
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ozysimpsonsorry for cross posting06:17
ozysimpson I am not sure if somebody has already asked this question before, I can sucessfull connect my thunderbird to my work exchange server using IMAP, Could some one please advise me on how to get my calender working on thunderbird please06:17
micahgozysimpson: if you have caldav support, you can use lightning06:18
ozysimpsonmicahg, could you please elaborate please, what do you mean by caldav and lightning?06:20
micahgcaldav is a standard for calendaring, lightning is an extension for thunderbird06:21
ozysimpsonmicahg, thanks mate, i will some googling on the topic06:24
micahgozysimpson: ah, check this out: https://addons.mozilla.org/af/thunderbird/addon/provider-for-microsoft-exchang/06:26
ozysimpsonmicahg, unfortunately i doesn't work on mine, because I am running thunderbird it needs 3.01 :-(06:31
micahgozysimpson: ah, that version of thunderbird is totally unsupported BTW06:32
ozysimpsonI think you might shoot me in middle of the road, i am running CentOS and asking this question in semi Ubuntu channel sorry06:33
micahgheh, yeah, you probably want #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org then06:33
micahgactually, they can't help much either, they don't support that version anymore06:34
ozysimpsonthunderbird2.0.0.24 is the stardard centos ships with06:34
micahgwell, I guess centos has to support it, our 2 releases with went EOL about a month ago06:34
micahgyou can try the #thunderbird channel for upstream support and see what they say though :)06:35
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Firefox 4.0.1 10.04-10.10 http://is.gd/5Fyywu | Firefox 5.0b6 10.04-11.04 http://is.gd/WUM9i5 | Firefox 5.0b5 (natty) in http://is.gd/dsudW needs testing | Firefox 3.6.17 (10.04-10.10) Firefox 4.0.1 (11.04)/Thunderbird 3.1.10 in Stable Releases | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/hdZc1
ftamicahg, OOM on radon, again07:12
micahgugh :(07:13
micahgfta: I haven't heard back on my request yet07:14
micahgwill try to poke tomorrow07:18
dpmhey chrisccoulson, good morning. It's me again nagging with bug 542046 ;) - do you think you'll have the chance to merge the Trad. Chinese translation for ubufox? Thanks!09:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 542046 in ubufox "Translation for zh_TW" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54204609:08
micahgchrisccoulson: if you get a chance, can you look into bug 797533, I posted 2 crash ids, I haven't verified if it's a regression from 4 yet09:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 797533 in firefox "firefox 5.0 crashes on print" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79753309:08
ftadamn, OOM on americium too10:35
chrisccoulsonm_conley_away, do you do releases of messagingmenu-extension, or should i just grab the latest trunk?13:04
chrisccoulsonhmmm, if i run "thunderbird -addressbook", the menu appears inside the window :/13:05
chrisccoulsongrrrr, compiz13:06
ftagrrr compiz too: bug 79599513:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 795995 in compiz "flash ghost in the top left corner of the screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79599513:07
ftawhy did we choose compiz in the 1st place? mutter seems way faster13:09
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m_conleychrisccoulson: #thunderbird-unity?14:01
chrisccoulsonm_conley, there14:01
fta\o/ i fixed the html5 video regression in oneiric14:53
chrisccoulsonfta - how?14:53
ftathe hard way ;)14:54
ftai fixed it before discovering why it needed fixing in the 1st place14:54
ftachrisccoulson, ^^, described in bug 79517115:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 795171 in chromium-browser "<video> tag broken in oneiric only due to --as-needed in the toolchain" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79517115:00
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, nice catch15:02
chrisccoulsonoh dear - http://www.browsomatic.com/2011/06/google-chrome-soon-to-replace-firefox.html15:38
bhearsumthat headline seems a tad misleading15:39
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, it is15:39
chrisccoulsoni'm just going to stop reading these sites altogether :)15:41
vishhehe! no one told chrisccoulson Firefox was being replaced! smells like conspiracy!  ;p15:41
chrisccoulsonlol @ some of the comments on http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/adobe-air-for-linux-axed/15:50
chrisccoulson"I am trying to see why is this a bad news? It's like crying over cured syphilis"15:50
chrisccoulsonit's an "interesting" crowd on there15:51
* dpm can see the next headline: "Chris Coulson to become the new Google Chrome maintainer" :P15:51
chrisccoulsoni don't think so ;)15:52
chrisccoulsoni don't mind looking after an open-source application15:52
ftachrisccoulson, you can take chromium if you want, that way i can at last retire15:53
chrisccoulsonfta - 2 browsers + 1 e-mail client is a bit much ;)15:54
chrisccoulsonactually, 3 browsers if you count seamonkey15:54
chrisccoulsonfta - and you do such a good job with chromium, there's no need for you to retire15:55
ftachrisccoulson, well, not really, i suck at handling bugs, they keep piling up15:59
chrisccoulsonfta - i know that feeling ;)16:00
chrisccoulsoni need a way to filter out good quality bug reports really16:00
chrisccoulsoni'd say that probably 90% of the bugs we get against firefox are either 1) a bug in another application (but the user happened to use the "Help -> Report a bug" menu entry in their browser), 2) contain so little information that they're useless, 3) user error or 4) a support request16:02
ftai have lots of crashers i'd like to go directly upstream16:04
ftabut breakpad, well, you know the story16:04
chrisccoulsonfta - have you seen https://launchpad.net/arsenal before?16:05
ftathe rest is mostly feature requests => upstream, user errors. very few packaging related issues in fact16:05
chrisccoulsonbryce uses it for X bugs16:06
ftanope, looking..16:06
chrisccoulsonheh, bug 76678716:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 766787 in firefox "No" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76678716:07
chrisccoulsoni just close those sorts of bugs now, i don't even bother trying to waste time interacting with the reporter16:07
chrisccoulsoni've got no idea what they expect to happen from a report like that :/16:07
fta"No": "IDK"16:08
chrisccoulsonand that has been manually triggered either via apport-bug or the help menu entry16:09
chrisccoulsonif it was a package upgrade failure, it would have dmesg output etc attached to it16:09
chrisccoulsonand i could understand the "IDK" description in that case ;)16:09
chrisccoulsonbut that one is just weird, and we get quite a lot of those too16:09
ftachrisccoulson, you should add an apport hook with a triage question, like rhythmbox, totem..16:12
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i've been thinking about that for ages now, i just never got around to it16:13
ftadpm, i've backported the lang variants fix for ca@valencia in the beta and stable ppas, should be ready in a few hours16:16
ftachrisccoulson, i'd love to just have an "upstream" button in lp/bugs :P16:20
dpmfta, awesome, thanks for the heads up!16:20
chrisccoulsonfta - heh. that could be dangerous ;)16:21
ftachrisccoulson, reserved to maintainers of course16:21
ftaor bugcontrol16:21
ftachrisccoulson, http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2386942,00.asp16:35
ftawith a picture, and more text16:35
ftamicahg, https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa/+build/257107220:12
micahgah, an enhancement to your script20:13
ftathe idea is to expose more clearly the OOM20:14
ftasome builders are done in ~1h, some need 5 or 6h :P20:15
micahgyeah, some have more resources than others20:18
micahgchrisccoulson: so, I can take dehydra and mongodb, but might not get to them until the end of the month, responding in IRC in case anyone else decides they want to take them20:27
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ftabug 79599520:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 795995 in compiz "flash ghost in the top left corner of the screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79599520:54
chrisccoulsonm_conley, i've been hacking on your messagingmenu extension tonight ;)21:00
m_conleychrisccoulson: everything ok with it?21:00
chrisccoulsonit adds itself as a launcher in the menu when you start it now, so the Thunderbird entry persists even after you close it21:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's good :)21:01
chrisccoulsonyou'll probably get a few merge proposals tomorrow21:01
m_conleychrisccoulson: absolutely, bring 'em on. :)21:01
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i've already been pinged about mongodb by someone else who needs it working21:02
chrisccoulsonso i'll probably end up working on it before the end of the week anyway21:03
chrisccoulsoni want all of my work items on that blueprint done by the end of the week so i can get on with more important work related to thunderbird ;)21:03
micahgchrisccoulson: k, feel free to leave the community items for me21:04
chrisccoulsonmicahg, sure. but don't waste too much time on them ;)21:05
chrisccoulsonthe fact that nobody else has picked them up is a good sign that nobody really cares about them21:05
micahgchrisccoulson: we only have 180 devs...21:05
chrisccoulsonmicahg, 180 in the team officially21:05
chrisccoulsonbut i sent my mail to ubuntu-motu and ubuntu-devel last month and didn't get a single reply, and i've spent a lot of time already preserving applications that i'm never going to use :)21:06
micahganyways, not planning on spending too much time, but I think I can knock off a couple of them21:06
chrisccoulsoneg, gxine, which was an absolute PITA21:06
micahgyeah, I want to see if I can get xul support in eclipse disabled, 3.6 doesn't even build properly ATM21:07
micahgbdrung: BTW, mozilla-devscripts still build-deps on python-support, can we move to dh_python2?21:08
bdrungmicahg: what build dependency do i need for dh_python2?21:20
micahgbdrung: http://wiki.debian.org/Python/PythonSupportToDHPython221:21
chrisccoulsonhi bdrung, how are you?21:22
bdrungchrisccoulson: are you asking because of vlc and eclipse?21:22
chrisccoulsonbdrung, heh, not this time ;)21:23
chrisccoulsondid you want me to ask about those? :)21:23
bdrungchrisccoulson: i am busy with other stuff21:23
chrisccoulsonsure, that's ok. no rush ;)21:24
bdrungmicahg: pushed. can you check it?21:34
bdrungmicahg: i think it would be good to add a setup.py file21:35
micahgbdrung: X-Python-Version shouldn't be all per the wiki, should be >= the minimum version supported21:42
ftagrrr, too cloudy here, i can't see the eclipse21:42
bdrungfta: where should i see the moon?21:43
bdrungmicahg: do you know the lowest version that we support?21:43
micahgat least 2.6 :)21:44
ftadepends where you are. in europe: south east21:44
chrisccoulsonfta - it's cloudy here too21:44
chrisccoulsonbut every day is cloudy in birmingham21:44
micahgbdrung: that takes care of Lucid+ and stable+21:44
bdrungfta: germany, but probably too cloudy21:44
bdrungmicahg: feel free to change that21:45
micahgk, will have to do a little later21:45
ftabdrung, it's a long full moon eclipse, like 1 every 11y, worth it if you can21:45
ftait's supposed to be red21:46
bdrungi see a little bit red in the sky, but no moon. just clouds.21:48
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ftanada, peanuts22:27
bdrungmicahg: uploaded to unstable22:50
BUGabundofta: listen to this http://p.bugabundo.net/where-is-the-noise-that-my-wall-charger-makes22:50
micahgbdrung: thanks!22:53
ftaBUGabundo, through it away, or it will burn your house, and your brain cells23:11
BUGabundofta: full story http://p.bugabundo.net/faulty-wall-charger-from-asus-transformer-tf123:12
ftait should emit a lot of EM stuff in all directions23:12
ftabad bad bad23:12
BUGabundoI need to charge my tablet23:13
BUGabundoand Asus aint doing squat23:13
BUGabundoamazon want to refund23:13
BUGabundobut I want it :(23:13
BUGabundountil its available in store here23:13
ftawhat kind of connector is it? a proprietary dock like samsung?23:16
BUGabundoa 50 pin23:17
BUGabundobut that's not the prob23:17
BUGabundoits on the other extermity23:17
BUGabundoon the socket23:17
BUGabundodarn UK23:17
BUGabundoand their stupid sockets23:17
ftathat big thing?23:17
BUGabundoits very small23:17
BUGabundothere are a few pics of it, on the blog23:17
ftareturn it, it's faulty23:19
BUGabundoI got a new one from amazon23:20
BUGabundoSAME problem23:20
BUGabundoits all there23:20
BUGabundoand Asus Iberia has no stock to replace it23:20
ftayep, i read it, return it and take something else23:20
ftaa xoom or a gtab 223:21
BUGabundothose are inferior23:22
BUGabundoill try to buy one here23:22
BUGabundowaiting to see stock in store23:22
BUGabundothey came out today, on a few23:22
ftai hate asus, it's expensive and it's crap23:22
ftaor take a chromebook :)23:24
BUGabundo10 y ago they were a top branch23:24
ftamaybe, but not anymore23:26
BUGabundonot for a while now23:26
ftaor wait for the amazon tablets23:35
BUGabundothey won't send me another one23:37
BUGabundosince the RMA one was faulty too23:38
BUGabundothey want to investigate the lote23:38
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