
maxbCould I have a copy of jubany:/srv/package-import.canonical.com/new/logs/packages/libfile-touch-perl please?00:00
james_wmaxb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/626940/00:12
* maxb stares at the log and wonders what changed that it now errors00:16
pooliehi amanica00:22
maxbHmm. I'm totally failing to be able to reproduce the "727 packages failed with key AssertionError:<module>:main:find_unimported_versions" issue00:33
maxbIs UDD's meta.db small enough that I could download a copy?00:33
pooliei'll look00:58
spivHi maxb00:59
pooliehi spiv!00:59
spivThanks for digging into those failures, it's a shame to have slipped so far backwards :(00:59
pooliemaxb: 153MB; so probably yes00:59
maxbpoolie: Great - maybe you could copy it into the www directory?00:59
maxbor symlink could work too, I guess01:00
maxbgot it01:04
maxbGrr. It works fine here01:19
maxbGiven the importer queue is empty, I propose a ./requeue_package.py --all-of-type libfile-touch-perl    - even though a previous single requeue failed again, the importer might as well be exhaustively checking each failure still fails again, given I'm totally unable to reproduce the failure, even having supposedly used identical data01:20
spivmaxb: ok, I'll kick that off01:38
spivmaxb: if that fails, I guess we start narrowing down version differences and the like :/01:39
* maxb crosses fingers and hopes the problem disappears as mysteriously as it arrived01:39
spiv(in the software on jubany, that is)01:39
spivRequeued, let's see what happens.01:40
maxbHmm... this is odd. I see a different testament sha in the DB to what bzr testament reports01:44
maxbbut that still should not be able to cause this failure modoe01:47
pooliethanks for the reviews gz01:50
pooliehi spiv; can you comment on my mp about del methods?01:50
spivmaxb: huh01:50
spivmaxb: so some of those failures are indeed clearing :/01:50
spive.g. “Success libfile-touch-perl: Nothing new”01:51
spivpoolie: sure01:51
james_wmaxb, workaround-fix merged and rolled out, thanks for the fix01:56
maxbspiv: Hmm. Mysterious indeed. I can only conjecture that my first broken version of the workaround managed to trigger some insanely counter-intuitive behaviour01:59
pooliespiv, thanks for that02:08
pooliei'm surprised bug 659590 could be reliably fixed by relying on del02:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 659590 in bzr (Ubuntu Lucid) "[SRU] dput sftp upload hangs after all files successfully uploaded" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65959002:09
poolieperhaps it's an object that's only ever refcounted at present02:09
poolieperhaps i should revert that one change, and then file a separate bug to deterministically close them?02:10
spivI think that would be safest.02:10
spivIf this were the start of the 2.5 release cycle rather than near the end of the 2.4 cycle I'd be more tempted to land it and see what the fallout is02:11
spivI'm not sure that removing that __del__ would necessarily cause a regression along those lines, but given that we have had surprises in this area before my instinct is to be a little conservative.02:12
pooliereally that bad?02:12
pooliei'm glad i asked then02:13
spivHmm, it may be interesting to note that bzrlib.transport.ssh has something similar, but with weakref callbacks02:14
spivi.e. makes sure to try kill the SSH subprocess when the corresponding object is GCed (if it hasn't already)02:16
=== wallyworld___ is now known as wallyworld
Kamping_Kaiserhi all. trying to update a pakage with bzr merge-upstream and it tells me i haven't got a tag on the branch upstream-0.2011. how can i tag that branch? help on branches/branch/tag/tags didn't clear it up for me05:27
KombuchaKipIs there any way to get the branch revision number, e.g. just 43, as opposed to something like 43 kip@thevertigo.com-20110612001024-3tncb5tbxh30d7zx when one runs bzr revision-info?05:33
Kamping_Kaiserbzr revno?05:34
KombuchaKipKamping_Kaiser: Thank you. I didn't see that switch.05:36
Kamping_KaiserKombuchaKip: np05:36
spivKamping_Kaiser: 'bzr tag -r REV TAG_NAME' sets a tag on a branch05:36
spivKamping_Kaiser: specifically it sounds like bzr merge-upstream is looking for a tag called "upstream-0.2011"05:37
Kamping_Kaiserspiv: the error implies i have multiple branches. could that be the case, or is it just fooling with me?05:37
spivI think you may be misreading the error05:38
Kamping_Kaiserquite possible. full message is 'bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the tag for the previous upstream version, 0.20110614, in the branch: upstream-0.20110614'. i don't know how to tell if i'm in that branch; bzr info doesn't tell me05:40
spivKamping_Kaiser: Right.  I see the confusion.05:42
spivKamping_Kaiser: "upstream-0.20110614" is the tag name it is looking for05:42
spiv(Which would be the tag corresponding to upstream version 0.20110614)05:42
Kamping_Kaiserspiv: thanks for clarifying. have to say, thats a rather confusing message :/05:43
spivApparently so!05:44
spivI'll file a bug about that.05:44
Kamping_Kaiserspiv: thanks. if you could let me know the number that would be great :)05:45
spivbug 79751805:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 797518 in bzr-builddeb "Confusing error from merge-upstream when upstream tag is not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79751805:47
Kamping_Kaiserhi all, another merge-upstream question. while using merge-upstream it deleted my debian/ directory. is this, uh, normal? http://paste.debian.net/119879/ am i missing more tags? (bzr help merge-upstream doesn't mention tags at all)06:29
spivKamping_Kaiser: I don't think that's normal, but I don't know enough about bzr-builddeb to suggest how to debug :(06:44
Kamping_Kaiserspiv: np. i'll hang around, hopefully someone else will wander by06:45
spivKamping_Kaiser: hmm, although a quick guess might be that the debian/ directory is incorrectly part of the previous upstream-* version?06:45
Kamping_Kaiserspiv: let me try retagging to check06:47
spivKamping_Kaiser: or just inspect the contents (e.g. with 'bzr qlog')?06:47
Kamping_Kaiserspiv: qlog doesn't appear to be a bzr command06:49
spivKamping_Kaiser: it's part of the qbzr plugin06:49
spiv('bzr viz' from the bzr-gtk plugin is nearly as good)06:50
Kamping_Kaiserah, don't have that plugin06:51
Kamping_Kaiserspiv: looks like you are correct - it wants the upstream release tagged, not the package release.06:55
spivKamping_Kaiser: yes, the upstream-* tags are for tagging upstream versions06:55
spiv(Although I think normally you'd rely on merge-upstream or import-upstream to create those revisions and tags for you)06:56
Kamping_Kaiserspiv: its probably because i crated the repo with dh-make manually, instead of bzr dh-make (which i just discovered)06:57
vilamorning all !08:03
fullermdWhat, again?  We just survived the last one...08:32
jammorning all08:38
mgzwill try to find some time for coding today, about to go offline though08:52
Riddellspiv: can't hear you09:05
* jelmer waves09:05
spivSoftware.  It's marvellous.09:05
jelmershould we try skype?09:06
Riddelljelmer: mumble still not happy for you?09:06
Riddellis vila around?09:07
vilaerrk, here I come09:07
jelmerRiddell, not really, trying the audio wizard setup again..09:08
maxbjames_w: Do you remember what the "sleeping to stack" thing the UDD importer does is for? (Sleep for 5 minutes after pushing a dev-focus branch if the push created a new remote branch) Is it, as speculated in the code, obsolete now launchpad doesn't have separate read / write branch areas?09:37
spivmaxb: sounds highly plausible09:38
spivjelmer, Riddell, vila, jam: g'night!09:38
vilaspiv: cu !09:38
jelmerRiddell, one of the bugs associated with it is bug 46551709:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 465517 in bzr (Ubuntu Natty) "'bzr push' copies the entire repository if there is a BzrDir but not a Branch" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46551709:42
Riddelljelmer: unapproved queue is fairly long, hasn't been processed in a week, I guess you can try politely pinging members of ~ubuntu-sru09:48
jelmerRiddell: thanks - just pinged pitti in #ubuntu-devel09:48
vilajelmer: I forgot to ask, which bzr versions did you deploy on lp ?10:19
jelmervila: 2.3.310:45
vilajelmer: thks10:45
jelmervila: I'm looking forward to the day we can deploy 2.410:47
vilayeah, happens every 6 months ;)10:48
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
james_wmaxb, experimentation showed that if it slept for about the latency of copying branches between the two areas they still failed to stack14:43
james_wmaxb, no-one had any explanation for why it was happening, so I left it at 5 minutes which seemed to avoid the issues14:43
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
spivjames_w: so now that there's no copying to wait for that sleep is probably unnecessary then?15:05
james_wspiv, the conjecture at the time was that it wasn't the split that was causing it, but no alternative explanations were forthcoming15:06
spivjames_w: hmm.  Still tempting to try removing it and see if the bug and/or trigger is no longer present...15:08
spivOr maybe it if it still fails it might be more obvious why15:09
spivAnd with that optimistic thought I'm off to bed!15:10
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga-afk
achianghello, looking for some help on how to recover from a pretty bad mistake. :-/ i had 2 branches, A and B. for a long time, i've been making changes in A, and then merging/pulling into B. i just made a mistake of pulling B back into A, and want to undo that.15:33
achiangeven worse is that both A and B are committed and pushed into LP.15:34
maxbThis doesn't sound too bad15:50
maxbThe potentially slightly tricky part is that you will have to identify the old tip of A by browsing the revision history and figuring it out15:51
maxbAre A and B public? Sometimes it's easier to explain by just saying "look at these branches"15:52
achiangno, A and B are not public, unfortunately.15:54
maxbFirst thing is - we need to be clear on whether you pulled/pushed B into A, or merged it15:55
maxbSecond, are you familiar with qbzr and "bzr qlog" ?15:55
jamhave a good night everyone15:56
achiangi definitely did a 'bzr pull B', so i do not have a clean merge point. :(15:56
maxbOK, so, start "bzr qlog", and look back in the history for the last merge of A into B - this should allow you to identify the revision that should be the correct tip of A15:58
achiangmaxb: ah, what i do have is good versioning15:58
maxbjames_w: Thanks - do you know if it has been revisited at all since the "two areas" design was changed to a single area? It seems likely that this behaviour could be removed now, for significant simplification of the code.15:59
achiangso, my A version string looks like: 0.4~bzr45715:59
achiangand my B version string looks like 0.4~bzr457versionB15:59
james_wmaxb, it has not been revisited16:00
achiangso, i think that r457 in A is the last time i branched off B16:00
achiangor rather, r457 in A is the last time i merged it into B16:00
maxbachiang: Ok, that will help in confirming that you have found the right revision, but you'll still need to hunt through the history. If you start "bzr qlog", and look back through the merge commits, it should hopefully be reasonably easy to locate revisions which are intended to be part of A16:01
achiangmaxb: hm, actually life is a little easier -- on another machine, i have a good copy of A before my mistake16:08
maxbachiang: OK, so once you have convinced yourself that it is not missing any revisions that should be there, you can just "bzr push --overwrite" it to other places where it needs to be16:11
achiangmaxb: ok, i'll try that16:13
achiangmaxb: is there a way to diff branches at the revision level?16:16
vilaachiang: bzr qlog branchA branchB16:21
vilaachiang: or bzr qlog branchB branchA16:21
vilagenerally you put the most inclusive one first (trunk)16:22
achianghm, thanks16:23
maxbSome of the older UDD branches are... not very pretty17:00
maxbscala has somehow managed to end up with separate (though related) upstream revisions in ubuntu and debian, and three separate revisions for each version, one in unstable, one in testing, and one in ubuntu17:01
maxbDespite never having had an ubuntu delta17:01
* jelmer waves17:20
apwcan anyone explain why bzr moves things to .moved when merging?17:26
vilaapw: bzr help conflict-types17:27
vilaapw: but in a nutshell, I suspect you're running into a parallel import ?17:28
vilaapw: i.e. do you have a few .moved files or a huge number of them ?17:28
apwi have a world of them, and the importer is somehow making the kind of mess which reintroduces the collission for every upstream merge, and it is getting on my nerves17:29
apwvila, is there some way i can say ... these files are the same file really, treat them as a textual collission17:30
vilaapw: so, the root issue is that bzr use file ids to track renames and that works well except... when the "same" files received different IDs17:30
vilaapw: not yet no, sorry, but it's a know issue for udd and we should fix it (and will)17:31
apwvila, so i should be using git to do my merge then, git-bzr or something, as that will not make the same mistake17:31
apwvila, anyhow thanks for the info that is helpful17:31
vilaI don't know how bzr-git handle that17:31
apwwell git doesn't track files, so its merge would be what i want, just texttual17:32
vilaapw: but yes, git doesn't have this problem17:32
vilaapw: what is the package you're having an issue with ?17:33
jelmerbzr-git won't help with that17:33
apwvila, module-init-tools17:33
apwjelmer, i atually meant git-bzr in that context17:33
apwjelmer, as in check it out in git, merge it there with its dumber merge, and push it back into bzr17:34
vilamaxb: does module-init-tools ring a bell ?17:34
jelmerapw: Ideally bzr's merge would support per-path merging17:34
apwjelmer, well indeed, but as right now what it does is hose my working directory and break my poor mind ...17:35
maxbI have not looked at module-init-tools17:35
jelmerapw: it shouldn't actually be that hard to implement, there just never has been a lot of reasons to implement it17:35
apwvila, so in my problem case the merge seems to have merged some files, ie noticed they are ok, then moved them aside, such that if i take the 'other' side i won't actually get the other side i'll get only like 2 files17:36
maxbUnfortunately I think quite a few of the UDD imports have ended up with differing Ubuntu vs. Debian file-ids17:36
apwmaxb, and thats insoluable? as the merge side of things just doesn't work at all when they are like that17:36
vilaapw: I don't follow, how do you take the 'other' side ?17:37
maxbIt's a tractable problem, but it's most easily solved by throwing away the mangled import and reimporting if there are no non-importer revisions17:37
gouris 2.4 going according to the schedule?17:38
apwmaxb, that seems fine, what i don't get is once i have merged them why it doesn't know they are then the same17:38
vilagour: so far, yes17:38
vila'once I have merged them' How ?17:38
apwvila, i have a tests directory with some files, i merge in a near identicle directoy with the same conents different file id's17:38
apwvila, and i end up with tests/ with one directory in with the one new file from the merge, and everything else in tests.moved.  i then say "bzr resolved --action=take-other which to my reading should give me whats in what i am merging and nothing from my local17:39
fullermdBut you haven't _merged_ the files, you've just picked one or the other.17:39
maxbOK, so in the module-init-tools case, the problem is that we have the existing oneiric branch which is derived from an import of upstream's git - whereas the existing debian branches are derived from tarball imports17:39
apwvila, but what i get is exactly one file from the other side and nothing else.  that seems like a completely erronius resolution17:40
vilaapw: argh17:40
apwfullermd, well indeed, but picking the ones from the right place aught to sort out the wrong file ids in my world17:40
vilaapw: 1) 'bzr resolve --take-other' *with no path specified* has bugs17:40
maxbSo in this case it is uncovering the problem that UDD cannot work for merging changes from Debian if the ubuntu side is tracking one representation of upstream but the debian side is tracking a different one17:41
apwvila, quality software17:41
vilaapw: well, I just fixed one today, 'cause I had a bug report ;)17:41
vilaapw: what version are you using ?17:41
apwmaxb, and i can't fix it can i, not even by careful use of merging17:41
apwvila, whatever version is in natty17:42
apwvila, its hard to know whats a bug and whats meant to work that way when i am in such a pickle17:42
vila'bzr version' but that's probably 2.3.1 (2.3.3 is currently SRUed)17:42
vilaapw: I know17:42
maxbapw: Well, you could, but if you "fixed" the use case of merging from Debian, you would have introduced the equivalent problem for merging from upstream's bzr-git import.17:42
vilaapw: I know :-(17:42
apw2.3.1 indeed17:42
vilaapw: there are no known bugs if you use 'bzr resolve --take-other FILE' (at least in trunk)17:43
apwmaxb, i assume the problem persists because of how the importer pushed down new versions ... now if i push my branch to the import branch before i upload, it shouldn't stand on my branch at all should it ?17:43
maxbThe root cause of failure here is that we have allowed official package branches to be used with non-UDD-importer upstream sources, without realizing and documenting how this breaks the merge workflow17:44
apwmaxb, might that let me fix the ids ?17:44
gourvila: good luck with release...it looks it might be an important one17:44
apwmaxb, i think module-init-tools was a very early adopter of bzr and so very very likley all the horrors you suspect have happened to it17:45
maxbapw: The importer will honour tagged revisions pushed before uploading if it assesses their content to be essentially the same as the upload17:45
apwso then its down to what 'essentially the same' means ... as i have watched it wack my tagged revisions before17:46
maxbapw: Basically the problem is that someone decided to make lp:ubuntu/oneiric/module-init-tools be a branch derived from upstream's vcs (which is a good idea in general) but without knowing the consequence that it is incompatible with merging from a Debian UDD-imported branch17:47
apwmaxb, i suspect it actually was joined there before the importer existed even17:47
apwmaxb, so no magic bullet ... just slog t17:49
apwthrough the conflicts every time, papering over the bugs in resolved ...17:49
maxbWell. If I was doing this merge, I would disregard lp:debian/module-init-tools completely17:50
apwmaxb, ok, is there somewhere else i can get the 'contents' and apply it?17:50
maxbI would import the debian .dsc into a local branch and merge that17:50
apwmaxb, ok will give that a go, it cannot possibly be any harder17:51
apwmaxb, any idea where i'd find that17:51
maxbIf we want to continue this style of package maintenance, I'd probably take the opportunity to disentangle from the unwanted debian import whilst we still can, first.17:52
maxbAh, so is this package maintained in bzr in debian? Looks like it17:53
maxbRight OK17:53
apwmaxb, could be, i have managed to merge the package in the sense that i know the real differences from debian and its back to a small set thereof17:54
apwmaxb, the plan was to try and push it back to being related in the 'normal way' when i started out17:54
maxbSo the nice and tidy way to manage this would definitely be to remove the painful messy 3.13-1ubuntu1 revision before we build any more history on top of it17:54
apwmaxb, whatever you think is appropriate17:55
maxbSo, here is what I'd do:17:56
maxb* Have a local copy of lp:ubuntu/module-init-tools17:57
maxb* Have a local copy of the Debian packaging branch which Debian is actually using - *not* lp:debian/module-init-tools17:58
maxb* In the ubuntu branch, uncommit the painful merge of 3.13-1ubuntu1 ("bzr uncommit")17:58
maxb* Reconstruct that revision with different ancestry, by first merging the appropriate revision from Debian's bzr ("bzr merge -r 3.13-1 ../local-debian-branch"), then removing all the files, unpacking Ubuntu's .dsc into the tree, and committed18:00
maxbAt that point, I'd be well placed to merge 3.16-1 from Debian with bzr helping, rather than fighting me18:00
apwthat sounds at least sane18:01
apwso i need to find their upstream branch,18:01
apwhopefully that is in their package18:01
apwmaxb, i'll have a go at that and publish something for review18:02
maxbI can try to do what I just described and post exact commands18:03
maxbHmm, their debian/control lacks Vcs-* fields - naughty18:03
apwmaxb, yeah i think i grok your intent and indeed why it makes sense, its finding the debian one which will challenge one18:04
maxbAsk Scott James Remnant?18:04
apwmaxb, well i don't think he is maintining the debian side, we have been deviant from them for the longest time18:05
maxbOh yikes, I have misinterpreted somewhat18:05
maxb"3.12-1" was deceptively a direct upload to maverick apparently, not via debian18:06
apwahh yes, there was much badness done in the packages history18:06
maxboh, yuck18:06
maxberm, right18:06
maxbthere's no Debian history in this branch at all18:07
apwwhats annoying is i know how to un-fook self here with git, i'd just take the debian import, drop our files on it, merge the history from the current mess branch without taking any files at all and push the result18:07
maxbjust Ubuntu history mislabelled with debianlike revisions18:07
apwmaxb, yeah this branch is an utter mess, i wonder if i rm'd all the files in the ubuntu one and merged it into a new checkout of the debian one18:08
apwwould i get a clean debian one with the ubuntu history still attached but not affecting me ?18:08
apwie all my files would be the right id's from the import side18:09
maxbVaguely - I am currently trying to remember how I solved one of these before18:09
apwwell perhaps i will go try that18:10
apwand see what bzr vis does after18:10
maxbapw: I think I know what to do now18:11
maxbbzr branch -r 3.13-1 existing-ubuntu-branch reconcile-fileids18:11
maxbcd reconcile-fileids18:11
maxbbzr merge ../existing-ubuntu-branch # which is at 3.13-1ubuntu118:12
maxbbzr revert . # Note the final . character in the command18:12
maxbDelete everything but the .bzr dir18:13
maxbCopy in the content from 3.13-1ubuntu118:13
maxbbzr diff, briefly check the output looks like the existing ubuntu delta18:14
maxbbzr ci -m "Committing existing Ubuntu 3.13-1ubuntu1 with fileids from Debian UDD branch>"18:14
apwmaxb, why do i get ids from debian there?  as i never mentioned it anywhere?18:15
apwor is that 3.13-1 the real debian one in that case18:15
maxbYes, that's correct18:15
apwok will give it a go and see if we can unfook this mess18:16
apwmaxb, thanks18:16
maxbI will try these commands too and make sure they actually do what I claim :-)18:17
apwmaxb, well it looks sane enough in bzr vis, will try merging it up as well18:22
apwas there is anohter upstream version to merge to as a test18:22
maxbIt does appear to have done something approximately sensible18:24
apwmaxb, thats doing much more what one might expect, exactly one conflict, where i'd expect one18:25
apwmaxb, awsome thank you, that revert . thing is essentially what i would have done in git too18:26
maxbThere really ought to be a way to do this without deleting and manually replacing the tree, but I'm having trouble thinking of one right now18:26
apwmaxb, but as the history is still attached i can still find everything so i think its ok18:27
apwmaxb, and the merge to 3.16-1 has gone exactly as i would expect not just the odd conflict nice ... thanks18:43
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
dashi'm getting a lovely 'checksum mismatch' error when trying to pull from an svn repository. anything i can do to diagnose/work around this, or is cloning a fresh branch outside the shared repo my best bet?22:56
pooliedash, hi, i suggest you file a bug with details and then branch into a different repo to see if that helps23:03
maxbdash: A fuller view of the error message would help a useful answer23:03
dashit's just "bzr: ERROR: checksum mismatch: '0fa285e09d5f0258f68f2bd3c95474af' != '3f62e97923e50d938a211951ff56e753' in mysvndir/trunk:22246"23:04
dashno traceback23:04
maxbPlease check your ~/.bzr.log - I think the traceback will be saved there23:04
pooliehi maxb23:07
* Riddell politely reminds spiv to review his bzr-explorer merges sometime today23:46

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