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dholbachgood morning07:34
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cjwatsonmicahg: libdkim is fixed now11:34
hrwcan someone take a look at bug 791321?11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791321 in raxml (Ubuntu) "raxml version 7.2.6-1 failed to build on armel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79132111:43
hrwI attached debdiff there and subscribed sponsors already11:44
geserhrw: would the package compile without the -msse or would it fail then too? (see the related Debian bug #626672)12:45
ubottuDebian bug 626672 in src:raxml "raxml: Uses -msse" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62667212:45
hrwgeser: it uses headers available only on x86 archs12:53
hrwbut can check12:53
hrwgeser: raxml needs xmmintrin.h which is x86 only and uses asm instructions.13:05
Laneywarp10: why don't you contribute your sparkleshare packages to debian?13:05
hrwgeser: but will write to debian bug too13:07
geserhrw: it would be good if both Debian and Ubuntu use the same solution to that problem: either do runtime check if SSE can be used (if easily possible) or build only on any-i386, any-amd64 (don't know if any is supported at this place)13:07
geserhrw: thanks13:08
Laney(then we might have been able to make you aware of cli/mono packaging helpers)13:08
hrwgeser: mail sent.13:15
hrwgeser: so now we wait for Debian maintainer to react and then will sync13:15
geserhrw: ideally yes13:16
hrwbug 791326 - best way is to report this also as bug in debian?13:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791326 in gnu-smalltalk (Ubuntu) "gnu-smalltalk version 3.2.4-1 failed to build on armel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79132613:37
hrwas this is not ubuntu only problem13:38
Laneyhrw: reportbug -B debian --smtphost=reportbug.debian.org gnu-smalltalk13:40
hrwwrote to maintainers directly13:42
highvoltagegood morning13:48
Rhondahrw: It did build on Debian? Potentially there is a toolchain difference, so severity should be normal or important, but not higher.13:51
hrwRhonda: it may build on Debian but soon will stop building13:52
hrwRhonda: multiarch landed in natty and is starting to land in Debian too13:53
RhondaSure, I don't question that.13:53
RhondaBut if it doesn't FTBFS right now in Debian, you shouldn't file it with a release critical severity. A fair amount of package maintainers react a bit "jumpy" on receiving RC bugs.13:54
hrwRhonda: I did not reported bug in Debian - I mailed maintainers with review/merge request13:54
RhondaI understood that, just generally speaking. Better safe than sorry.13:56
RhondaIf something FTBFS in ubuntu and you haven't checked whether the same issue really is currently _already_ happening in Debian, avoid release-critical severities.13:57
hrwRhonda: ftbfs kind of bug on package which I do not even know what it does is never RC kind for me13:57
hrwRhonda: wednesdays are bug fixing days for me - I am looking at 'arm-porting-queue' tag in launchpad and goes though the list.13:59
hrwRhonda: part of Linaro's 'arm porting queue' weekly13:59
RhondaSweet tradition. :)13:59
hrwlunch time14:04
warp10Laney: there is an ITP already in debian BTS, and work is in progress. I opened that PPA upon request of sparkleshare upstream, who needed a bunch of packages for Ubuntu and Debian ASAP14:30
Laneywarp10: the ITP is owned by me :-)14:31
Laneyit's kind of 'on behalf of' the Debian CLI applications team14:31
warp10Laney: ah, sorry, didn't noticed that :D14:31
Laneywhat's this other terminus PPA?14:32
warp10Laney: actually, I'm not interested in mono packaging (and am not an expert at all)14:32
warp10Laney: ETA for your package to land in debian?14:32
Laneyjust saying that if you want to help with maintaining it in Debian then we can work something out14:33
Laneyhaven't got one yet, was waiting for upstream to sort itself out14:33
Laneyseems to have happened now, so a few days14:33
directhexoh, sparkleshare. i guess it's in a packageable state now14:33
Laneyapparently, haven't downloaded it yet to check14:34
warp10Laney: ok, sounds great.14:34
directhexthe worst sins of the source are gone. i should re-evaluate it for the office14:34
Laneyi'd base it on one or other of the ppa packages14:34
directhexi think hbons is in the meeting room down the hall, i could quiz him...14:34
Laneywarp10 seems to have done a copyright file :-)14:34
Laneyquiz him on why he pushed for a PPA instead of doing it properly ...14:34
warp10Laney: yeah, it *should* be complete. Feel free to grab it, but please re-check everything14:35
warp10Laney: BTW: many files have missing license header14:35
Laneyit's a good start, but I noticed that you don't use any of cli-common-dev, for example14:35
Laneywhich is why you had to manually add that dep on webkit-sharp14:36
warp10Laney: is cli-common-dev an helper for mono packages?14:37
directhexwarp10, yes14:37
Laneyit provides a dh sequence and some helpers, indeed14:37
warp10Maybe it fixes the few files having +x permission too?14:38
Laneyanyway, I have to go to down to buy a fishing license for my father's birthday (he likes exciting things, y'see)14:39
Laneywill look at this when I get back14:39
warp10Laney: :D ok14:39
warp10Laney: looks like there is only one issue with upstream code (a missing hashbang in a python script), but I'm going to warn guys in #sparkleshare, hopefully they will release a fix in time for your packaging14:40
DorianJaminaisHi there!15:03
DorianJaminaisI am fairly new to packaging apps for ubuntu and i face a problem i do not understand15:04
DorianJaminaisI manage to create the source package using dbuilder but one I upload it on launchpad, it fails to build15:05
DorianJaminaisthe error launchpad give me is here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/627324/15:05
DorianJaminaisDoes any of you guys can explain me what i am doing wrong ?15:05
cjwatsonlooks like you have hardcoded paths in your source package that only exist on your system15:06
cjwatsonyou can't assume that /home/player exists15:06
cjwatsonuse grep -r to find where you're doing that15:06
DorianJaminaisthanks very much15:08
DorianJaminaiswhat i've done is run cmake before dh_make15:09
DorianJaminaisshould i avoid running cmake ?15:09
cjwatsonDorianJaminais: cmake should be run when building the package, but there's no reason to run it before preparing the source package15:11
cjwatsonDorianJaminais: 'debian/rules clean' should clean up bits and pieces left by cmake, though, so check why it isn't15:11
cjwatsonah, yes, clean is the thing that's failing due to the hardcoded path nonsense15:12
cjwatsonyou'll need to clean that up before uploading the source package15:12
DorianJaminaisbut can i run dh_make if i haven't got any makefiles ? (like before running cmake)15:13
cjwatsondh_make just spits out a template source package15:18
cjwatson(you're expected to edit what it produces)15:18
hrwanother bug done - bug 791312 is also debian bug 62667115:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791312 in monav (Ubuntu) "monav version 0.3-3 failed to build on armel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79131215:18
ubottuDebian bug 626671 in src:monav "monav: Uses -march=native" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62667115:18
DorianJaminaisokay I i misunderstood that, i thought that dh_make was using the makefile to determine dependencies15:19
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renemoraesi'm having a problem with my unity launcher, can someone help me?16:30
Ampelbeinrenemoraes: hi, please use #ubuntu for support, this channel is about maintaining universe packages.16:31
renemoraesok.. sorry! thank u16:31
Ampelbeinno worries16:32
mistyrougeback again16:32
mistyrougeso a rebuild my package without using cmake before16:32
mistyrougeas expected i don't find any references to my home folder know16:33
mistyrougebut i still have the same error message when trying to build on launchpad16:33
Ampelbeinmistyrouge: can you point to the location of the *.dsc file?16:33
mistyrougeand here is the build log : https://launchpadlibrarian.net/73570469/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.pagedgeometry_1.1.0-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:36
Ampelbeinmistyrouge: in the Makefile there is  $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/player/pagedGeometry/pagedgeometry-1.1.0/CMakeFiles /home/player/pagedGeometry/pagedgeometry-1.1.0/CMakeFiles/progress.marks16:37
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mistyrougehow can i get rid of it ?16:38
Ampelbeinmistyrouge: I don't know to be honest, you should ask upstream to fix the buildsystem.16:39
mistyrougeall right thank you very much16:39
mistyrougejust a thinking : can't the problem come from the fact i am using cmake to create a makefile ?16:42
mistyrougeAmpelbein : where did you find the makefile ? I can't find it16:58
mistyrougeI think I know what the problem is16:59
mistyrougethe first time, i uploaded an incorrect .orig.tar.gz file17:00
mistyrougeand launchpad seems to use this one intead of the new one17:00
mistyrougeis there a way to upload a new orig.tar.gz file ?17:00
Ampelbeinmistyrouge: only with a new version17:00
mistyrougea new version of the upstream software or a new version of the package ?17:01
Ampelbeinmistyrouge: and the makefile is in the package directory, after 'dpkg-source -x *.dsc'17:01
Ampelbeinmistyrouge: a new upstream. you should never change upstream tarballs without changing the tarball's name.17:02
mistyrougethanks, i found it on launchpad but it is not on my computer, that is why i figured out that it hasn't the right version of the orig file17:02
mistyrougeal right so i need to create a fake new minor version of the upstream project ?17:03
Ampelbeinmistyrouge: or use a version name like foo_0.1.2-proper.orig.tar.gz17:04
Ampelbeinmistyrouge: and a fitting debian version foo_0.1.2-proper-0ubuntu117:04
Ampelbein(you get the idea)17:04
mistyrougeokay I will try this17:04
mistyrougethank you very much for your help17:05
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micahgcjwatson: re libdkim> ACK, thanks20:06
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