
nessitahello crowd!12:06
fagannessita: your here12:07
nessitafagan: yes :-)12:07
nessitahow is it going?12:09
fagangood good12:09
faganhow was the trip back12:09
nessitait was good, and we were really lucky, since our flights operated normally, but the airport closed a couple hours after we landed12:11
Chipacanessita: ralsina is still stuck in brazil12:11
nessitaChipaca: yeah, I figured from his tweets :-(12:12
Chipacanessita: yeah. I thought you weren't working today?12:12
nessitaChipaca: I am, I wasn't working yesterday12:12
Chipacanessita: kewl12:12
nessitaso, I just checked lan.com and the buenos aires-córdoba flight right next to mine was cancelled on Sunday12:13
nessitaI feel special :-P12:13
Chipacanessita: cue mandel singing 'i feel pretty'12:13
facundobatistanessita, you're special :)12:13
facundobatista(good morning)12:13
nessitaChipaca: lol12:13
Chipacanessita: i need to go over some dates/planning stuff wiv you12:14
Chipacanessita: when would be a good time?12:14
mandelnessita: I have been looking at trunk of control panel and u10client and all tests seem to pass, did they get fixed?12:14
mandelor am I doing something wrong?12:15
facundobatistamandel, pign12:15
nessitaChipaca: depending on your lunch, it can be as soon as I finish catching up with stuff, like in 30 minutes?12:15
mandelfacundobatista: pong12:15
nessitamandel: I would say your machine is either too slow or too fast and the timing issues are not presenting there12:15
Chipacanessita: sure. ping me.12:15
nessitamandel: as far as I know, everything is still "broken" re tests12:15
nessitawhich is :-(12:16
nessitamandel: unless dobey fixed that yesterday? though I think he wasn't working yesterday12:16
mandelnessita: really? dammed I ran them several times in my vm and worked.. that is annoying12:16
nessitamandel: do you have u1-devtools up to date? because that is were the issue is (we fixed the base test case)12:17
mandelnessita: good point, I think I reverted to r33 at some point to find out when all this started12:18
nessitamandel: right12:18
* mandel looks at the r version12:18
facundobatistamandel, just a reminder of that branch for you to run the tests in windows :)12:18
mandelfacundobatista: oh, I forgot, can I have the url?12:18
mandelfacundobatista: I'll do it right now12:18
facundobatistamandel, this one https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/waiting-send-id/+merge/63979  thanks!12:20
nessitamandel: how is it going the SyncDaemonTool for windows? (trying to build a mental map of our pending assignments re wcp)12:23
mandelnessita: goo progress but I'm waiting for the test to fix and land the new code that has been blocked for a while, I'll like to have something ready for this evening tom morning12:24
mandelfacundobatista: since running al tes tests on windows atm is a pain, which test are the ones you wrote for that branch you gave me?12:24
nessitamandel: ack, I'll work on the tests as soon as I finish with what Chipacaa needs12:25
facundobatistamandel, actually, didn't write a new test for the windows part: changed what windows/ipc.py receives in some part, and fixed the code so the *current* tests go ok12:26
facundobatistamandel, see line 90/91 of the LP diff12:26
mandelfacundobatista: ok, then I know which to run :)12:28
mandelfacundobatista: looks like the tests pass if I merge it with https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_credentials_management which has been blocked due to the tests situation..12:30
mandelmajor PITA...12:30
nessitahi ralsina12:34
nessitaralsina: how/where are you? :-)12:34
ralsinahi nessita, greetings from foggy sao paulo12:35
ralsinaOr rather Atibaia, wherever that is12:35
nessitaralsina: and your family, where are they?12:36
ralsinanessita: in another hotel in Sao Paulo proper12:36
nessitaralsina: have you get together?12:37
ralsinasince the airlines are paying we can't change hotels, and I am 1 hour by car away from them12:37
ralsinaand neither can leave the hotels since the airlines want us near when the plane gets scheduled12:37
ralsinaso, maor suckage12:37
nessitaralsina: are you getting back to ARG in the same flight?12:38
ralsinanessita: nope12:38
nessitamayor oh12:38
ralsinanessita: not even the same airline :-(12:38
ralsinaI wonder how I describe this on canonicaladmin (yes, I had swap scheduled for today but I am stuck in another country)12:40
nessitaralsina: you should ask your boss ;-)12:42
ralsinaI'm so down I am about to go on a free-shop chocolate binge while watching friends reruns :-(12:42
* mandel walking dog12:44
* fagan break12:54
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
nessitamandel: let me know when you get back13:16
faganstore bought scones are not as good as the ones from london :(13:38
dobeynessita: i had yesterday and today as swap, so no i didn't work on the tests. :-/13:42
nessitadobey: ack. Is tarmac running?13:48
dobeybut u1client is broken; and i don't want my workstation crashing because the tests ate all my RAM13:48
alecuhello #ubuntuone!13:54
nessitahi alecu13:55
alecuhi nessita. I thought you were on swap today.13:55
nessitaalecu: not, only yesterday13:55
* fagan needs to head off for a few hours for errands13:58
nessitastand up in 2'13:59
nessitafagan: stand up first!13:59
fagannessita: will do13:59
nessitaalecu, mandel, fagan, thisfred?14:00
fagandont think mandel is back yet14:02
nessitaDONE: london sprint14:02
nessitaTODO: windows control panel14:02
nessitaBLOCKED: tests are not passing on u1client14:02
nessitaNEWS: we're going back to the "work only on bugs". IE, do not submit a branch without a bug attach to it, idelly created before the branch was started :-)14:02
nessitaNEXT: fagan14:02
fagan* played about more with that branch14:02
fagan* Get the branch merged in and the tests finished14:02
fagan* by stupidity14:03
fagannext alecu14:03
alecuDONE: team sprint14:03
alecuTODO: catch up with windows port14:03
alecuBLOCKED: no14:03
alecuNEXT: thisfred14:03
* fagan should have added the team sprint to the done item :D14:03
nessitamandel, alecu: we're having a mumble meeting re the windows port right after the stand up (well, a couple of mins later so we can grab some tea)14:04
thisfredDONE: worked on ubuntuone-couch release TODO: get ubuntuone-couch uploaded, help anyone with anything BLOCKED: no14:04
alecunessita, ack. Do you know if anyone besides ralsina is on leave?14:05
nessitaalecu: ralsina and dobey are on leave, though dobey may do some work today to try to fix the tests14:06
nessitaeveryone: please say "ack" if you understood what I meant regarding "work only on bugs"14:08
nessitamandel, alecu, fagan, thisfred: ^?14:10
nessitamandel, alecu: meeting in mumble in 20 minutes14:11
* thisfred files bug: Work On Stuff14:11
dobeyguess i should maybe make a thing for tarmac to require a linked bug with --fixes to land stuff14:13
nessitamandel: you back?14:22
nessitadoes anyone has the cell phone number from mandel? if so, please tell me in private14:29
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
nessitaI repeat: does anyone has the cell phone number from mandel? if so, please tell me in private (the one in the directory is old from Belgium)14:34
nessitaralsina: ping14:34
dobeynessita: directory?14:34
nessitarodrigo_: ping14:39
nessitaalecu: until we have the meeting, what are you planning on working on?14:52
alecunessita, right now I'm catching up with warthogs, and will do my pending expenses and will start looking into the pending gnome keyring 3 bug.14:57
alecunessita, what about you?14:57
nessitaalecu: I just filed a couple of bugs and I'm trying to remember where I left the cloud-folders tab, to create the merge proposal14:58
nessitaalecu: the keyring 3 bug will have to be postponed, we have some hard dates on the windows port14:58
nessitaalecu: that was the meeting about, I'm "desperately" looking for mandel to have the meeting and sync up14:58
alecunessita, I know that the keyring 3 bug can wait, but I was planning on taking a look at it while we are idle on the windows side...15:00
nessitaalecu: let's un-idle you in the windows side! :-D15:00
nessitaalecu: do you have any pending branch?15:00
nessitaalecu: I'll review now https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-control-panel/more-devices-tab/+merge/63292, what about you starting with the preferences/settings tab?15:02
alecunessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-control-panel/more-devices-tab15:02
alecuthat one15:02
nessitaon it15:02
alecunessita, I don't like that we keep building and have not tried this on windows yet.15:03
nessitaalecu: I agree. But until we have a proper planning meeting with mandel, who for now we depend on, there is not clear path for testing this on windows15:04
mandelnessita: sorry I'm back had an emergency to sort out...15:04
nessitaand as far as we foresee there should not be (tm) differences for that code (assuming we have the SyncDaemonTool)15:04
nessitamandel: mumble please?15:04
mandelnessita: sure on it15:05
nessitaalecu: mumble please?15:08
alecuone minute15:08
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
nessitasure! thanks15:08
rodrigo_nessita, pong15:12
nessitarodrigo_: is ok, no need now :-)15:12
rodrigo_nessita, ok :)15:14
nessitaalecu, mandel: first bug tagged with u1-zomg-windows! bug #797199 :-P16:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 797199 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Implement cloud folders tab in the QT version (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79719916:13
nessitaand the tag is now official16:13
nessitais also official for u1client16:14
Uber_Geekis there anyone in here that works on the windows client?16:14
nessitaUber_Geek: yes :-)16:15
nessitamandel: ping16:15
mandelnessita: pong16:15
Uber_GeekSweet, i would like to get involved, and help make the windows version work better.16:15
nessitamandel: what's with the https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/use_txnamedpipes/+merge/61935? wasn't ralsina doing reviews for it?16:16
mandelnessita: no one was I'm going to go through by ranches and take a look, when done I'll send an email to you guys16:16
mandelI have not been bossy enough with the reviews16:17
nessitaUber_Geek: that's great! right now we're really hard on having a complete new version, using the same daemon as the one we use in linux. So I would advice waiting until we release this code, and then help us test it and improve it16:17
nessitamandel: PLEASE! :-)16:17
nessitamandel: also, if not present, add test instructions to the merge proposal so we can actually test the stuff (even if you already EOD'd)16:17
Uber_Geeknessita: anything I can do to help in the meantime?16:17
nessitaUber_Geek: well, are you familiar with QT and css styling for QT?16:18
Uber_Geekno :(16:19
nessitaUber_Geek: is ok :-)16:19
nessitaUber_Geek: then there is not much you can help with at the immediate moment. Could you please re-ping us after June, 24th?16:19
nessita(if you're still available)16:19
nessitamandel: can I mark as approved this one https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/provide_credentials_management/+merge/62627 ?16:20
Uber_GeekI plan on following this for the forseable future.16:20
mandelnessita: let me take a look16:21
mandelnessita: go ahead, it looks correct16:22
mandelactually I can do it, face palm16:22
nessitamandel: well, I trust you will update all your branches, so I'll now stop digging into them :-P16:24
* nessita goes back to her stuff16:24
mandelalecu: ping16:40
mandelnessita: ping16:44
nessitamandel: pong16:44
mandelnessita: can you review the following: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/use_correct_reactor/+merge/6296116:44
nessitamandel: sure!16:44
mandelnessita: allows to use the correct reactor according to the platform. Later we can add a bug that states that the reactor is no needed on linux16:45
mandelthat way we try to fix the dbus issue16:45
mandelnessita: ping17:06
nessitamandel: pong17:07
nessitamandel: Text conflict in ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/gui.py17:07
nessita1 conflicts encountered.17:07
mandelnessita: hm, something must have changed, will fix right now before I forget17:08
mandelnessita: this is a hard one, but can you take a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/txnamedpipes/add_qt_integration/+merge/6192317:08
mandelnessita: if you feel you are not sure about it tell me and I'll get ralsina + alecu do it17:08
nessitamandel: I will certainly try17:08
alecuto do what?17:08
alecuoh, to review it.17:09
mandelalecu: review https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/txnamedpipes/add_qt_integration/+merge/6192317:09
nessitamandel: also https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/use_correct_reactor/+merge/62961 for alecu, right?17:09
mandelnessita: but let me fix the stupid conflict :)17:10
nessitamandel: why calling QObject.__init__(self) instead of super()?17:11
nessitamandel: and why is this for "type(data) == type(False)"?17:12
dobeyalright, now where are we, so i can get back to my stuff :)17:13
dobeymandel: ah your branch failed for other reasons :)17:13
iheartubuntudoes U1 have a mobile site for smartphone users? im not really interested in streaming music, just accessing my data.17:14
mandeldobey: ok going to look17:14
nessitadobey: what was it this time?17:14
dobeynessita: it's mucking up permissions on stuff under _trial_temp, so trying to remove some things fails17:15
dobeyor maybe that also happens in trunk?17:15
nessitadobey: but is that mandel's changes? I don't think so...17:15
nessitadobey: I would guess your tarmac trunk has a dirty _trial_temp, can that be it?17:16
nessitadobey: any other idea?17:16
dobeyor well, it's dirty now, becuase of mandel's branch17:16
nessitadobey: mandel's branch does not play with dir perms, so is odd17:16
mandelwell also because if I dif play it would be for windows17:18
dobeywell i don't know what it is. i am just reporting the facts. empty dir, merge mandel's branch, run tests, boom.17:18
dobeymandel: well, and linux doesn't have a "hidden" file permission :)17:18
mandeldobey: ok, I'm going to take a look locally :)17:18
dobeyi'm trying trunk to see what happens there17:19
mandeldobey: what do you mean with hidden ?17:19
dobeymandel: on windows, files can be "hidden" via an attribute/permission thing. i was just trying to think of some actual file permission that exists on windows that's in the FS :)17:20
mandeldobey: oh, yes true, and you also have other strange ones…17:20
mandellet me first fix  conflict I've got in a diff branch and then take a look at that17:20
dobeymandel: hooray for using utf-8!17:21
mandeldobey: you found the issue?17:21
dobeymandel: no, your sentence ended with "…" :)17:22
nessitamandel: I asked you 2 questions before re your qt integration  branch: why calling QObject.__init__(self) instead of super()? and why is this for "type(data) == type(False)"?17:23
iheartubuntudoes U1 have a mobile site for smartphone users? im not really interested in streaming music, just accessing my data.17:23
dobeyi wonder if we can parallelize tests17:23
dobeyiheartubuntu: there is a files app coming for android if that's what you're looking for17:24
iheartubuntuaawww im still stuck with an iphone17:24
mandelnessita: QObject.__init__ in most cases you cannot use super in PyQt, but I've just tested it and it works, so no real reason for this exact class17:25
mandelnessita: the type is that I want to make sure it is a <type bool>17:26
nessitamandel: then you should use type(True) == bool\17:27
nessitatype(something) == bool17:27
mandelnessita: what's the diff?17:27
nessitamandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/txnamedpipes/add_qt_integration/+merge/61923 line 8917:28
mandelnessita: I have a question about the FakeSdtool class in control panel, what is it for?17:28
nessitamandel: before going to that, let's have a conversation at a time :-) Are you ficing the type() thingy?17:29
dobeynessita, mandel: i am also seeing the file permissions things in trunk17:30
nessitadobey: you fixing it as well? :-D17:30
dobeyif i knew what was wrong i'd fix it, but i don't17:30
nessitamandel: please answer me before I swicth my attention to something else :-)17:31
dobeyproblema por chicharros :)17:31
nessitadobey: can you please cry outloud for help to chicharreros?17:31
mandelnessita: let e think about the answer17:31
mandelnessita: I really do not see the difference between the code you propose and the one is present? is it a matter of style?17:33
nessitamandel: not only style but confusing people17:33
nessitamandel: someone can easily do: False = 'a;17:33
nessitaFalse = 'a'17:33
nessitaand then your code will be checking against the string type17:34
dobeynessita: hrmm, i wonder if some weird condition is being hit due to the broken tests setup/teardown/super usage all over the place17:34
mandelnessita: well, yes that is the same arg used when doing c, but if the assing Fals to a string, wel they are stupid… I can change it if you want17:34
nessitamandel: yes please17:35
nessitaok, I need to reboot due to  font update breakage17:36
mandelalecu: nessita: I need to walk we dog will be back soon17:37
nessitamandel: I'm back17:44
nessitamandel: ping?17:45
nessitamandel: please ping back when you're here17:52
dobeynessita: am running tests on your testingit branch to see if it also has perms errors17:55
nessitadobey: let me know17:56
dobeynessita: not sure. your branch ate all my ram, and i got the inotify "too many open files" in it :(18:02
dobeyit was 1.4G and climbing when i killed it just now :(18:02
nessitadobey: ouch18:02
nessitadobey: if you review the changes, you can check that they make sense... anyways, not funny to ran out of RAM18:02
nessitaalecu: you're back! :-) I was feeling lonely18:02
dobeynessita: check what changes?18:03
nessitadobey: those from my branch18:03
dobeynessita: i'm not saying they don't, but stuff is obviously broken :)18:07
dobeyexceptions.AttributeError: 'FakeNetworkManager' object has no attribute 'busName'18:07
dobeylike that18:07
nessitadobey: is that u1client trunk? :-(18:08
nessitadobey: yes things are broken. Not sure how to escalate this, can I suggest you try to define a plan of action with phil?18:08
dobeythat was from your branch. some of the tests were failing with that, intermixed with the inotify issues18:09
nessitadobey: I would love to help, I like fixing this kind of messes. But for now, I can't18:09
nessitadobey: oh18:09
nessitahum I think I removed that because as far as I saw it was not needed18:09
dobeywell, that's fine, but we do need to fix the perms issue that's in trunk, and blocks branches now18:09
mandelnessita: pong18:13
mandeltell me :)18:13
* pfibiger just noticed he got pinged.18:13
nessitamandel: I added comments for both branches for minor fixing, the test request is not that minor and I would like to read your opinion on that one18:14
dobeyi don't know if i'd call that a ping, so much as a dereferencing :)18:14
mandelnessita: which branch is the test request one?18:15
nessitamandel: in the txnamedpipes18:15
mandelnessita: ok, well that is a complicated thing to do… we could fake the integration, but I'm not happy about that.18:16
mandelnessita: other thing to do would be to test the logic of the diff test, which also seems a little off for me, but more doable18:16
nessitamandel: what about tetsing the class you're developing? not the integration itself. Can that be done?18:16
mandelnessita: yes, we could test the implementation of the event, eventFilter and postevent methods18:17
nessitamandel: would that be quickly doable?18:18
mandelnessita: not nice because is not very tdd, but we can do that… the problem is that that class does the interleave of the reator which I have no clue of how to test.. maybe if I look in twisted trunk ..18:18
mandelnessita: yes, is doable, and will brin some coverage to the code, it would stop from other people braking it, but I'm not a happy camper on how the test would look18:19
mandelnessita: I dont know how to explain it, but they will look artificial18:19
nessitamandel: not sure what that means at code level18:19
nessitaI mean, when applied to code18:19
mandelnessita: fragile tests18:19
nessitamandel: can't we do plain unit tests where we don't depend on other components such as twisted?18:20
mandelnessita: yes, I'll write classic unittest that ensure the logic on the methods used for the inegration work as expected18:20
mandelshould not be too much work18:21
dobeynessita: seems like facundo is only chicharros around today; and i don't see him on irc :(18:21
nessitamandel: thanks (do not spend too much time on that please)18:21
nessitadobey: facundo is on swap day today, now that you mention18:21
mandelnessita: wont18:21
dobeynessita: then nobody is around; lucio and verterok are on holiday, and the new guy is, well, new :)18:21
mandelnessita: I'll do that in an hour, I was going to go to rugby, tom I'll move to the argetina timetable18:21
nessitamandel: ok. Is there any chance you fix the conflict first? (in the other branch)18:22
nessitaso alecu and I can do the review18:22
mandelnessita, dobey: before I go, in the test case of the sd in the tear down one of the methods ensures that the readonly files are read-write so that they can be deleted, maybe the issue is there18:22
mandelnessita: just pushing it right now18:22
nessitamandel: great18:23
dobeymandel: maybe; i suspect it's probably not getting called now, with the changes to devtools or something :(18:23
dobeyugh, there are lots of chmod calls18:24
mandeldobey: I think that the base test case they use for that does not inherit from the dev-tools test case, but I'm saying this from the top of my head18:24
mandeldobey: yes, lots of the, for each time you create the dirs used by the sd integration tests18:25
nessitadobey: I would guess the chmod-cleanup is being done in tearDown instead of inside a self.addCleanup call, so if there is a failure, tearDown is not called18:25
nessitadobey: (but those cleanup functions registered with self.addCleanup will be called even in case of errors)18:25
mandelnessita: one question, the test_install_bookmarks_extension, does it always fai?18:25
nessitawhat I meant was: tearDown is not called if there is an exception inside setUp18:26
nessitamandel: it never fails, it has nothing in it (I would guess)18:26
* nessita checks18:26
dobeynessita: tearDown should be called still; afaik twisted adds tearDown with an addCleanup()18:26
mandelnessita: I get a timeout18:26
nessitamandel: where's the error?18:26
nessitadobey: I'm pretty sure tearDown is not added as a addCleanup18:27
nessita    768         d.addBoth(self.deferRunCleanups, result)18:28
nessita    769         d.addBoth(self.deferTearDown, result)18:28
mandelnessita: ubuntuone.controlpanel.integrationtests.test_dbus_service.OperationsTestCase.test_install_bookmarks_extension18:28
nessitadobey: is not added as a cleanup :-)18:28
mandelnessita: I just get tiral telling me that is still running after 318:28
dobeynessita: ok, whatever, doesn't matter, because we're not hitting the case you're talking about, since the tests are passing :)18:28
nessitamandel: are you up to date? and I mean every single package (u1devtools)18:28
dobeynessita: ie, the tests pass and tearDown itself is failing, it seems18:29
dobeyor just not ever getting run18:29
nessitadobey: ok, then I better focus on this windows thingy18:29
dobeysimilar to the problem we are having with the InvalidDBusSession thing :(18:29
mandelnessita: yes.. but I;ve got strange issues with my testing vm, when I get back from rugby I'll test in a real up to date natty18:29
nessitamandel: ack18:30
mandelnessita: I'll ping you with the results :)18:30
mandeldon't hate windows too much18:30
nessitamandel: please18:30
nessitatoo late!18:30
dobeyneed to buy more ram :(18:49
dobeynessita: hrmm, i've got part of it fixed it seems, at least :)19:06
nessitadobey: yeah? great. What was it?19:06
dobeynessita: what i last suspected; inlinecallbacks/setup/teardown fiasco :(19:06
dobeyi don't know if i understand the dbus tests in syncdaemon well enough to fix it right though19:07
nessitadobey: if you have specific questions I can try to help you19:08
dobeythose are the 2 failures i'm currently getting (some other weirdness as well, but this is the big blocker atm)19:10
dobeyi changed the tests to yield d and use inlineCallbacks, but didn't help19:11
nessitadobey: I would add several prints inside  the if reply_handler: block to see what branch is entering in and what's the value of args_list19:13
nessitadobey: seems like what the dbus call is returning is not what the test expects. Can you please show me what changes you made re: inlinecallbacks+setup+teardown?19:14
* dobey tries19:22
dobeynessita: seems those two tests block on the "            config.get_user_config().set_udf_autosubscribe(not result) calls in the disabled reply handler19:26
nessitadobey: I'm lost, can you rephrase using two "? :-D19:27
dobeycurrent diff19:27
dobeynessita: sorry, paste issue; closing " should have been after the (not result)19:27
dobey"config.get_user_config().set_udf_autosubscribe(not result)"19:27
nessitadobey: I know what the problem is19:28
nessitadobey: you removed the BaseTwistedTestCase as parent class, which takes care of restoring the user config19:28
nessitadobey: which is in turn used as a precondition (to be in a given state, the default) for the tests19:29
dobeyhrmm, ok19:29
nessitadobey: the tests are failing because they assume they have an initial config that is not being there19:29
nessita(since that config is being messed up by other tests and no one is restoring it)19:30
nessitadobey: makes sense?19:30
dobeyyes; but doesn't make sense that they were the only 2 that failed there :)19:30
nessitadobey: well, it depends on the order the tests executed, this time the previous tests left the config in a way ionly 2 are broken19:31
nessitadobey: the easy fix is to restore the config at setUp, for example19:31
dobeywell i've fixed that by fixing the inheritance19:31
nessitalike BaseTwistedTestCase does in its setUp. So you can define the config default setting outside and call that from the 2 test cases, without inheriting from both19:32
dobeynow i have stuff like this all over the place: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/626749/19:32
dobeyDBusExceptions but tests still pass19:32
nessitadobey: ah, that is another bug that I think we need to report and ask chicharreros to fix. The test itself is not waiting for all the dbus communication to finish19:34
nessitadobey: but enough communication happened so the assertion pass OK19:34
nessitadobey: I would go ahead and leave that in place filing a High bug19:34
dobeyam making sure running all tests pass now with no perms errors from rm19:40
nessitadobey: yey!19:41
Uber_Geeksilly question, when I Check out a working copy of the windows installer, I get 3 empty folders, am I doing something wrong?19:55
dobeynessita: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/test-trial/+merge/6459119:56
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
nessitadobey: looking20:09
nessitadobey: changes make sense, running suite now20:11
* thisfred as well20:19
nessitatest ran surprisingly fast20:27
nessitadobey: did you remove most of them? :-P20:27
nessitadobey: big approve20:27
dobeylol, i wish20:29
dobeyyay, perfect timing. just about time for another tarmac pass :)20:30
nessitadobey: we owe you cake, you know20:30
nessitathough I would happily trade windows work for fixing tests :-D20:30
alecunessita, we'll get cake as well for you working on windows.20:31
nessitaalecu: that's encouraging, thanks :-)20:31
dobeymmm, cake20:32
thisfrednessita: hmm, tests are SUPERslow here. Weird20:35
nessitathisfred: you broke it!?!?!?!? :-P20:35
thisfrednessita: I'm running tests for dobey's branch as well. They've been going for half an hour or so...20:35
nessitathisfred: that is not good: Ran 2220 tests in 288.987s20:36
thisfredah AND I get errors:20:36
nessitathisfred: is you u1devtools up to date?20:36
thisfredmaybe not20:36
nessitaVersion: 0.1.3+r36-10~natty120:36
thisfredyep, one revision behind20:37
nessitathisfred: the key one20:37
thisfredmaybe they'll be fast now too!20:37
* thisfred retries20:37
nessitalet us know20:38
dobeynessita: landed; and set mandel's back to approved, so it should land now on the next run in a few minutes :)20:41
dobeyand i guess i'll just have to have another day as my swap day instead20:41
dobeysince at this point i'm about a half hour shy of being here a full day :P20:42
dobeynessita: and mandel's branch hath landed20:54
nessitathat's great20:55
dobeyso i am off. :)20:58
thisfredRan 2220 tests in 1266.447s21:06
thisfredPASSED (skips=6, successes=2214)21:06
thisfredstill 5 times slower. On my 8GB i7, but there you go. Are you using a quantum computer, nessita? :)21:07
nessitathisfred: nopes, an i5 with 8G ram21:12
nessitafood time!21:18
* nessita chews some almonds21:19
* fagan is back but has to go again :/21:24
faganUber_Geek: what installer are you talking about?21:25
* fagan just read the scroll back21:26
faganThe installer is old I wouldnt be supprised if it was broken in some way21:27
nessitafagan: were you delayed because of the ashes as well? :-P21:27
fagannessita: the ashes?21:27
alecuOk. So it's Kung Fu Panda right now, and a bit more Windows joy later.21:27
* alecu waves21:27
Uber_Geekfagan: I was wanting to look at the source for the windows installer.  Nessita mentioned a complete rebuild of the windows version, but I was hoping to look to see why it was doing some specific activities on my system.21:27
nessitabye alecu, please remember to send your email at your final eod :-)21:28
faganUber_Geek: yeah that installer hasnt been updated for months so there wouldnt be much point in looking at it21:29
faganbye alecu21:29
fagannessita: oh you mean cricket21:29
faganIve never watched a game in my life21:29
faganOk gtg will make up the 2 hours tomorrow21:30
nessitaok, I'm off bye all!22:21
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
iheartubuntuquestion: there was some ubuntuone updates today, which I installed, and now U1 will not connect. Anything I can do? thanks!22:42
iheartubuntuquestion: there was some ubuntuone updates today, which I installed, and now U1 will not connect. Anything I can do? thanks!23:04

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