
paultagRather then a 10 in looks and 5 in smarts, I'd take a 7 in looks and 8 in smarts00:00
paultag(given a 15 total score, of course)00:01
rrnwexecpaultag: got a sec for some UCW stuff?00:02
paultagrrnwexec: sure, of course00:03
jcastropleia2: heya00:24
jcastroso when is john planned to go on?00:25
pleia2jcastro: in 20 minutes00:25
pleia2(he can be late, it's early that we were worried about :))00:26
jcastrooh ok00:26
jcastrodepends, smoser is being boring. :)00:26
nigelbjcastro: dammit, all the cool guys are in your loco :|00:27
nigelbjcastro: Isn't DBO somewhere near you too? :)00:28
pleia2nigelb: pfft, some are in mine too00:28
nigelbpleia2: between fl, ca, and mi, we have a whole lot of cool people :)00:28
nhandlerWhat about IL ?00:30
jonopleia2, can you give rrnwexec access to the Classroom Cal?00:30
pleia2rrnwexec: what's your gmail account you use for calendars so I can invite you?00:31
pleia2randall@executiv.es is already on there00:31
rrnwexecpleai2: that's the one. let me log in and check my access00:33
rrnwexecpleia2: i'm in :)00:36
pleia2rrnwexec: just be very careful with the syntax, otherwise you break the bot00:37
pleia2so let us know if you add any sessions so we can review it in #ubuntu-classroom-backstage00:37
rrnwexecpleia2: will do thanks00:37
pleia2(typically people just ask us to add sessions rather than giving direct access - breaking the calendar can break the bot for all sessions in classroom)00:37
pleia2.ics is finicky :)00:38
jcastrojono: can I get an RT on this pls: https://twitter.com/#!/ubuntuunity/status/8078244410990592000:45
jonojcastro, done00:46
jcastroman, this event is awesome00:47
jcastroloco driven lightning event = ftw.00:47
jcastropleia2: 5 minutes?00:54
jcastropleia2: ok he's started the presentation01:01
jcastroso I will just pretend to start a class01:02
pleia2sounds good01:02
jcastropleia2: awesome, all done. Thanks! <301:18
pleia2jcastro: sure thing! :)01:18
nigelbjcastro: \o/01:18
nigelbjcastro: PICS OR IT NEVER HAPPENED01:18
nhandlerHmm...I just remembered, lernid can be used as the ultimate rick roll ;)01:24
nigelbnhandler: dammit, you shouldn't have said it aloud :P01:24
nigelbNew security bug!01:25
nhandlernigelb: Well, it restricts who can send it URLs01:25
nigelbnhandler: classroom team can bypassthat ;)01:25
* nigelb plots evil during jcastro's next session01:25
nigelbj/k :)01:26
nhandlernigelb: I have a great image for that session ;)01:26
nhandlernigelb: See the pic I PMed you ;)01:27
nigelbnhandler: TOTALLY!01:28
nigelbnhandler: nixternal?01:28
nhandlernigelb: Yep01:28
nigelbWe can blackmail jcastro. For bug fixes!01:29
nhandlernigelb: Every few events, I toss that up on a projector01:43
nigelbnhandler: haha02:27
paultagnigelb: when are you getting one?02:27
nigelbpaultag: Need to see if I can sweet talk mhall119 into not hacking it if I get it mailed to him ;)02:27
paultagnigelb: bah02:28
paultagnigelb: it's a good thing you did not ask me, I'd *SO* fsck with it02:28
nigelbpaultag: I know!02:28
nhandlerpaultag: Is it actually worth getting a nook over some of those other tablets?02:28
paultagI'd burn in a new boot image02:28
nigelbnhandler: Yeah, cheap hackable android tablet :)02:28
nigelbnhandler: Also, e-ink <302:28
paultagnhandler: well, depends. It's cheep (120 USD), and it's fast (CPU is nice), and eInk rules, but it's slow02:28
paultagnhandler: no audio card, no bluetooth (so far we have not hacked the kernel, but it's "doable"), nothing fancy, but it works and it's a solid platform02:29
pleia2no audio? the original nook played music02:29
paultagnhandler: touch screen is nice and responsive, but the unit it's self is crap for running video or audio02:29
paultagpleia2: yeah, they stripped it way down02:29
nigelbBut really02:29
nigelbI want to read books02:29
nigelbnot listen to music  :)02:30
paultagpleia2: I'm going to rebuild the kernel once they release source to enable Bluetooth, so I can do audio over the line. Turns out it comes with the audio player02:30
pleia2I've never actually used it :)02:30
nigelbpleia2: Now you're not getting a new one are you? :P02:30
paultagpleia2: the WiFi card has bluetooth onboard, which is cool, but it's disabled OTB02:30
nhandlerpaultag: Alright. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do for next year regarding computers. Right now, I have a cr-48 which I will use for notes, and I'm looking at a Thinkpad T520 as a new laptop02:30
pleia2paultag: interesting02:30
paultagit's the same card thats in the Nook Color02:30
paultagpleia2: I'm working on doing some nifty things after I get Nookie working02:30
mhall119nigelb: did you just give up on sleep?02:31
paultagnhandler: that sounds about right02:31
nigelbmhall119: Yeah.02:31
paultagpleia2: it's so close, but I know such little android that GUI development is going *SO SLOWLY*02:31
nigelb01:27 < nigelb> its too bright!02:31
nigelb01:27 < nigelb> UDS all over again.02:31
nigelbmhall119: ^^02:31
nhandlerpaultag: I just need to decide if it is worth chopping off some features from the laptop to get a tablet or not, and then I need to decide what I'll use the tablet for ;)02:31
paultagpleia2: the libs are complete, but it's a pain to get all the stuff implemented02:31
nigelbJust got a new laptop stand and keyboard. ebay in the morning is dangerous02:31
paultagnhandler: the Nook is nice, but PDFs can be hard, it's reflow code can break pretty easy. It has some issues with barfing on some files pretty bad02:32
pleia2paultag: *nod*02:32
paultagnhandler: it should work in most cases, but not all, and frankly, that's not good enough02:32
paultagnhandler: I'd not use it for school if it were me, but that's just me.02:32
paultagWe had computers in class anyway, so I just relied on them, and if they failed, it was not on me :)02:32
nigelbNow I'm convinced paultag isn't being paid by B and N to spread the Nook love to Ubuntu folks :P02:32
paultagnigelb: I'm fixing the mistakes they left in :)02:33
nigelbpaultag: "mistakes" or mistakes? ;)02:33
paultagit's good as a toy right now, I want to use it for real work02:33
nhandlerpaultag: Yep. Although I'm not too thrilled about spending 2k on a laptop right now02:33
paultagmiss. steaks02:33
paultagnhandler: yeah, I was not either. I broke it sophmore year, right before I headed back to school.02:33
paultagnhandler: I ended up getting a desktop and a netbook02:33
paultagnhandler: I figured I did not need to do any heavy lifting when I was out of my room, and I was right. Never missed a fullsized laptop when I was in school02:34
nigelbmhall119: I'm actually scared to step into the used books store in my city.02:34
nigelbmhall119: I'm afraid I'll spend all my money right there :)02:34
mhall119nigelb: the way they drive over there, I'd be afraid to step out02:34
nigelbmhall119: Oh, you haven't seen me drive ;)02:34
mhall119and god willing I never will02:35
paultagnhandler: ended up about 800 for the desktop in parts (I had tons lying around, so it was cheep), and the netbook was about 300, so you get out with about 1,100 USD02:35
nigelbmhall119: I should take you on a ride on my Bike through Bangalore city.02:35
paultagand you have the chrome book, so you don't even need a netbook02:35
nigelbpaultag, nhandler: starcraftman's b'day today!02:35
nigelbwhere today = 15th June02:36
nhandlerpaultag: The cr-48 is fine if I am working in a terminal, but there are certain things where having an actual desktop and multiple windows is useful. I also need somewhere to put all of my music/videos :)02:36
paultagwooo, I love that kid02:36
paultagnhandler: yeah, I used a desktop for that (actually, my netbook has 160 GB, so it has movies and music for hack sessions)02:36
paultagbut the rest, that is02:37
nhandlerWell, right now, this is the computer I'm looking at http://paste.ubuntu.com/626997/02:38
paultagnhandler: looks like a solid machine. Sucks you have a windows tax on there, though02:38
paultagbetter video card in that then in my desktop. Tis a sad day.02:39
nhandlerpaultag: They had no option to get rid of it :(02:39
paultagnhandler: yeah, I hear ya. Happened to my Netbook. Sometimes you can't avoid it. System76 rules, but they're hella expensive02:39
paultagnhandler: you figure we should get a discount for working on it's OS :)02:39
paultagI'm half kidding. I don't expect it, but in a perfect world ;)02:41
nhandlerDiscounts are always nice. Although, I do like the dual mouse setup on thinkpads02:41
mhall119in a perfect world, they'd be selling enough that their margins would allow discounts02:41
paultagmhall119: that's true.02:41
paultagnhandler: aye02:41
mhall119course, that's the world we're all working towards aren't we?02:42
paultagsure is02:42
paultagIf I ever opened up a coffee shop or something (not out of the question), I'd find a way to give F/OSS hackers discounted coffee when they're working on a project02:42
nigelbman, this guy cracks me up https://twitter.com/#!/DEVOPS_BORAT/status/8075824574405836802:42
paultagperhaps free if I like the project enough02:42
paultagnigelb: hehe02:43
mhall119paultag: just have them sign something with their GPG key, and compare it to the projects they claim to work on02:43
nigelblaunchpad integration!02:43
paultagmhall119: I was thinking that, but if they just put it on a flash drive, they can just give them out to their friends02:43
nigelband github and bitbucket02:43
paultagnigelb: I was thinking that too, but they'd have to auth at a workstation02:43
paultagnigelb: if it were a USB key I'd love that, they can just plug in and my system will see it02:44
mhall119paultag: put what on a flash drive?02:44
paultagmhall119: a GPG signed list of projects or something02:44
nigelbpaultag: Interesting.02:44
paultagthen compare the sig to lp, github or bitbucket02:44
paultagno google code for you02:44
paultagperhaps if it fetched their avitar and showed that up too02:44
paultagbut some people don't have their real face as the logo02:45
mhall119paultag: no, you give them a random number for them to sign, you get the public key listed on their project and verify it02:45
paultagmhall119: that requires they sign for every cup, which is kinda lame02:45
paultagmhall119: I'd want something where they can walk up, plug in, order, plug out02:45
paultagbut it's tough, even with GPG02:45
mhall119setup online ordering02:45
paultagmhall119: for in-store folks?02:45
mhall119too bad FireGPG is abandoned02:46
mhall119paultag: in-store nerds02:46
paultagwrite a CLI tool02:46
nigelbpaultag: really, just give them cashback02:46
paultagsudo request-coffee --sugar --milk02:46
nigelbpaultag: or a discount for next time02:46
nigelbso, that way, you can give them discount + return customers02:46
mhall119oh, you'd have to sell sandwiches then02:46
paultagactually, that's too long. sudo request-coffee --regular02:46
nigelband you get do a verification02:46
paultagmhall119: well yeah :)02:46
paultagnigelb: yeah, but that's such a long process02:47
mhall119but really, requiring root to order coffee?02:47
paultagbut anyway, my F/OSS cafe is a long way off02:47
paultagmhall119: well yeah02:47
paultagmhall119: you don't want everyone on your coffee account02:47
paultagwell I guess it's not a system account02:47
paultagso it should be per user, which means no sudo02:47
paultagso I guess no sudo02:47
mhall119sudo -u secretcoffeeuser request-coffee02:47
nigelbthere's a local hackerspace + creative common space that's going to have coworking + cafe02:47
nigelbI wonder they'll do something like this02:47
paultagnigelb: It would work if I could somehow get accurate photos of the people who I'm "serving"02:48
paultagOh! Facebook! Auto-stalk their photo from the internet02:48
mhall119I wish I had a GPG-enabled credit card02:48
paultagmhall119: truth02:48
nigelbmhall119: s/credit//02:49
nigelbwith cardreads etc02:49
paultagnigelb: like bitcoin, but physical?02:49
paultagthose are GPG'd, and credit-based02:49
nigelbpaultag: No, like ID cards02:49
mhall119instead of a physical signature, they send the reciept text to my card with a random number, I sign it and pass it back, they send the signed reciept to my bank, who verifies my signature and pays them02:49
nigelbhey, I'm $foo here for keysigning02:49
nhandlerpaultag: You could use a ~/.coffee file to store preferred coffee options02:49
paultagnhandler: truth!02:50
* nigelb takes a stepback to see how geeky this conversation got02:50
paultagexport COFFEE_DEFAULT="--black"02:50
nhandlerpaultag: I might need to implement that next year. They have a coffee stand at the CS building ;)02:50
paultagnhandler: I was actually thinking the same thing, but with the coffee machine upstairs02:50
paultagI bet I can get an arduino wired up to brew02:51
paultagand I only take coffee black, so all is well02:51
nigelbperfect arduno hacking project02:51
paultagnigelb: nook first :)02:51
mhall119paultag: I have a nook problem02:51
nhandlerI have an arduino, but I don't have the knowledge (and probably parts) to do that (yet)02:52
mhall119i just downloaded like 50 public domain or CC'd books for my nook02:52
paultagmhall119: sure02:52
paultagnhandler: it's fairly simple to do with a few relays, or a few TIP transistors02:52
mhall119so, now whenever I have enough free time to hack it, it also means I have enough free time to read nerdy/intellectuall stuff (for free!)02:52
paultagmhall119: oh no02:53
mhall119rooting my have to wait until I'm done with Tolsoy02:53
paultagmhall119: time to break into your nook and rm -rf it all02:53
nhandlermhall119: You also reminded me, I need to find someone to make me a basic cli app that copies a song/video to my iPod touch (after checking it isn't already on the device)02:53
paultagmhall119: it's ok. Take your time. You're a hacker. You'll start to feel the itch. It'll be dull at first (Oooh, shiny new toy!), but then. One day. The settings menu won't have enough options. You'll touch buttons before they show up. You'll throw it around. You'll be back. They always come back.02:54
mhall119heh, no doubt02:58
paultaghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACq6JV4pYXQ&feature=related ← I can't get this out of my head. it's been there all day. This band rocks. Figure I'll spread the love03:13
nhandlerWow. I just went to music.google.com by chance, and it said I was invited. Turns out I completely missed the email yesterday03:14
nigelbNot available outside of US03:15
nhandlernigelb: Try Grooveshark03:16
pleia2nhandler: huh, me too! I don't think I got an email...03:18
* pleia2 headscratch03:18
nhandlerpleia2: Search your email. I didn't remember seeing it either.03:19
pleia2was filtered strangely03:20
nigelbnhandler: I use grooveshark often, but I thought google music would have been cool :)03:20
nhandlernigelb: The interface works a bit better (and the free music selection is not too bad), but other than that, not too different03:21
* nhandler really wants a site that does videos03:21
mhall119you mean MTV?03:45
IdleOnemtv does videos now?03:53
mhall119s/now/15 years ago/03:54
IdleOneyeah back in the day they did03:54
paultaghey IdleOne04:36
paultaghowareya? Long time no see04:36
AlanBellah, I thought that was going to be a metal-free software song06:43
dholbachgood morning07:34
dpmgood morning08:04
dholbachhey dpm08:10
dpmmorgen dholbach08:11
nigelbdpm: Hi09:22
nigelbdpm: for developer.ubuntu.com, do you have a style guide or an example article for me to write a new one? (I have a WI)09:23
dpmhi nigelb, not yet, but if you want to start with it, perhaps we can use yours to create that reference article. What do you think?09:24
nigelbdpm: heh, ok, so what are we focusing on? GUI applications right?09:24
dpmnigelb, yeah, yours was on python, so perhaps writing a "Hello Ubuntu" app with quickly. Or something slightly different and more exciting...09:26
nigelbdpm: I'll see what I can come up with today :)09:26
nigelbdpm: I'll probably do 3 or 4 iterations before its perfect, but I'd like to start.09:27
dpmnigelb, sounds excellent :)09:28
czajkowskitodays annoying bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/68159609:49
ubot2Ubuntu bug 681596 in ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-drupal-theme "light-drupal-theme contains hardcoded resources" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:49
nigelbczajkowski: How do you want to see it fixed?09:56
nigelblike, I can either talk to the guys involved or help do it myself.09:56
czajkowskii'm trying to read the scroll back in -website09:56
czajkowskibasically lococouncil has a blog09:56
czajkowskiwe wanted to theme it09:56
czajkowskibut seemingly we cant upload this theme to wp09:57
nigelbyes, because of trademark.09:57
czajkowskiyes which is a bit of a pita from our point09:57
czajkowskiso we can a) theme it any old way09:57
czajkowskib) just try and get blog hosted on a canonical server so we can get it uploaded there09:58
czajkowskilotta hassle09:58
czajkowskiand just flipping annoying09:58
nigelbI agree :(09:58
nigelbIf there is a way I can help with this process, let me know.09:59
nigelbI'd be happy to be involved in any way09:59
head_victimI'm waiting on an RT so we can think about using the theme for our loco.10:01
czajkowskihead_victim: got a rt number10:01
czajkowskiso in the mood to do anything else bar stuff i need to do10:01
czajkowskithis will distract me10:02
head_victimBeing worked on apparently, I just asked for an update recently.10:02
head_victimJust thought I'd throw it out there as seemed semi-related10:02
head_victimCheers, I realise it's provided as a service and I'm not one to complain, was just hoping it hadn't been left in a corner is all.10:06
nigelbdholbach: \o/ We're doing lightning talks this time too :)10:09
dholbachnigelb, yeah, I added a placeholder session already :)10:09
czajkowskihead_victim: it's not10:10
nigelbdholbach: It was seriously good last time (despite me having to stay up till 0330)10:10
czajkowskibut the thing you want effects a lotta  things so i guess 3 weeks wasn't enough testing10:10
head_victimYeah, I'm not sure who uses canonical hosting and who doesn't (seems quite varied) but they didn't even seem to be overly aware of the community drupal theme when I brought it up.10:11
dholbachnigelb, yeah, that's unfortunate :/10:11
nigelbdholbach: considering I often sleep at 0400 and 0430, not really :P10:12
head_victimAnd in my research all the non canonical hosted ones look most like the new theme and the canonical hosted ones look dated. So trying to get my loco excited about it again I thought a refresh was in order.10:12
dholbachnigelb, yeah, you're just a bit special :)10:12
nigelbbtw, Brian is awesome.10:13
nigelbBrian Thompson10:13
nigelbI think he works for Online Services10:13
nigelbHe wrote a selinium script to catch all the library change build failures.10:13
nigelbWe should have the list today10:13
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dpmhey everyone, if your language is not listed in the table https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA - do you think you could install the language packs in natty-proposed + Firefox 5, quickly test them and add the feedback there?10:58
dpmthere are instructions on that page on how to do the test, and by doing this you'll be providing fresh translations for thousands of people10:59
dpmso any help will be appreciated, thanks!10:59
czajkowskipaultag: I'm on a roll12:23
dpmhey jcastro, good morning!13:32
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html || Things to work on (in order): Blueprints and Work Items|| dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2lR5" || Our Soundtrack: http://outloud.fm/UbuntuAllstars
* dholbach hugs kim013:35
* dholbach hugs dpm13:36
dholbachyou guys rock! :)13:36
* dpm hugs dholbach ;)13:36
czajkowskidholbach: jcastro dpm ye have mail can one of you forward it to kim0 I forgot his address13:37
czajkowskisorry kim013:37
kim0yeah :)13:37
kim0I thought .. I'm right here :)13:38
dpmczajkowski, kim0, done13:39
czajkowskidpm: thank you13:39
dpmczajkowski, same as his nick + @ ubuntu.com13:40
czajkowskikim0: sorry I didn't have your address in my address book13:40
czajkowskiwill know for future13:40
kim0czajkowski: oh np13:40
dpmczajkowski, btw, thanks for the tips!13:40
czajkowskidpm: np13:40
jcastroczajkowski: thanks for that, that's awesome13:42
czajkowskino worries just some small snippets13:42
dholbachthaks a lot czajkowski! :)13:43
dpmI've forwarded the tea part to mvo13:43
czajkowskiforward it onto anyone13:44
jcastroI am debating just forwarding it to -platform internally13:44
czajkowskiI know some folks liek TEa and those 2 places are great13:44
czajkowskijcastro: can do I've sent it to some lp folks and others I know but didnt want to spam folks13:45
czajkowskiand may want to take out the slapper face jacks bit :s13:45
jcastroI'll just put it on the wiki later13:46
mhall119paultag: http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/15/starbucks-rolls-out-mobile-payment-app-for-android-users-java-j/14:20
jcastroIf anyone wants to rock out today: http://outloud.fm/UbuntuAllstars14:33
mhall119jcastro: someone should compile a UDS Greatest Hits album15:05
mhall119and put it up on the U1 Music Store15:05
nigelbmhall119: This will top the list of UDS hits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E2j-YS_yeo15:06
nigelbOr alternatively, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rq29cqNv0U15:06
Pendulumsomeone should really make Rock'n'Roll Nerd CoC-friendly and sing that at the next UDS Allstars15:07
jcastrooh god15:07
jcastrotimes I wish YT had deletion15:08
* vish thinks jcastro is in "DELETE the web" mode ;)15:08
nigelbjcastro: Bribe scott, that might work.15:09
vishForums delete, LP delete, YT delete ;p15:09
mhall119wiki delete15:10
paultagmhall119: buhahaha15:42
jcastrohey so15:59
jcastrohow do I get write access to the fridge calendar?15:59
czajkowskican someone make me food !15:59
czajkowskimhall119: can I have your wife please16:00
czajkowskijcastro: talk nicely to pleia2  :)16:00
jcastrooh I get it16:00
jcastroneed to be signed in with a U or C account16:00
pleia2your c account is the one that's on there16:01
pleia2(I think - akgraner and nhandler are admins, they can chcek for sure)16:02
jcastroI'm in, ta16:02
mhall119czajkowski: I'm kind of fond of her, not sure I'll give her up16:07
nigelb^^ that is getting pasted to her :P16:08
mhall119czajkowski: but come visit and she'll feed you16:08
macocheese grits!16:08
macoheh the grits broke Riddell's brain. i told him it's like porridge from corn16:09
mhall119we had that a couple nights ago16:09
czajkowskiminus the cheese yes grits please16:09
mhall119grits without cheese?16:09
czajkowskiand some of the bbq ribs that just fell off the bone16:09
macoapparently when he hears "porridge" he thinks "muesli" so he goes "my family makes artisan porridge. this is NOT porridge!"16:09
Pendulummhall119: czajkowski doesn't like cheese. she's a bit odd like that.16:09
nhandlerjcastro: But you should still be able to add events even without having direct access16:09
czajkowskiPendulum: except on pasta16:10
czajkowskithenn I agree i need it16:10
jcastrowith a normal jorge.castro@gmail account?16:10
nigelbjcastro: invite the calender to your event.16:10
nigelbsomething like that16:10
nigelbits documented somewhere16:10
mhall119grits without cheese is like tea without ice16:10
nhandlerBut I don't have the ability to manage charing on that calendar pleia2, jcastro16:10
nigelbbut, tea with ice sounds blasphemous16:11
paultagczajkowski: spam, buhahaha16:11
czajkowskipaultag: so help me tagg I am gonna go there and kick your behind!16:12
paultagczajkowski: enjoy your 20 emails >:D16:12
mhall119czajkowski: I make my own chili powder now, so the ribs are even better16:12
nigelbwhoever has doubts about bbq should hereforth be refered to zack pfeffer16:12
czajkowskiall I've had all day is tea and toast and emails want nice food16:12
Pendulumnigelb / jcastro: is this what you're looking for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Calendar ?16:12
nigelbI'm sure mhall119 and zach taught me all about bbq now.16:12
jcastroyeah I followed that16:13
nigelbPendulum: YES!16:13
jcastrobut whatever, logging in with my canonical account worked16:13
macomhall119: or iced tea without sugar!16:13
jcastro(grumble grumble wish google had better multiaccount support)16:13
macomhall119: but actually...i cant much say that...as i like grits just fine on their own16:13
mhall119maco: I drink mine without sugar16:13
macoive adopted crimsun's terminology for unsweet tea:   dirty dishwater16:13
PendulumI have to say the southeners I know are split 50/50 on sweet tea16:14
nigelbhave you all seen the cartoon about decaf coffee being made from the soil? ;)16:14
mhall119nigelb: yes, +1 for that16:14
macoPendulum: the only southerners i know that go for unsweet are borderline diabetic and so are forced to16:14
PendulumI went to a wedding in WV and it was almost exactly split between the groom's friends and bride's friends16:14
macoWV is the south?16:14
Pendulummaco: for sweet tea it is16:14
macobut...they gave VA the middle finger and went back with the union16:14
mhall119anything below Penn. is considered the south16:15
czajkowskiICE IN TEA IS WRONG!!!! ARE WE CLEAR!16:15
czajkowskiso feckin' wrong16:15
macomhall119: even MD?16:15
Picimm.. iced tea.16:15
mhall119maco: yes16:15
macobut...restaurants dont serve sweet tea here16:15
maconot in northern VA either16:15
PiciIts less wrong than iced coffee.16:15
Pendulumczajkowski: in 35-degree weather you wouldn't want hot tea either16:15
nigelbPici: +1 there16:15
macosweet tea in Arlington? almost non-existent (except in my kitchen when i lived there)16:15
mhall119maco: sweet or unsweet varies in the south16:16
Pendulummaco: it was everwhere in WV (even in Morgantown)16:16
macogo to a japanese restaurant in SC though?  they default to iced sweet instead of hot green16:16
czajkowskiPendulum: no then I want mountain dew in bucket loads16:16
mhall119iced tea is better at cooling and hydrating16:16
Pendulumczajkowski: see, I try to avoid either too much sugar or too much artificial junk in my drinks. and less caffeine that mountain dew16:17
mhall119plus it's cheaper by the bucket load16:17
czajkowskigrr I just had my inbox tidy16:17
paultaglike hell you will keep it that way :)16:17
* czajkowski glares at paultag 16:17
mhall119paultag: lol16:17
czajkowskipaultag: we need to send reminders :(16:17
czajkowskithat means more mails right16:17
paultagczajkowski: yar16:17
mhall119nature abhors a vacuum, and the internet abhors Inbox (0)16:17
paultagFor science: OK, I say "New York" what do you all think?16:18
paultagquick, quick16:18
mhall119what's the question?16:19
czajkowskiI think I'm gonna throttle paultag16:19
PiciJust word association?16:19
paultagczajkowski: please :)16:19
paultagPici: yeah, real quick16:19
paultagfirst thing16:19
paultagczajkowski: this is for science16:19
Pendulumpaultag: 'city or state?'16:19
nigelbTimes Square?16:19
paultagTHANK YOU16:19
paultagOK, perfect16:19
paultagthanks Pendulum :)16:19
paultaggreat, awesome. Checking on my breakfast16:19
czajkowskipaultag: you cannot have a standard with one exception being NY, simple as that16:19
PiciNew York is the state for me.  NYC is 'the city', but then again, I'm rather close to it.16:19
macohey Whovians: http://twitpic.com/5bxeg916:20
=== stdin is now known as Guest80131
nigelbmaco: did you see cjwatson open the meeting earlier? ;)16:20
paultagPici: czajkowski and I were bickering about if New York State LoCo was a propper name16:20
macowhat meeting?16:20
paultagwell I was bikering16:21
paultagshe was being nice16:21
paultagI thought "New York" was too vauge for my taste16:21
nigelbmaco: the one going on now.. (foundations?)16:21
mhall119paultag: standards!16:21
mhall119or cjohnston will file bugs16:21
paultagand all the other words that people said were about NYC16:21
Pendulummaybe it's a New England thing?16:21
paultagtherefore the default "New York" is the City, so having it say state is right on IMHO16:21
mhall119mine wasn't NYC specific16:21
paultagyeah I guess, but most people default to NYC16:22
paultagOK, I'm making a breakfast, BRB :)16:22
paultagdon't kill me czajkowski16:22
maconigelb: what the crack?16:22
macoi can think of one more "city or state?"16:22
czajkowskimhall119: exactly a standard has to be that and we need to set it straight,16:23
czajkowskiwashington is also on the list16:23
mhall119maco: ^^16:23
mhall119nobody ever considers Washington state16:23
PiciPeople near/in Washington state do.16:23
=== Guest80131 is now known as ts2
mhall119it's line Montana or Canada16:23
jonohey all16:24
mhall119hey, let's ask Jono16:25
mhall119jono: New York: city or state?16:25
macomhall119: i once asked riddell to name all the states (he'd asked me to name the countries in europe, and i told him our smallest is bigger than their smallest, so GO) and he said wyoming like 3 times. i asked how he even knew it existed, and he said "there used to be a comic on the telly who's say 'wyoming doesnt exist!' and someone else would say 'well how do you know that?' and he'd answer 'have you ever MET anyone from wyoming??'"16:26
mhall119it's funny because it's true16:26
mhall119how many states did he get?16:26
* maco has16:26
macoand that was with prompting like "we were there in november"16:27
mhall119probably as well as the average American16:27
macoand "it has a really big city with the same name as the state"16:27
* Pendulum has been to Wyoming16:27
* Pici too16:27
jcastrome too!16:27
mhall119it really is a beautiful state16:27
Pendulumyes :)16:27
jonomhall119, it is a state16:27
mhall119paultag: ^^ there ya go16:28
jonowas I wrong?16:28
macooh one of my prompts was "i'm from there" "dc?" "thats not a state" "oh" "the state im from is called the quaker state and is named after a very famous one" "fox?" "grrr" "penn? oh! pennsylvania?"16:28
nigelbjono: there was no right or wrong16:28
mhall119jono: technically either is true16:28
czajkowskiwelcome to  my crazy chats with paultag16:28
czajkowskiand ye wonder why I am crazy16:28
mhall119they're trying to decide if they need to specify that it's for the whole state in the loco's name16:28
jonoI thought it was a state with mainly New York and some other shit in there16:28
czajkowskijono: lol16:28
macojono: the rest is trees and mountains16:29
PiciAnd traffic!16:29
nigelband a small statute16:29
macooh, and a canal16:29
mhall119jono: that's what everyone in NYC thinks too16:29
czajkowskijono: oddly enough I cant write than when explaining what a standard is16:29
Pendulumwell considering that when I was in NYC most of the LoCo was 6+ hours from the city...16:29
nigelbPendulum: but 10 km? P16:29
czajkowskiPendulum: the same can be said for Dublin16:29
czajkowskiit's not the dublin loco it;s the irish lcoo16:29
mhall119nigelb: lol16:29
Pendulumright, my point was that as the LoCo goes, there's very little sense of NYC (although it's grown)16:30
pleia2Pendulum: that's just because NYC people are difficult :) upstate folks will drive an hour to go to an event, NYC ones won't leave their neighborhood16:30
czajkowskiPendulum: aye16:30
pleia2ends up being very hard to organize NYC events16:30
mhall119pleia2: to be fair, it takes more than an hour to leavev their neighborhood16:30
macolike "but thats all the way on the other side of the brooklyn bridge!"16:30
macomhall119: by car or subway?16:30
pleia2mhall119: it's more of a cultural thing16:30
popeyWe should totally have City LoCos :D16:31
mhall119maco: I dunno, which is funnier?16:31
macomhall119: subways probably faster...16:31
nigelbmhall119: scooter might be funnier ;)16:31
mhall119popey: you just want that so you can shut them down :P16:31
mhall119nigelb: scooters are always funnier, you're right16:31
PendulumI was just as bad as any other NYC-dweller for getting places, but since it took me longer than most people to get around because I couldn't use the subway, I think I had a semi-valid excuse ;-)16:32
Cheri703that's why I'm glad ohio (and I'm sure many others) has ReLoCos...so that we can have events and a whole structure in any of the smaller towns and they operate independently16:33
JanCNYC has more people living there than there are in many states or even countries, I can understand they don't feel the need to meet even more people  ;)16:33
macothankfully DC is only 64sqmi16:33
nigelbyeah, you can't even meet in DC :P16:34
nigelb(or can you?)16:34
PendulumI would have loved geek events in NYC at the weekends16:34
macoDC has more people than the mythical wyoming16:34
Pendulummost of them were mid-week16:34
nigelbmaco: is Taste of India in DC per se?16:34
maconigelb: yes16:34
Pendulumand I was either at work or needing to be recovering from work so I could make it to work the next day16:34
macowhat do you mean "per se"?16:34
macoits like 4 miles from white house16:34
nigelbmaco: like is it outside the 64 sqmi or bordering ;)16:34
macoyeah there's another few miles north of it before you hit maryland16:35
nigelboh, btw, lunar eclipse today.16:35
nigelbtoo bad its too cloudy to see anything16:35
maconigelb: the folk festival the DC loco goes to every year is technically in maryland though. by like a half mile or so16:36
maconigelb: ToI is across the street from the metro station marked on here http://goo.gl/maps/ZWft16:37
Picinigelb: Thats what google is for: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2386945,00.asp16:37
nigelbmaco: But with a small state, I guess it can't be helped16:38
nigelbmaco: There's an island in Kerala which doesn't fall under Kerala govt authority.16:38
maconigelb: DC's not a state16:38
nigelbmaco: Its Pondicherry. People go there to buy alcohol since its much cheaper.16:39
nigelbmaco: right, district of columbia16:39
PiciDC is an exception.16:39
macowhich means when we went to get the loco approval thing and found out that there's supposed to be some standard naming for stuff (didnt exist when we started) we made jokes like ubuntu-us-werenotastatebutmaybesomedaynumber5116:39
nigelbI should ask my friend and husband to meet up wth the DC loco.16:39
mhall119I didn't know you were married16:40
mhall119and yeah, DC is a strange exception here16:41
nigelbmhall119: wha!16:41
mhall119"11:40 < nigelb> I should ask my friend and husband"16:41
mhall119reads like you're asking your friend and your husband16:41
nigelband *her*16:42
mhall119that's better16:42
nigelband *her* husband :)16:42
popeyexcellent use of technology16:45
czajkowskiyup ebel  did it the other night16:45
czajkowskito test it16:45
jonojcastro, just became friends with Robb Flynn from Machine Head on Facebook16:47
jonothat dude is going to be seeing a lot of Ubuntu now16:47
JanCpopey: did anyone test if there really is no pub?  ;)16:48
czajkowskiJanC: it's not possible there is no pub16:48
czajkowskitrust me16:48
czajkowskiI live in a little village back home and there are 14 pubs16:49
czajkowskiand ther are only 2500-4000 people living there16:49
JanC2500 people might live in 100 streets...  ;)16:50
JanCanyway, I've never been in Dublin, so no idea16:50
mhall119paultag: ping17:04
paultagmhall119: pong17:04
paultagmhall119: only here for a second, I'm about to go pint17:05
paultagpaint *17:05
paultagmhall119: what's good, my friend?17:05
mhall119paultag: http://nookdevs.com/NookTouch_Rooting has me downloading random disk images from random upload sites17:05
pleia2I was gonna say, it's a bit early to go for a pint17:05
pleia2even for paultag17:05
mhall119is there any way to get a hash or something to compare against?17:05
paultagmhall119: let me check the info to see if they came from a trusted source17:05
paultagpleia2: It's never too early for a pint :)17:05
mhall119paultag: the links on the wiki point me to a download page with links to rapidshare (which I used) and some other download locations17:06
paultagmhall119: they're clean. I checked the wiki history, the guy who rooted his nook with me posted the links, all edits past that have been cosmetic17:06
paultagmhall119: as of this second /now/, it's clean17:06
paultagmhall119: but you're totally right, it needs sigs and stuff17:07
paultagand some GPG action IMHO17:07
mhall119gpg would be good17:08
paultagmhall119: I really want to write an auto-rooter shell script. I think that'd be much much easier.17:08
paultagalright, off to paint17:12
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:32
OneiricOnepaultag: Doing good thanks for asking and you?18:25
OneiricOneerr IdleOne ^18:25
* nigelb got the OneiricOcelot tis time :P18:25
OneiricOneyou beat nhandler to it18:27
OneiricOnetrying out quassel and really like the monitor window18:28
* nhandler has oneiric18:29
* nhandler just uses a hilight window in irssi18:30
nigelbnhandler: could you just say nigel? Need to test hilight :)18:31
nhandlerHey nigel18:31
nigelbw00t, worked :)18:31
nigelbnhandler: Thanks :)18:31
nhandlerI also use trigger.pl to cause certain things (like certain mode changes) to go to my hilight window18:32
nhandlerThe tricky part is that until I essentially rewrite 'tail -n1 -f' in javascript/jquery (so that it monitors my hilight file and displays an html5 desktop notification), I don't have irc notifications on my cr-4818:33
nhandler*cough* paultag *cough*18:33
paultagOneiricOne: well, thanks!18:33
paultagI'm just down here to do a re-approval between painting the house! :)18:34
paultagnhandler: Ohhhh, fancy! :)18:34
paultagnhandler: I did that with that nodejs project. Let me get you the link18:34
paultagnhandler: git clone git://m.pault.ag/node-tail.git18:34
OneiricOneThanks for what?18:35
paultagnhandler: that should be a solid base for that. It uses a method of stalling the AJAX request on a loop, blocking until a request, or 30 seconds. it's actually pretty cool and lets you do it realtime without hammering the server18:35
paultag17:25 < OneiricOne> paultag: Doing good thanks for asking and you?18:35
paultagOneiricOne: I'm well, thanks, even if it's a typo :)18:35
OneiricOneah, :)18:35
paultagnhandler: email me if you need anything else, my iPad upstairs will beep on email, but i miss IRC pings :)18:36
paultagBRB :)18:36
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
nigelbpaultag: I read that as painting the "horse" and I went WHAT!?!19:53
nigelbClearly, I need sleep :)19:54
nigelbCatch you all later :-)19:54
akgraner6 weeks on crutches :-(  looks like I actually broke some bone in my knee..who knew...21:24
Pendulumakgraner: ouch *hugs*21:27
akgranerthanks..and yeah ouch, :-)21:28
akgranerI guess jet skying isn't in my future...21:30
Piciakgraner: may it go quickly21:31
PiciHopefully I'll be off my crutches next week.21:31
jcastrois everyone getting in accidents or what?21:38
czajkowskijcastro: did you send mail to internal platform folks21:49
=== IdleOne is now known as OneiricOne
jcastroadded it to the wiki!22:01
czajkowskihope it helps22:01
czajkowskijcastro: if you get stuck or need advice just poke me22:02
* jcastro nods22:04
czajkowskiUbuntu ie team contact in the papers over here for this work22:07
AlanBellthat is a great story22:13
mhall119czajkowski: woot!22:27
jcastroPendulum: were you looking for me?23:54
jcastroI think I closed a pm from you just now but didn't catch the text in the window23:55

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