
Tubuhi UW!18:09
TubuI have a little idea, but don't know really where I can propose/post it...18:12
TubuIt's about a "women's agenda" (an item for "visibility" of women in IT, or larger in technology...) in the form of a ICS file.18:15
pleia2a calendar for women in tech events?18:15
nigelbA calender file?18:15
Tubuyes a calendar file that would have each day a women name with year of birth and maybe a link to a bio page...18:16
macopleia2: for women in tech events, there's https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/embed?src=1gf39njuar54uf0k71v38pl84s@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York18:17
macoand also for CFPs-that-would-like-women-to-submit:   https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/embed?src=leqs1b57mb4f456p10np5psgrg@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York18:17
pleia2maco: yeah, there are a few of them floating around but I don't know any of which are maintained to the point of being useful18:18
macothe latter one is a Geek Feminism one i think. the former...not sure, either GF or DevChix, maybe?18:18
pleia2that one seems to only have some events in portland listed18:18
macothe portland one is a recurring event that's setup i think18:18
Tubuthanks for the link, already18:19
macoGHC is on the events one, as is the DIOS from OLF18:19
nigelb^^ EETOOMANYACRONYMS :-)18:20
macoGrace Hopper Celebration18:21
macoDiversity in Open Source18:21
macoOhio LinuxFes18:21
Tubuthanks a lot for the decrypting... : o)18:21
Tubui will search further in what is already existing then...18:22
macothere, added Geek Girl Con to the events calendar too18:25
macoGHC is in Portland too though :P18:25
maco(GGC is in Seattle)18:26
macomy coast is lacking :(18:26
Tubumine too... I'm in Europ... :-D18:26
Tubuhm... dont find any "complete" agenda/almanach, in fact... So, I will just try to begin one... in the meanwhile, thanks for your help!18:51
JanCTubu: you're in Belgium?  ☺19:50
Tubuyes... ☺19:54
AlanBellshould the !fr factoid include -be? JanC?20:16
JanCAlanBell: what does it say?20:17
JanCubuntu-be doesn't do support in #ubuntu-be20:18
JanCour members are encourages to help with support in ubuntu-fr, ubuntu-nl, ubuntu-de, etc.20:18
JanCbut for people who want to help spread Ubuntu in Belgium, ubuntu-be is the right channel20:19
JanCor who want to organize events here20:19
ubot4Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:27
JanCwell, you can discuss things in French in the Belgian channel, but you're more likely to find somebody to chat with in #ubuntu-fr  ;)20:30
JanCUbuntu Switzerland has a similar policy BTW (support in the language-specific channels)20:31

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