
mandelmorning everyone!09:57
Chipacamandel: morning!10:40
mandelChipaca: morning :)10:40
* fagan break 11:08
* fagan back11:49
duanedesignmorning all11:54
faganduanedesign: hey11:58
faganholy crap next door is giving me a big headache12:00
faganit sounds like they are drilling for oil12:00
* fagan closed all the windows and turned up music loud and it still comes through 12:02
faganIm going to need to take a walk before my head explodes12:07
faganok back and I think i know whats been stumping me12:22
faganthey are still drilling for oil next door though12:22
faganoh and now a dog starts barking to add to the whole wonderful music of the noise12:23
duanedesignohh goodness12:26
faganduanedesign: its getting to the point where im thinking of heading to the pub instead of working for the day :)12:27
* fagan calls the swap day gods12:28
faganI was kidding about the pub but im thinking of escaping to my brothers house or my dads12:29
duanedesignyeah that sounds intolerable12:30
* mandel walking dog12:31
jeroen-I have a problem syncing a folder. It's on the web, but not on my desktop.12:55
jeroen-Log says this: 2011-06-15 13:52:29,610 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.MuteFilter - DEBUG - Blocking FS_DIR_CREATE {'path': '/home/jeroen/Documenten/Foldername'} (2 left)12:56
faganrye: ^12:56
jeroen-I altered the "foldername"12:56
ryejeroen-, could you please check that it appears and is checked in the cloud folders panel of ubuntuone-control-panel ?12:56
jeroen-The two other "left" are the same, but two subfolders12:56
jeroen-rye:  yes the folder '/home/jeroen/Documenten is checked. I had this error when I unchecked and rechecked the folder in the control panel12:57
jeroen-it says all is synced, but not this important subfolder12:58
ryejeroen-, okay, could you please run "u1sdtool --info /home/jeroen/Documenten/Foldername" in the terminal - does it work?12:58
jeroen-rye:  yes12:59
jeroen-I have output13:00
ryejeroen-, could you please run the same for some file inside that directory?13:02
duanedesignmorning rye13:07
ryeduanedesign, morning!13:07
duanedesignrye: when you are getting 'failure: UPLOAD_CORRUPT'..."'hash_eq_server_hash': 'F'" what to do to resolve the differing hashes?13:09
ryeduanedesign, is this on 11.04 ?13:10
duanedesignrye: yes13:11
ryeduanedesign, frankly speaking i can't find any other way except to remove the offending file from the server side (backing up the local one) and then reupload13:11
ryefacundobatista, ^13:11
ryeduanedesign, what is the createor of the file?13:11
duanedesigntheir looks to be quite a few, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/73481619/syncdaemon.log13:12
alecumandel, ping13:15
faganalecu: hes walking the dog13:17
faganprobably not back yet13:17
faganWow my brains are on the floor today13:17
alecufagan, so, how's your branch coming? any progress on the list of items we wrote?13:18
faganalecu: I was looking at it and playing about and breaking it lots but I cant do anything today13:18
fagannext door are making a lot of noise im waiting for ralsina to ok me abandoning work today13:19
jeroen-rye:  it has no file. It only has tow subdirectories and the rest is empty, the same as on my desktop13:20
alecufagan, ralsina is not coming today.13:20
jeroen-rye:  the are much more subdirs13:20
alecufagan, take the day off, and swap it for some other, or mark it as a sick day.13:20
faganalecu: ah god so who do I ask to get off13:20
faganah ok13:21
jeroen-rye:  but they are on the web - if I could download a whole folder structure I was happy13:21
faganwell I do have a blazing headache so it does count as sick ish13:21
faganso im going to run out the door to the nearest quiet place13:21
jeroen-rye:  what the ....!!! now those filers and folders are also gone on the web!13:22
jeroen-now I loose data!!13:22
* fagan EOD13:23
jeroen-where can I sue Ubuntu for loosing my files?13:25
facundobatistaduanedesign, which is the size of the file?13:27
thisfredalecu: internet is flaking out here, *and* I have a repair guy coming  out at 9 (standup o'clock), so if I'm not there, here's my standup:13:27
ryejeroen-, could you please check whether the files are in your Trash folder?13:27
ryejeroen-, are you running 11.04 ?13:27
thisfredDONE: bug #797176, packaging couchdb server patch, reviews13:27
ubot4thisfred: Bug 797176 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/797176 is private13:27
thisfredTODO: maybe package new server patch for couch, whatever else anyone needs, open bugs13:28
thisfredBLOCKED: no13:28
alecuthisfred, cool, thanks.13:28
thisfredthank you!13:28
thisfredgonna try rebooting to see if that helps, but I suspect it'13:29
thisfreds bloody comcast again13:30
jeroen-rye:  yes I do13:33
jeroen-rye:  they are not in my trash folder13:33
* mandel back13:34
duanedesignfacundobatista: their are more then one. The first one in the log is size='27270040'13:34
facundobatistaduanedesign, are all of them > 25MB? there's a known issue with resumable uploads and persistent corruption in the upload13:35
ryejeroen-, upon folder/file removal syncdaemon is moving the files to the trash folder so the folders may be there containing the files13:35
facundobatistaduanedesign, AFAIK, verterok is working on a branch that will allow a new upload don't stay dirty because of the previous one13:36
ryefacundobatista, oh, so my .iso file upload has not yet completed still13:36
ryejeroen-, when was the last time you saw these files online?13:37
duanedesignfacundobatista: it looks like they are all >25mb....i'll look through the entire log to be positive13:37
alecumandel, ping13:39
mandelalecu: pong13:40
alecumandel, any ideas on how to make this compile?13:42
alecumandel, also, regarding this merge proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/txnamedpipes/add_qt_integration/+merge/6192313:43
mandelalecu: which c++ compiler do you have?13:43
alecumandel, the one that's mentioned in the wiki13:43
alecumandel, the express edition of vs200813:43
mandelalecu: hmm weird.. I've had no issues with it, let me look closer13:44
jeroen-rye:  I saw the files before I unchecked the Documents folder and rechecked it again in the UO control panel13:44
ryejeroen-, ok13:44
alecumandel, hmmm... perhaps it's because I've never even ran it.13:44
jeroen-rye:  I saw the files online, not on my disk13:44
ryejeroen-, could you please archive the logs from ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log now and send them to ubuntuone-support@canonical.com ?13:44
alecumandel, I've just started it, and it says "configuring the environ for the first time"....13:45
aleculet me check again,.13:45
mandelalecu: could be, it does something about setting the env the first time.13:45
mandelalecu: :P13:45
ryejeroen-, were these files uploaded from another computer (i.e. they were not originally on this computer)?13:45
jeroen-rye:  is there not to much private infomation in those logs?13:45
ryejeroen-, there are filenames there13:45
ryejeroen-, they may be sensitive, yes... hmmm13:45
ryefacundobatista, do you have any way of reliable log screening?13:46
facundobatistarye, what do you mean with "log screening"?13:46
jeroen-rye:  that last question: can't remember13:46
ryejeroen-, ah, sorry, the files will not be in trash because they were not locally13:46
jeroen-I will check my laptop, one moment please13:46
jeroen-oh wait13:46
jeroen-I never used ubuhnto one on my laptop13:47
jeroen-only desktop13:47
ryefacundobatista, say we are investigating something but don't care about the filenames, do we have some way of filtering the output to replace the filenames only13:47
ryejeroen-, um, have you reinstalled your machine?13:47
alecumandel, another thing: in the following branch, nessita says we are missing tests for the qt.py file: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/txnamedpipes/add_qt_integration/+merge/6192313:47
alecumandel, do you want me to help making those tests?13:47
facundobatistarye, I never do that, sorry13:49
dobeyfagan: laptops are portable, fyi.13:49
jeroen-rye:  no i didnt reinstall, but I reinstalled ubuntu one13:49
ryejeroen-, so, the folder locally suddenly started missing these files but they still were present online, is that correct?13:50
mandelalecu: I'm writing some of them, but I've stumbled with a problem, whihc you might be able to help :)13:50
ryejeroen-, any special steps for ubuntuone reinstallation?13:50
jeroen-rye:  correct13:50
ryejeroen-, the log files should be interesting13:51
jeroen-rye: only I can remember is I did a --purge as always and the rreinstall was not done on the same day13:51
mandelalecu: it seems that trial does not like that http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mandel/txnamedpipes/add_qt_integration/view/head:/txnamedpipes/iocpsupportpipe/iocpsupportpipe.pyx is ompiled and present in the current dir when running the tests13:51
ryejeroen-, nothing was done to ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon, right?13:51
jeroen-I also removed the old log files and config files13:51
mandelalecu: it gives an import error, but it you install it and run it from a diff path it works...13:51
jeroen-to start over again13:51
jeroen-to see if that solved the problem13:51
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
ryejeroen-, was  ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon removed too?13:52
jeroen-rye:  yes I think so. i did a find . | grep ubuntuone13:52
jeroen-rye:  one moment I have to do another priority13:53
ryejeroen-, uh, that was a metadata folder13:55
mandelalecu: did it compile?13:55
ryeverterok, how about creating README file in metadata directory with "Do not remove this directory" message?13:55
alecumandel, not yet. I started VS, closed it, restarted a cmd.exe and now it says it can't find zope.interface. I installed it (again, I think), and now it's giving the same compilation issue.13:56
alecumandel, so I'm restarting the windows vm, since this usually unbreaks every issue :P13:57
mandelalecu: take a look if the ocmpiler was added in your cmd path13:57
mandelalecu: maybe the issue is that it cannot find the path of the compiler13:57
dobeyrye: i don't think that will help really14:00
mandelno stand up?14:01
ryedobey, true14:02
jeroen-rye:  2011-04-03 19:44 fsm < can I assume with this info that this folder was not deletes?14:02
dobeymandel: dunno. ralsina not here. fagan ran off.14:02
mandeloh! I have to have lunch (spanish time)14:03
mandeland nessita is not here too...14:03
ryejeroen-, not really, fsm is "file system metadata", it is recreated next time you start ubuntuone, at this point i am not sure about the state of the account14:03
ryejeroen-, could you please run "u1sdtool --waiting | wc -l"  now?14:04
alecumandel, the compiler was not added to my path, and the vcvarsall.bat was not created right. I'll try reinstalling vs200814:05
jeroen-output is 014:05
ryejeroen-, okay14:05
jeroen-rye:  output is 014:05
duanedesignfacundobatista: do you know if their is a bug report on the 'resumable uploads and persistent corruption in the upload'?14:05
facundobatistaduanedesign, nop... we can ask verterok when he's back14:05
mandelalecu: that vs2008 thing is crap...14:06
mandelalecu: do you know when is nessita getting here? do we have stand up?14:06
ryejeroen-, i have ran the recovery, used bytes counter stayed the same, could you please check whether you have "Recovered" folder in Documenten folder?14:06
alecumandel, nessita is starting in three hours, I think.14:06
ryejeroen-, is Documenten UDF folder listed online?14:07
alecumandel, but we should have the standup anyway.14:07
jeroen-rye:  local or online?14:07
ryejeroen-, online14:07
alecumandel, thisfred sent his standup notes.14:07
mandelalecu, dobey, min-stand up then14:07
jeroen-rye:  yes there is a Recovered folder14:07
dobeyright, nessita is at uni this morning14:08
alecume (as thisfred)14:08
ryejeroen-, was the UDF "Documenten", "Studie (archief)" or "Jaar 1" ?14:08
alecume (as alecu)14:08
jeroen-rye:  allthough there is not much in it - only one of the subdirs (Jaar 1/Blok 1)14:08
ryejeroen-, is there anything in Recovered folder?14:08
jeroen-rye:  Jaar 114:09
jeroen-there are many subfolders in it14:09
mandelDONE: More work on SDTool for windows. I was stuck with some tests not passing and I'm behind of what I expected. Looked at the add_qt _support for txnamedpipes, it looks like trial does not like to load the code compiled which is weird. All pending branches to land in u1client have been landed, hurray!14:09
mandelTODO: Update the bugs to add the missing SD tool one and link it with the branch. PAsk for a re-review and fix txnamedpipes qt integration tests.14:09
mandelBLOCKED: no.14:09
mandelalecu (thisfred) go14:09
jeroen-Blok 1, Blok 2, etc14:09
alecu<thisfred> DONE: bug #797176, packaging couchdb server patch, reviews14:09
ubot4alecu: Bug 797176 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/797176 is private14:09
alecu<thisfred> TODO: maybe package new server patch for couch, whatever else anyone needs, open bugs14:09
alecu<thisfred> BLOCKED: no14:09
alecu<thisfred> NEXT: dobey14:09
dobeyCimi: the diff shown on lp doesn't get updated automatically when the target changes, iircλ DONE: sprint, workaround to unblock u1client (worked on swap day)14:10
dobeyλ TODO: pick another day to not work, expenses, fix broken stuff14:10
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:10
dobeyalecu :)14:10
alecudobey, there's something weird on your first line of the standup, perhaps for another channel.14:10
duanedesignfacundobatista: thank you. I am making a note to ask verterok. Do you know when he will be back?14:11
ryejeroen-, what was the problem you tried to solve in the first place?14:11
jeroen-rye:  to get this folder 'jaar 1' and all its contents back - it was gone locally somehow, but still online14:12
jeroen-never deleted it or moved it14:12
thisfredalecu: thx, repair man's come and gone14:12
facundobatistaduanedesign, today or tomorrow... but only if the volcano ashes allow him14:12
jeroen-although, cant remember doing so14:13
ryejeroen-, could you please double-check the Trash folder? is it completely empty too?14:13
jeroen-rye:  he local trash is not empty - there are other deleted files in there, from other folders14:15
dobeyalecu: very weird14:15
alecuDONE: winport meeting, sorted winport bugs, many reviews, worked on getting txnamedpipes running on my vm14:17
alecuTODO: winport: help mandel with tests for qt+txnamedpipes14:17
alecuBLOCKED: no14:17
ryejeroen-, could you please do a quick find ~/.local/share/Trash -name '*Blok*' ?14:17
jeroen-rye:  did it, but nothing14:18
jeroen-rye:  remember those Blok* folders and such where there for months14:19
ryejeroen-, is Documents folder completely empty now?14:19
jeroen-rye:  no14:19
jeroen-rye:  I moved some folders out of it, because I hitted the 2 GB14:20
ryecould you please archive the logs and send them to ubuntuone-support@canonical.com still, it will be a bit faster then14:22
ryejeroen-, when did you update to 11.04 ?14:23
jeroen-rye:  when it came out14:23
jeroen-rye:  OK, I will14:24
ryejeroen-, and when did you notice the files went missing?14:24
ryeedge:  /admin/ OperationalError: fe_sendauth: no password supplied14:25
dobeymandel: grr, one of your branches landed, that had changes from another proposal, but it didn't have the prerequesite set :(14:25
jeroen-rye:  must be a few weeks or a month ago, but I disdnt had time to solved it before14:26
ryejeroen-, can you confirm that the files (not folders) were indeed present in online storage recently?14:27
jeroen-rye:  yes I can confirm that this morning (EU-time) they were present14:29
jeroen-cause I tried to see if I could download the folder at once14:29
jeroen-I also tried to share the folder, but this was no resolution14:29
jeroen-rye:  mail is sent wit all contecnt of /home/jeroen/.cache/ubuntuone/log14:30
ryejeroen-, ok, that is promising, let me have a look at the logs14:30
mandeldobey: what do you mean?14:32
dobeymandel: your use_txnamedpips branch for u1client, it got merged, but was never reviewed with its own proposal, which existed. instead another of your branches included those changes, it seems; but it didn't have a prerequisite on use_txnamedpipes14:34
mandeldobey: oh bullockS!14:34
dobeymandel: :)14:35
mandeldobey: lets revert, reviw and merge, ok?14:35
dobeymandel: well i presume the changes did get reviewed in the branch that merged; so i'm not fussed about doing all that. it's just annoying to see it. just set prerequisite correctly in future :)14:36
mandeldobey: I usually do, it split14:38
dobeymandel: can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/waiting-send-id/+merge/63979 please? there is a pending review requested of you :)14:41
mandeldobey: I needed the other branch to land to give the green light :)14:42
mandelon it14:42
dobeyah ok14:42
facundobatistadobey, I approved the branch14:44
ryewhat is SV_DIR_NEW - is it from inotify or server-side?14:45
dobeyfacundobatista: approved what branch?14:45
dobeyoh your branch, ok14:45
facundobatistarye, SV means "server side"14:48
facundobatistarye, from the File System you'd get a FS_DIR_CREATE or something14:48
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
ryejeroen-, can you give at least one example of the filename from that directory? (privately if you prefer) - i can't find anything related to Jaar 1 except an OpenOffice/LibreOffice lock file15:06
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga-afk
dobeyoh bother15:38
dobeymandel: grr, that branch i mentioned earlier, did break other stuff. was it branched off a really really old version of trunk or something? :(15:39
dobeymandel: provide_windows_vm_helper broke stuff, that is :(15:40
mandeldobey: it should not, fuck.. lets revert and take a look15:41
mandeldobey: you propose the revert and I'll give you the +115:42
dobeymandel: there are things added back in nautilus/gsd plug-ins, which i'm sure you didn't manually touch yourself :)15:42
mandeldobey: yes, I'm sure I did not touch that...15:43
dobeypushing now15:46
dobeymandel: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/revert-999/+merge/6469815:52
dobeyugh, and other spurious bad things in there. boo :(15:58
ryeok, i am eoding for now, will return back and continue with udfs, restoring etc16:07
dobeymandel: uh16:08
dobeywhere is my +1!16:08
dobeybah, i'm going to lunch. bbiab :)16:16
mandeldobey: reviewing :)16:17
mandelalecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/revert-999/+merge/6469816:17
alecudobey, mandel: revert approved.17:01
mandelalecu: thx!17:01
alecumandel, the only bit different between revisions is this:17:02
alecu=== renamed file 'gsd-plugin/test-send-signal.py' => 'bin/test-send-signal.py'17:02
alecumandel, did your branch do that bit?17:02
mandelalecu: I'm taking a look, that branch was approved soooo long ago that anything might have happened17:02
mandelalecu: I'll compare agains trunk to make sense of it17:02
alecumandel, yes, it's on 99917:03
mandeldobey: what was readded exactly? was it just that ^17:05
* mandel walking dog will be back soon17:15
dobeyalecu: no, i did that17:20
Chipacahuh! hear that?17:23
Chipacait's the wind!17:24
Chipacahear what it's saying?17:24
Chipacaplaaaaatfooorm spriiiint17:24
dobeywhat i heard was "groooooooaaannnn"17:32
Chipacadobey: yeah17:35
Chipacadobey: the idea of telling people to go kills me, so I'm not gonna17:36
dobeyi like dublin, i do. but quoth the overweight redneck next to me on the plane from LHR->ATL… "my butt's wore out"17:37
* dobey waits for mandel to chime in17:37
Chipacadobey: exactly my point, there17:40
Chipacadobey: my point is butts17:40
dobeyand last week, ralsina mentioned the possibility of another desktop+ sprint in BA soonish17:42
dobeybut i guess between that and dublin, i'd probably end up being Gold Medallion on DL17:43
alecumandel, ping17:57
alecumandel, VS2008 is not working for me. What if you upload the .dll or .pyd to bzr?17:57
mandeldobey: I'm here, tell me18:02
mandelalecu: may I know the error ?18:03
mandelpastebin would be nice18:03
* Chipaca looks around for a nessita18:03
dobeymandel: tell you what? i was just waiting for you to make a bad joke :)18:03
alecumandel, I've reinstalled everything, but it still can't find the .bat files with the env variables for the compiler18:04
alecumandel, I've started digging into the distutils code that starts the compiler...18:04
mandeldobey: dammed I missed the oportunity18:04
mandeldobey: one question, what was added by the merge that you said should not be present?18:05
alecumandel, but I figured it would be better if we include the .pyd or .dll that is generated in the txnamedpipes repo.18:05
nessitahello everyone!18:05
Chipacanessita: OHAI18:05
mandeldobey: I'm taking a look at the branch again to ensure it does not happen again18:05
nessitamandel, alecu: I'm ready when you are (re: mumble)18:05
mandelalecu: do you think so? what happens if someone is using x6418:05
alecumandel, we won't be distributing a x64 binary. Not yet at least.18:06
dobeymandel: there were lots of things. some changes to the C code. merge trunk into your branch, commit it, and then make a diff from trunk and see what all is in it18:06
mandeldobey: ok, so its mostly C code, right?18:06
mandelnessita: I'm booting mumble18:07
mandelstarting, you do not boot software18:07
alecumandel, and anyway, making vs2008 a dependency is too much only for compiling this .c file in txnamedpipes.18:07
mandelalecu: how did you install pykeyring?18:07
mandel'cause there you have the same issue18:07
dobeymandel: well, the C is what I noticed, because it broke the nightlies building; but there were also a couple places where you commented out a line of code, or whitespace got added to the end of the line for some reason. it was weird18:07
dobeymandel: and i think fagan and ralsina just ran tests, and didn't actually look at the code maybe, or something :(18:08
alecumandel, I haven't installed pykeyring yet. But the same argument could apply.18:08
mandeldobey: O_o18:08
mandeldobey: ok, I'll take a closer look, maybe something in that old branch is terribly bad18:08
dobeymandel: well the branch is a month old, so maybe merging in trunk will get things back to par18:11
mandeldobey: yes, I hope that is the only thing...18:12
dobeymandel: probably some conflicts. request me as a reviewer when you re-propose the branch again :)18:12
dobeynessita: hrmm, for mterry's branch i'm inclined to say it should have more tests, but i also am looking at the tests code, and think it could use some refactoring, for that specific set of tests18:13
nessitadobey: sorry, I'm in  call. What mterry's branch?18:20
dobeynessita: the nm 0.9 status stuff18:20
nessitadobey: have a link?18:21
nessitadobey: can you please re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/tool-no-params/+merge/64610 ?18:35
nessitadobey: and regarding mterry's branch, yes, it definitely needs more tests. Whether we ask him to refactor the test or not, seems to me like there is no needs to ask him to do that. I would like alecu's reviewing that branch though.18:35
dobey+1 on yours18:37
dobeynessita: i wouldn't ask him to refactor it. but i'm a bit hesitant to ask him to add more tests that we then need to refactor as well18:37
dobeynessita: should we refactor first perhaps then?18:38
alecumandel, so, I'm definitely getting the same issues on pykeyring, as per the link I pasted on mumble: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/627493/18:43
mandelalecu: do you have any other vs version installed?18:44
alecumandel, absolutely no.18:44
mandelalecu: I wonder what is going on… check that the batch that i not found is missing, it might be the case that it uses %PATH% to find the batch and is not there18:45
alecumandel, doh, it seems to be a known issue: http://bugs.python.org/issue751118:45
nessitadobey: I would say yes, currently we have no resources to do so. My opinion is to add more tests even if need refactor, since I prefer the test correcteness on top of nice code (though both are important)18:49
dobeynessita: the tests in question are very few, and refactoring is pretty easy. i'll make a branch for that, and we can ask mterry to update his branch after it lands, then?18:52
nessitadobey: that sounds great18:52
nessitadobey: ping me for reviews!18:52
dobeywill do18:53
nessitamandel: I haven't received your email yet (re daily report). Did it leave your "outbox" :-)?18:58
mandelnessita: seems like it, is not longer here18:59
* mandel moving to a diff room will be back in a sec19:00
nessitamandel: can you please re-send?19:00
nessitamandel: can you please re-send?19:10
mandelnessita: yes, right away19:10
mandelalecu: can I send you the binaries by mail and you upload them to the canonical server, it seems I'm too stupid to do that19:10
alecumandel, please do. thanks.19:11
mandelalecu: it is the txnamedpipes dependecy and pykeyring, right?19:11
alecumandel, at least those two, yes. I don't know yet if I'm missing another19:12
mandelalecu: I dont think so19:12
mandelalecu: can you confirm you have gotten my email with the binaries?19:27
mandelalecu: I just zipped the full package that I have installed in my system19:27
alecumandel, got the email. It's just one keyring.zip, with no binaries at all inside of it.19:29
mandelalecu: really? let me try again19:29
* mandel wonders what 7zip does when you tell it to zip19:29
GalahadForcedoes anyone run nvidia cards in here?19:32
GalahadForcei messed up my machine so bad it won't boot normally i finally got it to boot in failsafe mode19:33
mandelalecu: the keyring pagkage should work, can you try it?19:34
mandelalecu: and you did not get a txnamedpipes.zip too?  I've sent it again19:35
alecumandel, no txnamedpipes on the first mail, but it's on the second.19:35
aleculemme check it.19:35
mandelalecu: is the same foward… wtf?!19:36
alecumandel, wtf! it seems my thunderbird is acting up.19:36
alecumandel, I just clicked again on the first message, and it now shows the second attachment :P19:37
mandelwell, as long as it is there, who cares :)19:37
nessitaGalahadForce: I think you need to ask ubuntu specific support questions in #ubuntu :-)19:38
nessitadobey: look! a u1devtools branch! https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-dev-tools/remove-signal-receivers/+merge/6473019:39
mandeldobey: ping19:46
dobeymandel: hi19:46
dobeynessita: there was a bunch of other code to do that before, but i'm not sure it was actually ever working right, and i'm not sure it's needed, as flush/close should drop them all anyway19:47
nessitadobey: I think is good practice to remove the receivers, and I does not make any harm.19:48
mandeldobey: I'm working on the branch that broke nightlies, will be testing on natty if everything is ok, will you have time t take a look later?19:48
alecumandel, ping19:48
mandelalecu: pong19:49
alecumandel, I just met the same error you were having, and I think I found a solution19:49
dobeynessita: i would normally agree, but complexity adds more places for things to break19:49
mandelalecu: really !!!19:49
* mandel jumps19:49
dobeymandel: yes, just let me know when it's ready :)19:49
nessitadobey: you think this is more complex?19:49
mandeldobey: th19:49
alecumandel, when I tried to run the tests in the add_qt_integration branch it said something like "exceptions.ImportError: cannot import name iocpsupportpipe"19:50
alecumandel, was that the error?19:50
mandelalecu: yes, that is the issue I have19:50
alecumandel, I fixed it by renaming the folder named iocpsupportpipe, and copying the iocpsupportpipe.pyd there instead.19:50
mandelalecu: what do you mean?19:50
alecumandel, "cd txnamedpipes; ren iocpsupportpipe iocpsupportpipe.ok; copy c:\iocpsupportpipe.pyd ."19:51
nessitadobey: what I also considered was: for debugging the InvalidSessionBla exception we have right commented out, is ideal to add some check at tearDown time than all the connections are closed before flushing (even if we flush, I think is good to have the tests doing proper cleanup)19:52
nessitaright now*19:52
nessita(I'm not typing very well today :-/)19:52
mandelalecu: hm… can you propose a branch with the required changes in the tree so that we can have that landing in trunk19:52
nessitadobey: so this removal is needed to ensure all the signal matchers are cleanedup19:52
mandelalecu: then I'll finish the test and we can approve that and move on19:53
alecumandel, sure, I'll try.19:53
dobeynessita: i think the code that was there before was probably complex for a reason, but that reason is currently long forgotten19:54
nessitadobey: I think I know what the code looked like, and I think it was there becasue of lack of knowledge of dbus. That code removed the signal receivers using some complex signal_receiver_remove function that takes several params. This code is analogue but simpler.19:55
dobeynessita: and the number of signal receivers doesn't have anything to do with the connection itself. one connection with 5000 signal receivers is still one connection. so i am a bit unsure of whether or not there is actually any benefit to doing this.19:57
alecumandel, wait. This error is also happening on txnamedpipes trunk19:57
alecumandel, can you push your branch with the changes? I'll try looking directly at it19:57
alecu* your branch with the tests for the qt.py module19:57
nessitadobey: actually no, each signal receiver count as a separate connection (at least inside list_names), I checked this by testing with and without19:58
nessitadobey: the benefit is, at least, cleaner code19:58
mandelalecu: which changes you want me to push?19:59
alecumandel, sorry, no changes. I meant "branch with the *tests* for the qt.py module"20:02
mandelalecu: ok, give me 10 min I need to sort out something in u1-client first20:03
* alecu will be back in 10'20:03
thisfrednessita: not urgent, but when you demoed magicicada I noticed the per file progress indicators (right? Or did I dream that?) I wonder where they get their data from and how, and if we can use that for to make the progress bar smarter (so that it doesn't flip from 0% to 100% all at once for a single big file for instance)20:06
thisfredAlso it turns out that the magicicada are having their cycle this year! http://www.magicicada.org/magicicada_xix.php20:06
nessitathisfred: there is no espcific signal from syncdaemon to the world, you need instead pool syncdaemon for upload/download transfer progress :-(20:07
nessitathisfred: LOL20:07
thisfrednessita: ah, well maybe we can switch to that then, and just update every 10 seconds or so20:07
dobeynessita: well i think there is an internal event, which is what the progressbar/aggregator bits use, iirc20:07
thisfreddobey: that's just acting on queue length though, and we need more fine grained info20:08
nessitadobey: I think that is the SYS_QUEUE_ADDED/SYS_QUEUE_REMOVED, and does not report progress. But maybe I'm wrong?20:08
thisfrednessita: no you're right20:08
dobeynessita: that's what they're currently using, yes20:08
nessitadobey: yes, I think thisfred was asking about upload progress for a given file20:08
dobeynessita: but i thought there was another internal thing that had bytes_transferred or something too20:09
* thisfred digs20:09
nessitadobey: not that I know of20:09
nessitabut maybe? thisfred, let me know!20:09
mandelnessita, alecu: tonight there is a lunar eclipse at 9:30 − 10:15 in spains time and I will go away fro some time to take some picts, I ope you don't mind20:09
nessitamandel: I do mind.20:09
nessitasince we won't be able to see it from here :-P20:09
dobeynessita: well, internal, and thus not on dbus, which is why magicicada can't use it :)20:09
mandelnessita: I'll send you the picts ;)20:10
dobeynessita: meanwhile… https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu-sso-client/rf-nm-tests/+merge/64737 :)20:10
nessitadobey: did we reach any consensus re the devtools branch?20:11
nessitalooking at the ussoc branch now20:11
Uber_Geeknessita:  curious, which IDE do you guys prefer?20:11
nessitahum, hot topis20:12
nessitaUber_Geek: each one uses a different one, most likely20:12
dobeynessita: no, but i will look deaper into it20:12
nessitaI use the best of all IDEs: Midnight commander :-D20:12
dobeyUber_Geek: i would prefer the one i haven't written yet, but i use emacs + terminal to develop with20:12
Uber_Geekso no real IDE's just a text editor and a file manager.  lol  awesome20:14
nessitaIDEs are for sissies :-P20:14
dobeyemacs is an IDE20:15
dobeyit also does e-mail, calendaring, contacts, web browsing, gaming, and irc20:16
* mandel on the roof taking picts20:16
dobeynessita: i didn't know you were manuel20:17
nessitadobey: the name "get_proxy" may indicate that the method returns, oh surprise, a proxy :-). Could you please rename it to something like "create_proxy", "init_proxy", etc?20:17
nessitadobey: I didn't get the me being manuel joke20:17
dobeyoh sure. i named it expecting i needed to return one, but after implementing i didn't need to :)20:18
dobey57+# Author: Natalia B. Bidart <manuel…20:18
dobeynessita: ^^ in devtools branch :P20:18
nessitabad copy and paste20:18
* nessita fixes20:18
dobeynessita: get_proxy->connect_proxy change pushed20:20
nessitadobey: great, me returning to my original personality is in place as well20:21
thisfredpower went out, did you see my msg about the progress events?20:22
nessitathisfred: can you repeat please, JIC?20:22
thisfrednessita: dobey: there is an  AQ_UPLOAD_FILE_PROGRESS event. I wonder how often that fires20:22
thisfredTRANSFER_PROGRESS_THRESHOLD = 64*1024*102420:22
thisfredso every 64 k20:22
thisfredsame for downloads20:22
thisfredthe progress bar will need a little work, but it's cool if we can use that20:23
nessitathisfred: you can ceratinly use that, and we (in magicicada) may wanna evaluate moving that to dbus (though it may be too overheading)20:23
thisfredyeah, that's a lot of events20:23
nessitadobey: approved20:26
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
alecunessita, thisfred: that sounds like a message to aggregate, and push thru dbus no more than once per second, or so.20:31
thisfredI wonder what all listens to that. If nothing else is, we can also up the threshold by a lot20:34
thisfredalthough 64k is not that bad20:35
dobeywell, there are cases where 64K will take longer than 1 second20:35
thisfredwhich is fine20:38
thisfredno progress is also news20:39
thisfredI'll just use it as is, and we can see if and where we need aggregation20:39
dobeythisfred: and it doesn't solve the problem if you stick in one files that's <= 64K :)20:40
thisfredtrue, but that would be text files, which are only for geeks ;)20:40
thisfredand unless you have a very slow connection, it does not really matter since the bar won't sit at 0 forever20:41
dobeymy connection was horribly slow last night :(20:58
dobeybut back to normal now20:58
facundobatistadobey, horribly slow would be approximately as "normal in Argentina", right?20:59
dobeyfacundobatista: it was slower than the hotel in argentina even :(21:00
nessitadobey: you should know that when inheriting from 2 classes, when one is old style, calling super will not call both  parent (just checked it). So I'm changing DBusTwistedTestCase so both parents are called21:00
dobeynessita: huh? then why was that code working yesterday when i did that?21:01
nessitadobey: becasue we removed the check, and the DBusTwistedTestCase was creating its own self.bus21:01
nessitadobey: if you remove the self.bus creation, assuming that you have one from your parent, boom, no self.bus21:02
dobeynessita: so which parent does it call then?21:02
nessitadobey: the first one in the inheritance declaration21:02
dobeyplease don't not call super()21:03
nessitain this case, the BaseTwistedBlad21:03
dobeynessita: but only if the first one is old style is that the case?21:03
dobeynessita: swap the inheritence declaration then21:03
nessitadobey: both parents are old syle, and that does not work21:04
dobeyor well, i swapped them yesterday, when fixing the other issue we had, to unblock the branch landing21:04
nessitawe need to do:21:04
nessita+        yield DBusTestCase.tearDown(self)21:04
nessita+        BaseTwistedTestCase.setUp(self)21:04
dobeyeh? it was working just fine yesterday21:04
dobeyotherwise the tests would have failed21:04
nessitadobey: nopes, please read me for a bit :-)21:04
nessitadobey: before your change, the DBusTwistedTestCase was calling the 2 parents explicitely. After your change, DBusTestCase was not longer called, but the test were passing since DBusTwistedTestCase was doing a lot of stuff by his own (duplicating code from the DBusTestCase parent)21:05
nessitadobey: the solution is *not using* super, in this case21:05
nessitadobey: super() should not be used for old style classes parents21:06
nessita(if there is more than one)21:06
dobeynot calling super() is the wrong fix i think21:06
nessitadobey: not in this case. Why you think is wrong?21:07
dobeynessita: because of http://fuhm.net/super-harmful/21:11
nessita"...But it's okay if they're oldstyle classes"21:11
dobey"Subclasses must use super if their superclasses do"21:12
nessitadobey: you can try this by your own instead of arguing :-) not both setUp's are called using super()21:12
nessitaand we need both21:12
dobeysuper should call both. if it's not then we need to fix that problem, not workaround it by not using super, i think21:13
dobeytcole: is that correct? or am i totally confused with this twisted/super/testing insanity again?21:13
nessitadobey: I will not fight this battle. Until you fix super(), I think we need to call both explicitly :-)21:14
nessitadobey: please run this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/627603/21:14
nessitaas you can see, no matter the order of the inheritance, only the first parent is called21:15
tcolenessita: these aren't old-style classes; we should be using super() consistently everywhere in the hiearchy21:15
nessitatcole: define "these" please21:15
tcoleall the test case classes21:15
nessitatcole: False :-)21:15
nessitathe twisted TestCase is old-style21:15
dobeyhow is it old style?21:16
tcoleI used to think so, but IIRC it's not21:16
tcoleyeah, it's new-style21:16
tcolecheck out twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.__mro__21:16
dobeyold style is what exactly? "class foo:" ?21:16
nessitadobey: yes21:17
tcoleold-style = doesn't inherit from object21:17
nessitadobey: new style is when inheriting from object21:17
dobeyok, then the test cases are definitely new style21:17
nessitatcole: then how do you explain that when inheriting from 2 classes only one is called when using super()21:17
tcoleagain, ALL the test case classes, *including* twisted's are new-style classes21:17
tcolenessita: multiple inheritance and inconsistent use of super() everywhere21:17
tcolenessita: since MI can interpose other classes in between the class and its "obvious" ancestor21:18
tcolenessita: if you want to continue to insist that twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase is an old-style class, you are going to have to explain why object is in its MRO first21:18
dobeynessita: are you looking at fixing the tests again?21:19
nessitatcole: I will not insist, but anyways, can you explain this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/627610/21:19
nessitadobey: not at all, I'm trying to have them passing in testdbus21:19
nessitadobey: I added some func I need21:19
dobeynessita: you changed your pastebin21:20
tcolenessita: that's wrong, both A and B should be calling super() in their __init__21:20
nessitatcole: if you run that script, you will see that only the first parent is called21:20
nessitadobey: yeah, to have 2 new style classes21:20
tcolenessita: the way super works is that it finds the "next" class in the MRO21:20
tcolenessita: so when the MRO is e.g. [Chill, B, A], the fact that B.__init__ fails to call super() means that A.__init__ won't get called21:21
nessitaI understand now21:21
nessitaso, this is a tricky thing, since then somewhere in your hierarchy things are messed up21:21
tcole(actually techinically the MRO would be [Chill, B, A, object], but you got the idea anyhow)21:22
nessitayes, thanks21:22
tcolepython has a lot of attractive nuisances in some regards, doesn't it?21:22
dobeymy favorite python tla is wtf21:23
tcolefrom __future__ import tf21:23
nessitadobey: ok, I fixed BaseTwistedBla to call super()21:25
nessitagood discussion :-)21:26
nessitadobey: I will read that article "when I have time" (tm)21:26
nessitano, seriously, I will21:26
dobey"when i'm dead"21:26
nessitanessita@dali:~/canonical/u1/client/extend-sdtool$ grep "\.setUp(self)" * | wc -l21:27
nessitawe need to fix all those calls to .setUp(self), since they are not using super()21:28
tcolewelcome to my world21:28
nessitatcole: LET'S TRADE21:29
tcolenessita: give the setUp stuff a week and then see if you still feel the same21:30
dobeynessita: some of them we can probably just outright get rid of, or merge some of the functionality into devtools instead21:30
nessitadobey: yes21:30
nessitatcole: speaking of that, are the server tests running in natty? (I'm curious, not that I need that right now)21:31
tcoleyes, with the caveat that there's a rabbitmq startup thing that dobey and I still haven't hammered out21:31
tcoleit may or may not work on your machine21:31
tcoledobey: which reminds me, what's your /etc/hosts look like?21:31
dobeytcole: oh about that btw; so it starts ok on my dell duo, which i installed 11.04 from scratch on, and upgraded to 11.10; i fixed my workstation's /etc/hosts to basically match that default setup, and it still fails on workstation :(21:32
tcoleso maybe it's not that21:33
nessitaalecu: care to review, please? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/extend-sdtool/+merge/6474921:33
alecumandel, ping21:33
alecunessita, sure21:33
tcolebut the issue remains whether the rabbitmq note we fire up comes up as branchname@localhost or branchname@$hostname21:33
tcolebranchname@$hostname is arguably more correct actually21:33
ryedobey, localhost\n127.0.1.1 hostname ?21:42
dobeyrye: yes21:43
dobeyplus ipv6 bits after that21:43
dobeyit seems rabbitmq is not actually binding to localhost though21:43
ryedobey, it binds to the $HOSTNAME21:44
nessitaalecu: I just pushed a couple of new revs since I left some nasty prints in the way21:45
dobeyrye: it binds to $FAIL afaict21:46
dobeyactually, i think it does bind to localhost, but something is not right21:46
dobeyyeah, it's binding to localhost, but trying to connect to hostname21:48
dobeyand for some reason it's not resolving hostname to the lo interface ip; instead it is resolving to the eth IP21:50
ryedobey, add hostname. too ?21:50
ryedobey, hostname hostname. ?21:50
nessitamandel: you still hunting photos?21:58
dobeyoh well21:58
alecunessita, ping22:04
nessitaalecu: pong22:04
alecunessita, why did you change DBusTwistedTestCase to TestCase in test_zglog.py ?22:04
nessitaalecu: because it does not depend on dbus, as far as I can tell. I asked thisfred and at the time, he couldn't find a reason why to depend on DBus22:05
nessitaalecu: I needed to do a quick debugging due to some dbus failures, and I ran into  that issue22:06
alecunessita, zglog uses DBus to contact the zeitgeist daemon. If you don't use the test dbus instance, the tests would end up using the real zg daemon.22:06
thisfredwell, IIRC I said I didn't know but  it looked like it didn't need it and to ask alecu :)22:06
nessitathisfred: right22:06
nessitaalecu: but the test is not using the real ZG, isn't it? /me rechecks22:07
dobeyalecu: well they won't now, they can't22:07
dobeywell, maybe they can, but very unlikely, given we patch the SessionBus/SystemBus methods22:08
nessitaalecu: the single test inside ZeitgeistNotStartedTests do not need the real ZG since is tetsing the failure of that service22:08
alecuhmmm let me check.22:08
nessitaalecu: if I understood the former code correctly, that test is  now really isolated from the system components. I'm not sure how that test was passing before, since it was testing the case where the service was not being started but the test itself was not doing anything explicitly to ensure the service was not running22:10
alecunessita, the test runner used to have a clean dbus instance, so there was no zg-daemon running.22:11
alecunessita, the zg-daemon only was run on ZeitgeistTestCase setup, and cleaned up afterwards.22:12
alecunessita, so, this being an integration test, I don't like the "self.patch(zg_client, 'ZeitgeistClient', fake_fail)" in ZeitgeistNotStartedTests22:12
nessitaalecu: I see. So, why ZeitgeistTestCase  does not inherit from DBusTestCase?22:12
alecunessita, it did22:13
nessitaalecu: I did not changed that22:13
nessitaah, yes, I did22:13
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
nessitaok, I ll revert that22:13
nessitaalecu: sorry for that, seems like I was too dizzy. Revert committed and pushed to revision 1008.22:14
alecunessita, are you reverting ZeitgeistNotStartedTests too?22:15
nessitaalecu: yes, everything in that class but the extra empty line22:15
dobeyalright, i gotta go. have a good evening all22:19
nessitadobey: bye22:20
nessitathisfred: would you be available for a review?22:21
thisfrednessita: sure!22:21
nessitathisfred: I live you implementing the "sure" interface :-D https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/extend-sdtool/+merge/6474922:21
* thisfred is on the case!22:22
thisfrednessita: can you add a deprecation warning to the deprecated method?22:27
nessitathisfred: yes I can, and I will22:27
thisfredif you need an example look at desktopcouch, about 60% of it is deprecation warnings ;)22:27
nessitathisfred: I did not add that since the dbus call itself can not propagate the deprecation warning22:28
nessitabut I'll add it the same22:28
thisfredah right. yeah just to be sure, for instance if it's ever subclassed or used in a different context22:28
thisfredit's also easy to search for in the next version so we can remove it22:29
nessitathisfred: Pushed up to revision 1009.22:33
thisfredlooks great, just waiting for the tests to finish now :)22:35
thisfrednessita: this looks wrong even though the tests in question don't fail:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/627640/22:40
nessitathisfred: without looking, is it a dbus disconnected thingy?22:40
thisfredRuntimeError: Found no running zeitgeist-daemon instance22:40
thisfredall of them22:40
nessitaalecu: any clues? ^22:40
nessitathisfred: do you have the latest branch version?22:41
nessitathisfred: and latest u1devtools? (Jic()22:41
thisfrednessita: The tests were running in 1008, I'll run them again in 100922:41
nessitathisfred: do you get that in trunk?22:41
thisfredI'll see22:42
alecunessita, thisfred: that looks like the tests in tests.syncdaemon.test_main are not using a mocked version of zglog22:44
alecunessita, thisfred: and they surely used a mocked version of zglog before.22:44
thisfredrunning make test on trunk now22:45
nessitaalecu: I added some code to Main().shutdown that was missing (and is needed). In my diff, lines 752 to 76022:46
nessitaalecu: maybe, the Main().shutdown method is being called in test cases that use Main but not the faked zglog?22:46
nessitathough in those cases I would expect getattr(self, 'eventlog_listener', None)  to be None22:47
thisfredhuh. in trunk I get a test failure http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/627649/22:55
nessitathisfred: is this your fast or not so fast machine?22:56
thisfredthis is the fast one22:56
nessitaour tests have tremendous timing issues22:57
thisfrednessita: same non-failing errors on trunk, so I won't hold your branch up for it23:01
nessitathisfred: thanks23:01
thisfredlet me run the tests one last time on 100923:01
nessitathisfred: sure, why not :-D23:01
thisfredwell I've not run them completely yet23:02
alecunessita, re: the zglog issues: I don't understand why your branch deletes so many stuff from test_dbus.py, and I guess it surely must be related to that.23:05
alecunessita, in any case, I think your branch is trying to fix too many things at once, and has little resemblance to what the commit message says it does.23:06
nessitaalecu: it deletes stuff that are provided by the DBusTestCase from u1devtools: the self.loop and self.bus, among other, are created in the parent class23:06
alecunessita, I don't understand whytf we are making this fixes right now.23:06
nessitaalecu: well, those fixes are there to have a clean tets run in my machine for the branch changes :-(23:06
thisfredalecu: the errors happen on trunk already, FWIW, or are you talking about an earlier branch?23:07
nessitaalecu: the tests have several bugs, I think that if we see them we should fix them while we're at it23:07
alecuthisfred, those errors are happening on trunk right now?23:07
thisfredmaybe it's just my machine23:07
thisfredalecu: yes23:07
alecuthisfred, nessita: then whytf are we breaking u1devtools right now! :-(((((23:08
nessitaalecu: the things I'm fixing are, as far as I can tell (I can be wrong just like I was with the zglog thing), correct23:08
nessitaalecu: strictly speaking we're not breaking them but fixing them :-(23:08
nessitaalecu: I understand your point, though23:08
nessitaalecu: the trigger from all these was our server tests being broken on natty, which lead to tons of fixes, where some of them impacted u1devtools23:09
alecunessita, strictly speaking we are breaking and delaying to achieve "perfection"23:09
nessitaI disagree since I think perfection includes a clean and correct test suite. But yes, this is delaying us in the windows port side.23:10
nessitawe're trying to make the least possible on the test fixing side23:10
alecunessita, we should not be landing stuff on u1devtools if that stuff breaks our tests23:11
nessitaalecu: we can argue a long time about that, but not sure it worths it (at this point)23:11
alecunessita, I believe that our dbus integration tests were "good enough" and what we are doing is "paja mental"23:11
alecuand I strongly oppose that. And I'm angry, so I better call this an (ugly) day.23:12
nessitaalecu: you may not be aware of this, but several tests were passing by chance, and the test itself was not testing what it should23:12
alecusorry guys.23:12
thisfredalecu: it's understandable, let's team mumble tomorrow?23:13
nessitaalecu: you get the right to be upset, but I think you have strong opinion about something that you're not completely familiar with23:13
nessitaand that is complicated23:13
nessitaI've spent 2 whole days debugging the test failures we were having, and believe, I saw some nasty stuff (bugs in our tests)23:13
nessitaso, from where I stand, is not paja mental. I agree the timing for this to happen SUCKS23:14
alecunessita, what I'm upset about is having to debug zeitgeist and dbus stuff that's blocking our windows port that will have no dbus nor zeitgeist.23:14
nessitaalecu: then don't debug, please. If we have this failures in trunk, is not up to us right now to debug23:15
nessitamaybe later, after the 24th23:15
alecunessita, ok23:15
thisfredNOTE: there are no failures, just errors23:15
nessitathisfred: yeah, just stdout error messages23:15
thisfredwell there was one failure, but completely unrelated to dbus23:15
thisfredor zg23:15
nessitalet's leave them there, and make sure we dontt make the worse23:15
alecuthisfred, doh.23:16
thisfredfor all I know these have been there for months23:16
* nessita hugs alecu23:16
alecuthisfred, I was chasing the errors, my bad. Now I just realized about those failures.23:16
* thisfred too23:16
alecuthisfred, * Now I just realized about those were just "error messages".23:16
thisfredright, but still they indicate something is not right23:17
thisfrednot something that has to be solved today or this week23:17
thisfredor at least I hope so, which is why I pasted them :)23:17
nessitaon the bright side, very slowly we're fixing bugs in our tests23:17
* thisfred half fills his glass23:18
alecuthisfred, very good point, indeed. And I think it has helped me understand the issue: we should be mocking the zglog for all the tests that do not test it directly.23:19
alecuthisfred, that's what that error is about. It's being thrown and logged when zg-daemon is not available, and that's the case for most SD tests23:20
alecuI was stupidly chasing that error in nessita's latest branch.23:21
* alecu takes a deep breath.23:21
alecuok guys, see you tomorrow.23:22
thisfredright, I'll file a bug about the mocking23:22
* alecu EODs23:22
nessitaalecu: did you approve the branch?23:26
nessitano he did not :-(23:26
thisfredon the upside: I did. tests all pass here23:27
nessitathisfred: thanks23:27
thisfredmaybe someone on the u1-internal channel will have time23:27
thisfredTim knows a lot about the test issues and twisted23:27
thisfredI filed bug #797949 to not forget about the passing weird tests23:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 797949 in ubuntuone-client "Mock zeitgeist logging for all tests that use it indirectly (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79794923:29
thisfredok, eod for me too23:30
nessitathisfred: enjoy23:30
thisfredthx, don't make it too long yourself, there's always tomorrow23:31
nessitaI'm very tired23:32
* nessita -> eods23:43
nessitabye all!23:43
karnibye nessita23:43

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