
F3arAny major issues that I should be aware of right away?02:28
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elrosF3ar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview09:04
elrosyou can expect a bumpy ride with alpha products09:05
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zniavrehttp://i.imgur.com/iEsiv.png   still no icons on launcher that s a pity09:39
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jakobmucwill the next ubuntu release build upon unity?10:59
ior3kjakobmuc: yes11:35
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Ian_Corneempathyis annoying me to no end..12:16
Ian_Cornecharlie-tca: err12:16
Ian_Cornelinux 3.0 is default now12:16
Ian_Corneso you might wanna be careful for that :)12:16
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wzssyqaIan_Corne: is linux 3.0 work with nvidia-current now?12:35
Ian_Cornento for me12:36
Ian_Cornebut it would help me if you tested it too12:36
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* zniavre is waiting for new nvidia-173 now ...12:43
Ian_Cornewhy such an old?12:45
elrosnvidia and ati sometimes drop support for older chips, and I don't blame them12:49
elrosI have radeon 9700 pro, released ~ oct 2002, support dropped in catalyst 9.4, but r300 driver still works12:50
Ian_Cornealso, i used to see the experimental 3D support in the additional drivers12:59
Ian_Cornebut that's gone now12:59
zniavregood afternoon14:26
zniavrei got an oneiric installation with gnome only (no unity no gnome-shell) the applications menu is empty there is a small support for gnome or not really14:27
CardinalFangWeird.  My locales seems to be screwed up in recent Oneric.15:00
CardinalFangopen("/usr/share/locale-langpack/en/LC_IDENTIFICATION", O_RDONopen("open("/usr/share/locale-langpack/en/LC_IDENTIFICATION", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)15:02
CardinalFangopen("/usr/share/locaopen("open("/usr/share/locale-langpack/en/LC_IDENTIFICATION", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)15:03
CardinalFangDang, pasting broken too.  Sorry to mess.15:03
CardinalFangWill someone running current devel tip run "perl -e print\;" in a terminal, please? What happens?15:08
CardinalFangOh, lightdm, you so crazy.15:19
RubyGCardinal I had this same problem too with locales. I'm wondering if the problem is related to LightDM, cos I tried it on my Narwhal installation, then the locales got screwed up there too (tho it could just be coincidence!)15:20
CardinalFangIt is, RubyG.  I'm filing a bug.15:20
CardinalFangRubyG, $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm # pick gdm for now15:20
RubyGI googled and got it fixed dpkg-reconfigure didn't do it for me15:21
RubyGI had to edit a file, tho I'd need to check which one. Have you been able to fix it yourself, or have you just gone back to gdm15:22
CardinalFangRubyG, I haven't fixed.  I switched to gdm to get work done, and planned on filing a bug, but I'm keenly interested in what file you edited.  Is it in your shell history, perhaps?15:24
RubyGGive me a sec ...15:26
RubyGOK, I found this page : http://blog.andrewbeacock.com/2007/01/how-to-change-your-default-locale-on.html15:27
RubyGI tried various things on the page which didn't work. I *think* the solution was in the comments ...15:27
RubyGtyping: locale-gen en_GB15:28
RubyGthen: update-locale LANG=en_GB.ISO-8859-1 (or UTF)15:28
RubyGbut to be honest I tried so many things that I'm not 100% certain which worked, but I found that link very helpful, and something there did solve my problem15:29
RubyGI'd be curious to know if there is a straight up solution, so that I'll know for the future15:29
Ian_Cornezniavre: frash update or?15:41
RubyGI installed Narwhal then upgraded from there15:44
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CardinalFangRubyG, https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/79724916:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 797249 in Light Display Manager "lightdm doesn't set locale correctly" [Undecided,New]16:11
zniavreIan_Corne,  not fresh it came from natty mini.iso upgraded just before alpha116:14
zniavreit's minimal gnome-core installation16:15
Ian_Corneand now you don't have anything installed?16:17
zniavrejuste gnome-desktop316:17
Ian_Cornei'll go check if my gnome-classic menu is still populated16:17
zniavrebut the menu application  is still empty16:17
Ian_CorneI still have stuff there16:19
zniavrethank you16:19
Ian_Cornebut the panels didn't even start anymore  by itself16:19
Ian_Cornehad to run gnome-panel --replace16:19
Ian_Corneso maybe you're just loading something different?16:19
zniavreit's gnomepanel too16:19
RubyGThanks Cardinal, I've marked that bug as affecting me too.16:20
zniavrei ll try another user to see what happen maybe16:20
zniavrethank you answering16:21
Ian_Corneso, anyone had the balls yet updating to linux-3.0 with nvidia blob? :p16:21
Ian_Corneother then me :p16:21
zniavrei tried bbut im using 173.14.30 driver so it does not works anymore16:21
Ian_Cornehow do I check which version of the driver I'm using?16:23
Ian_Corne *** 270.41.06-0ubuntu1 016:24
Ian_Corneok :p16:24
Ian_Corneah, ok so it doesn't choose the correct one for your system if you install current, you have to knwo to pick the old one16:24
Ian_Corneor is the current not displayed on old systems?16:24
zniavrei do not know i always install them manually without jockey16:25
RubyGHas anyone tried loading an .xmodmap file in Oneiric. I couldn't get mine to load on startup, though it loads fine if I launch it manually from the terminal.16:26
CardinalFangRubyG, I have nothing else for that bug.  Please add more if I'm missing something.16:35
yofelIan_Corne: already rebooted with 3?16:37
RubyGCardinalFang Will do. I'll have a look tonight, as I'm not at my own PC right now16:38
elrosare there many annoying bugs in oneiric at the moment?16:51
charlie-tca1of course16:51
charlie-tca1There are many that annoy me a great deal16:51
elroshow annoying?16:51
elrossound, graphics, kernel, other?16:52
elrosthought it might be good to check before upgrade16:52
charlie-tca1um, it does have all those. It also seems to have bugs affecting all of them, at various degrees of annoying depending on hardware.16:53
zniavreIan_Corne, with a new user the application menu still empty...16:54
elrosbecause I went from oneiric back to natty about a week ago16:54
charlie-tca1elros: Like that one, that zniavre has today16:54
elrosI'll stick with natty for a month, then ask again16:55
zniavrei got this one since alpha117:00
Ian_Corneyofel: yes17:07
Ian_Corneand it doesn't work atm17:07
Ian_Cornewith nvidia blob17:07
yofelfails to build or..?17:07
Ian_Cornei didn't see the output :(17:07
yofelwhat does dkms status say?17:08
Ian_Cornehow do I check that?17:08
yofelnvm, just did the kernel upgrade here and it didn't build it17:09
Ian_CorneAh ok :)17:09
Ian_CorneI'd still like to know the dkms status checking :p17:10
yofelError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.0-0-generic (x86_64)17:10
yofelConsult the make.log in the build directory17:10
yofel/var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/270.41.19/build/ for more information.17:10
yofel*** Unable to determine the target kernel version. ***17:11
Ian_Cornesame :p17:11
dsatheol d issue17:11
yofelThe next victim of linus's selfishness17:11
Ian_Corne# ls17:11
Ian_Corne2.6.39-3-generic-pae  build  source17:11
dsathehow hav u installe dthe kernel ?17:11
Ian_CorneI just updated17:11
yofeldsathe: 3.0 is in the archive, and should be pulled by update now17:11
dsathe/etc/modules is broken simlinks if u deleted17:12
dsathethe src folder17:12
yofeldsathe: this is the package, if anyhting the packages are broken17:12
Ian_CorneIt got pulled for me17:12
dsathewhat u need to do is simply reinstall the headers pkg17:12
yofelI didn't compile anything myself17:12
dsatheitll make new simlinks17:12
yofel  Installed: 3.0-0.117:12
dsatheaaaah thts the issue17:13
dsatheneway use exactly the same version of headers else errors17:13
yofelthat is the same kernel17:14
dsathegave up on default ubuntu kernels  a while back17:14
dsathesee the postinstall script of nvid current17:14
dsathesee if its lookin in the right places17:15
dsatheoh btw17:15
dsathehave u installed headers generic17:15
dsathe3 pkgs17:15
yofelI HAVE, believe, I know enough about the kernel for that17:15
dsatheheaders image-generic and headers-generic17:15
yofelnow I'm reading nvidia makefiles17:15
dsathenvidia blob from nvid compiled with no issue on arch from aur on 3.017:16
Ian_Corneit probably does something like linux-2.6.* to determin the latest version or so17:16
dsathehavnt tried 3.0 on ubuntu yet17:16
yofeldsathe: which nvidia version?17:16
yofelI would guess we just need a newer driver17:16
dsatheone sec17:16
dsatheone cme out 2day17:17
dsathetry that17:17
dsathein ubuntu17:17
dsathearch lemme see17:17
IdleOne!info gnomebaker17:18
ubottuPackage gnomebaker does not exist in oneiric17:18
dsatheyep nvidia 275.09.0417:18
dsathein aur17:18
yofelah, I'm on 270.41.1917:18
IdleOnewhat happened to gnomebaker?17:18
yofelprobably we'll need 27517:19
dsathenvidia beta all in aur17:19
dsathelook at the pkgbuild17:19
dsathemight help17:19
dsathethough i have never had nvidia fails on kernel numbers must be something else but then i have never seen a major number change :P17:21
yofelah yeah, nvidias conftest.sh has checks for 2.4 and 2.617:22
yofelwell, me neither ^^17:22
Ian_Cornesilly nvidia!17:23
Ian_Corneor maybe the 275 does have the correct checks?17:23
yofelI would think so, I'll get the tar and see if I can just copy the newer check over17:23
Ian_Corneisn't there a ppa for the new blobs?17:24
Ian_Corneah not updated yet17:25
Ian_Corneit is a bit newer17:25
Ian_Corne  270.41.19-0ubuntu1~xup17:25
dsathewill build 3.0 on ubuntu n report back at night17:25
dsathebtw i am on natty17:26
yofelhm, no, 270 doesn't build against 3.0 :/17:26
dsatheapparently plenty of new fixes in 275 for gnome 3 and kde 4.617:27
dsathethanks for headsup yofel17:27
yofelalso a nice error (though not the only one):17:27
yofel/var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/270.41.19/build/nv-linux.h:38:4: error: #error This driver does not support development kernels!17:27
yofelI'm just trying to patch up a package for the newer one17:40
* yofel needs to remember to ping Sarvatt later17:40
zniavreyofel is it easy to do it (for 173.14xx too) ?17:46
yofelno idea, need to figure out mine first, pretty complicated scripting in the package17:47
yofelyay, 275 works :)18:25
yofelhttp://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/nv/ has the debs I built18:26
yofelIan_Corne: ^18:27
IdleOneyou got nvidia working?18:27
yofelyep, 275 works with 3.018:27
yofelI had to junk the modaliases scripts from the package though, so the package is useless for jockey18:28
yofelI'll leave that to Sarvatt :P18:28
Ampelbeinfor the record, there is bug 795562 that tracks the nvidia issue (and has a workaround/patch)18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795562 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Dkms fails to build nvidia module for kernel 3.0-01" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79556218:28
yofeltoo late :P18:29
yofelanyway, I learnt something about nvidia packaging18:29
yofeland 275.09.07 is final18:30
IdleOneyofel: so I just get nvidia-current and install?18:31
IdleOneanything else I need to do?18:32
yofelI just installed nvidia-current with dpkg -i, the postinst hook takes care of dkms18:32
* IdleOne will test :)18:32
IdleOnenvidia-current-dev depends on nvidia-current (>= 275.09.07)18:34
* IdleOne forgot to grab something 18:34
IdleOneI think I grabbed the wrong one heh18:35
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Ian_Cornethanks yofel18:46
yofelwell, the package from edgers as it says on the bug probably works too18:46
Ian_Corneyofel: how come you don't have your own ppa? :)18:47
yofelI have a few, but that package is so hurrily hacked together that I don't want to upload it there18:47
Ian_Corneif I install that package, will it be updated to the official 275 when it gets in the repos?18:47
Ian_Corneor will it mess?18:48
yofelnah, I kept the official packaging with 275.09.07-0ubuntu1~yofel~oneiric18:48
yofelso should work fine (actually even lower than xup)18:48
Ian_Cornelets see18:51
Ian_Cornehas anyone else noticed that alt+tab comes up very slow with unity?18:51
Ian_Corneit really irritates me, and was like that in natty too18:51
Ian_Corneif you get the compiz ring switcher, it goes alot faster to come up18:52
Ampelbeinoh, and regarding the nvidia issue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/270.41.19-0ubuntu1 just landed in the archive so there is no need for manual intervention anymore.19:01
Ian_Corneno dice yofel19:01
Ian_Corneand i had nm troubles after the boot to 2.6.3919:02
Ian_Corneand after another reboot to 2.6.39 nm works again19:02
Ian_Cornei'm on -pae19:02
Ian_Corneif that changes anything19:02
Ian_Cornebut i'm looking at the log19:02
Ian_Cornehmm weird19:03
Ian_Corne12181 Jun 14 19:55:19 iantop kernel: [    8.331888] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.1/sound/card1/input1119:04
Ian_Corne12182 Jun 14 19:55:19 iantop kernel: [    8.332117] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.1/sound/card1/input1219:04
Ian_Corne12183 Jun 14 19:55:19 iantop kernel: [    8.332284] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.1/sound/card1/input1319:04
Ian_Corne12184 Jun 14 19:55:19 iantop kernel: [    8.332517] input: HDA NVidia HDMI/DP as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.1/sound/card1/input1419:04
Ian_Corneis the only nvidia things I see19:04
Ian_Corneso it seems just the same?19:09
yofelhm, no idea, I don't have a system to check the 32bit package on19:10
Ian_Corneis there an empathy chat channel for the devs?19:12
Ian_Corneor should I just report to launchpad all my gripes?19:14
dsathegoddamit the empathy updates $*( the GS integration19:14
dsathen i hate unity :(19:14
Ian_Corneyou haven't given it much chance?19:14
Ian_Cornedon't see how you can hate unity19:15
Ian_Corneand like gnome shell19:15
CardinalFangIs there a way to disable the Alt-F2 "Open prompt for executable" keybinding?  I have that set to "Switch to Workspace 2", but Unity's fires anyway.19:32
CardinalFangIan_Corne, I call myself looking there.19:38
Ian_Cornecssm -> Desktop -> Unity plugin19:39
Ian_Cornefound it?19:40
arif-alidoes anyone here know if the 3.0.0 kernel will be released for natty, as I know it is being done up fo rthe oneiric?20:33
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Ian_Cornearif-ali: i've never seen a newer kernel be introduced after a release date20:37
Ian_Cornethere's the kernel ppa i think which you can you use20:37
Ian_Cornebut it's not recomended, like the nvidia blob won't work and stuff20:37
arif-aliah, ok, I have been using the 3.3.0, until the rc3 came out20:37
arif-alisoz, typo, 3.0.0 rc320:38
Ian_Corneand it works for you?20:38
arif-aliupto rc2, main reason, I needed it for the rtl8192se driver, which does not compile well with the default natty kernel20:38
arif-aliyeah, that is where I downloaded it from20:39
arif-aliI got a new laptop with a new crappy rtl 8192 wireless chipset, so been fighting to get a driver to work correctly20:39
arif-alirc2 works, but rc3 doesn't I presume it needs some deps from Oneiric20:40
Ian_CorneI've got a new laptop with an 'unsuported' touchapd :(20:40
arif-aliright, I'll continue to compile the compat-wireless then with my current kernel then, thanks for your input20:42
arif-aliI remember fighting in Fedora to get things working with wireless with literally every release, this is the first time in 3 years, where I've had to try and get any of my HW working in ubuntu, ubuntu has been really solid20:44
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=== Guest7918 is now known as adys`
adys`are there working nvidia drivers for the 3.0 kernel yet?20:46
Ian_Corneadys`: running 64 bit service?20:47
Ian_Corneerr system20:47
Ian_Corne19:26:43 < yofel> http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/nv/ has the debs I built20:48
Ian_Corneit works for him20:48
Ian_Cornebe sure to report back if it doesn't work :)20:48
Ian_Corneit didn't for my 32 bit pae kernel20:48
Ian_Corneand I'm to busy to actually debug and stuff20:48
yofelwell, there should be a fixed driver in the archive soon too, 270 though20:49
yofelwas already uploaded actually20:49
Ian_Cornei'm fine with 27020:49
adys`heres hoping the next nvidia release has 3.0 support20:51
adys`yofel, 275 worked, you rock20:55
Ian_Cornethis makes me more curious why mine didn't work20:56
Ian_Cornewhere's buguando when you need him20:57
Adys_Ian_Corne, yofel make that a worked-ish, compositing isnt launching and all20:58
Adys_but i can run kdm for now which is good enough20:58
yofelno idea, KDE works fine for me20:58
Adys_might be my install20:59
Adys_im usually running off official drivers20:59
yofelyou mean the .run? Did you remove the last with --uninstall?20:59
Adys_yeah but i didnt properly cleanup i think21:00
Adys_need to reinstall mesa21:00
Adys_no matter21:00
yofelnot really, nvidia ships their own glx lib21:00
yofelcheck for an abi mismatch in xorg.log rather21:00
Adys_yes, which overrides mesa files21:00
yofelright, but the package makes sure the mesa ones are ignored21:00
yofelso shouldn't matter if they're broken21:01
Adys_dunno; from experience, when switching from .run to debs, you need to reinstall libgl-mesa* stuff21:01
Adys_that might have changed, its back from early natty alphas21:01
yofelfor nouveau certainly, for nvidia it shouldn't matter, but good idea to do it anyway21:02
bjsniderthe 275 blob has trouble identifying all possible matches for chips it might drive21:02
bjsniderso it's best to stick with the 270 at this point21:02
Adys_meh, im happy to be able to run kdm right now21:03
yofelah, guess I'm lucky then21:09
TheBunturight now im useing kernel v3.0-rc3-oneiric from ..   http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/  .... on 11.04..... and it seems to be doing great.....   how well is oneric runing...21:25
Ian_Corneit's alpha-ish :)21:26
Ian_CorneMore broken/missing then ever before for me21:27
arif-aliTheBuntu, did you upgrade the module-init-tools for that, i.e. updating to rc3?21:27
arif-alifrom oneiric21:27
TheBuntuyes... the kertnel wouldent install with out it21:28
arif-aliyeah, was that the only dependancy that you needed to install, as I am running rc2 at the moment?21:28
arif-alicool, I will try my update again, thanks for that21:29
TheBuntuno prob21:29
TheBuntuIan_Corne: so is it worse then 11.04 was at this point21:30
Ian_Corneeum, I thinks so21:30
Ian_Cornebut i don't think i tried unity early enough21:30
TheBuntui use kde21:30
Ian_Corneah, i've never tested with kde21:30
Ian_Corneyofel does use KDE i think21:31
genii-aroundYes, they do21:31
arif-alia kde, I was just goin to say that I tried gnome3 from PPA on natty, and didn't lilke the look-and-feel21:31
yofelkubuntu still works reasonably fine since we don't have 4.7 yet, and probably won't have it soon21:32
Ian_Corneexcept NM problems, right?.21:32
TheBuntugnome 3 useing youtube.... video playback is alot better...with its new hardware stuff21:32
yofelwe have a new NM plasmoid snapshot now, works reasonably well if you just need a wireless connections21:33
yofelthe settings behave a bit odd sometimes, and some freeze plasma21:33
arif-aliTheBuntru, ok, cool, anyway to move to classic mode in gnome 3 like moving from unity?21:33
TheBuntui used kde 4.7 in arch and arch had problems with it.... used 4.7 in chakra witch is arch base... and it was perfect21:35
TheBuntuso whats the best way to do the upgrade.... konsole or the gui tool21:38
yofeldo-release-upgrade and update-manager do the same thing, so it doesn't matter21:40
TheBuntudo-release-upgrade... the cli    update-manager do is the update gui21:42
Ian_Corneexcept yofel , that your X might crash or something while doing the upgrade21:43
TheBuntuso better to do it from cli21:43
Ian_Cornei've had it happen :p21:44
yofelah, for ubuntu maybe with their login manager changes21:44
yofelkubuntu isn't close to lightdm than a theme mockup yet21:44
TheBuntuso what you mean by that21:46
yofelwell, far away21:48
TheBuntusudo do-release-upgrade.... Checking for a new ubuntu release   No new release found21:48
yofelyou need to add -d21:49
yofelfor devel release21:49
TheBuntusudo do-release-upgrade-d21:49
yofelwith a space, it's a flag21:49
TheBuntusudo do-release-upgrade -d21:50
TheBuntuhaving var/apt/cach backed up on a spare partition makes it easyer for when something goes wrong with alpha... go back to stable realease and on apt-get dit-upgrade.... you dont have to download. everything.... just reinstalls the updates21:56
=== PascalFR is now known as boxerjaune
BUGabundoif im allowed a bitttttt of offtopic, let me ask you this, just for fun22:08
BUGabundocan you tell me how much storage you have at home / where you are?22:08
maco3 closets22:08
Ian_Cornehey BUGabundo22:09
IdleOne990G with 400 or so used22:09
BUGabundomaco: :)22:09
CarlFKall my homes added or averaged?22:10
BUGabundotry again in binary22:10
BUGabundoCarlFK: total, please22:10
macoincluding backup drives?22:10
IdleOnehmm including backup drives I have around 2.5TB22:10
CarlFKdoes this count as part of home: 5.5T  4.5T  1.1T  81% /home/juser/rawvid22:11
maco500, 250, 250, 120, 120, 16... umm...1.25TB ish, plus flash drives22:11
Ian_CorneCarlFK: i think he means at your house22:11
CarlFKIan_Corne: oh, so including the drives that are sitting on a shelf ?22:11
Ian_Cornei dunno, ask BUGabundo :p22:12
BUGabundoCarlFK: I am22:12
CarlFKI think I could come up with 20T22:12
BUGabundoI'm even counting camara flash22:12
BUGabundoCarlFK: JIZZAS!!!22:12
CarlFKraw video = 13G / hour.  I get around.22:13
IdleOneCarlFK: you realize you don't have to back up every single website you visit22:13
BUGabundoI have about 4T in front of me22:13
BUGabundoplus the new 8t22:13
BUGabundoplus all drives around and on other PCs22:13
BUGabundoplus flash drives , ssd, mmc, sd, µsd22:14
BUGabundoman, its going to take me a week lol22:14
IdleOneI should count my old computers I left in the US also in that case22:14
yofelhm, counting all PCs, ~6TB22:14
yofel2 of that is backup though22:14
BUGabundoIdleOne: those aren't at home22:14
CarlFKhome is where the heart is22:15
IdleOnethey are in my old home22:15
IdleOneCarlFK: +122:15
BUGabundoCarlFK: home is where ppl think about you22:15
CarlFKaww, that makes me warm and fuzzy22:15
IdleOneanyway, Voyager is on.22:15
Ian_CorneI'm wathcing TNG22:15
CarlFKhome is where you watch Voyager22:15
zniavrehttp://i.imgur.com/I46Vz.png check out this bug ! that is my first time like that22:22
CarlFKzniavre: that's the Australian mode22:23
zniavre11.10 + gnome3 + compiz + nouveau22:24
zniavreCarlFK,  +122:24
BUGabundoCarlFK: ahaahaaha22:24
BUGabundozniavre: wfm, sorry22:24
zniavrewhat is wfm please ?22:25
maco"works for me"22:25
zniavrei see on change mailing list the old 173.14.30 nvidia driver are updated to be installed with 3.0 kernel i hope it will solve this22:27
Ian_Cornelol what the hell :D22:29
Ian_Cornehwo does that even happen :D22:30
zniavrei do not know22:30
Ian_Cornethat looks like something wow would have happen after an update22:30
zniavrei re-installed nvidia-173 maybe that s the cause , im using right now nouveau driver22:31
zniavreremoving them solved the "thing"...  :o)22:34
zniavrei saw update-alternative stuff for open-gl im thinking it's the causes22:35
BUGabundoand how many of you EVER upgraded a firmware of a single disk?22:42
yofelI upgraded a DVD writer firmware once, but never a HDDs firmware (not counting SSDs)22:45
BUGabundoyofel: ohhh my precious 107D22:46
BUGabundoit took more FWs then burning DVDs lol22:46
Ian_CorneBUGabundo: I never have22:47
BUGabundoand I totally forgot to upgrade my SSD fw22:51
BUGabundothere have been 4 releases :(22:51
BUGabundowill dd the drive and upgrade it then restore22:51
BUGabundo$ sudo aptitude install smartmontools22:57
BUGabundoThe following NEW packages will be installed:22:57
BUGabundo  bsd-mailx{a} postfix{a} smartmontools22:57
Ian_Corneweird dependencies23:01
ikoniaBUGabundo: please stop it23:01
BUGabundoikonia: ? it's a bad depency set23:03
BUGabundoif any one confirms it, ill file a bug23:04
ikoniaBUGabundo: you've been here long enough to know that sort of stuff is not needed23:04
BUGabundoits damn funny set of depencies, don't you agree?23:04
ikoniaBUGabundo: I'm not interested in if it's funny - please stop with the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL stuff23:04
zicadaja og det var en kul exploit23:16
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:17
Ian_CorneI think that's swedisch23:18
Ian_Corneat least nto german :)23:18
bjsniderBUGabundo, i would guess that the mail system would be required to send email alerts to the system administrator23:33
BUGabundoI guess23:33
BUGabundobut still overload23:33
bjsniderit's more of an enterprise feature, where you have one admin looking after dozens or hundreds of systems23:33
bjsniderneedless to say that's not an ubuntu situation23:34
Ian_Corneubuntu server maybe?23:34
bjsniderubuntu is primarily built as a desktop o/s, whereas fedora and suse are not23:35
bjsniderdesktop users to not commonly read email alerts from their own systems23:35
Ian_CorneI agree, but there's still ubuntu server, which uses the same packages23:36
bjsniderbut all this is inherited from debian23:37
BUGabundoshould we request that depency to cease?23:40
ikoniayou can't do that as it would break the server setup from a useful stand point23:45
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BUGabundodo we keep kernel traces?23:49
BUGabundomy system just locked when disconecting and unmounted usb hard drive23:49
BUGabundonever happened before23:49
BUGabundocould be a 3.0 bug23:49
BUGabundogpartedbin: ../../libparted/arch/linux.c:2958: linux_disk_commit: Assertion `_have_blkpg ()' failed.23:52
BUGabundooh well23:53
BUGabundotime to start crunshing bugs23:53

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