
niemeyerSpamapS: Can we handle that separately?00:00
niemeyerSpamapS: That's a different use case from the problem we were talking above00:00
SpamapSSure, but its going to come up with any complex apps.00:00
* SpamapS sticks it in the "forget this today, remember tomorrow" bin00:01
niemeyerSpamapS: Hopefully we'll have _many_ problems to solve! ;-)00:01
SpamapSI'm ok with adding a 'shared-db' relation on the mysql formula when the time comes.00:01
SpamapSinterface: mysql-shared00:01
niemeyerSpamapS: It's just that it's not productive to try to solve orthogonal problems at the same time00:01
SpamapSI wasn't aware that we were trying to solve another problem. :)00:02
niemeyerSpamapS: You have mentioned two things you'd like to do:00:02
niemeyerSpamapS: 1) I can't tell what is the right database to clean up on relation-broken00:02
niemeyerSpamapS: 2) I want to share a database between multiple services00:03
niemeyerSpamapS: These are orthogonal problems, with potentially independent solutions00:03
niemeyerSpamapS: If you want to switch over to (2) and leave (1) unsolved for the moment, I don't think a shared-db relation is the right thing to do.00:04
niemeyerSpamapS: This doesn't scale.. now I have two pairs of services that should use the same database00:05
niemeyerSpamapS: But each pair should use a different one00:05
niemeyerSpamapS: They can't all be put in the same shared-db relation00:05
SpamapSniemeyer: I see, the 2nd I'm not all that interesting in solving today, no. the 1st, I think I agree 100% that a relation-id, exposed to all hooks, solves the issue.00:07
niemeyerSpamapS: Cool, that's awesome00:07
niemeyerSpamapS: It's already scheduled for this milestone, so let's push it forward!00:07
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r282 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com00:09
_mup_Spike on removing the observation around watches being stopped00:09
niemeyerAlright, and that's dinner time ticking here00:09
niemeyerI'll step out.. have a good time all!00:09
jimbakerniemeyer, take care00:13
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r283 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com00:56
_mup_Fixed remaining non corner case tests00:56
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r284 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com01:04
_mup_Removed unnecessary splitting of callbacks from their watch functions01:04
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r285 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:34
_mup_Cleaned up watch_exposed_flag callback04:34
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r286 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:02
_mup_Naming cleanup and other style changes05:02
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r287 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:51
_mup_Ensure testing does not get confused with background activity around watch removal05:51
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r288 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:54
_mup_Removed unnecessary guard from watch_exposed_flag05:54
kim0morning everyone09:03
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
dakeranyone knows how to execute a sql file with MySQLdb in python ?11:29
kim0daker: why not execute mysql < file.sql11:44
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakerwoo my formula is working now :D13:20
kim0niemeyer: Is the ppa going to always be daily build from trunk ? 13:51
niemeyerkim0: It should13:51
niemeyerkim0: You mean it's not working, or are you wondering about the future?13:51
kim0future :)13:52
kim0niemeyer: and universe should be an older and better tested version ?13:52
kim0for 11.10 at least13:52
kim0I'm doing the zero to ensemble screencast .. and was wondering how to frame it13:52
niemeyerkim0: Yeah, in the future we'll have more stable point-in-time releases for sure13:59
niemeyerkim0: We're just moving fast for now, and deploying important features very often14:00
niemeyerkim0: So it makes more sense to have these well tested and having people able to play with them than freezing14:00
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakeranyone want to test my formula ?14:13
kim0daker: is it working well for ya :)14:16
* kim0 hugs daker 14:16
kim0I'll definitely play with it tonight14:16
kim0daker: I'm sure we're interested in your overall experience developing it14:17
kim0let us know any thoughts you have14:17
niemeyerdaker: Yeah, where is it?14:18
dakerone sec14:18
dakerniemeyer, bzr branch lp:~daker/+junk/joomla-formula14:24
niemeyerdaker: Cool14:25
dakerniemeyer, are you going to test it ?14:29
niemeyerdaker: Yeah, checking it out already14:29
dakerto access the admin just type : public_dns/administrator14:30
dakerlogin : admin|passe: ensemble14:31
niemeyerdaker: Cool14:33
dakerit works ?14:33
dakerniemeyer, ^14:37
niemeyerdaker: Sorry, multitasking, but still firing it up14:37
niemeyerdaker: Works!14:56
dakerwhooo :D15:02
niemeyerdaker: We need a way to communicate values such as username/pass to the admin15:06
niemeyerdaker: For the time being, it may be worth putting these instructions in the description15:06
hazmatniemeyer, alternatively those could be default values for settings, although we would need a corresponding admin cli way of inspecting those15:58
niemeyerhazmat: Oh, that sounds much better16:00
niemeyerhazmat: We certainly need a way of inspecting the configuration either way16:00
niemeyerhazmat: We can have a default type of value which is automatically generated if unset16:01
niemeyerThis would avoid everyone having the same password by default16:01
hazmatniemeyer, that sounds nice as well16:02
_mup_Bug #797241 was filed: Ensemble cli subcommand for inspecting config-settings <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/797241 >16:02
_mup_Bug #797243 was filed: A service config field schema that allows for a  random default value <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/797243 >16:03
niemeyerhazmat: Thanks for filing these16:19
hazmatniemeyer, np. 16:21
hazmatniemeyer, out of curiosity have you had any stability issues on natty?16:22
niemeyerhazmat: Yes.. I have had to kill compiz every few days16:22
hazmatniemeyer, thanks good to know for comparison.. my uptime is averaging about 6-8hrs, even reverted to classic, but still getting random freezes.. just ordered a new laptop hopefully it can help out16:23
niemeyerhazmat: Holy crap16:24
niemeyerhazmat: 6/8h is on the low side indeed16:24
hazmatniemeyer, yeah.. its quite disruptive, it was better during the beta cycle16:24
niemeyerhazmat: What kind of issue you notice?16:24
hazmatniemeyer, mostly hard X locks, which aren't recoverable. also attaching/detaching external monitors also seems to trigger an unrecoverable state, the old virtual terminal unity --replace trick works sometimes.. but not always.. typically a slew of session errors, some referencing dbus, some referencing device errors.16:26
niemeyerhazmat: Hmmm, ok16:27
_mup_ensemble/standardize-log-testing r256 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com16:27
_mup_Merged trunk16:27
niemeyerhazmat: Sounds related to what I see16:27
niemeyerjimbaker: Morning16:27
jimbakerniemeyer, hi16:27
niemeyerhazmat: Generally CTRL-ALT-F1 + compiz kill + unity restart works16:28
niemeyerNot nice, though16:28
hazmatniemeyer, yeah.. its better than killing the xsession.. i'm curious if there's equivalent to that for classic mode16:28
niemeyerhazmat: This is just restarting the window manager, I think16:30
niemeyerhazmat: I recall doing that for metacity long ago16:30
niemeyerWhile working on that debug-hook stuff, I'm quite proud of this system we came up with16:40
m_3niemeyer: I've got lockup problems with natty/compiz/unity too... half-minute lockups every time I do something compiz-fancy like alt-tab or switch viewports16:45
niemeyerhazmat: jimbaker: Do you want to have a quick look at these doc changes before I commit as part of the debug-hooks branch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626637/16:46
* hazmat checks it out16:46
jimbakerniemeyer, sure16:46
niemeyerBen correctly requested the changes during review16:46
SpamapSdaker: reading your joomla formula now. :)16:48
_mup_Bug #797263 was filed: ~/.ensemble permissions <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/797263 >16:48
jimbakerline 47: "At this point," would be better; line 59: maybe better word choice "same way performed";  line 102, "work" instead of "worked", but maybe better word choice there too16:51
jimbakerniemeyer, looks good with these changes16:51
niemeyerjimbaker: Super, thanks16:52
hazmatniemeyer, looks good, there is one bug people will hit following those discussion though, namely that the relation api isn't available yet outside of relation hooks, the relation identifiers is the first step to resolving it. it might be nice to reference the bug as a caveat.. its pretty easy to spot and remove it after the bug is fixed.16:53
niemeyerjimbaker: Just the "worked" I'm going to keep as it is.. it's describing the process of transition and choice we made at a particular point, rather than a statement of how it works _today_16:54
niemeyerhazmat: Sounds good.. do you have a link to the particular bug you'd like to see ther?16:55
jimbakerniemeyer, ok, i guess the context is clear enough that this is the case16:56
hazmatniemeyer, bug 76719516:56
_mup_Bug #767195: Ensemble should have hook cli apis to enumerate and interact with all the relations of a unit. <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/767195 >16:56
niemeyerhazmat: That doesn't seem related16:57
hazmatniemeyer, yeah.. its addressing the same issue from a different angle.. which is relation api usage in non relation hooks16:58
m_3Have a what-if scenario I'd like some advice on...16:58
m_3let's say a mysql formula exposes a config parameter for something like query_cache_size16:58
m_3(in config.yaml as I understand)16:59
m_3when another formula adds this as a relation16:59
m_3and needs to change that config parameter16:59
niemeyerhazmat: I see what you mean, but this isn't the actual problem16:59
m_3can it do something equivalent to the 'ensemble set' command16:59
niemeyerhazmat: Fix Releasing this bug doesn't necessarily enable people to use relation-get there17:00
m_3i.e., are there ways to parameterize a relation?17:00
niemeyerhazmat: Well, enumerate _and_ interact.. sorry17:00
niemeyerhazmat: My bad17:00
niemeyerWe should probably split that off, though.. there are really two different problems17:01
niemeyerm_3: No, it'd probably be better to follow up a bit on the documentation to get a better understanding of how things get together17:02
m_3ok, gotcha17:02
niemeyerm_3: The goal of configuration is "human oriented" settings17:02
m_3niemeyer: ah... ok17:02
niemeyerm_3: That includes "ensemble set", config-get, etc17:02
_mup_ensemble/standardize-log-testing r257 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:03
_mup_Remove unnecessary new import17:03
niemeyerm_3: Inter-unit/service communication is done via relations17:03
niemeyerAs an aside, it's really good the fact that the config system we're putting in place is read-only from the formula perspective17:04
niemeyerI've seen quite a few people saying "Hey, I want to write to the configuration to communicate between formulas"17:04
niemeyerThe fact it's read-only guides people to do the right thing naturally17:05
m_3niemeyer: so relation-specific configuration has to be either in the relation hooks themselves or passed in from the config of the dependent formula?17:06
_mup_ensemble/standardize-log-testing r258 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:07
_mup_Remove similar unnecessary import17:07
niemeyerm_3: relation-specific configuration is always performed by the formulas in the formula hoks17:07
m_3niemeyer: ok, thanks17:08
niemeyerm_3: np17:11
niemeyerhazmat: Is this what you meant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626659/ ?17:11
niemeyerhazmat: /Limitations17:11
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good... although relation-broken should still work afaicr17:12
hazmatits a relation hook17:12
niemeyerhazmat: It's not a running relation hook17:13
niemeyerhazmat: It's a relation hook, though17:13
hazmatthe open bug on relation-broken is really about adding the relation name as an additional environment variable to the relation hook.17:13
hazmator the id17:13
hazmathmm.. actually it was getting the related service name into the environment17:13
niemeyerhazmat: relation-broken has the same issue as the other hooks.. there's no specific relation on the other side to talk to17:14
niemeyers/specific relation/specific unit/17:14
hazmatniemeyer, sure.. but in terms of implementation ... relation-list, relation-get, relation-set should still work in relation-broken17:14
hazmatie. its unrelated to the bug referenced17:15
niemeyerhazmat: Hmm,  I see17:16
kim0zero to ensemble screencast → http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxMhKbDSbOw17:16
hazmatkim0, awesome! we should embed onto the wiki frontpage17:17
niemeyerhazmat: replaced broken with upgrade there17:17
hazmatniemeyer, cool, +117:18
_mup_ensemble/debug-hook-fixes r248 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net17:18
_mup_Fixed documentation to refer to tmux, as requested by Ben. [r=hazmat,jimbaker]17:18
niemeyerkim0: Woah17:18
kim0pushing on planet-ubuntu 17:19
niemeyerkirkland: I suppose you're not that guy: http://twitter.com/#!/bigtexan1317:20
kirklandniemeyer: sweet!17:21
kirklandniemeyer: you've found my alter ego17:21
niemeyerkirkland: A bit unfortunate, to say the least17:21
niemeyerkirkland: What's your actual twitter account?  I'd like to retweet your formulas post with actual credits17:22
kirklandniemeyer: dustinkirkland17:22
niemeyerkirkland: Hah!17:22
niemeyerkirkland: Thanks :)17:22
kirklandniemeyer: highly unoriginal17:23
kirklandniemeyer: i'm working on two more, for AjaxTerm, and screenbin17:23
niemeyerkirkland: Sweeeet17:23
kim0kirkland: oh that is awesome17:24
m_3ok, so what's the party line here... formulas or formulae?17:24
kim0we can use those in next irc tuition weeks :)17:24
kirklandm_3: i say formulae, as I love my latin ;-)17:24
kirklandm_3: oh, and principia is a latin word ;-)17:24
niemeyerm_3: We're a heavily distributed company, so we can't really rule that out! ;-)17:24
m_3kirkland: ha!17:25
hazmatnpr kojo n. show is doing right now on cloud computing17:25
niemeyerI personally Go with formulas, because that matches the Portuguese word as well17:25
kirklandm_3: oh, you need to meet negronjl 17:25
niemeyerand the "ae" termination is alien to me17:25
niemeyerand I suck at languages and am lazy.. all of these17:25
kirklandm_3: he's written some puppet modules for deploying hadoop;  would be a great place to start your ensemble/hadoop work17:25
m_3kirkland: great thanks17:26
m_3kirkland: yeah, just finished with travel stuff and basic canonical setup stuff (although I question if I'll ever get mumble set up properly)17:26
hazmatyeah.. i'd vote for formulas as well.. no need for additional latin obscurity ;-)17:26
kirklandm_3: heh17:27
m_3kirkland: just branched ensemble and am digging through code17:27
m_3niemeyer: and docs!17:27
negronjlhi m_317:27
niemeyerm_3: Yeah, I guess we'll have to do some voting there.. :-)17:28
m_3hi negronjl, great to meet you17:28
negronjlm_3:  nice to meet you.17:29
m_3negronjl: Dustin sent me some repo links a couple of days ago... lemme dig17:29
negronjlm_3:  ping me when you get settled and if you have questions.  I am sure that we should be able to port the orchestra-modules to ensemble formulas relatively quickly ( hadoop one comes to mind )17:30
m_3negronjl: awesome man... thanks!17:30
negronjlm_3:  np17:31
_mup_ensemble/trunk r253 committed by gustavo@niemeyer.net17:31
_mup_Merged debug-hook-fixes branch [r=hazmat,bcsaller,jimbaker]17:31
_mup_This branch fixes a number of problems in the debug-hooks functionality,17:31
_mup_and switches to using tmux for solving some of them. For instance:17:31
_mup_- joined and departed hooks are now valid17:31
_mup_- Sometimes screen was being fired with the ubuntu user17:31
_mup_- Sometimes screen was firing two independent sessions with the same name17:31
_mup_- The exit handler was only called on HUP17:31
_mup_- If the hook.sh shell died for whatever reason, it would hang forever17:31
m_3negronjl: I was planning on starting with something simple like hdfs or zookeeper from scratch, but now that we have the orchestra modules, I'll start with those.17:32
niemeyerWell written spam.. got through the spam filter, and I almost thought it was a real one17:33
niemeyerThis was the issue, though: PS should I speak with someone else at niemeyer?17:34
negronjlm_3:  sure.  let me know if you have questions about it.17:35
negronjlm_3:  the plan is, at some point, to port the modules into formulas so both projects benefit from them.17:35
m_3negronjl: thanks! I'll hit you up for a higher-bandwidth conversation about it after I dig through them17:36
kim0Oh we did hit linuxtoday yeeha .. I did submit it, but somehow missed it when they published it18:10
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r289 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com18:13
_mup_Better logging18:13
niemeyerkim0: Do you have a blog post for the video yet?18:23
kim0niemeyer: yeah pushed18:23
kim0niemeyer: ^18:23
niemeyerkim0: Awesome, will tweet that18:24
kim0great thanks18:24
niemeyerkim0: Thank you!18:25
niemeyerkim0: Just watching it now18:27
kim0oh if it's horrible we can do others to replace it :)18:28
niemeyerkim0: So far it's awesome :-)18:28
niemeyerkim0: Very smooth and easy going18:28
kim0glad you like it18:29
niemeyerkim0: Yeah, brilliant stuff18:31
kim0woohoo great18:31
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r290 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com18:33
_mup_PEP8, comments, demoted log levels18:33
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r291 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com18:42
_mup_Cleanup wrt review points18:42
kim0btw the docs at the installation from ppa step .. is missing a "sudo apt-get update" .. should I file a bug for that ;)18:44
=== daker is now known as daker_
niemeyerkim0: In a next screencast, it might be worth pointing out that both formulas use the same base image, and that it's the formula itself that defines how it works18:56
niemeyerkim0: Also that we'll enable multiple formulas in an image, etc18:56
niemeyerkim0: Erm, multiple formulas in a machine18:56
niemeyerkim0: The perfect is the enemy of the good enough, though.. it's fantastic to have _something_ out there18:57
kim0Yeah, this one only scratches the surface ..18:57
kim0 there will be deeper dives18:57
niemeyerkim0: We have to attempt to emphasize the points that really make it stand out18:59
kim0yeah agree .. I'll make sure to mention that next time indeed18:59
jimbakerniemeyer, do you want to have standup today?19:04
jimbakerregardless, i'm pushing on getting my outstanding branches fixed with respect to their reviews19:04
niemeyerjimbaker: Have you read the email related to standups from yesterday?19:13
jimbakerniemeyer, reading it now19:15
niemeyerjimbaker: Hold on, I'll add an extra entry there:  - Read your email. ;-)19:16
jimbakerniemeyer, ok :)19:16
koolhead17hi all19:19
koolhead17kim0: thanks!! :)19:19
koolhead17SpamapS: hey19:19
* kim0 nods19:20
kim0koolhead17: have fun :)19:20
niemeyerjimbaker: On expose-watch-exposed-flag, you don't have to move it to WIP19:20
niemeyerjimbaker: It's approved, and still pending another review19:20
niemeyerkoolhead17: Hey there19:21
koolhead17niemeyer: hello :)19:21
jimbakerniemeyer, ok - i just wanted to indicate i'm making some small changes in response to the review points, which also address downstream needs, and they are about to land...19:22
niemeyerjimbaker: That's fine.. but by moving it to WIP you remove any chance of someone else looking at your branch at that time19:23
jimbakerniemeyer, understood - i will be more careful for sure19:23
niemeyerjimbaker: Sometimes it's worth moving it to WIP, when the changes are pervasive and you'd rather have the next reviewer looking at the new version instead19:23
niemeyerjimbaker: For this branch, that's not the case since it was basically a +1 with mionrs19:24
jimbakerthis is one aspect of the new review process i was not aware of, so basically leave it in the state left by the reviewers, unless otherwise negotiated19:24
jimbakerstating it this way describes the continuity of our review process, of course :)19:25
niemeyerjimbaker: It really depends on the intention19:27
niemeyerjimbaker: If you want to get a second review, don't move it to WIP19:27
niemeyerjimbaker: If you want the second review to look at the new version because there's something important/significant there, move it to WIP19:27
jimbakerniemeyer, got it19:28
kirklandhey guys ... when writing a formula that requires user input at deploy19:43
kirklandie, i need to prompt the user to choose a password19:43
kirklandwhere does this go?19:43
kirklandi need to obtain it from the user at deploy time, and then some how get it over to the install hook19:43
hazmatkirkland, there's some work on service config that's almost done to help with service configurable settings19:45
kirklandhazmat: hmm, okay19:46
hazmatkirkland, there's a new hook cli api to retrieve the settings, and a new hook that gets invoked when the config changes as part of that work19:47
kirklandhazmat: neat19:47
niemeyerkirkland: We were also just talking about this today19:58
niemeyerkirkland: We'll have a kind of configuration that will create passwords automatically19:58
niemeyerkirkland: So that the user doesn't need to intervene during deployment19:59
kirklandniemeyer: how is the user informed of the password?19:59
kirklandniemeyer: in my case, they need it19:59
niemeyerkirkland: Meanwhile, our recommendation is to have a pre-defined password and putting it in the description19:59
niemeyerkirkland: They can inspect the settings of any service19:59
kirklandniemeyer: hmm, okay20:00
niemeyerkirkland: Or, that's the plan, anyway.. config settings is one of the things being worked on right now (and for the past couple of months)20:01
kim0aren't formulas just using `pwgen 10 1` to create passwords20:01
niemeyerkim0: Slightly different case20:01
kim0ah the user needs to be informed of it20:01
niemeyerkim0: They could _also_ use that system, actually20:01
niemeyerkim0: But the opposite isn't true: the mechanism we're using for inter-formula communication won't help kirkland20:02
kirklandniemeyer: https://ec2-184-73-37-114.compute-1.amazonaws.com/20:02
kirklandniemeyer: that's what I'm working on20:02
kirklandniemeyer: a formula for setting up ajaxterm20:02
kirklandniemeyer: for that login to be useful, though, i need the user to have a username/password20:03
niemeyerkirkland: hah! Sweet!20:03
niemeyerkirkland: Right, makes sense20:03
kirklandniemeyer: as unfortunately, ajaxterm does not support ssh keys :-(20:03
kirklandniemeyer: so there has to be a user/pass in there20:03
niemeyerkirkland: That config idea we mentioned above is perfect for thta20:03
kirklandniemeyer: perfect20:03
kirklandniemeyer: the config settings you mean?20:04
niemeyerkirkland: The user will be able to say something like ensemble get ajaxterm password20:04
niemeyerkirkland: Or similar20:04
kirklandniemeyer: okay20:04
niemeyerkirkland: Isn't ajaxterm just using the real machine users?20:05
kirklandniemeyer: yes20:06
niemeyerkirkland: If so, you can recommend people to ssh into the machine in the interim, for sorting the password20:06
niemeyerkirkland: This works: ensemble ssh $SERVICE/$N20:06
niemeyerkirkland: and also: ensemble ssh $N (where $N is a machine number)20:07
kirklandniemeyer: cool, will do20:07
* koolhead17 just executed wordpress formula :)20:24
* koolhead17 is happy20:24
* niemeyer high-fives koolhead1720:34
koolhead17niemeyer: :D hehe20:38
niemeyerjimbaker, bcsaller, hazmat: Do you have any summary for an Ensemble talk that I could reuse?20:45
hazmatniemeyer, i think i sent around my pycon lightning talk notes20:45
bcsallergustavo: I have to prep slides for my upcoming talk, but I don't have anything yet20:46
niemeyerhazmat: I mean a summary for a talk to send the event organizers20:46
bcsallergustavo: are you looking for prose or slides?20:46
hazmatniemeyer, ah.. hmm20:46
niemeyerbcsaller: Just the usual blurb for the schedule20:46
niemeyerI can easily come up with something, but laziness made me check if you already had one readily available.20:47
jimbakerniemeyer, not yet20:47
bcsallersorry, I don't20:47
niemeyerCool, no worries20:47
hazmatniemeyer, this is my unsuccessful submission for plumbers - https://pastebin.canonical.com/48481/20:50
niemeyerhazmat: Ah, sweet, thanks!20:52
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r292 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com21:20
_mup_Removed watch_exposed_flags changes from this branch to move upstream21:20
=== leon_ is now known as Leon_Nardella_
kirklandniemeyer: relation-set ip="$ipaddr" port=443 hostname=`hostname -s`23:28
kirklandniemeyer: is that what I need for this byobu/ajaxterm formula?23:28
kirklandniemeyer: since the service runs on 443?23:28
niemeyerkirkland: Maybe.. a URL might do as well23:28
niemeyerkirkland: set url=...23:29
SpamapSkirkland: lol, hahaha I should have read here before answering you over there. :)23:29
kirklandSpamapS: ;-)23:29
kirklandSpamapS: i moved those conversations here, instead of bothering you there ;-)23:29
SpamapSkirkland: nice. I've been thinking about building an rsync formula to solve the "shared upload" problem until I can wrap my head around gluster/nfs23:30
SpamapSbasically just a formula that provides a box which will rsync a dir from all related service units to all related service units23:30
kirklandSpamapS: i'm going to follow byobu-web with a byobu-classroom, that depends on byobu-web23:30
kirklandSpamapS: which sets up the one-writer, many readers classroom mode of byobu (previously called "screenbin")23:30
SpamapSkirkland: isn't that all still just one machine?23:31
SpamapSniemeyer: btw, how is config settings doing? Any branch we can help test out or anything? At this point it is being cited as the solution for a lot of stuff. ;)23:50
niemeyerSpamapS: bcsaller would be the right person to report on this23:50
SpamapSbcsaller: what it is brother? Got the 411? :)23:52
kirklandniemeyer: and is this correct?23:52
kirkland  website:23:52
kirkland    interface: https23:52
bcsallerSpamapS: I have a branch thats working, I can effect changes on working ec2 deployments with it, however there are some issues with the testing of the branch since I tried merging it with trunk. Partly but not completely resolved. Tests somewhere are bleeding setup and changing the outcome depending on execution order23:53
niemeyerkirkland: The interface is actually an Ensemble level interface23:53
niemeyerkirkland: Rather than the protocol itself23:53
bcsallerSpamapS: Kapil did had some comments on the branch that needed some changes as well and I am working on those now, but its pretty close 23:53
SpamapSbcsaller: sounds fun. :-P alright, well color me interested in testing ASAP. Lots of settings to add. :)23:54
niemeyerkirkland: We still have to settle on a good set of those23:54
bcsallerSpamapS: great, thanks23:54
kirklandniemeyer: okay;  so what should it be in my case, right now?23:54
niemeyerkirkland: I think "url" would be a good name, for instance, for something that provides _only_ a URL23:54
SpamapSwebsite has been the standard name for the relation which provides you with "how to access me" .. though right now it just spits back IP ... eventually I think it should provide status url(s) and possibly the desired canonical hostname.23:55
niemeyerkirkland: Even though, perhaps it's a good idea to make that more specific23:55
niemeyerkirkland: Not sure.. go with "http" for the moment I guess23:56
kirklandniemeyer: k23:56
niemeyerkirkland: (not https.. anyone handling http will most likely handle both)23:56
kirklandniemeyer: k23:57
kirklandSpamapS: for your IP=...23:57
kirklandSpamapS: what about: ip=$(wget -q -O-
niemeyerSpamapS: That's an interesting idea23:57
niemeyerkirkland, SpamapS: +1 on website23:57
kirklandniemeyer: okay, so change http to "website" then23:57
SpamapSniemeyer: err.. https and http are vastly different protocols. ;)23:58
SpamapSkirkland: won't work on lxc23:58
kirklandSpamapS: hrm23:58
SpamapSkirkland: and thats not necessarily the IP we want.. since a load balancer should use the internal IP23:59
SpamapSkirkland: been bouncing around the idea in my head of a provider-agnostic "machine info" script that would be part of ensemble.23:59
kirklandSpamapS: facter ;-)23:59

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