
=== vychune is now known as Vychune
wrsthey Vychune01:29
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: also, that is an est. which could be scewed01:33
cyberangerand it's settled since01:33
cyberangerjust a big amount setting up, I/O and bandwidth were high01:33
wrsttwayneprice: I got that warning on irccloud also, all I have done is had it idling on a channel with no activity13:19
pace_t_zulucyberanger: ?14:00
twaynepricewrst: Yea, not sure exactly what is going on.  Also, I really don't think the subscription model will work with an irc client.14:07
wrstI don't either twayneprice there are way too many other options out there14:08
twaynepricewrst: yup14:08
wrstand mostly free options14:08
pace_t_zului could only see a subscription model working if significant effort was put in to make IRC easier to use ...14:08
pace_t_zulubut that's not what draws people to IRC anyway14:09
pace_t_zuluwrst: check out this review of 11.04 ... more specifically unity ... http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ubuntu-11.04-natty-narwhal,2943.html14:10
twaynepricepace_t_zulu: maybe.  I really have a hard time seeing me actually paying, though.  And at $3-12 a month, that is pretty expensive.14:10
pace_t_zuluwrst: toms hardware is a very reliable source ... been reading it for over a decade14:10
pace_t_zulutwayneprice: i wouldn't pay14:10
pace_t_zulutwayneprice: but there are users out there who have trouble setting up IRC ... nevermind setting up a proper cloak for protection14:11
twaynepriceNo, I don't think many would.  Now if they want to put some google ads on the right hand side, I'll pay with eyeballs.  :)14:11
pace_t_zulutwayneprice: wouldn't be bad if they streamline the connection process and make cloaking automatic14:12
pace_t_zulutwayneprice: i agree about the google ads ... they could be dynamic based on the current conversation14:12
twaynepriceIt was pretty easy to set up with the 4 channels that I monitor.14:13
twaynepricewrst: You might be interested in this:  http://harmanhowtolisten.blogspot.com/14:16
pace_t_zulutwayneprice: probably easier than an ec2 deployment with a quassel-core14:18
pace_t_zuluwrst: specifically check out the "Conclusion" ... http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ubuntu-11.04-natty-narwhal,2943-18.html14:18
twaynepricetwayneprice: I agree.  A web front end to quassel would be great.14:20
twaynepricehmmm.  I guess I'm talking to myself.  :)14:25
wrstpace_t_zulu: I will read the entire thing later jumping to the conclusion :)14:30
wrstpace_t_zulu: interesting and I think I mostly agree14:33
wrstI do think they will be pleasently surprised with F15 and gnome 3/shell, gnome did themselves no favor with those live cd offerings they were horrible14:33
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: openvpn used a fair bit of I/O, the byobu app is a guesstmate (and doesn't factor in the fact I'm in the free tier)14:41
cyberangerall the packages and updates used a fair bit of bandwidth (not a shocker in itself, but compared to the next biggest use, ssh & irc (nearly equal) it14:42
pace_t_zulucyberanger: i rarely tap openvpn ... of course it would use considerably more bandwith14:42
cyberangers an order higher)14:42
pace_t_zulucyberanger: openvpn is a facility i reserve for unprotected wifi networks14:43
pace_t_zulucyberanger: my usage of openvpn is minimal at best14:43
cyberangerI'd use it here and there, split routing, but I've not fired it up yet (leaning on ssh tunnels and iptables to get it)14:43
cyberangerbut I go overboard on the amount of crypto14:43
cyberangerand generating it at first is a bit insane14:44
cyberanger(but on the other hand, the cost of renting a supercomputer has really really shrunk, if you wanna brute force wpa, you can now, dirt cheap)14:48
cyberanger(the irony there is, the supercomputer is AWS's EC2 instances (the GPU instances are perfect for this actually))14:49
cyberangertwayneprice: at that cost, might as well get something with more flexability, even it that flexability cost 20 bucks, it'd be worth it, for the other uses14:52
cyberangersuch as VPN/Secure Proxy, website hosting, file storage, or just space to test stuff meant for another server (or not meant for anything, but it sounded like fun, so I did it projects (had a few of those myself, geeks nature I suppose))14:54
cyberangerfor just IRC, if they were sucessful, no more than 5 dollars I'd think would be needed14:55
cyberangerthing is, if they do added features to IRC, might justify that (or it might sour the taste further) jabber & facebook is an added value (insofar it's the only way I'll get that many onto jabber, even if they have no clue)14:57
cyberangerbut with how it is now, I'd not pay for it14:57
wrstinteresting twayneprice may give that download15:06
cyberangertwayneprice: a web frontend for quassel, hrm, intresting15:09
cyberanger(I know I can do that with a web client and setting my client to be an IRC Proxy, connect between the two)15:09
twaynepriceI use hamachi to vpn back to my home machine from work.15:27
cyberangertwayneprice: when was the last linux version made though?15:33
twaynepriceActually, I think it is just a couple of month old.15:34
twaynepriceAhh, 6 months old15:34
cyberangerstill news, but "12/07/2010" isn't too recent15:36
cyberanger(last I heard was the long time in the middle, didn't see the labs area I guess)15:36
twaynepriceIt is pretty solid, though.  I don't think I've updated in probably a year.15:39
cyberangerfor a VPN, eh, might not be wise15:43
cyberangeridk, personal use I suppose, better than nothing in ways15:43
XpistosWHAT UP!16:20
wrsthey Xpistos16:20
electricusApple Begins Sales of 'Unlocked' iPhones in US17:36
electricusApple Begins Sales of 'Unlocked' iPhones in US17:36
electricusRead more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/06/14/apple-starts-selling-unlocked-iphones-in-us/#ixzz1PGk1XJpM17:36
electricusthey are ridiculously expensive, but it's a move in the right direction17:36
electricuscell phone manufacturers should eventually be totally unbiased to cellular companies in my opinion..17:37
electricusit seems like a better free market that way17:37
cyberangerelectricus: they are already in my case18:27
electricushahaha.. i needed a good laugh today.. I'm sure you all will enjoy18:47
electricusHobo with a Shotgun - Delivering justice one shell at a time.. LOL18:48
electricusLOL..wow..this is ridiculous :-D  talk about cheezy18:52
chris4585update-grub should update the menu in grub for newer kernels right?19:46
wrstchris4585: it *SHOULD*19:47
chris4585it seems to find every kernel installed, but it doesn't show up in grub19:48
chris4585I figured this problem would go away after installing ubuntu-desktop but I was wrong19:48
chris4585I really hate grub219:50
wrstha ha chris4585 join the club19:51
wrstreally I'm thinking of starting one ;)19:51
wrstwish I could help... but it drives me insane19:51
chris4585I have kernels all the way from 2.6.35-22 lol19:54
chris4585all the way to kernel 319:54
chris4585well lets see if that fixed it, brb19:57
XpistosCan I set the VNC port to something other than 5900 on my laptop?21:29
XpistosI have gufw installed but I don't see how to do it and my router won't allow me to specif 2910 in and 5900 out to my LAN P21:29
Xpistosor LAN IP21:29
XpistosI got it21:35
wrstgood job Xpistos21:43
Xpistosnow trying to get my headless server to show icewm as it's vnc connection21:43
Xpistosso everything goes throw my ssh to my server21:43
wrstcyberanger: you want to tell Xpistos that if he has a headless server it doesn't need xorg?21:44
Xpistosonly thing that is on by default. i have ports open but nothing else is running21:44
Xpistoswrst: I need it to run Devede. It is too complicated from the command lnie21:44
Xpistosand it also runs my vms too21:45
wrstha whatever :P21:45
Xpistosbaby steps21:45
wrstyou can run them also21:45
cyberangerwrst: no, you said it for me22:04
cyberangeratm I recommend getting myself off the clock first22:06
XpistosYeah I am going home myself22:50

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