
CarlFKcjwatson:  bug 79686500:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 796865 in ubuntu "alt installer asks ??? ??? <go back> <continue>" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79686500:06
CIA-29base-installer: mcasadevall * r955 base-installer/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Added omap4 subarchitecture02:07
NCommand1ranyone around to review this before I commit on the trunk?02:07
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1459 ubuntu/ (build/config/armel.cfg debian/changelog): config/armel.cfg: order targets alphabetically.11:48
loolHmm that's out of order11:48
loolnow I remember why I used not to setup the cia-project name  :-)11:48
cjwatsonlool: care to push, too?11:50
cjwatsonNCommand1r: base-installer omap4> looks fine to me11:51
loolcjwatson: That's the point, I didn't push yet because I want to test build it11:51
cjwatsonI just don't commit before test-building in such cases :)11:51
loolit's just that I have a bunch of revisions and don't intend to test-build every single of them11:52
* cjwatson nods11:52
CIA-29ubiquity: cjwatson * r4753 trunk/debian/ (changelog rules): Don't run xvfb-run under fakeroot, as that confuses the X server.12:25
CIA-29ubiquity: cjwatson * r4754 trunk/ (debian/changelog tests/run-pyflakes):12:31
CIA-29ubiquity: Exclude everything under debian/ from tests/run-pyflakes, as otherwise12:31
CIA-29ubiquity: it's impossible to clean a built tree.12:31
loolcjwatson: so I'm just realizing that if I want to build d-i images with linaro kernels, they need to be in main, correct?13:25
loolcjwatson: What would you suggest in this case?  I could think of introducing a debian-installer-universe package, or promoting the packages but marking them as unsupported13:27
CIA-29ubiquity: cjwatson * r4755 trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Convert to dh_python2.13:32
cjwatsonis there any reason not to just promote those kernels?  we've promoted/demoted kernels fairly freely in the past13:33
cjwatsonI absolutely do not want a debian-installer-universe package; it would be hell to maintain13:34
loolcjwatson: I certainly wouldn't mind if they got promoted13:34
cjwatsonthat's what I'd advise then13:34
loolcjwatson: Hey, would you mind promoting linux-linaro-omap and linux-linaro-vexpress to main?  :-)13:34
ogra_doesnt promoting indicate security support ?13:35
cjwatsonwell, I think you ought to at least talk to some other MIR folks first ...13:35
loolI filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-linaro-omap/+bug/79716013:40
ubot2Ubuntu bug 797160 in linux-linaro-omap "[MIR] Please promote linux-linaro-omap and linux-linaro-vexpress to main" [Undecided,New]13:40
brendandanyone else getting a wierd error dialog when trying to run the partitioner on todays O image?14:42
brendandall question marks14:42
CarlFKi filed a lp bug on it...  looking...14:43
CarlFKbug 79686514:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 796865 in ubuntu "alt installer asks ??? ??? <go back> <continue>" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79686514:43
brendandCarlFK - I see the same thing in ubiquity too14:45
cjwatsonyeah, I'll have a look now14:45
cjwatsonit's much easier to debug in d-i14:45
brendandCarlFK - then it returns to the previous screen if you're formatting the whole disk, or freezes if you're trying to do a side-by-side install14:45
cjwatsonI don't need further details right now14:45
cjwatsonhmm, I think I'll have to strace this15:23
loolNCommand1r: when building d-i on a panda, I get a build failure in the omap netboot image with the kernel version I'm running:15:46
loolit seems some tools assumes that there is a module index in the build tree, not sure why15:46
loolit looks like a depmod bug15:46
=== charlie-tca is now known as charlie-tca1
lool3.0 broke depmod16:02
lool>-------sscanf(version, "%u.%u.%u", &major, &sub, &minor);16:02
cjwatsonthat was fixed in more current module-init-tools16:03
cjwatsonin oneiric16:03
loolI am looking at 3.13-1ubuntu1, weird16:04
loolHmm oddly my chroot is running an old module-init-tools despite an earlier dist-upgrade16:05
loolcjwatson: thanks16:06
looloh and scanf doesn't fail it it can't read all, it will just return 216:07
loola bit scary though16:07
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1458 ubuntu/ (build/config/armel/omap4.cfg debian/changelog):17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: build/config/armel/omap4.cfg: flip order or netboot and cdrom targets to17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: match other *.cfg.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1459 ubuntu/ (build/config/armel.cfg debian/changelog): config/armel.cfg: order targets alphabetically.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1460 ubuntu/ (5 files in 4 dirs):17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: * Add vexpress netboot target to armel images, copied from versatile; this17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  is useful to run an ARMv7 userspace in QEMU.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  - build/config/armel.cfg: list vexpress.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  - build/config/armel/{vexpress.cfg,vexpress/}: copy from versatile,17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  tweaking comments and setting kernel version to17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  2.6.38-1002-linaro-vexpress.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1461 ubuntu/debian/changelog: Fix path build/config/armel.cfg in debian/changelog.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1462 ubuntu/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Rename vexpress to linaro-vexpress to be consistent with kernel names.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1463 ubuntu/build/config/armel/linaro-vexpress.cfg: Another vexpress -> linaro-vexpress rename.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1464 ubuntu/ (5 files in 4 dirs):17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: * Add linaro-omap netboot target to armel images, copied from versatile;17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  this is useful for all OMAP2+ boards supported in this kernel.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  - build/config/armel.cfg: list linaro-omap.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  - build/config/armel/linaro-{omap.cfg,omap/}: copy from versatile,17:04
CIA-29debian-installer:  tweaking comments and setting kernel version to 2.6.38-1002-linaro-omap.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1465 ubuntu/ (9 files in 6 dirs):17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: Drop disabled imx51 bits and corresponding redboot-tools build-dep; this17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: has been unused for years, allows dropping Debian delta and a build-dep,17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: demoting this build-dep to universe and can be resurrected from history if17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: needs be, albeit i.MX51 support would likely use U-Boot nowadays.17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: lool * r1466 ubuntu/ (build/config/armel.cfg debian/changelog):17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: Disable linaro-omap and linaro-vexpress flavors for now as the kernel17:04
CIA-29debian-installer: packages are needed in main first; see LP #797160.17:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 797160 in linux-linaro-vexpress "[MIR] Please promote linux-linaro-omap and linux-linaro-vexpress to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79716017:04
loolcjwatson: build tested and pushed17:05
lool(but disabled the linaro-omap and linaro-vexpress flavors as the kernels aren't in main)17:16
ogra_lool, just dont break NCommand1r's bits ... he added omap4 support ofver the weekend afaik18:08
loologra_: I didn't since I test-built that18:10
loolI did change one thing, which is the order of the targets18:11
ogra_yeah, no worries18:11
looland it doesn't build with -j2/-j8 but that's another story18:11
ogra_-j8 ?18:11
ogra_on arm HW ?18:11

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