
charlie-tcaGood morning14:11
charlie-tcaWe have new images to test today14:15
ochosihey charlie-tca 14:16
ochosisorry i didn't make the meeting yesterday14:16
charlie-tcaNo problem14:16
charlie-tcaYou told me before you would be in and out for a few days/weeks14:17
charlie-tcaI will try to get the minutes out today14:18
ochosicharlie-tca: shall i update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports with some artwork news?14:20
charlie-tcaWe need to try and keep it up to date14:21
ochosimeh, the wiki is still pretty laggy14:25
charlie-tcaOh, yeah14:26
ochosibut anyway, i updated it14:26
charlie-tcaThey are working on fixing it, but yes, it is still slow and gives the failed to load often14:26
charlie-tcabut, so does launchpad now :)14:26
charlie-tcaREALLY? desktop images are under 700MB today, but the alternate images are oversized!14:31
astraljavaWhoa, that's weird.14:43
astraljavaAnyways, I'll do install testing today on i386, but that will have to wait until 1800-1900 UTC, give or take.14:44
charlie-tcaimages are broken today14:49
charlie-tcaalready... using a new build method, didn't get it quite right today14:50
charlie-tcaimages are broken today15:37
GridCube:D good morning mister charlie-tca 15:38
charlie-tcabut there are images!15:38
charlie-tcaGridCube: good morning15:38
=== charlie-tca is now known as charlie-tca1
micahgumm, we're not oversized anymore...16:42
micahgwell, live builds aren't alternates are16:42
charlie-tca1at least is actually looking tiny16:45
charlie-tca1(under 600 MB)16:45
charlie-tca1but, the downside is, they are broken today16:45
GridCubedrc is MIA?16:48
charlie-tca1yes, drc is MIA16:48
charlie-tca1I did send an email asking what happened to him, got no response back16:48
GridCubewant me to do some testings?16:48
charlie-tca1can't test today. The images are broken16:48
GridCubei've heard that16:48
GridCubejust ask whenever you have something to be tested16:49
GridCubeif i can i will help16:49
charlie-tca1I can do that16:49
charlie-tca1First things first. Got to figure out how to use this weechat client16:50
charlie-tca1It works better than xchat with dasher16:51
charlie-tca1I think, anyway16:52
GridCubeoh :)16:56
micahgcharlie-tca1: hggdh likes weechat17:00
* davmor2 is sickened to here that micahg chats with wee, words and text are the norm ;)17:00
GridCubeweechat is like irssi?17:01
charlie-tca1yeah, I guess. I never tried irrssi17:02
charlie-tca1it definitely runs in a terminal17:03
GridCubeoh it looks prettier than irssi17:04
charlie-tca1it's the learning curve. Going from Xchat to Weechat is a big change17:05
GridCubei like the fact that it has several scripst and visual configurations, but then again i like irssi a lot17:19
charlie-tca1I don't know if I like much about it now. I used it way back, though, and it was pretty good after I got used to it.17:20
* charlie-tca1 doesn't really get along well with terminal these days17:21
micahgmr_pouit: so, apparently, alacarte is stuck pulling in gnome-panel since it uses one of its binaries, can we switch to gmenu-simple-editor in gnome-menus (suggested by seb128)18:13
* micahg guesses that's what we were using before18:14
charlie-tca1Alacarte used to work18:14
charlie-tca1back in karmic or earlier, before Xfce 4.618:14
* charlie-tca1 thinks "as in W-A-Y back"18:15
micahgcharlie-tca1: it'll work fine, it just pulls in a lot of gnome deps :)18:15
charlie-tca1Guess we shouldn't recommend alacarte no more in #xubuntu, either, then18:16
micahgwell, if disk space isn't a problem and it's a better tool, then by all means18:17
charlie-tca1I don't know better/worse. I haven't tried them both to compare. if alacarte pulls in gnome panel, we can switch, as far as I am concerned. 18:18
* micahg unfortunately isn't familiar enough with it to know if it's possible to separate the GNOME parts out, there is some desire for this in Debian as well, so it might happen at some point18:18
charlie-tca1As long as gmenu-simple-editor works, I don't have a problem18:18
charlie-tca1The farther we get from Gnome, the better off we seem to be18:19
astraljavaSo, the images are broken? *grin*19:17
Unit193And I had fully planned and had the time to do all the testing! (Even put it on my gcal!)19:31
micahgUnit193: I wonder if the alternate images are working19:35
Unit193I thought they were all broken... I could try it19:36
micahgidk, charlie-tca would know better19:37
Unit193I just started downloading if they were not broken19:38
astraljavaUnit193: Well, judging from the at least three separate times he mentioned that, I do actually believe him. Was just messing about. :D19:44
mr_pouitmicahg: hey, I don't think alacarte is in the seeds?23:05
mr_pouit(because for me, it always broke the xfce menu, because of its OnlyShowIn=GNOME thing)23:08

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