[00:05] apachelogger: gah, posted but I'm stuck in teh moderation approval queue [00:06] I even signed up to the ML just before-hand. [00:07] yeah, you need to be whitelisted for core-devel which usually happens after some sane mails [00:07] d_ed: you could poke dfaure, though he probably is in bed already [00:07] no rush. [01:55] I'm moderately confused by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/217997 [01:55] Ubuntu bug 217997 in Nautilus "Incorrect icons displayed for mimetypes installed in hicolor theme only" [Critical,Fix released] [01:55] is it supposedly fixed? [01:55] 'cause I just retested in Natty and I'm still getting that behaviour [01:56] http://hedgewars.googlecode.com/hg/share/hedgewars/Data/misc/hedgewars-mimeinfo.xml [01:56] basically, if I specify a generic-icon it overrides icon [01:56] leading to less usefully identified files [01:56] I'd retested to see if I could uncomment generic icon, but it seems it is still an issue [01:56] the other possibility is I misunderstood the bug === asac_ is now known as asac === Adri2000 is now known as Guest22931 [05:28] Good morning [05:30] good morning [06:04] hi [07:03] <\sh> moins [07:34] good morning [07:43] <\sh> dholbach, good morning :) how's life in berlin? :) [07:43] \sh, very good very good - how about you? [07:44] <\sh> still trying to recover from our holidays in cameroon...thrilling time over there and a great country ... [07:44] dholbach: good morning :) just installed tomboy 1.7 and noticed my name in the list of contributors :) [07:45] abhinav-, good work! :) [07:45] that's awesome [07:45] thanks :) [07:59] bdrung: around ? [07:59] lifeless: for short [07:59] https://code.launchpad.net/~arnegoetje/old-lp-translations/po2xpi-devmodefix/+merge/18739 [08:00] can you change that to 'rejected' ? the bug it was for was marked invalid [08:00] and its on a dead project but shows up in the lp team work queue [08:01] lifeless: done [08:01] brilliant [08:01] thanks [08:07] np [08:38] geser, hi [08:38] tkamppeter: Hi [08:39] geser, I have found a bug in the CUPS USB backend yesterday which I introduced when fixing a potential segfault. I have fixed it in 1.4.6-9 and pitti has uploaded this version around 3 hours ago. So update and your printer should work with the old URI. [08:44] geser, and thank you for reporting the problem. [08:56] slangasek, hey, do you have libgtk2.0-0-dbg(sym) installed? [08:56] slangasek, you need the debug symbols to be able to break on gdk_x_error [08:57] seb128: oh, huh - ok, installing, please close my bug :) [08:57] slangasek, ok ;-) [08:58] (or maybe the error message should be extended to point at -dbgsym?) [08:59] slangasek, could be, you are the first one to raise the issue I think ;-) [08:59] heh [09:00] nobody else gets x errors anymore, just me :( [09:01] slangasek, so people do but in a racy way on login which makes it hard to debug :-( [09:02] ah, well this one happens at random when I switch virtual desktops, so I'll catch it eventually [09:04] slangasek, ok, please install gnome-settings-daemon-dbgsym as well [09:04] slangasek, oh, and libglib2.0-0-dbg(sym) [09:04] ack [09:04] so the stacktrace if you get one is useful ;-) [09:42] pitti: hi [09:43] pitti: we have a pending SRU for bzr pending for natty-proposed, is there anything I can do to help move it forward? [09:45] jelmer: not much more than poling SpamapS or me to process it [09:45] we don't process the queue every day [09:45] as we aren't right after a release, so this stuff is usually not super urgent [09:46] pitti: ah, ok - thanks [10:03] soren: it's just a CGI script, I don't think it's changed lately - seems fine in a quick test here? [10:04] broder: grub-mkrescue does create a core.img, just under the hood; look for grub-mkimage calls [10:30] slangasek: hey did you find the package now proper? :) [10:40] hi [10:40] i am the developer of imagemagick on debian [10:40] please sync it as written in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick/+bug/797595 [10:40] Ubuntu bug 797595 in imagemagick (Ubuntu) "Imagemagick 8: debian testing" [Undecided,New] [10:40] it will avoid you big pain due to so bump after this revision [10:44] There are several Ubuntu changes; it will need somebody to review and merge them if necessary [10:44] and please don't make your bugs sound like a threat! [10:45] it will be pain [10:45] we had some pain on debian side [10:45] sorry to be rude nevertheless [10:46] I suppose I'm the last one to have uploaded it in Ubuntu (even if trivially), so I'll have a look [10:48] expect breakage [10:48] do you have a release team for so bump transition on unbuntu side ? [10:49] cjwatson: When you suggested Applied-Upstream addition for dep3, were your thoughts that it could be used multiple times if you are folding a few commits into a single patch? [10:50] Daviey: for me it was really just a "you can drop this patch at the next merge" thing [10:51] mont: yes. is this http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/imagemagick4.html ? [10:51] that doesn't look overly painful [10:52] mont: is it more than just a soname bump? [10:52] more [10:53] some package depend of n-2 lib [10:53] I don't understand that [10:53] where n is imagemagick4 [10:53] lib [10:53] can you point me to documentation or bug references or whatever? [10:53] (ta) [10:54] see http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/imagemagick4.html [10:54] I already pointed to that URL, just above [10:54] so you might reasonably conclude that I've seen it [10:54] the problem is depend on libmagick9-dev [10:54] it doesn't provide any explanatin [10:54] *explanation [10:55] previous version provide: libmagick9-dev (old stable) [10:55] and we broke this [10:58] so I'd hope that in general we can deal with this by syncing packages from that transition list from Debian (which should already have happened automatically, unless there are Ubuntu modifications), or by doing rebuild-only uploads in the case where we'd already synced them and they'd managed to build [10:58] all I'm asking is whether it amounts to more than that [11:01] cjwatson: Yeah, it seems fine now. *shrug* [11:03] mont: it's unfortunate that we had in natty, but there you go === Guest22931 is now known as Adri2000 === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:20] geser, is your printer working now? [12:36] tkamppeter: I'm at work right now, will test when I'm back home and let you know === hunger_ is now known as hunger === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [13:47] mvo: we were discussing your query with getting merges on the software-centre packaging branch in the UDD meeting, does this help? bug 797688 [13:47] Launchpad bug 797688 in Launchpad itself "Ubuntu Packaging Branches Should be Labaled Clearer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/797688 [13:53] Riddell: definitely, thanks for this [13:53] Riddell: I think its a good first step to help with the problem [14:11] mdz, cjwatson, keybuk, kees: might I ask one of your to approve my message to the TB mailing list? Thanks. [14:14] ev: doing a moderation pass now [14:15] cjwatson: cheers === cking_ is now known as cking [14:18] done [14:21] doko_, are the oneiric toolchain changes described somewhere? [14:22] fta: which ones? [14:22] doko_, linker, compiler, .. [14:22] fta: gcc: see the news file, if pitti didn't remove that too [14:23] nope, only changelogs :) [14:23] afaict there are no new features for binutils [14:24] cjwatson: I have a question about translations of a debian-installer component, pkgsel. In Japanese language, it contains wrong translations related Landscape(specifically Ubuntu patched translations). How can I fix that? [14:25] cjwatson: Just branch this, fix translations then submit merge proposal is enough? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/pkgsel/ubuntu/view/head:/debian/po/ja.po [14:25] nobuto: get it fixed in Debian [14:25] nobuto: I can't take Ubuntu-specific translation fixes [14:25] oh, wait [14:25] * cjwatson rereads [14:26] nobuto: is it fixed in LP translations already? [14:26] cjwatson: Yes. [14:26] nobuto: then no need for a merge proposal, I'll update from LP translations [14:26] cjwatson: OK. Thank you. [14:26] thanks for the note [14:27] (I can only do this for strings that aren't in Debian at all) [14:28] cjwatson: hey, do we have to do something on our end for the new live cd build system? Because current xubuntu dailies don't contain any xfce package apparently ;-) [14:29] mr_pouit: you shouldn't have to do anything particular [14:29] that is odd, I think perhaps it's failing to look at universe or something [14:30] I'm doing rather too many things at once right now, but I'll clear a couple off and then have a look, thanks [14:30] okay, thanks! [14:31] doko_, well, can't find it in the NEWS file. I've spent a lot of time tracking a regression in chromium on oneiric where all versions had the html5