
j1mchey all01:39
j1mchey jjesse01:40
=== issyl0 is now known as Guest81619
=== Guest81619 is now known as issyl0
achianghello, i'm looking for a pointer on how to properly modify the help displayed by yelp (on an older version, lucid). specifically, i'd like to add a link to a PDF installed somewhere on the system.20:35
achiangi'm getting lost in all the XML20:35
* achiang wonders if j1mc might have any clues. micahg said you might...20:40
j1mchi achiang20:42
j1mcachiang: you want the ubuntu help to open a pdf for all ubuntu users, or you just want it on your own system?20:43
achiangj1mc: well, we can assume it's just for me right now, that it's not really an upstreamable change.20:44
achiangj1mc: but to talk in terms of code and patches, i'm looking at 04_new_ubuntu_layout.patch in yelp_2.30.0-0ubuntu2, and not seeing how to extend the examples there to add an extra link to a PDF file20:45
achiangj1mc: i don't want to completely replace the help, actually. just add a new link that says, "hey, check this PDF out for more info"20:46
j1mcachiang: well, we are really only doing bug-fixes on older releases... but... as for how to do it, i'd need to take a look at the file.20:47
j1mccould you give me the file name?20:47
achiangj1mc: right, so like i said, this isn't suitable for upstream...20:48
achiangj1mc: i guess i don't really have a file name right now, just trying to understand the general technique. i guess we could assume /usr/share/doc/achiang/foo.pdf20:50
j1mcstill, the file name would be helpful20:50
achiangah, interesting, there is a file named /usr/share/gnome/help/system-admin-guide/C/system-admin-guide.pdf20:51
achiangj1mc: we can use the above as an example?20:51
j1mcachiang: i'm looking... thanks for your patience20:52
achiangj1mc: i appreciate any help you can offer, so thank you!20:53
j1mcachiang: if you want to include your link in the help browser, you'd want to do something like this:20:56
j1mc<ulink url="file://path/to/file.pdf">open the file</ulink>20:57
j1mcin the native docbook of the ubuntu help20:57
j1mcbut yelp isn't set up to look at your home directory by default20:58
j1mc... so ... i'd be wary of making changes to any text in your /usr directory20:58
j1mcare you doing this just for yourself?20:58
achiangj1mc: i think i understand what you are saying -- if i change the text in the /usr directory, and point it to a path in my home directory, the link won't work for other users?21:00
j1mcwell, that's one thing, but it's also just not recommended to modify content in the /usr directory21:00
j1mci mean, for a user to modify content in the /usr directory21:01
achiangj1mc: right, got it21:01
achiangj1mc: thank you for your help21:02
j1mcdo you know how to get the latest docbook sources for what you want to do? are you trying to build this out for other users?21:02
achiangj1mc: well, i'm kinda working on a derivative distribution of sorts, so... it would be for other users eventually, but not via a PPA or a web page or anything like that21:03
achiangj1mc: i'm actually staring at the yelp package, but not entirely sure what to modify. it sounds like there is separate docbook source i could modify?21:05
j1mcyou can use that ulink feature to link to any file, though. you'd need to modify the docbook to do what you want to do, though.21:05
j1mcbest of luck... let us know if you have more questions21:05
j1mchi glatzor21:33
j1mchi MrChrisDruif21:33
MrChrisDruifAloha j1mc :)21:33
MrChrisDruifHow's it going?21:34
j1mcjust saying hello21:38
MrChrisDruifAnd I'm just asking how it goes :P21:38
j1mcoh, it is going fine, thanks. :)21:39
MrChrisDruifPretty good :D21:40

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