
quantumlemurhey, I'm 11.04, and my battery monitor reports an incorrect status and charge state, even though the detailed battery window is correct, and acpi reports correct status.  I haven't been able to find any fixes yet.  Does anyone have any ideas?00:00
eb3ha4eleb3ha4el: do you know how to change the font? I actually have a guess that problem caused because I did not set the font properly.. I have an experience of problem of same square thing with subtitle for movie, and it is fixed when correct path was set for font..00:00
jspirosksni: I think he does SNES emulation sometimes, but that definitely doesn't matter. I think the biggest issue is he likes to watch videos, sometimes HD00:00
clarkthehardy910maybe I'm in the wrong room. Which channel can I find advice on how to get into grub on the first boot after a completely new install?00:00
eb3ha4elszal: do you know how to change the font? I actually have a guess that problem caused because I did not set the font properly.. I have an experience of problem of same square thing with subtitle for movie, and it is fixed when correct path was set for font..00:00
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:00
[THC]AcidRainwow. what jerk ban me00:00
TheDead91rationalOgre, I know about conflict between router as DHCP and DHCP server in the lan, I will find out it but I can't modify router's options so i need to set up a new DHCP00:00
clarkthehardy910oh, sorry00:00
ksnijspiros: about that i3, is it Sandy Bridge or older? http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_snb_natty&num=100:01
clarkthehardy910ubottu: maybe its not grub200:01
ubottuclarkthehardy910: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:01
rationalOgreTheDead91: Just curious, but why can't you touch the routers options? No password?00:01
eb3ha4elszal: Ah I found it. and it seem it';s working thanks00:01
bullgard4Maylow: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22232/how-to-control-order-of-startup-items-in-gnome is probably correct in its syntax. But I have another error: "(tilda:1439): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA_gtk_window_resize: assertion `width > 0' failed."00:02
jspirosksni: Clarkdale, not Sandy Bridge00:03
rationalOgreTheDead91: What you can do to test is, just set one of the computers to use DHCP. If it gets an IP address then you know the router is doing it already.00:03
TheDead91rationalOgre, in the same lan PCs and "number controlled machines" live one near the other, but the last ones wont accept dynamic IPs. So i need to configure them with statical ones and PCs with dynamically ones for the simplicity and scalability of this solution00:03
TheDead91rationalOgre, I already tried that :)00:03
rationalOgreTheDead91: Ok, so then chances are there's no DHCP server running on the router.00:03
Maylowbullgard4, why do you need tilda to start automatically?00:04
gmachine_24Ok, nm, I figured it out.00:04
Maylowkiichiro, see priv msg pls00:04
TheDead91rationalOgre, I can't touch router because the one who asked me to do this thing explicit that he want not to touche the router00:04
rationalOgreTheDead91: So pick an always-on computer, preferably a server that has a static IP address already, and set it up to be the DHCP server for the network.00:04
masahirothanks to your tip, my problem is solved ! THANKS A BUNCH00:04
bullgard4Maylow: To save time.00:04
rationalOgreTheDead91: Well that's just silly but ah well. When you're on the clients dime and whatnot.00:05
TheDead91rationalOgre, yes the idea was that, but i wanted to be sure before doing something00:05
dijonyummyhow can i use nautilus as sudo when logged in as user00:05
TheDead91rationalOgre, thank you so much00:05
rationalOgreTheDead91: Just be aware, this solution is sub-optimal compared to the router being the DHCP server because if your DHCP server computer goes down, all the dynamic clients do as well.00:05
Maylowbullgard4, you could probably try using cron to start tilda with some delay or sth?00:06
Raikiadijonyummy: open terminal and type 'sudo nautilus'00:06
Maylowbullgard4, it's probablly a stupid idea00:06
rationalOgreAt least once their lease is up anyway.00:06
Maylowbullgard4, but anyway im out of ideas00:06
rationalOgreTheDead91: But yes, it is possible.00:06
ksnijspiros: I'm unsure about Diablo 3, but it should be enough for HD videos and older games00:06
bullgard4Maylow: I will now follow some of the error messages which Google hit.00:07
jspirosksni: So the Clarkdale i3 IGP works fine with 11.04 afayk?00:07
TheDead91rationalOgre, if DHCP server goes down clients wont connect but machines still work (and you can set up static IPs to PCs who need to work), but in case router goes down you can't work at all, so at the end is the same thing00:08
ImDexterwhat are the advantages of ff5 over ff4 as of today?00:09
Maylowbullgard4, I'm going to sleep; sorry could not help you... hope you'll find a solution00:09
bullgard4Maylow: Thank you again. Good night to you.00:09
clarkthehardy910alt+ctrl+F2 isnt working... is there another way to get to prompt, or revert my refresh range, so that I can see something? I'm stuck on Out of Range screen00:10
noumaanI have installed 11.04 but on startup my system hangs on login screen. Apparantely I have corrupt hardware which can not use hardware accelration for graphics. Any fix for this issue?00:10
zertyuiowhat is the default mail server on ubuntu ?00:10
ksnijspiros: I have used it with 10.10 for a short while months ago, but ended up using my spare 9600GT00:10
ksnican't remember how well it performed00:10
rationalOgreTheDead91: True.00:10
brownboxI want to let someone remotely organize a large collection of files on my ubuntu raid, they are comfortable with windows interfaces, what's the best way to set this up00:11
ksnianyway, this http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_clarkdale_gpu&num=300:11
jspirosksni: thanks :)00:11
rationalOgrebrownbox: ftp server?00:11
TheDead91rationalOgre, so I'm not stupid at all? :)00:11
rationalOgrebrownbox: Are they on a machine in your local network?00:12
eb3ha4elI'm trying to install minimal ubuntu and having troubles in network configuration. It seems automatic configuration doesnt work. I'm installing it on laptop using wlan, passtword protected. any ideas?00:12
dijonyummyRaikia; thx00:12
ksnijspiros: it wasn't buggy or anything00:12
rationalOgreTheDead91: Why would you be stupid? The client is the one insisting you not touch the router, which is foolish IMO.00:12
brownboxnot on the local network00:12
rationalOgreTheDead91: It's a perfectly workable solution given the constraints.00:13
rationalOgrebrownbox: So then ftp server is probably going to your best option.00:13
zertyuioi just only need SMTP00:13
zertyuiowhat i have to install ?00:13
brownboxisn't it a bit cumbersome moving files around like that?00:14
robin0800eb3ha4el, if it is wpa and not wep you are out of luck I think00:14
brownboxis there some way to have something similar to explorer windows with cut and paste00:14
rationalOgrebrownbox: Yeah, less so then, say, them r-desktoping in. But you said they wanted to stay in a windows interface, no?00:14
brownboxwell they're comfortable with windows explorer00:15
brownboxso something familiar would be nice00:15
TheDead91rationalOgre, he's scared about his machines, it have no-sense for me to don't touch the router: my first solution was to made it act as a DHCP and so reserve some IPs for the machines as static ones but he didn't listen00:15
rationalOgreNautilus not similar enough?00:15
hpuserwindows exolorer can do ftp ... ?00:15
rationalOgreTheDead91: Lemme guess, he runs a startup of some type?00:16
ImDexterhelpers: I reinstalled ff4, and in the upper bar, the directions bar, i see a heart that I wanna get rid of... how?00:16
eb3ha4elrobin0800: I'm newbie, do you mean that theway password is encoded or something like that? It seems it's WPA200:16
rationalOgrehpuser: You can get an extension for explorer to make ftp shares look like local folders.00:16
brownboxinteresting, cutting and pasting would be practical this way?00:17
TheDead91rationalOgre, I don't think so00:17
bullgard4ppq: Ich habe nun versucht, Tilda verzögert automatisch starten zu lassen. Aber das ergibt in ~/.xsession-errors  den Fehler: "(tilda:1439): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_window_resize: assertion `width > 0' failed." Denselben Fehler haben andere Leute unter ganz anderen Umständen erhalten. Kennst Du seine Bedeutung?00:18
eb3ha4elrobin0800: do people usually use wire lan then when they netinstall?? and is it because this password protection that installer cannot automatically configure network?00:18
hpuserbrownbox, u could setup openVPN, then VPN into it from windows then use "windows file and printer sharing function"?00:18
brownboxI wouldn't want windows to try to copy all the data to the local machine each time00:18
robin0800eb3ha4el, yes my router uses wpa2 but the alternate cd and the minimal one only do wep00:18
hpuseron linux its called samba00:18
TailsfanHi There, Is there a app that is similar to Windows "On-Screen Keyboard"?00:18
ksnijspiros: ah, now I remember... the FPS rose from about 40 with the Clarkdale, to over 200 with the NVIDIA card in Minecraft with 1920x1080,fullscreen00:18
rationalOgrebrownbox: You could set up openSSH and then have them install WinSCP.00:18
kv102tI still can't get my buffalo to auto mount using /etc/fstab... any help please00:19
ksnijspiros: so the Clarkdale performed only slightly better than my laptop from 5 years ago00:19
eb3ha4elrobin0800: that is shame.. okay thanks.. but im just curious it asks me for my IP address when I try to configure it manually, how do i check what my ip address is?00:19
ksniI'd recommend a separate card if he wants to play any recent games00:19
ballball87I have a question. I have ubuntu server and booting over PXE however it only wants to use the phsyical cdrom as the location of installation media. How can I tell it to install over the net or perhaps find the CD somewhere on my local network? Can I pass nfs or http on the command line?00:20
robin0800eb3ha4el, its the router address00:20
jspirosksni: which nVidia did you go to?00:20
brownboxit's my understanding that samba has compatibility issues with windows 700:20
rationalOgreafk a few00:20
eb3ha4elrobin0800: okay thanks00:20
hpuserbrownbox, its the other way around00:21
kv102trationalOgre: i'm still trying to mount my share :(00:21
kv102trationalOgre: IF i mount it by clicking, can I see what/how it's been mounted. then copy that config>00:22
robin0800kv102t, /robins-nas.mine.nu/network /media/network cifs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777, 000:22
NickkkkkHow do I install brograms after I untar them?00:22
test12hi all00:24
eb3ha4elrobin0800: Do i need to then, contact to my internet service provider to know what IP address they have given to my router? Strane enough on my router, there is IP address, seem to be written when manufactured...
eb3ha4elrobin0800: i guess it's virtual ip address isn't it?00:24
kv102tspecial device // does not exist00:25
kitcheeb3ha4el: is the local network ip address for yourr router00:25
kv102trobin0800: fail00:25
ImDextercan i change the add to bookmarks icon? its a heart00:25
ImDextercant it be anything else?00:25
eb3ha4elkitche: yes, and would it work for network configuration on my laptop?00:26
robin0800eb3ha4el, that is its ip address if you put it in a browser you should see the routers configuration page00:26
kitcheeb3ha4el: it should if you put it as the gateway00:26
escotteb3ha4el, go to
eb3ha4elthanks everyone00:26
rationalOgrekv102t: Will it mount by clicking on it?00:27
dijonyummyis it possible to create a symbolic link to a folder inside a mounted cifs fs?00:27
robin0800kv102t, what fails ?00:27
escottdijonyummy, i don't think so00:28
kv102trationalOgre: yes, by click it will mount00:28
szalNickkkkk: (1) what programs?  (2) why?  (3) most such archives come w/ directions00:28
dijonyummybut nfs will work?00:28
=== pieter_ is now known as L3d
dijonyummyie ln -s on mounted nfs fs folder00:28
kv102trobin0800: the line you sent me for your NAS00:29
L3dwhat is a good firewall ppl ??00:29
robin0800kv102t, //robins-nas.mine.nu/network /media/network cifs  credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777, 000:29
TSGIs this just general chat about ubuntu? I randomly tried this channel on xchat and it worked.00:29
escottdijonyummy, i think only the most recent versions of ntfs has support for symlinks. nfs should support symlinks as long as the underlying filesystem does00:29
szalL3d: iptables, if you are able to configure it00:29
L3dnope not my pc either ..00:30
dijonyummyescott: i see thanks00:30
L3dipcop ??00:30
ImDexterbookmark in launcher icon is  a heart, how do I get rid of it?00:31
ImDexteri mean firefox00:31
robin0800kv102t, its just address mountpoint filesystem user  & passwords options00:31
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L3dso i just say(port foreward?) to some programs to go on t00:32
szalImDexter: pic or it didn't happen00:32
L3dhe net or do i need to configure more ?00:32
ImDexterszal, it wasnt there before my total reinstallation00:32
rewtL3d, most 'firewall' software are front-ends for iptables (and create more rules than necessary)00:33
TSGIs anyone else using gnome-shell on 11.04?00:33
TSGfor some reason my amd driver makes gnome 3 crash00:34
robin0800TSG, no because it brakes unity00:34
alecjwhey, is there anyone here knowledgable with ecryptfs?00:34
box___do you know where i can download GNOME 3 .deb files?00:35
kv102tOK so I try to mdir data and it comes back with can't open /dev/fd0... whats that !00:35
L3dthnx anyway ,my own pc has got the bsod error when i installed windows on a diffrent harddrive .. meh00:35
rww!gnome3 | box___00:35
ubottubox___: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.00:35
TSGYeah my unity is broken but I prefer gnome3 anyways00:35
TSGI am just too close to ubuntu to steer away but I am not a fan of unity.00:36
L3dbsod driver related or hardware realted ??00:36
indicatorHello. I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on my Thinkpad T520. I am using discrete graphics and have OS detection turned off in the BIOS. Any time I boot linux now, it either freezes at a purple grub screen (no text), or freezes after logging in (via GDM)00:36
escottalecjw, what is your question00:36
indicatorI'm using NVidia current drivers, but that doesn't seem to matter00:36
amin`could I control network manager in terminal? create and connect dsl pppoe connection for instant?00:37
L3dsounds like absod to me aaah!!!!!!00:37
escottamin`, nmcli00:37
L3dlaters ..00:38
amin`escott, what do you mean?00:38
alecjwescott: i'm having trouble automounting my ecryptfs directory. on login, it says keyctl_search: Key not available. i can ecryptfs_unwrap it, and insert the key into the keyring, but then i still get the same error when i try to mount manually00:38
escottamin`, thats the name of the program00:38
szalkv102t: /dev/fd0 is a floppy drive00:38
alecjwi'm not on ubuntu, i just came here because i know ubuntu offers ecryptfs by default so i'm probably more likely to find help here than in #gentoo00:38
szalalecjw: we don't support Gentoo, no matter what program you run on it00:39
amin`escott, I installed network-manager I just want to know if it does work via terminal or i need nmcli to make nwtworkmanager to work or nmcli is something diffrent?00:39
kitchealecjw: probaably get help on ##linux more00:39
escottamin`, man nmcli00:40
TSGWhen I enable my ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver, everything looks all glitchy and changes colors.00:40
TSGRight now i'm running in fall back mode00:40
eb3ha4elWhat is name server? Do i need to specified that when configuring network?00:40
alecjwhmm alright, thanks then00:40
hpusereb3ha4el, u can use :
escottalecjw, not familiar enough to say00:41
joeedhhow do I disable the f10 menu accel key?00:41
escottalecjw, check dustin kirklands blog or look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory00:41
szaleb3ha4el: sounds like you want to read up on how networking works in general00:41
* joeedh is starting to think there's a hardcoded hack somewhere that overrides gtkrc files00:41
TSGmy f10 button turns up my volume.00:41
eb3ha4elszal: that would be greatly appreciated if you know any good reference00:41
hpusereb3ha4el, furthermore ur gateway is: // netmask is :
phong_hi guys, is there a way to short cut the 'sudo' into something like 1 letter thing?00:42
escotteb3ha4el, what is asking your for a nameserver? your computer or the router?00:42
phong_can 'sudo' be alias?00:42
escottphong_, alias00:42
phong_escott, will it work?00:42
rwwphong_: yes00:42
eb3ha4elhpuser: Yes I found out that. but what is that Ip address suddenly?00:42
phong_oh okay thanks00:42
rwwalias s=sudo00:42
rwwor whatever00:42
phong_rww thansk, i got tired of spelling out00:42
phong_where can i put alias?00:43
escotteb3ha4el, that is your networks global internet address, the 192 stuff is local to you internal network (behind your router)00:43
alecjwescott: ah right, thanks00:43
rwwphong_: yes, ~/.bashrc00:43
hpusereb3ha4el, it's a name server ... opendns.org   go look if u dont trust me : //00:43
eb3ha4elescott: I'm not sure what you mean, well I'm trying to install ubuntu minimal, and I was configuring network manually.. and it asks me for name servers which are used to look up host names on the network?00:43
escotteb3ha4el, sorry hpuser is correct thats opendns i assumed that was your ip. if you cant get auto config working use that 208 number or use
eb3ha4elescott: I understand what you mean.. So is this is IP address of my internet service provider?00:44
Poindexter_Question. If I use VirtualBox with Windows and want to install Ubuntu, can I use the ISO I downloaded to00:45
Poindexter_install on a clean disk to install it on a VMBox?00:45
L3dthe update manager needs update servers ,jes ?00:45
L3dlaters pps00:46
escotteb3ha4el, no thats opendns.org your address is apparently
escottPoindexter_, yes no need to burn it00:48
eb3ha4elhpuser: no it's not that I don't trust you :( just confused. how have you found that out? more importantly, IP address and DNS seems to me more or less the same.. would mind tell me the difference between those?00:50
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pc_how do i wipe the mbr?00:51
ImDexteri want to get rid of the heart icon (bookmark in launcher) in firefox 400:51
escotteb3ha4el, dns is a service you go to and ask it what is www.ubuntu.com and it tells you that www.ubuntu.com is a bit like a phone book00:51
escottpc_, you can use dd to copy from /dev/zero00:52
Poindexter_Escott I think I am missing something in my thinking about the VMBox. I was told to: attach the ISO to the VM's virtual optical drive, start the VM, and the install process would start. Should have I done this when I first created the VM Shell for Ubuntu. It seems like I am doing this as an after thought.00:53
escottPoindexter_, you can pretty much attach it whenever. verify the boot order of the vm00:54
Poindexter_Escott, this is brand new to me. Please give me a hint on howto?00:55
eb3ha4elescott: yes I understand DNS is a kind of system providing translation from verbal language into numerical value but isn't that numerival value trasnlated from domain name, an IP address?00:56
escottPoindexter_, settings -> system -> motherboard tab center box is boot order00:57
gileadhi! in 11.04 the mouse wheel zoom in/out direction is reversed in Nautilus -- I hope there's a switch somewhere to bring it back to the usual behaviour? But where...?00:58
escotteb3ha4el, yes it is, but you need to know who to call for directory assistance. imagine you were in the us and asked what the phone number for the police was and I said "I don't know, call directory assistance" it wouldn't be very helpful. I need to tell you that directory assistance is 411 to be at all helpful. that 203 number is the analog of directory assistance00:58
escottgilead, check gconf-editor00:59
Poindexter_Escott, I found it and it is CD/DVD and I clicked OK.01:00
Poindexter_The VirtualBox is in shutdown mode.01:01
FaethinHi. Whenever I run SYBYL-X (Chemical simulation software) I get the error message "undefined symbol glColorTableEXT"01:01
Faethin"undefined symbol glColorTableEXT" <---- what does that mean?01:02
escottFaethin, your opengl driver doesnt support GL Color Tables01:02
Poindexter_Escott, do I need to reboot Windows for this to work?01:02
escottPoindexter_, no you shouldn't01:02
gileadno luck so far in gconf-editor... :/01:02
Faethinescott, is there a way of fixing that? :|01:03
Poindexter_The Ubuntu shell is created.01:03
Poindexter_It seems it is waiting for something to be put there.01:03
escottPoindexter_, if the iso is attached to the the cd/dvd of the vm, and the cd/dvd is before the virtual hard drive the installer should start01:03
Poindexter_I allocated about 20 gigs for it.01:03
indicatorHello. I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on my Thinkpad T520. I am using discrete graphics and have OS detection turned off in the BIOS. Any time I boot linux now, it either freezes at a purple grub screen (no text), or freezes after logging in (via GDM)01:04
indicatorI'm using NVidia current drivers, but that doesn't seem to matter01:04
escottFaethin, your could try a different opengl implementation01:04
Poindexter_Escott, thanks. I will arduously work on this. I will let you know what happens.01:04
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Faethinescott, Excuse me, I forgot to raise the n00b flag. How can I do that?01:05
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YankDownUnderindicator, Um, I'll assume you've gone back into BIOS and turned on OS detection?01:05
escottPoindexter_, its hard to say what is wrong without seeing something. if you want to post screenshots or send me your vm config I can look at it01:06
escottFaethin, what kind of video card do you have01:06
indicatorYankDownUnder, No, I turned it off, as turning it on turns optimus back on and I'll no longer be using the nvidia video card.01:06
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MK``how can I edit the number and arrangement of workspaces in Unity?01:07
Faethinescott, ATI technologies Inc M860G mobility radeon01:07
Poindexter_Thanks Escott, I appreciate that. I will venture on but you opened up the light to the next step. Thanks.01:08
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YankDownUnderindicator, have you tried getting int Ubu via "recovery mode" in the Grub2 submenu?01:08
YankDownUnderindicator, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:08
Faethinescott, I'm currently using the ATI/AMD prop FGLRX graphics driver01:08
brownboxurgh, so I set up ftp access to my ubuntu machine, but I can't cut and paste using windows explorer01:08
indicatorYankDownUnder, no, I just switch back to using the integrated video card01:08
escottFaethin, you could try the radeonhd it might support more gl extensions, but it would be slower01:08
Faethinescott, is that on synaptic?01:09
Faethinescott, nope, it's not01:09
escottFaethin, you would need to disable the fglrx and install radeonhd. i wouldn't recommend this unless you absolutely MUST have this program working01:10
robin0800brownbox, seems you don't have read/write access only read01:10
YankDownUnderindicator, Hmmm...got me buggered on that - however, I'm thinking that the switching between vid cards is freaking out the 11.04 install...but have you tried going into recovery mode via the grub2 submen mate?01:10
Faethinescott, Well, yes I must have it. But perhaps there are other options, considering this one seems to be rather extreme01:11
gileadok, I went through all 'nautilus', 'zoom' and 'wheel' entries and found nothing :( thanks escott, that was worth a try :)01:11
brownboxrobin0800: I can read and write01:12
MK``Hey I just decided to try Unity and I have a number of questions: How can I edit the number and arrangement of workspaces in Unity? I need more than 4. And, how can I add shortcuts to the menu?01:12
brownboxI'm trying to move files around01:12
tensorpuddingMK``: you're going to want to install compiz config settings manager01:12
brownboxI can cut, but not paste01:12
kiichirohow do I use a windows .bat on xubuntuy01:13
indicatorYankDownUnder, what? No... Xorg will determine which video card I'm using and start-up using the respective driver (intel or nvidia).  However, whenever using nvidia, chances are always dicey, though GDM never goes through without freezing. RecoveryMode is completely irrelivent if I can access everything using strictly intel integrated graphics. I've tried feeding 192MB of memory to the video frame buffer, but even still,01:13
indicatorit's dicey01:13
tensorpuddingMK``: and read http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity01:13
tensorpuddinghow do you add ubottu factoids...01:13
robin0800brownbox, if thats true cut and paste should work01:13
tensorpuddingthere really needs to be one that links to that page01:13
quickslvrI am trying to set my default monitor but i cannot find the xorg.conf.01:13
escottFaethin, you might try recompiling the program and commenting out the glColorTableExt references01:13
brownboxI'm logged in from windows explorer to vsftpd01:13
rwwtensorpudding: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Adding_a_factoid01:14
robin0800quickslvr, there may not be one01:14
brownboxI can create new folders01:14
hvThere used to be a patch called the "rt" patch, maintained by Ingo Molnar that added realtime capabilities to the linux kernel. Is it available in ubuntu?01:14
rwwtensorpudding: as you don't have an ubottu editor account, any factoid edits you make will be forwarded to #ubuntu-ops for review, btw01:14
Faethinescott, that's beyond my ability. The program came with an installer and I didn't see any options that permitted a re-compiling.01:14
tensorpuddingrww: well, fine with me01:14
szaleb3ha4el: sorry for taking so long..  -> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/networking.html <- collection of networking howtos from The Linux Documentation Project01:14
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.01:14
=== MadSweeney is now known as Guest69601
quickslvrrobin0800: May i ask how i can set my default monitor?01:15
Faethinescott, the exact error message is "/home/tripos/sybyl-x12/lib/linux/libmolcadplus.so: undefined symbol glColorTableEXT"01:15
ImDexteris there any shortcut to copy a user name in xchat?01:16
ImDexterto send a highlighted message01:16
szalImDexter: start typing the nick, then press Tab01:16
Faethinescott, it makes reference to the libmolcadplus library (whatever that is)01:16
robin0800quickslvr, can you not use the monitor application01:16
Faethinescott, I tried googling for that library and I got 0 results ;_;01:16
brownboxI can upload files from an ftp client, but can't drag and drop in windows explorer01:17
Poindexter_Escott the error message opened up in a dos prompt stating:  No bootable medium found. System halted.01:17
PhosphenesBill Gates is the greatest man alive!01:17
PhosphenesFor Windows Vista of course01:18
PhosphenesWhat a great OS01:18
jtannenbaumI can restart Compiz without everything dying and shutting down, right? How would I do that?01:18
quickslvrrobin0800: yes i can but the default monitor is currently set to my 17¨ monitor and i can´t seems to change it to the 22" monitor.01:18
jtannenbaumI'm on 10.10 I think01:18
jtannenbaum.04 rather01:18
escottFaethin, its because your libGL doesn't have glColorTableEXT. you could write a small c program that implements a non-functional version of glColorTableEXT and LD_PRELOAD that, but there isn't anything easy you can do01:18
escottPoindexter_, something is not right with your iso or your vm config01:19
Poindexter_Escott I found this though:   http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/49501:19
rjri need some help mounting a share filed system from an ubuntu guest  to a windows 7 host in virtualbox.  /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error is the error i am receiving after running sudo mount -t vboxsf F_DRIVE windows7share01:19
Faethinescott, thanks a lot for your time01:20
quickslvrrobin0800: I did some research and apparently I can modify the setting in xorg.conf but that file does not exist in /etc/x1101:20
robin0800quickslvr, there is nothing stopping you adding an xorg.conf file01:20
Faethinescott, I'll contact the higher-ups at the Uni and let them know about this mess01:20
Poindexter_Escott would that be under:   "Snapshot Folder"?01:23
Poindexter_Is that where the ISO is?01:23
kneauxAnyone know how to rip from multiple cdrom devices simultaneously? Like a program that will allow me to select one? Ability to rip to FLAC & tag would also be preferred...01:23
quickslvrrobin0800: must i create ¨xorg.conf¨ from scratch?01:24
escottPoindexter_, the iso is wherever you downloaded it01:24
Poindexter_The ISO is on a CD disk.01:24
MK``My Unity top bar turned black and I can't see anything, how can I get it to reload? All I did was enable SVG support... when I disabled it it didn't revert :(01:25
escottPoindexter_, ok you already burned the cd. it would be substantially faster to install from an iso file image. just download it from ubuntu.com and set the file as the cd drive01:25
rjri need some help mounting a share filed system from an ubuntu guest  to a windows 7 host in virtualbox.  /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error is the error i am receiving after running sudo mount -t vboxsf F_DRIVE windows7share01:25
escottPoindexter_, if you burned the cd then you have to worry about things like "did I burn it correctly" and its slower because cds are slow01:26
kiichirohey question, trying to get into a folder on my desktop called minecraft server and I typed in the command prompt cd ~/Desktop/minecraft_server/ and syas no such directory01:26
robin0800quickslvr, create a new file name it xorg.conf copy and paste info from your research into it copy it to /etc/x11 and reboot01:26
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Poindexter_Escott, I have installed Ubuntu with the disk so I know that the disk is OK.01:28
kiichirookay how does one run a .jar?01:28
rileyp<kiichiro>  use cd ~/Desktop/min then hit tab and it wil lauto complete01:28
MK``Now Unity closed when I enabled desktop cube... how can I turn Unity back on?01:29
ghostnik11hi, i wanted to know how i could get a sony camcorder to work with my ubuntu 11.04 laptop, as i plug in the usb cord to camcorder then computer but can't get the videos off the camcorder dvd01:29
kiichiroghostnik11, you might need a driver for it, try checking the manufacturers website and they "might" have one01:30
ghostnik11kiichiro: cool will check right now, thanks01:30
rileypkiichiro> okay how does one run a .jar this is ubuntu support not a how to fix anything channel01:30
YankDownUnderghostnik11, Have you tried to mount it - as a storage device?01:30
paronimiunhttp://paronirium.blogspot.com/ and ty01:30
MK``is there a Unity channel I can join to get more help?01:30
=== VoX is now known as vox
paronimiunoops, sorry, ms priv01:31
kiichirosorry just new to ubuntu, if it was xp I'd know01:31
ghostnik11yankdownunder: when i mount it, it comes up as a blank dvd, and i know content is on it, b/c i recorder stuff on the dvd, it can't be blank01:31
=== joeedh_food is now known as joeedh
rileyp<ghostnik11> are you using software or hope to just see the dvd drive?01:31
harushimois there a way to upgrade the python compiler01:32
robin0800rileyp, make sure java is installed make file executable double click file01:32
YankDownUnderghostnik11, So you're able to mount the cam as a device, coolbeans - what if you change the settings for nautilus to "view hidden files" - do you see anything?01:32
harushimoi'm running python 2.6.5 and I want to upgrade it01:32
=== MadSweeney_ is now known as MadSweeney
=== Zorlin is now known as Guest72041
rileypghostnik11,  so the format on the dvd is not recognised you have medibuntu repo installed01:33
ghostnik11yankdownunder: how would i go about getting to see the hidden files, through nautilus, i think the command has something to do with sudo gedit01:33
YankDownUnderghostnik11, ctrl + h01:33
Barridus<3 pei mei01:33
ghostnik11yankdownunder: okay will plug it back in right now and do ctrl + h to see hidden files, thanks01:34
ballball87I have a question. I have ubuntu server and booting over PXE however it only wants to use the phsyical cdrom as the location of installation media. How can I tell it to install over the net or perhaps find the CD somewhere on my local network? Can I pass nfs or http on the command line?01:36
cipherwhat's the latest possible "start on" stanza I could use to start a process with upstart01:36
lduroshi, i'm trying to use nmap to find one of my computer on my home network, and instead of getting something with an ip like: Host is up (0.0099s latency).  I only get Host is up (0.00018s latency).01:37
harushimodoes ubuntu have the current version on python in the repos? I mean 3 something01:37
lduroswhat am I doing wrong? I'm using nmap -sP01:37
ldurosharushimo: sudo apt-get install python3 ?01:37
ldurosharushimo: for more info: aptitude show python301:38
harushimothank you01:38
harushimoI need it for my class01:38
ghostnik11yankdownunder, rileyp, ctrl + h showed nothing for mounting camcorder as storage will try mediubuntu as rileyp sugested01:39
eliotnhey dawg, I heard you like ubuntu, so I put a ubuntu in your ubuntu so you can run linux while you run linux01:39
fenOk, im officially at a loss, anyone have any idea of what ties up a disk device (already mounted or <mountpoint> in use), doesn't show up in lsof or fuser and isn't dmraid.01:39
ActionParsnip!info python3  | harushimo01:40
ubottuharushimo: python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is optional. Version 3.2-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 32 kB, installed size 280 kB01:40
robin0800ghostnik11, when you plug in camcorder does something come up ons its screen for connection method01:40
=== VoX is now known as vox
kiichiroghostnik11, is it an older webcam?01:41
harushimohow come python 3 doesn't upgrade the intrepter? still shows up python 2.6.5? what is the correct command to get python 301:42
fructoseWhen I installed the new Ubuntu, various software was listed as "available for install" or something like that. Now, those NEVER show. How do I get those back?01:42
ActionParsnipfructose: you can install apps using software centre01:42
trismharushimo: many programs in ubuntu use python and they are not upgraded to python3 yet, so it is really not a good idea to change the default, best to specify python3 if you need it01:42
fructoseActionParsnip: I know... not what I was asking about01:43
ghostnik11robin0800: yeah gives me two options one that has usb and other that has computer disc, i just chose usb option to see if it will load as usb, but it still says connecting on camcorder screen01:43
ActionParsnipfructose: or do you mean updates?01:43
harushimooh okay01:43
fructoseActionParsnip: Neither01:43
fructoseActionParsnip: Don't think my question was misworded01:43
fenanyone got an idea on the tied up disk device?01:43
ActionParsnipfructose: well "available for install" is everything you can find in software centre, isn't it?01:43
fructoseActionParsnip: I'm talking about 10.0401:44
ActionParsnipfructose: its the same in any release01:44
fructoseActionParsnip: 10.04 is unity01:44
fructoseActionParsnip: When you search for anything through unity, right after install, it would also mention packages available for install01:44
rileypghostnik11, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683 work through that01:44
ActionParsnipfructose: no, 10.04 is Lucid01:44
ActionParsnipfructose: unity is merely a shell01:45
fructoseActionParsnip: 11.04, sorry01:45
MK``Well, forget unity for now. Just going to use gnome shell until it is stable enough01:45
ActionParsnipfructose: 11.04 is natty, not unity01:45
ActionParsnipfructose: unity is a default installed shell in Natty01:45
fructoseActionParsnip: Admitted "is" was ambiguous, but I was referring to the desktop environment... as opposed to Gnome01:46
ActionParsnipfructose: you can run unity on any desktop, it runs on top of gnome01:46
ActionParsnipfructose: you can run KDE and install unity shell01:47
fructoseActionParsnip: So then clearly you know to what I'm referring to and there's no need to search any longer01:47
ActionParsnipfructose: no all I know is that there was something "available to install" but every logical thing it can mean, you have said it isn't01:48
rypervencheHow can I enable all of the repositories in Xubuntu?01:48
MK``*gnome 2 sorry01:48
ActionParsniprypervenche: uncomment the lines for the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list   is one way01:49
mtec007im having a bit of bad luck. im running natty, installed virtualbox 4.0 and now its telling me i need kernel headers
ActionParsnipfructose: can you explain what you mean and we may be able to advise01:49
rypervencheActionParsnip: Ok, wasn't sure if they were already there uncommented or not (not on the box, for a friend)01:49
fenrypervenche: edit /etc/init.d/sources.list if your ok with getting your hands dirty.01:49
fructoseActionParsnip: Unity, again, is what I'm referring to01:49
mtec007how do i get those kernel headers?01:49
fenwait lol. init.d01:49
ActionParsnipfructose: ok so you want unity? you don't want unity?01:49
rileyprypervenche,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683 for all sound and multimedia01:49
rypervencherileyp: Thank you.01:50
fructoseActionParsnip: What do you call the component of unity that lets you search for applications?01:50
rwwActionParsnip: Unity's application launcher shows software available for install. fructose likes this feature. It stopped working and now their computer doesn't show it.01:50
fructoserww: Yes, thank you01:51
ActionParsnipfructose: dash01:51
ActionParsnipfructose: how do you get from "available to install" to dash?01:51
rileyprypervenche> no porbs01:51
fructoseActionParsnip: I don't. You said dash01:51
ActionParsnip"fructose> ActionParsnip: What do you call the component of unity that lets you search for applications?01:51
ActionParsnipfructose: ^ that is dash01:52
rwwActionParsnip: that component has a list of software you can install.01:52
mtec007im having a bit of bad luck. im running natty, installed virtualbox 4.0 and now its telling me i need kernel headers  my question is where do i get those headers from? it doesnt appear to be in apt-get repository.01:53
robin0800rww, only a small fraction of what the software centre has01:53
rwwrobin0800: I'm aware.01:53
fructoseActionParsnip: Exactly. I could search for, say, "image editor" and relevant software would come up01:53
rwwmtec007: I think the package name is linux-headers-somethingorother01:53
fructoseEven if it wasn't already installed01:53
ActionParsniprww: funky01:53
fructoseAnd it was listed under the header "Available for Install" or something close01:53
mtec007rww: yes, but the has no headers in there01:54
fructoseAnd now that never happens01:54
ActionParsnipfructose: why not just use software centre? That's what that app is for...01:54
fructoseActionParsnip: Less convenient01:54
ActionParsnipfructose: but having to ask this channel what you are chasing is?01:54
rwwActionParsnip: If you don't know the answer to the question, please feel free to not answer it :|01:55
fructoseActionParsnip: I figured most people would be familiar with it, as it was an advertised feature of Unity/dash01:55
ActionParsniprww: oh i do, i'm just curious of the thought process01:55
fenOk, im officially at a loss, anyone have any idea of what ties up a disk device (already mounted or <mountpoint> in use), doesn't show up in lsof or fuser and isn't dmraid.01:56
rwwmtec007: It should do, they appear to be in the repositories. Have you run "sudo apt-get update" recently?01:56
UbuntuQHello there01:56
mtec007yes, and i just installed natty in hopes it would show up. it didnt.01:57
mtec007rww: can you locate that specific header in the repository? i cant.01:57
=== Jeet_ is now known as Jeet
NictraSaviosThe SSH client locate in the places menu, what application is that?01:58
kiffai have an ubuntu on my computer01:59
kiffahow do i remove it01:59
dijonyummyi have 2 ubuntu boxes on local net. try to nfs mount, put in fstab, but when do mount -a it just hangs.01:59
Typhwhat's the easiest way to remap keys? I want Meta to change the letter a key outputs01:59
kiffahow do i remove the ubuntu02:00
rwwmtec007: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic is the current kernel package's headers, afaict02:00
kiffafrom my computer please help02:00
bezaohi, i have done apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and do-release-upgrade, and now i'm gettin this error when my ubuntu is restarted, -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html <- i did waited it for complete the installation! * yes i was using mono project. it also had been upgraded too, can i recover my ubuntu?02:00
rwwmtec007: (the current kernel package is linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic)02:00
Poindexter_Escott, it works and it is now installing. Thanks.02:00
=== joeedh is now known as joeedh_afk
NictraSaviosThe SSH client locate in the places menu, what application is that? Ive heard it is gftp. But that dosen't seem to be it. What is the GUI called specificly.02:00
kiffahow do i make a remove of it ?02:01
mtec007rww: my kernel isnt 2.6.38-8 though, its
rwwmtec007: what's the output of uname -a?02:01
ghostnik11rileyp, yankdownunder, robin0800, and everyone else there was an actual easier way that i got the camcorder dvd to mount, through cd/dvd drive after finalizing the dvd in camcorder, then just simply putting in dvd instead of trying to transfer it from camcorder through usb, thanks to all who helped02:01
robin0800mtec007, use snaptic search kernel 38 8,9,10 headers are available02:01
mtec007rww: Linux cr48-ubuntu #1 SMP Thu Jun 2 05:56:03 PDT 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux02:01
kiffaFROM MY COMPUTAR ?02:02
kneauxAnyone know a CD ripper that will allow me to select from multiple disc drives?02:02
FloodBot1kiffa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:02
NickkkkkHow do I add screenlets to my desktop?02:02
ActionParsnipkiffa: please kill the caps02:02
rwwmtec007: That's not an Ubuntu kernel. You'll need to ask whoever you got that kernel from about it.02:02
Nickkkkkkneaux: brasero.02:02
ActionParsnipkiffa: how did you install it?02:02
kiffai didn't02:02
kneauxreally? for ripping?02:02
NictraSaviosActionParsnip, dont feed the trolls.02:02
mtec007rww: dang. you're right. i cant beleive i did that.02:02
bezaohi, i have done apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and do-release-upgrade, and now i'm gettin this error when my ubuntu is restarted, -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html <- i did waited it for complete the installation! * yes i was using mono project. it also had been upgraded too, can i recover my ubuntu?02:02
NictraSaviosNobody knows what the SSH GUI is called :S?02:03
mtec007rww: its google's ChromeOS kernel02:03
ghostnik11would anyone know of a good dvd editing program in ubuntu? that could edit the dvd and add effects to it like adding words popping up in screen and stuff like that02:03
ActionParsnipNictraSavios: gnome-terminal02:03
kiffahow do i remove it02:03
kiffait is02:03
ActionParsnipkiffa: do you dual boot?02:03
kiffaand i want it gone please how do i delete the ubuntu from it02:03
NictraSaviosActionParsnip, I need to know what the GUI is called. Not the terminal.02:03
kiffait has dual boot thing grub or something02:03
kiffaand it is freaking me out i want it gone02:03
kneauxNickkkkk, i'm not sure if brasero does ripping.02:03
kiffai should never had let them install ubuntu it is free and open02:04
ActionParsnipkiffa: if you go into add/remove programs (or programs and features in vista / win7) do you see wubi?02:04
kiffaand it works no it does not work02:04
kiffaat all02:04
kneauxNickkkkk, at least i can't find anything to rip with in brasero02:04
ActionParsnipNictraSavios: why would you need anything else?02:04
ActionParsnipkiffa: that is moot now02:04
kiffathen it must be an old02:04
NickkkkkOh :c02:04
NictraSaviosActionParsnip, Becuase Its ubuntu, You guys love the GUI.02:04
rwwkiffa: ease up on the enter key, please.02:04
ActionParsnipNictraSavios: not here02:05
bezaohi, i have done apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and do-release-upgrade, and now i'm gettin this error when my ubuntu is restarted, -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html <- i did waited it for complete the installation! * yes i was using mono project. it also had been upgraded too, can i recover my ubuntu?02:05
ActionParsnipkiffa: do you see it in the add/remove programs. Yes or no?02:05
NictraSaviosActionParsnip,I need to know because Ive never liked another ssh GUI. and for something like this, command line is over kill.02:05
UbuntuQHow can I speed up Ubuntu 10.10 system?02:05
kneauxso. Anyone? Ripping program that allows you to select a drive?02:05
kiffano action parshnip02:05
kiffabut can i remove it without removing windows02:05
kiffaand it will still work properly02:05
NictraSaviosActionParsnip, Now, may you please awnser my question, not tell me an awnser i wasent looking for :/02:06
kiffaelse i will just have to reformat everything i guess02:06
NictraSavioskiffa, Just remove windows.02:06
kiffathese kids today with their ballony and strange programs02:06
kiffai need windows for my work02:06
ballball87I have a question. I have ubuntu server and booting over PXE however it only wants to use the phsyical cdrom as the location of installation media. How can I tell it to install over the net or perhaps find the CD somewhere on my local network? Can I pass nfs or http on the command line?02:06
kiffathey will fire me02:06
NictraSavioskiffa, Trolling can be done on any OS.02:06
accelwhere can I get a list of wireless usb adapters that work with ubuntu 10.10 ?02:06
kiffai am an accountant02:06
kiffaand these programs have license to work with windows02:06
kiffaand windows only02:06
ActionParsnipNictraSavios: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gnome-connection-manager-tabbed-ssh-connection-manager-for-gtk-environments.html02:06
NictraSavioskiffa, Libre office. Better then open office.02:07
accelwhere can I get a list of wireless usb adapters that work with ubuntu 10.10 ? [my irc client scrolls fast; please pm me if you have a link]02:07
kiffathese accountanting programs don't work with ubuntu02:07
kiffayou see02:07
ActionParsnipkiffa: until you answer, we cannot help. Your choice02:07
kiffaanswer what ActionParsnip i missed your question ?02:07
ActionParsnipkiffa: all that text has zero value02:07
ActionParsnipkiffa: maybe if you weren't typing so much worthless text and actually read the screen you wouldn't have missed it02:07
kiffaok then why doesn't the accountant program not working on ubuntu02:08
kiffai can't work the companies data now because of this02:08
kiffaand i need reformat or delete ubuntu02:08
ActionParsnipkiffa: if you run add/remove programs in windows, do you see wubi?02:08
NictraSavioskiffa, ActionParsnip That dosent look like the one in ubuntu.02:08
kiffathe program is called accountview for accountanting02:08
kiffaActionParsnip no i already said i don't see wubi anywhere02:08
ActionParsnipkiffa: again, that is of zero value02:08
bezaohi, i have done apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and do-release-upgrade, and now i'm gettin this error when my ubuntu is restarted, -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html <- i did waited it for complete the installation! * yes i was using mono project. it also had been upgraded too, can i recover my ubuntu?02:09
rinkukokiriallright.. I got this sandisk usb drive i'm trying to install a live ubuntu on02:09
ActionParsnipkiffa: ok then if you use disk manager in windows, do you see the partitions ubuntu is installed to?02:09
NickkkkkCan any of you guys help me install screenlets?02:09
rinkukokiriactuallly... i got 3 of em02:09
rinkukokirinone of em will take the live install02:09
kiffai see that ActionParsnip02:09
edbianNickkkkk: sudo apt-get install screenlets   ?02:09
quickslvrrobin0800: got it working!02:09
rinkukokirimy memorex does... but I want it on a specific disk02:09
YankDownUnderkiffa, Quasar Accounting is quite nice (has linux, mac and windows client programs)02:09
kiffayes but my boss wont find it that nice02:09
quickslvrrobin0800: modified the monitors.xml and set the 22¨ to primary. :)02:10
NictraSavioskiffa, I doubt he cares, as long as you get your work done.02:10
ActionParsnipkiffa: ok then if you delete those and make a new partition in NTFS, yo can reuse the space. You WILL need to boot to your windows install CD and reinstate the windows bootloader or your system will not come back up when you next reboot or shutdown02:10
kiffasince my boss pays to use this internet accounts for accountview02:10
kiffaand he needs the databases for it02:10
ActionParsnipkiffa: your boss is of no interest here02:10
kiffaand the tax databases02:10
rinkukokiriBus 002 Device 005: ID 0781:5530 SanDisk Corp. <<< will NOT take a live install  anyone help??02:10
kiffathe guy is 50 he can't change systems02:10
NictraSaviosFor the love of god. Mute the troll.02:10
kiffahe has hard time understanding this one02:10
kiffabut i will check quasar out02:11
kiffait might be real good and i could use it for friend accountanting i guess02:11
bezaohi, i have done apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and do-release-upgrade, and now i'm gettin this error when my ubuntu is restarted, -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html <- i did waited it for complete the installation! * yes i was using mono project. it also had been upgraded too, can i recover my ubuntu?02:11
ActionParsnipkiffa: if you keep prattling on about all this useless infprmation you will be ignored by me. I have told you time and time again, we simply don't care02:11
kiffadoes it hold dutch tax laws ect in it YankDownUnder ?02:11
UbuntuQAny on knows what to use to speed up the Ubuntu 10.10 and keeps it stable?!02:11
rwwkiffa: Your enthusiasm for the enter key and irrelevant detail is getting a little tiresome. Please consider focusing and putting more than ten words on a line.02:11
ActionParsnipkiffa: all the info you insist on typing doesn't help us help you andI am having to repeatedly tell you this02:12
NickkkkkThank you edbian :D02:12
=== recifewop is now known as wildgoose
kiffaare you mocking me or are you willing to help me i am still trying to find out ?02:12
flynnUbuntuQ, Short of buying more memory and/or faster processor?02:12
ActionParsnipkiffa: do you want rid of Ubuntu?02:12
kiffao the generations has changed so much02:12
rinkukokiriwow.. so i unplug it and get the blinking capslock light of doom02:12
bezaohi, i have done apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and do-release-upgrade, and now i'm gettin this error when my ubuntu is restarted, -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html <- i did waited it for complete the installation! * yes i was using mono project. it also had been upgraded too, can i recover my ubuntu?02:12
YankDownUnderkiffa, I'm not an accountant, however, I've migrated folks to using it here in Australia02:13
kiffadepends if i have a good accountanting program for it i could maybe use it for fun02:13
kiffabut i still want the partition it is on smaller if that could be done02:13
NictraSavios!wait | bezao02:13
ubottubezao: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:13
=== MagicHat is now known as SnowCrash
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.02:13
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:13
UbuntuQOk do I need to make Swap, and what is it for?! And does it do anything to the speed?!02:13
rileypkiffa, I'm not an accountant, nor a rocket scientist but you are pain in the .ss hitting enter all the time and posting crud02:13
ActionParsnipkiffa: you can resize the partitions in ubuntu liveCD. If you use win7 then you can resize the NTFS after you shrink your ubuntu partitions02:14
rinkukokirihrm.. So this Sandisk does NOT have u3 on it, in fact it isn't even u3 capable but when i try to install the live installation to it... i get "missing operating system" at boot time02:14
edbianUbuntuQ: You need a swap.  It is used for storage space when ram is full.  When the system starts using swap it is noticably slower.  Howerver it is much faster than the performance you get when no swap is available at all02:14
rww!swap | UbuntuQ02:15
ubottuUbuntuQ: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:15
Hilikusis there a different flash player available than the closed-source one? it is not working well with mythtv and i want to try another one02:15
SnowCrashMy gnome desktop is completely unusable. Compiz is running at 101% of CPU and ignores kill, and killall. If any of you can help, I'd really appreciate it.02:15
UbuntuQHmm, that's so intersting!!02:15
szal!gnash | Hilikus02:15
ubottuHilikus: gnash is Gnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/02:15
edbianSnowCrash: kill -9 <compiz pid>02:16
ActionParsnipHilikus: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/flash-alternative-lightspark-0-4-5-released/02:16
SnowCrashThanks, edbian, what's the significance of the -9 option?02:16
edbianHilikus: It is noticibly less complete the the proprietary flash unfortunately :(02:16
flynnI have Ubuntu 10.10 desktop.  How can I get rid of the opera icon on my panel?  (When opera is running)  I tried a fix I found from googling it ,but it didn't work.02:16
UbuntuQrww Swap is a partition you make for Ubuntu, and I didn't make it, because I didn't know what it was for.02:17
Hilikusedbian: i just want to play videos in fullscreen. with the official one the video plays but in fullscreen mode it freezes the UI02:17
basixcan somebody please route me to the appropriate channel so that this bug gets some attention and is triaged quickly? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/79166002:17
edbianSnowCrash: kill -9 cannot be blocked by the application.02:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 791660 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity Dual-Screen" [Undecided,New]02:17
rwwUbuntuQ: I know what swap is.02:17
edbianHilikus: Have you tried playing them using vlc?  (That's what I do, much better performance).  I'm not sure that gnash would be bad at this.  It might be quite good as well.02:17
UbuntuQOh, ok.02:17
Hilikusedbian: no, i don't know how to find the actual URL for the video to use in vlc02:18
rinkukokirihrm.. So this Sandisk does NOT have u3 on it, in fact it isn't even u3 capable but when i try to install the live installation to it... i get "missing operating system" at boot time02:18
saethi cant seem to figure out how to remove unknown  charecters from a file and leave only charecters that are on the keyboard. if someone could point me in the right direction it would be most appricated.02:18
edbianHilikus: Flash used to dump temp files into /tmp  but I think they changed the location.  Hang on02:18
szalbasix: if it's your bug, you might wanna have given it a more sensible title02:18
bezaohi, i have done apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and do-release-upgrade, and now i'm gettin this error when my ubuntu is restarted, -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html <- i did waited it for complete the installation! * yes i was using mono project. it also had been upgraded too, can i recover my ubuntu?02:19
SnowCrashedbian: Thanks. That's wild; I got a better result, but compiz pops back up with a new PID in an instant, and uses just as much CPU.02:19
edbianSnowCrash: metacity --replace&02:19
edbianSnowCrash: That turns compiz off.02:19
rinkukokiriCan anyone tell me why i can't install a Ubuntu live onto my sandisk NON U3 usb drive??02:20
basixszal, It's not my bug but I am affected by it.02:20
flynnI have Ubuntu 10.10 desktop.  How can I get rid of the opera icon on my panel?  (When opera is running)  I tried a fix I found from googling it ,but it didn't work.02:20
SnowCrashrinkukokiri, is your usb drive otherwise functional?02:20
basixrinkukokiri, what do u mean that you cannot install? Elaborate please.02:20
szal!patience | flynn02:21
ubottuflynn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:21
rinkukokiriSnowCrash, yes02:21
edbianHilikus: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/saving-flash-videos-in-linux-tmp-no-longer-works/02:21
edbianHilikus: You can play them there with vlc.  It's annoying they're not longer in /tmp02:21
SnowCrashflynn you want to hide panel object indicating that opera's running?02:21
jon8whwhen adding iptable entries it resolves the ip to domain names.. even if domain names aren't even real.. how can force iptables to only care/store the actual ip address for the rule?02:21
rinkukokiribasix, i use unetbootin to drop the ISO onto the drive.. reboot, hit esc, select the sandisk, result: "missing operating system"02:21
flynnSnowCrash, Yeah, or just have it not be there.02:22
rinkukokiribasix, and sudo u3-tool -i /dev/sdb == u3_partition_info() failed: Device reported command failed: status 102:23
BeBohi to all02:23
rinkukokiriso it's not even u3 capable02:23
BeBoi need help in ubuntu 11.04 about wireless02:23
basixrinkukokiri, what version of unetbootin are you using and are you sure you're booting off the right device?02:24
robin0800rinkukokiri, you can't drop an ISO on a drive you have to install it and a boot-loader02:25
SnowCrashedbian, is --replace supposed to affect the manager on another X display?02:25
rinkukokiribasix whichever is in the repos, and yes02:25
edbianSnowCrash: It is supposed to affect the window manager on the display on which you ran the command.  (unless you specify --display :10.0 or something)02:25
basixrinkukokiri, did you try another distribution?02:25
rinkukokiri!unetbootin | robin02:25
ubotturobin: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:25
basixrobin0800, rinkukokiri is using unetbootin02:25
qinrinkukokiri: You cannot install or boot?02:26
rinkukokiribasix, actually, yes i've tried backtrack and ubuntu  11.0402:26
SnowCrashedbian: gotcha.02:26
basixrinkukokiri, and both dont work?02:26
rinkukokiriboth result in the same problem02:26
edbianSnowCrash: sure :)02:26
BeBohallo any one here know how to fix wireless proplem in ubnutu 11.0402:26
Logan_!wireless | BeBo02:26
ubottuBeBo: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:26
rinkukokiribasix, back in 10.04 or 9.10 (one of em, i think both actually) worked off these same disks though02:27
edbianBeBo: What card do you have?02:27
szalrinkukokiri: rumour has it that you can just dd the 11.04 live CDs to the USB pen02:27
F3arIs anyone using 11.10 yet?02:28
qinrinkukokiri: I mean some SanDisk usb have "cd-like" extra safety, so there are NOT-bootable (unless you will remove half of the USB board)02:28
szalF3ar: -> #ubuntu+102:28
basixrinkukokiri, can you try those ISOs and check if you can in-fact create a live usb stick? I remember a while back i have 9.10 running and at some point unetbootin would not create a bootable usb stick of ubuntu 10.10 so i had to update unetbootin. But this may not be the case with you.02:28
rinkukokiriszal, i've had it work on my memorex, it's just these usb drives (two of em are u3 capable, one isn't, all three that don't work are sandisk)02:28
bezaocan i startu ubuntu in 'safe mode'?02:28
SnowCrashedbian: That display syntax is a confusing me.  I've got 6 tty terminals, and the 7th has got gnome, but I don't know how to indicate/aim at that one. ":10.0"?02:28
nimbioticsI created an iso file with devede. Now I need to add some files to the iso;how do I do that, which software should I use? TIA!02:29
rinkukokirithat's the thing, I *can* create a live usb, i just already have one on my memorex, and want another on my sandisk02:29
edbianSnowCrash: The 7th tty holds the first X server instance.   So it's display :0.0     The second one might be :1.0 (perhaps on tty8) but usually programs jump to :10.0   It's rare you have more than one display server running at once.02:29
BeBoedbian : intel i think dell wireless 1395 wlan mini-card02:30
rinkukokirilemmie make sure i didn't do a noobish mistake and forget to set the boot flag02:30
edbianSnowCrash: For example.  If you switch to tty1 and want to talk about the X server on tty7 you'd do --display :0.002:30
qinrinkukokiri: lsusb (and google id for bootable), sudo fdisk -l (if there is something more that should)02:30
Jeff_can anyone help me with a dvd burning problem?02:31
Corey!anyone | Jeff_02:31
ubottuJeff_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:31
rinkukokiriyep, when i gparted it i forgot to check the box02:31
* rinkukokiri is a noob02:31
Coreyrinkukokiri: That's how we learn.02:31
edbianBeBo: What is it called in the output of lspci ?02:31
SnowCrashedbian: Aaahhh.  So, the 'display server', that's the one running compiz, or metacity?02:31
edbianSnowCrash: yes02:31
BeBoedbian : what is that ?02:32
masahirohow can i automatically start a terminal with a script to run in that window ?02:32
edbianBeBo: lspci is a command that lists hardware connected to your pc.  It is a command you run in the terminal02:32
=== |_ockeMaybe is now known as |_ocke
ActionParsnipmasahiro: run:  gnome-terminal -e command &     and it will spawn a new terminal02:33
edbianmasahiro: -e /path/to/some/script02:33
Jeff_I am trying to burn a file to DVD that can be playable on DVD player,  File was created on windows live media 9...15 disks and 4 programs later no disk playable on DVD player....  11.0402:33
=== matt_ is now known as Guest75135
masahirook i'll try it :)02:33
masahiroreally cool it works :D02:33
aleph-2is it possible to "hC02:33
nimbioticsI created an iso file with devede. Now I need to add some files to the iso; how do I do that, which software should I use? TIA!02:34
BeBoedbian : sorry i now using ms windows 7 because i install ubuntu 10.10 because i need wireless02:34
rinkustill nothing...02:34
szal!patience | nimbiotics02:34
ubottunimbiotics: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:34
edbianBeBo: You need to be running ubuntu to debug ubuntu02:34
aleph-2is it possible to "hack" gthumb to zoom using the scroll wheel?02:34
=== rinku is now known as rinkukokiri
edbianBeBo: It is not a simple thing to fix unfortunately02:34
rinkukokiristill no go, lemmie try one more tiem02:35
edbianWhen I run gnome-terminal -e echo 'hello world'   the terminal opens and closes so quickly I can't read it!  What am I doing wrong?02:35
SnowCrashHow do I view messages/multiple channels in Irssi?02:35
szalSnowCrash: -> #irssi02:36
Jeff_I am trying to burn a file to DVD that can be playable on DVD player,  File was created on windows live media 9...15 disks and 4 programs later no disk playable on DVD player....  11.0402:36
qinedbian: add "&& sleep 10 " to your command, without the quotes.02:36
robin0800Jeff_, whats the file extension ?02:36
szal!patience | Jeff_02:36
ubottuJeff_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:36
BeBoedbian : so i have to use ubuntu 10.10 until ubuntu 11.10 coming and i hope they will fix this proplem02:36
ActionParsnipJeff_: burn it as slowly as possible, helps a lot02:36
qinedbian: Or use profile with setting to keep terminal open02:36
edbianBeBo: It probably can be fixed.  But you have to boot it in order to figure out how to fix it.02:36
Jeff_Robin...    .WMV02:37
szalJeff_: does your DVD player support playing WMV?02:37
edbianqin: what setting is it in the profile?02:37
robin0800Jeff_, probably not supported on dvd player02:37
Jeff_Szal....   ???   don't know....   it always worked just fine before02:38
szalJeff_: consult its manual then02:38
Jeff_Robin,  how would I change file type?02:38
Jeff_to lets say .avi...02:39
Nautilusanyone care to help me update 8.04LTS's PHP to 5.2.16?  First time doing this.02:39
ActionParsnipJeff_: you may need to use devede to make the wmv into a DVD ISO02:39
edbianqin: Found it.  Nevermind02:39
qinedbian: gnome-terminal > Edit > Profile Pref > (tab) Title & Command: When02:39
qinedbian: Nice02:39
masahirohow can i move this window that is stucked over the bar ? http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/5859/capturerc.png02:39
edbianqin: I see exit no longer works02:39
BeBoedbian : i tried to change kernel02:39
edbianBeBo: What card do you have listed in lspci ?02:39
BeBoedbian : and still not fixed02:40
rwwmasahiro: hold down the Alt key, and click-drag it.02:40
Jeff_Action,   when I open DeVeDe it wont find the file when I look in the folder it is in02:40
edbianqin: Now the terminal stays open but it does not have 'hello world' printed in it?02:40
edbianI have to use -x ?02:40
masahirook good thanks rww :)02:40
qinedbian: try add "&& sleep 10" and do not add "&" at the end.02:41
DigitalSkinhow would i turn on wifi for a laptop02:41
ActionParsnipJeff_: if you run:  file /path/to/filename    (change /path/to/filename     does it report what the file is and does it say it is the right sort of file?02:41
BeBoedbian : i told you i'm now using ms windows 702:41
robin0800ActionParsnip, does DeVeDe support wmv ?02:41
edbianBeBo: and I told you.  You need to boot Ubuntu!02:41
ActionParsniprobin0800: possibly, not sure02:41
SnowCrashHow does one view private messages / multiple channels in irssi?02:41
edbianqin: That's not helping.  gnome-terminal -x echo 'hello world' && echo 'yeah'02:42
TSGI like gnome3 on 11.04 a lot more than unity.02:42
TSGIt feels and looks so much better.02:42
trismedbian: gnome-terminal -x bash -c 'echo "02:42
qinedbian: -e ?02:42
Jeff_Action, is that in the terminal?02:42
SnowCrash(sorry for duplicate question.  I crashed, of course.)02:42
ActionParsnipJeff_: yes02:42
trismedbian: gnome-terminal -x bash -c 'echo "hello"; read -p "Press enter to continue"'02:42
BeBoedbian : ok but how i can conect to you throw here too02:42
Jeff_Action, let me try02:42
rwwSnowCrash: http://www.princessleia.com/irssi.php02:43
SnowCrashrww: know a convenient command-line browser?02:43
ActionParsnipJeff_: try hitting TAB after you type action ;)02:43
rwwSnowCrash: w3m, it's installed by default in Ubuntu02:43
edbiantrism: qin Got it.  Thank you!02:44
masais there a way to avoid the terminal window being at the bar all the time ?02:44
masai don't understand why it does that02:44
edbianBeBo: You'll have to go back and forth I'm afraid.  I suggest getting a second machine.  I have to go now though :(02:44
SnowCrashrww: grazie mille02:44
rwwSnowCrash: or not, looks like they removed it in natty. But it's still good :)02:44
qintrism: Right, thanks02:45
BeBoedbian : ok,bye02:45
Jeff_ActionParsnip, sorry02:45
ActionParsnipJeff_: np :)02:45
SnowCrashrww: Well, thanks for the URL.02:46
|Anthony|how do we restrict nautilus to show items only in $HOME02:47
Poindexter_Escott, VirtualBox works perfectly. Thanks for your input. What I did was delete all of the files I started with and started new and that's all she wrote.02:47
Jeff_ActionParsnip, in DeVeDe what video format would be best?  PAL/SECAM or NTSC?02:48
dr_willisJeff_,  depends on what your tv's can show.02:48
dr_willisJeff_,  USA  = ntsc02:48
Jeff_ActionParsnip, good point02:48
Jeff_ActionParsnip, what would be most common?02:49
szal|Anthony|: you don't..  unless you withdraw reading rights for anyone but owner and/or owner's user group02:49
ActionParsnipJeff_: avi is far and away the most portable02:49
Jeff_dr_willis, thank you02:49
eb3ha4elis debian based linux the same except software installed? I mean I'm newbie and I really like ubuntu community and forums, but I wanna try Crunchbang and worried to do so because it certainly seems to have much smaller community support... would the solutions for Ubuntu work in Crunchbang as well??02:50
Jeff_ActionParsnip, TY02:50
|Anthony|does it really have to be an explicit exclusion for every file02:50
dr_williseb3ha4el,  i dont really see much need to use crunchbang. You could  make your own similer setup in ubuntu.02:50
dr_williseb3ha4el,  most of the fundamental stuff will be the same. but there can be differances. often big ones. Like SysV vs Upstart02:51
quickslvrmessed up my sudoers file, now i can get into root to modify the file.02:51
spikkuI have a dual boot laptop with Windows and Ubuntu. I had to reinstall windows and it seems to kill my grub2 bootloader. I loaded up the live cd and attempted to reinstall grub2. It seems to kindof work, as I get a GRUB> prompt on bootup, but it doesn't display the menu. The Ubuntu grub2 help page says this is caused because grub doesn't know where the config file is. How do I set grub2 to know where the config file is on boot?02:51
dr_willisquickslvr,  use a live cd.02:51
quickslvrWill booting into save mode help?02:51
quickslvrdr_willis: boot up using the installation disc?02:52
hypatiano, but you could boot into single user, or use a livecd as dr_willis suggests quickslvr02:52
dr_willisquickslvr,  any live cd can work.02:52
quickslvrWill try that now02:52
eb3ha4eldr_willis: thanks.. I originally wanted to and still trying to set up minimal ubuntu, but having troubles in network configuration...02:52
dr_willisor if you can alter your grub menu. append 'single' to the en d of the line.02:52
eb3ha4eldr_willis: so I just thought i'd rather try crunchbang.02:52
dr_williseb3ha4el,  depends on how minimnal you want.  You could just use Lubuntu - its about as minimal yet being full fetauerd.02:52
dr_williseb3ha4el,  you can always configure networking from the command line :) but i dont see what you gain by doing that route.02:53
eb3ha4eldr_willis: what route do you mean? minimal install?02:54
dijonyummyhow to fix this error: mount.nfs4: access denied by server while mounting i thought i setup the server and client correctly. is this a prob on the client or server?02:54
dr_williseb3ha4el,   the ubuntu installer on the alt-cd supports a 'command line only mini install' or if you want a full featured  yet low resource desktop = 'lubuntu' fits that catagory02:55
dr_willis!iinfo lubuntu02:55
edugonchHello, I have xubuntu, I can't connect to my wireless network, I can see the connections and I can choose one, but when try to connect it just disconnect02:55
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.02:55
dr_willisdijonyummy,  i would think its  a server setting issue.   'denied by server'02:56
ubottufluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/02:56
eb3ha4eldr_willis: yes I have used lubuntu and quite liked it, but I just thought I wanna have some fun and more customized system by doing this..02:56
edugonchWHen I run ifup wlan0 I get this Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.02:56
AngelofThunderhi everybody02:57
AngelofThunderi have severall linux versions installed, and after installing the last one, the ubuntustudio wasnt mentioned anymore in the grub bootloader, so i tried to reinstall grub with the ubuntulivedvd, but theres no list anymore, with fatal error showing no such directory, an than loading automaticly ubuntustudio, without the choice for the others!!! Can anyone help me please?02:58
bezaohi, i have done apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and do-release-upgrade, and now i'm gettin this error when my ubuntu is restarted, -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html <- i did waited it for complete the installation! * yes i was using mono project. it also had been upgraded too, can i recover my ubuntu?02:58
dr_willisI wonder what LPAE means. :)  yet another standard that people will ignore?02:58
kiffadr_willis are you really a doctor02:58
Poindexter_Dr_Willis if using Ubuntu with VirtualBox with Windows, would defragmenting the Windows box cause problems with Ubuntu since Linux does not need to be defragmented?02:58
phuxafter switching from 10.10 to 11.04 desktop load-up takes like 20 seconds, theres no difference in speed with unity, unity2d and classic gnome. is it just normal?02:59
dr_willisPoindexter_,  linux side cant tell.. its hard drive is in a single image file...03:00
eb3ha4elDo I have to fill in HTTP proxy information to access internet when configuring network manually at install?03:00
dr_willisPoindexter_,   ext2/3/4 can get fragmented.. but its rarely an issue.03:00
qinPoindexter_: Looks like waste of io03:00
dr_willisPoindexter_,  virtualbox also handles hard drives images in special ways.  so you rarely need to worry about them at all03:01
robin0800eb3ha4el, only if you use one03:01
eb3ha4elrobin0800: hi you still there, how can i find that out??03:02
Poindexter_Dr_Willis thanks. I thought that might be an issue. So even if I defragment the disk, nothing is lost anyways due to the fact that I can always install it again. Nothing like experience.03:02
dr_willisPoindexter_,  it would be very weird that defragmenting windows would 'lose' any data at all... sort of make the os even more useless. :)03:02
TrfsrfrI just recently got my hp wireless printer working, but now I need to scan some doc's, and I cant figure out how.03:03
Poindexter_I think I did pretty good learning about VirtualBox in two days and installing perfectly.03:03
ZulaikaI'm new to Ubuntu, If I download Thunderbird can I still have it work with the mail icon on the top bar?03:03
dr_willisbye all - bbl03:03
bezaoi'm getting this error when i boot my ubuntu, i cant login there, but i can login by ssh over local network -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html03:03
Poindexter_Take care Dr_Willis. Thanks again.03:03
eb3ha4elrobin0800: I typed in right IP address, subnet mask, Gateway I think... and left emtpy for name server, domain name, HTTP proxy information, then I can't access to ubuntu archive mirror..03:03
robin0800eb3ha4el, have you ever filled out proxy info for anything connecting to the internet?03:04
Trfsrfrhow do I scan?03:04
eb3ha4elrobin0800: I looked up wiki but still don't get what proxy is, but I just type in Wlan Password.03:04
kiffaof course everyone does that robin080003:04
escotteb3ha4el, put in for your name server. you have to have something there unless you use dhcp for everything03:05
eb3ha4elescott: thank you03:05
Poindexter_Escott, the install worked just fine. Thanks again.03:05
escottPoindexter_, good03:05
bezaoi'm getting this error when i boot my ubuntu, i cant login there, but i can login by ssh over local network -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html , how can i correct this?03:06
TheLifelessOneMy installation froze on 'unpacking keyboard-configuration'. Latest release, minimal .ISO, x86. What can I do to fix it without having to restart the installation?03:06
Poindexter_Escott I started to panic for a bit but when I saw the Windows Desktop in the background while Ubuntu was installing was a relief. In fact, Xubuntu installed extremely faster than if I had installed it on a clean hard drive.03:07
usr13bezao: Do you have openssh-server installed?03:07
Jeff_ActionParsnip, Will ISO work for a movie?03:07
TheLifelessOneAnyone? :/03:07
eb3ha4elescott: I put but still not working.. hmm...03:08
usr13bezao: sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:08
Trfsrfrhow do i scan?03:09
kiffapress scan button03:09
usr13Trfsrfr: for what?03:09
kiffawith sledge hammer03:09
bezaousr13 you read it wrong, i CAN connect over ssh local host, i want to remove that error on my ubuntu boot., i cant long in the ubuntu machine!03:09
Trfsrfrusr13, I need to scan some doc's.03:09
robin0800eb3ha4el, what are you trying to connect to?03:10
Jeff_dr_willis, Will ISO work for creating a dvd playable on dvd player?03:10
usr13Trfsrfr: Scan for keywords?  Scan for what?03:10
Trfsrfrkiffa, let me try that...03:10
bahaaproblem with apt: kdeplasma-addons-dbg depends on kdebase-workspace-dbg; however:03:10
bahaa  Package kdebase-workspace-dbg is not installed.03:10
eb3ha4elrobin0800: Ubuntu archive mirror, I'm in a process of netinstall03:10
usr13Trfsrfr: man grep03:10
Trfsrfrusr13,  gimme 30 secs...03:10
TheLifelessOneCan anyone tell me why the minimal ISO is freezing during install?03:10
bahaaI've installed it twice and it's failing03:11
bezaoi'm getting this error when i boot my ubuntu, i cant login there, but i can login by ssh over local network -> http://www.image-share.com/ipng-716-88.html , how can i correct this?03:11
kiffasee i am the only one in here actually helping ppl03:11
bahaakiffa, thanks man :)03:11
robin0800eb3ha4el, try that as the name server03:11
usr13bezao: You can not login at the local terminal?03:11
eb3ha4elrobin0800: okay03:12
bezaousr13 nop, check the site with the screen03:12
Trfsrfrkiffa,  how do i make my printer scan? pressing the button doesnt work.03:12
eb3ha4elrobin0800: how do i find out ip address of http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ ?03:13
escottTrfsrfr, have you opened the scanner application. it can usually start the scanning03:13
kiffai know this one Trfsrfr i know it please don't tell me03:13
usr13Trfsrfr: Oh, like a fladbed scanner?03:13
kiffahow is it connected usb or serial ?03:14
Trfsrfrlike, on a copier printer scanner03:14
robin0800eb3ha4el, put the gb.archive.ubuntu.com in as the name03:14
usr13Trfsrfr: gimp03:14
kiffais the driver installed correctly ?03:14
kiffadid you  try restarting the computer03:14
kiffadid you try it with a cable if possible ?03:14
eb3ha4elrobin0800: installer tells me to put IP address of name server not host names03:14
Trfsrfrbut i just bought it, and this is my 1st scan03:14
bezaohow can i list packes installed in my ubuntu using a %like% ?03:15
Trfsrfrprinter works03:15
kiffado you have a program that scans for you ?03:15
kiffaor give you the option to scan ?03:15
escotteb3ha4el, is there a reason you can't use the automatic dhcp setup03:15
Trfsrfrthis is my 1st scan03:15
usr13Trfsrfr: See if it is supported s03:15
usr13Trfsrfr: man sane-find-scanner03:15
eb3ha4elescott: I was also wondering about that. I mean it keeps fails and someone told me it might be because of WPA password of wireless network I'm using03:16
celthundereb3ha4el: and
eb3ha4elcelthunder: thank you03:16
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
usr13Trfsrfr: sane-find-scanner  is a command-line tool to find SCSI and USB scanners03:16
kiffahe just said it was wireless03:16
kiffaand the priter was working so according to my logic it is detected03:17
escotteb3ha4el, can you run "ping" in a terminal03:17
robin0800eb3ha4el, according to google its
eb3ha4elescott: ping google.com - bad address //// ping - Network is unreachable03:18
=== tum is now known as Guest36540
eb3ha4elrobin0800: thank you i'll try that03:18
bezaohow can i list packes installed in my ubuntu using a %like% ?03:18
rwwbezao: I don't understand your question.03:18
usr13eb3ha4el: ping is a command line tool.03:18
IdleOne!clone | bezao03:19
ubottubezao: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:19
eb3ha4elusr13: Yes I understand that03:19
escotteb3ha4el, you really need to pay more attention to error messages, you've been wasting your time for the past 2 hours03:19
kiffahmm bezao has a good question03:19
bezaorww i wanna list packes installed that have MONO in name,03:19
bezaoso i can remove it all03:19
kiffafirst one to have a real good question bezoa you get my question reward of the day03:19
escotteb3ha4el, fix the wpa error, and make sure you are using automatic (dhcp) configuratoin03:19
usr13escott: What is he trying to do?03:19
kzhbezao, are you trolling?03:19
escottusr13, install and the last two hours he has been worrying about dns when he isn't even connected to his network03:20
bezaoof course not03:20
bezaoi do want to list that03:20
IdleOnebezao: use Synaptic package manager03:20
usr13escott: Oh, he is trying to establish wireless network connection?03:20
eb3ha4elescott: do you know how to fix WPA error then? I'm not sure whether the cause of problem is WPA but it probably is I think.. because I never typed password03:20
escotteb3ha4el, if you have an ethernet cable you might want to plug directly into your router instead of using wireless03:20
celthunderbezao: apt-cache search mono03:21
bezaoIdleOne i'm under ubuntu-server i only have terminal, how can i do that?03:21
bezaocelthunder i did that, but it shows 20203829 packes, i wanna know which of them i have installed.03:21
escotteb3ha4el, yes it should ask for a password. i would delete the connection config you have right now, and try to select your network from the list again03:22
rwwbezao: I don't know how to do that without aptitude :(03:22
* rww would do aptitude search ~i~nmono03:22
rwwbut aptitude isn't installed by default now03:22
eb3ha4elescott: I don't have it, so I was thinking of plugging the cable that goes to wireless router itself but I'm using router with my flatmates.. can't disturb them using internet03:22
bezaorww i can use atitude in ubuntu? i need to install?03:22
rwwbezao: sudo apt-get install aptitude03:22
rwwthere's probably a way of doing it without that, I just don't know what it is03:22
bezaoi already have it, lol, hehe03:22
robin0800rww, its easy to install thou03:23
eb3ha4elescott: no chance without using wiring?03:23
rwwah, yay. well, there you go :)03:23
bezaoit have me show less packec then pat-get search03:23
rwwand to remove anything with "mono" in the name, sudo aptitude purge ~i~nmono03:23
=== user___ is now known as SnowCrush
bezaobut it has alot, how can i remove all of them without type 1 by 103:23
bezaohaha, u answered first :D03:23
escotteb3ha4el, it should work fine, i'm not sure why you are unable to connect to your wap. if it shows in the list you should be able to select it and it should ask you for a password03:23
celthunderbezao: add --installed to the command03:23
celthunderbezao: apt-cache search --installed mono03:24
escotteb3ha4el, if you can plug in directly you can simplify things because there will be no wpa issues03:24
bezaocelthunder i would try, but i'm already uninstalling it, hehe03:24
bezaothanks celthunder and rww03:24
SnowCrushIs there a quick way to completely remove and reinstall unity/compiz?03:25
robin0800escott, I'm not even sure wpa is supported its not in the alternate cd or the minimal one03:26
escottrobin0800, it is03:26
ActionParsnipSnowCrush: it will just put the same files in the same place. it won't reset config. Do you want to reset the config?03:26
robin0800escott, I've only seen wep not wpa03:27
SnowCrushActionParsnip, I will try that.  How?03:27
eb3ha4elrobin0800: I have no idea but I simply have been told the same03:27
escottrobin0800, if you are using wep you should move to wpa as wep stands for "weak encryption protocol" ;)03:28
bezaorww i did some updates last night, runned this "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade -y;do-release-upgrade;apt-get clean" and after that i cant see the login screen at the machine, can i correct this?03:29
bezaoit's possible?03:29
robin0800escott, I use wpa2 and cannot install using the alternate cd wireless as it does not support this03:30
rwwbezao: no idea03:30
eb3ha4elrobin0800: so it seems certain then without cable I cannot continue installing this..?03:30
bezaoguys after i did "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade -y;do-release-upgrade;apt-get clean" last night, on ubuntu-server, i cannot see my login screen when i boot, it's possible to fix this?03:31
szalbezao: well, what do you see if not the login screen?03:31
escottbezao, do you know what do-release-upgrade does?03:32
robin0800eb3ha4el, I thought most routers come with a network cable03:32
banker247this may be off the wall question... but why would you use Arch opposed to Ubuntu?03:32
bezaoescott updates my ubuntu03:32
ActionParsnipSnowCrush: you can use gconf somehow, or there are config folders in ~/.config03:32
bezaoszal i can login over localhost by ssh03:32
escottbezao, no it updates your ubuntu release from say 10.10 to 11.04.. its not something you should just casually run03:32
szalbezao: that was not the question03:33
eb3ha4elrobin0800: Router is not mine.. I live with flatmates.. and it's pretty late for asking for a cable... but seems things have became clear thanks03:33
DJCharlieEvening all. Can someone tell me how to fix this error please? dpkg: error processing ca-certificates-java (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 103:33
icarusQ: have 4 lenovo Thinkcenter M58P 6234 UV1. Trying to connect as a cluster(load-balancing/round-robin). Please provide either software suggestion or different IRC.03:33
bezaoescott why not? i want to upgrade, why i cant?03:33
robin0800eb3ha4el, can't you download a cd?03:33
bezaoszal a black screen03:34
eb3ha4elrobin0800: you mean full featured?03:34
banker247why would you use Arch opposed to Ubuntu? i'm trying to understand03:34
bezaowith the keyboard cursor, blinking03:34
robin0800eb3ha4el, yes 650 Mb03:34
escottbezao, what happened to you is exactly why you don't just casually run something like do-release-upgrade03:34
SnowCrushActionParsnip, I think I may have gotten into the trouble I'm in now by [rm -rf] ing in .config, willy-nilly.03:35
szalbanker247: we don't, this is #ubuntu, so why would you expect someone here to use Arch?03:35
eb3ha4elrobin0800: oh don't worry.. I'm just trying this for fun and to learn.. I can do that..03:35
banker247szal, i dunno03:35
rwwbanker247: perhaps you should ask #archlinux03:35
ActionParsnipSnowCrush: oh boy :(03:35
bezaoescott i always did that, never got problem, from 2 years, but now it did, but i dont know if that was the problem, since the version is running still 10.0403:35
ActionParsnipSnowCrush: log off and on and you will get vanilla settings for your apps03:35
escottbezao, ill grant you the use of upgrade and update is a bit confusing. apt-get update downloads the most recent list of packages, apt-get upgrade installs any security updates from that set. do-release-upgrade will replace virtually your entire system with new software03:36
bezaoi guess that is not the problem escott i still have running version 10.04, i did not downloaded 11103:36
icarusanybody know where it would be possible to get actual cluster support?03:36
aidrocsidso i've got windows and samba all configured, but how do i actually browse my network folders?03:37
szalbezao: in that case 'do-release-upgrade' is pointless03:37
escottbezao, 10.04 is an LTS so do-release-upgrade won't do anything until apr-2012 but please stop running that command like that03:37
bezaodude, can i fix that? or will you keep telling me to dont run the command, cuz this wont help me03:38
bezaoi already did, so..03:38
aidrocsidanybody? samba?03:38
ActionParsnipaidrocsid: if you run:  smbtree   do you see the shares?03:39
eiriksvinum, does anyone know how to install GameKit_Engine on Blender in Ubuntu?03:39
Coreybezao: Calm.  Soothing thoughts.03:39
escottbezao, just trying to protect you from shooting yourself in the foot in the future. so you are able to ssh into the server? but the gui is not coming up? can you !paste your Xorg.0.log from /var/log03:39
SnowCrushActionParsnip: Heh, I've tried that a few times, now.  Somehow I've managed to screw up Compiz so bad it sucks "101%" of my CPU, and completely fails to render a thing. It's easy enough to boot into Classic, but I'm not proud.03:39
banker247rww, hmm thats wierd.. you can't talk in #archlinux03:39
ActionParsnipSnowCrush: i ditched compiz a year or so back03:39
* szal asks himself why a server would have a GUI anyway03:39
aidrocsidoo yes i see it03:39
rwwbanker247: ah, looks like it's set to require nickserv identification to talk03:40
CoreySnowCrush: Correct, although not helpful.03:40
szalbanker247: yes you can..  if you have a registered nick03:40
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:40
DJCharlieCan someone tell me how to fix this error please? dpkg: error processing ca-certificates-java (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 103:40
aidrocsid\\ LAPTOP03:40
bezaoescott /var/log/Xorg.0.log does not exists. i'm running ubuntu-server just to know again03:40
aidrocsidhow do i get there?03:40
escottbezao, so what login screen are you refering to getty?03:40
banker247szal, what you mean registered nickj03:41
bezaowhen i boot it, it got black! after shows UBUNTU 10.0403:41
rwwbanker247: see ubottu's last message03:41
bezaoi cant login in that machine, just over localhost by ssh escott03:41
escottbezao, and what are you are expecting a text console or a gui?03:42
aidrocsidActionParsnip: I see it, how do I browse it?03:42
ActionParsnipSnowCrush: you can use gconf to recursive unset the options in gconf which hold compiz settings03:42
bezaoescott something to login, i had that, i dont remember what is was a console or gui, but i could login in that machine!03:42
bezaonow i cant anymore, it got black03:42
escottbezao, can you ctrl-alt-f1?03:43
ActionParsnipaidrocsid: press ALT+F2 and type:   smb://server/share    replace server with the server name, replace share with the share name03:43
SnowCrushActopmParsnip: I'm in love with Compiz's hotkeyed grid and sliding animations between desktops.  I've never felt so free slinging windows around the screen, and flying around over multiple desktops.03:43
SnowCrushActionParsnip: I'll give that a try, thanks.03:43
Hilikushow can i see the file descriptor of a process? i am trying to find the flash cache03:43
aidrocsidoh hell now i don't see it03:43
kleanchapIs it possible to power on a computer via BIOS settings?03:43
bezaoescott why the hell they have made that, blah it was hidden!03:43
aidrocsidprobably because i was installing samba 403:44
ActionParsnipkleanchap: i'd ask in #hardware03:44
aidrocsidand it overwrote my conf03:44
ActionParsnipaidrocsid: why are you using samba4?03:44
szalkleanchap: see the owner's manual of the motherboard for information on what events can trigger a wakeup03:44
robin0800kleanchap, wake on lan usually03:44
escottbezao, gdm is failing or the x server is failing. so vt7 is blank. vt1-6 have getty's on them03:44
bezaoescott i did never needed to do ctrl+alt+f103:44
escottbezao, vt7 is the default03:44
DJCharlieCan someone PLEASE tell me how to fix this error? dpkg: error processing ca-certificates-java (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 103:45
aidrocsidhey it didn't at all03:45
bezaoescott how can i correct that?03:45
escottbezao, do you want a gui or not03:45
kleanchapszal, robin0800 : Thanks.03:45
bezaonop, just the console login escott03:45
ActionParsnipDJCharlie: can you give a full pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade03:45
aidrocsidActionParsnip: it's not showing me the tree anymore03:45
ActionParsnipaidrocsid: then restart the smbd service. I suggest you use samba and not samba403:46
aidrocsidhow do i install that instead03:46
aidrocsidwhen i did sudo apt-get install samba it gave me samba 403:46
aidrocsidok now i see it again03:47
bezaohow can i change the ubuntu language?03:48
aidrocsidi don't see a share03:48
aidrocsidjust the machine03:48
NictraSaviosWhat is the name of the ubuntu ssh GUI package?03:48
NictraSaviosThe GUI that you get on the "edit" menu in unity, or the places menu in gnome 2. It allows you to connect to ftp/ssh and a few others, the "connect to server" thing. Id like to know what it is called.03:49
DJCharlieActionParsnip: copying to pastebin now.03:49
aidrocsidActionParsnip: smb://LAPTOP/Downloads isn't doing anything03:49
aidrocsidand i do see the machine, just no folders :(03:50
DJCharlieActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/bV7GFwGw03:51
aidrocsidoh but i might be able to share the other way03:51
aidrocsidwhich is just as good03:51
Hilikusany idea where are flash videos cached?03:51
escottbezao, modify /etc/default/console-setup to put gettys on 1-7 and maybe also change your kernel boot parameters in /etc/default/grub to be "text" instead of "quiet splash"03:51
ActionParsnipDJCharlie: what is the output of: sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a    please03:52
RickdatHello, how can I get iTunes working on Ubuntu?03:52
escottbezao, you could also disable and gdm service you have with update-rc.d03:52
NictraSaviosrickbol, You can't. Its not made for linux. It won't sync with an iphone or ipod even through wine.03:52
escottbezao, there may be more useful information in !init03:53
MrPPSRickdat: you don't get iTunes working on Ubuntu - you use alternatives03:53
MrPPSor dual boot03:53
bezaoescott thanks03:53
NictraSaviosrickbol, I would suggest installing windows to Virtual-box, and using that.03:53
Rickdatwhat if ubuntu killed windows? :S03:53
ActionParsnipRickdat: wine may do it03:53
MrPPSRickdat: that only happens when it's angry...03:53
MrPPSRickdat: what did it do to Windows?03:54
Rickdatformatted my harddrive03:54
ActionParsnipMrPPS: some versions of itunes run in some versions of wine03:54
NictraSaviosRickdat, Ubuntu cannot kill windows, unless you messed up majorly03:54
ActionParsnipRickdat: ubuntu won't kill windows03:54
Rickdati formatted the hardrive03:54
NictraSaviosMrPPS, None that work with current firmwares, non that can sync to an iDevice03:54
robin0800Rickdat, if you can i would install rockbox on your ipod03:54
MrPPSActionParsnip: I never said they didn't, but it's very buggy, and there's much better wyas to go about it03:54
DJCharlieActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/bmJMDG1V03:54
Rickdatwell ubuntu did anyway03:54
NictraSaviosRickdat, Do you need it for an iDevice?03:54
MrPPSRickdat: formatting the hard drive was simply not knowing what you were supposed to do when installing03:54
MrPPSRickdat: not trying to be mean, but it does fairly clearly give you options for keeping windows03:55
=== linux is now known as linux_rus
bezaoubuntu can handle the 4gb ram of a computer? win7 32bit can't, but 64bits, can03:55
RickdatNictraSavios, My iPod touch.03:55
ActionParsnipDJCharlie: ok what is the output of:  cat /etc/lsb-release03:55
RickdatMrPPS, the LiveCD that I downloaded only gave me the option to format the disk. :/03:55
Rickdat10.04 live cd03:55
ActionParsnipMrPPS: MrPPS> Rickdat: you don't get iTunes working on Ubuntu - you use alternatives03:55
rwwbezao: Yes. Ubuntu 64-bit can handle a *lot* of RAM, 32-bit with PAE can handle... 64 GB I think?03:55
NictraSaviosRickdat, I develop for jailbroken iPhones, I'm activly pestering apple, even offered to do the port myself each time. They wont budge03:55
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info03:55
MrPPSActionParsnip: I still didn't say you *couldn't*03:56
ActionParsnipMrPPS: which is why I said, you CAN get it working on ubuntu03:56
MrPPSActionParsnip: simply that you don't :P03:56
DJCharlieActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/UsiAQTkf03:56
MrPPSbecause it's not worth it03:56
MrPPSbut I agree, it can be taken the wrong way03:56
linux_rusfun to sit down to read another language03:56
ActionParsnipMrPPS: neither are ipods ;)03:56
MrPPSRickdat: it can be done, but I suggest against it03:56
RickdatNictraSavios, so what should I do?03:56
NictraSaviosRickdat, The chat is a little noise, Ill explain it all in pm03:56
MrPPSActionParsnip: haha03:56
RickdatThanks mate. :D03:56
ActionParsnipDJCharlie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ca-certificates-java/+bug/55604403:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 556044 in ca-certificates-java (Debian) "package ca-certificates-java 20091021 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Unknown,New]03:56
bezaorww do i need to download the ubuntu 64 bit correct?03:56
RickdatAlso thanks for responding ActionParsnip,and MrPPS03:56
linux_rusno one here from Russia?03:56
rwwlinux_rus: try #ubuntu-ru03:57
ActionParsnipMrPPS: but yeah alternatives are way better (and alternatives for ipods too ;))03:57
rwwbezao: they come on different ISOs, yes.03:57
NictraSaviosRickdat, Click on my name in your channel listing, or tabs.03:57
MrPPSRickdat: I'd suggest checking the disc to make sure it's a valid download, cause as far as I recall, all of the Live CD's give options for dual booting, or at least manually setting it up03:57
MrPPSActionParsnip: I agree with the latter for sure :P03:57
linux_rusrww banned03:57
DJCharlieActionParsnip: So basically, there's no way to fix it?03:57
ActionParsnipDJCharlie: there is a bug, with a fix. Did you read the link?03:57
NictraSaviosMrPPS, It dosen't matter now. Its done03:57
DJCharlieActionParsnip: It's timing out here.03:58
androidbrucehey guys im getting a weird error when trying to share a directory in 11.04. i've searched the forums for fixes and none have worked. error here,http://pastebin.com/0t1CwLsP03:58
MrPPSNictraSavios: I was referring more for future reference03:58
daurnimatorevery boot my volume is at like 2%; how can I make it 100% each boot instead?03:58
linux_rusлюди напишите кто нибудь на русском03:58
escottdaurnimator, is service alsa-store and alsa-restore running03:59
AngelofThunderhey guys is there anywhere on the net a generall list with all linux avaibale commands?03:59
thulleare there any other ways then launchpad to report bugs? i'm just getting timeouts..03:59
rwwlinux_rus: #ubuntu is for English-language Ubuntu technical support, not Russian-language or finding people from your country.03:59
DJCharlieActionParsnip: Still no joy on that link.03:59
androidbrucecan anyone help with samba and sharing directories with windows04:00
escottdaurnimator, or at least recognized and configured to run (service alsa-store shows stopped/waiting)04:00
bastidrazorAngelofThunder: in a terminal tap tab twice then Y .. it'll list all available04:00
linux_rusrww thanks04:00
MrPPSandroidbruce: Best to ask your question straight out, then people who know will jump in04:00
androidbruceMrPPS, asked earlier, guess im out of luck. error here,http://pastebin.com/0t1CwLsP04:01
androidbruceMrPPS, checked the forums for many posts with no luck04:01
supermikeydoes anyone feel like helpin a noob?04:02
MrPPSandroidbruce: I'll take a quick look, but I'm not much of a "samba ninja"04:02
MrPPSsupermikey: just ask the question, and those who can, will respond ;)04:02
androidbruceMrPPS, it's such a pita04:02
Coreysupermikey: Not if you don't ask a question.04:02
supermikeytee hee04:02
SnakkahI'm going to dual-boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu, and I was wondering if there was a way I could partition the hard drive so that I could access the same files (documents, music, pictures, etc)  on each system?04:02
NickkkkkSo I finished editing my Ubuntu theme :P04:02
supermikeyim trying to install the b43 drivers for my broadcom 432204:02
NickkkkkIt looks cool :D04:02
androidbruceSnakkah, you can access the windows partiton from within ubuntu04:02
supermikeyon ubuntu 10.0404:02
Corey!ask | supermikey04:03
ubottusupermikey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:03
supermikeybut wireless isn't showing up with ifconfig unless i change to the sta wireless04:03
MichaelKohlerhi, my usb stick isn't mounted automatically anymore.. I'd like to mount it using the mount command in the terminal, but I have no idea which arguments to pass04:03
Coreysupermikey: Please stop circling the point and put it all on one line. :-)04:03
escottSnakkah, the best approach is probably to create a partition explicitly for sharing. it can be either FAT or NTFS04:03
Snakkahescott, well damn. That means I'll have to reinstall Ubuntu too. :/04:03
escottSnakkah, you can resize stuff with gparted04:03
MrPPSandroidbruce: I take it you've tried: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart04:03
androidbruceMrPPS, yeah lemme try again just for kicks04:04
MrPPSandroidbruce: no worries, just like to check to make sure ;)04:04
escottSnakkah, be a little careful resizing the windows boot partition as they can be a little picky04:04
Coreysupermikey: As a general rule you have to disable STA, bounce the box, enable b43 (and I forget if you need to bounce it again at this point).04:04
androidbrucebtw 11.04 installs samba404:04
Snakkahescott, I won't be resizing a Windows partition. It's not installed currently.04:04
escott!grub | Snakkah since you are installing windows second be sure to review this04:05
supermikeyoh i forgot to mention im just installed ubuntu for the first time.  i've never used it before.  so i can disable sta and enable b43 but i don't know what you mean by b4304:05
ubottuSnakkah since you are installing windows second be sure to review this: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:05
MrPPSandroidbruce: I don't think I've used samba4 specifically yet04:05
MrPPSall the same, I'm doing some search04:05
SnakkahAlready looked at it escott. Got it bookmarked. :)04:05
androidbruceMrPPS, it's becoming a real chore sharing right now04:05
supermikeyby bounce04:05
androidbruceMrPPS, any ideas how to share a folder to a windows machine? samba the only way?04:05
Coreysupermikey: I mean "restart it"04:05
androidbruceMrPPS, or can i get a CIFS server going somehow04:06
Coreysupermikey: It's easier than talking you through rmmod, lsmod, etc. :-)04:06
MrPPSandroidbruce: could always use NFS: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/32408904:06
escottMrPPS CIFS is samba04:06
androidbruceMrPPS, can winfail mount nfs?04:06
Snakkahescott, is 50 GB too small for Windows 7 you think? I know it'll be fine for Ubuntu when I resize but I don't know how Windows will deal with that.04:06
androidbruceSnakkah, depends on how much you will use winfail 7, you can install it on 20gb and be ok04:07
supermikeyrestart the computer?04:07
MrPPSescott: why was that aimed at me?04:07
MrPPSandroidbruce: yes, I believe it can04:07
MrPPSandroidbruce: according to that microsoft doco anyway04:07
androidbruceMrPPS, ahh hmm04:07
androidbrucewow this is news04:07
escottMrPPS, sorry meant for androidbruce CIFS is samba04:07
MrPPSescott: ;)04:07
androidbruceescott, yeah samba is failing hardcore right now04:07
MrPPSandroidbruce: give this a try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9898882&postcount=1104:08
MrPPSif you haven't already seen it04:08
MrPPSandroidbruce: but yeah, otherwise, I'd use NFS, because I've had significantly better success with that, just in my own personal experience04:08
escottMrPPS, NFS for windows?04:09
MrPPSescott: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/32408904:09
escottandroidbruce, you could also setup an sftp server04:09
androidbruceescott, lol i just asked that04:09
MrPPSescott / androidbruce: just realised that was for sharing *from* windows - though I should think if you can share from windows, you can also read a Linux NFS share04:10
androidbruceMrPPS, my ultimate goal here is to share with my xbox04:10
androidbruceshare from ubuntu machine, to windows machine running media center04:11
MrPPSand this may also be helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31016804:11
androidbrucei might just get a nas going04:11
MrPPSandroidbruce: probably the cheapest way to do it - get a low end one, and just have it as a dedicated box04:11
ActionParsnipandroidbruce: xbmc can share the folders and xbox can talk to it nicely04:11
MrPPSor use a NAS-focused distro04:11
androidbruceMrPPS, yeah i might built a freenas04:11
androidbrucei have all the equipment here to do so04:12
ActionParsnipandroidbruce: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=UPnP_Sharing04:12
androidbruceActionParsnip, ohh snap xbmc runs on ubuntu?04:12
ruvaghwhat's up folks.04:14
supermikeyhow do i run b43-fwcutter from terminal?  it shows installed in synaptic package manager but under hardware, i can't change from the sta driver so i guess i need to run it04:15
SnakkahAnother question related to my last one: Would it be better to dual-boot or use WINE? The reason why I asked about dual-booting in the first place was because I wanted to install some games. Just wanted to know which would be a better option.04:17
ActionParsnipandroidbruce: yeah04:18
ActionParsnipandroidbruce: there is a ppa04:18
celthundersupermikey: i think it's a kernel module04:18
ActionParsnipSnakkah: check the appdb for the games you want to play04:19
supermikeyummmm...kernel module?  i really don't know what that means.  any idea how to install b43 drivers ?04:19
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:20
cmdematosQ? What/why is there a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu?04:22
cmdematosShould the content of this folder not be in /usr/lib64 which is sym-linked to /usr/lib?04:22
supermikeyi already tried running the command thats on that wifidoc but it says the 43-fwcutter is already installed.  i still dont have b43 listed under the hardware04:22
cmdematosWhat am I missing here?04:22
swimhey, does anybody know how to view .scr files using ubuntu??04:23
ActionParsnipsupermikey: do you have the fw cutter package instaled and the b43 kernel source04:24
ActionParsnipswim: what sort of file is it?04:24
Sietaii have a question about irc04:24
eb3ha4elWould you recommend to encrypt home folder?04:24
o2oowho knows where is a "windows samba dir" mounted to in the filesystem?04:24
supermikeyi don't know if i have the kernel source installed.  how do i check?04:24
swimit's supposed to be a windows screen saver but i'm getting really upset by it because i've even tried opening it in a virtualbox and can't get it to work04:24
o2oohello, who knows where is a "windows samba dir" mounted to in the filesystem?04:24
ActionParsnipswim: http://filext.com/file-extension/SCR  shows 7 possible files it could be. telling us only the extension tells us nothing04:25
swimActionParsnip it is supposed to be image files.  However, it is saved in the .scr windows screen saver format..  idk why, i just know i've had a heck of a time viewing them04:26
NictraSaviosWhat is the name of the ubuntu ssh GUI package?04:26
NictraSaviosThe GUI that you get on the "edit" menu in unity, or the places menu in gnome 2. It allows you to connect to ftp/ssh and a few others, the "connect to server" thing. Id like to know what it is called.04:26
ruserhey guys, quick question.  You know how you can pin one package? i want to do the reserve of this.  And install only one package form latest version without doing a full dist upgrade.  The are almost no dependencies, so it should work. How do you do that though?04:26
ActionParsnipswim: if its an image file then open it with a viewer. What does the 'file' command say it is?04:27
NictraSaviosruser, Simply apt-get install package04:27
aendrukI accidentally deleted all of the symlinks in /etc/rc1.d/. How can I regenerate them?04:27
ActionParsnip!pinning | ruser04:27
ubotturuser: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto04:27
ruserit seems both of you missed the point of the question04:27
ruseri wasn't asking about pinning one package.  i want to install packge from newwer version of ubuntu, while not doing dist-upgrade04:28
aendrukruser: You can manually download the package from packages.ubuntu.com. Install it by double-clicking.04:28
ActionParsnipruser: so you only want to upgrade one package?04:28
ruseraendruk: was contemplating that04:28
swimActionParsnip i've tried several image viewers.. most won't recognize it as a supported file.. the only one that will is ristretto, but it will not open them.. even when i switch over to xfce which the program is intended for04:28
NictraSaviosruser, then why not install the one package ..... apt-get install, no upgrade, nothin04:28
MichaelKohlerhi, my usb stick is not listed in "fdisk -l".. what can I do else to find out whether it's sdb or something else?04:29
ruserActionParsnip: yes from a newer verison of ubuntu, without upgrading the full system.  it's a box i have remote access, and if i do put new kernel there is a chacne it wont' come back from reboot.  and it's in another country  :)04:29
rinkukokiriMichaelKohler, do sudo fdisk -l   ?04:29
ActionParsnipruser: if you only want to upgrade one package without doing a full upgrade then NictraSavios' command is correct04:29
MichaelKohlerrinkukokiri: same result04:29
ruserActionParsnip: well, i would need to change the source.list in that case to point to newer distros04:29
ActionParsnipruser: mixing packages from different releases isn't advised nor supported04:29
ruserActionParsnip: i am well aware of it04:29
ActionParsnipruser: so why ask?04:30
NictraSaviosruser, Always keep it simple. Now if your asking about a package from an upgraded version of ubuntu, well just download the deb and install it with dpkg -i04:30
robin0800MichaelKohler, lsusb04:30
rinkukokiriMichaelKohler, lsusb04:30
ActionParsnipruser: I suggest you find a ppa04:30
rinkukokiriMichaelKohler, it's probably just not mounted04:30
androidbruceActionParsnip, no dice on the ppa04:30
ActionParsnip!ppa | ruser04:30
ubotturuser: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.04:30
MichaelKohlerrinkukokiri: I get the device there.. but what can I do now with this information?04:30
ruserah, yeah tought luck with that04:30
eb3ha4elis it recommended to encrypt home folder??04:30
ActionParsnipandroidbruce: https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/ppa04:31
NictraSaviosMichaelKohler, ls /dev | grep sd , mount anything not sda :P04:31
swimMichaelKohler you can system>administration>disk utility04:31
Iron_ChefI'm sure this has been asked before, but LibreOffice keeps crashing on Natty - is there a fix?04:31
ruserso you guys are saying,  change sources do an update, than install  the pkg and rever the sources again?04:31
NictraSaviosMichaelKohler, ls /dev | grep sd | grep -v a  may work too :P04:31
ActionParsnipeb3ha4el: depends on needs, I personally say no but if its approprate for your needs and data integrity etc then sure04:31
MichaelKohlerNictraSavios: I'll try that ;)04:31
ruserassuming i'm not goign to get myself into a dependacy hell04:31
Iron_ChefI use ubuntu at work and it's making me look bad04:31
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: try renaming the config folder in the root of $HOME04:31
aendrukruser: Sounds too messy to me.04:31
Iron_ChefActionParsnip: ah to  what?04:32
NictraSaviosMichaelKohler, That will only tell you what devices are able to be mounted though :P04:32
ruseryeah, i'll probably go for the package off the web04:32
ActionParsnipruser: no, we're saying you should either find a ppa, or do an upgrade04:32
eb3ha4elActionParsnip: thanks... would you say it would slow down PC?04:32
rinkukokiriMichaelKohler, you can try system > administration  > disk utility   and try mounting it from there...04:32
ActionParsnipeb3ha4el: not sure, I don't use it. I think it causes too many headaches04:32
rinkukokiriMichaelKohler, you can also format / partition it there04:32
swimgood suggestion rinkukokiri04:32
ruserActionParsnip: as i said i wont' be getting physical access to the box for a little while.  since i'm in a diff country at the moment. I'd rather not dist-upgrade.04:33
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, eww, GUI :P mounting is part of sys admin, should be done from CLI04:33
aendrukruser: Also, check the backports repo just in case it's available there.04:33
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, Only use GUI for trival things like shhing04:33
ruseraendruk: excellent idea04:33
rinkukokiriNictraSavios, i didn't know this was #ubuntu-server... wait it isn't04:33
MichaelKohlerrinkukokiri, NictraSavios: thanks I found out that it is sr0.. so I'll mount that :) thanks04:34
seraphimbladeAnyone up to troubleshoot a networking issue? I'm at a bit of a loss here.04:34
ruseraendruk: eh no luck with backports.04:35
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, sshing is the act of connecting to another computer via a client, which has nothing to do with a ubuntu server. I use it to connect to an Iphone04:35
ruseralso another question, what is a good resource to browse package information on the web04:35
seraphimbladeI can't figure how eth0 suddenly disappeared, after I had a recent power outage/reboot.04:35
rinkukokiriNictraSavios, i was referring to your "eww gui" remark..04:35
ruserActionParsnip: NictraSavios thanks for the ideas04:35
NictraSaviosruser, use the software center04:35
seraphimbladeDoesn't even show up in dmesg.04:35
rinkukokiriNictraSavios, and I know what SSH is.. i do have an AS in Computer Systems Security04:35
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, GUI is for newbies and faildows noobs.04:36
ruserNictraSavios: im' running headless, it's a remote machine04:36
rinkukokiriNictraSavios, well good for you... anything else?? you can take it to #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-server04:36
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, You brought it up, not me. Don't be a hater04:37
ruserNictraSavios: any other suggestions?04:37
NictraSavios!bite | rinkukokiri04:37
ubotturinkukokiri: Please don't bite our new friend. Everyone is new to Ubuntu and IRC once and everyone makes mistakes. If they don't learn from their mistakes you can have a little nibble on them later.04:37
NictraSaviosruser, Other then the ppa or an upgrade, notta :P04:37
aendrukNictraSavios: *Ubuntu* is for newbies. If you're too much of a Real Man for that, you should be running a different distro.04:37
rinkukokirisorry ubottu, i've already ignored em04:37
NictraSaviosaendruk, I am.04:37
rinkukokiriaendruk, i agree04:37
ruserNictraSavios: i was talking about package info browsing on the web.04:38
NictraSaviosaendruk, I'm on Arch Linux.04:38
rinkukokiriNictraSavios, you *could* go build yourself a gentoo system and leave us to our gui's04:38
rinkukokiriwould save some time04:38
ActionParsnipaendruk: its for all levels of use, its main target is new users but it can be as gritty as you wish04:38
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, Gentoo is too stupid in the way it handles packages. Nothing agaist the distro, its the repo managers I disklike.04:38
Iron_Chefaendruk: that's rubbish, most of the Linux Sysadmins at HP and IBM use ubuntu on their desktops too04:39
MadpilotNictraSavios, so you're here being rude, and you're not even using Ubuntu? Are you here for any other purpose than calling people "noobs"?04:39
plandoll12anyone tried running sensors-applet for gnome?04:39
NictraSaviosNo... I was here to ask about shh. He started .04:39
ActionParsnip!anyone | plandoll1204:39
ubottuplandoll12: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:39
supermikeyhmmm...i can't seem to find anywhere to get the b43 kernel source.  i've only done the sudo apt-get b43-fwcutter thing.  but there's no b43 driver listed under hardware04:39
UbuntuQHello there04:40
NictraSaviosI was wondering what the GUI ubuntu used for its connections was. I find it rather quick, more so then putty/gftp. Since it opens them in nautilus automaticly, It can be useful.04:40
plandoll12ok then... I can't add sensors-applet to my desktop bar04:40
rinkukokiriNictraSavios, and FYI, people come here for support..  if a gui can provide that, so be it.04:40
aendrukActionParsnip, Iron_Chef: Ubuntu is certainly no *only* for newbies. I only mean to correct NictraSavios's arrogant dismissal of GUI methods in an operating system that is designed to be inviting to inexperienced users as well.04:40
seraphimbladeUbuntu is not only for newbies. And I work with several sysadmins and programmers who use Ubuntu, GUI and all.04:41
rinkukokiriso again...04:41
UbuntuQWho can help me take care of this on my boot.log04:41
rinkukokiri!offtopic | NictraSavios04:41
ubottuNictraSavios: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:41
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, FYI, Im here for support, You started it.04:41
rinkukokirino you started it by "eww gui" at me04:41
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, You have no right to argue my opinion.04:42
rinkukokiriand by generally being an anal retentive rude sys admin04:42
NictraSaviosrinkukokiri, I am rude to those who are rude to me.04:42
UbuntuQ*/etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.boot: 1: TARGETS: not found04:42
Iron_ChefNictraSavios: that's a gnome question I think people are saying, dunno, but anyway it's Nautilus that makes the connection, I find it quite a bit slower than scp, but it's good for say dropping in a new html file.04:42
quickslvrHas anyone tried running vSphere client using wine on Ubuntu?04:43
JapalnHey i have a problem with gnome when i login.. i have taken a screenshot of it at http://goo.gl/Pt2E can you please help me?04:43
MadpilotNictraSavios, rinkukokiri - can it, OK? Both of you.04:43
rinkukokirii got no beef04:43
supermikeywould anyone be willing to walk me through getting b43 drivers installed and working on 10.04?  plz?  :)04:43
UbuntuQ*/etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.boot: 2: INTERACTIVE: not found04:43
plandoll12I can't add sensors-applet to my desktop bar.. anyone else had this problem?04:43
NictraSaviosYou obviously do , If keeping it alive.04:43
seraphimbladeSo, I'd like to get some opinions on this, if possible.04:43
Iron_Chefseraphimblade: yikes, don't ask for opinions in here ;-)04:43
JapalnHey i have a problem with gnome when i login.. i have taken a screenshot of it at http://goo.gl/Pt2E can you please help me?04:44
ActionParsnipplandoll12: try in classic desktop (if you use unity desktop)04:44
UbuntuQWho can help me take care of this on my boot.log04:44
Iron_Chefeveryone seems to have them, and they are all different04:44
NictraSaviosIron_Chef, I find it just slick. Ive never quite found an equall to it, CLI or GUI. Hmm... means I might have to stop using open box and install gnome 3... Oh well.04:44
UbuntuQ*/etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.boot: 2: INTERACTIVE: not found04:44
rinkukokiri!ops japaln04:44
plandoll12ActionParsnip: I'm using the classic desktop with 11.0404:44
=== Japaln is now known as nepalm
Iron_ChefNictraSavios: tried installing nautilus by itself?  it might want all of gnome as deps though...04:44
plandoll12ActionParsnip: I try to add the sensors applet to the desktop bar on the top and it's not in the meny04:44
seraphimbladeUnfortunately I can't get online from the affected machine, since eth0 is not being detected at all after a recent power outage/reboot. It's an onboard Ethernet card on an ASUS M3N7804:45
Logan_Corey: Wrong one.04:45
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: bastebin the contents of /etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.boot04:45
Logan_Core_UK: oops, vnm04:45
seraphimbladeIron_Chef: Walked right into that one, didn't I?04:45
androidbruceActionParsnip, if the xbmc interface isn't up is it still working?04:45
CoreyLogan_: Doh.04:45
rinkukokirilogan he got the right one04:45
NictraSaviosIron_Chef, Yea it dose. I tried that a while ago. I midaswell get the DE. I've been meaning to give gnome 3 a spin anyway, thanks04:45
Iron_ChefNictraSavios: nps04:45
edwardthefmahow do i change the grub boot order in ubuntu04:45
Iron_Chefedwardthefma: in grub 2 it's /etc/defaults / something04:46
edwardthefmalolxbuntu i mean04:46
seraphimbladeI'm at rather a loss here. It was showing up perfectly before the system lost power. Rebooted it, and dead nothing, not in dmesg, no nothing. I only show lo in ipconfig.04:46
Hilikusdoes anyone know of a way i can control my mouse from an android phone?04:46
Iron_Chefedwardthefma: grub2 is totally different to grub1 if you were familiar with it04:46
UbuntuQi got u04:47
rationalOgreseraphimblade: sudo lshw -C network ?04:47
Iron_ChefHilikus: cool, i want to do that too :-)04:47
NictraSaviosHilikus, Theres an app probably. I know one for iphone. But, the best might be teamveiwer if its on andriod04:47
edwardthefmawell im using what came default with xbuntu04:47
fritzophrenicI feel like an idiot for not being able to find this, but when I enabled the Unity desktop, by default it has an unreadable black-on-dark-gray text on the top bar. How do I change the color? I've been googling for about 45 minutes now and cannot figure it out.04:47
aendrukSo no one here knows how the symbolic links in /etc/rc1.d/ are generated?04:48
rinkukokiriHilikus, you /might/ be able to do it via bluetooth04:48
TheLifelessOneHi, I just installed Ubuntu via the minimal ISO, and am now attempting to install OpenBox. How do I do this, and ensure OpenBox loads as it should?04:48
rationalOgreaendruk: update-rc.d generates them from the scripts in /etc/init.d/04:48
NictraSaviosfritzophrenic, Right clikc on desktop, change backround, go to another one of the tabs, :P04:48
rationalOgreaendruk: using some pretty complicated "logic".04:48
rationalOgre(said with intentional scare quotes)04:48
rationalOgre(because the logic is scary...)04:49
NictraSaviosTheLifelessOne, for ubuntu? should be as easy as apt-get install openbox :P04:49
=== sic123 is now known as sic789|Ubuntu
TheLifelessOneNictraSavios: I've done that, but a reboot doesn't do anything.04:49
rationalOgreaendruk: They are generally symlinks to the various scripts in /etc/init.d/04:49
ActionParsnipfritzophrenic: are you fully updated?04:49
TheLifelessOneAll it's telling me is 'mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth'.04:49
fritzophrenic"another one of the tabs", the only one I found that makes sense is the "Theme" tab, and there's a few font colors if I click "customize" but none of them seem to affect the top bar04:49
TheLifelessOneI'm not sure if this matters, but there was no window manager installed before hand.04:50
aendrukrationalOgre: I deleted everything in /etc/rc1.d/, and the manpage for update-rc.d doesn't make it obvious to me how to get them back. I see that the necessary information is included as headers in the scripts in /etc/init.d/, though.04:50
fritzophrenicActionParsnip, yeah I upgraded from Lucid this weekend and made sure no updates were available after that04:50
CoreyUbuntuQ: Come again?04:50
NictraSaviosTheLifelessOne, Ahh, so ubuntu isnt always as easy as it seems, Well I dont know exactly... but https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Openbox04:50
seraphimbladerationalOgre: I get no results on stdout, just stderr scrolling by. Trying to pipe stderr to a file stops the flashing text, but results in an empty file. The only thing that stops long enough to read is PCI (sysfs)04:50
ActionParsnipfritzophrenic: what video chip do you use?04:50
rinkukokiriTheLifelessOne, do you have an X server installed?04:50
nicatronTgHelp, I accidentally rm -rf'd /bin instead of ./bin, and I'm on a vps04:50
UbuntuQhere is it TARGETS = INTERACTIVE =04:50
TheLifelessOnerinkukokiri: I don't know, and I know not how to check.04:50
rationalOgreseraphimblade: You have to wait for lshw to finish running to get the output04:50
fritzophrenicaw crap I lied, the "input boxes" color sets te color of the top bar04:51
NictraSaviosTheLifelessOne, Its not for ubuntu, but it SHOULD help in some way. Just ignore anything about rc.d or rc.conf04:51
UbuntuQjust that in the file04:51
fritzophrenicbut also the color of text boxes like the one I'm typing in now04:51
rationalOgreseraphimblade: sudo lshw -C network > network.txt04:51
fritzophrenicI'm using an nvidia-made integrated card04:51
fritzophrenicpiece of crap but it's what I have04:51
fritzophrenicgeforce 6100 or something like that04:51
TheLifelessOnehow can I check whenever X is installed?04:51
rationalOgreaendruk: Oh, ouch. Um. it's gonna be rough to figure out what all was in there...04:51
rinkukokiriTheLifelessOne, you could try running startx04:52
seraphimbladerationalOgre; Tried that (well, I used file.txt), but no luck, just get an empty file. Piping into less also has no effect.04:52
fritzophrenic"Additional Drivers" fails to realize the proprietary driver is in use, but lsmod shows it04:52
TheLifelessOne rinkukokiri: Says it's not installed.04:52
NictraSaviosTheLifelessOne, Its probably your xinitrc. That seems about the only thing that could o wrong :/.04:52
rationalOgreseraphimblade: Then that means that it's not even seeing a network device on your system.04:52
NictraSaviosTheLifelessOne, Did you install the xorg packages?04:52
seraphimbladerationalOgre: Yes, that is correct. ifconfig shows only lo.04:52
rationalOgreseraphimblade: Which means the power outage probably killed the card.04:52
TheLifelessOneNictrraSavios: I had thought the installer had done so.04:52
rinkukokiriNictraSavios, he doesn't know, he doesn't have startx so...04:52
rationalOgreseraphimblade: Try shutting down, reinstalling the card and see if it comes back up.04:53
seraphimbladerationalOgre: It's onboard on the motherboard, you figure it killed only the NIC?04:53
rationalOgreseraphimblade: It may have a static charge on it.04:53
seraphimbladeThe rest of the machine's working fine.04:53
rationalOgreseraphimblade: It can happen, especially if you got a power surge through the ethernet line.04:53
NictraSaviosTheLifelessOne, Minimal wont.04:53
TheLifelessOneThat'd be why I don't have it then. :/04:53
rationalOgreseraphimblade: Doublecheck the BIOS and make sure it's not disabled there.04:53
UbuntuQrational0gre: this is what's in it TARGETS = INTERACTIVE =04:54
seraphimbladerationalOgre: Well, worth a shot. I'll check in the BIOS, I can also pull a PCI NIC out of another machine to test with.04:54
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Ok, I have no idea what that means, going to have to do some research. Will take me a couple minutes.04:54
rinkukokiriNictraSavios, would he have to install xserver-xorg-core then??04:54
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seraphimbladeIt is through a UPS, so I'll be rather irritated if it got surged...04:54
rationalOgreseraphimblade: If it's not disabled in the bios then chances are it's dead.04:54
rationalOgreseraphimblade: The ethernet cable runs through the ups?04:55
SnakkahI have a rather annoying problem. My virtual machine (in VirtualBox) uses transparency like everything else, and I'd rather it not. But I can't seem to find a way to disable transparency for JUST the virtual machine. I tried going to Extra WM Options in Compiz and using the toggle redirect option, but that doesn't make the transparency go away, I have to hold the key combination...04:55
UbuntuQrational0gre: alright04:55
SnakkahSo, how do I get transparency to just go away completely for the VM?04:55
seraphimbladerationalOgre: Yes, it does, the UPS has an in/out Ethernet that runs to the router, and then an Ethernet from the router to my machine. The router's power cord is also plugged into the UPS.04:55
ActionParsnipSnakkah: disable 3D accelleration04:56
seraphimbladeI think the UPS battery is dead, though, it did not keep the machine up. I don't know if that impacts surge protection.04:56
wujjHi everyone. i want to file a bug report, but I didn't find the link in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs, any hints?04:56
tortibI created a /etc/init.d/local;chmod +x /etc/init.d/local; update-rc.d local defaults 80 ; however it doesn't seem to run when my system boots up, is there something extra I need to do?04:56
TheLifelessOneOkay! I've installed X now.04:56
TheLifelessOneHow can I get Openbox to start now?04:57
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Do you know what service that particular script belongs to?04:57
seraphimbladeregardless, rationalOgre, thanks much for the help/ideas. I'll give them a shot.04:57
bsmith093suddenly when i try to open an audio cd in gnome, open office blinks open, but immediately crashes and then i get this Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.401 was not provided by any .service files04:57
bsmith093Please select another viewer and try again.04:57
SnakkahDidn't work ActionParsnip. :/04:57
rationalOgreseraphimblade: Best of luck to you sir. Perhaps it was just it's time to "die".04:57
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: run:  startopenbox04:58
billybigriggerhow come facebook chat doesnt work in 11.04?04:58
TheLifelessOneActionParsnip: Command not found.04:58
ActionParsnipbillybigrigger: works fine here, what issue are you having04:58
billybigriggerpassword failed04:58
UbuntuQrational0gre: how can i know that04:59
rinkukokiribillybigrigger, on the contrary, i am currently connected to two different facebook accounts with empathy and they both run fine04:59
Raikiabillybigrigger: That would be a browser/javascript issue, not ubuntu.04:59
rationalOgreseraphimblade: if the battery is dead then it may be running in passthrough mode, meaning it's essentially a surge protector.04:59
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: should have: /usr/bin/startopenbox04:59
tuyetmyhow to change the number of desktops in ubuntu 11.04 ?04:59
rinkukokiriRaikia, he's prolly using empathy, not a browser, but a chat client04:59
billybigriggerraikia well i can login to facebook  no problem, just not facebook chat in empathy04:59
UbuntuQrational0gre: it's an icon and has an arrow on t04:59
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: look in /etc/init.d/ and see if there is a depend.boot script04:59
rinkukokiribillybigrigger, what's the error reported in empathy04:59
TheLifelessOneActionParsnip: Nope.04:59
Raikiarinkukokiri / billybigrigger: Ah, sorry.  I forgot empathy has facebook chat05:00
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: then you should reinstall openbox05:00
UbuntuQrational0gre: alright05:00
tortibcan someone help me with creating a rc.local type script? I already created /etc/init.d/local;chmod +x /etc/init.d/local; update-rc.d local defaults 80 ; however it doesn't seem to run when my system boots up, is there something extra I need to do?05:00
TheLifelessOneActionParsnip: I'll do that now.05:00
billybigriggerDisconnected -- Authentication failure05:00
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: do you use lxde?05:00
Raikiabillybigrigger: Is empathy completely up to date?05:00
billybigriggerand no im not logged into fb while trying to connect via empathy...even if that matters05:00
rinkukokiribillybigrigger, did you setup a username on facebook?05:00
TheLifelessOneActionParsnip: Nope, I used the minimal ISO05:00
billybigriggerrinkukokiri, yes05:00
billybigriggerraidgh0st, afaik05:01
billybigriggerRaikia, afaik05:01
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: You may have to do "ls -a" to see it as it looks like it's a hidden file.05:01
RaikiaIs it sad that I actually had to google "afaik" to figure out what it meant....I need to get back into this teenager lingo!05:01
rinkukokiribillybigrigger, well other than checking that the password is correct.. only thing i would say is.. wait a couple mins, and retry  (i.e. exit and restart empathy) sometimes it's a little flaky like that05:01
rinkukokiribillybigrigger, also, if you JUST setup your username, you gotta physically log out of facebook in your browser and relogin for changes to take effect05:02
UbuntuQrational0gre: yeah i can't see it05:02
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: do "ls -a"05:02
UbuntuQrational0gre: how can i do that05:02
billybigriggerrinkukokiri, i've logged in/out in fb a few times already05:02
rinkukokirikk just checkin that part, my only suggestion then is play the waiting game05:03
UbuntuQrational0gre: ok i figured it out05:03
UbuntuQrational0gre: 1  sec05:03
rinkukokirii get 'network error" and ' authentication error' every once in a while with empathy.. usually a restart fixes it...05:04
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: I found it on my system. I see what you mean. Ok, so where are you seeing the messages you were getting?05:04
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: then try just running openbox05:04
tuyetmy how to change the number of desktops in ubuntu 11.04 ?05:05
tuyetmyanyone knows ?05:05
UbuntuQrational0gre: every time i start Ubuntu05:05
tortibCan someone help me with creating a rc.local type script? I already created /etc/init.d/local;chmod +x /etc/init.d/local; update-rc.d local defaults 80 ; however it doesn't seem to run when my system boots up, is there something extra I need to do?05:05
UbuntuQrational0gre: just before the login screen05:06
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: does it let you log in?05:06
rinkukokirituyetmy, right clickt the worspace switcher (bottom right corner next to trash on the panel) and select preferences, you can increase the number there with the cols and rows05:06
tuyetmyrinkukokiri: it's 11.0405:07
tuyetmynot 1005:07
UbuntuQrational0gre: yeah everything works great05:07
terminalclientHey all05:07
tuyetmyrinkukokiri: bottom right is empty05:07
tuyetmynothing appears in bottom right05:07
rinkukokirituyetmy, hrm.. i'm running 11.04 too and I have it05:07
UbuntuQrational0gre: but there are like a seven of these errors05:07
rinkukokiriI'm logged into ubuntu classic though05:07
tuyetmyI have workspace switcher on left05:07
tuyetmybut can not right click :(05:07
rinkukokirianother reason i don't run unity :D05:08
UbuntuQrational0gre: i saw them using log file viewer05:08
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Ok, well then do this in a terminal "sudo update-rc.d .depends.boot remove" (without the quotes)05:08
UbuntuQrational0gre: boot.log05:08
UbuntuQrational0gre: alright, i'll do that05:09
rationalOgresorry .depend.boot05:09
rationalOgrenot .depends05:09
tuyetmyfuck ubuntu 11.0405:09
rationalOgre!language | tuyetmy05:09
ubottutuyetmy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:09
rinkukokiri!classic | tuyetmy05:10
ubottutuyetmy: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".05:10
UbuntuQrational0gre: Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/.depends.boot ...05:10
UbuntuQrational0gre: that's what showed up05:11
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: sorry it should have been "sudo update-rc.d .depend.boot remove"05:11
rationalOgreI accidentally added an S on..05:11
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Then reboot and it shouldn't show up anymore.05:12
UbuntuQrational0gre: did the first command gonna mess up anything that i need to fix later05:13
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: No, it probably just didn't actually remove anything.05:13
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Seeing as there is no .depends.boot05:13
openbeesmy ubuntu booting is very slow after last grub recovery ...i am using ubuntu 11.0405:13
UbuntuQrational0gre: alright05:14
UbuntuQrational0gre: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/.depend.boot exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)05:14
rationalOgreopenbees: run sudo dmesg -C, then reboot the machine and when it comes back up check dmesg to see if it gives any clue as to why it's taking so much extra time.05:14
UbuntuQrational0gre: this is what showed up05:14
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: sorry it should have been "sudo update-rc.d -f .depend.boot remove"05:15
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: heh, was lazy and just edited my previous line.05:15
TheLifelessOneIs there a terminal command that will remove unneeded dependencies?05:16
rationalOgreopenbees: it may have been fsck'ing the drives thus why it took so long. Have you rebooted it more than once since the last grub recovery?05:16
UbuntuQrational0gre: no problem, thank for trying to help though, you guys are awesome, 1 sec05:16
UbuntuQrational0gre: Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/.depend.boot ...    /etc/rc0.d/K20.depend.boot    /etc/rc1.d/K20.depend.boot    /etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.boot    /etc/rc3.d/S20.depend.boot    /etc/rc4.d/S20.depend.boot    /etc/rc5.d/S20.depend.boot    /etc/rc6.d/K20.depend.boot05:17
UbuntuQrational0gre: this is what showed up05:17
rationalOgreTheLifelessOne: sudo apt-get autoclean I believe05:17
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: There, they are scrubbed. Try rebooting and see what happens.05:17
UbuntuQrational0gre: alright, vuala, hope it works out, see you in a bit05:19
rationalOgreTheLifelessOne: Sorry, it was autoremove, I always mess up autoclean and autoremove.05:19
rationalOgreTheLifelessOne: Though Autoclean doesn't hurt to run.05:19
TheLifelessOneRunning it now. :D05:19
rationalOgreTheLifelessOne: autoremove looks for packages that were installed as dependencies but no longer have the primary package installed and nothing else depends upon them.05:20
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gulI want to completly remove unity and gnome and shift to XFCE but don't want to loose any software like Chrome,Vlc, and others . How to do it?05:25
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »05:26
rwwoh, hrm. that'd probably remove vlc and such. never mind.05:26
gulrww: ummm what else?05:27
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=== jms1989 is now known as dipstick
gulrww: thank you !05:28
gulrww: I want to keep synapse, vlc, gstreamer, pitvi and other third party ......05:28
=== sdasdada is now known as compromised
Plazma-Blooowz[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Plazma-Blooowz adhown gorlak500 berto- compromised vitor-br pinPoint opyner [THC]AcidRain KwikkSilva gul polardroid izinucs wegue multipass fxhp billyjam ignarp05:29
Plazma-Blooowz[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   head_victim pr0ton cryptonome celord Milos brownbox Maletor OY1R shamino_ Lmull3-MBP a16g sagarchalise hughhalf ropes ahffk ethernet- MK`` shaneo GridCube m4dc005:29
rwwdamnit, my spider sense went off right before that happened.05:29
gorlak500what was that about?05:30
rwwgorlak500: spam, ignore it05:30
gorlak500damn spam :)05:30
rationalOgrerww: vlc isn't in there05:31
rwwrationalOgre: I imagine some of its depends are, though, since it's Qt-based.05:31
nikuhi all, I'm looking at partman-auto for preseed/kickstart raid/lvm configuration05:31
nikuand I can't figure out what the numbers in the examples mean: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92705705:31
nikulooks like, size, offset, last block?05:31
rwwWho knows though. Certainly not me, I just keep assiduous track of what I've manually installed and go from there.05:31
rationalOgrerww: it won't let you strip a dependency of an installed package unless you force it.05:32
rationalOgrerww: At least I don't believe it will.05:32
rationalOgregorlak500: That actually wasn't spam, it's true.05:32
rwwrationalOgre: No, it isn't.05:32
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rationalOgrerww: The ops in #freenode seemed to think it was.05:33
rwwrationalOgre: and yes, actually, it will, given that I just did sudo apt-get purge libqtcore4 and it's happily suggesting that I remove half my desktop.05:33
rationalOgrerww: try remove instead of purge05:33
rwwrationalOgre: same result, which is entirely unsurprising.05:34
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rationalOgrerww: it boggles the mind....05:34
rwwjmcantrell: ignore my PM, we just removed the quiet on irccloud instead :)05:34
rationalOgrerww: Ah well, learn something new.05:34
FlannelrationalOgre: yeah, it assumes you know what you're doing, and will just remove things that depend on it.05:34
rationalOgreI guess you could reinstall them after you strip back.05:34
gnewbAnd make a backup, regularly, daily, hourly if possible.05:35
gorlak500rationalOgre, so we will be unable to connect unless we setup our orchestra clients a certain way?05:36
gorlak500client even05:36
rwwgorlak500: Again, that message is spam. rationalOgre is incorrect.05:36
rationalOgregorlak500: That was what the ops in #freenode told me the other day. That could have been incorrect information.05:37
rwwrationalOgre: It is. I would not recommend repeating it.05:37
gorlak500darn auto correct. OK looks like a Google search is in order05:37
oldude67who hacked it this time?05:37
oldude67what a pain05:37
rwwoldude67: what?05:37
oldude67get sent to unregistered05:38
rwwoldude67: identify with nickserv before joining channels, then.05:38
oldude67i am05:38
rationalOgrerww: Wouldn't be the first time, nor the last. :) I will do so, sir.05:38
jmcantrellrww: that's good to hear05:38
rationalOgre*not repeat it that is*05:38
rwwoldude67: If you were, you wouldn't be sent to #ubuntu-unregged.05:38
oldude67maybe i got moved faster then it got to that part as well.05:39
oldude67wouldnt be the first time.05:39
hiexporww, no it's doing that right now for some reason maybe spam or something cause it sent me there to   but easy to go aroung just close the unreg window and relog in again to ubuntu-en   easy   stuff05:40
gnewbIs 11.04 lighter on resources, Mem. Ram and such?05:40
rationalOgreOh well, I guess I use SASL now for no good reason.05:40
rationalOgremeh, saves me having to wait for nickserv to respond.05:40
rwwhiexpo: Again, your client is not waiting until it's identified before joining channels. This is not some new phenomenon, it's a race condition in your client configuration.05:41
hiexporww, yah could be cause i log into like10 channels at once   like you said a race05:42
rwwI log into upwards of 15 and never have that problem. Though I also have my client set to wait for some seconds before /joining channels ;)05:42
rwwgnewb: than what?05:43
KeeaanuI have removed nv/nvidia proprietory drivers, and installed nouveau. my login and desktop are good in recovery/failsafe mode, but not in normal mode.05:43
gnewbrww: 10.0405:43
rwwgnewb: no. it's heavier, if anything.05:43
gnewbrww: Thank you.05:43
Keeaanuam using 10.10 on a old geforce 6100 card.05:44
hiexporww, where is that option located in xchat at i will do that also   > it don't happen   a lot but once in awhile it does05:44
rwwhiexpo: no idea, I don't use xchat. Try asking #freenode or #xchat05:44
IdleOnehiexpo: /set irc_join_delay 1005:45
rwwor IdleOne. That works too. Keeps him occupied.05:46
IdleOnehiexpo: that will make exchat wait 10 seconds before joining channels05:46
KeeaanuI have removed nv/nvidia proprietory drivers, and installed nouveau. my login and desktop are good in recovery/failsafe mode, but not in normal mode. geforce 6100 ubuntu 10.1005:46
IdleOnehiexpo: the default is to wait 3 seconds but sometimes it takes xchat/nickserv a little longer05:46
gnewbKeeaanu: I have a homebuilt box, is 512Ram, P-4, no extra stuff, so I guess I stick with this stripped down 10.04.05:47
adamsmeathello everyone. can someone suggest the best way to accomplish this? i have local LAMP already setup and I have installed phpBB. this particular installation, i want the files to be read only but other writable folders should remain writable. I end up thinking that assigning root as the owner of the directory will get it done?05:48
ActionParsnipKeeaanu: install nvidia-current   you may need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig   too05:48
KeeaanuI tried, nvidia 173/260/270 (current) no luck.05:49
adamsmeatthe reason for the above procedure is so that i can maintain a phpBB folder with all files intact05:49
Keeaanui tried using nvidia-config too.05:49
kneaux_Is there any way to trick a program into thinking /dev/cdrom1 is /dev/cdrom?05:49
Keeaanunouveau was working fine on 10.04, but I upgraded to 10.10 and just want to stick nouveau itself.05:50
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Keeaanuisnt nouveau supported on 10.10 ?05:50
clarkthehardy910Is there a way to get to the grub prompt right after a wubi.exe install on an XP machine?05:50
UbuntuQhello there05:50
clarkthehardy910It's 11.0405:50
bkerensaerver irc.anonops.in05:51
bluebomber_satelAnyone know how to quickly strip annotations from a PDF?05:52
gulhow to install XFCE ?05:52
dineshnni need to network to connect my laptop and desktop and my printer through network,,, please help05:52
rationalOgreadamsmeat: Why not just chmod -w the directories you want to remove write from?05:53
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: yes?05:53
bluebomber_satelLibreoffice is exporting PDFs  with annotations. I cannot find a way to prevent that, and I can't submit a paper with annotations.05:53
UbuntuQrationalOgre: i dont know05:53
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Still doing it?05:53
UbuntuQrationalOgre: seems like some still there05:53
gnewbKeeaanu: Read #10:>https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/76305205:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 763052 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 10.10 can't boot on nvidia GeForce GT240" [Undecided,Incomplete]05:54
UbuntuQrationalOgre: let me show you05:54
flowbee__how do i killall processes that start with: resque-1.16.1: ?  i tried "killall resque*" but it says "resque queue: blah blah: no process found"05:54
dineshnni need to network to connect my laptop and desktop and my printer through network,,, please help05:54
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Ok, if it's more than a line or two then use a pastebin.05:54
=== michael is now known as Guest22040
UbuntuQrationalOgre: part of the boot.log05:54
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Ok, use a pastebin.05:54
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: You know how?05:54
UbuntuQrationalOgre: no05:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:55
=== Guest22040 is now known as kiichiro
UbuntuQrationalOgre: where is that05:55
dineshnnnetworking experts please05:55
dineshnni need to network to connect my laptop and desktop and my printer through network,,, please help05:55
KeeaanuI will read the details on the bug; mine is geforce 610005:55
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: ubottu just put the link in chat. http://paste.ubuntu.com05:55
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Once you have it uploaded, give the link in here.05:56
UbuntuQrationalOgre: * Setting sensors limits       [80G  [74G[ OK ]  /etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.start: 1: TARGETS: not found  /etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.start: 2: INTERACTIVE: not found  /etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.stop: 1: TARGETS: not found  /etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.start: 1: TARGETS: not found  /etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.start: 2: INTERACTIVE: not found  /etc/rc2.d/S20.depend.stop: 1: TARGETS: not found  Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, us05:56
nprezidentcan anybody tell me why ubuntu 11.04 is not installing for me every time i try to install it gives me a black screen and does nothing just sits there does any body know what the problem is ?05:56
gnewbKeeaanu: Launchpad had a mass of data on that , is just one I posted.05:56
UbuntuQrationalOgre: i will05:56
nprezidentis there a bug installing ubuntu 11.04 ?05:57
Keeaanuok, I will go through them, and see if I will have to fallback to 10.04. thanks.05:57
totemnprezident: check your cd/media05:58
gnewbKeeaanu: You are very welcome, that and the Forums are also a good place to search for answers if they are not found here.05:58
UbuntuQrationalOgre: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626334/05:58
nprezidenttotem ive tried to install using wubi and through a flashdrive05:59
rationalOgredineshnn: What OS(s) are the laptop & dekstop, and what is the printer hooked to? (desktop, network print device, etc?)05:59
ActionParsnipnprezident: be sure to md5 test the iso05:59
aroonimy ubuntu server hard drive space (25G) is now completely full.  how do i track down the culprit (I think its likely logs)05:59
ActionParsniparooni: uninstall old kernels05:59
dineshnnrationalogre- both i have installed ubuntu 11.0405:59
nprezidentactionparsnip what does that mean06:00
dineshnnrationalogre- printer i have installed in both06:00
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:00
arooniActionParsnip, i doubt that they are taking that much spacE? i fresh installed ubuntu on this box a few weeks ago?06:00
rationalOgredineshnn: What is the printer physically connected to? The desktop?06:01
UbuntuQrationalOgre: you know, i wish i don't see any problem in the boot, it drives me nuts.06:01
dineshnnrationalogre- yes its connected in desktop06:01
dineshnnrationalogre- i dont know how to connectt both06:01
dineshnnin windows i am connecting very easily06:01
gnewbarooni: There is a Janitor thing, KDE has a Sweeper package, CLI is here:> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28733506:02
ActionParsniparooni: each kernel is about 120Mb06:02
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: "sudo update-rc.d -f .depend.start remove; sudo update-rc.d -f .depend.stop remove"06:02
ActionParsniparooni: also run:   sudo apt-get clean06:02
rationalOgredineshnn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu06:03
UbuntuQrationalOgre: alright06:03
arunkumar413_how to recover the libreoffice document.06:04
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: that nixes those two. I'm leery of nuking the others, though I imagine we can. Did you upgrade ubuntu recently?06:04
amin`does any one knows if it is possible to create pppoe connection (dialer) for wired adsl ?06:04
rationalOgrearunkumar413_: did you already run the builtin recovery thing when lib0 starts?06:05
UbuntuQrationalOgre: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626337/06:05
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE06:05
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Yep, that's the expected output.06:05
arunkumar413_rationalOgre: yes, i did but was unable to recover. more over the file is empty although i saved it before the power went off06:05
rationalOgrearunkumar413_: Ugh, I'm sorry then, but if the builtin recovery wasn't able to save it then it's most likely dead.06:06
rationalOgrearunkumar413_: You can try prying it open using gunzip. Just rename it to filename.odt.gz and then run gunzip -x filename.odt.gz06:07
arunkumar413_rationalOgre: but i'm not understanding why is it empty even though i saved it06:07
rationalOgrearunkumar413_: See if it will spit out the internal files for you.06:07
rationalOgreWell, don't just rename it, copy it to filename.gz, sorry.06:07
arunkumar413_rationalOgre: internal files?06:07
rationalOgrearunkumar413_: yes. .odt is actually an archive format.06:08
rationalOgrearunkumar413_: essentially a renamed .zip file06:08
arunkumar413_rationalOgre: ok, i archieved it06:08
UbuntuQrationalOgre: it's 10.10, i didn't upgrade to 11.04, though i tried it on another computer, i didn't like using it, it's  too modern, lol.06:08
rationalOgrearunkumar413_: can you unzip it?06:08
UbuntuQrationalOgre: but i always update th system06:08
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: That shouldn't have been the problem. I don't know why it all of the sudden installed all these startup scripts in rc*.d06:09
mrdebUbuntuQ: what is modern06:09
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: That's what I'm trying to figure out.06:09
arunkumar413_rationalOgre: when i try to unzip it asking me to overwrite the existing file06:09
gnewbThank you all kindly.06:09
rationalOgremrdeb: I imagine he means he didn't care for unity.06:10
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mrdebrationalOgre: yes you mean the tablet gui06:10
mrdebubunt tablet edition06:10
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rationalOgrearunkumar413_: copy the file out of there to another directory then go ahead and let it, see what happens.06:10
bazhangmrdeb, there is no more une, it's all the same now06:10
bazhang!une | mrdeb06:10
ubottumrdeb: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.06:10
UbuntuQrationalOgre: yeah i wish we find a way to get rid of all that06:11
mrdebthats not wha i mean06:11
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: You can, at login you can select classic06:11
bazhangUbuntuQ, use classic then06:11
rationalOgre!classic | UbuntuQ06:11
ubottuUbuntuQ: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".06:11
UbuntuQmrdeb: Ubuntu 11.04, the style06:11
seraphimbladerationalOgre: I think you were right, and it won't recognize anything. Even trying with a PCI card from another machine and a live CD, it won't recognize a thing.06:11
seraphimbladeGuess I was due for a motherboard/6-core upgrade anyway!06:12
rationalOgreseraphimblade: Sounds like your mobo got nuked sir, so very sorry.06:12
rationalOgrestatic charges suck.06:12
seraphimbladeEh, it happens. Thanks for the help anyway. Regardless, I think I'm replacing this UPS...06:13
UbuntuQand it look just like Ubuntu 10.10?!06:13
rwwUbuntuQ: try it and see06:13
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: What rww said.06:13
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: In the meantime, do me a favor, pastebin the output of "ls -la /etc/init"06:14
UbuntuQI'll upgrade to it these days, but gotta try to clean the boot as much as possible06:15
oijoijoijUbuntuQ: pardon me, do you see this message?06:15
Error404NotFoundI am using Gnote in Natty and have multiple notes opened. When i switch to another window and switch back to it i only see one note opened. I have to doubleclick the gnote launcher to select the note i want to view. Any way to change this so clicking on launcher shows all windows/notes opened?06:15
wolfreakHey is this a general chat room?06:15
mrdebthat is ubuntu-offtopic06:15
UbuntuQrationalOgre: alright06:15
wolfreakOh, I was gonna just troll this chatroom, but thank you for pointing me to an actual offtopic channel! Good day!06:16
UbuntuQoijoijoij:yep, i do06:16
happyguy7hello everyone06:16
rationalOgrehappyguy7: Hello and welcome.06:17
upgrdmanhow do i tell the kernel to ignore a certain pci device and not load any modules for it?06:17
happyguy7upgrdman: why would you want to do that?06:17
rationalOgreupgrdman: blacklist the driver?06:17
rationalOgreupgrdman: disable it in the bios?06:17
upgrdmanits loading a bunch of buggy modules that crash. its a tv tuner card and loads maybe 15 modules06:17
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happyguy715, wow06:18
happyguy7probably doesn't need all those06:18
upgrdmanrationalOgre, can't find a way to do that with my bios :(06:18
upgrdmanwell its a bunch of dvb modules, and they all seem to depend of eachother06:18
UbuntuQrationalOgre: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626342/06:19
* TSG slaps theiry with a large trout06:19
upgrdmanso no way to tell the kernel to ignore a certain pci device?06:19
kneaux_I want to run two instances of ripperx (or whatever) and trick one of them into thinking /dev/cdrom1 is /dev/cdrom. How can I make this happen?06:19
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rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Ok, looks like upstart has all the jobs that it's trying to force into the old init.d mode06:20
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: So you can safely go through and do "sudo update-rc.d -f <modulename> remove" (just don't add the S20 and whatnot06:21
ActionParsnipupgrdman: you can blacklist the driver module06:21
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: So for example "sudo update-rc.d -f acpid remove"06:21
ActionParsnipupgrdman: find out what module it uses to make it work then add a line in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf:  blacklist modulename06:21
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: You get the gist?06:22
UbuntuQrationalOgre: not sure i did06:22
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: as long as there is a corresponding .conf file in /etc/init you're golden to remove the rc*.d links.06:22
UbuntuQrationalOgre: what's this <modulename>06:23
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: A "variable". Meaning <replace this with what you want to remove>06:23
rationalOgreSee how in the example instead of <modulename> I put acpid06:24
UbuntuQrationalOgre: and what's this acpid06:24
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: I'm pulling the module names from this pastebin you gave me, http://paste.ubuntu.com/626334/06:24
tasslehoffI have a laptop with ATI graphics. Sometimes it stands alone, sometimes a 24" is connected via HDMI. I want a setup where I only get picture on the external monitor when it is plugged in. Anyone know how?06:25
rationalOgreacpid is a daemon for dealing with power stuff. However, it's been upgraded to boot in a new way, and thus the old method of using /etc/rc*.d/ files is no longer needed.06:25
UbuntuQrationalOgre: yeah i see it there06:25
UbuntuQrationalOgre: in this line, Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, e.g. service S20acpid start06:26
JamezQ11I have a problem, my internal webcam, on my hp dv6 laptop no longer works, it worked in ubuntu 9.04-10.10 , is there any reason for this, how can I troubleshoot this?06:26
rationalOgreEach line that you see that says "blahblah has been updated to use Upstart" you can run "sudo update-rc.d -f blahblah remove"06:26
rationalOgreLike I said though, just don't add the S2006:26
rationalOgreacipid is the name of the script, not S20acpid.06:27
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Understand?06:27
mrdebJamezQ11: maybe the driver is not spported06:28
UbuntuQrationalOgre: alright06:28
JamezQ11mrdeb: Well, how can I add it, do I just have to revert to a later version of ubuntu?06:29
kiichirohey I used to know the command but forgot it, how do you shut down the ehfs or efhs? the thing that forces usb 2.006:29
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: So you see the line that says S20alsa-mixer-save, the command you would run for that is "sudo update-rc.d -f alsa-mixer-save remove"06:29
UbuntuQrationalOgre: right06:30
rationalOgreI still am curious as to why this happened, but perhaps I shall never know. :D06:30
UbuntuQrationalOgre: so what the command will be to remove or fix this last one you think06:32
UbuntuQrationalOgre: oh you already put it06:32
rationalOgrekiichiro: You mean EHCI?06:33
UbuntuQrationalOgre: my bad, didn't notice, hahha06:33
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: "sudo update-rc.d -f apport remove"06:33
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: If you notice, all we are doing is "sudo update-rc.d -f SomeService remove"06:34
rationalOgreWhere SomeService is the name of a script that has been linked into the rc*.d folders06:35
UbuntuQrationalOgre: right06:35
dankcannabishow do i install flash player on xubuntu06:35
UbuntuQrationalOgre: right06:35
nicatronTgSeriously, can someone tarball /bin and send it to me?06:35
rwwdankcannabis: install the flashplugin-installer package from multiverse06:35
nicatronTgI'm begging you!06:36
rationalOgreIt's the old way bootup used to happen.06:36
dankcannabiswhats the multi verse?06:36
kiichiroanyone know how to disable echi? I forgot the command for it06:36
TheLegacehi guys im trying to get nvidia binary drivers installed from respository, when i go to additional drivers the official nvidia driver isnt available(only experimental one)06:36
TheLegacei have the geforce4 go 42006:36
UbuntuQrationalOgre: i see06:36
theadminnicatronTg: 32-bit?06:36
theadminAh, of no help then06:36
hexacodecan someone help me figure out why my vsftpd ftp daemon isnt working?  im trying to connect fith filezilla but keep getting an error "refusing to run with writable anonymous root06:37
rationalOgrekiichiro: modprobe -r ehci_hcd?06:37
UbuntuQrationalOgre: ok. im restarting the os06:37
nicatronTgI'm practically about to break down. I've got a vps that I need to scp /bin for 64bit and I can't find one06:37
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Good luck.06:37
nicatronTgvirtualbox crashed06:37
nicatronTg_nothing_ wants to work06:37
UbuntuQrationalOgre: alright06:37
kiichiroFATAL: echi_hcd is builtin06:37
ActionParsniphexacode: what account are you connecting with?06:37
nicatronTgtheadmin, know of anyone with a 64bit ubuntu box that can do it?06:38
kiichirowow I was able to kill this earlier06:38
theadminnicatronTg: Actually I do, but he's not on here nor is he online at all right now06:38
* nicatronTg facepalms06:38
nicatronTgI even tried booting a livecd in virtualbox06:38
jhalaubuntu has firefox 4 which does not allow non rfc5746 servers to negotiate with ssl. hence i cant LOGIN to gmail, amazon or even pastebin. how do i install previous versions of firefox??? sigh........06:38
hexacodeActionParsnip i left the user field blank in filezilla06:38
nicatronTgbut firefox kept crashing so I can't put the tarball on dropbox06:38
ActionParsniphexacode: thats why then06:39
theadminjhala: lolwut? gmail works just fine in ff4...06:39
hexacodewhat is the default user and password ActionParsnip?06:39
ActionParsnipjhala: install chromium-browser and you can find a ppa06:39
ActionParsniphexacode: use your Linux account on the server06:39
nicatronTgActionParsnip, dpkg keeps failing06:39
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hexacodethanks ActionParsnip ill give it a try06:40
theadminjhala: Either way, only way is from mozilla's site06:40
ActionParsniptheadmin: or the mozilla ppa06:40
rationalOgrekiichiro: http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/04/18/solved-unable-to-enumerate-usb-device-disabling-ehci_hcd/#more-37706:40
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hexacodeActionParsnip . thanks, that worked; however, how would i get it to work with an anonymous user06:41
theadminActionParsnip: I don't think you can downgrade with apt06:41
theadminjhala: Here's a tarball if that helps: ftp://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.6.17/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-3.6.17.tar.bz206:41
cmartincan anybody answer this message06:41
theadmincmartin: I can06:41
ActionParsniptheadmin: its a sepeate package name06:41
cmartinI am testing my CHat from a virtual Machine06:41
kiichirothere we go thanks06:41
klownI am having a resolution issue, everything important is posted here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177664006:42
klown(sorry for the forum post, but I've tried alot)06:42
rationalOgrekiichiro: Got it solved?06:42
kiichiroI think06:42
rationalOgrekiichiro: Congrats.06:42
kiichirothanks to you, now if it would stay deactivated06:43
cmartinhello aronbarb06:43
kiichirostupid usb 1.0/1.1 flash drive06:43
cmartinI am testing my virtual machine06:43
cmartincan yuo read me ?06:43
kiichirowhich os you runnin06:43
kiichirowell is the vm runnin06:43
theadmincmartin: We can06:44
rationalOgrekiichiro: Later on on that page it talks about a script you can write to do the disabling easily.06:44
ActionParsnipklown: try:  sudo nvidia-xconfig06:44
rationalOgrekiichiro: So you can kill it with just a simple script when you want to use the drive.06:44
cmartinthanks to everybody06:44
kiichiroyeah but my memorizing with all this new stuff is confusing06:44
klownActionParsnip, I've tried.  doesnt help.06:44
ActionParsnipklown: then manually edit xorg.conf to use the res you desire (or is that what you have done)?06:45
klownActionParsnip, I appreciate the attempt, but all of this is posted in the ubuntuforums link I posted.06:45
=== aronbarb is now known as luc3ntx
RaikiaSo, I have two monitors (TwinView), and I got the xconfig file all set correctly (through nvidia-settings).  Everything appears correctly when I am logged into gnome, but at the login screen, it shows on the secondary monitor instead of the primary (its the default primary due to the port, but secondary as specified in the x config file).  Does anyone know how to fix it so the login screen is on the other monitor?06:46
rationalOgreklown: Does your tv have the options like a computer monitor to adjust according to the input? I ask because I had a monitor that gave me issues and I just used the settings on the monitor to make it display properly.06:46
klownrationalOgre, someone suggested it today, so I tried it.  and it didnt work, actually looked worse.06:46
rationalOgreklown: Just saw that, sorry06:46
klownI'm out of ideas.  I've probably followed 30+ guides to changing resolution, editing xorg.conf, using xrandr.06:47
ActionParsnipklown: you didn't outline if you had editted the file06:47
klownActionParsnip, quote " I have also tried adjusting the /etc/X11/xorg.conf files, and nothing there. I am out of ideas."06:48
ActionParsnipklown: in the display subsection, add your resolution there06:48
ActionParsnipklown: you may also need to add the option for the refresh rate there too06:50
ActionParsnipklown: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/76471-nvidia-xorg-conf.html06:50
GSF1200Sanyone know what conditions make Twinview unavailable? I would like to try it but its grayed out in nvidia-settings. I have 2 monitors of the same resolution each connected to a seperate video card06:50
ActionParsnipklown: notice the resolutions listed in the screen section06:50
klownI've looked through the manual for my tv, and for my video card, and I picked the highest supported resolution that they shared, and I tried adding it to xorg, using the xrandr modeline, and tried just adding it, with and without refreshrate06:51
klownand it didnt work.06:51
[V13]AxelIs there any way to put the nm-applet on the Indicator Applet on 10.04?06:52
[V13]AxelIs there any way at all to merge nm-applet and Indicator Applet on Lucid?06:54
theadmin[V13]Axel: Nay, NetworkManager is a separate app06:54
spectre51anyone have any suggestions for trying to use the ubuntu 11.04 live cd with a macbook pro 8,1  keep getting the "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" error06:55
[V13]AxelSo there's no way at all that I can unify them on Lucid at all? I don't really want to upgrade to 11.04 just to achieve that simple consistency...06:56
klownActionParsnip, in this howto..https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution , about 3/4 of the way down is "adding undetected resolutions ", I tried that way as well.  Didn't work.06:56
susundberghey my mic went mute after some updates, any idea what caused this?06:56
ActionParsnipklown: did you specify the refresh rate too?06:57
susundberg(pavucontrol does not show any input, but mic works fine on other machine)06:57
rationalOgreklown: Have you looked at this one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HDMI06:57
klownActionParsnip, Yes, I followed my tv manual, and it said via HDMI, the highest resolution is 1280x1024@6006:57
klownrationalOgre, thats one of the 30 I used :P06:58
rationalOgreklown: ok06:58
ActionParsnipklown: Modes "1280x1024@60" "1024x768@60" "800x600@60" "720x400@60" "720x350@60" "640x480@60"06:58
ActionParsnipklown: that's all I got06:58
klown1280x1024@60 should work.06:58
klownper my tv's manual..06:58
klownim going to try it again, brb07:01
harrywhat up niggs07:01
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Guest26256what up niggs07:02
Guest26256anyone here07:02
theadminGuest26256: Please watch your language and stay ontopic, read the guidelines as well07:03
Guest26256what the fuck07:03
Guest26256is this shit07:03
FloodBot1Guest26256: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:04
IdleOne!language | Guest2625607:04
ubottuGuest26256: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:04
ActionParsnipGuest26256: do you have a support question?07:04
icerootis there a way to set "Tags add: Patch" by myself? cant find that option and if i add a patch, after some hours/days a ubuntu-dev is adding that tag. so am i missing something or is that the normal way?07:06
icerooton launchpad07:06
tsimpsoniceroot: there is a small pencil icon by the "Tags:" section, click that (more help is in #launchpad)07:08
iceroottsimpson: thx07:08
susundberghey what is later stock kernel? 39-0 or 38-X ?07:09
icerootsusundberg: 39-007:09
theadminsusundberg: 39 is bigger, so is later.07:09
susundbergYes, i was wondering did that 39-0 come from backports or from normal repository.07:10
klownActionParsnip, after I add that mode to my xorg.conf what logs would be helpful?  just the xorg.conf and the Xorg.0.log files?07:10
ActionParsnipklown: as far as I am aware, yes07:10
icerootsusundberg: 2.6.39-x is 11.10 and came also from backports07:11
slack-mPHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function getClientConf() on a non-object in /usr/local/installs/pugbot/ircpug/parser.php on line 8307:11
slack-manyone have any idea?07:11
ActionParsnipklown: you can run:  grep ee /var/log/Xorg.0.log    to see just the errors07:11
susundbergSo 39-0 is from backports?07:12
tsimpsonslack-m: it's a bug in that software, you should report it to whoever made that software07:12
icerootsusundberg: apt-cache policy will show you where it came from07:12
dijonyummy123is there a way to restart network services on ubuntu without logging out and rebooting07:12
slack-mit works fine on ubuntu remote sevrer07:12
susundbergoh, thanks!07:12
ActionParsnipdijonyummy123: sudo service networking stop; sudo service networking start07:12
slack-mtsimpson, it runs great on ubuntu server, but an exact dup, fresh gives me that error on another machine07:12
icerootdijonyummy123: sudo service networking restart (before it was sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart)07:12
slack-mtsimpson, and i wrong soe of this07:13
klownActionParsnip, its not showing errors, its just showing stuff with 'ee' in it..ie "screen" "wheel"07:13
ActionParsnipsusundberg: 39 is an Oneiric kernel07:13
tsimpsonslack-m: it's still a bug in that software07:13
ActionParsnipklown: try capital EEs, sorry07:13
slack-mtsimpson, alright, hrm :/07:13
klownActionParsnip, [ 33476.276] (EE) Logitech USB Receiver: failed to initialize for relative axes07:14
klownthats the only error in my Xorg.0.log :/07:14
miahotrodHi All I have 11.4 and the desktop keeps reverting back to the old desktop07:14
ActionParsnipklown: is it a webcam?07:14
dijonyummy123i get a "unknown instance" error with sudo service networking restart07:14
hexacodeis this an error message from the service utility? anyone know? http://pastebin.com/PA4uwu0w07:14
klownActionParsnip, Mouse.07:14
ActionParsnipklown: try unpluggin it, see if it helps (worth a shot)07:15
dijonyummy123something weird happen in 10.10. nautilus cant browse smb servers. none. just disappeared. even after restart nautilus07:15
klownActionParsnip, just wondering but what would my mouse have to do with my display?07:15
ActionParsniphexacode: users cannot manipulate services, add sudo07:15
ActionParsnipklown: its part of the x server07:15
tsimpsonhexacode: you need to use sudo with that command, not a great error message though07:15
dijonyummy123happened a cople times before07:16
hexacodecan someone help me with my vsftpd server?  heres the error im getting http://pastebin.com/n16SdYpG07:21
Guest49056hi, can someone assist me on switching to transmission-cli from gui, my screen isn't usable for a while07:27
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ActionParsnipGuest49056: enable the web ui and you can manage it via web browser or tansgui07:29
LasersGuest49056: #transmission -- Useful channel.  I'd agree with ActionParsnip. Web browser is very easy. :)07:29
Guest49056ActionParsnip: oh, haven't thought of that, thanks ill try07:30
ActionParsnipGuest49056: from another pc obviously. Or you can use transdroid on android devices07:30
Guest49056ActionParsnip: I got 403 in tablet07:33
ActionParsnipGuest49056: in the web ui config tab, uncheck the box saying only permit certain IPs. The default is to only allow localhost07:35
Guest49056ActionParsnip: anyway how i will start it from cli?07:35
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ActionParsnipGuest49056: just because you don't have a monitor doesn't mean the GUI can't load07:36
Kiwiladycan i please have sum help wiv dns servers?07:37
Guest49056ActionParsnip: point is i have to use cli(not run X)07:37
ActionParsnipKiwilady: sure, if you type properly07:37
hexacodeActionParsnip i connected to my ftp server and set the configuration file for the correct directory, and then i put a testfile into the directory to see if i connected to the correct directory, but i dont see the file...so im assuming im in thee wrong directory...what can i do about this?07:38
theadminGuest49056: There is always utserver or deluge, why stick to Transmission exactly?07:38
KiwiladyOkay can we do in privite? as i may need to say ip address07:38
ActionParsnipGuest49056: i believe it adds itself to the startup items07:38
IdleOneKiwilady: your ip is already public07:39
theadminActionParsnip: What, Transmission? No it doesn't07:39
UbuntuQHello there07:39
niezhi, how to enable/disable services?07:39
theadminniez: update-rc.d07:39
ActionParsnipKiwilady: why, its dns. Just use variables in your description07:39
Guest49056ActionParsnip: no lets suppose the situation, im running docked transmission here and web ui just enable, i can access now from tablet, so suppose im shutting down X, how i will start transmission?07:40
KiwiladyOkay my problem is im told by my isp that they do not support linux due to they don't no the required dns server07:40
ActionParsniptheadmin: well, that's not annoying. Not even the cli one?07:40
theadminKiwilady: Set and as your DNS servers, that'll usually work just fine07:40
hexacodeKiwilady umm lol did they just tell u that linux cant connect to a windows server07:41
Guest49056ActionParsnip: ok, whatever, lets just waste one terminal to run it07:41
Kiwiladyum ive tryed both of them and they don't let me browser the internet(im on windows PC right now)07:41
Kiwiladyno they said there help desk doesn't support help for linux07:42
nieztheadmin, this looks good, I was unable to find nothing similar on any forum07:42
theadminActionParsnip: I never used the cli transmission07:42
theadminniez: What looks good?07:42
ActionParsnipGuest49056: you may need to find an upstart script or simply run it in its own scree07:42
theadminniez: Ah07:42
nieztheadmin, but I can't see options for listing current configuration07:43
niezhow can I set order of services?07:44
ActionParsniptheadmin: then how do you know it doesnt get added. It'd make sense to07:44
theadminniez: There's that NN option07:44
Kiwiladyi can connect with ethernet cable but not wireless but my wirless connection on ubuntu says its connected to my modem07:44
theadminActionParsnip: I thought you meant the GUI one07:44
theadminKiwilady: Ah, now that explains it -- wireless problems07:45
ActionParsniptheadmin: not this time dude07:45
KiwiladyOkay so can you help me fix it?07:45
theadminActionParsnip: Sorry for the misunderstanding07:45
UbuntuQAnyone knows what steps or programs i should use to clean out the system07:45
theadminUbuntuQ: bleachbit07:45
Gorilla_No_Bakahello gents07:46
Gorilla_No_Bakaanyone alive?07:46
frankS2errbody dead07:46
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Ask the question07:46
UbuntuQtheadmin: how can i get it07:46
theadminUbuntuQ: apt-get, as usual07:46
ActionParsnipUbuntuq: bleachbit is good. Close as many apps as you can before running it and run as user and root07:47
KiwiladyOkay so can you help me fix it?07:47
UbuntuQtheadmin: alright, does that help speed up the system kinda07:47
UbuntuQActionParsnip: i will07:48
ActionParsnipUbuntuq: avoid options stating they will take a long time and watch options or you'll clean options you want to keep07:48
niezI've installed clonezilla server yesterday, first it messed up my firewall (shorewall doesn't start), then I removed clonezilla, nfs, portmap and (they was installed as dependencies) and now cups doesn't start, I removed and installed cups and now I can't connect to my server (i'm on my way to office), what's going on?07:49
UbuntuQActionParsnip: alright07:49
niezI belive clonezilla messed up mu init scripts, how can I easy fix this?07:50
anAngelHello, which is the best officially supported virtualization on ubuntu server lts (10.04.2)? KVM doesn't work on the machine I am trying to install it. Thanks07:51
UbuntuQActionParsnip: i'm not an expert yet you know guys, so i wish i wont riun a think, lol07:51
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UbuntuQa thing07:51
Gorilla_No_Bakaanyway.. for whoever it might be interested...Last time i really had provblems with skype  ( using the last version) .Eevery time i would try to send my web cam skype would freeze the whole computer living me with no option but to reboot using the "power off" button i came to the channel and ask for direction because i was lost..(that was the first time ever for me to have this kind of behaviour on linux) people`s advice ranged from preloadin the drive07:51
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theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Skype is a Microsoft product now... That's their evil plan I guess?07:52
Gorilla_No_Bakatheadmin:  not yet ..07:52
th^^anAngel: kvm is the best, but if the machine doesn't support it, it isn't really server-worthy hardware :)07:53
Kiwiladyis there any body here that can help me with wireless dns settings?07:53
Gorilla_No_Bakabut yeah .. i see where you`re coming from..07:53
sara2010any one there07:55
Gorilla_No_Bakanow... anybody knows some nice tweaks/tricks to speed up gnome?? i mean other than use low resurces and echo "gtk-menu-popup-delay = 0" >> ~/.gtkrc-2.007:56
sara2010hi  i m using ubuntu 10.10 i create one file on openoffice ..  its important for me ..  now i m going to open that file its showing garbage ; what  to  do :(07:56
UbuntuQno only me, sara,hehe07:56
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: unload it entirely07:56
celthunderKiwilady: what about wireless dns07:56
theadminsara2010: What are you opening it with, same openoffice?07:56
Gorilla_No_Baka i so wish07:57
Gorilla_No_Baka i am a open box user07:57
UbuntuQkiding, ask your questions, these people are awesome07:57
sara2010theadmin,   ya  opening with  same openoffice07:57
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: so use openbox lol i use xmonad...can't stand gnome07:57
KiwiladyOkay my problem is im told by my isp that they do not support linux due to they don't no the required dns server07:57
Gorilla_No_Bakabut this computer would be used by my GF so ... she needs some "windows like" gnome behaviour  :))07:57
Kiwiladybut ive tryed
celthunderyeah those hsould work fine07:58
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Better install KDE then...07:58
celthunderKiwilady: did you put those in /etc/resolv.conf<.head>07:58
Gorilla_No_Bakathat`s actually even worst07:58
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: My gf uses fluxbox -_-07:58
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: No luck for ya :P07:58
Gorilla_No_Bakathis little baby only has 223 MBram07:58
Gorilla_No_Bakatheadmin:  your gf is more openminded than mine then..07:58
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: yeah i'd say go back to openbox then07:58
sara2010theadmin,  ..07:58
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: add trayer ?07:59
theadminsara2010: Sorry, then, no idea. Probably it broke it while saving07:59
anAngelth^^: it is an old hardware and I would like to make some easier portability for the services placed on with using some virtualization like containers but do not know which is the best officially supported in ubuntu07:59
Kiwiladyuh im unfimlmair with those terms i smiply used the ivp4 maunel selection07:59
=== administrator is now known as Guest77458
Kiwiladysorry for my bad spelling im not very good08:00
celthunderKiwilady: cat /etc/resolv.conf what's listed?08:00
Gorilla_No_Bakayeah.. she does not like openbox,blackbox,fluxbox,jwm icewm,lxde... i have been trough most of it.. the only one she was able to use (after i moded and deleted the lower panel and moved the upper panel down deleted everything from it  and installed only one click main menu )08:00
Gorilla_No_Bakawell the only one she was able to use and liked was gnome.. so go figure08:01
KiwiladyOkay 1 second it on a diff pc ill go and check08:01
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Weird.08:01
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: ouch...my gf gets what i put on the comp and if she doesn't like it she can damn well go buy her own comp :)08:01
Gorilla_No_Bakai know..08:01
celthunderbut then i'm a jerk like that08:02
Gorilla_No_Baka no option here celthunder ... i live in UK so a new computer would cost me a friggin fortune08:02
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Well considering that mine is the person who introduced me to Linux as such, heh...08:02
Gorilla_No_Bakaall right theadmin08:02
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: I suppose mine is weirder then :D08:02
slack-mhey, so why would php work just fine with mysql for apache, but be totally borked for cli php? says call to undefined function mysql_connect()08:02
Gorilla_No_Bakaso.. what`s the score with the stupid unity?08:02
Gorilla_No_Bakaman.. i hate that stuff as much i hate KDE08:03
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Unity is better than GNOME 3 but worse than anything else08:03
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: morons making new useless wm's for more wasting of time...btw gnome3 is even worse than kde (if possible)08:03
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celthunderKiwilady: ? what's in your /etc/resolv.conf should be nameserver
celthunderKiwilady: or some other nameserver08:04
Gorilla_No_Bakayou know.. they should go make a openpoxunubtu.. the lubuntu is a nice try but it still lacks functionality08:04
kiwilady1sry i dissconnected08:04
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: i got ubuntu on one system but i had to use debootstrap to even get close to a reasonable system08:05
celthunderaka not a ton of crap08:05
celthunderkiwilady1: it's fine08:05
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: crunchbang?08:05
Gorilla_No_Bakaanyway.. you know what`s really funny?  the same gnome installed on a debian box boots in 50-60 MB of ram.. The same on a ubuntu box needs 20008:05
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Ah wait, crunchbang is debian-based now08:06
kiwilady1ill be back in 1 min i just wrote down the path to get this file up08:06
goveaxHi! For some reason in gnome notification area the size of icon 1x1px. Has anyone  encountered this problem?08:06
UbuntuQonce i installed fsdisk, but i don't know where would it be, or how to find it, anyone knows08:06
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: i think ubuntu includes gnome-extra which is a TON of useless packages...debian probably doesn't08:06
Gorilla_No_Bakayeah crunch is debian.. and by the way it friggn rocks.08:06
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: archbang > crunchbang08:07
celthundertheadmin: that based on arch? cause that's the distro i'm running08:07
theadmincelthunder: Yeah08:07
Gorilla_No_Bakano.. i like a purea arch.. no friggin archbang an no ganbang :P08:07
celthunderlol yeah08:07
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: so why you uing ubuntu lol arch defintily has a smaller footprint08:08
Gorilla_No_BakaI am not using Ubuntu08:08
celthunderand better support for other wm/de08:08
Gorilla_No_Bakathis is the laptop i set for my GF08:08
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Give her Mint, hey08:08
Gorilla_No_Bakahttp://oi52.tinypic.com/24ow075.jpg  HERE IS what I USE08:08
kiwilady1can i connect to this server via the standard IRC progam in linux?08:08
Gorilla_No_Bakatheadmin:  this ol` cluncky has only 223 MBRAM08:09
kiwilady1it will make it easy as my computers are 20meteres away from each other08:09
celthunderkiwilady1: ? theres a standard irc program? which one irssi ircii weechat xchat other?08:09
celthunderkiwilady1: and if you're online sure... irc.freenode.net/666708:09
theadminkiwilady1: You sure can08:09
celthunderkiwilady1: /join #ubuntu08:09
theadminkiwilady1: Just fire up xchat08:09
rewatihi there08:09
kiwilady1Okay ill Be Right Back08:09
theadminGorilla_No_Baka: Ah right08:09
celthunderGorilla_No_Baka: nice can i pm you ?08:10
rewatiby mistake i formated my external hard drive and now it has bsd file system. Is there a way i can get by data back which was there before formating08:10
rewatiplease help08:10
celthunderrewati: what'd you do to format ? just redo the tables or did you literally write 0's?08:11
theadminrewati: Use testdsik, but chances are that it won't be exactly what it used to be08:11
Gorilla_No_Bakaand you wanna know why.. because you can not just beat that http://oi52.tinypic.com/2liwml3.jpg08:11
Gorilla_No_Bakacelthunder:  go ahead buddy08:11
bhaveshIs there any way in which I can pack my currently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my pendrive and use it somewhere else like my school?08:12
rewati<theadmin> is ther a way to recover a file on a disk which was cut and pasted at other location08:12
rewatitheadmin: is ther a way to recover a file on a disk which was cut and pasted at other location08:12
theadminrewati: With testdisk? Yes. However it's not exactly testdisk which does all the file recovery, but the "Photorec" part of it08:13
UbuntuQonce i installed fsdisk, but i don't know where would it be, or how to find it, anyone knows08:13
theadminrewati: Also, the file names will turn into mess like "f5192fa2.mp3"08:13
rewatitheadmin: so photorec is the utility??08:14
theadminrewati: It comes with Testdisk, but yeah08:14
celthunderbhavesh: yeah sure08:15
bhaveshcelthunder: just copy my file system to pendrive?08:15
celthunderbhavesh: assuming you have enough space on the pendrive a bootloader on it and the school comp boots to usb08:15
bhaveshcelthunder: bootloader is some external file outside my ubuntu partition?08:16
rewatitheadmin: thanks a lot u have really saved my life08:16
celthunderbhavesh: uhm grub then grub setup (<pendrive>,<pendrivepartitionwith/boot>)08:17
CyborgSmurfThere is an OS which I used back in 1995 which was neither Linux or Win 3.1... I cant remember much about it more than, it had no programwindow like in 3.1 that covered up the wallpaper. Also, you could have your icons everywhere you wanted on the desktop08:17
celthundergrub then setup <as was before>08:17
celthunderCyborgSmurf: plan9? a08:17
bhaveshcelthunder: ill try08:17
theadminCyborgSmurf: OS/208:18
theadminCyborgSmurf: ?08:18
CyborgSmurfcelthunder: could be, let me check it out08:18
devishwhat is the basic difference in functionalities when selecting boot region as MBR or root08:18
celthunderdevish: mbr bootloader loads first then you can chainload to the others08:18
celthunderas far as i know anyway...probably other uses08:19
devishfor basically dual boot system08:19
bhaveshlol I still couldn't install Netbeans IDE ...trying from 2 days08:20
celthunderbhavesh: ? what's the error08:20
CyborgSmurftheadmin: well I remember you could have like space background, black screen and stars08:20
bhaveshcelthunder: It says Java JDK not found, but I already installed it08:20
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celthunderbhavesh: does it need the non open source jdk? did you check where it's installed to?08:20
devishcelthunder: to my knowledge booting start from mbr itself but we can have dual boot in root "/" also08:21
celthunderdevish: that's what i said? it boots to mbr bootloader and then you chainload the rest if you want08:21
bhaveshcelthunder: I tried both open JDK and non open source JDK.08:21
celthunderdevish: though if your mbr has grub you really don't need to chainload any bootloader but windows if that's your other os08:21
bhaveshcelthunder: its installed here: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java08:21
bhaveshcelthunder: openjdk means open source JDK ofc....08:22
CyborgSmurftheadmin: is OS/2 running like an exe-file in DOS?08:22
KNUBBIGHey, I have installed Ubuntu/Win7 and want to try out Kubuntu. Will it erase my customized GRUB or go well with it?08:22
theadminCyborgSmurf: Doubt it08:22
bhaveshnow ill have to install  Netbeans + JDK both comes together08:22
theadminKNUBBIG: It does erase08:22
Lasersbhavesh: "sudo update-alternatives --config java"08:23
celthunderCyborgSmurf: theadmin in 95? uhm??08:23
KNUBBIGtheadmin: okay, ty, any way to prevent that or do I just have to reconfigure GRUB?08:23
celthunderKNUBBIG: ?08:23
devishso I was wondering if I remove widow at some point of time and I am having boot region as mbr then I can easily install it again without disturbing linux08:23
theadminKNUBBIG: Back up your grub.cfg and put it back once done installing, really08:23
Lasersbhavesh: Also, JRE != JDK. Just throwing that out. ;o08:23
bhaveshLasers: * 0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java   1061      auto mode08:23
KNUBBIGtheadmin: okay ty08:23
devishbut just have to rebuilt mbr again08:24
celthunderKNUBBIG: theadmin pick where you want your grub installed...honestly you can use the same install as you're using now just install kde...tat's essentially kubuntu anyway08:24
bhaveshLasers: so for Netbeans I need Java Development Kit + Java Runtime environment both? thats a stupid question btw08:24
celthunderKNUBBIG: theadmin would save a lot of effort08:24
KNUBBIGcelthunder: will Gnome/Unity be usable after that, stilL?08:24
Lasersbhavesh: If you install JDK, that should install JRE too. I'm pretty certain of it.08:24
theadmincelthunder: The last I checked Ubuntu did not let me select where to install grub, and just put it over to MBR08:24
theadminKNUBBIG: KDE does not break GNOME08:24
celthunderKNUBBIG: yeah sure you pick08:25
CyborgSmurfcelthunder: it was probably created earlier, but a friend gave me this, I had a small HDD (37,5Mb) so I could either have windows 3.1 (12Mb) or that one(15Mb)08:25
bhaveshLasers: then whats wrong with my Netbeans... it says No compitable JDK detected08:25
KNUBBIGtheadmin: celthunder okay, I'll do that, thanks08:25
Lasersbhavesh: You might want to check out Netbeans channel if you found no solution here.08:25
celthunderCyborgSmurf: idk plan9 os2 vax bsd lfs are pretty much your choices08:25
bhaveshLasers: does this:        /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java       mean open source JDK?08:25
bhaveshofc it does...08:25
devishbhavesh: is your netbeans latest08:25
bhaveshdevish: yes08:25
celthunderKNUBBIG: theadmin hmm...useless not cool installer then...08:26
celthunderCyborgSmurf: theres probably others but those are the ones i know of from 9508:26
Lasersbhavesh: Yes.08:26
CyborgSmurfcelthunder: plan9 sounds familiar I guess08:26
celthunderCyborgSmurf: made by the same guys that made C08:27
devishbhavesh: there are 2 jdk one is of sun/oracle and other one open don,t know about your case but sun's one works fine with it08:27
petansomeone know how to configure xorg so that I can increase virtual size of desktop08:27
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bhaveshdevish: and how am I supposed to get suns SDK from their website?08:27
petanI couldn't find it on any site08:28
celthunderpetan: ? xrandr08:28
petancelthunder: I mean if I have some max virtual size and I want to enlarge it08:28
bhaveshdevish: I downloaded jdk-6u26-linux-x64.bin from their website08:28
petanxrandr tell me that resolution is not supported08:28
celthunderpetan: add it?08:28
bhaveshdevish: and it again gives errors when I try installing it08:29
Lasersbhavesh: It should be in the repo (assuming you have partner enabled).08:29
CyborgSmurfcelthunder: hmmm.... thanks alot anyway (sometimes I get a little nostalgic I guess its because of all NES-games with colours and catchy sounds ;) )08:29
devishbhavesh: no just go to your s/w manager and search for it ...08:29
celthunderpetan: man xrandr08:29
celthunderCyborgSmurf: lol i do that too sometimes08:29
petanI added resolution to conf and it work but virtual size do not08:29
bhaveshLasers: I did enable it08:29
bhaveshdevish: ok08:29
devishbhavesh: install only from your repo/s/w manager08:29
petanI can't turn on second lcd08:29
celthunderpetan: what graphics card08:29
petanradeon hd uh... I will take a look but it should support it08:29
celthunderpetan: check catalyst?08:30
devishbhavesh: but first uninstall open jdk08:30
petanI don't know where is this resolution is ok just virtual size not08:30
devishotherwise there will be too much confusdion to handle08:30
petanwhich mean I can't use more than 1 lcd08:30
bhaveshdevish: ok, I found one on s/w manager its name is sun-java6-source (JDK)08:30
bhaveshdevish: oh I found the correct one08:31
ColKurtzhey guys08:31
theadminColKurtz: Hello.08:31
ColKurtzquick question - i'm installing ubuntu via wubi on an EEE PC08:31
ColKurtzalready did the install from widnows08:32
devishbhavesh: check out its descripton to know what it offer because i m not sure her but remember to uninstall openjdk first08:32
ColKurtznow it's booted into ubuntu to complete the install08:32
ColKurtzit already found my WiFi network08:32
bhaveshdevish: im uninstalling :(08:32
ColKurtzand it has the introduction slideshow thing going08:32
bhaveshdevish: I meant :)08:32
ColKurtzbut it's just been sitting with the "busy" cursor for a while now08:32
petanHD 455008:32
ColKurtzis it just gonna take a little while to finish up?08:32
devishbhavesh: happy programming08:32
bhaveshdevish: rt :D08:33
petanin catalyst I do not see it it show only one lcd08:33
petanbut in resolution I see two panels I think this is xorg conf where is problem08:33
CyborgSmurfcelthunder: btw I guess one of the best screensavers are "johnny cast away" ;)08:34
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=== les_ is now known as kiwilady1
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kiwilady1hey sorry about the long wait08:36
kiwilady1im now on the system running ubuntu08:37
NightWhat's up with ''sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe and try again.'' ??08:38
blueonyxhi, is there an easy way to mount a .tar.bz2 archive?08:38
NightOh please.08:39
madsailorblueonyx, ubuntu comes with archive mounter08:40
NightHey anyone knows how to deal with ''sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe and try again.''??08:41
theadminNight: Delete that file and try again.08:41
madsailorblueonyx, you can right click on your archive and select open with archive mounter08:41
NightAnd how to delete it? o.o08:41
blueonyxmadsailor: on the console pls, i'm on ubuntu server08:41
NightSoz, I'm totally a newbie. =/08:41
NightI don't know where to find the file. O.o08:42
icerootNight: rm /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe08:42
icerootNight: /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe  is the path08:43
madsailorblueonyx, sry.  I use mc in the console.  it interfaces with archives, so I don't know the cli commands08:43
icerootNight: just open a terminal and type     rm /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe08:43
NightOh. but I can't find 'vcredist_x86.exe.' there08:43
NightOkay, thanks08:43
dexterhow tu using firesheep on blackbuntu08:43
NightI typed that in, but nothing comes out, should I type it again?08:44
gulzarI installed XFCE and removed Unity+Gnome...... while installing it dropped to screensaver which was REMOVED so I was only left with BLACK screen.... I waited for 1 hr then restarted ..... XFCE was installed but the tittle bar is not visible and most dangerous my Internet connection is not working (my modem is not detected) . Any solution?08:44
icerootNight: everything fine when nothing comes out08:45
NightOh. =P08:45
icerootNight: rm is a command to delete and when everything is fine rm is deleting the file without any error-message08:46
icerootNight: if you retype the command, you should get /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe not found08:46
icerootNight: because the file was deleted before08:46
NightMaybe I should try, lol.08:46
NightSo does it mean I can install it all over again now?08:47
icerootNight: correct08:47
NightWine's sure a pain in the ass. -_-08:47
NightKay, thanks ^^08:47
icerootNight: as it seems the first download was not successfull because the hashsum was incorrect08:47
bhaveshYAY my netbeans IDE is installing :D08:48
madsailorblueonyx, I would highly recommend mc.  it's a great file browser for the terminal and lets you browse archives as well08:48
tranducloihi all08:48
NightCongratulations, bhavesh.08:49
gulzarI installed XFCE and removed Unity+Gnome...... while installing it dropped to screensaver which was REMOVED so I was only left with BLACK screen.... I waited for 1 hr then restarted ..... XFCE was installed but the tittle bar is not visible and most dangerous my Internet connection is not working (my modem is not detected) . Any solution? Help.....08:49
NightJust a random questions, do I have to type in ''yum install cabextract'', to install winetricks?08:49
icerootNight: no08:50
NightThanks =D08:50
icerootNight: yum is only for opensuse not für ubuntu08:50
NightAnd what's opensuse if I may ask?08:50
iceroot!info winetricks08:50
ubottuwinetricks (source: winetricks): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (winetricks). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0+20110402 (natty), package size 118 kB, installed size 588 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)08:50
icerootNight: use this "sudo apt-get install winetricks"08:50
icerootNight: openuse is another linux-distribution like ubuntu, debian, redhat und univention corporate server08:51
NightE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:51
LasersNight: What is Ubuntu? It's a distro. OpenSuSe is a different distro.08:51
icerootNight: is another process running like software-center?08:51
NightUmm, the update manager is running.08:52
NightThanks Lasers.08:52
curiousxNight: close "Ubuntu Software Center" and then tray again08:52
blueonyxmadsailor: i dont want to browse archives i want to mount them, so that programs dont need to care whether its an archive or not, there must be something with fuse, but doesnt seem to be so easy, thanks anyhow08:52
icerootNight: what you want to run with wine?08:53
NightA program, it says it couldn't find .DLL something08:54
icerootNight: of course a program... :)08:54
NightI don't have the software center running, should I cancel the update?08:54
oCeanblueonyx: have you installed 'archivemount' ?08:54
icerootNight: depending if you need the update-process08:54
NightLol, yea it's kind of complicated to explain, so it sounds better with ''a program''.08:55
iceroot!appdb | Night08:55
ubottuNight: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:55
blueonyxoCean: and then?08:55
icerootNight: there you can have a look if your program is supported and what steps are to do08:55
blueonyxoCean: i have no X08:55
NightKay, thanks, lol.08:56
oCeanblueonyx: it's not X based. sudo apt-get install achivemount; then archivemount /path/to/blah.tar.gz /home/user/mymountpoint08:56
blueonyxoCean: kthx08:56
blueonyxoCean: there is no such package for lucid :(08:59
oCean!info archivemount lucid08:59
ubottuPackage archivemount does not exist in lucid08:59
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JohnTeddyWhen I switch from USA to China keyboard... the default icon in the pannel for 11.04 doesn't work. If I start 'ibus-daemon', this works in the panel. How can I turn off the panel icon for the default keyboard layout switcher and turn on ibus-daemon by default?09:03
oCeanblueonyx: it might work if you install a libarchive package and download latest archive mount here http://www.cybernoia.de/software/archivemount/09:03
NightLol, is it just me or it's all games on that website?09:05
NightMaybe it's just me. o.o09:06
ehsanHello all09:10
ehsanI have a lucid ubuntu server with kernel 2.6.32-3209:10
ehsanHow I acn downgrade it to 2.6.32-31 ?09:11
ColKurtzokay back to using the live ubuntu USB to install09:12
theadminehsan: Downgrades aren't supported, however you can just boot the old kernel from GRUB, we don't remove them09:12
ColKurtzshould i manually partition?09:12
ColKurtzor does it do a good enough job with "erase disk and install ubuntu"09:12
oCeanehsan: if you update frequently, the 2.6.32-31 image should still be installed?09:12
ehsan@theadmin: thanks, I'm going to check it :-)09:13
NightLol, I clicked the 'erase disk and install unbuntu'' one. @ ColKurtz09:13
HektoR_hello guys... is there any way to use usb speakers with ubuntu ? ( gembird usb speakrs )09:13
klownI'm trying to add 1280x1024 to my xorg.conf (which is supported by my video card, and monitor) but after I start X, I get the following error in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log file ..[  5851.280] (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1280x1024"; removing.  Any reason why?09:13
ColKurtzNight, did it auto create a SWAP partition?09:14
Blou_Aapalt+space, boom window manager gone :/09:14
ehsandpkg --get-selections says09:14
cafenethow can i enable "Main Menu " item from terminal?09:14
NightNot that I've known of. @ ColKurtz09:15
ehsanlinux-headers-2.6.32-21                         install linux-headers-2.6.32-21-server                  install linux-headers-2.6.32-32                         install linux-headers-2.6.32-32-server                  install linux-headers-server                            install linux-image-2.6.32-21-server                    install linux-image-2.6.32-32-server                    install linux-image-server                              i09:15
NightIt just uses the entire disk, lol.09:15
ehsanthere's no 2.6.32-3109:15
ehsancan I install it manually?09:15
=== Loaf is now known as Loto
theadminehsan: You can, if it is in the repos09:16
whitmanI'm running 11.04 (classic) in virtualbox on a windows host.  A few seconds after logging in the theme resets to a basic gtk style.  I can half fix it with killall -9 gnome-settings-daemon && gnome-settings-daemon but I have to run that every time I login and it doesn't fix everything (the right click menu keeps the basic style).  Is there a better/proper fix for this?09:17
ehsanwould you please let me know how? is it an apt-get or dpkg option?09:17
theadminehsan: Eh... apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-31-server09:18
ehsanthanks :-)09:18
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ColKurtzalright, partitioning schemes09:20
ColKurtzi've got a 160gb HDD in my EEE PC09:20
bullgard4'man tasksel': "tasksel is a user interface for installing tasks." Where are these »tasks« defined?09:20
ColKurtzshould i make 1 big partition + a swap partition? would that suffice?09:20
ColKurtzor should i make 1 system partition, 1 partition for home/user folders, and then a SWAP?09:21
theadminColKurtz: Typically. Many also prefer a separate /home partition09:21
ColKurtzhow many GB for the system partition?09:21
rizzehColKurtz: 20Gb for /, some for swap, the rest /home09:21
oCeanbullgard4: tasksel --list-tasks I think09:21
ColKurtzmake the swap the last partition?09:22
oCeanbullgard4: or --list-task09:22
NightDo you all have to partition the disk? O.o it didn't even ask me to when I was installing it.09:23
ColKurtzwell i wanna make sure performance is good :)09:23
ColKurtzit's a netbook afterall09:23
NightBy ''weirdo'' I was referring to my pc.09:23
theadminNight: Eh, it auto-partitions it if you ask it to09:24
ColKurtzand besides the last time I played around with linux was a loong time ago installing Gentoo09:24
ColKurtzand getting super crazy about my partioning scheme09:24
NightI think you can google see how people do the partition.09:24
theadminColKurtz: lol gentoo09:24
ColKurtzExt4 good for my system partition & /home09:24
theadminColKurtz: Yep09:24
ColKurtzhow about swap? ext2?09:24
rizzehswap is swap09:25
bullgard4oCean: Excellent! --  Thank you very much for your help.09:25
dr_Willisext4 is the default these days09:25
theadminColKurtz: wut? Swap has it's own filesystem, linux-swap09:25
NightYay, the update FINALLY finished. Be back after restarting my pc, lol.09:25
dr_Willisswap is swao :)09:25
NightGood luck folks. =D09:25
anAngelHello, which is the best officially supported container-based virtualization on ubuntu server lts (10.04.2) because KVM doesn't work on the machine I am trying to install it on. Thanks09:26
snimhow do i convert flv to divx for playing on dvd player ?09:27
maalachi need help in running ica citrix files09:27
dr_Willissnim:  ffmpeg. mencoder09:27
snimcan u gimme the command, i am a newbe here09:28
snimi have ffmpeg installed, and have a flv file09:28
snimhow do i convert it ?09:28
dr_Willistheir faq has examples09:28
dr_Willisor use the winff front end09:28
robeepalHy there!09:29
aroonihi folks... im trying to print something.  i dont know where my printer went.  i cant add any printers with admin => printing09:30
ColKurtzhow big for my swap?09:30
theadminColKurtz: About 2 gigs should be fine09:30
ColKurtzi have 1gb of RAM...might upgrade to 2gb sometime09:30
robeepalCan somebody help me step by step with my graphic carc ? I have Ati RX800GTU309:30
ColKurtz2gb? 3gb?09:30
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theadminColKurtz: ^09:30
ColKurtzthe 2nd partition is /home, not /usr right?09:31
ColKurtzand logical09:31
dr_Willisit can be either.09:32
rizzehyou dont really need /usr on separate.09:32
robeepalCan somebody help me step by step with my graphic card to install the driver on Ubuntu 11.04 ? I have Ati RX800GTU309:32
E-arjunHi guys.Does installing ubuntu 11.04 installs mysql,apache and php09:32
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:33
ubottuDYSEQTA: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:34
snimfor dvd09:34
snimshould i choose dvd in device preset09:34
snimor avi with divx full screen ?09:35
sniminstalled winff09:35
robeepalHy there! Can somebody help me step by step with my graphic card to install the driver on Ubuntu 11.04 ? I have Ati RX800GTU309:35
NightI'm back, lol.09:35
NightHow to install winetricks again??09:35
snimdr_willis ?09:36
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dr_Willisi use devede to create burnable dvd video images from video files09:37
johanharHi. Can I get some help with grep here?09:37
NightI think I remember now. -_-09:37
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
snimchoosing dvd09:38
snimcreates mpg files09:38
snimI dont think, my dvdp layes plays mpg files, it needs divx09:38
snimHow do i convert to divx ?09:38
oCeanjohanhar: just describe your issue/ask your question09:38
dr_Willissnim then you just need tomake a data disk..09:38
dr_Willisuse winff to convert to xvid or whatever format it can play, nburn to a data disk09:39
snimcant i have a divx file in my flashdrive ?09:39
dr_Willisno idea can you? Its your player...09:39
dr_WillisPut it there and try. :)09:39
snimdivx = avi ?09:40
snimI dont know much about divx09:40
Iron_Chefi want to remove libreoffice and put openoffice back on - can this be done easily?09:40
dr_Willistime to read up on divx.. its just  a  marketing term for the most part. xvid = divx = some mpeg variant i recall09:40
ng_LulzSec any good?09:40
dr_Williswith some diferances09:40
NightHelp o.o, 'sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe and try again.'09:40
dr_Willisif somthing plays divx it should be able to play xvid also.09:41
dr_Willisnight  its a bad download..09:41
maalacneed some help in runnning the citrix files ..to connect to server09:42
maalacanybody ?09:42
Nighto.o" does it mean I'm gonna remove it again?09:42
NightO man09:42
dr_Willismeand the winetricks downloaded that file . and it was currupted09:43
johanharI want to grep all files that include a javascript file in folder "templates/". This is my command: grep -R "js/smarty" templates/. Is the "/" char special? It returned a lot more thatn it should09:43
dr_Willis / is often special in many cases - it depends on how its being used09:44
NightBut it doesn't help if I just remove it and download it again, does it?09:44
dr_Willisnight it may download properly the next time09:45
albogabarget list09:45
johanhardr_Willis: thanks, I figured it out :)09:45
NightO well, let's give it a shot anyway.09:45
Sidewinder1!list > albogabar09:46
ubottualbogabar, please see my private message09:46
robeepalI have a question, when i open "Additional Drivers" why is it clear ??09:46
NightPackage winetricks is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source  E: Package 'winetricks' has no installation candidate09:46
NightAny idea?09:46
rahul_I wanna uninstall Unity and go back to Gnome 3 in Ubuntu 11.04...how to do so?09:46
dr_Willisi normally just get the latest winetricks script09:46
Sidewinder1!gnome3 | rahul_09:47
ubotturahul_: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.09:47
rahul_unity is slow...and I dont have enough RAM on my PC to run it properly..what should I do?09:48
dr_Willistry lubuntu perhaps?  or  the ubuntu-classic item in the gdm login09:48
Luksion_Knighthey quick question, I need to bind some bezel buttons to arrow keys. How would I go about doing this?09:49
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".09:49
clownclownI have a backup of an ntfs partition from two months ago.  Does anyone know what command I can use to make a new backup consisting only of files and folders modified since that date, while preserving the directory structure?09:50
rizzehclownclown: man rsync09:51
Sidewinder1!windows | clownclown09:51
ubottuclownclown: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents09:51
dr_Willisperhaps fsarchiver09:51
dr_Willis!info fsarchiver09:51
ubottufsarchiver (source: fsarchiver): file system archiver. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.12-1 (natty), package size 87 kB, installed size 268 kB09:51
clownclownI'm using ubuntu for this ubottu09:51
clownclownerr Sidewinder109:51
anAngelHello, which is the best officially supported container-based virtualization on ubuntu server lts (10.04.2) because KVM is not supported by the machine I am trying to install it on. Thanks09:51
Sidewinder1clownclown, I use grsync; but i'm not sure it'll work on an NTFS partition.09:53
VICODANanangel: virtualization as in remote desktop or vmware?09:53
Luksion_Knighthey quick question, I need to bind some bezel buttons to arrow keys. How would I go about doing this? I know the button mappings of both but cant find anything in xbindkeys to do this09:54
clownclownthe situation is, a friend's windows installation is corrupt and she wants a backup of everything which has been modified since her last backup 2 months ago before she starts with a new operating system09:56
dr_Willis binding a key to select some arbitary controll in a window eh?09:56
anAngelVICODAN: no as in vps (openvz, vserver, lxc,) something that has low hardware requirements (don't need hardware virtualization extensions)09:57
Luksion_KnightI have a tablet top hybrid with a four direction nub on the screen bezel so I wanna map that to the arrow keys so I can scroll and game more easily. Right now theyre bound to numbers123409:58
e-DIO-thttp://paste.ubuntu.com/626430/ << any idea about this?09:59
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Sidewinder1clownclown, Why not just get an external 1TB usb drive (about$100) hook it up to her system; boot ubuntu liveCD and copy her pics, videos, music, docs, etc. to the external?10:02
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dr_Willisi found a 2tb on sale for $75 this weekend10:02
clownclownbecause I'm poor10:02
Sidewinder1Been a while since I bought one.10:02
Luksion_Knightanyone answer my question? my wifi has been a bit buggy10:03
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Sidewinder1Well then, I guess you should suggest to her to back up more often. :-)10:03
johanharHi. When doing grep, I want to avoid results within .svn folders, how can I do this? :) Thanks.10:03
dr_Willisfsarchiver and rsync can probverly do things based on file date.10:03
anAngelAnyone know which is the best officially supported container-based virtualization on ubuntu server lts (10.04.2) because KVM is not supported by the machine I am trying to install it on? Thanks10:04
Luksion_Knighthey quick question, I need to bind some bezel buttons to arrow keys. How would I go about doing this? I know the button mappings of both but cant find anything in xbindkeys to do this10:05
gartralhello all, anyone here with a cr-48 running 11.04? I'm having trouble with gobi_loader and need advice10:08
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Luksion_KnightI need to bind some bezel buttons to arrow keys. How would I go about doing this? I know the button mappings of both but cant find anything in xbindkeys to do this10:10
dr_Willistext passed..10:11
Sidewinder1Joseph__, It works. :-)10:11
Joseph__are you all ready to help me fix my install?10:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:12
dr_Willisask the question and see10:12
psypher246hi all, could someone please explain the difference between askubuntu and the ubuntu forums, i don't quite get the point of having 2 different places to ask for assistance?10:13
Sidewinder1Joseph__, Sa long as it's not wubi. :-)10:13
Luksion_Knight!ask I need to bind some bezel buttons to arrow keys. How would I go about doing this? I know the button mappings of both but cant find anything in xbindkeys to do this10:13
ubottuLuksion_Knight: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:13
Sidewinder1As, even.10:13
dr_Willisaskubuntu.com is very new. and uses the stackexchange  'system' which is easier to use then the forms in a lot oc ways10:13
psypher246dr_Willis: but no-one seems to respond on askubuntu?10:14
dr_Willisstackexchane alsohas a chat feature built in10:14
dr_Willisi respond on askubuntu all the time10:14
dr_Willisits only about 2 mo ond.10:14
OerHekspsypher246, lot of responces on askubuntu, not as fast as on IRC10:14
psypher246dr_Willis: have you had the follwoing issue, having to restart unity after every boot?10:14
psypher246with untiy --replace10:15
dr_WillisI dojnt use unity much. I am using Lubuntu these days10:15
psypher246sometimes several times10:15
psypher246anyoone else?\10:15
Sidewinder1psypher246, The forums are, IMHO, more comprehensive due to the HUGE member base.10:15
psypher246Sidewinder1: thatt what i think too10:15
Joseph__Ubuntu 11.04 64-Bit. My desktop loads, and then a windows pops up instantly with the text " "Indicator Applet Complete" has quit unexpectedly ". The mouse flashes from busy to normal, and attempting to save a screenshot invokes a permission denied error (clicking still works, as do keystrokes). Any help?10:16
psypher246so I am confused, do i log a bug, do i askubuntu or do i post on forum10:16
dr_WillisI have a stack-exchange app on my android phone . :)10:16
dr_Willissearch the forums and askubynty and the bug report listings first10:16
Sidewinder1Joseph__, wubi?10:16
LasersI have a basic phone. ^_^10:16
dr_Willisas a primary test. make a new user see if it affcts them also10:16
Joseph__no, a proper Dual-Boot10:17
Sidewinder1Thank god..10:17
Sidewinder1Joseph__, Did you md5sum the ISO prior to burning and installing?10:18
Lasersabc0xkev: You're on Backtrack? ;O10:18
abc0xkevhow do you know?10:18
Lasers!root | abc0xkev10:19
ubottuabc0xkev: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:19
Joseph__i am afraid not10:19
psypher246has anyone had the problem with unity where app indicators just stop responding?10:19
LasersAh. Not the factoid I'm looking for. :(10:19
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:19
NightI re-install winetricks again, still it says ''sha1sum mismatch!  Rename /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe and try again.''10:20
psypher246unity app indicators stop working 10 times a day, espcially after boot, have to run unity --reaplce every day10:20
anAngelAnyone know which is the best officially supported container-based virtualization on ubuntu server lts (10.04.2) because KVM is not supported by the machine I am trying to install it on? Thanks10:20
Sidewinder1Joseph__, Might be a corrupt iso; md5 it and compare hash...At least if it's OK, you can eliminate that issue. It's a good starting place with bad installs.10:21
ikoniaabc0xkev: you may want to keep in mind that backtrack support is in #backtrack-linux channel10:21
elfranneanyone got some experience with WMI calls ?10:21
ikoniaelfranne: as in the windows api ?10:21
dr_Willisnight - reinstallinhg winetricks.. reinstqlls the winetricks script.. which then downloads that vcrun* thing.  its that .exe that sems to be having the issue . not the script. You tried the winetricks script from its homepege so you have the latest version?10:21
abc0xkevthanks ikonia10:21
elfranneyes, making WMI calls from a linux box10:22
ikoniaelfranne: I've done it with cacti/nagios10:22
NightYea, I think it's the laest version.10:22
Joseph__Actually, it was not my disk, a friend gave it. Anyway, I messed around with it. It didn't happen on the first boot.10:22
dr_Willisgo to the winetricks homepage and double check10:22
stimpiehow do I limit the amount of memory a process can use? (I have a mem leaked process which crashes my system by using too much swap)10:23
abc0xkevis there anybody know how to join the backtrack channel?10:23
NightOkay. @ dr_Willis10:23
ikoniaabc0xkev: /join #backtrack-linux10:23
Joseph__well, abc, how did you join this channel?10:23
elfranneikonia, i am using the wmi client provided from zenoss but is get some errors ... i ll pastebin that ... 1min10:23
dr_WillisWhy are you even using backtrack. :)10:23
ikoniaelfranne: how is this an ubuntu topic ?10:23
abc0xkevjust installation Xchat, and connect this channel10:24
NightI'm pretty sure I was installing the lastest version. @ dr_Willis10:24
Sidewinder1Joseph__, I don't have much time; gotta' go to work. :-( You might try to install again with an ISO that's md5sumed; burn at the slowest speed and go from there.10:24
Lasersabc0xkev: Try clicking --> #backtrack-linux10:24
Lasersabc0xkev: Or type --> /j #backtrack-linux10:24
Joseph__alright. I shall search the web more vigorously10:24
dr_Willisnight could be that .exe has some issue at  server its comming from. or it may be the script has the wrong checksum10:24
Sidewinder1Joseph__, Good luck!10:25
abc0xkevcannot join backtrack-linux channel!10:25
dr_Willisabc0xkev:  you could chck thebacktrack homepage and see what irc server they use.10:26
ikoniaabc0xkev: you need to register your nickname, the people in #freenode can help you with that10:26
dr_WillisI think its some other server then this one10:26
abc0xkevthanks all10:26
dr_Willis!backtrack > abc0xkev10:26
ubottuabc0xkev, please see my private message10:26
* stephanboy2030 is away: Sono occupato10:26
abc0xkevI use Xchat first time10:27
Lasersabc0xkev: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ#Where_is_the_IRC_channel_you_are_talking_about_.3F10:27
JudgeHi there. I'm having heavy problems with ACLs in Linux. Might someone please help me with this? We are running a development-server which serves Websites with apache and makes these files accessible via Samba.10:27
Lasersabc0xkev: Important: root ( *root*@* ) is banned by default on this channel, so please ensure you configure your irc client appropriately. :)10:28
ikonia!away > stephanboy203010:28
ubottustephanboy2030, please see my private message10:28
* Night kicks winetricks, pffft10:28
JudgeWe are using ACLs to ensure, that everyone can access those files per samba and the webserver can, too10:28
JudgeWe set such a matrix:10:28
dr_Willisnight you could just find and download that vbrunXXX.exe and  use wine to run/install it.. not using winetricks10:28
JudgeEvery developer who uses Samba is in the group "samba_domain_users"10:29
NightSo I need to type in ''sude apt-get install vbrunXXX.exe'' aye??10:29
LasersNight: Nay.10:29
JudgeThe webserver runs at www-data:www-data10:29
dr_Willisnight - totally wrong10:30
dr_Willisyou go find/dwnload the exe and run it..10:30
dr_Willisvia wine10:30
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=== w_q is now known as w_
dr_Willisthats all winetricks is doing. just automating it10:30
JudgeEverytime, we create a file with one webserver's PHP Script, noone might access it anymore.10:30
elfranneikonia, yes i know it is a bit offtopic but no one seems to know anything about it : http://pastebin.com/1xMr19Ms10:30
JudgeIt looks like this for example:10:30
JudgeSorry: Noone can access it with WRITES anymore.10:31
FireStormsyou know when you type "sudo su" and it asks for a password afterwards, well within a bash script can I hardcode the password so I don't have to feed it a password every time10:31
dr_Willispasswords in scripts are a bad idea.10:31
JudgeHow comes these Files are created / changed to a mask, not allowing writes, even if there's a default mask rwx is set?10:31
FireStormsi know10:31
FireStormsis there a command, though?10:32
ikoniaelfranne: sorry, it's not an ubuntu issue, we don't really deal with it here10:32
ikoniaelfranne: try ##linux10:32
dr_Willisand using sudo su is not a good idea either    use sudo -s, and set up the sudoers file where you dont need sudo password to run that script if thats our end goal10:32
LasersFireStorms: I read about it in one of the blogs. Trying to find it.10:32
LasersFireStorms: Basically, you pass off the hash (instead of the password). :)10:32
abc0xkevI have went into the backtrack channel10:33
_SamuelIf one has a Dual Boot, and wants to reinstall the Ubuntu 11.04 install, is that possible without modifying the other OS?10:33
dr_Willis_Samuel:  yes. shold be same as if installing it...10:34
abc0xkevhow to register my nickname?10:34
_Samueldr_Willis, what do you mean?10:34
Lasers!register | abc0xkev10:35
ubottuabc0xkev: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:35
dr_Willis!register | abc0xkev10:35
dr_Willis_samuel you are reinstalling over the existing install.. its not touching the  second os.10:35
dr_Willisprovided you are carefull :)10:35
LasersFireStorms: I can't find it -- but I read about it -- Generate a hash for the password.  Use the hash instead. More safe. :)10:37
NightNah, I can't find any vbrunxxx.exe files. o.o10:37
=== Guest73910 is now known as LjL-Temp
dr_Willisnight your error messge4 gave the exact name of the .exe  it was not vbrnXXX.exe10:37
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:37
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest81422
abc0xkev!register | abc0xkev10:38
ubottuabc0xkev, please see my private message10:38
FireStormsLasers thanks. but what's the actual command? is it sudo su password10:39
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LasersFireStorms: I don't know for the command.10:40
FireStormswhy is man sudo 524 lines long, I just need 1 command *sigh*10:40
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AnAntHello, is there a utility (like PCITree for windows www.pcitree.de), that would allow me to set configuration registers of a PCI interface ?10:43
AnAntPCI device rather ?10:43
fn00dleHello. I'm having a problem with my touchpad. I have a Medion Akoya E5217 which uses a Synaptics touchpad with hardware support for Multi-Touch. Though on my fresh Ubuntu 11.04 installation the touchpad doesn't work (nothing of it). Some relevant information: http://pastebin.com/zRJYpTRc. The connected mouse is my external USB mouse which does work fine. It looks like my touchpad is not at all detected... Anyone who can help me?10:43
dr_Willissudo su password is not to be in a script.. that would set a root user password.. not what you want10:43
AnAntpciutils !10:45
snimis .divx extension same as .avi ?10:46
snimor does divx files has extension .avi ?10:46
dr_Willisdivx is a specia;l ,marketing term10:46
snimmy dvd player supports divx, so will it play files with .avi extension10:46
dr_Willisavi is a contatiner.. you can have a .avi that is encoded using divx10:46
snimim confused with the avi and divx10:46
dr_Willisavi is JUST a container...10:46
FireStormsWhy does everyone keep telling me, I know its bad practice "I accept these terms and conditions" but, what the command to login as root within a script without a keyboard prompt?10:46
dr_Willissnim the wikipedia entry on divx has some good info\10:46
dr_WillisYou can have avi that are 'divx' or 'xvid' or radically other codecs10:47
snimGreat, got it, so .avi can be a divx10:47
snimLemme try to play a divx avi tonight10:47
dr_Willisdivx is just a marketing term for a enhanced  mpeg codec.10:47
dr_Willisor somthing like that.. (going from memory)10:47
dr_Willisif the player can play divx (from a sticker on it) it should be able to play xvid codec encoded files, and  some of the mpeg encoded files10:48
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cafenetwat is the channel for linux mint?10:48
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:49
snimi tried to play .mpg file that i converted with ffmpeg, but it din't play it10:49
NightI meant I don't know where to download vbrunxxx.exe10:49
anAngelAnyone know which is the best officially supported container-based virtualization on ubuntu server lts (10.04.2) because KVM is not supported by the machine I am trying to install it on? Thanks10:49
snimnow i will try to play an avi file that is divx10:49
snimdon;t know if my player will recognize a divx inside an avi10:49
dr_Willisnight use google to serach for the exact filename, or ask in #windows perhaps10:49
snimor it must have a divx extension10:49
dr_Willissnim  you are still getting confused.. the .divx extension means nothing really..10:49
dr_Willis foo.avi = foo.divx IF the players can play the codec. and is smart enought to  ignore the extension10:50
novitololohi, I've just bought a laptop which has a 64bit-cpu.  Why in the Ubuntu download page it says (32-bit recommended) ? Isn't 64 bit recommended for 64 bit -CPU ?10:50
dr_Williswhne ver i download  whatever.divx i rename it to be .avi10:50
snimI know it now, but i don't know if my player knows it :) I mean, i expect it to recognize an divx file with .avi extension10:50
sipiornovitololo: yes, the page is in error.10:50
novitololosipior: ok, thanks.  So 64bit ubuntu should work smoothly in my 64bit cpu10:51
snimdr_Willis: okey10:52
sipiornovitololo: should do, yep.10:52
novitololothanks :)10:52
dr_Willissnim the mpeg and dvix and xvid wiki pages  give a lot of good background information10:52
snimyes, reading them,10:54
snimReading divx on wiki10:54
dr_Willisgood man :)10:56
berkesI am experiencing a weird display bug recently. Started happening in 10.09 and is back in 11.04: during certain times my mouseclicks simply don't click anything in parts of the screen. As if there is some invisible window lying over my others10:57
davidnelsonHi, I have 11.04 but I have reverted to the "Classic" interface and gone back to classic Gnome. But I like Banshee and want to keep that as my anchor media player. I wanted to remove the "Movie Player" distributed with previous versions of Ubuntu. But if I try to de-install it via the Software Center, I get a warning that "gnome-core" ("The gnome desktop environment - essential components") will be removed as well.... That sounds dangerous... Can I pro10:57
davidnelsonceed or will I blow up my Gnome? Does anyone have any advice please?10:57
dr_Willishow video encoding and naming works.. canbe a little confuseing10:57
berkesAny idea what to start searching for in hte issue-queues?10:57
dr_Williswhy remove  movie plaer? just set banshee to be the default player10:58
berkesalso, all shortcuts remain working. And I can tab trough active windows just fine. Just that mouseclicks don't work.10:59
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
davidnelson@dr_willis: I wanted to remove Movie Player so that I don't have it offered as a possible player in context-sensitive menus.... is Movie Player an essential component to keep installed?10:59
dr_Willisyou cna set it where it dosent show in those menus.11:00
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dr_WillisI dont worry about it much. I just use vlc mainy11:00
davidnelson@berkes: roll up the window and then unroll it again.... your mouse clicks will work and you'll be able to enter text in text boxes again11:01
berkesdavidnelson, Thanks! Do you happen to know shortcut for rolling up and unrolling?11:02
davidnelson@dr_willis: thx for the advice... anyone else know if removing Movie Player is a no-no?11:02
davidnelson@berkes: the way i have my system configured, you just double-click on the menu bar, but if not then go into the "system menu" in the top left corner of the window.... Also, rolling up may not be the only action that will "unfreeze" the window... try maximizing it and unmaximizing it too11:04
fn00dleHello. I'm having a problem with my touchpad. I have a Medion Akoya E5217 which uses a Synaptics touchpad with hardware support for Multi-Touch. Though on my fresh Ubuntu 11.04 installation the touchpad doesn't work (nothing of it). Some relevant information: http://pastebin.com/pT0a28Z9. The connected mouse is my external USB mouse which does work fine. It looks like my touchpad is not at all detected... Anyone who can help me?11:05
Ububeginwhich is the best ubuntu software to backup the whole system (or clone it)..so it hard disk crashes, i cud just get the backup from the external hardisk and restore the whole system including data as well as all application/sw installed.11:05
Anonimusòóò åñòü êòî?11:06
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:06
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe11:06
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate11:07
dr_WillisUbubegin:  proper use of dd. can do a image clone, or fsarchiver.11:07
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:07
szalAnonimus: fix your character encoding please, so we can at least identify what language you're typing there11:07
Ububegindr_Willis: what is a dd ?11:08
dr_Willisdd is the kind of comman dyou definalty need to read up and learn about11:08
dr_Willisdd - data dump - about as lowlevel a copy as you can get11:08
berkesdavidnelson, thanks. But I think we are talking about a different issue. My windows are not frozen: I can tab into them, and type (like this text) I can just not use the mouse on them.11:08
szaldr_Willis: dd_rescue? ;)11:09
dr_Willisdd_rescue is special :)11:09
dasy2k1berkes:  is your mounce pointer moving?11:09
dr_Willisand definatly WORTH learning about11:09
dasy2k1man dd is quite a good man page too11:09
dr_Willisdont forget the bs=XXXXX option when using dd also11:10
berkesdasy2k1, yes. And the hardware works too. When I plug in an external mouse it behaves the exact same as my trackpad /and/ my button-thingy11:10
UbubeginSeems like information overload here, will sbackup do all the above or do I have read up all the commands to get a good idea..11:10
dr_Willisit all depends on how you want to make and restore your backuo Ububegin11:11
ikoniaAnonimus: are you trying to exit the channel ?11:11
ikoniaAnonimus: control the language11:12
ikoniaAnonimus: if you have a problem, just state the question rather than outbursts11:12
ikoniaAnonimus: ahhh, my comment was meant for abc0xkev sorry11:12
ikoniaAnonimus: I was asking if abc0xkev was trying to leave the channel11:12
ikoniaAnonimus: totally my mistake, sorry.11:12
runnerhello, how can i add keyboard layout in xfce 4.8 panel (xubuntu 11.04) ? I want to write in another language but i have not found the method. I 've added the new layout keyboard in keyboard settings.11:14
hannawhat the hell is this11:15
dasy2k1hi hanna11:15
dasy2k1hanna:  the #ubuntu irc channel11:16
ikoniahanna: you're in an IRC channel for ubuntu support, it's like "chat"11:16
ikonia!guidelines | hanna11:16
ubottuhanna: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:16
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:16
ikoniahanna: if you read the link ubottu has given you it will explain how to use it11:16
Udonnomeguy,what is the official back track channel?11:16
ikoniaUdonnome: #backtrack-linux11:17
Udonnomethank you11:17
dr_WillisI think the backtrack disrto web site needs taht in big big fonts on their homepage :)11:17
anAngelAnyone know which is the best officially supported container-based virtualization on ubuntu server lts (10.04.2) because KVM is not supported by the machine I am trying to install it on? Thanks11:19
rahul_after enabling Desktop cube from Compiz I dont know how but "close, minimize and close" buttons just vanished....anybody know how to fix it?11:20
patoubottu: could you pls tell me how to install multimedia codecs in fedora?11:20
ubottupato: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:20
dr_Willisrahul_:  titel bar is gone also? compiz just crashed..  the cube and unity sort of fight with each other.11:21
llutz_pato: you'd ask that in #fedora11:21
patollutz_: no activity there11:21
dr_Willispato and i bet theres a fedora faq that tells you :)11:21
llutz_pato: offtopic here11:22
jpdsanAngel: Get a better machine.11:22
livingdaylightguys, I have issues with skype. Must I switch away from Pulseaudio and if so how/where?11:22
patodr_Willis can I install restricted extras in fedora?11:22
dr_Willispato  i imagien they have heir own way to do it....11:23
cleptook need help with a somewhat interesting problem setting up a web server but i cant access the site internally with the external domain name it returns that the link is broken or it takes to long to respond but when i access it from another network it comes up just fine11:23
cleptoi can access it by doing the internal 192 address but setting up wordpress this breaks it11:23
dr_Willisrahul_:  if compiz crashed do alt-f2  'compiz --replace'11:23
patodr_Willis: I just moved to fedora because of gnome 311:24
llutz_clepto: you need your router having nat-loopback enabled to access your machine with external IP11:24
dr_Willistime to read up on the fedora docs I guess pato.11:24
rahul_dr_Willis : alt+f2 not working :(11:24
dr_WillisI tested fedora live cd to see gnome 3 and decided ill stick to Lubuntu11:24
patodr_Willis: how can I install gnome 3 on ubuntu11:24
cleptollutz: im not sure if it has that option ill take a look11:24
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.11:24
llutz_clepto: if it hasn't, you can't access your site that way11:25
FireStormsIf I add my user to the admin group, could this cause any security concerns.... I'm quite new to this11:25
cleptollutz_: i didnt have this problem till i updated to 11.0411:26
llutz_clepto: hmm, thats odd.11:26
rahul_pato : logout and before logging it choose Ubuntu Classic in the bar which is placed at the bottom of your screen11:26
rahul_pato : you will get into Ubuntu 11.04 with Gnome 311:27
mads-I have a dvd with a sector error so it's acting up? Can anyone help me save the data on it?11:27
dr_Willisclassic is nit gnome 311:27
dr_Willisclassic is just a gnome2 lookalikesort of thing. :)11:27
cleptollutz_: i am using a FR-300RTR router i am looking for a nat-loopback option but im not finding it11:27
dr_Willismads- check out ddrescue and dd_rescue11:27
livingdaylightguys, I have issues with skype. Must I switch away from Pulseaudio and if so how/where?11:27
patoDo you guys like unity?11:28
cleptoi hate it11:28
llutz_clepto: it might have other names, dd-wrt call that option "filter wan nat"11:29
mads-dr_Willis: thanks!11:29
dr_Willisunity is a work in progress.. it works ok.. it will get better.11:29
FireStormsno it sucks. Will addming my user to admin group have any major security concerns?11:29
rahul_after enabling Desktop cube from Compiz I dont know how but "close, minimize and close" buttons just vanished....anybody know how to fix it?11:29
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cleptollutz_: NAT ENDPOINT FILTERING11:29
dr_Willisfirestorms no more then anyother enhanced rihts for other users. :) depends on yoru whole setup11:29
cleptollutz_ that it?11:30
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo11:30
llutz_clepto: maybe, no explanation what that option does?11:30
patodr_Willis: something I miss is the brightness applet11:30
llutz_!pm | clepto11:30
ubottuclepto: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:30
FireStormsSo an admin can delete critical system files, right??11:31
dr_Willispato theres proberly some initcatot-r-applets that do the same thing11:31
cleptook well i was trying to post multiple lines11:31
dnivra!pastebin | clepto: maybe this?11:31
ubottuclepto: maybe this?: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:31
BrianettaHi folks.  Can anybody tell me if it's possible to remove a package from the database without deleting the package's files from disk?11:32
cleptollutz_: is the options it gives me11:32
cleptollutz_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626475/11:32
dnivraBrianetta, what do you mean by delete from the database?11:33
FireStormsSo my options are now compromise my whole system by adding my user (that I use 99% of the time) to admin group, or hard code a root password into a bash script... excellent11:33
Kartagishi, I set my date & time to today, current time; but when I come back I find it set to tomorrow, AM when I set to PM11:33
Brianettadnivra: I want to remove a package, but only from the package database.  I want to keep all of its files, untracked.11:33
dr_Willisfirestorms i doubt if the admin group is that big a sefdurity risk. and you can set sudoers up with limitations11:33
dnivraFireStorms, adding your user might be a better choice-it's good to have the root account locked by default.11:34
dr_Willisthers more to 'sudo' then a command you type to get root access11:34
BrianettaFireStorms: Your problem sounds interesting.  What was it?11:34
czervika!r 511:34
dnivraBrianetta, i guess you mean that you don't want apt to track whether an application is installed. right?11:34
FireStormsBrianetta, Its for a server management script that needs root access, although the GUI that uses the script doesn't support callback11:35
dnivraBrianetta, if so, sorry I don't any idea except maybe uninstall it and then install using the packages(dpkg -i) that *probably* exist in the cache :). that might be what you're looking for.11:35
Brianettadnivra: This specific one.  I'll give you the details.  It's Squid; a specially built one has been installed (with make install) all over the installed Ubuntu package.  Yes, that was a mistake, but I wasn't there at the time.  If th epackage is upgraded by apt, it *will* break.  I just want to make it think that squid isn't installed.11:36
tuyetmywhere is the skype icon in ubuntu 11.04 ?11:36
BrianettaFireStorms: You can't give your script's user very specific passwordless access through sudoers for some reason?11:37
dnivraBrianetta, you could perhaps do this-just uninstall using Synaptic and run "make install" again(assuming you still have the compilled source of course)11:37
livingdaylight guys, I have issues with skype. no mike. Must I switch away from Pulseaudio and if so how/where?11:37
spassFireStorms: cant you use sudo and allow just this script there ?11:37
tuyetmylivingdaylight: you have problem with skype too ?11:37
rahul_after enabling desktop cube the "close, maximize and minimize" button just disappeared...what to do?(I am on Ubuntu 11.04, Ubuntu classic)11:37
tuyetmyit's not problem with skype, it's problemw ith ubuntu 11.0411:37
Brianettadnivra: I could, but it's controlling a live website.  If I can't find a way, then that's the approach I'll have to take, with planned downtime, etc.11:37
tuyetmyIi want to say bad words about the latest release11:38
FireStormsPlease wait I will post script11:38
=== Guest81422 is now known as LjL-Temp
Brianettatuyetmy: Yeah, I feel let down too (:11:38
pokoko222how do i compile in netbeans on ubuntu for windows11:38
pokoko222i mean how to compile to .exe windows executable not ubuntu executable11:38
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anAngel jpds: my personal machine is i7-2600k with 8gb and raid5 hdds but I am asking for my old old personal server/router11:39
rahul_pokoko222 : build the file in netbeans(for java) and then run it on Windows11:39
tuyetmywho is a motu here ?11:39
pokoko222rahul_ but it is c++ file11:39
livingdaylighttuyetmy, no, mike... audio works though... skype points out that i'm using pulseaudio, under options, whether that implies that there lies the issue i'm not clear11:39
jpdstuyetmy: → #ubuntu-motu.11:39
tuyetmyI' m very down11:39
rahul_pokoko222 : no idea about it..sorry11:40
dnivrapokoko222, ask in #gcc, they should be able to help. you're question is OT here i'd say.11:40
roarkecan someone help me. I have been using gnome and xfce but i recently removed xfce because of the folder not found error due to exo. but now that im only using gnome every time i try to open an executable it says there are no programs to open it.11:40
FireStormshttp://pastebin.com/aZgUcbJ6 on line 30 it checks for root permission, although I'm using the script from a non root account..... what to do11:40
BrianettaFireStorms: what happens if check_root_privileges fails?11:41
dnivrahey Brianetta, try this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=534734.11:41
FireStormsBrianetta, The GUI will do a pop up message with: "You need root privileges to run this script!"11:42
Brianettadnivra: That's a good stop-gap, thanks11:42
livingdaylighttuyetmy, are you experiencing the same issue? Is there a solution or just to accept that skype is broken in 11.04?11:42
tuyetmy11.04 is the worst release I have ever experienced11:43
tuyetmyVery painful11:43
FireStormstuyetmy, I agree11:43
JoeBloggstuyetmy, have to agree with you seemed like it was slightly rushed11:43
szaltuyetmy: then you clearly weren't around for 5.04 yet :P11:43
tuyetmyszal: used linux since 200011:44
FireStormsPeople anticipate more, they're spoiled11:44
roarkecan someone help me. I have been using gnome and xfce but i recently removed xfce because of the folder not found error due to exo. but now that im only using gnome every time i try to open an executable it says there are no programs to open it.11:44
allwhitelegosaaaaaahhhhh gnome panel is just launching and crashing over and over. not sure how get it to stop.11:44
livingdaylightFireStorms, skype used to work in ubuntu releases past. I expect Ubuntu to get better with each release; not retrograde. Otherwise what is the point of new release versions?11:45
rahul_after enabling desktop cube the "close, maximize and minimize" button just disappeared...what to do?(I am on Ubuntu 11.04, Ubuntu classic)11:46
BrianettaFireStorms: You could comment out that line, and add something like the following to /etc/sudoers:11:46
Brianettauser  ALL = NOPASSWD:  /usr/bin/prog_needing_root,/bin/other_prog_needing_root11:46
Brianettareplace the first word, user, with the name of the user running the script11:46
Brianettathe last part is a comma separated list of commands that can be run as root using sudo11:46
Brianettathen you just need to add sudo to those lines in your script11:47
anAngelAnyone know which is the best officially supported container-based virtualization on ubuntu server lts (10.04.2) because KVM is not supported by the machine I am trying to install it on? Thanks11:48
BrianettaanAngel: If I couldn't use KVM I'd probably fall back to VirtualBox OSE11:49
andyccanAngel: I'm not exactly a virtualization expert, but wouldn't Xen be what you're looking for? It doesn't require CPU virtualization support for Linux guests.11:50
FireStormsBrianetta, Thanks dude, that's brilliant11:50
JoeBloggsVirtual Box 411:50
FireStormsI'm too new to even locate what programs it's using, so I think I'll have to gksudo netbeans11:50
Sub101quit Leaving11:52
rahul_my problem solved...good bye everyone11:52
andyccSub101: I believe you need to put a '/' before quit.11:52
* Night throws her arms in the air.11:52
NightI give up11:52
anAngelthanks for the replies. which of theese would you recommend on an old cel 850mhz machine with 512mb ram for personal server/router?11:52
Sub101andycc: Thanks my bad11:52
andyccanAngel: wait, you want to use VMs on a an 850mhz celeron?11:53
BrianettaanAngel: You're going to need a lot of patience.11:54
anAngelfor isolation and maybe portability  - yes11:54
JoeBloggsthat or too much time on your hands11:54
BrianettaFrankly, they're all going to perform equally badly.11:54
anAngelthats why i am asking for a container based solution not a fully virtualized one11:54
andyccanAngel: if you want to make that machine a server, I recommend you run Debian - or maybe Superb Mini Server, since it's made for older machines.11:54
andyccanAngel: for isolation, look into chroot jails.11:55
Tyrnisplop all11:55
anAngelok thanks for the replies i will look into them11:56
LasersI guess Sub101 literally left right after typing that line. :P11:59
k_89hi, i want to add a directory to the $PATH var permanently, can't find it in .bashrc, .bash_profile or .profile11:59
k_89can someone help11:59
jribk_89: read ~/.profile more closely.  There's an example there adding ~/bin12:00
andycck_89: the command you're looking for should be 'PATH=$PATH:/your/directory'12:00
k_89andycc, jrib thanx, found it12:01
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
donttasemebroHi everyone, i need help blocking some websites, i already put them in the hosts list but i expect some accidents like use of proxy to avoid such blocks so i would like some hints on how to do it possibly using opendns and a dynamic ip or if noone knows how to do it with opendns (or im just in the wrong channel) any other way that could help me, possibly considering im not that expert in this field, many thanks in advance.12:05
ikoniadonttasemebro: are you using ubuntu ?12:06
donttasemebroikonia: yes i am12:06
k_89andycc, jrib  in .profile, there is a line in an if-block which adds $HOME/bin to path, i added PATH = $PATH:/path/to/dir/ after the if-block, still path hasn't changed12:07
ikoniadonttasemebro: it this machine you want to stop being able to use certain sites ?12:07
donttasemebroikonia: no its not, but its right next to me12:07
tpeterHi, I can't seem to connect to my network using a fresh install of ubuntu server 11.04. My card, DLink DGE-528T shows up in lspci, but that's pretty much it. Interface comes up, gateway is set up properly, but no connection. Any ideas?12:07
jribk_89: you should add a new if block like the one for ~/bin, but this is not the reason it did not change.  You must login again12:07
ikoniadonttasemebro: how does that other machine connect to the internet ?12:07
donttasemebroikonia: it connects with a router wannabe, although it has actually no website blocking options/features so we could just consider it as a modem (very limited router features anyways)12:08
ikoniadonttasemebro: what os is the other machine running ?12:08
donttasemebroikonia: ubuntu12:09
donttasemebroikonia: well the OS is gnu linux :P12:09
ikoniadonttasemebro:ok, if you want to be smart with me, bye12:09
donttasemebroikonia: ?12:09
donttasemebroikonia: im not being smart with anyone12:10
k_89jrib, added the if block, gonna logout/login12:10
ikoniadonttasemebro: I asked if you're running ubuntu - you said "gnu/linux"12:10
ikoniathat's being smart12:10
andycctpeter: http://hardware4linux.info/component/17535/ mentions the r8169 driver, try using 'sudo modprobe r8169' in a terminal.12:10
donttasemebroikonia: i said ubuntu , then i corrected my statement12:10
MaRk-INight: Rename /home/admin/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008/vcredist_x86.exe and try again.''  <<<< rename that file and "try again"12:11
ikoniadonttasemebro: ok, bye12:11
tpeterandycc: That module shows up in lsmod.12:11
donttasemebroikonia: lol you get mad because i corrected myself? fine12:11
NightI can't find vcredist_x86.exe @ MaRk-I12:12
NightOnly vcrun200812:12
LasersSomebody got tased, bro.12:12
xgt001hey guys could you help me out?12:12
Lasersxgt001: Ask away.12:13
donttasemebroLasers: not me yet, decided to not resist the arrest12:13
andycctpeter: could it be a problem with your "upstream" network connection?12:13
ikoniaxgt001: as normal, you have to ask a question first12:13
ikoniaxgt001: you've been here enough to know how this works12:13
donttasemebroHi everyone, i need help blocking some websites, i already put them in the hosts list but i expect some accidents like use of proxy to avoid such blocks so i would like some hints on how to do it possibly using opendns and a dynamic ip or if noone knows how to do it with opendns (or im just in the wrong channel) any other way that could help me, possibly considering im not that expert in this field, many thanks in advance.12:13
x_I'll keep it short - Evolution 3.0.2 + exchange 2007 doesn't work -12:14
x_help required..12:14
k_89jrib, no change in path, can i create a new .sh file in usr/local bin and link it to the one in the bin directory i am trying to add to the path12:14
tpeterandycc: I'm trying this out on a simple gateway with one other PC. I'm confused because I was under the impression that this card will work out of the box with linux.12:14
jribk_89: pastebin your ~/.profile12:15
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
dasy2k1donttasemebro: its impossible to totally block every website against somone determined to see it12:15
andyccdonttasemebro: you *could* use a specialized parental control application.12:15
xgt001apologies :) .. I did a fresh install of natty .. NOT installed the proprietary ati drivers.. I installed kernel downloaded from kernel.ubuntu.com.. the installation went well, but I can't boot in 2.6.37... :( default ubuntu installation kernel works well though12:15
ikoniax_: there are limitations with exchange have you checked a.) your versions are compatible with your exchange version b.) the exchange version is configured in a way that evolution can use12:15
ikoniaxgt001: why did you change hte kernel12:15
donttasemebrodasy2k1: depends on how determined they are lol12:15
donttasemebroandycc: like?12:15
k_89jrib , http://pastebin.com/V37Gs4pq12:16
jribk_89: no space around the "="12:16
xgt001ikonia: it is said that 2.6.37 kernel doesn't face power regression, so I installed it alongside natty kernel....12:16
x_has anybody got Evolution running with Exchange 2007?12:16
andyccdonttasemebro: a quick Google search reveals Gnome Nanny.12:17
k_89jeib k12:17
ikoniaxgt001: I would strongly advise you not to mix kernels from other versions or unsupported kernels with your distro (11.04)12:17
jribk_89: also you messed up the location of the dollar sign ($).  It should be PATH="/var/ZendFramework/bin:$PATH"12:17
NightNever realized it would be so darn hard installing winetricks.12:17
donttasemebroandycc: yes but as far as i know that wouldnt help much with proxies would it?12:17
Lasersjrib: He forget $HOME.12:17
ikoniax_: have you checked what I suggested12:17
Lasersjrib: Nevermind. o.O12:17
jribLasers: :D12:18
xgt001ikonia: I mean the default natty kernel works absolutely fine except the battery thing...so I just want to be able to boot into 2.6.3712:18
ikoniaxgt001: I would advise against that12:18
andyccdonttasemebro: there is pretty much nothing that can help with proxies. Except blocking them all, which isn't exactly a 100% effective solution.12:19
xgt001ikonia: I tried the same thing in my deskop... both kernels work perfectly... but in my laptop the older kernel crashes at plymouth... could you help?12:19
NewkyLooking to set up the standard LAMP stack on my ubuntu 10.04 Desktop, is there a lamp package or do I have to install them all seperately12:19
tpeterHi, I can't seem to connect to my network using a fresh install of ubuntu server 11.04. My card, DLink DGE-528T shows up in lspci, but that's pretty much it. Interface comes up, gateway is set up properly, but no connection. Any ideas?12:19
donttasemebroandycc: thats why i was thinking about setting up opendns with a dynamic ip, all i want is prevent my family from having all that porn thrown to their faces, adblock and noscript wont really do much tbh12:19
k_89jrib, thanx12:19
jrib!lamp | Newky12:20
ubottuNewky: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:20
jribk_89: no problem12:20
donttasemebroand all i had so far is getting ditched because i specified i use linux lol12:20
ikoniaxgt001: I would advise against that12:20
Lasersdonttasemebro: Get a Ubuntu Christian Edition.12:21
ikoniaLasers: please don't make silly suggestions12:21
Lasersdonttasemebro: Try dansguardian -- Looks like they use that particular package.12:22
OerHeksdonttasemebro, use a ubuntu pc as firewall/dns routing, else buy a decent router.12:22
Lasers!info dansguardian | donttasemebro12:22
ubottudonttasemebro: dansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 484 kB, installed size 2396 kB12:22
andyccdonttasemebro: there are public porn site lists that can be used with parental controls/hosts files as far as I know. Also, AdBlock. If you want to use OpenDNS with a dynamic IP, look at their site.12:23
andyccBut yes, dansguardian looks like it would suffice.12:23
donttasemebroLasers: it says its supposed to run on a server though, i dont have one12:23
Lasersdonttasemebro: Your computer will be more than sufficient.12:24
andyccdonttasemebro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20700812:24
donttasemebroLasers: even if its a single core netbook? :S12:24
Lasersdonttasemebro: Sure. We're talking about GNU\Linux here.12:25
Lasersdonttasemebro: The hardware sucks. I'll admit that.12:25
donttasemebroLasers: of course but they already struggle loading it lol12:25
MaRk-INight: vcrun2008 is a folder?12:25
Lasersdonttasemebro: For that hardware, you want something more lighter than Gnome.12:26
donttasemebroLasers: they use xfce im afraid teaching the kids to use lxde or "lighter" stuff would be a pain though, also because due to my job i dont have that much time12:26
Lasersdonttasemebro: Or you can take the good approach -- Teach your kids. :)12:26
andyccdonttasemebro: dansguardian should work just fine - if you're having speed problems, consider not using Unity if you are already.12:27
donttasemebroLasers: teach em what?12:27
Lasersdonttasemebro: Looking at porn will make you go blind. Also, http://www.edubuntu.org/12:28
donttasemebroLasers: whats so different from ubuntu? it seems the same except some school packages?12:28
NightHey, can you guys install winetricks??12:29
Lasers!edubuntu | donttasemebro12:29
ubottudonttasemebro: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org12:29
Lasersdonttasemebro: This is for school, ya?12:29
th^^donttasemebro: you can install all the same apps on ubuntu as on edubuntu, so ye it's a bit useless12:29
MK``Hi how can I add a shortcut to the Unity bar?12:29
MK``And reorder existing ones12:29
th^^MK``: to reorder, drag the icon to right "out of the bar" and then drop where you want it12:30
andyccMK``: to add, search for an app and drag its icon to the bar.12:30
dr_Willisnight technivally you do have winetricks instaled. then it can install other things12:30
th^^MK``: to add items there, you can drag them from application lens12:30
MK``Ahhh I see. Well, the applications I want to add have custom command line options12:30
MK``do I need to make a shortcut and then drag it to the bar?12:30
donttasemebroLasers : i dont want them to have school stuff i just dont want them to have porn everywhere they click, its not like they go search it its that it pops up everywhere, they go on kids sites and they get it lol12:30
andyccMK``: yes.12:30
* Night looks a dr_Willis O.o really?12:31
MK``ok thanks guys12:31
aniaphow do I get access to all partitions of disk? I can reach only sdb1 and sdb6 (fdisk -l result: http://pastebin.com/HJ9hSrgk ) is this possible to use sdb2 in this setup?12:31
th^^MK``: click icon in top-right corner, select 'system settings' from that dropdown, and look for 'main menu'12:31
th^^altho i couldn't drag custom icons to unity bar for some reason, but it worked in unity2d :P12:31
th^^just a note if it doesn't work for some reason12:31
dr_Willisyes night. thats what wineticks does12:31
NightWhere's winetricks hiding? -_-12:32
Lasersdonttasemebro: Practically impossible. Even Google know this. Go to http://images.google.com and type in "php" :P12:32
dr_Willisits nt hideng its an app you run12:32
andyccaniap: sdb2 is not a partition by itself, but it holds other "extended" partitions. sdb1-sdb4 are reserved for normal (primary) partitions, while sdb5 and onwards are reserved for extended ones. I'm guessing that on your setup, sdb1 is an accessible primary partition, sdb2 is extended, sdb5 is swap space and sdb6 is another accessible partition12:33
ikoniaLasers: enough now, STOP12:33
donttasemebroLasers: ok what about using opendns with a dynamic ip? it appears to be my last bet12:33
Lasersikonia: Roger.12:33
MK``Hm, now I seem to have hit an error .When I go to the System Settings menu, it has no title bar, so I can't seem to close it :(12:33
ikoniadonttasemebro: right - here is how you do it12:33
andyccMK``: hold Alt and drag the window.12:33
Lasersdonttasemebro: Try it. Post computer rules too.12:33
ikoniadonttasemebro: use ubuntu firewall to block all ports accept 80 - then use the hostfile on the machine to block any sites you don't want them to use12:33
bullgard4Why has Tilda two configuration files: ~/.tilda/config_0 and ~/.tilda/config_1?12:34
jaslMK`` xkill?12:34
ikoniadonttasemebro: that is the simple way to manage it, blocking all ports but port 80 will stop them using proxy12:34
MK``andycc: that works if I drag it onto the panel, and it lets me close it. But otherwise, nothing. I can right click it on the Unity bar and quit, however12:34
MK``but, clearly a bug of some kind12:34
donttasemebroikonia: even ones like hidemyass? (its the name lol)12:34
dr_willis_Night,  http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks    winetricks is a quick and dirty script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries sometimes needed to run programs in Wine.12:34
aniapandycc: is this safe to just format sdb2 in this case?12:34
andyccaniap: no! You'll destroy sdb6.12:34
NightKayy, thankz dr.12:35
Lasersbullgard4: Paste them. It is possible that it's just two different profiles.12:35
ikoniadonttasemebro: you can block any site you want by putting it's domain name in /etc/hosts and pointing it at
donttasemebroikonia: thats what i did with most of them12:35
Lasersbullgard4: Compare them. See if they're pretty close or not. Otherwise, we usually leave it alone until we don't need it. :)12:35
ikoniadonttasemebro: then you have no problem12:35
donttasemebroikonia:i  was looking for a more effective way to do this or a bigger source of entries for the hosts file12:35
donttasemebroikonia: problem is that things pop up from kids sites lol12:35
ikoniadonttasemebro: there are known porn lists on the interenet12:35
ikoniadonttasemebro: if porn is popping up from kids sites, they are not kids sites12:36
aniapandycc: thanks, is there any way to use all space of this disk without formatting everything?12:36
donttasemebroikonia: actually to be more specific i saw some posting on games forums12:36
bullgard4Lasers: A configuration file is a profile? Please elaborate.12:36
yixuanhHello guys, I have met one issue sometimes, my application's tiltle will disappear after run natty one day, if anyone met same issue12:36
ikoniadonttasemebro: then you have a choice, block the games forum, or block the sites they click through12:37
Lasersbullgard4: Well, I don't use tilda myself. Have you looked inside the file? They could be empty...12:37
ikoniadonttasemebro: if you want true internet filtering you'll need to buy a server to sit in front of your clients to do content filtering12:37
donttasemebroikonia: woooooooooh, ok i think it would be completely off topic if i asked here hints about some cheap good hardware to build it?12:37
ikoniadonttasemebro: correct12:38
donttasemebroikonia: off to ebay then12:38
donttasemebrothank you all for your replies have a nice day12:38
jaslaniap: run fdisk and create another partition.12:38
donttasemebroikonia: and btw again i was not being smart (hate when ppl get bad ideas of what i do/say)12:38
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* Night huggles dr_willis_ thankssssssssss, mwahhhhhhhhhhh12:39
ikoniaNight: please stop it12:39
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NightOops, sorry. o.o12:39
dr_willis_It seems some of the locations wiketricks is getting stuff from. has some currupted files.12:39
bullgard4Lasers: I have lokked at them. They are not empty.  They difffer somewhat.12:40
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chiiiiizI need help on slim replacing xdm, on a Xubuntu 11.0412:41
chiiiiizNothing displays, and I have the system hanging at "Stopping system V runlevel compatibility"12:42
chiiiiizany idea?12:42
chiiiiizright now I have a black screen, before slim shows.12:42
zambahow do i get mono support in wine?12:42
anon_I am trying to install ttf-mscorefonts-installer. After accepting the EULA it presents me with a screen where I have to select a proxy server. The problem is that I can not enter any text.12:43
Lasersbullgard4: You'd have to ask Dev about the file -- Sorry, config0 & config1 is vague and does not describe much.12:43
oCeanbullgard4: Tilda checks on start time how many tildas are open yet and opens or creates the next config file according to the numbers of tilda you have started12:43
Lasersanon_: Tabs does not work?12:43
anon_Lasers, I can leave the option blank by hitting Tab-Enter but it goes straight back to the screen.12:44
anon_Lasers, http://i.imgur.com/EiJTl.png here is the screen I'm talking about.12:45
fairchild_I need ubuntu for z8012:45
Lasersanon_: What happen when you tab to <OK> and enter?12:46
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Night..Another problem o.o" I have ''Firefox Web Browser'' right on my desktop, and I can't browse it, it says the ''the file is not executable or doesn't exist.''12:46
anon_Lasers, it goes back to the same screen. I does not go further, even when I leave it blank.12:46
LasersNight: If you don't have Firefox installed -- Remove the launcher/shortcut.12:46
RenaKunisakihere's an interesting thought: what if in an almost-out-of-memory condition, Ubuntu would pop up a notification balloon asking if you want to create/enlarge your swapfile?12:47
NightI have it installed. O.o12:47
NightI just installed it.12:47
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: it wouldn't12:47
NightLIke 1 mins ago12:47
Lasersanon_: I see. Dunno. Try installing it using an alternative installer.12:47
OerHeksfairchild_, good luck finding a 8 bit linux12:47
RenaKunisakiikonia, I know, I'm suggesting it :p12:47
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: we don't control gnome development in here,12:47
anon_Lasers, that's the problem. I can not install any other package because: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."12:48
dr_willis_Night,  you are using firefox in wine? are you refering to firefox in  the niormal ubuntu  setup?12:48
fairchild_apparently I need to create it myself ( and I can )12:48
anon_Lasers, when I reconfigure dpkg it goes back to the blue screen.12:48
LasersRenaKunisaki: More headaches. It sounds like you wanted a hack instead of addressing a real issue -- Get more RAM. (Assuming you don't have much).12:48
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: besides if you are at that level where you are swapping out to disk, your machine will be at such a slow pace, you'll know your machine is out of ram12:48
RenaKunisakiyes I know running out of swap is something you want to avoid12:49
NightThe normal ubuntu setup, I think.12:49
RenaKunisakibut just thinking if you do, it's more user-friendly to ask to create more swap before just killing a process12:49
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: your machine will be on it's knees, doing a partition resize would not be wise12:49
RenaKunisakiikonia, you don't need to mess with partitions, just create a big empty file and mark it as swap12:49
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: if you are at that level where you have no ram left, you won't need a bubble to advise you, you have no ram left12:49
fairchild_never do a partition resize12:50
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: you're already swapping to disk - the effort in creating another swap file would not be helpful12:50
Lasersanon_: I see.12:50
Lasersanon_: Try to remove it. You could uncompress the deb and grab those ttfs. Drop them in ~/.font12:50
RenaKunisakiI just did it. I hacked in NetBeans for a while until it ate all my memory and died and then I realized I should have just added a swapfile, and did so12:50
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: think it through if it was a good idea....it would be in place by now12:51
anon_Lasers, I'll try and do that. Thanks.12:51
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: swapping out userspace ram is different12:51
RenaKunisakiso why is it a bad idea?12:51
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: as if your machine is at a level where you have no ram left and you are swapping to disk already, the function of creating a swap file would add more load and not change the problem, the problem would be you don't have enough ram to do what you want12:52
RenaKunisakihave a little script monitor memory and prompt to do the 3 commands I just did on the command line when you run low12:52
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: a swap file is not a ram replacment12:52
LasersRenaKunisaki: Because everything... I mean it... absolutely EVERYTHING have to go through the ram.  If the RAM is full, how can you create more room?12:52
ikoniaRenaKunisaki either way, we don't control gnome development here, if you think it's a good idea, stick it on brainstorm.ubuntu.com12:52
RenaKunisakiLasers, I'm not sure you understand what a swapfile is...12:53
cmartin_HI EVERYBOSSY12:53
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: I'm certain he does, I don't think you do12:53
RenaKunisakiI'm pretty sure I do12:53
ikoniacmartin_: drop the capslock please.12:53
bazhangcmartin_, no caps12:53
andycccmartin_: you might want to press the Caps Lock key.12:53
LasersRenaKunisaki: I'm not sure you understand what a RAM is.  It's a primary memory.  Hard drive is just a secondary memory (storage).12:53
cmartin_ok, sorry12:53
ejvcan you guys discuss memory in offtopic please? :)12:54
cmartin_Hi Everybody12:54
dckirbahello all12:54
cmartin_Hi ikonia12:54
ikoniacmartin_: hi,12:54
bazhangcmartin_, ubuntu support issue?12:54
RenaKunisakiI just wanted to throw an idea out there, but apparently all I can get here is condescending replies saying it's a bad idea for reasons that don't really relate12:54
RenaKunisakiand that I don't know how computers work12:54
dr_willis_I dont think a user can just make a 'swap file'12:54
RenaKunisakiI just did12:55
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: you've thrown an idea out, and don't like that people don't think your idea will work12:55
dr_willis_but adding a swap file on the fly when the system needs it.. may be problemnatic for other reasoins.12:55
ikoniadr_willis_: exactly12:55
ikoniaas multiple people are saying12:55
RenaKunisakiI know what a swapfile is, I know what RAM is, I've been hacking machine code for years12:55
dr_willis_Nothing like it trying to make a swap file and crashing  during the process of making the file. :)12:56
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: if you think your idea is good, stick in on brainstorm.ubuntu.com12:56
RenaKunisakipeople are saying "it won't work" but I'm not hearing why12:56
* dr_willis_ puts his swap file on a ram disk so it will be faster.12:56
fairchild_creating a swapfiles as the system needs it?12:56
ikoniaRenaKunisaki: lets drop it now, you don't want to hear it, so put it on brainstorm.ubuntu.com if you think it's a good idea12:56
RenaKunisakiyes the machine is going to be under heavy load during the process and yes you shouldn't get into that situation in the first place, but that doesn't mean you can't do it12:56
dr_willis_system starts to make the swap file... system crashes when its 1/2 way made = currupted filesystem. and a useless partial swap file.12:56
RenaKunisakiI want to hear it, but nobody's saying it12:56
ikoniachaps this is way out of scope now - so please, brainstorm.ubuntu.com if you RenaKunisaki thinks it's worth posting12:57
JoeBloggsUFW how to block all out going ports then allow certain outgoing port ?12:58
fairchild_the first time time I lost all my data with a partition resize was 199412:58
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME)  and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.12:58
[THC]AcidRainSysinfo for 'acidrain-desktop': Linux 2.6.28-19-generic running , CPU: AMDAthlon64X2DualCore5600+ at 1000 MHz (2004 bogomips), HD: 180/1143GB, RAM: 1908/3023MB, 177 proc's, 1.13d up12:58
ikonia[THC]AcidRain: please disable that script12:59
Kartagishi, I set my date & time to today, current time; but when I come back I find it set to tomorrow, AM although I set to PM12:59
Kartagiswhat's wrong?12:59
[THC]AcidRainsorrry :/12:59
ikoniaKartagis: your clock is drifting, probably your bios and a dying battery12:59
fairchild_a dying battery will not set the date to tomorrow13:00
Kartagisikonia, this is on a guest os, my host os settings are correct13:00
ikoniaKartagis: ahh a vm13:00
ikoniafairchild_: no, but it will stop the block from being in sync13:00
griffin_how to change username for xchat?13:00
bazhang /nick newnick griffin_13:01
andyccKartagis: might it be that your timezones are configured incorrectly on the guest OS?13:01
Lasersgriffin_: "/nick awesomeBoy"13:01
ikoniaKartagis: clock drift on guests is common, what virtualization are you using13:01
Kartagisikonia, virtualbox13:01
=== fairchild_ is now known as arabcoder
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ikoniaKartagis: I'm not sure if virtualbox has tools directly to deal with this as others do, however you can use ntp to keep your clock in sync, provided your host is not under resourced13:02
gulbazhang : Lasers: thank you!13:02
Lasersgul: No problem.13:02
Kartagisikonia, should I get ntpdate?13:03
Kartagisor ntp?13:03
ikoniaKartagis: that is a one off setting, use ntpd13:03
gulhow to trace dependencies of software (not installed). I want to install VLC, virtualbox etc but is using XFCE so want to know whether they will require GTK lib or not ( which I don't want to install)13:03
Kartagisikonia, Unable to locate package ntpd13:04
Lasersgul: When you want to install something, it often prompt you [y/n] -- It's one way to see what dependencies it'll bring in.13:04
ikoniaKartagis: the package is ntp13:04
gulLasers: the prob is that..... I want to install few softwares but if they require Gnome libs then the installation will be tooooo big....so is it possible to check them before install from Software manager.....13:05
oCeangul: install and use the package 'apt-rdepends' - it shows the dependencies13:07
mBullhi, each time i try to install ubuntu studio it fails to load the gui, and i need to install the gnome desktop with appt get install, is there a way i implement it into the installer disc?13:07
guloCean: ok......thanks! :)13:07
olskolircwhat is the command to restart gnome shell please?13:08
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andyccolskolirc: I believe you can just hit alt-f2 and type 'reload', but not sure.13:09
bazhangmBull, what package are you installing to get ubuntustudio13:09
mBullit's not a package, its a complete operating system called ubuntu-studio13:10
WXZdoes anyone know any visualization software for DOT/GV files?13:11
bazhang!info ubuntustudio-desktop | mBull13:11
ubottumBull: ubuntustudio-desktop (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 40 kB13:11
bazhangmBull, it is a package. see above13:11
DicTopI have an issue with some software on a fresh 10.04 install on a vps host. I've discovered that the issue is specifically with SMP compatibility, and the recommended fix is to install a non-SMP kernel. How do I go about swapping the kernel to a non-SMP one?13:11
Kartagisikonia, I do date --date="Wed Jun 14 15:10:25 EEST 2011" but it refuses to change13:11
chiiiiizI have found that slim was not implied in my problem. I removed it, and now I still have my system hanging before the gdm starts.13:11
mBullow lol i always downloaded the complete system13:11
mBullthanks ubottu13:11
bazhangmBull, ubottu is a bot13:12
mBulloeps :)13:12
chiiiiizI see "Starting system V runlevel compatibility" fail.. That must be the cause of everything... but what does it mean?13:12
bullgard4oCean: Are you suggesting that the first Tilda instance uses ~/.tilda/config-0 and the second Tilda instance uses ~/.config-1?13:12
mBullbazhang thanks :)13:12
chiiiiizIn safe mode, I manage to login...13:12
arabcoderpackage size 3 kB, I like this software13:12
bazhangarabcoder, its a metapackage, it pulls in much more than 40kb13:14
arabcoderwhen I started learning assembly I was thinking that I could create 3kb working software13:15
boo440hi from tassie, australia13:15
boo440arabcoder i spent a good deal of time writing atari2600 software.  3k is heaps.13:16
LasersBill Gates believe everything you need -- will fit on floppy disk.13:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:16
boo440yep sorry i did come here for ubuntu support.13:16
xgt001excuse me, does anyone have a Ubuntu patched 2.6.37 kernel (not the mainline kernel) ?13:16
Lasersboo440: Problems? Ask away.13:16
bazhangxgt001, what do you need it for13:17
arabcoderI never developed in atari13:17
boo44011.04 classic... menus have a background problem. how can i fix this?  they show a horizontal repeating pattern... like the taskbar graduated shading... repeated.  I want a plain background for the whole thing13:17
bazhangarabcoder, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:17
boo440for example... right-click on trash icon in bottom panel13:18
xgt001bazhang: to save my battery power, the kernel 2.6.37 doesn't have the power regression, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/76013113:18
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ubottuUbuntu bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [High,Triaged]13:18
boo440different look to right-clicking on a window in taskbar13:18
Lasersboo440: Screenshot.13:18
boo440hang on13:18
Lasersboo440: Use older kernel if possible.13:18
boo440lol. print screen doesn't work with the menu up13:19
LasersWhoops. xgt001, that one was for you.13:19
boo440can't do a screenshot13:19
boo440same problem for right-clicking on battery, or sound, or network icons in the top13:19
boo440basically their background is horizontal-striped13:19
Lasersboo440: Install shutter. :O13:19
boo440i note that LEFT click has OK menus for these13:19
Lasersboo440: Could it be a theme issue? (Poor theme)13:20
boo440right-click has bad tiled shaded problem13:20
boo440it's the default theme13:20
boo440hang on i'll do a screenshot with my phone13:20
xgt001Lasers: if I directly download and install the mainline kernels from kernel.ubuntu.com, which are unpatched, they crash royally in my laptop, failing to boot, so I need a Ubuntu patched one13:20
Lasersboo440: Did you install it recently or was this an ongoing issue?13:21
Lasers!info linux-image | xgt00113:21
ubottuxgt001: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)13:21
boo440recent install.  a few days old.  fresh.13:21
Lasersxgt001: We're at
xgt001Lasers: yeah , I need 2.6.37 stable13:22
boo440ALSO, another problem... empathy msn is showing a network error13:22
boo440wheras pidgin logs in fine13:22
boo440same account13:22
Lasersxgt001: You can install older kernel. It's in your repo.13:22
ubuntu__Can someone help me? I just installed a multi OS on my netbook with 10.04 netbook remix and i get an error that says gave up on root device13:22
Lasersxgt001: I think (or was that default kernel for 11.04?)13:22
ubuntu__Can someone help me? I just installed a multi OS on my netbook with 10.04 netbook remix and i get an error that says gave up on root device and it brings me into initramfs13:23
Lasersboo440: Empathy still suck in my opinion. Use Empathy or Pidgin. It's your choice.13:23
xgt001Lasers: is the one in the repo different from the mainline kernels in kernel.ubuntu.com13:24
phoenixsamprasHELP!! what is a good Mysql Client query builder for ubuntu???13:24
popeyphoenixsampras: phpmyadmin ?13:24
phoenixsampraspopey: something more GUI gtk?13:24
Lasersxgt001: I'm not qualified to answer that question. :X13:24
arabcoderme too13:25
popeyphoenixsampras: firefox pointing to phpmyadmin ;)13:25
ubuntu__Can someone help me? I just installed a multi OS on my netbook with 10.04 netbook remix and i get an error that says gave up on root device and it brings me into initramfs. I am worried if i reinstall it will mess up the partitions13:25
jasongriffeeif banshee doesn't want to fatch track info, is there a manual way to fetch it?13:26
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
boo440here's the image...13:27
boo440see the stripes?  that's from right-click menu.  left-click menu has no stripes.13:28
th^^those ubuntu themes fit classic pretty badly :p13:28
Anthony_MHello, my internet point is moving from windows to ubuntu and I would like to have some hints / best practices to set up Ubuntu in Kiosk mode, actually I got some informations about gnome guest session (which , correct me if I'm wrong doesn't seem to fit me due to some limitations). My goal is to "protect" my computers from some distract or intentional malicious users, is there anyone who could share some experiences?13:28
boo440i tried unity for a month.  i really can't stand it, so it's classic I'm afraid13:29
Anthony_MIf you want details please ask, I did not know what to give and what to consider "useless" info13:29
boo440having said that, on my netbook unity is fine13:29
jasongriffeeif banshee doesn't want to fatch track info, is there a manual way to fetch it?13:29
jribAnthony_M: check out the admin guides at library.gnome.org .  Guest session seems like something you would probably want too...13:30
xgt001hello there, are the kernels found  in the backport repos different from the mainline kernels in kernel.ubuntu.com?13:31
Anthony_Mjrib: I had a quick look at that but (probably i got it wrong) it seems that a guest session can't be loaded with my settings (e.g. if i decide to disable javascript on the browser) but it will just start up as if i created a new user13:31
boo440mmh. no takers?  ok. here's another.  when I open nautilus, I get the window come up fine. functionally fine.  but my mouse cursor is a spinning "wait" cursor... for 18 seconds.  any idea why?13:31
jribAnthony_M: although I cannot tell you how to do so, there's certainly a way to customize the guest session13:32
B4ckBOneHi, i run a local samba server using xubuntu natty 11.04. Now i need a way to search through the files using a web frontend. What software do you recommend?13:32
arabcoderinteresting answer...13:32
Anthony_Mjrib: i hope someone else can, I'm really excited about this migration, i only used Ubuntu at home so I hope you can understand if i prefer asking where I'm sure to find someone with more experience than me13:33
jribAnthony_M: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156607813:33
Anthony_Mjrib: from there there is absolutely no way to save customer's files right?13:34
Anthony_Mjrib: I obviously mean to let them do so not to spy them or something13:34
jribAnthony_M: well you could give them access to some directory outside of the guest session home13:35
Anthony_Mjrib: so lets say i make a  folder in /home/blabla and chown / chmod it  they should be able to save their files?13:36
jribAnthony_M: as long as it's outside whatever directory the guest session uses as its home, it should be okay.  But you'll have to experiment as I'm assuming that's how the guest session works13:37
Anthony_Mjrib: actually the only way i secure my internet surfing is smartness, stay away from bad sites and prevent malicious stuff from loading, but obviously i can't force my customers to not open their favourite malware filled social network, could you give me some hints about the software (browser mail client and IM mainly)?13:39
B4ckBOneHi, i run a local samba server using xubuntu natty 11.04. Now i need a way to search through the files using a web frontend. What software do you recommend?13:39
jribAnthony_M: if you don't care what they look at, only that they don't harm the system somehow, then guest session should take care of that13:40
Anthony_Mjrib: so any browser / mail client / IM would do just fine aslong as they like it?13:41
jribAnthony_M: yep13:41
jribAnthony_M: whatever changes they make are just going in the trash when they log out13:41
Anthony_Mjrib: what about apparmor? i set chromium and firefox to be "apparmor'd" would those settings still work in guest mode? (i found out that somewhere there is a guest session profile for apparmor)13:41
jribAnthony_M: I don't know13:41
Anthony_Mjrib: I guess it would work since guest session doesn't have its own firefox binaries but i just wanted to be sure lol, thank you very much for all your informations, as soon as i chill out I'll get to work, hopefully my customers don't freak out because they don't know Ubuntu13:42
jribAnthony_M: my guess is that it would work too13:43
goshawkcan i skip to the next song on bashee from keyboard ?13:44
dr_willis_check its settings? or try the NEXT button ion the keybaord if you got a multimedia kjeyboard.13:44
Anthony_Mjrib: well anyways they re mainly students or housewives that do only very basic stuff (the most complicated thing i saw them doing was playing runscape or whatever the name is) so I probably shouldn't worry that much, my worry was about people who may actually do web banking, they shall be safe if i don't want to get sued :P13:44
goshawkdr_willis_, i don't have a multimedia keyboard, just normal laptop one13:45
dr_willis_goshawk,  check it carefylly, some have fn+otherkeys for multimedia things13:45
dr_willis_or check the banshee settings i guess13:46
jribAnthony_M: Sounds like guest session fits the bill perfectly to me.  And once they open firefox, I doubt many will even realize they're not on windows.  Good luck :D13:46
goshawkyeah i'm checking them... there is a next button with n, but i've to select the banshee window firt13:46
dr_willis_i have a blue 'fn' key i hit with my F8 ky for next13:47
dr_willis_the speaker menu thing is suppose dto have a next/prev buttons also i thouight13:47
Anthony_Mjrib: thanks again13:47
hamneggaanyone know how I can backup my gnome panels?13:48
Satisfiedis there a package for Avidemux that will install the h.264 codec ?13:48
Anthony_Mits awesome to see how my ignorance and actual problem got fixed in a matter of minutes lol13:49
bnovcI came in this morning and now whenever I click on any window, the Unity search comes up and all of my icons are missing13:49
bnovcabout every other thing I type causes it to open too13:49
Lasershamnegga: You're on 11.04?13:50
hamneggaisn't 11.5 unity?13:50
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hamneggaI'm using gnome13:50
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Lasershamnegga: I know Gnome2 will keep their settings for gnome-panel somewhere in ~/.gnome2/ (or) ~/.config/ - I'm not sure. I'm not on Buntu right now. :P13:51
oYseDnBAre there any ways to make a desktop shortcut executable??13:51
bnovci've yet to find any benefits to unity and I've found quite a few annoyances13:51
Anthony_MoYseDnB: what about chmod +x ?13:51
hamneggayeah, that's what I figured, but I don't know which file either.  Can't seem to find anything online either13:51
oYseDnBI feel stupid to ask, but.. how to do that?13:51
hamneggayes oYseDnB lookup Desktop.Entry13:52
Lasershamnegga: What I just told you -- is a directory. Look in ~/.gnome2 first. You're looking for gnome-panel.13:52
hamneggaI know, thanks13:52
Anthony_MoYseDnB: dont feel stupid lol, ill tell you the easy way, open a terminal type "chmod +x " (with space) then drag n drop the file in the terminal, it should be done now13:52
oYseDnB=D Thanks13:52
Anthony_MoYseDnB: it worked?13:53
boo440oysednb: or in nautilus, right-click on the file and go properties, then choose permissions tab.  i like the gui way13:53
oYseDnBI'm trying.13:53
oYseDnBThanks, boo440  ^^13:53
bnovchm `ubuntu-bug` is broken too13:54
pcperiniso, i have no idea where to go to ask this, but here goes: i have several computers on a LAN that i'd like to access via various services (http, ssh, etc.), that oftentimes overlap with one another (thus ruling out static port forwarding). is there some way i can specify the internal address of my desired location? something like>
Anthony_Mpcperini: the problem is that you want PC A to have one ip but sometimes it gets another?13:56
tyrezais there any area to learn about hardware with linux ?13:56
Anthony_Mtyreza : what kind of learning?13:56
oYseDnBErrr o.o It doesn't work. =/13:57
pcperiniAnthony_M: the problem is that i have my external address (49.285…) and i sometimes want, and other times want
oYseDnBIt says it's not executable.13:57
Anthony_MoYseDnB: you chmod'd it?13:57
oYseDnBYea, I did.13:57
oYseDnBIt popped up.13:57
tyrezalearning if my network card support gigabit or not13:57
Anthony_MoYseDnB: first id say retry with sudo chmod, second id say try to also chmod the original file (you said its a shortcut if im not wrong)13:57
sipiorpcperini: you can run services on different ports, of course. is there a specific algorithm which determines whether you want to reach one machine or the other?13:58
tyrezarelated with all hardware detection ? Anthony_M13:58
Anthony_Mtyreza: i think that sudo lshw should answer that13:58
Anthony_Mpcperini: sorry not too sure13:58
oYseDnBYea, it is a shortcut.13:58
oYseDnBsudo lshw?13:58
pcperiniAnthony_M: m'k no problem.13:58
ferbhi everyone13:58
Anthony_MoYseDnB: lshw was to tyreza, list hardware i think13:58
tyrezai simply was thinking an idea about simulation of traffic with network card Anthony_M i don't know if that possible ?13:59
Anthony_Mpcperini: if i got you you want your pc's ip to change dynamically right?13:59
pcperinisipior: no algorithm really. right now, the issue is i'm away from home and want to remote into a computer on my LAN via ssh13:59
Anthony_Mtyreza: could you define simulation of traffic please?13:59
oYseDnBOoook, and type ''sudo lshw'' in the terminal?13:59
sipiorpcperini: either set up a bastion from which you access the other machines, or just run the daemons on different ports.13:59
andaiI replaced OpenJDK with Sun Java. How do i make Chrome use it? I get MISSING PLUGIN ERROR now13:59
Anthony_MoYseDnB: the lshw was to tyreza not you ;)  you just have to chmod both the shortcut and the original file14:00
oYseDnBOh. =P14:00
tyrezai mean to generate virtual traffic Anthony_M14:00
tyrezainternal virtual traffic14:00
tyrezai don't know if that possible ?14:00
Anthony_Mtyreza: so you want to find out if your card supports gigabit by stressing it?14:00
oYseDnBThe shorcut is on the desktop, but ... I dunno where the original file is hiding. o_O"14:00
tyrezayes,  that's my question ?14:00
Anthony_MoYseDnB: is it a program or something you installed?14:01
tyrezapossible ?14:01
oYseDnBA browser14:01
Anthony_Mtyreza: there may be a way but im afraid I'm not aware of it, i'd just use lshw14:01
Anthony_MoYseDnB: ok you downloaded it and installed?14:01
ironicumshouldn't allow the entry "%sudo   ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/synaptic" in /etc/sudoers users of the group "sudo" to start synaptic without password? it still asks everytime for one14:02
pcperinisipior: i think i'm going to try and set up one of my machines as a VPN server14:02
tyrezalshw just only show the configuration of hardware, how can check with that ? Anthony_M14:02
Anthony_MoYseDnB: ok id say find the shortcut (which should be named link) right click on it and go on properties, it should say "link target"14:02
sipiorpcperini: sure, that could be a fun project14:03
boo440or, in terminal, oysednb... type  ls -l14:03
oYseDnBEhhh, nothing. o.o" can't find like ''link;; O.o14:03
Anthony_Mtyreza: lshw -c network is supposed to tell you 1: what your card is   2: under "capacity" its max speed14:04
Anthony_MoYseDnB: lets try this one, how did you install firefox?14:04
* oYseDnB looks at boo440 ''Is -1'' then what? O.o14:04
WXZdoes anyone know DOT?14:04
boo440lowercase L, not 114:04
WXZlike the graph description language14:04
boo440then you'll see where the shortcut points to14:04
oYseDnBI click on ''internet'' then ''INternet browsers manager''14:04
oYseDnBThen a little tiny window popped up14:05
Anthony_MoYseDnB: wowoowowow wait a second14:05
* oYseDnB stops14:05
Anthony_MoYseDnB: you installed firefox from ubuntu software center?14:05
oYseDnBI guess..14:05
Anthony_MoYseDnB: are you using natty?14:05
oYseDnBWhat's that?14:06
Anthony_MoYseDnB: what version of ubuntu?14:06
Anthony_MoYseDnB: oh and you installed firefox from software center, isnt it supposed to come preinstalled? perhaps you installed some beta?14:07
Anthony_MoYseDnB: what?14:07
andaiI installed Sun Java but chrome isn't getting it14:08
Anthony_Mandai: did you enable it from chrome's plugin section?14:09
oYseDnBAnthony_M: You're confusing me.14:09
dr_willis_theres java then theres the java plugin i thought.14:09
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:09
Anthony_MoYseDnB:  i usually do it to everyone but lets try an easier way ok?14:09
andaiAnthony_M: It isn't listed14:09
Anthony_Mandai: thats odd , does firefox list it?14:09
andaiAnthony_M: Don't know, was just about to check :P14:10
oYseDnBYepppp, please, lol.14:10
Anthony_Mandai: lol :P14:10
Anthony_MoYseDnB: ok click on accessories, then internet, then firefox web browser, does it open?14:10
shomonhi, anyone use hotot? It just stopped letting me in. :( I tried twidge and that won't work either... I have 1.02 which apparently has invalid api keys though...14:10
shomonis there a non bugridden twitter client that'll work these days?14:11
oYseDnBYep, it does. @ Anthony_M14:11
Anthony_MoYseDnB: is that exactly what you want? i mean you re happy with that?14:12
Anthony_MoYseDnB: i'm not joking or being a douche I mean is that the version you want the look you want and all?14:12
Anthony_Mooops sorry didnt censore14:12
pcperiniso, i set up a VPN server on Ubuntu according to this (http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=132029) guide, however i cannot connect, and neither the local machine nor the server are giving me verbose reasons why14:12
donica recompiling the source cpp sudo gcc main.cpp  -o test.o14:12
donica I get this error message14:12
donica gcc: error Trying to exec 'cclplus': execvp: No such file or directory14:12
donica What can I do?14:12
FloodBot1donica: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
donica thanks14:13
andaiAnthony_M: Firefox says the plugin is missing, offers to install it, then fails completely :P14:13
shomonoh, poor ubottu.14:13
Anthony_Mandai: eeeek14:13
Anthony_Mandai: sorry not sure14:13
dr_willis_donica,  why are you douing 'sudo gcc' and you did install the build-essential package to install the compiler?14:13
_serial_C++ requires g++ not gcc14:13
oYseDnBWhat no, lol, I am running a program, and I need to fill in the path of a executable browser14:13
oYseDnBAnd bla bla bla, if you know what I'm talking about, lol14:13
Anthony_MoYseDnB: don't get you sorry, what you mean "what no"14:14
_serial_donica: do you have a make file?14:14
Anthony_MoYseDnB: im just asking if the firefox you see is exactly what you want, the shortcut will come soon14:14
oYseDnBUmm, yea.14:14
andaiI have Sun Java installed but Firefox and Chrome aren't using it. Help?14:15
_serial_andai: do you have sun-java6-plugin installed?14:15
Anthony_MoYseDnB: perfect, lets try this first, if you go on the firefox icon, right click and then go on "send to desktop" or whatever makes you think it wil make a shortcut then double click on said shortcut does it open firefox?14:15
oYseDnBYea, it does.14:16
Anthony_MoYseDnB: is that what you wanted or you wanted the shortcut somewhere else?14:16
oYseDnBBut it's ''Firefox Web Browser.desktop'' I want to make it end with ''.exe''   o.o14:17
HazamonzoHey folks. I just purchased a server (minimal ubuntu 11) and noticed that autocomplete via the commandline is disables (hitting the tab key inserts a tab). How minimal is this server? :) And how might i enable autocompletion ? Cheers!14:17
Anthony_MoYseDnB: errr .exe usually dont work on linux though lol14:17
andai_serial_: I do now, thanks :) except now chrome is blocking it because it is outdated, lol14:17
shomonhmm, is that done by bash?14:17
Anthony_MoYseDnB: unless you're using wine14:17
shomonHazamonzo, I mean14:17
boo440don't forget14:18
andai_serial_: I installed it from a PPA. Should I just get the binaries from Sun ?14:18
boo440sudo update-alternatives --config java14:18
shomonmaybe if you type bash it's installed and will just work...14:18
andai( I'm on 10.10 )14:18
Hazamonzoshomon: Im not sure. First time i've seen this on ubuntu14:18
andaior should i just upgrade my OS? haha14:18
Hazamonzoshomon: Okay14:18
_serial_andai: cool :) i think chome handles java different?  about:config might help you out14:18
dr_willis_Hazamonzo,  source /etc/bash_autocompletion  (or something like that)14:18
oYseDnBAnd how to do that? @ Anthony_M , I would do anything to make it ends with .exe14:18
dr_willis_Hazamonzo,  check your .bashrc and .bash_profile it should be running that from one of those scripts14:18
bazhangoYseDnB, you dont14:18
_serial_andai:  you should be able to get sun-java6-* from the repos14:18
shomonI would turn off bash on a minimal install - because it's quite memory hungry comparatively14:18
_serial_depending on what ubuntu your using...14:18
Anthony_MoYseDnB: even pay me 500$? lol14:18
andaii'll just dist upgrade :P14:19
Anthony_MoYseDnB: try right click it and "rename" then put .exe14:19
_serial_no worries14:19
Anthony_MoYseDnB: i was obviously kidding about the cash lol14:19
Hazamonzoshomon: interesting! you're right. i typed bash and i have the commandline i am used to14:19
donicadr_willis>  how do i14:19
HazamonzoLearn something new every day eh? :D14:19
dr_willis_Hazamonzo,   so your default shell isent bash. :)14:19
Hazamonzodr_willis_: Ahhh good to know14:19
HazamonzoI did wonder why i only had a $ on my commandline14:19
andaiquick question. Is it a good idea to keep doing stuff while doing a dist-upgrade?14:20
dr_willis_Hazamonzo,  the chsh  command can set your default shell I think. :)14:20
Hazamonzodr_willis_: Legend. Cheers!14:20
llutzHazamonzo: echo $SHELL        to check when loggin in14:20
oYseDnBLol, I tried to rename it before I came here. @ Anthony_M14:20
bagfighterI need some help, i got a ubuntu PC with to NIC's i need to tool to manage the bandwidth passed between them14:21
Hazamonzollutz: /bin/sh14:21
bazhangoYseDnB, there's zero reason to have tht14:21
* oYseDnB hands Anthony_M $50014:21
bazhangoYseDnB, please stop that14:21
llutzHazamonzo: getent passwd root          and check your login shell, chsh  to change it into bash14:21
lucas-argwhat iso do i have to download to install ubuntu 11.04 in a macbook air? i only want ubuntu on the macbook...14:21
oYseDnBKay, I stopped.14:21
jriboYseDnB: maybe try a symlink...14:22
bazhangjrib, he wants it to end .exe14:22
Anthony_MoYseDnB: im afraid i don't know how to do it sorry14:22
oYseDnBIt's all good. =)14:22
ferbcan i run a theme pack for ubuntu 10.10 in 11.04?14:22
andaiWill dist-upgrade tell me before it reboots?14:22
dr_willis_ferb,  a theme for what exactly?14:22
ferbi saw a macbuntu14:23
=== _yohyoh is now known as yohyoh
jribandai: dist-upgrade does not reboot14:23
Hazamonzollutz: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash14:23
dr_willis_ferb,  run away from that 'macbuntu' theme/change script....14:23
dr_willis_ferb,  it can cause nasty breakage in 11.0414:23
squiglucas-arg, the mouse/tablet thingo is a bit of a pain14:23
Anthony_MoYseDnB: actually14:23
Hazamonzowhen i logged in as root i create a new user and logged in with that. I guess the new users default was not bash14:23
jon8is there an easy way to list subdirectories recursively without listing files..14:23
jribHazamonzo: use adduser when creating new users14:24
ferbanyway i love ubuntu 11.04 basic theme14:24
jribjon8: find -type d14:24
dr_willis_dosent ls have a -d option also?14:24
tyrezai m sorry Anthony_M unfortunately i can't find capacity when i do lshw -c network as root14:24
jon8Thank you14:24
CarlFKjon8: tree -d14:24
Hazamonzojrib: i think i used that one... adduser -r /home/whatever usomeUsername14:24
jribHazamonzo: sure you didn't use "useradd"?14:24
Anthony_Mtyreza: mind pasting the output?14:24
dr_willis_i just use 'adduser billgates'  or similer. :)14:25
Hazamonzojrib: Ahh thats it! :D14:25
* oYseDnB looks at Anthony_M I'm listening, lol14:25
* Hazamonzo makes a not of that14:25
shomonah I see the problem with all the twitter clients in the known universe. Twitter changed it's oauth policy14:25
Alraihello all14:25
Alraii have a i7 processor and i want build the kernel to this processor14:25
Alraiwhat i need do?14:26
arabcoderwhy only for this processor?14:26
dr_willis_!kernel | Alrai14:26
ubottuAlrai: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)14:26
[DIWMS]I'm new user irc. please help me14:26
CarlFKAlrai:you need to find a new hobby :)14:26
dr_willis_!ask | [DIWMS]14:26
ubottu[DIWMS]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:26
jriboYseDnB: so did the symlink work?14:26
AlraiCarlFK why? rs..rs..14:27
Hazamonzojrib: So just to be sure since i just added this user would you recommend that i userdel my new user and add him again using the adduser command?14:27
ferb@DIWMS what can we help?14:27
CarlFKAlrai: building a custom kernel locks you into all sorts of manual upgrades with likely no benefit.14:27
Anthony_MoYseDnB: what about firefox.exe.sh? lol14:28
tyrezajust a sec Anthony_M14:28
oYseDnBI don't know what symlink is O.o @ jrib14:28
oYseDnBAnthony_M: Lol, I wish that works.14:28
jriboYseDnB: never mind it won't work anyway14:28
dr_willis_oYseDnB,  'ln -s onething otherthing'14:28
Anthony_MoYseDnB: it does14:28
Anthony_MoYseDnB: mind waiting a second? unity is freaking the hell out14:29
AlraiCarlFK hummm i think the ubuntu 11.04 is not using all my processor14:29
beefmanwhat needs to be in an initrd for the system to boot?  I copied my /boot/config.2.6.xyz to /usr/src/linux- (i'm homerolling), made a change to config_hz, compiled, moved appropriate files, made initrd with initramfs, and it panics on boot that it can't load the root fs14:29
jriboYseDnB: you can use Anthony_M's idea without the .sh (create a small shell script)14:29
CarlFKAlrai: the kernel will detect the cpu and use the cpu features.14:29
[DIWMS]@ferb I do not know English well. I from the Ukraine. Where I fell:)14:29
tyrezahere it is :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/626574/ Anthony_M14:29
imperfect-Morning anyone had issues with the side bar losing it's icon in natty?14:29
oYseDnBWhoa whoa whoa, ME? create a script?14:30
Anthony_MoYseDnB: you could make a script that opens firefox, make a link and then rename it as exe, but it would still be treated as sh and open firefox lol14:30
arabcoderyou is smart because a kernel optimized for I7 will run 200% faster14:30
AlraiCarlFK why i have delay to open firefox etc...?14:30
jribAnthony_M: the script can just be called firefox.exe14:30
oYseDnBLol. well thanks anyway.14:30
jriboYseDnB: it's very easy...14:30
oYseDnBI shall eat something, I'm starving.14:30
dr_willis_trivially easy..14:30
oYseDnBNOt to me, lol @ jrib14:30
beefmanmy root fs is on a scsi drive, but if ubuntu had scsi driver compiled into generic kernel, wouldn't my make have done the same thing because i started with their config file?14:30
Anthony_Mjrib: oh yeah that too14:30
=== oYseDnB is now known as oYseDnB_aWaY
Anthony_Mtyreza: wow thats very very odd, could you please tell me what version of ubuntu you re using and if you ran it as root?14:31
oCean!afk > oYseDnB_aWaY14:31
ubottuoYseDnB_aWaY, please see my private message14:31
i0x71Hey, anyone know how long the ubuntu server 11.04 will be supported for ?14:31
CarlFKAlrai: likely because FF is checking for something like plugin updates.  nothing a different kernel will help with14:31
Alraiarabcoder is better create a new kernel to i7 processors?14:31
tyrezayes of course as root, for version : Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS Anthony_M14:32
sipiorAlrai: the benefits, if any, will likely be at the level of a few percent.14:32
AlraiCarlFK but all softwares is with delay14:32
Anthony_Mtyreza: brb a sec unity is rioting14:32
oCeani0x71: 1.5 years (LTS server is supported 5 years)14:32
i0x71oCean: their site mentions LTS 10.04 being supported for 3, are you sure its 5 ?14:33
oCeani0x71: to be clear: 11.04 is not LTS, so 12.04 is next LTS release14:33
oCeani0x71: 3 years for desktop, 5 for server14:33
i0x71so once 12.04 comes out it will be TLS and 11.04 will only be supported for 1.5 years14:33
docdonkeycan i use my ubuntu laptop to connect my pc desktop on the intarnet ?14:34
humanhi adnap14:34
oCean!ics | docdonkey14:34
ubottudocdonkey: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing14:34
docdonkeythats fast help, thanks oCean14:34
oCeandocdonkey: sure, hope it helps14:35
jonta_Thoughts? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10930735#post1093073514:36
docdonkeyit already does oCean thanks again !14:36
CarlFKAlrai: if FF is waiting for a remote server, there isn't anything you can do about it other than disable the checks14:36
i0x71has anyone experienced issues when upgrading ubuntu serveR ?14:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:37
dr_willis_there can be upgrade issues. yes.. when in doubt make backups14:37
sipiorjonta_: xkeycaps might be useful to you, if i understand the problem correctly.14:37
jonta_sipior: Hang on. Looking..14:37
jonta_Hm, seems nice14:38
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Anthony_Mtyreza: back (anthony_m and this nick are taken so lol if you see me in future its not me :S)14:39
Anthony_Mand sorry for making you wait14:39
iszakAnyone know of a utility to securely clear free space on my hard drive?14:39
arabcodertyreza is such a nick...14:39
dr_willis_iszak,  some command to do that was mentioned in here just the other day.14:40
dr_willis_iszak,  i dont recall the name. :()14:40
imperfect-Sigh, seriously is there anyway to make the side bar thingy come back?14:40
sipiorshred, probably14:40
dr_willis_at least it 'zeroed' the unused space. for easier compression14:40
imperfect-First it was blank, now it doesn't show at all, and I hate it14:40
imperfect-WHy can't i have my regular gnome ;)14:40
iszaksipior, that's for existing files AFAIK14:40
dr_willis_theres secure deletion.. then theres zeroing out the free space.14:41
iszak(I use that quite a lot)14:41
vincius_hey guys, i've installed ubuntu from wubi on this pc, is there a way to access windows-side folders?14:41
iszakI don't want to just zero it, I want to zero then one then zero and one a few times.14:41
sipiorgood lord.14:41
dr_willis_vincius_,  i belive they are allready miounted somewhere in /14:41
dr_willis_vincius_,  check mount command output14:41
imperfect-iszak: nice report syaing all zero's is pretty much good to go14:41
iszakimperfect-, I don't understand?14:42
Anthony_Mtyreza: you there?14:42
dr_willis_iszak,  i belive the other day there was a discussion on how multi-writing  for secure deletion is basically a waste of time.14:42
imperfect-iszak: There was a report. It sated that writing all zero's once was pretty much all you needed.14:42
imperfect-This wasn't something I saw here14:42
iszaktoo bad, I'm doing it /atleast/ 6 times.14:42
iszakif not, 30.14:42
imperfect-This was something I read like within the last couple years14:42
dr_willis_zerofree - zero free blocks from ext2/3 file-systems14:42
imperfect-iszak: just cat /dev/urandom > /dev/block device and go have some coffee14:43
sipioriszak: yes, science be damned!14:43
iszakshould that work on ext4?14:43
vincius_dr_willis_,  got it, ty so much ^^14:43
iszakimperfect-, hmm I like that idea.14:43
imperfect-Mommy will never find your pr0n14:43
imperfect-Even if she hires one of those TV experts from Bob's house of erasing hard-drives14:43
iszakha, it's porn that I'm least worried about that, there's a folder on the desktop designated for that.14:44
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Anthony_Mtyreza: hello?14:44
imperfect-wtf is this lame ass side bar deal called?14:44
imperfect-Anyone know?14:44
coz_imperfect-,  that is the "Launcher"14:45
BlouBlou!language | imperfect-14:45
ubottuimperfect-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:45
Parallaximperfect-: Unity?14:45
TarasusHello, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. I am trying to install 11.04 amd64 on my laptop, but after clicking "Forward" in the "Preparing to install Ubuntu" window, the installer doesn't do anything.14:45
imperfect-!stickupbutt BlouBlou14:45
imperfect-parallax: I hates it.14:45
imperfect-parallax: ;)14:45
iszakimperfect-, so switch to gnome classic upon login.14:45
DamnSoGoodErr http://archive.getdeb.net lucid-getdeb Release.gpg14:46
DamnSoGood  Could not connect to archive.getdeb.net:80 ( - connect (110: Connection timed out)14:46
DamnSoGood << how can i resolve this?14:46
BluesKajTarasus, new laptop or over 5yrs old?14:46
TarasusBluesKaj, Its new, Asus G53JW14:46
andyccDamnSoGood: looks like GetDeb is down. I can't even access getdeb.net.14:46
DamnSoGoodah see, thanks  dude14:47
BluesKajTarasus, live cd or usb install?14:47
TarasusBluesKaj, I'm using a cd.14:47
imperfect-iszak: Ty.14:48
BluesKajTarasus, first if the cd md5 sum is ok , then your hardware may be too new for the cd , I suggesdt you try the "alternate install"14:49
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal14:50
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TarasusBluesKaj, I was looking for a text installer to try it that way. I am trying to install it on an SSD drive, so I'm guessing that might be one of the problems. Will try the text mode. Thank you!14:51
gp2mv3hi, i have a problem with the installation of Natty on my computer: The drive is not correctly detected for the partitionning. How can i do ?14:51
BluesKajTarasus, I hope it works for you :)14:52
iszakimperfect-, you best get used to it :) it's going to be default soon.14:52
BluesKaj!info ssd14:52
ubottuPackage ssd does not exist in natty14:53
Hazamonzohmm. i used useradd -G developers -d /home/hazamonzo hazamonzo to create a new user but the home directory was not created. What might i have done wrong?14:53
livcdwhich command to use to find out which process is using a file / directory ?14:54
sipiorlivcd: have a look at the -p switch to lsof.14:55
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PiciHazamonzo: The -d switch to useradd will not create the home directory if it does not exist.  Perhaps you wanted to use adduser instead?14:55
sipiorlivcd: ah sorry, i have it backwards. you want the process number.14:56
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livcdsipior: sure14:56
sipiorlivcd: just supply the name to lsof.14:56
TheLifelessOneHi, how can I install GNOME and X on the minimal install?14:56
livcdsipior: example ?14:57
HazamonzoPici: hmm, i used that initially but was redirected to useradd instead14:57
sipiorlivcd: seriously? "lsof <name>"14:57
BluesKajTheLifelessOne, ask in #ubuntu14:57
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maedoxBluesKaj: lol14:57
HazamonzoPici: if i create /home/hazamonzo will i have to chmod that dir to the new user hazamonzo after i usermod -d /home/ hazamonzo hazamonzo14:57
TheLifelessOneBluesKaj: am I not in #ubuntu? O_o14:57
DamnSoGoodBluesKaj: we're not in #ubuntu? :)14:58
PiciHazamonzo: Yes14:58
HazamonzoPici: And thats all yes?14:58
BluesKajoops :)14:58
TheLifelessOneSoo yeah, how do I install GNOME / X?14:59
PiciHazamonzo: You may need to copy the contents of /etc/skel/ as well.14:59
HazamonzoPici: hmm... what is the easiest way? adduser or useradd ? :)15:00
BluesKajTheLifelessOne, http://scottlinux.com/2011/03/05/ubuntu-11-04-change-from-unity-to-classic-gnome/15:00
PiciHazamonzo: In almost all cases, adduser should be used.15:01
HazamonzoPici: okay15:01
TheLifelessOneBluesKay: thanks15:02
TheLifelessOnebut that's not quite what I'm looking foe15:02
TheLifelessOneSee, I installed via the minimal .iso, not the normal 11.04 image15:02
TheLifelessOneSo I don't have Unity. I don't even have GNOME, Metacity/mutter (whatever it is now), or even X15:03
_serial_does ubuntu-desktop not install gnome?15:03
BluesKajTheLifelessOne, then install ubuntu-desktop15:03
TheLifelessOneubuntu-desktop installs applications I'd prefer not to have.15:03
DamnSoGoodyou can do sudo apt-get install gnome :D15:04
TheLifelessOnewhich is why I'm using the minimal install as a base15:04
_serial_server edition?15:04
DamnSoGoodmaybe alternate15:04
BluesKajlubuntu xbuntu?15:04
_serial_theres a minimal install of ubuntu?15:04
TheLifelessOneThe 11.04 x86 version.15:04
DamnSoGoodare you using it now?15:05
_serial_thanks lifelessone, didnt know that :)15:05
TheLifelessOneYes, on my other computer15:05
TheLifelessOneI'm connected to it via SSH15:05
BluesKajTheLifelessOne, you want gnome but not the apps ?15:05
_serial_does it come with x?15:05
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: are you still in textmode there?15:05
TheLifelessOneBluesKaj: Yeah, pretty much15:05
TheLifelessOneDamnSoGood: All I've got is my SSH terminal15:06
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: have you tried startx?15:06
TheLifelessOneI'm using PuTTY.15:06
TheLifelessOneThat starts X, but GNOME (which I installed gnome-core, after some googling) wouldn't start15:06
TheLifelessOneand X wouldn't start on bootup15:06
escottTheLifelessOne, how do you want us to help you? you installed the minimal and you don't want that, but you don't want ubuntu-desktop. so what do you want?15:07
TheLifelessOneI want GNOME.15:07
TheLifelessOneBut not ubuntu-desktop, as that has applications and other things I don't want.15:07
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: so you can try install sudo first15:07
PiciTheLifelessOne: Install gdm or one of the the other display managers.15:07
asdfucan anyone help me with this? http://i.imgur.com/5730I.jpg thx15:07
BluesKajosunds like he wants a server15:07
TheLifelessOnePici: I've installed GDM.15:07
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: nah, you can't do that, they come in package :D15:07
TheLifelessOneBluesKays: It's a server with a UI. It's a secondary dev machine15:07
compdocasdfu, you need some serious help15:08
TheLifelessOneIt's a trap!15:08
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: you could try installing lxde, it comes with openbox which does not have much gui15:09
TheLifelessOneDamnSoGood: The point is that I want GNOME.15:09
TheLifelessOneI've tried lxde, OpenBox, xubuntu, etc.15:09
phoenixsamprasim 10 and i saw that picture15:09
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: then install gnome15:09
TheLifelessOneI can't do ubuntu-desktop as that has crap I don't need.15:09
phoenixsamprastelling my dad Ubuntu is showing that15:10
TheLifelessOneDamnSoGood: yes, I'm trying to figure out how. :/15:10
laperrTheLifelessOne gnome 2 or 315:10
escottTheLifelessOne, sudo apt-get install gnome15:10
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: then install ubuntu-netbook15:10
escott!info gnome | TheLifelessOne15:10
ubottuTheLifelessOne: gnome (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.30+7ubuntu3 (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 60 kB15:10
Alraii found my problem15:10
_serial_lifelessone:  google brought this up -> http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=1887515:10
TheLifelessOneAlright, I'll give that a try.15:11
AlraiHowever, the standard Ubuntu 11.04 kernel image does not support SMP15:11
TheLifelessOne_serial_, thanks, that might be what I'm looking for.15:11
_serial_hope it helps15:11
AlraiHowever, the standard Ubuntu 11.04 kernel image does not support SMP for this my i7 does not work full?15:11
PiciAlrai: Yes it does.15:12
escottAlrai, the standard kernel is absolutely SMP15:12
compdocescott is right15:12
Alraihere say is not!15:13
PiciAlrai: Where is 'here' ?15:13
compdocwhat does it say?15:13
Alrai is available for this architecture. However, the standard Ubuntu 11.04 kernel image does not support SMP15:13
Alrai"the standard Ubuntu 11.04 kernel image does not support SMP"  here15:13
ikoniaAlrai: it DOES15:13
TheLifelessOnehow can I install a .deb file from commandline?15:14
ikoniaTheLifelessOne: what are you trying to install ?15:14
TheLifelessOneikonia, synergy15:14
ikoniaTheLifelessOne: is that not in the repos ? I thought it was15:14
PiciAlrai: Can you please provide a link to whatever you are reading?15:14
TheLifelessOneikonia: I'm not sure, actually. I didn't think to check.15:15
Alraihere Pici15:15
TheLifelessOnesorry, phone call. :/15:15
ikoniaTheLifelessOne: if possible, use the repo versions always, better support/compatability checks etc etc15:15
escottTheLifelessOne, sudo apt-get install whatever.deb (keep in mind whatever will not get security updates and may break during your next release upgrade)15:15
wankdankerHi all. I'm running 11.04 with Unity. My osd looks like the old style and is quite ugly. notify-osd is installed. Any ideas on how determine if notify-osd is being used?15:16
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: do you have sudo and apt already?15:16
_serial_thelifelessone: dpkg -i nameoffile.deb15:16
BryanRuizhi there, i have a .deb package im trying to install on ubuntu but its the wrong architecture, can I repackage it someone from just the deb?15:16
ikoniaAlrai: are you running a non-intel architechture15:16
TheLifelessOneDamnSoGood: If I understand you right, yes.15:16
_serial_BryanRuiz: include --force-architecture15:17
TheLifelessOneAh, it is in the repos. Cool.15:17
BryanRuiz_serial_: thanks, what would be the command line tool for installing a deb package?15:17
AlraiPici the linux-image-2.6.39-0-generic suport smp ?15:17
_serial_gnome-terminal :)15:17
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: therefore you could go and fetch the desktop enviro. you want15:17
TheLifelessOneDamnSoGood: I think I've gotten X / GNOME to install15:18
coz_BryanRuiz,   sudo dpkg -i  nameof package.deb15:18
_serial_dpkg -i --force-architecture file.deb15:18
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: have you tried e17?15:18
TheLifelessOnebut I've only one set of keyboard and mice, so I need to install synergy15:18
BryanRuizthx guys15:18
TheLifelessOneDamnSoGood, e17?15:18
escottAlrai, not sure what that page is trying to say, its very poorly written. I think it is talking about the hppa PA-RISC architectures not having SMP or something. if you have a windows computer then you probably don't have PA-RISC15:18
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: yeah, e17.. :D15:18
TheLifelessOneI don't know what that is. :/15:18
waiguorenhi, i installed openvpn and i need to change something in the config files, but i cant locate them, where can they be or how can i fin dthem ?15:18
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: enlightenment window manager15:19
arabcoderprobably but maybe he have one15:19
coz_TheLifelessOne,  E17 is a window manager desktop envrionment15:19
TheLifelessOneDamnSoGood: I've GDM installed right now.15:19
TheLifelessOneand GNOME15:19
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: how did you get GDM ?15:20
escott!info synergy | TheLifelessOne15:20
ubottuTheLifelessOne: synergy (source: synergy): Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.6-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 530 kB, installed size 1428 kB15:20
TheLifelessOneescott, yep, I've got that. Setting up it's config now. Thanks15:20
_serial_you can also forward x with ssh thelifelessone...15:20
compdocAlrai, if you type uname -a at the shell prompt, it should say SMP. and if you open the System Monitor, you should see all cpu cores being used. that webpage you posted isnt right15:20
escottDamnSoGood, TheLifelessOne wants gnome so he installed gnome. is there a reason to confuse him by bringing up e17?15:20
TheLifelessOne_serial_, you can do that?15:21
_serial_-X command15:21
_serial_just checking.. saw it in linux format mag15:21
TheLifelessOneescott, well no, I appreciate him / her bringing that up as an alternative. I'll definitely be looking into it15:21
escottAlrai, if you look at the URL you will see that is is installation-guide/hppa/hardware-supported.html so its not for normal computers just HP PA-RISC systems15:22
_serial_thelifelessone: -X      Enables X11 forwarding.  This can also be specified on a per-host            basis in a configuration file.15:22
TheLifelessOne_serial_ the command is just -X?15:22
_serial_sorry its a parameter for ssh15:22
_serial_man page it if your wanting more info :)15:22
TheLifelessOneDoes PuTTY support that?15:22
_serial_dunno, never used putty15:23
TheLifelessOneMan, this is why windows sucks.15:23
dr_willis_You can do X forwarding with putty. If you got a X server installed on windows15:23
dr_willis_such as 'xming'15:23
dr_willis_but putty is not really needed - if you install xming15:23
TheLifelessOnedr_willis_, nope, basic XP SP2.15:23
escottTheLifelessOne, putty does but you have to install an x server and start it first on windows15:23
dr_willis_it has its own putty included15:23
TheLifelessOnemaybe I'll do that.15:24
dr_willis_TheLifelessOne,  depends on what you want to do exactly.15:24
dr_willis_xming is handy.15:24
DamnSoGoodhey doc willis you're back :D15:24
DamnSoGoodi missed you XD15:24
fluffmancan someone direct me to a download for a good fluxbox config file?15:25
fluffmani really don't feel like modding it myself15:25
dr_willis_fluffman,  good? good for what?15:25
head_victimIs there a reason why when you selected your location as a part of the time zone selection in the installation process that it doesn't automatically set your locale as well?15:25
escotthead_victim, the locale may be affected by your keyboard more than your time zone15:26
fluffmandr_willis_: just...interesting, maybe with an alsa sound icon or something.15:26
Picihead_victim: And your location doesn't necessarily have anything to do with what language you speak.15:26
TheLifelessOnethat's odd.15:26
ylmflinux hello15:26
TheLifelessOnesynergy isn't taking the --config option.15:26
DamnSoGoodhead_victim: does your machine knows that you're a true native in that zone? :D15:26
dragonkeeperi cant seem to get  my memory card to mount  (card is in a card reader / hub)    lsusb:  Bus 001 Device 007: ID 058f:6362 Alcor Micro Corp. Flash Card Reader/Writer15:26
ylmflinuxi am chinese15:26
dr_willis_fluffman,  huh?  the fluxbox homepage has examples i imagine.15:26
arabcoderit looks like a bug15:27
ylmflinuxI come frome china15:27
FloodBot1ylmflinux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
escott!cn | ylmflinux if you need to speak chinese15:27
ubottuylmflinux if you need to speak chinese: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。15:27
head_victimAh all good points I guess, I was just curious as to why it would set a US locale for other english speaking locations. But your keyboard comment probably covers it.15:27
ikoniaylmflinux: I often finding asking a question is the best way to get help15:27
DamnSoGoodylmflinux: you must use asianux :D15:27
jonta_sipior: Nope. Doesn't have the Typematrix-layout15:27
head_victimTheLifelessOne: synerfy --config works fine just here.15:28
arabcoderinvite us tovisit your town then15:28
TheLifelessOnehead_vicitim, didn't work for me. What version are you running?15:28
ikoniamyangel: can you help him join #ubuntu-cn ?15:28
ikoniamyangel: thank you15:28
ylmflinuxwhat is join15:28
dr_willis_ /join #PICKTHECHANNELNAME      enters the given channel15:29
jonta_ylmflinux: /j #ubuntu-cn15:29
hiexpomorning all15:29
head_victimTheLifelessOne: the one that is default in the repositories.15:29
TheLifelessOneAh well now thats odd...15:29
head_victimI don't htink the version has changed in a long time.15:29
TheLifelessOneSeems it' autodetected my config.15:29
DamnSoGoodylmflinux: click XChat > Network List > Freenode > type in #ubuntu-cn15:29
Cataldo_orlandohello, I noticed that sometimes my computer connects to some canonical.com address (odd names sorry dont really remember) but apparently I'm not even using the internet, is there any way to know what program/demon/anything is estabilishing that connections?15:29
TheLifelessOnehead_victim: they have a new version on the website, but the repo hasn't been updated.15:29
head_victimI always store mine in my /home so it comes with.15:29
BryanRuizwhats a name of a good antivirus for linux (need it for pci compliance)15:30
head_victimTheLifelessOne: yeah I tried it once a while back and found no great improvement so just decided upon a new installation to stick with the one in the repository.15:30
ikoniaBryanRuiz: you raise an exception for pci complience15:30
DamnSoGoodCatataldo_Orlando: those are cached :D15:30
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: pardon?15:30
PiciCataldo_orlando: Are you using UbuntuOne?15:30
BryanRuizikonia: hm15:31
littlebearzis there any tutorial on installation to usb rather than having a live session?15:31
BryanRuizikonia: its a desktop computer15:31
ikonialittlebearz: plug the usb disk in, treat it like a normal disk for the install15:31
hiexpohey when you go to sys/pref/mouse there is a locate mouse option   by clicking ctrl    >  where is the config file for that so i can change the color of the locater15:31
arabcoderI know the AMD Ruiz15:31
ikoniaBryanRuiz: thats fine - you don't need antivrius15:31
quesoI have a 10.04 server with a cron job for user root that doesn't appear to be running.  Two questions: Does root's cron jobs log to /var/log/syslog?  Does this bug <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cron/+bug/118168> still affect lucid?  (because root's crontab does not include a newline at the end)  I just want to be sure making this change will enable the jobs to run.15:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 118168 in cron (Ubuntu) "Crontab accepts files with no newline before EOL/EOF. Cron ignores file" [Medium,Fix released]15:31
escottCataldo_orlando, canonical is the company behind ubuntu. it is likely looking for updates. probably the update-manager process15:31
=== root__ is now known as d4nie1
DamnSoGoodCatataldo_Orlando: those are cached already in the file system. Those are the main repositories address where your machine will fetch data :Drepos15:31
Cataldo_orlandoescott: i know who they are but i didnt enable automatic updates15:32
TheLifelessOnealrighty, I've got GNOME and synaptic now. Time for the fun part.15:32
BryanRuizikonia: thanks15:32
dragonkeeperccan someone help me with mounting a memory card  hub is shown in lsusb Bus 001 Device 007: ID 058f:6362 Alcor Micro Corp. Flash Card Reader/Writer    but no drive is found in fdisk15:32
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: ye but is it normal that my pc communicates with the internet even when i dont want it to? O.o and if so how can i stop it?15:32
caltosyhello ubuntu client users15:33
caltosyi need some super duper help ;(15:33
ikoniacaltosy: ask a question then15:33
thorgalapontsneed some license information about the w32codecs in ubuntu15:33
escottdragonkeeper, is there a dev entry /dev/sd? for this device? maybe you need to modprobe a driver15:33
DamnSoGoodCatataldo_Orlando: in what instance you see that?15:34
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: what you mean?15:34
thorgalapontsare they completely free in an enterprise environment?15:34
caltosymy f4 key is stuck. even though its not technically stuck on my keyboard, i can't seem to fix it. even disabling the 'repeat keys' has made it worse even with this recent update which is odd 0.o15:34
dragonkeeperescott  well fdisk doesnt seen to show a /dev/sdx   for it15:34
ikoniathorgalaponts: they are free in any enviornment,15:34
ikoniathorgalaponts: its the distribution/bundling that was a problem15:34
DamnSoGoodBryanRuiz: you could try install ClamAV if you're in doubt :D type sudo apt-get install clamav in terminal15:35
caltosyi think it's just my F4 key because when it loads up it sometimes repeats the f4 as [[[D^ or something15:35
escottdragonkeeper, lsmod | grep usb_storage15:35
BryanRuizDamnSoGood: ill go that way if i cant convince them15:35
escottdragonkeeper, if its not there please modprobe usb_storage15:35
_serial_BryanRuiz: install clamtk - it comes with a gui for clamav15:35
DamnSoGoodCataldo_Orlando: in what application do you see that your machine is communicating?15:35
caltosyso all in all, how do i go about disabling the f4 key, even though it affects my screen brightness, i can change it manually anyways.15:35
dragonkeeperescott   usb_storage            53538  0      usb_storage highlighted red ?15:36
PiciCataldo_orlando: You can use the following command to determine what program is making a connection to that server: sudo netstat -tanp15:36
BryanRuizthx _serial_15:36
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: sadly whenever i find out (mainly from ufw logs lol) its either too late for lsof  (netstat states its time wait) or too late at all (it passed a few minutes)15:36
escottdragonkeeper, the red highlight is greb highlighting the part it matched15:36
Cataldo_orlandoPici: tried it, oddly enough when its not estabilished it doesn't list a program :S15:36
escottdragonkeeper, there is this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36647815:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 366478 in Ubuntu "Alcor Micro Corp. Multimedia Card Reader don't work in Ubuntu 9.04/9.10 (058f:6362 Device offlined) " [Undecided,Confirmed]15:36
caltosyanyone know how to change the value of the F4 function key to 0 so it will no longer work?15:37
escottdragonkeeper, you might try unplugging replugging and looking at dmesg to see what the kernel says15:37
DamnSoGoodCataldo_Orlando: maybe you have enabled the submit statistics option in the software sources15:38
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: does it come enabled by default?15:38
veerhi , my existing system is 9.10 , I want to upgrade to 11.04 for which I have the cd image. Will 11.04 installer safely upgrade my existing system , does it have such choice?15:38
theadminveer: No15:38
escottveer, generally upgrades must go through all intermediate releases15:38
rumpe1veer, a system change is never "safe"15:38
DamnSoGoodCataldo_Orlando: maybe check it first :D15:39
dragonkeeperescott  dmesg  registers the reader and removable disks15:39
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: its off right now i didn't do anything so i suppose it never was on15:39
escottdragonkeeper, but it doesn't get a device node?15:39
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: but shouldnt it in any case send statistics when i download updates?15:39
rumpe1veer, you could install it without formating your root-partition i guess15:40
dragonkeeperescott doesnt seem so   looks like just registers the empty slots15:40
escott!paste | dragonkeeper can you send the relevant dmesg lines15:40
ubottudragonkeeper can you send the relevant dmesg lines: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:40
DamnSoGoodCataldo_Orlando: don't know about that cause i always disable it :D15:40
vicioveer: you can install it without losing information but itll take like 2 hours15:40
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: well to me its disabled too, what else could it be?15:41
TheLifelessOnehow can I print a list of all applications to a text file?15:41
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: im pretty scared right now15:41
dragonkeeperhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/626602/    | escott15:41
escottTheLifelessOne, dpkg --get-selections15:42
DamnSoGoodCataldo_Orlando: don't know about it. sorry :( maybe dr_willis knows, sorry again bro15:42
Cataldo_orlandoDamnSoGood: oo no problems at all, I didnt notice his name popping is he afk?15:42
veerok , is it possible to resize my partition , so that I can move my home dir to that small partition , and then install the 11.04 leaving the new partition.15:42
vicioTheLifelessOne: itll be more like dpkg --get-selections > name.txt15:43
Rez-[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Rez- argor galumph willichan Logan__ RA_drc Stormx2 b0ot bad_advice_guy yonatan-xchat toxi_ Lattyware sheenams rumpe1 TheRedOctober abhinav_singh GridCube t4k3sh1 veer DJW15:43
Rez-[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Krishnandu douglasawh-work dsathe dgags AzizLight Mkaysi x1sc0 nijabo quake_guy mnajem zaahir FORTHELULZ DarkEra informatique taaha Cain lborda HouseMD Squarism nomike dra15:43
Rez-[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   _serial_ Known_problems sort TheLifelessOne pauloh BrerTortoise man codeon Librarat zwick koshie Emmanuel_Chanel crash82 mikemcginn0204 snfo Crisco DamnSoGood rationalOgre15:43
Rez-[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   strips boaz arabcoder zaid_h kermit bluebaron gepatino dai_ ZeZu mansson laperr Zonetti huayra Hazamonzo bresta sus awolfson scribe hudnix ChrisGagnon Justasic Jguy_phone 15:43
TheLifelessOnevicio: Thanks15:43
dr_willis_veer,  should be possible. but may  be more complex then your skill level can handle15:43
TheLifelessOneSilly spam bots.15:43
escottdragonkeeper, so its sdd/sde/sdf or sdg depending upon what type it is exactly SD/CF/SM or MS. you may have to try different combinations to figure it out but sudo mkdir /media/card; sudo mount /dev/sdd /media/card (and if that doesn't work try sde then sdf etc15:44
caltosyQuestion: Is It Possible To Disable certain Function Keys on Ubuntu Linux? For example: Disabling F4 so it no longer works due to the fact that F4 key is stuck on (when holding down alt, it instantlycloses whatever window so i know its F4). i've looked into key_bindings with no luck.15:44
ElVirolohi everyone15:44
dragonkeeperescott ok ill try15:44
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.15:45
StevethepirateFile for preset 'slow' not found15:45
caltosyRelated question: Due to the F4 key being stuck on for some reason, my mouse locks up. I can find related bug reports on certain other keys; however, those bug reports are resolved and have been distributed back in 2007/2008.15:45
veerthanks all for help , bye15:45
Cataldo_orlandohello, I noticed that sometimes my computer connects to some canonical.com address (odd names sorry dont really remember) but apparently I'm not even using the internet, is there any way to know what program/demon/anything is estabilishing that connections?15:45
ElViroloI just installed ubuntu on a new PC. Installation went fine, but at first reboot I get this message : "input signal out of range change settings to 1280x1024 60 hz". I assume it's a framebuffer problem, but I don't know which file to edit and how to do it15:45
salmiakwhat should I write to run a gnome-terminal that runs a couple of commands and NOT closes itself after?15:46
DamnSoGoodDamn that bot, it scared me a bit :D15:46
fickleholy shit that's like 5 questions in 2- lines15:46
salmiakboth "gnome-terminal -x ls" and "gnome-terminal -e ls" exits immediately, I want it to stay running after my commands15:46
oCeanfickle: control your language please15:46
TheRedOctobersalmiak: not sure this is what you are after...but have you checked out screen?15:46
StevethepirateGetting this error when trying to ffmpeg : http://pastebin.com/fptm0QnW15:47
edbianCataldo_orlando: net hogs15:47
TheLifelessOneIs there any way to preform an install over a network?15:47
Cataldo_orlandoedbian: whats that?15:47
G00053salmiak:  put & after your last command15:47
DamnSoGoodTheLifelessOne: choose a netinstall download :D15:47
edbiansalmiak: edit profiles preferences -> title and command -> when command exits combo box15:47
salmiakTheRedOctober: actually I want to create a program starter that first cd to a specfic directory and then runs that (commandline) program there15:48
edbianCataldo_orlando: A program that tells you want processes are using network resources in detail15:48
dragonkeeperescott | http://paste.ubuntu.com/626607/15:48
Cataldo_orlandoedbian: woah, does it log them too?15:48
edbianCataldo_orlando: IDK.  I'm sure you could pipe the output15:48
caltosyDoes anyone even understand my problem at this moment?15:48
escottdragonkeeper, there isn't a /dev/sdd?15:49
dsathehow do i set sasl on empathy ?15:49
compdoccaltosy, new keyboards cost $10-$2015:49
Cataldo_orlandoedbian: would you know or link me a tutorial about how to pipe it?15:49
tnm_hellow. where can i found settings for vinagre?15:49
caltosylol i'm using a netbook, compdoc.15:49
dragonkeeperescott  yes the 1st one i tried :S ?15:49
TheRedOctobersalmiak: find out the config file for the terminal you are using, make the changes that some guy said above (exit on exit), and copy over the updated config for your live cd.15:50
compdoccaltosy, how old is it?15:50
edbianCataldo_orlando: First try running and just look at the output.  Then read the man page to learn how to turn on logging15:50
Cataldo_orlandoedbian: thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:50
edbianTheRedOctober: I'm some guy!15:50
edbianCataldo_orlando: sure15:50
caltosyCompdoc: if it was a detachable keyboard, i would get a new one. The netbook is 2009-2010. this problem came up 3 days ago.15:50
Cataldo_orlandoedbian: what sure? o.o15:51
salmiakso the  "gnome-terminal -x ls" was just an example. I want a programstarter in my menu that do "cd myspacegamedir; spacegame --spaceworld 33"15:51
compdoccaltosy, sorry to hear - what brand is it?15:51
edbianCataldo_orlando: sure as in 'you're welcome'15:51
caltosycompdoc: I just need to know how to change the value of the F4 key. I am not sure if it's software or if it's hardware. It's HP Mini.15:51
Cataldo_orlandoedbian: oh lol, well thanks again im going to get studying the man :D15:51
caltosycompdoc: HP mini 110.15:51
DamnSoGooddamn it, didn't know KDE is such a RAM eater :D15:52
Cataldo_orlandoedbian : solved me alot of issues i freak out when it comes to secure my pc or to think i got some issues15:52
escottdragonkeeper, im afraid im not too familiar with sd card readers. but it seems strange you aren't getting a device node. you could see if there is a /dev/block 11:0:0:015:52
* compdoc notes never to buy an HP mini15:52
edbiansalmiak: You can just do /home/<you>/spacegame --spaceworld 33      The cd is not necessary15:52
salmiakTheRedOctober: I'm not sure I want all terminal windows to stay up after I exit them15:52
edbianCataldo_orlando: I would bet on it that you're linux machine is very secure15:52
caltosycompdoc: You aren't being very helpful here ;(15:52
dragonkeeperescott ok  thanks for help though15:52
salmiakedbian: will the game run from within that direcotry then? that game needs that15:52
edbiansalmiak: ooh, perhaps not.15:52
G00053caltosy: you need to just change f4 ?15:53
dragonkeeper/dev/block 11:0:0:0 is a dir escott15:53
edbiansalmiak: So you want to make a launcher that runs the game and you want to see the terminal?  There is an option for launcher to 'keep the terminal open'  things like gnome-terminal -e or -x or not even necessary15:53
caltosyg00053: Yes, change the value of F4 to 0. Just like you would in Windows, if the value is 0, it is disabled.15:53
hiexpoi want to change the color of the action of find mouse when i push the ctrl key how can i do this   ?15:53
salmiakedbian: yes15:53
G00053caltosy:  may be in compiz 1 sec...looking15:53
caltosyg00053: It's not in gconf which is same as the window's regedit file system.15:54
edbiansalmiak: When you make the launcher choose 'run in terminal'15:54
ubottugconf-editor is a graphical tool used to maintain the GNOME desktop environment registry. For more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GConfEditor15:54
escottdragonkeeper, is there an accessible device node coming at it from the scsi block address 11:0:0:0 (instead of the logical name like add)15:54
caltosyg00053: Thank you for helping me ;)15:54
oCeancaltosy: you want to disable the f4 key completely?15:54
edbiancaltosy: gconf-editor is NOT the same as registry15:54
theadminedbian: Just as much of a mess15:54
caltosyedbian: same layout.15:54
edbiantheadmin: They are definitely both a mess15:55
caltosyG00053: Yescompletely disable because it's stuck.. I'm not sure if it's hardware or software related.15:55
DamnSoGoodhow can i modify those cryptic menu in grub?15:55
caltosyoCean: sorry that message was related to you, Ocean lol15:55
escottDamnSoGood, desktop environments will cache as much as possible. its only really a problem if free shows you swapping a lot15:56
escottDamnSoGood, what is cryptic about the menu?15:56
G00053caltosy:  system > prefrences > keyboard shortcuts ?15:56
vicioDamnSoGood: the grub configuration is in /boot/grub/grub.conf but its a little dangerous to edit it15:56
theadminvicio: s/conf/cfg/15:56
dragonkeeperescott  sorry i read it wrong    /dev/block is a dir  but file 11:0:0:0 doesnt exist15:56
DamnSoGoodescott: the memtest and the texts , i want thise to simplify :D15:56
oCeancaltosy: ok, you can use xmodmap for that. Fist run 'xmodmap -pke | grep F4' in a terminal15:56
caltosyG00053: nah, that's just for pre-defined keyboard shortcuts like alt+f3 or whatever and assign it to do what you want it to do.15:57
escottDamnSoGood, well you can modify the grub.conf but that file is generated by grub-mkconfig so it would be replaced next kernel upgrade15:57
G00053then go to compiz > general > keybindings15:57
G00053if thats what you use15:57
caltosyocean: okay i'll run xmodmap -pke | grep F415:57
G00053or that15:58
Jimmy89hey guys, anyone know much about mdamdm and faulty spares?15:58
dsathesasl in empahty ??????????????????//// PLEASE HELP15:58
vicioescott thats right15:58
DamnSoGoodescott: meaning i will edit it again as soon as i upgrade to a new kernel?15:58
caltosyoCean: okay i got the keycode values and hash.15:58
escottDamnSoGood, yes15:58
escottJimmy89, what is the question15:58
oCeancaltosy: with the keycode you can remap the key: xmodmap -e 'keycode XX='   <-- in this example I make it an empty value, thus disabling the key15:59
DamnSoGoodescott: that's alright because next time it'll go back i know now how to edit tit again :D15:59
oCeancaltosy: where XX is the code you found earlier15:59
Jimmy89I have a 6 disk raid 5, my HBA in which 4 of my drives were connected to, I accidently knocked it while it was running15:59
Jimmy89so 4 of the drives dropped from my raid15:59
Jimmy89and are now marked as faulty spare15:59
smokincan anyone please help me? i've installed Ubu on my sister's Dell laptop and it won't show the desktop!16:00
Jimmy89how do I unmark them as faulty spare and assume clean?16:00
compdocJimmy89, ouch16:00
DamnSoGoodescott: then how should i edit that grub.conf?16:00
caltosyoCean: Thank you! I have no idea why icouldn't find that information on google.16:00
oCeancaltosy: you're welcome.16:00
caltosyoCean: Okay I am not experiencing any mouse freezes now nor is the terminal making the 'ding' sound when it knows keys that aren't suppose to be pushed is being pushed.16:00
escottJimmy89, well you can't rebuild the raid5 from only 2 disks so you may need to rebuild it from the 4 you knocked out. and mark the other two as the faulty spares16:00
szaldsathe: (1) whole sentences please; (2) describe your problem as detailed as possible16:01
viciosmokin: did you install desktop? if you do so then type startx16:01
caltosyoCean: Now I'm not going to re-enable it, but would there be a way to test if it's either software or hardware related?16:01
smokini tried that, it gave a load of errors saying it could not connect and X.summink was not there ?16:01
oCeancaltosy: install another operating system, and see if the problem is there too :p16:01
dsatheszal : i keep gettin this message bout sasl (yeah only on #ubuntu) is it necessary ?16:01
caltosyoCean: Because I can assign shortcut keys to do what F4, alt F4, ctrl+alt+F4, ctrl+F4, and Fn + F4 does.16:01
theadminoCean: You know, you could always do xmodmap -e 'keysym F4='16:02
oCeancaltosy: or, easier, use the keyboard in another computer16:02
dsatheand if so how do i enable it in empathy (is it even supported ?)16:02
Jimmy89I need to somehow have all 6, or at least 5 in the one array marked as active16:02
dsatheszal: ?16:02
caltosyoCean: xD Okay well thanks a lot! Ican't really detach this keyboard since it's on my netbook but I do appreciate your assistance! I will make sure to keep this information on hand when someone else experiences any key stick problems.16:02
sipiorJimmy89: you might try recreating the array with the "--assume-clean" directive, but it's not without risk.16:02
Picidsathe: You asked about this in #freenode, and as they told you there, you do not need SASL for making a connection.16:03
sipiorJimmy89: now's the time to verify your backups :-)16:03
szaldsathe: you keep getting what message?16:03
Jimmy89I don't think I have any choice, might try assume clean. So I need to delete the existing array first right?16:04
escottJimmy89, I would pull your two devices and try to rebuild the array from the 4 spares. hopefully they got dumped out in sync and you can restore from that point16:04
dsathethe sasl or you wont be able to login post post july 116:04
Jimmy89it is a raid516:04
Picidsathe: Did you read at all what I just said?16:04
Jimmy89so I need 5/6 to even be in degraded16:04
dsathePici yes16:04
sipiorJimmy89: no, you wouldn't. actually, does --re-add not work?16:04
Picidsathe: It is spam. you do not nor will you ever need SASL to connect.16:04
Jimmy89well they are still marked as faulty spare16:05
dsathethanks,i wass replyin to sazl16:05
dsathethanks all16:05
tucemiux1637 nicks,wow !16:05
DamnSoGoodhow can i make an icon that will execute the shutdown immediately ?16:05
tucemiuxDamnSoGood: just add it to your panel16:06
theadminDamnSoGood: Sec.16:06
rinkukokirianyone know how I can permanently disable "ls_switch" ??16:06
theadminDamnSoGood: This command should work: dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Stop16:06
rinkukokiriit's causing a big problem with the brightness in my lappy16:07
StevethepirateGetting "File for preset 'slow' not found" when trying to use vpre "slow" in ffmpeg. No clue why, google not helpful. :/16:07
Jimmy89so my best option is to destroy the array, and reassemble with assume clean?16:07
DamnSoGoodtheadmin: what was that?16:07
tucemiuxrinkukokiri: the brightness in your laptop is controlled by your BIOS and can be configured in ubuntu, both settings affect your laptop behavior16:08
theadminDamnSoGood: A command to shutdown using dbus, i.e. without the need for sudo16:08
escottJimmy89, I wouldn't destroy the array config16:08
rinkukokiritucemiux, it's ALSO controlled by 'ls_switch'16:08
rinkukokiritucemiux, and "ls_level"16:08
DamnSoGoodtheadmi make it into an icon on desktop?n: how can i16:08
Jimmy89ok, what should I do then?16:08
DamnSoGoodtheadmin: how can i make it as  an icon on desktop?16:09
rinkukokiritucemiux, /sys/devices/platform/asus_laptop/ls_switch   << whether or not it uses the light sensor16:09
tucemiuxrinkukokiri: correct -- ubuntu, configuration settings on ubuntu and settings in your BIOS16:09
theadminDamnSoGood: A usual launcher?16:09
andyccDamnSoGood: right click desktop. New launcher.16:09
escottJimmy89, how many parity disks did you have? just 1/6 or 2/6?16:09
czqSome would say Chinese?16:09
rinkukokiritucemiux, the sensor does NOT have a bios configuration16:09
Pici!zn | czq16:09
theadmin!cn | czq16:09
ubottuczq: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。16:09
rinkukokiritucemiux, trust me16:09
Pici!cn | czq16:09
Jimmy89just one16:09
tucemiuxrinkukokiri: must be an old machine, what is the type/model ?16:10
escottJimmy89, then add each disk in turn with assume clean and when you add the final 6th disk you will need to verify the entire array16:10
DamnSoGoodyes, a launcher icon that will not ask anymore, the one that will shutdown straight :D16:10
rinkukokiritucemiux, my question is how to permanently disable the ls_switch (an equivalent to echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/asus_laptop/ls_switch16:10
Jimmy89I thought the assume-clean flag is only when creating / assembling arrays?16:10
escottJimmy89, definitely unmount/remount ro while you do this16:11
Jimmy89can I use it will readding drives too16:11
Jimmy89yes it is unounted already, and the array is currently stopped16:11
rinkukokiritucemiux, it's 3 years old.16:11
rinkukokiritucemiux, not an 'old machine'16:11
czq!cn ?16:11
ubottuczq: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:11
escottJimmy89, well each disk in the array has some kind of timestamp. when you knocked the 4 out their timestamps are different from the other two. it sees they are old and refuses to accept them. assume clean just ignores that timestamp16:11
IdleOneczq: /join #ubuntu-cn16:12
tucemiuxrinkukokiri: it's been a long while since I had to disable anything that way, if you can't configure the brightness on your laptop using ubuntu then I would file a bug report, stuff like that is supposed to work out of the box16:12
Jimmy89yep, but can I use that when readding?16:12
rinkukokiritucemiux, http://www.asus.com/Notebooks/Multimedia_Entertainment/M70Vm/16:12
escottJimmy89, of course if there was data flushed to the two disks that weren't knocked out, then they truely are out of sync and you will have a corrupt FS when you put it all back together16:12
Jimmy89that should only cause some corrupt files though I hope16:13
Jimmy89I was only reading at the time, there should have been very little if no writing16:13
escottJimmy89, you should be able to use assume-clean to reassemble the array16:13
rinkukokiritucemiux, i CAN configure the brightness using ubuntu, however ubuntu hasn't a builtin feature to enable/disable the LIGHT SENSOR that this model /make laptop uses, (probably because not many people have this family laptop and run ubuntu)16:13
urbiscan anyone help with ubunty hardy error after apt-get update?16:14
tucemiuxrinkukokiri: This will disable your ambient light sensor if it in fact did work on your initial install of Ubuntu ->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97340316:14
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.16:14
urbisi`m getting - W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/jdub/devel/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found16:14
Abhijiturbis, its end of life16:14
escottrinkukokiri, there might be something in /sys/class16:15
urbisi know :D16:15
Abhijiturbis, why not upgrade?16:15
Jimmy89how do I tell which sd* devices are the faulty spares16:15
IdleOneczq: Please don't private message or send dcc chat request without permission16:15
urbiscan`t upgrade yet because off hosters old xen version16:15
DamnSoGoodshutdown -S now :D16:15
Jimmy89as I can't use mdadm --detail, as it says it is offline, and proc/mdstat just says everything is spare16:15
IdleOneczq: to join the Chinese language Ubuntu channel type: /join #ubuntu-cn16:15
escottJimmy89, cat /proc/mdstat16:15
urbisAbhijit: any solution?16:16
StevethepirateGetting "File for preset 'slow' not found" when trying to use vpre "slow" in ffmpeg. No clue why, google not helpful. :/16:16
Jimmy89they all show as spare16:16
Jimmy89as it isn't running16:16
rinkukokiritucemiux,   "This will enable your keyboard LCD brightness toggle switches to function on your next reboot. "  << i dont' have this problem16:16
bad_advice_guyStevethepirate: you might want to ask in #ffmpeg16:17
escottJimmy89, I would just mdadm --assemble /dev/md* --assume-clean /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc16:17
escottJimmy89, you could also try --force that may be safer than --assume-clean16:18
escottJimmy89, see http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-raid@vger.kernel.org/msg07815.html16:18
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tucemiuxrinkukokiri: i suggest you file a bug report or try asking in the room at another time, I dont have the hardware that you have, my problems with LCD on my laptop were solved by configuring settings in the BIOS and on ubuntu16:18
Abhijiturbis, may be that link does not exist? the ppa link? or may be that package no longer in that ppa?16:20
rinkukokirialso is there any way to uninstall the nouveau kernel module without uninstalling half the system?16:21
urbiswhere to edit ppa`s?16:21
urbison the system?16:21
tucemiuxrinkukokiri: have you tried  installing sysfsutils and configuring your /etc/sysfs.conf with "devices/platform/asus-laptop/ls_switch=0"16:21
Abhijiturbis, you contact the ppa maintainer he will tell you where is new link etc16:21
rinkukokiritucemiux, i've moved on16:22
BlouBlouurbis: You can do it by using "Software manager"16:22
urbisAbhijit: where i get maintainer? :D16:22
LopRez[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   LopRez AxeZ mnajem ter0u ry lollo64it marcosa awe_ hwilde jonatasnona vsshva geraudk2000 mattias89 nimbiotics Guybrush88 l0n3w0lf Jari0001 Daxwax alias_krsk senorpedr16:22
LopRez[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   morfeo_ Destine Honoo sjm MadViking andycc adac genii-around shazzr natschil desti_T2 jeaquares TrD fcuk112 BiggFREE Jimmy89 zulgaban bluenemo_ Harnish westmi goshawk16:22
Abhijiturbis, on the launchpad16:22
urbisand i have only terminal interface16:22
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.16:22
tucemiuxrinkukokiri: here's your answer, good luck: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78854016:23
rinkukokiritucemiux, dude.    i've moved on  to another question16:23
rinkukokirithank you for your suggestion. and it will be noted16:23
ryoh damn.. i thought that message was telling me i needed to use ssl a few days ago16:23
rinkukokiriis there any way to uninstall the nouveau kernel module without uninstalling half the system?16:23
BlouBloury: ssl is not sasl, and it's spam16:24
theadminCan someone ban *!*@ ? That sasl spambot16:24
czqIdleOne: Thank you! I finally got it!16:24
BlouBloutheadmin: it's done16:24
theadminBlouBlou: Oh good16:24
rylol, well it got me back using ssl i suppose some good came of it =)16:24
Logan_LjL: mind if I PM?16:24
Jimmy89I tried force, and it seemed to work :)16:24
Jimmy89It now shows everything as up16:25
crash82Hello, why does my laptop monitor decreases the light after a few seconds with no activity I don't see any config for that in Energy manager. Any ideas?16:25
escottJimmy89, just be sure to fsck verify the raid checksums and fsck the partition16:25
ryso... SASL is essentially connecting to irc through tor?16:25
KlavierW: Failed to fetch http://tr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-updates/restricted/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2  Unable to connect to tr.archive.ubuntu.com16:25
Jimmy89how do you fsck the raid checksums?16:25
oCeanry: please ignore that message completely16:25
ryok, thanks16:25
czqThank you! I finally got it!16:25
G00053Jimmy89: they like dinner first16:26
theadminKlavier: Try changing to another mirror16:26
viciocrash82: it decreases the light because its about to got blocked i think16:26
Klavierhow can i change mirror theadmin16:26
Klavierif you guide i ll be happy16:26
theadminKlavier: I think Synaptic provides or used to provide a way for that16:26
BlouBlouKlavier: Go "Software Sources"16:26
Klavierit s remote machine16:26
Klavierdoesnt have X16:26
crash82vicio, the screen should be blocked after 15m16:26
theadminKlavier: Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace the "tr" in the mirrors with, say, "us"16:27
rinkukokiriis there any way i can uninstall libdrm-nouveau1a without uninstalling half the system???16:27
rinkukokirithis weed just won't go away16:27
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IdleOne!blacklist | rinkukokiri16:28
ubotturinkukokiri: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »16:28
escottJimmy89, echo check > /sys/block/md0/sync_action16:28
escottJimmy89, and mdstat should show it checking the array16:28
Klaviervim %s/tr\./en\./g16:29
Klavieroh yeah16:29
theadminKlavier: They didn't invent sed for nothing :P16:29
Klavieri like vim16:29
theadminKlavier: Who doesn't?16:29
Jimmy89I don't have anything called sync_action there16:30
Jimmy89ah ok16:30
Jimmy89it was in /md as well16:31
Jimmy89yep rechecking now16:31
Jimmy89then do a fsck after it has checked?16:32
urbisAbhijit: thanks for help! i found him.16:32
escottJimmy89, if the md checks clean the fsck is probably unnecessary but I would still do it16:33
czqGood night !16:33
escottJimmy89, if the md check fails then the array may get stopped again. in which case force it and run the fsck16:34
Jimmy89well thanks for the help escott, it is checking now but will take ~4.5 hours16:34
Abhijiturbis, welcome! :-)16:34
dragonkeeperi cant even format this dam card if pc wont see it  :@16:35
KartagisI enabled X11Forwarding, but I can't run a X11 application even though I do ssh -X16:36
magicjI have a system that is reporting: Xlib: extension "CLX" missing on display - what does this mean and how do I fix it.  It is stopping the screen saver from working16:38
Jimmy89ok, going to catch some sleep. Thanks again escott, I might be back if I have more problems :p16:38
escottJimmy89, goodluck16:39
celthunderKartagis: what's the error16:39
nimbioticsHello ya'll. I created an iso file with devede and: 1) I need to add some files to the iso file but I dont know how to or which software to use; and 2)16:39
Daemon404http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/1586/19245865.png <-- any reason why ubuntu's fonts turn to crap when i use any dm otehr than gdm?16:39
Daemon404(right = gdm, left = lightdm)16:39
Daemon404teh opposite of that. left = gdm, right = lightdm16:39
Kartagiscelthunder: vino-preferences:29202): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:16:40
nimbioticswhay is SASL??16:42
celthunderKartagis: one esc16:43
tnm_anyone familiar with this error: vncviewer: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:43
vectoryhi, say, where can the gnome-menu entries be edited, e.g. create a new directory just for shells? gconf seems to be the wrong place16:43
celthundertnm_: looks like there is no file ?16:43
rinkukokirivectory, you try right clicking the menu and "edit menus"  ?16:44
rinkukokirivectory, with the menu closed16:44
Sub_ZeroHow can I release the mouse after it's been captured in a window?16:44
tnm_celthunder, whereis vncviewer---->vncviewer: /usr/bin/vncviewer /usr/local/bin/vncviewer /usr/share/man/man1/vncviewer.1.gz16:44
celthunderKartagis: works fine for me...did you run it in the background?16:45
viciosomeone knows where de x11 config file is?16:45
vectoryrinkukokiri: no >_>16:45
Kartagiscelthunder: no16:45
heslamhey guys. how to you give a group write access to a particular directory (using chmod?)?  i'm poring over google and the man page but i just can't work it out.16:45
jribtnm_: right click on ubuntu icon -> edit menu (opens alacarte, the menu editor)16:45
KartagisSub_Zero: VM?16:45
celthundertnm_: i meant there is no libstdc++ you're missing a library?16:45
jrib!permissions | heslam16:45
ubottuheslam: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:45
Sub_ZeroKartagis: No16:45
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Kartagisheslam: chmod 755 should work16:45
heslamjrib: looks like the page has been vandalised16:45
viciosomeone knows where x11 config file is?16:45
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
celthundervicio: /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:46
jribheslam: one second16:46
tnm_celthunder, i'm searching for  libstdc++ library, but i cannot find it..16:46
viciocelthunder: thanks16:46
heslamKartagis: how do i make that only for a specific group, though...?16:46
Kartagisheslam: use chown16:46
th0rheslam: 775 will give the group write access16:46
Kartagisheslam: or chgrp16:46
Sub_ZeroKartagis: It's a game. When I start it the window is in the middle of the screen. So I need to release the mouse from it's grip to move the window up16:46
heslamKartagis: thanks, those commands look familiar! i'll look them up16:47
Kartagisheslam: np16:47
Sub_ZeroBut I can't find how to release the mouse?16:47
Guest8335jest tu jakiś kret ?16:47
celthundertnm_: apt-get install libstdc++6-4.1-dev16:47
jjgalvez__I am having issues with my fakeraid array and want to rebuild it from scratch, but I don't want to have to reinstall everything from scratch. Any suggestions on how to backup my complete system, and then do a full restore once I destroy and rebuild the array?16:47
celthundertnm_: you didn't search very hard16:47
oCean!pl | Guest833516:47
ubottuGuest8335: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:47
Kartagis!pl| Guest833516:47
celthunderKartagis: what happens if you do vino-preferences &16:48
Guest8335dlaczego ???16:48
celthunderKartagis: also you're running X on the machine you're connecting  from right?16:48
jribheslam: page should be restored now16:48
vectoryjjgalvez__: acronis true image, to write an image, save it on an extern hdd?16:48
tnm_celthunder,  Couldn't find any package by regex 'libstdc++6-4.1-dev'16:48
Kartagiscelthunder: er, no?16:49
celthunderKartagis: you need x on the machine you're connecting from...all X11 forwarding does is use the ssh clients X as the display16:49
Kartagiscelthunder: I thought I was supposed to run vino-preferences on the machine I'm connecting to16:49
celthunderKartagis: it runs on the computer you connect to using the clients display16:50
Jimmy89lol back again16:50
gnot_a_gnomeanyone have a problem where if you exit a VT (alt+F7) to get back to XWindows, that you're screen display is various colorful lines across the screen?16:50
jjgalvez__vectory: does it work with raid drives? or just partitions?16:50
zelevwGood afternoon...is there a tool for creating flash banners?  Thank u.16:50
Kartagiscelthunder: so, if I'm connecting from A, A has to have X, right?16:51
Jimmy89I just noticed the check I was running in mdadm stopped16:51
Kartagiszelevw: Flash?16:51
celthunderKartagis: yeah and it has to be open and running16:51
zelevwkartagis: yessir16:51
vectoryjjgalvez__: wheres the difference, i have no exp. with raids, but isnt it enuf to backup one of the raid plates16:51
Kartagishmm, thanks celthunder16:51
Kartagisthat means I have no options but VPN left16:52
zambahow can i take backup of a whole disk with ubuntu?16:52
zambathe disk is attached through usb16:52
zambaexternal storage16:52
celthunderzamba: you could use dd16:52
yves-clonezilla or dd16:52
theadminzamba: dd or tar16:52
yves-dd > tar16:52
theadminzamba: Depends on your purposes16:52
jjgalvez__vectory: thats true, I should be able to just image one of the drives and thenlet the raid rebuild itself16:53
celthundermorning theadmin16:53
theadminzamba: dd if=/dev/sdz of=file.diskimage16:53
zambai have to return this laptop and i want to backup everything on it16:53
theadmincelthunder: More of evening to me16:53
Kartagiscelthunder: is there a way to run vino preferences without X? say, an ini file?16:53
zambatheadmin: won't that create a huge file?16:53
zambatheadmin: what about file size limitations?16:53
vectoryjjgalvez__: what theadmin said, is also an option16:53
sylvaniait will not include your backup file16:53
theadminzamba: Yes, it will, but you just said you want to back up the whole disk16:53
hiexpoi enabled the find mouse option but when i press the ctrl key it is white and i have a white background so can i change the color of that16:53
zambatheadmin: so there's no max file size?16:53
celthunderKartagis: i don't even know what vino is16:54
sre-su$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda3 /mnt gives error : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so. What's the mistake in the command?16:54
rationalOgrezamba: you would be limited by how much space you have on your hard drive to store the new image.16:54
IdleOnehiexpo: change it in theme16:54
celthunderKartagis: vnc won't help you either if you don't have X on the machine you're connecting from16:54
vectorysre-su: chkfs16:54
sre-suvectory: chkfs? Do you mean fsck?16:55
hiexpoIdleOne, where is that at  i know i can change the mouse color itself16:55
bad_advice_guymax file size on an ext4 filesstem is 16TiB16:55
vectoryjust checked16:55
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celthunderbad_advice_guy: max size you can buy for a drive is 3 (that i know of)16:55
theadminbad_advice_guy: lol, my hard drive is like 4 times smaller than that xD16:55
IdleOnehiexpo: that is what I meant, change the mouse color.16:55
cypha``what's the difference btwn ./bin and ../bin ?16:55
Kartagiscelthunder: I said VPN, not VNC16:56
bad_advice_guyi know so it shouldnt matter to much16:56
vectorysre-su: fsck.ext4 especially16:56
theadmincypha``: .. = one level up, . = this directory16:56
celthundercypha``: ./bin references to the bin in the current dir ../bin references to bin in the dir above the one yo uare in16:56
nimbioticsHello ya'll. I created an iso file with devede and now I need to add a folder with a bunch of pictures to the iso file but I dont know how to or which software to use. Also ... what is SASL?? TIA!16:56
hiexpoIdleOne, no i am tring to change the color  of the effect  when i push the ctrl button   the find mouse option16:56
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
gnot_a_gnome./bin would be a script  && ../bin would be a directory 'bin' that's in the parent directory of your current pwd16:56
oCeannimbiotics: the messages about sasl are spam, you can safely ignore them16:57
sylvaniacelhunder thanks16:57
celthundernimbiotics: sasl is a security auth mechanism16:57
Abhijitnimbiotics, use acitoniso16:57
cypha``thanks celthunder and theadmin16:57
celthunderKartagis: ah sorry16:57
IdleOnehiexpo: no idea where to change that but I would guess the effect is dependent on the mouse theme16:57
sre-suvectory: I did $ sudo fsck /dev/sda3 - fsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks... Superblock has an invalid journal (inode 8). Clear<y>?  ?16:57
hiexpoIdleOne, hmm ok let me check it out  thanks16:58
vectorysre-su: try fsck.ext416:58
vectoryif your sur ts ext416:58
gnot_a_gnomehiexpo, you can simply change your mouse theme.  system -> preferences -> appearance16:58
celthundernimbiotics: theres poweriso for messing iwth iso's...isomaster16:58
sre-suvectory: I'm not sure. sudo fsck by itself takes fsck.ext2 but my fs is ext416:58
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Kartagiscelthunder: vino allows you to connect via vnc. then I could do ssh tunneling and connect to my work machine via vinagre16:59
sre-suvectory: sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda3 ?16:59
tucemiuxnimbiotic: if you want to edit an iso file, you would mount it first, make changes, commit changes, burn it -- your best bet would be the forums16:59
rahsputinhello.. i would like to burn a bootable.iso with cdrecord.... are these option enough for the cd to be bootable: #     cdrecord -v -pad speed=1 dev=0,0,0 src.iso    ?16:59
vectoryyes, just try16:59
vectorycant hurt16:59
sre-suWell, why not e2fsck?16:59
jtreminioMorning all. Does anyone have a guide on how to set up multiple PCs to connect to an SSH server using RSA keys? I've got it working on one PC, but everything I'm reading requires me to generate an open key for each PC, which would overwrite access for the others16:59
vectorybut will possibly give the same error17:00
rationalOgrezamba: but you could always just dd if=/dev/sdx conv=sync,noerror bs=64k | gzip -c > /path/to/hdimage.img.gz17:00
celthundertucemiux: you don't have to moutn an iso to change it17:00
vectorysre-su: never heard of it17:00
rationalOgrezamba: whrere sdx is your drive17:00
hiexpognot_a_gnome, i am not tring to change the color of the mouse it self tring to change the effect color of find the mouse option when you press the ctrl key to find the mouse on the desktop17:00
escottsre-su, because ext2 isn't journalled17:00
vectoryescott: e2fsck is for 2,3,417:00
sre-suescott:  I did $ sudo fsck /dev/sda3 - fsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks... Superblock has an invalid journal (inode 8). Clear<y>? ?17:00
tucemiuxjtreminio: right, every client has their own key, so you basically want everyone to have the same key?17:01
kitchejtreminio: why would it overwrite access you just add the key to the correct file17:01
jtreminiotucemiux:  I may then not understand how this works. My remote server has a single Public Key, correct?17:01
escottsre-su, its just confusing to us that it used fsck.ext2 and then complained about a journal. so try fsck.ext3 and fsck.ext4 in case the partition type is being misidentified17:01
jtreminiokitche:  hmm ... so it's simply appending the public key string to the existing file on the remote server?17:01
celthunderjtreminio: you can add as many keys as you want per user17:01
sre-suvectory:  escott:  $ sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sda3 - e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010) fsck.ext4: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks... Superblock has an invalid journal (inode 8). Clear<y>?17:02
tucemiuxjtreminio: you already have one working so youre good, the question is security --  its like having user accounts on your ssh server and youre giving the same password to everybody, that's the equivalent of wanting every user to use the same ssh key to automatically login to the server17:02
escottsre-su, i would still say no. try fsck.ext3 if none of them work then maybe you clear the journal17:03
sre-suescott: My filesystems are ext417:03
jtreminiotucemiux:  Right, I was hoping to give the same access to my desktop and laptop, not other people.17:03
escottsre-su, clear that journal only if nothing seems to work17:03
sre-suescott: I get the same message with fsck.ext317:04
vectoryescott: what would be the next step, can it work without journal, will it e2fsck create a new one, havent read the man completely17:04
tucemiuxjtreminio: I suppose you can copy your ssh keys so that you have an identical setup on both desktop and laptop17:04
arvutHi.. where is the preferences and administation menus in ubuntu 11.04? in unity that is..17:04
vectorysre-su: the -b option to e2fsck is interesting you mind wanna read up on it17:04
arvutI'm used to gnome17:04
rationalOgrearvut: power button, system settings at the bottom17:05
escottsre-su, if you lose the journal you lose any recent modification to the fs, and it won't be able to identify if the file data was written fully and you could have metadata and data out of sync17:05
rationalOgrearvut: If you are after what I think you are after.17:05
theadminarvut: You can use GNOME if you want17:05
arvutrationalOgre: Ty17:05
researcher123is it possible to install windows after fully utilising the only hard disk with Ubuntu 11.04?17:05
rationalOgreresearcher123: You will nuke your ubuntu install.17:05
nimbioticsoCean, celthunder & Abhijit; THX a lot!17:06
researcher123rationalOgre: I want to retain Ubuntu also17:06
arvuttheadmin: I know, but I feel the need to learn unity before abandoning it for kde4 or xfce17:06
cypha``is there a way to get an "ls" while cd'ing?17:06
cypha``like with a switch of some sort on the cd17:06
rationalOgreresearcher123: I believe you need to install windows prior to installing ubuntu to make it work properly. It's been awhile since I have done a dual-boot17:06
theadmincypha``: Err... What's the big problem with "cd blahblah && ls"?17:06
jribcypha``: cd foo; ls17:06
magicjhelp with message: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display17:06
arvutkde4 is next I think. had a sneakpeak at it with a 32bit livedvd (ubuntu/kubuntu)17:06
cypha``researcher123, you need to fix the bootloader17:07
Abhijitnimbiotics, np! :-)17:07
arvut#j ubuntu-offtopic17:07
Alraithe kernel.3.0 is better than 2.6.39?17:07
tucemiuxresearche: that is an ugly proposition, you can try it and let mek now if it works, you will have to shrink your ubuntu partition and create an extended partition for windows, youll have to reinstall grub though17:07
arvuthmm, typo =)17:07
cypha``theadmin jrib, thanks17:07
researcher123cypha: but where can XP be installed without spoiling Ubuntu?17:07
escottvectory, yes it can make a new journal but the chances of corruption are higher if he loses the current journal. best to recover that journal if at all possible17:08
sre-suescott: The reason why I have to try fsck is that I had a hardware failure leading to abnormal shutdown. I corrected the hardware part but on boot I am getting error: unknown filesystem grub rescue> prompt. Its related to grub errors as far as I can understand but before that I'll need to to do fsck, and thus the message you see ...17:08
oCeanAlrai: that's still a release-candidate version17:08
sylvanianew releases are not lways better17:08
cypha``researcher123, it's just an issue with the bootloader, you can fix the bootloader and then xp will show back up17:08
rationalOgreresearcher123: I stand corrected, you can put windows on after Ubuntu, but you need to repartition the drive so that the first partition is where windows will be installed.17:08
researcher123tucemiux: I appreciate if that can lead to dual boot17:08
AlraioCean but have more hardware supports?17:08
sre-suescott: Secondly, to confirm, fdisk -l gives a partition list and the one marked with * is the one which contains *buntu, right?17:08
sylvaniathe first partition?17:08
sipiorcypha``: you could try setting the PROMPT_COMMAND variable to /bin/ls17:09
escottsre-su, you are doing the right things so far. try vectory 's suggestion of using the -b option fsck -b in case the backup superblock is good. i don't know if there is a backup journal though17:09
rationalOgreresearcher123: Then, after installing XP you will need to recover the boot loader.17:09
cypha``researcher123, i think I missed the issue, better to listen to rationalOgre instead :)17:09
arvutis it possible to disable the global menu (mac-style) and restore the menus for each window?17:09
arvutif so, how?17:09
rationalOgreresearcher123: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2010/05/06/install-windows-after-ubuntu-lucid-lynx/17:09
rationalOgrearvut: Switch from unity?17:09
oCeanAlrai: I believe there is support added for some newer hardware like sandy bridge. It might be in the next ubuntu release17:09
researcher123rationalOgre: but how to creat space to install XP?17:09
rationalOgre!classic | arvut17:10
ubottuarvut: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".17:10
dsatheuse gparted17:10
sre-suescott: partition marked with * is the one which contains *buntu, right?17:10
tucemiuxresearch: 1. shrink your ubuntu partition using gparted. 2. create a partition for windows. 3.  install windows 4. reinstall grub.  Caution: you can only have 4 primary partitions17:10
arvutrationalOgre: not exactly what I asked about, but yeah.. I know the classic gnome-style is there too17:11
rationalOgreresearcher123: You will need to boot into the livecd and move your partitions using gparted or the Disk Utility in Ubuntu.17:11
escottsre-su, no the * means it is bootable. ubuntu doesn't care if it is bootable17:11
arvutused it yesterday17:11
rationalOgrearvut: That's really about the only way that I have heard of.17:11
jtreminiofor Ubuntu, my private key should be named ~/.ssh/authorized_keys , correct?17:11
arvutwhat I want is menus (file, edit, view etc..) on each window, in unity.17:11
oCeanjtreminio: what are you trying to do?17:11
researcher123rationalOgre: Yes I have a live USB. But will it have gparted on it?17:11
sylvaniawindows 4?17:11
Coreyjtreminio: No.17:12
Coreyjtreminio: authorized_keys should contain the public key.17:12
rationalOgrearvut: https://answers.launchpad.net/unity/+question/15979617:12
arvutand not the global menu at the top17:12
jtreminiooCean:  I'm moving from Windows 7 to Ubuntu, and I'm trying to set up my private key to connect to my ssh server.17:12
Coreyjtreminio: Your private key should live in id_rsa17:12
rinkukokirilol @ windows 417:12
rationalOgrearvut: first result for googling "unity remove global menu"17:12
rationalOgreresearcher123: yes.17:12
escottsre-su, im puzzled why it is saying fsck.ext2 maybe thats normal but it seems strange can you please !paste us the output of tune2fs -l /dev/sda317:12
oCeanjtreminio: ok, once you have created your private key pair, you can copy the pub part into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file17:13
jtreminioCorey:  thanks! That solved everything!17:13
researcher123rationalOgre: thats nice.But then what happens to grub when I will install XP on the created space?17:13
gnot_a_gnomegrub will be overwritten most likely17:13
escottsre-su, pasting may be hard for you. im mostly interested in the filesystem features17:14
arvutrationalOgre: that's exactly my issue, ty again. won't bother you anymore.17:14
rationalOgreresearcher123: XP will wipe out grub17:14
sre-suescott: $ tune2fs -l /dev/sda3 tune2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010) tune2fs: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/sda3 Couldn' find valid filesystem superblock.17:14
rationalOgreresearcher123: So once you have XP installed, you will have to recover grub.17:14
tucemiuxresearche: and I'm not even sure if you can install windows on a partition that's not the first or second, let me know if it works17:14
rationalOgreresearcher123: Which that link i gave you talks about doing.17:14
gnot_a_gnomeyou reinstall grub from linux install cd17:14
researcher123rationalOgre: Yes I know only that much.But then how to get it back in order?17:14
cypha``if I have a read-only file, how do I make it editable? or at least editable for the current vim session?17:14
sre-suescott: $ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda3 tune2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda3 Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.17:15
rationalOgreresearcher123: Read the link i gave several times.17:15
rationalOgreresearcher123: The whole thing. It has a summation towards the bottom.17:15
sylvaniayou are in trouble researcher17:15
mads-I have an image of a dvd (.img) and I want to mount it. However I don't seem to able to figure out which fs it is using17:15
jtreminiooCean:  thanks to you too :)17:15
researcher123rationalOgre: is it this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot?17:16
oCeanjtreminio: heh, you're quite welcome17:16
mads-Is there a way I can ask the image of which fs it's using?17:16
rationalOgreresearcher123: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2010/05/06/install-windows-after-ubuntu-lucid-lynx/17:16
gnot_a_gnomethe fs on the disk?17:16
bad_advice_guycypha``: you should be able to edit it with "sudo vim /path/to/file"17:16
researcher123sylvania: no . Im being helped by all the friends here17:16
mads-The fs of the .img file17:16
theadminmads-: From what I know you can only really mount .ISOs, but you can convert from other formats to isos with some tool17:16
theadmin!find iso converter17:16
ubottuconverter is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable17:16
rationalOgreresearcher123: If you find for whatever reason that gparted isn't available on your liveusb, just run "sudo apt-get install gparted"17:17
rwwthat's not what the !find command is for ;)17:17
sylvaniaI hope so17:17
Daemon404so er, does anyone know why font rendering when usign gdm is so much better than without gdm?17:17
rationalOgreresearcher123: the liveusb is capable of installing software to it's tmpfs17:17
escottsre-su, just double check you have the right partition, and try fsck.ext4 -b /dev/sda3 if it keeps complaining about the journal i guess remove it. what were you doing at the time of the failure? hopefully no a system update17:18
theadminrww: I suppose...17:18
theadminrww: Sorry about that17:18
cypha``bad_advice_guy, didn't work17:18
rationalOgreI hope he remembers the old adage of "measure twice, cut once" before he goes and nukes his install.17:18
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cypha``i'm editing .bash_aliases17:19
vectoryescott: -b bruacht n argument, oder? die adresse des superblockbackups17:19
bad_advice_guyim not sure, but ou can add aliases to your .bashrc17:19
cypha``bad_advice_guy, yeah, but I thought it was preferrable to put in .bash_aliases instead of .bashrc17:20
rationalOgrecypha``: sudo chmod u+w .bash_aliases && vim .bash_aliases && sudo chmod u-w .bash_aliases17:20
cypha``rationalOgre, it'll do the unrewrite after vim is exited?17:21
cypha``i mean un-writable17:21
rationalOgrecypha``: It should.17:21
rafidpkg can not find db-man, anyone can help me ?17:22
rationalOgrecypha``: Remember, the shell is linear execution, it waits for each command to exit before moving to the next.17:22
theadminrafi: Well it's man-db.17:22
escottsre-su, vectory pointed out -b needs an address the ones to try are: For  filesystems  with  1k  block‐sizes, a backup superblock can be found at block 8193; for filesystems with 2k blocksizes, at block 16384; and for 4k blocksizes, at block 32768.17:22
theadminrafi: :P17:22
cypha``rationalOgre, any idea why "sudo vim filename.ext" works for some people, but not me?17:22
dr_willis_unless you forget and use & instead of && above.17:22
cypha``i even see it on the web as a solution17:22
rafihow can i repair this ?17:22
user_i'm trying to use /etc/fstab to auto mount by buffalo, i know this works, but i have just reinsatlled and now can't get it working. It shouldn't be this hard.  Any help please. Says special device does not exist. //  /media/Data xfs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  017:22
sre-suescott: Hardware failure is of loose connections of cables from motherboard to HDD which I corrected. There was no error or update/upgrade error while using 11.04.17:22
sre-suvectory: escott: $ sudo fsck.ext4 -b /dev/sda3 Invalid non-numeric argument to -b ("/dev/sda3")17:22
rafii can not install anything17:23
dr_willis_user_,  you are using 'xfs' for a samba share? or nfs share?17:23
rafiin xterm, synaptic doesn't work17:23
vectorysre-su: read the manual?17:23
escottsre-su, try fsck.ext4 -b 32768 /dev/sda3. if nothing works then go back to fsck.ext4 /dev/sda3 say yes and hope for the best. any files you were writing at the time of the failure may be corrupted17:24
rationalOgrecypha``: Because typically root has permission to write to a file. But if it's read-only for root then it won't have permission to.17:24
user_dr_willis_: it's a xfs file type..17:24
dr_willis_user_,  then where is the ///192.xx.xx/data comming from?17:24
LoookHi everyone, I have a huge problem ... I am running Natty, and when I use my notebook in accu mode, for some weird reason my fan keeps shutting down, which acutally is, well call it really bad17:24
rationalOgreuser_: Still fighting with it? :(17:24
escottsre-su, just double check that your have the correct partition. and if you had a spare backup drive I would recomment imaging your partition before doing anything17:24
sylvaniacypha: thanks for you questions17:24
UbunutLOL, I think I have one gangsta directory!! As a user with no suprior privallages, I can `ls` it. However, as I root, I cant; Permittion denied!!  Can someone tell me how this is originated?17:25
doc-donkeyhello again ! i run a old quadcore 2.4 and under ubuntu's throttling my cores temp goes up to 57-58 degree. is that too high ?17:25
cypha``rationalOgre, aah, good explanation17:25
theadminUbunut: Does root have +x permissions on it?17:25
Loookanyone has an idea?17:25
user_dr_willis_: it's a local network device. IP is correct and UNC is also correct including caps.17:25
BustinI'm having a problem enabling bluetooth, im on Ubuntu 11.04 - can anyone assist me? (I'm a noob to linux) Thanks17:25
escottuser_, how can you mount xfs over an ip address. dont you need nfs or somehting17:25
Ubunuttheadmin: dr-x------ is what ls says17:26
user_rationalOgre: Oh yes :(17:26
cypha``rationalOgre, can I create an alias for editing root readonly files?17:26
sre-suescott: http://pastebin.com/ibJJXqvg17:26
theadminUbunut: Well, chmod a+x that_folder, and you will be able to ls it as root17:26
aliboHello, I have a ubuntu 10.4 system that did not get any updates for a long time (1.5 years). Is the best way to update it do a apt-get update; apt-get upgrade and then dist upgrade?17:26
Abhijitdoc-donkey, try lighter versions of ubuntu e.g. xubuntu or lubuntu17:26
sre-suescott: I guess I'm using the command on correct filesystem ..17:26
user_escott: you tell me? I hope you now more than I do.17:27
p0op-my box stops X seems to fail on start up17:27
user_dr_willis_: I can mount by clicking it.. Can we do that then revirse engineer that?17:27
p0op-it just stays at terminal login screen and xorg log reports there are no usable screens17:27
Ubunuttheadmin: That's not my problem, I want to know how can root be denied! The only way I can think of is that I remove root permition for that dir as a root!17:28
macoUbunut: if the partition is mounted read-only, root can't write to it17:28
doc-donkeyAbhijit: so my temps are high ?17:28
theadminUbunut: Yes, permission can be denied for root, however that's no big deal since root can always chmod it to what she/he wants17:28
rationalOgrecypha``: You could if you wanted to. alias something='sudo chmod u+w $1 && vim $1 && chmod u-x $1'17:28
BustinCan anyone help me configure and get bluetooth going on my laptop - I'm running ubuntu 11.04 and can't stand using this trackpad . Would love to get my BT mouse going - thanks17:28
macoUbunut: likewise if the filesystem attributes for a file include "immutable" root can't modify the file either17:28
sre-suescott: Well, $ sudo fsck.ext4 -b 32768 /dev/sda3 gives Superblock has an invalid journal (inode 8). Clear<y>?17:28
rationalOgrethen you would use it like $ something filename.ext17:28
dr_willis_user_,  so its being shared by what service?    i cant recall ever seeing xfs used that way17:29
rationalOgrecypha``: Sorry it would need to be sudo vim $117:29
escottsre-su, i think there is only one journal if thats corrupted there is no backup.17:29
Ubunuttheadmin, maco: hmmm, interesting! Thanks guys. :)17:29
escottuser_, the buffalo nas will export a samba or CIFS interface. i think thats what you need to connect to17:29
cypha``rationalOgre, no disclaimer about bad practice? :)17:30
escottuser_, change xfs to cifs17:30
dr_willis_user_,  you are accessing it vya the network -> type address whats the url to it?  ctrl-l to show the address of the file manager once you are in a dir on the gizmo17:30
sre-suescott: What about just reinstalling grub than doing fsck?17:30
cypha``why sudo vim if it's already made writable?17:30
rationalOgrecypha``: Meh, it's probably a bad idea to edit readonly files, but I always look at it as "it's your system, muck with it as you please".17:30
theadmindr_willis_: Oh, is that how you call the location entry in nautilus now? I remember there used to be a pencil button17:30
dr_willis_user_,  like escott  is saying.. if its a SAMBA or NFS share - i dont think you  want to use the 'xfs' filetype.17:30
escottuser_, and login to the buffalo device and make sure that volume is shared. im also not certain that you have the correct path it should be //
dr_willis_theadmin,  i always set mine to salwys show17:30
rationalOgrecypha``: because if the file is chowned to root then the u+w is going to give root permission to write to it, not you.17:31
user_dr_willis_: Well the format on the drive says xfs but i don't remember the setting from before. It looks like a SAMBA share17:31
theadmindr_willis_: I use pcmanfm xD17:31
escottsre-su, that won't help if i understand what happened. sounds like grub is working but the grub.conf is on sda3 and it cant find that. so you get dumped to the minimal grub recovery shell17:31
dr_willis_user_,  if its a samab share - it dosent matter WHAT the actual drive is formated to.. your remote box sees it as a 'samba' share..17:31
cypha``rationalOgre, how I be given permission to write on it, without root?17:31
sre-suescott: Yes ..17:32
Abhijit_doc-donkey, no idea try in ##hardwre17:32
dr_willis_user_,  so you want cifs or smbfs i think to mount it that way17:32
escottuser_, another way you can do this is to mount the samba share with nautilus and then look at the output of "mount" it should tell you what to put in fstab17:32
dr_willis_escott,  it will be putting it in .gvfs i think. using the fuse stuff. so it may not show17:32
sre-su!info smbfs17:32
ubottusmbfs (source: cifs-utils): Common Internet File System utilities - compatibility package. In component main, is optional. Version 2:4.5-2 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB17:32
user_escott: Wrong FS Type17:33
user_dr_willis_: Wrong FS Type17:33
rationalOgrecypha``: if you really wanted to change "chmod u+w $1" to "chmod o+w $1"17:33
cypha``oh, gotcha17:33
rationalOgrecypha``: Just know that if you run this command on a file that is already writable it's going to strip write permission.17:33
LoookHello everyone .. I have the problem that my fan is stops when I use my notebook in accu mode ... how can I prevent that?17:34
rationalOgrecypha``: Oh, also change the u-w to o-w17:34
dr_willis_whats the url nautilus gives user_  somthing like smb://servername/sharename ?17:34
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents17:34
escottsre-su, the only thing i worry about is the what if that partition is not actually an ext4 partition but something else, in which case allowing fsck to make changes would be bad. its evidently a linux partition and if you used the default it would be ext417:34
dr_willis_theres some factoid on mounting windows shares permenetly17:34
rationalOgrecypha``: And it won't warn you if it is already writable.17:34
sre-suescott: I remember choosing ext4 while installtion17:34
escottsre-su, that and you may have some corruption if you delete the journal but you don't seem to have much choice17:34
JohnnyonFlameAnyone here recieved this message?17:35
dr_willis_  //servername/sharename  /media/mountname  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  017:35
rationalOgrecypha``: It's probably a "Bad Idea"(tm) to do this, but it's your system.17:35
escottsre-su, if you had a free 68gigs anywhere i would copy the disk image off17:35
user_my samba share works //
dr_willis_user_,  you must insrtall the smbfs package also17:35
BustinCan anyone please assist me with getting bluetooth going? I'm on ubuntu 11.04 and it's very important. Thank you.17:35
dr_willis_user_,  i always use the ip - rarely if ever the servername..  unles si set up the hosts file to map name->ip17:36
sre-suescott: Yes, I remember now running fsck as root with mounted fs from recovery mode as single user boot, couldn't help.. which is what follows the errors17:36
escottsre-su, yeah don't do that. always boot the livecd/install cd and run fsck from there17:37
cypha``rationalOgre, what's tm?  :)17:37
user_dr_willis_: YOU HIT IT !!!17:37
escottsre-su, if something like fsck or mount ever complains its absolutely crucial you listen to it17:37
rationalOgrecypha``: My silly little Trade Mark symbol.17:37
rationalOgrecypha``: me being silly17:38
sre-suescott: It was in recovery mode when this happened with the hardware failure, couldn't stop it!17:38
user_dr_willis_: but i have warning: Warning: mapping 'guest' to 'guest,sec=none'17:38
escottsre-su, you are in the livecd now right?17:38
sre-suescott: Yes17:38
G00053JohnnyonFlame: what msg ?17:38
user_dr_willis_: Warning: ignoring deprecated smbfs option 'codepage=unicode'17:38
dr_willis_i rarely use guest so no idea on tahat user_17:38
escottsre-su, you live, you learn, you get backups :)17:38
JohnnyonFlameG00053: forget, I was testing something17:38
JohnnyonFlamethanks anyways17:38
dr_willis_user_,  read that wiki page i posted.. it details  some errors.. cifs has changed stuff differntly then smbfs17:39
* G00053 forget17:39
sre-suescott: Even following this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#''grub>'' Prompt Booting won;t help?17:39
cypha``rationalOgre, it didn't work17:39
cypha``still can't edit the file17:39
cypha``sudo chmod u+w .bash_aliases && vim .bash_aliases && sudo chmod u-w .bash_aliases17:40
oktanayahi.... I'm a new bie, I have aproblem, I have install pg admin and snort but when I install every thing Always apear  "snort can;t....17:40
escottsre-su, no because grub needs files that are on sda317:40
bluegoonMy netbook doesnt remember anything!17:40
user_dr_willis_: did you write this wiki?17:40
cypha``sudo chmod u+w .bash_aliases && sudo vim .bash_aliases && sudo chmod u-w .bash_aliases17:40
dr_willis_user_,  nope.17:40
cypha``doesn't work either17:40
escottsre-su, and grub cannot fsck your partition, its not powerful enough17:40
sre-suescott: Not even grub-install after mounting17:40
escottsre-su, no grub-install puts grub in the mbr outside of sda3 and points it at files inside sda3. you don't want to mess with grub-install. you need to use fsck to fix sda317:41
rationalOgrecypha``: what's the output of ls -l .bash_aliases17:41
scarleoNatty has started crashing on me and when I finally log back in the panel with shortcuts on the left has lost all settings. It's a bit annoying, can't seee anything suspicious in the logs. Any known bugs?17:41
rationalOgrecypha``: Is this the .bash_alises in your home directory?17:41
cypha``-r--r--r-- 1 cypha cypha 14 2011-06-08 01:06 .bash_aliases17:42
jbwivguys, for the life of me, I can't get mysql-server-5.1 to install on natty. I once had it installed, but removed it. Now, when I try to install, the apt-get fails, and in /var/log/syslog I get "ERROR: 1064  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ALTER TABLE user ADD column Show_view_priv enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT ' at line 1". I've p17:42
jbwivremoved /var/lib/mysql and /etc/mysql, and more, but I just can't seem to get the install to work. any ideas?17:42
cypha``rationalOgre, yes it is17:42
rationalOgrecypha``: Oh, then just do chmod u+w .bash_alisases17:42
rationalOgrecypha``: You should always be able to write that anyway17:42
sre-suescott: So, you suggest backing up and following on Superblock has an invalid journal (inode 8). Clear<y>?  ..17:42
rationalOgrecypha``: check ls -l of it again to make sure it gave you write access17:42
escottsre-su, i think saying yes when fsck asks to remove the journal is your only option at this point. i would if possible make a backup of the disk image with dd (dd if=/dev/sda3 of=/some/file/on/some/other/drive)17:42
cypha``rationalOgre, is it cuz " "sudo chmod u+w .bash_aliases && sudo vim .bash_aliases && sudo chmod u-w .bash_aliases" already changed the permissions?17:43
escottsre-su, thats all i can think to do at this point17:43
user_rationalOgre: fixed, did you see17:43
escottsre-su, the dd backup will be there in case fsck can't recover and you lose anything valuable17:43
rationalOgreuser_: You got it?17:43
bluegoonBy default, is Ubuntu supposed to NOT save any power settings?17:43
dr_willis_cypha``,  try it one step at a timne, not using the &&     you may be getting some error.17:44
user_rationalOgre: Dr_willis got it. had to install samba17:44
rationalOgreuser_: Ah! For some reason I thought you had it installed already.17:44
rationalOgreuser_: It's always the simple things.17:44
rationalOgrecypha``: just run "chmod u+w .bash_aliases"17:45
rationalOgrecypha``: You don't need sudo at this point, the file is chowned to you17:45
rasfhi buddy17:46
cypha``rationalOgre, k, i'll give this a whirl17:46
dr_willis_user_,  that would help. :)17:46
rlyMy Xorg uses 100% CPU and I cannot even do Control-Alt-F1 to switch to another terminal.17:46
rationalOgreescott:  dd if=/dev/sda3 conv=sync,noerror bs=64k | gzip -c > /path/to/other/partition.img.gz :)17:46
escottrationalOgre, whats the rationale behind sync?17:48
sre-suthanks vectory escott17:49
rationalOgreescott: if the partition has sectors marked bad and dd isn't able to read them it will pad the bad sectors with NULLs17:50
vectorysre-su: did you fix it?17:51
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
sre-suescott: How did you come to figure of 68 GB fof backup from fdisk -l17:51
cypha``rationalOgre, it's doing weird stuff17:51
cypha``like it's not letting me type in vim normally17:51
rationalOgrecypha``: ?17:52
cypha``lines disappear, and then it doesn't let me type17:52
cypha``and then it says something about a buffer error at the bottom17:52
rationalOgrecypha``: What's the exact error?17:52
escottsre-su, calculating from the number of blocks assuming 4k blocks. it might not be right. rationalOgre pointed out you should gzip it  dd if=/dev/sda3 conv=sync,noerror bs=64k | gzip -c > /path/to/other/partition.img.gz17:52
rationalOgresre-su: Just make sure /path/to/other is a different hard drive competely17:53
cypha``rationalOgre, does vim have some key that needs to be pressed to allow editing of the file?17:53
cypha``cuz pressing "d" deletes the whole line17:53
rationalOgrecypha``: yes, i switches to input mode17:53
theadmincypha``: Not d, dd.17:53
rationalOgrecypha``: Yes it does17:53
theadmincypha``: Use nano if you have no idea how to use vim17:53
rationalOgrecypha``: Ahh well then just edit it with nano17:54
rationalOgrecypha``: You don't have to use vim17:54
cypha``how do I allow input?17:54
rationalOgrecypha``: hit I (you should see insert mode at the bottom)17:54
cypha``i like vim though, i don't mind learning it, seems pretty robust17:54
theadmincypha``: Hit i and start typing17:54
ikoniacypha``: there are plenty of docs on the net if you want to learn17:54
rationalOgrecypha``: Oh it is, it's amazing, just has a steep learning curve.17:54
cypha``'I' allowed for editing17:55
llutzcypha``: start "vimtutor"17:55
escottsre-su, and that you aren't writing the output to another /dev/sdX# because that would be bad17:55
Jordan_Ucypha``: run "vimtutor" for a great introduction to vim.17:55
rationalOgrecypha``: Just stay in insert mode and when you are ready to save hit ESC17:55
rationalOgrecypha``: then type :w17:55
theadmincypha``: When you're done, hit Esc, then type :wq and hit Enter17:55
rationalOgrecypha``: <colon>w17:55
escottsre-su, in the live cd you would have to mount the other drive and then write it to /media/partitionname/path/to/backup/partition.img.gz17:55
rationalOgretheadmin: that's write-quit. I was just showing him how to write.17:55
cypha``rationalOgre, for some reason, the alias I created isn't working17:56
theadminrationalOgre: Well yeah good point17:56
cypha``alias pyra='python $(which pydoc) $1'17:56
llutzcypha``: you cannot use cmdline options in aliases, use functions17:57
llutzcypha``: "$1" will be expanded when creating the alias, not when calling it17:57
cypha``llutz, not sure what you mean17:58
llutzcypha``: you cannot use cmdline arguments like $1 in aliases, use functions for that17:59
vectoryofc you can use options in aliases, maybe i missubderstand18:00
cypha``how do I use functions/18:00
vectoryfunction f () { echo $1 }18:01
llutzcypha``: adding a function to ~/.bashrc like this :       function pyra() { python $(which pydoc) "$1" ;}18:01
vectoryfunction f () { echo $1; }18:01
theadminllutz: I think it's either function x { ... } or x() { ... }18:01
theadminllutz: Not a weird combo of those18:02
llutztheadmin: where do you see that weird combo?18:02
theadminllutz: You just said: function pyra()18:02
theadminllutz: I doubt that is valid18:03
GunstI have a problem with a netbook pc. I just installed EasyPeasy, and the vesa graphics driver is used, not the intel one. How can it be solved? Apologies for asking for help with another distro18:03
NickkkkkQuick question.18:03
NickkkkkWhat is the version of ubuntu I'm using called?18:03
NickkkkkIt's 10.1018:03
KolakCCnatty? o_o18:03
theadminNickkkkk: Maverick18:04
NickkkkkLike Interpid Ibex18:04
bad_advice_guymaverock meercat?18:04
KolakCCDon't take it from me :D18:04
cypha``theadmin, so what should I be putting instead?18:04
NickkkkkMaverick Meercat.18:04
guampamaverick meerkat18:04
getjekNickkkk: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+10.1018:04
llutztheadmin: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/functions.html18:04
cypha``llutz, it didn't work18:04
cypha``says command not found18:04
GunstSystem > About Ubuntu18:05
ikoniagetjek: don't give people lmgtft that you - give them the answer or advice,18:05
Loookhi, can anyone tell me how to disable the usb autosuspend18:05
GunstTakes ages to start tho18:05
escottcypha``, did you source .basrc after adding it18:05
getjekikonia: what about teaching a man to fish? :)18:05
cypha``escott , no18:05
ikoniagetjek: that's not teaching anything, that's just giving someone a url18:05
escottthen "source .bashrc" or ". .bashrc" same thing18:05
GunstI have a problem with a netbook pc. I just installed EasyPeasy, and the vesa graphics driver is used, not the intel one. How can it be solved? Apologies for asking for help with another distro.18:06
littlebearzgetjek: if you teach them to fish then they will starve, the law here says you can't fish XD18:06
escottcypha``, probably better to say source ~/.bashrc18:06
Hazamonzowhy might i not be able to find java6 when i use apt-get install ?18:06
getjekikonia: If that's the policy here, i'm happy to abide. I just think learning to search is a great tool.18:06
NickkkkkBleh. my ipod is eff'd then.18:06
NickkkkkNo chance of me fixing it.18:06
ikoniagetjek: then explain how to use google/search times, rather than hand a url18:06
Nickkkkkbecause it's bricked.18:06
ikoniagetjek: search terms sorry18:06
getjekikonia: Search terms in GET params! but w/e, I get your point, sorry.18:07
ikoniagetjek: certainly not a problem at all18:07
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rizzehGunst: /join #easypeasy18:09
cypha``works great, thanks escott, llutz, theadmin :)18:09
theadmincypha``: No probs18:09
Gunstrizzeh, Yeah, thanks, I did find that chan - it is silent18:10
rizzehGunst: just idle in there , ppl might be on other side of the globe, sleeping..18:11
=== cypha`` is now known as cypha
theadmingetjek: cat18:11
getjekWoops, sorry. Trying to learn irssi. :p18:11
tucemiuxgetjek: try #irssi18:12
getjektucemiux: Thanks, you can tell I'm having some issues? :)18:12
jbwivwhen I try to start mysql, I get "start: Job failed to start". Where does Upstart log errors? There appears to be nothing in /var/log/mysql18:13
jbwivand in /var/log/syslog I get init: mysql pre-start process (11575) terminated with status 118:13
slack-mhey if running a vm, would it be bad to mount the same lvm in the host and guest at the same time?18:14
escottjbwiv, what is in the mysql prestart the script is in /etc/init/mysql....18:14
yodelbobI'm having trouble... I started getting an authentication error when trying su, and so I went into recover mode, and reset the password, hit exit, but I can't shutdown as it asks for a password as 'wisp' which puts me into my usual user self, but then I can't shutdown without a password, which fails to authenticate!18:14
escott!root | yodelbob su won't work you must sudo18:14
ubottuyodelbob su won't work you must sudo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:15
theadmin"there is no spoon", huh ubottu? xD18:15
kermitIs it possible to get GLX working with an ATI 6470M?18:15
vectoryyodelbob: did you do sudo su?18:15
jbwivescott: ah, cool. thanks. that'll help track it down18:15
rlyescott: funny, I do use su :)18:16
Loookhi, can anyone tell me how to disable the usb autosuspend???18:16
yodelbobawesome!  thx!  everything works!18:17
atatrais flash here?18:19
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theadminatatra: Nah, it's at adobe.com18:19
rationalOgreLoook: do you want to disable it for all usb devices or per-device?18:19
Loookfor all18:19
atatrai mean flash, the person18:19
Loookrational0gre: for all of them18:19
MattyLadHello, can someone please help me to change the boot order for grub in 11.4 ?18:20
escottyodelbob, you may want to redisable your root password with sudo passwd -dl root18:20
theadminatatra: There's no such nick online18:20
atatraoh, thanks18:20
coz_MattyLad,   if no one can at this time here,, try  the #grub channel18:20
theadminatatra: /whois helps you know18:20
escottMattyLad, /etc/default/grub modify that and rerun grub-mkconfig18:21
rationalOgreLoook: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=644978 Just make the autosuspend=1 line to be autosuspend=018:21
MattyLadI'm a noob - what is /etc/default/grub and how do I get to it?18:21
theadminMattyLad: 'tis a file, you get to it with your favorite text editor18:22
cyphaok, i'm looking retarded, what's a "shell" ?18:22
rationalOgrecypha: bash18:22
theadmincypha: It's bash, dash, zsh...18:22
escottMattyLad, its a file. open a terminal and type gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub18:22
rationalOgrecypha: your terminal18:22
macocypha: command line18:22
Flashtekatatra: hello18:22
shicouHello! Can anybody help me with policykit.... I've changed the password for user butwhen I start browser or empaty policykit asks me a password18:22
Flashtekatatra: wrong server.. ;-)18:22
cyphaok, apparently most people using python are on zsh18:22
atatrawhich one?18:22
Flashtekatatra: read zleap's config file ?18:23
escottMattyLad, the first option GRUB_DEFAULT is a number currently 0 you can put another entry in there and the entry in that position will become the boot default18:23
vandemarthis is fun.  I'm trying to help someone in another state debug a problem setting up a ubuntu computer that was working fine before.  Now it's connected through a new comcast cable internet connection and it's connected directly to a motorola speedstream. it doesn't seem to be getting a dhcp response.  any ideas?18:23
ceed^Hi, is there a way I can get Evolution 3 in Unity? Evolution 2.32 has a bug which is fixed in 3, so it would be great to be able to upgrade.18:23
jimmy51_i've got a bash script I would like to run on startup on my custom live CD. what init script do i need to edit to have it run automatically?18:23
MattyLadI have found and am editing the file - but what do I edit now?18:23
theadminceed^: gnome3 and it's parts break unity.18:23
jbwivguys, if I do a dpkg -L mysql-common, it shows it provides /etc/mysql/my.cnf. I've run the install, it says it completes fine, but there is still no /etc/mysql/my.cnf created. Any ideas what would cause this?18:24
Coreyvandemar: Bounce the modem, it caches MAC addresses.18:24
escottMattyLad, then you have to run sudo grub-mkconfig which will regenerate /boot/grub/grub.cfg (another text file). you can verify that the correct option is the default by inspecting that file18:24
MattyLadI have tried things like http://makingtheswitch.wordpress.com/2007/04/29/changing-grub-boot-order-to-boot-windows-xp-before-ubuntu/ however the file18:24
ceed^theadmin: I guess that's a now then? :) Do you know if this will change any time soon?18:24
theadminceed^: It doesn't have plans to change, sorry18:24
llutzMattyLad: that was grub1, doesn't work with grub2 which is in use now.18:24
Loookrational0gre: I needed -1 instead of 0 but it seems to work, thanks a lot ;-)18:24
ceed^theadmin: that means I will still have to live with the hopeless remote address book support in Evolution. Sigh..18:25
escottMattyLad, the actual boot entries are the lines beginning with menuentry. I think they are counted 0,1,2,3 but I'm not certain. you can always reboot and see if it has the default you want18:25
theadminceed^: How about switching to another mail client?18:26
rationalOgreLoook: Glad you got it.18:26
llutzMattyLad: if you want windows always being 1st entry in boot menu, "sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober  /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober && sudo update-grub"18:26
jimmy51_can i just name it zzzPostBootScript.sh, and run update-rc.d zzzPostBootScript.sh defaults 99 01 when i'm chrooted into my livecd build?18:26
MattyLadOK I can see GRUB_DEFAULT=0 - I have a win7 install too - I want to boot to that so will that be GRUB_DEFAULT=4 (I thinkits the 4th in the list) ?18:26
rcmaehlwhy is my terminal not autocompleteing with tab18:26
ceed^theadmin: use Evolution for years, i hate having to learn a new one. also, I know Evo works with our company groupware while Thunderbird for instance has problems.18:26
rationalOgrejimmy51_: You should be able to, yes.18:27
vandemarCorey: as in it won't give a dhcp response to more than one mac address?18:27
rationalOgrejimmy51_: Though you may want to take the .sh off the end.18:27
escottMattyLad, follow llutz with the mv command. otherwise the position of win7 will change in the future18:27
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jimmy51_rationalOgre: ok, thanks.  do you mean take the sh off the end of the file?18:27
rationalOgrejimmy51_: Yep, both the end of the file and the update-rc.d command18:27
theadminceed^: I see.18:27
Coreyvandemar: Not exactly, but close enough. :-)18:27
MattyLadllutz - I have done that - it did some processing - so now will it boot to win7?18:27
rationalOgrejimmy51_: You don't need it as long as you have a shebang at the beginning of the file.18:27
vectoryrcmaehl: depends on which term it is18:27
rationalOgrejimmy51_: And make sure the executable bit is set for it.18:28
vectorymore which shell18:28
jimmy51_rationalOgre: i've got #1 bin/bash as the first line.  ok.. so that and chmod +x on it before i seal it up.18:28
llutzMattyLad: the boot-menu should show w7 now in 1st place. "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg" to check18:28
escottMattyLad, change the GRUB_DEFAULT back to 0 rerun update-grub and then check that /etc/grub/grub.cfg has "set default 0" and the first menuitem is for windows18:29
rationalOgrejimmy51_: #!/usr/bin/env bash is more portable but nomatter.18:29
rcmaehlvectory: actually it does autocomplete but not for things like apt-get18:29
MattyLadExcellent! thank you - I'll reboot and try that- Ubuntu is great but I have so much that relies on Win7 including er indoors :)18:29
MattyLadthank you all.18:29
rationalOgrejimmy51_: Yeah, chmod +x it18:29
vectoryrcmaehl: what do you mean? "apt-get inst" doesnt autocomplete to install?18:30
rationalOgrejimmy51_: and don't forget to update-rc.d18:30
rcmaehlvectory: yeah18:30
vectoryit should by default when using bash18:30
rcmaehlvectory: nope18:30
rationalOgrejimmy51_: make an .img file of it and test it in vmware or qemu to be sure before burning it.18:30
escott!info bash-completion | rcmaehl make sure this is installed18:30
ubotturcmaehl make sure this is installed: bash-completion (source: bash-completion): programmable completion for the bash shell. In component main, is standard. Version 1:1.3-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 129 kB, installed size 1136 kB18:30
jimmy51_rationalOgre: no space between #! and /usr/bin/env?18:31
rcmaehlbash-completion is already the newest version.18:31
rationalOgrejimmy51_: I don't put one18:31
sc30317 hey all, I just bought a Z68 motherboard.  does Ubuntu have full support for this chipset yet?18:31
llutzjimmy51_: a "space" doesn't matter18:32
vectoryrcmaehl: did it work before?18:32
rcmaehlvectory: before I did a clean install18:32
jimmy51_rationalOgre: ok, cool.  i'm actually not burning it... i'm PXE booting it.  it's pretty slick!18:33
escottrcmaehl, put this in your .bashrc # enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable\n # this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile\n # sources /etc/bash.bashrc).\n if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then\n  . /etc/bash_completion\n fi\n18:33
rationalOgrejimmy51_: Nice.18:33
LowValueTargetany ssl/tls experts in here? :)18:34
LowValueTargetSSL_connect:error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A18:34
rcmaehlescott: I don't have a .bashrc18:34
tl1000s77Does anyone know where the icons for the "Lock Screen" and "Log Out user" are located?18:34
sc30317rcmaehl, yes you do have a .bashrc18:35
LowValueTarget^ Getting that when trying to connect to a TLS FTP server18:35
escottrcmaehl, you should, unless you removed it18:35
huslagewhat is the "blessed" cloud configuration going forward? is it Eucalyptus or OpenStack? on KVM or Xen?18:35
rcmaehlescott: http://pastebin.com/gbYY2tA018:35
escottrcmaehl, not sure how you managed that. copy and chown the files in /etc/skel to your ~18:37
getjekikonia: Could you please check your PMs?18:37
getjekikonia: thanks!18:38
AmpelbeinLowValueTarget: what do you get if you do "openssl s_client -connect SERVER:PORT"?18:38
LowValueTargetAmpelbein: 14551:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_clnt.c:601:18:39
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Oakhi, so after doing regular updates, the system cannot boot... just shows grub>18:42
Oakwhat happened?18:42
LowValueTargetAmpelbein: any ideas18:42
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: "openssl s_client -debug -connect SERVER:PORT"18:42
vectorytl1000s77: found the icons yet?18:42
LowValueTargetrationalOgre: CONNECTED(00000003)18:43
LowValueTarget14551:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_clnt.c:601:18:43
bullgard4What is the effect of pressing the key F12 in Compiz under GNOME 2.32.1?18:43
=== getjek is now known as getjek_
escott!grub | Oak sounds like grub is looking in the wrong place, follow this to reinstall grub18:43
ubottuOak sounds like grub is looking in the wrong place, follow this to reinstall grub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:43
vectorybullgard4: highlight window?18:43
=== getjek_ is now known as getjek
vectoryby your description in ubuntu-de18:43
RenaKunisakiis there a command that will "flush" swap back into physical RAM, without turning it off?18:43
bullgard4vectory: I do not know. I am an absolute neophyte in Compiz.18:43
vectorya what?18:44
vectoryand how is it important anyway?18:44
bullgard4vectory: I do not know. I am an absolute neophyte in Compiz.18:44
RenaKunisakiI know if I do swapoff/swapon, it'll move everything out of swap back into RAM, but that also means I have no swap for a moment18:44
tl1000s77vectory, no not yet18:44
Fuchsbullgard4: as I already stated in #ubuntu-de: probably group, but look in ccsm, it depends on the configuration18:44
AmpelbeinLowValueTarget: you sure it's an ssl enabled server?18:44
Fuchsbullgard4: ccsm has a search bar, on the left18:44
bullgard4vectory: It is important for me because there seems to be a side effect of the F12 key in my setup.18:45
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: did you set SSLEngine on for the vhost?18:45
escottRenaKunisaki, if there is anything it would be in /sys or /proc but i doubt it. sounds like a strange thing to do. you could try and adjust the swapiness parameters for the kernel18:45
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: In apache2.conf18:45
WXZhow can I stop a specific external hdd from auto-mounting on specific users?18:45
LowValueTargetrationalOgre: its TLS enabled FTP18:46
LowValueTargethappens on two remote servers18:46
LowValueTargetdont have access to remote servers18:46
LowValueTargetjust the client18:46
LowValueTargetbut two unaffiliated remote servers18:46
LowValueTargetpoints to something on the local system18:46
escottWXZ, you can remove those users from plugdev and they won't be able to use any external media, or you could add entries to fstab for those devices to mount them the way you want but no other18:46
bullgard4Fuchs: Your advise "to look in ccsm" is ambiguous. What file should I look up or scutinize?18:46
vectoryWXZ: in the /etc/fstab entry for the partition, use a group option and dont make these users part of that group18:47
Fuchsbullgard4: ccsm is not a file but an application, run it18:47
WXZescott: so turn off automounting in GVM and fstab the rest for specific users?18:47
WXZvectory: I really want one specific user to be able to access this drive18:47
vectorythen use the user option instead of group18:48
AmpelbeinLowValueTarget: can you disclose the hostnames?18:48
WXZvectory: but would I have to turn off automounting for the other users?18:48
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: that error from openssl is saying that the server is not responding using SSL, which points to a config error on their end.18:48
vectory/dev/ad4s2d        /var        ufs     rw              2       218:48
escottWXZ, I would add an fstab entry to mount the drive with permissions only for that user. that way if someone plugs in the device it mounts to their ownership18:48
rcmaehlvectory: and whoever else helped thx18:48
rcmaehlescott: thx18:48
LowValueTargetAmpelbein: unfortunately i am not at liberty.18:48
nmvictorI want to install compiz-dev but i get the error: compiz-dev : Depends: libgl1-mesa-dev but it is not going to be installed or libgl-dev18:49
nmvictoranyone experiencing the same problems18:49
vectorythe network icon doesnt show in my notification area anymore, what gives?18:49
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: Well, I could be wrong, but it would seem that they need to fix something on their end as their ftp daemons are not replying using SSL.18:50
nmvictorvectory: try to start nmapplet from the commandline18:50
vectoryi did18:50
vectorynothing happened18:50
Fuchsbullgard4: especially since I already told you twice that it is probably the group plugin  (the glow effect of it): it would have taken 2 minutes of your time, instead of asking and waiting for 30 minutes as you did here.18:50
vectorynm-applet that is18:50
LowValueTargetrationalOgre: well i get the bunk response from a server it works on18:50
MagicJI have installed a system from a known good thumbdrive - all looks good when I look at the disk EXCEPT that when I boot it just gives me a black screen - as though the boot record has not been written - this is repeatable on THAT machine18:50
DimmuRwhat's the default sudo password after install ubuntu?18:50
vectorynmvictor: says its already running18:51
nmvictornm-applet, the command must have been verbose enough, what did it say?18:51
WXZescott: but would I have to turn off automounting for all the users that I don't want to access that partition?18:51
soreau! root | DimmuR18:51
ubottuDimmuR: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:51
escott!grub | MagicJ i would chroot in and reinstall grub18:51
ubottuMagicJ i would chroot in and reinstall grub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:51
escottWXZ, I think all you need to do is remove them from plugdev18:51
vectorynmvictor: nm-applet says an instance is already running18:51
WXZescott: I don't want to though18:51
WXZI want them to have all the privileges they had before, just not for THAT partition18:52
vectoryWXZ, whats your current fstab line for the fs look like atm?18:52
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: "bunk response"?18:52
nmvictorvectory: well kill it first, pgrep nm-applet will return the PID nm-applet is running on, then use the command kill to terminate the running instance, kill <PID> , after that, try nm-applet command again18:52
escottWXZ, i think we have given you all the options we know18:52
LowValueTargetrationalOgre: the SSL connect errors from s_client18:52
vectorynmvictor: will that bring my inet connection down?18:53
nmvictorYou have to risk that18:53
nmvictorI guess18:53
escottWXZ, im not sure there would be any other options. anyone with physical access to the drive (which they would have for a usb drive) can do pretty much whatever they want with it18:53
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: Ah.18:53
nmvictorvectory: ^^18:53
vectoryi dont fear18:53
WXZyeah, that's what I was afraid of18:53
vectoryWXZ: escott: except if its encrypted18:53
WXZvectory: yes, that's what I was thinking18:54
bullgard4Fuchs: I have opened the program »CompizConfig Einstellungs-Manager«. I cannot find any F12 hint in it.18:54
WXZwhat if instead of changing the file system, I change the drive18:54
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: Well, s_client is a simple SSL/TLS client but you shouldn't be getting a SSL23 from it.18:54
WXZwould that work?18:54
vectoryWXZ: can sdtill be reformatted18:54
WXZwell yeah, but that won't happen18:54
nmvictorI cant install compiz-dev in Natty Narwhal, anyone with the same problem and a solution?18:54
Fuchsbullgard4: look in the group plugin, since this is the most probably plugin creating such a glow you are describing18:54
WXZjust want it to be a bit harder than plug-and-playing18:54
Fuchsbullgard4: if it isn't there, use the search bar on your left.18:54
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: What ftp client are you using?18:55
MagicJubottu:  tells me to install grub instead of grub2 on the system that will not boot - how do I do this18:55
ubottuMagicJ: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:55
LowValueTargetrationalOgre: lftp18:55
escottWXZ, if you encrypt it with ecryptfs and put the decryption key in only one users $HOME then you should be good18:55
nmvictorI cant install compiz-dev in Natty Narwhal, anyone with the same problem and a solution?18:55
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: What error does it give?18:55
zvacetgrub | MagicJ18:55
WXZescott: ok, thanks, I'll try that18:56
zvacet!grub | MagicJ18:56
ubottuMagicJ: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:56
escottWXZ, I always find dustin kirklands blogs helpful for understanding ecryptfs18:56
vectoryescott: where the point of enxrypting if you save the pw in plaintext ^^18:56
escottvectory, you wouldn't you would add the key to the keyring of the other users $HOME.18:57
vectoryoh, i dont use keyring, escott18:57
mabus44my sound in ubuntu is not working even though speakers give sound on testing them... Can anyonne help?18:58
mabus44my sound in ubuntu is not working even though speakers give sound on testing them... Can anyonne help? ..18:59
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: Still there?18:59
escottmabus44, are you sure its not working at all? could it be that one particular application is not working18:59
LowValueTargetrationalOgre: yes sorry19:00
mabus44escott: I tried in multiple players... no sound19:00
LowValueTargetjust hangs on login19:00
LowValueTargetverbose it hangs on ssl waiting for helo19:00
mabus44escott: Can u suggest me something to get out of this problem?19:01
vectorynmvictor: inet still works after killing nm-applet, maybe because im connected via dhclient?19:02
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: Meaning their server isn't responding.19:02
escottmabus44, thats very puzzling19:02
garrett__w/dinwo hide19:02
jimboi need skype :(19:02
mabus44escott: y soo?19:02
escottmabus44, im not really sure where to begin. checking that pulseaudio is running and that the applications are configured to use it19:02
Nobgul-BNCDo you have more then 1 sound card?19:03
vectorymabus44: check that alsamixer has turned up the volume19:03
bullgard4Fuchs: In the left-hand pane I pressed »Advanced Search«. That lead to a new "Filter" pane. I entered »Gruppe«. The right-hand pane shows now Preferences > Plugin=Skalieren and Gruppe=Alle|Binding. Binings lists 3 items: »Fensterauswahl für Fenstergruppe initiieren« for the screen it is »nothing«, for »mouse« it is disabled, and for keyboard it is disabled too. How can I infer the...19:03
bullgard4...effect of...19:03
Nobgul-BNCand or as escott, said check that the are using pulse19:03
bullgard4...a  F12 keypress from that?19:03
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: You could do "lftp set -a > current.txt" and "lftp set -d" default.txt then compare them side by side to see if there's any setting that looks bad.19:03
Linuxnewhi guys can anybody help me i cant make run a script shell dont know why it should however work if i type sh name.sh or sudo sh name.sh or?19:03
mabus44vectory: escott : i tried maximising all the volumes in alsamixer.... n how do u check abt pulseaudio?19:03
rationalOgreWoops lftp set -d > default.txt19:04
escottmabus44, well thats where it is weird. you would use the same sound preferences applet that confirmed things were working.19:04
escottmabus44, open up system monitor and see if anything called pulseaudio is running19:04
Linuxnewhi guys can anybody help me i cant make run a script shell dont know why it should however work if i type sh name.sh or sudo sh name.sh or?19:04
mabus44escott: kk.. trying19:05
garrett__Linuxnew: chmod +x whatever.sh; ./whatever.sh, presuming it's in your current directory.19:05
jrolland-ubuntuI bought an Acer Aspire with a Integrated Intel HD Graphics 2000 graphics card, and now when I go install Ubuntu, after the splash screen, I have a blank screen; help?19:05
ikoniamabus44: before you run it, what is it ?19:05
escottLinuxnew, shebang #!/bin/bash on the first line. then chmod +x and ./script.sh19:05
rationalOgreLowValueTarget: sorry lftp -c set -a|-d19:05
garrett__Linuxnew: alternatively, head -n 1 whatever.sh, and then use the binary name specified there to invoke the script.19:05
Linuxnewok thanks will try that19:05
garrett__Linuxnew: er, oh. you're trying to write a script, not run something you got. n/m19:05
ThraspicHey guys, when I use 'acpi' I get "Battery 0: Charging, 40%, 00:46:05 until charged".  Can I use grep to ONLY have the "40" appear and nothing else, including the percentage symbol?19:06
Linuxnewno trying to make it run didnt write it :)19:06
mabus44ikonia: escott :pulseaudio is running in status sleeping19:06
misjaGuys I tried to install Osu! (a beat game that requires Microsoft .NET) I installed .NET but if I start Osu! I get a window with that it dont work19:06
jrolland-ubuntuIs there anything I can do to get my graphics card to work with the installer?19:06
ikoniamisja: are you using wine ?19:06
misjaI tried with wine19:07
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  which card do you have?  in terminal     lspci | grep -i vga19:07
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jrolland-ubuntuHere is the link to the product: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1688310336919:07
ikoniamisja: ok, the guys in #winehq maybe able to offer a bit of advice/help19:07
misjawinetricks and wine program loader or something19:07
b0otI want to search through a bunch of text and find a number between () after the word INTEGER on the line that has the word wave on it19:07
b0otany idea how I might do this?19:07
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  still copy and paste that command inside a terminal window and paste the readout here19:07
jrolland-ubuntuWhat command? It's a link to the product specifications19:08
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,      lspci | grep -i vga19:08
=== Thraspic is now known as Swive
d3vic3apt-get dist-upgrade with problems :19:08
d3vic3E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.19:08
d3vic3E: Unable to correct dependencies19:08
Linuxnewthanks guys its working now :)19:08
jrolland-ubuntuI can't get any video on the installer19:08
jrolland-ubuntuSo I can't open a terminal19:08
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  ah I see  sorry19:09
jrolland-ubuntuThis really sucks19:09
jrolland-ubuntuThx anyway, coz_19:09
Xase_... how the hell am I supposed to make an uncompressed zip file on Ubuntu ? -_- ther'es no option for compression ratio, and it always comes out compressed with a ratio of a 16519:09
michael_ugh everything is crashing joy19:09
NewWorldb0ot:  cat your_file | grep wave | sed      <<<< then you'll need to research some sed :)19:09
rationalOgreLinuxnew: For future reference, a downloaded script needs to be made executable before it can be run from a shell19:09
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,   checking out the specs  from that link hold on19:09
oCeand3vic3: do you have 'held' packages?19:10
rationalOgreLinuxnew: The command garrett__ gave you set the executable flag.19:10
d3vic3oCean : yep19:10
iridiumzip -0 maybe Xase_ ?19:10
NewWorldXase_:  Compression ratio of 0?19:10
oCeand3vic3: that is probably the issue then19:10
tl1000s77does anyone know where the icons for the start menu live?19:10
escottmabus44, i just don't know what is happening. it could be permissions on the pulse audio socket or something that is making it so that applications are sending sound to pulse19:10
Xase_Let me try19:10
d3vic3oCean: ok, wbrb19:11
escottmabus44, if you have mplayer installed you could try mplayer -ao pulse somefile.mp3 and see if you get anything19:11
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,   from what I can tell that video chip should work,,,19:11
jrolland-ubuntuThx again, coz_19:11
mabus44escott: thanks you but is solved the prblem... thank you19:11
jrolland-ubuntuMaybe it's the monitor19:11
amitprakashHi.. while starting firestarter I am getting a Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..19:11
rationalOgretl1000s77: for which desktop? Unity? Gnome?19:11
amitprakashHow do I fix this?19:11
jimmy51_rationalOgre: is there an easy way to have a script called on boot only after an IP address is leased for sure?19:11
michael_love xkill.19:11
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,   well when you downloaded the iso image,, did you check the md5sums ?19:11
jrolland-ubuntuNo, I didn't19:12
NewWorldamitprakash:  Are you running firestarter as root?19:12
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  and  you downloaded the  ubuntu 11.04   yes19:12
amitprakashNewWorld, yes19:12
rationalOgrejimmy51_: I think you would need to use upstart at that point.19:12
jrolland-ubuntuI wanted to stay with LTS's19:12
m_fulderI want to send mail from my ubuntu server using an external SMTP what's the simplest/best package for this?19:12
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  ok let me check if 10.04 supports t hat chipset19:12
rationalOgrejimmy51_: It has mechanisms for starting services conditionally19:12
billybigriggerm_fulder, have you read the server guide?19:12
jrolland-ubuntuThanks you so much, coz_!19:13
[DIWMS]Hello All :D19:13
jrolland-ubuntuI thought I had checked it and it worked19:13
Xase_... goddangit...19:13
m_fulderbillybigrigger,  no which one do you mean?19:13
billybigriggerm_fulder, more specifically the email section....https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html19:14
rationalOgrejimmy51_: Alternatively, you could have your script detect if the IP address is leased yet, and if not, set itself to run in 30sec or 1m or whatever.19:14
jrolland-ubuntuHere is my monitor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682400929919:14
jimmy51_rationalOgre: that's what my WinPE based batch file did.... ipconfig and read the Default Gateway line.  if it was or 169.whatever it would wait 3 seconds and try again.19:14
rationalOgrejimmy51_: So why not do the same.19:15
jimmy51_rationalOgre: eh, before just repeating the 'windows way' i like to see if there's something slicker someone else has done19:15
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  looks like it is supported in the 2.6.33 kernel  and newer,, seems to be issues on lucid default19:16
rationalOgrejimmy51_: I'm sure there is, I know upstart is supposed to be slick like that.19:16
rationalOgrejimmy51_: If you don't mind investing the time to learn about upstart19:16
getjekWoops, trying to seach (and used to vi -- obviously, NOT used to irssi)... sorry.19:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:17
jimmy51_ rationalOgre: i'll keep it in mind.  for now, since it's PXE (lightweight) i'll probably just go the ipconfig parse route19:17
jimmy51_rationalOgre: err... ifconfig19:17
sitapea1337Good evening.19:17
jrolland-ubuntuOh, I see; is there anything I can do to run Lucid on it?19:17
amitprakashHi.. while starting firestarter I am getting a Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..How do I fix this?19:17
rationalOgrejimmy51_: hehe yeah, ifconfig19:17
sitapea1337I'm trying to install Ubuntu by Windows and I have downloaded ubuntu-10.04.2-alternate-amd64.iso. How can I make wubi.exe to use that iso? I have put it in the same directory, but it doesn't seem to "fetch" it.19:17
nmvictorMy apt-get is broken, I get this error if i try to do anything: E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/themelinux.com_themes_dists_themes_all_binary-i386_Packages19:18
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  mm  not sure,,  since it is not installed ,, I am not sure how to change the kernel before installation,, you could try using the minimal install cd to see if it will install first     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:18
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  this is NOT a live cd ,, but only a few megs to download,,, see if the system installs via this mini cd first19:19
LeeRockCan someone suggest an alternative to dcop for opening multiple tab in Terminal?19:19
bullfrog`I have an external hard drive I cannot mount. msg: Error Mounting: mount exited with exit code 1319:19
getjekLeeRock: Have you heard of terminator?19:19
getjekLeeRock: It's not in Terminal, but it's worth taking a look at.19:20
getjekLeeRock: Careful, version in default apt repo is a little behind I think.19:20
celthunderLeeRock: what terminal are you using? vte? gnome-terminal? konsole? rxvt?19:20
sitapea1337Any suggestions to my problem?19:20
LeeRockI was using dcop in a bash script19:20
coz_jrolland-ubuntu,  burn that then boot the system and hit enter  it should begin and walk you through the install,,, you will get to a point when  a list of installation options are given,, scroll down with the arrow button and tick the   ubuntu desktop with the "Space" bar NOT enter button19:20
getjekLeeRock: http://software.jessies.org/terminator/#downloads19:21
mindspiderDo any of you know what is causing this problem with CoD4? http://i.imgur.com/ilkpb.jpg19:21
oCeanmindspider: have you tried #winehq ?19:22
getjekmindspide: What version of Ubuntu?19:22
billybigriggeranyone tried to run duke nukem in wine yet?19:22
UbuntuQraidgh0st: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626740/19:22
vectorybillybigrigger: #wine?19:23
oCean!appdb | billybigrigger19:23
ubottubillybigrigger: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:23
billybigriggeroCean, thanks19:23
TuxOtakuhey, I have Ubuntu Natty Narwhal running on a Gateway LT20 netbook. Wireless is a broadcom BCM4312, but gnome says "wireless disabled by hardware switch"19:23
celthundersitapea1337: /query celthunder119:23
celthundersitapea1337: /query celthunder119:23
freq9is it possible to install ubuntu and encrypt the hdd after installation or do i need to set it up during the installation?19:23
celthundersitapea1337: oops sorry19:23
billybigriggeryour about as useful as #winehq19:23
sitapea1337Right :D19:24
eb3ha4elany recommended software for hotkey binding?19:24
UbuntuQraidghOst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626740/19:24
mindspiderSorry for not replying to those of you trying to help19:24
BlouBloufreq9: It can be done after installation19:24
UbuntuQraidghOst: thank you19:24
mindspiderI'm currently trying out stuff that people in #winehq recommended. Didn't mean to ignore you.19:24
rationalOgresitapea1337: either burn the iso to cd or mount it in windows somehow and on the root of the folder will be a wubi.exe19:24
BlouBloufreq9: But ubuntu doesn't encrypt the whole HDD, it only encrypts your home folder19:24
rationalOgresitapea1337: Run that wubi.exe and it will use the files from the cd to install19:25
arif-alidoes anyone know if we are getting a 3.0.0 kernel for natty by any chance, I have tried the latest snapshot from mainline, and that now has started to have dependancies that are not in natty, but in oneiric19:25
freq9BlouBlou: this was my next question :D19:25
eb3ha4elAny recommended software for hotkey bindings?19:25
sitapea1337rationalOgre - thanks19:25
freq9BlouBlou: if i want to encrypt the whole hdd i need to set it up before/during installation?19:25
sitapea1337I see it now :)19:25
NewWorldeb3ha4el:  xbindkeys19:26
BlouBloufreq9: I woudln't recommend doing it, but I think no19:26
eb3ha4elNewWorld: fantastic, thanks19:26
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)19:26
BlouBloufreq9: errr, I mean, it can be done after installation19:26
CppIsWeirdone of my vm's is on ubuntu 10.04, i do a do-release-upgrade and it says theres no new releases found. what gives?19:27
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds19:27
bullgard4If I press F12 in Compiz Natty GNOME 2, the window having the focus will be surrounded by some kind of a gloriole. What is this supposed to mean?19:27
mindspiderIssue fixed. Thanks to everyone that offered help.19:27
pythonedHello, I have a 250 gb hdd. I installed ubuntu but now I need to resize the partition because I want to install windows too. How do I do that?19:27
jrolland-ubuntucoz_, should I boot into windows before starting the minimal cd or should I try to boot from the minimal cd?19:28
freq9BlouBlou: i have the new laptop but i am still undecided if i want to set up a whole hdd encryption or if i only want the home folder to be encrypted.19:28
BlouBloufreq9: Read this if before doing anything >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto19:28
pythonedI searched on google but I find only websites filled with adsense and spam. Nothing relevant..19:28
bullgard4pythonerd: Use a Live CD and GParted on it.19:28
Corey!gparted | pythoned19:28
ubottupythoned: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:28
gnewb!partition | pythoned19:28
ubottupythoned: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:28
BlouBloufreq9: Personally, I'd recommend doing it to your home folder only19:28
NewWorldpythoned:  Resize how? Make it smaller or bigger. Gparted does a very stupid thing that some other partitioners don't do, so I'd like to warn you if it's relevant19:29
freq9BlouBlou: performance? problem with usb-sticks?19:29
pythonedNewWorld,  Well I want from those 230gb the partition has to make a partition of 60gb.19:29
BlouBloufreq9: I never tried running an ubuntu with the whole HDD encrypted, but if you mean just with the home folder encrypted, it works really fast, and I don't have any problems with usb-sticks19:30
pythonedNewWorld,  Everything is on one partition right now...it was recommended by Ubuntu when I installed it.(for beginners).19:30
freq9BlouBlou: brrr :D the problem with usb-sticks is related to the keyfile, not to encryption at all19:31
BlouBlouI don't know then19:31
NewWorldpythoned:  It'll be fine I think, but Gparted does very dumb things... I just can't remember all the details, sorry. Anyway those dumb things aren't terrible, just annoying19:33
rationalOgrepythoned: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2010/05/06/install-windows-after-ubuntu-lucid-lynx/19:33
rationalOgrepythoned: The general technique will work for really any version of ubuntu19:34
freq9BlouBlou: okay, thanks for your help ;) will read your mentioned article and will then (or after reading some more tutorials/howtos) decide if i'll encrypt the whole hdd or only the home folder.19:34
rationalOgrefreq9: Just know there are 'bugs" with whole hdd encryption.19:35
BlouBloufreq9: Great! :-) Feel free to ask if you have any question19:35
pythoned"Warning : this will ERASE ALL data on the entire disk/dev/sda" :| Doesn't gparted know how to resize?19:35
rationalOgrepythoned: http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/11/04/how-to-resize-linux-partitions-using-gparted/19:36
freq9rationalOgre: this is one of the reasons i am still undecided about encrypting the whole system or only my home folder.19:36
pythonedrationalOgre,  Thank you19:36
Megalowwwwhi everyone, I'm monitoring some programs on my pc lately and I've been using nethogs for a while but playing abit with the software center I found gufw, I noticed that once started the GUI also lists all the connections made in real time, now i need some security informations or just opinions about their usage, according to you which one would be better to use security wise? (assuming im in a hostile environment)19:37
tomekhhi. where I can edit options for xorg? i guess not /etc/X11/xorg.conf - what file now handles that settings?19:37
rationalOgrepythoned: Make sure you shrink so that the new partition is at the beginning of the drive.19:37
pythonedrationalOgre,  Ok19:37
rationalOgrepythoned: It needs to show up as the first partition for windows19:37
UbuntuQafter using Bleachbit, this happened, http://uploadpic.org/v.php?img=btVAMoMIvS, anyone knows how to fix it?!19:37
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Reboot19:39
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: So they can be recreated19:39
UbuntuQi did couple of times19:39
sitapea1337rationalOgre - it seems like I have been mistaken.19:39
sitapea1337There is no wubi.exe in my downloaded iso.19:40
sitapea1337And I have no idea how I can make wubi.exe fetch my iso - some command maybe?19:40
aguitelanyone use lenovo G560 notebook?19:40
tomekhwhere i can edit xorg settings? editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf takes no effects!19:40
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=== wise_man is now known as wise_man_
UbuntuQrationalOgre: when i open the log viewer form root it doesn't show this message though.19:41
bullgard4If I press F12 in Compiz Natty GNOME 2, the window having the focus will be surrounded by some kind of a gloriole. What is this supposed to mean?19:41
Megalowwwwhi everyone, I'm monitoring some programs on my pc lately and I've been using nethogs for a while but playing abit with the software center I found gufw, I noticed that once started the GUI also lists all the connections made in real time, now i need some security informations or just opinions about their usage, according to you which one would be better to use security wise? (assuming im in a hostile environment)19:42
rationalOgresitapea1337: Just says it has to be in the same folder and has to be a plain desktop ISO, not one of the alternative cd's19:42
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: Hrm. No clue. I've never used bitbleach.19:42
OsmodivsHello. Is there an Ubuntu program that can convert subtitles files .idx to .srt? so VLC can read them?19:42
pseudonymousanyone know of a guide for using UCK (the ubuntu customization kit)'s CLI scripts only ? The project has *zero* documentation and I'd like to use the ubuntu mini image (claims to be made for the purposes of customization - doesn't document how to do so with UCK either) -- kinda bummed that people make something and can't be arsed to write documentation -_-19:42
sitapea1337Why I can't install alternative by wubi?19:43
celthunderMegalowwww: gufw and nethogs do two different things19:43
UbuntuQrationalOgre: alright, thanks for helping before fo cleaning the Boot.log though, you're awesome.19:43
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: You're welcome.19:44
Megalowwwwcelthunder: of course they do but i noticed that gufw also lists connections, that would be pretty eye candy too, doesnt gufw also list the program (or pid) using it?19:44
rationalOgreUbuntuQ: and thanks. :)19:44
celthunderMegalowwww: gufw manages your firewall nethogs displayes trafic used by each process19:44
UbuntuQrationalOgre: :)19:45
Megalowwwwcelthunder: i know that i had just noticed that one of gufw features is also display connections and was asking if it was safe to use it instead of nethogs19:45
celthunderMegalowwww: uhm that's up to you then and how you want the connections displayed/sorted.  the bdest tool i've seen for that overall is netstat19:45
rafidpkg can not find db-man, anyone can help me ?19:46
rafihow to reinstall db-man19:46
oCeanrafi: package is called man-db19:46
rafibut i can't install anything, always dpkg error19:47
rafii know but it's not remove my problem19:47
pseudonymousbump for any documentation on using the individual scripts of UCK (ubuntu customization kit)19:48
oCeanpseudonymous: you've been here http://uck.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/uck/trunk/uck/docs/html/index.html ?19:49
OsmodivsHello. Is there an Ubuntu program that can convert subtitles files .idx to .srt? so VLC can read them?19:50
vandemarCorey: can you briefly elaborate how the motorola cable modem caches mac addresses?  I found messages on some web forums indicating it is picky about handing out dhcp addresses, but no explanation on why... if the surfboard just runs a compliant dhcp server it should be handing out ip addresses to anyone who asks, but evidently that isn't the case?19:50
pseudonymousoCean: yea, I have. It's not worth a whole not either. Essentially that documentation boils down to "run uck-gui - otherwise I made these scripts, uck-* -- I call them, you could too" no mention of order or what does what19:51
vandemardoesn't really help that the surfboard manual is complete crap, gives no technically useful information at all19:52
=== anuvrat_ is now known as anuvrat
escottvandemar, they used to have this crazy idea that only one computer should ever be allowed to connect to the modem, and you should buy another modem for a second computer. but nobody did that, instead they just put a router behind it. most routers will support mac address cloning on the WAn19:52
rationalOgrepseudonymous: you could try asking in #ubuntu-devel19:53
vandemarescott: sounds like what's happening, so the web forum messages I found suggest that leaving it unplugged long enough, like an hour, will let it start handing out dhcp addresses to a different mac... sound right?19:54
pseudonymousrationalOgre: hmm, I'll try that too then :) (Grr just annoyed at it atm)19:54
tortibHello, can someone help me get /etc/rc.local to work peroperly?  the execute permissions are set on /etc/rc.local, /etc/init.d/rc.local is set to run on level 2,3,4 & 5, yet when I boot my machine the commands i have specified in /etc/rc.local still do not run, can someone please help me out?19:54
rationalOgretortib: Did you run update-rc.d?19:54
tortibrationalOgre: well I used sysv-rc-conf and it shows that it's set to run on levels 2,3,4 & 5.19:55
escottvandemar, maybe it might be some technical limitation in the ppp connection the isp provides. its actually your mac that talks to the isps server the modem is in fact a true modem.19:55
OsmodivsHello. Is there an Ubuntu program that can convert subtitles files .idx to .srt? so VLC can read them?19:55
escottvandemar, if you dont want to wait that long you can most likely clone the mac address of the last computer to connect19:55
vandemarescott: cox cable :(19:56
Coreyvandemar: It's not compliant. :-)19:56
escottvandemar, i guess actually the cable modem does have a mac. best bet is to get yourself a router. they are cheap and will save you substantial difficulties in the future19:58
wise_man_this is not an answer19:59
rationalOgretortib: Did you follow through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto < that?19:59
escottvandemar, cox is just being obnoxious and instead of just authenticating your modem they are also authenticating the computer that connects to it20:00
OsmodivsHello. Is there an Ubuntu program that can convert subtitles files .idx to .srt? so VLC can read them?20:00
nmvictorIf someone cares to help, is compiz-dev installable in Natty Narwhal? Please HELP with this, its been giving me a headache for a week now20:01
vandemarescott: christ, figures.  also could be because the computer had a virtualbox vm running bridged... that probably didn't help20:01
escottvandemar, that shouldn't matter it should all be talking through the host20:02
bullgard4If I press F12 in Compiz Natty GNOME 2, the window having the focus will be surrounded by some kind of a gloriole. What is this supposed to mean?20:02
vandemarI've never even looked at traffic on the wire from a bridged virtualbox to know whether it uses the physical nic's mac20:02
escottvandemar, but i dont really know how those vm network stacks work20:03
vandemarbut I think the multiple dhcp lease requests might still be confusing the router20:03
celthundervandemar: escott it should use the vm's mac.20:03
vandemaryeah okay, so two separate macs and two separate dhcp requests probably fubar'd cox's dhcp server20:03
escottvandemar, then how does the host know what traffic is intended for guest and what for host?20:04
celthundervandemar: escott you can tell it to use the same mac as the host but i SERIOUSLY wouldn't do that...that'd be a good way to fuck up your networking20:04
oCeancelthunder: control the language please20:04
nmvictorIS compiz-dev PACKAGE INSTALLABLE IN UBUNTU 11.04? someone confirm this for me, PLEA....SE.20:04
celthunderescott: by mac/ip depending what layer of the network you're in (2 you're at mac 3 ip etc)20:04
hemikaHello can anyone please help me, i have dell studio 15, and just now installed 11.04, but wifi isn't working20:04
=== wise_man_ is now known as arabcoder
vandemarwhy oh why can't the cablemodem dhcp server / dhcp pass-through just WORK like every other dhcp server on the planet20:05
escottvandemar, i bet if you read the TOS they probably still have some ridiculous language that technically prohibits your putting a wireless lan behind the cable modem20:06
klownoCean, do you have profanity highlight you?  Just wondering, because I always see you catching profanity.20:06
nmvictorhemika: GOODluck finding help on this channel, I wonder what happened to the community, oor is theur another channel for newbies, discussions here seem very technical and its like newbie's questions are ignored20:06
oCeanklown: I have lots of highlights, yes20:06
MistuhKurtzanybody know why mt-dappd might not pick up on my MP3 files in my directory?20:06
MistuhKurtzI installed the mp3 tag library20:07
tigerplug292hi there, having some issues - had laptop with ONLY ubuntu, resize partition with GPARTED - worked fine20:07
rationalOgretortib: Get it sorted?20:07
celthundervandemar: btw i came in late what're you trying to do with your cable modem? just dhcp passthrough should be easy enough20:07
tigerplug292booted with XP and attempted to install, install failed on the new 10GB partition20:07
hemikanmvictor, i doubt that20:07
tigerplug292now I can't boot to Ubuntu20:07
tigerplug292I get  a "no bootable device" or similar20:07
klownnewbie questions are not ignored, but while your waiting for someone to help, most of them can be found with simple searches.20:07
tigerplug292on liveCD right now20:07
rationalOgretigerplug292: Rough. Did you copy out your bootsector before doing this?20:08
celthunderhemika: what chipset is your wireless card does it show up in lspci?20:08
trismnmvictor: yes, it is installable, you should pastebin the error you are getting20:08
tigerplug292I run 11.04 but I'm on 7.10 LiveCD - is there a way to repair grub?20:08
techdeskjoin / #ubuntu-es20:08
tigerplug292rationalOgre: no, I didn't do any additional steps20:08
hemikaklown, my problem ain't solved even after researching20:08
tigerplug292Windows - Everytime -A headache20:08
celthundernmvictor: ? i never saw your question but if it was reasonable someone would probably answer if they had one20:08
nmvictortrism: THANKS, Im on it!20:08
celthundertigerplug292: yeah20:08
tigerplug292rationalOgre: so I was running grub 2 afaik20:09
tigerplug292how can I fix things?20:09
tigerplug292tried to sudo grub20:09
tigerplug292 and20:09
klown!wireless | hemika20:09
ubottuhemika: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:09
klowndid you check there?20:09
rationalOgretigerplug292: Did you try holding shift while booting to see if you can get the grub2 menu to come up?20:09
nmvictorcelthunder: what do you mean reasonable? Like the way you sond? It wasn't that (un)reasonable.20:09
celthunderhemika: chipset? kernel module you're using?20:09
vandemarcelthunder: there's a computer connected directly to a motorola surfboard 5101 connected to cox cable.  There is link on the ethernet interface and packets are being passed both directions according to net statistics, but no dhcp response to the dhcp request.  There is also a winxp VM, bridged, and my current working theory is that the two mac addresses and/or two dhcp requests managed to screw up the dhcp server so it won't hand out addresses to either20:09
albackerso how do i update to 11.04 ?apparently dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade20:10
BlouBlou!upgrade | albacker20:10
ubottualbacker: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:10
hemikacelthunder, i am sorry ain't able to figure out even after typing in LSPCI20:10
celthunderhemika: pastebin lspci and ifconfig -a20:10
tigerplug292Is my install completely screwed? rationalOgre20:10
tigerplug292rationalOgre: I'll have to try that now :-(20:10
vandemarcelthunder: I have no way to know if dhcp was working on the host before the vm started, but now it's definitely not.20:10
tigerplug292need to move off liveCD obviously to book :-S20:10
WhatTheFlipI'm totally new with ubuntu, and I'd like to know if there's a way to costumize the sidebar. Other than just moving the position of the icons20:11
celthundervandemar: ok does static addressing work?20:11
albackerBlouBlou, well, isn't there a CL way?20:11
vandemarcelthunder: I don't know the gateway ip20:11
nmvictortrism: there you go: http://pastebin.com/gH3G7thv , hope you help me out of this20:11
hemikacelthunder, this is for lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/626780/20:11
celthundervandemar: also if it's a true modem (someone earlier said it was) then you can't use bridging...change that to nat20:12
aguitelanyone use lenovo G560 notebook with ubuntu ?20:12
BlouBloualbacker: obviusly, it is, but don't ask me for it, I don't know the command20:12
celthundervandemar: but either way one of the two should get a dhcp request20:12
escottcelthunder, vandemar its not i was wrong20:12
celthunderescott: ok20:12
vandemarcelthunder: one would think, but winxp was reporting no ip address as well20:12
celthundervandemar: xp at the very LEAST should report a 169 (useless) address20:13
mikeshultzWhat program catches the mounts in /media and puts them in Places and shortcuts on the desktop?  Is it just Nautilus?20:13
hemikathis is for ifconfig -a http://paste.ubuntu.com/626782/     celthunder20:13
trismnmvictor: pastebin: apt-cache policy compiz-dev libgl1-mesa-dev20:13
escottmikeshultz, gnome-volume-manager and its actually the reverse it creates the mounts and notifies nautilus20:13
nmvictortrism: should I run that?20:14
kurisuhi guys, does anyone know of a decent php/mysql finance system???20:14
trismnmvictor: yes, it just prints the versions of packages available and where they come from20:14
smwkurisu, define "finance"20:14
celthunderhemika: 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 01) is your wireless card20:14
mikeshultzescott: Not totally reverse, as it'll cath mounts already there.  In this case, we're trying to get it to 'see' autofs mounts that aren't mounted yet.  And thanks for the info.20:14
escottmikeshultz, gvfs-*-volume-manager20:14
vandemarcelthunder: that's what I mean... I didn't actually check the ip address last time I had that VM up, but it was reporting limited/no internet connectivity which I think (but didn't actually look) meant it had assigned a 169 ip20:15
celthundermikeshultz: i wouldn't use autofs....autofs is broken and outdated.20:15
arabcoderoff topic, but ask anyway20:15
mikeshultzescott: huh?20:15
kurisusmw: budgeting20:15
pipegeekIs there any way to specify (without including it in the package name), either directly in the yum command line or in yum.conf, which architecture it should assume when requested to install packages?  The default behavior of "install everything I can get my hands on" is frustrating.20:15
mikeshultzcelthunder: Other suggestions?  Managing mounts in fstab for 100 computers would be a pain.20:15
Picipipegeek: Ubuntu doesn't use yum.20:15
celthundervandemar: ok so what's the modem currently set to dhcp server, and ppp to the cable company?20:15
smwkurisu, why a web one? Why not a local one?20:15
pipegeekholy shit.  My sincere apologies; wrong channel20:16
celthundermikeshultz: udisks/devmon20:16
kurisusmw: I'm starting uni soon, so I want a way to plan and track all of my income/expenditure20:16
pipegeekgood call, Pici :)20:16
Picipipegeek: Thats fine, but mind the language please.20:16
escottmikeshultz, its not actually gnome-volume bug gvfs-something-volume there is a set of them in /usr/lib/gvfs20:16
pipegeekerr, sorry20:16
nmvictortrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626784/20:16
juxoSo before I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 my windows used to have borders in my windows and that bar that you can use to drag around or push one of the icons in the upper-righthand corner of the windows ... I used to use an outdated window decorator called "Emerald" .. I've now removed that but no avail .. any help would be appreciated. Oh, and it's a Xubuntu if that's of importance. The guys at #xubuntu haven't been able to help..20:16
vandemarcelthunder: it's a motorola surfboard.  it has basically zero configuration options.  afaik it does something, possibly ppp, to the cable company and runs a dhcp server locally20:16
smwkurisu, but why a web based one?20:16
nmvictortrism: there you go20:16
bullgard4If I press F12 in Compiz Natty GNOME 2, the window having the focus will be surrounded by some kind of a gloriole. What is this supposed to mean?20:16
mikeshultzescott: celthunder:  Thanks for the info, folks.20:16
hemikacelthunder, now what?20:16
celthunderhemika: load the broadcom kernel modules/install the broadcom firmware20:17
kurisusmw: I want a web one as I'm setting up a server for all of my uni content and code.... and I'm in the middle of creating a 'paranoid' backup system.... just thought it would be better to combine everything20:17
vandemarI think the best solution I will do in a few days is get a router and stick it behind the cable modem so I don't have to deal with the cable modem or its picky mac detection ever again20:17
fructoseI find it really annoying that I cannot drag windows above the top panel (or even on top of) the top panel. Is there any way to enable this?20:17
celthundervandemar: ok you gotta have a gui of some kind at minimum a web interface/telnet option...cna you get to it through either of those20:17
trismnmvictor: yes, you have a ppa with a version of compiz-dev that overrides the repo version, you should probably remove that ppa or talk to the ppa owner about fixing the dependencies20:17
kurisusmw: and easier to access data... where ever I am20:18
tigerplug292rationalOgre: well... that didn't work :-D20:18
celthundervandemar: also if you don't know what the gateway is are you SURE it's running a dhcp server?20:18
klownvandemar, not sure if its the case with this modem, but sometimes you can call your isp, and they will walk you through the modems config to turn off mac address filtering20:18
tigerplug292vandemar: what is the modem?20:19
kurisusmw: I've googled but the one's I've found seem to be half assed attempts20:19
hemikacelthunder, how do i basically do that? sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-soruce?20:19
vandemarmotorola surfboard 510120:19
tigerplug292anyone able to help out with a grub / boot issue after trying to install windows Failed20:19
smwkurisu, I do not believe there is a good one out there...20:19
celthundervandemar: are you sure it's running a dhcp server?20:19
kurisusmw: ah right... might be time to code it myself20:19
vandemaryes, it gave a dhcp address before when I had it local20:19
smwkurisu, if you do... make it a frontend to gnucash.20:20
smwkurisu, I want one badly :-P20:20
mikeshultzcelthunder: Wait, devmon?  For what purpose?20:20
kurisusmw: I'm already going to be coding the backup system my self so lot's of extra stuf to do before I start uni20:20
celthundermikeshultz: udisks tells devmon about the devices devmon mounts it you can mod it to mount how/where you want obviously20:20
smwkurisu, um... maybe you may want to look at tarsnap20:21
celthundermikeshultz: not what yo uwanted20:21
nmvictortrism: well, I should let you know that recently, I downgraded to compiz-0.8.6, but honestly, befor the downgrade, I was having the same error with compiz 0.9.4(or whatever version that ships with Natty) infact I had thought downgrading would fix the problem although my reason for downgrading was majorly to avoid the bugs I encountered with compiz 0.9.420:21
escottmikeshultz, udisks identifies the hotplug event and passes that to udev i didnt think it did the actual mounting, but celthunder seems to know more than i do20:21
kurisusmw: ok I'll look into it, gnucash does look good, but I really want it online20:21
kaustubhcan anyone tell me how can we resize home window?20:21
smwkurisu, all code is opensource20:21
kurisusmw: ok will do20:21
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
kurisusmw: thanks20:21
nit-wittigerplug292, you need a natty disc to fix natty's grub20:21
celthunderescott: udisks doesn't do mounting that's right20:21
quellhorstway offtopic, but has anyone setup a linux server for a fileserver for a windows network? curious if there is a gui you can give clients to access20:21
tigerplug292nit-wit - FUDGE :-S20:22
banker247_my liveCD stopped booting for some reason20:22
celthunderquellhorst: winscp20:22
banker247_gets to splash screen then hangs20:22
celthunderquiescens: or samba20:22
tigerplug292nit-wit: I could create a bootable natty USB stick using this livecd right?20:22
smwkurisu, tarsnap has alot of opensource code20:22
* quiescens blinks.20:22
nit-wittigerplug292, yes20:22
escottcelthunder, id love to actually understand how this all works. is there a good description of the process?20:22
nit-wittigerplug292, is it a natty cd?20:22
tigerplug292nit-wit: its a 7.10 cd20:23
kaustubhhow to resize window?20:24
tigerplug292nit-wit: is it possible to download and burn a cd while running from Live?20:24
tigerplug292guessing live is in memory?20:24
celthunderescott: i can probably find one20:24
nmvictortrism: in a nutshel, the problem is beyond the new PPA inclusion to my system. Infact, I posted this problem but dint get much help from ubuntuforums though someone had suggested that I might be having conflicting software sources. That was before the compiz downgrade and I kind of believed him coz I had done a dist-upgrade to Natty and not a clean install. Please dont abandon me and  my problem,20:24
evgenесть кто?20:24
FloodBot1evgen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
ribatejolusohi, something is pretty weird20:24
guntbert!ru | evgen20:24
ubottuevgen: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:24
quellhorstcelthunder: is there a decent samba web config? like they want different users to have access to different directories20:25
tigerplug292nit-wit: downloading the ISO20:25
ribatejolusoI don have any sound in natty on a laptop from a friend20:25
ribatejolusojust installed20:25
celthunderquellhorst: idk i don't use samba...and from what i've seen it looks pretty easy to do that20:25
evgenживые тута есть?)20:25
ribatejolusoI did run alsamixer20:25
tigerplug292nit-wit: is it an automated process? ie - is there a repair option when I have that CD?20:25
quellhorstcelthunder: ok thanks20:25
trismnmvictor: yes, there may indeed be other issues preventing the install as well, but the primary issue at the moment is the ppa20:25
maco!ru | evgen20:25
ubottuevgen: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:25
kurisusmw: tarsnap looks awesome... thanks.... I love the description 'Tarsnap - Online backups for the truly paranoid'20:26
nit-wittigerplug292, download the natty ISO load to a cd or thumb and follow this guide it defaults to loading grub2 from a live cd. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy%20LiveCD%20Files20:26
ribatejolusohda sis96620:27
nmvictortrism: should I revert the downgrade, I'll need to logout and back in, Do you care to wait?20:27
ribatejolusothat is my sound card20:27
tigerplug292nit-wit: thankyou20:27
trismnmvictor: yes, I will be here20:27
smwkurisu, that is why it sounded like what you were working on :-). Also, a fun page. http://www.tarsnap.com/bugbounty.html20:27
nit-wittigerplug292, 3 commands one to confirm the HD set up=sudo fdisk -l then two more to load gryb.20:27
kurisusmw: awesome... thnks20:27
nmvictortrism: thanks, get2u soon20:27
nit-wit*grub,  no pronlem.;)20:27
ribatejolusosudo lspci | grep Audio20:28
kurisusmw: I figure that the course is costing me £9000 for the 4 years.... therefore my data will be worth £9000.... and thats making me paranoid20:28
ribatejoluso00:0f.0 Audio device: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Azalia Audio Controller20:28
vandemartarsnap is awsome, the only problem is it's written and maintained by one person, ignoring that he's really smart and was the fbsd security officer, that's only one person who has an economic incentive to look at, improve, and fix the code.20:29
kurisusmw: I've lost alot of data in the past, and I definately dont want to loose any of my course data20:29
RealKillazHow can I install the ubuntu OS without an internet? Right now it keeps asking me to choose a mirror of the Ubuntu Archive.?20:30
FoppHi guys. Currently running ubuntu 11.04, but I want to reinstall it, start from scratch. I burned a disc to do so, but it only loads into trial mode without giving me installation options. anyone know what im doing wrong? thanks20:30
smwkurisu, dropbox20:30
kurisuvademar: thanks, smw already suggested it... looking inyo it now20:30
vandemarpersonally i just use either truecrypt containers or gnupg and then dropbox or direct backup to s320:30
celthunderRealKillaz: don't use the netinstall?20:30
smwkurisu, not exactly for the paranoid... but dropbox is dead simple :-P20:30
kurisusmw: I'm really paranoid20:31
smwkurisu, crashplan is also very good if you have more than the dropbox free tier20:31
=== roniez is now known as asksysguy
smwkurisu, then ignore everything I am saying :-P20:31
vandemardropbox is not secure, be sure to encrypt anything in your dropbox folder that you don't want them to be able to read.20:31
captainKanehey there, can somebody tell me how i open a new root(!) terminal window from a terminal window :)?20:31
smwkurisu, however, course work is not exactly secret :-P20:31
RealKillazcelthunder, Ok, buthow?20:31
hemikaWifi doesn't work after upgrading to ubuntu 11.04,hoow to resolve?20:31
smwcaptainKane, why?20:31
=== asksysguy is now known as AskSysOps
kurisusmw: im so paranoid that I'm planning a machine to automatically load/uload DVD's into a burner to make weekly hard copies.... EMP proof20:32
andaiI want to use flashcard software to memorize musical notation. For this i will need some musical notation :P  Should I use some kind of notation software and screenshot it?20:32
RealKillazcelthunder, I need the netboot.... but without internet20:32
=== arabcoder is now known as dr_Lao
vandemaralso there's a project called duplicity that uses gnupg and does full and incremental backups to another host (scp/sftp) or s320:32
vandemarit's really nice20:32
=== AskSysOps is now known as AskMarkGuy
captainKanesmw, it is an exercise from university (buffer overflow attack), but i have no clue how to open a new root terminal from an application which has already root rights :20:32
smwkurisu, you course work matters if erased by EMP because?20:32
celthunderRealKillaz: uhm then have a local mirror? idk pick either a normal install or netinstall but if yo upick NET INSTALL read the first word there...you need the internet you might be able to do a min install from it without internet not sure20:33
=== AskMarkGuy is now known as roniez
kurisusmp: just incase20:33
smwcaptainKane, ah, you need to -> export DISPLAY=':0'20:33
FoppHi guys. Currently running ubuntu 11.04, but I want to reinstall it, start from scratch. I burned a disc to do so, but it only loads into trial mode without giving me installation options. anyone know what im doing wrong? thanks20:33
kurisusmw: like I said... my data will be worth ~ £1000020:33
kurisusmw: don't want to loose it20:33
smwkurisu, never saw you say that! lol20:34
robin0800Fopp: hit space when it starts20:34
kurisusmw: oh right.... maybe you understand why I'm so paranoid now?20:34
Foppok ill try robin thans]20:35
ph8has anyone on natty been seeing flash crashing all over the place since a recent upgrade?20:35
ph8(in browser)20:35
nmvictortrism: The downgrade is still on, Just wanted to take this opportunity present this to you, http://paste.ubuntu.com/626793/ , i get that whanever I apt-get update/upgrade/install , Could you be knowing how to fix that?20:35
adam__can someone help me with a simple ubuntu terminal question, im stuck20:35
=== Flashtek is now known as Flashtek_zzZZ
jribadam__: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:35
smwkurisu, I just read why you think the coursework is worth 10,000 :-P20:36
smwkurisu, I disagree with your reasoning20:36
untitledwizHow can I set the compression level over ssh on the command line?20:36
adam__im a total noob, im navigating around and now whenever i type a command it just outputs two instances of it, i cant do anything20:36
tigerplug292nit-wit: whats the best way for me to create a bootable USB20:36
tigerplug292nit-wit: while on livecd - I have the files and the USB drive ready to go20:36
aguitelanyone use lenovo G560 notebook with ubuntu ?20:37
adam__its like im stuck in a typing mode20:37
trismnmvictor: you must have installed a version of ffmpeg from somewhere that uses an invalid version string (it starts with a letter), it may not be a big issue because it is only a warning20:37
=== james is now known as Guest88612
tqno, but i use a b570 which i think is similar20:38
kurisusmw: why's that.... If I have an assignment, my dissertation for example, and my hard drive dies then I fail.... that would be £10000 wasted20:38
untitledwizHow can I set the compression level over ssh on the command line?20:38
fructoseIs there any way I can enable dragging windows above the top panel?20:38
kermithttp://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 says my wireless card isnt supported.. is there a different way to get it to work, like with an NDIS wrapper maybe?20:38
tqaguitel: no, but i use a b570 which i think is similar20:38
adam__anyone have a suggestion?20:39
nit-wittigerplug292, you downloaded the Natty ISO download unetbootin to load the thumb.  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/   I am going to assume that this will work on that old of a cd.20:39
genii-arounduntitledwiz: I believe like: ssh -C -o CompressionLevel#   where # is 1-920:39
nmvictortrism: yea, but its quite a bother especially whn you are following the apt-get process. Isnt their a way to do away with it?20:39
smwkurisu, yes, which requires backups (like dropbox)...20:39
aguiteltq, with 10.04 touchpad is not working20:39
celthundertigerplug292: see othe rchan20:39
smwkurisu, not paranoia.20:39
smwkurisu, but whatever you want :-P20:39
kurisusmw: I figure with that much relying on my data that I'm allowed to be a bit paranoid20:40
tensegTrying to mount an external  harddrive  that used to work, but now I get an error message. Any suggestions?20:40
tqaguitel: ah, i've only tried it with 11.0420:40
kurisusmw: I want to be paranoid:-P20:40
aguiteltq, no 10.10?20:40
smwkurisu, I can understand that :-P20:40
untitledwizgenii-around: thanks - I'll give that a try!20:40
adam__when i type it just copies it twice, it doesnt let me run commands, how do i get out of that20:40
rahduke3lil help please, how do i gain full control over an existing media drive on a fresh ubuntu install. The folder is located at /media/bigdrive I want to own it, be able to read write and execute..... i cant remember if its chmod or chown I know I have to use -R for recursive but I just cant remmeber the correct commands20:40
kurisusmw: but thanks for the suggestions... I'm sure it will help20:41
klownencrypt it, place it on dropbox, find a thumbdrive, and place it on a cd.  thats about as paranoid as I can get20:41
tqaguitel: i think it worked in 10.10 as i upgraded to 11.04 from a 10.10 install20:41
kurisuklown: pretty much what I want to do.... but I want to take the human (my) error out of the equation20:41
robin0800adam__: trr ctrl+c20:42
aguiteltq, what is the name of the branded touchpad?20:42
adam__robin: thanks lol20:42
klownkurisu,  then give up :P  there is always a chance to mess something up20:42
kurisuklown: im a bit forgetful... need all of my brainpower learning not remembering to backup20:42
nmvictortrism: think Im gonna have to log out then back in to commit the changes. C us soon.20:42
aguiteltq, lspci20:42
kurisuklown: give up?!?!?!  giive up what?20:43
trismnmvictor: probably just remove the ffmpeg package with the error, but if you want me to look closer, pastebin: head -n 22200 /var/lib/dpkg/status | tail -n 200;20:43
kurisuklown: my course or he backup system?20:43
nmvictortrism: ok20:43
chicognushutdown is in fact rebooting my system IF and only IF my wireless network card is active.  How I report it as a bug ?20:43
aguiteltq, |this is my model:http://www.baidat.com.ar/images/productos/13G555.jpg20:44
aguitelLenovo G560 (0679-BCY), Intel Pentium Dual Core P6200 2.13GHz, 15.6" HD LED, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, CDRW / DVDRW, Ethernet, WiFi, Webcam, Teclado Numèrico, Free DOS20:44
klownkurisu, I was kidding.  I'm not good at scripting or id help you out, but a script to encrypt the file, then check to see if its been encrypted (file with date is a good way) then move it to a dropbox folder on your system would work fine.20:44
bullgard4If I press F12 in Compiz Natty GNOME 2, the window having the focus will be surrounded by some kind of a gloriole. What is this supposed to mean?20:44
tqaguitel: under X it comes up as a SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad here20:44
nmvictortrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626800/ their, see you in a min.20:45
aguiteltq, what is the video card?20:45
rahduke3yea so I just installed a new SSD, and did a fresh install of 11.04 so I have an existing drive i use for media.... I need to get permissions to read/write ect.... its located @ /media/bigdrive can anyone help me out with the command???20:45
andaivandemar: do dropbox employees snoop around user files when they are bored? :D20:46
aeon-ltdwhat is the difficulty measured in?20:46
BooBoodeeeek, I did booboo20:47
BooBoodsomeone help me here, im on here via liveCD.. I accidently deleted all my remaining kernels (only meant to remove 5) and now I cannot boot as normal20:47
tqaguitel: Intel Sandybridge- i915 i think20:47
gnewbbullgard4: Maybe here:>https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/77487020:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 774870 in Ubuntu "Alt-F11 and Alt-F12 keybindings no longer work (dup-of: 772242)" [Undecided,New]20:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 772242 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcut combinations using F11 and F12 do not work as expected" [Medium,Triaged]20:48
ironicumBooBood : chroot into your system and reinstall a kernel20:48
usr13BooBood: apt-cache search linux-image20:48
oleja_UKRAINEçäåñü åñòü Ðóññêèå áðàòüÿ??20:49
BooBoodironicum: yea, its hardly a noob friendly thing that, have you read any decent tutorials?20:49
nit-witoleja_UKRAINE, this is an english channel20:50
ironicumBooBood: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/20:50
coz_this is not ukranian   it doesn even make sense20:50
jakei updated Ubuntu to the newest update and it want make it run faster how should i do that with out uninstalling a bunch of stuff20:51
BooBoodironicum: and this will allow me to reinstall the kernels that I removed?20:51
usr13BooBood: mount #Will tell you where the filesystem is mounted.  Then just chroot to that mount point.  i.e.  chroot /mnt/sda2  #Where /mnt/sda2 is the actual mount point.20:51
coz_jake,  is this using Unity?20:51
usr13BooBood: sudo fdisk -l20:52
=== jesse_ is now known as jesse_vogt
BooBoodroot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# chroot /mnt/sda1 chroot: cannot change root directory to /mnt/sda1: No such file or directory20:52
Rickdathey guys what are alternatives for itunes20:52
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Rickdatlike if i want to put music on my ipod?20:52
usr13BooBood: I just used /mnt/sda2 as an example, customize as needed.20:52
gnewb!ua | oleja_UKRAINE20:53
jakeIs there a way i can find that out20:53
coz_rickbol,     http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/08/10-alternatives-to-itunes-for-managing-your-ipod/20:53
nit-witBooBood, post sudo fdisk -l  per usr1320:53
coz_rickbol,  sorry20:53
coz_Rickdat,  http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/08/10-alternatives-to-itunes-for-managing-your-ipod/20:53
usr13BooBood: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit20:53
Rickdatis it okay if i just use rhythmbox, coz_?20:53
BooBood   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sdb1   *           1        2554    20506624   83  Linux /dev/sdb2            2554       30402   223689729    5  Extended /dev/sdb5            2554       30151   221678592   83  Linux /dev/sdb6           30152       30402     2010112   82  Linux swap / Solaris20:53
coz_Rickdat,   sure  I dont see why not20:54
usr13BooBood: mount | pastebinit20:54
anodesniHi, I want to play "ufo alien invasion", but when I click on the link here http://www.playdeb.net/software/UFO%20Alien%20Invasion it says it cannot find the package??20:55
gnewb!pastebin | BooBood20:55
ubottuBooBood: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:55
usr13BooBood: (see where sdb1 is mounted)20:55
BooBoodusr13: take this query please ? :)20:56
hemikaCan anyone please help me? My wifi doesn't work after upgrading to 11.0420:56
jakeHow can i find what version of ubuntu i am running20:56
edbianjake: cat /etc/issue20:57
anAngelHello. What software do you use to make bare-metal-restore backups of you machines/servers? Thanks20:57
usr13BooBood: sudo chroot /media/2c568980-b9c9-4ac9-91f4-f6ca9956e3f820:57
kernelpanickerwhat's a good disk recovery application?20:58
kernelpanickerhave a crashed disk that shows up under dev but can't be mounted20:58
BooBoodusr13: ok did that20:58
=== wolf is now known as Guest52906
kernelpanickerany gui tools?20:58
gnewb!backup | anAngel20:58
ubottuanAngel: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:58
BooBoodusr13: no error20:58
usr13BooBood: apt-cache search linux-image20:58
nmvictortrism: Im back, things look good after the revert but ofcource not perfect. I'll have to reconfigure my window manager. Well I tries the to install compiz-dev and landed on this :http://paste.ubuntu.com/626810/ the apt-cache policy compiz-dev libgl1-mesa-dev command is now reading as http://paste.ubuntu.com/626813/. Thanks for waiting20:58
usr13BooBood: apt-cache search linux-image | sbinit20:58
usr13BooBood: apt-cache search linux-image | pastebinit20:59
anAngelkernelpanicker: try dd and/or ddrescue20:59
usr13(first one was typo20:59
gnewbkernelpanicker: Have you tried DDrescue or the other hundred or more?20:59
usr13BooBood: What version of Ubuntu did you have installed?20:59
trismnmvictor: can you try installing libgl1-mesa-dev and pastebin the output if it fails20:59
jakeOk i am using 11.04 and i am trying to figure a way to run my system fast with out un-installing many programs so how could i do that20:59
BooBoodhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/626815/ usr13 it is 10.1021:00
kurisujake: get a ffaster PC :-P21:00
wntKissAnyAssgentoo.de they block and ping-overflows unwanted people in irc21:00
PiciwntKissAnyAss: That has nothing to do with this channel.21:01
kurisujake: just kidding, is it a new system? fresh install?21:01
gnewbjake: Laptop or Desktop?21:01
jakeLaptop and its a few years old21:01
wntKissAnyAssPici: exact!21:01
jakelike 2 or 321:01
kurisupastebin lshw output21:01
nmvictortrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626817/ . It failed!21:02
gnewbjake: Which 'flavor' are you using now?21:02
kurisu11.04 needs decent hardware21:02
jakeHow would i be able to find the 'flavor'?21:02
trismnmvictor: apt-cache policy mesa-common-dev21:02
hemikahello, can anyone please help me? I have just upgraded to 11.04 and my wifi doesn't work. I have dell studio21:02
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic21:02
jakeOr how would i be able to find that type of info out21:03
gnewbjake: Like Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu?21:03
sedenionhi !21:03
sedenioni can't find glibconfig.h in ubuntu 11.0421:03
Guest88612is there an up-date coming out soon?21:03
marcus__what is a good pdf reader for ubuntu that is equivalent or better than acrobat?21:03
usr13jake: lsb_release -a21:04
jakeI believe it is either Kubuntu or Ubuntu21:04
XOXO1marcus__: sudo apt-get install acroread21:04
nmvictortrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626820/21:04
marcus__acroread huh21:04
BooBoodusr13: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? (have tried update)21:04
gnewbmarcus__: I use Evince, there are many.21:04
jakeDistributor ID:Ubuntu21:04
jakeDescription:Ubuntu 11.0421:04
iojake: run that command in a !terminal and it'll tell you what you're running. also you might want to look at !xubuntu21:05
iridiummarcus__, isn't evince the default?21:05
dr_Laobetter than acrobat?21:05
gnewbjake: Ok, you say is an older Laptop?21:05
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get install -f21:05
* jqke test21:05
jake2 or 3 years older21:05
anAngelgnewb: thanks for the reply21:05
trismnmvictor: very strange, I would say next try to install mesa-common-dev and see what that error is, but you may want to install aptitude and try to install compiz-dev, see what the error with: sudo aptitude install compiz-dev; it sometimes gives better error messages during conflicts21:06
gnewbanAngel: You are very welcome.21:06
aeon-ltdwith linux ati drivers getting better and better is it worth buying a ati card for linux only?21:06
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get install --fix-missing21:06
kernelpanickeranAngel: dd is too much to learn right now...21:06
kernelpanickergnewb: is ddrescue a commandline tool?21:07
iridiumaeon-ltd, if you plan stay out of wine, yes21:07
jakeAnd its not just when i log in its even the Internet is running slow when I have 4 to 5 bars21:07
gnewbjake: Do you like or prefer Flashy , high graphics or do you want straight performance at little or few resources used?21:07
BooBoodusr13: Errors were encountered while processing:  python-distutils-extra E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:07
anAngelkernelpanicker: ddrescue is a command line21:08
nmvictortrism: sure, i'll go straight to that. I have aptitude installed. And just to help, in the apt-cahce policy compiz-dev, I see versions form natty-updates and natty/main. Does that ring a bell? Just to help a bit.21:08
usr13BooBood: lsb_release -a21:08
gnewbkernelpanicker: I think it is GUI and/or CLI, let me look again, I have used it a few times with some success.21:08
jakeAs much as i need is it to run videos and the games on like face book otherwise no oh and beable to watch movies and thats it21:08
trismnmvictor: yes, that is correct, compiz was just updated recently21:08
BooBoodusr13: it is maverick 10.1021:08
hemikaCan anyone pleas help me?21:09
usr13BooBood: df21:09
gnewbjake: Have you looked at the other Versions?21:09
hemikaMy wifi ain't working after upgrading 11.0421:09
BooBoodusr13: df?21:09
usr13BooBood: df | pastebinit #and send resulting url21:09
Psydollhemika: are you sure its not switched off?21:09
bullgard4gnewb: Thank you for directing my attention to those 2 Launchpad bug reports. My bug is a similar one. As I have seen, there is no solution found yet.21:10
gnewbjake: Have you tried Lubuntu or Xubuntu?21:10
nmvictortrism: while apt-cache policy for libgl1-mesa-dev and mesa-common-dev do not point any referednce to natty-updates, instead they point to versions from natty/main. My point is , could the natty-updates repository the cause of all this?21:10
BooBoodusr13:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/626823/21:10
hemikaPsydoll,yes i am sure it ain't switched off because i have windows 7 also, and it works perfectly fine on it21:10
jakeWell i did have the maverick 10.10 and that ran smoothly then in the ubuntu softwear update it had me update to this natty21:10
pythonirc1012where is the setting in ubuntu that disconnects ssh/scp after some time? How can i increase it to 15 minutes or more?21:10
jakexubuntu i think i have21:10
BernardVhemika: I'm not in a very good mood so forgive me (and I'm on a train so the connection isn't stable), what did you try? Is the wifi adapter available or is it a password you have to fill in or ...?21:11
gnewbbullgard4: You are very welcome, I saw that also, still looking though...21:11
AlgorithIs it possible to access full-screen applications (like ocular and impress) through alt+tab? in 11.0421:11
iridiumhemika, there are a common issue with atheros driver for many netbooks, notebooks, is well know21:11
iridiumbut I'm not sure if it was fixed in the latest kernel update21:11
nit-withemika, poat the card find it with this command.  sudo fdisk -l21:12
nmvictortrism: Here is a little bit more verbose output from aptitude: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626826/21:12
jakeWell i did have the maverick 10.10 and that ran smoothly then in the ubuntu softwear update it had me update to this natty21:12
nit-withemika, wrong command sorry this one lspci | grep VGA21:12
jakexubuntu i think i have21:13
hemikaBernardV, it doesn't shows the Wifi in the list.21:13
hemikairidium, it used to work perfectly fine with 10.1021:13
trismnmvictor: yes, that is a much better error, you have another ppa with the libdrm packages, that seems to be the one causing the issues21:13
usr13BooBood: Did you recently do a distribution upgrade?21:13
BernardVhemika: But you can access the possible accesspoints in your GUI?21:14
hemikanit-wit, you want to know the wireless card i am using?21:14
nmvictortrism: name it21:14
iridiumhemika, yes, in fact is only happening on 11.0421:14
BooBoodusr13: no there has been no upgrades21:14
hemikaBernardV, right now i am connected using LAM21:14
nit-withemika, yes that is the most importatnt part.21:14
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get upgrade21:14
trismnmvictor: I don't know which one, try apt-cache policy libdrm221:14
gnewbjake: Xubuntu is known to be very lightweight, my opinion is the Lubuntu performs better, but please check your hardware and such to find the best match.21:14
hemikanit-wit, 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 01)21:14
hemikairidium, any solution to this one?21:15
BooBoodusr13: it will not let me past that last error21:15
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nmvictortrism: strange: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626828/21:16
hemikairidium, i installed b43-fwcutter and b43 as well and deactivated the broadcom STA wireless driver from the additonal drivers, still doesn't work21:16
aeon-ltdiridium: so hardware accel should be good as nvidia soon enough? just no gaming in linux :)21:16
jakeYeah maverick 10.10 Is what i had before i accidentally installed the 11.04 version is there a way to uninstall the natty and go back to maverick?21:16
iridiumhemika, not the same then, but 11.04 seems quite fault to the wifi side21:17
trismnmvictor: seems you already removed the ppa for it, but the packages are still there, try: sudo apt-get install libdrm2=2.4.23-1ubuntu6 libdrm-intel1=2.4.23-1ubuntu6 libdrm-radeon1=2.4.23-1ubuntu6;21:18
usr13BooBood: Just a sec.21:18
nmvictorjake: Unless you had Maverick remastered in a DVD, you gotta brace for a clean install of Maverick. A dist-downgrade is hardly enough21:18
BooBoodusr13: okay21:18
everamzahhow to make mouse polling rate persistent?  /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll21:18
jimmy51_i added a script to my startup using  update-rc.d zzzPostBootScript defaults 99 01.  i chmod'd the script +x and put it in init.d directory.21:18
jimmy51_it did not launch.  what log should i check to see what happened?21:19
hemikanit-wit, hemika@hemika-Studio-1558:~$ lspci | grep VGA21:19
hemika02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M92 [Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series]21:19
nmvictortrism: its downgrading them21:19
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iridiumaeon-ltd, the point is that AMD has a extremely small team for linux, and their drivers are flaky21:20
trismnmvictor: excellent, that should probably fix the issue unless there are other hidden problems, you can likely install compiz-dev after it is done21:20
usr13BooBood: sudo mkdir /mnt/dev21:20
jakeOk, thanks if i dist-downgrade will it go back to that version, but it won't wipe the whole natty version right?21:20
nmvictor... and compiz-dev is now installing. THANKS alot man, YOU MADE MY NIGHT. lOVE YOU21:20
trismnmvictor: you're welcome, glad it is working21:21
BooBoodusr13: done21:21
sofaknganybody familiar with upstart?  how can I have my script wait for a kernel module to be loaded before starting?21:21
iridiumaeon-ltd, and they are constantly  droping support of not so old graphic cards, leaving their linux users with only the option of open source drivers21:21
thesheff17sorry wrong room.21:21
nit-withemika, this is an area I know little about as all my cards have autoworked, but getting more information beats help me.21:21
hemikanit-wit, okay no problem thanks!21:22
usr13BooBood: A series of commands:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/626843/21:22
nmvictortrism: so the problem might have seemed like a hoax initially(is compiz-dev installable in Natty?) but you've witnessed that it was really something, right?21:22
abountuhow can I cd into a directory whos name starts with a "-"  (without quotes)21:22
nmvictortrism: so how far with the ffmpeg thingy?21:23
usr13BooBood: Ignore line 2  (typo)21:23
BooBoodusr13: I see :)21:23
trismnmvictor: I messed up the command for that earlier, it wasn't in the pastebin, apt-cache show ffmpeg may be enough though21:23
ironicumabountu cd -- "-foldername"21:24
nmvictortrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626845/21:24
abountuironicum thanks!21:25
everamzahhow to set mouse polling rate? and make setting persistent ??21:25
BooBoodusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626846/21:25
usr13BooBood: apt-get -f install21:26
usr13BooBood: sudo  apt-get -f install21:26
BooBoodusr13: same :S21:27
tigerplug292just wondering what is the best way to dual boot XP with ubuntu - Ubuntu is already installed. I have gparted and allocated 10GB of free unpartitioned space. Last time I tried to install XP on it, it said that it wanted to write to the EXT partition also and wrecked my grub, also left me without a windows install21:27
usr13BooBood: See your mistake?  (And mine too...?)  forgot sudo21:27
BooBoodi am running on root anyway?21:27
usr13BooBood: Oh, I see.. hummm... Well, I dono then.21:28
aeon-ltdiridium: hmm imma gonna search some more21:28
aeon-ltdiridium: thanks for all the info21:28
BooBoodusr13: thats cool, thanks and I appreciate your time :D21:28
dijonyummycan anyone help? i mounted an ntfs drive/partition in fstab like "/dev/sda1/mnt/2tb_drivefuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions", seemed to work fine, but when i rebooted, i can no longer mount in linux. also under dual boot windows, the drive use to be M: but now its D:. weird. at least i can see it under windows7. but under linux i cant see it anymore, nor mount. somthing weird happened. did i m21:28
dijonyummyount it correctly before? any ideas? i can still see it with fdisk -l, but cant mount. also when i try to view the /mnt folder it just hangs in nautilus, or ls in /mnt it just hangs.21:28
trismnmvictor: seems like it was a package you built from source with checkinstall but have since removed, but not purged, can you pastebin: dpkg -l '*ffmpeg*'21:28
`marianne`hiya, i've got a bit of a problem with my shiny new graphics card... basically it's giving utterly crap performance with the official ati drivers21:28
usr13BooBood: But it says "cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied21:28
BooBoodusr13:  yes21:29
dijonyummyi get this error trying to mount -a : wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,21:29
guntbert!noroot | BooBood21:29
ubottuBooBood: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:29
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:30
BooBoodwtf is guntbert on about lol21:30
nmvictortrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626852/21:30
guntbert!language | BooBood 1)21:30
ubottuBooBood 1): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:30
usr13BooBood: dpkg -reconfigure python-distutils-extra21:30
trismnmvictor: okay, good, this may be easy, try: sudo aptitude purge ffmpeg;21:31
BooBood!miserable guntbert21:31
heslamhey guys. i'm trying to upload things to my ubuntu server over SFTP but it's giving me permission denied. the permissions are drwxr-xr-x. is that wrong?21:31
guntbertBooBood: 2) don't run as root and especially don't advertise/recommend it21:31
dijonyummyhow to fix a "bad superblock" in case thats the problem21:31
guntbert BooBood 3) stay polite21:31
BooBoodguntbert: i know the risks, thanks for the reminder21:31
djiefoHi. There a reason why I always have to re-enter : compiz --replace & disown at each startup?21:32
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rationalOgredijonyummy: ext4?21:32
sofaknganybody familiar with upstart?  how can I have my script wait for a kernel module to be loaded before starting?21:32
guntbertBooBood: but you are asking for help, are you not? running as root is not supported here21:33
usr13BooBood: lsb_release -a | pastebinit21:33
rationalOgredijonyummy: http://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/21:33
dijonyummyits an ntfs partition21:33
BooBoodguntbert: I am getting help, thanks for your concern21:33
rationalOgredijonyummy: oh...21:33
rationalOgredijonyummy: hold on then...21:33
dijonyummyi originally mounted it like: fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions. but when rebooted noticed problem21:34
nmvictortrism: its out, let me try apt-get update21:34
BooBoodusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626855/21:34
usr13BooBood: Ok, well, just wanted to see how messed up your system.  At least it knows who it is.... :)21:35
Toph2Firefox, after running a day or 2, hangs up or at least dramatically slows my system (11.04). Is this common for Firefox? It did the same under 10.1021:36
usr13BooBood: dpkg -reconfigure python-distutils-extra  #What did this do?21:36
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
BooBoodusr13: all I want to do is have another kernel put in the /boot somehow so that GRUB will figure something out from there :D21:36
djiefoToph2,  Firefox is slow on 11.04 here too21:36
djiefoToph2,  I use Opera now21:36
BooBoodusr13: that came back with dpkg: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)21:36
djiefoToph2,  dunno why21:36
dijonyummywhats diff fuseblk vs ntfs-3g? is fuseblk buggy? to mount ntfs drive21:36
Toph2djiefo,,, in my case, it isn't only Firefox that slows, but it slows and sometimes hangs everything that I have running21:37
Toph2djiefo,,, perhaps I should just use a different browser as well21:37
usr13BooBood: apt-get remove python-distutils-extra21:38
djiefoToph2,  sadly its a temporary solution21:38
nmvictorThanks so much trism. Its gone completely! God bless you dearly21:38
trismnmvictor: excellent21:38
BooBoodusr13: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) *sigh*21:38
dijonyummynow my /mnt directory is hosed. i can cd in there, but even if i do 'ls' it just hangs, cant even ctrl-c, ctrl-z, ctrl-d. to stop. help21:39
BooBoodand usr13 you realise I am running from live just now?21:39
IsmAvatarSo every now and then I get this unusable region of my desktop like there's some invisible application blocking it. Anyone know how I might hunt it down? I think it might be caused by firefox/xine21:39
fabio333by the way my laptop with ati rv350 freeze... unless using kms21:39
usr13BooBood: dpkg -a --configure21:40
rationalOgredijonyummy: when I do need to mount ntfs stuff I use ntfs-3g21:41
rationalOgredijonyummy: never used fuseblk21:41
BooBoodusr13: I moved back to normal user, will continue using sudo instead.. that command returned no errors21:41
usr13BooBood: uname -a21:41
BooBoodusr13: Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:32:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:41
ikonia /last Psydoll21:42
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic21:42
BooBoodusr13: already newest version21:44
dijonyummythat link is fsck for ext#, maybe i try chkdsk in windows. its accesbiel in windows for some reason, but unmountable in linux21:44
dijonyummyok i can mount it via ntfs-3g21:44
usr13BooBood: ls /boot |pastebinit21:44
rationalOgredijonyummy: is it working?21:44
BooBoodusr13:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/626862/21:45
RealKillazWhich linux disk driver do I need for the PowerEdge Server 2850?21:45
codex84when i go to bed,and leave the computer to sleep21:46
dijonyummyi can mount ok, but wonder why the drive letter changed when booted in windows. i think problem with hang in /mnt folder is due to some other nfs mounted server not online. is there some way to not make it hang doing ls, when a particular nfs mount under /mnt is not available?21:46
codex84when i wake the computer it looses connection21:46
codex84why it does that??21:46
dijonyummynautilus doesnt see the ntfs drive though21:46
usr13BooBood: Looks as though grub is the problem.21:46
usr13BooBood: Do you have grub installed on /dev/sda ?21:47
codex84i have to power off the router plug it back in and click auto eth021:47
usr13BooBood: Do you boot from sda?21:47
BooBoodusr13: I assume I do since its fine, until I removed all the kernels last night in error.. I thought I could just copy over a kernel from live and setup GRUB ??21:47
usr13BooBood: If so, do this:21:48
usr13grub-install /dev/sda21:48
usr13sudo grub-install /dev/sda21:48
niarbHas anyone else had trouble installing samba4 after an upgrade to 11.04  from 10.10? I'm getting: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 121:49
BooBoodit is mounted. usr1321:49
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BooBoodusr13: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).21:49
usr13BooBood: What ?21:49
usr13BooBood: mount21:49
usr13BooBood: mount |sbinit21:49
Maylowkiichiro :)21:50
BooBoodusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626864/21:50
kiichirohey maylow21:51
jimmy51_i added a script to my startup using update-rc.d zzzPostBootScript defaults 99 01 but it's not running.  how can i view a list of what scripts will run on startup?21:51
IsmAvatarSo every now and then I get this unusable region of my desktop like there's some invisible application blocking it. Anyone know how I might hunt it down? Here's a list of my running processes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626867/21:52
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kodakhello all21:52
Maylowkiichiro how are you21:52
marsupiosorry for my poor english but have you an issue with asynchronous message amsn ?21:52
zambai'm looking for a way to wipe a hard drive from a usb key21:52
Arroyo1010marsupio : go to #amsn21:52
zambais that possible?21:52
Arroyo1010zamba, very possible :)21:53
kodakim a little lost :S mint is my backup install, and i havent used it in months. in the mean time i changed graphics cards, now X wont start21:53
neurochromezamba yes21:53
zambawell, i need software for it21:53
* neurochrome can think of a multitue of ways21:53
Arroyo1010parted magic for you21:53
Arroyo1010one moment21:53
IsmAvatarzamba: just install linux on the usb key21:53
kodakand, im a little lost on how to get info to get it fixed from prompt21:53
usr13BooBood: Did you execute all these commands? http://paste.ubuntu.com/626843/ (Accept for line 2 which is duplicate)21:53
neurochromeis there are a way to use the webcam on a machine without initialising and using the light/flash?21:54
NickkkkkThis may be a dumb question.21:54
zambaIsmAvatar: what kind of linux distro? i want a ready distro for this21:54
BooBoodusr13: I will execute them again21:54
NickkkkkBut how do i change the directory to my downloads file?21:54
IsmAvatarzamba: anything. Even ubuntu live-cd is sufficient (albeit overkill)21:54
kodakso, how can i update my X server to run  with my new graphics cards(i tried nvidia-xconfig) and thats all i can remember to try21:54
zambaIsmAvatar: then give me a better alternative :)21:54
usr13BooBood: Including sudo apt-get install --fix-missing21:54
Arroyo1010zamba: could you boot from CD by any chance, or is it out of the question?21:54
zambaArroyo1010: no, only usb21:54
mindspiderHey. I'm running cod4 in wine and settings like time played, level and unlocks won't save, control settings do, though.21:54
zambaArroyo1010: no cd drive here21:54
IdleOneNickkkkk:  cd ~/Downloads21:55
Arroyo1010zamba: what OS are you using now ?21:55
neurochromezamba, pretty much every distro comes with fdisk or dd, both are commandline utilities to write/read/maipulate/delete filesystems or files21:55
zambaArroyo1010: ubuntu21:55
Arroyo1010ok 1 sec21:55
zambawell.. i want a distro that's made for wiping hard drives21:55
zambai want to do it safely21:55
zambaand irreversible21:55
zambairreversibly, rather21:55
BooBoodusr13: i noticed, mount: mount point /mnt/dev does not exist21:56
dr4c4nzamba: dod21:56
dr4c4nzamba: darik's boot n nuke21:56
usr13BooBood: sudo mkdir /mnt/dev21:56
zambadr4c4n: not usb boot, as far as i can see21:56
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usr13BooBood: sudo mount -v --bind /dev /mnt/dev21:56
Arroyo1010zamba: step 1: this http://sourceforge.net/projects/partedmagic/files/partedmagic/Parted%20Magic%206.1/pmagic-6.1.iso/download  step 2: ubuntu, system, administration, startup disk creator, and use the iso you downloaded with your USB21:57
Arroyo1010parted magic is VERY user friendly and will work for you21:57
neurochromekodak, I'm pretty sure sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will reconfigure things for you.  Have a read up21:57
Guest16042fuck you21:57
dr4c4nzamba: next time lmgtfy21:57
Rickdatis there any way21:57
kodakthanks neurochrome :)21:57
LjLGuest16042: please mind your language21:57
neurochromekodak, np21:57
Rickdatto sync my iPod to a program that is like iTunes?21:57
Rickdati need to restore my iPod21:58
Arroyo1010zamba : yes, you could have googled it first. this issue is very easy to google out :)21:58
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Guest16042im not understanding wat  guys talkin21:58
BooBoodusr13: Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:58
neurochromeRickdat, maybe the iPod chan would be better suited21:58
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usr13BooBood: sudo grub-install /dev/sda21:58
Rickdatneurochrome, which is?21:58
LjLGuest16042: maybe you could try #ubuntu-in for Hindi21:58
dr4c4narroyo1010: thx 4 backup, thought so21:59
Arroyo1010dr4c4n :P21:59
neurochromeneurochrome, probably \#ipod... have a search21:59
NickkkkkI have another question then.21:59
tx2im on 11.04 ... how do i get a "onscreen keyboard" i have a touch screen?21:59
NickkkkkI want to install the program utorrent.21:59
Nickkkkkhow would I do it?21:59
Guest16042great idea bt i donno hindi21:59
BooBoodusr13: where sda will be sdb1?21:59
IdleOneLjL: I believe #ubuntu-in uses English also because there are so many languages spoken in India.21:59
neurochromeNickkkkk, it is a windows app, so using wine21:59
CycovinceNickkkkk, you can't21:59
Nickkkkkneurochrome: no it's not.21:59
usr13BooBood: No.  If you are booting sda  then tell grub to write to sda22:00
Nickkkkkit says it's linux.22:00
Cycovinceuse Transmission or Deluge or Ktorrent instead22:00
neurochromeNickkkkk, why not use a native app instead, like Deluge22:00
dr4c4nArroyo1010: :D22:00
Nickkkkki went to the site.22:00
NickkkkkWell it is technically native.22:00
IdleOneNickkkkk: search in the software center for apps22:00
NickkkkkIt's a linux version.22:00
BooBoodin that case usr13, cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).22:00
neurochromeNickkkkk, oh yeah, still ,why bother... Deluge is fine for me22:00
usr13BooBood: What we are doing is writing the boot loader to sda  (Because that is the drive you boot to.  Right?)22:00
CycovinceWell, you can but it's still beta and you'll have to compile it22:00
neurochromeNickkkkk, closed source.22:01
CycovinceI used to run utorrent on windows, now I use transmission, it's great  ;)22:01
Guest16042entirely technical wrngly entered here22:01
NickkkkkOhkay neurochrome.22:02
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic22:02
kodakNickkkkk: i second the transmission vote, if you understood utorrent, transmission is good22:02
Cycovinceif you don't like transmission, you can still give deluge a go22:02
usr13BooBood: Tell me if there are any errors. (If we upgrade the kernel, it may redoo the boot loader.)22:03
BooBoodusr13: grub just needs a kernel on the drive, that is all!22:03
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-30-generic22:04
BooBoodusr13: linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:04
kodakhmm, how do i update nvidia drivers from command line? (xserver broken) dpkg-reconfigure ran without errors, but startx gives EE failed to load nvidia22:04
usr13BooBood: So try 2.6.35-3022:04
ikoniakodak: how did you install the nvidia module ?22:04
BooBoodusr13: E: Unable to locate package linux-image-2.6.35-30-generic.. maybe its because im live?22:05
Nickkkkktransmission is bleh though.22:05
Nickkkkkit doesn't work well for some reason.22:05
kodakthis is an old install, i changed graphics cards a while back, this is first time back in linux since change - the original install was from the helper in X22:05
BooBoodNickkkkk: works very well actually :)22:05
ikoniakodak: do "lsmod | grep nvidia"22:05
hemikaHello, can anyone please help me fix my wifi issue, i have upgraded to 11.04 and now the wifi doesn't work22:05
ikoniakodak: does it return anything22:05
usr13BooBood: apt-cache search linux-image |grep generic |pastebinit22:06
kodakcoming ikonia22:06
mtec007how do i enable flash in chromium-browser? i've installed flashplugin-installer and cp'd /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/22:07
BooBoodusr13: can you confirm that what we do here is still going to affect the drive since I am running off CD just now?22:07
kodakikonia: no, empty line as return22:07
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.35-29-generic22:08
hemika Hello, can anyone please help me fix my wifi issue, i have upgraded to 11.04 and now the wifi doesn't work22:08
ikoniakodak: ok - so that explains why it can't start, the nvidia module isn't loaded22:08
ikoniakodak: are you using an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file22:08
BooBoodusr13: remember it wont find any22:08
mtec007additionally, that didnt install flash in firefox either. im on natty. updated to the latest packages.22:08
kodakikonia: yes22:08
[1]skegeekiptables would be the right way to forward incoming http requests to a different port right?22:08
usr13BooBood: Only you can confirm that.  (You are the one that chrooted to the drive and you are at the console, not me. )22:08
hemikamtec007, hey sorry to bother like this, but is your wifi working? Considering you are also using 11.04?22:09
usr13BooBood: apt-cache search linux-image |grep generic |pastebinit   ?????22:09
kodakikonia: doing this from irssi, so everything is ALT+F2 ALT+F3 to get back and forth, and no copy paste i know of, so a bit slow >.<22:09
mtec007yes, my wifi works great, from the bat22:09
Nobgul-BNCAs does nine22:09
ikoniakodak: if you open it up and look for the line driver "nvidia" change that to driver "vesa"  and restart X, X will start in a poor performance mode, you can then use the graphical tools you know to resolve any issues22:09
Nobgul-BNCAnd its a crappy card22:09
kodakikonia: all right, ill give a shout if it works :)22:10
BooBoodusr13: grep is sitting there thinking22:10
mtec007hemika: its strange that you assume i have wifi, however.22:10
nmvictorhi trism22:10
nmvictortrism: hi, I have compiz plus the experimental plugins working correctly. However, now I cant install simple-ccsm. Sorry I couldnt trace the root of the problem, the output of apt-cache policy <package> look weired on the affected packages. Have a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/626879/22:11
novitololoI've seen a Unity shortcut that places the window in the upper left corner.  One of the keys of the shortcut is "numpad", but I'm in a laptop without numpads.  What should I do ?22:11
kodakikonia: should i # out the "VendorName" line?22:11
dale971Installed a Ubuntu 11.04 distro on a scratch laptop for testing. Would like to have it boot up to a logged in user. That much works but password requested to unlock keyring for wifi access.  How do I get it to allow wifi with no password?22:11
macodale971: set the keyring password empty22:12
mtec007remove the keyring password?22:12
usr13BooBood: You didn't include the ???s did you?22:12
macodale971: keep in mind though, this means anything stored in teh keyring is insecure!  a keyring password is necessary to encrypt your stored passwords22:12
BooBoodusr13: no22:12
usr13BooBood: Ok then:22:13
delachas anyone around here managed to build Penumbra on 64bit Ubuntu?22:13
usr13BooBood: apt-cache search linux-image |pastebinit22:13
hemikamtec007, what kind of setting did you do on your computer so that the wifi works?22:13
MrSteinanyone succeeded in running memtest from grub2 in Wubi setup? According to a grub2 wiki, all that is missing is a bsd module for grub2.22:13
delacor rather, managed to run the built executable?22:13
BooBoodusr13: which cmd is it to check which is chroot please?22:14
mtec007hemika: i didnt do anything, i just installed ubuntu and it just worked, i clicked my router and it connected.22:14
hemikamtec007, oh okay. Thanks22:14
koshieHi everyone22:14
mtec007you might need to install a windows driver22:14
nmvictortrism: sorry, I know its a bother. Please have a look at that.22:14
mtec007or buy a better wireless card22:14
hemikai have a wireless card, i have dell studio22:15
usr13BooBood: sudo chroot /media/2c568980-b9c9-4ac9-91f4-f6ca9956e3f822:15
root__ikonia: it worked <322:15
ikoniaroot__: excellent22:15
novitololoHow can I use key shortcuts that use numpad if I'm on a laptop without a numpad?22:15
root__oops! dont log on in root lol22:15
mtec007hemika: like i said, you might have to use a windows driver, or buy a better wireless card22:15
root__there, name fixed22:15
=== root__ is now known as Reallykodak
koshieI want to compile GNOME 3 on my 10.04.2 but when I want to install a package, libdconf0, it doesn't exist in my repository. Someone on Internet say this package don't exist for 10.04.2. But since the 10.10 it exist. A solution exist to install GNOME 3 on 10.04.2 (sorry for my english).22:16
ikoniakoshie: I strongly advise you not to try to compile gnome 322:17
prodigelhi all. Anyone using zabbix?22:17
koshieikonia, Unstable ?22:17
koshieDangerous ?22:17
ikoniakoshie: both22:17
bigtfishbonei'm kinda new,22:17
ikoniakoshie: you have to %110 understand what you're doing22:17
usr13BooBood: sudo apt-get -install --resinstall linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic22:18
koshieikonia, I see. I'm reading the french documentation of Ubuntu, but I think an error exist because I can't install this package. ikonia you've some return about problem right ?22:18
BooBoodusr13: this is just frustrating now.. sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu22:19
mtec007how do i enable flash in chromium-browser and firefox? i've installed flashplugin-installer and did cp /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/   but that did not work for either browser.22:19
bigtfishbonecan any1 tell me how i wipe my windows installation from my harddrive from ubuntu ?22:19
ikoniakoshie: of you are unable to work out if a package exists or not, in my view you should not be trying to compile gnome 3 on 10.04 so I'm not going to help you wreck you system22:19
ikoniabigtfishbone: just delete the partition22:19
koshieikonia, ok ok, thanks for the advice.22:20
bigtfishboneyeah bout that... im a total newbie, not clueless though22:20
ikoniabigtfishbone: ok, so delete the windows partition then22:20
mtec007bigtfishbone: you could use gparted to delete a partition22:20
bigtfishboneikonia: yeah bout that... im a total newbie, not clueless though22:20
ikoniabigtfishbone: ok, so delete the windows partition then22:20
BooBoodi think Ill take a break usr13, thanks for your time and patience :)22:21
bigtfishboneikonia: okay maybe i am clueless... gimme a hint on how to. pritty please with sugar on top :)22:22
mtec007bigtfishbone: you could use gparted to delete a partition22:22
ikoniabigtfishbone: all you needed to say was "I don't know how to do that"22:22
ikoniabigtfishbone: as mtec007 has suggested if you use gparted from the system->administration tools you should be fine22:22
ikonia!gparted | bigtfishbone22:23
ubottubigtfishbone: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:23
MrSteinis http://www.gnu.org/ slow for anyone else ?22:23
ikoniaMrStein: not really an ubuntu support issue22:24
mtec007MrStein: loaded in less than a second.22:24
MrSteinwell I-m trzing to solve an Ubuntu boot problem, so it is related22:24
MrSteintrying (see the kbd layout bug...)22:24
bigtfishboneokay.. sec22:24
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djiefoHi. Under xubuntu 11.04 (xfce)  I use compiz 0.8.6 (downgraded it earlier)   I can't get compiz started at each startup... I mean i always have to re-enter "compiz --replace & disown" each times. I looked in sessions options and compiz is set to start Immidiately :(22:27
MrSteinis it possible to load a grub2 module specified by a full path?22:27
mechanisthello everyone22:28
mechanisthow can I see all the partitions I have with a simple command in the shell?22:28
bigtfishbonei have got gparted now :)22:28
th0rmechanist: fdisk22:29
neurochromemechanist, sudo fdisk -l22:29
neurochromeThis chan appears to be n00b only, not that that is a bad thing, but meh22:30
bigtfishboneikonia: H22:30
koshieneurochrome, n00b is péjorative22:30
bigtfishboneikonia: i have gparted now, how do i figure out how to use it ?22:30
NewWorlddjiefo:  Maybe you could add it to ~/.xinitrc ?22:31
neurochromekoshie, yeah, linux helps those who help themselves ;)22:31
bigtfishboneNobgul-BNC: thanks22:31
Nobgul-BNCnp big thats for resizing but should get you to the same place.22:32
neurochromekoshie, I like the word péjorative... awesome!22:32
rob2Hi Guys22:32
koshieneurochrome, :)22:32
neurochromekoshie, you know anything about webcams?  I want to use it without turning on the light/flash22:33
koshieNot really, sorry neurochrome.22:33
neurochromekoshie, np22:33
koshieneurochrome, cut the cable :} ?22:33
anAngelHello I am having this error mounting a lvm2 snapshot: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type". So how can i figure it out what is the filesystem?22:34
neurochromekoshie, lol, that'd do it22:34
KibaI have a need to reset to the configuration file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default22:34
Kibahow can I do that?22:34
djiefoNewWorld,  huh?22:34
djiefoNewWorld,  dunno why sorry :S22:34
Kibareset said configuration file back to its original state when first installed22:34
neurochromewhy was the !hi factoid deleted?22:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:35
Picineurochrome: Because people were overusing it.  Say hi yourself if you want to greet users.22:35
koshieHi neurochrome.22:35
neurochromePici, fair22:35
bRainHatHallo everyone22:35
* neurochrome waves to everyone22:36
NewWorlddjiefo:  Google xinitrc22:36
bRainHat#neurochrome, wassap?22:36
rodneysMaintaining Ubuntu 9.04 server. Can not update to more recent release of Ubuntu. Do the repos for Ubuntu 9.04 exist anywhere?22:37
bigtfishboneikonia: i have gparted, but wikihow.com/use-gparted tells me to do something with boot lines.. the problem is that i cant see anything before ubuntu or windows login screen...22:37
maco!eol | rodney, the wiki page has the url for the old repos22:37
ubotturodney, the wiki page has the url for the old repos: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:37
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pookymy apt-get is broken >.< "Encountered a section with no Package: header"22:38
neurochromerodneys, that is so out of date it is untrue, EOL (end of life) no updates22:38
tomekhhow can I disable plymouth?22:38
macorodneys: if you use the repo from the EOLUpgrades page, thatll only get you the old unmaintained packages for 9.04. no updates22:38
Kiba I have a need to reset the configuration file in22:38
Kiba       /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default to its default state when first installed but I don't know how to do that22:38
rodneysmaco thank you, that will have to suffice.22:39
neurochromeKiba, I couldn't guarantee that removing the file will generate a new one, have you tried moving it temporarily?22:39
Kibaneurochrome: Ok...I'll try22:39
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pookythat was almost too easy to fix...22:40
neurochromeKiba, best place to ask is #apache22:40
anAngelHello I am having this error: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type" when i try mounting a lvm2 snapshot with: "mount /dev/vg0/snapped /home/angel/backups". So how can i figure it out what is the filesystem?22:40
Kibaneurochrome: they told me to go here22:41
neurochromeKiba, lol ok22:41
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KibaI reinstall and uninstall apache222:42
Kibadoesn't create a new configuration file22:42
djiefoNewWorld,  i don't find xinitrc in my home folder and neither with Ctrl+H22:42
jdberkeleyhey guys. I have ubuntu 8.10 on my computer, and on the second HDD I have Arch linux installed. My question is: Can grub (legacy) boot that ext4 Arch partition? I have looked everywhere with no clear answer. I tried rootfstype=ext4 but didnt work!22:43
NewWorlddjiefo:  I don't know what Ctrl+H is, but try `locate xinitrc`22:43
Kibais there a way to regenerate configuration file using apt-get?22:43
djiefoNewWorld,  ctrl+h is to see hidden files and folders22:43
neurochromejdberkeley, yeah, it should find it and autogenerate an entry22:44
anAngelHello I am having this error: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type" when i try mounting a lvm2 snapshot with: "mount /dev/vg0/snapped /home/angel/backups". So how can i figure it out what is the filesystem?22:44
jdberkeleyneurochrome: autogenerate? Im talking about grub legacy22:44
NewWorldanAngel:  That's the 3rd time, you have no patience. Stop spamming. Try another time or post on the forums.22:44
neurochromejdberkeley, yeah, grub legacy used to generate entries too22:44
NewWorldjdberkeley:  Can't you manually add an entry?22:45
djiefoNewWorld,  ok found 2: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc22:45
djiefo         wich one?22:45
zvacetjdberkeley: 8.10 is outdated but you  know that try to chainload arch22:45
jdberkeleyNewWorld: I did, but grub legacy fails to find the kernel or the initrd files because they are on ext4 partition22:46
NewWorlddjiefo:  I guess the xfce4. Hmm actually, maybe first try to create your own in ~/.xinitrc22:46
banker247what are some of the reasons a live cd will not boot - i mean it'll boot but then it halts on splash and seems like splash takes forever22:46
djiefoNewWorld,  ok22:46
TomasHanzelhi, can you help me? Ubuntu 10.04, Belkin router N+ F5D8235-4. Linux cannot obtain IP adress. Windows works. Linux not. Where should i find solution?22:46
djiefoNewWorld,  i created it...22:47
zvacetbanker247: bad iso fast burning speed...22:47
banker247zvacet, i'm putting it on a usb stick22:47
jdberkeleyzvacet: but I didnt install a boot loader under Arch, thinking that grub legacy would be able to boot an EXT4 partition22:47
NewWorlddjiefo:  Into it on the first line:    #!/bin/sh              . Second line... whatever that compiz command you were talking about22:48
neurochromejdberkeley, you are using a version of ubuntu that doesn't have ext4 support?  that is why grub can't find it (most likely)22:48
zvacetjdberkeley: did you tried to add entry for arch in lagacy grub22:48
jdberkeleyneurochrome: I see. Although I read that using "rootfstype=ext4" would allow grub legacy to boot ext422:49
TomasHanzelhi, can you help me? Ubuntu 10.04, Belkin router N+ F5D8235-4. Linux cannot obtain IP adress. Windows works. Linux not. Where should i find solution?22:49
NewWorlddjiefo:  Sorry, the second line is:      exec [put here whatever that compiz command was]22:49
zvacetjdberkeley: do you have some specific reason to run unsupported ubuntu version22:49
jdberkeleyzvacet: I did add an entry22:49
djiefoNewWorld,  between clamps?22:49
neurochromejdberkeley, I suspect that your version of grub does not have ext4 support.  legacy did support it, but in a later package.... merely speculating, but it makes sense22:49
NewWorlddjiefo:  No, no 'clamps' :)22:50
ZiauddinMKhttp://www.youtubeloop.com/v/V6MimBWSr3o <<<<<<< my 3D character's animation22:50
ikoniaZiauddinMK: we don't need to see that please, this channel is for ubuntu support22:50
jdberkeleyneurochrome: I see22:50
djiefoNewWorld,  this will open it in terminal... should I enter & disown?22:50
NewWorlddjiefo:  You don't need disown, but yeah you should put '&' at the end of the second line.22:51
zvacetjdberkeley : why don´t you upgrade ubuntu  do you have reason not to22:51
TomasHanzelhi, can you help me? Ubuntu 10.04, Belkin router N+ F5D8235-4. Linux cannot obtain IP adress. Windows works. Linux not. Where should i find solution?  PLEASE22:51
neurochromeTomasHanzel, is this wired?22:51
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ikoniaTomasHanzel: is the card supported under linux ?22:52
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TomasHanzelnecreo, yes..22:52
JRWRI was looking for a solution of setting up a http proxy that would use LZMA compression for max compress ratios, I understand the client would need a end client, I wonder if I can attack LZMA compression onto ssh?22:52
TomasHanzelikonia, yes it is22:52
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ikoniaTomasHanzel: how do you know ?22:52
djiefoNewWorld,  just to be sure, folder's name: .xinitrc     filename: xinitrc is it right?22:53
TomasHanzelikonia, Because the last time it have been worked...after router reboot it stop to work22:53
NewWorlddjiefo:  No, the file is: ~/.xinitrc22:53
ikoniaTomasHanzel: this is a wireless card ?22:53
TomasHanzelikonia, yes it is22:53
djiefoNewWorld,  damn sry lol22:53
ikoniaTomasHanzel: I assume so with the N+ comment22:53
ikoniaTomasHanzel: ok, look if it's associated with the router22:54
TomasHanzelikonia, and?22:54
ikoniaTomasHanzel: ok, look if it's associated with the router22:54
TomasHanzelikonia, what do you mean please?22:55
ikoniaTomasHanzel: look if the card has associated it's self with the ESSID of the router22:55
NewWorlddjiefo:  And it won't open it in terminal. .xinitrc contains commands that will run every time X starts22:55
TomasHanzelikonia, yes it is. sorry22:55
kleanchapI want to install ssmtp to be able to send email directly from my Ubuntu box to the relaying SMTP server.  Is there an option to allow multiple sender addresses with ssmtp?22:55
ikoniaTomasHanzel: can the route see the machine ?22:55
djiefoNewWorld,  ok so i tried to create file name ~/.xinitrc and it won't let me22:55
TomasHanzelikonia, yes,22:56
NewWorlddjiefo:  What's the error msg?22:56
neurochromeTomasHanzel, you said it was wired a minute ago?!  Is it wired or wireless?22:56
ikoniaTomasHanzel: does the wireless card have an IP address ?22:56
TomasHanzelikonia, no22:56
TomasHanzelthats my problem22:56
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ikoniaTomasHanzel: is the syslog do you see DCHPOFFER a lot ?22:57
TomasHanzelneurochrome, two ways..can be wired and also wireless..22:57
blacksectorhey all22:57
JRWRoh god, thats hackish, but it would work :) What if i used netcat to a std pilpo install with lzma in the middle22:57
JRWRbwhaha that would be amazing22:57
salmiakhello blacksector :)22:57
TomasHanzelikonia, and now i dont understand what do you mean22:57
neurochromepeace folks, I'm outta here22:57
djiefoNewWorld,  well i cant save it in my home directory, it send me in .xinitrc I just created earlier but when i try to save it in there it tells me: Can't open file to write...22:58
blacksectorhello salmiak :)22:58
ikoniaTomasHanzel: have you restarted your machine since restarting the router22:58
TomasHanzelikonia, yes, many times22:58
djiefoNewWorld,  with mousepad btw22:58
ikoniaTomasHanzel: what is the device name of your wireless card in linux /22:59
NewWorlddjiefo:  In terminal write `gksudo gedit ~/.xinitrc` to save? I don't know why mousepad matters..22:59
djiefoNewWorld,  /home/djiefo/.xinitrc is a directory.23:00
NewWorlddjiefo:  You created that directory didn't you? Just delete it. Then make a FILE, not a DIR :)23:00
salmiakHow do I set the file manager (Nautilus) to never ever lie to me? I want it to allways show the filenames as they are, not whit the file extensions hidden or renamed to something localized23:01
djiefoNewWorld,  ok now the file : ~/.xinitrc   is in my home directory23:02
salmiakRIght now if I go to the Directory /usr/share/applications/ with the filemanager it show fake-filenames instead of the *.desktop -files that are in it23:02
NewWorlddjiefo:  Well... write into it what I told you23:02
salmiakI hav tried to find something in gconf-editor but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place? I want nautlius to show the filenames as they really are23:03
djiefoNewWorld,  already created... linux will recongnize this file by itself?23:03
djiefoNewWorld,  i mean it's in my home folder23:04
NewWorlddjiefo:  When you start X as the user, djiefo it will execute ~/.xinitrc23:04
NewWorlddjiefo:  Well it should :) Let's try it.23:05
djiefoNewWorld,  ok then I will save this session b4 just to be sure ;) and brb23:05
NewWorlddjiefo:  wait23:06
NewWorlddjiefo:  Tell me what the second line looks like, just to make sure23:06
djiefoexec compiz --replace &23:06
hylianevery once in a while i get a busybox error, and the only thing that gets me back up and running is to have gparted check for errors, what's going on?23:06
NewWorlddjiefo:  looks good, let's try it23:06
Squeezerhello everyone o/23:06
NewWorldhylian:  Does it only check. Or does it fix as well?23:07
hylianNewWorld, it fixes as well.23:07
Squeezerproblem with my flash -- sound stops playing on youtube after about 1-2 seconds, video continues playing. Both on Chrome and Firefox.23:07
NewWorldhylian:  :S something wrong with your disk maybe23:07
dicionDoes anyone know of any kernel compatibility issues or other specific issues that would make a program run great in a 10.04 server running 2.6.39, but have huge wakeup-from-idle problems in 2.6.32? I have 2 10.04 servers, one came with 2.6.39, and it works awesomely. the other one is the official 2.6.32 and the same program on it causes major load issues due to excessive wakes.23:08
NewWorldSqueezer:  That's so weird :S Does it give any errors if you try to run the browser from terminal?23:08
hylianNewWorld, i thought so too, but my windows partition runs like clock work, only the linux side has any errors. I'm used to it being visa versa.23:08
jimmie_Does anyone know how I can stop my pendrives appearing in the unity bar?23:08
SqueezerNewWorld: let me try23:09
j_dalmondguys, is does 11.04 support amd e350?23:09
djiefoNewWorld,  :( it starts meta everytimes23:09
NewWorldhylian:  I think we need to find out what kind of errors gparted is fixing (well fsck is actually doing the checking/fixing)23:09
NewWorlddjiefo:  WHat do you mean 'starts meta'?23:09
NewWorlddjiefo:  Oh metacity23:09
hylianNewWorld, how would i find that out?23:09
SqueezerNewWorld: no errors23:10
NewWorldhylian:  Next time busybox breaks, use the `fsck` command directly (gparted uses fsck to check/fix) so that it shows you what's being fixed23:10
=== Deckard is now known as eckard3
hylianNewWorld, will do, thanks.23:11
djiefoNewWorld,  and everytimes, it brings me back with 1 workplace23:11
NewWorlddjiefo: Try putting that exec compiz.... line into both other .xinitrc files we found23:11
NewWorlddjiefo:  What do you mean brings you back? Back from what?23:12
hylianNewWorld, this wouldn't be because I am running a 32 bit verison of the os with 4 gigs of ram, would it? these problems showed up shortly after, and I cant find a correlation in google, but I thought i would ask...23:12
djiefoNewWorld,  when i startup, it brings me back with only 1 workplace... when i enter compiz --replace it bring back my 4 workplaces23:13
djiefoNewWorld,  in file systems?23:13
NewWorlddjiefo:  What do you mean 'in file systems'?23:13
NewWorldhylian:  I doubt that has any relevance23:14
djiefoNewWorld,    /etc/xdg/xfce423:14
jeaquaresi want to use ubuntu23:14
jeaquareswhat should i do?23:14
ras0iri've just did altgr printscreen o and i got black screen, any ideas?23:14
hylianis there a way to go  from the 32 bit verison of ubuntu to the 64 bit version without installing the 64 bit version entirely?23:15
ikoniahylian: no23:15
jeaquareshylian, yes23:15
jeaquaresyou need some packages23:15
tullianahey ganal23:15
command"system has recovered from a serious error" that could be a serious mistake?23:15
NewWorlddjiefo:  Hold on, check this out... seems easier: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup23:15
SqueezerCan someone assist please? I have a problem with my flash -- sound stops playing on youtube after about 1-2 seconds, though video continues playing. Both on Chrome and Firefox. On pages like grooveshark sound plays fine.23:16
ras0ircommand: i think your system is b0rked23:16
hylianjeaquares, cool, so what do i look for, and will this break some packages? (being a non 64 bit version?)23:16
commandras0ir: ok kib by23:16
jeaquareshylian, no it wont23:16
jeaquaresit will update them all23:16
itaylor57hylian, you will have to install the 64bit os23:16
ikoniahylian: it will break your packages23:16
djiefoNewWorld,  compiz is already set to start immidiatly at sessions starts23:16
ikoniahylian: follow jeaquares if you wish, but you cannot upgrade from 32bit to 64bit23:16
ras0irubuntu kurdum ama kus hala otmuyor ne yapabilirim23:16
NewWorlddjiefo:  So what's the problem. I thought you said you have to enter the compiz command manually every time for it to start..23:17
tullianamy system very slow23:17
jeaquaresikonia, have you ever installed ubuntu before?23:17
jeaquaresi think you havent23:17
ikoniajeaquares: yes23:17
tullianatosbaa gibi23:17
commandmasa üstüne kar yağarmı ?23:17
jeaquarescause you have no idea what you're talking about23:17
djiefoNewWorld,  because is set to start with the session but its not23:17
tullianahamam böceğinin gözüne sabun kaçarsa yağar23:17
xiackoki have ati card and unity doesnt work for me23:17
ikoniajeaquares: please explain how he's going to upgrade from 32bit to 64bit23:17
jeaquaresof course!23:17
Coreyjeaquares: I assure you, an in place upgrade from one architecture to another is quite unsupported.23:17
lindenleHi All I have a dell lattitude e6410 and I can't figure out how to get the webcam working...any idea23:17
hylianthe differences beetween the 32 bit and 64 bit versions should mainly be the kernel, no?23:17
NewWorlddjiefo:  Set to start with the session but its not? Sorry that doesn't make sense23:17
ikoniahylian: I advise you not to follow jeaquares's instructions, but at your wish23:17
Coreyhylian: And almost every package that contains a binary. :-)23:18
jeaquaresikonia, please do not talk about it23:18
Coreyhylian: Read as "most of the system:23:18
ikoniahylian: no, it's everything, plus multi-lib23:18
tullianahey channel help me, I want sexy girl desktop23:18
djiefoNewWorld,  hold on screenshottin'23:18
jeaquaresi've already upgraded my system with this way23:18
jeaquareshylian, listen to me23:18
Drew|Does anyone know if ubuntu 10.04 has an issue with ATI drivers?23:18
ikoniahylian: keep in mind the issues with multi-lib, eg /lib v's /lib32 and /lib6423:18
jeaquaresfirst, which version are you using right now?23:18
tullianaI want sexy 3D mature desktop23:18
hylianjeaquares, i am "listening" so to speak... :)23:18
jeaquaresyes hylian :)23:19
ikoniatulliana: ok - we are not here to help you find that23:19
hylianjeaquares, 10.04 lts. it's simpler that way.23:19
commandUbuntu 's not free cCc GNU cCc23:19
djiefoNewWorld,  brb23:19
jeaquaresif you're using 10.04, it's easier23:19
ikoniacommand: please don't be silly, ubuntu is a free Linux distribution23:19
tullianaikonia: mature or blonde or asian23:19
jeaquaresyou'll just need some packages, adding some ppas for upgrading23:19
xiackokikonia: i have confuse about freedom23:19
jeaquaresand it works, like now23:19
xiackokmy friend said ubuntu is free operating system, and im trying to use this linux thing23:20
ikoniahylian: I VERY strongly advise you not to add PPA's to upgrade your system from 32bit to 64bit23:20
xiackokis it real ubuntu isn't free software23:20
goodtimety ikonia23:20
ikoniaxiackok: it is freesoftware23:20
Pici!free | xiackok23:20
ubottuxiackok: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing23:20
hylianikonia, i apprecaite the warning, but can you quote a reputable source of information as to what dangers this in tales?23:21
ikoniahylian: the fact that it's not possible and is a known "don't do"23:21
xiackokubuntu just fucking boring think, its themed windows23:21
kitche hylian yes any site about it, sicne it can major make your system not bootable23:22
coz_hylian,  even an upgrade in the accepted way can be inconsistent,, trying it via PPA  only complicates that23:22
SqueezerCan someone assist please? I have a problem with my flash -- sound stops playing on youtube after about 1-2 seconds, though video continues playing. Both on Chrome and Firefox. On pages like grooveshark sound plays fine. Sound also plays fine if I'm playing a YouTube video embedded in Facebook.23:22
hylianikonia, i don't doubt your belief is true, but my saying the moon is full of gold does not make it so... can you point me to a canonical offical statement to that effect?23:22
ikoniahylian: it's not a canonical issue23:23
ikoniahylian: it's a Linux issue,23:23
macohylian: try it in a VM and come back and tell us if it worked, hey?23:23
ikoniahylian: all libraries and binaries must be swapped out and replaced with 64bit versions23:23
macohylian: but if you try it on your real system, you're gonna be crying23:23
hylianwell i will take the mass majority of you saying it's dangerous as proof positive. thank you for the feedback! :)23:24
salmiakare there other places than /apps/nautilus in gconf-editor to change settings for the filemanager?23:24
* hylian just barely dodged that bullet, aye?23:24
coz_salmiak,  what is it you want to change?23:25
djiefoNewWorld,      http://home.djiefo.operaunite.com/file_sharing/content/Pictures/compizautostart.png    SC123:27
djiefoNewWorld, http://home.djiefo.operaunite.com/file_sharing/content/Pictures/compizsession.png       SC223:27
salmiakcoz_: To set the file manager (Nautilus) to always show the filenames as they are, not with the file extensions hidden or renamed to something localized. If I go to the directory /usr/share/applications/ now with the filemanager it show fake-filenames instead of the *.desktop -files that are in it. How do I make it stop doing that?23:27
Drew|Does anyone know if ubuntu 10.04 has an issue with ATI drivers causing display problem?23:28
ikoniaDrew|: linux in general has issues with certain ati cards and driver combinations23:28
NewWorlddjiefo:  In the first shot, you don't need to add & at the end. & is use in terminals to run the command in background23:28
Drew|ikonia, ah okay23:28
djiefoNewWorld,  ok i remove it23:28
lapionanyone having problems with the updatemanager not showing progress indicator after entering password..23:29
djiefoNewWorld, in the 2nd shot, notice why compiz is not there anymore, it was there earlier23:29
coz_salmiak,  well I believe  a .desktop file will show t he  ".desktop"  extension only if it is NOT executable23:29
coz_salmiak, but let me check hold on23:29
falafellhow does the home-folder encryption compare to full disk encryption?23:30
lapionthe update-manager just goes back to the list of to be installed programs and you can click on install updates agaian, however this time the progress indicator does appear..23:30
lapionhowever the progress indicator is paused and waiting..23:30
lapionif you open up software center you see the update is actually taking place23:30
lapionfalafell, I sould not do home-folder encryption, slows the system down.23:31
falafellbut security wise?23:31
macosalmiak: the "fake file names" are the names defined inside the .desktop file, since those are launchers. i think you'd just plain have to use "ls" to make launchers not show as launchers (cuz that's kinda their point)23:31
lapionfalafel it's overkill..23:32
Root^^have Turk?23:32
salmiakcoz_: tell me if you find anything23:32
falafelllapion, overkill?23:32
salmiakmaco: but I don't want to have to use the terminal to see what the filenames are....23:33
NewWorlddjiefo:  Yeah that is very strange. Maybe try to add that `exec compiz` to both the other .xinitrc's we found. To edit those you'll need to run `gksudo gedit [whatever_file_to_edit]` . If that doesn't work... then I don't know how else I can help you :(23:33
lapionbetter only encrypt important data23:34
njank[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   njank othane_ kermit magn3ts bigtfishbone miguetan Root^^ tjiggi_fo Prodego john guhcampos mirsal trism jiohdi kad__ davidhurwich__ madLyfe MistuhKurtz falafell jrib her23:34
njank[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   mrdeadlocked Duka_Aprendiz itaylor57 ITXpander Random832 salmiak toasthawaii Jeremy3D arif-ali palmje codeshah KimLaroux netmind cdavis JRWR X-Sleepy-X fxhp Kutakizukari23:34
njank[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   LogicallyDashing MadSweeney kiichiro axolote Gnea Gunirus Maletor Jeepbeats zkriesse Jari0001 Afteraffekt sarim TheNull dijonyummy dragonkeeper_ jenvy dtcummin _pedda_ G23:34
njank[* *| NOTICE |* *]  ON JULY  1ST YOU WILL  BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE JOIN  #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS  HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY  CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   ZeZu dvz- xoanm lollo64it SolarBoom messere katkee boxerjaune Akuma Fsmv kenws thesheff17 Spec v4nelle patholio IdleOne Qub1t gridbag DETERMINOLOGY LowValueTarget sn0wfl23:34
djiefoNewWorld,  ok lets try this23:34
macosalmiak: maybe right click -> properties? if it displayed them as text files, you wouldnt be able to click them to run stuff (including on your desktop, since the desktop is part of nautilus)23:34
alketwhere can I get MS fonts like Calibri, Trebuchet etc ?23:34
tjiggi_forootirc | Root^^23:35
djiefoNewWorld,  I add it second line or at the end?23:35
magn3tswhy wasnt LoRez kicked? lol23:35
salmiakIt is one thing that the file "yelp.desktop" perhaps is used by ubuntus startmenu to create the menualternative "Hjälp", but in a file listing you want a list of the filenames, not the files content23:35
tjiggi_fo!rootirc | Root^^23:35
ubottuRoot^^: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.23:35
tjiggi_fo!tr | Root^^23:36
ubottuRoot^^: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.23:36
NewWorlddjiefo:  At the end, but make sure that all previous lines have &. If there's no & at the end of a command that means, the commands after it (the lines below) won't be executed until the current command has finished executing.23:36
salmiakmaco: well... I only want .desktop files to be executed when I click on them in a menu, right?23:36
macosalmiak: depends on your workflow? lots of people put them on the desktop too...23:37
djiefoNewWorld,  oh ok23:37
macosalmiak: thats what the right-click -> create launcher thing does23:37
salmiakmaco: I guess some people want to have "a menu" so to speak on the desktop (I don't!) to save a click on the menu, but I can't imagine anyone want to have menus inside a filemanager window23:38
tladukewhould would apache download index.php instead of process it? if i put /index.php in the url, it does process23:39
SqueezerCan someone assist please? I have a problem with my flash -- sound stops playing on youtube after about 1-2 seconds, though video continues playing. Both on Chrome and Firefox. On pages like grooveshark sound plays fine. Sound also plays fine if I'm playing a YouTube video embedded in Facebook.23:39
NewWorldtladuke:  go ask in #apache , why you asking here?23:39
ikoniatladuke: if php modules are not installed and enabled in apache23:39
salmiakmaco: anyway, it must be possible to turn off, so the filemanager doesn't *ever* lie to me, right?23:40
Blue1Squeezer: 32 bit or 64 bit?  flash installed?23:40
NewWorldSqueezer:  Stop spamming. Post it on the forums23:40
macosalmiak: the desktop *is* a big ol' fullscreen file manager window. that's nautilus23:40
tladukeNewWorld: because i followed ubuntu wiki instructions23:40
djiefoNewWorld,  last line is xsetroot -bg white -fg red  -solid black -cursor_name watch23:40
SqueezerBlue1: 32bit23:40
macosalmiak: if nautilus has any options about that, theyd be in gconf-editor. no way gnome would've made a graphical way to edit it23:40
Blue1Squeezer: private message ok?23:40
NewWorlddjiefo:  Add a & at the end of the last line. Then make a new line at the end of the file and add that `exec compiz...` shiz23:40
SqueezerBlue1: sure23:40
ikoniaNewWorld: easy on the language please23:41
NewWorldikonia:  It's a euphemism23:41
ikoniaNewWorld: it's not acceptable23:41
NewWorldikonia:  Euphemisms are created to be acceptable :P23:41
macosalmiak: if you use dolphin instead, that doesnt mess with the filenames23:41
ikoniaNewWorld: it's not acceptable23:42
salmiakmaco: yeah, I have looked in gconf-editor but can't find anything related to that there...23:42
macosalmiak: (probably because in kde they don't make the file-manager do double-duty as the desktop-drawing thing)23:42
NewWorldikonia:  OK no euphemisms :) Can I say manure? Or is that too vulgar?23:42
ikoniaNewWorld: just communicate politley23:42
salmiakmaco: oh.. perhaps I should switch to dolphin instead then... is it hard to change filemanager? I don't want ubuntus locations menu to stop working.23:43
NewWorldikonia:  My manner was casual, not impolite23:43
djiefoI don't accept it... I try to be sure to don't break something by doing that NewWorld  english is not my maiden language if u arent noticed... thx for help tho23:43
CaffeineHi everyone! Do anyone know how to add L2TP VPN type protocol to the gnome "Network Connections" interface? I have installed the xl2tpd package thinking it might be it.. it's not. Nothing else inspiring IMO in the Software Centre... thanks23:44
ikoniaNewWorld: I'm getting a bit fed up of the smart responses, stop it, remove the euphemisms for "shit" ok23:44
mtec007when i type in uname -a, what does the following info indicate? Linux matthew-PineTrail 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC23:44
salmiak(and hopfully delphin isnt much different in other ways)23:44
NewWorlddjiefo:  Your English is very good :) Sorry I couldn't fix your problem23:44
mtec007the rest of uname -a is: 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux23:45
NewWorldikonia:  Sorry for making smart responses, do you want me to act dumb as well? I won't use euphemisms since we are so nazi about it23:45
m_fulderhello..I've now installed postfix and followed this fast instructions to set it to use an external SMTP : http://www.kreci.net/linux/how-to-send-mail-in-postfix-through-external-smtp/ ... but now when I try to use the mail function in PHP it returns true == 1 (mail has been sent) but I don't get any email .. any ideas what I could be doing wrong? maybe something wrong in my php.ini? Is postfix usign sendmail command?23:45
escottmtec007, look at man uname it describes the things it prints23:46
mtec007i dont fully understand it though.23:46
JRWRWhat is the best method to do this type of setup, Im having issues with netcat and two way traffic, Website -> WebProxy -> Netcat -> LZMA -9 -> NetCat -> internet -> Netcat Local -> LZMA -d -> Netcat -> Firefox23:47
entelm_fulder: check the postfix log??23:47
mtec007Linux matthew-PineTrail 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux   for example what does i686 i686 i386 mean?23:47
wtracymtec007, you are running Linux, your hostname is matthew-PineTrail, followed by the Linux version number and build time, and that you are running on an i686 architecture, and your OS is providing you a Gnu/Linux environment23:48
wtracymtec007, i686 and i386 are processor architectures23:48
m_fulderentel,  where do I find the logs?23:49
mtec007thank you, so why does it say both? i686 i686 i386 doesnt make sense23:49
wtracymtec007, "man uname" explains the output that man produces23:49
entelm_fulder: should be in /var/log23:49
mtec007wtracy: i dont fully understand my results23:49
linus_should the bluetooth module show up in the paman modules tab?23:49
linus_after updating to ubuntu 11.04 sound preferences doesnt display my bluetooth headset anymore23:50
linus_I have done a clean install to a flash drive and everything works23:50
djiefoI am not a robot23:50
linus_I think it is an issue with some pulseaudio setting23:51
macosalmiak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager#Manual%20Method23:51
m_fulderentel, I have some errors in /var/log/mail.err that postfix couldn't open /etc/postfix/sasl/sasl_passwd and sasl_passwd.db23:51
jimmy51is there an easy to use UI tool to rip a DVD to a playable file on my HDD?23:51
linus_@jimmy51 try handbrake I love it23:51
macosalmiak: itd be /usr/share/applications/kde4/dolphin.desktop for the one to set23:51
wtracymtec007, those three symbols refer to your "machine hardware name", "processor type", and "hardware platform"23:51
linus_bluetooth-applet loads on login and connects to the headset and ps3 controller23:52
jimmy51linus_: handbrake-cli   and   handbrake-gtk  packages?23:52
wtracymtec007, on PC hardware, those really aren't meaningfully different23:52
linus_cli=command line interface23:52
linus_Ive completely removed and reinstalled all bluetooth and bluez packages23:53
linus_also I completely removed and reinstalled all pulseaudio packages except libpulse023:53
skegeekHow would I go about changing Ubuntu to use more of a standard linux packaging system?23:53
macoskegeek: huh?23:53
whoever_what happened to #java it doesn't seen to exist23:53
wtracyskegeek, there is no "standard linux packaging system"23:53
itaylor57whoever_, ##java23:53
escottskegeek, apt isn't standard enough for you? join #fedora if you want rpm23:53
whoever_itaylor57: thx23:54
linus_libpulse0 is depended upon by so many things it would be very laborious to remove23:54
jimmy51linus_: downloaded.  i'll try this out, i have a 6 DVD set from the library i have 4 days to watch before it's due... with a 42 day wait behind me.23:54
WallyAnyone here had any issues where Adobe Flash may cause your computer to emit a high pitched squeel23:54
coz_itaylor57,  java is available,, open synaptic package manager23:55
jimmy51Wally: i've had flash cause my audio to skip obnoxiously if i left it open in firefox for too long23:55
itaylor57coz_, I was telling someone what the java channel name was23:55
jimmy51Wally: restarting firefox takes care of it until next time23:55
coz_itaylor57,  sorry wrong nick23:55
linus_on my pentium4 the standard setting with handbrake rips a dvd in 4 houts23:55
salmiakmaco: ok I'll see if it works later.23:56
cassiopeia_hey guys, i used to have some colors in the Konsole (blue and red) but now theyre gone =(?, anyone know how to get em back?23:58
linus_so any suggestions, on getting my bluetooth headset, to show up in sound preferences hardware? I know the hardware all works with a fresh install.23:58
WallyI'm just trying to work out if this issue we are having here is an OSX issue.23:58
bigtfishbonehello ?23:58
smwbigtfishbone, hi?23:59
itaylor57Wally, no but flash has at times caused me to emit a high pitched scream23:59
bigtfishbonesomething went wrong some minutes ago, got spammed by bots :/23:59
jiffe99do they make remote management cards/usb adapters that I can throw into a desktop machine for things like power management and console access ?23:59

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