=== rww_ is now known as rww === zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse [16:11] akgraner: Can you also set some people up with the ability to manage sharing on the Fridge calendar? [16:11] nhandler: who all has sharing capability on it? [16:11] pleia2: No clue. I can't see that ;) I'm assuming/hoping akgraner does though [16:11] If not, I'll have to go through my logs to figure out who to poke [16:12] ok, adding to list of castle keys the team needs [17:18] hi every1 [17:31] Aloha nr [19:12] pleia2, akgraner: We should be sorted now on the forum thanks to Technoviking [19:13] great! [21:23] did we get the calendar sorta out [21:23] if not who do I need to add share access too [21:23] jcastro should have access if that's who needs it [21:26] 6 weeks on crutches :-( looks like I actually broke some bone in my knee..who knew... [22:06] akgraner: jcastro was able to figure it out (he was logged in with the wrong account) can you add one of us as admin so we can add others too? [22:06] I don't even have access to it at all [22:07] this way we don't need to bug you every time we want to add a new fridge editor to it :) [22:08] and if you add me, please use my lyz@princessleia.com account (@ubuntu doesn't have a google account) [22:08] ouch @ your knee :( [23:02] pleia2: Can you try creating a new thread on the UWN forum? I still get a message saying I don't have permission [23:29] nhandler: I didn't ask for access, holstein or highvoltage will have to try