
iHakuI don't mean to be a bother but what are the plans for the next Edubuntu?  I cannot seem to find a roadmap for Oneiric.06:15
highvoltagegood morning13:48
alkisggood morning13:49
highvoltageiHaku: hey there. we have a roadmap page that we need to update. I usually do it but I'm way behind on Edubuntu stuff atm13:49
highvoltageiHaku: it should be up on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Devel/RoadMap replacing the natty one by the end of the week13:50
highvoltageiHaku: otherwise all the information is on blueprints.launchpad.net, but I'm not sure how easy it is to find edubuntu-specific information13:51
alkisghighvoltage: Last week's ubuntu-meeting made me think... I'm an edubuntu member => indirect ubuntu member. The correct thing would be for me to also apply for direct ubuntu membership, right?13:54
highvoltagealkisg: if you're an edubuntu member, then you're a full ubuntu member in every sense of the word13:58
alkisgSo no need to file an application? OK, thanks :)13:58
highvoltagealkisg: nope, check your LP page: https://launchpad.net/~alkisg13:58
highvoltagealkisg: the last icon on the membership icons shows that you're already in the ubuntu-members group as well13:59
alkisghttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers => I'm not in the list there13:59
alkisgYou are an indirect member of this team:13:59
alkisg            Alkis Georgopoulos                            →               Edubuntu Members                                         →               Ubuntu Members13:59
alkisgBut sure I understand that I'm an indirect member13:59
highvoltagealkisg: I think you can request to be added there if you want to, but you don't need to apply for membership again14:00
alkisgAh, nice, that sounds more logical14:00
alkisgThanks highvoltage14:01
highvoltagealkisg: you're welcome. not that I did anything :)14:05
alkisgYou provided information, it's that what IRC is for? :D14:06
alkisgHeh, some of those are quite fun: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers/+mugshots14:09
iHakuhighvoltage: Thank you for the info.14:17
iHakuI might not be able to package programs or anything like that, not on debian based computers anyway.  I would like to help the project.  Is there anything, on top of testing, which I could do?14:45
highvoltageiHaku: no problem, we need people on pretty much anything. maintaining / writing documentation is always a big one that we need people for.15:24
highvoltageiHaku: besides that there's always support on IRC / forums / lists / askubuntu.com / etc that needs attention15:25
highvoltageiHaku: heck, even maintaining a list of things that new contributors could do would be *extremely* helpful :)15:25
iHakuI could certainly try my hand at documentation.15:29
highvoltageiHaku: hanging out in #edubuntu is also great. we often encounter things that we just don't have time to do, if you have time and feel up to it you could take it then. it's up to you :)15:36
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GilAzHi there. I need help with using a bash command. Anyone care to help?16:34
LaserJockdoes dinda ever hang out here?18:42
highvoltageshe used to when she was working for Canonical18:49
LaserJockhighvoltage: she's not anymore?18:58
LaserJockthat wasn't long18:59
highvoltageLaserJock: I'm not 100% sure she's left already but it's been a few months since she said she's leaving, and I haven't seen her here since19:07
highvoltageLaserJock: am I not making any sense?19:09
LaserJockno, you are19:10
LaserJockI'm just surprised19:10
LaserJockshe was nice, I think it's a loss for education within Canonical19:11
stgraberhighvoltage: she's no longer on directory.canonical.com19:19

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