=== lilstevie is now known as lilstevie|ZNC === lilstevie|ZNC is now known as lilstevie [13:18] tseliot, hello, one day too early ;), 275.09.07 is now considered stable and includes the linux-3.0 fixes [13:18] ricotz: yes, I know... I'm working on it [13:19] tseliot, alright ;), i just uploaded it to edgers, but i didnt merge the oneiric release [13:21] ricotz: I'll upload the package later today [13:24] tseliot, ta [13:24] np [13:32] if i installed libtxc-dxtn0 from xorg-edgers do i have S3TC or do i need to recompile my own kernel? [13:46] apparently it works, 0ad running like a charm... [13:49] ah though i see 0ad has a nos3tc option set, so mebe not [13:49] but all i wanted was 0ad so i'm fine :) [13:51] raevol, no need for a recompile, the lib is looked up by the application on runtime [13:52] ok cool [13:52] wonder if i should enable it in my 0ad cfg then [13:52] game plays fine though :/ [13:53] raevol, should work fine if you didnt disabled it in ~/.config/0ad/config/local.cfg [13:54] yea [13:54] this is amazing i've never been able to play this before :) [13:54] raevol, btw which ppa are you using or svn? [13:55] xorg-edgers [13:55] umm [13:55] the ppa? [13:55] is there more than one? [13:55] raevol, oh i meant for 0ad ;) [13:56] ah, the .... one on the website D: not svn? [13:56] so ppa:wfg/0ad? [13:56] yea [13:56] ok [13:57] i see you in #0ad ;P [13:57] i know ;) === yofel_ is now known as yofel