
jjohansenback on later02:04
hypatiahey folks, i'm trying to track down an acpi regression from maverick to natty.  i'm a bit clueless with the ubuntu kernel tree - if i clone the natty repo, will it have all the older maverick stuff too?02:39
twbThe upgrade from 2.6.32-31 to -32 (lucid, x86-64) broke my LXC subsystem.  Containers didn't start at all; IIRC lxc-start(8) failed to mkdir in /var/cgroups (which was mounted).02:57
twbBefore I wade through all the LP notes in the changelog.Debian, anybody know offhand what's going on?02:58
twbUnfortunately I can't give you exact details because the machine in question is mission-critical and I already failed back over to -31 when the issue occured on Sunday.02:58
sconklintwb: first I've heard of it but I would very much like for you to file a bug if you can. Especially if you can do it from a machine with the same hardware running that particular kernel03:01
twbLooks like you disabling CONFIG_NET_NS completely breaks containers with different network ranges.  So, uh, good job.03:01
sconklinNot exactly the way in which we like to overachieve03:02
twbAnd it was done to fix a bloody FTPd.  I hate FTP (http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie).03:03
sconklintwb: if you file bugs (and please do), then please also add the tag "regression-updates"03:03
twbOK, I'm doing that now03:05
twbWhat is the package name to report against?03:06
sconklinfile against linux (the kernel) Even if that's wrong it'll get the logs we need.03:08
sconklinand post the bug number(s) here. I'll check back a little later, I'm in the middle of cooking dinner . . .03:08
twbWill do03:08
twbAm I allowed to set "importance critical" ?03:18
twbToo late, I did03:20
twbWhen malone emails me back, I'll cite the bug number03:22
twbIt hasn't emailed me yet :-///03:42
RAOFYou haven't set the “don't email me for stuff that I do” switch, have you? :)03:43
twbAFAIK I haven't touched that setting03:43
twbI have used the lp web UI long enough to tell it my GPG key, so I can use email like the Goddess intended03:43
lamontupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-32-server03:55
lamontRunning postinst hook script /usr/sbin/update-grub.03:55
lamontGenerating grub.cfg ...03:55
lamont/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: raid5rec is not loaded.03:55
lamontUser postinst hook script [/usr/sbin/update-grub] exited with value 103:55
lamontwhy does the kernel hate this VM so?03:55
twblamont: is the VM using md RAID?03:56
lamontwhy yes, yes it is03:56
lamontmore to the point, halp how make better?03:56
twbI have no idea.  I am so sick of grub that I use syslinux for my (md RAID1 /boot, md RAID5 LVM root) systems now.03:57
twbLast time I used grub2 it didn't support auto-detecting (grub-probe) anything inside the md RAID segment at all, and I had to manually tell it which modules to compile into the MBR.  But that was around 2007.03:58
twbThere is also a #grub which might help03:59
twbsconklin, RAOF: FYI #launchpad are looking into malone boo-boo now.04:04
sconklintwb: sweet, Cascading failures04:05
twbI was going to tell you about an even better one, but I've repressed it and can't remember04:06
sconklintwb: I have to knock off so I can be all fresh and rested and ready to play whack-a-mole with regressions tomorrow. please subscribe me to the bugs when you get them created, or email me the numbers. Or ping me tomorrow during the day central time.04:14
twbWhat's your email address?04:14
twbThanks, I'll email you if I can't subscribe you directly.04:15
twbGood night.04:15
sconklintwb: in PM (although it's not a secret)04:15
sconklinI actually probably signed that kernel that failed04:15
hypatiasconklin: before you go, could you look up at my git question?04:16
hypatiathanks :D04:16
sconklinhypatia: Hi! 04:16
sconklinso - good question04:17
hypatiai've been bugging poor matt garrett about this for 2 weeks04:17
hypatiaand finally pinned it on a kernel regression04:17
hypatiaby which i mean "works in maverick, not natty"04:18
sconklinWe start each new series from whatever the upstream kernel is at the beginning of the cycle. So while it will have a lot of the same history, Maverick (in this case) will have had selective patches applied for fixes and from upstream stable, and so will differ from the new upstream04:18
sconklindo you have an idea which file or subsystem it's in?04:19
sconklin(I'm asking so I can steer you to the right git usage)04:19
hypatiasconklin: it only boots with acpi=off04:19
hypatiathat's about all i've got :/04:20
sconklinoh, that's pretty generic04:20
hypatiahp laptop, insyde bios04:20
hypatiasame deal with hdd or ssd04:20
hypatia10.10 x86 and 64bit both boot fine with acpi on04:20
sconklinI hate to do this to both you and Colin, but cking is absolutely the most knowledgeable person on our team about this sort of thing04:21
hypatiaohsix: for the laptop?04:21
ohsixfor whatever report on it, i've got some stuff with insyde around04:21
sconklinand Colin has been working on a firmware test suite that smokes out a lot of BIOS issues04:21
hypatiasconklin: no skin off my back, i'm happy to learn something new and help out if i can :)04:21
hypatiaohsix: i'll ping you when i file an issue on it tomorrow04:22
hypatiamust do CS homework tonight, was just hoping to get some kernels building :)04:22
sconklinhypatia: there's also a lot of interesting info on Colin's blog04:23
ohsixhave you done any bios updates recently? even if you haven't tried resetting the bios options to the default (fine if you make your changes over after that)04:23
ohsixit's fixed the weirdest stuff on mine; theres a binary option block that can be changed by all sorts of things you can't actually see with the bios setup, but the reset will still reset them all04:24
sconklinok, g'night, gotta fall over now.04:24
hypatiaohsix: i am running the latest bios which is from jan 2011... but it's been modded to remove the pci-e whitelist for wifi cards04:24
hypatiastupid hp consumer crap04:24
hypatiaohsix: i'll give the resetting thing a try04:24
ohsixyou might start looking there since it's modified04:24
* hypatia nods04:24
hypatiai can try reloading the old bios too, i have it somewhere04:25
ohsixi don't like those whitelists either; but they do it for testing w/the fcc from what i understand04:25
hypatiayeah, i kinda think it's bull - like how broadcom etc. used to refuse to make Free drivers on the grounds that they would be modifiable and thus allow the user to get around fcc approvals04:27
twbsconklin: #79699304:27
ohsixbroadcom is kind of special; they have a lot of customers and it's all proprietary stuff, any part of the drivers being opened for some products can compromise their market position too04:29
hypatiaand then my laptop died, because i have no acpi and i forgot i was unplugged04:33
hypatia^^ motivation04:33
cdbsDoes the latest Oneiric kernel work well with the nvidia driver? It seems to not build when it encounters the version number 3.0.004:59
ohsixthe version change is still percolating through just about everything that touched the kernel05:01
ohsixaside from that i don't know :]05:01
cdbsohsix: so it should work well? It failed to build when I tried using the kernel from the mainline ppa 2 weeks ago05:02
ohsixcouldn't say; i don't use it, its probable that there are things other than the version number that are keeping it from being built, binary drivers are like that05:03
* cdbs takes a ball of garbage and throws it on the nVidia banner hanging on the neighbour's house05:05
twbcdbs: ahaha, third-party FTL05:08
ohsixyou could try the nouveau driver :]05:08
twbIt's a pity Intel moved their GPUs from the motherboard to the CPU, because now I can't buy high-end servers with intel GPUs05:08
twb(The on-CPU GPU is only available on low-end CPUs)05:08
cdbsohsix: Nouveau doesn't work with a new GPU released last month :@05:10
cdbsthe disadvantage of buying stuff that's too new05:10
cdbsohsix: btw, it built with the new kernel05:14
cdbsin dkms, of course05:14
cdbsbut that's maybe because I'm using xorg-edgers?05:14
ohsixmaybe, it tends to get updates for new stuff pretty quick05:15
twbITYM the disadvantage of buying hw from a FOSS-hostile vendor05:24
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* apw yawns07:59
* smb joins yawning08:32
bjfsmb, moin08:57
smbbjf, Morning visitor08:58
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting09:00
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting09:00
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting09:01
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting09:01
GrueMastersconklin: Yes, assign all linux-mvl-dove, linux-fsl-imx51, linux-ti-omap4 to me, or rather my new team, ubuntu-armel-qa.09:03
smbbjf, Wow a very early early warning...09:07
* apw watches the load on people hit 30, i suspect its underpowered09:42
* smb tries to parse above sentence and fails...09:43
apwpeople.c.c machine load09:43
apwlong term load ave >1509:43
smbNow it makes sense09:43
smbI was just not prepared to look at people as the machine, but as people... :)09:44
amitkdoesn't pitti run scripts there?09:49
apweveryone and his dog does, which is why its cying in the corner09:56
smbapw, May I point you to another mail in my watch list? "Re: problems on CAN bitrate" This is about a config option that is apparently needed for that driver, which is not experimental, and still disabled in Oneiric.10:32
AnAntHello, is there a utility (like PCITree for windows www.pcitree.de), that would allow me to set configuration registers of a PCI device ?10:43
AnAntpciutils !10:45
AnAntsorry for the noise10:45
bjfapw, the flavours page has nothing for oneiric11:12
bjfogasawara: apw, bugs with two digit problems are tagged "kernel-3.0"13:07
apwbjf awsome13:11
apwogasawara, about ?13:11
apwogasawara, i am thinking i'd push a config change and wanted to make sure you not rebasing atm13:11
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apwogasawara, ok all done13:26
apwsmb, changed13:26
smbapw, CAN_BITRATE?13:27
apwsmb, yep13:27
apwsmb, email in your inbox13:27
smbapw, Cool thanks. Well hopefully through mailing list. :) They had been querying about earlier releases too, but as they lack any response they seem not have that problem urgently enough13:28
brendandsomeone just raised a bug against 3.0.0 kernel, should it be Invalid?13:29
bjfbrendand, bug #?13:30
brendandbjf - i was asking more in principle, but it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/79714113:30
ubot2Ubuntu bug 797141 in ubuntu "Can't mount NFS shares under kernel 3.0.0" [Undecided,New]13:30
bjfbrendand, they are valid13:31
brendandbjf - okay13:31
hypatiahey folks, any advice on doing a bisect between maverick and natty kernels? i have them both checked out14:00
hypatiathe bug was introduced somewhere after Linux butler 2.6.37-020637rc2-generic #201011160905 SMP Tue Nov 16 09:08:47 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:00
apwhypatia, if the problem is exposed in the mainline builds as well i would use those to narrow it down14:46
hypatiai'm bisecting from Ubuntu-2.6.36-0.114:48
hypatiacompiling right now, woot14:48
* hypatia hasn't built a kernel in a dog's age14:48
apwbrendand, if you find any could you add kernel-3.0 as a tag please, so we can monitor them 14:49
brendandapw - will do14:50
apwhypatia, all the uploads we ever did are available in the launchpad librarian14:50
sconklinhypatia: the reason apw is suggesting that is because the mainline builds have a more linear history, and are easier to bisect, or at least to narrow it down to two adjacent versions.14:52
apwand because the all exist in one place14:52
* ogasawara back in 2014:53
cking_apw, I've completely forgotten the rune to build a kernel .ddeb  - what is it again?14:56
hypatiaapw: oh nifty, thanks14:57
smbcking_, I believe you look for fdr skipdbg=false <target>14:58
apwyou need to have full_build=true 14:58
apwor skipdbg=false ...14:58
smboops, even more options... 14:59
cking_ah - thanks, I used the latter last time and couldn't recall it today14:59
cking_smb, more?14:59
=== cking_ is now known as cking
smbcking, I forgot/did not remember full_build15:00
ckingso many ways to skin a cat 15:00
* smb tried so say there are even more options to do the same15:00
sconklinapw: do we have a wiki page describing lts backport kernels, why they exist, and how to apply them?15:01
apwsconklin, i am not sure we have that ... let me looks15:02
hypatiaapw: any suggestions on how to use launchpad librarian? i've not used it before15:18
apwhypatia, you can find all the versions ever here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+publishinghistory15:19
hypatiaoh rock on15:19
apwclick through for the binaries15:19
ogasawarabjf: I'm only seeing one bug tagged kernel-3.0, does that match what you're seeing?15:21
hypatiawill have to wait til i get to school and off of spotty 3G15:26
bjfogasawara: yes, it was the first15:36
ogasawarabjf: ok cool.  didn't know if you had some crazy script parsing logs to auto-tag in which I would expect to see more bugs15:37
bjfogasawara: finger script15:38
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YoBoYsince I'm using 11.04 on my laptop, my computer freezes sometimes when it's going to the screensaver and when it's doing that, i can only reboot or restart gdm. Do you know how I can fix that ? it's really annoying to have to restart my computer each time i want to make a break :]16:24
aboganiYoBoY: Are you using one of the closed video drivers?16:27
YoBoYabogani: no16:27
aboganiYoBoY: What video driver are you using?16:28
YoBoYI have an intel chipset, I think it's the i91516:29
aboganiYoBoY: Ok try to disabling effects (at GDM login time on Session widget)16:30
bjf## Kernel team meeting today @ 17:00 UTC16:30
YoBoY(my laptop have an hybrid graphic cards intel+nvidia, currently using the intel graphic card)16:30
YoBoYabogani: starting with a classic desktop ?16:31
YoBoYabogani: done... I have to wait now ^^"16:32
aboganiYoBoY: good luck16:32
bjfogasawara: i think the meeting is yours :-)16:34
ogasawarabjf: ok cool16:34
* ogasawara stares at -rc3 build.log and wonders why PERF_VERSION is not getting set properly now16:41
apwogasawara, what is it getting set to17:09
apwthere were changes in -rc3 which changed that versioning17:09
apwie. how it propogates down17:09
apwit was lone of the first commits puled in since the previous -rc17:10
ogasawaraapw: I flipped on some debugging, lemme pastebin17:10
ogasawaraapw: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/626658/17:10
apwogasawara, so perf-version looks ok in your output doesn't it17:12
chadhoggfollowing a suggestion I got here yesterday, I am attempting to perform a kernel bisection to further debug bug 79343717:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 793437 in linux "Unusable Slowness In 2.6.38-8" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79343717:13
apwPERF-VERSION-FILE:2: *** missing separator.  Stop.17:13
apwogasawara, that is a Make error right ?17:13
ogasawaraapw: yep17:13
apwis the branch pushed ?17:14
ogasawaraapw: not yet, lemme push17:14
apwanywhere is fine17:14
chadhoggI know that my bug is not present in the stock 2.6.35-28 kernel that is current in maverick, but I am having through figuring out how to turn that into a tag from which to perform bisection17:14
ogasawaraapw: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ogasawara/ubuntu-oneiric.git master-next17:16
apwogasawara, oh i think i see whats broken there17:22
apwogasawara, its assuming its within the kernel tree to allow it to work out the kernel version ... 17:22
apwwhich it isn't ... let me poke at it for a sec ?17:22
ogasawaraapw: sure17:22
apwogasawara, ok so i think for now revert this one: 5d61b9fd19d9f3cf653dbba615876e7792eea5ea17:26
apwand see if that sorts you out for now, and i'll see what i can do to sort it out17:26
ogasawaraapw: ack, /me tests17:26
ogasawaraapw: cool, working now17:32
db260179Has the discussions ended?17:42
db260179Is the Power usage still an issue? Is it been looked into?17:45
pmatulisa lucid uname gives me: 2.6.32-24-jump1.01   -   does it look familiar to someone?17:48
jjohansendb260179: yes it is still an issue.  There has been a patch that reduces the problem but it isn't entirely solved yet17:48
smbpmatulis, Looks like a self compiled kernel (you can place a lot there)17:48
db260179jjohansen: Thanks for the reply. What is causing the issue?17:50
jjohansendb260179: if we knew that for sure it we be fixed17:50
jjohansendb260179: though it isn't just a single patch, it seems to be an interaction of at least 2 making it much harder to track down17:51
tseliotapw: do you know what I can use instead of (un)lock_kernel using Linux 3.0?17:52
apwtseliot, add a driver specific mutex17:53
tseliotapw: the main problem is that I'm dealing with fglrx17:55
apwtseliot, hee17:55
apwtseliot, make lock/unlock take a my_bkl_replacement mutex ?17:56
apwtseliot, and pray it only wants to exclude itself17:56
tseliotapw: right, but I was wondering what the replacement could be17:56
apwtseliot, there is nothing, its gone17:57
apweveyrthing was converted to driver specific mutexes17:57
tseliotapw: oh, so are you suggesting that I point that to an empty function?17:58
apwtseliot, no make a new 'global' mutext called 'ati_lock' and make lock/unlock_kernel take and release it and hope its enough17:58
ogasawara## Meeting starting now - #ubuntu-meeting18:00
ogasawara##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
apwas in make local functions called that18:00
tseliotapw: ok, thanks18:00
jjohansentseliot: if it isn't you could look at the most recent patches to remove the bkl, and try taking a subset of those locks18:01
tseliotjjohansen: yes, I saw that some drivers now use lock_sock() but it won't work in my case. I'll keep looking18:02
jjohansentseliot: right, but there may be some other lock, or small set of locks that will18:03
tseliotjjohansen: from a quick search I've noticed that other drivers are simply using mutex_unlock()18:04
jjohansenogasawara: patch review done, basically keep all the patches.  Though the AA patches are going to get an update, but that will happen when I finish up and get the pull request together.  I'll update the wi18:04
ogasawarajjohansen: ack, thanks18:05
=== jburkholder1 is now known as jburkholder
tseliotapw, jjohansen: using a mutex seems to work here. I even got Unity to work :) . Thanks for your help19:12
jjohansentseliot: I'm not surprised it works at some level, its whether it has some odd failures when interacting with the console, suspend, etc, that are worrisome19:14
jjohansentseliot: none the less, its good to hear you are having success19:14
tseliotjjohansen: yes, but it should be better than having no working driver at all (when there's no alternative) in oneiric19:15
jjohansentseliot: indeed :)19:15
tseliothopefully AMD will work on a proper fix soon19:15
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skaetbjf, sconklin - can you paste me the link to the calendar you're using to track SRU spins?20:45
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chadhoggfollowing advice from diwic, I've spent all day bisecting the ubuntu-natty kernel to debug 793437, and feel that I have accomplished extremely little23:48
chadhogg(the last 6 revisions that I have tried all failed to build, for a variety of reasons)23:48
chadhoggwhat is the likelihood that continuing with this is just a waste of my time?23:48

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