
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as GreatOldOne
GreatOldOne^ya HPL reference03:10
RAOFSo, what aspect of our shell of peaceful reality do you want to shatter today?03:12
GreatOldOnehey RAOF03:15
GreatOldOnejust waiting for the stars to be right so I can go home03:15
RAOFMm, a little Miles Davis goes very nicely with checking maintainerscript changes for sanity.03:17
GreatOldOneso what?03:17
RAOFSo I think everyone should be forced to listen to Miles Davis while inspecting their maintainer scripts. :)03:21
TheMusoRAOF: How was your long weekend? Or did you not get that in Tassy?03:22
RAOFWe got the long weekend, yeah.03:23
RAOFIt's only WA that doesn't get the Queens Birthday :)03:23
RAOFIt was pretty good.  Did a bit of running up Mount Wellington, released Do 0.8.5 and the associated plugins, did a bit of gardening (both of Do bugs and of the physical garden) and capped it off with a little light hacking.03:24
TheMusoTwas a little too wet to get outdoors for most of the weekend here, which is a pitty. Got some walking in though which is good.03:24
* TheMuso -> lunch03:25
RAOFHave deliciousness!03:26
TheMusoThat I certainly did.03:57
TheMusoHrm I have been kicked out of X and back to the login screen twice today.05:00
RAOFAwkward.  Got logs to go with that?05:00
TheMusoProbably, I'd need to look. Nothing in /var/crash though.05:01
TheMusoSo would I be looking in the X logs then?05:03
RAOFYeah, as a quick check.  /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old.05:04
TheMusoNothing real obvious, but at the end of that file, I get this.05:07
* TheMuso pastebins.05:07
TheMusoOther than that, nothing stands out.05:10
RAOFTheMuso: Looks like a standard shutdown; the meat (if there is indeed any) would be further up.05:14
TheMusoHRM OK.05:18
RAOFIt's why apport doesn't always catch X server crashes; the server registers a SEGV handler and does some graceful shutdown (and our patch generally then gets it to re-emit the SEGV, so that apport can collect, but for some reason doesn't always work).05:19
TheMusoWill have a look again should it occur again.05:20
pittiGood morning05:57
pittiGunnarHj: hm, no idea; the patches apply fine here, it builds great05:57
pittiGunnarHj: how did you build? I use "bzr bd -- -b"05:58
GunnarHjpitti: Good morning!05:59
pittihey GunnarHj, how are you?05:59
GunnarHjpitti: Me too.05:59
GunnarHjI'm fine, thank you.06:00
GunnarHjpitti: or... I use bzr builddeb ... you did not mean what you wrote literally, right?06:01
cndpitti, I've got a question about gtk library versioning06:01
cndwe've got a library called libgrip currently at version 0.1 for gtk206:02
cndwe're looking to abi bump it for gtk3 and for other changes06:02
pittiGunnarHj: I did; "bd" is a convenience alias for builddeb06:02
cndthe package in ubuntu is called libgrip-0.1-006:02
pitticnd: apparently there are no reverse dependencies right now, so this should be rather easy?06:03
cndI just want to be sure we follow the correct protocol for version bumps with abi bumps06:03
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, I'll try that, then. If I don't make it work, I'll save the log.06:04
cndthe biggest thing that is throwing me is the version string in the package name itself06:04
cndwhich seems to be a gtk thing from what I gather06:04
pitticnd: no, it's not at all related to gtk06:04
cndoh, ok06:04
pittiit's pretty standard practice if you want to maintain multiple series in parallel for a long time06:05
pittimost libraries don't have a version string, just a SONAME06:05
pittii. e.  libgrip.so.1 in libgrip1 package06:05
cndwe don't plan to maintain the 0.1 version06:05
cndbut I would think we should still bump it to 0.206:05
pittithen do that06:05
cndso libgrip-0.1-0?06:05
pitticnd: do you ever plan to support two major series for a year or so?06:06
cndno plans at this time :)06:06
pitticnd: unless you have a good reason for this version in the name, I'd just call it libgrip really06:06
pittiand bump the soname if you switch to gtk306:06
TheMusopitti: Do you know what is going to be done about gksu, given that upstream hasn't seen any attention since 2009? I ask because I am working on a11y settings atm, which lead me to discover gksu still uses GTK2 and gconf...06:06
cndso go to libgrip106:07
pitticnd: or libgrip006:07
pitticnd: but 0 might confuse people, and it's not like we are short on natural numbers, so might as well use 1 :)06:07
pittiTheMuso: not much going on right now; I hope at some point we can get rid of the remaining handful of rdepends, and just use PK everywhere06:08
cndok, thanks pitti!06:08
pittiTheMuso: also much better for a consistent UI06:08
TheMusopitti: Likely for this cycle?06:08
pittiTheMuso: most probably not yet06:09
pittiTheMuso: do we need it to use gtk3 for a11y?06:09
TheMusopitti: No, we shouldn't need to.06:11
TheMusopitti: I am doing some accessibility profile settings migration to gsettings, and was checking to see whether gksu's settings were in gsettings. Since they are not, then thats fine.06:11
TheMusoOk, is it not possible to change the mouse theme from the GNOME 3 UI any more?06:16
pittiTheMuso: gnome-tweak-tool might allow it06:18
pittiTheMuso: all the theme settings etc. moved there06:18
RAOFDoes gnome-tweak-tool actually work yet?06:19
pittino idea, I never used it so far06:19
RAOFI think it still depends on gnome-shell.06:19
TheMusopitti: Right, rather big fail IMO.06:19
TheMusoRAOF: I am about to test it, as I want to change my mouse cursor theme.06:20
TheMuso...and no GUI comes up, but I get the following in a console:06:21
TheMusoGLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.shell.clock' is not installed06:21
TheMusoTrace/breakpoint trap06:21
TheMusoSo I think it wants something from gnome-shell to be present before it will work.06:21
* TheMuso takes the direct approach and tweaks gsettings by hand.06:22
RAOFYeah, that's totally the way to go.06:31
TheMusoRAOF: Totally.06:32
TheMusoOk gnome-shell installed to get gnome-tweaktool working.06:33
TheMuso...and gnome-tweaktool's interface totally fails a11y wise. :S06:33
* TheMuso sighs.06:33
TheMusoAnd gnome tweaktool doesn't even have what I am looking for.06:36
TheMusoOh wonderful. My mouse theme changes have taken after logging in again, but only for GTK2 apps.06:42
TheMusoEven then it doesn't appear to be 100% consistant.06:43
ricotzmterry, hello06:56
TheMusoI suspect Michael is asleep at the moment, given how late it is in most of the US.06:58
ricotzmterry, will it be possible to have bamf-gtk2/gtk3 in parallel?06:58
didrocksgood morning06:58
TheMusoGood morning didrocks.06:59
didrockshey TheMuso, how are you?07:03
pittihey didrocks07:06
didrocksguten morgen pitti, how was your week-end?07:06
TheMusodidrocks: Not too bad thanks. Yourself?07:06
pittivery nice; a friend of mine got married, so we went to Berlin07:06
pittiyesterday we spent with gardening and some cleaning07:06
didrocksTheMuso: I'm fine thanks ;)07:06
didrockspitti: oh nice, so party and relaxing in the same week-end :)07:07
broderdoes anybody know of example code on how to use a struct as the key to a GHashTable? i'm mostly trying to figure out how best to write a hash function to combine the hashes of the struct's members07:25
pittibroder: does GHashTable even care about the key type? I thought you just need to supply an appropriate hash_func07:39
broderright - i was trying to figure out what such a hash function would look like07:39
pittiwhich then would just need to xor the individual struct member's hashes together?07:39
broderhmm...yeah, i guess that could work07:40
pittiI don't have an example ready either07:40
broderi'm going to go and think harder about my data structures before i write too much code07:40
pittibut someting like g_int_hash(mystruct.int_field) ^ g_str_hash(mystruct.str_field) ^ ... should work07:40
pittibroder: for combining existing hashes there's nothign better than xorg07:41
pittierk, "xor"07:41
broderhaha :)07:41
seb128hi desktopers09:02
pittibonjour seb12809:02
seb128hey pitti rodrigo_09:02
seb128how are you?09:02
seb128pitti, it's meeting reminder day!09:02
pittiseb128: oh, thanks!09:02
didrockssalut seb12809:03
didrockshey rodrigo_09:03
seb128lut didrocks09:03
* didrocks refrained himself for the two last hours to tell pitti about the meeting to let seb128 have the joy to tell it :)09:03
seb128didrocks, ca va ?09:03
seb128did everybody have a nice w.e?09:04
rodrigo_seb128, yes, good one, and you?09:04
pittiseb128: was indeed nice; we went to Berlin again, a friend of us got married09:05
pittihey rodrigo_09:05
rodrigo_hi pitti09:05
seb128quite nice as well, weather was not that great half of the w.e (rainy at times) but still relaxing09:05
seb128pitti, nice! ;-)09:05
didrocksseb128: ça va bien! Nice week-end with a wedding in Paris from Julie's cousin. Then, quieter Sunday and Monday :) Yours?09:05
seb128didrocks, nothing fancy, family gathering on sunday and otherwise just tv, some reading, some shopping, some relaxing09:06
didrocksnice :-)09:06
didrocksget some rest is a nice activity as well :)09:06
rodrigo_didrocks, :)09:13
pittididrocks: hm, seems latest weechat forgot about the smart join/part filter?09:14
pittifor you as well?09:14
* pitti now gets spammed with these09:14
didrockspitti: I didn't restart since today's update (didn't update since last friday)09:14
seb128rodrigo_, pitti: ok, so I checked the old libs rdepends on friday afternoon, tomboy is the only thing keeping libgnome, libgnomeui, libbonobo, libbonoboui, libgnomecanvas on the CD09:15
didrockspitti: hum, no update for a while? you didn't get that in the previous weeks?09:16
pittinot that I remember09:16
didrocks0.3.5-1 is working fine for smart filtering still there09:17
* pitti re-sets the filter config, let's see09:17
rodrigo_seb128, right, no answer from alan mcgovern about the status of the gsettings bindings, btw09:17
rodrigo_will talk to sandy later, when he wakes up, to see if there's something we can do09:18
seb128rodrigo_, ok thanks09:18
seb128I'm close to suggest that we drop tomboy from the CD at least until that is sorted09:18
seb128rodrigo_, let's wait for you to check with sandy, then I will send an email to the ubuntu-desktop list about it09:19
ricotzhello everyone09:38
ricotzseb128, hello :), you probably want to have a look at the cheese build failure https://launchpadlibrarian.net/73496829/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-amd64.cheese_3.0.0-0ubuntu1~natty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:39
seb128hey ricotz09:39
seb128ricotz, how can it try to build when half the build-depends need promotion?09:39
ricotzseb128, it is a ppa build, but the symbols file wasnt updated09:40
seb128ricotz, that's not what is breaking the build09:40
seb128ricotz, the version which got uploaded was basically the gnome3 ppa one09:40
seb128ricotz, what breaks the build is that libclutter-dev in the serie you use doesn't depends on the gir09:40
seb128which is probably an issue in oneiric as well, will be fixed when somebody merges clutte09:42
ricotzseb128, hmm, are we looking at the same thing09:42
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:43
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson!09:43
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, how are you?09:43
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks, and you? :) not feeling lonely yesterday?09:43
chrisccoulsondidrocks, heh, it was pretty dull in here yesterday ;)09:44
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:44
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?09:44
seb128quite fine! what about you?09:44
seb128ricotz, yes, your build fails with "dh_girepository: Could not find Clutter-1.0.typelib dependency"09:45
didrockschrisccoulson: dull? do you lack of things to work on? :-p09:45
chrisccoulsoni've got plenty of things to work on ;)09:45
ricotzseb128, sorry, got sidetracked by the symbols check09:45
seb128ricotz, which means gir1.2-clutter-1.0 is not installed09:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. just getting ready to upload the final, final firefox 5 beta09:45
ricotzseb128, right09:45
seb128ricotz, either add the gir to the build-depends or fix clutter09:46
seb128I will fix clutter in oneiric09:46
ricotzi see, either way the symbols file needs some love too ;)09:46
seb128well cheese is not going to build for a while anyway09:48
seb128it will need quite some libs promotion or to be demoted to universe09:48
seb128I would lean toward the second option but the ubiquity guys planned to use it09:48
seb128or, I should check with cassidy as well09:48
seb128somebody told me they planned to use it as well this cycle09:48
cassidyseb128, yep?09:49
seb128cassidy, do you plan to use libcheese-gtk?09:49
seb128cassidy, is that going to be optionnal? short story is that we don't want libcheese in the default installation09:49
cassidyseb128, we do, it's optional so far (only used to create an avatar) but will probably become a hard dep soon (used to detect if there is a camera plugged in)09:51
seb128hum ok, so we will need to patch that you09:51
seb128cassidy, if you keep it optional or find another way to detect a camera than pulling the clutter stack with gesture libraries in that would be nice09:52
pitticassidy: hm, libudev is enough to detect cameras09:52
cassidyis there a libcheese and libcheese-gtk ?09:53
pittior checking /dev/v4l/*09:53
cassidypitti, well yeah, but libcheese already does it for us with a nice API09:53
pittiif you use other functionality from libcheese, then that makes sense; just for cam detection it's very heavy, though09:54
cassidywe use the avatar selector widget yeah09:55
cassidyI don't mind having this one optional09:55
cassidybut the camera detection is important enough to be in core, I think09:55
ricotzcurrently both libs are in libcheese-gtk, but splitting them might solve this dependency issue and not pulling clutter in09:55
cassidytbh, pulling Clutter is not an issue to us as it's needed by GNOME 3 anyway09:56
seb128cassidy, right, the question is somewhat also to know if you consider empathy as a GNOME3 component or as an IM client you want used out of GNOME309:57
seb128either way is fine and is your decision, I'm just pointing that by adding some depends you might create issues for some of your other users09:58
cassidyI consider it as a core part of GNOME 3, but I'm trying to avoid as much as possible to make life harder for others09:59
cassidyso yeah, please do continue to raise such issue to me09:59
seb128ok, great ;-)09:59
seb128libcheese depends on clutter-gst09:59
cassidybut, in this case, I think the right answer is splitting libcheese-gtk09:59
seb128the non gtk lib09:59
cassidyhumm the new call UI will use clutter-gst as well actually09:59
cassidythat's the only way to do video overlapping10:00
cassidyso we will depend on clutter at some point for sure10:00
seb128what does it mean for people who don't have the video drivers to use clutter?10:00
seb128empathy will just bug on them?10:00
cassidythe old VoIP (empathy-av) will still around for a while I think10:01
cassidyso it could be used with the fallback mode probably10:01
seb128ok, so maybe the solution for us is to keep using that10:01
cassidybut you won't have all the new shiny features then :(10:01
seb128it seems crazy that an im client requires working gl :-(10:01
seb128especially with clutter10:01
seb128there are still lot of users having issue with clutter and arm etc is not making that any better10:02
cassidywell that's the price if we want to move forward10:03
RAOFI wonder how performant llvmpipe would be as a software rasteriser for clutter.  It's apparently nearly good enough to do gnome-shell.  Although obviously not on arm.10:03
dpmhey jibel, good morning. Do you know who's maintaining the ISO tracker nowadays?10:03
cassidyi was afraid of that as well but it doesn't seem to bad with the shell from what I've seen10:03
seb128cassidy, not sure that's "forward"10:03
seb128users running an im client or skype or whatever want working im, sound and video10:03
seb128they don't want clutter 3d effects10:04
cassidyI'm talking about 3d effects; but if you want, say, a fullscreen mode with your preview on top, you need video overlapping10:04
seb128I don't think any im client on other platforms do crazy things, you don't wait from those fancyness but reliability10:04
cassidyhow are you going to handle totem 3.2 btw?10:05
jibeldpm, Hey, I do. anything I can help with ?10:05
cassidyit will depend on clutter-gst too I think10:05
RAOFYou should be able to do simple overlays with just Xv, right?  Almost everything has more than one Xv port.10:05
seb128cassidy, we might stay on 3.0, or at least we need to think about it10:05
RAOFYou can't easily do the nice OSD effects that totem's doing, but if you just want PiP then Xv should handle it?10:05
seb128cassidy, we are already hitting quite some CD space issues and clutter has a very poor reliability story on quite some hardware10:06
cassidytbh, GNOME is moving forward to Clutter. If you want to continue using it you'll have to ship it at some point10:06
dpmjibel, I'm helping the kernel team to set up an ISO tracker so that they can roll out their custom ISOs, and I've got a few questions on that, do you have a minute?10:06
cassidy(I'm not a clutter fanboy or anything)10:06
cassidyand GNOME 3 will push clutter / 3D support forward, so I'm sure it will continue to improve10:08
seb128cassidy, right, which is something we need to think about, but we don't use that many GNOME components that will require clutter10:08
seb128cassidy, right, I was sort of trying to avoid getting it in before the coming lts10:09
seb128we have CD space issues and will keep having those until we drop gtk2 from the CD and clutter is still not great from the feedback we got10:09
cassidyseb128, the libcheese dep may stay optional for now. I don't know when the new call UI will happen (3.2 or 3.4) but for this one we'll certainly need clutter-gst10:10
seb128cassidy, ok thanks, that let us some time to think about it10:10
seb128well clutter and clutter-gst should be ok I guess10:11
cassidybut, tbh, I think you'll have to ship clutter at some point anyway10:11
seb128what made me stop with cheese is that it brings clutter-gesture and some gesture libs as well10:11
cassidya better split of libcheese would be good, for sure10:11
seb128cassidy, thanks10:12
jibeldpm, not now I'm on a sprint, around noon utc ?10:13
dpmjibel, sounds good, let's talk later on then, thanks!10:13
pittibah, today's dailies grew by 10 MB, all oversized again :/10:39
seb128pitti, is that python3?10:42
pitti2011-06-14 06:54:40     cjwatson        [00:25:30] pitti: so, live-build seems to have saved a couple of megaby10:42
pittites, but it's obscured by (a) libegl1-mesa (b) python3.2 and (c) mono 2.10 (as warned by directhex) having eate10:42
pittin a chunk of space between them10:42
seb128can we drop python2.6?10:43
seb128to make it for 3.2?10:43
pittithat's the plan, yes10:43
pittiand I suppose libegl1-mesa is what RAOF meant with the LLVM drivers? or is that something different?10:44
cjwatsonwhen I looked last night, EGL was a bit over a megabyte, python3.2 was something like 6MB, and I assume Mono ate another 5MB or so but didn't check10:44
pittioh, doesn't seem to be the llvm bit10:44
didrocksneed to logout/login to test accessibility, brb11:27
RAOFpitti: No; libegl1-mesa is a new dependency of cairo.11:32
RAOFpitti: Mesa llvm bit is blocked on bug #79020411:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 790204 in llvm-2.9 "[MIR] libllvm-2.9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79020411:33
didrockstseliot, RAOF, bryce: is there a known issue with the new X and the nvidia driver?11:37
didrocksI had to switch back to vesa here11:37
tseliotdidrocks: in oneiric?11:38
RAOFDoes the nvidia driver build against linux 3.0?11:38
tseliotRAOF: yes, that's the problem11:38
didrocksRAOF: didn't check, no postinst or trigger error from what I saw11:38
tseliotRAOF: actually it's not supposed to even try to build the module11:38
didrockshum, we should put a breaks: then to avoid people upgrading maybe?11:38
ricotzit builds after some patching11:39
ricotzat least 275.x didnt try 270.x11:39
tseliotdidrocks: I have to update nvidia and fglrx to get them to work with anything newer than 2.6.3811:39
RAOFI don't think we've done that in the past, but it might not be a bad idea.11:39
RAOFThe trick would be in the maintenance of the Breaks: list.11:40
didrockstseliot: do yoyu think it can be done shortly or is it better to breaks: to avoid people getting no interface on upgrade?11:40
tseliotdidrocks: yes, I can do it today11:40
didrockstseliot: nice, thanks :)11:40
didrockslet's have a day in the fallback mode then11:40
tseliotI was going to work on it today anyway :)11:40
RAOFdidrocks: It doesn't fall back to vesa automatically for you?11:40
didrocksRAOF: no, I got no screen11:40
ricotztseliot, the edgers-packages includes a small patch which might work for 270 too11:40
didrocksRAOF: had to change xorg.conf myself11:41
tseliotricotz: ah, nice, I'll have a look at the patch and update it if necessary11:41
RAOFOh, you had an xorg.conf?  We shouldn't be writing one of those now.11:41
tseliotright, Jockey doesn't even write one anymore11:41
didrocksRAOF: I need one for my double screen config (written by nvidia)11:41
RAOFAh.  Yes.  That will break.11:41
didrocksso yeah, for those users, no safety net :)11:42
tseliotno failsafe-x?11:42
* RAOF wonders how hard it would be for X to fallback properly there.11:42
didrockswell, if there was one, I didn't get it after 2 boots11:42
RAOFtseliot: Incidentally, a multiarch'd mesa that will (should!) actually build is now building in http://tinyurl.com/4xmz7oj11:45
tseliotRAOF: excellent! Thanks a lot11:45
* tseliot -> lunch11:46
didrocksTheMuso: is orca currently working in oneiric? I can activate it (and hear the voice), but any GNOME application started even after the activation doesn't seem to integrate11:56
chrisccoulsondidrocks, do you have libgnome-3-common and libatk-adaptor installed?11:59
chrisccoulsoni hit a similar issue yesterday, and needed to install those :)11:59
chrisccoulsonlibgail-3-common, even ;)11:59
didrockschrisccoulson: indeed, none of those are installed! seems a missing dep then? Installing now, thanks :)12:00
chrisccoulsondidrocks, TheMuso is aware of that already12:00
didrocksok, nice :)12:00
didrocksah, nice, working even without restarting any app12:01
didrocksthanks a lot chrisccoulson! :)12:02
chrisccoulsonpitti, we're pretty close to dropping xulrunner from the archive now - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance ;)12:11
cjwatsonfta: I think I found my problem with xvfb-run; the X server gets confused if run under fakeroot12:13
cjwatsonso 'env -u LD_PRELOAD xvfb-run ...' seems to improve matters12:13
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
didrockschrisccoulson: btw, you regularly run a11y support?12:48
chrisccoulsondidrocks, not normally. i just wanted to test something yesterday12:48
didrockschrisccoulson: ok, nice coincidence then! Thanks again :)12:48
seb128seems like some desktopers were working yesterday ;-)12:49
didrocksseb128: it seems those guys were missing having a royal wedding or something like that :)12:50
chrisccoulsonyou can have our royal family if you like ;)12:52
RAOFseb128: What are we going to do about cairo/gl?  Do you have any plans?12:52
seb128didrocks, pitti: isn't the gnome-icon-theme, unity issue fixed?12:53
seb128RAOF, no plan, I just told bryce that we were going to run the gl backend off for natty to fix nvidia and that we would turn it on again which is what we did12:53
didrocksseb128: there is no debugging about why it doesn't load even if the Humanity theme is loaded for some12:54
seb128RAOF, if nothing happens this cycle I guess we will have the same discussion about turning gl off again at beta time12:54
didrocksseb128: there is a fix unity upstream last Thursday which was the day planned for the dx SRU which didn't come12:54
didrocksI think I won't wait for the SRU and just cherry-pick the fix for now12:55
seb128didrocks, well seems that gnome-icon-theme should be fixed anyway which is why i included pitti in the ping12:55
didrocksseb128: hum, it should get the icon, right12:55
didrocksand not relying on Humanity to have it12:55
seb128well the icon should be in the standard binary12:55
didrocksso either way, I can fix it today or wait for pitti :)12:56
seb128well, pitti should fix the icon theme split and dx should roll a tarball for the sru with the fix12:56
seb128oneiric can get an unity update when they roll it12:57
seb128njpatel, how is the coming SRU going? ;-)12:57
didrockslet's see, anyway, you will be in charge of it as I won't be there this week12:58
didrocksI'm sure you will love chasing people for test cases :-)12:58
mterryricotz, yes, it's possible to have bamf2/bamf3 installed in parallel13:07
* didrocks tests rebooting on the older kernel13:09
rodrigo_ok, lunch time, bbl13:11
pittiseb128, didrocks: sorry, what icon is missing? or what package is crashing?13:14
didrockspitti: unity is crashing13:15
didrocksfor the icon, one sec13:15
didrockspitti: text-x-preview13:16
seb128pitti, bug #79455613:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 794556 in unity "Unable to load icon text-x-preview at size 48 in a loop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79455613:16
pittithanks; hm, I wonder why I don't get a crash13:17
pittiah, I apparently installed g-i-t-full last week for testing something else, and forgot to purge13:17
didrockspitti: do you force the Humanity icon theme?13:17
pittirestarting my session13:17
didrocksoh ok :)13:17
pittididrocks: "foroce"?13:17
didrockspitti: Humanity seems to have it, but if you select a different theme which doesn't inherit from it, you don't get this icon13:18
pittididrocks: ah, how do you select the theme?13:19
pittididrocks: that's why gnome-tweak-tool has a dependency to gnome-icon-theme-full13:19
jibeldpm, ping13:20
seb128pitti, the issue seems to be that if g-s-d has any issue and goes down you get screwed13:20
didrockspitti: maybe that comes from migration? I don't know, but people seems to trigger it after the default upgrade experience13:20
pittiah, I see13:20
didrocksoh yeah, g-s-d crashing of course!13:20
pittiso the question is, does that really only affect this one icon, or isn't it just going to crash on the next missing one13:20
pittiin the latter case, it would basically mean "we need to ship the full g-i-t anyway", and add back the 5.8 MB13:21
seb128pitti, which is somewhat an unity issue (and they have it fix commited)13:21
didrockspitti: no, this is the fallback icon13:21
pittimoving one icon to g-i-t is not a problem at all, of course13:21
didrockspitti: but there was no protection in unity and we try to load the fallback icon with the same function13:21
dpmjibel, pong. Want to do a quick 5-10 min mumble?13:21
didrockspitti: so, the fallback icon not being there, it tried to look for the fallback icon again :)13:22
* pitti scratches head about "The icon theme is set to ubuntu-mono-dark, and indeed the ubuntu-mono package does not have a text-x-preview icon; however, switching to an icon theme where this is present, like Humanity, does not resolve the issue."13:24
pitti/usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-light/index.theme has Inherits=Humanity,gnome,hicolor, so it should use humanity's13:24
didrockspitti: right, and I tried to ping ev about it, but he didn't have time to debug13:25
seb128didrocks, pitti: seems like it's down to an unity fix commited bug13:25
seb128then we can try to debug other issues if any remains13:25
didrocksseb128: well, the unity fixes just fixes the "don't go in a dead loop if we don't find the fallback icon"13:26
DavieyHmm, is GDM poorly for anyone else atm?13:26
pittiso want me to move the icon?13:26
ricotzmterry, that would be nice -- i thought that bamfdaemon would be linked against either libbamf0 or libbamf3 which make it difficult -- is there a package yet?13:26
seb128Daviey, you mean? no background or theme?13:26
Davieyseb128: no starty :/13:26
seb128dunno, we switched to lightdm recently which I'm using13:27
didrockspitti: I would say so, anyway. I'll have a tomboy note to check that if we don't find an icon, the Humanity fallback icon is taken13:27
* Daviey swithces13:27
mterryricotz, no, I don't think there's an upstream release yet.  Let me check how bamfdaemon was handled.  I believe it is just linked against libbamf3 and that's it.  But that doesn't prevent libbamf0 from being around13:27
pittiDaviey: uh, X.org crashing?13:27
didrocksI'm not sure how ev choosed the Humanity/ubuntu-mono theme with GNOME3, hence I want to wait a little on debugging13:28
seb128Daviey, using nvidia? didrocks had issue with nvidia today13:28
ricotzmterry, i think the packaging has binary depends13:28
Davieyseb128: yup!13:28
Davieypitti: yes13:29
didrocksDaviey: restart on the older kernel13:29
didrocksdo you have a xorg.conf?13:29
Davieydidrocks: I believe i do13:29
DavieyWill try an older kernel13:29
didrocksDaviey: yeah, so either switch to vesa and restart gdm and restart on an older kernel13:29
ricotzmterry, but perhaps this can be relaxed13:29
Davieydidrocks: thanks13:29
didrocksyw :)13:30
mterryricotz, well, bamfdaemon would just link against libbamf3 and that's that.  But libbamf0 can still be on the system and useful.  It can still talk over dbus to a bamfdaemon written in scheme or qt or whatever13:30
ricotzmterry, right13:31
pittididrocks: fix uploaded; thanks!13:34
Davieydidrocks: Did you see a bug tracking this nvidia issue with linux-3.0 ?13:34
didrockspitti: thanks to you :)13:37
didrocksDaviey: no, tseliot told that he would work on this today13:37
Davieysuper! thanks.13:37
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ricotzmterry, libbamf0 binary-depends on bamfdaemon which breaks a parallel install, so the dependency needs to be switched first to make bamfdaemon depend on libbamf0 -- not sure why it is done this way13:40
mterryricotz, I don't see the problem.  libbamf0 x.x and libbamf-3-0 x.x will both depend on bamfdaemon x.x.  Shouldn't be a conflict13:42
ricotzmterry, the packaging contains "bamfdaemon (= ${binary:Version})" in libbamf013:42
mterryricotz, agreed.  Is there some ramification I'm missing of that?  Sorry for being dense13:43
ricotzdidrocks, hi, is there a reason for doing it this way ^13:43
mterryricotz, oh...  are you thinking bamf3 and bamf0 would be different source packages?  They'll be built from the same source13:46
seb128pitti, shouldn't you update the replaces: version if you move icons between binaries?13:46
ricotzmterry, without switching the deps, you can leave libbamf0 installed -- or should the bamf package build both flavours13:46
didrocksricotz: the library needs the daemon13:46
pittiseb128: Replaces: gnome-icon-theme-full (<< ${binary:Version})13:46
didrocksso libbamf0 and libbamf3 needs to dep on the daemon13:46
pittiseb128:  :)13:46
didrocksnothing to change13:46
mterryricotz, right, it will build both flavors13:46
seb128pitti, ok, I was too lazy to do a checkout, I just read the changelog ;-)13:47
seb128pitti, in the previous upload you mentioned updating the replaces so I was checking ;-)13:47
* didrocks really on a break now :)13:47
pittiseb128: right, originally I only had them one way around, there I did them in the opposite direction as well; now we can freely move them around without further Replaces: updates13:47
seb128pitti, ok, makes sense ;-)13:48
ricotzmterry, ok, so there is no need to make some fixing first if libbamf0 will be replaced13:48
tseliotpitti: we don't support dist-upgrades from non-consecutive releases, right? If so, I'll remove the transitional packages in nvidia13:48
mterryricotz, replaced by what?  It's not going away.  gtk2 apps will still want to use bamf13:49
ricotzmterry, i mean by a newer version ;)13:49
mterryricotz, :) ah.  no, shouldn't be a problem13:49
didrocksricotz: so, there is nothing wrong with the dep on the daemon13:50
seb128tseliot, we support lts to lts and any version to the next one13:50
tseliotseb128: ok, it should be fine to remove the transitional packages then13:50
ricotzdidrocks, seems fine since the lib depends on the running dbus service13:52
didrocksricotz: yeah, that was the intend :)13:52
ricotzjust looked a bit weird ;)13:52
didrockswhy weird? it's really a dep on the lib to work :)13:55
cyphermoxgood morning14:00
njpatelseb128, didrocks we can do SRU tomorrow?14:01
didrocksnjpatel: FYI, I'm not there until EOW14:01
njpatelat least for nux/unity14:01
seb128njpatel, didrocks is only there today but I guess I can try to cover for him14:01
didrocksso deal that with seb128 if he has time to do it14:01
njpateldidrocks, so, wrt, should i wait for you or do it with seb128?14:01
njpatelright, okay, let's try tomorrow but no biggie14:02
seb128njpatel, I think I should be able to handle an unity update ;-)14:02
didrocksseb128: don't break my branches :)14:02
seb128didrocks, yeah, let's talk about that ;-)14:03
kenvandinenjpatel, nice work on the tabbar :)14:23
njpatelkenvandine, heh, thanks, going to pull out more stuff into sub-classes of TabBarItem tonight14:24
njpatelbasically so we don't need that info in the stream view, allowing for a bit more flexibility in the way we present things14:24
kenvandinecool, i merged what you have14:24
njpatelkenvandine, had a question, though. Is it the "gwibber thing" to always have the text box visible, or could we hide it behind a button?14:25
kenvandinegwibber thing?14:25
kenvandineyou mean preferred?14:25
njpatelkenvandine, like, is that one of the things people like, i mean14:25
njpatelkenvandine, yeah, sorry :)14:25
kenvandinewhen i tried to hide it by default some people said it wasn't discoverable14:26
kenvandinei kind of like it hidden though14:26
njpatelkenvandine, was it behind a button or behind the checkbox option inthe menu?14:26
njpatelwow, I must have missed that revision :)14:26
kenvandineit never made it to trunk14:26
kenvandineryan was one of the people that didn't like it14:27
kenvandinehowever, a nice compromise would be a single line entry that expanded automatically14:27
njpatelokay, I'll play around a bit, though I think hiding it behind a button makes sleeker14:27
kenvandinei was thinking single line entry with no account icons14:27
kenvandineand when the entry got focus, expand it to show the icons or some way to enable/disable14:28
kenvandinebut i am ok with a button too14:28
njpatelcool, I'll play around a bit and see what feels right, will push a few branches if nothing else so you can test14:28
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kenvandinenjpatel, seems all the tile resizing issues are fixed too, thx!14:33
njpatelyep, that should be better, though need to fix the calculation a bit so we always fill in the last space14:34
njpatelthough that shouldn't be too hard to do14:34
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didrockslogout/login. brb15:07
seb128rodrigo_, could you check on bug #788710?15:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 788710 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in exit()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78871015:12
rodrigo_seb128, yes15:14
kinouchouello didrocks, seb128 and fredp15:16
didrockshey kinouchou15:17
seb128lut kinouchou15:18
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:18
hrwhow many of users are expected to use empathy with sip? 2% or less?15:35
pittisip == ♥!15:40
hrwbug 79722815:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 797228 in empathy "Lack of SIP support after installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79722815:44
hrwpitti: SIP in empathy != ♥! rather15:45
hrwit takes time to find out which package you need to install to get it working15:45
pittihrw: sofiasip? yes, it's not installed by default15:47
hrwand I wonder how many users are able to find it15:47
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cyphermoxseb128: mclasen: just tried 2.28.9 to make sure the issue with g_hash_table_foreach in nm-applet wasn't fixed, but no cake. the problem is, even compiling with --disable-debug as IIUC would disable the new checks for hash tables doesn't work16:05
seb128cyphermox, 2.29.8 you mean?16:06
mclasencyphermox: a testcase is needed to make this a glib issue16:06
cyphermoxright :)16:06
jibelrodrigo_, ls -l /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-3.0/ pasted, do you need something else ?16:09
bcurtiswxempathy 3.1.2 has a couple new features empathy-call (new call handler) which would require telepathy-farstream.  tp-logger supports calls now, which requires it to be built with call support.  empathy can now use libcheese (and your webcam) to create your avatar.  Do we want to ship empathy with those features?16:14
rodrigo_jibel, ok, looking16:21
rodrigo_jibel, hmm, can you please check which package does the gtk-modules belong to (dpkg -S /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-3.0/gtk-modules) and what is in there?16:24
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting in 5 mins16:25
jibelrodrigo_, libatk-adaptor16:25
rodrigo_jibel, hmm16:25
rodrigo_jibel, can you please remove the package and see if you can replicate the bug without it?16:26
* pedro_ waves16:26
rodrigo_pitti, almost ready :-)16:26
pedro_is the calendar showing the meeting at 16:30 utc for anybody else?16:27
pedro_calendar = fridge16:27
seb128can't say, I'm not using the fridge16:28
charlie-tca1pedro_: desktop team? yes, 16:30 UTC16:28
seb128it's 15:30utc16:28
bcurtiswxisn't it 15:30 UTC16:28
seb128it shifted with DST to stay on the same european, us time16:28
pedro_http://ubuntu-news.org/calendars/ <-16:28
jibelrodrigo_, it is not its fault. hggdh get the same crash without this package installed16:29
seb128the fridge didn't get updated I guess16:29
pedro_its saying 16:30 UTC, i'll contact the fridge folks to update it16:29
seb128jibel, when did that start?16:29
seb128pedro_, thanks16:29
jibelrodrigo_, lets continue after the meeting16:29
rodrigo_pedro_, yes, for me it shows it one hour late also16:29
jibelseb128, something like 2 weeks ago16:29
seb128ok, so not the recent gconf thing rodrigo fixes16:30
pittiDING DING DING16:30
pittiwelcome everyone16:30
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting now16:31
pittihm, nobody on the southern hemisphere doing /o ?16:31
bcurtiswxblame the volcano..16:31
Sweetsharkat least no germans lifting the right arm.16:32
pittiso, let's dive in with the partner update16:32
pittikenvandine, anything of news?16:32
kenvandinefrom dx all i have is gtk2shim thing we talked about last week, it is landing this week16:33
pittioh, nice!16:33
pittito recap, that'll make GTK 3 themes work with GTK216:33
pittinot the existing GTK2 theme with GTK3, right?16:33
mterryWe have a GTK 3 theme?16:33
pittithat would have been my next q :)16:33
kenvandinemterry, no... don't get seb128 going :)16:33
seb128no we don't16:34
pittikenvandine: how do they test that then, with adwaita?16:34
kenvandinemoving onto U116:34
kenvandinepitti, don't know... i'll find out thursday :)16:34
seb128pitti, dx...testing... no, those don't fit ;-)16:34
kenvandineU1 is working on this new shim thing that will pull U1 from a ppa, supposedly all of this was agreed to with the release team at UDS16:34
kenvandineseb128, lol16:34
pittikenvandine: for stables? not... exactly16:35
kenvandineyes... i have asked them to double check everyone is OK with it16:35
kenvandinei wish i had been in that session16:35
pittiwe discussed ways how to do intrusive U1 SRUs for stables, with new libraries (in private paths, etc.)16:35
pittithe "external PPA" option came up, but that won't work for shipping anything you like, as you would break other desktop stuff just the same way16:36
pittiexcept that a lot fewer people would actually test it16:36
kenvandinepitti, right, that was what freaked me out16:36
kenvandinethey said Chipaca is circling back with the rt to confirm everyone is happy16:36
kenvandineso i assume plans will change16:37
pittiso we discarded that option16:37
pittiand said that the best course would be to bundle new libraries if they are required, and provide their own translations (at least temporary) in the .deb if they want to introduce new strings, until the langpacks catch up16:37
kenvandinepitti, i'll make sure everyone is happy with whatever solution they end up with before it gets uploaded16:37
pittiI don't see what a separate PPA woudl actually achieve, aside from circumventing our SRU/QA processes16:38
kenvandinepitti, right... :/16:38
kenvandinethat is all i have16:38
pittikenvandine: if you can follow up with them again, that'd be appreciated; they certainly shouldn't waste work on implementing such a "enable PPA" feature in the GUI16:38
pittikenvandine: thanks! would you mind adding this to the wiki?16:39
kenvandinepitti, yeah... i got stuck in the pile of people with edit locks :)16:39
pittikenvandine: thanks16:40
pittididrocks: nice progress on unity! anything to discuss there, or with Qt?16:40
didrocksnot really, I expect having a lot more info at the Qt contributor summit this week (so, don't expect me very online while travelling, from tomorrow until Saturday evening)16:41
didrocksreally happy that the Qt bug is now workarounded and that Nokia people will work on it :)16:42
didrocksalso, I didn't note on the wiki but we just released a new unity-2d16:42
didrocks(and I adapted my unify tool to unity-2d)16:42
didrocksthat's it from me, all is written in the wiki16:42
pittimerci beaucoup16:43
didrocksif there is an unity SRU coming this week, seb128 will handle it16:43
didrocksmais de rien :)16:43
pittitremolux: anything to discuss for s-c?16:43
pittiany news wrt. the qt and/or gtk3 ports?16:43
pittior will we keep the gtk2 one for oneiric?16:43
tremoluxI think we will still try for gtk3, but there is uncertainty because of the upcoming design changes16:44
tremoluxbut I don't want to rule it out16:44
pittinice progress on desktop-o-software-center-ui!16:44
tremoluxit may actually make it easier, depending on how much we actually need to reimplement16:44
tremoluxah, thx :)16:45
pittiok, makes sense16:45
tremoluxsorry I can't be more conclusive at this point16:45
pittino problem16:47
pittiso, some ramblings from me16:47
pittifirst, CD space16:47
pittiwe changed to live-builder, which actually won us some 5 MB16:47
pittisad thing is that python3.2, the new mono, and libegl-mesa ate it all up, plus added some extra 10 MB, so that we are again oversized16:47
pittiI'd welcome some help with figuring out what changed in mono16:48
pittipython3.2 is "known", and the plan is to compensate it by dropping py 2.6 support from python-* packages16:48
pittilibegl-mesa is also "known", although of course it would be nice to not have both egl and gl on the CD, but that might not be realistic16:49
pittichrisccoulson: ^ bad news for TB, I guess :/16:49
achiangtedg: ping, #691953 doesn't seem to have been fixed properly16:49
didrocksprobably a stupid idea, but do we avoid already shipping in the live the *.pyc file? Would that win a little?16:49
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah :/16:49
* mterry needs to get deja-dup on the CD before all space savings are spoken for16:49
seb128we might need to get clutter on the CD as well16:50
seb128oh and accountsservice when the mir is approved16:50
pittididrocks: it would probably do, yes; do we actually have them there?16:50
didrockspitti: not sure, I just synced the iso, just need to start it to check16:50
pittigrep '\.pyc' /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list16:50
pittithe only hit is libglib2.0-dev.list, for gdbus-codegen16:50
pittiwhich looks like a bug16:50
didrockspitti: will try and if there, will estimate the size16:51
pittididrocks: merci16:51
didrockshum, they aren't listed as it's in a trigger anyway16:51
pittididrocks: it might be done at postinst time?16:51
seb128it is yes16:51
pittididrocks: right; I meant, if they would be shipped in the .debs, we can't just rm them; but like that we could16:51
rodrigo_accountsservice is small, afaik, but yes, will take up some space16:51
didrockswill check :)16:51
pittirodrigo_: 67 kB, trivial,16:52
seb128clutter isn't trivial16:52
pitti*nod* :/16:52
pittiyay more libraries16:52
pittibut if we actually drop tomboy, then we could also drop gbrainy16:52
pittiand clutter, TB, and llvm (which we didn't even add yet) would fit16:53
pittidue to dropping mono16:53
seb128pitti, well that doesn't get ride of mono if we don't switch back to rhythmbox16:53
tedgachiang, What does it do?16:53
seb128we are in a meeting guys, can you move to ayatana? ;-)16:54
achiangoh, sorry16:54
tedgOh, sorry16:54
pittiseb128: ah, I keep forgetting about banshee, right16:54
pittianyway, this was mostly an FYI; if someone wants to look into the mono growth, you earned yourself a beer at the sprint :)16:55
pittishould be some 5 MB16:55
pittiso, over to work items16:55
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-desktop-team-oneiric-alpha-2.html doesn't look too happy16:56
pittidesktop-o-default-email-client didn't make any progress so far16:56
pittichrisccoulson: is that just a matter of updating the WIs, or is this stuck upstream, or stuck at us getting space for it?16:56
pittialthough the UI design/new features certainly aren't blocked16:56
mterrypitti, how come some beta-1 tasks show in that list?16:57
* pitti will parallelize independent specs a bit to speed up the meeting, let's try that16:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - i've been pretty busy with other stuff atm (like firefox 5 and dropping xulrunner)16:57
pittikenvandine: desktop-o-gwibber-gtk3 also is at 0% still; does this need postponing?16:57
kenvandinei need to update it16:57
kenvandineit is progressing very nicely16:57
seb128mterry, like?16:58
pittichrisccoulson: understood16:58
chrisccoulsonpitti - some of those can be closed off fairly quickly though16:58
pittichrisccoulson: I'm just asking because a lot of the WIs aren't actually your's16:58
mterryseb128, "Do an accessibility sweep" for deja-dup16:58
mterryI must have specified the beta badly in the blueprinmt16:58
chrisccoulsonie, i already have a fairly good idea on what to do with lightning now16:58
chrisccoulsoni have a pretty good idea about how we're handling extension upgrades too16:59
pittimterry: that's because it's not oneiric-beta-1, but ubuntu-11.10-beta-116:59
chrisccoulsonthat seems to be the bulk of mine16:59
mterryugg, thanks pitti16:59
seb128mterry, the blueprint milestone is alpha2 too16:59
pittimterry: and it doesn't try to recognize unknown milestones, it just adds them to the default spec milestone (which is a2)16:59
seb128pitti, can you have items after the spec milestone?16:59
pittiseb128: yes16:59
pittithe spec milestone is just the default16:59
seb128ok, great ;-)16:59
pittibut you need to spel it crrorectyl :)16:59
pittichrisccoulson: ok, thanks; so it seems a whole lot of them will be closed in one go :)17:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. there seems like a lot, but there's not much work in most of those17:01
* pitti feels a bit relieved :)17:01
pittimterry: desktop-o-deja-dup-default is the third-biggest17:01
mterrypitti, blocked on MIR17:02
pittibut we just covered that17:02
mterrydidrocks, got MIR cycles?17:02
pittii. e. some WIs aren't for a217:02
mterrythat too17:02
pittiso the remaining ones are trivial, once the MIRs get approved17:02
pittiso that's all fine17:02
didrocksmterry: not really, already have done a lot recently, and I won't be there until eow, after, it should be ok :)17:02
mterrydidrocks, np, I'll bug doko17:02
seb128speaking about mir, rodrigo_ how is the accountsservice one going? it's blocking the gdm update17:02
pittihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-accessibility-ubiquity is a huge one, but should be handled in the Eastern edition17:03
pittiTheMuso: ^17:03
rodrigo_seb128, got part of it done, will finish it today or tomorrow, I hope17:03
pittia-s needs some code fixes17:03
seb128rodrigo_, ok thanks, feel free to update the bug with upstream bug numbers if you get some17:03
didrocksrodrigo_: and reassign me to it, please :)17:04
rodrigo_didrocks, ok, will do17:04
pittiand finally, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-libreoffice-packaging is still at 0% as well17:05
pittiSweetshark: ^ is this blocked on an actual upstream release of 3.4.0/3.3.3?17:05
Sweetsharkyes, actually some of the packaging is already ongoing, but there wont be release before debian.17:05
Sweetsharkit seems like 3.4.0 will soon see a debian release (I saw a changelog entry commit today)17:06
pittiSweetshark: do you think it's realistic for a2 (i. e. by start of July), or sohuld we move it?17:07
Sweetshark3.3.3 isnt released yet upstream, but hasnt seen much activity since 3.3.2 (for LO that is), so should not be too problematic.17:07
Sweetsharkwe will have some 3.4.0 and 3.3.3 release by start of July.17:08
pittiok, thanks for the heads-up17:08
pittithat's it from me17:08
seb128will 3.4 stop using gnome-vfs in that -gnome binary? ;-)17:08
seb128pitti, I've some topics I would like to discuss17:09
pittiseb128: go ahead17:09
seb128first, indicator on GTK317:09
seb128is that moving?17:10
seb128out of creating issues like that gtk2, gtk3 mixed symbols bug you reassigned today that's something we should start landing and testing17:10
seb128kenvandine, mterry:^ where do we stand?17:10
seb128can we distro patch mterry's work and dual build even if dx is behind?17:10
mterryMost indicators are ported (datetime is only exception I can remember)17:10
mterryThey don't have upstream releases yet17:10
mterrySo thus aren't packaged17:11
seb128do we need some? if we do what is blocking them?17:11
kenvandineseb128, perhaps17:11
seb128kenvandine, I will not take perhaps as an answer :p17:11
kenvandineseb128, we should be getting releases for some of them this thursday17:11
kenvandineso depending on what doesn't get released, i'll look at distro patching17:11
mterryseb128, we can distro patch anything!  :)17:11
kenvandineand talk to ted about those17:11
kenvandinemterry, yeah, that is what we do!17:12
Sweetsharkseb128: I will check for that gnome-vfs stuff when I get around to it.17:12
seb128kenvandine, it doesn't need to be you doing the work17:12
seb128Sweetshark, thanks17:12
mterryI'm actively working on datetime, but it's a bit more involved17:12
kenvandineseb128, i'll figure out what is left standing after thursdays uploads17:12
seb128mterry, right, I wouldn't stop on dx, they have their schedule and don't care much about oneiric17:12
mterryNeeds a new widget from GTK 3.1.4 which just got into oneiric17:12
seb128we might still be sitting there in a month if we wait on them17:12
seb128kenvandine, ok, thanks17:12
seb128let's wait on thursday and start distro patching after that17:13
kenvandineseb128, tedg's goal is to have them all in oneiric with gtk3 builds by the sprint17:13
seb128mterry, ^ works for you?17:13
seb128kenvandine, great17:13
* kenvandine is going to install oneiric on tedg's laptop when he isn't looking in dublin17:13
mterryseb128, in terms of finishing datetime?  sure17:13
kenvandinesomeone buy him beer to distract him17:13
seb128mterry, well, no need to finish, but starting to land the dual build libs, etc in the next week17:14
seb128that was my topic117:14
seb128on a side note I just uploaded gtk+ 3.1.6 in the ubuntu-desktop ppa if somebody needs it17:15
seb128there is some theming issue, gnome-standard-themes need to be updated with it, I will start testing that soon17:15
pittiseb128: the theming issue is introduced in 3.1.6, not in 3.1.4 yet?17:15
pitti(i. e. that's why ppa, not oneiric?)17:15
* tedg has never been happier to not like beer... and starts researching BIOS locking in EFI.17:15
seb128there is some new deprecations in that version17:15
seb128pitti, right17:15
seb128i.e GtkHBox GtkVBox got deprecated in favor of GtkBox17:16
kenvandinetedg, ;-D17:16
seb128I will send an email to the list about those17:16
seb128glib deprecated G_CONST_RETURN as well17:16
seb128(you should just use "const" instead)17:17
kenvandineseb128, did you update the ~ubuntu-desktop branch for gtk3?17:17
seb128kenvandine, not pushed yet, I'm still working on it17:17
seb128kenvandine, but after the end of the meeting I will do it17:17
kenvandineok, i did push that patch cimi wanted there right?17:17
seb128I did delete it17:17
seb128it's in the new version17:17
seb128I told you to not bother :p17:17
kenvandinei was just wanting to check that :)17:17
seb128topic 317:18
kenvandineseb128, yeah... he really wanted it17:18
seb128cheese won dependency on clutter, clutter-gst, clutter-gesture, mx17:18
seb128totem git switched from gst to clutter-gst for its video rendering17:18
seb128so we will need to figure how well clutter-gst works for us17:18
seb128and to make space on the CD for those17:19
seb128that's just an note so people know about it and can raise concern if they have any17:19
seb128we should probably figure how to test how well that stack work for i.e video rendering on the platform and video drivers we support17:19
kenvandineseb128, i thought cheese got removed from the CD?17:19
kenvandineseb128, empathy can now use libcheese to take avatar photos17:20
seb128kenvandine, ubiquity will bring it back in, they plan to use libcheese-gtk to get your picture17:20
seb128empathy as well17:20
kenvandineso i guess we can enable that :)17:20
seb128they plan to use libcheese also for camera detection and maybe some other things17:20
kenvandinebcurtiswx and i were just discussing that17:20
seb128well, I'm still not sold on bringing clutter on the CD :p17:20
seb128but yeah we will likely need it17:20
pittilibcheese itself is tiny17:21
pittibut clutter is rather big17:21
kenvandinei hope libcheese doesn't suck in clutter17:21
seb128it does17:21
seb128it brings in libclutter-gst and libclutter17:21
pittiwill the next cheese introduce a clutter dependency to libcheese-gtk18 itself, or "just" to the apps?17:21
seb128pitti, the lib17:21
pittiok, just answered17:21
kenvandinepitti, fun times...17:21
seb128indeed :-(17:22
kenvandinepoor chrisccoulson17:22
seb128another sort of items17:22
pittipoor CDs17:22
kenvandinethe universe is fighting against TB17:22
pittiwe never ever drop libraries, it seems :/17:22
seb128I suggested to drop tomboy out of the CD at least until it's ported to recent apis17:22
rodrigo_how much space that would save?17:22
seb128it's the only thing keeping libgnome libgnomeui libbonobo libbonoboui libgnomevancas on the CD17:22
seb128rodrigo_, like 1mb, but it would allow to drop that stack of old libraries from the CD17:23
seb128which is my main driver right now17:23
seb128it's easy to reinstall and users upgrading will still get it17:23
rodrigo_ok, not much, but yes, we should get rid of those libs17:23
seb128we can bring it back later if it switches to gsettings17:23
pittiit also uses the libndesk-dbus stuff which banshee doesn't, so perhaps more17:24
seb128but seeing that we have no binding near to land for that17:24
seb128let's make it a team meeting decision?17:24
seb128is somebody against dropping tomboy from the CD for now?17:24
seb128I will email the lists about it17:24
rodrigo_not me17:24
pittiand banshee, while we are at it *cough*17:24
dobeypitti: +117:25
pittino, let's discuss that more thoroughly17:25
seb128pitti, well, once we are there we can argue switching back to rhythmbox to claim the mono space17:25
seb128rb is already on GTK3 as well which is another win ;-)17:25
pittiit's got the same problem, not ported to gtk3 etc.17:25
seb128but yeah, another topic17:25
pittiwhich rb is17:25
pittiwe can also announce it well17:25
seb128ok, nobody objected for tomboy17:25
dobeythen fixing libu1 will be an easier task for me :)17:25
pitti"the default music player is now much faster to start, and uses less RAM"17:25
seb128that was it from me17:26
seb128sorry for all the extra topics17:26
pittiok, thanks everyone! I need to run out now, bbl17:26
pittiseb128: no worries, thanks for covering them17:27
tremoluxgood day all!17:27
ricotzwhat is up with transmission which would need a new libevent17:27
didrocksthanks everyone :)17:28
seb128ricotz, if you figure tell us, I've been trying to ping kklimonda^ about it from some weeks but didn't get a reply17:28
ricotzseb128, i made a new sync request and saw the expired old one later17:28
ricotzit seems he built the stack in a ppa which worked quite well except 4 packages17:29
ricotzso just syncing it in this early stage might be worth it and figure out the res17:29
seb128ricotz, right, I didn't follow on the libevent transition, I just know if was late previous cycle to do it17:30
ubot2Ubuntu bug 701471 in libevent "Sync libevent 2.0.10 from Debian experimental" [Wishlist,Expired]17:30
ubot2Ubuntu bug 796187 in libevent "Sync libevent 2.0.10-stable-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,New]17:30
seb128that's probably a topic for the ubuntu-devel list though17:30
ricotzseb128, and this doesnt look that bad: https://launchpad.net/~kklimonda/+archive/libevent217:31
seb128well I still would like to check with kklimonda^17:31
ricotzyeah, sure17:31
kklimonda^ricotz, seb128: libevent transition should be pretty safe, at least for main packages - I think other than transmission only memcached uses it, and it has been tested "in the wild". Unfortunately, as seb128 has noticed I'm recently not a very reliable person to work with - too much things happening left me with no room to work on "random" stuff.17:38
seb128kklimonda^, ricotz: could one of you drop an email to ubuntu-devel maybe about that? just to know if somebody has an issue doing the update17:39
seb128do you know if Debian plans to land it to unstable?17:39
seb128why is it still in experimental?17:39
kklimonda^seb128: they didn't finish the transition, three packages FTBFS (or they did when I tried rebuilding them before natty release). I know that debian maintainer has been interested in doing the transition too, I guess it's a problem of not enough hands to do that.17:42
seb128kklimonda^, ok17:43
seb128kenvandine, gtk3 update pushed to the vcs but not uploaded yet17:44
rodrigo_ok, going out for a bit, later all17:48
achiangseb128: i'm looking for pointers on how to modify the help displayed by yelp; do you have any pointers? specifically, i want to add a new link to a PDF on disk...18:02
seb128achiang, no I don't sorry, I didn't look much at the new format, maybe try emailing robert_ancell about it?18:03
achiangseb128: ok, thanks. i will email robert_ancell (i only asked since i saw your name in the changelog, but i guess that was pretty minor)18:03
achiangseb128: ps, i'm hacking on a lucid branch, not anything recent18:04
seb128achiang, the startpage layout was an ubuntu patch back then18:04
micahgachiang: j1mc might be able to help with that, he's a docs guy18:04
achiangseb128: got it18:05
achiangmicahg: good tip, any clue where he might hang out?18:06
seb128kenvandine, do you need the new gtk in oneiric for anything? I think it's ready for upload but I will run it for a bit still before uploading18:06
micahgseb128: would it be possible to drop the gnome-panel recommends from alacarte? it's pulling in a lot of GNOME stuff in xubuntu, debian 603013 partially addresses this18:06
ubot2Debian bug 603013 in alacarte "alacarte: spurious dependency on gnome-menus" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/60301318:06
micahgachiang: maybe #ubuntu-docs?18:06
achiangmicahg: duh. :) thanks18:07
seb128  * Reintroduce gnome-panel recommendation, it’s actually needed for18:07
seb128    gnome-desktop-item-edit. Closes: #592639.18:07
seb128in the changelog18:07
seb128debian bug #592639.18:07
ubot2Debian bug 592639 in alacarte "alacarte: IImpossible to open Properties dialogue of any entry, or new menu, new entry." [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/59263918:07
seb128micahg, seems like the recommends is right, should almost be a depends?18:07
seb128micahg, seed gmenu-simple-editor and drop alacarte from xubuntu I guess?18:08
micahgseb128: shouldn't the depends/recommends be the other way then gnome-panel recommends/depends alacarte?18:09
seb128micahg, the alacarte buttons are calling a gnome-panel binary18:09
micahggnome-desktop-item-edit is in gnome-panel, not alacarte18:09
seb128so alacarte depends on gnome-panel because it needs that binary18:10
micahgoh :(18:10
micahgseb128: ok, thanks for the recommendation, I'll propose that instead18:10
seb128you're welcome18:10
micahgseb128: I can't find that package, do we not have it?18:12
seb128it's a gnome-menus binary18:12
micahgah, ok, small and minimal depends18:13
micahgis there a plan to update the rhythmbox u1 store?  it seems to be blocking the upgrade of RB on oneiric18:22
kenvandineseb128, i think just for the scrollbars18:30
seb128micahg, uninstall u118:37
seb128dobey said they don't want to deal with having 2 versions of gtk so they are staying on the same one as the default player which is still on gtk2 where rb is on gtk318:38
micahgseb128: so, shouldn't the package be dropped from the archive then?18:38
dobeywe will update the u1 store18:39
micahgor are you waiting on the to see what happens re cd spce18:39
dobeybanshee upstream is committed to moving to gtk3, but i don't know what the status is right now18:39
seb128dobey, it's likely that we will have both on different gtk version by oneiric18:39
dobeybut i'm happy to swtich back to rb as default :)18:39
seb128dobey, you should have 2 version of libuntuone18:39
seb128one for gtk2 and one for gtk318:40
seb128or dual build the lib or something18:40
dobeythe lib should compile on both already, afaik. i don't know of anything specifically that wouldn't work. but it's still very early and i'd rather avoid doing a lot of work for something and throwing it away in a month18:40
seb128well dual building a lib is like an hour work18:41
seb128it's not a lot of work ;-)18:41
seb128but fair enough, you can do that in a month if still required18:42
dobeywell if you guys make the decision to drop banshee for rb, and get rid of mono from the CD, then it would also be wasted work :)18:42
seb128cyphermox, oh, well done on the n-m bug ;-)19:48
cyphermoxseb128: meh19:49
cyphermoxtook far too long19:49
cyphermoxplus I looked at the piece of code they changed at least twice, thinking it could be the issue, but the logic seemed sound :P19:49
cyphermoxanyway, thanks.19:50
cyphermoxI'm testing it now, seems to work, so I'll upload in a minute19:50
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
pittigood night everyone!19:58
tremolux'night pitti20:00
seb128'night pitti20:01
chrisccoulsondoes "apt-get upgrade" pull in new recommeds?21:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - bug 797051 - someone without translations after upgrading :(21:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 797051 in firefox "firefox no longer localised after enabling -proposed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79705121:41
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
lifelessbryce: your wish is my screen-grab https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/78549722:39
ubot2Ubuntu bug 785497 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "remnants of window getting left behind when apps quit" [Undecided,New]22:39
brycelifeless, bit more background in the description couldn't hurt.  when's it occur, how repeatable, when did it start, etc. etc.22:50
brycewhat stuff have you tested so far, etc.22:50
lifelessbryce: I can't trigger it, it just happens22:50
brycelifeless, 100% of the time?22:52
lifelessbryce: no22:52
brycelifeless, anything else you can provide?  bug's non-actionable right now I'm afraid22:54
lifelessmore screenshots ?22:54
lifelessthere -may- be a correlation with uxterm22:54
lifelessI haven't been terribly rigorous with my data gathering22:55
bryceI can upstream it... but to be honest most bugs like this that are just described as "random screen corruption" don't tend to go anywhere22:55
lifelessit -always- seems to be the borders of the windows22:55
lifelessspecifically I think its the bit that metacity(?) makes into a white-black-white bounding box when you hit alt-tab22:56
bryceyou could also try describing what happens after.  E.g. some of these bugs you move a window and it redraws.  Other times the corruption is "permanent" or "mostly permanent", or goes away on vt switch22:56
lifelessdropping a window on top of the remnants replaces them and then its fine for a while22:57
brycethere was one (which I've reproduced) which would correct itself if metacity was restarted (thinking that one might be a metacity bug...  I can't seem to find it in Launchpad anymore though)22:57
bryceaha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/65476823:00
ubot2Ubuntu bug 654768 in xorg-server "compositor produces artefacts starting in maverick" [High,Confirmed]23:00
brycedifferent issue, but might be worth checking if restarting metacity makes it go away23:01
brycelifeless, also you should indicate whether or not you've tested with a different wm like compiz and if so, whether you could reproduce it there.  At this point we can't tell whether it's a driver issue or bug in the window manager23:02
lifelessactually, am I on oni? I'm not Its natty.23:02
* lifeless headdesks23:02
lifelessevery time I said o* read n*23:02
bryceif it only affects window borders, that sounds like it could be wm-specific.  hard to say though, could be some driver bug underneath23:02
lifelesswhats another 2d wm ?23:03
brycelike, um... compiz --replace I think23:04
lifelessand to switch back ?23:04
brycemetacity --replace I believe23:04
bryceif I'm wrong, someone on this channel will correct me, I'm sure23:04
brycelifeless, or other thing to try would be to kill metacity and let it restart (or manually restart it).23:05
bryceif that does not clear the corruption, then it's definitely an X bug.  If it does clear it, it may still be an X bug underneath but maybe metacity's wrong.23:06
lifelessso compiz has wedged my UI23:07
lifelessI'm just going to try and get metacity back now :)23:07
lifelessright, back23:08
lifelessok, will kill and restart metacity next time it happens23:08
brycelifeless, toss your .xsession-errors on the bug report on the off chance there's a relevant error message.23:09
lifelessuploading now23:12
brycelifeless, ok quick question now for you...23:12
brycelifeless, on https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions the first item under Constraints...  whereabouts in process is that item?  does it have an eta yet?23:13
bryce"Ability to sync packages from the parent series, some auto, some manual, optionally rebuilding them "23:13
lifelesswe're a few weeks away from derived distros23:19
lifelessso not long now23:19
brycelifeless, ok thanks23:22
brycelifeless, I assume after it's started it'll be a few months for implementation before it goes live?23:23
lifelessbryce: I was talking until it goes live23:25
brycelifeless, ah, excellent23:31

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