
hakimsheriffHey Guys00:04
dscasselHi, hakimsheriff00:04
dscasselJust getting set up now...  Sorry for the delay00:04
dscasselMeeting time...00:05
hakimsheriffI have two meetings at the same time00:05
dscasselMass call! genii-around kavurt pillow billybigrigger Guest95519 kenjy ryanakca BobJonkman KombuchaKip sipherdee bregma IdleOne komputes txwikinger cyphermox james_w Drossel jburkholder willwh Jeruvy MagicFab zeroedout FiReSTaRT Kamondelious Mobidoy ZykoticK900:06
KombuchaKipdscassel: What can I do for you?00:06
dscasselMeeting time, if you're interested. :)00:07
dscasselAgenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2011-06-1400:07
dscasselFeel free to introduce yourselves...00:07
KombuchaKipdscassel: I'll be voyeuristic, but can't guarantee I have much to contribute.00:07
dscasselAnyway, I'm Darcy, in Waterloo and I'm one of the contacts for Ubuntu Canada.00:09
hakimsheriffIm Hakim Sheriff, in Montreal, and I distribute free "prowered by Ubuntu" stickers for System 7600:10
MagicFabHi! Fabian here -> mostly U-Quebec contact - these days playing a lot with kvm, GLPI and Zentyal00:10
zeroedoutHi, my name is Alishams Hassam. I'm a director at Free Geek Vancouver. Trying to get the gtalk plugin to work with natty so i'll be here on and off00:11
hakimsheriffI'll be in and out too00:13
dscasselzeroedout: Cool. I've been talking to the Free Geek Toronto guys about their space being a hub for Ubuntu activities there. :)00:13
kavurtI'm Klich Koken, from Halifax, NS. I'm long time linux user, but i use ubuntu since hardy.00:13
zeroedoutdscassel: sweet! Currently we do something called Open Help Night (formerly Windowless Wednesdays), ever wednesday where people come in with Ubuntu issues and techs from the community come to help fix/install ubuntu.00:14
zeroedoutI haven't had a chance to chat up the FG toronto guys much, but I hear they're doing well00:15
dscasselGood to see new (to me, anyway) people out. :D00:15
dscasselOkay, so ... Events!00:17
zeroedoutglad to be here :)00:17
dscasselVancouver is having its Natty release release party on Friday.00:18
dscassel(You need to sign up for meetup.com and join the ubuntuvancouver event to see it.  I hope it's nothing naughty.00:18
dscasselThis Sunday is the first Car-Free Sunday in Waterloo.00:19
dscasselThere was some talk about us setting up a booth or something, but I have a feeling it's not going to happen this month00:20
dscassel(I haven't done any prep for it at lease)00:20
dscasselBut there'll be more in July and August.00:20
dscasselAside: zeroedout, have you been out to any of the Ubuntu Vancouver events?00:21
zeroedoutI've been to a couple, trying to make it for this one00:22
dscasselI've heard good things, but I don't know too much about what actually goes on out there.00:22
dscasselAnyway, the ubuntu Global Jam date has been set.  It's Sept. 2-4.00:23
dscasselWe'll be doing one in Kitchener, as usual.00:23
zeroedoutthe last one I went to was just people getting together and chatting about ubuntu and general geekery. Had some issues with the last event... but this isn't the time or place :)00:23
dscasselAnd I'll be trying to get the Free Geek Toronto guys to do one there.00:23
ZykoticK9MagicFab, re: yocto-reader isn't that an MS error?  Perhaps that would explain the problem ;)00:23
dscasselBut it would be cool if we could get more of them across the country.00:23
dscasselzeroedout: Okay :)00:24
dscasselOn jams, one thing we've been talking about here in KW is that the Global Jam happens awfully late in the cycle.00:25
ZykoticK9MagicFab, my bad, clearly says "Apache/2.2.17 (Ubuntu)" at the bottom.00:26
dscasselWe were thinking about maybe doing an earlier Jam, where we can get people contributing earlier in the cycle.00:26
sipherdeeHi everyone!  My name is Eric Beaurivage and I'm from Montreal, QC.  My plan is to get more involved into Ubuntu with Ubuntu-QC and... I am a bit late to introduce myself for this meeting. <g>00:27
dscasselWelcome, sipherdee :)00:27
dscasselYou should talk to MagicFab re: ubuntu-qc if you haven't already.00:27
MagicFabhakimsheriff, me wants stickerz :) Coming to next Ubuntu Hour ? dscassel don't worry I 've taken care of sipherdee's *free* time already00:28
dscasselAwesome. :D00:28
sipherdeeYes dscassel, we know each other and he already is a great help to get me started.00:28
hakimsheriffMagicFab, Maybe, if i manage to convince my dad,00:29
dscasselMagicFab: I'm planning on being in Montreal the last week in August.  I'm hoping I can get out to the Outremont ubuntu Hour.00:30
KombuchaKipdscassel: Car free Sunday here in Vancouver as well, I believe.00:30
dscasselKombuchaKip: cool.  It seems like a good opportunity to get out and interact with "normal" people. :)00:30
KombuchaKipdscassel: Yes, we'll have Ubuntu Vancouver out and about.00:31
MagicFabdscassel, ring me whenever in town, I'll gladly match my schedule to yours00:31
dscasselThat's cool.00:31
dscasselMagicFab: Great. Will do.00:31
dscasselAnyway, last thing on the agenda:00:33
dscasselThere are a bunch of sessions coming up in the #ubuntu-classroom IRC channel.00:34
dscasselIf you get an app called Lernid (there's a PPA out there if you want to google for it), the experience is a bit more streamlined and you get slides.00:34
dscasselAnyway, the first week of sessions is ubuntu developer week, July 11-1500:35
dscasselIt's for people looking to get into developing on ubuntu, or developing Ubuntu itself.00:36
dscasselIf you think you can run a session, I'd encourage you to go to the wiki page.00:38
dscasselThe second one is Ubuntu Community Week, July 18-22.00:38
dscasselThat's organized by Ubuntu Vancouver's own Randall Ross.00:38
dscasselAnd it'll be about getting more involved in the community, building community, helping users, etc.00:38
dscasselThe sort of stuff we're talking about here...00:39
sipherdeeI can't run a session yet but I will be online to contribute to the talks from July 12th.00:40
dscasselsipherdee: That helps.  There'll be a -chat channel where you can help answer questions.00:41
dscasselJono has a blog post about the various weeks and things coming up this cycle: http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/06/01/six-months-of-rocking-ubuntu-events/00:42
dscasselAnd that's all I got.00:43
sipherdeeI got enough informations with the links you posted.  Thanks for the meeting!00:45
dscasselI'll be around for a while if anybody has anything.00:46
dscasselThanks for coming out. :)00:46
dscasselAnd think about running an Ubuntu event in your town!  Ubuntu Hours are easy, and anyone can do them.  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour00:47
zeroedoutlol, this was pretty interesting actually. hope to be around for more (or at least idle)00:47
hakimsheriffMeeting over?00:49
dscasselUgh, unity crash. :(00:49
hakimsheriffdscassel, Meeting over?00:49
dscasselYup, unless you have any questions or anything. :)00:50
dscasselugh, it looks like the logger stopped logging this morning sometime.00:52
dscasselIf anybody has the meeting in the log or buffer, could you email it to dscassel@gmail.com?00:53
hakimsheriffdscassel, why dont you try to copy and paste what happened00:56
hakimsheriffbetter than nothing ;)00:57
dscasselBecause unity crashed and I lost my buffer. :(01:00
dscassel(not running in screen at the moment. :( )01:00
hakimsheriffshould i copy and paste it for you?01:02
hakimsheriffand send it to you by e-mail?01:02
zeroedoutwoops, just about to send myself....01:03
hakimsheriffzeroedout, go ahead and do it01:03
dscasselthanks, guys. :)01:05
youcanlinuxHi from the Falls01:07
dscasselHi, youcanlinux :)01:07
dscasselNiagara, I assume.01:07
youcanlinuxI try to keep up with the mailing list... Have today off from work, and my wife took our son for a drive. I just started using latest Ubuntu and I like it a lot.01:08
dscasselNice. :)01:08
youcanlinuxYes, Niagara, dcassel. Greetings.01:08
youcanlinuxI haven't seen a lot of Linux community activity down here... Maybe that will change...01:09
dscasselyoucanlinux: There's NPLUG, but I think that's mostly St Catherine's.01:10
youcanlinuxI'd be fine with that even... I work there01:10
youcanlinuxtxwikinger, what does the tx mean ?01:10
dscasselTexas. :)01:11
dscassel(I'm guessing he's afk at the moment...01:11
youcanlinuxoh, maybe he'll be back soon. I'm familiar with that part of the woods.01:11
youcanlinuxi was just shopping computer parts in St. Kitts today, found a neat little store. Need to set up a better computer for my mother-in-law.01:12
dscasselHe's a good guy. He's here in Kitchener-Waterloo now. :)01:12
youcanlinuxAnyway, I'm dealing with a cooling issue on my testing system... I switched out a fan and it seems I didn't put enough goop on the CPU.01:13
youcanlinuxKitchener-Waterloo, I got to take the family over for Oktoberfest :-)01:13
dscasselDefinitely. :)01:13
dscasselOr our Ubuntu release parties. :D01:14
youcanlinuxAnd lots of Linux stuff going on over there, I think. I gotta take my son to one of the parties, he's 5.01:14
dscasselHe'll appreciate our cake, i'm sure. :)01:14
youcanlinuxI am hoping to put up more info on my blog about the latest Ubuntu, but I am really wanting to see more club acitiviies. I01:16
dscasselyoucanlinux: What's your blog?01:20
youcanlinuxI've got a domain name, but I'm wanting to transfer registrar, probably to wordpress... still under consideration.01:22
youcanlinuxI'm interested in advocacy and helping beginners01:22
youcanlinuxalso education01:23
youcanlinuxcommunity education and stuff01:23
dscasselcool. :)01:24
dscasselWell, if you want to start building community in Niagara, you can start by organizing something like an ubuntu hour... http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour01:24
youcanlinuxThanks, I'll look into that.01:25
dscasselIf you do decide to do something, keep us updated. :)01:25
dscassel(you can add events here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca01:26
youcanlinuxWill do. I have lots of questions about that, I'll save it for either the list or private email.01:27
dscasselSure. :)01:27
youcanlinuxI don't mean to hog the meeting, but is anyone else going to comment/ask questions ?01:28
dscasselOh, the meeting's over. :)01:29
dscasselIt's 7-8 (ish).01:30
dscasselI'll have logs up in a minute.01:30
youcanlinuxUm, well, er.  hehe01:30
youcanlinuxAt least I made it to the channel.01:31
dscasselYup. :)01:31
dscasselBut really, I tend to idle in the channel all the time.  So do other community folks.01:32
dscasselI may not be able to get back to you right away, but if you have questions, just ask away and I'll get back to you.01:32
youcanlinuxThanks, I appreciate that.01:32
dscasselYou can also join #ubuntu-locoteams to ask questions to the LoCo council.  They can help with stuff not particular to the Canada LoCo (ie, us)01:34
youcanlinuxThank you for that LoCo info. Does Raymond make it to these meetings /channel sometimes ?01:34
dscasselWhat's his nick?01:36
dscasselRaymond House, you mean?01:36
dscasselI don't think so...01:36
youcanlinuxYeah, he's the one. I'd like to think that the list really helps him out a lot.01:37
youcanlinuxWe all have to start somewhere.01:38
hakimsheriffAnyone know what happened to Corey Burger?01:38
youcanlinux__Sorry, went to the other console. Oops.01:40
youcanlinux__I know there used to be a way to set up a system to be able to do X-Windows sessions and switch between consoles with Ctrl-Alt-F?, hmm01:42
youcanlinux__So do any of the LoCo's get CD's from Ubuntu to give out at meetings /01:43
dscasselyoucanlinux__: Yeah, I've got a whole pile CDs in the trunk of my car.01:44
dscasselI'm trying to figure out how to get them out to people without costing me a fortune in postage.01:45
youcanlinux__I think people who are interested should be happy to attend a meeting or something... If only people would have events...01:46
dscasselhakimsheriff: He said he'd moved on to other things.  He's still around occasionally, but not in any official capacity.01:46
dscasselI have events! My Ubuntu Hour is tomorrow.01:46
hakimsheriffdscassel, any given out in montreal?01:47
youcanlinux__Kitchener, I've heard about the place... never been. You don't speak German by any chance ?01:48
dscasselhakimsheriff: MagicFab should have a bunch.01:48
hakimsheriffdscassel, only prob is i can never go to the ubuntu hours here01:48
dscasselyoucanlinux__: Not for about 8 generations, no.01:48
youcanlinux__I'm into cultures and languages.01:49
dscasselhakimsheriff: there's other ways to get ahold of him, I'm sure. :)01:49
dscasselyoucanlinux__: Cool.  There isn't a whole lot of German stuff in town.  Much more in the Mennonite communities nearby.01:50
youcanlinux__hakimsherif: I hear you. spare time is scarce for many of us.01:50
dscasselKW has changed a lot even in hte 15 years I've lived here.01:50
youcanlinux__dcassel: I'm familiar with Mennonites. Thanks.01:51
dscasselhakimsheriff: You can trade him for stickers. :)01:51
hakimsheriffdscassel, i was just thinking about that01:51
hakimsheriffyoucanlinux__, its not just time, im too young01:52
hakimsheriffyoucanlinux__, parents wont let me01:52
youcanlinux__Is there such a thing as too young for linux ?01:52
youcanlinux__Ohh... bummer.01:52
hakimsheriffyoucanlinux__, too young to go to go to ubuntu hours01:52
hakimsheriffbut im not like those other kids, im reponsible and i have my priorities01:52
dscasseltxwikinger had a plan to get us a table at the local multicultural festival. Not sure the status of that one.01:52
youcanlinux__I could pitch it to them for you. I can give them reasons to let you associate with a LInux club... career development. I've worked in the industry, I should be a poster boy for Linux.01:52
youcanlinux__i'd be very interested to chat with txwikinger... about language, culture of Germans, etc.01:53
youcanlinux__I keep in touch with the family in Mexico.01:54
dscasselyoucanlinux__: Sure. He's usually online during the day...01:56
hakimsheriffIm guessing everyone who is here and watches hockey is for the canucks?01:56
MagicFabhakimsheriff, UbuntuHour is at noon in a restaurant - what is your concern (or parent's) ?01:56
hakimsheriffMagicFab, I dont know01:56
hakimsheriffIts true, i dont know,lol01:56
youcanlinux__I have no concerns, if the people organizing the Linux event are serious, and I tend to think that they would be...01:56
youcanlinux__I'm in the market for another video card... I  tend to favor nVidia, any other brands people like for use in Linux ?01:57
dscasselyoucanlinux__: I've been using nVidia cards for a while, but I decided to get an ATI card this update.01:58
dscasselI'm having no end of problems getting it to work properly, tho.01:58
youcanlinux__did you buy one post-AMD acquisition ?01:58
youcanlinux__I don't see any reason for a Linux user or any non-Microsoft user to buy an ATI video card.01:59
youcanlinux__But I'd like to see AMD shake things up in the video chip market... I would hope that Intel would put out video chips that are as excellent as their procs, hmm.02:00
dscasselTheir open source drivers are apparently getting a lot better, since they're co-operating more with developers.02:00
youcanlinux__As well they should. Maybe I need to give AMD procs another chance...02:00
dscasselI can let you know if I have any better luck with it.  But at this point, i'm thinking I'll probably send it back. :/02:02
hakimsheriffk guys i gotta go02:03
dscasselLater, hakimsheriff02:03
youcanlinux__Here's a question, I've got a really ancient ATI video card, ATI RagePro, I wonder if I should slap that in this old computer and give it a try.... I've got one of these in my crusty old laptop and it seems to do okay.02:04
dscasselI don't know what the state is of the open source driver for the older Rage cards, but it's worth a shot, I guess.02:06
youcanlinux__I figure it's worth a try. I was at Futureshop today and I was checking out the Intel solid-state drives... I'm really curious about that.02:06
youcanlinux__The wife would probably not like it if I just bought oen of those... hey I can buy one for her Mom! that's the ticket ;-))))02:07
dscasselI've got an SSD in the laptop. It's fantastic.02:10
dscasselI'm thinking of replacing the boot drive in the desktop with one.02:11
youcanlinux__I'm doing fine with my old discs... I'll keep an eye on the price though.02:12
youcanlinux__Well, I need to switch out video cards... Hope to return soon.02:16
BobJonkmanErmmm...  Sorry I missed the chat.  Was out for dinner with friends, no WiFi in the restaurant.04:57
SIR_TacoBobJonkman: I missed it too.. but I always miss it :)05:03
dscassel_BobJonkman: You coming to the Ubuntu Hour tomorrow?06:04
=== dscassel_ is now known as dscassel
bregma_the sky was salmon and robin's-egg blue at sunrise13:17
bregma_this does not auger well for a comfortable day at the ol' computer13:18
s-foxHello TooMany_Daves .14:32
s-foxHow are you?14:32
TooMany_Davesfine, thanks14:34
TooMany_Davesquiet morning14:34
s-foxNot bad thank you.  Busy working away on the ubuntu forum.14:34
dscasselMorning, folks. :)15:13
s-foxHello dscassel :)15:14
s-foxHow're you doing?15:14
dscasselPretty good. Nice walk to work this morning. And Ubuntu Hour tonight. :)15:17
s-foxCool.  What time does that start?15:19
TooMany_DavesI thought I missed it last night15:20
=== bregma_ is now known as bregma
* s-fox yawns15:56
dscasselLast night was the IRC meeting. Tonight's Ubuntu Hour.  8pm at Whole Lot-a Gelata in Waterloo. :)16:06
=== IdleOne is now known as OneiricOne

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