
ChinnoDogIs there any way to watch Netflix streaming video without a virtual machine running Windows?01:37
BeckySanderlin_xI dont netflix. so i cant help you01:38
mikedep334ChinnoDog, sadly I doubt moonlight can work on the netflix website01:38
mikedep334maybe if boxee found a way in their linux distro01:38
mikedep334you could replicate it01:38
PennBotTitle: Moonlight - Frequently Asked Questions (at www.go-mono.com)01:39
BeckySanderlin_xChinnoDog, what type of movies do you netflix?01:39
mikedep334hmm, moonlight can't do it because it doesn't support DRM01:39
ChinnoDogBeckySanderlin_x: all sorts. The library is pretty big. When my xbox was set up I watched movies on it frequently01:54
ChinnoDogmikedep334: So, VM only? :-(01:54
mikedep334ChinnoDog, maybe boxee box's variant of ubuntu has something01:55
pleia2ChinnoDog: I'm just waiting for Chrome to support netflix01:56
pleia2(there are rumors of a netflix version for html5 in chrome)01:57
ChinnoDogI saw the rumor but I want to watch TV now, not in the unforseen future01:57
ChinnoDogOk, forgive my ignorance.. what exactly is boxee?01:57
pleia2I watch netflix on my phone01:57
pleia2and my tv01:58
pleia2both of which run linux kernels, which makes me kind of sad that it doesn't work on my desktop :)01:58
ChinnoDogWhere do you get the streaming Netflix app?01:58
ChinnoDog(for your phone)01:58
pleia2android store01:58
pleia2whatever it is01:58
pleia2just searched for netflix01:58
ChinnoDogI searched for "netflix" but there aren't any official apps, and the rest look like queue managers01:58
pleia2came out last month01:58
pleia2what version of android does your phone run?02:00
ChinnoDogNot compatible with my phone :002:00
ChinnoDogIt runs 2.3 now02:00
ChinnoDogAnyway, back to watching it on my Ubuntu desktop... Boxee? What is it?02:01
ChinnoDogPennBot: boxee?02:01
PennBotWish I knew!02:01
PennBotTitle: Boxee - Watch Movies, TV Shows and clips from the Internet on your TV. (at www.boxee.tv)02:02
pleia2it's a device02:02
pleia2you can buy them, or make them with hardware you buy02:02
ChinnoDogI'm reading that. But, there is also a pic of a phone with the boxee logo on it02:02
ChinnoDogI could build an ultra low footprint Windows VM for watching Netflix but that seems silly02:05
ChinnoDogoh. Well, my monitor has a VGA cable on it. I could just be lazy and plug the VGA cable into my laptop and play movies from there02:06
ChinnoDogThat will be good for now.02:07
ChinnoDogneed food02:10
* ChinnoDog ponders options02:10
teddy-dbearv/me has chocolate :-[02:13
* teddy-dbear has chocolate :-[02:14
teddy-dbearthat's better02:14
ChinnoDogI have that too but it isn't dinner02:16
teddy-dbearit is for me! :-D02:17
InHisNameNot dinner time anymore10:37
rmg51almost breakfast time10:39
InHisNameNow, its breakfast time, JonathanD has said Morning.11:16
rmg51morning JonathanD11:23
rmg51breakfast time11:23
JonathanDmorning rmg5111:23
waltmanJonathanD: I need to catch a 7:37 AM train tomorrow morning :(12:47
waltmanAmazingly, according to Septa's schedule, they actually run trains at that hour!12:50
jthanMorning everyone12:53
JonathanDwaltman: heh :)12:59
waltmanJonathanD: I mean, who knew?13:07
InHisNameBreakfast DONE ! and it is still such a fine morning, been outside yet to yenjoy?13:39
n2diyI prefer to get my hard drives curbside, the're free.14:03
n2diyLooks interesting, thanks.14:14
JonathanDI should get that TV. WOuld make an ok monitor :)14:14
n2diyI haven't hooked up a computer to a TV since my Commodore 64 days, what would you need to use that TV as a monitor?14:21
JonathanDn2diy: why not?14:52
JonathanDLCD TVs make perfectly acceptable monitors.14:52
InHisNameHmmmm, 60" monitor !14:55
andrew108" or bust14:56
n2diyJonathanD, because I haven't owned a TV since 2001. What would you need to hook up a TV to a computer now a days?15:25
JonathanDn2diy: they aren't just TVs anymore.15:25
JonathanDIt's not like the old days, where you did some sort of conversion to RCA or Svid15:26
JonathanDn2diy: The connection is over VGA. It's a "real monitor"15:26
n2diyJonathanD, so, the TV would have an VGA connector on it, or SVGA?15:27
JonathanD15 pin SVGA.15:29
JonathanDYou can then use it at it's native resolution (or any other supported res) as a normal monitor.15:30
n2diyJonathanD, Is that a D connector, or the round, yellow PS2 style connector?15:31
JonathanDn2diy: thats the blue D connector.15:31
JonathanDsame as any monitor.15:31
JonathanDThe other you are thinking of is svideo, which is much lower quality output.15:32
n2diyJonathanD, This is a cool, I'll have to look into it, I'm setting up a computer for my landlord, and he has bad eyesight, so I'm sure he'd rather use is TV than any monitor.15:33
JonathanDif the TV is suitable, it may work for you.15:43
rhpot1991pleia2: thanks for the help the other day16:25
pleia2sure thing16:26
waltmanpleia2: Did you see that the Philadelphia Zoo has BABY VAMPIRE BATS?16:34
PennBotTitle: I Vant Them! Baby Vampire Bats! - ZooBorns (at www.zooborns.com)16:35
pleia2I did!16:36
pleia2so cute :)16:36
waltmantiny little fangs!16:36
pleia2for drinking blood!16:36
pleia2(and momma bat milk)16:36
waltmanIt's been too long since I've been to the zoo :(16:37
waltmanThis time of year I see the Zoo Balloon every morning on my way in on the train16:38
pleia2it's a good zoo, they put in a new big cats exhibit a few years ago that's quite nice16:42
pleia2no more elephants though :(16:42
pleia2sf zoo doesn't have elephants anymore either, have to go to oakland for them16:43
pleia2turns out they don't do very well in small enclosures, so zoos which are keeping their elephants have had to invest a lot in upgrading their homes16:44
waltmanWow, not only two baseball teams, but two zoos, too?16:44
pleia2I haven't been to the oakland zoo yet16:45
pleia2but I am going to an A's game tomorrow evening :)16:45
waltman(even if it is just the Royals...)16:47
pleia2the best A's game I went to was when they were playing the mariners :)17:01
pleia2before Ken Griffey, Jr retired!17:02
PennBotTitle: Wikipedia (at www.wikipedia.com)17:18
ChinnoDogUh, yes, I like that site17:19
ssweenythat may be the best of sites. but when linking there i like to be a bit more specific17:21
BeckySanderlin_xim setting up my SSB's17:26
BeckySanderlin_xim loving this new OS17:26
BeckySanderlin_xSite Specific Browsers17:39
waltmanwhat are those?17:40
BeckySanderlin_xumm. sec waltman17:41
andrewis that like IE6 for work stuff and chrome for everything else?17:41
PennBotTitle: Site-specific browser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org)17:42
ChinnoDoghi lamlex19:42
PennBothmm... meh is very kind, andrew20:25
JonathanDandrew: Meh @ trying to find a driver for this thing.20:32
JonathanDYou should see the adapter.20:35
SadinHey guys i made a wallpaper for my ubuntu laptop check it out :) http://zachsnyder.deviantart.com/#/d3itphw20:53
PennBotTitle: ZachSnyder on deviantART (at zachsnyder.deviantart.com)20:53
* ChinnoDog slaps IdleOne around a bit with a large trout22:19

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