
kirklandSpamapS: around?01:15
SpamapSkirkland: here now, whats up?01:31
kirklandSpamapS: hey man, working on my formula01:31
kirklandSpamapS: i was wondering if I could build straight off of any of the php caching/acceletors01:32
kirklandSpamapS: i mean, wondering if you had formulae for any of that yet01:32
SpamapSyou mean like apc?01:35
SpamapSAnything that happens on one box is mostly handled by packaging policy already.. just throw it into an apt-get line and you're probably done.01:36
kirklandSpamapS: yeah, that's what i was going to do, unless there was a more ensemble-like way of handling it01:37
SpamapSno, thats sort of one of my favorite things actually. :)01:38
SpamapSAll the hard work people have done to make things work on one box really makes formulas *dead* easy to write.01:38
SpamapSI do feel that we should make more use of debconf when possible.01:39
kirklandSpamapS: cool01:44
kirklandSpamapS: looking at the wordpress start script, it's empty01:52
kirklandSpamapS: but the wordpress stop script stops apache01:52
kirklandSpamapS: sup with that?01:53
SpamapSkirkland: stop just gets run when you're destroying the service unit..01:53
SpamapSkirkland: start gets run directly after install, and , IMO, is useless.01:53
kirklandSpamapS: okay, so i should just dupe wordpress' behavior?01:53
SpamapSkirkland: so stop is useful in helping to not show a half-dead service.01:54
kirklandSpamapS: cool01:54
kirklandSpamapS: one more thing, sort of an aside...01:54
kirklandSpamapS: IP=`ifconfig  | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'|head -n 1`01:54
SpamapSkirkland: the only diff is, you can have yours up and running as soon as install happens.. you don't have any hard external deps, right?01:54
kirklandSpamapS: correct01:54
kirklandSpamapS:  i know of at least 7 different places in Ubuntu where we make that sort of determination in various different ways01:55
kirklandSpamapS: I'm thinking we should get one good implementation of that function into a base Ubuntu package (or a new package in the default seed)01:55
SpamapSkirkland: Inoright? ;)  I am working on pulling that into a "machine info" set of tools until ensemble grows what I want in that area.01:55
kirklandSpamapS: what does Inoright mean?01:56
SpamapSkirkland: ideally the machine provider will provide that, and other things like external IP/hostname and instance ids that can be used agnostic of EC2 in formulas.01:56
SpamapSkirkland: Heh.. I-know-right .. but in 4chan / lolcats speak ;)01:56
kirklandSpamapS: hah01:56
SpamapSicanhas laugh? ohai01:57
kirklandSpamapS: :-)01:57
kirklandSpamapS: so i know of that same assignment (by different pipes) in at least eucalyptus, byobu, cobbler, orchestra, and your formulas01:57
SpamapSkirkland: Teyo was suggesting that we start a "machine information" utility that would be useful for puppet too.01:59
kirklandSpamapS: facter?01:59
SpamapSI thought thats what facter was. ;)01:59
* SpamapS installs now ;)01:59
SpamapSkirkland: yeah, wtf, why don't we just use facter?02:00
kirklandSpamapS: $ time facter ipaddress_wlan002:01
kirklandreal    0m0.837s02:01
kirklandSpamapS: that's one reason (speed)02:01
kirklandSpamapS: though in some cases, that might not matter02:01
SpamapSyeah, spin up ruby, spin up ifconfig..02:01
kirklandSpamapS: more importantly, we need to know *which* ip address to choose02:02
kirklandSpamapS: i've done a lot of work on trying to logically guess that correctly in eucalyptus and byobu02:02
kirklandSpamapS: interface=$(awk 'END {print $1}' /proc/net/route)02:03
kirklandSpamapS: ipaddr=$(LC_ALL=C /sbin/ip -4 addr list dev "$interface" scope global)02:03
SpamapSin ensemble's case, we actually have a good chance at guessing02:03
SpamapSsince we can potentially just have them shove *all* of the ips in, and say "pick the best route"02:04
kirklandSpamapS: right02:04
SpamapSbut thats ... complicated stil02:04
SpamapSwow.. facter started 109 processes to tell me the ip02:04
SpamapSso yeah, just starting over on that isn't a bad idea02:06
SpamapSanyway, my train arrives in 9 minutes.. will have to pick this back up tomorrow. Good luck!02:06
kirklandSpamapS: k02:06
kirklandSpamapS: fyi, ifconfig  | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'|head -n 1 is WRONG on my laptop here02:06
kirklandSpamapS: it picks my tap0 interface, for my vpn ip02:07
SpamapSkirkland: laptops are *evil* ;)02:07
kirklandSpamapS: hah02:07
* SpamapS disappears02:08
twbkirkland: ow02:08
twbkirkland: "ip --oneline address"02:08
twbIf you must awk, awk that instead of ifconfig02:09
kirklandtwb: agreed, i'm advocating against ifconfig for this02:09
kirklandtwb: the method I prefer is in the guts of http://paste.ubuntu.com/626255/02:10
twbLC_ALL=C good idea, I forgot02:11
twbWhat do you do if there is >1 iface?02:11
twbOh, you're using the default route?02:11
twbGood idea02:12
twbI was just doing head -1 :-)02:12
Datz_Hi, I just performed some updates on my server. But when I restart, it shows that the same updates are still available. I tried to update and upgrade again, but there are no newer updates available02:33
Datz_This is what I get when I log in via ssh: http://pastebin.com/k1rgAM1x02:33
Datz_it would seem that the old welcome screen is still present02:35
Datz_after a new one has been printed first02:35
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CoreyDatz: Is that populated out of /etc/motd?02:41
CoreyMight take a look there.02:41
twbDatz: :>/etc/motd.tail02:51
twbDatz: I don't know why that fixes it, but it does02:51
twbSo.... something in the upgrade from 2.6.32-31 to -32 broke my system.02:53
Datzhumm, thanks02:55
Datztwb: so I should just delete /etc/motd.tail?02:56
twbSpecifically my LXC chroots didn't start... IIRC mkdir /var/cgroups/foo failed.02:56
twbDatz: no, you should run what I told you02:56
DatzI wasn't familar with that02:56
Datzworked great, thanks twb02:57
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zuljamespage: libpam4j got rejected fyi03:33
twbWhat does java use currently instead of pam? eap?03:35
Lobo29Just installed 10.04 on  a server, how can i add gnome desktop ?04:13
CoreyLobo29: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:13
Lobo29Cory; i get -  E: Invalid operation ubuntu-desktop,  tried it with sudo also04:15
Lobo29Doh, My bad  :(04:16
sparticusLobo29: are you sure you typed apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:16
ScottKAlso once you've done that's it's not supported here anymore.  Support is in #ubuntu.04:16
Lobo29just getting to late for me, i left out "install"   should go get sleep04:18
Lobo29yikes, 10 mins to install, i will be asleep by the time its done,  TY tho04:20
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aroonimy ubuntu server hard drive space (25G) is now completely full.  how do i track down the culprit (I think its likely logs)05:59
twbarooni: du -hx / | sort -hr | less06:01
twbIf logrotate is working the log space (/var/log) should be negligible06:01
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dougbcan anyone recommend a good cpanel alternative?06:19
aroonihow do i change the time zone of the server to pst?06:21
twbdougb: no06:21
twbdougb: I can recommend CRAP alternatives06:21
aroonidpkg-reconfigure tzdata06:21
aroonigot it!Q06:21
twbdougb: puppet (or perhaps cfengine or chef) are the right way to manage sites.06:22
twbdougb: if you want a wanktackular web interface, you can use ebox or Canonical's proprietary "landscape" solution.  There is also webmin, which we emphatically discourage.06:22
dougbok thanks twb, have you heard of ispconfig before?06:23
twbBut really, if you need a UI to administer your system, you are screwed.06:24
twbYou're better off investing time in learning than in trying to deploy a web UI06:25
dougbi have been administrating everything through SSH06:27
dougbbut I just want to learn and see what is out there06:27
twbFair enough06:28
WinstonSmithwhy do you discourage wbmin?06:29
WinstonSmitherr webmin even06:29
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.06:30
twb15:31 <dpkg> Webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix.  Check it out at http://webmin.com/  Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."  Removed from Debian post-Sarge, see http://bugs.debian.org/343897 .  The Debian package from webmin.com is of poor quality.  See <f06:31
twbree whcp> for alternatives.06:31
WinstonSmithare you referring to upstart?06:31
twbwebmin modules have a tendency to completely rewrite config files, e.g. deleting all comments in them06:31
twbwebmin will also overwrite itself with newer versions -- even if it was originally installed from their checkinstall .deb06:32
twbWhich, incidentally, has three critical errors and over a hundred non-critical errors, last time I looked.  That's errors that a script (lintian) can find -- a human would have bigger issues with it.06:32
WinstonSmithi do not consider the update function a bug, its a feature. the comment overwriting is bad though IF you're not aware of it06:33
twbSome webmin modules also have problems if a human edits a config file directly after webmin has edited it.06:33
WinstonSmithbut its still the best wanktackular web interface IMHO06:33
twbThat may well be the case06:34
WinstonSmithebox is really crap. failed 2 times while installing on a testserver had to remove by hand06:34
twbI think it's like IDE emulators for Emacs -- anyone that knows enough to write one, knows enough not to need an IDE06:34
WinstonSmithtrue that06:34
twbThe same applies to "WHCP"s, at dpkg calls them06:34
twbSo you only get ones written by utter idiots06:35
twbWhat I wanted to do last time this came up, was to write a python-based web UI that read and wrote puppet manifests (pretend puppet manifests are JSON for a minute).06:35
WinstonSmithok thanks for the info. could you suggest a good iptables tutorial?06:35
twbUnfortunately I couldn't get funding from $boss06:35
twbWinstonSmith: #netfilter for that.06:36
twbWinstonSmith: follow  the /topic link to "towards a better ruleset".06:36
* WinstonSmith is a perl lover06:36
twbWinstonSmith: you can also see my example http://cyber.com.au/~twb/doc/iptab06:36
WinstonSmithtwb: thanks & have a very nice day :)06:36
twbOh, I don't *like* python.  I've given up fighting to keep it off my systems, tho :-(06:37
WinstonSmithheh me <3 rants06:38
kirklandSpamapS: lp:~kirkland/+junk/principia-pictor and lp:~kirkland/+junk/principia-musica06:40
kirklandSpamapS: pretty trivial, really06:40
WinstonSmithhahahaha i also got *@!? with the bloody vmware browser based console. switched to vbox never looked back06:43
twbWinstonSmith: vmware-server 2?06:43
twbWinstonSmith: note that vmware-server is vmware's "toy" product, it is to ESXi as MS Access is to MSSQL.  You're not supposed to actually USE it for anything serious.06:44
WinstonSmithtwb: dont remember the ver. tbh. was like ~4 years ago06:44
WinstonSmithtwb: i am also a "toy" admin for my server & the servers of a couple of friends and clients ;)06:44
twbOf course, I would strongly recommend kvm and libvirt instead, because vbox is owned by oracle, and they are an "enemy of your freedom" (as RMS would say)06:44
WinstonSmithyes oracle bad. but now i have over 15 installed VMs. and i dread the work of switching to another infrastructure06:45
* WinstonSmith is lazy06:45
twbIt is not that hard, at least if the guests are linux06:46
WinstonSmithabout half of them06:46
WinstonSmithbut i am following the kvm discussion. it looks rather nice. maybe one of these days i try that out06:47
WinstonSmithhahah and a RH rant too!06:47
* WinstonSmith chuckles06:47
twbIt's especially better if you have server guests on a server host.06:47
twbvbox caters more for the desktop-in-desktop market06:48
WinstonSmithahhh ok06:48
WinstonSmithbut i have a couple of headless VMs running in vbox06:48
twbLike "I have linux but I need to run <stupid .exe>"06:48
WinstonSmiththere is wine for that06:48
WinstonSmithmoar wine!06:48
* greppy used vbox to run winxp to be able to get audible.com content onto his iPod06:48
twbgreppy: heh, the oldest mail in my mail archive is me asking them for documentation on their proprietary encoding06:49
greppyI ping them every couple of months and ask for linux support :)06:50
* WinstonSmith uses vbox at clients who bought a 4000€ scanner and got a*al-raped by the manufacturer who just said: what drivers for vista/win7? nooo but we have this nice new machine that you can buy06:50
greppyfor now I have been loving the android app06:50
twbI don't want them to release binaries, I want them to document their codec06:50
greppydepending on how the DRM is applied, releasing that info could circumvent it.06:51
twbproprietary software on linux is even more of a pain than same on windows or OS X, because on linux you have a heterogeneous base system06:51
twbgreppy: not my problem if their crypto is badly designed :P06:51
greppyDRM != crypto :)06:51
twbDRM relies on crypto06:51
twbSony and friends all failed because they don't understand how to do crypto06:51
WinstonSmithsure but <greppy> depending on how the DRM is applied06:52
twbI should say: "DRM is a specific application of cryptography"06:52
WinstonSmithDRM is crypto applied by the devil ;)06:52
twbA TPM, for example, is fundamentally just a ROM with shared secrets baked into it06:53
greppywell, sony also failed because they put intentionally broken images onto disks to cause copy software to freak, oh and put a rootkit on an audio cd :(06:53
twbgreppy: different case,  I was talking PS306:53
greppyI have a ps1 that hasn't even been powered on in a year.06:53
WinstonSmithgreppy: but they got their karma for the rootkit hehe06:53
greppybefore that my only console was an originaly NES06:53
WinstonSmithanyway nice chatting with you guys i am off06:55
* WinstonSmith goes away to learn more about iptables06:56
twbThe game industry needs someone to save them from all that proprietary middleware :-(06:56
dougbdoes anyone know if there is a linode IRC chat?07:02
LinSkyratesomeone know why i get java error3 when opening my site? (apache2 + Ubuntu 8.04) can it be a FW issue? port problem?07:03
dougbyou were right twb, i should have never installed a control panel :-p07:03
LinSkyratewhere are the file i have to change to do a do-release-upgrade07:30
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:31
twbLinSkyrate: I don't think there's anything07:31
twbLinSkyrate: obviously there is if you're bypassing dru to do it by hand07:32
LinSkyrateoki.. found it /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades07:38
CppIsWeirdi have a ubuntu-server hdd that i moved from one box to a completely new setup, and now it doesn't have an eth0 anymore. is there some command i need to run or something i need to do to get it to detect the new ethernet?08:00
LinSkyratehmm.. cant get vmware server to work proper..08:04
LinSkyratedont get login prompt in web08:05
twbLinSkyrate: sorry, not our problem.  There is a #vmware08:05
twbThey are more into ESXi than vmware-server, tho08:06
twbCppIsWeird: edit (or delete) /etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent-net.rules, then reboot.  ifaces will be renumbered from zero.  DO NOT delete the nearby net "generator" file.08:07
CppIsWeirdok, thanks :D, i was just reading about the persistent-net file. :P08:07
CppIsWeirdyour solution was much simpler :P08:07
twbCppIsWeird: I know aaaaaall about that one :-/08:08
CppIsWeirdhmm, doesnt seem to have solved anything. i rebooted and it created a new one, but no new ethernet interfaces. would any supported ethernet interfaces show up under ifconfig regardless?08:14
twbOh, sorry, I thought you had an eth1 but no eth008:15
twbYou're saying you have two physical interfaces, and only one is listed by "ip a" ?08:15
CppIsWeirdok, under ip a, eth2 shows up. not under ifconfig. and no, not two adapters, i moved the hdd from one system to a newer completely different system.08:20
CppIsWeirdwell i got eth2 up and working08:23
twbifconfig is legacy crap, don't use it08:29
twbIt would be better to have only "eth0", but if you're happy to go rename stuff in /etc/network/interfaces and so on, you can have just eth208:30
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CppIsWeirdim trying to get my gpu's temp over ssh, i found this http://superuser.com/questions/234828/ati-temperature-monitoring but when i use it i get invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key09:25
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ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:48
e-DIO-thttp://paste.ubuntu.com/626430/ << any idea?!09:52
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uvirtbotNew bug: #797111 in amavisd-new (main) "package amavisd-new-postfix 1:2.6.5-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79711111:06
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_johnnyhi. anyone know a thing or two about ircd's? specifically i'm wondering which encoding i'm suppose to use when pushing text to the users (i'm writing an ircd). anyone have an idea? :)13:09
_johnnythe rfc doesn't seem to advocate, recommend or force any13:10
WinstonSmith_johnny: i think there is no spec. but why not ask in #freenode?13:12
_johnnyWinstonSmith: i've gotten good responses in here, and it's the only place i could think of to ask such a question. is #freenode not a helpchan for freenode itself?13:14
_johnnyand right. and i could just relay the msg as it comes in from (a) user, but i'm just not sure if that's a "good" way to go, as one user may use utf8, and another latin1 or something. ultimately it should be a client problem, i was just wondering if maybe there was an obvious answer ;)13:15
WinstonSmith_johnny: i did not mean to bugger off :), and yes there be gurus here. i am also not sure about #freenode, but i know that they have staff who know about irc from the inside13:15
_johnnygood point. thanks :)13:15
WinstonSmith_johnny: i just remember a discussion we had in #perl not long ago about irc clients and if i remember correctly there is no clear definition of anything in irc13:16
_johnnyWinstonSmith: in case you/anyone wonders, the answer was simply to pass it along :)13:22
WinstonSmith_johnny: heh there you got it :D where did you get the answer?13:22
pcperiniso, i have no idea where to go to ask this, but here goes: i have several computers on a LAN that i'd like to access via various services (http, ssh, etc.), that oftentimes overlap with one another (thus ruling out static port forwarding). is there some way i can specify the internal address of my desired location? something like>
tyrezais there any area to learn about hardware with linux ?13:56
BilgeWhat's the file that generates the /etc/motd because I'm getting a double MOTD for a while now13:57
greppyBilge: delete /etc/motd.tail14:01
ironicumshouldn't allow the entry "%sudo   ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/synaptic" in /etc/sudoers users of the group "sudo" to start synaptic without password? it still asks everytime for one14:06
lynxmanping zul14:07
Bilgegreppy: that's what I needed, but how did I end up with that tail in the first place?14:14
greppyBilge: a bug in the code that updates the motd, I've run into it a few times.14:15
greppyI know how to "fix" it but not what causes it :)14:15
BilgeOK :314:22
sommermorning internets14:25
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uvirtbotNew bug: #797196 in setserial (main) "package setserial 2.17-45.3ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79719614:56
quesoI have a 10.04 server with a cron job for user root that doesn't appear to be running.  Two questions: Does root's cron jobs log to /var/log/syslog?  Does this bug <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cron/+bug/118168> still affect lucid?  (because root's crontab does not include a newline at the end)  I just want to be sure making this change will enable the jobs to run.15:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 118168 in cron "Crontab accepts files with no newline before EOL/EOF. Cron ignores file" [Medium,Fix released]15:22
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kirklandSpamapS: howdy15:57
ironicumshouldn't the entry "%sudo   ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/synaptic" in /etc/sudoers allow users of the group "sudo" to start synaptic without password? it still asks for one everytime i launch it15:57
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ruben23hi guys i tried to do start on iptables but i get this error only----> /etc/init.d/iptables start -> -bash: /etc/init.d/iptables: No such file or directory16:11
kirklandRoAkSoAx: got my PDU today :-)16:12
RoAkSoAxkirkland: cool!! Which one is it?16:13
RoAkSoAxkirkland: 5px?16:13
kirklandRoAkSoAx: haven't opened it yet, but the box is bigger than I am :-)16:13
RoAkSoAxkirkland: hahahaha yeah I almost break my back trying to open/install it xD16:14
lynxmanping slangasek16:14
SpamapSkirkland: here now, haven't had a chance to look at your formula quiet yet.16:34
SpamapSquite even16:34
kirklandSpamapS: no problem16:34
kirklandSpamapS: i have two more in progress16:34
kirklandSpamapS: AjaxTerm, as I've documented in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AjaxTerm16:34
kirklandSpamapS: and byobu-classroom (previously known as screenbin)16:34
kirklandSpamapS: my question to you ...16:35
kirklandSpamapS: is what's the contribution procedures?16:35
kirklandSpamapS: ie, i want to give these to principia ... where is that process documented?16:35
SpamapSkirkland: I put a contribution procedure up here http://ensemble.ubuntu.com/Principia .. would be good to get some feedback.16:35
SpamapSkirkland: the fact that you're finding success and interest in formulas with no relations is very interesting to me.16:36
SpamapSkirkland: maybe ensemble can just be an awesome cloud-init de-obfuscator ;)16:36
kirklandSpamapS: well, i'm not sure yet what the value is over just using cloud-init16:36
kirklandSpamapS: heh, maybe that's it16:37
kirklandSpamapS: moreover, I think there's room for either an ensemble command, or a principia-tool16:37
kirklandSpamapS: for taking a generic, trivial package installation and making it into a no-relation formula16:38
kirklandSpamapS: and you could see Principia with hundreds of auto-generated formulae16:38
SpamapSformulate + deploy probably works16:38
SpamapSmaybe just an option to formulate16:38
SpamapSformulate --deployable foo16:38
kirklandSpamapS: yeah16:39
SpamapSactually formulate produces a deployable formula16:39
SpamapSThe relations are just inoperable16:39
kirklandSpamapS: how do i tell ensemble to use t1.micro's instead of m1.smalls?16:39
kirklandSpamapS: to save me some money developing these16:40
SpamapSkirkland: edit ~/.ensemble/environments.yaml and add something to the 'sample' object    default-instance-type: m1.small16:40
SpamapSt1.micro, or w'ever16:40
SpamapSkirkland: Yeah we switched to m1.small because the t1.micro's were behaving as advertised, but very inconsistently.. didn't want users to have a bad default experience.16:41
kirklandSpamapS: cool, done16:41
kirklandSpamapS: one more thing ... environments.yaml is created with 644 permissions16:41
kirklandSpamapS: and the ensemble docs show how to put ec2 keys in that file16:42
kirklandSpamapS: i think that file should be 60016:42
SpamapSkirkland: https://launchpad.net/ensemble/+filebug    :-D16:46
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SpamapSkirkland: agreed that it should be 60016:46
SpamapSand the dir should probably be 70016:46
kirklandSpamapS: doing it now16:46
kirklandSpamapS: just looking for validation from you ;-)16:46
kirklandSpamapS: done, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ensemble/+bug/79726316:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 797263 in ensemble "~/.ensemble permissions" [Undecided,New]16:48
kirklandSpamapS: what's it take to join Ensemble Composers?16:53
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SpamapSkirkland: right now, you just have to promise to me that you won't accept formulas that are evil. :)16:55
SpamapSkirkland: s/me/~ensemble/ actually16:55
kirklandSpamapS: i promise....16:56
kirklandSpamapS: so that team is who reviews formulae for principia inclusion16:56
kirklandSpamapS: archive admins for principia?16:56
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SpamapSkirkland: they're basically like ubuntu core dev for principia16:56
kirklandSpamapS: k16:57
SpamapSyeah I guess even like AA16:57
kirklandSpamapS: oh, another thing ...16:57
kirklandSpamapS: the sample shell scripts in all of the formulae so far use #!/bin/bash16:57
SpamapSanyone who can push to ~ensemble-composers/* can "create" a formula16:57
kirklandSpamapS: i changed mine to #!/bin/sh16:57
kirklandSpamapS: as that's a little more Ubuntu-like16:57
kirklandSpamapS: but i wondered if there was any reason why the initial examples are bin/bash?16:57
SpamapSkirkland: I don't know if using dash in this context is all that crucial, but certainly I try to do that.16:58
SpamapSkirkland: the cool thing is, you get to pick!16:58
kirklandSpamapS: cool16:58
SpamapSkirkland: that reason alone may make people who are anti-chef and anti-ensemble happier. :)17:00
SpamapSanti-puppet not anti-ensemble17:00
kirklandSpamapS: hehe17:00
* SpamapS has puppet/chef/ensemble/openstack/wtf spinning around in his head...17:01
ScottKSpamapS, kirkland, somebody: Is there a explanation of why make a new thing and not use one of the existing systems for this?17:02
* jpds realizes that he doesn't have 'wtf' installed.17:02
SpamapSScottK: http://fewbar.com/2011/06/so-what-is-ensemble-anyway/17:02
SpamapSScottK: that makes one argument.. basically that chef/puppet cookbooks/modules are not very sharable.17:02
ScottKHow about FAI?17:03
* ScottK doesn't have an opinion, just curious.17:03
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SpamapSScottK: FAI is nothing like ensemble. :)17:08
SpamapSScottK: FAI would be a closer comparison to Cobbler17:08
quesoIf a server freezes such that the console is inaccessible, what could that be, or where's the first place to look?  (this is a vmware esxi guest, but esx is running fine, not sure if that's related)17:26
plmI add ppa, but not show in sources.list right? where I found ppas added?17:29
Piciplm: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:30
plmPici: are there some diference using add ppa via add-apt-repos... to add in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  and just edit sources.list and add line there?17:31
Piciplm: No difference.17:32
SpamapSqueso: I'd look at video .. try removing 'quiet' from the kernel commandline17:44
m_tadeuhi everyone....is there another webalizer-like tool?17:47
SpamapSm_tadeu: awstats17:47
SpamapSm_tadeu: its worth noting that it has had serious security problems in the past. ;)17:48
m_tadeuSpamapS: thanx...well if it's soved, no wories:)17:48
SpamapSm_tadeu: one time sec problems are normal.. 3 or 4 major problems show a lack of understanding by the developers.17:49
m_tadeuSpamapS: but, are those problems still active?17:49
SpamapSm_tadeu: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=awstats17:51
SpamapSm_tadeu: as I said, its not about the problems we know about, its about the endless stream of problems we don't know about17:52
m_tadeuSpamapS:  :)17:52
RoyKhm.... anyone that knows if it's possible to start a screen(1) to automatically be backgrounded? I can't find anything in the manual for that17:56
Ryan_macyGuys how do you setup your domain to point to a ubuntu mail server?17:57
DavieyRoyK: screen -d -m17:57
patdk-wkgoogle mx17:57
patdk-wkdamn so much google junk17:58
patdk-wkwikipedia mx :)17:58
RoyKDaviey: thanks17:58
RoAkSoAxzul: have you played with RabbitMQ?17:59
RoAkSoAxzul: and any of the python libraries?18:00
zulRoAkSoAx: just a tad :)18:00
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: It should be okay imho, there's a python ampq implementation18:00
RoAkSoAxzul: did you play with pika?18:00
lynxmanzul: I didn't know you know rabbitmq ;) </sarcasm>18:00
RoAkSoAxlynxman: yeah I saw... though I was thinking on packaging pika18:00
zulRoAkSoAx: nope18:00
RoAkSoAxzul: I guess I'll package it then18:00
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: :)18:01
zulRoAkSoAx: ok18:01
RoAkSoAxzul: what API did you use?18:01
pmatulisi forget, is using hostnames in fstab generally not the way to do things?18:44
lullabudregarding nfs or...?18:45
pmatulisright, network resources18:45
lullabudif it's mission critical and all set up with static IP#, use IP#18:47
lullabudthat way if DNS tanks the rest of your servers don't melt down with it.18:47
lullabudwell, yeah, that's probably best unless you want to get much more complicated.18:48
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uvirtbotNew bug: #791839 in etckeeper (main) "etckeeper runs bzr without a locale set from cron script" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79183918:52
RoyKluite: if it's mission critical, use enough DNS servers18:53
RoyKluite: sorry, wrong nick18:53
RoyKpmatulis: see above18:54
CppIsWeirdone of my vm's is on ubuntu 10.04, i do a do-release-upgrade and it says theres no new releases found. what gives?19:23
kirklandSpamapS: okay, 'nother ensemble question19:24
kirklandSpamapS: how do i prompt the user running 'ensemble deploy' for input?19:24
kirklandSpamapS: can i just do it in the install hook?19:24
kirklandSpamapS: i think probably not, because that runs on the target machine19:24
kirklandSpamapS: basically, i need the user to choose a password19:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #797339 in resolvconf "apparmor profile for bind. resolvconf error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79733919:26
patdk-wkCppIsWeird, there are no new lts releases yet19:37
RoyKCppIsWeird: if you want to upgrade to 10.10/11.04, edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal19:40
CppIsWeirdthanks :)19:40
RoyKjust keep in mind those aren't LTS releases19:41
RoyKso for most servers, you wouldn't want to do that19:41
RoyKbut then - you may want to anyway :)19:41
CppIsWeirdim probably needlessly upgrading, but im so noob im hoping upgrading fixes my problem19:41
RoyKthen don't19:41
CppIsWeirdtoo late :P19:41
RoyKtry to fix the problems instead :)19:41
RoyKoh well19:42
CppIsWeirdi tried, i kept getting dead ends.19:42
RoyKa non-lts upgrade will take you to the next release, being 10.1019:42
CppIsWeirdwell about 5 minutes after i asked i ran across do-release-upgrade -d19:43
CppIsWeirdwhats that take me up to?19:43
RoyKalways the next release, but if on 11.04, it may take you to 11.10 alpha (if that's in the repos)19:43
RoyKCppIsWeird: what sort of issues did you have?19:44
CppIsWeirdapt-get install python-pyopencl, the site said it should exist but it doesnt. everything i looked up involved getting sources and that never works well.19:45
RoyKCppIsWeird: can't find that package on lucid19:46
RoyKCppIsWeird: from http://wiki.tiker.net/PyOpenCL/Installation/Linux/Ubuntu it seems you need to add some custom repos19:46
RoyK(that was first hit on google search for "python-pyopencl lucid")19:47
CppIsWeirdguess "python-pyopencl package not found" was too noob?19:48
RoyKdid you add that repository?19:49
CppIsWeirdcant, its in the process of upgrading19:49
RoyKCppIsWeird: seems the package is in maverick and later19:52
RoyKCppIsWeird: seems the package is in maverick and later19:53
RoyKnice - never heard of opencl before19:54
CppIsWeirdi hope its awesome, im fooling aroung with it for some ai dev19:54
* RoyK has some 150 cpu cores chewing data at work19:54
CppIsWeirdfrom what i hear, on certain problems, GPU's can be about 10 or more faster than a cpu19:55
RoyKthe latest addition was a 2U box with 4 mobos, each with two 12-core opterons...19:55
RoyKCppIsWeird: or more - depending on the load19:55
CppIsWeirdnice, i want to play with one of those 12 core opterons19:55
CppIsWeirdi just got a 6 core i719:55
RoyK96 cores in 2U is quite nice - each mobo with 24cores and 64GB RAM19:56
CppIsWeirdoh nice19:56
RoyKthe downside for GPUs is memory size19:56
CppIsWeirdtake pictures, will pay for geek porn19:56
RoyKit's just a boring 2U box19:56
CppIsWeirdoh they are never boring ;)19:56
CppIsWeirdlook at all the guys with porn addictions, are any tits just another set of tits?19:56
ironicumshouldn't the entry "%sudo   ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/synaptic" in /etc/sudoers allow users of the group "sudo" to start synaptic without password? it still asks for one everytime i launch it19:57
CppIsWeirddid you reboot?19:57
patdk-wkironicum, works for me19:58
CppIsWeirdmaybe "%sudo   ALL = (ALL)NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/synaptic"20:00
patdk-wk%admin         ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync20:01
patdk-wkwhat I use20:01
RoyKCppIsWeird: as for one, reboot after changing sudoers won't be needed20:01
CppIsWeirdoh, i thought it was.20:02
RoyKCppIsWeird: reboot is something you do after upgrading a kernel20:02
RoyKCppIsWeird: hah - windoze noob20:02
CppIsWeirdis my windows experience showing through?20:02
patdk-wkroyk, or when mystery sets in :)20:02
CppIsWeirdim a software developer and i've been running linux in some form for ~5 years. it still confuses me.20:02
ironicumit always asks for a password when i launch it from the kde kicker20:02
RoyKCppIsWeird: as for pics for that box, couldn't find any on my phone...20:03
patdk-wkoh? from gui?20:03
CppIsWeirdbummer. :(20:03
RoyKCppIsWeird: I installed my first linux box in 199420:03
patdk-wkdoesn't that use a totally different kind of sudo program20:03
ironicumi changed the command line to sudo synaptic with no success20:03
RoyKironicum: what happens if you try to run it manually as that user?20:04
ironicumit starts without asking for a pass20:04
RoyKironicum: and that user is member of the sudo group?20:04
RoyKironicum: IMHO specific user access should be given to a user, not group20:05
ironicumid shows me in that group20:05
ironicumok, i'll try20:05
RoyKironicum: log out and in again20:05
RoyKgroup membership is updated by the shell20:06
RoyKso if that changes while you're logged in, the shell won't notice20:06
patdk-wkroyk, see, cppisweird reboot (and again if 1 didn't fix it) might have worked20:06
RoyKyour mouse moved - windows must be restarted for the change to take effect.....20:07
CppIsWeirdpoppy cott20:07
CppIsWeirdyour mouse moved - linux must be reconfid, recompiled, googled for 10 hours, for the change to take effect.20:08
RoyKluckily, the days where distro kernels were rather bad are (hopefully) over20:08
h4lfl1ngsup guys :)20:09
CppIsWeirdmy first linux was actually gentoo. :P20:09
CppIsWeirdsome 8 years back or so20:09
RoyKhad to patch and recompile a driver the other day - the serial card wasn't supported at all, even though the producer claimed so - PCI IDs are still hardcoded...20:09
RoyKCppIsWeird: slackware - in 1994 :P20:09
CppIsWeirdhavent touched slackware yet20:10
RoyKno reason to do it anyway20:10
CppIsWeirdlol, really :P20:10
CppIsWeirdi hopped on the ubuntu train about 3 years ago or so and havent left sense :P20:10
RoyKI went from slackware to redhat to debian to ubuntu20:10
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* slyboots has moved from SUSE, to Slackware to Mandrake, to Redhat to... Uh.. Mandrava? I think..20:11
slybootsTo Gentoo, to ubuntu20:11
slybootsOh, Debian was before ubuntu20:11
patdk-wkya, I started with slackware in 93-9420:12
patdk-wkmoved to ubuntu like 3 years ago20:12
RoyKUbuntu: Ancient African word meaning "I'm too tired of compiling Gentoo"20:12
slybootsI've often seen people maon about Ubuntu being "My first Linux" since it does a lot of the hard work for you20:13
slybootsAnd.. That seems like such a insane thing to moan about haha..20:13
slyboots"Yea it suchs because it makes your life easier"20:13
CppIsWeirdi actually liked starting out with gentoo20:13
CppIsWeirdi learned a lot20:13
CppIsWeirdthough i've forgotten most of it cuz im lazy like that :P20:13
slybootsWell, Yes. Yes I actually like for my computer to reduce my workload, not incrase it20:14
RoyKme too20:14
RoyKand LTS is good for servers20:14
slybootsI never got the poitn of Gentoo..20:14
slyboots"Hey I cat compile EVERYTHING!".. Why?20:14
slyboots"It makes everthing faster!" Does it? I've never seen actual objective benchmarks to prove its any better, or if it is are those speed-gains so great that they agument teh downtime compiling code20:15
RoyKslyboots: you may get an increase of 1-2% load if you subtract the load created by compiling everything :)20:15
slybootsRoyK: So people say, I've never seen benchmarks20:15
slybootsor real-world tests, That would be quite intresting to see20:16
RoyKthose 1-2% won't account for the time spent compiling it....20:16
slybootsand as I said before.. if those gains dont give a noticable boost to agument teh downtime from compiling all that code.. well then20:16
RoyKmy point20:16
slybootsArch is supposed to be good.. But I like Ubuntu20:17
RoyKcpu intensive tasks like data modelling should be compiled from source anyway20:17
h4lfl1ngTotally stumpped :/20:17
slybootsRoyK: Perhaps, but for something like Firefox or KDE.. who cares20:17
RoyKslyboots: yeah20:17
slybootsapt-get install firefox-bin :P20:18
RoyKI wonder what happens if I apt-get install \* .....20:18
slybootsThe internet will explode.  So please, dont do it20:18
slybootsNot even as a joke20:18
* RoyK once tried to email *@*.* before he understood how SMTP worked20:19
h4lfl1ngDoes anyone have an idea why dhcp/dns services on a private network, would not work after restart?20:20
slybootsRoyK: hehee..20:20
RoyKh4lfl1ng: rebooting the server? are dhcpd/bind running?20:21
h4lfl1ngRoyK: I've rebooted the server and restarted the dhcp server20:21
h4lfl1ngRoyK: nothing changed..20:21
RoyKh4lfl1ng: check the logs20:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #797336 in cloud-init "byobu-by-default cannot be disabled via cloud-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79733620:22
h4lfl1ngRoyK: where are the logs for the dhcp?20:23
RoyKh4lfl1ng: /var/log/syslog iirc20:26
RoyKh4lfl1ng: or just check /var/log20:26
h4lfl1ngRoyK: i checked the daemon logs..the only thing i see maybe weird is kernewl time sync status change ..ntp20:26
RoyKh4lfl1ng: is dhcpd running?20:26
h4lfl1ngRoyK: how would i be able to tell if it's running in the logs?20:29
RoyKh4lfl1ng: ps axf| grep dhcp20:29
RoyKh4lfl1ng: the logs don't have realtime data - ps has20:29
h4lfl1ngRoyK: it's running20:30
RoyKand no complaints on the config in the logs?20:31
quesoWhat PATH is set up by default for root's crontab?  If I look at the process's environ, it includes /usr/local/sbin, but when the crontab attempts to run a script in that directory, it says "command not found".  Do crontab commands not inherit the same PATH from the cron process?20:33
h4lfl1ngRoyK: no hint of errors.20:34
h4lfl1ngRoyK: it assigns ips to the clients..unknown lease20:35
ironicumsynaptic starts now without password, the problem was that the kickoff entry linked to synaptic-kde.desktop instead of synaptic.desktop20:35
h4lfl1ngRoyK: actually it dooesn't show up in the log20:35
raubvogelqueso, AFAIK you can specify the path20:35
quesoraubvogel: like, /usr/local/sbin/mycommand  ?  Or PATH=... ; mycommand ?20:38
h4lfl1ngRoyK: in sys log it just says that it wrote 4 leases to leases file20:39
RoyKqueso: just use the full path20:40
quesoRoyK: What about commands in scripts, should those specify the full paths to commands, too?20:41
quesoApparently you can set PATH= at the top of the crontab.20:41
raubvogelqueso, if you really want check /etc/default/cron20:44
raubvogelIn my, say, cron.d files I call scripts to do my bidding by providing the full path20:44
raubvogelin the scripts themselves I define the path I want to use and off I go20:45
raubvogelOther ideas: http://linuxshellaccount.blogspot.com/2007/10/crontab-and-your-environment.html20:45
quesoraubvogel: great, thank you20:47
quesoI'm confused as to why the running cron process includes /usr/local/sbin in its PATH . . yet it still isn't looking in there when running a command.20:48
RoyKqueso: make a crontab job like "* * * * * echo $PATH > /tmp/path.tmp"20:53
quesoRoyK: Man that's a good idea :)20:53
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^MikeIs there a metapackage for servers like ubuntu-desktop? I could have sworn that ubuntu-server existed...21:56
RoyK^Mike: google it21:57
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "Mike:" is not a valid command.21:57
RoyKubuntulo1: stfu21:57
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^MikeRoyK: I did, why do you think I ended up here? O_o21:58
stgraber^Mike: there are a set of task but no single metapackage21:59
uvirtbotstgraber: Error: "Mike:" is not a valid command.21:59
stgrabertasksel --list-tasks | grep server21:59
^Mikestgraber: How could I get a list of those to choose from?21:59
RoyK^Mike: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MetaPackages <- first hit on google21:59
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "Mike:" is not a valid command.21:59
RoyKsomeone should fix that bot22:00
^Mikesomeone shoot that bot D:22:00
stgraberRoyK: right, and you'll notice that except edubuntu-server (that I deprecated last cycle) there's no metapackage for server though there are tasks that server the same goal22:00
stgraberRoyK: so I still think it was a good thing for ^Mike to come and ask here as it's far from being obvious22:01
RoyKstgraber: sorry - did you mean a metapackage for "server"?22:01
stgraber^Mike: you can also run "sudo tasksel" which will show you the same dialog as you got at the end of your install22:01
uvirtbotstgraber: Error: "Mike:" is not a valid command.22:01
RoyK"server" is a subset of what's in "desktop" except perhaps another kernel22:01
RoyKthe basic "server" is a stripped down "desktop", but with a -server kernel22:02
DavieyRoyK: err, that is way oversimplyfing it22:02
RoyKDaviey: not really22:02
DavieyRoyK: err ya realy.22:02
stgraberRoyK: and that's also wrong22:02
^Mikefight! fight! fight!22:02
* ^Mike gathers all the other ruffians to gather 'round22:03
RoyKtell me, what does a basic server install have that a desktop install lacks?22:03
stgraberRoyK: for example "byobu" is part of the server task, so will get installed on a server. But it's not part of the ubuntu-desktop task or metapackage22:03
DavieyRoyK: compare the seeds.22:03
stgraberhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds is where all the seeds are defined including their dependencies22:05
RoyKstgraber: that's not a server thing - it's just another screen wrapper22:05
RoyKstgraber: the base install for a server is still in desktop22:05
RoyKeven sshd isn't in server by standard22:06
DavieyRoyK: please expand on that.. "base install for a server is still in desktop"22:06
Davieythat doesn't make sense to me.22:06
stgraberRoyK: if you install a minimal server (at least in oneiric), you'll have "byobu" installed. If you install a desktop on Oneiric you won't.22:06
stgraberRoyK: so without even discussing what byobu is, it proves that your "server is a subset of desktop" assumption is wrong22:07
RoyKDaviey: server is a minimal install - desktop has a lot more. sshd is in server only if you add it specifically22:07
Davieyw3m isn't installed by default on the Desktop22:08
stgrabernow, I just hope that you realize that you are fighting (for lack of better words) on the definition of meta packages and seeds with two developers who happen to have the rights to change them and who (at least in my case) is responsible for quite a few of them :)22:08
RoyKstgraber: byobu isn't very necessary for most server installs anyway - I don't see why it should be there by standard22:08
RoyKor by default, even22:08
Davieystgraber: TBH, i was starting to rethink my life.  Perhaps spending my working days maintaining something which clearly doesn't exist is pointless.22:09
stgraberDaviey: hehe ;)22:09
EricJI guess that if people would want truly minimal servers, they'd run slack :)22:09
Davieyall we need to do is convert the server iso is whack in a ost install script of apt-get remove --purge *-desktop22:09
Davieyjob done, we can all go home.22:10
stgraberIIRC current "minimal" server is: ubuntu-minimal + ubuntu-standard + server task22:10
stgraberthough you could build your ultra-minimal ubuntu by just installing ubuntu-minimal (essentially what a debootstrap will give you)22:10
RoyKinstall ubuntu-server without ticking off anything useful, and it'll be quite minimal, not even sshd willl be installed22:11
RoyKhitting F4 and choosing minimal will make it even less useful :P22:11
EricJPretty sure that's what I did last time I installed.22:12
EricJEverything excluded, then went back and pulled in the packages I needed by hand.22:12
EricJMust admit, not a fan of these huge meta-packages.22:13
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SpamapSkirkland: re choosing a password, that will be handled by the settings API, which I think is about to land or just landed23:28
SpamapSkirkland: you should ask in #ubuntu-ensemble ... they'll know. :)23:28
kirklandSpamapS: yup, talked to them23:28
kirklandSpamapS: i'm just finishing a formula called byobu-web, that does a byobu web service using ajaxterm ;-)23:29
SpamapSkirkland: nice. I've been thinking about building an rsync formula to solve the "shared upload" problem until I can wrap my head around gluster/nfs23:30
SpamapSactually let me re-say that where the right people might see it23:30
tladukehi. haven't used ubuntu or apache in a while. installed LAMP stack, but when I browsed to /somesite, it downloads index.php. dir.conf is enabled.23:33
tladukebrowsing /somesite/index.php works23:34
selyndahello, im trying to setup a ubuntu server for the very first time (my first server)23:51
selyndabasically I want to use to access music,videos and pics, nothing big or fancy, and I am thinking I should go with the samba file server to do so23:52
CppIsWeirdselynda, yes, use samba23:54
selyndabut what I am wondering is, what are the recommended hardware  specs I would need to do this?23:54
CppIsWeirdhmm, do you have a ti-83 calculator handy?23:54
CppIsWeirdwell i think thats the bare minimum specs :P23:55
selyndahehehehe nice23:55
selyndaok, so a normal desktop PC should work then?23:55
CppIsWeirdlol, yes :)23:55
CppIsWeirdwhats the cpu & ram?23:56
selyndanot exactly sure, basically my girl has a desktop they don't use, and decided to let me play around with it, and I thought about turning into a server23:57
CppIsWeirdlol, w/e it is it will probably work :P23:57
selyndaI am guessing somewhere around 2GB of ram, and 320GB HDD?23:57
CppIsWeirdwrong window23:58
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