setter and by doing this, I fail a test in lib/lp/soyuz/tests/test_processaccepted.py (test_accept_copy_archives:133, error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/626756/).  This particular test runs lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/processaccepted.py which (when I look at output) returns a failure (https://code.launchpad.net/~timrchavez/l19:56
timrcaunchpad/set_ppa_private_from_api_724740-2/+merge/63950) -- I'm not sure if that's actually intended or not (looks like: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/626766/), which begs the question: how can I retrieve the oops report from the id ?19:56
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinh
=== Ursinh is now known as Ursinha
timrctrying this again..20:01
timrcI'm having a head-scratching moment... I've modified lp/lib/soyuz/model/archive.py to turn "private" into a getter/setter (https://code.launchpad.net/~timrchavez/launchpad/set_ppa_private_from_api_724740-2/+merge/63950) and by doing this, I fail a te20:01
timrcst in lib/lp/soyuz/tests/test_processaccepted.py (test_accept_copy_archives:133, error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/626756/)20:01
timrcThis particular test runs lib/lp/soyuz/scripts/processaccepted.py which (when I look at output) returns a failure / generates an oops.  I tried to extract details from the 'request' object which gives me an oops report (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/626766/) -- is there a better way of getting the oops report from the id?20:01
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #390: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 5 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/390/20:29
lifelesspoolie: what TZ are you in now :)20:31
matsubaratimrc, oops reports are kept in /var/tmp/lperr/ for your local LP instance20:32
timrcmatsubara, ah thank you!20:33
pooliehi lifeless, i'm in us/pacific20:47
flacostejames_w, maxb: how about if we always do the check for the development series? would that make sense?21:05
lifelessflacoste: allo allo21:05
flacostehi lifeless21:05
maxbflacoste: That feels like it could do the right thing21:05
james_wflacoste, are upload permissions series specific?21:05
lifelessIArchive.canUpload is21:05
flacostejames_w: they are archive specific21:06
flacosteplus the series status check21:06
james_wthen it sounds ok21:06
james_wif you can e.g. upload to lucid without being able to upload to devel then we probably want the union?21:06
lifelesshang on a second though21:06
sinzuijcsackett: do you have time to mumble21:06
* flacoste hangs21:07
lifelessthese branches are meant to end up being what is built21:07
flacostelifeless: we are talking about the source package metadata really21:07
flacosteso it's not the permission to upload to the branch21:07
lifelessso push to them (and by extension setting the official pointer to an existing branch) is meant to be equivalent to upload21:07
lifelessflacoste: this is the 'setting official branch 401s' right ?21:07
jcsackettsinzui: sure. i'm on now.21:08
flacostebut they want to set official branch for obsolete series also21:08
sinzuijcsackett: sorry. I fell off21:08
maxbDo I misunderstand? I thought package sets were series-specific? So that would imply package set upload permissions are implicitly series-specific?21:08
flacostefor frozen, one, we should check against the UPDATE pcoket21:08
lifelessso, I'm saying that perhaps setting the official branch should be treated as an upload, even for frozen. Who can upload to obsolete series ?21:08
flacostei don't think anybody can upload to obsolete series21:08
maxbNo one should be able to upload to obsolete series, but the UDD importer should be able to register that it has created an official Bazaar representation of what was uploaded when the series was active.21:09
flacostedo we really care?21:10
flacostei mean obsolete is obsolete21:10
lifelessso what we're doing at the moment is getting rid of the special case 'folk in ~ubuntu-branches can do anything' rule; perhaps this suggests that the importer really should be a role.21:11
flacostewe sometime delete the published files there21:11
flacostenot automatically21:11
maxbAt the moment we are still at the maturity level in the UDD importer where wanting to erase all the current branches for a package and redo from saved published files is not entirely out of the question.21:12
flacostebut obsolete series?21:13
flacostefrozen and current i get21:13
flacostebut obsolete21:13
flacostei don't21:13
flacosteobsolete is obsolete21:13
flacosteif it's not obsolete it's not obsolete21:13
flacosteif you see what i mean21:13
flacostewe shouldn't care about obsolete series at all in a way21:13
flacostethat's before our time21:14
flacostei'd want strong justification for introducing special cases just for supporting "uploads" to obsolete series21:14
maxbuploads would be silly, yes. I think this is a demonstration that official branch linkage is _not_ wholly equivalent to uploads21:15
flacostewhy do we care21:16
flacostethe whole point of obsolete, is that we don't have to care anymore21:17
maxbWe care because we consider history of packages to be important.21:17
maxbThe importer tries to import Debian woody!21:18
flacostethat's misguided to me21:19
lifelesswe can import something without linking it to the official series.21:20
lifelessso I think its a separate question21:20
flacostein a way, it's no business to me if UDD should try to import woody or not21:20
flacostei do have an opinion, but it's irrelevant unless you ask for it :-)21:21
lifelessEveryone has one :)21:21
maxbA secondary aspect of this is: Launchpad has broken the importer through insufficiently well understood changes - please provide sufficient time to recode the importer if you're going to forcibly withdraw rights to do something it could do before.21:21
flacostemaxb: well, it's more a case of missing qa than anything else21:22
flacostewe didn't intend to remove rights21:22
flacostebut the check we did (could james_w still set official package branch on staging) wasn't the whole story it seems21:23
lifelessmaxb: thats a bit harsh21:24
lifelessmaxb: we suggested ages ago it should be an LP managed service21:24
lifelessmaxb: and this change was discussed with the folk running the importer21:24
lifelessflacoste: check out https://bugs.launchpad.net/null/+bug/42093721:27
flacostein a away21:27
lifeless'Directly subscribed21:27
lifelessNo subscribers'21:27
flacostein a way, i could special case OBSOLETE21:27
flacosteand if the distroseries is OBSOLETE, use the current devel one21:27
flacostewith a XXX to a bug in the importer21:27
flacosteor no bug if we don't want to support changing sourcepackage metadata for OBSOLETE21:28
flacostei'd like that the same permission check would be used for the other regression we had (can't change packaging link when there is an upstream with shared translations)21:28
flacostelifeless: what do you think of the above^^^21:28
maxbI don't mean to be harsh, I'm just a bit confused why, having discovered this issue, continuing to deny the importer these permissions seems to be an option under consideration21:28
lifelessmaxb: we're basically doing development that was skipped in the initial implementation21:29
flacosteit's not clear if we want to support those permissions21:29
lifelessthese are questions that were invisible with the celebrity and identified as work that should be done21:29
flacostebut i agree that removing functionality should allow for a smooth transition on your side21:30
flacostethat's why i'm suggesting the OBSOLETE special cases (instead of the ubuntu-branhces special case, which I really don't want to reintroduce)21:30
lifelessflacoste: uhm, so I think the translations link is less risky than setting these branches21:30
lifelesstranslations link could well use the rule the branch setting uses, just not the other way around21:31
flacosteagreed, but i'd rather we still one logic21:31
flacostethe more strict one21:31
flacostewhich should work fine for the other case also21:31
lifelessI think that we should ask the TB21:31
flacosteabout setting OBSOLETE series21:31
lifelessthe importer isn't a debian uploader21:31
lifelesslets talk debian for just a minute21:31
lifelessubuntu upload rights won't let the importer upload to debian21:32
lifelessso we're going - if someone queries LP - to have an 'uploader' to Debian-in-LP21:32
flacostebut we can give it upload righ on launchpad21:32
lifelessthis is at best weird.21:32
flacostei agree21:32
lifelessso I have an alternative proposal21:32
flacostebut not weirded than having Registry Administrator be the maintainer21:33
flacostefor Debian in Launchpad21:33
lifelessadd a role to distribution called 'package importer'21:33
lifelessflacoste: I think its weirder, or at least its additional explanation.21:33
flacostefor Debian, i was thinking of creating a team called 'LAunchpad Debian Maintainers'21:33
flacosteowned by Registry Admin21:33
flacosteand with the importer in it21:33
flacostethat would actually clarify things a bit21:34
lifelessSo the question is - is that simpler than directly representing 'there is this service that can write to any official branch and set any official branch for any series in $distro'21:34
lifelessI'm not a big fan of directly modelling every little thing21:35
* flacoste neither21:35
lifelessthis seems to be a biggish thing though21:35
lifelessconsider that:21:36
lifeless - long term we don't want the package importer triggering builds [this came up in tb discussion I think]21:36
lifeless - the package importer would like to edit obsolete packages which normal uploaders cannot21:36
flacoste(I'm -1 on that second item FTR)21:37
flacostegardening obsolete data isn't a use-case i'd like to support21:37
lifeless - and it would like to edit debian and linaro and perhaps more in future but normal uploaders have no use case for doing this21:37
lifelessflacoste: I'd like to put that gardening question aside; it is something that was previously deliberately supported; we should ask the TB whether they really care IF we decide its too hard to support21:38
flacostethat sounds like YAGNI21:38
lifelessflacoste: editing debian is a current job for it; when linaro goes all derived distro that will also be a job for it21:39
bacflacoste: :(21:39
flacostebac: i pushed your guilt-trip button? ;-)21:40
bacwhere is that reset?21:40
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build #37: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 10 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/37/21:40
flacostebac: it's called daily meditation21:40
flacostelifeless: it don't think 'too hard' is the criteria here21:41
flacostelifeless: it's more of a "limt the set of things we support" criteria21:41
maxbRegards "gardening" - I think gardening deserves to be special - for example, the importer MUST be able to push to branches for the release pocket of a released distroseries, but normal uploaders probably shouldn't21:45
lifelesswhen we started this21:52
lifelesswe said 'lets use upload rights, they exist and should include the right people and the importer is essentially getting upload rights'21:52
lifelessmy points above were saying that we're running into feedback of various sorts from the folk who will be using what we create, that says upload isn't all that good a fit21:53
lifelessIn terms of what we support, I think the distro really drive that21:54
flacostei'm going to fix to special case OBSOLETE series21:54
flacosteand punt on whether to model a package-importer or not21:54
flacostethat way the importer can work tomorrow21:54
flacosteand eventually we'll iterate again to make this 'correct' at some point21:55
flacostewhat we'll have short-term is better than what we had before21:55
flacosteit might need further tweaks eventually21:55
lifelesssure; I think in parallel we should ask the TB their thoughts - they may love having the ability to fiddle with this data for obsolete [by any uploader]21:56
lifelessor they may hate it21:56
lifelesseither way we'l get input into how urgently we should come back to it21:57
lifelesssinzui: any idea about the cause of https://launchpadlibrarian.net/73532151/screenshot4.png ?22:28
lifeless(bug 797413) - I'm trying to assess for triage22:28
sinzuiwow that is new22:28
_mup_Bug #797413: Launchpad 'h' font broken <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/797413 >22:28
sinzuilifeless: I cannot say what is wrong.22:30
sinzuilifeless: 'h', 'L' and 'i' are the tallest letters in Ubuntu font. since the i is not broken, I do not know what is wrong with the 'h'22:31
lifelessspeaking of fonts22:32
lifelessany chance we can make our text darker ?22:32
lifeless(asking as a user, not TA)22:34
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
flacostelifeless: the contrast we have is within the W3C accessibility chart22:48
flacosteinteresting that my tests to check permission on frozen and obsolete series is passing :-/ something fishy with the tests i guess22:49
flacostebut that's for tomorrow22:49
lifelessflacoste: ><22:49
flacostetime to go22:49
lifelessflacoste: well, chart or not, we do get a stream of bugs about it, and at least for me, I have to run on max brightness to read the text easily.22:49
sinzuilifeless:  The font colour is #333 which is defined in both the web standards and Ubuntu light themes. They should be the same. We know something is amiss when they are not22:52
sinzuilifeless: I believe the goal is to make the Ubuntu web experience look like a desktop experience22:53
lifelesssinzui: ah, so I don't run the normal ubuntu theme... because its too hard on my eyes22:54
sinzuilifeless: I hope the new drive for accessibility will be addressed in the light themes then. I personally miss them. Oneiric alpha 1 does not ship with a working default theme.23:00
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
poolieabentley, hi23:07
pooliebryce was asking why you retargeted https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-keyring/+bug/79687323:07
_mup_Bug #796873: ec2 land generates gnomekeyring.IOError if run over an ssh session <Python Keyring:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/796873 >23:07
abentleypoolie: it looks like the appropriate project to me.23:08
lifeless> 50% of our active reviews are approved-but-not-landed23:24

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