
=== F3ar|ZNC is now known as F3ar
Andre_Gondimis there any workaround to have ubuntu one on at oneiric?01:33
Ian_CorneI'm guessing if you're not using NM01:33
Ian_Corneit will work01:34
Andre_Gondimhow do I know if I'm using NM?01:39
Ian_Cornewill tell you if a device is managed01:42
micahganyone experiencing overheating with the 3.0 kernel?02:43
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TheBunturunning kubuntu Oneiric... installed ubuntu desktop.... now how do i remove all of gnome.... gnome 3 is great on 11.04.... but on Oneiric... it sucks03:14
TheBuntuHow do i remove gnome from Oneiric03:37
IdleOneapt-get remove ubuntu-desktop03:37
TheBuntuIdleOne: thats only removing that one package03:39
IdleOnehmm not sure anymore with all the gnome3 stuff03:39
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litropyNot sure if this changed since OO: what is the wifi applet in the menu bar called?07:30
litropynm-applet. thanks.07:39
rippsIt seems that Running Virtualbox causes Unity to glitch and the Dock no longer hides... ever. Restarting Compiz doesn't even help, I have to restart the Xserver.07:47
Radicalsouthernhas anyone ever dealt with this type of error guys?08:54
RadicalsouthernSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an08:54
RadicalsouthernUpstart job, you may also use the stop(8) utility08:54
Ian_Corneyofel: there's an official update out for nvidia11:30
Ian_Cornetrying it atm11:30
Ian_Corneah with the new update, I can use unity again12:42
Ian_Cornebut nvidia still doesn't work on 3.0.012:42
Ian_Corneanyone confirm?12:42
BluesKajI have DD, DTS , or mkv enbedded audio working with movies , but no wav, flac, mp3,wma, or other audio only codecs that comprise most of the music files have no audio output, the backend is gstreamer..     The audio test in phonon works with spdif out IEC958 digital out only.Wonder if anyone else has encountered this with the Realtek ALC120013:04
BluesKajbeem searching for the audio libs that might be missing , but I'm not sure what are titles as anymore13:06
BluesKajthe titles and names13:06
BluesKajHi Ian_Corne13:06
BluesKaj!info wav13:08
ubottuPackage wav does not exist in oneiric13:08
BluesKaj!info mp313:09
ubottuPackage mp3 does not exist in oneiric13:09
elrosBluesKaj: the easiest way to get tons of codecs is to install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:09
elrosthe usual warnings about knowing your countrys copyright laws apply13:10
BluesKajeiros , yup that's done , as I said the movie audio is fine the music audio is nonexistant13:10
BluesKajI don't have any digital versions on my hdd that I don't already own on cd or vinyl13:12
BluesKajthat's the cpoyright law in Canada13:13
yofelIan_Corne: the archive update of 270 is supposed to work with 3.0 though13:21
yofelthat's what the changelog says at least13:21
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Ian_Cornethen it's me :(13:33
Ian_Cornehmm no log file in /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/270.41.19/build13:34
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Ian_Cornehmm, google chrome doesn't show to be active in the unity side bar16:20
Ian_Cornebut it is there16:20
Ian_Corneand is active..16:20
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Ian_Cornein fact, it doesn't even show up anymore when i relaunch it16:20
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MechanisMhello I need help! yesterday I installed updates with linux-kernel 3.0 + new nvidia-drivers and today when I wanted to start pc it's not booting in graphic mode. I even cannot see menu for recovery or safe mode16:41
MechanisMnow I'm in live cd16:41
Ian_CorneMechanisM: so grub doesn't work either?16:42
MechanisMgrub booting all. I see how started postgre server, how started other programs in console. but on starting sendmail it's freezing and I can't run any command16:43
Ian_Cornetried ctrl+alt+f1?16:43
Ian_Cornefor me it just doesn't start the x server16:43
Ian_Corneso i can reboot an pick the older kernel16:44
MechanisMnope yet16:44
MechanisMI can't pick anything16:44
Ian_Corneat grub?16:44
MechanisMI can't see choices16:44
Ian_Cornedid you remove the old kernels then?16:44
MechanisMnope it's there16:44
MechanisMI can edit files of my broken system from live cd. what should I do to enable grub menu for recovery and other options16:46
Ian_Cornetry running grub update first16:47
Ian_Corneand see if it detects the kernels16:47
MechanisMbefore this yesterday update system was so stable and fine16:47
MechanisMhow can I run? I said I cannot get access to commandline it's freezed16:47
MechanisMit's freezing before user login16:47
MechanisMwhen sendmail starts it's freezing16:48
Ian_Cornewell you are on a live cd16:48
MechanisMI can't enter commands in old system only can edit files from live cd16:48
Ian_Corneso just chroot16:49
Ian_Corneto your system16:49
Ian_Cornemount /dev/"yourrootdevice" /mnt16:49
Ian_Cornemount -t bind /dev/ /mnt/dev16:49
Ian_Cornemount -t bind /sys /mnt/sys16:49
Ian_Cornemount -t bind /sys /mnt/proc16:49
Ian_Cornemount -t bind /proc /mnt/proc *16:49
Ian_Corneand then chroot /mnt16:50
Ian_Cornei think that should do the trick16:50
Ian_Corneit's been a while tho :)16:50
Ian_Cornehmm don't do /sys16:50
Ian_Cornei'm not sure about that one anymore :)16:50
arif-alino need to do sys,16:50
arif-alidev and proc should be sufficient16:51
arif-aliI do this quite regularly16:51
Ian_Corne /proc/sys maybe16:51
arif-aliif you have /proc, you have /proc/sys16:51
MechanisMI think all I need is disable nvidia drivers and thats all and when I boot I'll install it again16:51
Ian_Cornearif-ali: hmm16:51
Ian_CorneMechanisM: nuking your Xorg should do that just fine :)16:52
Ian_Corneand then you can work from your real system16:52
Ian_Corneor renaming it to something else16:52
MechanisMwhat thats means?16:52
arif-aliIan_Corne, I do it quite regularly with setting up stateless images etc, and I I had to do it recently with the wifi issue I had16:52
MechanisMI tried remove rename xorg.conf16:53
MechanisMone time it's worked and I loaded but after restart it's not booting again16:53
Ian_Corneif you just want to disable the nvidia driver, you don't even have to chroot16:54
MechanisMI dunno how to chroot16:54
MechanisMI saw your commands but I dunno my root disk16:54
Ian_Corneyou don't have to16:54
MechanisMcoz I have a lot of hdds16:54
Ian_Corneyou still need to mount your root disk16:55
Ian_Corneso just mount16:55
Ian_Cornecheck if it's the root partition16:55
Ian_Corneand if not, unmount16:55
Ian_Cornerinse, repeat16:55
MechanisMmaybe you'll help me via TeamViewer?16:55
Ian_CorneI'm too busy for that16:56
Ian_Cornebut can I ask you, why are you on +116:56
MechanisMcoz I'm was in #ubuntu but when ppl saw I'm asking about 11.10 they said go to +116:57
Ian_Cornenono, why are you running the alpha version16:57
MechanisMI'm tryin to recover my ubuntu 11.1016:57
MechanisMit was fine and stable16:57
MechanisMfor me16:58
Ian_Corneyes, but i'm wondering why you are running 11.1016:58
MechanisMcoz I like all new and fresh16:58
Ian_Corneok :)16:58
MechanisMand send bug reports16:58
MechanisMon ubuntu 11.04 I was from alpha too16:58
Ian_Cornewell, as I said, you'll have to mount all your /dev/sd{a,b,c,...}{1,2,3,4,..} devices16:59
Ian_Corneand check which one is the root partition16:59
Ian_Cornei don't know any other method of finding out what your root partition is16:59
MechanisMmaybe grub config?16:59
arif-alithe grub config will be in your root partition17:00
Ian_Corneif you can get into that, you can check which partition houses the device yes17:00
Ian_Corneerr the root17:00
Ian_Cornebut arif-ali if he can "edit" the grub entry to 3.0 kernel, he can check which device is being target as root device17:01
Ian_Corneyou can also check the bootable flags ofcource17:02
Ian_Cornegparted should show that17:02
Ian_Cornebut multiple partitions could have that flag17:02
Ian_Corneit's /dev/sda117:04
MechanisMand what should I do next?17:04
Ian_Cornemount /dev/sda1 /mnt17:05
Ian_Cornecd /mnt17:05
Ian_Cornecd /mnt/etc/X11/17:05
Ian_Cornemv xorg.conf xorg.conf_backup17:05
MechanisMI said that I tried it17:06
MechanisMand nothing changes17:06
Ian_Cornehow did you try it17:06
Ian_Cornewhen you didn't know what your root device was?17:07
* Ian_Corne is confused17:07
MechanisMwhen somebody said I need to chroot in it17:08
Ian_Cornewell how did you even get your grub.cfg if you don't know the partition  :p17:08
Ian_CorneMechanisM: I'm sorry I think we're just confusing eachother17:08
Ian_CorneI'm gonna have to go17:08
MechanisMI just mounted it in nautilus17:08
Ian_CorneI admit defeat17:08
Ian_Corneoh right17:08
Ian_Cornethat works too ofcource..17:08
Ian_Corneso did you rename the xorg.conf file?17:08
Ian_Corneand after reboot nothing?17:09
MechanisMI tried it earlier and after reboot, nothing changes17:09
MechanisMnot notrhing17:09
MechanisMthe same17:09
Ian_Corneyes, hanging at sendmail17:09
MechanisMI see commandline and see how programs starting17:09
Ian_Corneyou can check the logs in var/log/17:09
Ian_Cornebut as I've said, I've got to go now17:10
MechanisMok thanxx and bye17:10
arif-aliMechanisM, have you checked the logs?, like Ian_Corne suggested17:11
MechanisMyes reading it now17:11
arif-alimaybe worth looking at daemon.log, messages, kern.log and syslog17:11
dsathelinux 3 has issue with 270.4117:12
dsatheuse 27517:12
dsathe275 came out yesterday17:12
MechanisMI can't use now coz I can't even login17:12
dsatheyou can17:13
MechanisMnope I can't17:13
arif-alisame way, using chrooting system17:13
dsathenot even tty17:13
dsathelike recovery ? MechanisM ??17:13
Ian_Cornehe says he doesn't see those in the grub menu when he boots17:13
MechanisMyes I can't see menu to choose kernel or recovery17:14
arif-alihe could change grub when you boot, and add 1 at the end17:14
Ian_Cornehave you tried holding shift17:14
dsatheuse a live disk17:14
Ian_Cornewhile booting?17:14
Ian_Corneto see grub?17:14
arif-alithat will get you into recovery17:14
Ian_Corneif you don't have any other OS installed, grub will not show17:14
Ian_CorneI think17:14
dsatheresinstall grub17:14
MechanisMI'm in live cd already17:14
dsathechroot is the way ;)17:14
dsathegrub install17:14
MechanisMI dunno how17:14
Ian_CorneMechanisM: can you try by rebooting while holding shift for me please?17:15
MechanisMI have only ubuntu 11.10 and thats all17:15
Ian_Cornei don't get it..17:15
arif-aliwell Ian_corne showed you earlier, chroot is the best and easiest way17:15
MechanisMhold shift while booting?17:15
MechanisMhow can I chroot?17:15
arif-alimount the files as suggested17:16
arif-aliand then use chroot <folder>17:16
arif-aliyou will be in the FS as it was the machine17:16
MechanisMI mounted it from nautilus17:16
arif-alik, in  command line run the following commands17:16
arif-alimkdir /mnt/disk17:16
arif-alimount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk17:17
arif-alimount -o bind /proc /mnt/disk/proc17:17
arif-alimount -o bind /dev /mnt/disk/dev17:17
arif-alithen do chroot /mnt/disk17:17
Ian_Corneah -o17:17
Ian_Cornei said -t :)17:17
arif-ali-t is for filesystems17:17
Ian_Corneyes, my bad :)17:18
MechanisMI've done all commands and no errors17:18
MechanisMwhat next?17:18
arif-alik, now you should be able to navigate as it is the main OS of your machine17:18
MechanisMohh ok17:19
arif-alion the command line I mean17:19
arif-alinot via nautilus17:19
MechanisMI understand17:19
arif-aliso you could change /etc/default/grub to say that you want the recovery17:19
arif-aliand do a update-grub17:20
arif-aliand then reboot and use the recovery to do things that way17:20
arif-alior you could use wget to download the new drivers and install using the command line17:20
MechanisMwhat should I add in grub to enable recovery menu?17:20
arif-alichange /etc/default/grub17:21
arif-aliGRUB_DISABLE_RECOVERY to false17:21
arif-alithen re-run update-grub17:21
MechanisMok thanxx17:22
arif-aliyou should see extra entried with recovery in as well17:22
arif-aliin the grub.cfg17:22
MechanisMnow I can't start gedit from terminal coz of chroot I see error from nvidia17:23
arif-aliuse nano or vi17:24
arif-alicommand line17:24
Ian_Cornedisaster waiting to happen atm :p17:24
MechanisMok nevermind I'll reinstall it. just need to backup files17:25
MechanisMhmm how to save changes in vi?17:27
Ian_Corneif you're unable to handle these basic tasks, I would advise you to stay on the stable ubuntu release and just work with ppa's to get the newest versions of programs you desire17:27
MechanisMno I'm don't want to runaway from problems I want to solve it.17:28
Ian_Corneyou're not solving them by just reinstalling :)17:28
MechanisMhow to save in vi?17:28
MechanisMI mean't I changed my mind17:28
MechanisMI'm willing edit it to recover17:28
arif-alihe meant to save in vi use :w17:29
arif-aliand to then quit use :q17:29
arif-alior both at the same time :wq17:29
Ian_Corneor :x17:29
arif-aliyeah, or that17:29
MechanisM I only see :w and nothing changes17:30
arif-aliI just have a habit of using :wq17:30
Ian_Corneyeah me too17:30
MechanisMI need to type ":" + "w" right?17:30
arif-aliyou won't see necessarily on screen, if anything changes17:31
arif-aliyeah, at the bottom left17:31
arif-aliyou will see a : and w17:31
arif-aliand then press enter17:31
yofelyou could press 'ZZ' to, that will save and quit (not sure if that's vim only)17:31
arif-aliyofel, not used that one17:31
Ian_Corneworks yofel17:32
MechanisM:w + enter just moves to new line coz of enter17:32
arif-aliyou need to press "Esc"17:33
arif-aliand then :w17:33
arif-aliobviously you need to remove the :w from the text now17:33
MechanisMok now better17:33
MechanisMok rebooting17:34
MechanisMthnxx guys!!17:34
arif-alidid you check your grub.cfg, if it had the recovery section?17:34
MechanisMohh not yet17:35
arif-aliand did you do the update-grub?17:35
MechanisMdon't see any recovery enable/disable17:36
codemonkey1337guys, I need help, I'm trying to install a newer version of ubuntu over an older version of ubuntu, but whenever I try and partition the drives, the program (and gparted) can't see any of my pre-existing parititons. However, when I do an fdisk -l, I can see all the partitions that already exist!17:37
arif-aliMecanisM, can you see the grub menu?17:37
arif-aliyou need to be able to do that, to see the recovery stuff as well17:38
arif-aliwhat is the contents of /etc/default/grub17:38
MechanisMI enabled it in /etc/default/grub17:41
MechanisMbut can't see how to enable it in grub.cfg17:42
arif-aliall I was saying it to check your grub.cfg, to see if it has added it17:42
jbichacodemonkey1337: did you try asking in #ubuntu? this channel is for the development release17:43
codemonkey1337okay thanks17:43
MechanisMCannot find list of partitions!  (Try mounting /sys.)17:43
codemonkey1337I'll do that17:43
arif-alik, from your previous pastebin, I see that it is already there, but you need to get into the menu ....17:44
arif-alihmmm, I need to figure how I did that now17:44
arif-alihttp://pastebin.com/iBKcb3eA, this is what I have in mine, and I have the menu coming up17:47
MechanisMI forgot to say that commandline also says /dev/udev is not writable and moving back to /dev/.udev17:48
MechanisMbut it's appears always since I installed 11.1017:49
MechanisMand system loaded even with it.17:49
MechanisMI tried to find /dev/udev but don't seen it. so don't chmoded it17:49
arif-alithat shouldn't be a problem, if wasn't causing a problem before, it should be ok now17:50
arif-aliwhen you do a Ctrl-Alt-F1, do you see CLI? where you could log in?17:50
MechanisMI can't properly run "update-grub"17:50
MechanisMcoz it's says that I need to mount sys17:51
MechanisMCannot find list of partitions! (Try mounting /sys.)17:51
MechanisMwhy canonical not managed to add recovery functions in live cd?17:53
arif-alithere is a way, by adding extra to the command line17:54
arif-alilike adding "single"  or "1"17:54
MechanisMso how to mount sys?17:54
MechanisMto run grub-update17:55
arif-alimount -t sysfs none /sys17:55
MechanisMok done17:56
MechanisMgenerated new grub.cfg17:56
MechanisMok rebooting with fingers crossed17:58
Ian_CorneI think he could have just used shift while booting18:07
Ian_Corneto pop up grub18:07
MechanisM_ok I'm booted successfully.18:18
MechanisM_just lost my themes and icons18:18
MechanisM_thanx for all who helped me!18:18
CarlFKwhat's the command to upgrade from natty to oneiric?18:28
CarlFKapt... -d  something18:29
OneiricOnedo-release-upgrade -d18:29
CarlFK'Calculating the changes"  is it going to "are you sure?" me any more?  I want to go get lunch18:32
CarlFK"Fetching and installing the upgrade can take several hours. Once the download has finished, the process cannot be cancelled.  y/n? "  grumble...18:34
CarlFKget on with it!18:34
arif-alimaybe a -y option should be available ;)18:34
bjsniderit is now obvious to me that canonical could have created extensions and customized themes that would have modified gnome-shell to look and act almost exactly like unity. they didn't really need to create a whole desktop shell from scratch at all18:41
bjsniderfor example: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/soundmenu-like-gnome-shell-extension.html18:43
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BluesKajsuddenly after updates , no audio from wav, flac, mp3 or wma files , ..spdif out on alsa to my DAC , no analog connections on this setup .Wrapped digital audio like DTS and DD signals work fine19:29
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Ian_Corneanother nvidia-current update20:04
Ian_Cornelets see if this one works20:04
Ian_Cornenu zegt ma als ge de muziek hoort eh20:26
Ian_Cornedan zettek em af20:26
guntbertIan_Corne: wrong window?20:27
Ian_Corneyes :p20:28
Ian_Cornei was going to say: nvidia still doesn't work on the -pae kernel20:29
lolcatguntbert: How so?20:46
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shududyhi guys22:15
shududyi ve been using ubuntu 11.10, how can i login?22:15
shududyon virtualbox22:15

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