
micahglifeless: what permission is needed to modify upstream links for Ubuntu packages00:05
lifelessI think its upload00:08
lifelessit got locked down somewhat with the new translations stuff00:08
micahgwell, I can't modify for stuff I can upload00:11
micahgI was told "packager" whatever that means in LP codespeak00:11
lifelessthats a bug00:11
lifelessmicahg: uploader00:11
micahg:(, I guess I need to file a bug00:11
lifelessyes indeed00:12
micahglifeless: thanks00:12
micahgbug 796867 for anyone interested00:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 796867 in Launchpad itself "Cannot modify upstream of packages I can upload in Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79686700:15
twbHow often does malone process new@b.l.n mail?  It has been twenty minutes since I sent it.03:43
wgranttwb: Every three minutes, normally. Let me check the logs.03:44
twb-kernel suggested I may have a "don't email me about things I do" option enabled somewhere.03:44
* ScottK is a big fan of that option.03:45
twbI'm expecting an email back from malone as I would get from debbugs, along the lines of "your new bug is #12345"03:45
wgranttwb: That option is new, and the email interface is old. If you have it enabled then you won't get any notification of a successful filing.03:46
wgrantThere's no hint of an error in the log.03:46
twbI haven't used the web UI for years03:46
twbThis is the email I sent: http://paste.debian.net/119750/03:46
wgranttwb: Hm, that looks reasonable.03:48
wgrantThere's an upgrade going on at the moment, but the cron jobs should still be running.03:48
ajmitchcan you set importance on new bugs when not part of bugcontrol?03:48
twbajmitch: I figured I'd try03:48
twbI'm assuming malone will complain about badness rather than dropping my mail on the floor :-(03:49
wgrantIt normally does.03:50
twbwgrant: I'll idle here; holler at me if you have any news.  Thanks for looking into it.03:50
* micahg has seen a case where it sets importance w/out the person in bug control03:57
ScottKwgrant: Time again for timeouts on the queue accept page: Error ID: OOPS-1991I1704:00
poolieo/ scottk04:00
ScottKThat was fast.04:00
ScottKHello poolie.04:01
micahgugh, filing a bug against launchpad timed out now...OOPS-1991AV3304:03
wgranttwb, micahg, ScottK: Something is holding locks open on one of the bug tables. It's causing timeouts, and probably making mail processing unhappy. We're trying to fix.04:06
pooliemicahg: yeah i have that too04:06
pooliewgrant: perhaps this ought to go onto lpstatus etc04:06
twbwgrant: thanks04:06
wgrantpoolie: Indeed, I am finding the password.04:06
ScottKAh.  Thanks.04:07
micahgwgrant: ah, thanks04:07
ScottKMight also ought to go in /topic.04:07
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Bug modifications timing out sometimes | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
pooliewgrant: fwiw mine is filing, not modifying, and it's timing out 100% of the time04:12
poolieunless "sometimes" means "on monday" :)04:13
wgrantNot all modifications are timing out.04:14
wgrantAll filing seems to be.04:14
lifelessmodifications that don't change summaries won't insert into the journal04:15
wgrantpoolie: Could you try filing your bug again, please?04:19
ScottKFWIW I was just able to accept a package from New.04:20
pooliei'm so glad wallyworld fixed it so i could back up and copy out my (fairly long) bug summary04:20
wgrantpoolie: It worked?04:20
micahg\o/ my bug worked as well04:22
poolieit did04:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 796992 in lazr.restfulclient (Ubuntu) "pth file overrides pythonpath" [High,Triaged]04:22
wgrantShould be all happy again now.04:22
poolie(which might amuse you by its strangeness)04:22
wgrantThe upgrade held more locks that we expected, and we didn't notice it had hung.04:22
* twb looks at INBOX04:24
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
twbwgrant: do I need to resend my new@ email?04:25
wgranttwb: Shouldn't... but we'll see.04:25
wgrantYou filed a bug an hour ago and another 4 minutes ago.04:26
wgrantBug #796993, bug #79693704:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 796993 in linux (Ubuntu) "Disable CONFIG_NET_NS (for #720095) breaks LXC" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79699304:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 796937 in linux (Ubuntu) "Disable CONFIG_NET_NS (for #720095) breaks LXC" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79693704:26
twbThe second one might be gmail's MTA resending or something... I didn't resend it.04:26
ajmitchit wasn't showing up on your bugs page earlier when you were asking about it, either04:27
wgrantIt wasn't, no.04:28
wgrantprocess-mail was hung on the problematic lock.04:28
mwhudsonpoolie: i think you have just discovered one of the ways in which setuptools is terrible04:30
wgrantAs if it needed more...04:31
poolieurk, there is no tag cloud on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr04:36
poolieand search times out04:37
wgrantpoolie: What search times out?04:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 796998 in Launchpad itself "tag cloud missing" [Critical,Triaged]04:39
poolieworked the second time04:39
pooliesorry, worked the third time, failed the first two04:39
ScottKTag cloud is critical?04:39
wgrantIt took 1.5s for me :/04:39
wgrantScottK: It's a regression.04:39
wgrantScottK: Regressions are critical.04:39
wgrantAnd this particular one is easily fixed.04:39
ScottKMakes sense.04:39
pooliei'm so glad you're here, wgrant :)04:40
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micahgwgrant: since you seem able to work magic, can you do something with this: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/16062905:13
wgrantmicahg: The analysis of the question is mistaken.05:14
wgrantmicahg: I've commented on the question with the real problem and solution.05:16
micahgwgrant: thank you :)05:16
wgrantmicahg: Hopefully a maintenance squad will pick it up tonight.05:16
micahgwgrant: cool, thanks05:16
wgrantmicahg: Otherwise I will organise it tomorrow, even though I'm really not meant to.05:16
wgrantpoolie: Tags portlet is fixed. Thanks for letting us know.05:23
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iceroothi, is there a way to create a bug without using "ubuntu-bug"? e.g. i want to create a bug against launchpad. cant find "create bug" on the launchpad-site07:35
icerootsorry i am blind...07:36
wgranticeroot: You want to file a bug about the software that runs on Launchpad.net?07:36
icerootwgrant: correct07:36
wgranticeroot: https://launchpad.net/launchpad, you'll find 'Report a bug' on the right.07:37
icerootwgrant: thank you07:37
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pooliewgrant: thanks07:49
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: henninge | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
somethingintereshttp://www.apple.com/au/macosx/whats-new/launchpad.html. Trademark violation?08:57
nigelbsomethinginteres: There's already a bug and Canonical's legal team is looking into it.08:57
somethinginteresnigelb: OK just wanted to give a heads up if that wasn't the case.08:58
Chipacahi all. What do I do with spam comments?11:48
Penghttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion I believe11:49
henningeChipaca: or just tell us here11:49
Chipacathe Styles user seems to be a person as per some of his comments above, but then the last three are spam11:50
henningeChipaca: I removed the comments, I'll have a look if I need to suspend the account.11:51
henningeThanks for reporting.11:51
Chipacahenninge: awesome, thank you11:51
henninge0 karma, I'll suspend the user11:52
dpmhi henninge, could you assign https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+question/161368 to the losas (or even better have a losa look at it? ;) thanks11:57
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heningedpm: so you are saying that you approve him becoming the owner of the team?12:02
heningedpm: can you please add a comment saying so to the question?12:02
heningedpm: I moved the question to Launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/16136812:06
heningedpm: and assigned it to the losas12:07
gnuoydpm, heninge: thats done12:11
arandIs building of dunny packages specifically disabled for PPAs? I have a package which builds these fine in pbuilder however they are not when it is uploaded to the PPA.( control file: http://paste.debian.net/119786/ dummies at the bottom)12:18
sorenarand: Which PPA?12:19
soren(you shouldn't be using edge)12:20
arandI did have a previous "redeclipse" package which I assumed would get replaced, might this be what not happened?12:21
dpmgnuoy, heninge, thanks! (Hening: yeah, I did approve of him to become the owner)12:21
sorenarand: What makes you say it doesn't get built?12:22
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sorenarand: I see redeclipse-data being built, for instance.12:23
sorenIt's an arch: all package. It only gets built on i386.12:23
soren...and then published everywhere.12:23
henningeadeuring: Hi! I am at lunch now. Can you please take over here?12:23
adeuringhenninge: sure12:23
sorenarand: https://edge.launchpad.net/~arand/+archive/redeclipse/+build/256589812:24
geserarand: https://launchpad.net/~arand/+archive/redeclipse/+sourcepub/1772784/+listing-archive-extra lists them12:24
adeuringhttps://launchpad.net/  | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/12:24
sorenadeuring: You forgot to prepend "/TOPIC " :)12:25
adeuringsoren: gahhh. thanks!12:25
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
arandgeser: Oh, right, it's because of the arch: all :)12:26
arandI assumed the dummy packages would show in the main listing, but I guess it makes sense for them not to..12:27
geserarand: "main listing"? the index pages show only source packages, you have to "expand" the source package on the +packages page to view the built binaries12:31
loolHey, is there a way to update upstream <-> Ubuntu package links?  I'd like to change the one of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/linux-linaro-mx51 to point at another series, but can't12:43
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james_wlool, likely bug 79686712:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 796867 in Launchpad itself "Cannot modify upstream of packages I can upload in Ubuntu" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79686712:53
adeuringlool: do you get any error message?13:01
looljames_w: correct, thanks13:07
looladeuring: just that there is already a registered series13:07
adeuringlool: weird...13:08
looladeuring: presumably, permission of the link object or something like that?13:08
adeuringlool: maybe. I tried to change the link on qastaging -- works there13:09
loolthere is simply no remove or edit button; trying to use add again with another series fails with already registered13:09
looladeuring: odd, do you have special powers?13:09
adeuringlool: ah, that could be the case with all the recent reorganisations around lp develeoper memberships13:09
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adeuringlool: it is indeed a permissions problam, and a deliberate one: Because the packaging link affects upstream translation sharing, only package maintainers and some people with "special powers" can change an existing link. Intorduced in LP revision 12801, april this year13:20
lifelessadeuring: but lool is a maintainer; he's core dev.13:20
lifelessadeuring: what do you mean by 'package maintainers' precisely?13:20
adeuringlifeless: let me check the source code...13:21
lifelessactually its 12:20 *am* here13:21
lifelessso I'm going to go13:21
loolI have uploads power to Ubuntu and I also happen to be the registrant of linux-linaro   ;-)13:21
adeuringlifeless: it's the relase maintainer13:21
lifelessbut if it uses the 'maintainer' field or something, thats *debian* metadata and meaningless for permissions in Ubuntu13:21
lifelessadeuring: spr.maintainer or something?13:22
adeuringlifeless: lp.registry.model.packaging.Packaging.userCanDelete()13:22
lifelessthats faulty then13:23
lifelessthats letting debian maintainers garden Ubuntu metadata and excluding Ubuntu maintainers from doing it.13:23
adeuringthe was to avoid an unnecessary load by job which are triggered for translation sharing13:24
adeurings/the was/the idea was/13:24
lifelessbigjools: ^ I have to sleep, but can you help educate / point adeuring at the right way to determine 'maintains this in Ubuntu' (e.g. can upload it to O or any -proposed13:24
lifelessadeuring: sure, the intent was fine, but the check used is looking at a meaningless field13:24
james_wpreferably a check that doesn't prevent people doing it when the series is frozen I guess :-)13:27
fta2is the lp api broken?14:03
smoseranyone know why my mug doesn't show up https://launchpad.net/~smoser ?  its 192x192 and less than 100k.14:03
smoserjust tried re-setting it (last time i set it was months ago, and i dont know that it has ever shown up)14:04
tumbleweedIRC it's the 64px one that shows on your home page. The bigger one shows in galleries14:06
charlesI need the help of a Registry Administrator to merge two teams.14:11
charlesdebian-med and debian-med-packaging (keeping debian-med)14:12
charlesI tried to ask this via answers.l.net, but because I am not in the timezone of the admins there, the  debian-med-packaging team is re-created before I have time to register its email address in the debian-med team.14:13
charlesSee https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/16070214:13
smosertumbleweed, where would i load a 64px one ?14:14
smoseri just uploaded via web form at https://launchpad.net/~smoser/+edit14:15
smoserand just now even tried as a jpg rather than png.14:15
tumbleweedsmoser: +branding rather than +edit14:19
smoserthank you, tumbleweed ...14:20
* smoser is not good ad UIs14:20
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maxbcharles: Hi14:32
charlesmaxb: hi14:32
maxbShall I go ahead and do the merge now?14:32
charlesThat would be super-great !14:33
maxbThe merge is queued and will take effect within a few minutes14:33
charlesmaxb: Excellent, it worked and I could claim the email address.  Many thanks again.14:39
maxbNo problem :-)14:40
fta2ssl.SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:340: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib14:48
fta2using the lp api14:48
fta2on oneric14:48
fta2oh, it corresponds to an update. "Upgrade: python-httplib2:amd64 (0.6.0-5, 0.7.0-1)"14:49
QuintasanHi, is it possible to totally remove a project from Launchpad?15:13
* Quintasan could not find such option on project page15:13
smoserwhat is the appropriate way to ask that http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/euca2ools.html be fixed ?15:31
smoseri'm fine losing any history that is not actually in the ubuntu archive (ie, personal changes that i probalby pushed and wreaked havoc)15:31
smosermaybe that is better asked in #bzr ?15:33
maxbsmoser: emailing u-d-d@l.u.c is a good way to express interest in a particular failure15:43
smosermaxb, ok. thank you.15:43
maxbsmoser: although I already looked at that one15:43
smoseri'm sorry for basically screwing up the imports of anything I touched15:44
maxbAnd I decided that it's a direct packager maintained branch, so the challenge is just to stop the importer sulking about that15:44
yofelhm, I wanted to create a project for okular, and am getting "okular is already used by another project". But https://launchpad.net/okular gives me a Lost something page15:45
maxbsmoser: Unfortunately recent launchpad deployments have totally broken the importer :-(15:45
maxbbug 79708815:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 797088 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Launchpad has removed privileges that UDD importer requires to function" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79708815:45
smosermaxb, ok. i will mail and just say "please re-import".15:45
maxbsmoser: I don't think that's required15:46
smoseri really do like the "direct packager maintained", but really would like to be able to have both.15:46
maxbI think we just need to teach the importer to stop complaining in valid situations15:46
maxbyofel: It does that when the project has been deactivated. It's not very helpful15:46
yofelany way to reuse the project? I can't really rename KDEs document viewer15:47
maxbyofel: I've renamed the old one, go ahead and recreate15:48
* yofel hugs maxb15:49
Quintasanmaxb: Could you please kill two projects on LP?15:51
maxbI might be able to do something less violent to them15:51
Quintasanmaxb: https://launchpad.net/decibel15:51
Quintasanmaxb: https://launchpad.net/tapioca-qt15:51
Quintasanmaxb: upstream said they are full of evil15:52
Quintasanand we no longer even want traces of them15:52
maxbQuintasan: This sounds sufficiently non-trivial that I'd like to ask for a question to be filed to document what's going on here15:53
maxbAt first glance they appear to be plausibly valid15:53
maxbThey appear to have Ubuntu packages and the projects are owned by a team containing active Ubuntu Developers15:54
Quintasanmaxb: it is dead since 2008 at least15:55
Quintasannoone supports them and all effort moved to telepathy-kde15:56
maxbThis is not justification to deactivate the project15:56
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Quintasanmaxb: What would be a valid reason?15:56
maxbtesting, not open source, generally spurious projects get deactivated15:57
Quintasanso upstream not wanting it and generally being dead and unsupported is not enough?15:58
maxbIt makes no sense to delete all historical records of something just because it is no longer current15:59
Quintasanmaxb: Okay, I'll tell upstream we are keeping it just for record16:00
maxbQuintasan: If the projects have ceased, ask someone in ~telepathy to update their descriptions accordingly16:00
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ftaadeuring, help! https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/16141517:22
adeuringfta: I suspect an issue with the oneiric package.17:24
adeuringI just tried to use lplib in natty.17:25
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
ftadowngrading then17:33
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pooliefta, i guess that's a client side error18:09
poolieit would be useful if you can say on the bug which downgrades fix it if any18:09
ftapoolie, just python-httplib2 in reverse order18:10
ftait was breaking my ppa dashboards, my ppa stats, my chromium translations and some of my other maintenance scripts, so i just reverted httplib218:12
ftai have no time and no desire to investigate this any further. too many issues with lp for my taste.18:13
poolieand that fixed it?18:13
Ampelbeinhi there, I'm subscribed to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+subscriptions and ticked the option to get notifications on bugs opened or closed - yet I only receive notifications for bugs that get closed, not the ones opened.18:14
pooliedowngrading to which version?18:15
ftapoolie, the previous one, it's in my initial question18:23
abentleyAmpelbein: I'm not sure whether it's possible to subscribe to all bugs on Ubuntu.  You realize that's a torrent of bugs that you could never read all of, right?18:41
Ampelbeinabentley: if I subcribe to all bugs it works. it doesn't if I just want notifications of bugs added/closed. don't worry, I have enough filters in place to get me a useful overview.18:42
abentleyAmpelbein: Okay, I'm looking for someone who can answer your question.18:43
Ampelbeinabentley: clarification: if I check "are added or changed in any way" it works. it doesn't if I check "are added or closed"18:43
Ampelbeini filed an issue in the meantime, bug 79731118:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 797311 in Launchpad itself "subscription to bugs added/closed doesn't notify of bugs added" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79731118:43
abentleyAmpelbein: Cool.  It does sound like a bug.  I wonder whether it's related to Ubuntu?18:44
Ampelbeinabentley: I don't know, I didn't test other projects.18:45
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan

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