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AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: o/06:25
TheOpenSourcererJust about to leave.06:25
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MooDoohello all08:54
MooDoomorning alan08:57
DJonesMorning all09:07
diploMorning all09:08
wintellectMornin all09:10
diploAlanBell, do you guys use Alfresco ?09:18
dogmatic69sup BigRedS09:26
BigRedSMorning dogmatic69! Not a lot, you?09:26
dogmatic69nothing to exciting going on09:27
dutchieoh you stupid computer09:27
BigRedSmust be user error09:27
dutchiehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/47591/dpkg-hangs-on-updates AGAIN09:27
BigRedSok. perhaps that one's not user error09:28
BigRedSdoes ask ubuntu replace the launchpad questions thing?09:29
dutchiei have no idea09:29
bigcalmGood morning workers09:30
dutchielo bigcalm09:31
MooDoobigcalm: workes?  /me looks around09:31
bigcalmI have a week off and my inbox looks horrible09:32
BigRedSjust mark all as read09:32
bigcalmAnd then go back to bed?09:32
bigcalmThat's my kind of Tuesday \o/09:32
bigcalmJust had physio, so really do feel like going back to bed09:35
oimonwoke up at 4am due to dog whining and couldn't sleep for 3 hrs :(09:36
oimonby the time i fell asleep it was just before the alarm went off and i felt rubbish09:36
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oimonhave you guys read the shuttleworth interviwe http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/061311-mark-shuttleworth.html10:14
* popey clicks10:14
oimoni'm sure you've already seen it popey, nothing gets through the popeywall10:15
* bigcalm beams a smelly cheese to popey10:16
popeyno, I hadn't seen it10:18
popeyhave added it to the news for the next podcast show10:18
oimonthere's also a bit in the interview where he says that he bought an ipad because of popey10:19
oimon[citation needed]10:20
* MooDoo shakes his head and did actually look for that part of the interview....FISHED IN10:21
oimonthats MooDoo on the end of my fishing line10:22
oimonupdate from my train company yesterday: "Service disruption caused by a toy balloon obstructing the overhead powerline equipment near Ponders End"10:23
MooDoohello czajkowski x10:24
oimonslapping 10.04 on a PC for a friend....still feels good, even on old PC10:24
oimon+ ubuntu-restricted-extras, skype , chromium, move buttons to right and you're done in < 30 mins10:25
oimon(plus delete the bottom panel), and download the ubuntu manual onto the desktop10:26
oimoneven on 512mb it runs sweetly though10:26
* oimon has some more spare pcs..10:26
ali1234lol ubuntu on 512mb10:26
ali1234i hope the person never tries to run anything except vim and mutt10:26
oimonchromium , facebook, youtube, etc all run fine10:27
oimonthat's 90% of av. joe's activity10:27
ali1234chromium in 512mb is painful10:27
oimonnah..not with 3 tabs10:27
ali1234and that's before you go to a page that uses flash10:27
ali12344gb is not enough to run ubuntu these days, 512mb is a joke10:28
oimonit all depends on your usage patterns10:28
ali1234usage pattern = load firefox, visit a webpage10:28
oimonmy work PC needs 4gb true, cos i never shutdown10:28
czajkowskihmm machine is running rather slowly today m10:28
oimonhmm must remember to uninstall gwibber and install hotot10:29
gordi opened 400 720p images in gimp... my computer is also running slowly now :(10:29
ali1234that's only 1.4gb10:30
czajkowskiis there a tool to spring clean unwanted packages, does janitor do enough ?10:30
popeyczajkowski: apt-get autoremove10:30
popeybut thats almost certainly not causing your machine to run slow10:30
czajkowskiAfter this operation, 6,574 kB disk space will be freed.10:31
czajkowskipopey: thank you10:31
czajkowskixorg has already randomly rebooted on me today10:31
popeyit will delete all your date though.10:31
czajkowskipopey: I know you're not mean enough to ever give someone a command to do that kinda thing10:32
oimonjokes about data are not funny :P10:32
czajkowskiI know where you live and I'd come and kiillllllll you10:32
oimonthey come back to eat you10:32
gordhuh... thats the third person i have heard of mentioning xorg crashes today10:32
czajkowskigord: I've a ppa in for a fix from someone who helped me fix it10:32
MooDooczajkowski: wow is this the old aggressive you coming back to us?10:32
czajkowskibut before I had the ppa in it would do it 2-3 times a day10:32
popeywoop woop!10:32
czajkowskiMooDoo: no this is me who woke up at 5am10:33
gordczajkowski, intel?10:33
* popey hugs his two RAID 10 arrays!10:33
czajkowskigord: aye10:33
* oimon is having problems converting a DVD to .rec format :(10:33
gordczajkowski, whats the ppa?10:33
czajkowskigord: hmmm10:33
popeyhmm, I should just add this second RAID10 to the first and make one giant LVM10:33
czajkowskigord: I tweeted it at the time10:34
czajkowskilemmie see10:34
czajkowskinavigating at times via unity confuses me10:34
czajkowskigord: see pm :D10:35
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czajkowskiadding his ppa to it fixed it http://ppa.launchpad.net/sarvatt/sru3/ubuntu/10:39
czajkowskifor natty10:39
oimonhmm is there a bug # assocaited with this czajkowski?10:40
czajkowskioimon: yes or I'd not be doing it :) but I don't know the bug number off10:41
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czajkowskicant find the bug I logged as it was a duplicate it seems10:45
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:47
MooDoobrobostigon: good morning si10:48
brobostigonMooDoo: good morning, :)10:49
oimonsomebody who has left and is now working at a bank still has a user account on our network. they are rsyncing VERY private info to their home dir on my systems10:56
oimoni don't think that stuff is really designed to go offsite10:56
popeyis it a cron job?10:58
oimonno, he's run an rsync over ssh11:01
popeyi run rsync over ssh11:02
popeyvia cron11:02
jpdsoimon: apt-get install -y slay11:02
oimonpossibily cron on the remote machine..none on my server11:02
oimonhopefully i can close the account11:03
popeythats what I meant11:03
popeyi.e. it could be something that he had running regularly and you've just spotted it11:03
oimonit's funny how he doesn't think much of the confidentiality11:03
czajkowskioimon: it is also possible he's forgotten it's doing it11:04
czajkowskior at least to that extent11:04
oimonit seems quite deliberate11:04
oimonlooking at the command history..11:04
jpdsslay is your friend.11:04
oimoni prefer userdel11:05
oimonslay then userdel11:05
czajkowskioh jpds  :D11:06
daubersoimon: Or you could redirect the folder he's mucking around with with an alias and make him download /dev/urandom every time :)11:10
oimonor replace every jpeg with goatse11:11
bigcalmAnybody good with regex tell me why 'kevin.m.young@bankofamerica.com' is failing against /^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$/11:11
gordbigcalm, ^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$ matches fine11:16
gordbigcalm, make sure you have multiline mode enabled in your parser11:17
screen-xmorning :)11:17
screen-xWhats the Status of NFS4? According to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NFSv4Howto UID/GID permissions don't work without kerberos, tell me this isn't so!11:18
bigcalmgord: ta. Looks like there is a special char at the end of the email address11:19
gordbigcalm, also your regex won't match all email addresses ¬_¬ you may get angry nerds yelling at you11:22
brobostigongood morning livingdaylight11:22
livingdaylightbrobostigon, morning morning11:23
livingdaylightIs everyone aware that Operation Empire State Rebellion is now Engaged?11:24
livingdaylightagues not! LoL11:25
AlanBelldiplo yes11:28
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diploIs it worth a good bit of effort to set up ?11:40
diploPlace i work now have nothing bar a smb share atm11:40
diploAnd stuff everywhere11:40
JGJonessigh...Google might focus on being blazing fast with their searches but their MX records validation is slower than a snail for Google Apps....11:40
MartijnVdSJGJones: negative TTL + normal TTL11:40
livingdaylightguys, I have issues with skype. no mike. Must I switch away from Pulseaudio and if so how/where?11:41
JGJonesMartijnVdS, the MX records was setup about 2 days ago. Validation started last night11:41
livingdaylightskype points out that i'm using pulseaudio, under options, whether that implies that there lies the issue i'm not clear11:41
MartijnVdSlivingdaylight: it's probably right11:42
livingdaylightI've asked in #ubuntu and the only feedback i'm getting is that this is an issue with 11.04. I'm not the only one it seems11:42
MartijnVdSalso, pulse is the right choice11:42
livingdaylightMartijnVdS, there used to be options in the drop-down menu (in Options) but i see none.11:43
popeylivingdaylight: the fact that skype mentions pulse just means you manage the audio device with pulse mixer11:45
popeywhich you get to from the sound menu11:45
popeyskype works for me in 11.0411:45
livingdaylightpopey, by default; is there a how-to to fix this here?11:46
popeyfix what?11:46
livingdaylightthat its not working11:46
popeygo to sound menu, choose mixer, choose input devices, make sure mic isnt muted11:46
popeytap mic to see VU meter going up and down11:46
livingdaylightmike is not muted as handset works with Teamspeak11:47
popeyjust because it works in teamspeak doesn't mean its not muted in pulse11:47
popeyplease go to the sound menu, choose mixer, choose input device, select the mic, make sure it isnt muted11:47
livingdaylightis that right-click properties?11:48
popeyare you on 11.04?11:48
popeyclick the sound menu11:48
livingdaylightwith the unity bar11:48
livingdaylightwhere is this sound menu?11:48
popeytop right of the screen, little speaker icon11:48
bigcalmEmail from a new contact within an existing client "Hi Iain, thank you for worm wellcome."11:49
livingdaylightyes, and properties, yes?11:49
popeylivingdaylight: should be last icon in the menu11:49
bigcalmI am easily amused11:49
popeylast item sorry11:49
screen-xdo not try and find the place to right click, instead realise the truth; there is no right click11:49
livingdaylightpopey, last item is properties11:49
popeyok, good11:50
popeyclick that, a windows appears?11:50
popeyand there's an input devices tab?11:50
livingdaylightyup and mic responds11:50
popeyso you see the VU meter go up as you talk?11:50
livingdaylightthat's right11:51
popeyok, great.11:51
livingdaylightwhich is why I can speak on Teamspeak; but why not on skype?11:51
popeyhow many input devices are listed in the bottom half11:51
popeyhang on.11:51
livingdaylightInternal Audio Analogue Stereo11:52
popeywhat type of mic is it?11:52
popeyUSB or plugged into mic port?11:52
popeyis it a headset or what?11:52
livingdaylightplugged into mic port11:53
popeydo you have skype open?11:53
popeycan you open the options dialog in skype?11:53
livingdaylightpopey, did another test call, and can hear my own voice now11:54
popeyand you have audio devices listed for ringing, and mic and speakers11:54
popeyso its working fine?11:54
livingdaylightI swear it wasn't playing nice earlier though... darn11:54
livingdaylightquality is still not great, but I'm audible compared to earliers pure fuzzzzz sound11:55
livingdaylightrun me through the ideal settings under options anyway, - please.11:55
popeyif its working you probably have ideal settings11:56
pwuertzhi! is there a workaround for connecting to icq using empathy? it's not working out of the box at the moment due to a server certificate error..12:27
oimonpwuertz: don't know if this is relevant? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-haze/+bug/67606012:32
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 676060 in Empathy "Cannot connect to ICQ (dup-of: 675903)" [Undecided,New]12:32
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 675903 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "pidgin ICQ connection error" [Medium,Fix released]12:32
pwuertzoimon, yes exactly12:34
pwuertzi did it in pidgin, but empathy does not have the option to deactivate ssl12:35
oimonthere's a workaround in the bug desc12:35
davmor2morning all12:37
pwuertzmc-tool update: Protocol 'icq' does not have parameter 'use-ssl'12:38
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pwuertzthis is the new bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-haze/+bug/79593212:39
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 795932 in telepathy-haze (Ubuntu) "ICQ doesn't work since June 10, 2011" [High,Confirmed]12:39
MooDoodavmor2: ayup big xheese12:39
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davmor2Moodoo and there was me thinking you were on about something interesting with your xheese12:41
MooDoodavmor2: i'm not interesting at all, although i hope the weather holds off i want to go take photographs12:42
MooDoodavmor2: slight conversation change there12:42
davmor2MooDoo: now you become interesting proving your lack of interest to be a fallacy12:43
MooDoodavmor2: pah!12:43
popeywow.. icq13:32
popey11317622 :D13:32
MartijnVdS6968589 :)13:32
davmor2popey: Why you wowing at icq?13:32
oimonhttp://www.reghardware.com/2011/06/14/games_review_duke_nukem_forever/ LOL13:33
gordicq... still exists? O_O13:33
oimonin russia apparently13:33
gordi thought we banished that to the 90's13:33
davmor2gord: that was about the only thing13:33
dogmatic69icq + myspace == http://tinyurl.com/6btjken13:34
popeydavmor2: retro13:35
davmor2popey: never used it13:35
JGJonesoimon the game would have been awesome had it come out MUCH earlier...say...over 10 years ago :)13:47
JGJonesThink of a story - but don't be dirty minded ;-) http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2011/06/write-the-story.html13:48
ali1234"Duke Nukem Forever is the sum of all its flaws – a truly terrible game with almost no redeeming features." "40%" what? how can you pan it and then give it 40%?13:52
oimonali1234: you're right, from that rhetoric you would think it is 10%13:53
oimonmaybe 40% is the baseline13:53
ali1234i guess it could be worse, it could be unplayably buggy too13:53
bigcalmIt's jerky on my machine :(13:54
bigcalmBut was fun to watch it being downloaded at 3.6MB/s13:54
oimonbigcalm: you bought it?13:54
oimonhow much for?13:54
bigcalmI did13:54
ali1234sometimes i think video game reviewers grade on a scale the goes from "100% - a really good game" to "0% - being hit in the face with a spade"13:54
bigcalmI very rarely read any reviews13:55
ali1234which is to say that in order to get less than about 70% you have to make something that isn't even a computer game, and couldn't even be confused with one13:55
JGJonesIs there a difference between a review and a PR blurb? ;)13:56
JGJonesI guess most gamers just ask friends etc their thoughts - Minecraft being a good example. I was told it was awesome by coupla of friends so I got it based on that.13:56
ali1234thinking about it, 40% is actually really really harsh, probably harsher than it deserves13:57
oimon%ages are always relative to the other games of the current day13:58
bigcalmZero Punctuation is the only reviewer I listen to14:05
MartijnVdSbigcalm: extra credits are nice as well14:05
MartijnVdSbut they're not really reviews14:06
davmor2popey: what did you buy with your massive CPW windfall?14:18
popeydavmor2: nothing yet14:21
popeyco-workers bought ipad covers14:21
davmor2popey: is that so they can sit and dream of the thing that should be in it?14:21
popeyone of them has no ipad, so yes14:22
* davmor2 prods czajkowski just to remind her that he's about :P14:30
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Bell] OpenERP Wordle - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/06/14/openerp-wordle/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=openerp-wordle14:31
* czajkowski kicks davmor2 14:31
czajkowskiI'm here14:31
davmor2czajkowski: hugs all round czajkowski is on top form :)14:32
popeyJabber \o/14:32
MattJJabber \o/14:32
davmor2who said the J word?14:33
czajkowskijibber jabber14:33
davmor2czajkowski: the quote is "Quit your jibber jabber FooooooooooooL!" Mr.T14:34
MattJJibber Jabber \o/14:34
bennie123hey all14:36
bennie123anyone know if it is possible to login to a VPN inside one browser only.14:37
bennie123rather than system wide, via network tools14:37
BigRedSI think you might be misunderstanding a 'vpn'. By its nature it happens down in the network14:50
BigRedSwhat's the actual problem you're looking to solve?14:50
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* davmor2 pulls faces behind czajkowski back15:10
* czajkowski pours a bucket of toffee over davmor2 that'll learn you15:10
brobostigonteach you*15:11
andylockranAzelphur: I'm doing 14.32 Mh/s as part of bitcoinpool.. reckon that makes economic sense?15:12
* DJones watches as czajkowski gets another bucket of toffee ready for brobostigon 15:12
MooDooczajkowski: that the same of that'll teach you?15:12
* MooDoo waits for the fist15:12
* davmor2 eats the toffee15:12
czajkowskibrobostigon: it's an expression!!15:14
davmor2czajkowski: Face it you're wrong it's not the first time nor the last I'm sure :D15:16
brobostigonczajkowski: oh, umm,ok.15:16
oimona colleague was telling me he has 3000 BTC15:16
* davmor2 readies gob for more teaching15:17
ali1234andylockran: noooooooooooooooo15:18
brobostigonczajkowski: ok, it interesting, that is one of those thigns inthe english language,where the wording has nothing, to dowith the actual meaning.15:19
MooDoosorry i didn't mean to start and arguement, i was only teasing czajkowski15:21
ali1234andylockran: first, 14mh is rubbish and it's probably costing you more in electricity unless the machine uses less than 10W, second bitcoinpool is rubbish, avoid them15:21
brobostigonMooDoo: i think its myfault, i think i misunderstood czajkowski's words.15:22
czajkowskiMooDoo: tis ok, it should be a given comments between u me and davmor2 should not be taken literally15:22
MooDooczajkowski: ok cool15:22
popeybrobostigon: I dont think you misunderstood, I just didn't think you have heard that particular colloquialism15:22
brobostigonpopey: yes, that makes more sense,15:22
popeyits just a deliberate mistype15:22
popeylike when people say "pass the suggestive biscuits"15:23
czajkowskibrobostigon: it's not you, it's just the way I speak at times, I type the way I'd actually say it in person15:23
czajkowskisorry for the confusion15:23
ali1234i misread "person" for "prison" lol15:24
davmor2see the trouble these upperty irish lasses bring to the channel, oi czajkowski that's you that is ;)15:24
brobostigonczajkowski: ah, i see, no worries.15:24
davmor2ali1234: a bit different15:24
* czajkowski peers at davmor2 15:24
czajkowskiI'm having a day of IRC woes, Email and now twitter15:25
czajkowskiso need a pint!15:25
* brobostigon gets one for himself and czajkowski 15:25
davmor2here a pint of good stuff, otherwise known as water15:25
davmor2czajkowski: here have a virtual hug instead15:26
* MooDoo wants a pint, and does owe czajkowski a pint.15:26
MooDooon my way15:26
MooDooczajkowski: one day i'll buy you a beer :D15:30
czajkowskione day we'll even meet15:31
czajkowskiwho knows15:31
MooDooczajkowski: oh i guarantee that, i'll make a big effort in 2012 :D15:32
andylockranali1234: who to join then :)15:34
ali1234if you only have 14mh then don't bother15:34
andylockranali1234: what's required?15:34
ali1234a recent ATI card15:35
ali123414mh will earn you 27p a day15:35
ali1234before electricity15:36
andylockranI have the computer on anyways :)15:36
andylockranbut yeah15:36
ali1234funnily enough, it uses more electricity when you stress it out15:36
oimonstrange that :P15:36
ali1234who would have thought?15:36
andylockranwow.. reallly?15:36
andylockran(come on.. give me a break :p)15:36
oimonprobably @ £1 per day15:37
ali1234bit less than that15:37
ali1234the difference between 5% CPU and 100% CPU is probably about 50p-75p a day15:37
exobuzzi would think it is less than that15:38
ali1234if you have loads of hard drives and ram it's going to use more but that's a constant if you leave it on anyway15:38
exobuzzwell depends on how much you are paying i guess but :)15:39
oimon450W pc would used 10kwh per day15:40
ali1234yeah except that there's no such thing as a 450W PC15:40
andylockranwhat's a good pool?15:40
ali1234andylockran: eligius or btcguild15:41
oimonSystem Wattage with GPU in FULL Stress = 503W15:41
ali1234yeah well ... nvidia sucks then15:41
oimonhave you got a wattmeter connected?15:41
ali1234i have a 5870 running maxed out and overclocked and it uses 250W for the whole machine15:41
ali1234yes, i have a meter15:42
hamitronI estimated mine uses 450W15:42
exobuzzi have onboard gfx :)15:42
ali1234when i quit the miner power usage drops to 120W15:43
hamitronso sounds about right going by ali1234 's figure15:43
MooDoohere you go czajkowski - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Ml_5DrPnbks/SxQRmEOeBjI/AAAAAAAADpU/dJs2y2wMkBM/s1600/GuinnessPint.JPG15:43
oimonATI 6970: System Wattage with GPU in FULL Stress = 340W15:44
hamitron1 day till difficulty increases \o/15:44
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ali1234oimon: i'm also running the most barebones motherboard ever15:45
ali1234lots of fans though15:45
ali1234but they only use a couple of watts each15:45
* hamitron just went to look at the power of his fans, then realised it is hard to read the label while they spin :/15:46
BigRedSjust poke your finger in and they'll stop15:46
ali1234fan on my desk says 12V 0.43A15:46
hamitronI'm not messing with it15:46
hamitronit all works atm15:46
ali1234PWM is gonna make them use less too15:47
ali1234i would assume anyway15:47
ali1234speaking of electronics15:47
ali1234i spent the last two days testing all the digital logic simulators available for ubuntu15:48
ali1234and they all suck15:48
ali1234the only one that is even half way usable is incredibly buggy and crashes all the time15:48
ali1234and it got deleted from the repos cos it uses kde315:48
ali1234they are all either impossible to understand or so buggy that they crash before you're done entering the schematic15:49
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* exobuzz installed kubuntu in virtualbox. looking to switch back to kde15:49
hamitronhave you tried Altera Quartus II?15:50
davmor2MooDoo: is that just before or after the End Of The World in 2012?15:50
ali1234hamitron:  is that for their CPLD/FPGA?15:50
ali1234i've not tried it15:50
ali1234i need something with a simulator though15:50
MooDoodavmor2: no i'm going to make a special effort, i mean i need a tour of canonical towers so i'll have to make a pub night of it with you too15:50
ali1234i want to program a xilinx cpld eventually and it has a designer but not a simulator afaict15:51
hamitronali1234: I thought Quartus did simulate it tbh15:51
davmor2MooDoo: HAHA!15:51
hamitronbut not tried it15:51
ali1234i will dl it and have a look15:51
ali1234oh joy 3.2GB15:51
MooDoodavmor2: ok ok i'll settle for a pub night, i do owe czajkowski a pint15:52
ali1234well, the xilinx one was 4.1GB15:52
hamitronsoftware has grown these days :/15:52
ali1234modelsim is a 600mb addon15:52
ali1234need to login............ :(15:53
hamitronisn't there a good commandline only simulator available?15:53
ali1234command line only?15:54
hamitronusing VHDL and Verilog15:54
andylockranOk.. I've got 478 MHash/s now15:54
hamitronon what?15:54
andylockran8 core server with cpu mining15:55
ali1234thing is, i don't want to learn VHDL15:55
hamitronandylockran: what cpu?15:55
* popey looks at the 150-odd 12-core boxen here15:56
davmor2hamitron: dosbox :D15:56
ali1234no CPU can get 478mh not even if it has 8 cores15:56
ali123447.8mh is a stretch for cpuminer15:56
hamitronI get 1.6mh/s15:56
ali1234quad core 3.2ghz phenom gets about 1215:57
* BigRedS ponders capitalisation pedantry :)15:57
andylockranI am a retard :)16:00
andylockranmisreading output16:05
andylockranmaybe this bitcoin stuff isn't for me :)16:11
andylockranshould just buy £100 worth and sell them in a bit.16:11
andylockranrather than try generating them16:11
BigRedSas long as they keep going upwards in value16:11
BigRedSthere's some horrific growth ATM, surely they're in for a crash in value?16:12
hamitronandylockran: just wanna point out they crashed from $34 to $14 inside 48 hours 4 days ago16:12
andylockranBigRedS: Only if there's polibical change.16:13
BigRedSeither way, why? Surely all it takes is lots of people wanting to sell?16:13
BigRedSas per any other currency16:13
BigRedSor any other thing16:13
hamitronor government restrictions16:13
hamitronif there is so much as a sniff of restrictions been put on it, everyone will want to sell, and the price will crash16:14
BigRedSoh yeah16:15
oimon$34 per BTC?16:25
popeyit's about 20USD now16:25
oimonhmm..so 3000 BTC would be worth selling16:25
hamitronit was maybe a little higher at one point16:25
oimoni'm sure only speculators and jounralists are buying though16:26
* hamitron bought 95 BTC on Saturday16:26
hamitronand sold on Sunday16:26
oimonmug :P16:26
hamitronI paid 17.50 and got 22.0016:27
oimongambling's a mugs game16:27
hamitronI was intending to keep them longer, then realised I couldn't handle the "excitement"16:27
hamitronnever again, just mining them now and selling16:28
oimonhmm software-center doesn't like my correct password16:29
popeyhamitron: how did you buy them? an exchange?16:30
popeywhich one out of interest?16:30
hamitronMt. Gox16:30
popeyI need to get rid of my BTC some time16:30
hamitronthey charge 0.65% for converting, then 2% to withdraw in euro16:31
popeyI'll probably hold on a while16:31
oimonhow many do u have?16:31
hamitrondifficulty increases to 1,000,000 at a guess, tomorrow16:32
hamitronthat is going to start slowing down miners, even with decent hardware16:33
popeyi think they cost me about 70 quid total16:33
oimonin leccy costs?16:33
popeythat and I bought some ages ago16:33
* hamitron will get less than 1 BTC per day :(16:33
czajkowskiwhat is BTC?16:34
oimonspeculation in imaginary concept for profit at the expense of latecomers16:35
czajkowskiahh ok16:35
hamitronI'm hoping to the profit stays there, till my new comp is bought16:36
hamitronall i ask ;/16:36
andylockranhere's hoping16:50
peejay1977Hey all, dumb question, is Unity going to made compulsory in future releases and with the option of the Ubuntu Classic removed? Also I have installed a new version of a program but it runs from a different location, I have changed the path under the Main Menu app but it hasn't affected the Unity menu, how do I change this as I keep running the old version?18:16
BigRedSyeah, 11.10 wont have the option of a gnome 2 log on18:49
ali1234heh, main menu still hasn't been fixed then?18:50
BigRedSthat doesn't soudn necessarily broken18:50
BigRedSjust a non-obvious way of changing the path18:50
ali1234it isn't broken18:50
ali1234it's by design18:50
ali1234the "main menu" tool doesn't apply to unity18:50
ali1234unity just does whatever it wants and there is no way to configure it18:51
ali1234but main menu is still installed by default for some reason, even though it does nothing except confuse people18:51
gordits installed for the classic desktop18:51
ali1234if you use the dash in exactly the way it is intended to be used you will hit this bug18:51
ali1234that is, you want to edit the menus, so you type "menu" in the dash, and open the first thing that comes up18:52
ali1234the bug is that the dash should pop up a message that says "sorry, you can't edit the menus on ubuntu any more"18:53
ali1234instead of showing the menu editor from gnome 218:53
jacobw→ kde :)18:55
BigRedSIs there a way to have twitter not replace my url with a 'shortened' one?18:58
AlanBellevening all19:04
* AlanBell sits down with cold beer19:04
* BigRedS is envious19:04
jacobwwe seem to have a salutation-off-by-one error :p19:05
BigRedSI standardised on 'morning' a while a go19:05
MartijnVdSBigRedS: yeah, we did that IRL with a few friends as well19:08
AlanBellanyone in Leicester?19:08
MartijnVdSBigRedS: confuses people to no end :)19:08
BigRedSMartijnVdS: i've been doing it long enough that people're now confused when I say 'afternoon' :)19:08
jacobwAlanBell: they've perished at the hands of zombie hoard19:09
BigRedSYou hoard zombies?19:09
MartijnVdShoary zombies?19:09
jacobwturns out the city council didn't have any plans to deal with zombies :p19:10
jacobwof i course zombies, don't you?19:10
AlanBelljacobw: yeah, they need to improve their planning19:10
AlanBellI for one welcome our new zombie overlords19:10
MartijnVdSBah, if you see zombies, just kill their parents19:15
MartijnVdSinit should take care of the rest.19:15
MartijnVdS(unless they're blocking on a read or something)19:15
BigRedSI did enjoy being called up while at home over christmas and getting to say just-within-earshot of a bunch of family "well, are all the children dead?.. kill them, then. Check the parents are dead, too. And make sure they're actually dead"19:17
davmor2czajkowski: tell filace to annoy you from me too :D19:17
MartijnVdS*awkward looks all around*19:17
BigRedShah, yeah. I genuinely wasn't aware they could hear, which probably made it a bit worse...19:18
MartijnVdSBigRedS: did you also make stabbing movements with your free hand while saying it?19:20
BigRedShaha! If only!19:20
jacobw100% awesome19:24
BigRedSAh. I'm after some new podcasts19:24
* hamitron has never used a podcast19:24
jacobwyou should also check out radiolab.org in that case BigRedS19:24
BigRedSjacobw: oooh, cheers!19:24
jacobwyou too hamitron, especially you *brow beats*19:25
BigRedShamitron: I didn't get them at all until I realised they're just the offspring of an mp3 and an rss generator19:25
hamitronthe name puts me off19:25
hamitronand since I've done without so long because of that, just never missed what I've never used19:25
hamitronbut I will19:26
jacobwthat's almost luddite19:26
BigRedShamitron: yeah, that's almost exactly what I did19:26
BigRedSI've just found that I prefer spoken word on long rides to music19:26
BigRedSbut I ride at a rate greater than the uupc is generated19:27
hamitronI read more :/19:27
dutchiehamitron: i suspect that is not advised while driving19:27
hamitronread tech stuff, and listen to streaming radio19:27
BigRedSAh, it's dangerous to do that on the bike :)19:27
hamitronyeh, and my bike has no stereo19:27
BigRedSAh, I have an ipod19:28
hamitronon a bike?19:28
jacobwi've listened to podcasts whilst driving, its not different to listening to the radio19:28
BigRedSmotorbike, yeah19:28
BigRedSwell, and bicycle. But in that case it's music19:28
hamitronI sometimes have my phone giving directions, about it19:28
BigRedSOh! Half of R4 is available in podcasted form!19:28
BigRedSI was just pondering bodging something together with get-iplayer19:29
jacobwthis is true19:29
jacobwi go through podcasts too fast19:29
hamitronso why not just use mp3?19:30
BigRedSit is mp319:30
BigRedSthe podcast bit is just convenience19:30
BigRedShaving an rss feed telling you when new ones are available, and giving you(r device) a link through which to get it19:31
hamitronmy devices only support mp319:31
dutchieand including a nice episode description19:31
hamitronI can take the mp3 out?19:31
BigRedSwell, it might be ogg or whatever, too. But it's just an audio file, and an rss feed saying where it is19:31
BigRedSyou could parse the rss feed yourself and do what you like with the .mp3 or .ogg or whatever19:32
jacobwwell all you 'get' is the audio file19:32
hamitronparsing some rss feed is "convenient"? ;/19:32
hamitronwell, will give it a go19:33
BigRedShamitron: no. pointing rhythmbox at an rss feed is convenient19:33
BigRedSmoreso than remembering when there's a new one and going and downloading it and listening to it19:33
BigRedSwell, arguably. I find it more convenient :)19:34
jacobwit is convient, there's no argument about it.19:38
czajkowskidavmor2: eh no he needs no encouragement19:38
BigRedSI'm arguing with rhythmbox as I type :)19:38
* davmor2 cheers for filace picking on czajkowski well just cause really19:38
davmor2czajkowski: you love it or he wouldn't do it :P19:39
czajkowskieh no he wont do it again :)19:39
czajkowskiwell he will but I'll glare some more19:39
davmor2BigRedS: Agreed aggregation of podcasts is far easier19:41
BigRedSah yeah, that'd work19:41
BigRedSI must stop writing scripts *before* checking there's not already a website doing it19:41
davmor2BigRedS: Depends on if your script does it better19:43
BigRedSIt probably wont :)19:43
BigRedSthey rarely do...19:43
jacobwits more fun that way :p19:43
BigRedSbut, still, it'd be better to start with an idea of what I dislike beforehand19:43
jacobwi'm eating a kebab with a knife and fork20:04
jacobwi think i might be 'posh' :s20:04
BigRedSI think the kebab precludes that :)20:05
jacobwgood point20:05
MartijnVdSHowever, if your monocle falls into the kebab that's an exception ;)20:06
MartijnVdS"Ooh I got kebab sauce all over my waistcoat"20:07
jacobwo/ daubers20:14
* AlanBell points to a gathering of sorts in #ubuntu-gaming20:37
BigRedSzombies again?20:37
jacobwall we wanna do is eat your brains20:37
MartijnVdSjacobw: Vegetarian zombies - GRAAAINS20:38
jacobwjane__: /join #processing21:39
livingdaylightHi, do lots of people install Ubuntu on their macbooks or prefer to stick to apple's osx?22:00
Azelphurdoes anyone know if USB 2 devices can plug into USB 3 sockets?22:01
JGJoneslivingdaylight, I've got Ubuntu on a Macbook.22:02
livingdaylightAzelphur, http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100608025141AAs6Psj22:02
livingdaylightJGJones, interesting22:02
Azelphurlivingdaylight: not what I asked, but still interesting22:03
JGJoneslivingdaylight, it was the first thing I did with it when I got it too.22:03
livingdaylightJGJones, I'm thinking of getting a core2duo as their little cheaper now just for the hardware and putting Ubuntu on it; or if hd is big enough dual-booting?22:03
JGJonesThe macbook I got is a core duo.22:03
livingdaylightAzelphur, sorry, I mmisunderstood then22:03
JGJonesA tad old - and HDD is small, just a 60GB so it's just Ubuntu on it.22:04
Azelphurusb 2 devices into usb 3 sockets, not usb 3 devices in usb 2 sockets22:04
livingdaylightthe core duos are slower than the core2duo, yes? but still run 11.04 fine?22:04
JGJoneslivingdaylight, the cpu's are slower, but you don't notice it day to day anyway.22:04
JGJonesUnity is supririsingly not that demanding on hardware - I have it running on a Celeron laptop with about 700Mb and it's fine.22:05
livingdaylightI've had rotten luck with laptops lately. Bought an HP dm4 on ebay and it arrived broken22:05
JGJonesIntel graphics for both so it's Unity with compiz rather than Unity-2D22:05
JGJoneslivingdaylight, ha...I was getting ready to sell my Sony VAIO SZ71 laptop - it's a decent laptop, runs Ubuntu very well.22:05
livingdaylightso, thinking of getting some old-ish mac hardware. But even the old macs are £400+ ! THey sure hold their value22:05
JGJonesSet it up on ebay...and then checked laptop to check on size of HDD...and I got a SMART message telling me it's about to die.22:06
JGJonesbloody great timing.22:06
livingdaylightJGJones, what do you want for it? :p22:06
livingdaylightI@ve gone off Sony's big time though22:06
JGJoneslivingdaylight, it's a Sony VAIO SZ71 with 2GB, about to die 120GB HDD, dual graphics (Intel and nvidia) and core2duo...think the speed is 2.2GHz.22:07
livingdaylightscreen size?22:07
JGJonesRuns Ubuntu perfectly fine, everything out of box - however do need PPA for webcam driver.22:07
JGJonesit's a 12" 1280x800 screen.22:07
JGJonesit does comes with a OEM licence for Windows Vista if you fancy that (no CD's)22:08
livingdaylightI orderd their new c series 14" and after 2 weeks it still hadn't arrived! So, refunded it22:08
livingdaylighthow much?22:08
JGJoneslivingdaylight, if you're interested let me know and I can give you the full specification22:08
JGJoneslivingdaylight, I have no idea what the value of the laptop is - I was going to look on ebay for similar laptops to get idea of price! :)22:09
livingdaylightif its a bargain, I could be interested22:10
livingdaylightI'll have a look at what they look like22:10
livingdaylighthttp://goo.gl/QtGyt something like that?22:10
JGJonesNot quite...mine does have the black lid cover, but with the aluminum palm rest - I'll send photos.22:12
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.22:34
jacobwnight brobostigon22:46
filo1234Hi guys22:52
* jacobw → bed22:54
filo1234someone use trickle for bandwidth? and work fine with firefox downloads? I tried with trickle -d 100KB wget something and work but with firefox it doesn't, do you have some clue?22:55
filo1234or point me to another wat or tool for band limit22:55
michelle_Hi, anyone know a channel for Wine support please?23:03
Azelphurmichelle_: #winehq23:03
michelle_Many thanks!23:04

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