
Zinn[www.pcmediacenter.com.au] Mythtv recordings downloaded onto your iphone/ipod touch via wifi - Australian Media Center Community01:25
rileypAm I doing it the hard way?01:25
tgm4883rileyp, yes01:44
tgm4883!mythexport | rileyp01:45
ZinnSorry I don't know about mythexport01:45
Zinn[www.mythbuntu.org] MythExport | Mythbuntu01:45
rileyptgm mythexport isnt much fun01:45
rileyptgm4883,  mythexport isnt much fun from my experince with it01:45
rileyptgm4883,  Last time i wnet to use it I needed a degree in ffmpeg command line swicthes01:46
rileypAs the ones mythexpert were trying to use did not produce a vaild mp4 I could play on my ipod or pc for that matter01:47
tgm4883rileyp, did a bug?01:50
tgm4883did you report* a bug01:50
rileyptgm4883,  this was last year when i tried to use it and I gave up on it01:51
tgm4883rileyp, so you didn't report a bug then?01:51
rileypno so balme me01:51
rileypblame me :D01:52
rileypIt may well be fixed01:52
tgm4883consider yourself blamed01:52
tgm4883rhpot1991, ping01:52
rileypI could probably use mythexport and handbrake cli together to produce the files01:53
tgm4883why would you use both?01:53
rileypwell edit the command in mythexport to use handbrake cli rather than  ffmpeg01:54
tgm4883I suppose. IIRC there are iDevice presets01:54
rileypyes and tehy were not working after an update to ffmpeg01:55
rileyplast year01:55
rileypDont know current status01:55
rileyprhpot1991 new about it01:56
tgm4883he should01:56
tgm4883he is the mythexport dev01:56
rileyphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1464306 and I got no response from him01:57
tgm4883and you followed the instructions to remove liblamemp3?01:58
rileypWhere in the mythexport package does it inform you to remove  liblamemp302:00
Zinn[www.mythbuntu.org] MythExport | Mythbuntu02:00
rileyptgm mythexport doest download over wifi to ipod? only stream live ?02:10
rileyptgm4883,  mythexport cannot download over wifi to ipod can it?02:11
tgm4883I don't see why it can't02:12
tgm4883I personally don't use it, but IIRC it transcodes the video and puts it in an RSS feed02:12
tgm4883so you would just need to have your device download via the rss feed02:13
rileypBut an Ipod con only down load rss feeds that are authenticated my the .mac website meaning I need ot open my firewall so that my rss server can comminicate with apples so that my feeds are legitimate for itunes02:16
rileypwhcih means I cant dl them to ipod hence my method02:17
tgm4883rileyp, wow02:18
tgm4883that seems.....02:18
* tgm4883 comments that you should get a device that isn't so locked down02:19
rileypUnless I plug in and use itunes and dl via itunes on my pc  and then to ipod sync....yes it is ludicris02:21
rhpot1991!stab apple02:21
rileypI didnt buy the ipod touch I was given it for my birthday....02:21
* Zinn stabs apple with a rusty spork.02:21
rhpot1991do I need to read up?02:21
tgm4883rhpot1991, it was a question on getting shows transcoded and to the ipod02:22
tgm4883rhpot1991, I pointed at http://www.mythbuntu.org/wiki/MythExport02:22
Zinn[www.mythbuntu.org] MythExport | Mythbuntu02:23
tgm4883is that the right page02:23
rhpot1991the current configs should play nice for ipods too02:23
rileypI'll link you hang on on the methodology that I was suggested to do .... http://code.google.com/p/mythpodcaster/issues/detail?id=28#c1402:24
Zinn[code.google.com] Issue 28 - mythpodcaster - Where could I get some help installing and getting it working? A deb package for ubuntu users would be sweet! - Transcoder & RSS Publisher for MythTV Recordings - Google Project Hosting02:24
rileypSo in order to download vi wifi to my ipod into itunes I need a degree in networking....02:26
rileypUnless I do something like I have02:27
rhpot1991that sounds like for the outside world02:27
rhpot1991and not just from inside02:27
rhpot1991any reason you can't use a local ip on the inside?02:27
rileypNo the rss feeds needs to be authenticated by the .mac website else you get a mac reader error webpage on ipod02:30
tgm4883in other words, chairman steve wants to know what you are listening to02:30
rileypI can open and play them live no problem but they cannot be dl for latter use in itunes without the authoring bulls#!@02:32
rileyptgm4883 I think its about reconfiguring the webpage so its ipod pretty02:33
rileypBut a hole in boot just the same02:33
rhpot1991rileyp: thats not correct, you can do non .mac rss feeds in itunes for sure02:35
rhpot1991unless you are talking some on ipod itunes crap02:35
rileyprhpot1991 Did you read this http://code.google.com/p/mythpodcaster/issues/detail?id=28#c1402:37
Zinn[code.google.com] Issue 28 - mythpodcaster - Where could I get some help installing and getting it working? A deb package for ubuntu users would be sweet! - Transcoder & RSS Publisher for MythTV Recordings - Google Project Hosting02:37
rileypIf I wish to download a recording I need to open the port for mac to say its all good to my ipod else I get the error page02:39
rhpot1991rileyp: I don't have any device capable of testing that so I'm not really sure I can help much03:28
rhpot1991rileyp: also the link you pasted said they are using dyndns, thats not .mac junk03:29
rhpot1991someone with an iphone is telling me that is definitely not the case03:30
rileyprhpot1991,  you can put video into itunes on your pc and then sync by plugging in your iphone or ipod this will put the files into itunes so you can watch them away from home03:56
rileyprhpot1991, rileyp: also the link you pasted said they are using dyndns, thats not .mac junk  They are only using dydns to resolve their non static ip wan address from my understanding03:58
rhpot1991yes, but that contradicts your statements that it has to be from a .mac address04:14
rhpot1991rileyp: I'd recommend either using itunes on a pc then syncing it (if you don't want it open)04:15
rhpot1991or open up your router and then use dydns or similar so you can hit the rss from away from home04:15
rileypI tried but couldnt get it to work and I know how to port forward.04:28
qwebirc3877Hi, I have tried to set up the option in Mythbuntu Control Centre > Infrared> Use Android if iOS phone as a remote.  This lets me click the radio button option though when I click "Apply" it states in a popup No Changes Found.  Restarted also and no different.  I am using 11.04.  Can anyone suggest what I can do next?  Cheers, Mike14:20
qwebirc3877CLosing MCC and reopening shows the default No Additional Remote ... option still selected14:21
rileypqwebirc3877,  you need to allow access to the mysql database15:04
rileypqwebirc3877, http://www.squidoo.com/mythtv-ipod-remote   enabling network interface15:09
Zinn[www.squidoo.com] MythTV iPhone Remote15:09
tgm4883err, enabling the network mysql interface is different than accepting remote control commands via the network16:08
tgm4883but you left16:08
sabhainwhere is the setting to disable numeric inputs into the guide (makes the number pad do navigation instead)?18:04
tgm4883err, edit keys?18:11
tgm4883I don't think there is a checkbox solution for that18:11
rhpot1991I've never seen one, then again I haven't looked for it either18:15
sabhainin whatever I had running under 8.04 .. you could use the number keys as a navigation pad in the program guide.19:25
sabhain3 and 9 were page up and page down, 6 was to change to program finder from the guide or vice versa ..19:25
sabhain1 and 7 changed days .. and the others all did something else, like invert the guide order .. etc.19:29
sabhainbut if I remember, there was a tick box in a settings page that enabled "enter channel numbers in the guide" .. or something like that.  When it was checked, you could jump channels in the guide by punching in the numbers.  Otherwise, it would do the nav thing.19:30
tom___how do I reset the mythbackend ports; I was stupid enough to change them to 3306 which collides with MySQL but if I stop Mysql service then MythTV cannot connect to MySQL HELP!!!!23:07
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].23:10

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